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>> No.94504956 [View]
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Stop fretting. Clara basically pulled a Pippa which people eventually got over.

>> No.77980290 [View]
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i'll spoonfeed but this is still a holozhang deflection thread

>> No.77421983 [View]
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>> No.77420611 [View]
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>She still panders heavily to the edgy 4chan crowd.
Most of her 4chan fans just want her to be the funny schizo rabbit vtuber and don't care for the drama shit. That was always the kiwifarms part of her audience and they have been steadily losing influence for the past two years. /pcg/ was literally celebrating when Pippa told niggas to stop being slacktivists and just fucking volunteer if they have a problem with how things are run.

>She dove head first into the Hogwarts drama last year
She didn't though. She tried to avoid engaging with that shit for as long as possible and only announced the stream when Pikamee(who she probably talked to at that point) announced her graduation. Also, do you even remember how that stream went? She did a personality quiz, bought plushies and then played the game for like an hour without saying anything about the twitter trannies.
Also she didn't complain about management posting pic related on her twitter.

ALSO, Pippa doesn't hate anyone, if you want to have fun and shitpost with her you are welcome to do that. She didn't tell anyone to leave, all she is asking for is to not be retarded spergs. Based on everything she said and tweeted offkai was the best time in her life, stop trying to ruin it for her by pushing this drama shit she clearly has no interest in.

>> No.77323952 [View]
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pls rember

>> No.75641130 [View]
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This you?

>> No.75599506 [View]
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What did pippa mean by this?

>> No.74169401 [View]
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>> No.71616732 [View]
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Pippa doesn't do PR unless forced

>> No.59932412 [View]
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>> No.58299767 [View]
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Was this warranted? Did she need to throw her fanbase under the bus?

>> No.58024645 [View]
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>Pippa stream ends
>20 minutes later catalog bait threads start popping up faster
really makes you think

>> No.57787360 [View]
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>> No.55074809 [View]
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>> No.54480108 [View]
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>Unless she gets heat on twitter, then she walks back everything she says
This. Show this image to any pippafag and they have to start doing mental gymnastics to explain it away. Funny too because it was right around this time that I was starting to get interested in her, only to find out she's completely spineless.

>> No.52158441 [View]
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>> No.52149178 [View]
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>> No.51665166 [View]
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>> No.50929110 [View]
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>> No.50873692 [View]
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I didn't follow it at the time so I don't have the full timeline of events, but she posted this on her twitter after playing (or maybe it was before, don't know) HL. I'm guessing there was a lot of trannies attacking pippafags & pippa on twitter, and pippafags attacking trannies for attacking their oshi. Instead of sticking up for the fans that were sticking up for her, she threatened to ban them or block them for calling out trannies for being mentally ill.
If you ask a pippafag about the course of events now, they will say it was purely a PR stunt and it doesn't mean anything because behind the scenes she really does hate trannies, she just can't say it. Because somehow they are mind readers and know what she's thinking. Really, she didn't need to post anything at all and it would have been fine. The fact that she called out her own fans is what doesn't sit right with me.

>> No.50556365 [View]
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>> No.50540545 [View]
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wasn't that long ago, it happened during the hogwarts legacy release. she then attacked her own fanbase and said she'd ban anyone for attacking trannies. so much for a basedtuber

>> No.49729728 [View]
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>> No.49706834 [View]
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you just wipe this from your memory or something?

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