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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.19 MB, 1200x1945, 1698923745202736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77442342 No.77442342 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>77436051

>> No.77442364
File: 259 KB, 1210x1918, 1686081779697556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.77442378


>> No.77442386


>> No.77442395


>> No.77442441


>> No.77442457 [DELETED] 

So theyre trying to salvage theyre sub now huh?
I will continue to mass report them as long as theres brigading homopost on r/holo

>Posting a hidden rule like that wont satisfy my anger towards their faggotry

>> No.77442485
File: 398 KB, 1500x829, 1705350963807522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asahi Linux
Ah that makes sense.
One of their main devs is an indie Vtuber.
Caused some funny “Huh?” when people (who only came for her driver work) found out.

>> No.77442488

>its your guys fault! just let me spread my shit everywhere in peace!

>> No.77442506
File: 940 KB, 1254x749, 1704173711595366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asked last thread but whatever? Who the fuck is this nobody? Why her opinion should matter? If you name a fucking video "Why This Ex-Corpo Vtuber Dislikes Hololive and Loves Phase!" I expect said vtuber to be an ex Niji or Holo at least otherwise you shouldn't even bother.

>> No.77442519
File: 245 KB, 1371x2048, 1703938831758058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77449930


>> No.77442525

Kiara said they can't use the big studio if it's not a debut or a company mandated project even if the big studio is technically available, she also said things are harder to do this days in general there are more restrictions on everything and it will be hard to fill a full hour.

>> No.77442527

Its just another parasite trying to use the blue dorito to get attention

>> No.77442529

ina has always been irrelevant for me but I don't actively check in to see how bad she's doing unlike kronii or shitrys. every time I see those numbers, i giggle

>> No.77442542

Pretty ogey VOD views for an indie too

>> No.77442545


>> No.77442548
Quoted by: >>77442646

Why would you not only bite a bait title, but then PROPAGATE THAT BAIT ON THEIR BEHALF YOU FUCKING RETARD

>> No.77442554

Theres always leech trying to farm attention from hologods

>> No.77442567

Cover is pretty shit huh? bigass 3d studio for nothing lmao

>> No.77442569
Quoted by: >>77442603

Let me guess it's because tAlEnT fReEdOm

>> No.77442574

So wait, is there actually a chance for that vile sub to finally be purged?

>> No.77442575
Quoted by: >>77442659

She isn't wrong on most things. Holo management is objectively bad and stifles the girls more often than not. Do your reps and watch streams.

>> No.77442578

Micro corpo girl. Hope all those phasefags will watch her indie life.

>> No.77442584
File: 984 KB, 605x861, KiaraMage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to keep it available for Uproar 3D collabs.

>> No.77442591

OK that’s kind of funny

>> No.77442602

I thought docbud was the most docile
>turned out to be the biggest schizo
Kek the okbh tards fuck around and found out I guess. At least they are lucky they didn't trigger a mafia boss of some sort, that would be funny.

>> No.77442603

It's because they're politicall neutral and are in general non combative or bitchy

>> No.77442607

>spend a fuckton of money on a bigger studio that gets used less than the old one for less things
I fucking love Japanese companies man

>> No.77442622

If the brigading continues and the reports points to them then yes

>> No.77442628

for why I fucking hate Holo management. Cut the shit with the restriction autism
And your money onwards goes to Armis 2 and Uproar 2

>> No.77442635

>Kiara said
But that aside, that's fucking retarded

>> No.77442646

I was curious since I wasted ten minutes of my time hearing a nobody shitting on Holo.

>> No.77442659

What did Niji and/or Phase do now?

>> No.77442682

Then what was even the point of the new studio?

>> No.77442689

So this is why Cover is in the red huh
Between this and the Bunny Garden yab management is continuously showing their ugly side

>> No.77442707

she's ranting about 3D lives getting cut in half again, she have a lot things going this year but is worried about the next one and about other girls that have really only 1 3D live and nothing more going.

>> No.77442708

Niji talent got suspended for lewd ASMR and the usuals are propagating bait to distract from it with fake tribe wars

>> No.77442729
Quoted by: >>77442799

Phase got scammed by a con. Niji guy got some of his videos banned by YT.

>> No.77442731
Quoted by: >>77442757

>kiara said

>> No.77442734
Quoted by: >>77442825

Let's be real, if your introduction to professional streaming was working under Omega you would quit too

>> No.77442736
Quoted by: >>77443677

Cover really said holoen should eat shit even though they have barely any 3d lives their first few years

>> No.77442744

Cover is truly lucky they HAD an amazing scouting department

>> No.77442745

asmr today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hP13ccUMOyg

>> No.77442748
Quoted by: >>77442803

Do you have a timestamp?

>> No.77442757

her member stream atm

>> No.77442765

no shark today? did she run away after seeing her dwindling numbers again?

>> No.77442789
File: 1.15 MB, 2480x3508, GOLNdIka8AABcwv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, Fauna, it's time for your Witcher #11 frame.

>> No.77442791
Quoted by: >>77442914

And then what? they will block the holoEN girls again from using other studios to make 3D lives?

>> No.77442799

The phase shit is wild because the actual facts of it are literally just
>they had tech issues and misunderstandings on when things were happening (like everyone)
>those got fixed for later days of the con to the best of their ability
>everyone left decently okay with things
Everything else has been entirely faked by dramafags

>> No.77442803
Quoted by: >>77442967

wait for the stream to end it's disgusting that homos probably got to use the big studio for their 15K pity shows

>> No.77442818 [DELETED] 

Green whore won't even podium today lol
Biboo gold, Fuwamoco Silver, Preydator bronze.

>> No.77442825

NTA: Unironically, if I had another lucrative job, 100% I would leave

>> No.77442826
Quoted by: >>77442925

holy shit I made the list, bizarre considering I haven't posted there in ages. I wonder what post(s) this goon is aggregating the names from with that in mind. maybe the subreddit lockdown?

>> No.77442834


>> No.77442843

Why are you retards so thirsty for dramas?

>> No.77442851
Quoted by: >>77442929


>> No.77442853

Why iscover so retarded? They literally have what makes them successful right in front of them, but they refuse to capitalize on it. It's fucking baffling. They were incredibly lucky to get some amazing hires.

>> No.77442910
File: 3.79 MB, 1862x3584, 1693778271228205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them both so much

>> No.77442914
Quoted by: >>77444366

anon I don't think this issue is limited to holo EN but they don't really understand why the issues persist even after the pandemic and now when the studio seem to be staffed and operational.
She also had a mini rant that they didn';t even try to get her perms for kpop songs.

>> No.77442916

>Zeta 3k with a debuff game
ID is seriously inclining lately.

>> No.77442925

Im not even on that list, though I do blend in with the fellow unicorn crowds to erase my presence

>> No.77442929

2 hours+ in her members stream

>> No.77442936

>Why are
>Why is
>Why why why

>> No.77442952
File: 134 KB, 902x193, IMG_0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Toya involved in some yabe? His signature stream reclined a great deal, he’s barely scraping 20k now

>> No.77442966

>1 POV collab
do you really

>> No.77442967

Don't you get tired of seething about homos 24/7

>> No.77442973
File: 2.40 MB, 2240x986, Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 20.07.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Globie stretching the box

>> No.77442978

The cuck poster is unironically making a good case for the subreddit to get banned.

>> No.77442982

Cover has constantly showed that they are both willing to listen to various retards and can't differentiate between long time fans and blatant shitposters

>> No.77442991

Yeah there's no way this kiara members vod stays up

>> No.77443003

The only good homo is a dead/terminated homo

>> No.77443004

JWU. No one talked about aruvn bootlicking Niji and saying he didn't leak anything?

>> No.77443007

Gonna need a timestamp on the Kiara shit anon before I start shitting on anyone. I've been through this rodeo enough times to know that shit like this is a coin toss between falseflaggers or actual kfp

>> No.77443010
File: 480 KB, 900x502, image_2024-06-05_140832646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like collab still good considering Iofi and Ollie aren't big draws

>> No.77443011

You do this song and dance in global all day, go back

>> No.77443042
Quoted by: >>77443362

I am moderately sure the giraffe girl was getting better numbers solo that this collab is getting in total
It's almost like people just aren't interested in male vtubers, even in Europe

>> No.77443045

There are no good streams now so it's drama hours until fst

>> No.77443050

Holy shit they got a 5view? Moving up in the world

>> No.77443051
Quoted by: >>77443139

>15 watching
>6 watching
OOOOFFFFFF, why did Brave fell for the “real male vtubers have never been tried”?

>> No.77443058
Quoted by: >>77443178

A head-to-head battle for the ages: who is going to win?

>> No.77443061

Just check global

>> No.77443066
Quoted by: >>77443605

niji seems to be under some sort of heavy cull right now. how else would you explain salome's 40k 3D live?

>> No.77443094
File: 72 KB, 721x807, 567657234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were still enjoying goobs stream and a little containment breaking faggot

>> No.77443105
Quoted by: >>77444801

It also doesn't help that Kiara kinda.
You know.
Says shit sometimes, then gets it anyways?
Like when she complained about the 3D Live stuff and then had a 3D Live within like a month and a half anyways (aka she was almost certainly already having it made when she complained)
Not to shit on her or anything, but she has a constant "woman moment" thing going on

>> No.77443111
File: 674 KB, 1277x727, 1717553980618508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77443189

>5 watching

>> No.77443113
File: 763 KB, 1014x748, Ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to talk about. He either didn't or he's lying. There's a catalog thread if you want to rehash that.

>> No.77443139

the one with no view count has 14 viewers btw

>> No.77443161

Ok, im fucking mad now! JUST WHY?!

>> No.77443173

oh look the thread police jwu

>> No.77443178
File: 125 KB, 395x317, image_2024-06-05_141122055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he'll have trouble beating this overlapped Nerissa zatsu.

>> No.77443183

Beggars bros why don't you watch this kino? This mixed corpo is dying.

>> No.77443189


>> No.77443207


>> No.77443210
File: 30 KB, 260x262, nfoertui45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are wary and constantly, paranoidly reading the thread

>> No.77443213

Ultimately wasn't the "the studio just needs more people" an assumption from people willing to give Cover some credit?

>> No.77443242
Quoted by: >>77443356

lmao this is why no successful indie should join hololive

>> No.77443250
File: 254 KB, 1390x2048, 1703108353975740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an hour in to watching Gura's vod right now and I've already jacked off twice. For the health of my dick, Gura needs to cut down on the feet and sweat talk.

>> No.77443278
Quoted by: >>77443310

Wait do the ones that only say live now have zero viewers?

>> No.77443295
File: 661 KB, 600x913, Bau+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might still be the case. I don't think they would let it sit empty if they had sufficient permanent staffing for it. It's quite possible they have to pull people from the other studio or even hire outside contractors for big projects at this time.

>> No.77443301

Not really, them being non staffed was common knowledge. Not even understaffed, they didn’t have qualified people to operate the new studio and those who tried created catastrophically bad results, like some three 3D lives with glaring sound issues

>> No.77443310

nah 14, the view count bugs sometimes

>> No.77443315

Yesterday's stream was probably one of the best ones in a while from her.

>> No.77443321

I'd like to see Fauna play alien isolation

>> No.77443322

It's like they want hololive to fail or something. This is fucking mind-boggling. I won't even make a joke about the homos. This is just cover going full retard.

>> No.77443331
File: 90 KB, 912x1024, 1715720268485536m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait wait wait hold on
So the issue is using the big studio or the little studio?
What the fuck, who cares which it is?
If she's saying
>the big studio sits empty when Cover isn't using it for a big project and they still relegate the girl's projects to the small studio
Then that's obviously bullshit, but if it's
>Cover is constantly using the big studio for company shit, so girl's projects are being done in the small studio
Then that's like, the whole fucking point of it anyways, to have TWO pipelines instead of everything being fucked into ONE pipeline.
I'm not hearing it firsthand but if it's the second scenario then that's like, it sucks but it's unavoidable, if its the first scenario then it's ABSOLUTE faggotry, but the second sounds like the most likely one

>> No.77443336

Global confirms it

>> No.77443346
Quoted by: >>77443493

Bae's Channel again
Do they hate numbers?

>> No.77443349
File: 1.18 MB, 896x1152, 1694915643411069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77443356

kek, yeah, the industry has a myriad of successful indies like
well, and that’s it.

>> No.77443362

Yeah I'm sure I've seen both Bonnie and Kiri have higher ccv then all of this on solo streams

>> No.77443379

Well they did mention being understaffed in their notes back then and opened uo jobs that would be relevant for the Studio work.

>> No.77443380
Quoted by: >>77443442

Clear chan...

>> No.77443393
File: 494 KB, 1009x707, doomri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77443396

>member stream
It can be either one desu

>> No.77443404
Quoted by: >>77443497

UI wants to join, dont know about patra

>> No.77443405
File: 3.77 MB, 720x720, Fauna dorky laugh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flxvtlc.wav].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77443481


>> No.77443419
File: 161 KB, 696x674, 1717283511369714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77443494

I already said it was obvious. Didn't know anyone was still talking about that fag when it was clear he was friendly with niji. But what does this matter now? Fact remains someone leaked the whole wave on /vt/. Who was that?

>> No.77443422
Quoted by: >>77443648

>Kiara said
That aside, I remember someone saying they need to put a "theme" now.i wonder what she means by more restrictions, song choice? She did complaint about not getting perms for English songs, or maybe she is talking in general like what events they can organize.

>> No.77443429
Quoted by: >>77443444

Its Kiara, she will never be clear and just start drama by running her mouth

>> No.77443431

Get better soon, reaper.

>> No.77443442

I thought she was under some micro corpo. If she’s not, yeah, her too

>> No.77443444

Not now egg

>> No.77443454
File: 24 KB, 266x256, 92348jier56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77443481
Quoted by: >>77443515

I've jerked off to this soundpost quite a bit now.

>> No.77443488

>Then that's obviously bullshit
I dunno man, they managed to significantly cut down on 3D lives and are still constantly getting delays on them just like when they were running on single studio, at this point I suspect lack of competence

>> No.77443492

I miss Mori

>> No.77443494

Hey now, let's not jump to conclusions
It's not like Rosemi has a documented history of being on /vt/ or anything

>> No.77443493

Yes. Also, that's pretty early for ASMR, even Fauna streams those at FST+5. No clue why they aren't simply streaming all those collabs in Moom's almost completely free timeslot. Instead they willingly go for overlap.

>> No.77443497

Neither would because there is no upside, Cover doesn’t take “invaders” with their own models and channels so they would have to take the nobuhime route with zero upside because both are already adjacent

>> No.77443515
File: 2.09 MB, 1620x2880, 1693020554518635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont blame you

>> No.77443523
File: 28 KB, 1254x107, 1694456404732783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hero strikes again.

>> No.77443525

>no popular demand
>runt of myth
>blatantly refused holopro
dumb chicken

>> No.77443537

Yeah, last year he made a joke making fun of either add or adhd and pissed off a bunch of sisters

>> No.77443540

When I said "obviously bullshit" I meant
>It's obviously fucking retarded of Cover if true
Not that I was doubting Kiara

>> No.77443545

EN4 never...

>> No.77443562

I fucking told you, I fucking told you all. The studio was a waste of fucking time. Only few of you listened to me and it's your fault if you still trust Cover or their toxic management by now. I don't want to sound like a falseflagging retard but I'm actually boycotting Cover. This is the last straw. Management hates Hololive, enough said.

>> No.77443579


>> No.77443580
Quoted by: >>77443899

Personally I'm fan of Yoshika, she's having a 3D live next week
But honestly there's a lot of somewhat notable JP indies, I just think they are mostly ASMR specialists

>> No.77443581
Quoted by: >>77443629


>> No.77443594
File: 149 KB, 373x409, 1717022288429626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, it really has been 10 Witcher streams. Turns out I really love series streams from Fauna. Both Outer Wilds (though not streams but still a series) and The Witcher 3 have been great this year.

>> No.77443605
Quoted by: >>77444017

The same botsanji that LOVES to bot streams? Don't make me laugh with that shit cope of yours.

>> No.77443627

Based Helmir

>> No.77443629
File: 2.14 MB, 2264x976, Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 20.19.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77444213

Its 4 now

>> No.77443647

This is an anti feet general

>> No.77443648

Restrictions are likely stages, props, lighting, and camera work. All of these would increase production time of the lives if every girl was to do a custom stage per song.

>> No.77443651
File: 524 KB, 1504x1168, 1703910619336424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I surprised but not surprised at how much she's loved the witcher, I was worried it would last a couple of episodes and be another skyrim

>> No.77443659
Quoted by: >>77447708

There's a case for JP indies joining, but EN indies should stay away. Any moderately successful EN indie makes more money than the average holoEN.

>> No.77443661 [DELETED] 

Make Kiara's statements public so unicorns actually find out the truth about Cover and their toxic negligent power harassing management. This has gone far enough. Let them know the wrath of us. This will not end well for Cover if they keep behaving in this sabotage behavior. This is NOT a falseflag. Do your job, bros. HOLD COVER ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR NEGLIGENCE

>> No.77443677

the girls started it. HoloEN means StarsEN too

>> No.77443692

>Management hates Hololive
unironically true, the girls have too much power and control and it drives them insane. just look at the employee reviews seething about it.

>> No.77443701
File: 38 KB, 112x112, 1716720788507438.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77443702
File: 1.29 MB, 1259x703, Pippo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did pippa say

>> No.77443725

>Bois in the big studio
>Girls in the little studio
:) the bois helped build the big studio too you know

>> No.77443727

>This is NOT a falseflag

>> No.77443729

OW I watched just for Fauna because the game really isn't for me, but Witcher is actually pretty fun.

>> No.77443740

I fucking hate cover sometimes man

>> No.77443743
Quoted by: >>77443816

Kek, please be a falseflagger
Unucorns can't be this lame

>> No.77443753
File: 591 KB, 600x906, p03pre84uy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I pay my respect before going to work
See you later retards!

>> No.77443757

Don't beg for membership stuff fag, pay $5 in Indonesia money if you really care

>> No.77443774

She shat on her reactionary dramafag fanbase. /pcg/ was at war with them too.

>> No.77443784


>> No.77443793

She attacked the dramafags attacking Offkai on her behalf.

>> No.77443816

>We are not that lame

>> No.77443837

There is one thing that is likely getting missed in this whole conversation Kiara kicked off.
In the second half of 2024 there will be AT LEAST 7 3D debuts, maybe 11 if they do ARMIS in 2024.

>> No.77443845

Can't believe I fucking have to say this but fine, better to reward good behavior than leave no incentive for good behavior at all.
Based Pippa, fuck dramaniggers

>> No.77443848
File: 846 KB, 967x504, OneShotOneKill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understandable, they were being annoying. Most of them seemed to be /pol/fags.

>> No.77443851

Something short today, she has to read sc

>> No.77443881

Oh, wait, six, the homoclown has passed already

>> No.77443884
Quoted by: >>77444019

>court /pol/fags
? ? ?

>> No.77443899
Quoted by: >>77444025

She ain’t an indie retard

>> No.77443902

The fuck is ARMIS?

>> No.77443929

IF they do ARMIS at all, or at least before EN4, I'm unironically becoming Cover anti.

>> No.77443985

Not knowing is for the best.

>> No.77444017
Quoted by: >>77444346

Don't forget that some nijis basically have no verification filter with their viewers just spawning in from some void.

>> No.77444019
Quoted by: >>77452298

She's one of those women who are in this VERY SPECIFIC spot on politics:
>likes some lolcow style content (specifically Metokur, that's about her limit) and being edgy, general populist things, too
>isn't actually on the political right end of populism, much more of the "sanders left" type
So it's a weird spot to be in

>> No.77444025
File: 208 KB, 598x620, yoshika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What corpo did she join anon?

>> No.77444030

The one after tempus

>> No.77444032

the thing that cover bragged about in their financial report that made 6 become a 10

>> No.77444053

Today, I will remind them.

>> No.77444072

you're a holopro anti. Cover doesn't want your kind

>> No.77444077
Quoted by: >>77444174

No fucking way they will do ARMIS in their first year when those retards didnt bring anything other than their shit in holostars

>> No.77444093
Quoted by: >>77444133

so a shadow corp

>> No.77444094
Quoted by: >>77444124

I'm going to go take a swim in my pool. I suspect your frame will be up by the time I get back. Fauna

>> No.77444106

Honestly I don't give a shit about the studio.
I want my Oshi to stream and not record shit in Japan all the time

>> No.77444108
Quoted by: >>77444150

Don't court and audience you're afraid to commit to. Even if I dislike them I don't blame them for flocking to their "based edgy /pol/ girl".

>> No.77444124
File: 1.81 MB, 3000x4000, 1688236007755737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you jinxed it

>> No.77444126


>> No.77444133

>Get proven a retard
>Double down

>> No.77444150
Quoted by: >>77444257

The fact that they stayed on her despite her specifically saying
is kinda wild

>> No.77444162 [DELETED] 

>Orange woman 2.0
be careful chimkin, unless you want to get back in the ring. :)

>> No.77444173

Guys, I need advice. How do I get Ceres Fauna from Hololive English Promise to have sex with me? To be clear, I am absolutely NOT Nanashi Mumei of Hololive English Promise. That is NOT me.

>> No.77444174

Oh, you know they're going to be the "big" thing going on for EN during Christmas.

>> No.77444190
Quoted by: >>77444237

??? You implying Armis gonna get theirs before ReGloss???

>> No.77444197
Quoted by: >>77444271

She can't do 11, I still haven't finished 10

>> No.77444213

What a massacre

>> No.77444216

>I am absolutely NOT Nanashi Mumei
You have zero chance then

>> No.77444223
Quoted by: >>77444456

just get a small corpo oshi

>> No.77444237

Would that surprise you? I'd be shocked if anyone behind the scenes even remembers ReGloss exists.

>> No.77444243
Quoted by: >>77444452

You simply ask her to Gura, she literally do “ANYTHING” you ask her too

>> No.77444244

Have you tried being Nanashi Mumei?

>> No.77444257
File: 591 KB, 536x869, Bikini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77444362

If racists refused to watch any entertainer that said "I don't like racism" they wouldn't watch anything. They're used to overlooking that.

>> No.77444271

Why are you here instead of watching then?

>> No.77444275

First, I'd recommend training with Hakos Baelz of Hololive English Promise, then using those techniques on Ceres Fauna of Hololive English Promise

>> No.77444306

ReGloss 1st and then Armis

>> No.77444313
File: 3.25 MB, 2560x1440, MuMu12-20240605-143139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77444371


>> No.77444346

This is honestly the biggest proof that there's some nijifujo working at Youtube. Both HoloJP and NijiJP are pulling viewers from the same region, their verification should behave the same. But it doesn't

>> No.77444351
File: 639 KB, 523x899, Lyrica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77444422

ReGloss 3D is in September I believe. Armis will probably get 3D early 2025 in the lull between the holiday stuff and Holofes.

>> No.77444362

Still, you'd think they'd get the hint that
>this girl is entertaining but NOT actually in agreement with me so I shouldn't expect her to be
Then again, I guess you see that happen with some Ruffians, so it's a universal racist issue.
Was still weird as shit to see /baubau/ and some of their Twitter circle freak out about them liking rap music.

>> No.77444366
Quoted by: >>77446353

>She also had a mini rant that they didn';t even try to get her perms for kpop songs.
She saw how that homo got an English song, didn't she?

>> No.77444371
Quoted by: >>77444391

they patched the story?

>> No.77444391

it was broken?

>> No.77444395
Quoted by: >>77444481

Funny to see phase turn into another hololite complete with yuribaiting after having so many fans to criticism hololive for being too safe

>> No.77444412
File: 89 KB, 843x207, 1698678179263421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the new homo gen who increase cover profit by millions

>> No.77444422

It's going to be funny when ReGLOSS double Advent's 3D debut CCV. There is absolutely no hype for Advent's 3D debuts.

>> No.77444443
File: 769 KB, 847x527, MoomFaunaBeach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's people that yuri ship the girls 24/7 and then get offended at the very thought they might support gay rights. People are retarded.

>> No.77444452

you mean Gawr Gura from Hololive English Myth or another person?

>> No.77444456
Quoted by: >>77444593

This is why Fauna is the best Oshi.
She is a Lazy EOP American Whore.

>> No.77444481

please tell me which phase members are yuribaiting so I can watch them

>> No.77444497
Quoted by: >>77444619

Liking shit in fiction has nothing to do with real life.

>> No.77444518
Quoted by: >>77444712

did she ever mention joining ntv/vclan's c+ network? she was in the c+ sponsored vma event.
similar to how anon's fav single mother is technically an indie but part of of the c+ mcn. that's how they can get in on things like music verse, vma, lll, vtuber fes, etc.

>> No.77444533

cynical sapling, less japan arcs less puddle arcs

>> No.77444543
Quoted by: >>77444745

This man has inspire me to go and defend my hobby for once, I can't sit idlelly while we have bad faith actors trying to ruin the precious things we have.

>> No.77444548
File: 1.73 MB, 1190x1188, 1712117697259582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77445053

for me it's

>> No.77444567

i miss ame so much.. gura please.. save her

>> No.77444593
Quoted by: >>77444678

Fauna streams?

>> No.77444605

did she give an ETA for the setup to be done?

>> No.77444610 [DELETED] 
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, 1686269776162465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri is different from being a gross faggot

>> No.77444616

No one is going to be able to save Ame from he leech family. Also I think she has Internet issues at her new place which can be a bitch to fix.

>> No.77444619

Hololive is not fiction

>> No.77444618

>Finana outed herself posting /here/
Holy shit

>> No.77444640

Most likely holo to fail to end stream and end up flicking the bean live on air:

>> No.77444649 [DELETED] 

because a "yuri ship" is cute fanfiction and "gay rights" is men adopting boys to rape

>> No.77444655

yuri isn't homosexuality, it's ambiguously gay feeling between straight women

>> No.77444658
Quoted by: >>77444762

dude, all memes aside, this company is fucking retarded. the girls succeed despite them.

>> No.77444663

still waiting for her to set up her streaming room so we dont hear watson family, last i hear one(or a few?) of the things she needed got delayed

>> No.77444678

Haha good one phasebro

>> No.77444706
Quoted by: >>77444749


>> No.77444712

Nothing I can recall, her career path is vaguely similar to nayuta so it wouldn't be unusual for her to just be experienced and connected enough for that

>> No.77444718

>Was still weird as shit to see /baubau/ and some of their Twitter circle freak out about them liking rap music.
I never saw this, I only saw people thinking it was funny watching them rap.

>> No.77444720

She'll be back before you know it
In the meantime why not relive some of her karaokes?

>> No.77444724

No one here is discussing the BIG YAB: Gura going full-on Wings and BANNING PEOPLE for now on just for asking an innocent question about how she poops. Soon she will challenge Mumei to 1v1 in CoD...

>> No.77444745
Quoted by: >>77445039

im nowhere near as eloquent nor brave to argue with bad actors. i can check jp sources to help combat misinfo though. fwiw i am n5

>> No.77444749

yeah I can see that happening. Irys is up there for me imo.

>> No.77444762
File: 1.16 MB, 4096x1803, Fn857xpaQAECFD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77444801

>Like when she complained about the 3D Live stuff and then had a 3D Liv
It was never about HER 3D live. It was Myth's anniversary live that they rejected a year in advance. Fuck off with your misinformation. Retards can't even bother watching clips but wan't to talk.

>> No.77444818
Quoted by: >>77444869

I saw some people on that comment section lamenting that Phase is becoming stale cause fishman keeps tightening the leash

>> No.77444833

Accidentally? Koyo

>> No.77444838
Quoted by: >>77444909

So 20% for Advent and. 6% for armpiss, or am I being too generous here?

>> No.77444844
Quoted by: >>77445012


>> No.77444869
Quoted by: >>77445693

And yet the viewership is rising. Hmmmm

>> No.77444910

So you're saying that Hololive is the NBA...

>> No.77444909
Quoted by: >>77444988


>> No.77444924

The blonde femboy from Attack on Titan.

>> No.77444988

Thank you, good sir.

>> No.77444997

please mr jap give me a chuuba that wants to be a writer
shioris design would have been perfect

>> No.77445012

if we're lucky, dead in a ditch somewhere

>> No.77445029
File: 575 KB, 722x662, 1698111164254742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give me a chuuba that wants to be a writer
She already exists

>> No.77445039

You are a good fighter anon, I have enough Opsec to go fight them. Information is our best weapon specially since most bad actors in this subject know jack shit.

>> No.77445053

>there's a fucking deer there too

>> No.77445056
Quoted by: >>77445177

Like, an actual novelist chuuba? That bitch would stream less than Gura if she actually wanted to get a book out.
>t. writer

>> No.77445089

>roru. whatchu gonna do about it, horocvck
never punished. no one in holoLIVE is above the company

>> No.77445092
Quoted by: >>77445142

Has she said anything more recently about this topic?

>> No.77445142
Quoted by: >>77445262

Recently she said she was doing research work/reading specifically for her novel

>> No.77445151

I'm sorry Fauna, but you can't write. Holoween sucked.

>> No.77445156
File: 295 KB, 456x315, 1620179287351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77445177
Quoted by: >>77445226

people work dead end jobs yet finishes novels and short stories, being a streamer isnt hard

>> No.77445192
File: 761 KB, 2463x3500, 1698499075866859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77445213

IIRC from the comments she's that girl who left a gook corpo and they tried to demand like half a million from her over it or something. So her opinion is pretty much worthless basically

>> No.77445226
Quoted by: >>77445287

Being a holo involves more than just streaming to be fair

>> No.77445260


>> No.77445262
Quoted by: >>77445387

Oh, that's cool. Has she given any hints on what it might be about?

>> No.77445287
Quoted by: >>77446683

And if the holo writes 1500 words per week (quite a slow pace) that is a book every 8 months

>> No.77445308

Oh she’s the gook that leaked her contract to that lawyer

>> No.77445333


>> No.77445340


>> No.77445344
File: 914 KB, 1920x1080, 1717612312593366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77445356

>how you behave outside will reflect on your oshi(s)
paraphrased but recently came across a holofan on xwitter who said this. i think he's a real fan

>> No.77445387
Quoted by: >>77445524

For her own book nah, but it's Fauna

>> No.77445400


>> No.77445444
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, 1708162224966937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77445490

not defending fauna but she was given 2 weeks.
fanfic troon had 2 years and came up with worse

>> No.77445512
File: 543 KB, 857x963, 1717279948017514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77445521

Alien Mixture?

>> No.77445524

OK, thanks. That's something I'm definitely looking forward to.

>> No.77445530

1 and 2 were great. The 3rd was kind of ruined by the ending, but even Fauna agreed they messed that up

>> No.77445558


>> No.77445571


>> No.77445620
File: 487 KB, 1618x2200, 1688666479773569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my pov bros..

>> No.77445652

h-holy boobers....

>> No.77445660
Quoted by: >>77445784

Just come back, what is this about?
Don't tell me it's another delayed 3D live?

>> No.77445693

/pol/fag culture warriors being pushed out of Phase
>commie culture warriors leaving Vtubing in droves as NijiEN dies
>Hololive style status quoism strong as ever, EN talents doing diplomatic missions to key US allies

>> No.77445727
Quoted by: >>77445942

so she got fucked by her previous corpo and now she make a video shitting on... holo?

>> No.77445759


>> No.77445784 [DELETED] 

Can't boycott something you weren't watching to begin with

>> No.77445789
File: 183 KB, 720x540, 1705618628688923.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77445803

First buy a Gura kigurumi to disguise yourself

>> No.77445808
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, ironmouse hasan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77447350

The commies are all being directed towards Vshojo.

>> No.77445829
File: 2.26 MB, 1736x2456, 1714510702917996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>healing shark honey punches

>> No.77445897
File: 785 KB, 1510x870, 1686306664192026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77445942

Like I said, her opinion is basically worthless

>> No.77445987


>> No.77445999

damn qurl you look like this?

>> No.77446080

There aren't many delayed 3d lives so far this fiscal year.

Flare: on time
Mori: on time
Kanata: 2 week delay
Sora: on time
Chloe: on time
Ina: delayed to end of year?
Roboco: ?
La+: on time
Watame: on time
Lui: on time

>> No.77446097
File: 210 KB, 865x1920, 1688201538090142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii got the best arts and porn in Promise for sure

>> No.77446221

>management forces all talents to take down every bunny garden vod because *shakes fists* "Neal said so" even though YouTube doesn't force shit and the dev was OK with it
>kiara exposed the fact that the new studio is barely used and effectively implied it was a waste of time, therefore confirming all narratives that the studio was just pity for the homos and bullshit that no fans actually care about
Rough day for Cover apologists, huh? Reminder to support the talents over the company. Let Cover burn for all I care. Oust Fagoo and A-chan too. The pro-Jap shareholders will win the next meeting either way.

>> No.77446278

The big studio. It's mainly used for homoslop. Cover and management lie.

>> No.77446289
Quoted by: >>77446351

Even if what Kiara said is true, who is it affecting now though? Everyone is only doing 1 3D live anyways and the 3D tech is the same from other studio as well so I dont understand what you so mad about?

>> No.77446312
Quoted by: >>77446404

kys zhang

>> No.77446330


>> No.77446351

The fact that it's more wasteful spending on Cover's end whilst management lies to their talents about availability as it's clear the homos now get top priority within the company? Everyone should be mad. No, the whole VTuber fandom should be mad.

>> No.77446353

Wasn't that the OP of the anime Ergo Proxy and was performed by a japanese band?

>> No.77446364
Quoted by: >>77446467

sister you wanted to jump on this but your shitpost was too obvious

>> No.77446404 [DELETED] 
File: 431 KB, 1066x903, 1717552288574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zhang supports and bankrolls Hololive now but OK

>> No.77446436
Quoted by: >>77446557

this nigga is NOT membered to kiara

>> No.77446458
Quoted by: >>77446483

>thread speed down a lot
>schizos leaving
Chill hours on the way

>> No.77446460
Quoted by: >>77446508

since the decision of only 1 3D live, name me one 3D event getting postponed? You anons are just creating problems in your head

>> No.77446467

Projection much? Management has lied to fans about Holopro and preferential treatment for at least 2 years now. It's clear who's being shafted by now. Just you wait until this makes the rounds on 5ch and Twitter btw.

>> No.77446483

everyone's jackin it to that kronii pic

>> No.77446508

Ina's being postponed until the end of the year? This is when Flayon gets a red carpet birthday celebration and Bettel gets a massive 3D debut btw.

>> No.77446532

Has Gura even hinted at a 3D live for her birthday?

>> No.77446535
Quoted by: >>77446699

Homos really live rent free don't they

>> No.77446557
Quoted by: >>77447294

And neither are you. I was there unlike your poor brown SEA ass.

>> No.77446603
Quoted by: >>77447132

What's the point, it probably got "postponed" or canceled for more homoslop

>> No.77446651
Quoted by: >>77447249

Ina was her own health reason anon...

>> No.77446654
Quoted by: >>77446721

Red carpet birthday event? You mean the 3D debut? You might be reaching just a little

>> No.77446683
Quoted by: >>77447141

Meanwhile I'm still waiting for the winds of winter and it's been 14 fucking years. And this is a professional writer btw. The fat fuck is going to die without publishing a single word and there's supposed to be another book after this

>> No.77446699
Quoted by: >>77447132

it's not free. they pay their rent with the money hololive fans spend on their oshis.

>> No.77446703
Quoted by: >>77446733

She was asked during sc reading yesterday. She said it's ready and a lot of time and effort were put into it. She also said a lot of people were involved. Did not confirm if its 3d though

>> No.77446704

Hinted? Yeah last stream

>> No.77446713

go back to your fag thread sister

>> No.77446712


>> No.77446721

Whatever. The point is Cover needs to be more transparent with the fans and admit they're a homo first company at the expense of the girls' hard work. The day they get delisted from the market is a reminder of that and that only.

>> No.77446726

We are a couple of hours away from Suisei overtaking Marine and taking the crown for most-viewed holo orisong

Maribako overtook RIP a very long time ago now, it was a good reign was it lasted

>> No.77446733
Quoted by: >>77446815

So, yet another lazy kanauru animation?

>> No.77446747
File: 258 KB, 744x694, 1711682865366977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77446823


>> No.77446781

Imagine if Gura drops a viral orisong in 2 weeks. How hard will the Last Samurai seethe when it reaches 50M by the end of June?

>> No.77446796
Quoted by: >>77446887

you must be 18 to post here

>> No.77446815

Who knows? Could very well be

>> No.77446818

I don't think Gura has it in her anymore, most people have forgotten she exists

>> No.77446823


>> No.77446845
File: 150 KB, 1391x2048, 1715865594620829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77446877
Quoted by: >>77449951

The irony this is that this one of Suisei's most forgettable songs yet. It really doesn't deserve to be her most viewed song (not sure if it passed phony yet but if it hasn't it will soon). But I guess this what zoomers are into.

>> No.77446881

Gura is washed up. Just look at the severe mogging Shinkiro got from III.

>> No.77446887

I'm 44. Shut the fuck up zoomie. I know the rotten core of Japanese corporate autism and lies. You don't.

>> No.77446930
Quoted by: >>77446984


>> No.77446932

Cute little chuuni queer.

>> No.77446941

>ennacuck samefagging
>rimjobchama melting down

>> No.77446984
Quoted by: >>77447583

I own 5253 stock and have been to 2 shareholder meetings. You don't.

>> No.77446992
File: 251 KB, 1018x981, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77446996
Quoted by: >>77447068

>one of our schizos is fucking 44
This is more Grim than I could ever have imagined holy shit
You should be raising a family or something

>> No.77446998

I guess if you're only looking at it from a profit standpoint, you might have some validity to your argument, but if you take a step back and look at the whole picture, it's just a cover trying to be fair.

>> No.77447068

Blame the boomers for making that impossible. They will die angry and alone soon. This includes Holo management.

>> No.77447086

>all those delayed for EN

>> No.77447103

Boomers didn't make it impossible for you to find a woman, anon, nor did they make you post nonsense on 4channel

>> No.77447132

These retards really fighting ghost,im crying

>> No.77447140

Cover, like any soulless Jap corpo is only about profits you utter newfag.
However, what they're doing is blatant sabotage since they know the homos bring in no profit and reserve the new studio entirely for them. So the tankjob is blatant and deliberate and soon they will find out the hard way the consequences of their actions.

>> No.77447141

You should have been born a woman and romance-pilled because there are authors that serves up a romance slop book (part of a trilogy of course to maximize earnings) every 10 WEEKS or so

>> No.77447216
Quoted by: >>77447239

>Cover is solely focused on profits you fucking newfag
>except no they actually aren't they're doing this for reasons that aren't profit based at all

>> No.77447239
Quoted by: >>77447322

>what is corporate sabotage
Do you need it spelled out for you again?

>> No.77447249

You expect faggot to watch stream?

>> No.77447257

EN should try bringing in bigger numbers and maybe they'll get better treatment. Advent's 3D debuts are going to be grim compared to holoX's.

>> No.77447283

I never said I agreed with it. I would like nothing more than for the homos to just disappear and have Cover put all their efforts into the girls. That, however, is a slippery slope that just opens up a whole bunch of different problems.

>> No.77447294

It is now 3.31 am and she just finished a whole arc, sit the fuck down

>> No.77447319

Tell them to stop botting JP 3D lives then

>> No.77447322
Quoted by: >>77447559

If it is corporate sabotage then they aren't doing it for profit reasons and you're wrong about one half, but if it isn't that then you're wrong about the other half

>> No.77447350

>leaving vtubing
That's what he said

>> No.77447357
Quoted by: >>77447559

Ok, there is no point in even arguing with you; you are a clear schizo just as bad as the other side.

>> No.77447360


>> No.77447423


>> No.77447445

Reminded me of this (34:00 for book writing part)

>> No.77447452

You literally sit here all day just looking to insert your BS. By any chance, you get what a sad fucking existence

>> No.77447453

Why are Algerian frogs like this?

>> No.77447463
Quoted by: >>77447572

I mean with AI you can churn out cookie cutter romance shit even faster these days. Just need to write the sex scenes yourself.

>> No.77447464

oh shit, nice. the touhou SRW clones are pretty great.

>> No.77447487

T3MPUS is EN3. Did they get delayed? Exactly

>> No.77447499

>fauna ran away like a coward

>> No.77447514

Based as fuck (although I think there's homos planned I'm willing to ignore them for SRW content)
Except that he got IRyS wrong and as "iRys" for some reason

>> No.77447524
File: 2.13 MB, 2254x998, Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 21.35.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77447534

ASMR tonight

>> No.77447559

They're all about profits until it becomes sabotage, which is the inverse of what they initially tried to go on a stroke of luck with their hires. Those hires are being exploited and harassed by management as evidenced from Kiara. That is one part of the corporate sabotage. The other part is forcing homoslop down the fans' throats and booking them the studio at the expense of certain talents' being postponed, some until the end of the year (WTF) for Ina.
Everyone here knows I'm right, anon. I'm just saying it as it is. Cover is about to find out the hard way about the Western shareholders who are furious with the company's direction.

>> No.77447572
File: 305 KB, 710x630, 1717204454967690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77447639

My Mumei chatbot begs to differ.

>> No.77447577

Why did Fauna give up on ASMR?

>> No.77447582

Only two non shitters that's actually impressive

>> No.77447583
Quoted by: >>77447645

Lmao go cry somewhere poorfag

>> No.77447594

So bored to the point falseflagging
why don't you visit and support the beloved homo

>> No.77447639

Which chatbot do you use that didn't get completely neutered and censored?

>> No.77447645 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>77447706

First amendment. Look it up.

>> No.77447654
Quoted by: >>77447703

>its all about profit until it isn't
You stupid or something?
Not to mention how you aren't even right about why Ina got postponed.

>> No.77447670
File: 262 KB, 954x719, LoveShark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77447703

Yes it is. Cover's management just hates Hololive. It's all about Holopro now, chud!

>> No.77447706
Quoted by: >>77447908

Don't pretend to be American

>> No.77447708
Quoted by: >>77447782

Filian says otherwise

>> No.77447756

So you're saying they want to deliberately sabotage the girls who make them their money to prop up the homos? I mean, it can be explained that way, but explain in more detail, and I might be willing to believe you.

>> No.77447782
Quoted by: >>77447842

Don't cite the actual #1 Western Indie saying that Hololive is better in many ways he's gonna throw a fit

>> No.77447795

Genuinely brain dead or trolling

>> No.77447811

Give him a challenge:
>if he says "DEI" or "ESG" it's an auto-loss

>> No.77447842

dokibird has made over $200k from superchats alone since she re-debuted. this isn't even counting her many sponsorships and other revenue streams.

>> No.77447841
File: 226 KB, 512x512, 1711731740195059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77447859
File: 453 KB, 1280x720, 1716782297260049.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow day huh?

>> No.77447874


>> No.77447908 [DELETED] 

I have freedom unlike your shitskin 3rd world ass.
Yes. Basically what you need to know is EN is being shafted every day by management because Cover fears they'll be the controlling segment of the company. Therefore they're propping up homos because they're easier to control at the expense of the EN girls. When EN was Hololive's most profitable branch since the debut of Advent, the sabotage from both Cover and YouTube was clear. Look at Fauna for example. She should be the 2nd highest CCV in Hololive but both Neal and management are holding her growth back.

>> No.77447907

I think I already have my answer, but I will see.

>> No.77447912 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 534x534, k6yv1sV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77447944
File: 143 KB, 900x900, GPCvKL4aQAA7reU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile Filian the literal #1 Indie says she's not a millionaire and Gura makes more than her just by breathing.

>> No.77447979 [DELETED] 

>things are harder to do this days in general there are more restrictions on everything
Make sense why in the past year there's a significant increase in activities from some of their roommates.

>> No.77447999

Pippa fell off after the Offkai drama

>> No.77448007
File: 308 KB, 1080x595, 1715957311714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77448040

Oh yeah? Just remember you VILL transition too, chud!

>> No.77448008

This is like homofags saying the clown was a SC monster at his peak. Wait until everything has settled down and her earning potential reaches its normal

>> No.77448038

Rimjobchama you started posting at like 1am last night, you're either an Aussie or a Euro. Go to bed before you spike your blood pressure.

>> No.77448040

Go back to Kirsche you homoposting faggot

>> No.77448051
File: 439 KB, 753x782, time 4 meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a counterpoint, may I suggest the judicial use of internal medicine to cure your mental ailments?

>> No.77448059

>Gura makes more than her just by breathing
And other lies Holofags tell themselves kekaroo

>> No.77448062
File: 230 KB, 1283x745, filup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77449190

>23% viewership increase
turns out collabing with everyone under the sun and getting out of your comfort zone helps to get your numbers up

>> No.77448072
File: 153 KB, 1050x1050, GPFmrC0bgAAWgi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not use my oshi for your garbage posts.

>> No.77448091

Well at least you are old enough to post here

>> No.77448094

>there are liggers in this thread

>> No.77448097
Quoted by: >>77448142

I don't want to give you a (you), but Filian herself literally said that.

>> No.77448104

This falls apart completely when you remember that these women work for the company and have contracts, aka, they cannot force a takeover of the company in any way

>> No.77448115
File: 5 KB, 586x111, Screenshot_457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77448124
File: 1.56 MB, 468x596, 1717549284684746.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77448172

Ah yes certified Holofag Filian who said this word for word

>> No.77448142
Quoted by: >>77448316

Filian is just another lying holofag kek
Dumb bitch is purposely lying and sabotaging herself to try and prop up her favorites

>> No.77448172

To be fair she is a certified holofag

>> No.77448179

>How do I make this about Fauna for easy (You)s

>> No.77448184

So I guess I got my answer there.

>> No.77448191

I can't believe Filian lied about Filian like this, why does Filian hate Filian

>> No.77448195
File: 116 KB, 1080x607, 45m dorya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incidentally, I showed this to my wife today and she said this was done before in the 60 by Tom & Jerry or something interacting with actors. Suisei BTFO?

>> No.77448236
Quoted by: >>77448713

It's just rotoscoping. Not exactly new technology.

>> No.77448249

I haven't read the other guy's schizo babble but how new? Cover has no problem sidelining the girls to promote your leeches

>> No.77448270
Quoted by: >>77448444

Anon, you are actually fucking retarded if you think "fictional character interacting with real human" was only invented now by Suisei. It is literally a running gag in SpongeBob

>> No.77448316
File: 107 KB, 1080x610, Screenshot_20240601_105947_YouTube~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77448495

I mean we also have Holos flexing wealth every now and than like spending nearly $500 on a fancy dinner between two people with only one person covering the cost.

>> No.77448338

( ゚∀゚)o彡°ファウナ!ファウナ!( ゚∀゚)o彡°たすけファウナ!!

>> No.77448354


>> No.77448377

Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a thing

>> No.77448398
Quoted by: >>77448439

She's scared of the shark kek

>> No.77448420
Quoted by: >>77451584

That's more Cool World.

>> No.77448439

More like she's scared of Biboo

>> No.77448444

weebs have a tiny, tiny, tiny frame of reference, please understand.

>> No.77448449 [SPOILER] 
File: 791 KB, 1230x696, 1717552752586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77448451

Fucking hell anon, I was just thinking about posting exactly the same clip, just finished watching.

>> No.77448455
File: 295 KB, 1080x1865, Screenshot_20240605-155105_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to look it up to show you some of the Tom and Jerry rotoscoping, only to find out looking up
>Tom and Jerry Human
leads to a huge fucking "Tom and Jerry humanized fan animation" fan community
So that's something I learned

>> No.77448479

It's Tuesday.

>> No.77448486

Why the actual fuck are these off collabs on Bae's channel

>> No.77448495
Quoted by: >>77448582

This is the same girl who was literally broke in Japan btw

>> No.77448502
Quoted by: >>77448627

Said the truth; called out the dramafags leeching; approved of proper ways to protests; told the people that actually cared past the drama what they can do next year to help make the convention better; said she was tired of the toxic-ness and watch videos of people being happy at Off Kai.

>> No.77448520

Collabs always go on the lowest subbed member's channel
Hololive tradition

>> No.77448525
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, amazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanata Is Mind Blown By Fauna's World Tree...

>> No.77448528

I see it more of cover give a timeframe for the boy to stand by themselves. Astel said this could be their last concert

>> No.77448571
File: 137 KB, 503x720, 1716790252039360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could visit the world tree

>> No.77448582

that anecdote is about mori paying for dinner iirc
Kobo isn't broke (I think she even said it was mostly a bit) but she's not making close to what Calliope "Money" Mori is let alone Gura.

>> No.77448596

Just one more year (from now) and EN4 to help, and it will be ALMOST done.

>> No.77448603
Quoted by: >>77448690

they have had half a decade worth of chances to stand by themselves

>> No.77448604

Because they are alternating channels and this was supposed to be tomorrow's stream but they moved it to today. It'll be moom x 2 for the next 2 streams.

>> No.77448627
Quoted by: >>77448727

Turns out the best way for Fishman to domesticate the fucking yabbit was
>force her in a hotel room with half a dozen young women and have them gay kiss her until she's normal
Can't believe that worked...

>> No.77448636

Nigger I've never watched a homo in my life and would say nothing about them. If people didn't constantly bring them up here. I was more curious about where he was going to go with it.

>> No.77448667
File: 354 KB, 1920x1080, genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Kanata, she's a genius
>my genius!

>> No.77448689

To the determent of the girls

>> No.77448690

And this year is their last. next time everything will come out from their pocket

>> No.77448713
File: 186 KB, 1112x262, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rotoscoping has been there since at least 12 years ago when the game Facade (OG Youtube meta) was released
I wonder how many people remember the original AI-generated game

>> No.77448727
Quoted by: >>77448785

>actual pippakek

>> No.77448752
File: 135 KB, 826x787, 1717419451913297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a cute little creature.

>> No.77448785

Oh no I don't like her
I just admire the taming project
I want to see how far she can be bent

>> No.77448790

Amano Seraphi or whatever? Damn, I liked her too. What a bitch.

>> No.77448827

It's not about who did it first, but who did it better.

>> No.77448835
Quoted by: >>77449184

>rotoscoping being invented with Facade

>> No.77448853
File: 667 KB, 996x568, LsibZDWAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77448924
File: 162 KB, 752x777, rotoscoping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rotoscoping has been there since at least 12 years ago when the game Facade (OG Youtube meta) was released
Anon,. rotoscoping is almost 100 years old now
>ywn have a lizard stripper gf
(also: furries get the gas, scalies is where it's at!)

>> No.77448929

No seriously the fuck happened here

>> No.77448935

What the hell happened here?

>> No.77448951
File: 1.54 MB, 1329x982, 1655415092997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome back king

>> No.77448953
Quoted by: >>77449046

Why does Bae do so much chuuni stuff? Her outfit, songs, lots of chuuni. Is she the type to like chuuni characters in anime?

>> No.77449001


>> No.77449036
File: 2.62 MB, 3000x4143, 1698300610367515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent clip numbers

>> No.77449046

>why does Bae love chuuni stuff?
Everyone in Promise and at least 2/5ths of Advent are Chuunifags

>> No.77449069
Quoted by: >>77449132


>> No.77449103
File: 143 KB, 850x1363, 1691380335242274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>88,122: Miko (Hololive)
>41,927: Marine (Hololive)
>37,078: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>35,818: Tsukasa Tenkai (Indie)
>29,555: Pekora (Hololive)
>24,282: Gura (Hololive)
>23,438: Miko (Hololive)
>22,389: Lamy (Hololive)
>21,362: Chiroru (Indie)
>19,144: NeruMero (Indie)
>18,948: Kagami (Nijisanji)
>14,421: Towa (Hololive)
>13,203: Koyori (Hololive)
>12,767: Watame (Hololive)
>12,062: Yuuhi Sendo (VSPO)
>11,887: Himawari (Nijisanji)
>10,919: Rikka (Holostars)
>10,558: Noel (Hololive)
>10,067: Reid (Neo-Porte)
>10,001: Necoma (KEMOMIMI-REFLE!)

>> No.77449132
Quoted by: >>77449196

Too slow, pops! >>77448525, you likely got it on your recommends because of me

>> No.77449180
File: 1.86 MB, 1300x1821, 1702007363136715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77449282

>06/05 TALLY:
24,282: Gura (Hololive) | Fit Boxing featuring Hatsune Miku
8,996: FuwaMoco (Hololive) | Platform 8
8,866: Bijou (Hololive) | Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Remake
8,707: Baelz (Hololive) | WarioWare: Move It! Offcollab w/ Mumei
7,752: Ina (Hololive) | Chatting

1) Gura (Hololive) - 33,959 - New Stuff
2) Gura (Hololive) - 33,837 - Dark Souls: Remastered Race w/ Fauna
3) Bijou (Hololive) - 22,753 - Granblue Fantasy: Relink Collab w/ Ina, Kiara, Zeta
4) Mumei (Hololive) - 20,124 - Offcollab w/ Baelz
5) Gura (Hololive) - 24,282 - Fix Boxing featuring Hatsune Miku

5x: Hololive

3x: Gura
1x: Bijou, Mumei

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
15p: Gura
6p: Bijou, IRyS, Fauna
5p: Mumei
3p: FuwaMoco
1p: Bettel, Meloco, Mori, Shiori

>> No.77449184
Quoted by: >>77449436

Thanks for the correction lol, I was too lazy to look it up

>> No.77449190
File: 72 KB, 1805x387, filian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek yes and im sure they are very real

>> No.77449191
Quoted by: >>77449409

I still think Kiara had a similar graph last week. I'll see if I can find it later when I get back to my desktop. Neal is definitely up to some shenanigans

>> No.77449196
File: 93 KB, 1179x664, WAd6vpY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77449259

Now this is art

>> No.77449264
Quoted by: >>77449369

Guys... I don't think I can be a Holofan anymore.
I'm really sorry, but... but I'm a Red Sox fan...
I can't support the Dodgers...

>> No.77449282
File: 789 KB, 1009x1261, 1717376159750184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77449292
Quoted by: >>77449395

>Elden Ring
Looks like Boss Fight spikes?

>> No.77449369

Dont worry. Everyone hates the Dodgers

>> No.77449395
File: 29 KB, 865x373, filian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77449500

just chatting here

>> No.77449409
File: 1.16 MB, 1266x709, Screenshot_458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77449498

This? Not even close to being as fucked up as the other one.

>> No.77449436
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, flexicher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up on Ted Avery but I was looking for Max Fleischer

>> No.77449437

you can even see the flat line where she farmed to beat the final boss

>> No.77449498
Quoted by: >>77449681

No, I think one of her jrpg streams that got botted was a waiting room peak because the numbers crashed immediately. It just didn't crash as hard as fungus

>> No.77449500

Bet the content itself explains it

>> No.77449593
File: 406 KB, 635x515, Dog friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>321k views already
Doing really well, not even a short.

>> No.77449618
Quoted by: >>77449710

>she said this was done before in the 60 by Tom & Jerry or something interacting with actors. Suisei BTFO?
Did you seriously try to show this to your wife by presenting it as a "new" or "never seen before" concept? Are you retarded? The reason everyone was going crazy about it when it came out was because it just looks fucking cool and it's extremely well executed and it's an unusual method of animation in the first place.

>> No.77449653
Quoted by: >>77449921

>7,462 million yen

why not just say 7 billion

>> No.77449665
File: 361 KB, 1370x1674, 20240605_161325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're nearly dead I wanna share this picture my student made for me because it's semi-relevant

>> No.77449681
File: 1.14 MB, 1271x717, Screenshot_459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77449710
File: 26 KB, 1068x126, fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you seriously try to
No I did actually not. I'll just tap the sign and laugh at your naivete

>> No.77449716


>> No.77449718

Wasn't this during the weird ass 24-hour CCVID Omicron Strain?

>> No.77449733

Yeah that one

>> No.77449752

Why is it always her with these kinda shit.

>> No.77449778

And people kept saying Iofi and her Godzilla fetish is weird

>> No.77449808

she wants to tell somebody
she mostly talks to us

>> No.77449811

Guitar tapping was not invented by Eddie Van Halen
But he popularized it because he just did it in a way cooler way

>> No.77449845

The future is looking bright.

>> No.77449870

Fuck this shit, fix yourself Cover

>> No.77449880

Up in Heaven, laughing at this pathetic Tower of Babel.

>> No.77449900
File: 204 KB, 768x651, snake lady carnival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And people kept saying Iofi and her Godzilla fetish is weird
kek, you have no idea. if your granpops ever gives you attitude, just remind him that he and his pops fapped to a snake lady in the carnival

>> No.77449905

>44 and crying about boomers still

>> No.77449921

Forecast need accurate numbers or will get berated later anon. Although the girls the only one who did the heavy lifting

>> No.77449930
Quoted by: >>77449960

IRyS wishes she had breasts this large.
Hers are small.

>> No.77449948

She's always been like this, don't crucify the messenger, ask Cover why they're still fucking up with the 3D studio

>> No.77449951
Quoted by: >>77450116

bishopai and maribako suck compared to unison and ahoy so it balances out.

>> No.77449960
Quoted by: >>77450501

They're called Premium Mediums and they're incredible

>> No.77450017

Did you actually think Suisei was the first to do this?

>> No.77450021


>> No.77450033

Which Hololive girl deserves sex the most, and which deserves it the least

>> No.77450069
Quoted by: >>77450107

I miss Fauna

>> No.77450093

The Star Wars sequels of anime

>> No.77450107
Quoted by: >>77450166

She doesn't miss you, she's not even going to stream today kek

>> No.77450112
File: 424 KB, 1080x1921, Screenshot_20240605-162155_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this allowed???

>> No.77450116

>compared to unison
AH, come on! Unison is the one song from Marine that MV is so superior it would be better off with MeMeMe replacing the song.

>> No.77450166
File: 680 KB, 558x884, 1717023997386389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77450173
Quoted by: >>77450255


>> No.77450198

uhh... neal bros??? whats happening to our platform???

>> No.77450255

Hey, you filthy gaijin pig, his name is clearly

>> No.77450332

grim. give me adventure or savers instead.

>> No.77450337

See you later, champ.

>> No.77450343
Quoted by: >>77450370

Are we friends, /#/?

>> No.77450367
File: 750 KB, 1196x659, 1694205758221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77450370

yes, anon, we are the bestest of friends

>> No.77450403
Quoted by: >>77450503

>no one made a comment about having sex with the student
Are we reclining or inclining?

>> No.77450434

monstergirl theme next gen

>> No.77450464


>> No.77450503

That's clearly an actual child's artwork anon we're otaku not freaks

>> No.77450501
Quoted by: >>77450528

Yeah but her mediums are still last in Promise.

>> No.77450506
Quoted by: >>77450714


>> No.77450528
Quoted by: >>77450873

She's bigger than Mooms

>> No.77450637

Kamen rider ryuki is goated

>> No.77450679
File: 60 KB, 956x395, 1693128035824568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm late, QRD?

>> No.77450714

>Going undercover
Offkai slop

>> No.77450765

Chainsaw man. Denji got sexually assaulted (for like the 4th time) and tourists who don't actually read the manga are pretending it never happened before. It's doubly fucked up because the person sexually assaulting her is possessed by a demon of War.

>> No.77450873

That's cope and you know it.
It's Mumei>Bae>IRyS.
Or maybe Mumei=Bae>IRyS.

>> No.77450937
Quoted by: >>77450984

>sexually assaulting her

>> No.77450982

Just looked it up, hot

>> No.77450983
File: 224 KB, 2047x614, 1708636708872580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77451165


>> No.77450984

Look man, I can't think straight. Half my brain is melting down because still no signs of Fauna.

>> No.77451072
File: 107 KB, 975x1024, 1707725498851413m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anything really about Chainsaw Man, but I was incredibly disappointed that Denji isn't the slutty, depressed-looking girl.

>> No.77451089

That song sucks so bad it makes me genuinely mad. It's unfortunate for vtuber fans that THIS SONG is representing us. Give me anything Marine or Kanata any day of the week.

>> No.77451124
Quoted by: >>77451218

Nah shut the fuck up, I will not take Tsumiki slander.

>> No.77451165

I know she's drawn with bigger boobs, I'm just saying that she's actually smaller than Bae.

>> No.77451199
File: 3.71 MB, 456x456, 1699229100813038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77451205

Sensitive people thought Chainsaw Man was based for being edgy and counterculture in some ways while seemingly sticking to a cute teen high school backdrop, and then have been shocked to realize that the creator of Fire Punch is not actually writing something that is purely good vibes

>> No.77451218


>> No.77451267

Fauna is:
1. Setting up her 3D shit
2. Running late
3. Working on ASMR for tonight
4. No streams

Pick your posion

>> No.77451286
Quoted by: >>77451479

I mean, you could kinda see it from the beginning? Only retards would get outraged, tho.

>> No.77451303
Quoted by: >>77451369

What the fuck does the Dutch East Indies have to do with this? It doesn’t exist anymore.

>> No.77451327

Sorry, she's busy with me.

>> No.77451340

As a man into femdom, I got some good vibes from it

>> No.77451349


>> No.77451369

I still haven't forgiven them for destroying the trade-based culture of South-East Asia and subjecting the modern world to the current crop of SEA posters when they could've been less shitty and made our internet experience much better as a result

>> No.77451417

I hope she plays more witcher, but I'd like ASMR too

>> No.77451432

Why are people taking the Kiara shit seriously? Shes simply not a high profile talent in the company so of course SHE would have limited access. Kiara is just assuming everyone got told the same thing that she did. You really think Suisei can't use the studio whenever she wants?

>> No.77451456
Quoted by: >>77451704

Kill yourself

>> No.77451479
Quoted by: >>77451755

It's the Fujimoto Cycle
>start story in an extremely rough place with a glimmer of hope
>protagonist builds up their hopeful situation and starts to be in a better place and makes friends (this is where the sensitives come in)
>protagonist hits "peak good situation" at a point where it looks like they're starting to have something stable in their life
>things immediately start breaking down (sensitive fans are shocked)
>big fucking crisis
>recovery phase (cycle restarts)

>> No.77451493
File: 2.36 MB, 1905x2999, 1717516406226490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is possessed by another girls and kisses the mc and gives him a handjob. She regains control of her body at the end. They were both into each other but it happened in back alley under dubious consent and wasn't a fluffy shoujo moment.

>> No.77451502
Quoted by: >>77451705

It's not her magnum opus but it's nowhere near as bad as you're pretending it is you fucking contrarian nigger.

>> No.77451548

Considering it started with her threatening to crush is balls before she started jerking him off I really don't think it had any consent. But that's literally the point, it's not supposed to be a good thing. ESPECIALLY since the actual owner of the body had literally no choice

>> No.77451563
Quoted by: >>77452141

Rate the thread

>> No.77451581

>take control of your host body
>grab her crush's balls in a back alley and give possibly the worst kiss a woman has ever given to him
>he cums immediately
>give your host control back the instant his sperm hits your hand
What was Yoru's problem?

>> No.77451584

My first thoughts went to a segment with Walt Disney and Tinkerbell on the Peter Pan VHS I had as a kid.

>> No.77451626

According to Mumei and Bae it's IRyS > Mumei > Bae

>> No.77451690

>You really think Suisei can't use the studio whenever she wants?
she had to continuously pester management since at least april so that she could end up using the studio for a december project and she had to literally convince them by pitching it as a good thing for cover using "it'd showcase the new studio you just built" as her main argument, and even then they originally were only gonna let her bring 8 chuubas and use the main channel once.

>> No.77451704 [DELETED] 

Your oshi is a shitter with a big mouth. You first.

>> No.77451705

It has no melody and is not catchy. It's a fucking tiktok dance with an oh so """creative""" music video. How can someone not hate it?

>> No.77451732

5. Secretly joining the Mumei and Bae, which was originally why it was originally ??? and things were moved around

>> No.77451755
Quoted by: >>77451827

Isn't that just the inverse Thomas Covenant situation?

>> No.77451758

I mean I get it in that Cover wants to use it for shit like getting Holofes and Re:CtW on faster
But also like Jesus Christ Cover

>> No.77451785

Why are you acting like coming up with an actual proposal so you can use a multi million dollar studio is a bad thing? And at the end of the day you're admitting that they did end up letting Suisei use it.

>> No.77451800
Quoted by: >>77451915

this man hates joji music

>> No.77451801

I will fucking anti her if she intrudes

>> No.77451827

Kind of?

>> No.77451896

ORK is great faggot

>> No.77451903

You were going to do that anyway

>> No.77451915

I hate bad music.

The demented fucks at Cover should give the girls free reign. Management doesn't make the money. Management doesn't get people to want to support them. Management are uncreative paycheck thieves that are not worth the oxygen they breathe.

>> No.77451919
Quoted by: >>77452355

I doubt it. It's probably just something they couldn't prep in time.

>> No.77451922
File: 851 KB, 1932x2576, 1701865717115309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77451984

>> No.77451927
Quoted by: >>77452010


>> No.77451961

>Why are you acting like coming up with an actual proposal so you can use a multi million dollar studio is a bad thing?
my point was that "she can use it whenever she wants" is false considering she had to fight for it for literal months and give them a reason beyond "i want to do this cool thing" but rather "this would be good for the company btw!"

>> No.77451984

kanzaki sensei REAL?

>> No.77452010
Quoted by: >>77452201

It's Mumei+Bae week of fun, not Mumei + Bae + one extra person who didn't care before

>> No.77452084

Let's just say the quiet part out loud. Not all the girls are equal. Maybe some of them should have free reign. But Kiara is certainly not one of them.

>> No.77452088

would you guys have sex with Mumei if she was on her period

>> No.77452104
Quoted by: >>77452343

>so you can use a multi million dollar studio is a bad thing?
What the fuck is the point of working for them if you can't have at least partial access to it without having to jump through hoops. Waiting is whatever, there's a lot of people, but most people including Suisei are getting a straight up "no" unless they keep insisting over and over again.

>> No.77452126


>> No.77452141

It got better as it went along

>> No.77452193


>> No.77452201

That's how surprises work, retard.

>> No.77452206


>> No.77452211
Quoted by: >>77452274

The video itself is just a standard Phase type of grifting, but that honeypot is REALLY effective in catching phasekeks in the wild and making them honest about hating Holo.

>> No.77452242

Bad news, guys, Mumei and Bae's streams are cancelled
They're going to spend the time doing a new stream experience, where they go and participate in the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser Experience and show fans of Hololive English why it's so great!

>> No.77452274

how are you faggots still falling for this whotuber's bait holy shit

>> No.77452298
Quoted by: >>77452327

So in other words, she's a grifter?

>> No.77452303

Fauna you said you'd stream today... like explicitly...

>> No.77452327

nah, she's a bernie bro
KIRSCHE, though, holy fuck big grifter

>> No.77452343
Quoted by: >>77452616

It's about setting expectations now so that later when Hololive has 100+ girls, and the studio can't be clogged with a bunch of low / mid tier Holos, that those girls don't suddenly have meltdowns because " they used to be able to use it whenever they wanted".

>> No.77452355

Well I'm not expecting it to actually happen either

>> No.77452373
File: 25 KB, 1059x183, 1717603567819992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I agree it's a good honeypot

>> No.77452415

It's not me who is shitting on Holo under the comment section ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.77452425

I bet you think sports stars shouldn't have to listen to their head coach too.

>> No.77452436

>It has no melody
Did you stop listening after the first 5 seconds?
>is not catchy
I can't even count the number of times I have seen chuubas randomly hum the bibbidi chorus.
>It's a fucking tiktok dance with an oh so """creative""" music video
The topic version has 10M views.
>How can someone not hate it?
Because it's not as bad as you want it to be. Again the song is nothing to write home about but it's perfectly listenable. My only gripe is that it's too short and that little trap break in the middle which is a very shitty trend in j-pop (though it was kept short as well).

>> No.77452462

pippa is average skinny woman
kirsche is average fat woman

>> No.77452476
Quoted by: >>77452526

Shoe0nhead had a baby with some tradcath dude she married that's insane why would you do that after Armored Skeptic had a public DDLG relationship with her

>> No.77452494


>> No.77452498

-> /pcg/ spy
some faggot on Kick is doing a stream to try and anti Pippa and is firing shots at every Vtuber, including pointing to footage of a dude wearing a Kronii shirt and saying "THIS FUCKING PEDOPHILE HAS A SEXUAL IMAGE OF A CHILD ON HIS FUCKING SHIRT" and his fans are trying to raid them
<- /pcg/ spy

>> No.77452526
Quoted by: >>77452577


>> No.77452539

That's funny

>> No.77452572

>fluffy shoujo moment.
Shoujo is some of the least fluffiest shit ever. Young boy romance is al "kyaa we held hands and will now marry" and shoujo romance is "which violent unstable loon will I date, I have so many options"

>> No.77452577
File: 5 KB, 284x235, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdm9yj1.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him and barely even relevant but I will never avoid a chance to post this

>> No.77452601


>> No.77452616
Quoted by: >>77452944

>Hololive has 100+ girls
who are the other 15+ i missed.

>> No.77452636

Was it a Kronii shirt with >>77445512 on it?

>> No.77452668

anti-vtuber dudes have some strange delusions
large overlap with the anti-loli child molesters

>> No.77452674
Quoted by: >>77452733

There's just something really weird and kinda off putting about how this guy draws

>> No.77452687
Quoted by: >>77452796

so is Vtubing officially not a fad anymore now that legitimate grifters began attacking it?

>> No.77452722

Why does he keep coloring yellow saplings? Also, nice ass fauna.

>> No.77452733
File: 527 KB, 1712x2042, 1695884175988964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit anatomy.

>> No.77452750
Quoted by: >>77452893


>> No.77452775

'90s american comic book cover style

>> No.77452796

>legitimate grifters
fucked up that it's an accurate description
but yes it's very clearly established as "not a fad" by now, especially considering most fads die in like, a year.
We're well past the five year mark of this concept

>> No.77452804

The sapling she's sitting on looks like a nutsack haha

>> No.77452830

torpedo ass tits

>> No.77452855

>Another members
Damn she loves me and HATES tourists

>> No.77452863

Why is Fauna sleepy
I don't understand

>> No.77452871
File: 802 KB, 1440x1434, kirin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77452875
Quoted by: >>77452963

Those aren’t torpedo tits tho

>> No.77452881

I didn't know about Kirsche before this offkai fiasco but holy fuck, might as well plaster herself as /k/ dweller on her bio.

>> No.77452893

Comfy time

>> No.77452894

Oh also they're hiring three new Invaders

>> No.77452919

I'm actually glad she's gone back to doing Member streams more often. That dry spell fucking SUCKED

>> No.77452944

personal sluts aka managers

>> No.77452960

I remember how schizo complained that fauna doesn't do mem streams

>> No.77452962
File: 1.94 MB, 849x1200, 1714699598992173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love Raita here

>> No.77452963
File: 1.16 MB, 1083x663, 1698108995340382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this then?

>> No.77452965

Is really weird how in the eyes of normies every anime girl becomes "Pedo bait", I have seen people saying Marine is pedo bait
