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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.76231956


>> No.76232108

So this is what the gates of Hell looks like...naruhodo.

>> No.76232206

more vtubers to the Slaughter

>> No.76232315

cant staunch the bleed with poor decisions like this.

>> No.76232480

Let's guess how many finanas new wave get.

They're even barley promoting 2 last wave from last yea (kriss and TTT)

>> No.76232500

Arbeit macht frei

>> No.76232705

We can be sure each of them would be extremely desperate.

>> No.76232992
File: 230 KB, 800x1067, 1716226887604269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the gate is literally a slightly edited one from a yacht club called Breakers Estate

>> No.76233019
File: 2.88 MB, 1920x1080, 1695666665455532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76233061
File: 396 KB, 826x826, 1716218444685517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still can't get over the stock photo gate
honestly kino

>> No.76233122

anyone that applies to this company after everything thats happened deserves to be abused by management, bullied by the clique and harassed by the internet. Seriously

>> No.76233149

Oh no a company used a stock image for what they're supposed to be used! I'm shocked! This is completely unheard from!

>> No.76233177

freepik will be coming to collect their 5 dorar x number of views

>> No.76233257
Quoted by: >>76233319

Whats the timeline from tease to actually showing something substantial going to be like?

>> No.76233283
Quoted by: >>76233631

>a billion dollar company couldn't be assed to make a proper teaser for their latest wave that is meant to inspire confidence in the company after 6 months of drama and instead just slapped their logo on a stock image

>> No.76233319

Short, they are going to overlap the Wrestletuber event with the debuts.

>> No.76233355

the memes just write themselves

>> No.76233382
File: 32 KB, 400x400, Fillian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hands brace for disaster!

>> No.76233421
Quoted by: >>76233631

>billion dollar company
>literally their entire back-end is working with artists
>cannot pay a single artist to create an image of a gate
>resort to using an AI generated stock image instead

>> No.76233430
File: 21 KB, 681x671, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who chooses to debut in Nijisanji EN after February knows damn well what they're getting themselves into, so I can't even saviourfag for them.
At this point, the only thing that could ever get me to watch a current or future Niji talent would be if they started pandering to me specifically by making content based on some of my niche/obscure interests that I've never seen other vtubers cater to.

>> No.76233618

I still don't know who the fuck is in krisis and can't be fucked to remember. TTT is Vivi, Kunai and the "you can just fucking ask" guy

>> No.76233631


>proper teaser
It's a fucking image you fucking retards. It's the equivalent of a black background with the word
Over it you fucking idiots. I swear to God fucking zoomers man, I'm sorry this doesn't have subway surfers attached in the fucking bottom so your smooth brains don't get their dopamine rush.

>> No.76233673 [SPOILER] 
File: 259 KB, 400x400, Breaking Enthusiast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Breakers" you say?

>> No.76233699
File: 232 KB, 1279x721, 1713799278658071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, those retards had a chance to pull out and cut their contracts both pre and post-Selen termination. If they're not Hanamori or otherwise part of Elira's friend groups then they have literally zero reason or excuse to join this evil company and claim innocence. Or if they're a sister I guess, but honestly that'd be the best case scenario because it means that they'd inevitably get involved in some dating scandal a year down the line.
They could pay LAM 1 gorillion dollars to pump out this garbage but they couldn't pay one of the literal hundred different artists they have on beck and call to spend an afternoon making a simple drawing of a gate?

>> No.76233747

Damn, we got a prophet or a time traveller ITT. I can VIVIDLY see them do this shit

>> No.76233768
File: 5 KB, 279x220, kuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>equivalent of a black background
uh oh......

>> No.76233821


>> No.76233823

Are really trying to defend them doing the bare minimum?

>> No.76233845

how did TTT flop so bad? TTT debuted even before all the pomu and luca and selen stuff truly kicked off and yet they're all subshitters that even most 3view indie twitch vtubers are beating them out, what the fuck happened to them?

>> No.76233855
Quoted by: >>76234191

Or maybe just show an accessory from each person, or maybe have them in the background faded out on skyscrapers, or maybe a sillouhette of their models, or maybe a piece of their promo art or PV, or maybe literally anything else they've already done in the past? Has NijiEN ever had a pre-debut teaser THIS low effort?

>> No.76233879
Quoted by: >>76241010

I only remember Bandage because of course

>> No.76233895

Because the Accelerate strategy doesn't actually work

>> No.76233934

>Almost no ads
>No debut song for Kpop fanbase to boost
>actual accelerate

>> No.76233941

kek my sides

>> No.76233953

Anon, Alban is literally larping like Niji designed all this themselves.
>The gates made to look like harps
>The vines are notes

Fuck, it already looks like this. Its literally just a gate and he pretends they made this themselves.

>> No.76234013
Quoted by: >>76238942

is that just lack of self awareness on how much they have lost reach and power in the en market or are throwing their new talents to die right away day 1

>> No.76234032
File: 312 KB, 1200x1200, 27ab81b6-0001-0004-0000-000000042828_w1200_r1_fpx64.63_fpy49.98[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76234474

>> No.76234050

nobodies asking for a PV we already know read: hope that's coming, but a fucking AI generated stock image is low effort no matter how you spin it. Also here's two lists of every single artist Nijisanji has ever worked with PURELY by costumes and original designs, not including voicepack and merch art and people who had different mamas throughout their span of working with Nijisanji.

>> No.76234184
File: 568 KB, 1024x1024, roundabout thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76234404

So, how much cannon fodder do you guys think is gonna be in the new wave? I'm predicting at least 5 shmucks; Niji's gonna want a surplus to cover for any impending graduations.

>> No.76234191

How do you know thats not the next teaser? Do you really think this is it? That they'll post this and then schedule the debuts? Lmao. You people really are morons.

>> No.76234211

>I still don't know who the fuck is in krisis and can't be fucked to remember.
Yu Q Wilson: the art thief and guy who tried to get /in/ with Pomu only for her to reject him entirely
Vezalius Bandage: French, calls himself Ban Da Gay sometimes, nihongo perapera
Vanta: I don't even remember his name just that he's the only "good" one, caved to virtue signallers twice, actually semi-normal black design

>> No.76234264

Considering how much they advertise new waves it wouldn't even surprise me if this was it

>> No.76234266

I unironically read this as "Please watch our new slave"

>> No.76234274
Quoted by: >>76234549

>next teaser
Every single example I gave was list of first teasers, did the skyscraper part not tip you off?

Do... do you not know what specific group that's referring to?

>> No.76234307

Vantacrow Babybringer.

>> No.76234354
File: 92 KB, 1080x672, 1692857526071277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76234353

No but seriously, how are the chuubas in Krisis called tho

>> No.76234362
File: 156 KB, 1280x960, 1698277405359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76234585


>> No.76234380

Because they were shadowdropped with literally with 1-day notice, no official wave name, no debut theme song and zero promotion

>> No.76234404

>3/6 nijigamers leak quit before they even started
theyd have to have accepted in over 10 of them, considering their turn up rate

>> No.76234433

>Do you really think this is it?
Considering how they dropped TTT with literally no promotion, do you believe anyone has reason to believe otherwise?

>> No.76234460

Is this what Ike meant with "nothing crazy is happening tomorrow" or the likes?

>> No.76234474

I only does notice that.

>> No.76234478

Even some of their own organs didn't know they existed until they debuted.

>> No.76234526

They had no promotion. You could write a paragraph on it but those four words are all you really need.

>> No.76234549

Can you not understand that this isn't that? They haven't even said it's a new wave you retard. Sure we all know it is but this is just a fucking wink to the fans like
>hey yeah talk about what this might be
They're not announcing anything, it's just to drive engagement up. This is common knowledge, again this isn't comparable to anything you said. Want an appropriate comparison? Black background, white word
That's it. That's what this is, that's the level of effort they're supposed to put. I can't believe I have to explain this. How old are you people? You know you need to be over 18 to post here right?

>> No.76234585

it not black enough

>> No.76234665

>that's the level of effort they're supposed to put

>> No.76234745
Quoted by: >>76236075

>Can you not understand that this isn't that?
Anon, I am asking you a very clear question once again

Do you, or do you not know, who I am referring to when I bring up the skyscrapers in terms of a teaser?

>> No.76234974

>they lost so many people during the audition process that there's a chance that one of the guys who got in is just a grifter who's planning to yab as hard as he can during debut

>> No.76235089
File: 1.75 MB, 1920x1080, 1716219042204076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nijicope in this thread is overwhelming.

>> No.76235157
Quoted by: >>76235735

Normally I'd say it'd be kino if a guy just came in to have a Kramer Moment and get banned, but this is presumably the voice actor wave meaning that it's probably someone who actually wants to have a job in this line of work at some point in the future. But was also stupid enough to join niji.

>> No.76235156

I want to believe Petrafucker and Scarlefucker got in, just to have a leaker that'll post /here/ more frequently than the last one.

>> No.76235530

I'm assuming they won't get their own song and it will just be a song sung by clique members

>> No.76235665

What are the chances they reuse the design of the 4th krisis member who was fired before debut?

>> No.76235735
Quoted by: >>76255085

It doesn't matter how funny or talented you are, if no one tunes in. Nijisanji provides them with an opportunity no one else will.

>> No.76235743


>> No.76236051

I remember Vanta getting a raw deal since the Selen stuff happened right before his birthdat

>> No.76236075

That was such a good teaser. I had to go back through the old pictures once I found out

>> No.76236193


>> No.76236266

Holy poetry

>> No.76236390

Me too, it was honestly peak. Shame the sister never actually replied that she knew what I was talking about, though it was kinda obvious she only came in at Luxiem like they all did.

>> No.76236490

Rosemi's gameshow collab was peak NijiEN, it was all downhill after that

>> No.76236524
File: 268 KB, 1280x716, 216301646_3672762916156981_7847639040071094137_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76237952

yeah, future seemed so much brighter back then

>> No.76236725
File: 68 KB, 256x173, smugpip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ right all the time
nijiniggers in shambles
/euro/fags don't look lol

>> No.76236842


>> No.76236975
Quoted by: >>76237184

Is it a coincidence that Mint's anniversary is close to Pomu's birthday?

>> No.76237184

yeah it is.

>> No.76237774
Quoted by: >>76237973

I hope that they really like doing this as a hobby, because they aren’t gonna be making any money off of it.

>> No.76237894
File: 165 KB, 606x800, 1713320548567122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76237979


>> No.76237952
Quoted by: >>76251191

I still believe in Elira even if I want Niji to burn/

>> No.76237973

This is the voice actor wave presumably. Same one that Cy Yu talked about, the one where they told him
>okay you can't voice act
>you can't do gigs
>we basically own your voice
>the only money you'll make off of it will be through us
so uhh... rough situation there.

>> No.76237979
Quoted by: >>76238474

Is Field Marshal Haig in charge of talent?

>> No.76238229
Quoted by: >>76238664

Don't forget the 2% merch cut and no debut budget
>debut = debt + u

>> No.76238422


>> No.76238468

With these conditions, they won't be getting any big names, most likely only VAs who have trouble landing roles. It's really sad at this point. Still not watching though.

>> No.76238474

No, because Haig eventually won in the end.

>> No.76238617

top kek, they have to do it on purpose

>> No.76238664
File: 944 KB, 722x900, he laughed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76239190

>debut = debt + u
I'm using that one someday.
That depends, a lotta voice actors are stupid. Gianni isn't a massive name but I'd say of a similar area of popularity as Cy Yu, and he pointed out a company that had already brought in people twice as big as him months prior had sent him a contract in said timespan signing away "the rights to his voice for generative purposes". He wrote it off entirely so he didn't mention it at the time, but then when a trailer came out and he saw these decently sized fish falling for that bait he made a big-ass post about it.

>> No.76238828

Could just be more Japanese ESLs (ie. more Melocos). The brand name isn't as tainted there, and Japanese labor in general is more likely to take it lying down when you're clearly exploiting them.

>> No.76238942

Both, really. If they had self-awareness, the Elira black stream would have been pulled down months ago with a profuse apology. There would have been ways to try to defuse it after it was clear it didn't go over well with anyone, such as trying to throw the blame into a gray zone as some kind of 'miscommunication' from management or something. However letting it just sit there for months and months makes them seem to rest on it as quite official.

>> No.76238996
Quoted by: >>76243405

>new wave is all JPs
>they stream in JP and collab with popular JP nijis
>Riku can tell investors the new wave is a success

>> No.76239008

They tried that with VTA and all of the ones there left with nothing good to say about their time there. And that's supposed to be the most supported part of Anycolor's brnad.

>> No.76239017

maybe they'll remember to actually give them a name this time instead of just saying "fuck it, make it up yourself"

>> No.76239190
Quoted by: >>76239247

didn't whatever that came out from that hollywood strike basically stab VAs in the back with the AI stuff?

>> No.76239233

May it really is just 1 vtuber
Since we know both Grimmi and Cy Yu declined

>> No.76239247
Quoted by: >>76239838

I think it was a different thing from the strike, fuck if I remember though.

>> No.76239466

I will feel sad if BasedaPoya or Yuniiho debuts there.

>> No.76239504

Im not sure what Riku could possibly do to make this not flop, Niji needs more than just acceleration right now, did anything come of those supposed restructuring plans Niji had for EN?

>> No.76239657
Quoted by: >>76242711

Yuniiho only graduated as a vtuber, she's still doing art. Plus considering how she's somewhat close to Sayu I very much doubt she would. As for Soya Poya from what I've seen of her she's too intelligent to fall for their bullshit but I could have misjudged her.

>> No.76239667

They don't need any acceleration at this point, they need people to stop hating them

>> No.76239838

It was SAG-AFTRA going for an agreement with an artificial intelligence corpo, I think it was Replica Studios, that would allow vidya devs to use digital replicas of VA's voices

>> No.76240076
Quoted by: >>76241894

Debuting new waves is the right answer, you want new blood as fast as possible. The problem is that no one will watch them until he gets rid of at least all the problematic organs related to the black frame stream

>> No.76240290
Quoted by: >>76240654

apologize (again) and make amends for all the stupid selen shit that's been fostering bad feelings. it's literally the entire EN community vs niji on this one, they can't win. like, at all. I dunno why they're so fucking arrogant to try to stick with their narrative on this, if they'd rather die than say sorry for ANYTHING then fucking let them die then.

>> No.76240534

Yuniiho is Holo or nothing.
Soya is possible, but Niji would be a side grade at best

>> No.76240654

They literally can't sorry without admiting to everything they denied (mismanagement, harassment, favoritism). And that would mean having to fire a lot of people, some organs included. The branch wouldn't survive the scandal and it would sunk the stocks.

>> No.76240674

Pestodog's just an artist now.
Course not because there isnt actually a planned restructure.

>> No.76240722
Quoted by: >>76241285

A complete rebrand is the only way to save them at this point

>> No.76240868
Quoted by: >>76241091

well they either patch up the giant hole in the side of their boat and fire the captain who ran them into the iceberg, or just let it sink while trying to take on yet more passengers pretending everyone's cool with the situation. at the rate things are going their new wave are going to be 2view status and niji, the mighty billion dollar corpo, will have been bested by random small corpos with 1/1000th their resources.

>> No.76241010


I remember prseident wilson because of the federal reserve, because pomu was friends with him and because he stole a bunch of art from his fans and labeled it as his for some insane reason lol.

>> No.76241091

idol, who fired their head talent manager for fucking one of their talents sounds better than NijiEN at this point.

>> No.76241109

lmao they are desperate to hype it up
alban is on some radioactive levels of copium

>> No.76241202

Are there anymore nepohires for elira?

>> No.76241249
Quoted by: >>76241602

There are still 11 members of Hanamori out there, even more when you factor in frequent collab partners of the group.

>> No.76241275

This can't be real because he would be the laughingstock of the internet if this actually happened

>> No.76241285

A rebrand could work, but it's a long term plan and it would require a huge investment to make it happen. It's more likely that they will do literally nothing and just try to survive until everyone graduates or Riku decides to cash out.

>> No.76241287

one anon told me there are 11 hanamori out there as indies still

>> No.76241602

welp let's see if one of them gets in for free again
would be hilarious if it's 3+ hanamori members

>> No.76241894
Quoted by: >>76251131

The livers that smeared Selen are the "good" employees in the eyes of management. Nijisanji is a typical Japanese company so they only blame the livers who left because they weren't completely obedient to management.

>> No.76241925

>did anything come of those supposed restructuring plans Niji had for EN?
What restructuring plans?

The only thing we've seen them do is release a bunch of 3D shit that is more than a year overdue (most of which was done back then, so why they delayed it all is beyond me.) ...and put out ads for more multi-lingual high schoolers paid barely minimum wage.

I'd be a lot less critical if there was some evidence of major change going on, but the cult looks as intact as ever - only digging itself in deeper on the daily.

>> No.76242711

You say that but her twitter has been inactive since she graduated, she's not posted any art there at all

>> No.76242958

the 3D shit all had recent stuff like Reimu had a call in with Mori and Nerissa
I'm just curious what happened that made them effectively sit on their asses for a year and a half before this

>> No.76243210

if this is a girl only wave, we might see the first nijiEN 2view

>> No.76243405

they tried that with meloco and kotoka, one is dead by now

>> No.76243470
Quoted by: >>76254970

even less than 1 finana....
they would be around kunai or victoria levels at the very least if they have better interests than aia

>> No.76243490
Quoted by: >>76243600

I doubt Niji would ever do an all female wave again

>> No.76243516

This is what happens when you hire graphic designers off fiverr kek

>> No.76243588

Zentreya EN gold today?

>> No.76243600

They would be extremely retarded, but again, they proved time and time again that they're, in fact, braindead retarded

>> No.76243672

Luca would immediately try and creep on them like he does every new girl

>> No.76243777
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x3582, 1698422476976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76243991

>new girls?!

>> No.76243991

Vivi is a brave girl, there is no fear about Luca harassing her

>> No.76244147

It should be fine, so long as at least one of them does horny ASMR streams at least once every other week.

>> No.76244388

I'm sure at least one will be a prude (the indie bean), so she's a contender for the 2viewdom

>> No.76244506

/lig/gers are swearing blind that she'll never go to Niji and is 100% Holo material.
But maybe that's just cope on their part.

>> No.76244569

I wouldn't trust anything /lig/ says when it comes to corpo's

>> No.76244614

YouTube is cracking down on ASMR now for some reason. A medium sized indie got permanently banned for "kissing noises" and they refused her appeal.

>> No.76244651
Quoted by: >>76274832

>trusting /lig/
They still believe that grimmi didn't apply to Niji.

>> No.76244707
Quoted by: >>76245273

I thought it was Patreon or was that a different vtuber?

>> No.76244746

kind of wish all of the /lig/ darlings were in Niji so I can see the meltdown

>> No.76244766

Bean is talented, there's a chance, but with a Niji wave debuting soon, I think she's in

>> No.76244889
Quoted by: >>76245096

Youtube rules enforcement is random, they put Bitch Made Pasta in YT Kids for fuck's sake
And there's plenty of lewd ASMR streams that haven't been nuked. Some of them aren't even age-gated, despite how obvious it is what the "slime" or "glue" or "idol honey" really is.

>> No.76245096

all i've seen from Kyou are hundreds of ear licking/slimy armpit videos with titles like "musky sweaty mommy's slimy armpit vs a cucumber", she absolutely had it coming

>> No.76245130
File: 913 KB, 1920x1080, GOB909ba8AApX0r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76273553

You beat me to the punch lmao

>> No.76245273

That happened too, but this is a different one

>> No.76245331
Quoted by: >>76245719

Yeah this is the only one I heard about I didn't know about the Youtube one

>> No.76245334
Quoted by: >>76245412

I know holofags and phasefags will since you're all so obsessed with us.

>> No.76245364

good riddance

>> No.76245412

Hololive out of nowhere

>> No.76245719

That is the YouTube one.

>> No.76245722
Quoted by: >>76245822

I used to watch her and I legit don't see her as Holo material, hell I imagine it'd even nerf her. She always had some spotty schedule and just did whatever she was up to.

>> No.76245778

/lig/ barely talk about vtubers and their streams these days

>> No.76245822

That fit with holo, she only needs to lockin for the first few months, and then she can do pretty much whatever she wants that people will still buy her merch

>> No.76245841

I'll check out how many viewers they got, but I refuse to click on the actual stream. Mayb check some clips.

>> No.76245852

that's a "femboy" that braps on the mic good fucking riddance lmfao

>> No.76247228
File: 295 KB, 496x640, 1684953951139971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76247633

>semi-normal black design
>just a white guy with a slight tan and blond hair

>> No.76247633

Yeah that's semi-normal compared to half the shit you see nowadays.

>> No.76248707

Some anon once stated that the retarded name
>vantacrow bringer
could've easily and effortlessly been improved upon 1000% by just changing where the space was
>vanta crowbringer
Actually starts sounding cool in a chuuni sort of way.
Whats dumbass for choosing such a stupid name.

>> No.76249441

Personally I think the "Vantacrow" part is fine; the problem is that "Bringer" by itself doesn't make sense as a last name. If he had a noun there by default, like
>Vantacrow Nightbringer
or something like that, it'd be a great edgelord name.

>> No.76249500
File: 78 KB, 340x314, keksimus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eight Gates of Graduation

>> No.76249740
File: 279 KB, 1080x607, teaser-at-the-end-of-the-concert-v0-yyr4ps3wbo9b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76257396

Advent did it better

>> No.76250234
File: 838 KB, 400x398, view_of_my_sides.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76250551
Quoted by: >>76250681

still joining niji after all that shit is on them

>> No.76250673
File: 195 KB, 1000x1000, 1707333930580263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances they'll release a wave of 6+ people in order to compensate for upcoming graduations?

>> No.76250681
Quoted by: >>76253019

IIRC they could've signed the contract on December, when the VA/Acting auditions ended, so the motherfuckers got in right before all the shit exploded

>> No.76250754

I legit thought his name was Vanta Crowbringer for the longest time since the other way is so retarded

>> No.76250803

My bet is 3 or 4 members, to be a Villainess wave to counter Krisis (hero wave)

>> No.76250903

Some people are very adamant that she's never reincarnating, it's kinda funny to see.

>> No.76250970
Quoted by: >>76251038

No way it's an all female wave that would just be asking for it to fail even more then it already is

>> No.76251014
Quoted by: >>76251180

>What restructuring plans?
Well shortly after the black screen stream I remember Riku saying something about putting more funding towards EN and hiring more managers that can actually speak English. If 3D is where the funding went then thats probably pretty misguided, Niji doesn’t need acceleration right now, they need to fix what’s currently broken in the branch.

>> No.76251038

They tend to copy nijiJP, and we still have to see an EN Idios

>> No.76251131
File: 2.74 MB, 1080x2312, Withered Bloodlines[sound=files.catbox.moe2%F3hwqnh.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76251180
Quoted by: >>76251923

They're trying to fix the non-existent male fanbase issue by debuting more female vtubers. It won't work, but if they get a new Scarle (low viewers but gets a shitton of supas), it's a win for them IG

>> No.76251191

You are a fool. Supporting Her Highness and Nijisanji are one and the same.

>> No.76251309
Quoted by: >>76251527

>The gates has open, livers may now be able to leave

>> No.76251374

Any of the usual leaks yet, prematurely following twitter accounts, linking on YT profiles, pages already on the site, etc?

>> No.76251527

The gate opens, for them to be hunted for sport by Niji higher ups.

>> No.76251582
File: 122 KB, 1080x657, So true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76252005

They will probably be authentic to the kayfabe since that's how it usually is with NijiEN. Not to mention you would have only joined the company at this point if you thought Selen was genuinely in the wrong.

>> No.76251693
Quoted by: >>76252544

Wouldn't surprise me. Based on what we've heard about Pomu's graduation, it sounds like the delay between when someone decides to leave and when they actually graduate is at least 5~6 months? Which would mean:
>If anyone chose to bail in reaction to Selen's suicide attempts, we can expect them to graduate sometime within the next month or two.
>If anyone chose to bail after the disaster that was the termination, we can expect them to graduate sometime in August or September.
So it's entirely possible there are people in the exit queue and we just haven't heard about it yet. Naturally, Niji would want to compensate for any losses by ACCELERATING as hard as they can. Otherwise, they're at risk of ending up with fewer talents in the EN branch than they had at the start of 2023, which won't look good to investors.

>> No.76251923

I would honestly like to see how badly an all female wave would do because even with all of TTT being as it is the male member is still the most popular

>> No.76252005

If they really hired 3/4 sisters then the wave and the whole branch is doomed.
Grimmi was obviously one of them, since she was going to graduate, but gave up on the same day of Selen's termination. other thing that points more to the fact that she was going to join niji is that she said that she had Leos (nijiJP male) as her oshi

>> No.76252072

The Gatekeepers! they will make sure another Selen incident won't ever happen again, also goddamn ACCELERATE! MORE MORE MORE ORGANS!

>> No.76252225
Quoted by: >>76252364

Surely they had a few second options to call up if people did drop out

>> No.76252364

Not always
remember Krisis was supposed to be 4 guys, but one bailed, and they couldn't find a sub in time

>> No.76252544
Quoted by: >>76252646

Didn't Mika wait for 12+ months?

>> No.76252582
Quoted by: >>76254445


>> No.76252646

She graduated last December or November

>> No.76252689
Quoted by: >>76253158

Watch this being an all-girls wave or actually bringing up the "Legend" model for this one.

>> No.76252742

all the new members will need to suck her ass to be in the clique anyway.

>> No.76253019

Even if the hypothetically they were locked-in before Christmas, Niji was clearly on the decline back then too. They were not an outright toxic brand but they had lost a lot of goodwill, had very low company morale and were on the decline. The Selen disaster overshadowed everything else but there is a reason that Q3 financials were so bad despite none of that reflecting in it. A November/December applicant would have seen how badly Krisis and TTT performed and any sane person would conclude that future waves would do worse, not better.
Detonating your indie career to slave away in the Anycolor mines for ~100 viewers would have been stupid even when they still had plausible deniability about it being an outright malicious shithole. No pity for someone like that desu.

>> No.76253120

Dead on impact.

>> No.76253135

oh, I think this one might be in
Her last tweet is from march and around the time Bean/Grimmi graduated/was supposed to graduate. Also "I'm moving".

>> No.76253158
Quoted by: >>76253781

>all-girls wave
then its over

>> No.76253287
Quoted by: >>76253521

hope it's not lmao

>> No.76253492
Quoted by: >>76253579

I knew I've seen her name. She's a Hanamori member.

>> No.76253521

She also knows some japanese kek
I guess this one really is in

>> No.76253579
Quoted by: >>76253938

Another nepohire great

>> No.76253781
Quoted by: >>76253841

don'tbe surprised if it'd Hanamori nepohires and the bean girl hoping to bring back the Lazu/Obsydia magic but fail horribly.

>> No.76253841
Quoted by: >>76253865

Who is the bean girl?

>> No.76253865


>> No.76253936
Quoted by: >>76254154

no way she's that stupid

>> No.76253938
Quoted by: >>76254230

She could be going to Vallure (do we know all the RM?) or just moving away from streaming.

>> No.76254154

Her graduation date matches, although twitch stats show she pulled between 300 and 1.2k live viewers.

>> No.76254230

Was she even known for that type of content though?

>> No.76254292
Quoted by: >>76254431

>Grimmi was obviously one of them
She's said like a million times she was never joining Niji. Holo probably wasn't on the table either. There are, in fact, a lot of orgs besides those two.

>> No.76254353

She seems alright I hope she didn't end up in Niji

>> No.76254431
Quoted by: >>76255345

>She's said like a million times she was never joining Niji.
I don't know why so many are just willing to believe her when she says this.

>> No.76254445

>The 100 chuubas who really REALLY hate you!

>> No.76254491
File: 23 KB, 1059x150, 1696294537399077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76254924

You gotta look at the 'all time', because her last stream did way better because of graduation boost.
She usually had 140~170 viewers

>> No.76254499
Quoted by: >>76254665

No idea, channel is purged.

>> No.76254516
Quoted by: >>76254983

She graduated the same date as Yuniiho, who is definitely not going to Niji.

>> No.76254665
File: 247 KB, 782x304, 1701970807295245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twitchtracker has the records

>> No.76254924

With these numbers she's better off in Niji.

>> No.76254970

How does one even subdivide 1 Finana? 30 viewers = 1 deciFinana?

>> No.76254983
Quoted by: >>76255417

I also don't think Yunii is joining niji, but there's a chance. Yunii lives in japan and might be tempted to stays there, but needs a corpo (I think she is/was in one, but idk if her graduation also meant she left them).
She would be extremely retarded to do so, but vtuber aren't known for their intelligence/wisdom

>> No.76255085


>> No.76255291

thing is, with Soya is that she never actually went anywhere with her channel. I always thought it was more of a hobby or a way for her to hang out with friends she's made because she never actually had plans to go full time with streaming. Then she actually nuked her discord so I don't fucking know anymore.

>> No.76255345
Quoted by: >>76255808

Even ignoring how what you just said was quite possibly the dumbest thing you've ever said in your life, if the logic of "she's lying and obviously ungraduated because she pulled out of Niji" applied then why in the hell did she apply in the first place? Her graduation was announced long after the Selen scandal started, a bit after she came back, and a decent enough chunk of the coverage, and she canceled it about a week later. The news did not take that long to reach her ears.

>> No.76255384

Soya had the chance to incline. All the barbies (nickname of her group of friends) are inclining after she left

>> No.76255417
Quoted by: >>76255629

i don't recall her being in a corpo, she only had her artist friends circle

>> No.76255601
Quoted by: >>76255726

Her averages were at least 150+ don't know how they got those numbers, unless it was her day streams which were awkwardly positioned too late for night owl US and during euro wagecage hours so hurt her averages.

>> No.76255629

It was a talent agency or some shit like that, she moved to Japan after joining them. Probably the same case of OniGiri.

>> No.76255726

>during euro wagecage hours so hurt her averages.
Is this one, her streaming hours were like 11pm JST~3AM

>> No.76255808

See this is the type of response I keep seeing when someone brings up the possibility she wasn't being truthful and I don't really understand why it's always such an emotional reaction.

Question: why were her mods going mental deleting any mention of Niji in her offline chat?

>> No.76255996


>> No.76256062
Quoted by: >>76256808

I think you guys are mixing up soya with asagiri
soya never played genshin but she was also in the 150-200ish range.
Thing is she streamed for 3 years and only recently hit 17k twitch followers. She didn't promote herself much because she always had a real job (part time or full time).

>> No.76256236

Let's gooooooo!

>> No.76256237
Quoted by: >>76256379

>Not Soya or Yunii
Hah, get fucked

>> No.76256379

How would we even know that yet?

>> No.76256480

Neither of the girls in the promo voice clip had her very prominent German accent

>> No.76256561
Quoted by: >>76256671

Because Niji reveals voices ahead of debut

>> No.76256645

Not Asagiri Yua either.

>> No.76256671

Didn't know that

>> No.76256681

Fresh meat for the meat grinder.

>> No.76256793


>> No.76256808

nah, I was talking about Soya specifically
>t. watched her and some of the barbies

>> No.76256888
Quoted by: >>76257496

I can't tell what the pettan is even saying but in any case it's a very childish high pitch, maybe JP native, and soya was never good at voices
she couldn't keep a character straight for a single bit let voice something other than her natural self for an entire stream

>> No.76256944

>Debut song

>> No.76256943

Reimu is on a short rant about the new wave rn.

>> No.76256993
Quoted by: >>76257159

Ryoma Barrenwort

Twisty Amanozako

Klara Charmwood

>> No.76257038
Quoted by: >>76257391

So what terrible names will we get this time? Randolph Dolphineas? Trudy Patootie? PENCILCOCK MCMURRAY???

I am genuinely excited fellas

>> No.76257159

Oh yeah she can charm my wood anytime heheheheheheheheheheheehehehehheheehheheheheheheheheheehhehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheehheheheheheheheheheheheh

>> No.76257180

Nobody watches Reimu though

>> No.76257320

What is she saying?

>> No.76257391

2 wiss tee

>> No.76257396

It’s like they forgot they had a concert soon. They should have done something at the end of that instead of this shit

>> No.76257496

yeah, picture the german kid with fortnite and drinking cola and it's kinda like the bean

>> No.76257541

Bro TTT was announced and released within like 3 days. Shit was beyond fucked. If the new wave isn't out in a week they already got more promotion than TTT with that twit by itself.

>> No.76257583
Quoted by: >>76257718

Debut is the 25th

>> No.76257718

>5/4 days
it's something

>> No.76257739
File: 609 KB, 1920x1080, 20240520_172106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They get double the amount of time TTT got. They will be the biggest thing since Luxiem

>> No.76257864
Quoted by: >>76258312

Rosemi is also going hard on it, she's pretty much choking her voice is broken. She literally does this every time a new wave is announced she has expressed how much she's afraid of losing members to new nijis.

>> No.76257971

Holy shit they didn't utterly fuck up the male's name this ti-
Its better than the last naming disasters at least I guess...

>> No.76258100
Quoted by: >>76258288

Have a feeling the debuts will do well and then no one will give a shit anymore after a few days

>> No.76258213
File: 63 KB, 604x453, 1692723579449100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh. More meat for the meat grinder, more blood for the blood gods. When will this madness end?

>> No.76258217

I think Barrenwort is fuck-up territory lmao

>> No.76258288

Honestly I as an anti I don't feel like picking on them. It's like seeing someone slip on a crack on the ground and manage to face plant themselves. You don't actually want to help them up cause it would cause further embarrassment type of feel. They've done it to themselves. Also Vivi and Kunai are hostages to their contract. It can't really be a 2 year thing right, surely 1 year contract renewals.

>> No.76258312


>> No.76258365


>> No.76258609

I was about to mention it too but I think its passable compared to their last shit like fucking bandage or our boy DOPPIO DROPSCYTHE featured right there in the same image. Also these last few gens were so shit and obscure I had to do a double take to see if vantacrow was a debuting with these 3 or not.

>> No.76258620
Quoted by: >>76258803

Seriously, what kind of person would like to join Nijisanji right now?
Extreme masochist? 1view streamer?

>> No.76258777
Quoted by: >>76258989

Ryona, lol

>> No.76258803

If you were a 1view I'd understand it. Making from 1view to low 3view is really hard. But given Niji's track records, they only hire the highest sub counts, so who the fuck knows they'll get. Maybe evil woman fetishists wanting to get owned by Elira and chink fujos.

>> No.76258989
Quoted by: >>76259176

Ryoma is a name. It'll be fine until the retard actually goes and does the ryona pun trying to chase the hex cutters.

>> No.76259119

fucking rip

>> No.76259162

We do not care and will not be watching
Not even clicking to dislike

>> No.76259176

Yu middle name initial Wilson is a name and an entirely reasonable one and that meant nothing to anyone here
he's screwed around these parts already

>> No.76259320
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>> No.76259418
Quoted by: >>76259686

I actually don't get why people clown on "Wilson" so much. The first part looks like its meant to be a pun on "yuck" though so its still "ace attorney throwaway character" retarded naming.

>> No.76259567

I'm gonna be the retard with the giant list of reasons, some of which have already been said.
>No advertisement
>No wave song
>More stupid ass names
>None of the talents are actually interesting Kunai's kinda cool but she flopped because
>One of the talents immediately took a multi-month break for health reasons
>This came at the tail end of a months-long arc of minor Niji fuck-ups, so dramafags were fatigued.
>7 months after Zaion's termination, which scared a lot of people off the company.
>Debuted just before the EN holiday season.
>When the holiday season ended, they were being hamstrung by the Selen drama around Last Cup Of Coffee, which only got worse when she was terminated.
>Now they're trapped in the Algo Death Spiral like every other NijiEN talent, and will never escape.

>> No.76259686

people parroting yucky wilson a while back made it incredibly clear most people saying dookiebird are falseflagging seeing as they're the exact same tier of naming so lets not start on that one.

>> No.76259769
File: 21 KB, 230x345, b6107-jDp1qzjQAsxL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76259824


>> No.76259824
Quoted by: >>76260140

Don't you ever fucking dare compare a niji to him again.

>> No.76259833
Quoted by: >>76260025

you called it you motherfucker

>> No.76259987

Yu Q is a japanese wordplay on yuukyuu(paid holidays) that most En viewers won't get so I'm not sure why they went with that.

>> No.76260025

I mean calling it with Niji is easy. Just ask yourself "how could they viciously FUCK their talents right in the ass the hardest?"

>> No.76260140
Quoted by: >>76260313

no fucking way lmao

>> No.76260313
Quoted by: >>76260554

The only one, and I repeat the ONLY one I will accept, is Maimoto. He's got the GAR soul in him. Not a single man in EN even comes close.

>> No.76260352
Quoted by: >>76260804

sounds plausible apart from the bit where they name themselves and he speaks no jp and the theory is the q is quebec. did he ever say that?

>> No.76260554
Quoted by: >>76260632

Had, pretty much, by now. I'm sorry.

>> No.76260625

>paid holidays) that most En viewers won't get
Or most EN livers for that matter.

>> No.76260632

Don't remind me man...

>> No.76260804

They get an "internal" name they can change or keep so its still possible. I think a lot of people accept only a JOP could fuck up as badly as "Claude Clawmark" and he just accepted it for some reason.

>> No.76260949

>for some reason.
He's known for being extremely spineless.

>> No.76261200

it does sucks but the only reason kunai doesnt get shitposted too is because woman. what shall we call the kunoichi i wonder? only victoria brightshield is decent from that wave.

>> No.76261384
Quoted by: >>76261503

Kunai did get shitposted for a while, albeit less of a shitpost and more of the truth. Having a weapon as a name fucked her out of the algo something fierce. Source: watched her quite a bit, she basically never showed up in my notifications or feed and I had to keep up with her on twitter manually 'till I gave up a couple months ago. She also managed to convince her mama to change a very important part of her design so she's clearly got some backbone.

>> No.76261429

>the only reason kunai doesnt get shitposted too is because woman
I think its more because you have to be aware of someone to shitpost them.

>> No.76261503
Quoted by: >>76261845

Doesn't she also have health issues and had to take several breaks?

>> No.76261845

Yep, but to note she was a long-term-care (IE for the chronically/terminally ill) nurse for a very long chunk of her life so she doesn't fuck around with health issues. But also, it's Niji, so taking a lot of days off doesn't actually break her bank.

>> No.76262721

Wait are the two new girls a maid AND a ghost?

>> No.76264301
Quoted by: >>76265988

>Doppio and Vanta
Please save NijiEN. You're their last hope

>> No.76265988
Quoted by: >>76266534

These 2, Alban and Ren are allegedly the only males left with a somewhat positive image to the whole western vtubing fanbase, so at least it looks like they're learning to not have clique members do promotions.

>> No.76266534

I hear fucking Fungus of all people somewhat straightened his act and became bearable after the old discord fuckup.

>> No.76266937

Fatgur's also okay with lolis by the way, take that however you will.

>> No.76267135

It would be funny if all of their debut reigns on low 3 view area. or even 2 view

>> No.76267220

Are the girls confirmed to be JP?

>> No.76267599

I wish Nijisanji gets shut down for good.

>> No.76267887
File: 22 KB, 605x201, lando.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhhhhh sisters????????

>> No.76268284

Lando is Ryona?????

>> No.76268345

Who's that?

>> No.76268393

Honestly the discord leak was the only real fuck up to come out of him. He's always been a good lad otherwise.

>> No.76268496

Since Krisis all the names have been SO BAD...Well, Luxiem also had a few duds kekw
But still, I wonder...is this a sideproduct of them still letting the livers naming themselves, but giving them NO TIME to workshop it?

>> No.76268505

buy an ad

>> No.76268532

>Ryona Barrenwart
The logical successor to Fungus Covid

>> No.76269264

alchemist ex homo

>> No.76271064

unfunny faggot anituber

>> No.76273525

about time

>> No.76273553


>> No.76274469

Deeply curious who the fuck even joined at this time. I have to assume they're already deep in Elira's friend group.

>> No.76274739

Would be hilarious if true but the guy has apparently already been identified as someone else. Also seems too close to debut to be saying this now, normally PLs retire well in advance.

>> No.76274832

She pulled out anyways
