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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 164 KB, 1079x1143, GN2v35RawAAPoXv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76160461 No.76160461 [Reply] [Original]

Fluff&Fuzz Edition
Previous Thread >>76149844

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.76160490
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, pledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76160519
Quoted by: >>76160569

Can we close the threads till they have a stream?

>> No.76160524
File: 95 KB, 870x894, 1712091793413284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76168095

>> No.76160525

Pretty much. These retards argue over favoritism don’t realize just how easy it is. I guarantee you that if I, say, started clipping regularly, they would retweet my posts just as often as Daniel’s because I have them on a fucking leash. Of course I can admit this all /here/ because these idiots will just think I’m joking, but there are many who do this.

>> No.76160539

Sex with our favorite Hungarian anti!!

>> No.76160552
File: 96 KB, 227x280, 1704146871555227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76160569

just stop coming here and threads will naturally slow down

>> No.76160606

I think they get off on being degraded so if anything you're giving them what you want and are probably contributing to some great orgasms for them the meaner you are.

>> No.76160626
File: 975 KB, 1200x1403, GLX6-rJbIAAVSzE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bau bau!

>> No.76160642

I want to see the numbers of likes on their daily tweets asking for support/headpats over jack shit slowly decline. I should start posting those numbers daily for a tracker
Also take that fucking pinned tweet down

>> No.76160650

God, they make me so horny. This isn't healthy.

>> No.76160675
Quoted by: >>76160741

I didn't check until now but Fuwamoco didn't give me a like during the spree, what did I do wrong?

>> No.76160688

I wouldn’t be surprised. What these subhumans don’t understand is that negative voices are ALWAYS louder than positive ones. The negative voices are the ones that stick to them the most. Treat them like shit, and they’ll be at your knees.

>> No.76160691
Quoted by: >>76160837

First, it was Hanzla and Stickboy. Then it became about Itta. It moved on to AndyTran and now the Hungarian. Can you guys be more consistent and pick 1 target to shitpost about?

>> No.76160697
File: 309 KB, 523x539, 1705464415812665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is /baubau/ playing right now? I'm playing Majora's Mask recompiled on my Steam Deck.

>> No.76160734

How do we fix the ruffian problem?

>> No.76160738

I hate this

>> No.76160741
File: 1.28 MB, 2868x4096, GN9I777WsAAiL1n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You disappointed Fuwawa

>> No.76160785

Radio silent until September. That would knock a chunk off. But they won't do that because that shits on their income.

>> No.76160802

I have a pretty good idea who it is that goes on these multi day rants about Twitter interactions.

>> No.76160810
File: 668 KB, 2492x4096, GN8_CMCaIAA4TeV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76160918


>> No.76160833
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JP solo streams

>> No.76160835
File: 264 KB, 1024x755, B O W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76160928

Demon's Souls, bow run, this game is perfect. Also playing a couple of VNs, but progressing slowly because I'm lazy.

>> No.76160837
Quoted by: >>76160934

It's not a 'target' it's a reaction to their behavior. Hanzla and stickboy basically stopped posting or being read and selected. Itta went too far with the trauma dump and stopped doing projects. I don't know who the fuck complained about andytran, he actually does exclusively positive posts and solo works + liveTL.
The Hungarian comes up now because he says vile shit about them and constantly doubts them yet is the fan they interact with the most on Twitter for nearly two months now. Ever since he started being a jackass it's only gotten more apparent.

>> No.76160859
File: 766 KB, 1062x913, 1694310440093871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Souls, it's pretty fun.
I haven't played MM or OoT in years, I should probably get a Switch.

>> No.76160880

I've been playing Rabbit % Steel with friends. It's a really fun time, it's a mix of 2hu, FF14 raiding, and a roguelike. It was like $15 too, total steal. Cute character designs too. Only bought it last night and already got 10 hours played.

>> No.76160888

Clearly a jealous clique member or two doing it but they all sound the same to me. It's probably a mix of schizos.

>> No.76160918
File: 1.81 MB, 1904x2595, ifsrm5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76161011

fuck, I need to impregnate her so bad

>> No.76160928
Quoted by: >>76161143

I just realised I have never played a bow build in any Souls game. What's it like?

>> No.76160934

>Itta went too far with the trauma dump and stopped doing projects
He sent a flower stand the other day and you shitheads whine about it incessantly.

>> No.76160940

I honestly wouldn't be suprised if they shitposted about themselves to boost their egos.

>> No.76160965
File: 183 KB, 1080x502, Screenshot_20240519_120603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at what, you're extremely vague and sparce tweets? Your non-existant members posts on youtube?

>> No.76160997
File: 633 KB, 1440x1120, getteray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure is this guy. Maybe I should just tag FWMC with this to end him once and for all.

>> No.76161002

You guys said they went through the replies three times, why didn't I get a like? Why wasn't I seen? I don't want to bother with this shit anymore I want to know why I upset them.

>> No.76161011
File: 275 KB, 1494x2048, GN0vUH1bsAAw6hk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This woman is going to drain me of all my semen. I'm never gonna have any time to recuperate.

>> No.76161026

rabbit steel is very fun but i think i stressed my thumbs from playing it too much oops

>> No.76161029

Wrong and also you’re obsessed.

>> No.76161073
Quoted by: >>76161135

Kek, stop defending yourself getteray. You are just too easy.

>> No.76161077

Look at your own life and how did you end up like this

>> No.76161079

man it's nice to have chatgpt these days to just summarize this bs if you actually want to read it

>> No.76161090
Quoted by: >>76161135

Who are the shitposters then? I have a few guesses too based on times people are active on other social media versus here.

>> No.76161096
Quoted by: >>76161135

Shut the fuck up, getteray

>> No.76161106
Quoted by: >>76161254

When did you send your reply?

>> No.76161109

Because you don't follow enough other retarded Ruffuans to get seen. That's all it is.

>> No.76161117

Happy Pupper...

>> No.76161124

Elona soon, maybe

>> No.76161135

Genuine mental illness.
Who are your guesses?

>> No.76161143
Quoted by: >>76161754

It's really fun in Demon's because it's overall a much easier game, so you're not really gimping yourself. A lot of gimmicky boss fights too, so for example Leechmonger or the Adjudicator have you descending the environment as the main part of the boss fight, rather than avoiding the moveset in a circular arena, which makes the experience of fighting with a bow very different.
It's pretty rudimentary in terms of actions you can take as a player, but in terms of game balance it's a blast. Magic is still my preferred way of playing Demon's, though, it even works perfectly with the story.
If you're not going pure bow, then my favorite is actually Dark Souls II, the bows are SO useful as a side weapon in that game, especially with poison arrows, it's CRAZY how much fun it is to poison shit with a bow in that game. Heavily flawed in general, though, so there's that, you're still playing Dark Souls II, kek.

>> No.76161147
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>> No.76161175
File: 252 KB, 2048x1363, GGcoGm9XwAAkUA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catbox is so shit.

>> No.76161209
Quoted by: >>76161268

Kek, don't blame me if I tag them with your bullshit.

>> No.76161230
Quoted by: >>76161335

Didn’t take long for this one to go to shit
Im playing through fallout 4. Never finished so its been fun coming back with mods

>> No.76161252
Quoted by: >>76161323

leading guess is the feet man himself. He's terminally online and trying to gain sympathy to justify his outbursts. He uses this place as an extension of his criticisms to try to make it seem like hes not alone in his crazy shit takes.

>> No.76161254
Quoted by: >>76161349

2 or 3 minutes after their tweet and it had more than 10 likes so what the hell did I do wrong, I refuse to believe they didn't see my reply. I usually don't care about likes or whatever but I don't get it.

>> No.76161268

Do it you fucking schizo, it has no bearing on me since I’m not him. I dare you. Do it.

>> No.76161305

I'm getting my ass kicked on Halo 2 legendary.

>> No.76161311

>Passing tourist here
As I understand they are going to be busy for a while. Is it just for dance and 3D, or are they still sick?

>> No.76161323

I have a feeling you might be right. His most recent menhera wall read like something straight out of /baubau/.

>> No.76161327

I just want them to realize how much pain it causes some ruffians to have a favorite like this. Where's lockwhite? He never addressed the twitter favoritism. And no their bullshit lie about just liking and retweeting without thinking is not sufficient. They said they approve their Twitter activity together so they have to know they're giving a few all of the attention.

>> No.76161335
File: 3.26 MB, 400x400, 1691030905937838.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same two niggers replying to themselves from last thread, as it has been for months
Removing IP count was a good thing though

>> No.76161349

It's the only thing left at this point. Twitter likes is all we have for 3 months.

>> No.76161354

Both. Their voices were clearly strained.

>> No.76161398

Both. They already had lots of homework but they're also sick and have to focus on resting and their practice.

>> No.76161400

Mostly 3D/lessons and other "homework" that was already halfway through and they can't delay their parts or it would screw everyone else over, so I'm guessing some project with many members they accepted months ago that happened to reach recording phase right as they're busy with 3D.
Health is still an issue, but they're much better. Also saw a doctor, so they're at least worried about permanent damage and keeping track of this, which is good.

>> No.76161406
Quoted by: >>76161502

Again, everyone has favorites. It's part of being human. You have favorite foods right? They like some ruffians more than others. Hate the Hungarian all you like, but he actually goes out of his way to help advertise them with clips. What are you compared to that?

>> No.76161417

The "I'm angry at Mococo for screaming during FWMC Morning" posts last week were probably him.

>> No.76161424
Quoted by: >>76161550

It's in their best interest to pander to paypigs and extremist because they will never leave and will either love them forever or turn into antis. It lines their pockets more every time they do stream because these fags will spam them eith money because they get attention during the down times.

>> No.76161457

Every time it happens too he is partially active on discord (online status green) then when the shitposting stops he turns yellow or offline.
He'll probably turn his status to offline now. But if fuwamoco can't smell you out know that ruffians can, they gave us clear instructions and the go ahead to protect their smiles now. I won't let them down.

>> No.76161502

The only other dedicated clipper on twitter is that Taiwanese dude. He gets a ton of RTs too. I think Itta clips has gotten a few RTs from them too.

>> No.76161548
File: 1.90 MB, 3508x4961, 1701273434099789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76161665

Would you actually have sex with Fuwawa?

>> No.76161550

His shit currency and abuse is not worth catering to. He's already an anti at times, unless they're worried he'll get worse if they stop giving him attention. They're right.

>> No.76161560
File: 2.40 MB, 1080x1440, mei.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with fanartists

>> No.76161576

I see that Phoenix guy always posting clips on Twitter. No one talks about him?

>> No.76161605
File: 161 KB, 375x356, 1715703568671836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76161612
Quoted by: >>76161938

Search #lilfwmc there are many many more than those. Yet they always will retweet Hungarian or itta because they've been propped up by fuwamoco so their posts show up in their algorithm.

>> No.76161614

I usually dislike her lewds, but this one his hot. Good work, Mei.

>> No.76161628

Fuwawa body: real.

>> No.76161630
File: 82 KB, 952x1024, 1703880538067495m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That belly could use some work.

>> No.76161629


>> No.76161652
Quoted by: >>76161717

That Taiwanese guy keeps making clips out of my supas and chats even from streams that are months old, kek
I don't know how to feel about that

>> No.76161663

He's an attention whore too with the SC spam

>> No.76161665

I will make her a mother even if I have to do it by force

>> No.76161673

I want to impregnate this sexy bitch.

>> No.76161674
Quoted by: >>76161810

I think Phoenix slowed down because the Hungarian turned it into a race to see who could get clips out the fastest. Then again the dude got a like a double promotion so he's probably busy, unlike whatever dead-end job the Yuropoor has.

>> No.76161700

>Taiwanese d*de
Jesus Christ, Ruffian, you don't have to go that far

>> No.76161716


>> No.76161717
Quoted by: >>76161906

I have no idea how that guy makes so many clips while also tweeting from a hospital bed. Is he doing this all on a laptop?

>> No.76161722

Contrary to what he might say on discord, Phoenix is also /here/. He’s just one of the more saneposters.

>> No.76161754
File: 180 KB, 950x1267, 1714847722330795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76161895

Yeah, that makes sense. I haven't played Demon's in a while, I might have to go back to it since apart from one of my very first playthroughs I've pretty much only played melee (I'm not a big fan of casting in general, at least not casting-focused. I like knight/cleric builds).
kek, of all the games DSII is probably the one I've used ranged in the least. I remember when it first released the crossbows(?) were mad overpowered though, you could fire them like machineguns. I'll be moving on to II pretty soon after I platinum the first game again, I'll remember to try the poison arrows out this time. Thanks anon.

>> No.76161756

He was one of our soundposters.

>> No.76161768

gross, what a slut

>> No.76161782
File: 94 KB, 1147x469, Screenshot 2024-05-19 132236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This speaks to the state of /baubau/.

>> No.76161810

I think a lot of people like him started clipping for attention, but now the tag is flooded and they don't really seem to acknowledge many others. I still see a few like phoenix, teksi, other clique people making and posting but when every second is spammed already by the Hungarian what's the point?

>> No.76161814

Not enough men

>> No.76161841

such fat fucking tits, pudgy tummy, nice thighs. her face is cute too. i will breed meiwo!!

>> No.76161842

how did you get to the point in your life where youre whining about two anime girls tweets on a website full of tranny and bbc porn?

>> No.76161870
Quoted by: >>76161948

Grim and it's only getting worse with this break. Femruffians are going to try to tempt us away, stay strong for fuwawa and mococo only. No cheating is allowed.

>> No.76161886

just realized with the absence of fuwamoco wuffians will be horny for various people again....
i hope femruffian doesnt come back

>> No.76161895
Quoted by: >>76162541

Do try magic next time you go through Demon's, the game is piss easy for anyone with experience in the series, so the main problem of magic, being overpowered, won't really matter. The story works SO well with casters, it's so so good. I also don't like magic in general, never even tried it in DS3, for example.
And have fun with the poison arrows! You'll see how much of a difference they make in the gank city areas like Shrine of Amana. Those were made for sniping.

>> No.76161906

It wouldn't surprise me, those Taiwanese autists are built different.
Mad respect if he is though, I've been spending a bit of time in hospital myself lately and it's way easier to funpost /here/ than it is to watch streams

>> No.76161919
File: 239 KB, 703x896, 1714884749482214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76161923

>when every second is spammed already by the Hungarian what's the point?
And this is why FuwaMoco mainly RT him. #lilFWMC is basically flooded with his clips. not much choice for them there.

>> No.76161939

I'm sorry, but if I don't get FWMC streams I'll be seduced by sexy femruffians

>> No.76161938
Quoted by: >>76162013

What bullshit is this? asii_k, decoration_cake, dosie, and noshiro all got retweeted.

>> No.76161948
File: 1.88 MB, 240x240, hittinthatshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to have lots of sex with other holomem and then have sex with fuwamoco when theyre back

>> No.76161966

Reminder that this woman is /here/ too and has made two posts on twitter about /baubau/ when she saw one anon call her out for her whorish behavior out of the several praising her for her looks.

>> No.76162008

I clip a few things in a rare occasion when I remember a specific moment I feel like would be worth sharing. But it's usually from old streams, there is no reason for them to interact with it, I mostly do it thinking "if someone is browsing the clip tags and doesn't usually watch streams, or is new, this would be nice for them to know."

>> No.76162013

Decocake got retweeted? Must have been awhile back. The only one I see like his clips are Nerissa because, you know, it's Nerissa.

>> No.76162031

Baused quality clip appreciator

>> No.76162032

>There's a nigga shitposting from a hospital bed here
Honestly this is hilarious to think about.

>> No.76162053
Quoted by: >>76162094

>out of the several praising her for her looks.
yeah this is kinda how the human brain works
remember how fuwamoco have made segments in FWMC because ONE guy said their whole thing is scripted? the whole fuzzian/fluffian shit
one negative thing stands out amongst a sea of positivity sadly

>> No.76162064
File: 73 KB, 711x752, rrat remains found in thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76162686

didnt read the thread since the last stream

>> No.76162075

As promised, merch pickup picture from the con.
Time to go watch the VoD from yesterday...
I really hope some of this is shitposting. I don't want to lose streams completely.

>> No.76162077


>> No.76162085

>when she saw one anon call her out for her whorish behavior out of the several praising her for her looks.
why does this sound familiar kek. just replace "whorish behavior" with "skill issue" or "fluffy brain"

>> No.76162086

It's okay to cheat on Fuwawa if she doesn't stream, right?
It's not my fault, she doesn't satisfy me I'll have to fap to sexy femruffians...

>> No.76162087

I mostly just peropost and talk about jong

>> No.76162091

Oh my god this is perfect. I want to fuck her so bad

>> No.76162094

probably not comparable, but you just reminded me of mococo spotting that greyname calling their stream garbage last night kek.

>> No.76162101

My understanding of their like spree and how it works is
>random tourists or not well known ruffians - get a like
>Regulars - must superchats
>Late replies are more likely to be given likes
I think I'll make some alts accounts it could be pretty handy

>> No.76162116
File: 521 KB, 1080x677, Screenshot_20240519_122725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha dropped the image.

>> No.76162117
Quoted by: >>76162244

You don't have to remind us, she's the one that made that sex post just now. Next she'll post about /here/ on Twitter again in a couple hours thanking ruffians, or complaining about mean comments to bait sympathy and love/subs.

>> No.76162142

Insecurities are crazy, imagine having this sexy body and cute face and still being convinced that she's ugly. I wonder who she thinks looks good.

>> No.76162153

Your understanding is flawed. I'm a regular who doesn't superchat and I'm liked pretty often. It all depends on them.

>> No.76162155
Quoted by: >>76162269

Cute! Those stand designs are really charming.
Any Suisex?

>> No.76162178

They specifically and intentionally have praised that when speaking about clips. Keep it up, they see it even if I agree they don't really retweet or like old stream clips unless it's a 1 second out of context noise.

>> No.76162183
Quoted by: >>76162342

Why are you so desperate for likes? And if you are that desperate, why don't you be a jailbird?

>> No.76162209

meiwo, please let me suck on your clit.

>> No.76162207

i really am sorry but its not shitposting, them saying its going to be worse/ruffer than JP move is true
the only thing you can argue is because they were vague and unclear that we don't actually know the "true" state of streams. they didn't say anything about no longer giving a schedule, they didn't tell us what streams will be like going forwards, they just apologized over and over and said they will be getting busier which obviously means less streams but we have no clue whether it means LESS or NO streams or what there plan is going forwards. it was vague, just know they are busy.

>> No.76162229
Quoted by: >>76162412

>Regulars - must superchats
Asuca gets a ton of likes from them and he doesn't SC.

>> No.76162241

It's not shitposting

>> No.76162244
File: 104 KB, 893x1524, hiroshimap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76163591

No, I posted that just to see if people stop talking about men for a minute. I'm not a woman, thank God.

>> No.76162246

More like we might get streams randomly like during the cardboard box arc.

>> No.76162269
File: 1.37 MB, 1080x1931, Screenshot_20240519_123235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76162664

I don't really buy porn. I use any posters I get at cons for a collage wall in my pc/work room. Here's a pic of one I got last con up. On side of the room is almost fully completed from like 10 years of going to cons.
I also don't buy shit for things I don't really like.

>> No.76162312

kek. it sound like a cheating spouse making excuses. not saying it is, but goddam fwmc are kinda funny with all the vagueness.
they sure like shooting themselves in the foot

>> No.76162342
Quoted by: >>76162369

Because I'm entitled to likes shithead, they give random clipwatchers and morons alike tons of attention, if they don't give me any it's because they hate me and I will not stand for it.

>> No.76162362
File: 21 KB, 267x223, 1704232103354903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76162369

So you are an attentionwhore who lost. Got it.

>> No.76162379
File: 18 KB, 290x386, abf8e89b4768425e386d60d3a0479e25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Architect bros WW@?

>> No.76162392
Quoted by: >>76162900

I'm assuming it's autism preventing them from realizing their communications are vague. The same way some people here seem to insist that everything is actually crystal clear while not realizing they're making huge assumptions.

>> No.76162412

He's japanese.

>> No.76162420

Meiwo is sexier than Fuwawa.

>> No.76162429

cute acrylic stands, holy shit

>> No.76162434

>I really hope some of this is shitposting. I don't want to lose streams completely.
Anon I'm gonna be honest with you from the get go, you're not gonna get any solid answer about this. They didn't say they would drop streams completely, they also didn't say when their next stream will be or if they'll stream much at all. We are basically completely in the dark aside from hoping they tweet a lot

>> No.76162440
File: 109 KB, 371x293, 1714597137819838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still remember when they said, "FUWAMOCO are very direct/straightforward" or something along those lines during FWMC Morning and I quite literally had to burst out laughing.

>> No.76162473

>FUWAMOCO are very direct/straightforward

>> No.76162479

Fuwawa wishes her body actually looked like that.

>> No.76162481

Keep my wife’s name out your fuckin mouth

>> No.76162483

Absolutely not. She has a really sexy body but Fuwawa has a sexy aura, her existence is sexy. Fuwawa fully clothed with only her arms showing makes my dick rock hard without even trying.

>> No.76162509

NTA but they're sold out until August too. Glad I sprang for it early at thgt40ke con.

>> No.76162519

I mean, you're not wrong, all Fuwawa really has is a cute face.

>> No.76162522

I miss Moot

>> No.76162537
Quoted by: >>76162561


>> No.76162538
Quoted by: >>76162586

I have the meiwowo nipples

>> No.76162541
File: 495 KB, 1321x1870, 1709985298601727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76162763

Thanks anon, I definitely will. I think that's one reason I've never played through it with magic again, it's a refreshingly straightforward game so I just power through it. That's one thing I find about magic in the series, as the gameplay gets quicker and more fluid I find myself less and less inclined to use magic because of how fun regular combat is.
>The story works SO well with casters, it's so so good.
I do vaguely remember something like that. The lore is something like sorcery comes from demons (which is forbidden and accursed) and miracles come from Heaven (which is a blessing), but it turns out the god people worship is actually just the Old One so all magic is essentially demonology, or something? That's probably completely wrong, kek, it's been a while.

And thanks for the tips about DS2, I remember when I first played people were saying to use a lot of tricks like that which I hadn't touched in DS1 since so many areas were designed to fuck people over for playing "fairly". I'm really not looking forward to some of those DLC areas...

>> No.76162545
Quoted by: >>76162646

>Sad tones
>Constant apologies
>Nothing in the last month and a half has been good in terms of announcements
>Tell us to keep supporting them
I just want a happy weekend stream...
Yeah, they were pretty pricy but the art was cute. I normally don't get these things, even the official ones, but I made an exception this time

>> No.76162562

>all Fuwawa really has is a cute face.
And even that needed time to actually improve… Age did them wonders.

>> No.76162561

I'm hungover at a con Sunday give me some slack

>> No.76162586
File: 666 KB, 2200x1836, 1713808228632852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76162675

And you're not posting them?

>> No.76162587
File: 43 KB, 537x328, rean haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"FUWAMOCO are very direct/straightforward"

>> No.76162593

And an amazing, fluffy body. And soul.

>> No.76162623
File: 93 KB, 846x1080, meiwowowo_0095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76162646
Quoted by: >>76162689

>I just want a happy weekend stream...
Is unlikely you are going to get gaming streams if that's what you want.

>> No.76162650

I don't like 3D women

>> No.76162653


>> No.76162655


>> No.76162663
Quoted by: >>76163068

Did you go hang out at the photo shoot with anyone? Vtubing is my autistic hobby that I keep quite about so I just kinda lurked around the photo shoot to see who had the most cosplayers of them. The advent group dispersed too quickly for me after their turn up front for me to get a pic but I managed to snag that one in the dealers hall later in the day yesterday.

>> No.76162664

That's fair enough, before Hololive I didn't really buy any merch like that at all, now I have a bunch of acrylics and tapestries. I mostly collect artbooks and visual design books.
You were supposed to buy 10 Suisex tapestries and then tell the artist to draw FWMC, shameful!

>> No.76162670


>> No.76162675
File: 132 KB, 1200x1581, 3 with extra contrast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76162682

wrong, that woman is sex incarnate

>> No.76162686

She’s just so perfect

>> No.76162689

so we are just going to have sc reading streams for the foreseeable future? great...

>> No.76162691
Quoted by: >>76162812

i honestly ended the stream just wondering "so... what exactly is happening?"
i wanted to leave a VOD comment politely-criticizing that they weren't really clear and i'm not exactly sure what their plan is going forwards but it seems none of the comments in the VOD point this out so i just let it go
please note i am happy they're accomplishing their dreams and stuff i dont care that they're getting more busy, i was just confused on how vague their communication was and felt that could be pointed out

>> No.76162711
Quoted by: >>76162744

what is this fat 3d trash doing in my anime wife thread?

>> No.76162719
File: 1.70 MB, 2524x4096, GDfye8TXoAAKksQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please cosplay using Fuwawa's new years outfit, Mei.

>> No.76162723


>> No.76162744

stop! i cant get any more erect!
someone post fat fuwawa

>> No.76162753

I’m ngmi…

>> No.76162763
Quoted by: >>76163040

You're on the right track, that's about it, yeah. But the thing is that it adds personal stakes, right? The big decision between becoming a demon or banishing the Old One is much harder when you're giving up your own powers, in context. A guy who swings a sword isn't missing shit. A caster will become a nobody if he banishes the Old One.

>> No.76162776

that's it. this one is for you, meiwo, you sexy bitch.

>> No.76162812

I'll do just that when I get done with the VoD if I'm still confused. Who cares? It's not like they're gonna read it at this point anyways.

>> No.76162816

I was thinking if we are getting any streams, it will be advent off-collabs.

>> No.76162819
File: 276 KB, 584x393, 1709039968100345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76162835

Does this semen demon have a patreon or something?

>> No.76162837
File: 179 KB, 605x561, 1714623362819891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76162852

would be nice

>> No.76162872

Sex with Mei and koahri in fuwamoco cosplay
God please sex sex sex bounce on me

>> No.76162887

SC reading streams have been postponed indefinitely.

>> No.76162894

Advent won't be in town forever. They're gonna be there for another week and a half tops.

>> No.76162900

>insist that everything is actually crystal clear
anon, you don't get it. They basically laid out their five-year-plan during debut week! All you had to do was watch streams, lay out some tarot, drink the blood of a sacrificial goat and then read the leaves of your rat king tea. It was so obvious!

>> No.76162940

I'm sorry Fuwawa, but I'm going to cheat on you with Meiwo.
It's not my fault, It's your fault for not streaming

>> No.76162951
Quoted by: >>76163127

I have all of her videos, every month she gets more hot

>> No.76162954

Baused diviner-san

>> No.76162969

>They're gonna be there for another week and a half tops.
Did others hint they are leaving already?

>> No.76162975

man i prefer the old ritual of sacrificing a goat then eating it

>> No.76162983
Quoted by: >>76163133

These are the same fags who got defensive about the 1m push because 'It was always part of the plan!'.

>> No.76163023
File: 43 KB, 373x312, 1714200579051719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she like fat ojisans?

>> No.76163026
File: 306 KB, 2048x1459, @aosan3103-1788117214266355999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a question; do you fully believe in the "we haven't dropepd XYZ game" or "we'll do XYZ later!" when they say it? just want some thoughts on this, and this doesnt mean you don't trust them btw
it's just when i think back to
>we'll do a rawr n response later!
and it's been months and hasn't happened, or any of the games on their backlog (that arent in perms hell) that they haven't played it just makes me laugh, am i really suppose to believe they'll come back and play It Takes Two? what about you?

>> No.76163040

Ah, yeah, you're right. I hadn't considered that, I completely forgot about the implications of doing so. Even a guy who ungabungas through everything loses out on something though, right? Doesn't the power to strengthen yourself through souls come from the Old One? Still not as bad, I admit.
It really has been too long since I've played, heh. I'll slot it into my trilogy replay.

>> No.76163048

Some people /here/ unironically talk like that.

>> No.76163056

Anon just 3d is like a month, if they are recording other stuff (concert, holo summer, etc) could be 2 months.


>> No.76163068

I did a little but mostly just hung with people I knew from other cons already. Even though it's a huge con there weren't many visible ruffians. Gonna need a fuwamoco con appearance to do that and have our karaoke bar outing

>> No.76163078

I think for games like Sakura Wars and Nobeta, they definitely wana play it to the end. For games like It Takes Two, the fact they don't mention it means is not on their mind and they don't wana complete it.

>> No.76163086
File: 211 KB, 822x702, 1713970095285661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you fully believe in the "we haven't dropepd XYZ game" or "we'll do XYZ later!" when they say it?
Fuck no lmao. It's become a fucking meme at this point. They will never return to Nobeta. They will never return to RE. They will never return to OoT. It's over.

>> No.76163090
File: 358 KB, 1240x1662, 1713776354335470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76163127

Can I have her videos

>> No.76163131

I believe they believe it. Fuwawa said she took YEARS to finish visual novels on her own, back when she had much more time than she does now. I don't think they're lying when they say it, but I wish they were, it's ok to drop things. I don't WANT them to go back to everything, let it go.

>> No.76163133

>it doesn't matter if we don't reach it by 1 year! maybe the end of august?
awhile later
>ruffians we are going for 1 million in a year!
those two make me laugh

>> No.76163141

Stop assuming anything will happen. Any series you liked is basically in the dirt, dead and buried. There's no way in 3 months they come back to some games that haven't played in 5+ months. The only thing that survives is DKC because it's big numbers for them and Minecraft because that's always an easy fallback.

>> No.76163144


>> No.76163204

>the new cover 3d studio will now be used only by fwmc for several months
>bau bau!
retards actually believe that

>> No.76163225

You know there is a city, in that city people share stuff a bunch of simp.

>> No.76163238
Quoted by: >>76163348

I unironically do, yeah. They're so autistic that I fully believe they're genuinely intending on finishing those games even if it takes them ten years because otherwise they'd give a vaguer answer like "oh, we don't know". They've talked before about how long it's taken them to finish games or VNs or books in the past.

They're still never going to, though. Nevertheless they WILL play the entire Yakuza series in order when they come back

>> No.76163293
File: 71 KB, 941x1080, 1585814007604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the new cover 3d studio will now be used only by fwmc for several months
>>bau bau!

>> No.76163299
File: 1.55 MB, 2508x3160, 1707055458574541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76163344

They're so fucking sexy. I wonder if they're sleeping now, the idea of masturbating to them while they sleep is really hot.

>> No.76163344


>> No.76163348

The only one I know they will finish no matter what is DKC2. It's too popular especially among their top paypigs. There's a reason it's the game they chose to return to and try to ease people's minds with.

>> No.76163355

Well, you also have to add in that they 100% hired a trainer and dance instructor to get back into shape for shit, so any time not spent on recording voice packs, 3d advent stuff, hologra stuff, clips for the main channel, and game ads they'll be in and shilling will be spent dancing at a studio somewhere in Japan.
I will kill them if their only streams back are shill streams.

>> No.76163362
File: 348 KB, 523x569, 1690180715693863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost... Thank you Meiwo.

>> No.76163415
Quoted by: >>76163605

It's just proof that in the end, this is a job and they don't want to lose clients. If you accept it, you do. If you don't, it's time to leave.

>> No.76163425

>fuwamoco are sweating and burning fat with dance practice

>> No.76163427

What if they're shilling Space Marine 2

>> No.76163435

Im using other members past experiences, the recording is the thing that take less time. The fact that they are taking dance lessons means is not just the 3d. Mumei or fauna 3d have 0 dance, kaela one was even less kek. The 2 homos 3d was like a month.

>> No.76163442

Please do a cover song with Koyori and Fubuki. Onegai.

>> No.76163457
File: 573 KB, 2096x2096, 1715325486843505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldn't mind an hour of fwmc eating mista donut pon-de-rings...

>> No.76163456

What about MGS...?

>> No.76163460

I'm still waiting for my first akasupa to be read from March....

>> No.76163477
File: 266 KB, 639x789, 1685229265302423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76163595

I can't stop imaging those hags sensually moving their hips like Mococo talked about wanting to do during the Holofes watchalongs.

>> No.76163531
Quoted by: >>76163615

Out of all the delayed games it's also the one they enjoy the most (out of the ones they can play, at least), it's well-suited to them and always leads to a great stream. They'd finish OoT with no issues too if Nintendo weren't so fucking autistic about perms. I think they'd want to finish RE too but that's lower priority, Nobeta they've really experienced as much as they can with it.

>> No.76163558

Im so fucking glad that they didnt go to offkai

>> No.76163585

I'll be crying and cheering on their 3D debuts. Then later I'll rewatch it and fap all the way through. Gonna be glorious.

>> No.76163591


>> No.76163595

>don't you think it'd be nice if you and i...
>moco-chan, you want to dance like that?

>you want to see fuwamoco hips?
>how about diamond dog hips?
>unison "yeah!"
good lord...

>> No.76163605


>> No.76163615
Quoted by: >>76163878

OoT has a nostalgia appeal to them since is a game they watched mamapuppy play. They definitely wana finish it especially since mamapuppy asked about it.

>> No.76163636
File: 3.70 MB, 2611x3694, 117360214_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76163639
File: 19 KB, 480x650, 1695656224649590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76163676
Quoted by: >>76164058

I dunno. I know I'm probably in deeper than the average fan, but I can't see meeting up with people and going 'Yeah, I really want to fuck those hags!' being a good connection point for a con friendship.
On a different note, there was a booth that had Advent nude(ish) body pillows. I wanted something a little less over the top so I didn't buy it, but the only ones that weren't there by the end of the day Sat were Fuwawa and Mococo, so that means they got bought out.
There was also another charm vendor in the artist alley who sold out of a Fuwawa charm but not the matching Moco-chan one, which I found weird.

>> No.76163715
File: 1.95 MB, 400x304, 1715361053553148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3D Diamond Dogs sexo

>> No.76163740
File: 566 KB, 689x661, 1705247956576557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marshmallow Mania and 1985 will look like fucking jokes

>> No.76163751
File: 1.16 MB, 712x400, 1613944911245.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76163757

I just finished Infinite Wealth's main story. I don't know if I'm going to bother with the extra dungeon. I played a bit of Animal Well and Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, but neither are really keeping me engaged.

>> No.76163808
Quoted by: >>76163909

>>Gonna need a fuwamoco con appearance to do that and have our karaoke bar outing
>the first place this is going to happen is fucking Ausland
Great news for the three Ausffians who will be going, I guess

>> No.76163878

Exactly, I think they've got good reasons to finish a few of the games they've put on the backburner though. It's the games like Nobeta where they don't really have a reason to keep going that are most likely to be dropped.
Nintendo hate

>> No.76163909

Cons aren't something they really get to pick. Acen, the con me and that one Anon went to hasn't had Hololive presences since 2022 because they presumably didn't want to pay the fee again, which sucks for us. At the end of the day they're probably picking as many as they can go to and it just so happens to be shit places for their viewership.
No shot we get the rest of Sakura Wars.

>> No.76163944
Quoted by: >>76164322

Sakura Wars was high on the list until Diana. kek.

>> No.76163982

DQ II and nuzlocking Pokemon Red.
Might swap DQ II for another JRPG, as I've lost interest in it dramatically over the last few days.

>> No.76163985
File: 791 KB, 2808x4008, 1684729892423839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweaty Fuwawa

>> No.76164056
File: 2.62 MB, 1852x2542, 118688609_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76164585

>> No.76164058
Quoted by: >>76164182

Usually those people are filtered by not going in public/cons. We had a really nice meet up at anime nyc and no one was weird. And if they are you can just tell them to fuck off and they will.

>> No.76164068
File: 109 KB, 273x337, 1715009628777253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76164092
Quoted by: >>76164272

I don't mind, I'm happy for them actually, I'm just remarking on how amusing it is that of all places it's Australia. At least there are a couple of Aus ruffians who'll be able to go, and the Holo panel appearance in that other con recently seemed to be decently popular.
I'm actually Australian myself but you couldn't fucking pay me to go back to Sydney, kek

>> No.76164108
Quoted by: >>76164169

Why so sad?

>> No.76164169
Quoted by: >>76164232


>> No.76164182
Quoted by: >>76164248

I meant that I AM one of the fags who want to fuck them which is why I don't really talk to anyone about my vtuber consumption, just buy cute art/standees and wear the occasional vtuber shirt. I ditched my people to go scope out the photoshoot and do some solo purchasing/exploration.

>> No.76164184
File: 2.96 MB, 3000x4000, 1714500872825977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76164275

Cheer up, my princess! Your homework will be over soon!

>> No.76164232
File: 122 KB, 449x401, 1712930286763328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76164248
File: 2.63 MB, 642x600, 1708143932904784.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I meant that I AM one of the fags who want to fuck them
I mean, aren't we all? What else would you be doing here?

>> No.76164272

With them going to a place like Australia it gives me hope they'll come to a con in the UK. Wonder if it's worth emailing events and show there's interest.

>> No.76164275
Quoted by: >>76164470


>> No.76164322

>Sakura Wars
The PTSD will be with them forever, kek
They didn't deserve to suffer like this...

>> No.76164357

>Advent's in Japan!
>We got to hang out a little bit!
>Yeah, but it doesn't have to happen all at once
>Yeah there's plenty of time
>But not for homework, that we have to cram in as much as possible all the time non-stop to the point of getting sick and kind of killing streams.

>> No.76164373
File: 305 KB, 1448x2048, 1691780534994531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76164490

Instead of their hair, I would like two pairs of their used panties. Would they find that weird?

>> No.76164470


>> No.76164490
Quoted by: >>76164614

yes you fucking creep

>> No.76164520

Come to think of it, they went to a lot of different places. New York, Malaysia, Taipei, and now Sydney.

>> No.76164543

that's pretty cool!! it's really fun I need to play more of it :3

>> No.76164568
File: 396 KB, 2048x2048, 1695515538398610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully, I imagine it's more up to cons or whoever organises talent for them to reach out since FWMC seem happy to do any appearance they can get for the minute. I don't really know much about it because I've never been much of a congoer myself but it couldn't hurt. Hopefully you get to see them soon, Ruffian!

>> No.76164585


>> No.76164614
File: 258 KB, 1916x2048, 1691986176619754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76164625
File: 357 KB, 485x997, Cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we get shit like this once a week, I'll be very happy.
Odds are infinitesimal they would ever make cute tweets like this, so instead I'll just start at art retweets, clip retweets from weeks ago, and the same words in different variation once ever 3-4 days.

>> No.76164698
Quoted by: >>76164886

imagine if they played bunny garden

>> No.76164707

yea i dont really see them ever doing this

>> No.76164728

That’s something they’d do on their other account

>> No.76164750

Nene's covered feet...

>> No.76164803
File: 2.76 MB, 3223x3264, 1716036687350931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something they'll be doing in a year or so, when they're a little less fluffy and fuzzy and have their paw and tail accessories

>> No.76164816
Quoted by: >>76164861

>peak of nene's hair
kek i love when talents do this shit, same with showing their model in their reflections

>> No.76164861
Quoted by: >>76164982

She has a bunch of other ones where she traced over herself and drew her model in her spot. They're great tweets and very cute.

>> No.76164886
Quoted by: >>76164942

A better stream would be Pero playing it

>> No.76164891
File: 2.43 MB, 720x1152, output.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweaty fluffy sex

>> No.76164931
Quoted by: >>76164985

When? They're too busy for that right now.

>> No.76164942
Quoted by: >>76164988

moco-chan is pero using a different voice

>> No.76164982

I remember that. I like that sort of things, not just because of the pic itself but because it shows that she really wanted to share that.

>> No.76164984
Quoted by: >>76165244

All that sweat dripping down their buttcheeks...

>> No.76164985

what do you think all the dance practice is
sex with me

>> No.76164988
File: 307 KB, 1080x1408, Screenshot_20240518_134700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I found this after trying to look for a Moco-chan body pillow when the con couldn't help me.

>> No.76165035

the rrat grows stronger

>> No.76165039
File: 60 KB, 601x440, 1697443451198730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76165042

You'll make them sick again Anon. Put your dick away, it isn't time for that.

>> No.76165046
Quoted by: >>76165171

It should have been me, Rissa!

>> No.76165079
File: 307 KB, 1867x1887, 1700985992591701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moco-chan stuffed toy

>> No.76165092
File: 81 KB, 236x241, 1713807395942395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even fucking artists are pushing rrats for profit now
What's the world coming to?

>> No.76165128
File: 282 KB, 2000x2600, 1713107865674175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76165194

Yeah but I'm the schizo

>> No.76165147
File: 223 KB, 565x538, 1695514364262810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76165212

As in, uh, stuffed BY Moco-chan...?

>> No.76165171
Quoted by: >>76165415

You lost, Ruffian! does it count if it's a woman, though?

>> No.76165194


>> No.76165212 [DELETED] 
File: 1.70 MB, 1947x1314, 1716040323912173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76165241
File: 201 KB, 703x337, 1713807485183697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double futa

>> No.76165244

you think it's be salty or sweet

>> No.76165286

>after dance practice

>> No.76165313

Will you eat Fuwawa's hair?

>> No.76165326


>> No.76165330

No but I'll cum in it

>> No.76165339 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 1721x1161, 8e2c58f2-a056-4f3b-88d1-9a061b503ed6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76165348

I'll eat her ass

>> No.76165347

double futa
that's kinda gay, anon

>> No.76165362
File: 319 KB, 800x800, 1703471351267920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave my cum to Meiwo... I feel dirty now... sorry Fuwawa I cheated on you...

>> No.76165401
Quoted by: >>76165624

Can we time-skip to September please? I want to see the payoff, I want to be reassured that unlike the other large chunk of shit they did that got scrapped, this shit that's affecting streaming frequency won't go the same way. Also jumping there means we go back to hopefully semi-regular streaming with a schedule, even if it is lighter.

>> No.76165415

Genuinely no, Rissa is a sweetheart and deserves to have all the hot sweaty hag sex with fluffy and fuzzy she wants

>> No.76165420
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, GN7pAAAaoAI0isV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76165472

>> No.76165472

Gorjus... my wonderful princess...

>> No.76165502
File: 1.98 MB, 1447x2047, 118826672_p0_50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76165563

Mococo was made for rape.

>> No.76165584

We know, Fuwawa.

>> No.76165609
File: 122 KB, 318x379, ojisan14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76165642


>> No.76165624

>Can we time-skip to...
Ive seen this pretty often lately. I wonder what the fuck they've been doing while they were moving since apparently it was unrelated to their 3d and they said they were really busy, we never got any details either.

>> No.76165642
Quoted by: >>76165924

Please tell down this picture of me.

>> No.76165646
File: 759 KB, 2500x2500, 118285382_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76165971


>> No.76165669

made a big mess imagining them in reverse bunny suits like that artist... my penis is no more...

>> No.76165690
Quoted by: >>76165769

They were busy getting a house.

>> No.76165728
Quoted by: >>76165769

Finding the doghouse and all the bureaucratic fun that comes with doing something like that in another country.

>> No.76165769

Doesn't add up since they barely streamed after they secured the current one.

>> No.76165800

>We really want to be here with you Ruffians
Sure seems like it when you stack your schedule so hard with shit that isn't here with us that you can't even say if you're going to even be streaming once a week or not.

>> No.76165846
File: 139 KB, 1024x576, GW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't add up since they barely streamed after they secured the current one.

>> No.76165878

>Doesn't add up since they barely streamed after they secured the current one.

>> No.76165908

Shut the fuck up already

>> No.76165924
File: 151 KB, 435x517, ojisan12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76165932
Quoted by: >>76166020

Secured, not moved into.

>> No.76165934
Quoted by: >>76165953

Honestly, I stopped trusting them after they picked Sissel for Doggie of the day.

>> No.76165936

some days during golden week they did 3 streams...

>> No.76165944

Fuwawa's large hips... erotic... Moco-chan's tight butt... erotic...

>> No.76165948
Quoted by: >>76166094

I'll grab the numbers for you.
4/15-4/21: 15.75 hours
4/8-4/14: 10.5 hours
2/19-2/25: 15.75 hours
2/12-2/18: 13.75 hours
2/5-2/11: 12 hours
1/29-2/4(Birthday Week+6 month): 25 hours
1/22-1/28: 27.5 hours
1/15-1/21(Kanon Watchalong): 24.75 hours
1/8-1/14: 19.75 hours
1/1-1/7: 20 hours
People were hoping the less was already here. I said they'd be down to like 5 hours of streams, and we're getting there.

>> No.76165951

Here in /baubau/ we live by the saying "words speak louder than actions"

>> No.76165953

A fucking racistffian...

>> No.76165971
File: 99 KB, 233x344, ojisan9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will rape Fuwawa too.

>> No.76165996
File: 457 KB, 2248x2360, ea66de730ee3291a2050cb6926c99ef8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76166020

You realize there's more to moving into a house than picking it off a webpage, right? Triply so in another country.

>> No.76166047
File: 2.20 MB, 1739x2245, 4ee958d466a0eee61e55006ceefb4870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76166078
Quoted by: >>76166174

japanese landlords are very welcoming to foreigners

>> No.76166094
Quoted by: >>76166219

4/29-5/5 29 hours

>> No.76166102

They don't even want to do handcam streams. No way they post something like this.

>> No.76166124

Why are FWMC so insecure?

>> No.76166130
File: 202 KB, 1000x1200, b1b50c6e1164f627064cd1f7a3f4efe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76166146

Are they?

>> No.76166174
File: 64 KB, 2048x1024, 1690764987202746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76166197

You know, maybe I should move there too... the yen's pretty weak at the moment, right?

>> No.76166177
File: 176 KB, 439x442, 1714197237804234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love chocolate

>> No.76166195

I wish...
maybe on the other account, though

>> No.76166197
Quoted by: >>76166433

You can get a nice condo by Tokyo Bay for 500k USD. Thats really cheap.

>> No.76166201
Quoted by: >>76166273

Yes I know what it is to move. And they were just waiting to be allowed to move in. Unless youre trying to tell me they spent 12 hours doing dogeza in front of the landlord's home daily for about 2 weeks.

>> No.76166219

Lemmie get you the full scope.
5/13-5/19 - 2.75 hours
5/6-5/12 - 15 hours
4/29-5/5 - 28 hours
4/22-4/28 - 7.75 hours

>> No.76166222
Quoted by: >>76166297

They know ruffians are love starved and won't ever leave. Especially the top pigs. It's an abusive and harmful relationship both ways. Ruffians verbally abuse and criticize them and they lead us on and pretend nothing is wrong or changing.

>> No.76166266
File: 1.63 MB, 3877x2335, GN8ste0a8AETtLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76166264
File: 858 KB, 1024x694, FWMC_button.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is not like they never post things like this before.

>> No.76166273

I don't think moving from your parents' basement to their garage counts, anon.

>> No.76166297

never say never. if someone else come along that give attention while fwmc are absent, who knows

>> No.76166305
Quoted by: >>76166484

They can see how unfaithful their most “hardcore” fans are, here, on Twitter, in the discords. It would make anyone insecure, having such a shitty fan base

>> No.76166310
Quoted by: >>76166644

That was pre-move. They've stopped doing random fun shit like that since the move on twitter.

>> No.76166316

the reflections on the plates and their shadows don't make sense

>> No.76166337
File: 177 KB, 1079x2048, 1712161543203014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76166338

you don't make sense

>> No.76166357
Quoted by: >>76166417

anon, I have something to tell you...

>> No.76166370


>> No.76166411

>FWMC are insecure
>Ruffians are insecure
They should just marry us already

>> No.76166417

i know, but it still triggers my autism because it's not aligned right. them looming over it like that as their shadow indicates wouldn't make their reflections look like that

>> No.76166433
File: 95 KB, 377x391, 1714140863081261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that's pretty good.
I actually just bought a house by the beach...

>> No.76166445
File: 408 KB, 2196x3200, 1712161918512204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76166484

There are plenty of loyal ruffians they just don't get the attention or praise. They reward cheating and negativity. It uses to be that they streamed a lot so their dedicated and loyal fans felt love that way but now they barely stream and only interact with a tiny fraction of ruffians on Twitter and in superchat streams. It's discouraging.

>> No.76166485
File: 99 KB, 234x336, 1713717704201201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiple discrete sources of light.

>> No.76166515
File: 67 KB, 1104x839, 1689761244055797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some kind of database error! Try again later? ID: A:FU:100001

>> No.76166521

I know, but it was probably just a quick dumb edit that they thought was cute.

>> No.76166597
File: 484 KB, 1648x2432, 1712161111159544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76166608
File: 24 KB, 1452x848, firefox_jVt6953je4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76166740

Huh, this is a fun site. How long until Nerissa takes their spot as second place for streaming time?

>> No.76166643
File: 2.10 MB, 1191x1684, 76a0854c3f94b65e5ca464a217a9aca5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76166644
File: 70 KB, 217x224, 1695361467545066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76166842

rrat here They only did those fun and silly tweets to pull in twitter followers until they realized they weren't getting a lot of followers like they did early on.

>> No.76166662
File: 367 KB, 2048x1416, Greetings from 4chan[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqw3ywq.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76166773

>> No.76166663
File: 104 KB, 850x1422, 1712066513727934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76166692
File: 3.95 MB, 2500x4045, e4744814c49c57f66c221af7418a753d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76166693

I still can't believe they have the nerve to claim they miss us more than we do when they have it all in their control. The rest of Advent aren't even at their homes and they have full schedules of streaming. They claim to love us but can't even stream once a week at best?

>> No.76166740


>> No.76166759
File: 1.70 MB, 2112x3000, 1711978087889610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76166765

Not you, me. In fact, if you left they'd stream right now, they're just hoping you flock off, featherface.

>> No.76166773

>Hihihi~ FUWAMOCO!

>> No.76166798

>The rest of Advent aren't even at their homes and they have full schedules of streaming.
Are you gonna commit seppuku if no one in advent is releasing a schedule next week?

>> No.76166809

>not on the artist's twitter
>they deleted the mococo one after it got made fun of /here/ this morning
hello honkivampy

>> No.76166813
File: 3.80 MB, 2500x3750, 08df621cb5916b07be37198f9c63257c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76166842
Quoted by: >>76167101

Good. I hope everything changes completely for all of their content. I hope they never talk about anime or do a watchalong of a show again. I hope they never make a tweet other than the 'Starting', 'Thanks for coming!', and 'HEAPPATS FOR GENERIC NON-SPECIFIC REASON PLEASE' and nothing else. I hope ASMR fags never get what they want and we never get back cute twitter spaces. I hope they're stuck in perpetual hell of having mostly unreleased content that no one gets to see. I hope that they never release shorts for fun on their channel to help their growth. I hope they stream so little that 1m is unreachable by the end of the year because they're too bust with 'homework'.

>> No.76166862
File: 920 KB, 2635x3604, 1712161759034929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76166865

I just use an image scraper and look trough them to post them

>> No.76166869
Quoted by: >>76166964

and what if next week advent got a schedule beside fwmc?

>> No.76166938
Quoted by: >>76167101

Don't tell me you missed me. Just come on, stream for a little bit of fun, and leave. I don't care at this point and don't want to hear a bunch of fluff bullshit.

>> No.76166947
File: 373 KB, 1743x2660, 1712083143759635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76166964
Quoted by: >>76167014


>> No.76166974

Schedule or no, they're at least streaming. Fuwamoco aren't even going to do that.

>> No.76166995
Quoted by: >>76167076

So if I don't like to use Twitter, should I just expect nothing for the next 3 months?

>> No.76167004
Quoted by: >>76167294

are we at the weeding out stage?

>> No.76167014
Quoted by: >>76167093

oh i got found out! and you didn't answer my question

>> No.76167045
File: 309 KB, 830x720, fuwamocotailwag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76167076
Quoted by: >>76167101

Yeah, this was a soft breakup. They don't want to say the words and it's already been the case for a while but it's pretty confirmed now. You'll be fine checking again in August, if you even remember them. Probably will not miss anything because they don't seem to intend to do any actual gaming streams until then and their zatsu streams don't exist beyond reading paypigs looped praise.

>> No.76167093
Quoted by: >>76167135

Could you rephrase it in english? Then I might be able to work out what the fuck you're actually saying.

>> No.76167101
Quoted by: >>76167229


>> No.76167107
File: 3.69 MB, 3107x4000, 2acebed1123c1379e9d24ee12b9941f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76167139

>> No.76167135
Quoted by: >>76167210

no burger, i think not

>> No.76167139

Extra fluffy...

>> No.76167143

Is featherface a shot at me because I'm watching more nerissa now? you're right.

>> No.76167155
File: 398 KB, 1536x2048, 2fda9d8a23156f079a967eda6f03923d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76167210

Better luck next time, then!

>> No.76167219
Quoted by: >>76167260

the mococo one got made fun of? i dont remember that
what did you dickheads asy

>> No.76167224
File: 514 KB, 2253x3210, 1712161393124875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76167229

How are you denying what they said themselves? It's one of the rare times they were honest and clear. No regular streams, gaming or superchat readings until august/September. They might do a 'zatsu' every so often, also known as a chance to drain paypigs again while giving us minimal new content.

>> No.76167260


>> No.76167266
Quoted by: >>76167385

>No regular streams, gaming or superchat readings until august/September.
This is too easy to grudgepost lol.

>> No.76167271
File: 100 KB, 892x942, 1714926559784583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76167294

I wish, but they'll start posting on Twitter and liking the mentally ill ruffians to keep them in line. Average fans are going to be left out in the cold though for a few months. I'm shocked they still have as many viewers as they do after taking half a year off

>> No.76167341

>How are you denying what they said themselves? It's one of the rare times they were honest and clear. No regular streams, gaming or superchat readings until august/September.
Was that revealed to you in a psychic dream?

>> No.76167385
Quoted by: >>76167537

I'd love to be wrong. The mood last night and their pinned tweet / behavior tell a different story. We might get a week here or there where they pretend they're 'back'. Which I'd take but God I just want a normal schedule even if it's 3 streams a week.

>> No.76167394
Quoted by: >>76169014

HOLY SEX you guys are dickheads but i wish artists would not take things from /here/ so seriously, this isn't delete worthy but the comment did make me laugh
it is a very hard fucking pose to draw though

>> No.76167399
File: 819 KB, 1800x2400, 1712162355410195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76167417
File: 3.96 MB, 732x968, SleepyMoco.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We'll keep telling you we REALLY want to do all this stuff you want to see us do
>But in reality we just want you to SC, buy our merch, and wait months at a time for any stability in our streaming schedules

>> No.76167468
File: 414 KB, 2048x3160, 36fa43a095ee2ac5b1d1597ab471375d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76167473

truthfully i don't think they even need superchats anymore

>> No.76167483
Quoted by: >>76167724

that fuwawa one is an old pic, seems they've deleted it though, i remember it existing before

>> No.76167489
File: 179 KB, 850x1312, 1712163811492968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76167496
Quoted by: >>76167545

Nerissa is in Japan, doesn't live there, is lazy as fuck and still managed to do a full week of scheduled streams this week. What gives?

>> No.76167534
Quoted by: >>76167652

what is it about incredibly cute, sexy, feminine woman that attracts anti's

>> No.76167536

They don't but they'll certainly take it. They need the money for their IDOL DREAMS after all. They certainly aren't spending it on furnishing their house, kek.

>> No.76167537
File: 783 KB, 918x1014, 1709406862406513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first claims it's "what they said themselves"
>now it's "the mood" and "their behavior"
Holy kek, I don't think I've seen a sister shift goalposts that far in a single post for months

>> No.76167545

They are fat old hags who are going all in on dance shit right now, so they do their work for Cover that they need to on the back end, go to dance practice afterwords, and come home and are too dead to put any energy into us, the fans.

>> No.76167547
Quoted by: >>76167613

>buy our merch
They didnt even advertise the clear folder and is nearly sold out already.

>> No.76167595

So is shiori and you don't see her using that as an excuse to not stream or interact with fans

>> No.76167613

even fuwamoco know that piece of merch is fucking trash and not worth shilling. they're also aware that ruffians will empty their wallets with anything that has their names attached to it anyways

>> No.76167652
File: 478 KB, 807x758, 1712596139487362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76167832

Sisters have been seething impotently about the dogs since before they even debuted, since they're antithetical to a sister's entire view of the world. You can tell because they can't even read threads correctly, they're too busy looping shit from six months ago

>> No.76167660

They also are earnestly/were earnestly sick. I'm not giving them excuses, because I sure as fuck don't want them to have full blank weeks while living in stable housing. Just a few streams a week, that's it.

>> No.76167666

I'm 100% sure the rest of advent is in a worse shape

>> No.76167674
Quoted by: >>76167846

meanwhile, koyori
need i remind you that she also has a second job outside of hololive? stop making excuses for fwmc

>> No.76167684

I just came everywhere for meiowowo holy shit her body is pure sex. At least she'll take care of my needs

>> No.76167723

I think one of the reasons people, actual people not shitposting sisters, are wary is because Fuwamoco have always been the "actions speak louder than words" Holos. They've said that exact phrase multiple times. But ever since the move, all we've seen and heard is just them telling them how much they miss us, how much they wish they could stream, and in reality, not getting many streams. They're telling us they love us and they are sad, but it's just words. And their actions keep taking them away from us. Sure the work behind the scenes is to blame. But this is compounded by Mococo's voice which she definitely could have handled better.

>> No.76167724

Yeah? Don't even know where I got this one, it's in a folder I have for pictures I save manually (as oppsoed to scraped), the date is old but otherwise idk

>> No.76167748

why do you people keep comparing them to others
ok? go watch shiori or nerissa or whatever fuwamoco arent them you criticize them by comparing them to others it sure sounds like you prefer the other person so whatre you doing here, nothing wrong with leaving

>> No.76167832
Quoted by: >>76168084

It's funny watching them peddle rrats that died months ago

>> No.76167846
File: 2.93 MB, 2237x2907, 1708981539112394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76167933

Comparing anyone to Koyori is unfair because she is quite literally one of a kind. As the kids say, she's built different. And this comes from someone who is disappointed with the recent Fuwamoco. Koyori is like the Lebron James of streaming, she has insane stamina and endurance. Fuwamoco will never be Koyori, as sad as it is. Their first 100 days may have roped people into thinking they were EN Koyori but they themselves said that was a black swan event and will not happen again.

>> No.76167854

no you didn't, stop fucking saying this. it's insulting. you two can preoccupy yourselves with each other, your homework, and your quests. you also didn't miss us enough to interact with us A SINGLE TIME throughout your break, meanwhile ruffians were pouring out their hearts to them. a majority of us are lonely ojisans which is why we are invested in this hobby the way that we are. they have so much to look forward to in their lives, but to a majority of us, THEIR future is all we have to look forward to watching

>> No.76167879

>Hour with 3 tangents
>Move straight to SC reading
>Instantly talk about 'Oh I'm sure there's some things going on with you, maybe some ruff times'.
Holy shit...
They are seriously asking you to pay them to be your therapist. I fucking hate this.

>> No.76167896
File: 88 KB, 216x301, 1715904038895781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEXO I still would.

>> No.76167910

>in reality, not getting many streams.
Streaming hours in May thus far:
FWMC: 30hrs
Nerissa: 12hrs
Shiori: 11hrs
Biboo: 33hrs

>> No.76167916
File: 598 KB, 1700x2200, 1712161368156615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76167931
Quoted by: >>76168475

kek look at that fridge body
Her ass is fused seamlessly into her back

>> No.76167930
File: 40 KB, 201x164, 1709991092529181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76167992

Don't you have an orange woman to be seething at?

>> No.76167933

Mori is a pretty close one. And FuwaMoco really like her but they sure aren't following in her footsteps.

>> No.76167946
File: 373 KB, 2048x1422, a039ebfaaca9fc9059e505dfee01471c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76167975

kek was that the blank supa from that Canadian menhera? They even know he needs help.

>> No.76167983

Ruffians are sad wastes of life. FWMC can disappear on them without a word and their paypigs will still shower them with their money as if nothing happened. I guarantee you that if a boyfriend yab DID happen or if they collabed with a homo, these same paypigs would still be doing what they do best

>> No.76167988
Quoted by: >>76168040

>Mori is a pretty close one.
On a one month break because of surgery. Shit happens.

>> No.76167992
Quoted by: >>76168050

That's reverse. You get to be Kiara's therapist. No, I don't want to hear fags trauma dump and you collect their money to Bau Bau at them over and over. Those are THE WORST superchats in the readings, and they're openly encouraging people do them.

>> No.76168021

Mori is garbage, it doesn't matter how much she streams because nobody wants to see that shit. We're talking CGDCT here not ironic weeb wiggers.

>> No.76168032

Two more weeks, eh sis?

>> No.76168040

Yeah, and I was still pumped and excited and happy during the moving arc. But now here we are, being told we might not get streams at all for weeks.

>> No.76168050

Works for Watame.

>> No.76168072

pretty much, yeah.

>> No.76168084
File: 216 KB, 383x503, 1710595605586167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76168364

The amazing thing is you can't even use "threadreader" as an insult since these niggers are so dumb they can't even read threads correctly, it's hilarious
I also love how whenever of them does manage to find a vaguely related image it's clearly been saved and reposted from here, what an inane existence.

>> No.76168095

good morning
ha ha

>> No.76168103

my only two cents has been i don't care about the streams and stuff but them constantly going
>we're sorrying for worrying you
>we missed you
directly conflicted with them being completely silent on twitter, i dont doubt they missed me - but when they themselves love to hammer in "actions speak louder than words" and their actions were radio silent its just very strange to me
im not exactly "wary" but its just a strange inconsistency

>> No.76168122

These posts are getting to me and I know that they shouldn’t

>> No.76168147

they seem to model themselves a bit after watame, the more I think about it

>> No.76168149

So true

>> No.76168174
Quoted by: >>76168242

It's all 100% true.

>> No.76168189
File: 46 KB, 1228x580, faunaprophet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be Fauna's puddle arc all over again isn't it. That checklist anon made for the welcome back stream reminded me of this. It's predictable now.

>> No.76168225
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1280, 1715572622251777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76168315


>> No.76168242

So, so true

>> No.76168251
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>> No.76168293

Kek. Yeah.

>> No.76168315

I don't get it

>> No.76168344
Quoted by: >>76168448

There are obvious sisterposts like >>76167879
but I'm genuinely concerned and upset with how things have been since the move to Japan. You can argue that it's all just really bad timing but the timing is still a result of their choices. The GW fiasco was them choosing to do that at that time and being unwilling to change it. The Mococo voice dying came at a bad time but it's also because she didn't take resting seriously.

>> No.76168353
Quoted by: >>76168428

Keep in mind that they still have an interest in kicking off their other side idol project. You ruffians are fucked once they eventually do if THIS is stressing you out, kek. Good. Insufferable trannies.

>> No.76168364
Quoted by: >>76168403

I honestly couldn't imagine wasting my time actively disliking someone as much as those people, it's so pathetic it's almost funny

>> No.76168372

Whoever told me meiwowowo has a paid video sub may have ruined my life. I can't stop staring

>> No.76168394
Quoted by: >>76168461

This was over 2 years ago though, is it still the status quo?

>> No.76168397

for what it's worth as a top SCer idolfag I'm pretty happy they are choosing performances over streaming tbhdesu

>> No.76168403

I just find it hilarious they are mad that FWMC income didn't take a hit.

>> No.76168428

ngl but if they have 0 streams going forward as fuwamoco but still make time to do a RM stream i'll be disappointed

>> No.76168432

fuck off paynigger

>> No.76168448

Call me a sister all you want, I've liked their SC readings when they're positive but they literally started it out like that yesterday. I fucking hate when the mood gets all mopey and they openly encouraged it, so I'm upset.

>> No.76168461
Quoted by: >>76168564

Yeap. And her SC readings are still long as fuck. People complaining about SC readings haven't looked at Watame's. They go for 4-5 hrs, everyday, back-to-back.

>> No.76168464
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Quoted by: >>76168684

the floofies and quite fluffy, huh

>> No.76168475

kek, laughed out loud at this random female seething in the middle of the regularly scheduled raid

>> No.76168492
File: 20 KB, 312x312, 1710566008189167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76168677

>seething so hard you have nothing but repeating discredited doxnigger rrats from literally months ago
Six months, twelve months, two years from now you sisters will still be seething impotently, FWMC will be streaming and having fun and I'll still be laughing

>> No.76168508

well good news, they indefinitely postponed their may stream.
do note “postponed”. could still happen

>> No.76168529

It's going to happen. Just like when they streamed on a "homework" day on their schedule recently.

>> No.76168564

To be fair, Watame is a lot better at zatsu than Fuwamoco and also a lot better at revealing things about herself. Sometimes it feels like Fuwamoco absolutely refuse to do anything that isn't in their kayfabe.
>What shampoo do you guys use?
>Oh you know, we're demon dogs, so dog shampoo

>> No.76168602
Quoted by: >>76168668

I can't help but feel like this is the first time people has seen an ewhore. There's a lot of them and many will go with requests for free.

>> No.76168612

Yeah I know, and people get mad when you say it's sad they don't get a little more personal and then point to a clip of them talking about buying a single plate for a minute and say 'SEE THEY ARE LETTING US IN'.

>> No.76168634

And they also talked about keeping Nerissa's hair in a clear bag along with their coughdrops. What's your point?

>> No.76168668

Go along*

>> No.76168676
File: 66 KB, 510x567, 1692977285333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well good news, they indefinitely postponed their may stream.

>> No.76168677
Quoted by: >>76168774

>FWMC will be streaming

>> No.76168684

God the way she bounces and squeezes them. If she does a fuwawa kimono video I'll give her everything I have

>> No.76168701

what are we gossiping about today, ladies

>> No.76168711
File: 332 KB, 2048x1302, @333aalloonnHD-1721152100422369789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever around to playing it again, wouldn't mind joining in for some funs Hard mode still bodies me atm

>> No.76168720

They said they buy the cheapest one on sale. More likely that they're embarrassed than not willing to reveal.

>> No.76168725
File: 212 KB, 675x591, 1711390688568972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just fucking hate how they need to rely on goddamn superchat readings for any tangents. Just leave it at zatsus. Work harder at them. Oh wait, you'd rather work hard doing anything else but spending time with us. It's frustrating. And this is coming from someone who donates fairly often.

>> No.76168750

oh god, i'm not sure I'd even want that
I might die

>> No.76168771

stop being such a BITCH Ryan

>> No.76168774

Feel free to come back and grudgepost if you're right, nigga.

>> No.76168776

Shut the fuck up Gabe.

>> No.76168781

She has a video that's close, her side boobs spilling out nearly completely. Diamonds

>> No.76168784

KYS Gabe.

>> No.76168819

watame did cry abit today...

>> No.76168827
File: 8 KB, 216x193, 1710599042696164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KNEEL >>76168676

>> No.76168838
Quoted by: >>76168920

>And this is coming from someone who donates fairly often.
Post receipts.

>> No.76168848
File: 755 KB, 1317x788, ゴズリング4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76168966

Stop larping as me larping as Gabe. Fuck off

>> No.76168869

So in other words, they’re going to be spending time on their RM than with the Ruffians. Holy fucking kek!

>> No.76168873

Just in case you're wondering, nobody buys whatever you say. I want the half a second I spent looking at your post back.

>> No.76168920
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>> No.76168924

fwmc don't zatsu they do their best to avoid it

>> No.76168941
Quoted by: >>76168996

What stream are we watching today?

>> No.76168947

just imagine how lucky the ruffian in japan is who gets to fuck both of them at the same time

>> No.76168966

Shut the fuck up Anal Only/Gabe. Nobody buys your "I was just pretending to be me the whole time" cope. That was the most pathetic attempt at damage control I've ever seen.

>> No.76168967
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>> No.76168996

nerissa's upcoming stream looks fun

>> No.76169004
Quoted by: >>76169054

Ruffians? More like Cuckffians!

>> No.76169008
File: 208 KB, 983x1151, 1709431658608759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76169062

Guess again, nigger
I can't believe you'd be that fucking retarded that you'd fall for something so obvious, you sisters really are subhuman

>> No.76169014

I don’t want to kick an artist when they’re down so I’ll hold off on any future commentary. I didn’t realize they were also /here/

>> No.76169054

Sisters, you are retarded... If you wana shitpost, at least pay 10 dollars to figure out wtf is going on.

>> No.76169062
Quoted by: >>76169088

You just admitted to it, nigger. FWMC don’t love you!

>> No.76169087
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>> No.76169088
Quoted by: >>76169113

Retarded and illiterate, you really are a shining example of the niggersanji species

>> No.76169113

Ok Cuckffian. Keep crying.

>> No.76169117

last cover earnings report showed that even the bottom tier shitter talents are getting $13k monthly just from base line merch and ads. they don't need the supas but they help

>> No.76169143
Quoted by: >>76169158

stop replying retards

>> No.76169147

Flags and thread IDs please.

>> No.76169157

hololive will end soon >>76167340

>> No.76169158

No. This is fun.
