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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.75581776

>thequartering but an anime girl
who cares

>> No.75581830

Imagine abandoning a phasefriend in her time of need

>> No.75581859
Quoted by: >>75582067


>> No.75582042

lol no

>> No.75582067
File: 380 KB, 949x287, 75c0dd76fc37d58c747445d512993a0f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75582127


>> No.75582127
Quoted by: >>75582799


>> No.75582799
Quoted by: >>75582952

Pippa's bff

>> No.75582952

Ok? Why would phase give a fuck about someone not in their corpo

>> No.75583001
Quoted by: >>75583686

i didn't know who this bitch was and i will completely forget about her in a couple of months. the only thing i may remember is that pippa has vtuber heel as her friend.

>> No.75583112
File: 855 KB, 498x280, no-one-gives-a-shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again with this

>> No.75583133

because their fans do

>> No.75583152

Vtuber fans are delusional retards that have no idea how a business is run
Also Kirsche is a fucking dipshit who doesn't actually have her own beliefs and instead says whatever generates the most attention.

>> No.75583234

Ummmm what are your hecking pronouns?

>> No.75583341

What? No i dont.

>> No.75583435

vshojo does

>> No.75583563

Legal Basedset will be covering this tonight. I'll send him an SC asking if Pippa involving herself in this would be grounds for termination at Phase. I know he'll say it wouldn't. That'll hopefully be enough for her to realize she can support Kirsche without losing any of her audience. The only reason she isn't defending her now is that she's afraid of the backlash, but if Legal Mindset, a licensed attorney, can assuage that fear, that should be enough of a push for Pippa to come to her senses.
Fuck troons, fuck 2SLGBTQQ+, fuck DEI. We need to filter these subhumans from the hobby before they infest it any further.

>> No.75583637

did the last thread die or something

>> No.75583655

based for telling grifter to fuck off

>> No.75583667
Quoted by: >>75584165

Who do you think weighs more?

>> No.75583686

She made the Uki hates white people compilation. That's the only thing i known her by

>> No.75583846

Is she GFE?

>> No.75584091
Quoted by: >>75584278

Lolno. Fat, jealous, hateful, and stupid are a bad combination. Should have kept Pippa's name out of the greasy sewer she calls a mouth. Kirsche Hate!

>> No.75584132
Quoted by: >>75584278

>I made a bunch of shitty "I identify as attack helicopter" jokes!
>Oh no, I have to live with my consequences!
Look, I'm not the most progressive person on the earth, normally I don't give two shits, but this is some bitchmade behavior. You made an edgy joke, you made it in public, you can't be mad when people people didn't take it well.

>> No.75584136

No, she's TPE(Tim Pool Experience).

>> No.75584148

Kirshe deserves it for bringing politics into vtubing, just like Uki in Nijisanji.

>> No.75584165

you, tranny

>> No.75584189
Quoted by: >>75584565

Kirsche should do the right thing and put down that burger

>> No.75584193

Way to completely misunderstand Pippas position. It's not being fired she would be worried about but instead the potential social backlash against her company friends. We know members like Tenma, Lia, and Eimi would just shit on the twitter freaks but it could be mentally draining for some members like Nasa, Runie, and Rem. And Pippa doesn't want to put those people in the crosshairs.

>> No.75584205

hopefully more people and places blacklist the fat cunt

>> No.75584216
Quoted by: >>75584472

No she's a frequent male collaber

>> No.75584235
File: 79 KB, 385x290, 1714409257693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75584522

What is even there to cover legal wise?
OffKai had every legal right to do what they did, Same with Kirsche

Unless most of these kind of yabs, Kirsche is very clearly fully in the wrong here. It sucks losing your panel and all, but you can't even call this targeting as Offkai has also rejected other chuubas for controversy too. Hell even nijisanji got denied here, and their on the other end of the political spectrum.

>> No.75584278
Quoted by: >>75584422

nice discord tranny raid you got there newfags
you will never be a woman :)

>> No.75584313

They both enjoyed skating in their youth. Hmm.

>> No.75584341
Quoted by: >>75584473

uhh based Kirsche?
and ofc seamonkeys gonna seethe at her

>> No.75584350

they should not. kirsche has the right to her opinion. i agree with lots of it but if others dont like it thats their choice. no need to drag others into this.

>> No.75584422

Shut up retard, when did I claim to be a woman? I've probably been on 4chan longer than you've been alive you failure of a cum stain. Learn to fucking read, all I'm saying is you should be prepared to deal with the consequences of your actions in a public space and not immediately piss and shit yourself for attention when your stale joke doesn't land. Either learn to read or off yourself

>> No.75584432

Is she balding and using a shitty beanie to hide it?

>> No.75584457
File: 132 KB, 463x453, 1706248084183800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75584928

KWAB look at the clowns supporting her and pushing this story it's a rogue's gallery of gamergate era /pol/grifters
who's next, fucking Milo Yiannopoulos?

>> No.75584472

Literal who? Is Tim gfe and unicorn friendly?

>> No.75584473
Quoted by: >>75584716

What's with SEAs and being woke and sjw?

>> No.75584499

>hurr durr I'm a retard
>fuck off retard
love seeing this grift get brought into vtubing

>> No.75584504

She's fat and using a shitty model to hide it. You can hear it in her voice, though..

>> No.75584519
Quoted by: >>75584581

she is a woman and you will never be one

>> No.75584522

A few potential legal things.
1) She was originally announced as part of a panel and that was cancelled after the refund period for Offkai. Legal grey zone.
2) Depending on what contract if any was written up between her and Offkai for attending she may be entitled to reimbursements on hotels, car rentals, flight, etc due to the last minute notice. (I don't recall if she had stated she would be attending physically or not)

>> No.75584565

B-B-But she's the Burger Queen.

>> No.75584581
Quoted by: >>75584823

>immediately bringing up trannies unprompted
uh, anon Is there something you want to share with the class

>> No.75584633

>Kirschefags obsessed with trannies
fans reflect the streamer

>> No.75584678

Pippa is a contractor, not an employee. She can get fired at will, and she isn't so stupid as to not know what this retard tried to pull. If she is, she will be made to know, I assure you of that.

>> No.75584716

they think it makes them White while still being able empower fellow browns

>> No.75584748

I wonder why Kirsche seems to attract so many people who just can't get trannies out of their mind and are thinking about tranny cock 24/7


>> No.75584768

>sam hyde
offkai did nothing wrong. westoid /pol/tards trying to turn vtubing from cute girls to their next front in their gamergate culture war delusions should be burned at the stake

>> No.75584823

Trying to hard

>> No.75584829

Hololive phase and a bunch of indie will be there nobody is going to offkai to see kirche or rev and his gat wife. Get fucked /pol/

>> No.75584831

Probably the worst thing in recent history is how you dumbskulls attached yourselves to this grifter. He's not even a vtuber.

>> No.75584862

Source on this?
Cause from everything I've seen nothing was confirmed or scheduled yet, and the panel krische was gonna be a part of was simply rejected, which has no legal grey area at all.

>> No.75584866
Quoted by: >>75585596


>> No.75584913

At least don't make it so obvious, nobody is falling for your pathetic cope and the fact that Kirsche made you cry from rage

>> No.75584928

the fact she was talking about "gamergates' 2 some months ago make it even more funny

>> No.75584929

The day logs get leakes, we're going to see how truly off the deep end she is. I would be very surprised if she wasn't full on natsoc.

>> No.75584986

>We need to filter these subhumans from the hobby
This except I'm talking about (You), Kirsche, and everyone else who constantly has to infect everything they touch with culture war trash

>> No.75585024
File: 35 KB, 200x200, 1693998440029040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75585189


>> No.75585046

Pippas fanbase really is a cancer that needs to be removed from the hobby. Holy shit they manage to be even more annoying than sisters recently.

>> No.75585060
Quoted by: >>75585178

>White streamer
>brown subhumans seethe at her
uh, baZed? thanks, will check her out

>> No.75585063
File: 12 KB, 217x236, sleepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75585458

Another so called "Friend" Pippa Threw under the bus Just Like Sleepy and Lisa

>> No.75585121

Yeah, Phase should protest in solidarity! Pippa get them to withdraw, support your friend!

>> No.75585134

>to hard

>> No.75585135

speak for yourself, i don't

>> No.75585139

offkai lost that card when they began promoting agenda-style lgbt and black vtuber stuff first

>> No.75585142

she didn't do anything political, offkai did. why is this so hard for you retards to wrap your head around?

>> No.75585163
Quoted by: >>75585239

they need a rebound after lisa didn't join phase

>> No.75585178

Post hands and feet

>> No.75585189

I don't respect English

>> No.75585197
Quoted by: >>75587955

LM is not a lawyer, lawyers work on court cases.

>> No.75585223

>agenda-style lgbt and black vtuber stuff
If by this you mean inviting a group of gays and having a panel about black vtubers, then kindly schedule a lobotomy appointment
The simple act of existing is not an agenda

>> No.75585239

Hire her then

>> No.75585270
File: 337 KB, 587x693, 345234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for bringing all these grifters into vtubing, phase connect

>> No.75585284
File: 27 KB, 600x328, 1694150877576652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75585779

>she didn't do anything political
Everything she does is political.

>> No.75585387

And Pippa, who tried to right wing grift before it unsafe for her

>> No.75585394
Quoted by: >>75585779

>she didn't do anything political
Her whole gimmick is being political. You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.75585396 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.09 MB, 900x900, 1695969308899707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based they're getting rid of grifters from offkai
Isn't there someone you forgot to ask ;)

>> No.75585458

Honestly I'll be surprised if pippa ever even mentions Kirsche ever again, let alone talks with her after this.
Nobody wants to be friends with someone whos willing to fuck you and your company over for personal gain.

>> No.75585483

Kirshe’s Twitter is very deep in the political shitflinging side of the spectrum. If she can’t keep it together and post her personal thoughts on an alt account, it’s not likely that she can keep it together for a convention panel.

>> No.75585546

She was never announced and never even talked about going to offkai

>> No.75585552

Buy an ad.

>> No.75585563

>Tell edgy jokes
>They didn't like them
>Get rejected from the con
Well, yeah. Is there any other guest who has said similar stuff? If so, she would at least have a case.

>> No.75585596

And Kirsche will never be at Offkai

>> No.75585597

Don't get why is she seething then? Shouldn't she be glad she not attending the same place as those people.

>> No.75585607

Disingenuous sister, the act of including vtubers who have acted politically on one end, including the tranny grifter from the Hogwarts and Twitch Art dramas, while excluding those on the other end means they have a clear bias.

>> No.75585617
Quoted by: >>75587619

Pippa was always just an edgy loser. She cares about memes, not politics. Kirsche very much wants to push her brand of politics. Kirsche is not like Pippa, and Pippa has nothing to do with this. Stop trying to draw your retarded connections.

>> No.75585717
Quoted by: >>75590859

You're gonna be in for a rude awakening when LM tears Kirsche's argument apart here. Everything about this points to Offkai being right, especially from a legal standpoint.

>> No.75585722

>blatant twiternig speak
wow and you're telling me there aren't off-site subhumans raiding this thread,go back

>> No.75585728

If she wasn’t banned before, she absolutely will be banned because of this. She’s a gigantic liability to associate with.

>> No.75585759
Quoted by: >>75585802

Promoting outright racism is not an agenda according to offkai troons. Got it.

>> No.75585764

>dramaniggers and their single digit IQ ideas
imagine having such a retarded existence

>> No.75585779
Quoted by: >>75586024

so you unironically believe she'd go on stage and talk about how retarded liberals are or something? are you people for real? this is how i know you've never watched a single stream of hers and still think you're in any position to speak. meanwhile, you're supporting offkai blacklisting people for political reasons, denying her fans the chance to see her. FOR POLITICAL REASONS.

>> No.75585784

>look her up on youtube
>clips about her talking about tim pool
>bitching about localizers
>subversive language and blm
nope. quartering levels of neckbeardedness. ban her completely. we don't need gamergate vtubers

>> No.75585802

>Racist complaining about racism

>> No.75585846

>i hate politics in my vtuber sphere
>i support blacklisting vtubers for political reasons
pick one, retard. kirsche has her own little bubble, offkai doing this has bigger political implications

>> No.75585868
Quoted by: >>75586205

you're only seething because she isn't a bootlicking lefty

>> No.75585877
File: 784 KB, 1079x1131, Screenshot_20240511-131517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chat keeps bringing it up but Dizzy ignores it.

>> No.75585883

Phase should stay way out of the /pol/ brainrot, actually

>> No.75585962

go back, newfag

>> No.75585976

Nijisanji (goes without saying)
Marina (trannytuber who shat on pikamee),
and Mana (unironic communist vtuber)
have all been rejected from this con too, and they're on the other extreme of the spectrum. How is this specific political targeting?

>> No.75586017

Correct glad you are smart unlike the rest of your fellow farmfags

>> No.75586024

>so you unironically believe she'd go on stage and talk about how retarded liberals are or something?
No, even Kirsche is not that stupid, but she doesn't need to do that to be a brand risk.
>you're supporting offkai blacklisting people for political reasons, denying her fans the chance to see her. FOR POLITICAL REASONS.
Yes. It's a business and she's bad for business.

>> No.75586029

>not even a SC

>> No.75586033
Quoted by: >>75586123

pls stop arguing over politics and focus on how the topic pertains to vtubers.

>> No.75586064

Oh no not the dramafag bubble

>> No.75586087
Quoted by: >>75586479

They sponsor it you moron. Why are Phasefags blissfully unaware of what their own company does?

>> No.75586123


>> No.75586127

Sucks for her, however that isn't Phase's battle to fight.

>> No.75586157
Quoted by: >>75586700

And as we can see, Kirsche bringing this to the public and explicitly naming Pippa had its intended effect. The fat bitch thought she had pull proportional to her mass.

>> No.75586179

I don't think anyone gives a fuck about Grifterpalooza

>> No.75586205

>acted politically
OK, and? People are allowed to have political opinions and no, I'm not defending Marina.
But there is a very big difference between a public opinion, or an instance of action, and forming your ENTIRE content identity around contentious opinions.

>kirsche has her own little bubble
And she should stay there.

Nowhere did I specify a side. Culture war vultures exist on both sides and ALL of them need to fuck off

>> No.75586229

if offkai gets away with this vtubers will be forced to self-censor in the future and won't be able to be themselves. great going, guys :)

>> No.75586338

>retarded /pol/nig-by-proxy (probably dated a Mexican white supremacist at some point) blacklisted from vtuber convention because she can't keep it in her pants and not openly powerlevel
Someone prepare the world's smallest violin.

>> No.75586354

I know about lgbt, but what do the other letters even mean? Or am I being memed?

>> No.75586396
Quoted by: >>75586590

Good to see the grifters and dramafags all jumping in on this to further justify OffKai's decision.

>> No.75586398

>if offkai gets away with this vtubers will be forced to be normal and not degrade themselves with direction-brained political poison

>> No.75586403

Good. I watch them for entertainment. I don't need to know what they think about complex issues because they are usually woefully uneducated. Case-in-point: Kirsche.

>> No.75586415

>the one v-grifter whose content is exclusively reacting to lolcows, libtards, and trannies will be forced to do literally anything else


>> No.75586420

The difference is that Pippa is just a edgy retard that says dumb stuff and Kirsche is female stillgray that is seething about troons and pronounfags 24/7.

>> No.75586479

>replying to an obvious shitpost
twitter tourist spotted

>> No.75586533

LGBT (Q)ueer (Q)uestioning (I)ntersex (P)an (2)Two-Spirit (A)ce (A)lly
+ is a catch-all which makes it weird that they keep adding onto LGBT instead of just doing LGBT+
Or like, replacing it with queer which is already used as an umbrella term within the community

>> No.75586574

Of course she is

>> No.75586589

I supported the blacklisting of nijifaggots too
you're all cancer, keep your shit out of vtubing

>> No.75586590

Based and Jockopilled.

>> No.75586598

>if offkai gets away with this vtubers will be forced to focus entretainment and keep their personal politics in private
Is this suppsoed to be a bad thing?

>> No.75586604

why do you want offkai volunteers to dictate who you can watch or not? very bizarre. regardless, considering one of you're saying kirsche doesn't know what she's talking about you're clearly troons raiding from some troon discord. ywnbaw, faggots.

>> No.75586637
File: 71 KB, 1024x548, 1694351045999369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75586670

Why do you think OffKai has such power in the first place?

>> No.75586680
Quoted by: >>75586857

Nothing really. Like 0.01% of the people who call themselves LGBT even use any of those extra letters besides maybe sticking a Q on the end for "queer." It's purely a strawman intended to make their "side" look more ridiculous, as if they are expecting you to remember ridiculously long and complex acronyms or else you're x-ist/y-phobic and a bad person. You can say thanks to the culture war for that.

>> No.75586698

If you want to want kirsche you can stay at home and do it

>> No.75586700
Quoted by: >>75586854

Pippa has yet to respond. Will she stand behind her best friend or will she throw her under the bus like p*nk cat did to het fans?

>> No.75586709
Quoted by: >>75587060

Based, Pippa really need to move her ass instead of being so comfy ignoring this, the silence is practically a support to the troon audience

>> No.75586741

>Da troons!
So predictable. Kirsche fans, everyone.

>> No.75586749

Pippa is and has always been a grifter. I'm pretty sure you have seen her posts from before she became edgy for views. She's the type that call themselves "allies" you know. But now that Pippa is in 4views territory she even dropped her edgy act because again... She's just a grifter. Now that she's big on Twitch and with the Twitch vtubers she has to behave accordingly. At some point she'll even end up sucking Hasan's dick like everyone else on Twitch.

>> No.75586777

Don’t like Nijisanji’s politics or Kirshe’s. Keep all politics out of vtubing.
Kirshe should be happy this decision was made for her, so she wouldn’t be near the rainbow coalition after all.

>> No.75586820
Quoted by: >>75586887

she honorary phase
by absolute numbers, she probably has more phase fans than than some phase connect runts

>> No.75586849
File: 109 KB, 680x680, 1697741964241675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75586910

>OffKai bans Nijis
>OffKai bans /pol/
>The same group whines about both
Further fueling the rrat that the Nijisisters and /pol/ are the same group.

>> No.75586854
Quoted by: >>75590386

Kirsche is clearly not her friend, since she did everything to drag Pippa into this. This is a business, and it's a business with certain rules and norms that are very important to follow. Kirsche has violated these rules. She has to go.

>> No.75586857
Quoted by: >>75587094

Nice gaslighting fag. Pretty much every major homo event uses at the minimum LGBTIQA+ or some variation of it. Hell just doing a google of "lgbt events san francisco" will show this.

>> No.75586860

These people aren’t even vtubers they’re just grifters skinwalking as the next hit medium that they don’t actually give 0 shits about and it’s very unnerving to witness honestly

>> No.75586887
Quoted by: >>75587002

>she honorary phase
Not for long, drama-baiter that she is she decided to tacitly implicate Pippa in this nonsense and put her as well as Phase in an uncomfortable position for no reason

>> No.75586910

Would be great if they would ban phase too but unfortunately they paid to not get banned

>> No.75586949

i love people that pretend offkai is doing this because they're against politics in the community. that's not why they blacklisted her. they blacklisted her because she has "the wrong" opinions. if she was a hasantuber she'd be let in and you'd not have a problem with it either, because this is not about politics, it's about you not wanting to have your tranny feelings hurt.

>> No.75586972
File: 598 KB, 2136x4096, F98eSfQXQAAu6Ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shouldnt right wingers be entrepreneurial and shit? Just start your own con just like the horrible commies at OffKai did

>> No.75586981
Quoted by: >>75587035

this. politics NPCs are the new bronies. everyone just accepts it for some reason that some people want to be insufferable and turn every random fucking thing into politics, they literally cannot stop thinking about it and trying to make their political views their personality AND their religion. both sides do this all the time and it'd be great if they were all lined up and shot. you were not born into any political alignment, you should not let it define you and control you.

people can enjoy stuff for what it is sometimes. not everyone needs to agree with you about every little minutiae of everything in life because you have main character syndrome thinking you "get it" all and are totally redpilled and everyone else are stupid sheeple. yeah you and millions of people who all talk exactly like you, so special. same for whatever vegan blm palestine shit is going on, it's just OP's example is a right-wing version of that instead.

>> No.75587002
Quoted by: >>75587078

>No reason
>Didn't even watch the video for context of this situation
Your like the twitter freaks that will post some random youtube video to be outraged at and not have any watch time on the video.

>> No.75587022
Quoted by: >>75587464

She's a hateful person with hateful fans, but worse of all: she's boring, and that's a cardinal sin.

>> No.75587035

the only ones who acted political here was offkai. they're the ones who turned nothingness into politics.

>> No.75587060
Quoted by: >>75590078

Fucking this, pippa was felling really happy after her travel to japan and that drastically decrease her quality in streams, playing more game and streamer girl kind of streams instead of her real cool content like her reaction streams. She look like she need to be stressed or depressed to genuinely generate good content and this drama come perfect to bring Pippa to her peak again, if she continue being this happy she will change for bad.

>> No.75587063

Oh god him too?
Isn't that the guy who threw a tantrum over Stellar Blade?

>> No.75587078
Quoted by: >>75590239

Give me a reason why she couldn't have censored Pippa's name like she did for the other unrelated person that got mentioned

>> No.75587094
Quoted by: >>75587172

That's cool man, I didn't know that because I don't really keep up with homo events like you.
Regardless I've never seen anyone offended because I just said LGBT instead of LGBTQ or LGBTQIA+ or LGBTQQIP2SAA. No one really gives a shit.

>> No.75587131
Quoted by: >>75587319

bro if you watch kirsche's channel for like 20 seconds you'll know that was the right move to block her. she's literally like what people pretend pippa is.

>> No.75587147 [DELETED] 

People should do the right thing and raid offkai and lynch the organizers like the dredges that they are to set an example.

>> No.75587148
Quoted by: >>75587716

I'm extremely sure that if Kirsche was an extremist communist who spent her time talking about genociding cishet whites she would still get removed.

>> No.75587169

No they won't, Amerilard

>> No.75587172
File: 70 KB, 995x797, Narcissist prayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75587513

Alright discord tranny

>> No.75587227

Are these offkai volunteers in the room with us?

>> No.75587261

>muh right wing grifters
Go back to Twitch you stupid fag

>> No.75587288

nope. keepthe whole elderly gamergate grifter sphere in video games and out of vtubing. We already have one rev out there we don't need it attracting more

>> No.75587319

But Kirsche fans will try their hardest to pretend Kirsche is just like Pippa. This is what this whole thing is about and why Kirsche made sure to mention Pippa. Pippa just wants to be good at her job. Kirsche wants to push culture war shit.

>> No.75587330

How does /pcg/ work? Are other fanbases okay with capipis or are they the reason why there are so many phase splits on this board?

>> No.75587351
Quoted by: >>75587666

No one mentioned right wing but thanks for pointing it out

>> No.75587353
Quoted by: >>75587426

Meanwhile you send SCs asking VTubers about their thoughts on the Holocaust

>> No.75587399

This post glows

>> No.75587426

Yeah, right below the clip where Kirsche put all this shit out there are outright comments like
>The painter was right.
Okay. She's definitely not a brand risk.

>> No.75587455

The only thing I've ever heard about Capipis from other Phasefags is that they're the fucking worst and everyone hates them

>> No.75587460

NTA but very interesting concession on your part.
Shows why you're in the wrong too.

>> No.75587464

Apparently marinavt is still invited, one of the troon activists who harassed people over the harry potter game, so you'd probably be wrong.

>> No.75587480
Quoted by: >>75587528

the quartering is not anti DEI, most of his stuff is pro-trump and pro-israel, left is hard trying to politicize gamers into being "alt right" for wanting tiddies. wait til they come for vtubers, this is the beginning, and you're cheering because your corporate browntubers will get fired before speaking their own opinions.

>> No.75587513
File: 300 KB, 711x664, 1698676409531611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there he goes.

>> No.75587528
Quoted by: >>75587836

>corporate browntubers
This is why no one likes you tourists

>> No.75587544

it is gratifying to see the lack of support this grifting bitch gets, makes me happy to see the same thread pummel into the ground over and over again

>> No.75587543

>banning a political grifter is political
So? Gatekeep the fuck out of them. Political grifters are like roaches. Allow one in and then you'll get 1000 following.

>> No.75587548
Quoted by: >>75587834

>Pippa once again shows she hates her chud friends and fans
She made that bed though.

>> No.75587571

dramatubers get nothing but ridicule, fuck off back to your hovel

>> No.75587619

>She cares about memes, not politics.
Well yeah she's a grifter

>> No.75587666
Quoted by: >>75588052

Well I did, because the idea of being a grifter for the side that gets bullied and cancelled instead of the side that makes big bucks and gets corporate support is stupid to say the least. There's also the trend of idiots using a word they don't know as a generic insult for their ideological opponents, so there's that.

>> No.75587716
Quoted by: >>75587808

Meant for >>75587148

>> No.75587759
File: 90 KB, 354x252, capipis [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjn2usa.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capipis are cancer

>> No.75587764

i pray to god that when you die your body is donated to science so we can find out what the fuck was up with you and how to avoid it from happening it

>> No.75587808
Quoted by: >>75588063

Depends on if the people at OffKai even know about it, 'cause it really did not get that much attention and wouldn't be as easy to find as reasons why Kirsche shouldn't be there.

>> No.75587820

>We need to filter these subhumans from the hobby before they infest it any further.
yeah, subhuman trash like you

>> No.75587834

Pippa understands that it's a business, so her bed will be an expensive king-size bed while your oshi goes back to wagecucking it under a bridge. I'm happy for her. There's only one reason to be a vtuber, same as a boxer: money. If you're not in it for the money, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.75587836
Quoted by: >>75588319

many dislike the truth.

>> No.75587862

>who threw a tantrum
No no no, Anon. He is still actively throwing that tantrum. No past tense about it.
But I reckon he knows he can't keep that going forever and this is an attempt to find the next thing to latch on to.

>> No.75587869
File: 388 KB, 482x418, 1712859692685505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these threads are starting to be filled with more and more people who are clearly tourists that don't care about vtubing and only came here to fight their epic culture war against the trannies
Welp it was fun while it lasted but the gatekeeping didn't work, guess this place will be the next /v/ soon.

>> No.75587890
Quoted by: >>75588404

Can't we go back to normal schizo and gosling mental illness? What is even this shit?

>> No.75587955

The fact he isn't attached to a law office, says where he got his law degree from, and has a comically fake name like 'Andrew Esquire' should all be red flags.

>> No.75587990
Quoted by: >>75588231

The "phase connect is super based" twitter crowd aren't taking this well and it's funnier that none of the girls will ever say anything in support of kirsche

>> No.75587992

Honestly they should just ban all the /pol/ tards

>> No.75588037

OffKai is the one doing the gatekeeping for the greater community by not platforming /pol/ at their con. It's your job to keep /pol/ out of /vt/.

>> No.75588052

>Well I did, because the idea of being a grifter for the side that gets bullied and cancelled
Kirsche isn't being bullied, nor is she being cancelled. She's been told she can't have a panel. She's not being harassed, nor is she being told she committed some social faux pas that requires her crucifixion. She can go back to doing her streams complaining about whatever stupid shit she cares about. She still has her audience and she'll still have whatever it is she had before.
On the other hand, Phase Weekly stream is actively being raided by her retarded fanbase, which she knew would happen. So look forward to never seeing her and Pippa interact. The funny part is that she didn't even mention this shit in her alt, so Pippa definitely knows what's up and wants nothing to do with her.

>> No.75588063

>as reasons why Kirsche shouldn't be there
Yeah, but I've still yet to see her do or say anything actually extreme or terrible. Those reasons don't seem to be much more than "she's political and is guilty of wrong-think".

Let's cut the bullshit, it's been a decade of this crap now. Somebody was offended and complained to Offkai that her presence would make them feel "unsafe" so they complied.

>> No.75588093
Quoted by: >>75588380

You can literally look at the guest list and see she isn't on there

>> No.75588147

lol no
kys OP

>> No.75588231

>"phase connect is super based"
They were always fooling themselves. Pippa was an edgy retard, but everything she said about herself should tell you that she doesn't share the same opinions of those same fans. She isn't going to come out as natsoc, and she isn't going to push politics. She's going to do handpuppet cams and be stupid. This is what makes her endearing, and she's never going to throw away her one fucking shot at a good life for someone like Kirsche.

>> No.75588279

She is also obese like him. Rightoids and obeseness name a better duo.

>> No.75588319
Quoted by: >>75588500

>please be le heckin blackpilled like me

>> No.75588379
Quoted by: >>75588500

> No Kirsche
> No Rev
> No Strawb
> No Niji

I see no downside to this con

All the little bitches crying are just the sisters because they finally got something to attack the con for

>> No.75588380

She was invited last year, but that was before she did the harassment shit. She is not invited this year because of that. Retards will lie about it because they really want it to seem unfair. However, they know, and we know that it's completely justified and that nobody wants a person like Kirsche around. Don't get me wrong, I understand being friends with such a person. I have a bro that straight up tried to tell me about the JQ, not knowing I'm a Jew. He's still my friend, and I'll wait for him to grow out of it, but I wouldn't risk my income on his retarded shit. That's not being a good friend. That's just being stupid.

>> No.75588404

The consequences of what Pippa Pipkin brought to VTubing

>> No.75588416
Quoted by: >>75588579

>she's not being canceled her appearance and panel was just annulled
Shut the fuck up. And I did say that side has a tendency to get that treatment, not that Kirsche specifically was a victim of every single one of those. And seeing what the topic of this thread is, at least one of those is true for her too.

>> No.75588418
Quoted by: >>75589338

She appeals to and attracts mentally-ill culture war roaches, and that's reason enough.

Every politically-obsessed subhuman needs to be gatekept from this scene as much as possible.

>> No.75588500
File: 1.04 MB, 797x811, 1690365132019010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niji anons so lost in the sauce it's defending trannies

>> No.75588579

>she's not being canceled
She's not. That's not what cancellation is. They haven't gone after her channel. They haven't engaged in harassment to her employer (if she even has a real job), and they aren't out to get rid of her presence online. She's just been told she's not wanted somewhere. I'm sorry if it hurts you, but your kind is not wanted almost anywhere. Normal people don't like you. Get used to it.

>> No.75588591

>please fight the great heckin epic culture warrino against the evil troonerinos!

>> No.75588592

Now show twitter her based compilation

>> No.75588686
File: 315 KB, 696x608, gura mf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75589028

Of course this dramachimp would attach himself to this retarded shit

>> No.75588712

trannies and dilating?
(i see you, bby)

>> No.75588746

I'm defending my hobby from culture war roaches no matter which way they think they lean. You fucks are all shit with a different flavor and you don't belong here. Take your retarded war back to /v/.

>> No.75588821

>she took her drama leech friends with her
Truly the hero we deserve.

>> No.75588930

I'm gonna be honest here, I don't like trans and troons because they are so far up their own ass and think even small jokes is akin to murder but to pretend they weren't cemented into vtubing culture, one where any guy with a voice changer could pretend to be a cute anime girl, is really fucking dumb. You actually come off as a retard grifter.

>> No.75589008

Kirsche is an envious cunt and a hanger-on. She isn't needed by anyone, and this has just proven it. She will never be at a healthy weight. She will never be entertaining. She will never be successful, and she will never be allowed to collab with Pippa again. Good fucking riddance.

>> No.75589028

The Grifter Lawyer is salivating he finally has more content since the Niji well is pretty dry right now

>> No.75589029
Quoted by: >>75589161

>she's political
honestly that's sufficient, if I wanted politics i'd go to a political convention. go back to wherever it is you niggers talk about those things

>> No.75589161

Based but it should go both ways

>> No.75589263
Quoted by: >>75589377

is there another political vtuber having a pannel at the con?

>> No.75589294

agreed tbdesudesu, support chuubas that don't discuss politics

>> No.75589338

Then they should also not have creatures like MarinaVT there, or panels on being black.
One can hope to keep politics out of vtubing, but when its in California, you can only hope so much.

>> No.75589377
Quoted by: >>75589851

No idea, but I rather no one bring up their politics in general

>> No.75589485
Quoted by: >>75589938

Check the guest page.
Marina is not there.

>> No.75589527
Quoted by: >>75589769

Being black isn't political.

>> No.75589544

so Pippa?

>> No.75589551

>hmm let's see what kirsche is doing
>*news react*
no thanks

>> No.75589632
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not Pippa, as much as you retards try to pretend otherwise.

>> No.75589746

Thank God Offkai removed her. Keep politics out of vtubing
This is beyond incitement to raid this is incitement to violence. Jannies?

>> No.75589769
Quoted by: >>75589831

Where is the panel on being white?

>> No.75589831

...do you want one? or are you just angy that people do things that aren't relevant to you?

>> No.75589851
Quoted by: >>75590992

Agreed and that's my point people are saying it should go both ways but there is no other political/real news vtuber attending the con besides her

Keep politics out of vtubing

>> No.75589858
File: 10 KB, 897x53, 1712249823468676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75589981

No refunds.

>> No.75589938
Quoted by: >>75590060

>V-dere and Project Kawaii are both there
Enough about /pol/'s temper tantrum that they can't have a panel to scream gas the jews, what's going on with Nene and the whores who betrayed her being at the same venue?

>> No.75589955

Lmao complaining about receipts what a fucking moroon

>> No.75589981

while I do agree that they should have canceled her panel while her fans could still refund, spending $100 dollars to attend a single panel is sort of retarded. Why even go to offkai if that's the only reason you wanted to go?

>> No.75590046

Did any of you faggots actually watch the stream, or do you lack the ability to have an attention span. Kirsche may be a whiny bitch but she said not to bother Pippa or PC about this.

>> No.75590060

Nene is planning on challenging each one of them to a naked wrestling match.

>> No.75590078
Quoted by: >>75590499

you type like a chinese stereotype

>> No.75590082
Quoted by: >>75590418

The thing is, literally nobody was going to offkai just to see her. She knows that. Furthermore, she was never announced and she never mentioned it, so it's a moot issue.

>> No.75590149
Quoted by: >>75590688

>she said not to bother Pippa or PC about this.
Oh sure, 'cause we all know that'll work.
If she didn't want to get Pippa involved, she would have blocked her name out. It's not that hard, and it's certainly not that complicated.

>> No.75590168

Kirsche is almost certainly full unironic neo-Nazi. Her fans? I bet they have legitimate kinks and hard-ons for tranny cocks. I've seen the internet history one of these types who talk and rage like this... half of their internet history was tranny pornhub videos.

>> No.75590172

This place became a /v/ containment board years ago anon.
It is quite literally the same exact anons posting on both boards now.

>> No.75590174
Quoted by: >>75590283

maybe we don't want to spend money at the sort of establishment that would do this sort of thing.

>> No.75590239
Quoted by: >>75590423

because Pippa already has corpo protection, why are you so against about finding out that these trannies control the convention and they love your fucking money while hating your guts and wishing you to die over in social media?

>> No.75590265

The only plus vtubing had was that it's a visually important medium and men had a hard time breaking in in the first place and most political grifters were balding old men with no sense of aesthetics so it was naturally immunized against most political grifters. Just because this political grifter is a woman doesn't mean we shouldn't throw her into the same pit we would throw all of the others that manage to sneak through.

>> No.75590268

She said it with the expectation that they would do that anyway. It's the only reason she mentioned Pippa. She has plausible deniability, and she gets to have her audience do her dirty work for her. Unfortunately, Kirsche is pretty stupid, and everyone has seen though it. There's a reason she censored her co-panelist and not Pippa's name. There's a reason she can't keep Pippa's name out of her fucking mouth. It's exactly this, and this is why she will never collab with Pippa again. Pippa won't even mention her in her alt. She even posted today, but she knows Kirsche for the snake that she is.

>> No.75590283

If it's really something you value and a part of your identity, and you didn't research offkai beforehand, then you're just a stupid fucking cuck. It's not like they're suddenly shifting gears, the organizers have been like this for years lol

>> No.75590308

If I had to wake up everyday and look into the mirror knowing I was as stupid as you I would kill myself before the first week was out

>> No.75590312
File: 50 KB, 603x625, 1693977755797936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When he isn't begging people to subscribe to him or shilling his posts on /v/.

>> No.75590386

you sound like a volunteer tranny

>> No.75590418

oh lol, i pay so little attention to kirschshcssche that I assumed it was an announced panel. So her unannounced panel that no one knew about got canceled, and then after no one can do anything about it she raises a shitstorm?
typical dramanigger behavior

>> No.75590423
Quoted by: >>75590674

>because Pippa already has corpo protection
Yeah, no, that's not an excuse.
She knowingly pulled Pippa into something she had nothing to do with, specifically to get her fanbase riled up over it because she KNEW they would.

If she were a real friend, she would have blocked the name out. End of.

>> No.75590432

If she genuinely believed that, then she would have cencorsed the pippa statement.
She censored the other friend who was mentioned, why not pippa?

>> No.75590499
Quoted by: >>75590905

Sadly that's the direct consequence of what Pippa brought to VTubing

>> No.75590504
Quoted by: >>75590758

>All the dramafags that celebrated niji vtubers getting booted are now outraged over kirsche getting booted
They really have no self-awareness.

>> No.75590511

Pippa Griftkin

>> No.75590554
Quoted by: >>75590707

Hard to believe he went from being an associate producer at Blizzard to this.

>> No.75590580
File: 18 KB, 128x128, 1689784735278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus man even outside of /v/ you cant escape this fucking guy

>> No.75590666
Quoted by: >>75591752

>we have to fight the wokies!
Do these people ever think that maybe the companies making the games lean progressive and it isn't some larger entity pressing down on them?

Just make your own games.
>oh do YOU make your own games then tranny????

>> No.75590674

She had everything to do, do you believe the diretor when he said the trannies that wanted Pippa gone are truly gone? Do you really? you must be as gullible and delusional, they just let Pippa stay but still hate her guts, because the people that hate Kirsche being there for sure hate Pippa being there and they targeted Kirsche because they can't go for Pippa. Plus you don't know if Pippa authorized her name being brought up or not.

>> No.75590688

Phase sponsored OffKai, you dribbling mongoloid. It was gonna cause a fuss no matter what, but instead of just letting the involved people sort it out, everyone tried to draft in twitter culture war shit. It is unironically Rev's fault, and twitter and it's consequences have been a detriment to the human race.

>> No.75590707

it's sad that blizzard became the kind of place that hired people like that

>> No.75590716
File: 68 KB, 1400x1050, db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, the amount of trannies sperging out here. The convention made it political by banning her, you halfwits. She could've sat on the panel and do the ketchup bottle bit for half an hour and it'd be fine. It's your lack of a sense of humor that's keeping people from accepting you hypersensitive freaks into society. Everything is an insult, everything is over the line, everything is a crime against trannies or some other minority, according to you. That's why normal human beings will never accept you, because a sense of humor is what sets us apart from the goddamn animals, robots and whatever the fuck else the gods have in store for us.

>> No.75590726

>this is a former project lead for blizzard

>> No.75590758
Quoted by: >>75591185

Thing I like good thing I don't like bad. Self awareness has nothing to do with it.
There are troons that dogpiled Pikamee that get to stay on.

>> No.75590769
Quoted by: >>75590980

>rants about several groups under the sun, one which takes up half the globe
>pika face when not invited somewhere
>nooo it's not democracy or capitalism if happens to me
>give me an audience or I go public
>goes public anyway
I don't even dislike Kirsche but it's hilarious she is surprised by any of this.

>> No.75590818

>you don't know if Pippa authorized her name being brought up or not.
what fucking moron would ever authorize that? insane cope, queershe is just trying to stir up shit because that's her entire grift

>> No.75590859

Actually, using someones IP to advertise your convention and then after the refund window closes pulling their participation would be false advertising.

>> No.75590905


>> No.75590973

You really think Offkai would let phase have such a large presence in their con for 3 years in a row if anything you said was true?

>> No.75590980
Quoted by: >>75591660

>one which takes up half the globe

>> No.75590984

There was no contract. She was joining the panel via a third party (i.e. it was someone else's panel and she was invited on as one of their guests)

>> No.75590992
Quoted by: >>75591038

>silence! silence now! allow me to do my work unhindered hehehehhee.....trannies everywhere! don't speak! nuh uh politics! trannies in your conventions hehehehhehehee....silence!

>> No.75591038


>> No.75591049
Quoted by: >>75591492

>lack of a sense of humor
>kirsche fan
the jokes write themselves. don't you have anything better to do?
>a sense of humor is what sets us apart from the goddamn animals, robots and whatever the fuck else the gods have in store for us
>She could've sat on the panel and do the ketchup bottle bit for half an hour and it'd be fine
your sense of humor is unironically cancer, and basically no one enjoys your ilk in their company. go make your own board

>> No.75591111

I'm just posting this to make fun of you knowing full well you won't watch it.

>> No.75591115
Quoted by: >>75591278

Kirsche had zero mention of her involvement with Offkai prior to her DM leak though.

>> No.75591185


>> No.75591227

got any evidence of offkai advertising using kirsche? get fucked

>> No.75591243

Nope. Keep trying, though. Even if such an event did happen, and there's only one leaked conversation to suggest that it did, Pippa has nothing to do with this instance, and Kirsche is purposefully dragging her into it. Pippa has an alt. You know what she posted about today? Birds. She could have said something, and she chose not to. Everyone can see what an envious climber Kirsche is. She's going to go away, anon, and there's nothing you can do about it. Kirsche did this to herself.

>> No.75591278

Are you telling me there was 0 mention from anyone that she would be there? They didn't advertise the vtubers who would be doing panels?

>> No.75591302
File: 36 KB, 655x527, 1708617771724705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75591581

so you are saying it's political because people said they don't want politics

>> No.75591315
Quoted by: >>75591400

but the top of the thread says all kirsche fans are quarterling viewers? why is non-political man linking his watch history?

>> No.75591358


>> No.75591390

are you telling me there was a mention of her participating? I never saw any, did you?

>> No.75591393

Who in their right mind would waste an hour on this?

>> No.75591395
Quoted by: >>75591542


>> No.75591400
Quoted by: >>75591752


>> No.75591463
File: 957 KB, 283x498, nyn-nazrin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true and based, fellow kekarino. They KNEW the best way to stab the nazi queen Pippa was to get rid of Kirche. Pippa is probably going to announce all out war on offkai and the left any day now. This is all a lead up to the election this year, bros.

>> No.75591492

Hey, I like sexy things and raunchy humor. Not my fault you switched sides and now never can experience an orgasm ever again. You sure they didn't remove your funny bone in the process?

>> No.75591495
Quoted by: >>75591609

3 million people for starters.

>> No.75591499

>Tyranny in gaming
Ffs at least be a loser wasting your life on Pol shit not wasting your life on baby ass Pol shit

>> No.75591516
Quoted by: >>75591672

>Watch this totally independent video that proves me right.
Buy an ad

>> No.75591540
File: 250 KB, 1024x576, Fkr0u0ZWAA4yUWN[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75591680

Warmbo is legitimately a better vtuber than Kirsche.

>> No.75591538

Chat is this real?

>> No.75591542
Quoted by: >>75591622

Yeesh, what a shit convention if they aren't going to advertise the people they have coming. I have no dog in this race as I think everyone involved is retarded but damn man.

>> No.75591581

Yes. By not saying it, you've said it.
(kudos if you picked up that reference)

>> No.75591582
Quoted by: >>75591944

Same with Rev and his girlfriend.
They're drumming up drama about canceled/canceling appearances that nobody knew about in the first place.

>> No.75591590

watching this board be mindbroken by nijisanji so hard they become qanon rightoids obsessed with bringing up politics 24/7 is hilarious, you don't even live in an english speaking country

>> No.75591599

Yes, and I just checked to be fair to you
>No mention of kirsche in any of offkais announcements or advertising, even on their discord
>No mention of offkai from Kirsche herself prior to her DM leak
The only thing thats fact is that a different chuuba who was applying for an offkai panel themselves invited kirsche to join it, which also wasnt announced publically

>> No.75591605

>sexy things

>> No.75591609
File: 19 KB, 500x300, 1617048951074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75591622

>if they aren't going to advertise the people they have coming
Oh, they did advertise those. Kirsche was not among them.

>> No.75591625
Quoted by: >>75591720

She was never officially on any panels. She was invited by a friend to join THEIR panel, which is why it slipped through the cracks by Offkai staff until now.

>> No.75591660

Kirsche has ranted about women in general saying they sucked at rpg games and just "flirt" their way to get good gear while being bad at the game. The proof being one chick who played with their rpg group who Kirsche pressured their group leader to throw out after the group's lack of progress. Regardless if deserved, it's not a good look to generalize that much.

>> No.75591672

>Watch someone who is funnier than you refute your world view

>> No.75591680

I hate kirsche so that doesn't really say much to me.

>> No.75591685

Get a life holy fuck

>> No.75591690
Quoted by: >>75592108

>Le babylon bee
You need to go back

>> No.75591716
Quoted by: >>75591805

Lol, she had fine interactions with Pippa, but you can hear the grease in her gullet.

>> No.75591720

Whos panel was she supposed to be joining?

>> No.75591752

It's funny to see these people repeat the "go woke go broke" mantra only to then see Baldur's Gate 3 come out pretty much universally beloved despite being one of the gayest games of all time

>> No.75591805

once you go out into the world women don't act like babies and go "baubau" they sound like grown women.

>> No.75591844

Kirsche is a fat trailer park whore and deserves all this and much more.

>> No.75591847

She only said it was an 18+ panel. She stated she doesn't want to name the person specifically, because she doesn't want to drag them into it publicly.

>> No.75591850

Oh, I know, anon, but you can tell Kirsche is fat just from her voice, unless you think that's what a healthy adult female sounds like.

>> No.75591926

>She stated she doesn't want to name the person specifically, because she doesn't want to drag them into it publicly.
Imagine that. It's almost like she could have done the same for Pippa and chose not to. Oops, tee hee.

>> No.75591924
File: 1.77 MB, 468x498, initiate-white-girl-dating-mode-snoop-dogg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also sound really fat if they're really fat.

>> No.75591943

Kirsche might have been able to go next year as things really are shit in the v-tubing scene with all the dramas. But then she pulled this expose threat and made a public video so who knows about next year.

>> No.75591944
File: 61 KB, 601x606, 1689013992603799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75593172

in revs case literally no one

>> No.75591954

Right wing echo chambers are just as annoying as left wing echo chambers

I don't want the entire cute anime girl sphere to suddenly have a 5 minute rant every stream that starts with "You see, that's why the left/right are-!"

/pol/-fags and "Ummm, lolicon is pedophilia!"-niggers all get the same rope

Soapbox-seekers are subhuman


>> No.75591974

That's the person Kirsche is intentionally keeping cencorsed to protect(which is perfectly fine), so no one knows.
Point is she wasnt going to have a panel herself, and was going to tag onto someone elses panel, so theres no misuse of IP anywhere here.

>> No.75591978
File: 934 KB, 1920x1373, 1692087458652338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75592496

These are the same people that cried for months that the Super Mario Bros movie was woke, posted screenshots like this to prove it was woke when the movie got leaked. And then pull a 180 and try and claim the movie was anti woke the very next week because it had one of the largest box office openings in history.

>> No.75591980
Quoted by: >>75592108

i'm not reading all that shit but I think the QRD is
>Pippa just likes being edgy
>Kirsche wants to /pol/ify vtubing and is horrified by consequences of her own actions
is that fair?

>> No.75591982

>keep politics out of vtubing for years here
And now they're trying to drag Pippa into this because Pippa refuses to confront that her edgy humor only invited a bunch of alt-right tourists intentionally or not

>> No.75591988

Well when the schedule gets released it would be pretty easy to narrow it down so her reasoning is retarded. Regardless, the convention should have a "No friends of the host" rule if they dont want people to bring friends.

>> No.75592015

She's not getting into any cons after this
Not vtubing cons, at any rate

>> No.75592105

>so who knows about next year.
Anon, we both know about next year. She's not getting shit. She's a stupid fucking bitch and doesn't know there are rules to this business.

>> No.75592108

>babylon bee
Are the perfect example of why conservatives aren't funny and how their humor ecosystem has degraded into what it is during the past 20 years.

100% on the mark.

>> No.75592114
File: 1.84 MB, 320x240, 9RJUhK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, still a natural woman, still sexier than a tranny can ever dream to be.

>> No.75592138

Based. NO politics in v-tubing. Democracy has spoken with Kirsche like it or not.

>> No.75592154

You filthy fence sitting nigger, all you have to do is read my 50 /pol/ infographics to see I'm right.

>> No.75592217
Quoted by: >>75592282

If I had to choose between a fat woman and a tranny. I choose a bullet to my brain.

>> No.75592282

Suicide is for the weak. I'll take a fat woman over having to pick the maggots outta my teeth after eating out an axewound.

>> No.75592293

First Vtuber at Turning Points USA and CPAC 2025

>> No.75592312
Quoted by: >>75592507

i like sexy things and raunchy humor too, doesn't mean i sperg out when some fat bitch creates drama for no reason and write novels to retards on the internet
get a better hobby

>> No.75592316
Quoted by: >>75592466

Yeah you are likely right. I just think she might be able get in next year with her connections with Phase even if not speaking out sucks.

>> No.75592325

And they don't spout retarded /pol/ conspiracies IRL either

>> No.75592355

What kind of faggot sleeps with women? Gross.

>> No.75592387

If the only choices are either a tranny or a morbidly obese landwhale than I'll stay celibate mate

>> No.75592386

It's crazy how rare cuckoldry as a subject is outside of /vt/, isn't it?

>> No.75592406
File: 31 KB, 720x462, EKS3qixWoAELjTQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75592762

>Baldur's Gate
Hey buddy, you got the wrong board, the /v/ club is two blocks down

>> No.75592409
Quoted by: >>75592626

>Keeping political grifter out of vtubing
What am i suppose to be mad at?

>> No.75592425

The american sargoy, can't wait to see her run for office.

>> No.75592453

with the sludge kirsche probably eats id say they look the same

>> No.75592463

Kirsche is better suited for AFPAC IMO

>> No.75592466

>just think she might be able get in next year with her connections with Phase
She literally burned that bridge by dragging Pippa into it. She likely won't be collabing with anyone at Phase at this rate. There's a good reason why they never tried to hire her. She's a brand risk. She's always been a brand risk, and she doesn't understand that this is a business.

>> No.75592496

Oh yeah, and they did the same with The house of dragons. One day it was woke trash, another day it's breaking records and suddenly it's le based

>> No.75592507

Seems to me you are sperging out over people pointing out your severe lack of humor, troon. If she isn't a threat, if she isn't worth jack shit, why ban her?

>> No.75592527
Quoted by: >>75593084

which /pol/ conspiracies did kirsche spread? or do you backpedal after this?

>> No.75592605
Quoted by: >>75592718

Simple: she's fat.

>> No.75592626

*out of a convention most of the brown world that watches corpos cannot afford to attend or even travel to the same country, she's still a vtuber

>> No.75592627
Quoted by: >>75592759

This really angered the chuds kek

>> No.75592700
Quoted by: >>75592753

It's more than Phase not trying to hire her

She applied for phase, and didn't make the cut PRECISELY because they thought she was a brand risk

PHASE thought someone was a BRAND RISK
That's how hyper-political Kirsche is, if you remove her ability to talk about Politics and real-life drug use/sex she has NOTHING left. Kirsche isn't funny, a skilled stream, or even good at games. The only reason she has ANY audience is because she's essentially one of those "Woman agrees with your political views" Youtube videos but as a streamer

>> No.75592718

Damn, bodyshaming now? What are you, a racist bigot magachud? Which side are you on, anyway? You seem confused.

>> No.75592753
Quoted by: >>75592882

so she's like an even worse lumi?

>> No.75592759

yep, backpedaled, oof.

>> No.75592762
File: 182 KB, 512x384, 0b3eb4329d0d0bd57557598ae8e1bf3f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75592766
File: 584 KB, 583x670, 1690382014042925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee I wonder why kirsche and her fans weren't welcome

>> No.75592794
Quoted by: >>75593051

My politics are mostly the same as hers, but I think she's a scumbag, it's not hard to get.

>> No.75592857
File: 150 KB, 484x347, 1000007491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75594917

>There's anons ITT who genuinely think Pippa would risk the only job she's ever had, that has made her rich mind you, to side with a friend who is intentionally harming Pippa's career by including pippa and her company in their controversy
The naivete of /vt/ is really something

>> No.75592882

Lumi, for as much as she plays up the stupid blonde thing, is an actually educated girl. She has good singing skills, and she's entertaining. Kirsche would be fine for a lot of things if she was at least entertaining, but she's not. She's really just really fucking boring, and her only shtick is politics. Is it any wonder that nobody wants her around?

>> No.75592906
File: 35 KB, 425x500, dafuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im enjoying laughing at all the faggots trying to make this into some grand crusade while eating a sandwich.
trannies really do live rent free in your head, huh?

>> No.75592913
Quoted by: >>75593116

Wasn't it her fans that dragged Pippa in? Still Phase paid for all that stuff at Off Kai. I would be pissed too if my own employees/orbiters created this difficulty.

>> No.75592924

>doesn't know there are rules to this business
What rules exactly are those? No politics? There's a shit ton of LGBTQ vtubers on twitch whose entire identity is being LGBTQ and actively do streams for controversial charities like the Trevor Project and Mermaids; many of whom have been invited to Offkai before. Not to mention the whole Hogwarts Legacy drama where many established vtubers expressed their support of not playing the game for political reasons.

>> No.75592962

Didn't this all start because OffKai management bent over because a bunch of volunteers were salty over Kirsche being part of one panel?
Fuck volunteers. Fuck jannies. You do it for free.

>> No.75592964
Quoted by: >>75593146

>if you're not a retarded poltard like me and Kirsche, that means you're an ultralib SJW.
You people are really simple-minded.

>> No.75593015

OffKai is entirely volunteer-run

>> No.75593025

If this woman cannot participate in OffKai and Pippa can, then, it would be inconsistent and unfair.
The event side has the right to choose people, and the customer side has the right to support or not support it.
In the past, many companies have faced criticism and boycotts for imposing political reasons or what they think is "right" on consumers.
I wonder what their clear line is.

>> No.75593051

Well, you seem awfully eager to side with the troons over her personality. Maybe that's why the troons are gaining so much traction lately. So many hypersensitive zoomers, so many things to get worked up over. Would suit you if you could manage to hold the line every now and then, but then again, zoomers and gen a are nothing but slackjawed faggots. Shame.

>> No.75593084
Quoted by: >>75593235

Do you even watch Kirsche?
The better question is WHEN is she not spouting /pol/ controversies during streams

>> No.75593116

>Wasn't it her fans that dragged Pippa in?
Nope. It was her by her own mention of her. This isn't that hard to get. She's trying to gain plausible deniability by telling her fans not to ask her or Phase about it, while knowing that they will inevitably do that. If she wanted to keep this out of the public view she wouldn't have leaked logs, and she wouldn't have mentioned Pippa by name.

>> No.75593146
File: 50 KB, 468x571, cam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, we're not the ones banning people for their politics. That's on you, homeslice.

>> No.75593170
Quoted by: >>75593489

don't pretend as if millenials as a whole agree with your dogshit takes, scum like you are scum regardless of which generation they come from

>> No.75593172

it's almost as if these people were watching just for drama and are just retarded busybodies equal to twatter troons. oh the irony

>> No.75593187
Quoted by: >>75593519

Why don't the people that actually like her volunteer to help in these community events, anon-chama?

>> No.75593223
Quoted by: >>75593293

And? Still gotta sweep it up, janny.

>> No.75593235

>can't name a single conspiracy
>doubles down
ok, link one.

>> No.75593248
Quoted by: >>75594190

why do vtuber fans hate politics so much? just look at the quality of the political posters in this thread.

>> No.75593293

That's exactly what they're doing by blocking Kirsche from being involved
Cleaning up the trash

>> No.75593327

isnt she the kiwifarms cumslut?

>> No.75593383


>> No.75593392

why yes she defended free speech on the internet fellow 4channer. how would you like to spin that against her?

>> No.75593418

JWU why do >we hate volunteering now?

>> No.75593461
Quoted by: >>75594675

...Is Kirsche blackmailing Pippa?
Now that I think about it, they've known each other a while, and probably have a pretty spicy discord. Knowing Pippa, she 100% has triple-downed on some pretty /pol/-takes in private in order to seem more 'based' to her right leaning friends (Like Kirsche).
If Kirsche is simply leveraging all that against Pippa it would explain why she seems to be able to continuously grift Pippa despite Pippa getting nothing out of their collabs but subscriber losses and anti comments.
If Pippa really does publicly take Kirsche's side in this, I'll be convinced that it's the result of actual blackmail. "Take my side or i'll show the word how much you love saying Nigger" type blackmail.

>> No.75593474

So much for the tolerant left...

>> No.75593489
Quoted by: >>75593715

And so are you. Difference is, we're willing to talk about shit. You just deflect, insult and cancel people. Learn how to debate, how to apply logic. Your feelings only got you this far, time to take a shit or get off the crapper.

>> No.75593490

jannies are volunteers too

>> No.75593494

I believe she cheered when niji vtubers were banned from the same convention. Where's their free speech?

>> No.75593519
Quoted by: >>75593826

Anon, do you realize where the con is located and understand the political demographics of that area? I'd imagine most, if not all, of the volunteers are local.

>> No.75593527

>What rules exactly are those?
You don't make your personal issues the problems of those you're connected to. You don't create risks for your potential business partners, even tangentially, and you don't try to blackmail a con you're trying to attend, ostensibly to gain a bigger audience, you fucking retard. These are unspoken rules.
>No politics?
Yes. They're supposed to be idols, not political pundits.
>There's a shit ton of LGBTQ vtubers on twitch whose entire identity is being LGBTQ
Being gay isn't politics. Most vtubers play up the gay/bi angle just because it gets views. The rule is to make it entertaining and appealing to the audience while also being completely non-controversial. The rule of this business is to be entertaining. It's a business, treat it like one.

>> No.75593600 [DELETED] 

and there it is, the brown behind this entire thread, revealed.

>> No.75593626
Quoted by: >>75593964

And I'm not the one crying about it. Good that we both get something out of it.

>> No.75593661
Quoted by: >>75594303

>we hate volunteering now?
>Can't greentext
>Doesn't tell jannies to sweep it up
How new are you?

>> No.75593690

Why would i defend a kiwitard

>> No.75593715
Quoted by: >>75594078

you're projecting an awful lot there, I have no interest in discussing leftist or rightist bullshit. i'm here to watch cute girls doing cute things on occasion, and watch dramaniggers like you get laughed out of yet another online space

>> No.75593826
Quoted by: >>75594457

Sure I do, I live in west coast. Why don't any of these events take place in a "friendlier" place where there might be more sympathetic demographics? They should probably quit being so lazy and entitled.

>> No.75593850

>Being gay is political
The government has no place in the bedroom of two consenting adults, bootlicker

>> No.75593908
Quoted by: >>75594159

>/v/ image
Really just not bothering to hide it anymore.

>> No.75593964

All the (you)s you've given me paint quite a different picture. I'm drunk right now, but take this lesson to heart. Learn how to debate, forget the whole deflecting and insulting shtick, no one will take you seriously when you do that.

>> No.75593965

WTF, this is the first time I’ve seen this. Last I checked it was just LBGT or LBGTQ+. Did they just roll their faces on the keyboard for this?

>> No.75594016
Quoted by: >>75594300

>Learn how to debate,
go back faggot

>> No.75594078
Quoted by: >>75594200

Online space? I thought this was about a vtuber getting canceled from an IRL space? Moving the goalposts again, huh?

>> No.75594098
Quoted by: >>75594218

I'm not debating you, retard. I'm mocking you.

>> No.75594139

just lgbt+ or gsm (gender & sexual minorities) is fine. i prefer the latter because discourse around the former is annoying.

>> No.75594159
Quoted by: >>75594328

That's it? Well, that kinda explains why you guys want to cancel anyone that gets the upper hand.

>> No.75594190

I watch Vtubers explicitly to get away from shit like work troubles and politics. I don't care when anyone on EITHER side brings this shit up, wether it be troon leftoid activists like Froot, or AM talk radio hosts like Kirsche. I already refuse to watch a handful of Vtubers because I know their political stances, if I know that about you, I don't want to watch you, period. Keep this bullshit out of vtubing, it's really not that hard.

>> No.75594200
Quoted by: >>75594476

this thread is about laughing at dramafaggots like you trying to "use logic" and "debate" to hide how upset they are that ketchup queen fabricated some drama for views

>> No.75594218

Ad hominem? I accept your concession.

>> No.75594267
File: 22 KB, 389x389, 1690488968649304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75594368

>nooo you can't ban me
>you have to spend your own resources hosting me so that I can destroy your reputation

>> No.75594303
Quoted by: >>75594431

When did >we
become so retarded?

>> No.75594300

Thank you for proving my point. Only thing you can do is deflect or insult.

>> No.75594328
Quoted by: >>75594548

Go back to /v/, you're not claiming this board like you did with all the others.

>> No.75594343
Quoted by: >>75594690

you totally WRECKED that vtuberfag bro. be sure to take pics of your conquest when you go back.

>> No.75594368
Quoted by: >>75594507

who will think of offkai "the place fans go to fuck vtubers" expo's stellar reputation

>> No.75594389

>Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, poly, 2 Spirit, asexual, aromantic
Pretty sure I got some wrong, but they did the plus because no one can remember them anyway.

>> No.75594408
File: 133 KB, 804x451, 1687446457464524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75595231

>heh, another online debate won. kirsche would be so proud of me

>> No.75594419
Quoted by: >>75594545

I'd rather fuck a cute trap than a disgusting hamplanet like Kirsche lmao

>> No.75594431
Quoted by: >>75594567

"we" is short for "weeb". the game was rigged from the start.

>> No.75594457
Quoted by: >>75594957

>why don't they hold my convention in alabama
Gee anon I don't know

>> No.75594476

And now us dramafaggots are laughing at you. It's the cirrrrrrrcle of liiiiiiiiiiiife. Difference is, you got obliterated..."ketchup woman bad" isn't an argument. You want to censor anyone that disagrees with you. I want you troons to man up (kek) and engage us in a proper debate about canceling people for thir politics.

>> No.75594492

Screen caps of this please

>> No.75594507

Do you think I can share burgers and fries with four other guys and MariMari_EN?

>> No.75594534


>> No.75594545

You'll get ugly obese men who like to claim they are women instead.

>> No.75594548

Claiming it? Well, it's not like you're fighting us or debating us or anything!

>> No.75594567
File: 114 KB, 151x121, SNK kneel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been intellectually checkmated. It can't be...

>> No.75594614

So let me get this straight a ligger could say something defending the gays
> The West was a mistake, they shouldn't be allowed to stream, keep politics out

This girl's whole thing is covering news and being political

Jesus Christ is not that hard
Keep politics out of vtubing

>> No.75594647
Quoted by: >>75595299

>Debate me!

>> No.75594675
Quoted by: >>75594820

Would not be surprised. She's the type to kneel to peer pressure.

>> No.75594676

Rules for thee but not for me
Same as it ever was

>> No.75594690
Quoted by: >>75594809

Hot damn, another ad hominem. Man, the amount of (you)s is insane! I mean, I kinda expected room temperature IQs from you troons, but this is ICE COLD

>> No.75594707

>covering news
More like repeating /pol/ shitposts verbatim without looking them up

>> No.75594778

teamsport fag. both the twitter troons and grifter trash like Kirsche are subhuman. you don't have to support either.

>> No.75594795
File: 2.49 MB, 608x610, 1683213759531729.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again with the projection. I ain't censoring shit, i'm laughing at some idiot who keeps insisting everyone that disagrees with him is a troon and demanding that people debate him. Why should I debate you? You aren't even offering any rational arguments or evidence, you're just throwing out buzzwords you learned from memes and insulting people.
start a debate thread, make some coherent arguments with evidence, or get fucked

>> No.75594809
Quoted by: >>75595367

your posts are honestly kind of nostalgic for me when i was a kid.

>> No.75594820
Quoted by: >>75595454

She's not that dumb anymore, and she has a network of managers and other talents to help her manage this shit. Pippa will probably just choose to ignore it. It will blow over, and Kirsche will be more irrelevant than she is now.

>> No.75594894
Quoted by: >>75595474

You need to be 18 or older to post on 4chan

>> No.75594917

Not once i doubted Griffkin Griffpa

>> No.75594957
File: 317 KB, 911x854, Predator smile 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75595348

I'm sure if they can manage a tractor equipment trade show in Montgomery they could organize a vtuber convention too.

>> No.75595231
File: 809 KB, 220x123, fish-hands.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75595387

Again, not an argument. Memes won't help you here, sweetie.

>> No.75595241

>actually, even though i vehemently defend corpos and bring up niji...i am just anon armed with politically left leaning image macros and youtube links who wants politics...gone!
make it make sense

>> No.75595299


>> No.75595331
Quoted by: >>75595416

Kek, can't wait for deranged kirscheniggers attack pippa when she ignore this "drama"

>> No.75595348
Quoted by: >>75595667

The thing is that there aren't a lot of people that want to fly to Alabama to go to a con. This is the way things are, furthermore, the only people that really have a problem with the way things are now are the people not welcome at current cons. That's a much smaller audience to begin with.

>> No.75595367

Awww, when you were your original sex? Damn, that must suck.

>> No.75595387
File: 11 KB, 258x195, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75595656

i love how you believe people being unwilling to debate with you /here/ is some mark of their inferiority. all of your posts are fallacious drivel

>> No.75595416

They're already doing it. I look forward to Kirsche becoming an anti, as she's well on her way. This is one reason never to mix friends and business. You cannot count on their gratitude for good deeds done past, especially with climbers like Kirsche.

>> No.75595454 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 683x1032, 1696652153858538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she has dirty laundry it won't matter

>> No.75595474
Quoted by: >>75595570

Damn, you almost got me. I'll count that as another ad hominem, though. You think they'd make Kirsche's panel an 18+ event? You know, to keep the minor troons safe?

>> No.75595538
Quoted by: >>75595722

Consequences are a hell of a thing man. You come into a medium where one of the unspoken rules is “keep politics OUT” and decide to base literally 95% of your content around politics and expect to be treated the same as every other vtuber?

I’m just shocked it didn’t happen sooner

>> No.75595570
Quoted by: >>75595826

perhaps you should just fuck a trannie and get it out of your system. 21 times in this thread it's been brought up, mostly by you. I never think about trannies, why do you?
rent free

>> No.75595641

it's honestly kind of adorable seeing someone spam logical fallacy accusations like it's 2014.

>> No.75595656
Quoted by: >>75595783

None of my statements are fallacious drivel if the only argument you can make against me are ad hominems. Apply yourself.

>> No.75595667
File: 167 KB, 400x400, laughing sluts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess she'll just have to settle for being a part of an oppressed minority with no rights...

>> No.75595711

Here you go, faggots. Your retarded slapfight would fight in well with your peers.

>> No.75595722

Tell that to the 16 year old edgelords shitting up the thread with /pw/ tier quips

>> No.75595783
File: 3.62 MB, 7200x5400, 91rrx5sts60c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75595946

>you used a logical fallacy, so none of my posts that are entirely without substance are fallacious
oh yeah? if you like logical fallacies so much, name all of their albums.

>> No.75595778
File: 11 KB, 650x150, 1686833266761271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75595826

Hey, if I'm not thinking about you, no one will. I'm -willing- to debate you, troon. The fact that you're deflecting and resorting to ad hominems means you've ran out of brainpower. You should take this chance to improve yourself.

>> No.75595868
Quoted by: >>75596020

unfortunately for you, i'm cishet white male. whose using the ad hominem now, tranny lover?

>> No.75595902
File: 333 KB, 2304x3200, 1713757211344394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When would be the right time to call out logical phallusies?

>> No.75595922

>only 5 ad hominem accusations so far
rookie numbers debatefag

>> No.75595946
Quoted by: >>75596025

More hiding behind fallacies, the sign of an inferior mind. Why was the ketchup fox banned, troon?

>> No.75595950
Quoted by: >>75596112

i know you're willing to debate, thats exactly why I refuse. I know you're into denial play. you're not even any good at debating if this is an example of your technique

>> No.75596020
Quoted by: >>75596104

Lmao, no true cishet white male would declare himself a cishet white male. Try again.

>> No.75596025

why should I know or care? couldn't give a shit, get fucked and cry more

>> No.75596034

Why do you write like a bot?

>> No.75596104

are you seriously asking for a picture of my cock? gross, I thought you were straight anon. I don't debate faggots.

>> No.75596112

I genuinely, honest to god wanna know want to know why you think it's a good idea to ban your politial opponents from any public stage. If you can beat them at any time, why ban them?
