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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.97 MB, 3400x2000, E8BG0ZZVcAEFHP8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.7554899 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>7554935

This is a thread for the discussion of Nijisanji's English branch and their vtuber units, LazuLight and Obsydia!

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:

Twitter accounts:

Teamup Schedule for NijiEN:

To watch streams at the same time:
Open devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.
localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);
You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.

NijiEN song playlist:
To loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.

Reminder to ignore shitposting, discordfags, and tribalfags.

Previous thread: >>7548672

>> No.7554911
File: 418 KB, 1624x2455, 1619574583990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O, Rosemi! My Rosemi!

>> No.7554916

It reminds me of the magic behind Rushia's expression. No wonder she attracts so many goslings...

>> No.7554921

i miss pomu

>> No.7554924
File: 825 KB, 2893x4092, E6EU7oGVoAABxZI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Pomu!

>> No.7554926

took your sweet time

watch the intro and you can quit later. it's a mini zatsudan right now.

>> No.7554927
File: 529 KB, 1200x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7555001 >>7555675

Is this Rosemi's controller?

>> No.7554931
File: 516 KB, 1368x770, 1621993672995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know how everyone drew seeds for pomu?
it would be a fun project if we all drew a small dragon for selen

>> No.7554935

Good picture choice.

>> No.7554937
File: 172 KB, 360x450, 1593846805284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7554958 >>7554971

This thread is prerecorded

>> No.7554945

Why are they all tiny? I want them to atleast give me a few seconds in a fight, but they are like all midgets

>> No.7554947

>Ember's not real

>> No.7554949
File: 187 KB, 1325x1920, E6iJzxWWEAM8zPD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petra love!

>> No.7554955
File: 99 KB, 750x1046, E6qIe6sUUAI9Av7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love rosemi! Please tune into rosemi's stream!

>> No.7554957

Is Amber retarded?

>> No.7554958

Ember never existed

>> No.7554961

Rosemi is awkward just like me!

>> No.7554971
File: 120 KB, 1139x1080, 1628205209698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7554972
Quoted by: >>7555012 >>7555067

Does the hood go up on the model or not? If it does what stream does she actually put it up?

>> No.7554976
Quoted by: >>7555122

Why do people not train their dogs? Aren't Dauchshunds better at following commands than most dogs?

>> No.7554987
File: 121 KB, 450x400, 16274340828761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7555021 >>7555052

>apex collab with finana and apex
When the fuck did this happen? I thought yesterday she didn't stream aside from the morning zatsu. Oh great I'm finally losing it...

>> No.7555001

It'll be perfect for Cuphead though.

>> No.7555012
File: 181 KB, 1170x1699, E61NZ0ZVkAk__ap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7555021

She showed up unanounced in their collab apex stream and played for a few games.

>> No.7555022
Quoted by: >>7555061 >>7555191

I miss Pomu so much, I hope everything with the recovery goes well

>> No.7555052

She joined for a short time

>> No.7555061

Hang in there Pomudachi. Only 1.5 weeks left.

>> No.7555063
Quoted by: >>7555095

Wosemi's squeaky laugh is incredible.

>> No.7555067
File: 956 KB, 1783x3200, E6jgViCUUAIyYEj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hood goes up, I only remember her using it when Selen and Rosemi were pretending to eat her

>> No.7555079
Quoted by: >>7555155

no, that's nana7mi

>> No.7555083

i cant believe that my wosemi is so successful that she got her own hate thread thats failing at hating her.

>> No.7555086

Cool story Selen, butmy cat knows how to open doors with handles, he's a smart cookie

>> No.7555095

I love it so much. It's a sign that she's really enjoying herself.

>> No.7555096
Quoted by: >>7555131

Please please Rosemi don't like the game too much

>> No.7555103

First had to make an account because she forgot to, now she can't get the game to show up...

>> No.7555105

Rosemi, don't dox yourself....

>> No.7555106
File: 9 KB, 217x233, 71997B6E-189F-465E-A98C-53BA77DA702F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7555146 >>7555147

Bros I just want Rosemi to not be a dumbass for once

>> No.7555107


>> No.7555108
File: 512 KB, 3157x3157, 1609440137643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her wallpaper are German airplanes doing carpet bombing
Rosemi is super based.

>> No.7555110

a failure even when it comes to hate threads
Sasuga Wosemi

>> No.7555122

Women have a tendency to spoil dogs rotten. You have to be firm for a dog to be well mannered.

>> No.7555131
Quoted by: >>7555290

She said that management is pushing her to play it. Unless she gets addicted to the gacha I doubt she'll play much more of it unless management keeps bugging her about it.

>> No.7555133

I think every single NijiEN except maybe Selen, I am not sure has gotten hate and bait threads

>> No.7555134

Tsundiarrhea is smol. Please understand.

>> No.7555146
Quoted by: >>7555337

I'm sorry she's so dense to your romantic advances Pomu

>> No.7555147

I don't, it's charming

>> No.7555150

Genshin needs OBS in admin mode. Ghost hit the same issue.
T. Genshin autist

>> No.7555155
Quoted by: >>7555512

I thought nanami was the shark next to Iinchou

>> No.7555161
Quoted by: >>7555176

"She's boring" being the main criticism just means everyone is too apathetic about her to be genuine antis anon.

>> No.7555173

Selen got at least one thread making fun of her laugh.

>> No.7555176

We're talking about Rosemi not Petra.

>> No.7555180

I want to impregnate and start a family with the great rosemi-sama!

>> No.7555191

Today was my first solid day of withdrawal, still a week and half to go. I'm gonna make it though

>> No.7555199
File: 755 KB, 890x653, 1627748735388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7555204
Quoted by: >>7555270

Selen got a bunch of hate threads that turned into BWAHAHAHAHAHAposting and people wanting her to collab with people.

>> No.7555209
File: 915 KB, 900x900, 1628156181409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7555213

Damn that was a short stream

>> No.7555218

selen? i though elira was the only one

>> No.7555221

just remember, that when you donate to a vtuber, you're a cuck, all the money goes to her dog

>> No.7555228

>Stream offline
I thank god every day for giving us the gweat wosemi-sama

>> No.7555231
File: 223 KB, 282x338, 1606865012484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi-sama is an absolute retard.

>> No.7555236

aren't girls at their cutest when they're almost retarded?

>> No.7555243

Is selen into bestiality?

>> No.7555249

Genshin stream cancelled. Go home everybody.

>> No.7555261

>Are you sure you want to exit while live?
>Not really but --

>> No.7555266
Quoted by: >>7555330

Thank you, Petra, for this gift! https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin/status/1423297755473006601

>> No.7555270
File: 505 KB, 618x672, 1627718370537[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7vdah2.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selen doesn't care about hate. She just wants to laugh and have fun. Dragoons are based

>> No.7555272

Just the right amount of Genshin, thank you, Rosemi-sama!

>> No.7555276

GOAT Genshin stream.

>> No.7555281

i simply cant believe it. wosemi once again has shown us her unparalleled gaming skills and beat the entirety of genshin in less than 20 minutes.

>> No.7555282

>74 minutes
>she's not even done the 3rd person out of 13
Selen... might wanna pick up the pace

>> No.7555290
Quoted by: >>7555373

If she doesnt like the game it is not like maybe san will force her, that is not how it works. Pomu hasnt played it in over a month so if mane san tried to force it they are pretty bad at it

>> No.7555291
File: 807 KB, 637x713, 1628031826478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dork more than you can possibly imagine.

>> No.7555303


>> No.7555310

rosemi not on nijimado?

>> No.7555313
File: 1.51 MB, 490x524, 1627121126905.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More tangents you say? Coming right up!

>> No.7555325

I can kind of see where the 200 hours number comes from...

>> No.7555330
File: 233 KB, 1771x1407, E6m65ofUYAAw0ot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7555345 >>7555384

Really nice cover, piano stream when?

>> No.7555337
Quoted by: >>7555606

Shut up loser.

>> No.7555339

She did say she will finish it on her own time if necessary and keep updating it as another 100 new members are added in a couple of months.

>> No.7555340

so selen wants to wear a collar

>> No.7555341

Would you pick up after Selen?

>> No.7555345

Petra thighs UOHHHHHH

>> No.7555348
Quoted by: >>7555372 >>7555383

Get in here.

>> No.7555358

Another Genshin stweam by the Gweat Wosemi!

>> No.7555360

>shifted from "I HATE KIDS" to "I'd screw it up"
It's working.

>> No.7555366
Quoted by: >>7555380

what was wrong with the first one?

>> No.7555372
File: 58 KB, 575x605, 1627608320231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All part of her master plan!

>> No.7555373

Note that I never said "force". If they bug Rosemi about it again, she's free to ignore them. However Rosemi might feel obligated to do what management tells her. She seems like the type that doesn't want to risk "rocking the boat". Hopefully she knows they can flat out reject suggestions.

>> No.7555380

It abruptly ended, she couldn't even finish her sentence.

>> No.7555381

Another one? She must really like the game

>> No.7555383

>2 streams in one day
It's over, we lost her to genshin.

>> No.7555384
Quoted by: >>7555927

I wanna bury my face between her thighs and eat her out then play Nintendo games with her on the couch and eat pizza

>> No.7555385

When is Rosemi graduating?

>> No.7555386

How much is she spending on that damn dog, she has gotten like 10k $ in supas in one week

>> No.7555388
Quoted by: >>7555444

I feel like Petra would have a cute reaction to getting cummed on.

>> No.7555394
Quoted by: >>7555427

>immediately shows the user ID

>> No.7555401
Quoted by: >>7555427

>professional email

>> No.7555413

>"Let me hide this"
>After everyone got a good look already
Rosemi-sama, you are the cutest ditz I know.

>> No.7555423
Quoted by: >>7555467

How can one person be this retarded?

>> No.7555427
Quoted by: >>7555478 >>7555509

Who is better at doxxing themselves, feesh or wosemi?

>> No.7555430
Quoted by: >>7555450

Why is Wosemi so stupid

>> No.7555438
File: 16 KB, 95x56, oh no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7555439
File: 17 KB, 654x156, Screenshot 2021-08-05 192734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi-sama's training arc begins NOW

>> No.7555444

I think she would put on a pouting expression while saying, "Why did you cum on my face anon!"

>> No.7555448

Taking care of kusogaki Selen....

>> No.7555450

Because it's adorable and makes my wiener hard

>> No.7555465
Quoted by: >>7555475

Selen was a annoying brat...

>> No.7555467
File: 68 KB, 250x250, 1626558327394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's probably a been a NEET for so long. I love her though, she seems too earnestly dumb.

>> No.7555468

Rosemi LOVE!

>> No.7555473
Quoted by: >>7555516 >>7555522

I'm watching selen, what shenanigans is wosemi pulling this time?

>> No.7555475


>> No.7555478

Feesh has more experience, but my oshi will surely catch up to her one day!

>> No.7555485

Even the stream itself is failing. Wosemi is really amazing!

>> No.7555496
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x1080, 1601802309942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7555502
File: 369 KB, 1320x2048, F4AE7BBA-426D-4FBA-B0DD-6423B56A6A68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this sweet horny mermaid!

>> No.7555509

Fish probably

>> No.7555512

... huh. then I'm confused now

>> No.7555516
Quoted by: >>7555650

>didn't create a Genshin account before the stream so does it AFTER the stream starts
>can't get the game to show up properly
>stream dies
>restarts stream and the game works but immediately shows her information to the stream and takes a long time to cover it up

>> No.7555522
Quoted by: >>7555561 >>7555650

>didn't create her account before the stream
>had trouble displaying the game and her stream died trying to get it to work
>had to create another stream
Also I think she flashed her professional email from what other people are saying?

>> No.7555523

I see lain on screen, I immediately start cumming

>> No.7555540
File: 54 KB, 574x457, 1627919216349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7555594 >>7555621

>english dub genshin

>> No.7555553
File: 67 KB, 220x138, 1619323822291.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7555554
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, 1605195252479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7555557

>rosemi has trouble interacting in groups like me

>> No.7555561

it was mostly censored, so probably not a big deal. i really dont think she leaked her uid (yet)

>> No.7555573
File: 1.42 MB, 850x1202, 2A3912F6-1033-411B-8578-FD708DDCF618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7555887

I want to bounce Petra on my dick and watch her squirm.

>> No.7555577
Quoted by: >>7555607 >>7555621

>english dub
ew she better change

>> No.7555593

Rosemi hiding her map from stream snipers!

>> No.7555594

It's sovlkino.

>> No.7555597

She didn't have trouble when she went to the DnD orgy yesterday

>> No.7555604
Quoted by: >>7555642

Man I am so ready to watch the opening 3 hours of genshin for the 7th time :^)

>> No.7555606
Quoted by: >>7555691

show me where yuri hurt you anon

>> No.7555607

u know en vtubers are literally english dub themselves right

>> No.7555614

What got me was that she felt down about it a day later.

>> No.7555616

>Changing dub to Japanese
>Didn't download
Oh no...

>> No.7555620

I stopped playing with the English dub the moment I realized Liza is voiced by a black woman

>> No.7555621

She should have installed the game in JP and switched to English text after the intro.

>> No.7555625

changing language is 4gb download lol

>> No.7555632

>just remember, that when you donate to a vtuber, you're a cuck, all the money goes to her dog
Should go to moving out kek.
Pretty sure only Rosemi doesn't live at home anymore.

>> No.7555634
Quoted by: >>7555709 >>7555855

EN vtubers aren't dubbing over another voice with a worse one.

>> No.7555635

> playing Genshit at all

>> No.7555637

wtf I love Lisa now

>> No.7555638

Selen stop, my heart can't handle these shark noises....

>> No.7555642

I've yet to see it once and don't plan on changing it anytime soon.

>> No.7555647
File: 238 KB, 466x860, coomerhand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7555701

Selen's coomer arm.

>> No.7555648

This is where dragon supremacy truly shines. Wine aunt dub voices out.

>> No.7555649


>> No.7555650

she's so stupid, I love her

>> No.7555659
Quoted by: >>7555734

not an elira fan huh?

>> No.7555669
Quoted by: >>7555855

No. There's no original JP voice.

>> No.7555670

EN dubs suck 99.9% of the time, that's why you use JP

>> No.7555673

I know you're an ESL but you should at least look-up what words mean before you embarrass yourself

>> No.7555675
Quoted by: >>7555747

I'm hoping she got an 8bitdo Pro 2, but knowing her she probably got the shittiest "Amazon Recommends" labelled controller that she could find with Prime shipping

>> No.7555676
Quoted by: >>7555687

there is a shark on stream

>> No.7555687
Quoted by: >>7555721

Is it HER?

>> No.7555691

Man y’all can’t take a joke for shit.

>> No.7555693
Quoted by: >>7555723 >>7555734

>he doesn't know about E****

>> No.7555699

I can't wait for Sunsettia!

>> No.7555701

the fingers are long and shapely for a reason

>> No.7555705

>He doesn't know about Elira

>> No.7555709
Quoted by: >>7555733 >>7555740

The best voice is the one you can understand.

>> No.7555721


>> No.7555723
Quoted by: >>7555743 >>7555774

no way stop spreading lies

>> No.7555726

Has Elira ever chimped out on stream?

>> No.7555731
Quoted by: >>7555772

Rosemi HATES Paimon

>> No.7555733
Quoted by: >>7555785

>The best voice is the one you can't understand.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.7555734

Wait is this supposed a joke is she really?

>> No.7555740
Quoted by: >>7555785 >>7555925

The best voice is the one that sounds the most pleasing to the ear. And english voices often sound unfitting for characters.

>> No.7555742
File: 8 KB, 140x222, E4sy_8UUUAU_0Hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7555743
Quoted by: >>7555765


>> No.7555747

I think she said the controller was kinda small since she has small hands. I somehow doubt she got the pro 2

>> No.7555753

I'd lay my life down the protect that long neck

>> No.7555755
File: 39 KB, 930x170, 1628206757406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7555760


>> No.7555763
Quoted by: >>7555820

>He lacks the facts

>> No.7555765

There's no black people in Canada you're lying

>> No.7555768
Quoted by: >>7555816

>genshin dub
Welp that's it guys I'm going to bed.

>> No.7555769

> Selen lost confidence and herself
> Calls herself ugly and a long neck
> Can only laugh the pain away as shes stuck with her model now
Why aren't you saving her?

>> No.7555772

Based. Petra is going to FREAK.

>> No.7555774

>he didn't do the PL reps

>> No.7555778
Quoted by: >>7555820 >>7555870

Uh I'm not going to go into it any further anon.

>> No.7555784


>> No.7555785

lazy takes, opinions discarded

>> No.7555789

>u know en vtubers are literally english dub themselves right

>> No.7555794

Never been to Poland, sorry...

>> No.7555807
File: 43 KB, 1080x146, 1628206846230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7555813
File: 76 KB, 236x206, Eleerie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ELIRA IS STREAMING "OMORI" IN 20 MINUTES! I haven't personally seen or played it but I've heard that it has a depressing story, I hope Elira doesn't cry! But she probably will... I REALLY LOVE THIS GIRL! She's so sweet and adorable and I'm glad that she hasn't had any more internet issues since it was fixed for her! Even though it's supposed to be a sad game, I hope Elira has fun, anyways! She enjoys streaming so much so I'm glad that it's something she can do so often, and I will always support her! ALWAYS! Why? BECAUSE I LOVE HER! I hope that you are all able to keep supporting her despite there being 5 other NijiEN girls, now! If you aren't, I hope that you at least support Elira's friends, because surely that will make her happy, still! I REALLY LOVE ELIRA AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE ELIRA MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD OR ANY OTHER! I WILL ALWAYS, ALWAYS LOVE ELIRA! I hope that you do, too! I LOVE ELIRA!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p4AjJA6R-0 < Elira
In the meantime, Selen is still doing her drawing stream and Rosemi is playing Genshin Impact! Finana will also be playing Genshin Impact in 20 minutes!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI3NRr2r2lU < Selen
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynwQcbno1Iw < Rosemi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVZlDYzJ5B4 < Finana
Also, stop spreading your shitty "rrats" you worthless faggots, you're not funny and you never will be. BUT it also doesn't matter what Elira's soul looks like, she's perfect no matter what! I love this dragon!

>> No.7555816
Quoted by: >>7555856 >>7555865

So you're saying she should be playing the original (CN) voices instead of one of the dubs (JP or EN)?

>> No.7555820

Damn If this is true I like Elira even more,

>> No.7555822

Delete this stupid comment and spare yourself from further embarrassment

>> No.7555823

Bon gaming

>> No.7555828

nice, now say the word "nigger"

>> No.7555833

Based schizo

>> No.7555836
Quoted by: >>7555862

Anon don't ask questions if you are not ready for the answers

>> No.7555839
File: 35 KB, 112x112, 1625114998520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elira cute

>> No.7555840
Quoted by: >>7555863

Please tell me she's has the JP dub downloading and will switch when it's done

>> No.7555842

>no black people in canada
>toronto raptors exist
Keep living in denial nigga

>> No.7555849
Quoted by: >>7555869

He will never be a true gamer unless he participates in CR with Selen and Bora.

>> No.7555855

Isn't the original voice for Genshin chinese?

>> No.7555856

anon... even the devs themselves say that the JP dub is the more 'original' one since that's what they aimed for in the first place...

>> No.7555859


>> No.7555860

Anon... The immigrants...

>> No.7555862
Quoted by: >>7555881

i will stop being racist for elira

>> No.7555863
Quoted by: >>7555888

No JP voices until the next stream.

>> No.7555865
Quoted by: >>7555916

He obviously wants the JP voices. What is this "original is always better" strawman you fags keep using about? Not even sub fans think that, Chinese languages sound terrible.

>> No.7555866

We're talking about vtubers

>> No.7555869
Quoted by: >>7555896 >>7555902

Is Bon good at ape?

>> No.7555870

Spoonfeed me now.

>> No.7555881

Elira is black?

>> No.7555885
File: 82 KB, 740x900, omori true ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7555886

>EN voices over JP lisa
no way, fag

>> No.7555887

I know that feel

>> No.7555888

I'll endure for Rosemi

>> No.7555889

Rewatching the beginning scenes of this game, is Paimon the bad guy? Bitch knows too much right off the bat and kinda looks like that evil bitch in the beginning.

>> No.7555890
Quoted by: >>7555984 >>7556001


>> No.7555896
Quoted by: >>7555920

yeah but he said himself he doesn't really like being too competitive and grinding ranks so he's just been chilling in plat

>> No.7555900
Quoted by: >>7555983

anon, they devs order the japanese dub first, put even more money into it

>> No.7555901
Quoted by: >>7556215

No. Do your archive reps or let it go. It doesn't matter either way.

>> No.7555902
Quoted by: >>7555920

He has really good legacy skill, but does not really take the game competitively because he does not like the competitive aspect.

>> No.7555906

wtf I hate elira now?

>> No.7555911

paimon sounds like pomu

>> No.7555916

I like CN VA at least, they seem to have a lot of sovl.

>> No.7555920
Quoted by: >>7555956

I see, thank you.

>> No.7555925

honestly, i dont understand why english dubs are so often shit, when clearly there are very good actors in the scene. like its very rare that when im playing some game or whatever that was originally made in english language and think something along the lines of wow this voice acting is so garbage.

>> No.7555926
Quoted by: >>7555963

Oh my fucking god. READ THE FUCKING SCREEN ROSEMI. Oh god oh fuck she's gonna make my blood pressure rise.

>> No.7555927
File: 2.77 MB, 1200x2048, 1626810556265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7555953

the dream

>> No.7555930
File: 108 KB, 989x430, nijisanji en rules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira, Pomu, and Petra have a good mindset.
Finana and Selen are a bit unnecessarily excessive.
Rosemi is just cancer. No wonder she has the least amount of subs.

>> No.7555943
Quoted by: >>7555967

Cunny is always bad for you

>> No.7555951

No but apparently it's a semi-popular theory.

>> No.7555953
Quoted by: >>7556024

.... i want to fuck this penguin.

>> No.7555954 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.45 MB, 1600x900, 1628207169524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7555956
Quoted by: >>7556106

If you know ShivFPS, Bon plays like him.

>> No.7555961
Quoted by: >>7556047

It's like you're going out of your way to find things to be upset about.

>> No.7555963
File: 334 KB, 639x648, 1627765520307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7555967

I want to fuck paimon

>> No.7555983

yeah the ppl voicing JP are p. famous people while ENs are literally all a bunch of randoms all located in San Francisco and the China dub had a drama involving the VA where they fired her and recorded all her lines again with another random VA

>> No.7555984

Becoming a vtuber is already a big gamble anon. Only a handful of these risk takers make it so gachashit is a fucking joke to them gambling-wise.

>> No.7555986

>Elira looks like a sky whale

>> No.7555989
File: 341 KB, 2048x1151, 1627601378122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dibs on Petra

>> No.7555991

Gee, I wonder.

>> No.7555994
File: 89 KB, 227x222, 1627163536752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7556001

Their rolls are compensated by the game's company

>> No.7556003
Quoted by: >>7556215

Look for it in the archive. But literally who cares? It's just a voice.

>> No.7556005
File: 129 KB, 1021x903, 1603298881013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7556010
File: 318 KB, 336x524, 1616663935775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only watching for Rosemi-sama. This game is such a drag.

>> No.7556015

>calls elira a whale
Rosemi's trying to bully back...

>> No.7556016

Lying Fairy...

>> No.7556024
File: 258 KB, 1166x1727, 1627893283078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who doesn't

>> No.7556037
Quoted by: >>7556116

Even worse, they're compensated by simps in the chat.

>> No.7556039
Quoted by: >>7556116

Only sponsored ones like the one Lize/Rion and Kanae did

>> No.7556043
File: 207 KB, 937x1024, E7IlrPSVEAEw67r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira LOVE

>> No.7556044
File: 236 KB, 447x468, 1626578256554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'll skip it because I actually want to play it myself

>> No.7556045

>paimon VA so terrible rosemi unconsciously skips her dialogue

>> No.7556047
File: 314 KB, 564x444, 1604792861893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called making a joke. I guess real schizos have ruined everyone's sense of humor and sarcasm.

>> No.7556048
Quoted by: >>7556107

I want an EN boy who looks as cool as this chad.

>> No.7556050
File: 37 KB, 334x334, 1627779121153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7556053

Have the new VRs even started streaming?

>> No.7556062

I'm sorry. And you're right.

>> No.7556065
Quoted by: >>7556092

>doxing ( even speculations)
yeah fishe is here

>> No.7556067

holy fuck he's hot, I haven't checked the new VR wave just yet so I had no idea...

>> No.7556074
Quoted by: >>7556157

ESL-san, your reading comprehension...

>> No.7556089

Wtf dropped

>> No.7556092

>uses one x and not two

>> No.7556093
File: 547 KB, 1448x2047, E6z7E4yVgAIYcTr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira is adorable!

>> No.7556096

Rosemi makes the day better

>> No.7556100

Is Amber red Pomu or Etna?
Or their kid?

>> No.7556106
Quoted by: >>7556155

Isn't that guy Pred? I remember checking him playing when I was looking for APEX streams.

>> No.7556107

He is pretty generic aside from the snek

>> No.7556108

Eh it wasn't a very good joke

>> No.7556113

In the drawing? Pomu is a little seed with her bow.

>> No.7556116

A long time ago I was watching a Roberu stream and he basically said that all the money they spend on gacha on stream is compensated. Not sure if he meant by Cover or the game or if this applies in Niji as well

>> No.7556117
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, 1609140066325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7556118

>the only one saying "no racism"
What did she mean by that?

>> No.7556119

yeah, and then people see it and buy gems themselves, perfect scheme desu

>> No.7556121


>> No.7556153
Quoted by: >>7556208 >>7556465

Roberu is most definitely using the money he earns he was just joking. Man is an addict. Cover, and no company, would not be pouring money into a gacha addiction.

>> No.7556154
Quoted by: >>7556162 >>7556197


>> No.7556155
Quoted by: >>7556842

Yep. Mains Bangalore as well like Bon. Their playstyle is really similar, I recommended him just in case you want to check out a competitive version of Bon.

>> No.7556157
Quoted by: >>7556202

Read the thread nigger-san. That discussion started with someone complaining about Rosemi playing with EN voices.

>> No.7556162
Quoted by: >>7556184 >>7556197


>> No.7556163
Quoted by: >>7556221

She's actually the most racist so she puts that there to hide herself

>> No.7556165
Quoted by: >>7556258

amber make my dick hard but I wish it was JP voice

>> No.7556174
File: 122 KB, 1200x675, E3FyhlWWQAM4qfl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7556176

Rosemi is the kind of girl to wear pink panties

>> No.7556178


>> No.7556184
Quoted by: >>7556197 >>7556210


>> No.7556192

Selen is such a based autist

>> No.7556193

If she is gonna roll, she should do it before the viewers get split to two other streams

>> No.7556197


There's absolutely nothing wrong with being black

>> No.7556198

Pretending to be retarded

>> No.7556199

Selen talking about mating habits...

>> No.7556202
Quoted by: >>7556246

lmao SEAchimp go back. last (You)

>> No.7556204

Based snake porn enthusiast

>> No.7556206

Selen your bestiality reps are showing

>> No.7556208
Quoted by: >>7557403

Ask Noraneko

>> No.7556210


>> No.7556211

>Selen watching animals mate on her free time

>> No.7556213

>Feesh asks people not to doxx her
>Rosemi-sama asks people not to be racist

>> No.7556215

Why you guys acting like I’m one of these racists I just want to know.

>> No.7556218
File: 9 KB, 1024x86, apologize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been nearly three months since their debuts. I know this anon is still here. I'm calling you out. Apologize, you faggot. They have proven you wrong time and time again. They are NOT boring and vanilla.

>> No.7556221
Quoted by: >>7556256

My first thought is she knows what kind of people she wants to attract so she needs to remind them you can't say nigger on youtube.

>> No.7556224

>false advertising
I remember the shit that went down when people realize, it's funny

>> No.7556227

>Selen is a closeted freak
Just like me.

>> No.7556228
File: 20 KB, 295x442, saljdkhaosdh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ya guys wanna watch snakes bang?

>> No.7556240
Quoted by: >>7556315 >>7556342

H-How do dragons reproduce?

>> No.7556246

I accept your concession.

>> No.7556252
Quoted by: >>7556346 >>7556697

You are on 4chan not spoonfeed central.

>> No.7556253

Based grudgeposter

>> No.7556256
Quoted by: >>7556287

Yup she's based as fuck

>> No.7556258

>ember make my dick hard

>> No.7556259

Etna is a Kamen Rider, please don't compare her to Amber.

>> No.7556263

based autist

>> No.7556266
Quoted by: >>7556697 >>7556801

I don't care who you are. I always tell people to do their archive reps. Either do them or let it go.

>> No.7556271
Quoted by: >>7556316


>> No.7556274
Quoted by: >>7556301

I'm kind of zoned out eating atm. Is Selen talking about animal sex?

>> No.7556275

here you go
Learn to differentiate shitposting

>> No.7556280
Quoted by: >>7556465

If they were given money or free rolls they should be marking the stream as sponsored.
If it is their own money, and they are smart about it, they can deduct the cost if rolls against their streaming income, lowering their taxable income. Essentially discounted rolls.

>> No.7556285

Man fuck kangaroos, Australia needs to get nuked already

>> No.7556287
File: 1005 KB, 4000x4000, 1618457905734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never said she wasn't, bro.

>> No.7556286

Finana doesn't want my rrats about her being the last descendant of the ming dynasty, damn. Also, you are literally searching for things to get upset about anon, take a chill pill.

>> No.7556290
Quoted by: >>7556313

BASED Selen shitting on stupid Australian wildlife.

>> No.7556299

dont be insecure about your neck, selen. being able to deepthroat bigger dicks is a good thing

>> No.7556301

Snakes mating and kangaroo licking shit

>> No.7556310

don't call her a frog

>> No.7556313

Everyone shits on Australian wildlife, fucking dropbears....

>> No.7556315

look up the term "cloacal kiss"

>> No.7556316

What happened

>> No.7556317

Grudgeposting is my favorite type of posting.

>> No.7556331

But he isn't wrong.....

>> No.7556336

Australia wildlife is something else... they won a war against Aussies in the Emu war...

>> No.7556342

Like this *unzips dick*

>> No.7556346
Quoted by: >>7556427

not him, but i found it funny, because im spoonfed every time i ask a question. guess asking the right question in the right way goes a long way, huh?

>> No.7556348

Lov Nijisanji EN
'ate Genshin
'ate Genshin streams
Simple as.

>> No.7556360

He was 100% wrong. They are vshojo's sister group. They might even graduate there someday

>> No.7556369

>hating a game you've probably never even played

sure is /v/ in here.

>> No.7556382
Quoted by: >>7556413

Sorry, based Genshin hater, my love for Elira zatsudans and Rosemi-sama being a dummy is too strong...

>> No.7556383
Quoted by: >>7556412 >>7556717

Why does Selen have such a specific knowledge about weird animal facts? I she secretly Plague?

>> No.7556385
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, 1628207999064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captain don't look...

>> No.7556386

Best time of the day.

>> No.7556388
File: 171 KB, 340x304, 1627304665463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7556446

Imagine being a Nijisanji member hearing that someone is drawing your mascot on stream, opening Selen's art stream, and the first thing you hear is Selen talking about mom deers eating their baby's shit

>> No.7556395
File: 910 KB, 1080x1080, 1625702081953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me help you

Double nigger

>> No.7556403

So why do people say the english dub is bad?

>> No.7556411

Everyone shut the fuck up Fish is on.

>> No.7556412

She doesn't hate humanity so no

>> No.7556413

'Ate bait posts
'Ate given U's
Based broda
Simple as.

>> No.7556421
Quoted by: >>7556550 >>7557533

tryhard weebs

>> No.7556425
Quoted by: >>7556532


>> No.7556427
Quoted by: >>7556641

If you're being spoonfed roommate information on the regular then the mods need to do their fucking job.

>> No.7556434
Quoted by: >>7556495

Which genshin girl would be willing to take it in the ass?

>> No.7556435

Is Selen actually a furry? I'm beginning to believe it.

>> No.7556437
File: 234 KB, 314x399, 1627345835199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7556501

>Multiple dicks

This is selen while not playing Apex

>> No.7556438
Quoted by: >>7556550 >>7557533

Weebs think anything that's Japanese is better. I only really dislike Paimon's voice

>> No.7556444
Quoted by: >>7557533

It's pretty inconsistent. There are some great voices, some terrible voices, a lot of ones that are just okay.

>> No.7556446
Quoted by: >>7556497

... I can imagine Oliver waking up to this lmao

>> No.7556448
File: 1.74 MB, 1920x1080, 1620449154449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7556464 >>7556592

>did you know echidnas have 2 dicks?

>> No.7556454
Quoted by: >>7556484 >>7556515

The excruciating sound waves produced by the subpar english dub has reached their ears and they then put their discomfort into words.

>> No.7556458


>> No.7556464


>> No.7556465

It certainly didn't seem like a joke but maybe I misinterpreted what he meant
I would link it but it was a morning stream during the time he did them daily

>> No.7556472
Quoted by: >>7556534 >>7556612

How big is Pomu's Pomu Power?

>> No.7556484
Quoted by: >>7556550

Anon do you even understand japanese

>> No.7556488

You must have 4 PP to date Selen

>> No.7556489

The long neck is lore

>> No.7556492
File: 87 KB, 482x469, 1623626613618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7556549

Selen probably knows which animals have the longest dicks

>> No.7556494
Quoted by: >>7557043

>4 streams on at the same time

>> No.7556495


>> No.7556497

>Oliver gets jumpscared by Finana's lewds on her twitter
>Oliver gets jumpscared by Selen's animal sex talk on her stream

>> No.7556500
File: 40 KB, 382x268, 1626599825659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why can't humans have two dicks!?

>> No.7556501

Finana was right all along.

>> No.7556508

>Elira and Gura starting at the same time

>> No.7556515


>> No.7556525
Quoted by: >>7556541 >>7556935

>why can't you humans be this freaky?
No one tell Selen about the big nosed humans that mutilate baby PPs for consumption

>> No.7556532

>Already watched and liked the video before
Thank you regardless, anon!
Etna is so adorable..

>> No.7556534

hung like a horse

>> No.7556541


>> No.7556543


>> No.7556544
File: 2.18 MB, 1894x1075, sacbhtehntn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only watching one stream

>> No.7556549
Quoted by: >>7556701

Does she know sharks have two penis?

>> No.7556550


EOPs get rekt

>> No.7556555

Be gone, person of shit taste who can't pick Elira

>> No.7556572


>> No.7556578
Quoted by: >>7556622 >>7556726

>we are going to have days with 5 stream overlaps when Pomu comes back

>> No.7556579

Its pointless unless you cab comprehend what they are all saying

>> No.7556582
File: 585 KB, 1536x2048, E8Ccd4sVEAMd60L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7556585


>> No.7556587
Quoted by: >>7556634

>watching Gura play a tranny game
just watch Elira

>> No.7556591
Quoted by: >>7556623 >>7556720

Get in here now, I'm not asking or debating

>> No.7556592

they have four heads on one not two, jesus get your random factoids right Selen

>> No.7556612

She can literally adjust her body size.

>> No.7556622
Quoted by: >>7556678

You've never watch nijisanji outside of EN huh

>> No.7556623

I'll watch it if you tell me one (1) of Elira's good points.

>> No.7556633


>> No.7556634
Quoted by: >>7556696

Go back to your containment board /v/ermin

>> No.7556636

The game Goomba is playing looks shit anyways

>> No.7556639

>Double Genshin
Don't do this to yourself, unitybro...

>> No.7556641

i couldnt care less about roommate stuff. was talking about people answering questions in general, since you mentioning it not being spoonfeed central. unless only answering this kind of stuff counts as spoonfeeding i suppose.

>> No.7556652

>Trigger warnings
Screw that nonsense. What's in this game? Rape?

>> No.7556658


>> No.7556660
Quoted by: >>7557862

just look up xinyan's dub
some voices are great, others are awful

>> No.7556665
Quoted by: >>7556764

Rosemi destroying Elira on stream

>> No.7556674
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, 1610856072553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7556677


>> No.7556678
Quoted by: >>7556915

I literally only care about chaika, fag

>> No.7556687
File: 142 KB, 720x820, fuck_off_holobronies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7556742

>> No.7556695

I'm convinced people who do this shit aren't enjoying anything.

>> No.7556696

t.assblasted holofag

>> No.7556697

I’m not talking about the spoonfeed part I’m talking about the “it’s just a voice part”

>> No.7556701

she probably looked it up how different species of sharks mate.

>> No.7556705
Quoted by: >>7556789

>Voice like am angel
>Comfy as fuck

>> No.7556713
Quoted by: >>7556789

She is unafraid to talk about the things she likes with passion.

>> No.7556717

Last I checked Selen didn't live in a farm secretly plotting the end of the world so I doubt it

>> No.7556720
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 1612736260550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7556726
File: 136 KB, 1146x1080, 1626753633322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then wave 3 hits.

>> No.7556737
File: 51 KB, 419x457, 1627868393546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very visually than like, words

>> No.7556740

lots of suicide and self-mutilation

>> No.7556742

fuck off sharkfags you cant even get half of Pekora's viewers now.

>> No.7556745

v. v. v. cute

>> No.7556750

>wake up from nap
>open youtube and like all the girls streams
>go back to sleep

>> No.7556759

Suicide and cutting wrists, your typical RPGmaker game shit

>> No.7556760


>> No.7556764
Quoted by: >>7556796

Is she talking shit about Elira?

>> No.7556784


>> No.7556789
Quoted by: >>7556811

Just kidding, I was going to watch her anyway. Get tricked!

>> No.7556796

Game has you shoot at a dragon that she said looks like elira

>> No.7556801


anon, for people like >>7556266 you have to beat the shit out of them for answers

>> No.7556805

Basically anyone that streamed it put that in the description

>> No.7556811

You fucker!

>> No.7556827
Quoted by: >>7556881

If you were actually based, you would leave them all running on tabs while sleeping.

>> No.7556835

I bet Elira has cuteness aggression

>> No.7556839
File: 26 KB, 596x213, pomu pomu pomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7556926

Presented without comment.

>> No.7556842

Wew. He's good.

>> No.7556864

The running joke of this dude being an honorary NijiEN still cracks me up

>> No.7556871
Quoted by: >>7556967 >>7556985

She genuinely loves to stream. Out of all of NijiEN, I can say without a doubt in mind that she was MADE to entertain people. She can turn anything, even the most boring game or topic, into an enjoyable chat. Her banter with her chat is above anyone else's. She gives off very warm and welcoming vibes. She is absolute wife material and I want to have sex with her. She's a very talented singer. Even just speaking, her voice is pleasant and easy to listen to. Don't even make me mention her giggles, they're genuinely heartwarming. Even if our tastes aren't always the same, the way she gets all hyper and excited when talking about things she likes makes me happy. She has more charisma in her pinky toe than the entirety of this board's users combined. She's not afraid to try new games out and look dumb or laugh at herself. And more important than anything, I love her and I can guarantee without a doubt that you will fall in love with her, even if you think it's not possible.

>> No.7556872

last time I watched an oMori stream they called the game a piece of pretentious shit and quit in an hour. maybe Elira will see it through.

>> No.7556881

he didnt say that he closed them

>> No.7556889

A lot of stuff about severe depression and suicide afaik. As much as there are snowflakes out there there are people who can get sent back into a bad spiral because of that sort of content.

>> No.7556896
File: 33 KB, 767x383, 1602052001881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7556990

pomu endorses consumption of drug

>> No.7556902

Those Laulight expressions capture them so well.

>> No.7556906
Quoted by: >>7557907

Nothing wrong with trigger warning unless you're an edgelord constantly complaining about pc culture

>> No.7556909
File: 199 KB, 2048x1746, E7yBWTgVgAsWzou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7557073

Glad she picked up on the Yume Nikki ripoff section

>> No.7556915

Enjoy your stay, wave 3 and 4 coming soon

>> No.7556926
Quoted by: >>7557020

Pomu really likes butts

>> No.7556933

They sound fucking retarded.

>> No.7556935

that's not freaky that's just evil. and designed to make sex worse and less pleasurable, so like, anti freaky

>> No.7556936

The game is about getting away with murder

>> No.7556943
Quoted by: >>7557049

>they called the game a piece of pretentious shit
They are not wrong though, the game is pretty good but by god it was as the devs went back in time to 2000's tumblr to make it.

>> No.7556946

Who was it lol

>> No.7556949

Elira likes the art! Elira is going to be traumatized! ELIKZ!

>> No.7556961

yeah this is a good game for Elira LOL

>> No.7556967

I don't remember posting this

>> No.7556976
Quoted by: >>7557061

from the top of my head, Anycolor only provides:
- an iPhone with the Nijisanji app
- manager (shared with others)
- one (1) outfit at 50k subscribers
- 3D reveal stream at 100k sub (within budget), and Niji3D

- access to studio/room in the main office (for streaming or doing work that requires computer)
- transportation fee for official schedules (like Ran-neechan going to Tokyo from Oskaa every week for NijiBara recording)

everything else:
commissioning artists, mixing/video editing etc for song covers, streaming equipment, video games/consoles, in-game purchases, any additional outfits

the vtubers themselves have to pay for them out of pocket

>> No.7556985


>> No.7556990
Quoted by: >>7557079

it's the other crack anon... pomu is... cultured
someone post the pomu tongue i lost it

>> No.7556995
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 1625894843665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are Pomu

>> No.7557003
Quoted by: >>7557300

Isn't this game about trying to hide a murder or something

>> No.7557009
Quoted by: >>7557253


>> No.7557010
Quoted by: >>7557119

>i dont even remember my parents birthdays
she is just like me

>> No.7557018
File: 55 KB, 250x250, EliraPout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Elira. I watched her every stream, but I refuse to watch this overrated Indie shit. I fucking hate people who pretend that this type of games are somehow "deep" or "interesting".
Omori is a boring peace of trash, not a game. And I am pissed because Elira will waste time on it.

>> No.7557020

ass and butts is all she talks about tbf

>> No.7557043
Quoted by: >>7557153

this is not even close to the level of peak Nijisanji hours... it's not true peak hours unless there aren't at least 5-10 people overlapping each other.

I like it, I have different people I can choose to watch or people I can watch all at the same time

>> No.7557049

I wouldn't know, I haven't played it. I see it get placed alongside the other rpg maker kino a lot though. The cute portraits seem to have won over Elira already.

>> No.7557061

truly a black company

>> No.7557071


>> No.7557073
Quoted by: >>7557228 >>7557254

I thought she wouldn't know Yume Nikki because of that time Pomu referenced it and it seemed like she didn't get it. But maybe she meant the thing Pomu was describing didn't look like the character or didn't remember the character.

>> No.7557079
File: 19 KB, 128x128, 1623477575150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7557088
Quoted by: >>7557146 >>7557204

Am I a bad person for not trying to remember the birthday of my parents?

>> No.7557102

I mean the game isn't for everybody, I call undertale a pretentious piece of shit back then and I still do.

>> No.7557119

I remember exactly one birthday beyond my own and have two other narrowed down to a three day range, because i've got a friend who was born on the anniversary of d-day, and my sister has a birthday within one day of a foster kid my grandma raised and i remember that ONE of those is a particular day

>> No.7557145

i like how rosemi is not sure if shes getting good stuff or not.

>> No.7557146


>> No.7557153

yeah but 5/6ths of nijisanji doesnt stream in the exact same slot as nijien does, there are still streams that are spread out, even if most are in the JP prime time. The problem with nijiEN streamtimes now is that there outside of Petra, are zero streams in non primetime

>> No.7557162

>Rosemin fawning over the roses on Noelle's outfit

>> No.7557174

French are the most feminist, aren't they?

>> No.7557177
Quoted by: >>7557350

sounds like you're a basic bitch that turns their brain completely off when playing games

>> No.7557189

Elira is insensitive to phobias...

>> No.7557204

no, i barely remember my own. who gives a shit about it anyway.

>> No.7557211
File: 629 KB, 1200x1070, 1623034839480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega based but they took too long to realize

>> No.7557215
File: 630 KB, 808x906, 1626227411050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7557276

what do

>> No.7557227

I can hear the spit sloshing around in elira's mouth

>> No.7557228
Quoted by: >>7557254 >>7557294

maybe some Yume Nikki autist sent her 10 marshmallows berating her about it so now she will never ever forget

>> No.7557236
Quoted by: >>7557278

no... Rosemi throwing money away on the gacha instead of spending it on furniture...

>> No.7557253


>> No.7557254

There's no way she's played shit like Ib and didn't know what Yume Nikki is.

>> No.7557256
File: 28 KB, 532x370, 1612550061926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7557333 >>7557411

>Spending money on a game you will never play again

>> No.7557270
Quoted by: >>7557397

I bet you hate Mother 3 too

>> No.7557271

I really gotta catch up with Finana's Genshin so I can tune in live
Rosemi is fun though so it's not so bad for today

>> No.7557276
Quoted by: >>7557331


>> No.7557278
File: 42 KB, 352x387, 1627612981694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, she got a bedframe! Baby steps!

>> No.7557285
File: 66 KB, 250x250, 1606308649897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7557323

i heard the funny

a m o g u s

>> No.7557294

I thought it would be weird to not know Yume Nikki when she talks about liking RPG maker games.

>> No.7557299


>> No.7557300

yeah main character is depressed cause he killed someone and made it look like suicide

>> No.7557303

Elira WILL cry

>> No.7557310
Quoted by: >>7557735

I bought Va-11 Hall-A so I could watch finana play it without spoilers and ended up really liking it. Didn't realise it was written by someone who is /here/

>> No.7557314
Quoted by: >>7557356

Elira's already screaming and panting over the characters flirting, she's going to have a lot of fun being such a shipfag.

>> No.7557323

Hmong us.

>> No.7557331

damn i forgot about finana.

>> No.7557333
Quoted by: >>7557362

Content anon. Content.

>> No.7557335

they are nerfing their numbers so hard by having all streams at the same time. Off primetime is better than multiple overlaps

>> No.7557345

for some reason it upsets me that people are so quick to throw money at gacha shit like that.

>> No.7557350

Nope, I love paradox games and new wave of old school RPGs like pillars. Omori is simply uninteresting, boring and predictable. I don't know why /v/eddit obsesses over this trash.

>> No.7557354
Quoted by: >>7557396

Fuck off numberfag

>> No.7557356

Im having a really good time listening to her

>> No.7557359
File: 47 KB, 564x444, 1626739062237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7557398 >>7557667


>> No.7557362
Quoted by: >>7557546

>Starts rolling
>VIewers starts increasing
Really. How the fuck do Genshit niggers do this?

>> No.7557370

>they are nerfing their numbers so hard by having all streams at the same time. Off primetime is better than multiple overlaps
this guy gets it.

>> No.7557374

You should watch it feels like she's reading me a children's book

>> No.7557377
Quoted by: >>7557412 >>7557459

>elira below both wosemi and selen
Dragonbros...did we get too cocky?

>> No.7557388

Ahh so you have autism. Figures.

>> No.7557396

alright disregarding numbers I would still want them to spread out some, so I can watch more of them

>> No.7557397


>> No.7557398
File: 349 KB, 528x448, hmong us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7557403

... didn't she call her manager a piece of shit when she got told off from using the company credit card for gacha?

>> No.7557409

i hope elira plays mad father and misao i like them cause one of the antagonists appear in another game and he keeps getting away with it

>> No.7557411

I did that when I bought milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk

>> No.7557412

I never realized indie games were big debuffs for them.

>> No.7557416

Rosemi will never play gacha again after this.

>> No.7557422

This is going to emotionally DESTROY Elira later

>> No.7557423
File: 43 KB, 564x444, 1622862896116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7557667

HMONG UI am always here to post this imageS

>> No.7557424

Rosemi-sama, please stop now...

>> No.7557425

It's just gonna happen. I don't think Selen minds since she is just drawing.

>> No.7557433
Quoted by: >>7557506

The real problem with Omori is that Elira and everyone else thinks that Basil is the cutest shota in the game when it's actually Sunny

>> No.7557438

I don't get why /v/ liked it (did they lol) but I can totally see girls loving it because it's sad, has cute characters, quirky art, and horror (?)
Makes sense considering it was made by a girl.

>> No.7557445
File: 724 KB, 877x488, 1614695748075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7557555 >>7557616




>> No.7557449

Elira is really heavily invested which means I'M heavily invested.

>> No.7557451
Quoted by: >>7557569

Good, she should get more comfortable furniture

>> No.7557456

God willing

>> No.7557459

both dragons are the best, though?

>> No.7557464


>> No.7557476

What happened

>> No.7557483

I fucking hope so. No one deserves this kind of fate, not even my worst enemies.

>> No.7557487
Quoted by: >>7557722

The haiku poser who got nut-joke zoned. Finana is so based. I'm dying

>> No.7557502
Quoted by: >>7557526

is elira a footfag?

>> No.7557506
Quoted by: >>7557701

Ouch, it was painful to read something so terribly wrong

>> No.7557512
Quoted by: >>7557570 >>7557845

oh ok I get it omori was made for girls

>> No.7557514


>> No.7557521


>> No.7557526


>> No.7557533
Quoted by: >>7557571


>> No.7557540

Rosemi-sama... your furniture fund...

>> No.7557546
File: 941 KB, 3840x2160, Screenshot (316).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7557613 >>7557732

The hive mind is strong.

>> No.7557555

Oh god Oliver is so hot

>> No.7557559
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, 1617034841282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ninisani spelling...

>> No.7557568
Quoted by: >>7557684 >>7557758

Oliver don't look...

>> No.7557569 [SPOILER] 
File: 577 KB, 995x1224, 1628209556827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, she indubitably should.

>> No.7557570
Quoted by: >>7557686

You sound like you're either underage or an incel.

>> No.7557571
File: 41 KB, 280x80, autist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7557613
Quoted by: >>7557681

why are you running triple cryo wtf

>> No.7557616
Quoted by: >>7557650 >>7557876

Speaking of, Shiina was making an Oliver for her koshien team despite them not being drafted. I wonder if they were able to draft more players after the main draft and if EN2 has a chance to join a team

>> No.7557617
File: 155 KB, 890x653, 1613405461928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7557630

is it wise to spend money on genshin characters if you need money for basic essentials first?

>> No.7557640

Rosemi's getting bullied by gacha...

>> No.7557650
Quoted by: >>7557876

Obsydia and Edengumi are drafted now.

>> No.7557654

>is it wise to spend money on genshin

>> No.7557666
Quoted by: >>7557749 >>7557804

Hope you're donating to see your oshi cry, rosebuds.

>> No.7557667

This image always makes my chuck

>> No.7557675
Quoted by: >>7557718

its never wise to spend money on gacha

>> No.7557681

It's the over world I can do what want.

>> No.7557684
File: 58 KB, 762x492, 1616167136634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7557736

holy KEK, I can actually imagine him opening twitter and muttering that as he sees that image in his sexy voice...

>> No.7557686

I'm a grown man. I'm not saying this as a bad thing either. I couldn't get into Omori but Elira's excitement over the game makes me realize it's because I'm not a woman. I can enjoy watching her gush over it.

>> No.7557696

Rosemi's moans are sex

>> No.7557701
File: 2.88 MB, 572x600, 1616642433823.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7557827

Nah I'm right kys

>> No.7557708

>Rosemi spending more money than she needs to

>> No.7557718

I mean, small amounts for a character maybe, not thousands of dollars...you can buy a GPU that lasts years with that money...

>> No.7557722

think that is one of Pomu´s gachikois, lol might be one of the goslings slayed

>> No.7557729

Poor Rosemi, spending all her superchats she's gotten this week on this one stream for gacha.

>> No.7557732

>I'm on the chat
I finally made it in 4chan, bros.

>> No.7557735

It's a good game even though it was made by spics
t. spic

>> No.7557736

Am I the only one that thinks Oliver's english voice sounds Minnesotan

>> No.7557749
File: 715 KB, 563x631, clownsemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi's cute noises of disappointment are music to my ears but I don't want to encourage her to spend more on gacha...

>> No.7557752
File: 1.28 MB, 1093x1376, rosemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we save Rosemi?

>> No.7557758
Quoted by: >>7557807

What a cartoony thing to say.

>> No.7557760
Quoted by: >>7557857

No, never
>but it's a free game
buy an actual game or things you really need in life.
I will never understand gacha retards and never will.

>> No.7557788

Why is Omori black and white while everyone else is in color?

>> No.7557790
Quoted by: >>7557897

Ange will save her

>> No.7557802
Quoted by: >>7557870


>> No.7557804

No. I don't support gacha addiction.

>> No.7557807

He is the type to say good heavens on stream and spell out c-r-a-p, on today's introduction show he was talking about how worried he was about saying cuss words. And he still says shit and fuck

>> No.7557826

Mindbreaking Rosemi...

>> No.7557827

anon why did you post iinchou, now my dick is hard...

>> No.7557830

Wosemi, your numbers....

>> No.7557836

Realistically speaking, will OMORI be the first time Elira cries on stream? She seems to be really engaged already.

>> No.7557842


>> No.7557844

Gacha is always bad.

>> No.7557845

I mean it was made by a girl

>> No.7557852



>> No.7557854

he hates himself but his memories are rose tinted and colorful

>> No.7557855

is wosemi on her way to becoming a gachafag?

>> No.7557857

some people have spent over $1000 and you can build a PC that lasts 10 years with $1000...

>> No.7557862

Inconsistency, and the general hate for dubs in weeb circles. Imo its fine, but some characters Mihoyo put all the VA budget into getting premier JP actors it'd be a lot more enjoyable and full of SOUL if the dub was as hammed up as a 90s/early 00s CPM dub
I don't mind the idea of her having a country accent, but god the VA they got can't pull it off.

>> No.7557865

I wanted to say based for liking things like CK and Pillars but then you said you don't like Mother, so you're just a typical pseudo-intellectual western TRPG autist.

>> No.7557867

She cried out of gratitude for her fans on a late night Hades stream

>> No.7557870

All these Rosebud's cheap ass SC can't cover her money lost...

>> No.7557871
Quoted by: >>7557911

Poor Rosemi...

>> No.7557876
Quoted by: >>7558012 >>7558067

Of EN, the only one making it onto the main team (barring miracle RNG) is Pomu

>> No.7557879

he's the only thing there that isn't a figment of his imagination

>> No.7557881


>> No.7557890
Quoted by: >>7557958 >>7557966

I hope our future NijiEN are hot as Oliver...

>> No.7557897

Ange won’t do shit. She can hardly take take of herself.

>> No.7557898
Quoted by: >>7557945

It's almost a 100% guarantee unless she mutes herself before.
Question is how soon she will start.

>> No.7557907

Found the faggot.

>> No.7557911
File: 374 KB, 369x720, 1627176712688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's happy though.

>> No.7557915

>I'm happy
This is so painful to see Rosemi this way.

>> No.7557918

nah she has cried one or two times before

>> No.7557919

Is Rosemi gonna schlick to her first five star later?

>> No.7557934

jwu did I miss anything juicy from fish's intro?

>> No.7557939

~it's symbolic~

>> No.7557945

What even is the first true sad part, it's all mostly towards the end when he's walking around in the real world and the plot tweest is revealed. Everything else is typical RPG stuff with the real life depression monster sections that isn't crybait

>> No.7557948

while she isn't one to cry easily, this game is so fucking good at pulling at your heartstrings that I expect an ugly cry towards the end of the game

>> No.7557952

who needs a normal bed when you can have a virtual 5* character, I guess

>> No.7557958

You'll be happy they're corporate vtubers because western male indies are allergie to attractive character designs

>> No.7557962

rosebros, we lost her to the gacha

>> No.7557966

To be honest, Oliver is broing, just like Petra, I want at least Leos, but ideal would be Kenmocho or Chaika

>> No.7557970
File: 1.72 MB, 1447x2039, 1626105412639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi's dying from fangirling too much. Very cute.

>> No.7557973

Why are all women pedophiles?

>> No.7557977

I feel like I remember her crying already. It was about being happy she can stream I think

>> No.7557980

Damn Finana is really cute right now

>> No.7557982

she cried during a superchat or zatsudan after a game once, being overwhelmed by the support people gave her

>> No.7557987
Quoted by: >>7558011 >>7558123

Imagine spending money on gachas. I hate that my oshi wastes my SC money on this

>> No.7557990

Because cute

>> No.7557993
Quoted by: >>7558025

because they can get away with it

>> No.7557997

Selen getting embarrassed over chat's reaction to her talking about snek sex was very cute. She quickly rebounded by doubling down and calling the snail guy a freak. But it was good while it lasted.

>> No.7558000
File: 1.02 MB, 1717x489, YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7558002
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Online Alternative - Gun Gale Online - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.51_[2018.07.01_01.40.35].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least her next 5* is guaranteed rateup so she will get whoever she rolls for.

>> No.7558008

Guys, for fuck sake. Stop being saviornumberfags. Its annoying as fuck and clearly holofags are trying to bait Rosemi fans on it.

>> No.7558011
Quoted by: >>7558049

imagine giving money to streamers, female ones at that.

>> No.7558012
Quoted by: >>7558108

> Rosemi, Pomu and Hada in Shachou's team
Kagami-shachou... you're too powerful...

Also damn, Pomu got into his main team? I need to catch up on koshien news...

>> No.7558017
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1080, 1615484997945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7558063

>> No.7558025

guys can't openly lust as much as girls can

>> No.7558029

muh depression

>> No.7558032
Quoted by: >>7558062 >>7558140

You want a chainsmoking debt stacking poorfag who's one gamer rage fit away from slipping off his exercise ball and concussing himself on his floor?

>> No.7558034
Quoted by: >>7558061

Selen stronk

>> No.7558038

And then you look at 9 PM JST and 40 fucking livers are streaming at the same time instead of spacing out a bit.

>> No.7558049
Quoted by: >>7558112

yeah, I give money to people who entertain me because I want to support them and I'm not a poorfag

>> No.7558056

gambling addicts

im enjoying the art stream

>> No.7558061
Quoted by: >>7558132

I meant why do they always overlap that was NOT a numbers post do NOT mistake my intent.

>> No.7558062
Quoted by: >>7558251

Yes that sounds significantly more interesting than a pretty boy lol

>> No.7558063


>> No.7558067


>> No.7558068

Gacha pulls bring out chink bots

>> No.7558094


>> No.7558095

6k total is 20 percent more than when they debut

>> No.7558104

Rosemi-sama's suffering is so cute...

>> No.7558108
Quoted by: >>7558142

Pomu is pretty powerful

>> No.7558110

is this one a dragon?

>> No.7558112

then you shouldn't care what they use your money for since its up to them how they use it

>> No.7558119
Quoted by: >>7558145 >>7558156

What happened with rose gacha? Currently watching elira

>> No.7558123
File: 316 KB, 4093x2894, 1628210106982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only stan Livers who are smart with their money and buy gaming laptops and crack their phone screen a lot.

>> No.7558125

Rosemi is headed down a dark path

>> No.7558132
File: 235 KB, 1170x1194, 1626997584333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late

>> No.7558134
File: 62 KB, 496x434, 1628210152399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7558140

fuck ye you don't? He's also a diagnosed autist

>> No.7558142

PP power hitter

>> No.7558145
Quoted by: >>7558194

she got a 5*, but its Diluc

>> No.7558147

please don't prioritize gacha over essentials like housing or bills

>> No.7558151
Quoted by: >>7558202

This was Manager-san's greatest wish. The only thing she couldn't do was to convince Selen to stream genshin too.

>> No.7558153
Quoted by: >>7558208 >>7558257

Extremely based

>> No.7558156
Quoted by: >>7558230

she is getting addicted right now...

>> No.7558160


>> No.7558184


>> No.7558194
Quoted by: >>7558241 >>7558313

wasnt deluc the absolute strongest

>> No.7558200
File: 286 KB, 421x687, 1606817941978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of koshien, since most people are EOPs here, there's someone who's helpfully enough translating everything related to it so that everyone can get caught up and know what's happening. here's a link to the youtube playlist, it seems to be updated every few streams that the coaches themselves do.


>> No.7558202
Quoted by: >>7558262


manager san, please

>> No.7558208

I don't think Chaika can be replicated in the west. Huge filter and a lot of people wont "get" his type of comedy here.

>> No.7558214

Rosemi still will end up with less VOD views than Petra again lol

>> No.7558218
File: 19 KB, 306x42, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7558329

What a fag

>> No.7558220
Quoted by: >>7558378

Last time I watched a vtuber play Omori the viewers including said vtuber got so lost talking about random shit that we ALL forgot wtf was even going on in the game and couldn't make sense of it by the end.

>> No.7558230
Quoted by: >>7558317

>plans on playing a variety of different video games
>gets addicted to gachashit because of manager-san's suggestion
Not like this...

>> No.7558239

I can't believe so many people are missing out on sweepy wosemi

>> No.7558241

yeah on release, he's been powercrept to shit now. But realistictly it doesnt matter since genshin is a singleplayer game.

>> No.7558251

It's funny you say that because I find his design quite pretty, he's even said his charm point was the eyelashes.

>> No.7558257

Well, Chaika would be pretty popular with western weed if he speaks English, he literally does Jojo reference every walking moment

>> No.7558259
Quoted by: >>7558346

Its great. I highly recommend. Deron got great luck with recruitment and everything was downhill from there

>> No.7558262

primetime is the best, doesnt matter if they all overlap and half of them get 1k viewers, primetime is the best!

>> No.7558266

>monthly expenses:
>1000: rent
>2000: gacha
>50: food

>> No.7558267
Quoted by: >>7558372

But it's still the most boringest possible content.

>> No.7558269

I must say the battle screen looks amazing

>> No.7558278

based, thanks!

>> No.7558279

thanks ganneko

>> No.7558298


>> No.7558313

Deluc_gaming is a meme for a reason, great for braindead retard

>> No.7558317
Quoted by: >>7558363

>the only thing that saved Pomu was that her card got denied

>> No.7558326

If Omori is boring, fine, but the music is nice later on in the game.

>> No.7558329

>Not telling her to stop and uninstall
Wtf I hate him too now!

>> No.7558346

mito always has to clutch for her team... but of course, not even she can stand up against the worst luck...

>> No.7558362

You’re probably getting a Mayuzumi.

>> No.7558363

People called it a curse back then but it was actually a blessing

>> No.7558372
Quoted by: >>7558408

I will watch every second of content that has Pomu in it

>> No.7558378
Quoted by: >>7558401

I mean most of the game is just random dream bullshit until the big reveal so you guys didn't miss a lot

>> No.7558397
File: 224 KB, 386x387, 1608804088948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7558445

> Finana is also a shipfag
shipbros... is it finally our time?

>> No.7558401
Quoted by: >>7558469

how long is the game?

>> No.7558408
File: 193 KB, 1000x1000, out-transparent-5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7558424

An EN Mayuzumi will never happen
We are getting an EN Hajime.

>> No.7558429

but Mayuzumi is great

>> No.7558438

MayuzumiEN will be hard filter for EN market, his type of humor only works with japanese

>> No.7558445

She has a voyeur fetish, so of course she is.

>> No.7558468

The massive deluge of streams from multiple livers was too overwhelming for me to attempt on top of not knowing much about Japanese baseball terminology. Thanks.

>> No.7558469

Took me like 20-25ish hours while doing a bit of sidecontent.
