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File: 287 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_2209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74788396 No.74788396 [Reply] [Original]

baker doko edition

>> No.74788429

i love fuwamoco

>> No.74788441

i love ruffians

>> No.74788470
File: 573 KB, 1131x1600, GJrgH8YWgAES74B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74788497
Quoted by: >>74788521

hello i am japan fan!!
i love FUWAMOCO!!!!
they are cute and ero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.74788515


>> No.74788521

How are you enjoying Golden week so far?

>> No.74788525

ruffians are okay, I guess

>> No.74788555

chake it eajy

>> No.74788564
Quoted by: >>74788592

why can’t fuwawa leave my head? she won’t keep quiet

>> No.74788592

you need to post a tribute

>> No.74788619

This should be right

Previous Thread >>74778653

>Upcoming Stream
[YouTube] 【TOUHOU OFF-COLLAB with MARINE マリン船長】can't go home until we clear it?! 【東方風神録 〜 Mountain of Faith】
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[YouTube] 【DONKEY KONG COUNTRY 2】banana om nom nom 【スーパードンキーコング2】

[YouTube] 【DEBUT】who let the dogs out?! #hololiveEnglish #holoAdvent
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.74788685

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream


>> No.74788734

sex with yukkuris

>> No.74788797

Any time I see these, all I think about are the brutal comics people made of them.

>> No.74789045
File: 370 KB, 706x1024, GoD3 Package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74789588

Finally, after getting delayed for 3 months, this game finally came out last Saturday in Japan.
It's so rare to see dungeon crawler hentai games these days, or full price hentai games with proper gameplay, even.
My fave design is definitely the dragon with the eyepatch and the handheld gatling gun.

>> No.74789344
File: 1.21 MB, 2404x3835, 1706582802332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my princesses

>> No.74789514

Hello raffians, ____ASMR__

>> No.74789575

Yes, hallo, Mococo. I do hope you whisper in my ears sometime... maybe some ear nibbles if you'd be so kind

>> No.74789588
Quoted by: >>74789701

oh nice, that's from the same dev as venus blood, rite?
would use for immersion

>> No.74789601

Come back to bed Mococo, we got a little time before the collab.

>> No.74789624
File: 340 KB, 1084x1080, 1707945714650223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sloppy, passionate sex with my sexy princess

>> No.74789657

Lots of puppy kisses for my bestest girl

>> No.74789689
Quoted by: >>74789740

>F: *barely exhales*
my heart

>> No.74789690

How and when do you think they'll do their first ASMR in the doggie pack?
Anything you would like them to do?

>> No.74789701

Yea, but I dunno if it's still a different sub-team

>> No.74789740

I love Moco-chan.

>> No.74789750

How do we save Moco-chan? Her evil sister won't allow her to take the break she obviously needs to recover.

>> No.74789751

Even when my baker doesn't bake so good

>> No.74789755
File: 149 KB, 906x1041, giant-hip-flask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74789760
Quoted by: >>74789974

They might be a little scuffed and nervous but I think ultimately it'll be very sweet and intimate. I don't think they'll go too hard on stuff like kisses or anything But It'll more than likely be on par or better than the Lullaby stream

>> No.74789791 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 193x45, 1713765599765103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74789833

I believe in June

>Anything you would like them to do?
There's a lot I would like, headpats, soft positive affirmations, suki suki suki, a kiss and, ear nibbles. Mainly just lovey-dovey shit
I do hope at the very least that it's intimate, sort of like the voicepacks

>> No.74789836
File: 2.81 MB, 498x350, tapdancemeister.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice job

>> No.74789974

Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it.
I originally expected them to do it on a special date, like the anniversary or on Christmas, but after management ruined "the first time" I think they may do it sooner.

>> No.74790024

I'll wait patiently myself, I know its coming and I do want it to be very special, if that means I have to wait, that's ok.

>> No.74790067
Quoted by: >>74790109

>but after management ruined "the first time" I think they may do it sooner.
Probably, I hope they don't rush it though. Frankly, I don't anticipate it until after May. I'm fine waiting

>> No.74790109

Yeah FWMC are pretty easily embarassed, the might wanna do it but they gotta psyche themselves up first, and get the proper equipment, honestly I'm not like mega into ASMR so triggers and shit outside of voices and sweet affection don't do much for me

>> No.74790181
Quoted by: >>74792470

Will Fuwamoco yobai a hag?

>> No.74790192
Quoted by: >>74790444

I feel at peace, my heart is full
It may have been only a little over a week, but man, I missed this feeling. That was the longest week ever

>> No.74790230
File: 426 KB, 572x747, 1672560970875813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone with an oshi that has some overlapping approaches to their fans. They're still new to having an audience of this size and dealing with a big move. Send them support while they're navigating things and drown out the retards that think they're an easy mark to anti. If you run into actual autistic fans tell them they're following an oshi, they're not the driver and they just give shitposters ammo if they can't keep their episodes under control.

>> No.74790266

holy crap dude send this to fuwamoco. good job on this

>> No.74790353

Noted anon, and good advice all round

>> No.74790357

This is good

>> No.74790369

hello, bunch of yesmen

>> No.74790376
Quoted by: >>74790535

I'm pretty sure it's AI, it is good though but talents don't really touch AI things

>> No.74790406

Marine is Fuwawa or Mococo oshi?

>> No.74790444
File: 922 KB, 1409x868, 1708886352340057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel absolutely the same. I'm really happy the wives addressed everything.

>> No.74790451

I don't really want it soon, if I'm being honest.
It would feel really weird right after everything that's happened. It would feel like we were pressuring them to do it. They clearly still don't want to or are saving "a real one".
It would just feel cynical and wrong to do it right now.

>> No.74790488
Quoted by: >>74790626

Decent advice, but rather than tell an autist to keep their shit together, I'd prefer to show/remind them that FWMC love them and that it'll be fine.
It's just personal preference, but again, you have good advice

>> No.74790512
Quoted by: >>74790643

Closer to Fuwawa's
I remember Fuwawa mentioning Marine's name in reference to oshi talks

>> No.74790531
File: 148 KB, 413x172, 1714316847124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74790643

unless this said something other than oshi because i'm dekinai

>> No.74790535

Holy shit you dumbasses. That's AI made with suno AI. Even if you're ESL, how did you not immediately recognize it as being AI? Please tell me you were joking.

>> No.74790538
File: 292 KB, 1280x2048, aa9317667a442e41093671ca694d41e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We weathered this storm it seems, hope anyone who doubted or went menhera rethinks their behavior from now on, the wives are trustworthy and have proven it time and time again, love them, treat them with kindness, and uphold their image please.

>> No.74790540

It would be perfect to do on their anniversary

>> No.74790620
File: 140 KB, 1079x950, 17091361004022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heartbeat with Fuwawa or Mococo humming Lifetime Showtime. I will cry so hard with happiness.

>> No.74790623

I don't care

>> No.74790626

You can do both, but the first thing they need to realize is that a sperg out is just going to make an awkward situation, and it might even be for something with a solution the twins haven't revealed yet. Watame had this issue when some retards went off about her music direction when she was ramping up for her solo live. If they waited a couple weeks they would have had an answer for why she was doing what she was at the time. Sometimes things move slowly, and when you care about your oshi small negative things shouldn't matter even an iota. The girls need to breathe.

>> No.74790643

Oh thanks

>> No.74790650

>how did you not immediately recognize it as being AI?
I did though? I just left doubt just in case. We do have a few talented ruffians, it wouldn't surprise me if one made a song

>> No.74790712
Quoted by: >>74791157

Well people should trust them and relax but we have a lot of control freaks who want to try and dictate what fwmc do.

>> No.74790748

To the lurking sisters in /baubau/

>> No.74790794

>Sometimes things move slowly, and when you care about your oshi small negative things shouldn't matter even an iota. The girls need to breathe.
Yeah, you're right. Hopefully this is the closest we get to stressing FWMC out. While the ruffians are insane, they are mostly still supportive inspite of that, some do go a bit far though. We have to remember that their situation might not be the greatest at the moment

>> No.74790856

We can still make the rest of GW fun and sweet, I plan on it. Thankfully its not too late.

>> No.74790860

I love and trust my wives, but I fucking hate management now. I will never trust those faggots, I'll be expecting them to try to force FWMC to do stupid shit every chance they get.

>> No.74790944

I agree, love them, but be cautious of management, but also remember that Mococo put her foot down, they won't just completely roll over, its good to take comfort in

>> No.74790977
Quoted by: >>74791069

>the wives are trustworthy and have proven it time and time again
And this time they truly proved it beyond all doubt, even drawing a hard line on management. It doesn't get more trustworthy than that.
They honestly deserve so much more love and kindness than what I can give them, but I'll still give what I got

>> No.74790984

Fucking Nodoka. I didn't even know who she was until they announced that they were gonna be on her show. I don't blame my wives for what happened.

>> No.74791015

>I fucking hate management now. I will never trust those faggots, I'll be expecting them to try to force FWMC to do stupid shit every chance they get.
Schizo narrative right here. Emulating KFP of blaming management as a deflection tactic for what the twins choose to do in their career is not a good look.

>> No.74791049

>I didn't even know who she was until they announced that they were gonna be on her show.
At least you admit to being clueless.

>> No.74791069

True anon, they deserve better than me, but I'm gonna do my best to be the fan they deserve.

>> No.74791123

>Mococo put her foot down
That's true, and I fucking love Mococo for that, but the managers are very sneaky with the things they do. It wouldn't surprise me if they organized a collab and told FuwaMoco to participate without telling them that it would be a homocollab.

>> No.74791157

>but we have a lot of control freaks who want to try and dictate what fwmc do.
I think that it's easy to think they have a lot more than they do, especially when you have someone as heavily targeted by shitposters and falseflaggers as the twins. If you run into actual fans, it's worth trying to correct that kind of behavior, but I wouldn't underestimate how many are just people trying to anti the girls, hololive or just amuse themselves with shitposting.
Just remember to send some support and don't sweat the small stuff so much. If a group starts freaking out about a few people doing something, it just spreads a negative atmosphere further. Antis and the autistic only become a problem when the rest of the active people let them drive the atmosphere somewhere else. The twins have a ton of fans that never say a word in chat or comments and will only know about a problem if people blow it up.

>> No.74791217
Quoted by: >>74791276

>It wouldn't surprise me if they organized a collab and told FuwaMoco to participate without telling them that it would be a homocollab.
The shilling merch stream for HoloFES, merch that FWMC knew all about, was not the surprise attack that the mentally ill in this general still paint it as.

>> No.74791221

I know you are probably a shitposter trying to start a new loop, but if you aren't check last thread. The ASMR situation was explained very clearly, and it was managements fault.

>> No.74791256
Quoted by: >>74791455

>The ASMR situation
There was no "situation" in the first place that needed to be damaged controled. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.74791268

Smells of nijisister.
Nobody cares. It's not a big deal and go fuck yourself.

>> No.74791276
Quoted by: >>74791370

KYS homofaggot. Literally every girl was surprised that the homos appeared. It was managements fault.

>> No.74791302

take it easy ruffians!

>> No.74791346

I don't want to bring up Gura again, but when she nearly vanished for 5 months back in August while deliberately avoiding her fans, management didn't say a fucking word. Gura treated us like shit, but half my membership goes to them too and they refused to say anything about why she disappeared or when she would be back.
They're scum. They don't deserve your trust or support. Management and hololive staff don't care about you at all and they never fucking will.

>> No.74791370

>It was managements fault.
This right here does seem to be a new shitposter meme tactic as anon, >>74791268 says
>Take somerthing that wasn't ever a big deal (merch selling, ASMR on stream).
>Make it a huge, big deal so they can claim factions exist with HoloEN management and the like to divide people into us vs. them.

>> No.74791387
Quoted by: >>74791528

It's not managements job to tell you where Gura is, it's Guras. Talents can have as much, or as little, interaction with their fans as they want and Gura is on the extreme end where she doesn't want any interaction with her fans at all

>> No.74791420
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x1080, 【MV】Mind Craft ▶️ hololive English Cover_ 【MV】Mind Craft ▶️ hololive English Cover-2024-1-20-22625.92-1080p-streamshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74791440

Remember to hide posts to can't stand looking at, ruffians! You'll be happier that way, and your smile will be easier to protect

>> No.74791431
Quoted by: >>74791893

What would you have management do? Put out a statement when Gura herself said nothing?

>> No.74791440

I honestly forget mind craft was a thing

>> No.74791443

They did it to Kanata....

>> No.74791455
Quoted by: >>74791506

Do your reps and kill yourself


>> No.74791456

People need to come to terms with how big a part CONSOOMing is in following idols. The entire industry is built around paying absurd amounts to show your devotion and loyalty to your oshi.

>> No.74791461


>> No.74791470

Go back to your usual threads, Nijisis.

>> No.74791472

You cute globalfags should go back honestly.

>> No.74791506

You faggots were never good at falseflagging. Stop trying to drag Holo down and go rope.

>> No.74791510
Quoted by: >>74791573

Their taste in JP senpai is great. Koyo, Marine, Watame, Haachama, Fubuki. Very nice collabs.
I'm excited.

>> No.74791528
Quoted by: >>74791599

Do we even know why she just refuses to interact with them aside like events like birthdays or w/e? we had some poor chumbuds giving good advice in the thread earlier but I never payed much attention to gura so I'm out of the loop.

>> No.74791533

Oh the shitposters new angle is to defend management?
That's fucking pathetic...

>> No.74791569
File: 2.41 MB, 2686x1433, fatfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day this sleazy old dog is coming back.

>> No.74791573
File: 41 KB, 143x149, pensivepol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74791648

Aren't you forgetting someone?

>> No.74791575
Quoted by: >>74791711

I'm just hiding them now honestly, If it keeps my overactive brain in check I'll fuckin do it lol

>> No.74791599

>i was reading about parasocial relationships

>> No.74791609

>please be bothered by 15 mins of asmr batsu lines and some baubaus
>please feel like it was a real asmr stream and have it make you angry
No, I don't think I will.

>> No.74791638

Nothing needs defending. Nothing bad was done.

>> No.74791648

Yes I was, sorry. Polka is also great.

>> No.74791662
File: 953 KB, 1493x711, MocoCake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74791824

Any predictions on endurance stream length?

>> No.74791711

>Please cry and start drama about something that doesn't matter.
Can always identify you Nijisisters because you try to make something out of nothing. Overdramatic faggots.

>> No.74791824

because marine got another collab with some JP TV scheduled 30 min after that

>> No.74791858

We are probably being raided by okbuddyhololive like yesterday because of the Marine collab.
Report all the retards and bait the raiders talking about how much you love FuwaMoco and your hate of the managers.

Also FuwaMoco loves parasocial fans.

>> No.74791893

Yes. If Gura's going to be a manipulative lying whore snake, then it's management's job to tell me what the fuck is going on and where the fuck my money is going.

>> No.74791900
File: 114 KB, 300x300, 1714282679687569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MocoGOD will do it in 2

>> No.74791910
Quoted by: >>74791934

Sister, go back.

>> No.74791913
Quoted by: >>74792096

will she kick them out immediately after?

>> No.74791934
Quoted by: >>74792151

Kill yourself, retard. I have watched hololive longer than you've known vtubers have existed.

>> No.74791945
Quoted by: >>74792017

This isnt kurosanji, you need to go back.

>> No.74791975
Quoted by: >>74792126

how do I greet the ichimi in nihongo?

>> No.74791979

would it have been a singing off collab if Mococo didn't have the allergy?

>> No.74791980

Fuwawa will clear Touhou 15 on lunatic

>> No.74792017

Nijisanji tongues my anus. We're talking about hololive, kid. Shut the fuck up and sit down.
There isn't a single chumbud that likes management.

>> No.74792096
Quoted by: >>74792392

I mean, what else can she do?

>> No.74792107
Quoted by: >>74792259

Gura's problems are not caused by management, they're all on her herself.

>> No.74792126
Quoted by: >>74792154


>> No.74792141

>There isn't a single chumbud that likes management.
Trying to be as mentally ill as Chumbuds is not a competition you should be entering anon.

>> No.74792151

Sure you did, sister.

>> No.74792154


>> No.74792176

You have the stink of a tourist.

>> No.74792259
Quoted by: >>74792349

It's not about Gura. Gura's fans are still hololive fans and yet management abandoned us just like she did.

>> No.74792280

You should have never trusted management in the first place. In the old days, there was a very famous copypasta that went THINGS HOLOLIVE STAFF SHOULD DO FOR THEIR TALENT and it only stopped when the author became so depressed at the handling of Coco's situation and graduation that he stopped updating it.

>> No.74792349
Quoted by: >>74793701

>Gura's fans are still hololive fans and yet management abandoned us just like she did.
Cover's #1 responsibility is to the talent former Chumbud. See how schizos tie themselves in such rhetorical knots they actually advocate "snitching" on Gura to please her thirsty for cotnent fans?

>> No.74792392

tie them up for later

>> No.74792432

i like BAU BAUing in prechat

>> No.74792438
Quoted by: >>74792529

they're late

>> No.74792470

they will try to yobai each other spy vs spy style

>> No.74792497

Every 23:30 JST (FWMC Stream at 20:00 JST)
Wednesday's host is Marine
So yeah, expect 3 hours max.

>> No.74792529

busy having sex with Marine

>> No.74792557

That's prerecorded

>> No.74792612
Quoted by: >>74792722

isn't the catchup one that's prerecorded, while the actual episode is live?
though either way, marine streaming while the episode is airing gonna be real awkward

>> No.74792647
Quoted by: >>74792755

>2K waiting
that's it? I was expecting more

>> No.74792676
File: 1.39 MB, 1982x1526, MOCOCOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smile status?

>> No.74792708

upside down :(

>> No.74792722
Quoted by: >>74792815

If it's established and understood that the show isn't live, then there's no problem

>> No.74792755

Pekogod is taking away viewership

>> No.74792757

Strong, content, enduring

>> No.74792786
Quoted by: >>74792808

Even if it was prerecorded, tons of Holos hate streaming while they're 'supposed to be somewhere else'. Both keeps up the illusion and lets people watch them live on everything. I feel like anything corporate-tied they doubly don't want to be streaming over their own apperance.

>> No.74792788

They're late because hag sex, don't worry too much.

>> No.74792797

big smile, ready for Mococo to 1cc it first try

>> No.74792808
Quoted by: >>74792910

#helpfwmc and get them to cancel the stream
huge Ws

>> No.74792815

no, I mean, most likely marine would like to redirect people to watch those instead

>> No.74792831
Quoted by: >>74792866

>RT the collab tweet
>but precat still not open

>> No.74792859
Quoted by: >>74792907

Have you 1cc'd MoF yet ruffians?

>> No.74792862

no more cloudy feelings just full on love and support

>> No.74792866

Marine is too busy looking at porn

>> No.74792875

No negative, no positive. Feel bad for Moco-chan and you can tell she was really pushing herself last night during DKC2 and Fuwawa had to really push it too. I just want some of the EOP streams some of which they probably added to the schedule to be canceled IF they think it would help both of them.

>> No.74792876

This pic makes me want there to be a climactic moment where Fuwawa says to Mococo, "Me? I'm already half Perroccino."

>> No.74792879

they won't open pre-chat because they're embarrassed of what the autistic chat regulars will say.

>> No.74792907

i only played 6, 7, and 8

>> No.74792908

Is Maririn out all day with Fuwawa?

>> No.74792910

What? Why? It just means there's gonna be a hard cap on time which is fine

>> No.74792942
Quoted by: >>74793701

>management didn't say a fucking word
management doesn't say anything if the talent doesn't want them to.
this is why there's never been any announcements regarding gura fucking off for months, but when haachama or laplus goes schizo they announce it because they wants their fans to know that they're trying to get better.

>> No.74792952
Quoted by: >>74792983

it's currently raining in tokyo, and a couple main road got jammed
they probably get caught in a traffic jam

>> No.74792983

there are no buses in gensokyo

>> No.74792984

Reminder Marine lives in the same complex as Lamy and Noel.

Mococo is getting raped by a massive breast orgy right now.

>> No.74793014

No Mococo...my Mocochan....

>> No.74793021

Shut up cuck. Mococo will only be raped by me.

>> No.74793029

My poor bautistic wife... she's getting mogged and overstimulated...

>> No.74793039
Quoted by: >>74793080

>35 minutes left
>still no precat
does marine usually not open her precat or smt?

>> No.74793080

Prechat doko?
Marine’s is always openn

>> No.74793102


>> No.74793136
Quoted by: >>74793161

They were just caught up talking with Marine that they had forgot but it’s open now

>> No.74793161
Quoted by: >>74793194


>> No.74793194

Kys cuck

>> No.74793200
File: 668 KB, 2230x4096, Ftiq8S6aQAAFkT5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hag thread

>> No.74793215
Quoted by: >>74793304

Does hyperchat interfere with ytc EN tagged messages function? Does it have it's own?

>> No.74793249

I love hags

>> No.74793304
Quoted by: >>74793393

nah, they don't interfere each other
anyway, what kind of filter are you using to for TL message? homebrew regex?

>> No.74793393
Quoted by: >>74793497

ytcfilter has one built in so i use that.

>> No.74793422

Thx I fell asleep so I could wake up for the collab

>> No.74793430
File: 188 KB, 1157x2000, GMaBIn4bAAA2ffg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pouring one out for unfilled wombs

>> No.74793471
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>> No.74793475
Quoted by: >>74793638

Nothing was going to change, remember guys?
Might as well just drop them at this point because I'm starting to hate watch

>> No.74793497
File: 24 KB, 260x320, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74793535

what's wrong with my ytcfilter then aaaaa

>> No.74793510
File: 141 KB, 352x353, fuwawawawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wide, beaming, and happy

>> No.74793518

how long is this stream gonna be?

>> No.74793535

Go to show settings and preset management.

>> No.74793536


>> No.74793553
File: 80 KB, 500x500, GJaNGj6bkAAXMgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74793573

man busy week, don't have time to catch up to dk2 vod, hope it was fun

>> No.74793554
Quoted by: >>74793610

Marine has another stream next so 3 hours best

>> No.74793573

Fuwawa was extra cute during it, and Mocokero was adorable

>> No.74793594

1 hour just like any other normal collab

>> No.74793610

that abema stream is 100% prerecorded

>> No.74793625

Only 2 hours

>> No.74793638

A lot of people dropped them because of their choice to live in Japan. I know they promised nothing was going to change but, like always, they over-promised. If you are a true fan you should understand and respect their choice, timezones are a thing and they can't bother other members to stream for them in the morning

>> No.74793657
File: 242 KB, 408x424, displeasedfuwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too long I hope, I'm too many drinks deep to stay up for long

>> No.74793659
File: 275 KB, 1166x2048, GMZuUyya0AAsrxs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let’s go faggots

>> No.74793660

you're replying to a shitposter

>> No.74793683

They could but they don't want to. Meanwhile JPs inconvenience ENs all the time to stream at JP times. Hell all the meetings are in JP times.

>> No.74793701

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you implying she was doing something wrong and that's why she said nothing?
I don't give a shit what their policy is. Gura literally refused to talk to us for 5 months. When she came back for a lethal company collab in January, she was the only one who didn't stream her POV. However, she streamed it to the other myth members over discord so she could avoid interacting with her chat.
At some point, the company that is allowing this needs to give an explanation what is happening. Them not giving a shit isn't acceptable, but that was my point - they don't give a shit.
Ultimately, I think it's pretty clear what was happening. It's clear Gura betrayed us in the worst possible way and was dealing with the "delivery" of the related consequences.
But we were still owed an explanation.
Being left in the dark like that while Cover rained merch ads down on us for months was insulting. I will never trust them again as long as I live. Fuck management. I hope they fucking die.

>> No.74793725

i dont give a shit about gura fag, kys

>> No.74793751
Quoted by: >>74793920

Go back to your general nigger the fuck are you doing complaining here?

>> No.74793807
Quoted by: >>74793920

D*de, I know /ggg/ isn't exactly a hub for intelligent discussion, but you aren't going to go very far bringing Gura up here either

>> No.74793860

Are you guys ready for kino?

>> No.74793877

Gura just proves why you should keep your Holo accountable and not be a yesman all the time. Some people take it too far and become antis, but a bit of constructive criticism now and then when it's needed will go a long way.

>> No.74793895
File: 406 KB, 811x574, 1713189990560460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74793905


>> No.74793906
Quoted by: >>74794040

>no early start
they hate us...

>> No.74793919

bros im worried
Whats marine going to do to my mogogo...

>> No.74793920

My point was that someday you too will learn not to trust management. They do not care about you. I was hoping to provide advice from the awful experience we had with them, but if you don't want to listen, that's fine. You'll learn eventually. What Nodoka did is just the beginning.

>> No.74793921
File: 1.03 MB, 1042x771, afuckingdeadbeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74793922
File: 3.52 MB, 480x360, dog dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74793932

offcollab postponed

>> No.74793944
Quoted by: >>74793987

no one here trusts management though what the fuck are you on about

>> No.74793951
File: 2.67 MB, 1280x720, 1658880735446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74793953
Quoted by: >>74793983

watching this collab with peko stream is going to be something else

>> No.74793954

hag time

>> No.74793971

think of the 2hus…

>> No.74793975
File: 440 KB, 600x913, 1706665425466286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74793983
Quoted by: >>74794020

dirty two-timer

>> No.74793987

NTA but I've seen some newfags who very clearly don't know shit about Hololive management or at most they know only a few things. Maybe some know Mel's manager. But not a lot.

>> No.74793991
Quoted by: >>74794036

clapping girl poster doko?

>> No.74794007
Quoted by: >>74794053

They are about to get an insane view number right now. Marine and Pekora usually get like 20k-30k min

>> No.74794020

not my fault fwmc stream in jp time

>> No.74794024
Quoted by: >>74794056

They will never 1cc Mountain of Faith

>> No.74794036
File: 251 KB, 1497x867, Collab Match.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74794040

Marine is having her way with Mococo right now

>> No.74794041

which 2hu wud u fug

>> No.74794047
Quoted by: >>74794073

Is this at fuwamoco's or Marine's place?

>> No.74794051

I already know about management fuckery. My first oshi was Kaguya Luna and I haven't trusted people behind the scenes since then

>> No.74794053

It's on their channel and Pekora is streaming right now. Don't get your hopes up.

>> No.74794056

what does it mean?
t. know nothing about the game

>> No.74794064


>> No.74794072
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>> No.74794073

watch strem

>> No.74794075
File: 1.60 MB, 924x1200, 1693708821323004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my frog princess

>> No.74794082
Quoted by: >>74794135

1cc means 1 credit clear. You don't die once playing the game and it's a way of saying you're skilled.

>> No.74794089

>Japanese starts
>Smile goes down

>> No.74794106
File: 11 KB, 429x68, 1705252897663411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74794108

>Pero TLing

>> No.74794117

>Japanese starts
>Penis goes up

>> No.74794123
Quoted by: >>74794189

Wait is that an official fucking translator mod?

>> No.74794126


>> No.74794132

That's a good idea, love these dogs

>> No.74794134

jumping right into huh

>> No.74794135

1cc = 1 Credit Clear, basically clearing the game without using a single continue
>You don't die once playing the game
Youre referring to a No miss run

>> No.74794148

A translator mod? These puppies...so thoughtful

>> No.74794150
Quoted by: >>74794200

Mococo is so much happier and excited than she was for DKC2...

>> No.74794159


>> No.74794161

>official TL
They love us so much...

>> No.74794168
Quoted by: >>74794243

Is Luna using Mococo's model? wtf is going on

>> No.74794172

How long until Marine gives up on Mococo's touhou skills?

>> No.74794189
Quoted by: >>74794220

Yup. Even got the special icon to boot. Sounds like they got someone.

>> No.74794199


>> No.74794200

She's in a room with Marine of course she is.

>> No.74794204

he's fucking good too

>> No.74794210
File: 498 KB, 629x593, TOUHOU_OFF-COLLAB_with_MARINE_cant_go_home_until_we_clear_it__Mountain_of_Faith_6-3_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74794212

oniichan i kneel

>> No.74794220

They're so fucking sweet, oh my god.

>> No.74794226
Quoted by: >>74794482

They should have started with Imperishable Night or Ten Desires. But I guess they want to play the newest one even though is not the easiest one.

>> No.74794243


>> No.74794250

it their sexslave tling...

>> No.74794256

Fuwawa is so quiet... is Marine making her flustered..?

>> No.74794257
Quoted by: >>74794346

Wasn't collabing with Marine one if their goals in their debut stream?

>> No.74794267

Senchou's fat ass and fuwawa’s natto farts are gassing up mococo's nose!

>> No.74794277
File: 2.64 MB, 380x360, 1709634836339096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mococo screaming already

>> No.74794278

will Fuwawa be screaming??

>> No.74794284

Holy fuck, it really is him, isn't it? Management wouldn't be this dedicated to maintaining this silly persona and he keeps spelling it wrong.

>> No.74794286

how does this fat fuck type so fast

>> No.74794289
File: 89 KB, 1092x1122, 1694090501024558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74794292

I wonder if the official TL was part of the plan. No way it could have been, otherwise they would have mentioned it last week, right?

>> No.74794297

ok, i guess mococo has officially decided it's worth actually sacrificing her throat for this week. enjoy her 1 month+ hiatus afterwards where she needs rest, treatment and surgery.

>> No.74794300

Probably super nervous. Marine's carrying right now

>> No.74794301

Look at Fuwawa, she's too busy sniffing Marine.

>> No.74794304
Quoted by: >>74794339

Marine is going to start yelling and hating them in 5 minutes... Its illegal to be bad at 2hu in Japan...

>> No.74794315

Rope, Nijifaggot.

>> No.74794317
File: 482 KB, 2048x1766, GDuqe6NbwAA__j2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking missed these outfits

>> No.74794322
Quoted by: >>74794394

they did mention they had something planned to help but they weren't sure if it would work out

>> No.74794328

My cute and retarded wife Mococo...

>> No.74794337

Would it be a good idea if they paid a (good) live translator for these JP streams?
I only know a little bit of JP and this makes it a lot more approachable I think

>> No.74794339

>If you don't finish this game, you have to leave Japan.

>> No.74794346

singing with marine was the goal

>> No.74794349

ok who actually is the TL guy he came out of nowhere and wasn't brought up before..

>> No.74794358

This stream makes me want to see Fauna and Biboo try to clear a touhou game

>> No.74794362

they mention they were working on something, but were vague about it so it was pretty unclear

>> No.74794368

it's oniichan

>> No.74794370
Quoted by: >>74794412

andy and pero having a TL battle kek

>> No.74794379

like what they are doing right now?

>> No.74794389

Do your reps retard

>> No.74794391

Probably someone at Cover

>> No.74794394

Ah I'm glad it did. I was gonna watch with chat closed on the VoD for all JP collabs, but I guess I have a reason to keep it open now. Gonna assume whoever they got is faster and better at catching everything than the fan tl's.

>> No.74794395
Quoted by: >>74794458

Who is Pero, I must know

>> No.74794400
File: 88 KB, 1200x1200, 1704689153891372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74794401

Why you need a translator for en chuba

>> No.74794407

isnt this kinda awkward...?

>> No.74794412

On LiveTL you can click on Pero's TL and click "only show translations from Pero"

>> No.74794426
Quoted by: >>74794458

That's probably exactly what is happening, Pero is typing in proper English grammar and way too fast for a casual fanTL.

>> No.74794427

Houshou no Ichimi here, what's up with Mococo's voice? is she alright?

>> No.74794428

uhhh mococo is pero schizos??? how is mococo playing 2hu and translating in chat at the same time?

>> No.74794433

Is tits overflowing effect making them seems larger or are they actually that huge? Like unrealistically huge

>> No.74794434

So how the FUCK is Perro translating if its just "hurrr mococo putting on a voice" you fucking SCHIZOS? Shes currently TALKING and PLAYING. It cant be her.
Appologize and take your fucking meds.

>> No.74794441 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 465x372, 1693104824741413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll always have your back Rufferans

>> No.74794446
File: 1.19 MB, 1191x1191, pissed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74794447
File: 3.41 MB, 1920x1080, 1709515461960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74794481

>no ahoy thread up
I'll just hang out here

>> No.74794449

She says it's fine and nothing to worry about despite how it sounds

>> No.74794450

You might be onto something.

>> No.74794454

Maybe the Pero TL is one of those automated TLs

>> No.74794456
File: 217 KB, 560x560, 1695987182132788.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marine is going to attack mococo

>> No.74794458

I don't know, but PerrocinnoTL is REALLY fast at typing. Almost like he does it for a living...
Like some kind of computer engineer or something...

>> No.74794469

a pollen allergy has fucked her throat. i would wager using it isnt the greatest idea ever but it's not Marine's bleeding vocal cord situation. it's probably just you know

>> No.74794472
Quoted by: >>74794514

holy shit Pero TL is fast

>> No.74794477
Quoted by: >>74794514

Holy hell that TL is fast

>> No.74794481
Quoted by: >>74794528


>> No.74794482

Mountain of Faith hasn't been the newest Touhou in almost 2 decades holy crap I'm so old

>> No.74794484

Those are trash.

>> No.74794485
File: 257 KB, 1200x1366, GDuXaNDbEAA8WWl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74794487

why do you think she's playing so badly? She'd 1cc it by now if she was focusing 100%

>> No.74794491
Quoted by: >>74794511

so they hired a translator so you guys would quit crying?

>> No.74794490

You doubt the princess?

>> No.74794493
File: 333 KB, 1585x2085, 1693585342686097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird fantasy you got there

>> No.74794495
Quoted by: >>74794565

>PerrocinnoTL is REALLY fast at typing
>Almost like he does it for a living...
Maybe he's a 4chan shitposter kek

>> No.74794504

Is it just me or is the game sound kinda loud

>> No.74794511

Yes, they're great

>> No.74794514



>> No.74794516

Fuwawa is EXTREMELY quiet

>> No.74794528


>> No.74794540
Quoted by: >>74794619

desu I never got why all holos don't just pay for TL
They would make that back with 1 SC per stream. And then more people can watch and SC. It pays for itself.

>> No.74794546

Maybe the translator is in the Discord voice call to bypass the YouTube delay.

>> No.74794547
File: 86 KB, 1024x712, 1714046031346259m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly really happy they hired a professional TL for these streams.
Smile restored. I love my dogs!

>> No.74794549

They did.

>> No.74794551

PerrocinoTL is an AI.

>> No.74794552
File: 1.12 MB, 2480x3508, 1691801759294636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74794601

If Perrocinno is a pro translator they hired they should include him in their stream somehow, like maybe a separate chat window in their layout or something.
There's a LOT of EOPs that don't use stuff like HoloDex or the LiveTL chat plugins that filter this stuff out so they can easily keep track of it, I'd bet a lot of them don't even notice this is happening.
Making it more "official" and easier to see would help a lot I think.

>> No.74794555

there's a more dominant hag in the room, remember to praise her afterwards to help her regain her confidence

>> No.74794556

>no one translates in real time
people complain
>someone translate badly
people complain
>they hire someone fast
people complain

>> No.74794565


>> No.74794573

I think mocochan is gonna do worse with the pressure from marine

>> No.74794575
Quoted by: >>74794625

NTA, but the problem is I did do them.
>privates account one month before they debut

>> No.74794576
Quoted by: >>74794638

fuwawa’s tits are too big

>> No.74794580

They clearly love us so much, they didn't have to but they did, its just been punch after punch of good shit since the dumb asmr shit, nobody can say they don't care.

>> No.74794586
Quoted by: >>74794646

Mococo sounds like Luna lmao

>> No.74794591

>Fiar point
It's human

>> No.74794596
File: 27 KB, 250x158, 1684721936605221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74794601

having them show up at the bottom like subs would be nice. it'd be annoying to see on a JP's stream front and center like that, but they ARE EN

>> No.74794607

>t. someone who doesn't code for a living
100 LOC a day is too much

>> No.74794608

then how the fuck is typing so fast

>> No.74794610

Nobody is complaining? Just very surprised they didn't announce it.
They should tell their more casual viewers how to see those messages better and so on, I bet there's a whole bunch of people that don't realize it's there or are having trouble following.

>> No.74794616

Maybe it's a human using speech to text. If he doesn't have to type, it would explain the speed.

>> No.74794619

Anon... they don't have to. They know someone very fluent at Japanese and able to type very fast.

>> No.74794620
Quoted by: >>74794736

That's a tad bit too extreme, a month of rest is enough to recover your vocal chords

>> No.74794624

Isn't the combined age of women in that room over 100?

>> No.74794625
Quoted by: >>74794685

How did you miss that he's not fluent in japanese in your all encompassing reps?

>> No.74794633

Holy hell the translation is fast as fuck. Kek poor Andy is getting straight up mogged.

>> No.74794635
File: 112 KB, 1024x724, 1713538566507408m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single person who's genuinely here for them would complain about hiring a professional translator. Either you did your reps and you don't need it or you didn't and now you get the full context of the stream. It's a win/win.
Fuwawa and Moco-chan love!

>> No.74794638
File: 1.35 MB, 985x705, 1693697042929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74794690

they're bigger than maririns...
>2hu is the first time I've had a 1080p screenshot tell me it's too big for 4chinz

>> No.74794643

mogochan forgets

>> No.74794645


>> No.74794646

holy shit you are right

>> No.74794652

stop being so nitpicky

>> No.74794653

No one is complaining, we are just surprised

>> No.74794655

the stream is prerecorded...

>> No.74794659
File: 1 KB, 112x28, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74794715

>having them show up at the bottom like subs would be nice

>> No.74794666

The bigger pair of tits is doing the Backseating.

>> No.74794667

fair->fiar is a typographical error, not something you'd see with s2t

>> No.74794672
Quoted by: >>74794715

I don't think it has to be front and center like proper subs, but maybe have like a small Pero with a speech bubble where the TL shows up in the corner of the stream where the (frozen lmao) chat is now. They could even fit it into their lore if they really wanted to.

>> No.74794673

It's 4019

>> No.74794685

Not sure where you got that. He was entirely fluent.

>> No.74794690

Her new year outfit made them bigger

>> No.74794691
Quoted by: >>74794789

They can't announce something that isn't finalized or approved by cover yet. They didn't know if their "solution for people who don't speak japanese" would be ready in time for Golden Week.
Watch streams.

>> No.74794698
File: 334 KB, 960x1200, GFdvbigaIAARcgP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rabu rabu rabu mogotyan rabu rabu!!

>> No.74794704

Eh it's fine, we don't know if this translator will always be here for all their JP streams from now on. Having more than one is better.

>> No.74794707
Quoted by: >>74794753

hes in vc with them

>> No.74794712
Quoted by: >>74794798

Be sure to praise them lots in the comments and tweets for this TL, we want more of this if they're going to do Japanese streams.

>> No.74794711

youtube is dying on me

>> No.74794715
File: 97 KB, 1200x675, 1687958045385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 you say?
reading comprehension-kun...context. in the actual stream, not just for LiveTL users
guess that'd work

>> No.74794717

Its nice they chosen Marine for collab, her JP is very easy to understand.

>> No.74794726
File: 1.10 MB, 320x240, PeroTL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have the upgrades

>> No.74794727

Given that they usually only stream 2 hours and not everyday in jp, it would probably be a good investment

>> No.74794736

multiple holomems have had surgery done on their vocal cords though. it's not that hard to fuck them up if you keep pushing when you obviously shouldn't

>> No.74794739
Quoted by: >>74794752

he’s probably relieved he doesn’t have to TL in all honesty

>> No.74794752

He's still trying to TL though

>> No.74794753

that's a good idea, never thought of that

>> No.74794756

doesnt she speak kinda fast though, at least I think

>> No.74794764

Yeah, her diction is perfect.

>> No.74794772

you're joking, right?
t. one of the ichimi hanging out in here right now

>> No.74794775
Quoted by: >>74794839


>> No.74794783
File: 5 KB, 221x109, image-96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74794789
Quoted by: >>74794822

They knew this was happening before the stream.
A short tweet saying there'd be a translator in chat would have already helped them a lot I think.
This isn't complaining or anything, but ideas for improvements on how to do even better.
The best TL in the world doesn't help if you don't let the bulk of the more casual viewers know that it's there.

>> No.74794793

maybe but she often talks insanely fast

>> No.74794796

ye, but so far marine have been speaking slowly, for her.

>> No.74794798

Also include him for Pero sightings

>> No.74794799

Nah, thats easy, you should be able to understand this after a month of regular reps.

>> No.74794807

Why does the mod keep misspelling it as "Perrocinno"? This time, it's PerrocinnoTL.
But a few days ago someone had their message removed in chat and it said "Message removed by Perrocinno."

>> No.74794809

Why does Pero hate Mococo

>> No.74794810

he’s not appearing on liveTL for me, only pero
and i don’t have andy muted

>> No.74794822

The bulk of more casual viewers aren't even using addons so they'd have to scan chat to read the TL messages fast before they disappear. This is for power users. Did you see how many members didn't even know about Holodex for the Dorokei streams?

>> No.74794825
File: 1.70 MB, 2803x4096, 1714476152784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much could it cost to hire a pro TLer? Like 50 per hour? Just get someone who speaks EN and JP and who lives in SEA or so.
They'd easily make that back in SCs. Every holo should do it at all times.

>> No.74794828

Mococo sounds better today. I hope she quits smoking once and for all.

>> No.74794830

Touhou 101:
- in chaotic non-aimed patterns you are statistically less likely to be hit if you stay still. Just watch which bullets are gonna hit you and move aside.
- be aware of which bullets are aimed at you, and slowly strafe them (move across the screen strategically)

>> No.74794831
Quoted by: >>74794889

Still good practice to keep doing it

>> No.74794832

is that perrochino guy a paypig?

>> No.74794835

So many jp grey names

>> No.74794838

>paying $50/hr for anything from SEA
kek ngmi

>> No.74794839

You should be put down you stupid horny monkey. This planet is overpopulated as it is.

>> No.74794840

Probably set up by management, not them. Management is retarded.

>> No.74794846

It's probably for GW only

>> No.74794851

they're ichimi

>> No.74794855

its great for their goals

>> No.74794859

Might've got shadobanned
The power of being a mod

>> No.74794867

that's the whole point anon

>> No.74794869
Quoted by: >>74795049

May be a stupid question but was it spelled differently anywhere before?

>> No.74794873

These fags aren't gonna breed who cares

>> No.74794874

Okayu is using pocketalk and it is working pretty well for her factorio streams

>> No.74794876

The account was made yesterday

>> No.74794883

mococo sound like a anime grandma you hear sometimes

>> No.74794888

>3rd worlder TLs
Almost as amazing as 3rd worlder help desks

>> No.74794889
File: 36 KB, 646x256, Screenshot 2024-04-30 042330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see him
For sure, I'm just saying that Andy is still TLing since the other anon can't see his TLs

>> No.74794899

is the viewbot guy still around? I only watch biboo now and he bots her stream a lot

>> No.74794909

go back faggot

>> No.74794925
Quoted by: >>74795400

its me doing the TL and they love me the most

>> No.74794926

This is probably that Kson fag, Taishi, they're big fans of her and that guy is fast as fuck

>> No.74794937

Factorio was fun

>> No.74794944

3 bucks a minute from the first site i clicked on.

>> No.74794947

My guess is that it's sort of a test run, and they're probably going to talk about it in FWMC Morning tomorrow, maybe explain how to use liveTL or something.

>> No.74794950

>Fuwawa reading a paypig in the sea of grey JP names
really now

>> No.74794954
Quoted by: >>74794968

each one is a potential new sub

>> No.74794962
File: 127 KB, 325x317, 1714476388815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine literally had other holos be on stream and do voice overs for her when she had throat problems.
Why isn't she telling FuwaMoco to do that, why is Mococo actually ruining her voice. She'll pay for dearly in the future by not resting now.

>> No.74794968

You have to be subbed to chat...

>> No.74794970

they should take their clothes off

>> No.74794990
Quoted by: >>74795075

Marine is too kind
She shouldn't have tolerate this

>> No.74794994

For a minute

>> No.74795000

Then their strategy is working.

>> No.74795015

probably told her before stream or afterwards

>> No.74795029
Quoted by: >>74795129

Wait, this game actually looks interesting now that they are a bit better with Marine helping them.

>> No.74795033

Mococo isn't ruining her voice.

>> No.74795037

concernfag-kun, honest question. Have you never lost your voice? It's a fairly normal occurrence. Permanent damage occurs after a long period of time.

>> No.74795043
File: 572 KB, 1834x2048, 1683002276266780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They love us too much, we don't deserve them

>> No.74795049

Pretty sure it was either Peroccino or Perroccino

>> No.74795066

That's what I mean, if they go so far as to hire someone to translate they should try to make it more approachable so the casual viewers can benefit from it to, which in turn also helps FWMC's investment a ton.
There's absolutely viewers who skipped this stream or didn't feel like waking up for it since they figured it'd mainly be Japanese that would have been there if they knew there'd be a professional live translation.

>> No.74795075

It's better to continue and let Mococo practice on the later stages.
Once they get through a playthrough to the end, they can restart and try a 1cc for real.

>> No.74795084

The japs are typing BGM alot are they acknowledging its loud?

>> No.74795089
Quoted by: >>74795231

I'm a big concernfag but there is a difference between nodules, which is what Marine had, and allergy induced sore throat.

>> No.74795100
Quoted by: >>74795222

How does the bomb and the bonus work? And what do you get from bonus?

>> No.74795106

they're acknowledging that the bgm fucking rocks

>> No.74795121
File: 31 KB, 309x416, power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74795176

>> No.74795127

if you're serious, they just like the BGM

>> No.74795129
Quoted by: >>74795187

See that's what I've been saying. Some of the games they've been playing would be more interesting if they had a higher level of gameplay because it unlocks more depth in things they can talk about.

>> No.74795147

raspy mogochan my beloved

>> No.74795152
Quoted by: >>74795184

Why not just have a zatsu, why toehoe?

>> No.74795159
Quoted by: >>74795314

This makes me feel like it was rushed, yeah. It’s a strange choice to not promote a major positive selling point otherwise.

>> No.74795176


>> No.74795181

I never really got into touhou
Is it more of an arcade type thing? I could see this being a big arcade game.
Or is it purely a PC thing?

>> No.74795184

i specifically asked for touhou

>> No.74795187

they can talk about and things they can show off to ruffians*

>> No.74795190

How is the holoJP collab going? So when do they officially transfer to JP like they wanted from the start?

>> No.74795195

3 hags sitting in one room around one PC, screaming and doing silly voices...

>> No.74795206

I wish my fucking eyes were working right
I've been working all day on my PC so I can barely read the LIveTL without my eyes crossing

>> No.74795217


>> No.74795219

Can it be any better?

>> No.74795223

that PC? me

>> No.74795222
Quoted by: >>74795353

For 10 and 11, bombs are tied to your power and it decreases by 1 every use, so you should avoid spamming bombs. For bonus, you get bonus points if you defeat a spell card without dying or using a bomb. Its mostly for score so its irrelevant for a 1cc attempt

>> No.74795228
Quoted by: >>74795284

it's a porn thing

>> No.74795231
Quoted by: >>74795282

how do you think you get nodules?

>> No.74795237
Quoted by: >>74795329

Mococo is so cute lads…

>> No.74795243

>Or is it purely a PC thing?
it's made by one drunk dude for the pc

>> No.74795248
File: 155 KB, 1080x560, Screenshot_2024-04-30-13-26-50-23_572064f74bd5f9fa804b05334aa4f912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74795254
Quoted by: >>74795457

Touhou has always been PC

>> No.74795258

Imagine the smell

>> No.74795270

Just got up, have they been playing on practice this whole time?

>> No.74795282
Quoted by: >>74795379

Marine's was because of the way she used her voice in her day to day life. She had to get voice training to strain her throat less with her regular, resting talking voice.

>> No.74795284
Quoted by: >>74795457

Originally PC only but I think they introduced some remasters to arcades
Also this >>74795228

>> No.74795285

I wonder if this is temporary or we'll get this in every JP collab or solo stream going forward? It would help a lot.

>> No.74795293
Quoted by: >>74795457

hell it was originally for the PC-98

>> No.74795296
Quoted by: >>74795359

Last I check, Marin can't be here for more than a few hours, so that's wrong off the bat lmao

>> No.74795304

I hope they do something like this with Patra someday. Like go to her house and play some old school shit

>> No.74795306

who is this??

>> No.74795314
Quoted by: >>74795373

Fuwamoco are modest, they don't like boasting how good they are. It's up to you to notice it.

>> No.74795329
File: 163 KB, 286x409, TOUHOU_OFF-COLLAB_with_MARINE_cant_go_home_until_we_clear_it__Mountain_of_Faith_36-51_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74795339
File: 207 KB, 512x512, 1700198511653292.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>help bring fwmc closer to kaigai

>> No.74795350

>here to help bring fwmc closer to kaigai

>> No.74795353
Quoted by: >>74795553

>For 10 and 11
what do you mean by this? And how does the power work?

>> No.74795358
Quoted by: >>74795388

god just looking at this game is killing my eye

>> No.74795359

you fags know nothing about the abema project

>> No.74795361

touhou soccer is where is at not this bullet hell bullshit

>> No.74795373
Quoted by: >>74795440

I feel like that only applies to Fuwawa.

>> No.74795379

per wikipedia
>The presence of dehydration, respiratory infection, and inflammatory factors may also act as predisposing or aggravating factors. Inflammatory factors may include allergies, tobacco and alcohol use, laryngopharyngeal reflux, and other environmental influences.
it comes down to overusing your voice causing mechanical stress. trying to talk while there's inflammation from allergies causes stress

>> No.74795385

apparently the TL is a senchou mod

>> No.74795384
Quoted by: >>74795549

You think they'll mention it later? I don't see why they wouldn't. Maybe they want to test it more before saying anything.

>> No.74795389

Reported to cover, breaking rules 3 and 4

>> No.74795388
File: 2.66 MB, 1920x1080, 1713824474307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2hu is the bitrate fucker 9000

>> No.74795390
Quoted by: >>74795742

Touhougods please tell me, what are the green pick-ups?

>> No.74795400

Stop coping Pero, you're nasty

>> No.74795406
File: 273 KB, 722x639, 1690416616589707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm glad they're realizing their dreams, i just hope they don't forget about us

>> No.74795430

How about you stop thinking about yourself for once nigger?

>> No.74795438

She does have a guy who translates all of her members posts, I think his name is Wikt or something

>> No.74795440

they both are, but mococo is also super needy and can't hide it

>> No.74795444

my nigga they are streaming at 8:30 pm japan time
they already forgot about you lmao

>> No.74795445

A hololive wide mod, also a regular pekora clipper and used to be a Nijisanji clipper
He's not saying it's him, in fact he used his alt for translating at the start before Pero showed up then he stopped, he's just confirming he is an official mod because he's one too

>> No.74795451

stop being such a BITCH ryan

>> No.74795452
Quoted by: >>74795511

nekomikuri is the marine mod, TL is probably hired

>> No.74795457
Quoted by: >>74795548

Huh, I always assumed it was a big arcade thing. Neat.

>> No.74795461

Is stream a powerpoint for anyone else now?

>> No.74795494
Quoted by: >>74795512

nope. still 60 solid, but crusty 2hu bitrate

>> No.74795504

works on my machine

>> No.74795508

Only 15K for a Marine collab?

>> No.74795511

No one is paying 5 dollars a minute for a stream that can go on for hours

>> No.74795512


>> No.74795514

nice chat mococo LMAO

>> No.74795523

I think marine is cuter than fuwawa and cuter than mococo

>> No.74795524

>Forget about us.
>Hire and pay a professional TL to live translate during GW
What in the fuck are you on?

>> No.74795533
Quoted by: >>74795649

I'm the TLer.
Usually I do it for money, but we found another... arrangement. It only involves Fuwawa, she asked me to not tell her sister about our deal.

>> No.74795549

>You think they'll mention it later?
Probably in Wednesday FWMC morning

>> No.74795548
Quoted by: >>74795813

If you want something from arcade there's Shikigami no Shiro 1 and 2 on Steam

>> No.74795551

There's no saving some of them anon

>> No.74795553

Touhou 10 ~ Mountain of Faith
Touhou 11 ~ Subterranean Animism

Power is increased by picking up the red "P" item. It increases your fire power. see those little orbs under Reimu? those corresponds to the level of power you got, maximum is 5. Once you reach max power, you get faith items instead, the blue items

>> No.74795560

it was for a second when they first started, been fine since

>> No.74795573

Im not the TL'er
I just enjoy having sex with Mococo.

>> No.74795588

I'm distracted by the titties to pay attention to the game

>> No.74795589

You could get someone fluent in both from a 3rd world country for like 20 bucks an hour easily. That's king tier wage for them.

>> No.74795592

Imagine if there was a touhou mod that would activate bomb by BAU BAU

>> No.74795593

You're correct anon, no one is

>> No.74795612

people get paid 5 dollars a fucking minute for translating in real time? there's no fucking way

>> No.74795642

Fuwawa’s floofies are so fucking big good lord

>> No.74795649

You aren't, but in case you are, write 11 at the end of one of the TLs as proof

>> No.74795656

shit's hard

>> No.74795675

Is this the same "Pero" who makes their thumbnails??

>> No.74795683

On the high end, yes. More likely like $1-2

>> No.74795690

why should i need to rely on a translator to understand what a holoEN vtuber is saying? you're just scoring goals on yourself over and over by thinking this sort of reasoning is some sort of gotcha

>> No.74795694

This is how it is for Fuwawa

>> No.74795727

Her next to Marine really gives you a sense of their size. I love their New Year's outfits so much bros...

>> No.74795730

Translating in real time is hard, nobody wants to do that for per hour rates.

>> No.74795742

those are the faith items, it increases the faith meter on the bottom left of the screen, higher faith meter = value of point items (blue item) gets higher

>> No.74795748
Quoted by: >>74795994

weakest shitpost I've seen all week

>> No.74795754
File: 835 KB, 1416x1874, 1709183856905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing my reps, I'm just happy there's TL because I can't hear SHIT over the fucking 2hu sounds

>> No.74795759

Honestly the game is nice but Its hard to watch with Fuwawa bouncing everywhere...

>> No.74795769

HoloEN is allowed to stream in Japanese sometimes. Just like how holoJP streams in EN sometimes.

>> No.74795776

nice try

>> No.74795785

Same Games fucking loud

>> No.74795803
Quoted by: >>74795817

they should hire a live dubber

>> No.74795804

Fuwawa has bigger boobs than Marine

>> No.74795806

And Fuwawa is still interjecting with occasional english, anyone who says they don't care get fucked.

>> No.74795812

the TL is pretty distracting for me so I have it closed

>> No.74795813
Quoted by: >>74795948

Thanks, but im not particularly interested in touhou, just always assumed it was an arcade game.

>> No.74795816
Quoted by: >>74795858

Leave that as a comment, she'll be happy

>> No.74795817

Found the american.

>> No.74795820

you're getting trolled anon, just google if you're curious

>> No.74795856
File: 789 KB, 688x1080, 1713971699912845.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

focus ruffian focus!

>> No.74795858

See I would anon, but then this board would know I'm Anan, can't have that.

>> No.74795865

Why is Pero doing TL? Why does he understand Japanese?
Didn't think of him as a weeb.

>> No.74795871

Stop being a little bitch, Ryan. They hired a TL for your eop ass. Be happy they care.

>> No.74795888
Quoted by: >>74795926

I still don't know who made this

>> No.74795893

pero cares enough about them to learn

>> No.74795918
Quoted by: >>74796073

Pero knows every language so he can lure more girlios into his rape cave

>> No.74795921
File: 878 KB, 2029x3557, 1714279842798300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My strength is waning anon...

>> No.74795926
Quoted by: >>74796072


>> No.74795936
File: 81 KB, 236x241, 1713807395942395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74795976

Fuwawa please stand still I’m losing my mind here

>> No.74795948

oh ok

>> No.74795951

Fuwawa, stop tempting me I'm trying to watch Moco-chan play.

>> No.74795964

So does that blue 2hu kappa girl also want my shirikodama?

>> No.74795976
File: 169 KB, 990x1400, GDMus29XkAAsVY3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a good thing

>> No.74795992

I-Is that?

>> No.74795994

Yet you still gave him a (you). Ruffians just can't help themselves apparently

>> No.74795996
File: 3.62 MB, 2170x3560, 117377150_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74796000
Quoted by: >>74796066


This doesn't make sense. Mods on YouTube can't "check" anything. They only power they have is deleting messages. Whoever this person is doesn't know shit about what's going on with Fuwamoco's channel

>> No.74796002


>> No.74796010
Quoted by: >>74796033

Oh god give me strength, I'm about to go ape

>> No.74796016


>> No.74796029
File: 1.48 MB, 480x360, Floofies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boin boin boin

>> No.74796033
Quoted by: >>74796062

>about to
There are people who haven't gone gorilla here yet? Weak.

>> No.74796039

I'm gonna go heat up some seafood pasta

>> No.74796040

>they even hired a translator
you guys must feel like shit for doubting them

>> No.74796053
File: 2.94 MB, 1658x2525, 117830767_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74796054
Quoted by: >>74796093

their fucking chat is killing my PC for some reason

>> No.74796059

put your udders away woman

>> No.74796062

The new years outfit...even the staunchest man cannot resist...

>> No.74796066

anon often time mods are actually employed by cover so they can "check" with management

>> No.74796073

I believe this

>> No.74796072


>> No.74796078

At some point you don't even notice the boobs anymore, you get desensitized by it.

>> No.74796093
Quoted by: >>74796164

You using LiveTL or Hyperchat?

>> No.74796099

I'm staring at Marine's treasure chest more than Fuwawa's

>> No.74796114
Quoted by: >>74796133

Speak for yourself, those floofies have me beyond bricked and mega focused, sounds like you just don't love her enough anon

>> No.74796123

If they really want to 1cc, they could use the MarisaB power bug and get it in like 3 minutes

>> No.74796128

Had Marine played yet?

>> No.74796133

I guess I'm getting old

>> No.74796136
File: 1.05 MB, 2913x4096, GERmr9FbIAA5kvG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not at that point, she’s practically tempting me by swaying and bouncing them in my face with those giggles of hers

>> No.74796137

is marine playing?

>> No.74796146
File: 1006 KB, 1984x2806, Breathy Bau Bau[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4rgt02.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74796160

it was always going to be Mococo playing and Marine backseating

>> No.74796164

no, just vanilla

>> No.74796172


>> No.74796176
File: 11 KB, 348x124, 1683161415725595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74796226

We don't know, we need someone to investigate the moving pattern with Marine's stream.

>> No.74796181
File: 131 KB, 439x507, 1714216044160841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74796197

you madlad

>> No.74796198

what happened to me, i need to look at them at focus to notice fuwawa puppies now

>> No.74796203
Quoted by: >>74796238

is this from the asmr too?

>> No.74796204

Oh you fucking beautiful fluffy seductress

>> No.74796221
File: 754 KB, 4000x3000, 1690435867390230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74796226
File: 209 KB, 638x474, 1707545241369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74796249

>Marine's stream
Marine's not liv retard, why do you think we're in here?

>> No.74796236
File: 615 KB, 2480x3508, @DopeyBunni-1746199778692944126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you enjoying the stream, Ruffians?

>> No.74796240

One of those might help, then. one or the other, doesn't really matter.

>> No.74796238

that's an old soundpost d*de how haven't you seen it before

>> No.74796242

>marine back seating
>fuwawa just giggling
not to bad

>> No.74796246

i just noticed they're using the NY outfits

>> No.74796249


>> No.74796254

This, boobs are nice and all, but I'm more interested in her reactions, so I look at her face most of the time.

>> No.74796272

why only 15K tho?

>> No.74796273

Oh my gosh...

>> No.74796276

Marine played before to show them how the level was done. They didn't change the text at the bottom of the screen to reflect this but if you look at the TL and the gameplay you can see when.

>> No.74796278


>> No.74796303

I look at Moco-chans face most of the time, and sometimes Fuwawa's sweater puppies.

>> No.74796307
Quoted by: >>74796358


>> No.74796311
File: 2.32 MB, 460x336, 1686079529975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74796313
File: 373 KB, 1242x2048, GIOSbnKaMAAwd-z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa gets really giggly when you gorillapost so make sure to make her laugh lots today

>> No.74796335
Quoted by: >>74796453

Late to the thread. What instance are you talking about when Mococo put her foot down?

>> No.74796338
File: 613 KB, 835x1067, 1713976842221693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo is playing 2hu and wuffians are being silly

>> No.74796358
File: 3 KB, 183x44, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74796360
Quoted by: >>74796379

>Mococo: plays
>Marine: backseats
What is Fuwawa even good for?

>> No.74796363

Marine should really tell her the times when it's safe to POC because you need to get the extra lives in the early stages. For ReimuA there are times where you can just camp above it

>> No.74796378


>> No.74796380 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 627x189, 43443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74796431


>> No.74796379


>> No.74796394

Ichimin probably thought the stream would be in english

>> No.74796398


>> No.74796405

fuwawa ass kissing while mococo is fighting for her life!

>> No.74796410

ahhhh confession

>> No.74796424

>Nerissa and Fuwawa both love Marine as their oshi

>> No.74796431

Don't reply anon, not worth it.

>> No.74796436

fuwawa's first purchased hololive goods...

>> No.74796451

Fuwawa confessed

>> No.74796453

In the 'ASMR' which was barely asmr and severly overblown by sisters, management kinda sprung it on Fuwamoco to make requests to whisper into a mic, they did basic japanese lines until someone asked for ear blowing, Fuwawa was about to do it but Mococo stopped her because they promised that to the ruffians specifically, TLDR: Management fucked them over and forced them to do shitty whisper requests but mococo refused to take any request that was even close to actual ASMR

>> No.74796475

Sorry Fuwawa, but Marine likes Mococo more.

>> No.74796477
Quoted by: >>74796552

FuwaMoco has too many sisters

>> No.74796482
Quoted by: >>74796547

Okayu is a slow talker and that thing would fall apart in a collab.

>> No.74796481

Fuwawa confessed to marine...

>> No.74796487

kamioshibros… our stupid ass title wasn’t used…

>> No.74796490
Quoted by: >>74796522

Polka will be over the moon about securing the mococo bag though

>> No.74796495

Aww Fuwawa confessed, sweet fluffy puppy

>> No.74796501
Quoted by: >>74796531

As it should be, Mococo is better than Fuwawa

>> No.74796522
File: 281 KB, 717x717, 1640962902797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74796525

Fuwawa likes Marine. Marine likes Mococo. Mococo likes Polka. Polka likes Fuwawa. It's perfect

>> No.74796528

I think Marine, Fuwawa, Nerissa, and Lamy should all have sex as people who love Marine.

>> No.74796531
Quoted by: >>74796569

At what? Not paizuri that's for sure

>> No.74796547
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, 1712285307976597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that good anyway.

>> No.74796551
File: 3.77 MB, 1851x1390, 6102b3dfb6a83a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74796552

like this thread

>> No.74796560

Literally every single hag since gen 3 has Marine as their oshi. What makes her so appealing to old women?

>> No.74796569


>> No.74796572

Has the council of lamys ever ruled on fuwawa? She has the soul of a lamy

>> No.74796573
Quoted by: >>74796681


>> No.74796586
File: 217 KB, 357x378, TOUHOU_OFF-COLLAB_with_MARINE_cant_go_home_until_we_clear_it__Mountain_of_Faith_1-5-44_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74796620
Quoted by: >>74796727

God imagine telling your oshi directly in person how much they mean to you, that was cute

>> No.74796638

sluts it up without shame and as a hag. She gives them hope

>> No.74796648

Fuwawa: Daijoubu
*Mococo gets hit*
Fuwawa: Daijoubu ja nai
Always a backseater

>> No.74796651
Quoted by: >>74796757

Neither Lui nor Botan have her as a Oshi IIRC.
As for why: You will understand when you get older

>> No.74796654


>> No.74796662
Quoted by: >>74796769

She has a moe voice, is good at singing and is funny

>> No.74796681
File: 204 KB, 1345x1949, Screenshot_20240430_050458_Samsung_Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't blame Fuwawa, she was under pressure, but mococo did show some serious virtue by stopping her, Don't blame fluffy too much, its hard to stand up to pressure, the whole debacle was managements doing, and they addressed it after someone sent an SC

>> No.74796693

>Pero translating English in English
I kneel…

>> No.74796703

Faggot font

>> No.74796709
Quoted by: >>74796721

gay ass girly font

>> No.74796721

Don't bully the femruffian...

>> No.74796723


>> No.74796726

Not my faggot font, didn't screen shot it so I used someone elses. don't care.

>> No.74796727
Quoted by: >>74796779

And so-called ruffians wanted to hate on them for this and deny her this

>> No.74796731

Are you perhaps gay?

>> No.74796746

Where is this from?

>> No.74796757

Lui has her as an oshi are you high?

>> No.74796758

I could never do that

>> No.74796769
Quoted by: >>74796850

Her voice is far from moe and her singing is just fun but not really good. Her personality carries her though.

>> No.74796776
File: 406 KB, 1920x1080, 1710892544936399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74796818

>whispering is now not considered asmr because... it just isn't!
the cope continues i guess? if you think it was a nothingburger, then why are you lying and moving the goalposts every time it's brought up? just say they did asmr but that you don't care lol

>> No.74796779

I wish I could be as lucky as Fuwawa...I'd kill to tell them all they did for me.

>> No.74796780
Quoted by: >>74796886

DKC2 prechat
he could've just screenshotted hololyzer

>> No.74796791

letting my seafood pasta cool down a bit before I start eating

>> No.74796804

>Our 1st collab with Marine-senpai and hopefully our 1st time beating Touhou!
>our 1st time beating Touhou!

>> No.74796805

Women are more prone to enjoy shamelessly lewd women who talk a fucking lot rather than the opposite. There's also the fact that she's incredibly popular and women are attracted to that as well.

>> No.74796809
Quoted by: >>74796912

fat fuck ruffian

>> No.74796818
Quoted by: >>74796887

you faggots are desperate since your dox site went down lmfao get a life nigga

>> No.74796819

otaku hag who's unabashedly herself
her personality also is perfect for an entertainer

>> No.74796820


>> No.74796828

Are they cheating or something? They have way too many lives and bombs.

>> No.74796837

chon chon chon

>> No.74796838

One of the discords. didn't bother to save it myself so I just downloaded one that was saved from there. prolly shoulda but I was lazy.

>> No.74796850
Quoted by: >>74796952

Her singing is iconic and distinct. Perfect for catchy ear worm songs

>> No.74796849

Practise Mode

>> No.74796870


>> No.74796876

Practice mode lets you start out with max lives

>> No.74796887
Quoted by: >>74796922

day 1 ruffian but ok. i just have principles and hold them to their promises because i'm not a fucking faggot betacuck retard like you. just giving up your oshi with zero resistance is not love, it just means you don't care about them at all

>> No.74796886

Fuck you're right, I forgot, sorry for being a retard.

>> No.74796889

Practice mode so you can lab on the stage and spellcards.

>> No.74796890
File: 7 KB, 382x71, 1690498705115813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74796919

imagine the smell

>> No.74796912
Quoted by: >>74797005

seafood pasta is not fattening

>> No.74796915
File: 6 KB, 430x53, Screenshot 2024-04-30 051504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74797129

maybe it is Marine's TL lol

>> No.74796919

dangerous marine smell...

>> No.74796922

you faggots spends thousands daily on bots membering means nothing lmfao, get a life nigga

>> No.74796928
Quoted by: >>74796960

>nervous dogs sweating bullets

>> No.74796934
File: 453 KB, 535x565, TOUHOU_OFF-COLLAB_with_MARINE_cant_go_home_until_we_clear_it__Mountain_of_Faith_1-17-15_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwawa no

>> No.74796941
Quoted by: >>74797193

>FWW: We're always covered in sweat when we stream www

>> No.74796943

I figured out what's wrong. Ever since Mococo got sick, they don't sync anymore.

>> No.74796944

"bless you" sync TSKR

>> No.74796952

That I can agree with, pretty much why I call it fun.
It just captiviates you and makes you want to sing along but it is objectively just a bit above average.

>> No.74796960

God Imagine what Fuwawa's underboob smells like

>> No.74796977

We need to get Fuwawa sick too.

>> No.74796988

Nah i don't blame my fluffy airhead wife

>> No.74797004

I should practice 2hu again to see how quickly I can 1cc

>> No.74797005
Quoted by: >>74797348

oh my bad, whatcha got in it?

>> No.74797022

I want to smell their buttholes…

>> No.74797032

Oooh, I think I get it now. Their chats are so fucking delayed lately because they set up artificial delay so the translator can watch a direct feed ahead of time on discord and have TL coming out almost simultaneously.

>> No.74797036
File: 3.60 MB, 2471x4023, GEsENeIbkAAHkTk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74797074

jesus... and now my brain is running with it

>> No.74797056

Once they learn the stage layout they should switch to using ReimuB for better single target DPS. Reimu homing is great if you're not familiar with the stages but does abysmal damage to bosses

>> No.74797059

yeah, Mococo basically had to change her normal speaking habits to save her voice

>> No.74797073

Kanako will filter her

>> No.74797074

I want her to fucking drown me in her tits.

>> No.74797102
File: 300 KB, 1443x2048, 1000018001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74797159

Mococo is having so much fun...I'm so happy

>> No.74797108
File: 249 KB, 1192x1020, fwwnursing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74797126 [DELETED] 
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>> No.74797129

This definitely isn't a professional translator. He's definitely familiar with hololive and streamers.

>> No.74797131

just noticed the stream's bottom UI is gone, that UI autist earlier is probably happy

>> No.74797142


>> No.74797144
Quoted by: >>74797179

mococo got balls of steel, holy shit

>> No.74797159

They both are, they earned and deserve this, and I'm glad we helped make it happen!

>> No.74797172

Could be, maybe not a direct feed to the stream but rather discord or something.
Though it would explain why it sometimes buffers, however Touhou has always been particularily difficult with video compression so it might just be the encoder getting fucked out by it.

>> No.74797174

please keep us updated ruffian

>> No.74797179

Marine is playing right now

>> No.74797193
File: 2.15 MB, 1748x2470, GEC22QtbAAEAihf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74797253

SEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. The AC has taken that away from us.
This has now driven me fucking crazy now.

>> No.74797236

they are never gonna 1CC this...

>> No.74797240

This is the sexiest Fuwawa drawing

>> No.74797253
File: 131 KB, 372x399, 1714120053421700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly wuffian~

>> No.74797276

I love their new years outfits so much.

>> No.74797281
File: 1.13 MB, 2480x3591, GEEDAd5bYAEGmr5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coupled with being in the presence of their oshi, the room being warm right now, and how focused Mococo is, imagine the absolute smell of her royal pussy

>> No.74797307


>> No.74797310

is this the final stage

>> No.74797311

The royal snatch...

>> No.74797314

1cc? fwmc are getting a shot?

>> No.74797315

1cc was never the goal

>> No.74797320
File: 3.34 MB, 2000x3112, 1399bf893cd9e11eb7afed165ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74797358


>> No.74797338
File: 147 KB, 1124x1916, 1694780944108392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74797375

>> No.74797339

holy shit ruffians, lmao. blue board!

>> No.74797345

Imagine getting to be buried in her plump little ass while she squirms on you, trying to focus soaking your face in royal juices...

>> No.74797343
File: 394 KB, 220x220, 1708918812134854.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74797348

octopus and squid tentacles, squid rings, either mussels or clams not sure, and small shrimps in white sauce.
the noodles are a mix of farfalle with a little bit of fusilli.

>> No.74797358

I want to bury my face in there!

>> No.74797369

Yeah of course not.
1CC any touhou on normal requires at least 15 hours of practise. Two streams are not nearly enough for that.

>> No.74797370

Could explain why they started late today as well

>> No.74797375

I'm glad our JP bros share the same feelings...Poor sweet Mogotyan....

>> No.74797380

okay, NOW I'm diamonds

>> No.74797385

I think PerrocinnoTL messed up. Wasn't that Fuwawa that said she was sorry just now? He said it was Mococo.

>> No.74797419

he also didn't write F: It was Fuwawa's fault

>> No.74797432

Pero is doing his best

>> No.74797433

His strength is waning...

>> No.74797440
File: 61 KB, 224x232, 1714078454184602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74797493

How about you shut the fuck up and give me a fucking break Ruffrean?

>> No.74797488
File: 72 KB, 519x487, 1684659103474845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 and a half hours with 1 mistake is bretty great

>> No.74797489

>Complaining about free stuff

>> No.74797493
File: 295 KB, 900x648, 1714438277958325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

