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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74291158 No.74291158 [Reply] [Original]

Inexcusable. How could they do this?

>> No.74291187

Even Biboo's getting roped into their horrid actions.

>> No.74291206

Can somebody summarize this drama or supposed controversy with fuwamoco? I don't know anything about it.

>> No.74291274

I hate EOP so much It's unreal

>> No.74291284

The actual one? Nothingburger. Fuwamoco got roped into a tizzy because their manager wants them to do some more JP streams to help their channel growth, and golden week will have more JP streams than normal. They somehow got it in their head that this is "betraying" the EOP ruffians and worked themselves up into a tizzy, and the sisters are pouncing on the moment of weakness.
Also Fuwamoco's planning to translate their doujinshi and send it to Biboo.

>> No.74291322
Quoted by: >>74304942

They’re doing JP streams for golden week and sisters are acting like they’re denouncing EN

>> No.74291326

>Ruffians have now moved on to blaming the manager
Ah that's a good scapegoat might work, did mane also convince them to move to Japan too?

>> No.74291375

They moved to japan and that is inexusable (ignore mori, bae, irys)

>> No.74291389

I dont know why they fucking do this instead of just accepting that this was always their decision. They moved to JP to get more opportunities and to get involved in the JP scene. Of course they’re gonna do JP streams

>> No.74291392
Quoted by: >>74291407

is it too much to ask mococo to call me onichan and say i love you in japanese

>> No.74291402
Quoted by: >>74291663

Sister dox site went down so they made some shit up to get mad about.

>> No.74291407
Quoted by: >>74291437

Check their watermelon game batsus. She's done it a few times.

>> No.74291409

I’ll keep my focus on the sisters of various backgrounds — such as phasefags, nijifags, etc — that have every reason to inflate this non-issue at the moment, thank you very much.

>> No.74291419 [DELETED] 

You can tell at how angry those people act about this they're either very jealous women or spiteful trannies.
A mix of sisters and homonigger still seething about the Expo stuff.
I'm no Ruffians but when i see disgusting slimy cunts pray for harmless people's downfall like this it make me side with them automatically.

>> No.74291425
Quoted by: >>74295865

They want to hit 1 mill subscribers.
In doing so they need to build their fan base higher.
They're under the impression that doing JP only streams will be the way to get there.
They breakdown announcing this essentially causing panic and a few fans to push back slighlty.
They proceed to announce golden week streams specifically for JP, now they're worried that EN fans are going to leave them.
And so fans like me are just bidding our time to see how bad things might be during and after Golden week.
Trolls and sisters have latched onto this and are using it to stir up shit.

>> No.74291437

i want moreee
also please give the time stamps

>> No.74291454
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Oh, sisters and phasefags are definitely taking advantage of the situation ( Elira/Vox retreating to China and Pippa on indefinite Hiatus ) but you remember this shit with FWMC started way before any of that or the special site going down, you can possibly fool /vt/ but you can fool actual ruffians of this "nothingburger"

>> No.74291457

Who’d know that beggars would continue to seethe this hard at a whole ten seconds of silence? Truly mind boggling.

>> No.74291498

>I'm no Ruffian
You're an idiot who should stfu up then you have no idea what you're talking about same as >>74291457 retard, no amount of cope is going to cover up the reality of this situation unless you face the facts and stop blaming boogeymen

>> No.74291537

>1 hour and 45 minutes of discussion about their goals wall
>Mococo starts crying as they're talking about getting 1 million subs.
>Starts with 'Please don't be upset, ok?' which is the worst way to start any talk.
>They want to reach out to Japanese Ruffians more
>They are planning on doing a majority Japanese streams week with Golden Week
>They want to collab with senpai more but know there will be fans who can't watch because of time and language barrier
>They're going to be cutting down on streams after Golden Week because they have lots of back end work coming up
What some people got out of this is that they may or may not increase Japanese solo streams after Golden Week to try and capitalize on JP Ruffians. Golden Week is just being used as a way to get sub count to try and hit 1m. They haven't said anything about the stream or the 20ish comments (15 from 5+ month members) in the VoD getting the most thumbs up out of all comments asking questions about what their post-golden week streaming schedule will look like, meaning the people who read it as 'Less streams overall, more JP solo and collab streams, meaning less EN streams' are waiting for any info and likely won't get it till the 4th, when they release their post-golden week schedule.
Their SC reading was hovering between 1.8k and 2.3k vs the normal 3.2k-4k they pull if you see that as an indicator of fans who needed a day or two break.

>> No.74291540
File: 3.37 MB, 3425x2175, 1697435708982808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74291644

>trying to stir shit in peaceful discussion
>we still don't even have this schedule to see if there's even any "damage"

>> No.74291552

>actual ruffians
So, “actual” ruffians, a fanbase consisting of avid roommatefags and plentiful le forbidden knowledge given the circumstances, are completely blindsided by this series of events?

>> No.74291560


>> No.74291619

wasn't posted nice try
That's what day one members are now?

get real, spin spin spin where he stops nobody knows lol

>> No.74291634
Quoted by: >>74291682

>Their SC reading was hovering between 1.8k and 2.3k vs the normal 3.2k-4k they pull if you see that as an indicator of fans who needed a day or two break.
That sc reading was absolutely brutal I had to stop watching.
I have a feeling the majority that were absent that stream were hanging out in Biboo's instead.

>> No.74291644
Quoted by: >>74291747

>bait thread
>peaceful discussion

>> No.74291647

>posting an image you haven’t even read

>> No.74291663

So thats why they've been only spamming bait threads the last 24 hours
This is not counting Gura threads that they spammed just as much

>> No.74291682

Yeah they're definitely still hurting over it. I think both fuwamoco and the ruffians need some time, kinda like with the whole "we're going to japan" thing. I think that was the shortest superchat reading they've ever had.

>> No.74291688
Quoted by: >>74291731

>no one in this thread has watched the clip

>> No.74291691

They’ve been seething and camping their general since debut >>56010509

>> No.74291731

it doesn't play on my phone.

>> No.74291747
File: 134 KB, 421x365, sneak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, I'm the OP and while I did plan on making this a bait thread, I only made it because I couldn't find /baubau/ and really wanted to laugh about fuwamoco acknowledging their own porn for once because it was such a minor thing that got glossed over in the stream.

>> No.74291745

>getting busy with homework so they may have to reduce streams
>want to do more jp streams to hit 1mil subs
they did a poor job at explaining this so people reasonably thought they meant that they're replacing EN streams with JP even though it really isn't the case. it didn't help that they also announced they'll be doing more jp streams on golden week which added fuel to the fire.
then there's the fwmc morning collab with koyori this week. since naturally, they will speak jp when collabing with jp senpais, so ruffians believed that the stream will be in jp. some took this as a slippery slope in which fuwamoco are going the irys route of doing more jp content as opposed to en which left some EOP viewers feeling sour about it

>> No.74291794

>>Starts with 'Please don't be upset, ok?'
wow, it'd be hard to fuck that up harder

>> No.74291806

this "drama" is so dumb
Holo has so little for dramafags now that it needs sisters with retarded intent to blow this nothingburger out of proportion

Either get a new hobby that is not doxxing people or kys

>> No.74291822

Here's an idea... why not just learn Japanese? Not only for FWMC, but also because you're missing out on a whole lot of quality JP chuubas content?

>> No.74291829
Quoted by: >>74291912

Kill yourself. You’re the exact reason baubau is always shit

>> No.74291839

You forgot the part where Mococo startee the talk crying and saying 'Please don't be upset' and 'We understand if these changes might make you not want to watch anymore'. Those two extra comments with the crying felt like they were taking Ruffians out to pasture.

>> No.74291886

Holy fuck, that's some severe mental illness

>> No.74291912
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Quoted by: >>74292074


>> No.74291923


>> No.74291969
File: 386 KB, 1280x1779, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74292016

>Their got their hands on this

>> No.74291984
Quoted by: >>74292515

Impssibru for EOPs.

>> No.74292016

oh shit there's a hard translation now? nice

>> No.74292039

>getting busy with homework so they may have to reduce streams
unfortunately, "homework" has nothing to do with hololive

>> No.74292041

>their manager wants them

>> No.74292061
Quoted by: >>74292250

why would I even watch FWMC if I knew japanese

>> No.74292074

I hope a random Ruffian will kill you instead then

>> No.74292123
File: 202 KB, 1280x1280, 1710053241339192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much better. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

>> No.74292126
File: 972 KB, 1080x1772, 1713873775226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually not, the one from last week is a couple minutes shorter

>> No.74292139

>Spend your limited time learning a language that is not useful for anything past media consumption
No thanks.

>> No.74292171
Quoted by: >>74292250

if I knew japanese I wouldn't bother watching fuwamoco in the first place

>> No.74292186
Quoted by: >>74292243

But people were actually really excited about the move, even if it was uncertain when they'd be back, we knew they'd be back. Could their schedule go back to normal after golden week? Maybe, but the way they phrased it and how they said and acted while telling us actually put some people on edge

>> No.74292205
Quoted by: >>74292250

Then i would watch the better entertainers in HoloJP instead of the shit show that is HoloEN

>> No.74292243
Quoted by: >>74292329

Yeah but they're also prone to being dumb and emotional over nothing. It'll be fine.
Remember that even they said that twins aren't twice as smart as one person. They're twice as dumb.

>> No.74292250

>the absolute state of shitposting

>> No.74292256

it just came at a bad time, they just started streaming again after a two month move where they said multiple times they didn't want to do any guerrillas or spaces when asked due to FOMO, their return week had 2 cancelled streams and the SC stream got cut short due to work, this week is pretty sparse and the sc reading was ended early again and GW will focus on JP streams after repeating stuff like this non-stop during their move:

>> No.74292267

EOPs mad their JSL vtuber actually wants to try and gather a JP audience too. Tale as old as time.

>> No.74292309

Never trust a woman that moves too quickly from country to country.

>> No.74292329

Sure, but at least post something in members. They obviously read all those VoD comments and know what a decent chunk of their audience is thinking and feeling right now, why would you sit on it letting it fester and affect your other upcoming streams.

>> No.74292425

Anon, doujinshi doesn't mean just porn. It basically translates to indie works.

>> No.74292506
File: 1.40 MB, 990x976, 1687792605874270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwamoco lied to Ruffians (shocker) by saying they’ll be busy with “homework” on Wednesday after FWMC Morning. This isn’t true, of course. What they’ll actually be doing is streaming on their RM account (which is hidden behind a $10 monthly paywall for some reason despite having it made with hololive but I digress) and they’ll be hosting a Q&A. Many of their current audience are Ruffians who were introduced to them through their FuwaMoco persona. They believe that by supporting both FWMC and their RM they will receive extra brownie points of being a “true fan.” Barely any of the actual oldfags. Can’t really fault them though, since FuwaMoco encourag this behavior themselves by not really hiding who they are. Ruffians are just a means (shocker) for them to gain more attention and traction to their RM’s future project Amer*ly and its works.

FuwaMoco are horrible people. Everything you see presented on their streams AS FuwaMoco is played up to tug at the hearts of their gachikoi. Fuwawa’s giggling, Mococo’s sneezing (which she doesn’t do NEARLY as much or really at all as Sally), their empty promises and words of care and affection is all purposely done to win over gachikoi and it worked. It worked for them as FuwaMoco and is working for them as Ally&Sally.

Ruffians deserve the worst.

>> No.74292515

You mean these "mad EOPs"? >>74291663
Or do you mean the ones that have been watching HoloJP for 5 years now

>> No.74292527

So you mfrs can make more catalog threads? Fuck no. They made their decision and already said “if you don’t wanna watch us anymore then it’s ok”. Nothing more to be said. Pick up the anki EOP or fuck off with the crying

>> No.74292584

You just linked to a video that's trololo over a picture of baby towa.

>> No.74292609

Do the sisters really think they can invent some blood feud between JP and other branches
They already tried that with Pekora and even tried the exact same thing with IRyS

>> No.74292615
Quoted by: >>74292742

>actual doxxfaggotry
As is par for the course with the sisters

>> No.74292635

Because they rather avoid the confrontation and hope everyone forgets about it.
In reality they're doing more harm than good by being vague and secretive all the time.

>> No.74292696

Because they're women.

>> No.74292742

Yep, I was waiting for them to drop the mask and start doxxposting like usual

>> No.74292763

they just want to be like jp holomems, and want their own otaku media. most of these cant be achieved as long as they stay in the en industry, so they want to start to stream in japanese. very simple.

its their dream. ruffians should be tolerant.

>> No.74292764

ruffians…my condolences

>> No.74292803
Quoted by: >>74293817

Here's an idea... why not just learn English? Surely it's easy for just one person to learn the easiest language on the planet than for thousands to learn some useless hieroglyphs.

>> No.74292804

Why don't they just learn Japanese?

>> No.74292814

Sisters have been anti-ing Fuwamoco because they are the biggest HoloEN with Gura semi-retired. They've been trying to start a meme that Fuwamoco are "betraying" their fans or something by occasionally hosting Japanese language streams. Unfortunately, Fuwamoco thought these were real Ruffians saying this and had some kind of mild panic attack about it on a members' stream, which has led to this surge in anti posts.

Sister attacks have grown more and more hysterical recently because their doxxsite is down and because Niji EN has taken nonstop Ls, both major and minor, since February.

>> No.74292965
Quoted by: >>74293023

It'll be funny when some of their paypigs give them some tough questions about focusing on the "business" side of things instead of this and whether or not golden week is gonna impact their scheduling.
Because they know they fucked up on sunday and this RM stream is gonna fuck them even harder.

>> No.74293023

Or nothing will happen and you’ll continue to yell at clouds

>> No.74293078
File: 685 KB, 1870x1080, 1710047329308435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again. Actually annoyed that I overestimated /vt/ and that they're just yelling at each other like normal instead of actually clicking the video. Maybe >>74292074 was right.

>> No.74293155
File: 160 KB, 348x332, 1699876343211744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74293217

not clicking your virus

>> No.74293186

Good, maybe this'll teach you not to be a retard on the catalog.

>> No.74293217

I should've made a fucking soundpost instead. Actual regret.

>> No.74293359
File: 390 KB, 660x506, 1712771751070067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, If only Ruffians were as strong as a certain viewer base who go to any length to protect their oshi... These sisters wouldn't be able to bully them anymore.

>> No.74293485

Skeevy dogs

>> No.74293533

Isnt this that guy that joined like 4 hours ago before posting this.

>> No.74293630

I don’t really care about whatever this drama is, and I don’t think regular ruffians care that much, but it is funny seeing the schizo ruffians losing their minds about this after all the shitposting they did towards other holomems.

>> No.74293716

Newfags and dramatubers are going to still fall for the hysteria

>> No.74293817

EOP ruffians deserve nothing.
Japanese is the easiest language on the planet. You don't have to learn how to read and write it to enjoy streams. You're just retarded.

>> No.74293845

>Sisters when they see talent freedom

>> No.74293913
Quoted by: >>74296558

Now the sisters on divide and conquer tactics.

>> No.74293967

Theres more than enough EN chuubas to watch, not wasting my time.

>> No.74293982

>phase clip instant deleted
>holo dox still up after 30 min+

>> No.74294051
Quoted by: >>74297254

a reminder that holos can live a good life just from their RM activity and multiple nijis need to work full time jobs as well as stream

>> No.74294081
File: 6 KB, 320x180, 1713871289233125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
>no one watched the op clip

>> No.74294094

Really makes you ponder

>> No.74294093

I guess ruffian janny isn’t awake yet

>> No.74294215
File: 477 KB, 512x512, sticker_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for them their following their dream if their fans are true fans they'd learn japanese ("\(',..,')/")

>> No.74294285

Pekora managed to beat Vegeta before timeslot changed!She saved!

>> No.74294316

>look at these HORRIBLE people LYING to their fans here are some examples
>so on their monthly RM stream.. the frequency of sneezes is WAY off
>s-she giggles more as fuwawa

>> No.74294378
Quoted by: >>74294422

>the frequency of sneezes is WAY off
i like to think fuwawa has a timer that goes off and she gets a white feather and tickles mococos nose and gives her a kiss

>> No.74294396

That's not a sister. It's some asshat who hounds their twitter and tags with doxshit like this. Wish something or other.

>> No.74294422

what a troublesome woman..

>> No.74294446
File: 337 KB, 1080x1698, Screenshot_20240423_090222_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese is the easiest language on the planet

>> No.74294495

Jesas the sisters have been going off

>> No.74294528

>Also Fuwamoco's planning to translate their doujinshi and send it to Biboo.
how do I stop these dogs from grooming my daughter

>> No.74294531

This is not new desu. Most dedicated Ruffians know this and have their own answers ard.

>> No.74294624

Wait what is Swedish more complex? Weird, I have always thought that english is more complex since it is a blend of 3 languages with no rhyme or reason

>> No.74294694
Quoted by: >>74297568

Written hebrew is fucking hard. Half of the time, the vowels just get fucking omitted and you need to rely entirely on context and prior knowledge to know what the fuck you're actually reading. It's manic.

>> No.74294722

why sister why

>> No.74294728

Which are the most complex? Probably some African languages?

>> No.74294946
File: 11 KB, 334x43, ujilliul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74295019
Quoted by: >>74297465

They are prioritizing JP content for JP fans and giving the middle finger to their old EN fans, anyone with a working brain saw this coming from a mile and already dropped them anyways, but those who actually did put their money, trust and faith in them feel rightfully betrayed. Now to add some context of course they aren't completely dropping EN content, but the time they took moving, barely doing content and then announcing more JP streams instead was a really bad move, should have been more subtle and shrew.

Nonetheless, it was a poor decision made at a bad time, ending with not protecting any smiles at all.

>> No.74295085

You're so fucking mad about someone in fact not being mad at all you fat sub-human monkey it's fucking hilarious
Well enjoy shitting yourself on 4chan you inconsequential retard, that won't fix your nijitrannies' reputations

>> No.74295136

>straight to dox shit

>> No.74295216

I don't watch them simply because of taste but, don't let nijiniggers and homofaggots break your spirit Ruffians. let them seethe.

>> No.74295639

Here is the gist:
>Holowhores realized that over 90% of their viewers are bots and they are 3-views in reality
>Cover started cutting on supperchatting holowhores after they posted their report where they numberfagged over superchats
>As a result, holowhores superchats fell for over 60% and are expected to continue falling down
>Holowhores decided to try leeching on JP branch, completely unaware that they are in the same situation

>> No.74295672
Quoted by: >>74296560

I'm starting to get the impression that aside from having no personality beyond really shitty kayfabe, they're also kind of numberfaggots as well.

>> No.74295683
Quoted by: >>74316417

lol, based

>> No.74295781
Quoted by: >>74295842

>when sister discover hololive talents have actual freedom

>> No.74295796

>sisters can't fathom that lots of Hologirls have been active on RM for years and are still happy in Holo
Meanwhile your nigs use it to fucking doompost or pick fight with drama shit

>> No.74295842

>when Mori's been running around the world doing rap concerts and shit publicly
they are so fucking retarded

>> No.74295865
Quoted by: >>74301175

What's the difference? You can learn Japanese this way...

>> No.74296098

I know there are those saying to just learn JP to fully enjoy their content, but not everyone wants or has time for that. It takes a long time in to truly be able to read/listen properly. Anyone who says it takes no time at all is a fucking liar and they have little to no actual comprehension at all in the language. Just because you can understand small things like ありがとう、凄い、おやすみなさい、こんばんは、など, doesn't mean you know Japanese.I say two years is the sweet spot to truly get yourself in a comfortable position to take in media without any type of dictionary/assistance. What fuwamoco is doing here is stupid. This is a straight up bad move.

>> No.74296237
Quoted by: >>74296498

I learned enough Japanese to watch let's plays in about two months doing nothing but Anki and reading a grammar guide (so about an hour of studying a day), and around 6 months I was at 99% comprehension for most zatsudans (i.e. not Luna)

>> No.74296256

Nice try, Nijisister. Your branch is failing.

>> No.74296321
Quoted by: >>74296404

With all the details i learned..
Still, WHY THE FUCK THO!? is JP paypigs their endgame?
Why can't aim just to be like gura, not even learning jap to save her ass in conversations, but jp nigs still love her..

>> No.74296344

Anyone here that hasn't been watching anime for over 30 years at minimum is a fucking tourist and doesn't matter anyway

>> No.74296351

>when sister doesn't get theirs daily dose of dopamine from doxxsite
Damn, i never thought there are more pathetic existance than them.

>> No.74296404

Gura doesn't even stream and everyone still loves her and gives her all their money. FWMC could learn a thing or two.

>> No.74296498

You're telling me that in 2 months and an hour of study a day, you gained enough grammar and vocab to understand Japanese speakers? I'm sorry I don't believe you.

>> No.74296558
Quoted by: >>74296731

This stuff will start to die down when graduations are allowed to resume and Niji EN is merged out of existence, the Sisters will eventually melt away into other fandoms at that point. Unfortunately I think that will still take some time. At a minimum, I think nothing will happen until after the Q4 presentation in late May/early June.

>> No.74296560

Considering it hurt them because their superchat reading streams got dropped by a small percentage

>> No.74296650

It's over its actually so fucking over. we can no longer satisfy the doggos. they may be getting tossed like a salad right now by a line of japanese salarymen stretching all the way from kabukicho to mr. donut... we weren't enough to satisfy them... bau bau

>> No.74296682

The grammar was more like in a week and then backreferencing the guide and some more comprehensive manuals whenever I saw a structure I hadn't seen before or forgot something. The vocabulary? Japs use like 50 words for about 90% of their speech. Something like a let's play is easy to follow along and you have infinite context clues to go off of to jog your memory.

>> No.74296687

Why do large fanbases have a lot of mentally unstable people...

>> No.74296715
File: 287 KB, 340x764, Mococo You have to die[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F78lo5f.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sister posts
A tale old as time. And not as if your brown poor ass could even grasp it, but a lot of the Ruffians knew about this. Hell, it's the reason you know about it too, most likely. Some of us have been supporting both sides of them for a long while, and this isn't a surprise nor a bad thing. Their idol dream is the reason I support them, 'cause it's been a consistent goal of them for so long. And if anyone is genuinely upset by this, they've only got themselves to blame.

Thanks for outing yourself as shitstirring drama negro though, it really helps paint the picture that it's the sisters making a mountain out of a molehill.

>> No.74296731

It will also die down for Fuwawa and Mococo when they either say something to all the people concerned in their VoD comments or the schedule after golden week is released.

>> No.74296772

>ruffians knew about doxxshit
of course they did, bunch of weird ass nousagi tier stalkers

>> No.74296794

90% of ruffians are doxxsisters, here's why that's a good thing

>> No.74296865

no wonder they look up to mori

>> No.74296897
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>> No.74297202


>> No.74297239

>doesn't wear the ears and tail
>sneezes less

>> No.74297254

>their RM activity
That's a cute way to say "being an e-whore"

>> No.74297443

>it's the manager
how many bad decisions have been blamed on a manager? it doesn't matter if that's true or not, but when you hear it's a manager's idea...
>more jp streams, heavy jp streaming in golden week
and then what? they gain a large jp audience? what happens after that. they'll have to keep streaming in japanese to keep them.
>too busy and need to cut back on streams. yeah, hololive is really killing biboo's ability to stream as much
> crying, don't be mad
they're not teenagers, they know exactly what this behavior is. it's extremely manipulative.
if they keep going at this rate they'll need those new jp fans.

>> No.74297465

This is true, it took me about two months from their debut to realize that. It is funny watching the ruffian schizoid defense force though.

>> No.74297568
File: 288 KB, 1080x1542, Screenshot_20240423_101709_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The list is an accumulated averaging of various morphological and phonological features. Nothing to do with written language features. European languages tend to be high up in complexity since they overspecify for a lot of grammatical categories like gender, definiteness, irregular verb forms, and obligatory agreement that would be considered redundant in many other languages.

English is actually the kind of language one would expect from that kind of language mixture. In order to reduce the barrier of communication, certain features (like grammatical gender for instance) are shorn off. This reaches its extreme with pidgin and creole languages.

>> No.74297719

Also, people were mostly watching FWMC because they were jp holo vibes in english. If those people knew japanese they'd just be watching jp holo instead of FWMC.

>> No.74297720
Quoted by: >>74313752

ruffians are the most retarded fanbase on this website, they can't function without taking a bait

>> No.74297747


>> No.74297970

The name alone justifies colonisation and genocide.

>> No.74298223

These course difficulty evaluations aren't based on objective complexity of inherent (eg spoken) language, but rather how subjectively difficult it is to learn to read, write and speak fluently in a language from the point of view of an EOP. In either case, Anon is a massive faggot for saying Japanese is the easiest language to learn.

>> No.74299164 [DELETED] 

>Dutch: 600-750 hours/24 weeks.
>German: 900 hours.
This is a fucking lie. My amerikike friend still can't say Scheveningen properly even after living here for 7 years.

>> No.74301175

>What's the difference?
nta but it means they'll decrease the amount of English streams they do each week, which is something they promised they'd never do. It's why they cried so much, cause they know they're going back on something they promised

>> No.74301458
Quoted by: >>74301679

I don't think EOP is the right term to use, most people in the west can speak at least 2 languages.
It's just "people who don't know Japanese".

>> No.74301475

I literally cannot express to you how little any StarsEN fan cares about this, or even knows about this massive nothingburger. The only reason I even know about it is because of looking at the catalog while bored.

>> No.74301495

Ongoing Nyfco sister raid and psyop

>> No.74301585
Quoted by: >>74301658

two years isn't really that long...

>> No.74301650

He's a retard who doesn't understand anything but thinks he does.

>> No.74301658

that's pretty fucking long for something you need to put effort into

>> No.74301679

Those able to speak 2 languages are less resistant to learning another one. The concept of learning another language usually only is an issue with Americans, Brits and the French.

>> No.74301861

It's a pretty difficult thing to do once you're past a certain age. I'm glad I learned English as a little zoomer through vidya and youtube because learning an entire new language right now is beyond my mental capacity. Grammar is scary.

>> No.74301926

What a pathetic simp you and your baucord friends are dlan, "idol journey" my ass, the twins ain't gonna open their vagina to you or any other of their "loyal fans" lmao

>> No.74302167
File: 421 KB, 1820x470, GW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74302275

They're going full Kiara

>> No.74302182

It doesn't help that foreign language education in these particular countries is treated as a joke. As a Brit the foreign language department at my school was the least well funded, and all the staff were people who had no real interest in teaching (could barely be bothered to turn up half the time) and having spoken to others in the decades since, my school was not an isolated case.

>> No.74302203

envy is such an ugly thing. look in the mirror and have some self-reflection after you see how ugly you made your face look.

>> No.74302275

prime japanese hours are when I finish work
sucks to suck burgericans

>> No.74302339

I miss IRyS...

>> No.74302466
Quoted by: >>74302661

anon is correct, but you are hardly are going to convince anyone. have you paid attention to other fanbases? there will always be groups of people that will blindly defend their oshis. a picture of fuwamoco, gura or whoever, could leak of them getting ganged bang by midget niggers. You will still have faggots saying it's made up or it's someone that looks like them. They will say anything to keep up the delusion they live it. Someone pointed out something bad a vtuber is doing, "oh it's a sister, nijistocks, phasecucks, etc." Unless there is hard evidence that can't be disputed, but it has to be a good reason to start to hate them, it rarely changes most of those people's mind. Look at Rushia, even though she lost a lot, she still has a core group of paypigs she keeps draining from. With that all said, even though anon is right, it's still not a good reason to go schizo over. So they have rm activity, it's still "homework." And accusing them of liars, I mean they are WOMEN pretending to be cartoons. That alone should be enough to know that lying is part of the package.

>> No.74302590

Ruffians crying about doxxing when they doxx other Advent members in their /trash/ threads is a fucking laugh.

>> No.74302661

>but it has to be a good reason to start to hate them
goal = make their own fanbase hate them. actual dark tetrad person.

>> No.74302751

He's lying anon, don't bother.

>> No.74302759
File: 125 KB, 850x850, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor sisters, so desperate to break what you don't understand, too soulless to understand the type of love that cannot be broken by mere words. Projecting all those feelings from your precious niji boys.
I feel sad for you.

>> No.74302853

Are you retarded?

>> No.74302949
Quoted by: >>74303050

Jesus. This actually makes me feel a little bad for ruffians. That is, until I remember that they're one of the worst fanbases on this board and actively anti every other member of HoloEN. Bausisters really do deserve the worst.

>> No.74303011

unironically seek help

>> No.74303050
File: 36 KB, 749x581, 1713868762505801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to keep replying, sister. Unlike kurosanji rm activities are normal in hololive and they are streaming a lot and not on bilibili.

>> No.74303305

>vox and elira now

>> No.74303485

This post attempts to display the 'cold hard truth,' but is dishonest. Your assumptions/lies:
>framing 'homework' as lying somehow
>assuming ruffians are nothing more a way to get attention for RM
>assuming that their persona is some sort of shady manipulation with the sole purpose to deceive others (and not entertain)
>using giggling/sneezing that they are somehow faking everything
You are filling in gaps with your own negative bias in an attempt to turn fans against them. Nobody's falling for it, nobody's minds have been changed, and no one cares. Nice try, but you will get nothing and deserve less.

>> No.74303555
File: 39 KB, 1340x158, 1700380615870853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the tl;dr

>> No.74303676
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>> No.74303716
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>> No.74303811
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>> No.74303874
File: 73 KB, 1364x377, 1703712734037174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74304832

mococo confirmed crying

>> No.74303960

its bauver

>> No.74304060

this nigger constantly posts on /vt/. hes been spamming this "jp has so many members" crap over months. good to know. didnt know hes some jungle monkey from a latin shithole or an amerimutt chicano baboon.

>> No.74304182

>post wall of text

>> No.74304407

nigger is now posting on fwmcs general. hes very recognisble sinec hes always parroting the same thing.

most of these ruffians must be /vt/ schizo niggers. not even worth a read. also i dont think a fanbase taken over by /vt/ niggers gonna go well. fwmc might fail with them.

>> No.74304832
Quoted by: >>74305296

They are so well trained, extremely afraid of saying something "problematic" or "spreading hate", God forbid they see bullshit and actually call it for what it is, "you are holo EN and we will support EN content", geez that sure's problematic uh?, fucking faggots.

Truly a dream fanbase though, perfectly whipped into shape, the kfp of advent.

>> No.74304942

do surprise me

>> No.74305023

You anons are overthinking it

>> No.74305296

one of these niggerposts must be yours.

>> No.74305606

>these seething replies
lmao they mad, they know what's up

>> No.74305851

I love being called eop and esl at the same time

>> No.74306161
Quoted by: >>74306818

uh, anon, all of that is objectively true though. they are using homework as an excuse to do RM shit, and they're faking the waterworks to keep weak willed ruffian paypigs guilted into silence.

>> No.74306186

idk the context but the text on that screenshot reminds of the glasses in They Live, except the horrifying truth behind fuwamoco’s content is that they are actually sweet girls who want to accomplish more for their fans

>> No.74306281
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 1702465129338422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unlike kurosanji rm activities are normal

>> No.74306350

Most Phasefags also like Hololive, Nijisisters just falseflag to try and pit them against each other now that they've definitively lost the All Out War

>> No.74306818
Quoted by: >>74307347

That post is saying they're lying by doing "homework." Did you think they're going to write a history paper and turn it into school or something? lmao

You're acting like RM is some sort of secret shame or malicious money laundering scheme they don't want anyone to know about. Most ruffians know and don't care.

"Faking the waterworks" is a bad faith assumption on your part. They may genuinely feel bad, and you don't have any proof of maliciousness on their part.

You haven't disproved any of the assumptions/lies that were pointed out. Guess it's not "objectively true," huh?

>> No.74307102
Quoted by: >>74308468

Huh. Today I learned. Kinda strange to think I've been masturbating to her for so long without knowing.

>> No.74307155

stars fans do not give a single flying fuck about the girls, every catalog post so far has been doxxshitter seethe because nijien is collapsing and vox is fucking ugly

>> No.74307173
Quoted by: >>74307682

bro why is this STILL up? Jannies doko???

>> No.74307270
Quoted by: >>74308389

As much as I can understand the frustration. It is still pretty funny to see EOPs get cucked by JOPs.

>> No.74307347
Quoted by: >>74307681

Holos use homework to talk about stuff assigned to them by cover. No Holo talks about going to the gym or getting lunch with other members as "homework" people it's stuff they do on their personal time
Similarly this is not "homework." They weren't assigned anything and they don't have to submit anything. It's a personal stream they are doing on their personal time. Referring to commitments like this as "homework" is disingenuous to the fans who aren't in the loop and assume they are working on stuff for Hololive

>> No.74307611
File: 17 KB, 480x466, 1713672159710049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder all these seethe about the JP pandering is a fairly recent phenomenon that for some reason coincided with NijiEN's Meloco and Kotoka going full JP. It's further evidenced by >>74292506 consideringroommate activity is forbidden in Nijisanji.

>> No.74307681
Quoted by: >>74307990

>Holos use homework to talk about stuff assigned to them by cover
Well, do you have proof they aren't doing this on that homework day? They could be doing RM stuff and homework on the same day. "Homework" being nothing but RM stuff could be an assumption, which is then misinterpreted as lying.

>> No.74307682

Too busy jerking off over Vox's new model.

>> No.74307724
Quoted by: >>74308468

this woman has drained multiple gallons of semen from me god bless her

>> No.74307786

Imagine getting dumped by your oshi after less than a year lol lmao even

>> No.74307832

>Where has this month went already?
I didn't know they were ESL

>> No.74307990

nta, but do we have proof that homework means roommate activity? asking for a friend.

>> No.74308389

it's not even that fwmc just want to use jop for dead subs then dump them cause they barely sc

>> No.74308410

While I don't agree that they are being malicious or anything I do think this is the biggest thing rufians need to keep in the back of their mind. These girls are STILL obsessed with their 2007 dream of becoming idols in japan and now they are actually able to try and make it come true. The problem for ruffians is that this could very well mean them becoming nothing more than a means to an end where streams ect start being cut to make room for RM activities. Pivoting towards more Japanese content in itself very well could be a part of this to try and get more actual Japanese fans to funnel towards their RM activities which will need actual japanese support to succeed.

>> No.74308468
File: 329 KB, 1125x843, 1713863119811815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She killed billions.

>> No.74308661

if post this in /baubau/ they will just call you an anti

>> No.74308879

that girl has an extreme case of K-on mouth jesas

>> No.74309123
Quoted by: >>74309588

that's a good artist
I'm gonna need the context

>> No.74309288
Quoted by: >>74309967

>The problem for ruffians is that this could very well mean them becoming nothing more than a means to an end where streams ect start being cut to make room for RM activities
where does this victim complex come from kek the problem with ruffians is nothing but this shitty victim complex.

>> No.74309521

Mococo is a horrid, selfish little bitch who needs correction immediately and we're all fighting each other to see who gets to administer it.

>> No.74309588
Quoted by: >>74309987


>> No.74309651

>streams cut, means to an end
>ruffians should keep in mind it's not malicious and continue support

>> No.74309967

>shower them with money and pull them up from 2 view failed dream hell
>they use this to run as fast as possible to japan and start pandering to JPs more
If the shoe fits anon

>> No.74309987

thanks, at least something good came out of this fucking shitfest

>> No.74310208
Quoted by: >>74310748

>still up
So PL posting is okay if it's to slander hololive, got it.

>> No.74310244
Quoted by: >>74310522

>we failed last time, but now we'll do it for sure now that we're middle aged!

>> No.74310314

Sorry but they aren't on twitch.

>> No.74310343

its over...

>> No.74310522

Bro certain travel agents were pushing hard to be allowed to do soft-idol shit like more karaoke streams and orisongs and were pretty frustrated about getting cockblocked by management. Now there's a real chance to pull a Kiara and actually make it as a successful gaijin idol in Japan. Some dreams you just never ever give up on.

>> No.74310748

You wish, holobrony, jannies have been babysitting your ass before this board was even made.

>> No.74310840
File: 31 KB, 163x161, 1713806733941170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 hours ago

>> No.74310889

I dropped Gura for ghosting her fans and somehow this betrayal feels even worse. We're just a number to them

>> No.74311088

> Nobody's falling for it, nobody's minds have been changed, and no one cares.
Then why did you reply anon?

>> No.74311226

Pippa is not in an indefinite hiatus you drooling mongoloid, she is on vacation in Japan, for fuck’s sake she even had a twitter space a couple of days ago.

>> No.74312407


>> No.74312977

never fails

>> No.74313752

Disagree. Sincroknights are even worse due to being extremely overprotective after all of the harassment in 2023.

>> No.74315616
Quoted by: >>74316212

I knew the catalog would turn against any advent girl, just wait a year and all of a sudden they want a new gen that will definitely fix every single problem they have, then the cycle repeats.

>> No.74316212

maybe they should just not betray us

>> No.74316345
Quoted by: >>74317398


>> No.74316372
Quoted by: >>74317398

kill yourself, monkey

>> No.74316417
Quoted by: >>74317358

People actually pay for the 4ch pass?

>> No.74317358

some of us are not poor, yes.

>> No.74317398

ESL moment
