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72472278 No.72472278 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, now that it's been a while, can we we somewhat neutrally discuss this? As in what the fuck they were hoping to achieve by posting this? Who within the company genuinely thought this would be a good idea? Even if you completely disbelieve Selen/Doki this still seems like a terrible decision. Why did they do it?

>> No.72472346

Niji seems really petty it was probably to punish them for their bullying bullshit now they are permanently publicly self smeared.

>> No.72472402

Because the company has been making absolutely pants-on-head retarded decision and this has been just one in the long, long, long line of fuckups. It just happened to be the most public one.

>> No.72472667

the comms rrat explains it pretty well. a miscommunication or mistranslation resulted in Niji PR and/or legal believing that the doc Doki's lawyer sent to them was what she was actually planning to release to the public, NDA violations and all. they were trying to preemptively damage control a thermonuclear PR suicide-bomb that Doki had no intention of actually detonating.
that being said I think the "miscommunication" was intentional on the part of Doki's lawyer if not Doki herself; baiting Niji into shooting itself in the foot was part of the plan and it worked perfectly

>> No.72472759

Even if doki was never bullied and "lied" (lets ignore the fact she never actually publicly accused anybody), And even if she was terrible to work with (Lets ALSO ignore the fact that every company and artist is chomping at the bit to work with her and sponsor her, and her history of treating artists incredibly well), Even if you are predisposed to hate her, This stream is still the stupidest fucking thing ever, They deliberately rescheduled it to counter program her neopets stream, Intentionally trying to incite a public mental breakdown in her, They called her a doxxer, they called her a liar and a manipulator, they said she was recording vox without his consent, All these fucking accusations thrown at a girl that T H E Y admit tried to kill herself (despite the fact that niji themselves acknowledges the legitimacy of selen trying to take her life, NDF invalids still deny it to this very day), This stream was nothing short of retarded, It pretty much overnight gutted NijiEN, resulting in the majority of the branch going quiet for literally a full month, and revenue and CCV dropping to sub-indie levels (consistently being outmatched by holostars and phaseconnect and most indies), You have to be a troll or a beyond delusional sister to argue this was in any possible way a good idea

>> No.72472771

>As in what the fuck they were hoping to achieve by posting this?
They expected the EN audience to take their side like the JP audience would. Complete cultural shock moment.

>> No.72472922
Quoted by: >>72473143

>consistently being outmatched by holostars
business is booming!!! the BOYS!!!!

>> No.72472926

Doki has shown literally zero signs of being vindictive or malicious towards nijisanji, Even throwing subtle defenses their way during her vtuber advice stream, The only ones showing any signs of even acknowledging niji's existence are sayu kuro matara and quinn, Sayu is understandable cause she got supremely fucked over worse than even doki got, and the latter three literally just grifting off the "woe is me Fiji/Hollywood was such a nightmare guys it was horrible" at every possible opportunity,

>> No.72472949
Quoted by: >>72474480

And then you remember the sequence of events.
They terminated her almost instantly after receiving that "thermonuclear PR suicide-bomb" instead of negotiating.

Or "mistranslation" was a jab at the person who handled en-jp communication, wink-wink.

>> No.72472972
File: 257 KB, 1305x1517, __elira_pendora_and_selen_tatsuki_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_1aki3e__d460d1796c8bb92f38a96d0043b05ca0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this was done to cover up the fact that Elira raped Selen.

>> No.72473021

Doki also had preparations for it cause she knew how they act with how much she worked with them within the company. Her bets paid off

>> No.72473076
Quoted by: >>72473150

>Elira is an architect

>> No.72473083

Kiara thinks she can still hangout with them and have fun together...go get them girl yasss

>> No.72473143
Quoted by: >>72484660

You like the nijisisters to transfer to stars?

>> No.72473145

The initial termination notice I could chalk up to one angry guy with too much power and not enough responsibility, high up enough to bypass lawyers and PR, forcing that shitshow up, after drinking a lot of alchohol.

But to do the black stream a week later, after seeing the inevitable reaction to it? Either the GURRAT is real, and the place is really run by a vengeful high school clique, or the place is run like a cult.

No sane company reveals even the possibility of internal harassment unless ordered to by a court, and no sane company terminates someone offering tor resign, especially when a PR disaster is inevitably involved.

They aren't even behaving like a greedy corporation, they have just utterly lost their collective minds. Riku has given them so much autonomy that he let them entirely undercut his apology video, and there's no sign that he's taken the reigns since.

The comms rrat only explains the termination notice. It does not explain the black stream video days later. One could be an initial fuck up, the other is a calmly premediated PR suicide.

>> No.72473150
Quoted by: >>72473777

Isn't Elira the fat one in comparison? Selen is skinnier.

>> No.72473158

The problem with this theory is the black screen was a WEEK after the termination, and in that week Doki had basically made it clear she was moving on. But the company's reputation was in shambles to the point Riku was having to bow on camera, I think the stream was a panicked response to that; the EN branch was desperate to try and save face and it backfired massively

>> No.72473208

It's because they didn't get the numbers doki got when she left. They're also on twitch so they're dependent on raids and sharing viewers with the way they are doing content.

>> No.72473235
File: 161 KB, 1247x1252, __elira_pendora_and_selen_tatsuki_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_1aki3e__27dbe07daab54957ffe9772cb407e52c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72473270

How could Elira rape her sister Selen?! Evil bitch!

>> No.72473257

that's why I said "Doki's lawyer, if not Doki herself". maybe I phrased it badly, I meant it in the sense of "probably not Doki, more likely her lawyer." I agree that she's probably not cutthroat or vindictive enough for a move like that on her own. but when she lawyered up she got someone who knew how to play the game like a master, intentionally or not.
>verification not required

>> No.72473270

It was always on the lore anon

>> No.72473536
Quoted by: >>72474667

Did you all forget that ex indian talents are in charge of management? This is how they settle things, like retarded childen. Riku did the usual japanese apology meanwhile they just were thinking about clapping back. They thought this was another Twitter fight

>> No.72473550
Quoted by: >>72474242

It's the fruit of Elira's hubris on display after building that little clique empire of hers. Bloated ego makes people do stupid things.

>> No.72473603

It was scheduled to be simultaneously with the Doki's stream specifically to ruin her career. It was an attempt (sic!) at a smear campaign which went so fucking south that two of its three participants are still afraid of streaming.

>> No.72473623
Quoted by: >>72474242

two egotistical psychos with big heads and one guy who got dragged into it

>> No.72473686

dont you ever get tired of this loop

>> No.72473776
Quoted by: >>72475044

I don't think that reaction was at all predictable for the Lawyer. It depends on the notice not going through either lawyers or PR for starters. By all accounts, Doki was willing to let her company cover up her suicide, if they let her quietly graduate. I suspect she would have if the termination notice had simply been professional and not drug her name through the mud the way it did. So it would have been entirely counter to his client's wishes.

*Maybe* he might have seen the Zaion termination notice and thought they might try that again, but there's such a HUGE difference between doing that to someone whose active time in the company totaled maybe a month, and doing it to a years old veteran who is their #1 streamer to boot. Certainly no one /here/ predicted a suicidal termination notice like that.

>> No.72473777
Quoted by: >>72473966

They're both on the chubby side, though the pics that have been posted are from 2020 so a lot can change in four years. Also Selen used to be a member of her highschool's volleyball team - so her gaining weight due to sitting at a PC playing Apex all day makes sense.

>> No.72473817
Quoted by: >>72473967

It is curious why the Matara-Kuro-Quinn group doesnt really attract as much sister hate despite their direct Niji condemnation.

>> No.72473821
Quoted by: >>72474002

jp corp thought the rest of the world would react the same way as jp...
In literally no universe would any westerner think that that stream would be well accepted by the public, hence why I think it was prepared by higher ups

>> No.72473825

the delay between the termination and the black screen and Doki's easily observable activity in the meantime is the main problem with using the comms rrat to explain the latter, yeah. still, i think it's plausible that Elira and the rest were still under the mistaken impression that Doki intended to release the full doc at some point because that's what they had been told and they weren't watching her closely enough to see that that wasn't the case - possibly because they were in the process of preparing the black screen, a week can go by pretty fast when you're working in panic mode.

>> No.72473966

Doki's body is actually just kinda average, maybe even a bit on the slender side, but her face is just incredibly round.

>> No.72473967

She got DRAGGED by the sisters way before graduating, by the time she left there was no more dirt to swing.
The Enna orbiter? Quinn filtered them the way Enna filtered her own audience with the cuck shit. Except in Kyo's case he got bigger numbers by leeching.

>> No.72473974

Honestly, this is not a bad take.
They went to work finding out what went wrong, why would Selen make those claims, why did Pomu leave?
And they may have found some of the things posted on here + things that will never see the light of day.
No doubt Riku was pissed, this ruined his buyback which would have made him that much richer.
This was a way to tarnish their names on the EN scene, and have them take the flak from the viewers, without having to do more than the video where he calmed investors on his own end.
It was a PR suicide, made the public sentiment against them even worse.

>> No.72473973

honestly if it really was on purpose, nijisanji deserves to fall for getting outwitted by a dumb girl with a laughing tic. Sasuga Sherlock Bird

>> No.72474002
Quoted by: >>72474931

Then that brings up the question about why a Canadian, a Brit, and a Swede would agree to take part in it.

>> No.72474038
Quoted by: >>72474877

I don't understand how Vox and Elira are ok just not streaming. If I was a streamer I would be so fucking anxious anytime I'm offline because I know I'm losing revenue

>> No.72474083

>But to do the black stream a week later, after seeing the inevitable reaction to it? Either the GURRAT is real, and the place is really run by a vengeful high school clique, or the place is run like a cult.

I'm convinced it's mostly the former at this point. I have little doubt that after getting absolutely pounded in public opinion for a week straight by furious ex-fans and normie tourists, there was probably a strong desire to "fight back" and "tell their side of the story." People with a lot of power who are used to having their own way react very badly when threatened.

One thing that I think also contributed to this is that whoever has been running EN is drunk on power and is so arrogant they cannot believe anyone would actually dare to defy them. It's amazing what happens when seemingly normal people get a taste of power - so many people often go completely off the rails.

>> No.72474212

If they knew it would be damaging in any way they wouldn't have done it. Stocks were already going down and this petty move cost them an additional >20% of company evaluation. Whoever made it thought it was a good idea.
>why did Pomu leave
I'm pretty sure Harry is to blame for that one. I don't have the copy/pasta on him, if someone else is willing to provide.

>> No.72474242
File: 224 KB, 849x1200, eliraspring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-bloated ego
So this is your explanation? The JP side did the same method over and over again that caused many livers to go hiatus forever. Was that also because of her bloated ego too? I didn't know Elira was also in charge of JP PR team! You guys tried to pin it all on the livers, nobody questioned the higher up management when in reality all the announcements came from them (just not through Riku).

>> No.72474269 [DELETED] 

Your ideas are rrats to me, and I wish to subscribe to your /news/letter.

>> No.72474314

>The JP side did the same method over and over again

>> No.72474317
Quoted by: >>72474898

I think they would have used the traditional Japanese humiliation tactic, and made them read one of those apologetic "reflection" letters on the air, before they did that and tanked the entire branch.

Though I've seen some theories suggesting that someone high up, but not Riku, really wanted the branch dead due to feeling that western culture is invading Japan through these sorts of east-west collaborations, or some such, and is responsible for all this.

>> No.72474373

Your rrats are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your /news/letter.

>> No.72474448
File: 20 KB, 960x229, 1709289050008850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72474838


>> No.72474480

what the fuck were they thinking with that anyways? If it was really that bad, weren't they just baiting her to actually release it?

>> No.72474564

You are dealing with Eliraschizo, sometimes it says weird things.

>> No.72474632
Quoted by: >>72486559

I've seen the picture she posted of her legs in bed and that's not a "slender" body type. I'm not trying to attack her by saying this, she's clearly not obese like sisters keep claiming but she's obviously not stick thin.

>> No.72474667
Quoted by: >>72474933

They left a long time ago to make a failed NFT company, which is how Elira took over because she can speak JP and Riku was too cheap to hire actual managers for EN

>> No.72474704
Quoted by: >>72475090

Termination letter was prepared beforehand, most likely it was just a childish case of "how dare she tried to get over us directly to jp lawyers".

>> No.72474750
Quoted by: >>72475402

I'm assuming the document had all the details of the bullying and more, so probably pretty bad.

>> No.72474812
File: 235 KB, 1228x868, __elira_pendora_selen_tatsuki_elira_pendora_and_selen_tatsuki_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_elirasuki__7ff927a5bf3e0dc5f560a316060d168f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72474883

Elira in a fit of burning lesbo passion forced herself on Selen. Selen tried to fight back but Elira had lesbo-strength and was successful and made her cum until she was mindbroken. Since then Elria would use Selen to vent her unbreaking lesbo lust and love. Eventually, Selen developed Stockholm syndrome and gradually fell in "love" with Elira. All was good until Pomu started to get more involved with Selen. Selen found real love with Pomu. Elira enraged made Selens and Pomu's life at NijiEN a living hell. Pomu being a cuck with no backbone broke up with Selen and graduated leaving Selen to fend for herself. This made Selen break and pushed her into attempting twice. Everything after this was done to cover up this truth. Elira if you are reading this which I KNOW you are. I know you never meant for this to happen. I know you love Selen and even meant to take it this far. It's never too late to fix this.

>> No.72474838
File: 40 KB, 440x440, nijisanji en __ elira __ matching 3_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you didn't look closely into it doesn't mean it didn't happened. A lot of disaster PR happened there and some so big it got out of JP and went to /vt. I don't have to tell you any of that unless you guys are tourists. Also the ones that got cut offstream. People in JP rarely talked about suicide even if it did happen (Rushia is a weird person) and if it did they'll do everything to cover it up (even your family will not talk about it because honoraboru) because to them it was a shameful thing to do in the public eyes that you weren't tough, crybaby...etc... That's why I believe the higher ups downplayed the situation because they viewed suicide very different than westerners.

>> No.72474877

To put it simply? They're retarded.

>> No.72474883

>Elira had lesbo-strength
more like porkster mass, have you seen pictures of her?

>> No.72474889
File: 542 KB, 712x2158, Screenshot_20240328_200535_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shocking development.

>> No.72474898
Quoted by: >>72475661

>Though I've seen some theories suggesting that someone high up, but not Riku, really wanted the branch dead due to feeling that western culture is invading Japan through these sorts of east-west collaborations, or some such, and is responsible for all this.
I think this is a bit too schizo. Even the most racist people in the world become less obviously racist when it comes to financial investment.

>> No.72474931

What occurs to me is that niji is controlling them i.e. some big project they have been working on for a long time or the visa issue if true... and it is not the first time we have come across someone saying that they have their self-esteem shot upon entering and they make them doubt themselves and whether they would be able to have an audience outside of niji...sounds to me that there is almost brain washing

>> No.72474933
Quoted by: >>72475277

Japanese sempai culture... The replacement crew is both inexperienced and probably (going by their hiring pages), younger than Elira. It makes sense that they would defer to their Japanese speaking senior for her opinion nearly everything.

Gives the GURRAT a lot of strength. While I still can't bring myself to swallow it whole, I've no doubt there's some degree of "lunatics running the asylum" going on over there.

Though it'd have to be a really severe case to explain the black stream.

>> No.72475029

NTA but
>Doki's lawyer, if not Doki herself". maybe I phrased it badly
Yeah, the way you phrased it implies that either her lawyer or Doki, but more likely Doki, tried to bait them.
You'd want to inverse the order, something like "if/maybe not Doki herself, then/but her lawyer" to mean what you intended. First one can mean both but it's too ambiguous, second one is clearer.

>> No.72475044
Quoted by: >>72475826

Imo her lawyer smelled money and acted initially to maximize profit for his client (thereby himself). But doki shut it down afterwards insisting that she didn't want a lawsuit, even though the original communications definitely threatened a lawsuit

>> No.72475083


>> No.72475090
Quoted by: >>72475288

>Termination letter was prepared beforehand
They might have had a sin list ready in her case file, but it doesn't seem as though that termination notice was thought about nor took more than two hours to write. It looks rushed as hell with no oversight from either PR or lawyers. So I see no evidence of that.

>> No.72475226
Quoted by: >>72475680

Eliraschizo, if you're the one who went without much sleep then we've spoken to each other before and I have respect for you because you're at least willing to engage in discussions unlike nijisisters. So I'm going to ask you this in good faith (I'm not trying to bait you) if Elira came out tomorrow and admitted that she had taken part in work place bullying of Selen, would you forgive her?

>> No.72475277
File: 666 KB, 1200x989, eliraangry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she's that powerful. Then Pomu's idea wouldn't have been shot off. You gave her too much credit when all she could have done were managing some collab events.

>> No.72475288

>more than two hours to write
You're assuming they made instant decision for termination without any communication lag between countries and departments. Same thing for the actual writing process, two languages and lawyers.

>> No.72475402

Nothing Selen could possibly have on them that would be more damaging than what they did and revealed all on their own with that termination notice, save the aggravating factor that she attempted suicide. I mean unless she was raped or something...

...and then to be stupid enough to twist and slide the wakasahi they stuck in their belly with the black stream. Yeah, nothing Selen could ever say would be more damaging to the company and its talents than that act of seppuku.

>> No.72475417

Pomu's thing was killed by Harry, the faggot at the top. Willing to bet most of the problems start with him, but it doesn't change this narrative.

>> No.72475455

Elira was jealous of Pomu because she stole Selen from her. That's why Pomu's Ideas were shot down by Elria.

>> No.72475513
File: 25 KB, 463x149, 1696147050116907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move on already, Niji won

>> No.72475568

Well clearly there was some miscommunication on someone's part considering the night and day difference between Riku's and Elira's videos. If the Black Screen was plausibly produced without executive oversight, who's to say the termination letter wasn't written under similar circumstances?

>> No.72475610

How did Niji win if Elria and Selen are no longer in a lesbo relationship? Keep coping Nijifaggot.

>> No.72475661

Perhaps, but someone high up wanting the branch dead, for some reason, would explain a lot. Might not be racism, perhaps a hate revenge boner for Riku himself or some such.

GURRAT might win against that in an Occom's razor fight though, yes.

>> No.72475680
File: 77 KB, 736x736, elira pendora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be confused. I would want to know why she did it. At worst I'll grieve alone. At that point I'll wait for Pomu and Doki to say something. Especially Pomu since she was the closest to Elira. I would accept the truth no matter what it would be.

>> No.72475709

To me the black screen stream only makes sense if Nijisanji had flawed/erroneous information and they truly believed Doki was imminently going to claim there was harassment. Otherwise the self-report doesn't make any sense from a rational actor. I know everyone loves to pretend that stormtroopers have no aim, but real life isn't a Disney movie.

>in that week Doki had basically made it clear she was moving on
Only on twitter, mind you. When there's lawyers communicating, it doesn't matter what one side says superficially on Twitter. If Doki's lawyer says one thing and Doki says something else on Twitter, the former is the one with legal substance and what each side is reacting to.

>> No.72475767
File: 136 KB, 1080x1263, Screenshot_20240328_202157_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh dailies

>> No.72475773

Niji's head of EN management is literally an ESL JOP anon.

>> No.72475801

>up 16 today
>down 600 from last month

>> No.72475824

You're assuming elira gave enough of a fuck about pomu to help make her dreams come true, She probably shot it down because she was jealous that pomu was the most beloved member of lazulight and it wasn't even close

>> No.72475826

I don't think any lawyer wants to get entangled in a civil suit against a multi-billion dollar corporation, when his client isn't also a multi-billionaire.

>> No.72475855

>Nijifaggots think they won even though Elira and Selen are no longer together.
Nijikeks are retarded.

>> No.72475858

Surprisingly the thread seems to be blaming Niji more than Elira, so I think you can count your wins with that one.

>> No.72475887

>Up 16 yen from the day before
>Down literally 1200 yen from the beginning of april, Including 800 yen valuation from 18 MILLION DOLLARS of stock buybacks and the enabling of loan margin trading
Not great not terrible

>> No.72475972

What if we've been looking at this all wrong and the Black Screen video was timed to interrupt Doki's Neopets stream because at least some Anycolor execs are tied to Scientology and they were afraid of her revealing that (even though she legit just wanted to play Neopets). Maybe the company itself is a front and they've roped in several livers?

They sure go after her like a Suppressive Person.

>> No.72475979
Quoted by: >>72476872

Under two hours is just unrealistic timeframe.
Plus they had no reason to rush it since it wasn't time-sensitive, they've been ghosting Selen for more than a week already.

There were also Enna's retarded tweets since the whole branch couldn't keep their mouth shut even if their life depended on it, but that's rrat territory.

>> No.72476029
Quoted by: >>72476705

the day before this they dropped almost 4% but go off.

i really just want a fucking explanation. i don't think elita was an evil queen but its clear from millie alone that there was trouble in paradise with secrets being kept due to fear of being singled out. Like how Kyo mentioned millie going on a spaz after pomu announced her graduation and asked "anyone else leaving we should know about?!" and kyo was too chickenshit to say he was too

>> No.72476092

Black Screen video was timed to interrupt Doki's Neopets stream because Elira held a grudge against Selen/Doki for leaving her.

>> No.72476158

You are absolutely retarded if you think Pomu is gonna say SHIT. Absolutely no fucking way she goes to bat for someone who has DEMONSTRABLY harassed someone who attempted suicide, because if she does, any chance at a successful redebut anywhere at all will be DO-fucking-A.

>> No.72476169

I could easily see a hastily written termination notice by one angry exec making it's way to translation and publication on twitter in under two hours, and that's really what it reads like.

That happened days later, after they had a lot of time to think over what they'd done and observe the inevitable results. No longer miscommunication at that point. Though I suspect there is a total lack of communication between EN and Riku, who probably just depends on them to operate more or less autonomously, and has no real idea what's going on over there.

>> No.72476182
Quoted by: >>72476720

There could have been an ultimatum in lawyer's original communications. i.e. If Nijisanji does not X by Y date, then Z will happen. Y date coincidentally being Feb 12.

>> No.72476293
Quoted by: >>72476544

I'm OP. I'm not particularly a niji-anti (I don't care if Nijisanji collapses or thrives) I'm also not a Doki fan. I just genuinely want a discussion about the black screen stream because as someone in a public facing role with the responsibilty to communicate with hundreds of customers it's just baffling to me.

>> No.72476357

My guess is something like this was their thought process
>Doki is going to expose us
>we need a good defense
>we can't rush this either because we might look stupid
>even if Doki said she wants to put this behind us, we're facing a lot of unsubbing, we have to address it
>people are concerned for how we treat talents
>*unanimous cheering*
>management, believing Selen was going to expose them with the doc her lawyer sent them, paraphrased and redacted it, and presented it to every liver
>Elira, Vox and Ike then decided they agreed with management and would follow their plan, or they were roped into it
>others that didn't like the plan were either forced to retweet it or really did like the idea and thus retweeted it
>management watched in real time as fans turned against them even more, and especially against Vox, Elira and Ike
>awaiting a nuke to drop on them the next this time for real, but it never did
>they realize they fucked themselves over
We are here now, with Vox having not streamed solo in like 3 months and Elira being well on her way to almost two months straight without a stream

>> No.72476475

nta but if it makes you feel better, i don't think Elira herself is evil, maybe not even malicious, but she likely was very unqualified to wrangle her branch, and the best she could was clearly not enough, possibly making things worse. Niji or no Niji, I'm at least willing to hear her out

>> No.72476544

It wasn't planned by a PR expert. NijiEN didn't even HAVE a PR expert, they only put up job listings for one after this incident.
(Listings that said you'd be severely underpaid, at that)

>> No.72476593

>To me the black screen stream only makes sense if Nijisanji had flawed/erroneous information and they truly believed Doki was imminently going to claim there was harassment. Otherwise the self-report doesn't make any sense from a rational actor. I know everyone loves to pretend that stormtroopers have no aim, but real life isn't a Disney movie.
Even if Selen released documents proving harassment, it wouldn't have been as bad PR for them as the black stream itself, and any rational actor would have realized that. They also proved there was harassment going, for all the world to see, by harassing a girl simply trying to play NeoPets off the air.

Whoever wrote up and green lit the black stream was not a rational actor.

Nevermind that a week had gone by and Doki had released nothing, nor made any sign that she was going to.

>> No.72476643

Elira was just a jealous lesbo who took things too far.

>> No.72476647

>Only on twitter
Takes a special kind of stupid to bring up any backroom legal laundry to public (termination announcement, black-screen stream)

Assuming Doki already had a solid case, then poking around (read; provoking) with a stick on twitter is just to pass time, any reaction would just add cream on the top

>> No.72476666
Quoted by: >>72477212

I'm the anon you replied to. Fair enough; I think your trust in Elira is misplaced but I wish you the best. As I said you're at least civil and don't just revert to attacking Doki. Speaking of, what is your opinion of Selen/Doki?

>> No.72476705

Anon, you can do better than believing the word of fucking Kyo of all people. He was part of the fucking problem.

>> No.72476720
Quoted by: >>72477471

What could Doki possibly have on them that would have been more predictably damaging than the black stream?

>> No.72476721

shinzo abe strikes again

>> No.72476783
Quoted by: >>72477261

Honestly, the idea those events gave me at the time is that they were trying to make her break down live on stream to attack her credibility. The whole "menhera" angle.

>> No.72476805

I like this rrat.

>> No.72476872
Quoted by: >>72477088

To write up an angry letter and send it off to be translated and posted up? Two hours is plenty of time. The only reason to be rushed is anger. There was no thought put into that letter, and it clearly was never seen by anyone in PR or any lawyer.

>> No.72477048
Quoted by: >>72477238

From what I can see from their corpo culture and occam's razor, my guess is
>She dares make demands of us again? Fire her. You have two hours
>Also make sure to thoroughly destroy her reputation so that no one imagines that they can ever remain in the industry without our blessing

>> No.72477085

To be fair matara was being harassed by sisters for a long time and kuro was too dumb to function alone and niji didn’t offer him any help on the contrary they hindered him.
Quinn I never watched him not even once so I have no idea.

>> No.72477088
Quoted by: >>72477959

Lawyers receive docs, lawyers read docs, lawyers send docs, the person receives docs, reads docs, questions people that were mentioned, makes a decision.
Only here the actual writing process starts. Then proofreading, translating, proofreading again, screening, and tweeting.
Two hours is still unrealistic.

>> No.72477120

>To me the black screen stream only makes sense if Nijisanji had flawed/erroneous information and they truly believed Doki was imminently going to claim there was harassment.Otherwise the self-report doesn't make any sense from a rational actor
Except that the black stream, and timing it against her stream, was obviously going to be more damaging, to both the company and it's talents, than anything Doki could have possibly revealed.

There was no rational actor involved. That's either some clique or cult behavior.

>> No.72477181

Genuine question. Was the Riku video supposed to be the only thing to come out from Niji after the termination? Because it and the black video make no sense to release within same day, especially since if felt like an attempt to apologize to investors and end any and all mention of the situation as neutrally as possible.

>> No.72477212
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I personally think she is an outgoing, hardworking person and good at networking. She had never said anything bad about Elira when he was Selen, or anyone else in particular. I don't attack Doki because I don't think she was at fault in any of this. Anyone that worked in Niji and had big dreams would be burned out eventually with little to no support from the company and the company didn't even have a plan for what the future may have come. Even with Doki staying nothing would have changed. I feel bad for the girls because they could have performed on stage if Anycolor spent their money onthe talents instead of robbing it all to themselves and dumped it all in the stupid buyback stock.

>> No.72477215

Imagine for a moment that doki's documents are a bunch of menhera BS that she wrote in her darkest hour. 90% of it isn't true, but you're confident that she's going to post it publicly because why would she send a draft of her private notes in English when all of the legal communications have previously been in Japanese?

I'm not saying trying to discredit her first is a good decision. However, it is a rational choice if you live in a world where doki is angry and menhera with an agenda to to blow things up with exaggerated claims based on a sliver of truth.

>> No.72477238
Quoted by: >>72477393

But they already tried this with the termination notice. They must have seen the reaction to that - why did they think doubling down would help?

>> No.72477261

I think something like anon >>72476357
says is possible. Don't get me wrong, there's little to excuse this much fucking stupidity, hindsight, mistranslation or otherwise.
But I think management realized they lost in the court of public opinion badly. Maybe they were convinced Doki would release that doc, maybe they weren't - it's irrelevant. Their main motivation is to save face. People at this point are still expressing frustration over so and so being "stuck" in Nijisanji.
They had an AHA! moment, figured they could win some goodwill back with this whole angle of giving their livers the chance to tell "their" story (the ones they wrote for them and walked them through). THE ONLY thing that makes me think this clique shit is real is because picking the time to stream this as the same time Doki was going to stream Neopets, a game she wanted to play for fucking ever and it was also her first gaming stream since she returned, is not only incredibly petty, it is also vindictive and cutthroat.
But their plan failed and all they achieved was getting hated even more, losing more subs, and Elira taking the brunt of the consequences.

>> No.72477307
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Quoted by: >>72477371

Anons, how do we fix Eliras and Selens lesbo relationship?

>> No.72477371

One month of hot sister make up sex with Elira having to bottom for once in her life

>> No.72477393

Cultural misunderstanding? It's a pretty common story. There doesn't seem to be any other way to explain it other than incompetence of some sort.

>> No.72477471
Quoted by: >>72478093

Something that was written like this but replace doki's parents with Nijisanji: https://web.archive.org/web/20201113055556/https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srfgm0

How much of it do you think are actually facts and how much of it is doki being BPD menhera

>> No.72477510

What the fuck, no, absolutely not. Organizations should be held to higher standards

>> No.72477532

This is what really confuses me. Riku's apology was actually a 'good' response to the situation from a corporate perspective. The fact that the black screen stream went out just before is perhaps the biggest piece of evidence that the GUrrat is true - or at least that tge EN branch is completely detached from the rest of the company and is run by children.

>> No.72477588

To me, it seems like EN was aware Riku would release a statement (Elira said so at the beginning of the black video), but JP wasn't aware EN would release one
The two statements are night and day, it just doesn't make sense unless there was some miscommunication going on.

>> No.72477599

That could be said for the termination notice, but not the black stream. They had time to observe the reaction, and Doki had said she wanted to move on and had clearly been attempting to while releasing nothing.

Again, there is simply nothing Doki could have conceivably released that would have been more damaging than the black stream, short of a live video of her being raped by Riku.

>> No.72477649

I don't think so. Riku targeted the investors, I believe the Black Screen was supposed to target the general EN audience.

>> No.72477665
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That could work.

>> No.72477724
File: 14 KB, 575x159, 1695678981930882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You jinxed it

>> No.72477806

But he spoke in English on the EN channel, if he wanted to address the investors he would do it in Japanese at the very least

>> No.72477847

Hey, Elira/Selen shipper ITT? Fuck you. Selen/Pomu is superior.

>> No.72477850
File: 199 KB, 424x424, eliraderanged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more like Riku was detached from the whole company. Look at all the decision made by PR in the main branch. They even self admitted that most of them weren't gone through or approved by Riku himself. He didn't even know which livers were fired in ID (by everyone else knows), until after the ID branch fold.

>> No.72477853

But the black "stream" must have been sanctioned right? You'd think heads would have rolled if it hadn't been. They had two objectives, not entirely aligned: Punish terminated talents so that no one would think of quitting without permission, and protect their own reputation. Maybe they just tried to do both and managed to fail in the most hilarious way.

>> No.72477924

No. A rational, well-functioning organisation would make no response - or it would make a brief response that the accusations are untrue and explain that it is taking legal action. The Elira video is not a sensible response from a company worth over $2 billion dollars.

>> No.72477959

All the exec would have needed to hear to send him on the rampage is that she was going to publish proof of the harassment allegations she had already submitted. Don't need more than a few minutes for that to happen, don't even need to read the documents, just need to be able to read the e-mail from the lawyer.

>> No.72477988
Quoted by: >>72478010

their only mistake was overestimating the intelligence of vtuber fans. They thought people would react positively to the truth, little did they know the drooling, retarded masses had already made up their minds and nothing was going to sway them from MUH BULLYING.

>> No.72478010
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>> No.72478093
Quoted by: >>72479039

That's retarded.
If you're facing incoherent menhera with a lawyer, you just talk to the lawyer. Not personally attack her because "she's going to dox us".

>> No.72478096
Quoted by: >>72478529

English is the common language of international business.

>> No.72478098
File: 214 KB, 1485x1281, __elira_pendora_selen_tatsuki_elira_pendora_and_selen_tatsuki_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_jess_p2eocene__674b8fc0c461f6d7887e6316796dca3d.jpg .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This relationship destroyed NijiEN. Pomu you thieving whore! Why did you ruin Elira's relationship with Selen and to top it off leave Selen and graduate!! >:(

>> No.72478294

EN was aware that Riku was going to release a statement, but was probably not aware of its contents. I doubt Riku was aware that EN was going to release a video at all, and certainly wasn't aware that they were going to release one that so thoroughly undermined his.

For Riku, AnyColor is his fifth pump and dump company. I really doubt he has much idea what's going on in JP and has next to no idea what's going on in EN until an executive reports to him. At best he gets occasional reports and grumbles about numbers and the "negligible" thing (which is the only thing he really addressed) came up in an emergency call. EN in particular probably operates almost entirely independently.

>> No.72478530
File: 1.42 MB, 2116x1415, __elira_pendora_selen_tatsuki_pomu_rainpuff_pomu_rainpuff_elira_pendora_and_1_more_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_ricegnat__fdca27c2df757fcf72f628ee272fe096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so just share.

>> No.72478529
Quoted by: >>72487815

I'm not defending Riku but the video was clearly addressing fans. He made a point to acknowledge Selen's achievements - something investors wouldn't give a shit about. I doubt investors even know the names of livers.
Well, they probably know Selen's name now, lmao

>> No.72478571


>> No.72478619

What if this all started because they couldn't agree who got to get Pomu pregnant first?

>> No.72478708

Pomu the homewrecker.

>> No.72478755

>But the black "stream" must have been sanctioned right?
Not by Riku, who more or less seem to let the execs at EN handle everything themselves (and much the same with JP). There's no real evidence that has changed since either, and perhaps the highest at EN are nepotism hires.

It would have been sanctioned high up at EN, of course, but all evidence points towards them not being sane and/or relying entirely on the talent's opinions who have surrendered their sanity to clique or cult like ideology.

>> No.72478835
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1613950107553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, this is for bullying Selen, the effects will be catastrophic for the whole company but at least that'll learn you Elira Pendora.

>> No.72478870

True the sniping of that Neopets stream was clearly authored by people who knew her, knew that it mattered to her, and knew that this could potentially make her unstable so she would fail to re-launch. It was done with clear purpose, and the community sniffed that out too. Remember seeing it mentioned throughout the board for the first week after the stream, along with all the rrats.

>> No.72478915

They both lost then because i got her and keeki pregnant the day we filmed the video

>> No.72478934
Quoted by: >>72479804

It's not the first time they use talents to shit on a terminated member
Look at xsoleil right after they terminated Zaion, only Doppio didn't do a stream talking about that
Selen's situation was worse, so they used the top talent to talk shit about her

>> No.72479012

Can't beat the drock.
Nobody can beat the drock.

>> No.72479039

Legal action on a Canadian overseas who isn't going to set foot on Japanese soil? Again, I'm not saying it's a smart decision or that Niji is in any way competent. But it's an in-character decision made from a EN branch with 20 staff members with 90% of the employees being college students paid minimum wage.

The problem is that Selen/Doki isn't incoherent. She's very coherent and extremely smart. You can see that she planned many of her statements ahead of time and even during the neopets stream she says that she prepared a response "just in case" Nijisanji went and did a Black Stream on her.

>> No.72479098
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Quoted by: >>72479343

I don't think Elira is the type of person who would share.

>> No.72479099

The real problem here is you're still replying to sisters.

>> No.72479187
Quoted by: >>72479391

comms rrat is fucking retarded and so are you. it doesn't explain everything, only small parts of whole thing - and you knowwhy? because it was written by retarded newfag who didn't even know who Zaion was and didn't follow niji yabs in the past.

>> No.72479282
Quoted by: >>72479399

Again, nothing that Selen could possibly have on them (including the linked bit about her parents), could have been nearly as predictably bad, as damaging to both the talents and the company, as the black stream was. No where close.

>> No.72479307
File: 4 KB, 547x66, hey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he was?

>> No.72479308
Quoted by: >>72479468

>Yugo forced graduation
Fulgur does a black screen stream
>Zaion termination
4/5 of xsoleil members do stream about it
Elira, Vox and Ike do a black screen stream

All the terminated members had a damage control stream right after

>> No.72479343

please share more. I sadly didn't save a lot of elira selen pictures and the artists on both sides nuked most of it after the incident.

>> No.72479391

Well, it was a somewhat reasonable explanation for the termination notice, save maybe it doesn't entirely explain why it skipped both the lawyers and PR.

A temporary miscommunication does not explain the premediated PR suicide a week later. The comms rat was birthed before that bit.

>> No.72479399
Quoted by: >>72479473

>He then proceeded to get physically abusive towards me
Uh... anon... I don't know what kind of world you live in

>> No.72479422
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>> No.72479468
Quoted by: >>72479788

Classic toxic collectivism, labelled a ''suppressive person''

>> No.72479473

Yeah, again, if she has a video of her being raped by Riku or some shit... But do you really think she has something like that? It's also not as if they effectively addressed any such possibility. They'd still be fucked.

>> No.72479543
File: 183 KB, 762x1199, F8EIchgbgAAbvOw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72480400

Despite almost never appearing together they have/had(?) a very dedicated fanbase for sisters together

>> No.72479626
Quoted by: >>72493394

>The comms rat was birthed before that bit.
Yeah. For termination notice alone (but even there i disagree). But that guy was bringing it up in relation to black screen stream which if anything confirms that comms rrat was wrong. Not that we needed this revelation, comms rrat was already shaky to anyone who was actually following the subject before Selen's termination. It's disappointing to see anyone in /vt/ still honestly believing comms rrat. Like some lost tourist who spent last six weeks in a cave.

>> No.72479663

I'm not a sister and I believe Doki - the discussion is about NijiEN's response and based on the hypothetical that Doki made everything up. Discussing this doesn't mean I believe Doki is a liar.
Even if they didn't actually pursue legal action, claiming you're seeking legal advice is a more sensible option than releasing a hit piece on a well-loved former employee. Again, if Selen was completely in the wrong then the best course of action for NijiEN would have been to just shut the fuck up.

>> No.72479788

If you run a terrible organization, you've got to trap people. And one of the best ways is to hurt anyone who tries to leave.

>> No.72479798
File: 1.11 MB, 3422x4096, __elira_pendora_selen_tatsuki_kuromi_pikl_and_ember_nijisanji_and_3_more_drawn_by_shupami__3f701bacec1e0d8095f3f6bf57147f53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Pomu ruined by being a homewrecker. Stealing Selen from Elira just to then break up with her and graduate.

>> No.72479804

Yeah. a certain someone also recently talked about "learning" stuff that stressed her about her old company. Idk what to think. I wanna believe some of them are good eggs but why would the ones that didn't retweet this video not do so? How could the ones that retweeted agree to it or not make a fuss if they were skinwalked, or not take it down after seeing public rxn?
Too many thoughts

>> No.72479900
File: 402 KB, 1327x1465, F2wu1WVXMAEA6Cl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let your imagination run wild

>> No.72479986

Nijisanji repeated what worked with Zaion.
The black screen was a more organized scripted version of the individual livers throwing Zaion under the bus.

Living in an echo chamber prevents them from seeing the outside world. Why they can say, "It's the drama tubers' fault", "Anyone can leave if they want to.", "They just have to fucking ask."
Total nonsense outside, while making perfect sense in a world where speaking against Nijisanji is not tolerated. They couldn't foresee the black screen backfiring, after telling themselves it would be just like with Zaion.

>> No.72480034
File: 21 KB, 329x329, 1708081727947122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why there is one dedicated anon trying to derail the thread with lesbian fanfiction? Why would someone bother to derail a thread discussing NijiEN's fuck ups?

>> No.72480069

I'll give you that JP has had some yabs and has some of it's own cult like behavior, in addition to the baseball fiasco:

But they seem to have it much better under wraps and don't let it out through their PR the way EN has. They've never put out a three page rant about a departing liver, then got a bunch of their talents together at once to dog on the departed after they attempted suicide or any such.

They run a much tighter ship and a much tighter tyranny.

Something is particularly rotten in EN in some very unique fashion bordering on WACTOR levels of evil. I don't want to believe the GURRAT either, as I've never seen Elira do anything but mitigation in any given social interaction, but the place does seem to be run much more like a vengeful high school clique than a corrupt company overexerting control, to the point where the branch itself is suicidal.

>> No.72480104

That's Elira-poster, let them cope, they have it rough.

>> No.72480264

To be clear, I don't think Doki "made everything up." I do think her document was exaggerated to the point that all of that Nijisanji talents who read it were extremely upset / thought it was untrue or unfair.

Ultimately a bunch of college students (including the talents) were involved in the making of the Black Box stream, and the quality of it shows.

Nijisanji may be a $2 billion dollar company, but it's an open secret that the amount of money invested in EN management is probably no more than the quality and number of people you might see at your local McDonald's.

>> No.72480361

>Why are anons shitposting?
It's been over a month, what hasn't been said about this shit already. It's the same fucking time loop thread over and over again. NijiEN lost. Get over it.

>> No.72480400

Which boggles the mind why they even became sisters from a corporate standpoint. You would think you would want to give the dragon model to someone who hit it off with your existing talent. Nijisanji truly squandered that except for fulfilling keyfabe, Whoever wrote their lore put down some true kino prophecy.

>> No.72480407

At best I can give them some benefit of the doubt in that maybe most of the retweeters had no idea about the contents of the video.

Most of us were expecting an apology, an empty promise of change, maybe attending forced "sensitivity training" or some shit. Few, if any of us, in our wildest dreams thought they'd be insane enough to double down. That was just inhuman.

>> No.72480507
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The lore was prophetic kek

>> No.72480638
Quoted by: >>72480968

Selen did mention at one point they tried to play it up but they're radically different tastes made find things to stream together hard and what they did mange to find was shot down due to perms

>> No.72480641

>Nijisanji may be a $2 billion dollar company
More like 1b now.
Their strategy is clearly quantity over quality, the opposite of Cover. That opens them to competition from smaller corpos with less money.

>> No.72480764

>I do think her document was exaggerated to the point that all of that Nijisanji talents who read it were extremely upset / thought it was untrue or unfair
And they didn't address this anywhere in the black video.
Also the bullies will always find a way to justify the bullying, you're always correct in your head after all. And Selen "brought nothing good to the branch".

>> No.72480812
File: 222 KB, 1221x1129, GJZNZsjWgAAQJlo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again, if Selen was completely in the wrong then the best course of action for NijiEN would have been to just shut the fuck up.

Funny how much of a difference swallowing your pride and taking the high road in parting with a troublesome talent cordially makes, even if they are indeed a grifting menhera opportunist dramabaiter.

>> No.72480968

Her document was literally a minddump of everything she could find relating to her repeated bullying at Nijisanji and was meant for lawyers only so she could get out of her contract proving to the other side that her claims held up. Showing it redacted as NijiEN twitter claims to the talents named in that document leaves room for misinterpretation of the intent of why their information was there and was malicious and illegal. We'll never know unless it actually escalates to a court case and at this point, it is highly unlikely as explained by that Canadian lawyer because of jurisdiction differences and who is located where.
I mean, yeah, I think we're too tied to who plays which model, but I feel like Petra and Rosemi had better chemistry in tastes than Selen to Elira so they would've been better picks. But ideally, from a corporate standpoint, they should've just delayed the dragon model for one more gen for Elira's nepohires to get it. Oh well, what could've been and was wasted, there's countless instances in NijiEN's short history.

>> No.72481075
File: 59 KB, 650x370, 1654897894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine speech

>> No.72481093

actually i raped selen and i will do it again

>> No.72481099

kyo was one of the people who didn't retweet. there goes that narrative, sadly. I'm sure many had no idea what was going to be in it, and it's not like they could complain safely since quite a few were in Japan

>> No.72481150

Ogey, Elira calm down.

>> No.72481861

Mistakenly thinking Doki would say more, they tried to strike first to control the narrative, but only outed themselves as the bullies.

>> No.72481890

She only asked to leave on neutral terms on Jan 26th. It's sort of obvious from inference that legal communication prior to date Selen/Doki's terms were not neutral and she was most probably initially asking for money. Negotiations fell through so Selen/Doki desecalated her terms on the 26th.

As for why Niji wouldn't let Selen leave after the 26th, the only explanation that makes sense in my head is that they wanted her to sign an additional NDA like the one they tried to get Zaion to sign but Selen/Doki refused, so they stalemated again when they couldn't get a legal guarantee that Selen/Doki wasn't a potential threat that could potentially make statements against the company in the future.

>> No.72481975

>t. Elira Pendora

>> No.72481986

Obsydia and Lazulight were interviewed and recruited at the same time, so Elira wasn't an "existing talent" yet at that point. No way to know they wouldn't get along.

>> No.72482001
Quoted by: >>72482322

It's almost as though NijiEN has no functioning management.

>> No.72482051
Quoted by: >>72482142

Oh god, Enna and Millie would have done the sister act PERFECTLY. Give Enna the blue one and Selen the purple one, maybe tweak the designs to be a bit more singy/chaotic and you'd be good to go.

>> No.72482142

>>72482051 (me)
*millie the purple one
fuck I'm tired

>> No.72482322

High school students on minimum wage don't make a good manager.

>> No.72482482
Quoted by: >>72482977

Which is dumb, because they could've actually deescalated and kept Selen at her job a bit longer, this whole incident didn't need to blow up 1000x fold was over a music video. Nijisanji would've still been black but no one would've really batted too much of an eye over this one incident. Instead, they went and ignited a powder keg that was already building in the background that they were not aware of.
For a comparison, look at the whole incident with Idol and Pochi recently, that was worse because it involved actual money and PL twitter posting from the talent was involved with the fans in the middle with their money in the air. Idol took a monetary loss by acquiescing to her demands but did the right thing allowing refunds and explaining where the money was going if not refunded and keeping their reputation intact even if their shady stuff with Riro still makes them partially black.

>> No.72482779

I mean, the other possible inference is that prior to the 26th Selen was still trying to find an arrangement where she stays in the company.

>> No.72482977

Don't think "a bit longer" was on the table after the attempts, any person with some remaining sanity would absolutely avoid the source of the trauma.
Silent graduation with intact archive was more realistic. Additional money is just guesswork. Termination was most likely unacceptable since that means dead archive and she lives through her fans.

>> No.72483026

I just miss those tits bros

>> No.72483078
Quoted by: >>72483303

I wonder whether this is because Idol actually has good management (I know very little about Idol so I'm sure someone will reply angrily about how Idol management is terrible) or whether they just learned from Niji?

>> No.72483303

Idol seems to have good management NOW, but that's less about learning from Niji and more about learning from their earlier Riro shitshow which involved firing the bad managmenet.

>> No.72483612
Quoted by: >>72483826

The evidence just doesn't seem to point that way, imo. From doki's last tweet:

>"If it was a month ago, it will have been different as I was angry but I was also very alone in my head. But it's not a month ago and I've accepted it."

Which places doki most upset in early January and probably the point when her lawyer was threatening lawsuits, whereas by early February a lot of her feelings have diminished and she is publicly posting on twitter she never wanted to involve the other talents and she doesn't plan on showing receipts anymore.

>> No.72483826

"A month ago" is exactly 14th and there's nowhere to place the second attempt in your timeline.

>> No.72483954

Well actually it's perfectly consistent with the timing for her second attempt (2 weeks after the first one) and gives a potential explanation why she attempted again -- specifically negotiations with Nijisanji were going to shit.

>> No.72484027

Nijisanji staff gaslit Elira and the others into thinking Selen was betraying them.

>> No.72484208
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>> No.72484237

>she was most probably initially asking for money
They woulda brought that up in the black video for sure. All signs seem to be that she just wanted out amicably, and was even willing to let the company cover up her suicide if they'd allow it.

>> No.72484431
Quoted by: >>72485083

"Last Cup of Coffee" was the same song she used to graduate her PL account. She was definitely planning to go - and started playing with the idea a long time ago, given how long that MV took to make, and if we're to believe anything out of Vox's mouth.

>> No.72484643

I still can't believe this happened.
I thought they were stupid and careless, but I never expected them to be so out of touch and lacking even the bare minimum of social decorum. THIS and Selen's termination announcement is a "statement by the big company and the hired employee."
It's crazy that they didn't try to reach an agreement with the person, or resolve it peacefully.

>> No.72484660

they're probably already infiltrating their ranks, expect much more cause supporting in the future

>> No.72484677

Agreed that if she was asking for money they would have used that against her by now already.
Which leaves the implication that, if before Jan 26th the request wasn't "neutral graduation," she was probably just asking for them to apologize or something and they burned the whole operation down to avoid that, which is frankly hilarious.

>> No.72484824
Quoted by: >>72484920

Honestly, the whole premise "she gets a lawyer, starts working constructively and the attempts suicide" doesn't ring true to me. But I guess it all depends on when exactly she got that lawyer.

>> No.72484867

Why was the recording of Vox even mentioned in Doki’s document? She even apologized that it was mentioned in the first place. Why would her lawyer not remove unnecessary information like that from something being sent to Niji?

Also, was that document even under any sort of NDA? I doubt Doki would sign anything from Niji and no lawyer would suggest her to. Did they just send the Doki document via email with an unenforceable confidentially disclaimer? If so then Niji would be under no restrictions to share that around as they see fit.

>> No.72484920
Quoted by: >>72485153

She got the lawyer after Niji harassed her emergency contact so much that she couldn't handle it anymore. So after the suicide.

Not that I wouldn't personally keep a lawyer on retainer, were I a vtuber.

>> No.72484959
Quoted by: >>72485144

But then why all this? If the graduation was planned and on the way... if there was a problem with the MV, they could just remove it after (like what they did with Pomu) and there was no need for this shitshow... even from her end, if she had made up her mind, why sperg about for something that a week later or a month later would be out again and she could finally say "I'm graduating"

>> No.72485053

According to Doki they signed a confidentiality agreement regarding the document. I suspect it was just a dump of a bunch of stuff related to her work there that she put together one night while crying her eyes out with who knows what was in it.

>> No.72485083

>>72484643 meant for >>72484431

>> No.72485130
Quoted by: >>72485467

In the termination notice, Niji says that she threatened a lawsuit, and a civil lawsuit is pretty much the same thing as suing for money (or making a settlement for money).

>> No.72485144
Quoted by: >>72485612

Spite. Everything points towards someone at Niji having a serious rage boner against Doki.

>> No.72485153

I'm talking about the second attempt that happened around mid January. People attempt when they can't see a way out, and working with lawyer is kinda the opposite of that.

>> No.72485154

Or she wanted a final farewell maybe?

>> No.72485232
File: 296 KB, 691x602, steamnames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72485400

If I were to actually guess when the second attempt took place, it'd be between the 16th and the 19th.
That was the longest gap she had between steam name changes, and that was when she wiped all of her steam names up to that point. And directly after that she started playing palworld, finished playing palworld, then a few days later was Jan 26.

>> No.72485321

>People attempt when they can't see a way out
Or when Mumei forces them watch Twilight while they're still recovering and can't escape.

>> No.72485400
File: 69 KB, 830x686, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16th again...

>> No.72485430

>Also, was that document even under any sort of NDA?
That's what worried that lawyer when he read her statement. From what I remember him saying, in Canada a verbal agreement is sufficient, but in Japan there needs to be a signed document, and when he read her statement he doubted she had

>> No.72485467

It doesn't specify that per say, only that she "demanded that ANYCOLOR should be held legally responsible." which could be much like V&U's translating "Talk to my lawyer" as "Legal procedure." They don't bring up any lawsuit in the black stream, which would have worked to their favor, and Doki specifically has said she doesn't want to deal with a lawsuit, and her lawyer advises against it.

>> No.72485532
Quoted by: >>72485625

They also simply ghosted her lawyer for quite awhile. Realizing you're just going to be ignored would certainly make one

>> No.72485590
File: 108 KB, 256x256, 1707416539110007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to know how Elira justified this to management if she wasn't in charge of everything. It achieved NOTHING positive for anyone(except boosting Doki I guess) and only hurt multiple of her "friends".

>> No.72485612

But it makes no sense, she kept to herself, organized so many fun streams with the whole branch, bringing money and visibility...it just doesn't make sense that it got to this

>> No.72485625

* lose hope.

>> No.72485740

That would place her second attempt after the 26th, which doesn't really line up with her activity

>> No.72485748
File: 88 KB, 585x372, 1698051421725984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a statement by some of the livers implicated in Selen's document that was made in an attempt to cover their asses. To say they monumentally fucked this up is an understatement.

>> No.72485775

So basically a humiliation ritual?

>> No.72485789
Quoted by: >>72486013

She didn't keep to herself, which is part of what got her in trouble most likely, asking for an assistant and all and yes, always organizing events, is hardly keeping a low profile. It's not the first time she's griped about management.

>> No.72485832

I genuinely hate Nijisanji with every fibre of my being. I live in the same country as Vox - and it's not a big country - so I really wish I knew his general location.

>> No.72485921

Eh, no, doesn't really much matter when the suicide attempt was, or whether it was regards to the first or second attempt. She wanted out neutrally, and she was willing to stay quiet about the suicide attempt to achieve that.

>> No.72486013

when i said kept to herself I was referring to the her self-isolating from most of the branch like we saw on Nina's graduation stream

>> No.72486043

Jealousy and Asian hierarchy culture, It didn't matter if she was bringing in money, She was "Noisy" and "Troublesome" She "Stood Out" and "Disobeyed" the protocol, She was too ambitious and they hated it, She couldn't/wouldn't be controlled like the rest of her worthless lazy unambitious branch, She made connections, She was adored, And ultimately proved that she didn't need them, They needed HER, And their attitude of "Your NOTHING without us" That they brow beat into each and every single vtuber they have, Wasn't gonna fly with her, Which was a massive problem, Just see how much NotPomu has been breaking down on her twitter, Or how surprised matara and kuro were to be treated like human beings at Vshojo, That place is a fucking sweatshop where being "Good" means nothing if it means you are Uncontrollable

>> No.72486077
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notPetra’s tweet was on the 27th so it’s possible.

>> No.72486240
Quoted by: >>72486526

Doki does say that she didn't tell anyone about the second attempt (also she never went to the hospital) so seems unlikely her second attempt would be open knowledge in Niji.

Jan 27 would however correspond to when Elira/Vox was saying that the documents were going around. Petra was probably reading them too and hearing the internal arguments

>> No.72486498
File: 28 KB, 479x383, a4rcBRMXYF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72486689

I just fucking remembered this one too.
The image itself is fake since she never actually made this her username, but the date matches up perfectly with the statement that she first started talking about graduation on the 26th.
My rrat is that this was her self reporting, knowing that we were watching her name changes anyways.
The only other date that would make sense is between jan 1 and jan 11, as that's when she first started changing her names, and that's also when she started unprivating a bunch of old vods.

>> No.72486526
Quoted by: >>72486839

I thought the document wasn’t sent until 2 hours before her termination on Feb 5th?

>> No.72486559

You now remember aster having better legs then finawnaw

>> No.72486576

Dunno, maybe after 16th she went to Shachi since her home wasn't helpful and there she got actually clever idea about the lawyer. And that's where the gap in playing comes from.

>> No.72486689

She was still actively posting and retweeting until jan 9 i think.

>> No.72486839
Quoted by: >>72487918

From Elira on Black Box stream:
>"Over the past month, staff received documents from Celen's lawyer containing examples of our claimed experiences under any color."
Documents (plural). So there was at the minimum more than one document including the one sent on Feb 5.

>> No.72487067

People use this tweet to try to defend Petra. In my mind it's no different from a Wehrmacht at the end of the war claiming he's sorry for what's happened.
If she truly felt bad she'd leave Nijisanji. I take the same stance with all the supposedly 'innocent' livers like Rosemi and Scarle. By remaining in the company they make it clear that they're complicit in driving someone to suicide or they're too cowardly to do the right thing.
Scum, all of them.

>> No.72487285

Mind, unlike Vox says, you can't just leave any time. The penalties for early termination of the contract are MASSIVE according to the leaks. Assuming they believe their contracts to be enforceable, I doubt any of them can afford to quit.

>> No.72487374
File: 3 KB, 704x90, 1708017639548939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're under the assumption Elira actually have a shit about pomu past the surface level gen mate bs

>> No.72487566

>they wanted her to sign an additional NDA like the one they tried to get Zaion to sign but Selen/Doki refused
I really doubt that. According to the contract leaks, said contract can be amended at any time, and doing your job in any way, be it tweeting or streaming, means you automatically accept. After the fiasco with Zaion (who they couldn't do that to, due to the fact she was suspended), I'm fairly certain they amended all their contracts with the silencing contract.

Selen is perhaps the only one with a lawyer that let her know it's unenforceable.

>> No.72487626

>Rich white girl just wants to be the bottom
All she's ever wanted

>> No.72487695

"Employment" contract is mostly if not completely unenforceable.
Graduation NDA is completely separate contract.

>> No.72487718

>He said the thing
Everyone laugh!

>> No.72487765

The silencing contract is too broad to be enforceable, and all NDA's go out the window when abuse is involved.

>> No.72487815

Seren shokku will be extremely minor ToT

>> No.72487918

Yeah, obviously. She wanted out, so they sent forms and evidence or whatever.
the journal was a hail mary to get them to finally agree to a neutral parting.

>> No.72487926
Quoted by: >>72488125

Neither the contract nor the silencing agreement are meant to be enforceable, even in Japan. They are just designed to keep the talent's terrified of stepping out of line.

>> No.72488125
Quoted by: >>72488271

Just for Selen, since they were dealing with an actual lawyer, they may have drafted something that is enforceable in Canada. They're not completely stupid.

>> No.72488132
Quoted by: >>72488728

I don't think their generic silencing contract covered Selen's very specific situation (i.e. "You cannot mention any suicide attempts made while employed at ANYCOLOR), and it seems very plausible to me that Niji would want Selen to sign an additional NDA covering that kind of thing.

Well, Niji's silencing NDA is at the minimum as comprehensive as hololive's NDA, especially with how Lando has been bitching about his NDA lately.

>> No.72488167

Nigger it was timed with Doki's stream, it was absolutely 100% intentional from all 3 people involved.

>> No.72488271

You can't make an enforceable NDA against a worker that's claiming harassment in Canada.

>> No.72488392
Quoted by: >>72489225

Well, it was prerecorded. They didn't necessarily know when it was going to be aired. (He says while huffing copium.)

>> No.72488728

>I don't think their generic silencing contract covered Selen's very specific situation
It would have covered claiming she was in a toxic work environment which lead to a suicide attempt. It basically covered anything that might be detrimental in any way to AnyColor's image.

>> No.72489217
Quoted by: >>72489354

Unfortunately the more you think about it, the more it makes sense that elira and Co. had influence over the EN branch and the group had freaked out over selens attempt. They were not thinking rationally and though doki would start yabbing in her neopets stream so they tried to blindside her.

This backfired and now we are here. The good thing is elira probably lost a ton of weight because of stress and depression but still retains fat in all the right places

I hope she leaves nijisanji, apologises and comes back. Her voice can be pure sex.

>> No.72489225

People have claimed it was actually meant to air half an hour after doki's stream start and they bumped it up to coincide. Just saying what I've read is all

>> No.72489354

>Elira's family member tragedy tweet
>Enna's happiest day of her life tweet
>Reimu's attempt tweet
What were the dates on these in the timeline?

>> No.72489458


>> No.72489650
File: 282 KB, 416x723, sakuracri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who stuck with nijien from the very start until Luxiem's debut, it's pretty sad seeing the same chuubas I enjoyed watching end up either really shitty people, or horribly mistreated but corporate dickheads.

I saw the writing on the wall when women started showing up in /nijien/ and chinese streams from the first male gen became a thing.abandoned everything niji outside of selen/pomu/and rosemi occasionally until this whole drama happened.

They really saw the money flow from the cosplay boyband generation and let them have more rights and privilege over the actual talented females who made EN good, I hope the entire branch gets nuke.

>> No.72490065

Basically Elira right after the first attempt
Enna around the second attempt and right before the termination
Reimu shortly after the termination

>> No.72490703

I remember when this was first posted. Still a very solid take on the whole situation. Why the fuck would they ever try? It can't be spun in any way at all. It's like a fucking calling card at the scene of a crime.

>> No.72491170

There is no justification to reveal yourself to the public and show your internal workings of how you are dealing with the situation. There's a reason why business and governments give blank statements that piss everyone off but is seen as the norm.
Nijisanji lost control, black screen was a yab while Riku did a proper if disingenuous apology video. The fact they exist side by side on the same day though shows the lack of management to all. Clique rrat was cemented at that point.

>> No.72491238

Under 3000 Anycolor is fucking dying.

>> No.72491421

You can thank your sisters at the time for actively SUPPORTING NIJI MANAGEMENT IT DOES NO WRONG. So you amplified the heat on the fucking livers rrat you stupid fucks.

>> No.72492960

>Okay, now that it's been a while, can we we somewhat neutrally discuss this?
No. A woman nearly died. Fuck them.

>> No.72492968

No, I still cannot comprehend on how the hell they even authorize this unless they are all completely blind of social media and the reactions.

The 2 reasons I can think of, is either someone in management is so thin-skinned, they do not want to be blamed about anything for Selen so they shifted the target to the talents instead (fking dumb move), or they want to bolster the die-hards since they will lose all the casual crowd anyway so they just accelerate the process and make a situation of You vs Them.....

Fking dumbfucks, all of them.

>> No.72493394
Quoted by: >>72493536

the comms rrat came out three days after the black screen and explicitly talks about it. and you call me a fucking tourist

>> No.72493536

Really? Coulda sworn it came out in-between. My bad.

>> No.72494895
File: 323 KB, 885x738, 132471e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely I think their tactics were solid if it was applied in a personal spat between people. They were so self-absorbed with how this affected them that they assumed the people thought it was too. They projected their victimhood and tried to twist Doki's actions, which in a normal spat is enough to at least form two camps. They weren't paying attention to the community though, the people already had their minds made up and weren't viewing this as an issue between individuals, but that of a company abusing its talent corroborated with other circumstantial evidence. Introspection and humility was needed, not explanations.
>Elira was focused on how all this affected her
>Vox was overcompensating to absolve his own regrets of nearly siding with Doki and try to get people to relate to him
>Ike had to fill a PR mandated third slot and closed with a blatantly written PR script about keeping smiles or some shit.
It's not that they weren't thinking, it's just that they had no situational awareness and were only thinking of "their friends" (what they actually mean how it affects them individually as an accessory to the group).
They would all fail the Prisoner's Dilemma in a heartbeat.

>> No.72495220
Quoted by: >>72495622

Vox and Elira sure. As far as Ike is concerned, he is the only one who actually had gun to his head. He clearly had neither the purpose nor investment to be there.

>> No.72495382

So what if Kyo didn't retweet it? Dude's out here talking about his kurosanji experience and calling it a nightmare.
And still, it doesn't excuse that livers didn't know about the video. They must know of the public's reactions to it.

>> No.72495622

>*deepthroats water bottle*
he did it for the memes

>> No.72495683

you want serious answer not shitpost? fine ill answer it for ALL OF RETARDED NIJIFAG/NIJISISTER.
They did this black screen video because they knew MOST OF YOU RETARD who watch niji/follow them are actually RETARDED,no i'm not joking or exaggerating,they knew with
1.elira bringing "doxxing" will make remaining idiots who still watching them will think that she is in danger despite being the clique leader herself and self reporting that she is the BULLY.

2.vox,they go full manipulating retarded fujos with vox straight up "I AM THE VICTIM MY FUJO,SELEN IS HARMFUL TO ME,NOW ATTACK SELEN,DONT HARRAS ANYONE,BUT ATTACK SELEN,GO!" this asshole will get beaten to shit if he did this in real life.

3.ike,he goes full "i'm soft and innocent,i couldnt believe this,this is hurtfull for all of us.SELEN DISSAPOINT ME" to gather more fujo that think ike are inoffensive so selen must be REALLY EVIL.

all of this is done because they knew the remaining ppl that still supporting nijiEN are FUCKNG IDIOT and yeah,for all of us who is SANE here thinking no one will fell for this shit,but you dont know how retarded nijifanbase is. anyone,holo,phase,vshojo,idol should stay away from niji fanbase,these are the ppl that actually cancer.

>> No.72495788
Quoted by: >>72496629

yeah and kyo who goes out of the way to shit on sayu back then just to show how much of asshole he is and anyone should stay away from him even after he leave niji

>> No.72495790

Mere mortals like us can't comprehended the great plan of Hanamori

>> No.72495990

It was a reality check, they thought they could control the narrative and I believe all three of them also thought they had enough charisma to do it, it failed horribly and the reality check hurt them so hard

>> No.72496380

McDonald's is a multibillion dollar franchise but the decisions of a college student employee in a local franchise can have big PR blowback (there was that example a few years back about the Starbucks employee calling the cops on a couple of black loiterers, for example).

If you think of EN as a franchise being run by minimum wage managers there's plenty of mistakes that could happen. Of course the main franchise could pay more for greater competence, but this then comes back to assumptions/tolerances for risk/profit ratio.

>> No.72496629

He's friends with 39 Daph who leached off her ex boyfriend ACEU.

>> No.72497105

100% agree with this take, although I think that the three of them were genuinely upset and in disbelief by the things they read in the documents. I think Elira also felt some responsibility too -- not because she's a secret manager or anything like that -- but moreso because she filled a lot of Nina's role after she left as the "mom" for NijiEN, and she's been trying really hard in the last 9 months to be inclusive and welcoming to all of the new talents in TTT and Krisis. In this sense the harassment claims kind of rubbed her personally in a sense because she's one of the most active community builders behind the scenes and it's literally the opposite of everything that she stands for.

>> No.72497943
Quoted by: >>72498508

I just hope whoever directed this shit has been replaced by now, jesus christ. I really, truly, hope this video is deleted and forgotten, the same way Enna deleted her apology stream about the racist black jokes.

>> No.72498508

I don't. It needs to follow them around until they either improve or vanish entirely.
There is absolutely no excuse for this.

>> No.72498554

the fact that it was monetized for a day or two was hilarious too
and everyone spamming L in chat

>> No.72500078

It was so fucking insane. She just shows up and cries about how she's included in a legal document she's not supposed to see in its unredacted form and would be trivial to seal if a case went forward that only listed that stuff for the sake of the lawyers being able to contact them and build the case. What she did was complete insanity that turned a schizo rrat into divine prophecy confirmation in less than 5 minutes. She completely owned niji by saying she ran it by staff and legal despite no one ever would approve the retarded fucking shit they said nor deliberately timing a character assassination over Doki's first gaming stream like no one could see that malicious intent.
I really hope that outside of the prior obligations for 3ds, anniv, and cons Niji keeps her in the yacht for 6 months or forever even.

>> No.72500595

Has NijiJP done anything similar to their jp chuubas like the slandering termination letter or was that exclusive to En?

>> No.72500674

It's usually good to get ahead of the news. Problem here was that many people ended up believing the accuser without her posting any kind of proof. That meant that she could just chill and not post it, making Nijisanji look silly. Remember that Nijisanji knew what she had for proof and decided to deny the allegations. She likely had nothing. I think they just jumped the gun here. You could make a case that the fan response was irrational, but that should be expected from vtuber fans.

>> No.72500748

What did Hololive do this time?

>> No.72500761

Remember that the second she threatened to go public Nijisanji started dropping nukes.

>> No.72500912

But it's not a good look, as a massive corporation, to make allegations against a former employee in the way that they did. Even if Selen was an absolute menhera and the allegations were complete bullshit this was not a good response.

>> No.72501034
Quoted by: >>72501659

>She likely had nothing
what documents did vox thoroughly review then? she had enough for them to double down on the character assassination.

>> No.72501154

It was weird cause Elira opened by saying she ran it by staff and legal but then her stupid shit completely reignited the fire and validated what previously was insane speculation when Riku's 90-degree dicksuck was as good as could be expected for putting a lid on it.

>> No.72501235
Quoted by: >>72501278

They thought the peeps would simply believe them and suck the nijicorpo dick like the brainwashed japs do 24/7

>> No.72501278
File: 272 KB, 2048x1536, b07d513ef99d610ffc7015297dc3d9f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brainwashed japs
>Believes the no evidence narrative that Elira was a bully because everyone else said so

>> No.72501323
Quoted by: >>72501465

She self-incriminated herself by saying her name was in the document that Selen sent to Niji's legal team talking about Selen getting bullied within the company.

>> No.72501360

Yes, japanese people are trained like dogs to be respectful and always blindly trust in their superiors.

>> No.72501364

>what the fuck were they hoping to achieve by posting this?
Defamation. Trying to one-up what they did with Zaion didn't work and they chose to go all-in. This tends to work with their own people.
>Who within the company genuinely thought this would be a good idea?
Both the higher-ups and Elira's clique. The clique forming in the first place is the classic result of chronic underachievers wanting to protect themselves and becoming just like their abusive employees. As for the higher-ups, just read the first point again.

I'm sorry, but even while spirits were still raised, pretty much everything that was discussed was spot-on. Nijisanji is a black company in a place where this is mostly seen as acceptable, the remaining talents that aren't currently going through the process of graduating are unambitious and stuck in their own heads, and their remaining fanbase reflects everything that is horribly wrong with Asia from a societal perspective.

>> No.72501414

Collectivism is hell on Earth.

>> No.72501454

>The company deliberately sabotaged itself for over two years while Riku did nothing despite his managers telling him about it. Ruins its stock value for no reason and drives out 7 talents 4 of which were high performing pillars of the branch for no raisins

>The hag that benefited greatly from her confirmed manager position rewarded those who sucked her clit, punished those who refused, and bottled up negative information so it didn't filter up the corpo chain since the EOP talents couldn't do shit with the JOP managers and corpo contacts preventing the issue from being resolved before all this happened
>Self-reported when she had a mental breakdown over being listed in the lawyer notes Doki's lawyer sent to Niji's lawyer

>> No.72501456
Quoted by: >>72501491

Elira has 15 minutes of evidence on her channel. You can find it easily if you go to her livestreams and sort by popular. You can't miss it.

>> No.72501465
File: 473 KB, 1029x1430, d4gwildupof71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>document that Selen sent to Niji's legal team talking about Selen getting bullied within the company.
Source: I made it up. You believed a lie. Just admit it.
Just like you're trained to hate Niji unconditionally

>> No.72501479

>Remember that Nijisanji knew what she had for proof and decided to deny the allegations. She likely had nothing.
I think you're giving them too much credit. If they had put that much thought into it, they would also have realized how bad of an idea that statement was, and they wouldn't have incriminated themselves by admitting that they leaked legal documents to people who weren't allowed to see them
>Problem here was that many people ended up believing the accuser without her posting any kind of proof.
>You could make a case that the fan response was irrational, but that should be expected from vtuber fans.
>2% and play button controversy
>Zaion gets terminated for bullshit reasons and fights back
>Nina graduates, then talks about how terrible Niji management was
>Pomu crying in now-public membership stream goes viral, vod then gets privated by management
>Selen gets terminated, termination notice explicitly mentions internal bullying, which had only been a rrat so far, now it's official
>many artists start to speak how about horrible Anycolor is to work with
gee I sure fucking wonder why people took Selen's side by default

>> No.72501491

>My address was in the documents
>Hurr omg she is a bully
No evidence, just schizo speculation.

>> No.72501496
Quoted by: >>72501522

The source is Elira's own words from the video, you absolute retard.

>> No.72501522

>Elira's own words
>My address was in the documents
You fags are seriously schizophrenic

>> No.72501572

Stop saying dumb shit. I'm gonna ignore the historical ignorance and instead point out that it's pretty clear some Stockholm syndrome shit is going on at Niji where the livers literally think they can't succeed or do anything without Niji.
Why didn't Doki leave before she tried to off herself twice? Why didn't Sayu leave before she tried to off herself?

Clearly a rational human being in a normal business relationship can figure out if something isn't working for them and end the relationship over trying to noose themselves from the ceiling lamp. Whatever Niji is doing, it's creating fucked up broken people. It's like a cult or something.

>> No.72501621
File: 2 KB, 285x288, 1709174243827309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72501676

the documents talking about how shit Selen's life at Nijisanji was and that she was worried about Selen somehow being stupid enough to dox her?
Those documents?
The ones that Elira revealed to the public at the exact same time as Doki's first stream back, causing her severe anguish and nearly causing a full breakdown live on stream?

>> No.72501650
Quoted by: >>72501738

It's explained by Elira on the stream though? Is Elira lying now or did you really just come here to shitpost without watching the source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o65VwnQvWW4
There's the doc explanation at https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1757763627413631383 too.

>Nijisanji itself says Selen was being harassed by other liver https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1754459182412222481
>Elira cries about her and millie being named in the lawyer papers

>> No.72501659

It would be so much worse if they publicly denied it and then Doki just releases undeniable proof of them bullying someone enough to commit suicide. There would actually be 0 supporters for them. People inside the company would be absolutely disgusted by those that did it.

>> No.72501676
Quoted by: >>72501763

No not those documents, those are made up to back up your narrative. I'm talking about the documents you haven't seen. More schizo speculation though.

>> No.72501687
Quoted by: >>72501780

They literally tell them they're nothing without the company. And they believe it. Sayu said it herself when she talked to Nina about it. Thankfully, she wised up and she managed to get out of that cult on her own terms. I wonder how much of an influence Sayu had on her for that.

>> No.72501738

>Nijisanji cries about Doki being harassed
Ok but who said that's what is in the document? You haven't seen the document so shut the fuck up. You don't know what's in it or why Elira would be mentioned in it. More schizo speculation.

>> No.72501763
Quoted by: >>72501859

The ones that you haven't seen but that Elira described to us, admitting how Selen was being bullied at the company?

>> No.72501780
Quoted by: >>72501869

Mika and Mysta have both talked about feeling the same shit.
In october Mika just randomly went off on a rant on twitter about how she finally realized she's not worthless and actually can contribute to society and that people like her.

>> No.72501825

A video went out on her channel specifically made to harass Doki that talked about how she was worried about her information being included in a document whose only purpose was to explain to Nijisanji just how bad her life was there and how she should be able to leave.
Why was Elira's location specifically mentioned in a document about harassment? Why was she so obviously defensive about it?

>> No.72501859
Quoted by: >>72501995

>Elira: This document address Selen's CLAIMS against Niji
>Hurr claims means bullying ,hurr Elira is bully
Not to mention, after a rewatch she mentioned that Enna and Millie's addresses were the ones in the document, yet you still choose to believe Elira is the bully based on no evidence. Typical schizo behavior.

>> No.72501869

God bless her. I hope she comes back soon.

>> No.72501874
Quoted by: >>72501946

Okay child. I guess Elira just dragged the company's name into the mud and destroyed its stock value on the very day her boss was scheduled to cool the fire. I guess Elira scheduled the pre-recorded character assassination to air at the exact same time as Doki's first gaming stream for no reason at all. And strangely, she was pissing and shitting herself in front of over 1 million people for no reason at all?

>> No.72501894
Quoted by: >>72501953

>Why would anyone be mad at lies being spread about them
Yeah, really hard to understand.

>> No.72501946

And now the goalpost shift. Almost like Elira did that preemptively to defend from blowback that never happened. Speaking about the matter was definitely retarded. But not evidence of Elira being a bully.

>> No.72501953
Quoted by: >>72501990

Oh, like how Selen was totally going to dox all of the organs and release personal information to the internet? How selen was merely "overreacting to having to wait" for a music video and not the extreme build up of issues over the course of months or years?
or the termination notice trying to paint her as the son of lucifer and completely unemployable?
Or hell, having the gall to say that Selen of all people wouldn't pay artists?

>> No.72501982
Quoted by: >>72502082

Even if Elira had never bullied Selen whilst she was employed (and I'm willing to accept that as a possibility) by taking part in a character assassination at the same time as the target is trying to stream, she has become an accomplice to NijiEN's treatment of Selen.
I've considered Vox a cunt for a long while, had no real opinion of Ike, and actually quite liked Elira. By taking part in the black screen stream they are as guilty as NijiEN itself. There are no excuses.

>> No.72501990
Quoted by: >>72502231

>Selen is pure and can do no wrong!
Ok schizo

>> No.72501995
Quoted by: >>72502153

Yeah, that only validates the clique rrat. There was more than one bully. It's literally how it works, especially when it comes to women bullying other people.
What you should ask yourself is why would their addresses were in that document if they weren't the ones being accused of that? And if they were false accusations, why aren't they suing Doki? Oh, right, it's because they know they're in the wrong.

>> No.72502009
Quoted by: >>72502153

The video's air time is all we need. Doki's schedule was known for several days and they just "happened" to decide 30 minutes before her first scheduled stream to air a hit piece meant to weaponize their fanbase against her live on stream?
Why the fuck is the video even still up?

>> No.72502021

Doki threatened to go public with the document that had Elira's real life address on it. Why she's upset is obvious. As for why it's there we can only guess. My guess would be that something happened specifically at her house, maybe during a collab or off-camera. Maybe she was part of what happened, maybe not.

>> No.72502032

She can't post all the retarded shit because that undermines her harassment suit. That's why it was being handled properly between lawyers like adults not womanchildren posting character assassination videos on youtube.

>> No.72502077

Right, but imagine if Niji gave no details and never self reported, then ignored Selen and Selen was the one having a meltdown, claiming the exact same things Niji self reported about.
If that happened Selen would not be the new golden child of Vtubing, she would be the niji Rushia and seen as a liability and not a victim.
So even if they thought she would go full meltdown and release the docs, the best move would always have been to stay professional and let her self destruct, instead the opposite happened

>> No.72502082
Quoted by: >>72502572

I agree to some extent. But if Niji is a black company as you say, then how much of this was manipulated by them? I also don't think Selen was as innocent as people say. Still doesn't warrant the black stream though.

>> No.72502153

There address could be in there for a number of reasons. Why would you need to include the addresses of people if all you have to say about them is that they bullied you?
Duh it was deliberate. They wanted to defend themselves against Selen's claims. They have a right to do this. Cry more.

>> No.72502157

Because I felt like it.

>> No.72502201

I hope you guys aren't forgetting that the very fact Elira and Vox even knew about the contents of that document already indicates a massive fuckup and/or malice on Anycolor's part

>> No.72502212
Quoted by: >>72502566

Even if Niji did nothing it wouldn't have been like that because there was already the established track record of niji being shit. It just wouldn't have went nuclear like it has. It's a real shame for Niji cause all Selen wanted to do was waste her money making stuff but Niji couldn't do its one job.

>> No.72502218

>Doki threatened to go public with the document that had Elira's real life address on it
in your delusion sister?

>> No.72502226

>It's a fuck up because LegalMindset told me

>> No.72502231
Quoted by: >>72502332

OK, so where's the document? Nijisanji clearly went WAY beyond "not negotiating" and straight into scorched earth trying to destroy her career of a suicidal woman.
So where's this alleged blackmail? Niji only needs one more push right now to tip it over, so wouldn't she have released that information by now?
Or is it just more likely that she never would have released anything, just like she said, and she still hasn't attacked Nijisanji or Elira before or since even once?

>> No.72502254
Quoted by: >>72502637

How's vox doing anyway? Is he stuck in the Yacht too or is it only Elira only getting let out for corpo jobs?

>> No.72502277
Quoted by: >>72502385

According to some hacky YT lawyers lol.

>> No.72502287
Quoted by: >>72502503

>"historical ignorance"
Are you one of those people who believes in the idea that the Wehrmacht was completely innocent of war crimes, despite evidence to the contrary? Certainly not as guilty as the SS, but still guilty.
As for your other points, cowardice is not an excuse. People always have a choice; I'm not willing to excuse individuals because they were concerned for their career.

>> No.72502293

Do you want to deny that they saw an unredacted confidential legal document that is only meant for exchange between lawyers due to having privileged private information in it?

>> No.72502295

>Selen would not be the new golden child of Vtubing
did you forget that she is the only niji member that literally won 2 awards from filian vtuber awards? thats just showing she is the golden child to begin with,its just niji and you are too retarded to realise that this girl are well loved by general public for reason and now you humiliate,slander,bully her to suicide and you think ppl are dumb enough to defend niji?

>> No.72502326
Quoted by: >>72502365

>It's a fuck up because an actual lawyer that know shit told me

>> No.72502332

>Where's this blackmail
It's either real and nobody will release it due to legal reasons or doki made up the whole thing about having proof of wrongdoing

>> No.72502362
File: 1.96 MB, 2026x2654, 1710203182230477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what claims?
The ones that were published by Nijisanji and would have never been an issue if they had just fired her quietly like she wanted?

>> No.72502365

>Because LegalMindset told me
>Actual lawyer

>> No.72502373
Quoted by: >>72502468

She was one of the higher sub, earners, and brought exposure for niji with her high profile. It was a huge loss

Almost like there's courts for disputes to be resolved in properly. Not xitter or pisscord twatoffs.

>> No.72502379
Quoted by: >>72502427

cmon anon for sister,if milordo says "eart is flat" then it is flat for them

>> No.72502385

>According to some hacky YT lawyers lol
According to Selen.

>> No.72502388
Quoted by: >>72502539

>there is 0% chance that the corporation with a history of lying and legal fuckery lied about the intentions of the one ex employee who's NEVER commented on it aggressively.

>> No.72502416
Quoted by: >>72502539

>>its not a lawyer if its not defending niji
>3 lawyer all shit on niji

>> No.72502427

I didn't watch the grifter you retard. It's common sense that you shouldn't have a fat stack that hard doxes everyone involved including selen herself as a middle-aged vtuber.

In my opinion, it wasn't harassment!

>> No.72502460

Bro you're not a lawyer, and never will be because you're fucking retarded.

>> No.72502468

>She was one of the higher sub, earners
its not just subs or earning money,vox is bigger and earn more yet his reputation is nothing than narcistic piece of shit who suck dick for fujo

>> No.72502501
Quoted by: >>72502579

There's no reason whatsoever to include the address of anybody unless you're legally accusing them. Which is what was happening on that document. Remember it was a notice sent by Doki's lawyer to Nijisanji's legal department.

>> No.72502503
Quoted by: >>72502734

US army committed war crimes, are all soldiers who were part of it evil? How about soviets? All armies committed war crimes, which are a retarded political weapon to begin with - War crimes are what losers get accused of, since they lack the military might to defend themselves from the accusations. Now stop talking about shit you don't understand you morally bankrupt imbecile.

>> No.72502527

>Bro you're not a lawyer, and never will be because you're fucking retarded
i doub you even know what lawyer is sis

>> No.72502534

Mindbroken retard.

>> No.72502539

>they lied because I said so
>Lawyer only licensed in Florida
>Ignorant of international law
>Ignorant of Canadian law
>Ignorant of Japanese law
>No major cases won
>It's not a grifter if it goes against Niji

>> No.72502566

While that is true I think you underestimate how far Niji fucked their own reputation as far as the public outside niji was concerned due to how they handled Selen, and how damning their self reports where, if they just handled that better and Selen would not have had a lawer that kept her from doing dumb public statements then this may have played put very differently, but I suppose we all should be glad that it didn’t and that Selen did basically every correct choice

>> No.72502572

>I also don't think Selen was as innocent as people say.
Possibly not, but as you say it doesn't excuse the black screen stream or participation in it. Many anons have made the point in this thread that the livers had no choice but to take part in the stream due to the oppressive nature of NijiEN - but I don't accept that. Again it's the same 'just following orders' defence, but at least the Germans had the excuse that they might be shot if they didn't go along with what was happening.

>> No.72502579

>Source: legalmindset

>> No.72502601

>Why didn't Doki leave before she tried to off herself twice? Why didn't Sayu leave before she tried to off herself?
do your fuckng rep nijifag,the contract already showing vox talking bullshit about "you can leave anytime you like if you want to"

>> No.72502636
Quoted by: >>72502727

How exactly do you expect the lawyers to build a case without being able to contact the people involved? Telepathy?

>> No.72502637
Quoted by: >>72502666

He's run away to Bilibili.

>> No.72502649
Quoted by: >>72502727

>>Source: legalmindset
>niji themself self report it just like they are self reporting they just showed confidential document

>> No.72502666
Quoted by: >>72502727

>You can leave whenever you want (you'll just get raped by the clauses if you do)

>Elira is the only one trapped in the Yacht

>> No.72502690

The black stream said they were advised on what they could say, so that means Niji lawyers talked to them about the docs. They even had a public message afterwards about how they did nothing wrong with spreading confidential documents because they were spread by people that weren't under NDA. I think they clearly have terrible lawyers.

>> No.72502700

>>its not a lawyer if its not defending niji
>niji lawyer letting ppl to read confidential document freely like an idiot
>no no no its not true

>> No.72502724
File: 43 KB, 1266x514, firefox_KSiytQYeTj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can keep sticking your head in the sand, but it won't bring back the subs, members, superchats, and it won't get people to buy her merch again.

>> No.72502727

They weren't building a case though. Try again.
>It's confidential because legal mindset said so
Copying Vox because he has no argument. I win.

>> No.72502734

>are all soldiers who were part of it evil?
Not evil, but they are morally culpable.
>war crimes are what losers get accused of
And you have the nerve to call me morally bankrupt? Lmfao

>> No.72502761
Quoted by: >>72502804

let sister cope in her own delusion lmao

>> No.72502766
Quoted by: >>72502804

>I am the only person on the planet who believes that Elira is innocent and because she is from Nijisanji and is currently employed she MUST be right.

>> No.72502771

This just proves my point that people are retards who don't even try and find out truth

>> No.72502786
Quoted by: >>72502837

>>It's confidential because legal mindset said so
>niji themself literally self report it in their retarded pr suicide>>72502727
>They weren't building a case though

>> No.72502792
File: 13 KB, 597x117, firefox_lAdLZzY9Tk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72502837

They saw the truth. And the truth is being rewarded.

>> No.72502804

>Doki is right but niji is liars
Try again retard.
No delusion. Not even an Elira fan. Just highlighting the general stupidity of people for believing whatever the hive mind tells them to

>> No.72502837

>I believe doki because I'm a tribalist, hivemind retard
Congratulations, you have no original thoughts
Yes, keep schizo speculating

>> No.72502845
File: 133 KB, 500x500, 1698925455260660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72502876

>The company with a history of lying is telling the truth this time

>> No.72502848
Quoted by: >>72502876

>No delusion. Not even an Elira fan but but niji is right,the lawyer and everyone else is wrong

>> No.72502872
Quoted by: >>72502904

>everyone else literally reading the niji post that is public self report

>> No.72502876

>The girl with bpd and a history of mental illness is telling the truth this time
>Hurr everyone who hates niji is right and anyone who defens niji is wrong

>> No.72502891
Quoted by: >>72502944

>Like 40 literalwhos speculating because there's a hole in the situation no one can figure out with the facts we had
>Elira goes in front of 1.2m people, pulls a gun, magdumps the company's rep then puts it in her mouth and pulls the trigger
>Despite no one asking

>> No.72502904

>Public self report
>Literally just says peoples address are in it
Yes, definitely not your schizo delusions.

>> No.72502944
Quoted by: >>72503070

>Elira says Enna and Millie's addresses are in a document
>Omg they are war criminals, try them at Nuremberg, death penalty!

>> No.72502955

Yes. She has many, many, many character witnesses.
Literally the only person who has a single problem with her is Nijisanji. Nobody who isn't directly on Nijisanji's payroll has a bad word to say about her.
So clearly the entire world is wrong and Nijisanji is secretly right.

>> No.72502964

>Niji says a talent is being bullied by other talents when Doki only said it was a toxic workplace which prior to Niji Niji-ing it everyone thought it was just the manager that was fucking with her the last two years
>Upload a pre-recorded character assassination at the same time as Doki's first gaming stream in which they cry they're named in legal documents

>> No.72502973
Quoted by: >>72503014

>The girl with bpd and a history of mental illness is telling the truth this time
Why don’t you give some examples of Selen lying then? If you think she is a clinical liar who cannot be believed, surely you have some examples from her time as Selen and are not just full of shit?

>> No.72503014
Quoted by: >>72503120

inb4 they bring up stream banter as examples of her lying, or that one clip of her getting upset at her retarded, useless manager. Funny how she hasn't blown up at the new one yet. It's almost like competent managers don't get people angry at them.

>> No.72503070

>The company that skinwalked on her twitter after locking her out and hounded her emergency contact to the point that they hired a lawyer to tell Niji to Fuck Off.

>Nijisanji confirms a Selen is being bullied by talents
>Selen is claiming a toxic workplace to get out of Niji
>Named in a legal document provided as supporting evidence for her claim

>> No.72503120

I hope some day we find out the truth if Vesper ripping that shitty manager a new asshole ended up getting Yagoo involved and contributed to holoEN finally getting real support even if it was too little too late for the boys.
