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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.26 MB, 1351x2043, 91109320_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71859859 No.71859859 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>71867218

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>71684447

>> No.71859900
File: 213 KB, 1288x864, F71X4rEacAAWlF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story Anchor
Post em if you got em

>> No.71859995
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x865, wg prompt board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.71860146
File: 1.93 MB, 1800x1500, 107492369_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story Recap. There were two stories posted last thread.

Radroach Eating Crusader >>71684991

10 Inches of Buffpup >>71750440
Tags: futa on male, werewolf, knotting

>> No.71860267
Quoted by: >>71861576

mental isn't doing hot rn
gotta hope the spark hits me again
mark my words, though, I will finish it someday
I've got too much spite in me to ever fully give up

>> No.71860908

Aye Template Suisei!

>> No.71861181

Consider the following: Suisei with huge honkers

>> No.71861280
Quoted by: >>71862005

Please dont feed the Suimilk worm in my brain...

>> No.71861576

Don't worry about it, anon. Take care of yourself and be well.

>> No.71862005

>Suisei is extremely happy with her new milkers.
>Well, except for one tiny detail.
>Her perky nipples.
>She always had sensitive ones, but now its extremely easy to see them if she gets turned on.
>And boy does she get turned on when her sensitive nipples touch something

>> No.71862340

>Suisei's biggest live yet
>venue is packed, dozens of cameras watching her every move
>she's trying to stay professional and put on a good show
>but her huge tits make every move more difficult and awkward
>keeps accidentally slapping her breasts when she uses the microphone
>idol stepping causes her gigantic milk tanks to bounce around and nearly smack her in the face
>bra snaps midway through the setlist and Suisei has to spend the rest of the concert with one arm dedicated to supporting her fat heavy tits

>> No.71862430
Quoted by: >>71866287

This is occupying what should be Big Tiddy Ao territory and I will not stand for it

>> No.71865139
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>Sui thread

>> No.71866068
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>> No.71866287

They can occupy two different spaces.
Ao-kun is for a massive rack somehow hidden and restrained by a sarashi.
Meanwhile Sui is for mind breaking breast expansion that leaves her lactating with sensitive nipples.

>> No.71867218
Quoted by: >>71867753

Ah yes, a thread about my sister...

>> No.71867753
File: 491 KB, 2628x1585, 1688933974311730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? Well Suisei is my sister AND my girlfriend

>> No.71868320

I want your sister to drink my pee.

>> No.71868749
File: 127 KB, 1600x720, 1702245619595387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be mistaken, anon. She's MY sister, she's MY girlfriend.
I will not suffer this slander, so I challenge you to a duel. En garde!

>> No.71869139
Quoted by: >>71869907

Fucking hell, this place is so shit these days.

>> No.71869907

I'd argue that's subjective. We have fics almost every thread, and a good amount of discussion to boot.

>> No.71870930

Reading this thread feels like groundhog day; the same discussions crop up time and time again, just with minor variations on the topic. It's usually only a couple of people and there's little to no actual interest in it the ideas being spoken of, hence why they never result in anything being written. It's all just life support for a corpse long-dead.

>> No.71871363
Quoted by: >>71871507

Why do you entertain the doomposter?
Door's right over there.

>> No.71871507
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Quoted by: >>71872560

>It's usually only a couple of people
Now that's just not true. Also unverifiable now that IP counters have been removed sitewide.
As for the rest of what you said, there's enough interest in ideas that things get written almost every other thread. Not only do we write fanfiction, but there's a certain pressure to actually make that fanfiction "good," which further increases the time it takes to make new content.
My apologies; I think I'm being petty. This will be my last post on the subject.

>> No.71872149

I don't agree that the general is dead/dying, but there is a lot of repeat discussions. I just skip past like 20 posts when I see certain topics getting brought up for the 100th time.
Kind of weird how there are lots of creative stories still getting written, but discussion seems to be stagnating.
Maybe we should build some kind of discussion prompt generator lol

>> No.71872353

I don't normally post in the thread unless I have a story to share or want to comment on one that I read.

>> No.71872560
File: 49 KB, 659x797, 1625368259037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not only do we write fanfiction, but there's a certain pressure to actually make that fanfiction "good," which further increases the time it takes to make new content.
I think this might be a sign we should consider planning a new contest. Getting new blood and shocking out the old guard from running circles while trying to perfect their wips seem to be the main things that come out of those.
I think that's just how chuuba fic discussion works due to every chuuba not really having a hard setting outside of vaguely present day. When we're not literally talking about a specific fic or concept we tend to talk in generalities, and by nature the thread staple discussions of hags and other fetishes will revolve around the same themes. It's only when start talking in specifics (i.e. Specific settings, concepts or fics) do we start talking about novel/new discussion topics.

>> No.71873959

A new contest, huh... the /wg/ Summer Slam?

>> No.71874115

that sounds about right, we're do for another contest, I think.

>> No.71874215
Quoted by: >>71874824

Already? I'm in firm disagreement, it should be an annual thing.

>> No.71874824
Quoted by: >>71875948

I think if anyone wants to go and run another contest they should just explicitly make it a short fic contest i.e only have 2 categories with an explicit under 5/10k rule. Make it so that we can't scope creep ourselves if we want to compete with a fic.

>> No.71875022
File: 168 KB, 900x506, robosleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a contest would probably do the job to kick my ass out of this slump and get me to finish this WIP, honestly

>> No.71875948
Quoted by: >>71876510

The next contest should only have 2 categories:
Chuuba abuse
Abusive chuuba

>> No.71876049

I don't mind 2 contests per year as long as they're meaningfully different.

>> No.71876510

Ah... Going back to basics. Honestly could be fun. Though it would probably be something that needs to get paired up with some other gimmick to get authors interested.

>> No.71878350
File: 1.90 MB, 874x1240, wordcountcheck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how are your wips coming along?
Also Word count check 653.

>> No.71878964
File: 142 KB, 1046x763, Word count for lapuchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to split my WIP into two parts because it was forcasted to be way too fucking long. Since the first half was already finished I could technically release something right now, but I'm holding onto it in case I want to change anything. The second part is going real slow -- there's a lot left to write and I'm not sure if I can hit the emotional highs that are needed for the story to work. Currently sitting at 24k words.

>> No.71879339

128000 ish

>> No.71879964
File: 2.51 MB, 498x280, 1581020922999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71881794

>24k words
sweet mother of god

>> No.71880553
Quoted by: >>71881794

What fic are you making. The preview make me think anything between fantasy and post apocalypse.

>> No.71881742
File: 433 KB, 800x600, 1710674987006887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71881794

I mean, this is like a short poem compared to some of the stuff I've wasted my time on. But thanks, it's only getting longer.
That pic is from the second part of a remake for an old fic I wrote a couple years ago. It's set in a post-nuclear apocalypse but focuses not so much on the survival aspect but rather the events surrounding the destruction itself.

>> No.71882394
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Quoted by: >>71884735

Do your best bro, it looks like it's coming right along!
>old guard from running circles while trying to perfect their wips
Now just because some people like/need to take longer with their writing process doesn't mean they're just running in circles. Giving your story the best love and attention you can is the way to get the most out of it for yourself and you shouldn't feel like you ever have to compromise on that. Sure some things have to be redone, but that's not really a regression or something to dwell negatively on, since we grow as writers from both recognizing it and acting on it.
If you want potential fic discussion that is different from the usual topics, take something random you found on a stream and try to get something going. What about the game they were playing could make for an interesting idea if the chuuba themselves was in the game? Suggest a dynamic between two chuubas who don't have a lot of past interaction but have distinct shared interests. You can't catch anything if you don't cast your line.

>> No.71882707
Quoted by: >>71905099


>> No.71883961
File: 97 KB, 293x247, 1677940353599664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71884397

>> No.71884397
Quoted by: >>71884599

you wanna talk about it anon?

>> No.71884599

Chloe is just distressed at the fact that her boyfriend looked at Lui and said 'Damn, I'd let her cuck me behind my back.'

>> No.71884684


>> No.71884735
File: 130 KB, 990x947, rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if the chuuba themselves was in the game?
For some weird reason this just made me think of that old prompt/concept about having to babysit/take care of chuubas in the post-apocalypse who have gone insane and think they're perpetually streaming to a non-existent audience. Then it made me think about there being a massive twist where they're not the ones that are insane, (You) are. With everyone actually being locked in SAO style to their full-dive VR sets still eternally streaming, but you somehow think everything is real.

>> No.71885006
File: 1.35 MB, 1919x1079, 1710234328217592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I just post a fucking orca without someone bringing up her getting cucked or cucking someone?

>> No.71885117

I think Chloe wouldn't mind sex with Lui.

>> No.71885304
Quoted by: >>71885744

No, but you can also bring up your own topic if you want to. So it's just an extra, really.

>> No.71885388
File: 3 KB, 125x125, Chloe despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71885744

I think, despite it literally just being the gimmick for one fic, Chloe cucking has unironically rrat!ayame'd Chloe's base character (at least when it comes to non-action settings) since it effectively adds to her character while not harming it since it adds more depth to the smelly orca.

>> No.71885584
Quoted by: >>71891698

CC is a compelling cutie.

>> No.71885744
File: 178 KB, 375x375, 1678931761125076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71886059

My own stuff for this cute orca aren't coming into play until way later, so I don't have anything extra to add to her at the moment. I just like her face a lot.
I'll fight the rrats. They could be 10 feet tall and with radioactive claws. I don't give a fuck.

>> No.71886059
File: 802 KB, 850x1202, MaskedOrca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you even have planned for this Oceanic Creature?
>I'll fight the rrats. They could be 10 feet tall and with radioactive claws. I don't give a fuck.
Good luck anon, the closest thing that runs counter to the chloe cucking is the hyper leather vector concept, and that doesn't really work in non-action settings... or could it?
>The Masked Orca
>The Legendary Hooker who could take on a dozen men in a night and still walk away.

>> No.71886432

NTA, but there's also Chloe Wick.

>> No.71886436
File: 319 KB, 850x1202, 1681071899648582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's already been a minor antagonist and a temporary ally due to circumstances. She will soon be torn between punching your face or kissing it. Maybe she'll do both at one point.

>> No.71886551

cc also sprinkled some hyper leather vector elements in SD2.

>> No.71888258
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>> No.71888686
Quoted by: >>71889663

You guys are certainly not beating the allegations

>> No.71889035
File: 263 KB, 434x454, 1000025289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a shiori fic where she is a witch and you are a knight tasked to keep her in check

>> No.71889158
File: 190 KB, 1240x1550, 1702760752078130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sent to keep her in check just because of rumors? Or is she doing something for the kingdom and you need to make sure she's not going to purposely fuck everyone up with her crazy witchcraft?
How much of her yapping can you endure?

>> No.71889292
Quoted by: >>71890591

I mean thats two different genres
>Poison witch with her own agenda shiori that loves to wax politics and to peek in the forbidden tomes
>Walking bomb that Is cooky and wants to help with her ample repertoire of mostly useless spells

>> No.71889619


>> No.71889663

Uhhh, what allegations?

>> No.71889789

The allegations that the thread is a shambling corpse that's been dead for years.

>> No.71890180
Quoted by: >>71891852

>for years
It's only been around for like, two.

>> No.71890405
File: 398 KB, 640x605, 1699228085974991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hours of witchyap involving the most mundane shit like which month of the year is best to harvest grass from the local swamp
>you can't afford to not pay attention in case something actually important or incriminating comes up
>slowly the yapping becomes a part of your day that you don't feel complete without
>you just want to listen to this witch talk her heart out and nod intently
>the knights have truly fallen

>> No.71890591
File: 904 KB, 2248x3464, 1691501707522100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are pretty good and can use similar story beats in how (You) choose to deal with it. In the first you are bound by duty to keep the witch in check and try to end her schemes before they happen. In the second you just try to keep her from blowing herself and you up. Through a more tempered hand and discipline that you have as a knight, she learns how to adapt and do her conjurations with the proper amount of poise. One has overarching drama and stakes involved, the other can be baked to be a fluffy loaf of bread. You really can't go wrong.

>> No.71891469
File: 97 KB, 1063x922, 1710948725343155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey Mr. Knight."
>"What foul blather do you intend to subject me to now, heathen?"
>"I found a dead raccoon in the woods, so I'm cutting it open to check out the insides. Wanna see?"
>an attempt at haruspicy? or is she just being strange again? you'll have to investigate further.
>"...Fine. I will supervise the dissection of this...dead raccoon."

>> No.71891698

I want to plow his gf while I tease him and keep his gf in check when she says something hurtful to him...

>> No.71891827
Quoted by: >>71905632

For the most part our founding writers have left or haven't written as much anymore. Despite that, we have a lot of (relatively) new blood who keep this thread alive. See, AuntieAnon, HoloslaviaAnon, CC, Brratbro, HBTAnon, etc. Not to mention the return of stuff like Holofantasy and the (hopefullt) eventual return of holoapocalypse.

>> No.71891852

Don't reply to unconstructive doomposts, it's not worth it

>> No.71891902
Quoted by: >>71892822

>"Yes I know, this is the 26th time you've told me this week that the best time to harvest these mushrooms are when the moon is in a waxing crescent. By God, do something evil already so we can get on with it!"
>She stares at you for a bit, laughs, then goes right back to yapping about what species of flower you need to add to her current potion
>You sigh, mentally preparing to fill out another report later tonight where you have to describe her mundane daily activities in vivid detail
>You shouldn't have dropped out of the mage academy.....

>> No.71891984
File: 124 KB, 850x1657, socksonkanata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compiled this greentext chain from last week
Kanacoco + Kanata Socks On Greentext Comp
Tags: Kanata, Coco, NSFW, Greentext Compilation

>> No.71892126


>> No.71892588


Updated a bit of my autism. Wanted to do more but work gets in the way.
I was also thinking about komodo dragon ela but thats a big thing to work around

>> No.71892822
File: 1.08 MB, 2890x4096, 1691502012521444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another correspondence from the keep, another written berating from your superiors over how you haven't found any incriminating evidence that Shiori is a danger to the kingdom and must be imprisoned.
>These reports are starting to really wear you down, and you are starting to wonder if the tip your order had received was even correct
>Shiori is strange to be sure, and slightly crazier than your average woman, but you can't find a hint of anything truly malicious about her
>Regardless, this is your duty, and until you are called back, you will stick with it
>You decide on a change of tactics, maybe Shiori just needs someone more on her magical level to talk to, which might expose any dark dealings she has
>You write a second letter to an old classmate from the magic academy who is bound to show some interest

>> No.71892913

That this place only talks about the same things over and over.

>> No.71893203
Quoted by: >>71921764

An imprint of my hand would look beautiful on those buttcheeks
Thank you for your service, anon

>> No.71893209
Quoted by: >>71894421

>Rabbit Moona
>Permanent birth control
>komodo dragon ela
I feel like this could have been a joke entry where half of it is based off of actual komodo dragon stuff and the other half if actual fantasy dragon stuff (that coincidentally is just normal Kaela stuff).

>> No.71894421

Well she's an idol. Once shes done all it takes is a drop and she's popping rabbits

Also yeah. Perhaps a joke komodo ela with the gangrene inducing saliva being because she eats with zeta

>> No.71894495
Quoted by: >>71895000

>female foxes screech a lot in heat
>next door neighbors with Fubuki
>in the middle of the night, you hear the most hellish, anguished “WE ARE JAPANESE GOBLIN”
>ah, it’s that time again

>> No.71894870

> tried writing about the dirty ojisan-sensei who tries to repeat the doujins with his students (HoloX), but their superhuman abilities and refusal to perform a role keep cucking him over
> began with Laplus as arguably the most asinine part of his
> can't bring myself to write it properly - sensei's proclivities seem like a diet version of the shit that might be written in those doujins
> flowery language dancing around a point, lke ancient Greeks wrote around the names of Hades and Persephone as "the ones who have many guests"
I mean, even if I wrote it properly and posted it, I am afraid that those who come and do not knock might not understand the idea of it being a totally sarcastic and satyrical piece (I swear, officer)

>> No.71895000

>You lie in bed, pillow over your head, being driving insane by the repetitive muffled refrain from the other side of the wall
>Banging on the wall or pounding on her door does nothing to stop her
>Sometimes she stops singing and just screams for minutes at a time
>Was the lower rent and 10 minute commute really worth this?
>Decide you're sleeping at your cubicle the rest of the week, hoping she'll have finished by then

>> No.71895110
Quoted by: >>71895479

You could always include a tag to indicate it's satirical.

>> No.71895194
Quoted by: >>71895479

So he’s trying to fuck with Laplus dorkness?

>> No.71895479

I don't think people who think that grown-ass women in schoolgirl-adjacent outfits and think that it's similar enough to cheese pizza to put you into jail
I don't think that (satire) in the tags is going to stop them
But when she comes for "remedial classes", she is unchained and Sensei's self-preservation instincts win over self-replication. Essentially this >>71744523

>> No.71895760

It won't stop them, but they can't complain when the piece they read is indeed satire.

>> No.71898046


>> No.71899207


>> No.71900406
Quoted by: >>71903309

This, except she's also a princess.

>> No.71900538
File: 225 KB, 418x427, 1695226263970335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71901785

This is really creative. Animal girls are so prominent in vtubing, but rarely does it amount to more than in-jokes and lip service.
Thank you for compiling, anon!

>> No.71901785
Quoted by: >>71903205

I mean, you might have a lot of Character Lore™ and Kayfabe™ but what makes or breaks a streamer are their personality and content.
All of the VTubers can start at different points at the curve, but the curve almost always approaches "streamer with anime girl avatar". And that's okay. This final form suggests a trust bond between their audience and themselves. Not full trust or codependence, but merely an acknowledgement that the streamer is a person with a life.
I am still kind of jarred by FuwaMoco - they take kayfabe a bit too seriously. This kind of performance takes a toll, and I don't want them to burn out and go away. I wish that their flames would burn softly, gently and for a long-long time. I wish that they will not think of the exhaustion and burnout whenever they look at their lives as Fuwawa and Mococo.

>> No.71903205
Quoted by: >>71903490

I think you're underestimating the power of demonic guard dogs. But only time will tell.

>> No.71903309
Quoted by: >>71903542

What does her being a princess bring to the story?

>> No.71903326

I don't think a week has gone by since its birth without at minimum one fic, maybe even two

>> No.71903490
Quoted by: >>71903672

There is also a measure of distance between (you) and the twins that is maintained by this behaviour. You don't really get as much parasocial bonding with them as with other streamers who can drop the façade. They always feel out of reach, whatever that may mean.

>> No.71903542
Quoted by: >>71903879

I was thinking that it'd be funnier and a more interesting dynamic if she was sheltered in luxury and detached from everyday life, while being in a position to command you and ignore your advice.

>> No.71903672

Like literal idols.

>> No.71903879

You can work all that into her being a suspected witch though. It kinda robs the idea of some of its uniqueness if you just make her a princess with true authoritative power over you.

>> No.71904068

I think a weird but nice princess also being a witch that needs to be supervised is quite unique.

>> No.71904371
File: 384 KB, 640x605, 1691503352590277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like a different fic where you could establish a royal family not quite in the traditional sense where they command a country or province, but instead a small hamlet on the outskirts or heavily forested region. Witchcraft would be a practiced art among women of this region, and Shiori being the only daughter of the spiritual / governing leader could have enabled her to be gifted while also attracting high expectations. Men of this culture could be encouraged to take on more of the physical jobs, and being a promising fighter, you were chosen as a retainer by Shiori herself since she thinks you'd be fun.

>> No.71905099


>> No.71905445

Yeah hahah...and You 'd need help to supervise her...hahaha...how about another knight *slides a pocket nerissa under the table*

>> No.71905632
Quoted by: >>71909992

While I appreciate the mention, I have been around since before we even had a prompt anchor

>> No.71905812

Pocket nerissa sounds like a magical onahole but could also be like a loser fairy
>*Pulls out pocket nerissa* she's cute. What do i say?
>"I...huuh...she...she has...hair...and...huuuh"

>> No.71906049
Quoted by: >>71907351

Is it less 'we think she's doing something nefarious', and more 'be her tard wrangler so she doesn't blow anything up or hurt herself'?

>> No.71906068
File: 363 KB, 724x670, 1691498201910104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71907230

>The demon songstress of the ravencroft family!? AT LAST some action! HOW ABOUT I BREAK THAT OTHER HORN TO GIVE YOU A MATCHING SET?! HAVE AT YOU
>You begin to indiscriminately battle Nerissa while Shiori watches gleefully from the sidelines
>Her and Nerissa have always been on good terms, you could even say they are friends, but seeing you fight to protect her from a perceived threat is too good to pass up.
>She knows Nerissa can kick your ass unless her innate talent for tripping on her own face kicks in, either way, it'll be a great show.

>> No.71907230

Or she can skip that and sit directly on my face

>> No.71907297
Quoted by: >>71907549

Shiori or Nerissa? Although if you lose to Nerissa you might not get the choice. You have to make it up to her somehow...

>> No.71907351

Yeah. Because if anything goes wrong her parents will (partly) blame you.

>> No.71907549
File: 1.19 MB, 1440x1440, 1697842335532711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you pin the girls down and just fuck them while you're at it? Just skip all the formalities.

>> No.71907767
Quoted by: >>71907920

That would be most scandalous.

>> No.71907920

There's a proper process to these things, you can't just jump straight from fighting a girl into sex! Have you no manners?

>> No.71909992

Ah, sorry

>> No.71911559

Have you tried not drowning yourself in irony? I think you'd have an easier time writing this as your typical scumbag teacher trying to get into their student's skirts with the subversion coming from the fact that the girls could absolutely fucking kill him if they wanted to.
Also why are you worrying about a hypothetical Twitter canceling? We have like at most a few dozen regulars and lurkers, and we generally post shit anonymously.

>> No.71911816
Quoted by: >>71923219

>think that it's similar enough to cheese pizza to put you into jail
We had a long series about a grown woman grooming her nephew and a history about a Phoenix raping a boy in a public toilet, and you're here worrying about 16 year olds

>> No.71911861
File: 1.82 MB, 1167x1920, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina talked about Bae using a frilly apron so i need housewife bae and our 40 kids

>> No.71912884
File: 2.78 MB, 1150x1850, __hakos_baelz_and_blackberry_baelz_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_yoako__60f18e1c8543752c44acc889e88c9cf1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Bae get jealous if one day there were 5-6 other Bae's in the house now and (You) were seemingly giving them more attention?

>> No.71914702

That’s an oddly specific question

>> No.71914709

I think by virtue of being chaos incarnate, she would have purposely made the other Bae's grab your attention for the sole purpose of becoming jealous and escalating the situation.

>> No.71916299
Quoted by: >>71917849

I think shiori going "Oh I'm actually a princess" could be a fun detail to pull off by hiding it in her yapping. So initially it's brushed off, but then like halfway through the story she pulls out her royal signet and actually invoked her authority to end (insert plot here).

>> No.71916628
Quoted by: >>71917021

Imagine if Baelz agreed to teach you how to dance for some reason.
>at first you can hardly move your body for shit
>keep falling on your ass
>just in terrible shape
>Bae acts supportive, but you know you're embarrassing yourself
>decide to commit to it and exercise in secret
>slowly you start to build endurance and understanding of rhythm
>Bae decides you're ready for more advanced moves
>it's too hard and you fall, taking her down with you and pinning her to the floor
>She begins to become more conscious of you as a man
>one day while stretching together she starts to feel muscle developing on you and rubs it for a bit too long
>you're starting to become good so Bae wants to do actual routines with you
>these just progressively turn into more and more blatant excuses for the two of you to get into physical contact until it's basically just a pretense for dry humping
>the big dance recital has arrived
>you two do a very romantic waltz together that finally breaks the barrier
>rush backstage high on adrenaline and covered in sweat and absolutely man handle the rat in all kinds of positions your old weak, stiff body could never dream of
>epilogue - you do the greatest first dance of all time at your wedding

>> No.71917021

Banger idea but it also made me envision Baelz doing the default dance while telling you how simple it is

>> No.71917849

I don't entirely agree, but you got me thinking of a different spin where she is actually a bastard child of the kingdom. She's fully aware who her daddy is, but is content with the life she leads so far.

>> No.71918391
Quoted by: >>71918720

>Baelz doing the default dance while telling you how simple it is
This just reminds me of the halloween VR chat holiday streams with their models having emotes.
>Bae keeps doing backflips and failing to teach you how.
>"Come on anon, it's like pushing a button. It's not that hard". "

>> No.71918720

That could be a nice bit during the montage

>> No.71918917

That's it. I'm writing an abuse fic.

>> No.71918967
File: 290 KB, 1577x2048, mad ela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71919640

picrel, all psychological, no fries and a diet soda please

>> No.71919640
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, 1293012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71920016

Daring today aren't we?

>> No.71920016
File: 67 KB, 259x259, Anya uses her mutant powers to crush your balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey squidward. i just want my fic man.
Maybe try to be less of a prick alright? we all have shit going, we all work that shitty grind to have some money and maybe afford something nice.
But you are being an ass about this fic because i ask a bit of being mean to kaela? why huh? ever wondered that maybe being an ass is why no one likes you?
Look at spongebob. We like him, not because he writes good stuff...but because he's nice.
and he's not a bitch like you.

Now give me my food, i paid for it, not for your sarcasm

>> No.71920307
File: 8 KB, 257x196, abusefic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry. Here ya go.

>> No.71921764

You should write about giving her that imprint, anon.

>> No.71923219

>phoenix raping a boy in the toilet

>> No.71923292
Quoted by: >>71924580

AFAIK the author didnt anchor it and its rewriting it i think?
apparently it was a bout of hornyness

>> No.71923403


>> No.71924580
File: 109 KB, 389x265, criying bae2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot to anchor it but i took the chance to rework some of the scenes i wasnt 100% sold on
Still, the initial idea fixed by a kind anon is here >>71923403

>> No.71925142
Quoted by: >>71926209

Just to let you know, that guy isn't me. I'm writing an abuse fic, though it won't have Kaela in it - mostly because I don't know her character all that well.

>> No.71925949

Read it, now I'm hard.

>> No.71926209
Quoted by: >>71926774

is alright mate, i was just pulling a funny
or was i?

>> No.71926774
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>> No.71927019

my pp stiff nao

>> No.71928760
Quoted by: >>71929724

Azki footjob

>> No.71929724

I don't know much about her, but she seems very sex. Kind of like the kindly housewife at the beginning of an NTR story...

>> No.71929885
Quoted by: >>71933717

I reccomend watching some Azki.
She's really nice and soft spoken but also clearly aware that she can make you cum like a fountain and she loves it

>> No.71933120
File: 54 KB, 550x413, 1681309039014089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71935503

Bae, but a religion akin to Gaykoslavie forms around her.

>> No.71933717

There's something quite terrifying about a hag so deftly weilding such power...

>> No.71935306

>kindly housewife at the beginning of an NTR story...
Personally, I see Azki as more whirlwind romance material. The kind you elope with even if it means taking her away from her family.

>> No.71935503
Quoted by: >>71936788

Anon, please don't remind me...

>> No.71936788
Quoted by: >>71938100

Don't tell me you're a Gadget believer too, anon...

>> No.71938100
File: 70 KB, 128x128, Fubuki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel for all those dude like imagine if sukonbu around the world had to suffer ST being real

>> No.71938542
Quoted by: >>71939303

>like imagine if sukonbu around the world had to suffer ST being real
What are you referring to here...?

>> No.71938665
Quoted by: >>71939303

So you're telling me that there are enough people out there to make an Aum Shinrikyo-style death cult revolving around this white fox?

>> No.71939303
File: 383 KB, 1260x709, 1687611253742403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing man don't think about it

It's possible. I don't think I'm a person capable of committing terrorism, but Fubuki asked me to I'm not sure what I'd do

>> No.71939711
Quoted by: >>71940433

>I don't think I'm a person capable of committing terrorism, but Fubuki asked me to I'm not sure what I'd do.
For some reason this post made me remember an old hotline miami inspired prompt/idea about getting order to kill people alongside a fan base mask.
I'm not sure if this was a real prompt or if it's me mixing up prompts from years back.

>> No.71940236

Which chuuba would use their good looks and charming personality to seduce a young Anon into fighting for their seemingly righteous but ultimately misguided and doomed-to-fail rebel cause?

>> No.71940327


>> No.71940433
File: 795 KB, 800x1422, anime_anime_girls_Hololive_Suisei_Hoshimachi_Hoshimachi_Suisei_Whitem-2006693.jpg!d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71940741

Did some atchive trawling but the few references /here/ to Hotline Miami don't mention that prompt specifically, thiguh the discussion >>28618741 may be what you're thinking of

I think Suisei would make for a good Joan of Arc type

>> No.71940590

Seconding this. She can tell her Fandeads that she's been wronged, she's been used and abused, and Anon will be roped into some kind of Lost Cause-style mentality
>Open a Fubuki stream
>She's being her usual self
>While playing Minecraft, she starts talking about how the world will end
>It will be a final conflict culminating in a nuclear 'Fubugeddon'
>Humanity would end, except for the elite few who decided to become Sukonbu
>And it's up to (You) to start the end of the world, as killing the rest of humanity would save your fellow man from accumulating bad karma

>> No.71940595

Obvious pick
>Suisei, a shining star that charms and inspires a young fool to fight for her cause
A secondary pick if suisei is unusable for the position.
>Sora, by way of her daisenpai status thematically transferring to her becoming the leader/start of the rebellion.
This one's a bit more Lore themed
>IRyS, angel of hope leading a hopeful but doomed cause feels right.
And semi joke answer
>Fubuki, your friend. Your doing her a solid by joining a terrorist cell with her.

>> No.71940672

And so begins /wg/'s Fubujihad arc...

To be honest, this is the most interested I've been in an idea for a while.

>> No.71940741

Thanks for archive trawling, that discussion wasn't what I was thinking of but it did remind me of the words, Haaton mask, which lead me to the short hotline miami discussion I was thinking of >>20412155

>> No.71940924
Quoted by: >>71941231

We've had a few "chuubas committing acts of terrorism" prompts in the past months. There was this one prompt >>56898741 where Fauna gets so mindbroken by her friends eating meat in front of her that she decides to wage war against the Meat Industrial Complex.
>"Carnivorous society and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race..." Fauna writes in her Montana shed, before assembling the latest pipe bomb she'll send to Oscar Meyer.

>> No.71941231

That just makes me imagine a dune themed shitpost about becoming Anon El Mosquito, and leading the Sukonbu on holy fubujihad off planet Fubukus.
The FAUNAbomber prompt is in a weird place. It's not absurd enough for a wacky one shot, but it's too absurd for a straight laced uuunabomber parody.

>> No.71941400
Quoted by: >>71941603

Kon kon the graynames shall be exterminated inshasadiq

>> No.71941603

Kon Kon Conspiracy?

>> No.71943138

You need to SURVIVE.

>> No.71944712
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>> No.71946643
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>> No.71946647 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.42 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20240321-142236_Winlator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71950153

Ninisanni anon, thanks for teaching me about the appeal of the feesh. I already appreciated incest in some way, but feesh made it way better somehow

>> No.71947723

Fuck that's way too accurate.

>> No.71947821
File: 554 KB, 934x676, 1705681482588900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kon Kon Alluhackbar!

>> No.71949329

What's her cause, her wallet?

>> No.71950153
File: 476 KB, 900x748, f seriously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71952552

Finana's fun.
She slots into the little sister role way too well, imo. Got that spoiled personality with all its bad habits, but for some reason you just wanna spoil her more.
She's really easy to write, you just put her in a scene and it instantly becomes funnier. I'd say it's because she's rather dynamic. The feesh can play the straight man or the funny guy with ease. Flipping the script at a moment's notice keeps the comedy going. Bundles of fun.

>> No.71951976
File: 524 KB, 900x900, 1710164537824020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriesanons doko?

>> No.71952552

She was my first Niji experience, with her original Tsunami.

>> No.71954824
Quoted by: >>71955240

What a good way to approach describing hand signs for casting magic.

>> No.71955240

Depends, what pov are you describing it from? Because the answer can range from
>You make the motions of the spell, the arcane energy springing to your fingertips as your hands flow into the motions.
>You weren't sure what that bratty girl was doing, but you're pretty sure she's making gang signs at you.

>> No.71955464
File: 784 KB, 1200x675, 1683903611764154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The way the cotton candy princess weaves her spell work, the sharpness of the shapes she creates with her hands
>You couldn't be sure at first, but now there can be no doubt
>Luna is part of the shadow wizard money gang

>> No.71955572

I don't know why, but I feel like Jimmy would make for a fun witch.

>> No.71955898

More like "seconds before you get annihilated", also kinda aiming for specific signs for specific spells.

>> No.71955921
File: 82 KB, 493x239, 1709514532710705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting another WIP.

>> No.71955928
Quoted by: >>71957411

Who do you have in mind, anon?

>> No.71957411

Still at it. But I'll be writing something to mix things up... this >>71918917
I don't think it'll be anything too creative, so just see it when it comes out in the coming days

>> No.71959040
File: 248 KB, 220x176, 1660058333594922.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71959172


>> No.71959809

Writing ocs

>> No.71959810

Has anyone ever written a fic in the vein of Teisou Gyakuten with it's "gender role reversal" theme? I think this could be pretty interesting as a romantic comedy or lewdfic. MC has a bunch of chuubas as his classmates or coworkers (for hag enthusiasts), maybe show a little bit of his dynamic and relationships with everyone, perhaps he asks one of them out and is rejected. Then, via magic/science/supernatural, he finds himself in a world where everything is reversed and all these chuubas are chasing him.
Does something like this exist?

>> No.71960100
Quoted by: >>71960456

Gender bender stories have fallen out of public taste within the past 5-10 years

>> No.71960456

What he's talking about is not gender-bending, but swapping the societal roles and behaviour of men and women. Typically the idea is the protag wakes up in a world where women are the ones who are supposed to be proactive in finding someone, and thus whoring yourself out is incredibly easy

>> No.71960513
File: 218 KB, 1170x2048, IMG_2693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71960860

Sounds a bit too anti-feminist for the zeitgeist

>> No.71960860
File: 2.54 MB, 4096x2897, PolkaQuestionMark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly not really kinda, since the women are supposed to be acting like men and often in those doujins they are at best horribly lecherous and rapey

>> No.71961449

I think we've had *a* discussion about this once, but no one's ever pitched a proper prompt for reverse gender sexual morals fic.
I've seen some interesting takes on the concept in both manga and written stuff. From stuff that tries to wring out an interesting plot to it, to blatant horny smut doujins.
Honestly a generic 'reversed world' fic sounds like it would be fun by sheer dint of flipping the script on everything.
Though it does ask the question of what kind of world would work best.
>Pure sexual morals flip
>Wacky gender ratios (i.e. 7:3 or 10:1 females to male)

>> No.71961594

I think this is due more to the author trying to fulfill certain fantasies and going about it in a clumsy manner than their genuine thoughts about men. I get that these stories are meant to be easy wish fulfillment but so many drop all semblance of reality to the point it makes it obnoxious to read for me. Or they fundamentally misunderstand the concept and degrade into 'maledom but all the girls are horny for the MC'.

>> No.71961665

The swap in societal norms would have to be based at least in part around physiology.
In one of the multi-part doujins about animal girls was that males could get hard and have sex only once a year. Therefore, men became more sexually selective than women. Also since the mood to fuck could get you anywhere and wasting it might put off having children for another year, having reasonably concealed sex in public wasn't as frowned upon. Of course MC has the cheat ability of being a Normal Human Male™

>> No.71962123
File: 62 KB, 690x539, 1710509312860437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you feel about OCs in stories, do you think every character should be a chuuba or do OCs provide a good way to flesh out the plot and world building?

>> No.71962195
File: 44 KB, 551x578, 1703128461903800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71962845

I enjoy them. They help make the world feel more full, and not every role can be filled by a chuuba. It's also a lot of fun to make OCs.

>> No.71962216
Quoted by: >>71963443

That's a neat idea.


I'm not against it myself, though I've always felt if the role could be filled by a chuuba I don't see why it shouldn't

>> No.71962329

A crazy gender ratio is probably best if you want to avoid any physiological justification basis like >>71961665 although that concept could be interesting with non-human chuubas

>> No.71962845

Erm cheesed to Mioeet you?

>> No.71963065

So long as the chuubas are the main focus, I don't have a problem with OCs

>> No.71963157

To me, the main characters should be (You) and/or chuubas.
A side character should only be a chuuba if the chuuba already fits the intended role and doesn't draw more attention than their role is worth. To use an extreme example, it would be weird to write a story about you and your wife Korone where you put Okayu into the role of some stranger that only minorly features. Even if that stranger fit Okayu in principle.

>> No.71963325
File: 86 KB, 256x256, 1703130880224182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71963443

Boku no Risou na Isekai Seikatsu

>> No.71964356

I don't mind an OC because sometimes I think having one can't be helped but it should be a chuuba if possible

>> No.71965100

I love doujins with this premise.

I'm fine with male OC's because I don't watch any male chuubas so they would all be original to me anyway. Girls should always be chuuba unless it's a nameless, unimportant character.

>> No.71965124

I dont mind ocs, altough having them be more than a name or a throwaway line starts making it a bit weird. I also think that background chuubas is nice, since we are assuming this is a virtual world and yadda yadda.

>> No.71967278

Behead those that insult FBK, inshallah

>> No.71967349
File: 844 KB, 1059x1754, ReineKnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71968123

Fell into my favourite trap, excessive world-building for a fic I haven't even really started and probably won't finish. But hey I'm having fun.

>> No.71968123
File: 185 KB, 771x1200, 1669829499726552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when swords have a little wrapping on them, I don't really know why but I think its bad ass. Glad to hear you're having fun with your world building! It's always a blast.

>> No.71968537
File: 22 KB, 1042x167, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. AA (or whoever is currently sock puppeting him), something messed up when adding 'Suisei needs a shower!' to the script archive.

>> No.71969846

Suismell is too powerful

>> No.71971625
Quoted by: >>71971795

wet kemono suismell....

>> No.71971795

This made me realize fuwamoco would smell like wet dog if they got caught in the rain. Stinky!

>> No.71971945

Breeding press.

>> No.71972081
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1500, 949a5be1915152da48555f759e7e10b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never introduce more chuubas than you will work with. They're fine as passing mentions or minor characters, but if the role a secondary character plays doesn't call for a chuuba, they can be an OC. Sometimes the setting calls for an OC either way, like meeting a chuuba's parents, siblings, or just other characters in general. Even major-ish characters can be OCs. Look at Mark from Our Cures, Kenji from ALS and Miyuki from Foxfamily.

>> No.71973108

That's awesome, I love it.

>> No.71973594

I feel like,just in the original work, this concept is best approached with lighthheartedness
>Anon gets bodyswapped with his other self. Hes still a manager
>Goes to work like usual,maybe one or two interactions and he realizes.
From there you can spin it like you want, with hardcore smut,comedy or even romance but you need to keep that light hearted aspect of it, since going in on the worldbuilding/genre roles takes the wind out of it.
Besides you can put joke bits to "much through" and keep the stuff engaging
>Hyper prude marine vs "running to the bathroom to rub one because you were nice marine"
>Kanata is treated as a weird incel
>People like ririka feel insulted that you can cook and they cant. They take it personal

>> No.71975328
File: 216 KB, 640x480, shirou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71975682

Today I shall write.

>> No.71975487

The smell was too strong. Fixed it, my b.

>> No.71975682
File: 510 KB, 1448x2048, 1698954256604196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll join you. There's a story that needs telling.

>> No.71976745
Quoted by: >>71977056

In my fics there are no named characters aside from Anon and the subject chuuba. Philosophically, if I get to the stage where another character has so much screen time that they need a name, I feel like I'm getting away from the purpose of the fic.

>> No.71976944

While ideally you should use chuubas when possible, I will concede that some roles can't really be filled with a chuuba and that making a Original Character is a better call than trying to fit square pegs in round holes.

>> No.71977056
Quoted by: >>71977583

So the purpose of your fics is always best-served with two significant characters? I guess it allows you to improve faster if your works are similar to each other.

>> No.71977583

Yeah all of mine have very similar structures and focus primarily on one specific relationship. The last one I did had two significant "OCs", but I still elected not to name them to keep the whole thing focused

>> No.71979820

I’m writing a story right now with two OCs, a male and a female. No chuuba I know of really fit the role or personality I needed.

>> No.71980206
File: 307 KB, 1360x1200, 1711061277859336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71980931

Anyone cooking Moona? or cooking FOR moona?

>> No.71980931
File: 255 KB, 1434x2048, 1667390535756513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71981601

I'd like to eventually. If I remember right she is an avatar of a moon goddess? Or a moon goddess herself? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Probably not in that way. Sorry bro.

>> No.71981601
File: 249 KB, 1800x1820, chubby fennec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71982032

sorry if that came out as hyper inflation weirdo stuff, i just want her to be fat.

Also Moona's lore is hilariously all over the place because she's technically just a college student/model, but she also leans on the moon thing in her songs...and other times she's a Diva and then there's also the hoshinova thing where she becomes a sadomasoquist for no reason

TLDR: do whatever, i just want her to be fat and to impregnate her

>> No.71982032
File: 284 KB, 1080x853, 1706797908037783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fellow chubber enjoyer. I just gotta know what the fantasy elements are. She can easily still be a model, which might be a cool culture point I could add on to wherever she is from, like her society putting squishier women on the more desirable end of the spectrum could be pretty interesting, and the same goes for the men to. Anon is also going to become quite the cook, so being able to cook exotic dishes might be his in for whatever reason he might have to interact with Mooner.

>> No.71983727
Quoted by: >>71984883

i mean you could take a page from greek oracles/priestesses and have her be a high priestess of the moon that is revered for her beauty and connection with the divine.
It encapsulates idol,diva and moon themes+ allows for her shitposting personality to peek

>> No.71984883

I'll keep that in mind. There's quite a few angles I can approach this from, but the direct divine connection in a way that is conscious and tangible might be a fun method to explore. Thanks for the info, I'm sure it'll come in handy later on.

>> No.71987424
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>> No.71989058

Watame NO

>> No.71989106
File: 57 KB, 753x695, 1709117506231410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame YES

>> No.71990614

I'm okay with OCs as long as the chuuba remains in focus throughout the fic

>> No.71992207


>> No.71995980
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>> No.71997072

I was thinking of fic scenarios for AZKi after yesterday's discussion. The best I came up with would be like
>meet AZKi when you're a shota-kun
>she notices you perving on her
>doesn't molest you or anything, but does something sexy enough to blow your mind
Since the original prompt was footjob, I was thinking some kind of yabai massage or sun tan lotion scene, but anyway
>fast forward many years and Anon is barely an adult now
>since that day that scene has never left his mind and totally warped his perception of sexuality
>he can only nut to older women's legs
And then the real meat of it is when they meet again somehow and she takes responsibility for turning you into a pervert. Either making you more of a pervert or trying to cure you.

>> No.71997972

Well since Azki gives that "neighborhood nice woman" the idea could be
>Azki is Anon's neighbor. He finds a peephole in his room or something as a kid (she's a jk)
>He gets to see Azki change. Brain activated
>Tries to spend more time with her. Falls in love
>Steals her panties. Always jerks off to her
>timeskip. When Anon is older and he's helping with stuff (she's still in his mind) he tries to steal panties again
>Gets caught infraganti. Azki smiles
>turns out Azki was grooming him from the start, pulls out her dom side a bit and makes him beg
>footjob. Azki gives nice aftercare
>They marry years later

>> No.71998074
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I want a fic where she's literally a virtual AI who lives in your head. Power armor optional.

>> No.71999215
File: 3.14 MB, 2148x3456, moomseki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72000255

I had a wip of this that didnt survive my disc death and im honestly never writing because i was having so much issues with it
>BountyHunter Anon and Wife navigator Azki
>You go into a planet to make some business with Pirates (Sankisei) in a neutral planet. Azki travels with you in your Bracelet and projects herself like Bladerunner
>You are offering Neutron Deflectors and a 60KG caliber Atom cannon (some made up mumbojumbo)
>Marine flirts but also tells you that the price is a scam
>You say that if they dont buy, this is going to HoloX
>They buy.
>But obviously they try to kill you. That's why you called the nearest patrol before.
>Bad luck: Its nepolabo and they know you are a smuggler
>gunfight goes off. Azki and you escape using your wits. You also got what you really wanted: Recorded information of the pirates wanting bigger arsenal and battle data from Nepolabo
>In exchange for the Info, ask for Dr Koyori to modify your ship
>All of this was for some state of the art machine that turns your conciousness into data and allows you to VR yourself in the mainframe (or some shit. You are a virtual nigga)
>All of this was so Azki and you can finally touch
>Virtual sex
>Virtual daugther.
>ride into the sunset
the gun scenes were hell, it was way too much job to handle that many characters and i couldnt get the tone for it right without flanderizing azki into a nagging wife

>> No.71999656
Quoted by: >>72000255

>Marrying AZKi by storming Cover Tower in order to rip out the chip she lives in to stick her into your cyborg implants.

>> No.72000255

>*Ding* Your transaction to CoverCorp VirtualWardrobe was sucessful
>What the fuck? did you get hacked?
>*Azki projects herself in a bunny suit with one of her playful expressions*
>Run to the inmersion chamber from>>71999215
>After your virtual nut you subscribe to VirtualWardrobe Pro

>> No.72003310

hell yeah

>> No.72003351
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Quoted by: >>72004964


>> No.72004964
File: 1.27 MB, 6071x4299, 1706640830537882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72014316

we need more mikofics

>> No.72005221

Chuubas, but this >>71956887
>in the post apocalypse vtubers will be replaced with women wearing crudely drawn anime masks and performing skits and playing tabletop games in the town square. instead of supas you will throw gold coins into a bucket while shouting your comment

>> No.72005802
Quoted by: >>72019378

That sounds like the setup to a one-shot comedy shitpost that reinterprets chuuba fandom slang into post apocalyptic equivalents while having a fuck around plot that's basically just an excuse to go around the chuuba post apocalypse.

>> No.72007304

>aca supa is now some sort of food or liquor offering

>> No.72009465

A certain troublesome woman would very much like the latter.

>> No.72010236
Quoted by: >>72011861

Speaking of AZKi, I’ve been listening to a lot of her music lately and she’s a really fucking good singer.
That is all.

>> No.72011861

Like her best in Kakumei Dualism.

>> No.72014246

Be Anon
>constantly sarcastic
>depressing work/school life

Why is he usually like this, bros?

>> No.72014293

He's a fucking slut just looking for attention. Needs a good dicking to set him straight.

>> No.72014316
File: 295 KB, 1191x1684, GG2BaqnbsAA7Mm6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll cook something up after this current WIP I swear

>> No.72014729
Quoted by: >>72017099

Circumstances. The world is a dark place for many. We've yet to see an Anon who's life hasn't had some form of tragedy thrust upon him.

>> No.72016031

Kinda like other anime protags?

>> No.72016966

He's just like me...

>> No.72017099
Quoted by: >>72022078

Really? Feels like a lot of Anons are just having fun sex.

>> No.72017209
File: 757 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240107-132842_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72018173

Just like me frfr
And I don't know how to write anyone else. Just my pit of despair and Schrödinger's ironic edge, and the world around me. Can't relate to beings that are not me, can't claim I could ever understand them.

>> No.72018173

As soon as I finished reading that image post, I heard the snap and then the combat music started in my head. Luv me some LoR

>> No.72019378

Tribute, payment
>[fanbase name here]
Rival gangs, armed to the teeth who will guard their oshi from anyone too crazy during performances
Uhhh... Chuubas would send their best fans to fight to the death for them?

>> No.72021630
File: 216 KB, 666x666, 1694202054845631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72022364

>> No.72021809

The types of tribute thrown to the 'chuubas', aka supas are the most valued becuase they're an offering of blood so called for the color.
Attempts to unify the gods, ritual perfornances where the masked women try to channel the gods and see there is chemistry between the two gods being channeled.
Syncretized chuuba sub-gangs uniting their respective members under the belief that the gods the girls embody are actually as one.

>> No.72022078

It depends on if they're series Anons or one shot Anons
Series Anons usually have more of a backstory and depth to them while one shot Anons are kings of the world who have already won their respective chuuba's battle royale for the right to impregnate them or are about five seconds away from fucking killing themselves

>> No.72022364

Fubuki's face is cuter as a square than as normal. Prove me wrong.

>> No.72023156

I apologize for derailing the thread but can someone explain to me what the hell "challenges cloudflare" is and why it keeps popping up in my history?

It only started popping up when I put warosu in a new window and its worrying the fuck out of me.

>> No.72023710

Google "Cloudflare challenge".

>> No.72023819
Quoted by: >>72025025

Collabs would be ceremonial joint shows held by 2 or more chuubas as a symbol of peace between their gangs after they established diplomatic relations with eachother.

>> No.72023832

You're being challenged to a duel.

>> No.72024667
File: 322 KB, 379x694, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever incorporated alternate outfits into your stories?
Watame's new clothes are adorable.

>> No.72024969

I usually lament how thin she is, but it works as a contrast to that loose top.

>> No.72025025

>Pekora becomes the undisputed ruler of the Wasteland
>Her name is Big Chungus

>> No.72025210
File: 2.13 MB, 1062x1496, 25ca05ab7bc81dfef76279ef0dd5d2cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far I only got this one in there, and I mentioned Noel in her casual clothes for a hot second. I plan to include more outfits as I find situations for them.

>> No.72025425

I remember Holofantasy had Polka's summer looking outfit for Polka as her human disguise

>> No.72026073
File: 574 KB, 2125x3010, 1711112052172095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72033046

I take pretty much any excuse I can find to play dress-up with the rabbit and her different costumes. Prisonwear, casual dress, new year's yukata, that Santa outfit she wore like, once...
I love cute girls in cute clothes.

>> No.72027295
Quoted by: >>72029631

Calli's casual outfit, while performing rap in a bar.

>> No.72028618
File: 164 KB, 850x1204, __mori_calliope_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_tsukitoinu__sample-950a7405288a91e9563abd22fb4b1773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right one uses Mori's rapper alt exclusively for the party

>> No.72029631

I'm pretty sure Mori was never in her "normal" reaper outfit at any time in that fic though right?

>> No.72031215
File: 2.10 MB, 2731x4096, 1694117312605022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72044399

Ame's astronaut outfit was integral to the plot

>> No.72031378

She uses the rapper costume in mine as shown in >>72028618, jacket and all.

>> No.72032882

in the right one she wears the rapper outfit and the wine dress (or at least that was my intent).
Other times she's either in school uniform, naked or wearing combini/waitress clothes PLEASE COVER GYARU CALLI PLEASE COVER PLEASE

>> No.72033046
File: 1.22 MB, 3840x2160, 1673530938087492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This rabbit has a lot of cute outfits. A cute rabbit princess in her cute royal dress.

>> No.72033231
Quoted by: >>72033909


>> No.72033909

Suisex, but...?

>> No.72035716
File: 78 KB, 422x622, 1665933754317772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But not actually. You and Suisei meet a record store when browsing for the same CDs and hit it off. You become fast friends with your shared passion for music and expand the other's palette.
>Taking a casual sunday drive to listen to new albums which has become more of a weekly routine for the two of you, and it's the only few hours a week she can manage to get away from her own responsibilities.
>Suisei asks if there's anyone you're trying to see, since you haven't been in a relationship for a while
>Remark that there is this one girl [Chuuba of your choice], that you met through a collaborative event with another company at work, but you're not sure about it
>Suisei decides that she is going to help you ask this girl out on a date and find you a proper partner
Suisei thinks you deserve it but knows she can never be that girl for you since her own career ambitions would never allow her to give you enough of her time.

>> No.72035895

Damn, that's heartbreaing
Personally I think it's good but other anons would probably want a more happier ending than that

>> No.72035951

>Suisex, but...
You're not actually related to each other. The two of you just pretend to be brother and sister while having sex in order to air out old traumas.

>> No.72035963
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>> No.72036077
File: 88 KB, 710x725, 1694473736419366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst suisex ever!

>> No.72036184

That... is actually rather hot.

>> No.72036766
Quoted by: >>72037680

Sex to air out traumas? What kinda traumas need sex to air that out?

>> No.72036881
File: 1.35 MB, 2026x2866, 1681904252065793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72037141

Who says it can't be? While the journey would have its rocky roads, the destination, even if it's not the one they first envisioned, could be a wondrous sight. Even if you find yourself walking along a different road, the sight of another walking along their own with bright eyes and hearts, can bring the sun to shine on your own.

>> No.72036915
File: 432 KB, 2160x3840, 785ac8a9ef03279258614277600d3ca7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisex butt

>> No.72037141

The duality of /wg/

>> No.72037563

>Suisei tries anal
That's it. That's the idea.

>> No.72037680

I mean, they don't need it...but the before and after are good occasions to bring up things you usually wouldn't talk about. At least in my experience.

>> No.72038950
File: 842 KB, 1248x1824, 1711110835327909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72039088

an idea I can get behind

>> No.72039088

Inspired by the shots we got of her spats in the member stream, are we?
I can't blame you.

>> No.72040188
File: 709 KB, 1813x2500, ShioriBangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I really like this look on Shiori, I know it supposed to be mainly funny but I think it's super cute

>> No.72040607

It is cute, but Bimbo wore it better.

>> No.72041352

I mean
Imagine this kind of fit on an IRL 4/10. Would be polarizing to look at.
Now, look at this image. Look at the perfect shade of skin without any blemishes. Look at her elegant form without an imaginary ounce of unnecessary subcutaneous fat. Look at her mysterious expression, made by a couple of lines and shades.
The true appearance of the world is too much for our feeble minds. All of the imperfections accumulate in your perception and blot out whatever beauty there was. This kind of image is precisely why paintings and now anime are so wonderful. They simplify the infinitely complex world to us and show more of the bright side. They scream about the beauty of the world to us, reminding of it time and time again whenever we seem to forget it.
A shame, because it also means that nothing real could ever approach it.

Shiori very cute in general

>> No.72041855
Quoted by: >>72042354

Okay but when do I cook her a homey meal?

>> No.72042264

Literally the perfect cast for a VN. IDs are slept on in fics, for real.

>> No.72042354
File: 600 KB, 1374x2048, 1684953912554635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever you want? You've been good friends for a while, you would have surely done so at least once or twice. If you wanna make a big deal out of it, Suisei could be helping you perfect a more complicated dish, in which you both have to share a few subpar leftovers together. Then you finally get good enough to cook the real deal on your own in prep for a dinner date night with the chuuba.

>> No.72042703

Does anyone call Zeta "Vestia"? That's her family name.

>> No.72044148
File: 1.15 MB, 2400x3600, 1670326533981834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lorewise the branch has some really good fantasy elements. It's just a matter of time imo.

>> No.72044399

I assure you, dear reader, describing Ame's sweaty pits for 3 paragraphs was integral to the plot!

>> No.72044458
File: 144 KB, 850x1329, 1710679210719417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72044575

Is someone baking?

>> No.72044575
Quoted by: >>72044637

I'll do it. Any requests for images? First come, first served

>> No.72044637
File: 532 KB, 1448x2048, 1670438512768591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72044664


>> No.72044664
Quoted by: >>72044752

Alrighty, Flare-flavored bread coming up

>> No.72044752
File: 174 KB, 964x1024, 1667677274606479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kind baker.

>> No.72046169

A page early but here, Flare-flavored bread
