Youtube: VODs: Gura sushi small quilt iPASS Card and tail pillow Thread: >>71951385
I love my wife so much!;
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>OPthats me under her tail
>tfw no sharkwife
Why is she doing this to us? And so soon after the 5 months she said she was sorry for.
chumbies my favorite pillow isn't fluffy anymore it's flat like my wife but unlike my wife this is bad and I don't like it
>>71990617hope we get some taiwan stories when she gets back
>>OPthats me inside her suitcase
>>71990421I'm planning to do the same thing. Hopefully if it's with all the positive things I feel about her and worded in the most diplomatic way possible it won't get tossed and she'll actually take into consideration when she reads it.
Sex with a fembud.
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr>Yagoo is with thee>Blessed art thou amongst lolis>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus>Stinky Gura, mother of memes>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST>a>men
>>71990654uh she literally told us on twitteris this a bot post?
>>71990666Speaking of pillows, I haven't washed my bedsheet and pillow casings in months
>>71990708>WAHHH WAHH WHY DO YOU HAVE TO GO TO FES GURA WAHHI get when it was ghosting but now it is just staright up antiing
>>71990654Are you a fembud?
>>71990708I get great joy at picturing your shitty ass letter being shredded by an intern
>>71990827She won't even get it for many months retard.
>>71990750>She told us on twitterTold us what? Are you stupid? She said she would be in Taiwan. What does that have to do with not communicating again?
>>71990803same desu I really should, but I keep procrastinating...
what are the odds that we ever get the recipe for the shark juice served at fes
>>71990921>She said she would be in Taiwan.>not communicating againuuuuh bot broke
Day 33! Give it up for day 33!
>>719909760 it's a trade secret how they harbest it
>>71990827It's not going to be just about what's happening now, I get that she's busy right now. It's about, well, a pattern over literal years at this point.>>71990922Yeah, and that's part of why I've held off for so long, worried that by the time it gets to her it won't be relevant anymore, but I think that's just wishful thinking. Her lack of communication about breaks/being away is always going to be relevant.
>>71990921>She said>not communicating againPick one.
>>71990827Besides Ame, who's been doing what Gura did during her 5 months ghosting arc for the past 3 months, Gura is the only member of EN that didn't stream in the last month or talk to us about holofes or her time in Japan besides a 14 minute twitter space where she said she met some other members and would talk more about it later.
>>71990922>She won't even get itFTFY
youre retarded if you think she was in taiwan for more than a dayno recording studios, no holomems to collab with, nothing to do but sign a few things
>>71991074You should stop comparing the girls. Gura is leagues better than all the vtubers in the world
Why are you giving him (You)s?
>>71990212While that sort of bad luck would be cosmically hilarious, I don't think anything could happen to the orange man that would cause the golf club to shut down or anything like thatOnly thing that comes to mind would be if the fucktard courts invent some convoluted justification to seize the property as a result of not posting the $454 million bond or something, but I don't know if that's even possible as obviously I am no (((lawyer)))All in all I'm pretty confident this will go well, only thing I could ask for right now to make things even better would be for the wife to come back
>>71991074>d-doesn't countman that twitter space REALLY messed up the anti's script
>>71990980>>71991060She hasn't streamed in over a month. The only time she said anything to us in over a month was in that twitter space. The other members are talking to their fans literally every day.Do you just enjoy not having her around?
>>71991232Cripple you should get some new images, way to out yourself immediately.
>>71991232Why are you even writing that much to antis?
>>71991169I'm not comparing Gura to the other girls. I'm comparing their fans' experience to ours. Gura always abandons us and doesn't want to talk at all. She's the only one who's like this.We are always the only ones whose oshi is gone.
>>71991232>d-doesn't count>againstill she is communicating rn you should wait a bit before this doomposting charade becomes believable
>>71991232>goalpost status: shifted>whataboutismFunny you'd ask that, seeing as you're the anti
>>71991169In terms of stream output and communication, she's become the worst.
>>71991362>Gura always abandons us and doesn't want to talk at all.ere you go
>>71991344You're right. I always assume the best in others and figured they were here because they love her like I do.
>>71991308Is that the new strat now that the "only antis don't post images" thing doesn't work anymore?
okay, new questionI'll spare you all the namefagging, but I know some of YOU are here, and I know you were at feshow was the shark juice, I am not asking, this is a demand, tell me
>>71991362Their experience isnt as good because they are watching inferior streamers
>>71991189Don't jinx it, stupid stuff happen all the time
>>71991362>Fan experiences have nothing to do with the girls themselvesInstead of splitting hairs, why don't you take a long, sharp blade and split your belly open you drooling faggot
>>71991441it was sweet
>>71991441Stop being so cryptic and just say it, coward
>>71991543I'm not being cryptic in the slightest, I want the fucking shark juice
>>71991483Point taken, I'll shut my mouth now
>>71991431They've been trying it a lot lately, it makes me not want to jokingly post sad Gura pics because I don't want to be mistaken for one of them.
>>71991146she asked places to visit so I'm certain she'll at least be more than a single day, at least one day for business another one for sightseeing
>>71990803Imagine what Gura's unwashed bedding would smell like
>>71991528>>71991543Tell us what flavor it was. Blueberry? Blueberry lemonade? Blue raspberry? Cotton candy? Spill it.
>>71991646>sightseeing Yeah, I suppose as a nuclear sub captain she would like to inspect the missile turrets.
>>71991637it's so pathetic how hard they are trying these couple of days after being BTFO so many times last week, that fes high must have the opposite effect on them
>>OPThat's me in front
>>71991419Sure but those are luxury conditions. The number one thing for a vtuber is being cute, having a good voice, and a good personality.
>>71991693That ebi? MeThe smell of Gura's unwashed bedsheets? My chum
>>71991057If your letter even makes her one fucking iota sadder or unhappy, I will dig through the earth to you, and pull you by the feet down into the mantle where you will cook like a peice of popcorn. Your letter better still make her smile.
>>71991200>>71991360>>71991384>>71991430>last said anything 3 days ago. Hasn't streamed in over a monthYou know, the worst part about all this is how floor-licking retarded newfags are so willing to accept what would have been a major absence back in 2020 or 2021.I will never be satisfied until we get 2021 Gura back - the Gura that cared about us and wanted to spend time with us. The Gura that wouldn't disappear for a week at a time. The Gura that would warn us when she was going to be gone for even just 5 days.I feel bad for you that you never knew that Gura.
After all this time is wild to find out the sub captain thing was an obscure dox meme all along...
>>71991362>oshi not gone>cries about oshi being gone>oshi is not gonethe fuck you on about faggot?
>>71991189It’s not convoluted they are trying to sieze his New York assets right now and it’s technically legal. More importantly what are the chances gura streams stellar blade
>>71992013>not gone>has been completely MIA for 3 daysIf she isn't gone, then when's the next stream, anti retard faggot?
Are there any fembuds at a Sushiro restaurant in Taipei?
>>71991950trying too hard rn m8, make it more believable by waiting a couple days
I want to see shitposters compliment gura without sliding some snarky comment about her.
>>71991950Seeing you're still sooking like a crybaby faggot, I guess you didn't even enjoy fes, or appreciate the work gura put in to it for us, learning the dances, singing for us, doing multiple MC's for us, even giving us an affectionate intimate twitter space for us. It's because nothing is ever good enough for you that you are an anti and just an all round shit person. If she makes you suffer that much, then just let her go, then i have one less faggot in the way between me and marrying my wife.
>>71992173We don't even know if she's still in Taiwan, you downy asshole.People that care about you don't leave you in the dark like this. I know most of you have never been loved once by anyone in your entire lives, but it really is pathetic if you think treating people the way she treats us is normal.We don't even know when she's coming back.
>>71991431And this >>71991950 is exactly what I meant about not wanting to post sad Gura's anymore.
>>71992287wow cool gura did the same thing as every other girl in hololivelets just give her another half year off
>>71991950>The Jakartan crayon muncher is calling everyone else "newfags">To distract from him being wrongNobody is "accepting" any "absence" you half-sentient invertebrate. You were just wrong, because you didn't know what you were talking about, because you don't actually keep up with Gura, because you're a braindead anti and not the oldfag your paper-thin LARP would have us believe you areI'd love to see Gura return to proper form, but facts are facts
>>71992133>MIAShe was in taiwan, she has to fly back to the US, this takes time. You're a dumb cunt. The next stream is my cum as i goom to her again today, like i do every single day. gallons of cum for my sharkwife. Meanwhile you sit in your piss puddle and cry. Waaaaah she doesn't stream waaaaah. Weak FAGGOT.
>>71991146Is she actually just signing stuff? I'm half expecting a commercial or some other taiwan shit out of nowhere soon
>>71992376Yeah, gura is better than them
>>71992404some sort of announcement next week, so I'm assuming more is happening than a few signatures
>>71992376i don't give a fuck about other girls in hololive, how fucking stupid are you? What post of mine gave you the idea that I give a flying fuck, dickhead.
>>71992287nta. but the twitter space felt way more special to me than fes, and I'd take more twitter spaces (or just more actual time spent with her) over any performance.
>>71992376>d-doesn't count>again againimagine actually being miserable at fes, at this point you should just off yourself
Muse Dash soon
>>71992487probably the part where you listed stuff they all do
>>71992542Kino is back on the menu.
>>71992338No one knows when Ame is coming back either but teamates are fine. Gura said she's busy, that it's going to be a while. Idk why you want her to repeat to everyone that she's busy every day. You got short term memory loss?
>>71992610He probably does. Most shitposters do
>>71992518fes is what makes her feel the way she was feeling, seeing her move her heart out and feeling the passion is what's special about fes and the twitter space was just the aftermath of the whole thing
>>71992255Not possible they hate gura and the fact that we won’t leave.
>>71992518just imagining her laying there all warm in her bed, next to her phone, just chatting to us. Could kinda tell she was a bit nervous, and struggling to find things to talk about, but I find that actually really hot, because it showed that she's nervous because she cares about us and wanted to do a good twitter space for us. She was so cute. Do antis not realize what they're up against? I don't think they realize how cute she actually is.
>>71992518The twitter space was an actual highlight of this year, probably my 2nd favorite thing after the ASMR so far. It made me extremely happy. I hope she does more.
>>71990708Lmao you triggered the whiteknightbuds who can't defend her.
>>71992610>teamates are fineno they're not, there's semi-regular meltdowns about her flake fits and new excuse to not stream where they argue amongst themselves, her freechat has frequent sadpostingthe only reason they're relatively quiet is because there's less of them, there's kinda alot of chumbuds
>>71992754same desu
>>71992487But the schizos said you have to watch every other girl and shit on gura to be a real fan
>>71992112It's law anon, even the simple stuff is unnecessarily (((convoluted))) by (((design)))But to get back on topic and answer your question, no idea - haven't heard of it until now and I don't seem to recall her mentioning it onstream, do we know if Cover has perms?
>>71992829They got weakgators too huh
>>71992708No she likes the fact that people are happy with fes.
>>71992829I actually hop around the other myth threads pretty often when this place is slow. I can't say I've seen any teamates arguing.
>>71992287You don't understand what idols are and you never fucking will.Go look at any of the other girls. They all enjoy talking to their fans and telling them about their time in Japan.Gura doesn't, at least not with us. The twitter space was wonderful, but she spent 14 minutes with us after yet another month of silence. A fucking month. And right after 5 months of pretending we don't exist.I'm not interested in being a Taylor Swift fan and watching from afar as she disappears and lives her life without us.You're standards are dogshit because you know nothing else. But I'm different. I remember a time when she wouldn't do this, and that upsets you because you weren't here and you don't understand why anyone would be upset with how things are, even after the best person in the world just abandons you with no explanation and doesn't seem to even care.
>>71992928fes makes it oretty easy to get happy tru
>>71992993 Nta but I like love live style idols
>>71992993>Sad Gura imageAt least it tells me right away that I don't have to bother reading any of this garbage.
>>71992882It’s a game with combat somewhere between DMC and Nier with a female mc that has a fat ass as well as skin tight outfits. There’s at least 10 members that will ask for permission.
>>71992823>I-I-I'm not triggered YOU'RE triggeredKeep it up buds, they know they have no ammunition and it makes them apoplectic
>>71992989you're not paying attention, then, because I lurk in /awat/ as wellthere's an argument like that every couple of weeks, with a slight exception for the past couple months because she's been on sorta kinda break, but it flared up a bit again in february when she said she'd be free to stream and then didn't stream or give any updates on that until like an hour before an entire week where she was supposed to stream was over
>>71992993you're just a fuckhead bro. and i know my idol culture, so kiss my fuckin ass. you talk shit on gura and are therefor fucking scum in my eyes, just kill yourself.
>>71993121>every couple of weeksI don't read every single thread, it's not wonder I missed it if it's that infrequent.
Is it true Gura doesn’t use deodorant because she “likes her smells”?
>>71993207she's a clean girl that doesn't need it and smells nice naturally
>>71993207Sharks don't need deodorant, silly.
>>71993190no wonder* I'm not ESL I swear, just a typo.
>>71993207I wonder what a stinky female smells like. Most girls I meet seem to smell of some kind of shampoo
>>71993207yes.... .... guess it's fap time now. lol.
>>71992382What was I wrong about, you air-gulping, knuckle-dragging, cum-gargling ignoramus shit-headed fuck?She hasn't said anything for 3 days. The fact that's okay to you shows just how trained you've become to her taking breaks.Again, you subhuman chimp anti bastard, tell me when she's coming back or when the next stream is. You fucking can't because she's doing it again.
>>71993190again, it's quieter and less frequent because there are less of them by virtue of not being a mountain of shrimps, but it does still happenit happens everywhere for everyone who doesn't stream, whether they just go silent or come up with new reasons not to, it's not odd
>>71993277girls here in the summer have exposed underarms, you can just walk by them and catch a sneaky little sniff. I love girls. Gura must smell amazing though.
>>71993082>fat assSounds kino and like good fodder for loli-shark-slobbering-over-girlcrush fanserviceAs for odds, I reckon PleaseGodAndYagoo/10
>>71993379Except /uuu/. Somehow they manage to not make a thread when fauna doesnt stream. Shit is amazing
>>71993377pwease be nice chumbie. I don’t line when we get this feisty
>>71993538/ggg/ should really do that
>>71993538Their schizo is too lazy to make threads, unlike "ours".
>>71993538even puddle mode Fauna wasn't THAT bad, though, even if that wasn't great, so I kinda get how they make it work>>71993579last time someone tried that a doxx/namefag put a thread up and it lived until archival
>>71993538That’s because they all come either here or /#/ to shitpost. I’m tired of saplings getting the free pass. They are the biggest thread shitters on this entire board.
>>71993683Its weird that they all flocked to /#/. /vt/ is just fucked all around
Gura has streamed 15 times in the last 217 days.
>>71993579No /ggg/ should not do that. Where else will I post about my shark wife or see lewd Guras or see WIFE WIFE WIFE posts if there's no /ggg/?
>>71993999Kek. Same amount of times I’ve taken a shower.
>>71993579Unlike the others who talk to their fans, this thread is the only place that you can reliably learn information about her upcoming appearances and projects.
My chameleon is sleeping in a new spot.
>>71993999But I'm sure she loves us, right? Even though she spends virtually no time with her fans, I'm sure she doesn't have someone else, right?
>>71994178I love that gura is the only true shy girl in EN. Thats why shes the top
>>71994268Does he have a lamp on 24/7 to keep him warm, or do you turn it off at night times?
>>71993377>durrrrr what was I wrong about>>71990980>>71991060Telling us she was in Taiwan is communication, you sniveling, ass-hair munching, God-forsaken, amoeboid, has-more-chromosomes-than-IQ-points mongoloidic failed fucking abortion. You were wrong. PERIODYou also can't help but have a melty over chumbuds being "okay" with her taking breaks, despite the fact that nobody said this or gave any indication of this being the case, because it isn't fucking REAL except for in your deluded, low-resolution, low-IQ hallucinations. Once again, you were wrong - PERIODAnd fuck off with this ravenous mouth-breathing stupidity with an idiotic and irrelevant question that presumes that people can look into the future. I'm not playing this stupid fucking game with you, because the only place you should be playing is in traffic>>71993563Aww, I can't say no to that faceOkay, I've gotten it out of my system anyway, no more feistiness from me tonight - for you anon <3
>>71994356apathy isn't shyness
>He's getting upset and going full cuckpost.Kek.
>>71994383I have a timer set for 12 hours. Its good for chameleons to have a temperature drop and to sleep in darkness.
>>71994478Par for the course over the last few weeks, sadly
>>71994472You must think all quiet people are apathetic huh
>>71994472Please show your bushy pucci.
>>71994611I know I am.
>>71994418>>>71990980>>>71991060 (You)Chumbie... We were both making fun of him for contradicting himself, we were both pointing out that her saying she was busy in Taiwan was the communication he said she wasn't doing, I'm pretty sure we're on the same side here.
>>71994666I'm usually quiet because I'm not sure what to say.
>>71994525I assume you’ve seen this, but just in case you haven’t
>>71994743same actually, today on my way home someone said hello to me, and I just awkwardly nodded
>>71994743I have no idea how to start a conversation with someone, if I want to bring something up to someone I'll get anxious and rehearse it 50 times in my head before eventually pussying out and not approaching them at all. But for some reason I can hold a conversation okay if someone else approaches me.
>>71994723Yes I know, I was just (You)ing those two posts, including yours, specifically to highlight that other anons had already pointed out that he fucked up and we were making fun of him for it, hence him replying to ass-cover in the first placeDon't worry chumbie, we cool
>>71993999Be sure to tell Gura this. Make it clear to her how little she has streamed.
>>71994819This was the video that inspired me to get one last year. My chameleon will do this when he wants to get some sun outside.
Gura might be sick because of Kiara.
>>71994981Okay! I guess I saw the bunch of angry words after a (You) and got nervous. :3
>>71995075Are (you) a fembud, you sound cute and sensitiveIf so, get on my shrimp NOW
>>71994932>>71994892Yesterday I tried to greet someone but I guess I mumbled too quietly and they didn't say anything.
>>71994418>Telling us she was in Taiwan is communicationIf she hadn't appeared at all in the last 6 months, subhuman detritus like yourself would still be claiming that she's communicating because she talked to us 8 months ago. I wasn't wrong about anything. She hasn't talked to us in over 3 days and before the twitter space, it was a fucking month. You're pretending that she's been around the whole time and communicating when it hasn't been this bad since her 5 months break. She's pretty much been completely silent while in Japan. You think I moved your imaginary goal posts when in reality, you thought I was some Mr. Krabs motherfucker instead of talking about the general situation we have once again found ourselves in. It's not my fault you have the mental faculties of a paste-eating kindergartner with downs syndrome.Kill yourself, you mentally-stunted, eternally unloved, melanin-enriched, pig-fucking, vacuous shit-for brained fat slant fuck.
>>71995174Nyo fembud, sorry, if I was cuter I might have tried to become a femboibud though.
>>71994990Cyuuuutee!! That’s cool he’s gotten so comfy to you!
>>71995191Pain. Very relatable though.
>>71994478>>71994562>cuckposters are anyone I disagree with or call me out for being a ghetto ape tier retard.
>>71995420The little guy hated my guts when I first got him. He tolerates me a lot more for sure
>>71995390There should be way more Futa Lovander art and its a travasty that there isnt. Gura optional but reccomended
Kiara pinged everyone for the easter collab, but not many people responded, so Gura might not be participating.
He's with her. He only stops when she travels.
>>71995625>easter collabAre they going to church or something? Easter egg hunting?
>>71995009was that the full Gura mention at the time, was it 'Gura is definitely' sick or 'Gura might be sick because I seem to have passed along some sick to people'I tried asking in global but they're being unusually reticent
>>71995390Drat, guess I'll just have to keep grooming Discord kittens thenYou have serious femLARPing talent though, you should consider a career where you could put it to good use professional cyb0rseggz perhaps, or maybe catfishing ojisans
And it's been 3 days. The same time when she went to Taiwan.
>The cuckposter is sad he isn't getting (You)srumao
>>71995766she said if someone got sick from her it would most likely be Gura, since she spent the most time with her.
>>71995747sorry I don't actually remember what the collab will be about, it might be an easter egg hunt in vrchat (which would probably mean no Gura) but I vaguely remember something about painted eggs, I could be wrong though.
Lot of blog posting I see.
>>71995271>seething this much about being called out for being objectively wrongyawwwn
>>71995850Don't worry, I'm sure it's just (another) coincidence.
Realistically, when do you plan the next stream is? I’m guessing 4/6. Screen cap this.
>>71996222>not being able to back up anything you're saying with actual events or streamsyawwwn
>>71996279even before taiwan I wasn't expecting anything this week, next week minimum, rn I guess I'll just keep checking for more news
>>71996279She'll probably be gone for at least another month. She has no reason to come back and stream like Valentine's day.
>>71996279By monday at the latest. Promise
>>71996279into the big book of grudges you go!
>>71995747I wonder how well an Gura holy bible audiobook would sellAnd how many would it convert to Christ
>>71996464I would start going to church again. Gura could get me to do anything honestly
>>71996464I would convert if it was a requirement to marry Gura, but you can't actually make me believe.
Did any chumbies have any songs from fes they liked that surprised them? I liked that song Moona sang.
>>71995271Holy fuck that's some prime shiting your pants right there. Antis are that desperate to cause shit uh?
>>71996553If she told you she thinks gay sex is hot and likes to watch, would you do it for her?
>>71996593weak, you'll never get her like that
>>71996430>twitter space 5 days ago>3 days MIA>hasn't streamed in a month>streamed 15 times out of the last 217 daysbut yeah, that 14 minute impromptu twitter space means she's giving us daily reports and thinking about us all the time, right you braindead faggot?How stupid are you?
>>71996608Besides Gura, I really liked i liked the kanata and marine bit where they switched songs back and forth.
Gura wants her chumbuds to get with fembuds and build families together.
>>71996771Is this a dance or Pottara fusion?
>>71996464sounds like a retarded waste of time that would prevent her from streaming.
>>71996719>d-doesn't count>again, this time for sure look man I told you before try it after the fes high has mellowed more, you're just embarrassing yourself
>>71996464She isn't religious and her family is jewish.
>Evidence next thread!>Two more weeks chumbud!>T-this time for sure!Just give it up already, cuckposter. The cold hard fact of the matter is, there is no "someone else", there never *was* a "someone else", and there never *will* be a someone else for as long as Gura's in Hololive. Saying otherwise is the rampantly speculative wishful thinking of a desperate fetishist, and nothing moreIt's also not "another coincidence", because suggesting that a coincidence is even logically possible in this situation is a category error. "Coincidence" implies that there are two "incident"s that independently "coincide" - so, where are they, hmm? Oh, what's that? You can't say, because there is only ONE "incident" being discussed here, with no second simultaneous event or occurrence to even ATTEMPT to correlate or draw relation to? Yeah, that's what I thought
>>71996845pottara, dance always has that weirdo puffy jacket
>>71996689>calling me weak while needing someone else to tell him what to doironic
I propose not giving the eternally seething faggot more (you)'s or indirect responses. Aye?
>>71996925>her family is jewishstrong doubt, she ate a lot of pork dishes while in japan.
>>71996985I've got one in me that might slip out, but only to make fun of himso I apologize but otherwise aye
>>71996856honestly anon, are you ok? did something happened to you today or something?
>>71996925>>71997059not even getting or knowing about shit like that her reaction at that adam sandler movie to jewish customs and names tells me she really isn't
>>71996464Oh, I'd pay good money for that>>71996553>>71996593>>71996925Come to the earthly house of God, buds - if your faith is true, then in the life to come you shall surely be blessed with seventy-two Guras to call your own, in paradise
>>71997091NTA, but my day sucked, got some boo boos working. Hit my shin pretty hard and it hurt real bad.
>>71993683>>71993766That’s only half true. It started as a joke when mumei started being inconsistent and fauna was the only member left ignoring the homos as well as being the best performing en member. Then as with all things schizos coopted it and made everyone hate saplings. Don’t get me wrong they are annoying but there’s no real ones in numbers.
>>71996885look retard, explain to me how someone spending half a doctor visit's worth of time means that they're communicating and that they care about you.You really must be autistic and have been alone your entire worthless life if you think her spending 14 minutes out of the 48,960 minutes she's been gone since February 17 means we mean jack shit to her or that that's acceptable communication.
>>71994178>Gura doesn’t talk to her fans>Get reliable information from people hereSchizos aren’t even trying anymore
What are these?
>>71997251Go somewhere else, retard. No one gives a shit about your sand faggot fairytales.
>>71996629if gura wanted to watch then yeah
>>71997059What part of non-practicing do you not understand? I grew up with a bunch of reformed jews and they all ate pepperoni pizza and bacon and shit.
>>71997430Huh, I also see Watson and Bubba.
>>71997430 collabing.
>>71997132Dang I was looking for this thing for like a year now so long I stopped looking and kind of forgot about it. Thank you
>>71997251I will never believe in a god, even if I wanted to. Besides, I only want one Gura, the real one.
>>71997430I guess I'll have to get one of these too
>>71997286get that checked, it might be damaged
>>71997927I'll try the Gura method first and just ignore it and hope it gets better for like a week. (I don't think it's bad, just hurt a lot in the moment.)
>>71997167She knew hava nagila and planned the fart tuba for it.She's probably the one who suggested holocast as a joke.The only people that like jew jokes more than nazis are jews themselves.
>>71997786taiwan offcollab for sure for real
>>71998035Ame did call into Gura's birthday from what sounded like a hotel bathroom.
PapaShark is white and owns guns. 100% chance papashark called joe biden a pedo in front of Gura
>>71998023>She knew hava nagiladood, who doesn't, I swear it was even on cartoons when I was a kid>holo cast jokenow you're reaching
>>71998091>into Gura's birthdayInto Fauna's birthday* sorry, my brain is off tonight.
>>71998094based if true
>>71997607Fuck off (((Satan))), the thread has consistently shown itself to be either pro-Christian or, in one agnosticbud's case, at least welcoming of Christian Gura-posting due to liking the trad farmgirl rratsWanna cry about it? Go to Reddit
>>71998094>call joe biden a pedo in front of your daughter>said daughter is a lolicon Oh the irony
>>71998091>Gura's birthday anyway, Ame is traveling. Every day that neither of them are back home just makes it more likely that they are currently together
>>71998094Based MAGAlodon, I would kneel
>>71997405Is this a joke?Do you have any idea how often she just shows up somewhere and doesn't bother announcing it on twitter ahead of time? Are you really trying to pretend that she gives us warning herself when she's going to be part of a collab? Who the fuck are you trying to fool, you shit-eating asshat? /ggg/ is the ONLY place that reliably talks about when she's going to be in something. Not even the hololive main account mentions everything.Get the fuck out of here.
>>71998305>MAGAlodon KEK, nice one
Anyone here got her 1/7 scale? Thinking of picking it up while there's some stock left.
>>71998239where is ame traveling anyway?
>>71996464It would sell as well as everything she else she’s marketed. Conversion would be harder
>>71998516Yeah, me.
>>71998516no, and I don't regret cancelling my figure.
>>71997709I’ll be honest. The optics on this aren’t great.
>>71998583She didn't say. In the absence of any other info, Taipei with Gura is actually the most likely answer.
>>71998168Do you know what birthright is?
>>71997902I can’t believe someone saved this. I’m honored chumbie
>>71998516is it still in stock? might go for it
>>71998516Mine is in shipping.
>>71998190nta. I don't believe myself, but I'd much prefer it if more people became christians instead of following pisslam or the cult of the woke.
>>71998756a really shitty fire emblem
>>71998799yes, there really were cancellations during the, you knowas a result there are some currently up for grabs, as in buy it and have it shipped right now because they're made and ready, check amiami
>>71998168The funniest part about the holocast joke was that two (possibly even three) of the four of them are jewish.
MY wife
>>71998721hope so then, gura needs good friends like ammmmmmmmmmmmmme
reaching really hard now
>>71998799Amiami is still selling it
>>71998487Why thank you, I'm rather proud of it myself lol
>>71998516yeah, its alright
>>71998949>>71999242thanks, but seesh that's too much for a single figurine for me, specially with shipping, eh cheaper merch is releasing everyday I'll leave another anon to take it
If Gura is jewish, why are the shark family into baseball? Jews like basketball, not baseball.>papashark is into nascar and baseball>stopped watching basedball over the blm shitno way is papashark a jew
It’s been a few days, and schizos still try to force the thread about Gura into a thread about anybody else.
>>71998893Such sentiments are growing increasingly common in the West from what I can see, which I take as a good signJust know that the door of the church is always open, chumbie - I shall be praying tonight for the Lord to make His face to smile upon you, and on Gura
>>71999976... why?
>>71999649>Jews claiming all the cool gentiles for themselves>While siccing the ADL on anyone naming the cryptojews running globohomoClassic Jew op, sasuga
>>71999654There was a botted stream tonight and some schizo tried to make like Gura had personally lost something cause of it. It's the weirdest shit. They try to start drama with the other EN groups too. Been like this since the Niji stuff cooled down.
>>71999908>>71998893Don’t wanna turn this into /pol/ but it seems like the rampant “progressivism” is somewhat back firing which makes me feel kinda relievedGenuinely still worry that gen z and onward are to be screwed though
>>72000485>Genuinely still worry that gen z onward are to be screwed thoughAt the very least Gura clearly isn't infected, let that give you a bit of solace
>>72000319Yeah, I saw that on my YouTube page. Kinda weird seeing an EN that averages 8-12k suddenly have 43k watching a getting over it 2.0.
A lot of people are in for a rude awakening this year lol
not readingI LOVE GURA!!
not guraI LOVE READING!!
>>72001585i'd hope she has a fuzzy pair of socks like this
>>71998190Japanese are not christian. You don't have to be christian to be trad or not give a shit about woke trannies.Your god shit is annoying. You're like that one spic that spams streams with jesus shit on all the holo girls' channels. Kill yourself. I bet you aren't even white. You're probably some latrino retard who dropped out of school and clings to religion because you have nothing else in your pathetic retarded life.
>>71998516I canceled my order months ago after she pretended we no longer existed during her 5 months break.
am I seeing things or did our cuckposter get baited into some /r/atheism debatethat's kinda funny
while antis raged and seethed, i goomed. though i nearly took too long and started going soft so i imagined gura standing over me fapping herself until she squirted, and just decided to piss all over my face while giggling to herself. shot ropes, and a bit of jelly too. faptime 1:43:22.
>>72001807now type that without crying all over your keyboard, anti. S to Spit.
>>71999649Jews aren't a monolith. You think Tomar from oneyplays gives a shit about BLM?
Nerissa talks about meeting Gura.
>>72001689I'd be surprised if she didn't. We know she has cute frilly socks at least.
>>72001689Yeah the yellow socks, remember?
>>71999649Do your reps>>71998756
TLDR did i miss anything?
>>72001980what a fucking lie.
>>72002242not much some mentions here and there
>>72002242Nothing worth reading. Except this, maybe.>>72002017
>>72002017My cute short sharkwife...
>>72002329nothing important then>>72002338thanks, gonna watch it now
>>72002118Oh yeah, of course.
I want to sexually bully and ryona this masturbation meat T u T
>>72002242gurame youtooz
>>72002396she got them when she got the peach i think? peach sniffa sniffa. it's fun to imagine her doing skids on wooden floors with her floofy socks.
Will any members of Advent be good frens with Gra-chan?
>>72002118I have a pair of those too, cause I wanted the peachNo I don't wear them
>>72002509Yes, it came as part of a kit of Animal Crossing merch. I bought one myself. Sadly the scent has faded from my peach. I was surprised because it was so strong when I first got it.
>>72001807Your ass couldn't afford the 1/7 figure anyways.
>>72002509sniffa indeed, i could imagine how cute looks wearing them
>>72002666Hes the anon with 300 billion in his bank account
>>72002581The ones I got I just held and felt them and imagined they were Gura's... Couldn't wear them even if I wanted to, I have huge feet
>>72002619i regret not buying it. those socks would be standing by themselves by now. her sniffing the peach gave me quite the boner.
can't have all these mentions without the soundpost
>>71998516no but i might grab it when i am no longer a poorfag
>>72002666I spent the same amount of money on fes tickets. Keep being mad though, I guess.
>>72002779thank you, i need to hear that. The tone of her voice on that last "It smells so good" activates my almonds. she's so cute.
>>72002728I wonder if she ever used the blanket too
>>72002779you can hear her nostrils touching the peach, as the air rushes into them. It's almost as if her nose is actually touching you. Imagine her hungrily sniffing you like this and giggling... she'd probably be surprised at how stinky pp's are...
I was busy, did anything happen? Seems like a lot of posts for a pretty short amount of time.
>>72003051That's exactly what I imagined right after this moment
>>72002017I'm surprised this wasn't talked about. I checked last thread and this thread before posting it.
>>72003148some anti got mad and cried because he had nothing to anti about, i goomed, and now we talking about her socks and smelly peach.
>>72003279gura made the news
>>72003258>last threadThat clip is from 5 mintutes ago from a stream that started 2 hours ago and just ended.
>>72003258beautiful eyes, and smiling all the time, super shy but happy and friendly. the could not be a more perfect being in this universe. liking gura has just been 3 years of constant confirmation bias being triggered, like yes, i did choose the right oshi.
>>72002455this is like funko thingy right?
>>72003300Fun. Thanks for the qrd.So anyway, I LOVE GURA!
>>72003432And yet those smiles are always for someone else.
>>72003385Usually if someone mentions Gura on stream it's posted here within 5 or 10 minutes. If they're not watching it, they get it from global. Calm down fag
>>72003858>>OPVerification not required.
Cuckposts imply IRL relationships and are therefor bannable.
>>72003917Are you saying you're Nerissa, retard?Not sure what that has to do with rule 1.
>>72004137>go on illegal site>cuckposts and beggers are all brown>they get mad at you for saying posts smell like curry
Hey Chumbuds, do any of you have that clip of Gura snapping at chat for being called drunk?
>>72004137How is saying that she smiles for people who aren't you cuckposting, cock obsessed faggot? Did you even watch the clip, you fucking nog?
>>72004159They're implying an IRL relationship which is clearly against the rules in >>OP. They're not implying Nerissa. Also girls can't cuck guys, because lesbian sex isn't real sex. I wouldn't mind Gura sucking the milk out of rissa's titties. But cuckposting is fucking cringe and bannable. If enough people report and hide, (and the jannies do their job) the problem goes away.
>>72004335They weren't talking about nerissa. They know exactly who they were talking about. vagueposting won't save them. It's time all cucks were thrown out of /vt/ altogether.
>>72003917>>72004137>>72004223>>72004406>>72004535NTA, but you're the only one bringing up cuck shit. The clip was Nerissa talking about her smiling and waving at her and Fuwamoco. You then cited >>OP because you're implying that he meant a boyfriend or something.All he said was she doesn't smile for you, which is true because she doesn't stream.
>>72004535>They know exactly who they were talking about.Lmao, now (You) really are the only cuckposter. It seems you even have someone in mind. Go ahead, share with the class. Who was>hetalking about, faggot?
>>72004607i know what you're doing. eat a bag of dicks cuck.
>>72004463That's a child wearing a costume.
>>72004748Meds, NOW.
>>72004748I'd like to rub this dino
>>72004535Lmao, imagine being this rent free. I was talking about how everyone says she smiles a bunch, but it's hardly ever for us. We only get her smiles second hand because she's never around.Kill yourself, cucknigger.
>>72004748dino gura is real
>>72004716talk about projection, sheesh.
This thread smells stinky
>>72004917But not the good kind like Gura
>>72004846There's a reason she doesn't smile for you, because you're a shit person that nobody likes. Even someone as beautiful and kind as Gura has no smile for you. None of her affection is for you, because you are an anti, and a miserable crying faggot. WAAAAAAH GURA DOESN'T SMILE FOR ME... WAAAAAH,. Grow some fucking balls you pussy.
>>72004901projection cope is a tactic trannies and progressive limpwristed faggot pussies use, and it won't work here. 41% yourself.
>>72005010I think it's time to take a break, anon. You seem really upset.You'll get to see Gura smile again when she streams again a month from now. But until then, you'll just have to make do hearing about her smiles from the people she actually cares about and smiles for.
>>72004846Gura so rent free in your head, that you hate her so much, that you hang out in this thread for fucking years, just to shit on her. This is beyond rent free, it's a fucking obsession and it's fucking cringe. Stop embarrassing yourself. Either love gura or fuck off.
Hurry up and kith already!
>>72005094Anon. I wasn't even the one who wrote that post saying she doesn't smile for you. And you still said that I was cuckposting. That's projection. There's no other word for it. Sorry, but you've become the tranny that you so fear.
>>72005182How can someone hate an innocent young girl this fucking much?? It's laughable. Don't you have your own oshi to go appreciate or something. Why not go horny post in her thread instead. Hornyposting and lustposting is much more fun than the shit you're trying to pull. You're just making yourself miserable. You only live once, and you spend your life doing this? the fuck?
Gura is a real shark.
>>72005346That's a penis
>>72005277Then butt out of shit that is none of your fucking business, you nosey faggot.
If I say "she's definitely smiling for HIM right now", will you get angry and give me (You)s too?Pwease?
I want a (You)
>>72005421Pls don't say that. She hates that stupid hat because of it.
i'll give you (you)'s if you help me report cuckfaggots that are doxxing and breaking the rules. I'll also give you a (you) if you make me another coffee. White and one.
>>72005541Here (You) go
>>72005331You don't even know who you're angry at anymore. I'm not the person you were calling the cuckposter.I love Gura more than anything, but I've accepted she just doesn't give a shit about us. But that doesn't mean I have to enjoy that she cares so little that she can't even stream more than 15 times in the last 217 days.She isn't going to stream again soon. It's obvious. She has no reason to. You're a braindead retard celebrating her smiling for others though, especially when we don't ever get to see her. That much I agree with him on.
If I built a star trek style teleporter, and teleported Gura into my bedroom and sniffed her bum, would I really be sniffing her bum, or would I be sniffing her clone's bum?
>>72005684You've still yet to explain how me saying she smiles for anyone but you is cuckposting and breaking the rules.You're just abusing the report function because I hurt your little faggy feelings.
>>72005925her clone's and you would kill the real Gura, you monster!
>>72005842I'm happy when she smiles for other girls, and she also smiled during the twitter space, you could hear it in her voice, hear her talking through her nervous shy smile. I just don't get why you hate her so much. She could not stream for a million years and i'd still white knight her till my dying breathe. You just need to admit that you hate her and either just fuck off forever, or change your attitude and give her the love she deserves. But if you gonna disrespect her, then i'd deck you on the spot.
>>72005925According to Riker, it would be her clone with all her memories, but she herself would be dead.
>>72006006you use vagueposting as a crutch to say "Nuh-uh i didn't cuckpost, you did." Typical underhanded subversive bullshit. You know what you did. I know what you did. You just hate her, admit it. Admit that you've spent years in this thread, hating on an innocent girl. For what? What's that get you? Doesn't it make you miserable?
>>72006154I too am really happy when she spends all her time with other people and not us, fellow chumbud.Just imagining it is giving me tingles... down under, right aussie bud?If only there was a word for someone like us who like seeing those we love always have more fun with and get closer to people other than ourselves...
Gura spends every night in bed with me. Sorry you guys had to learn like this.
>>72006653you can't be cucked by girls. why do you feel like this, when you haven't actually been cucked?
You know, I really don’t think Gura gives 1 millionth as much of a fuck about casual frequent streaming content as many of you people do, and at some point you just need to come to terms with that. It isn’t going to change just because you’re mad she doesn’t really care about the same things you do. That’s basically the root of every single seethepost and it’s pretty retarded.
Like the sands in an hour glass,So too are the days of our lives.
I want to teach her how to squirt.
>>72006727>gura doesn't give a fuck about wanting to see you or spend time with youWow. gee, thanks, anon. Is this your attempt to make everyone feel better about that?
>>72007033Y-you can teach someone that??
I'm drinking choccy milk right now
>>72007033What's the difference between squirting and urinating?
More merch and money for Gura while she pretends we don't exist.Yippie!
>>72007098yes. to squirt while they cum, a girl has to kinda let it happen. everyone different though. my experience only limited to a couple girls though.
>>72007189One is pee that comes from the bladder and the other is pee that comes from the bladder that people don't want to call pee.
>>72007146I drank the rest of my chocy milk last night. Feelsbadman. This one time I had this chocolate milk that had a mint flavor to it and I used my moms nice wine glass to drink it because it was so freakin good
>>72007224Based. How do I order to the US
>>72007189Squirting is piss ejected during involuntary convulsions during orgasm, Pissing is... pissing. Yes squirt is piss, and Gura's would be fucking delicious.
>>72007224Fuck I really want one...
>>72007260lmao, you sound like a virgin. you've never had sex and you've certainly never made a girl cum.
>>72007224It's not fair the Taiwanese gets all the good stuff
>>72007224i DO love shark.
>>72007224Can I get this in US?
>>72007374You don’t know that. be nice.
>>72007071Not even a little bit, it’s my attempt to make you realize you’re treating it like a problem where you have to panic and do something, but actually, it’s more like being sad you’re going to die one day. Yeah sure, it makes perfect sense to be sad about that. But it’s kinda fucking stupid to waste a bunch of time crying about it because it’s not going to change and doing literally anything else would make you happier in the end, before you die, which again, will happen no matter what.
>>72007374You sound like a man that has a LOT of sex. Like a LOT. Fatties, girl's with tattoos, you're down for anything. You never spend a night alone, always sleeping in someone's arms.
>>72007374unvirgins aren't welcome here
>>72007421me on her hip
>>72007224Im tired of missing out on food stuff...
>>72007502Wrong. The only ones not accepted here are bloopniggers. This is a bloop-free zone. Bloopniggers keep walking.
>>72007224>more shark juicehow is she not being dry out already?
>>72007589It's all those meetings with Taiwanese business men.
>>72007642All me.
>>72007502If it's been over ten years, can i join the virgin club again? The body recycles all it's cells every 7 years, so not even a single cell in my body has touched a girl. GIVE ME MY V-CARD BACK. i want to feel like i belong.
>>72007502You hear that Gura? We don't want you here.
>>72007642but she's making SO MUCH MONEY! she can literally fill a swimming pool with the amount she's getting!
>>72007716vtubers should be forced to publicly post a picture of their hymen. would certainly solve a lot of vtuber drama. it would mean the whores can go be whores over there, and the idols can be idols over here. photo has to be updated every 3 months.
I like that gura is the shiest girl in HoloEN
>>72007746Yeah! She won't ever need us again! I can't fucking wait for her to disappear and forget about us, bro!high-five!
>>72007224>Slop>Slop with anime girlsYeah, nah, it's still slop.
>>72007933>not buying anything with gura on ityou sure you are a chumbud?
>>72007642You gotta admit, this concept is kinda hot.
I like that Gura rubs her feet on her PC to tease us with sounds of her toes rubbing on the glass
>>72007983I didn't buy that boba figure. It was ugly, unlike Gura.
>>72008005she stopped doing that 3 years ago, coma bud...she even got rid of the glass so we couldn't ask for it anymore...
>>72007983I do not consume, I create content.
Is going out for boba a feminine thing to do? Like if I take Gura on a date, and we go out for boba, would that make me gay?
>>72004227Please, archive diving is giving me no results.
>>72008080but why tho
>>72008114Nyo. Asians do it all the time in america
>>72008109what content?
>>72008080She sold the glass to me. I lick it every day.
>>72007332>>72007362>>72007400>>72007421>>72007426>>72007555She doesn't care about you stop give her money like a incel you worthless piece of shit.
>>72008183Make me
>>72008128Ask again in new threads. Eventually someone will know and link it chumbie.
>>72008114Going out for boba you're in the clearGoing out WITH boba, ur gay, no matter how cool you think he is
>>72008183Sister hands typed this post
>>72008128 this one?
>>72008183Why do I get the weird feeling that you're actually the menhera aussie bud secretly false flagging in an effort to make people here defend her...
>>72008183>please... please... please just hate herI don't think I will
>>72008244or this
>>72008183Begone tranny
I love Gura
>>72008244 or this?
>>72008183>>72007224Yes I will find a way to buy it, seethe harder
I want Gura to call me a retard.
>>72008183seethe sister seethe.
>>72008244If this is the clip that the chumbie was looking for then that’s a really good pull you just did. Less than 100 views? Holy smokes chumbie. Expert sleuthing
>>72008249nah i don't pull subversive shit like that. with me you see what you get, no beating around the bush. and i don't need any defence, i just call out dumb fucks.
>>72008244Wait.Besides her being tipsy, what was this noise at the end? that a vape?
>>72007224>>72008183 It's always fun to see /#/ sister melting over Gura's merch.
>>72007475giving up on her like that means one less thing keeping me alive, so I'll just keep on mopingnot healthy, I know, is what it is
>>72007502I've been on this site for years and not a virgin. Didn't know that was a rule.
>>72008431It was robots joints grindingThis is because gabagool is a robot. Don't fucking tell anyone
>>72008498Yes, anon. Gura is a known avid vaper. Retard
>>72008560You must've been using the normalfag friendly boards.
>>72008498No, unless she fucks with those bigger mods and opened the air intake really far. I have no clue about that sound though. Kinda sounds like an inhaler, but the draw on it wasn’t very long. Maybe our audiobuds can help us out
>>72008425that's really good
>>72008671There’s been 2 links in here, were they not either of them?
yeeah booii we blowin sick clouds up in here
>>72008635Are you talking about the two pushes of air at the end? It definitely sounded like a vape.She slams on the desk twice, says "fwoosh fwoosh", and then it sounds like two quick presses of an air canister or something.
Idk if you're shitposting or just retarded, but the things she blew in were party horns and my dick
>>72008851I sit like this and hold my monster like this
I'd like to push Gura's stool in.
>>72008664Thanks fren.>>>/ic/7104626
>>72008425T u T