Was this all a front for her laundering money for gunrun? No way in hell this garbage cost 100k
It all went into putting chrome plates and golden details all over her iron lung, please understand, she is three milliseconds away from death
You're late, holochad. We're now seething because she's headlining the Immune Deficiency Foundation event in June, even though we've proven with rrat after rrat that she's faking it.
>>OPnever underestimate a woman's ability to overspend, anon
>>OP>No way in hell this garbage cost 100kIt didn't. She said it didn't on the same day. She just wanted to see reactions to that clickbait of a title and you deepthroated it anon.
>>OPThey could've hired a third world brown human artist for $100 instead of paying $10k on a third world brown human that migrated to USThis isn't her fault, I blame the greedy cunts of America
>>71284342So what you are saying is that the title is misleading, aka she violated guidelines?
>>71284342>lying>clickbaitand you expect us to believe her illness rumao
>>OP>host shitty concert>it lost money because it cost 100K>tax write offits that simple
I don't watch Vshojo and so don't really know anything about Ironmouse other than most of this board seems to hate her, yet I never see any specific reasons. Are there actually any valid criticisms of her?
>>71284719Only that much of her content is low-effort, really. She is indeed very ill, and a great person.
>>71284719She is your most basic streamer woman in the world, but everyone acts like she is a human deity just because she allegedly is a terminally ill cripple
>>71284690>tax write offhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAjxn2US7J8
>>71284085Say what you want ironlung, but she truly is dedicated to her kayfabe.
Is this thread the result of ironmouse mogging 90% of holoEN again?Seriously why do /#/cucks hate her so much?
>>71284442Woah careful guys we have a reddit mod here
>>71284719She streams with males which is just as bad as 10 holocausts
>>71285133I just want to know what to report her shit video for
>>71284085>we've proven>with rrat after rrat kek, good one
>>71284849She is not terminally ill you idiot and she's never claimed to have a terminal illness, she has a chronic illness... there is a massive fucking difference.
>>71285205Ironmouse falls asleep to fauna streams KEK
>>71285365that's a real zinger bro
>>71285245I don't think YouTube's TOS cover your claim for extreme anal bleeding.
>>71284719personally i just hate her fake "wholesome unity jesus" LARP image she created for herself when in reality she is one of the most shameless and coldly-calculating cloutleeches and numberwhores out there. can't speak for others, i rarely visit these threads. i don't care about the illness shit
>>71284719She got popular enough to rival the Blue Dorito, so the retards here had to create reasons why she's actually the worst person on Earth
>>71284719She has a large following that people /here/ don’t think she deserves. That’s it.
>>71284719Funnily at first she was deemed the only salvageable from vshojo, but once they kicked out the worse ones (froot terminatoon when) and she somewhat took the role of the face of both vshojo and EN vtubing for some reason opinion on her started going sour.Doesn't help that her content devolved to just watching tiktok compilations and watching Connor do actual streaming stuff, or even just leaving stream opening with nothing going on. She used to have a nice singing voice sadge.
>>71288973>face of EN vtubingjust because vshojo tards keep repeating this doesn't make it true, she's the face of twitch at best
>>71284719I think she backstabbed sivervale?
>>71289097Who is the face of EN vtubing then
>>71288973>her content devolved to just watching tiktok compilations and watching Connor do actual streaming stuffThis proves you have not actually watched her. sure she does some react but she regularly streams 10+ hours and most of that is not react.
>>71289097Oh no, I don't think it's true either, but she certainly seems to be the one always brought up by normies and non-vtuberwatchers, or infamously that fakeass vtubing awards
>>71289250yeah most of that is actually sleeping
>>712892505>>71289250 hours of sleeping on stream, 4 of brb and 1 of chatting.
>>71289302even when she streamed for 30 days non stop she only slept 4-5 hours a day
>>71284085wdym, she really does have AIDS.
>>712892505 hours of sleeping on stream, 4 of BRBs and 1 of chatting.
>>71284085Please support her by tweeting ironmouse supports the idf.
>>OPanon dont say that, shes very sick!!
>>71289302>>71289480feel free to link a recent sleep stream, by all means>>71289447cvid is an immunodeficiency not autoimmune disease
>>71284719Sleeping on stream made her win vtuber of the year
>>71289302Kek this
>>71289097She is literally the most recognized en vtuber in the west to normies especially after the game awards. Also was the most watched en vtuber and en female streamer last year by watch hours.
>>71284719She's done 2 subathons for 30 days each during which she spent every moment of her day on stream, including sleeping. Retards have since convinced themselves that she does this all the time.That's why the common response to the claim that it's all she does is to link a stream, because she hasn't done it since June of last year, and she didn't do it March of the year prior to that. Basically fans of certain vtubers have convinced themselves that streaming more than 2 hours a day is literally impossible so Mouse must be sleeping to regularly pull 10+ hours.
>>71288973>devolved to just watching tiktok compilationsI can count on one hand the amount of times she has reacted top tiktoks in the past 2 years. > She used to have a nice singing voice sadge.One of the best if not the best vtuber singer right now. >watching Connor do actual streaming stuffMakes up like 5% of her stream time if that
>>71290078>One of the best if not the best vtuber singer right now.thanks for the laugh
>>71290078>One of the best if not the best vtuber singer right nowI'm sure deaf people agree with you
>>71290168>>71290228Still waiting to hear a singer from hololive with even 20% of mouse's ability. Being a trained opera singer puts on you another level and your seethe doesn't change facts kek
>>OPverbalese 50k smut amv has a better song
>>71284719she's a woman
>>71288590Or, as you've demonstrated, they have to twist their minds into pretzels to downplay her success
>>71290550Didn't she completely stop singing because of her illnesses?
>>71284719Depends, her content was good pre-vshojo so people judge her harshly for phoning it in
>>71289302She hasn't slept on-stream since her last subathon which was, what, 9 months ago?The last few weeks she's been putting in 10+ hour streams like it's fucking nothing
>>71291089No? What the hell made you think that
>>71291133Not like she's got anything else to do to be fair.
>>71291301She could be spending time with her family instead of sucking off that leech (weird irony) every day of the year
>>71291089she got better, she's not dying anymore
>>71290550you're a comedian
>>71291635>spending time with her familyAnonymous, I...
>>71284719Because she's indoctrinated by the USA and won't support my loli addiction
>>71284849>everyone acts like she is a human deityWho's this "everyone" lol? Sometimes I wonder in what fantasy world some of you people live.
>>71285205>she sleeps during a 24/7 subathonYou caught her red-handed, good job man. Now the world will know the truth.
>>71284719She shovels out the same lazy react content that every other Twitch Vtuber regurgitates and most of her fame is attributed to her getting gifted thousands of subs whilst she sleeps and leaves on her boyfriends vods. I guess the silver lining is that 95% of those gifted subs never get renewed so she sinks right back to where she used to be the following month. This behaviour inspired other Twitch Vtubers to spend weeks of their streaming time sleeping, reacting and mass producing the same slop that she does.Her calling card though is how sick and frail she is despite being a Messiah of Unity that the unwashed masses claim her to be.This entails her doing one collab with as many 2-3 view indies as possible to build up this air of "Can do no wrong" when actuality it's just her collecting voices that she can use to cover her ass for whenever she will inevitably get into some controversial shit, which then all of their acolytes will vouch for her, wiping her clean of all guilt. This is only bolstered by her "illness" which prevents you from publicly calling her out on her manipulation tactics without being labelled an ableist or some inane shit. The only defense mechanism employed by her defenders is a series of flipflopping on whether or not shes too sick to interact with people or her not being that sick at all, it just depends on whatever helps them weasel their way out of any confrontation. Also ai generated images of apes with #'sShes an expert conman I'll give her that, she has her fans hook, line, and sinker
>>71290168That was a lot louder than I expected.
>>71289600>cvid is an immunodeficiency not autoimmune diseaseAIDS is also not an autoimmune disease.A in AIDS does not stand for Auto.
>>71284719shes a filthy drug addict
>>71290550You have exactly 0 knowledge of what opera is
>>71284719Her fans are abnoxious
>>71294281Where are her fans? All I ever see about her /here/ is seething and blatant falseflagging. Even /vsj/ looks like an anti thread on some days.
>30k went to Melody>28k went to a cocaine fund for Connor>8k spent on Ironlung's dancers>2k went to some poor schmuck in Thailand that had to make and rig every asset>$500 spent on steam giftcards for discord raids to shill the trash "concert">$50 spent on paying off jannies on /vt/>the rest of the money went missing because Vhoejo isn't really a company.100k can only go so far guys.
>>71284719Don't assume the "entire board" hates her just because of a few loud shitposters.Here's some info about her health, because you'll see those people schizoing about how she's faking it, either via their misunderstanding or misrepresentation of info given to them.
>>71289302Ok you faggot. I've gone back to her 2023 Subathon to calculate how much she slept.Methodology:>Her sleep times are in the Just Chatting category>To calculate this, I went back to each 48 hour stream to see when the viewers dropped as it indicates when she sleeps>Sometimes, there are times where I cannot exactly identify the time.>To make up for this, I added an hour to the calculated sleep time and round up.Results:>There were fourteen 48 hour streams and one 40 hour stream>In 712 total hour streams, she slept for 178 hours>In 29.6 days, she slept for an average of 6~ hours per day and streamed for 18~ hours.If you would like to fact check me, count it yourself:Set the dates to 1st June 2023 to 1st July 2023 and count it yourself.https://twitchtracker.com/ironmouse/streams
>>71289521old meme anon
>>71295403do you really believe anyone cares enough to read all that made up shit
>>71284719What are you talking about? She's got almost as dedicated a defense force as Kiara. You don't criticize Vtubing Jesus, even on /vt/ without a bunch of retards shrieking at you. If you want my actual criticism, I haven't liked her since the Nux situation where she joined the cancelling dogpile and would have succeeded were he not smart enough to save his receipts. And all in order to save face for the company over protecting indies. I genuinely watched quite a lot of Vshojo content before they had that little mask slip. Second is the cowardly way she ducked defending Silvervale when she was getting harassed to tears by the twitter troons over Wizard game. She gave a tepid response way later than what would have been useful that could have applied to both sides of the argument. There's a reason Silvervale didn't say very nice things about her on the way out of the company. And if she was willing to give such a weird response when asked about Vtubing Jesus, I could only imagine how bad it was behind the scenes. I've posted all this before, but I'll keep doing it so long as people still act like there's no "valid criticism."
>>71291741Comedy is hololive's attempt at singing kek
>>71285362We're all terminally ill, on a long enough time scale.
>>71298176>it took this long for someone to bring up legitimate, non made up criticisms
>>71298176>Nux>receiptsYou mean when he showed the DMs of VShojo's cybersecurity guy unambiguously telling him it was a bad idea to upload his video, only for Nux to go through with it anyway and impose an arbitrary time limit on them to review it before uploading?THOSE receipts?
>>71299045nah they're still made upnuxfags are somehow still mad when he was led on by the scammers, was told how he was being led on, claimed he'd got them arrested and then they publicly taunted him about itand mouse publicly stood up for silver, so i don't know why they fixate on that (i suspect we all know why)
>>71298176I still wanna know what fucking DIRT he had on all of them to make them all back down. Its unfucking heard of. The creepy voice weird male NEVER wins against a gang of women, each with their own dedicated army of whales and simps.I still don't know how he did it
>>71299892>The creepy voice weird male NEVER wins against a gang of womenlol, your weird ass half projection half power fantasy is pretty fucking funny.
>>OP100% this would been better if she literally didnt put a price tag on the stream title >$100 000 concert? would be a shame if doesnt go well does it?literally trolls or tourist would not watch this and boom here you are at 150k views now the question is was it worth it?
>>71284085that picture looks so stupid. does anyone outside the vtubing sphere take her seriously?
>>71294159>god I love drinking fucking plasma
>>71298121He was mentally ill enough to write it so probably.
>>71284719I personally don't have anything against her but every clip of hers that floats through my youtube recommends has her doing some sus shit with that faggot Connor so I just ignore her.
>>71299188>impose an arbitrary time limitso he's a niji lawyer?
>>71284719grifter whore and connor's puppet
Mouse live, come watch.https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
>>71307531>Just chatting.
>>71307653>A Difficult Game About Climbing
>>71284719Holobronies mad because she wins awards
Why do holofags hate ironmouse? Did she shit on hololive like nyanners? I remember she had some collabs with holo talents.
>>71312855they feel threatened
>>71312855Holofags hate anyone who isn’t hololive’s whore lol. These niggers can only watch someone who is trained and leashed to be a corpo whore. They always act like they love their oshi but believe me, these fuckers will throw away their oshi if the talent leaves the company, like a worthless whore. They don’t watch for the talents.
looks like the cripple defense force discord just got notified of this thread. lol
>>71293234My brother in christ you have to be 18 to post here
>>71312855because she sucks