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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.78 MB, 4096x3247, 1698074772332644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70479808 No.70479808 [Reply] [Original]

It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present and a waste to live in the future.

Previous Page: >>70467051

>> No.70479849
File: 203 KB, 2039x1447, 1684391652215110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70480375

Do your reps, report and ignore bait

Next Stream: TBD

Last Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ip9OHlWrr0 (Members Only)
Latest Short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmolPSH3X-s

Snowed In【Shiori Novella Visual Novel】: https://shiorinovella.itch.io/shiorivisualnovella
Whisper Whisper Whisper【Shiori Novella Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgCgHwIWgUU
MEGITSUNE【hololive English -Advent- Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OffTXFgbn7A

Deadbeats Deadbeats Whatcha Gonna Do【Shiori Novella Original】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK4KD1mBDBA&t=3548s
Halloween Night, Tonight!【hololive English -Advent- Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqXrBy_FIU0
Rebellion【hololive English -Advent- Debut Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYNYhSsR8EE

Schedule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkqwIcO3YN8
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ShioriNovella
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shiorinovella
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shiorinovella

Hololive English Valentine's Day 2024: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_valentine2024?variant=44476442116316
Hololive Valentine's Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_valentinevoice2024?variant=44401019879644
More Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_シオリ・ノヴェラ%22

Shiori Likes: https://rentry.org/8aukv
Shiori AI Covers: https://rentry.org/yoo4r
Shiori Guest Appearances: https://rentry.org/46zgf
Shiorium Archive: https://rentry.org/shiorium_archive
Shiori Improvisations: https://rentry.org/b72cv

>> No.70480030
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>> No.70480052
File: 259 KB, 1414x2000, 1697646460574057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife Shiorin~

>> No.70480061
Quoted by: >>70480243

anti thread

>> No.70480239
File: 805 KB, 2000x2000, 1694355751321026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70480243

no, just sister thread
you can be both a novelite and a sister

>> No.70480345
File: 182 KB, 1290x1212, 1682137305014355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidently baked too

>> No.70480375

>Shiorium Archive: https://rentry.org/shiorium_archive
Remove this next thread

>> No.70480442
Quoted by: >>70480722

not using that gross thread

>> No.70480492
File: 192 KB, 699x933, 1702197578671479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori deserves kissies on her forehead. Shiori deserves to be loved

>> No.70480543

She's irreplaceable. I just want to let her cry on my shoulder until she dries her tired little eyes to sleep.

>> No.70480652

I saw her asshole

>> No.70480681
File: 541 KB, 709x620, 1690199215987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Shiorin. I want to see her happy, and I will do what I can to protect her smile.

>> No.70480722
File: 369 KB, 1448x2048, 1687598128070860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70480882

this one was the first one so you really shouldn't.

>> No.70480882
Quoted by: >>70480994

>this one was the first one so you really shouldn't.
if you fall for that mindset then I could be the one baking and you'll be forced to use it
just saying

>> No.70480994

I don't care who bakes, if you get the format right, it's a new thread.

>> No.70480996
File: 162 KB, 1100x1100, 1708749655197214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only caught the latter half of her stream today, and only half-listening while doing my dailies. Did she say this stream was going to be unarchived? I've heard that some streamers get emotional during members, but this isn't really my cup of tea. Of course, I wish her all the best. Please get some help, get well soon, clean your fridge, do your steppies, take care.

>> No.70481020
File: 148 KB, 819x819, 163936946258384948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my cute imouto wife

>> No.70481078
File: 3.92 MB, 1280x720, 1689908625434987.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori goal #1

>> No.70481114

She never did say it was going to private it but waited a bit and ended up doing it.

>> No.70481129

No, she didn't say anything about it being nuked.

>> No.70481177
File: 3.91 MB, 1280x720, 1701987430599435.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori goal #2

>> No.70481217

She waited until I commented to private it. She loves me.

>> No.70481228
File: 258 KB, 748x1084, 1707802404738257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70481265
Quoted by: >>70481634

No, but she asked things to be kept within the stream before she ended.
Nice, but why is Biboo's model just Vergil but with the smol Biboo head?

>> No.70481287

Do we have a new soundposter?

>> No.70481318


>> No.70481333

Shiori still loves me

>> No.70481362

Lol when she shakes her ass at the end. Shit's funny

>> No.70481617
File: 223 KB, 1081x1080, 1703095133595974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this face so much

>> No.70481634
File: 200 KB, 1024x724, 1693031142269654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70481680

>why is Biboo's model just Vergil but with the smol Biboo head?
Inspired by all of the Vergil memes that Biboo got.

>> No.70481680

lol based. Thanks for the updates

>> No.70481701
Quoted by: >>70481927

Wait, our first match ever and we beat /pcg/ 3-1? The divegrass obsessed /pcg/ team? Bros, the trophy is already ours, completely oreover.

>> No.70481808

Let's just hold out until fes is over. I have a feeling shiori is in a bit of a rut right now but seeing her fellow members in fes will inspire her.

>> No.70481897


>> No.70481927
Quoted by: >>70483727

Yeah. Here's the VOD.

>> No.70481933
File: 33 KB, 514x540, 1680029656055484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70482205

wit wat!

>> No.70481951

and again...

>> No.70482077 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>70483574

Archive VOD

>> No.70482205
Quoted by: >>70482545

No witwat until after dinner

>> No.70482218
File: 382 KB, 1200x1600, 1682692873268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Shiorin

>> No.70482545
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 1690954463612701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the witwat IS her dinner!

>> No.70482670
File: 941 KB, 736x1181, Butts[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxw8k9m.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shiori, a loue ye!

>> No.70483287
File: 78 KB, 648x1024, 1705475743487155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori needs to get married already.

>> No.70483371

Anon, we already are.

>> No.70483463

She's trying!

>> No.70483479
File: 472 KB, 680x486, so_tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70483574

I didn't know we had over 300 novelites.

>> No.70483727

Nice, the song for the second goal was great.

>> No.70483823


>> No.70483858

I married her years ago

>> No.70484072
File: 469 KB, 800x800, 1694240327775809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit always happens at Shiggerville when I'm asleep.

>> No.70484166

We can't let the sisters win

>> No.70484200

They already have.

>> No.70484295


>> No.70484323
File: 2.39 MB, 1920x2200, 1682891710499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. Stand strong, Shigger

>> No.70484559

they win every time we try to "own them" by giving them a thread to shit on us, shigger...

>> No.70484634
File: 1.22 MB, 2137x1199, 1679579362077418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon is really trying this

>> No.70484770


>> No.70484830
File: 155 KB, 1152x1536, 1683093159589484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking a lot lately...

>> No.70484922

I've been having these weirds thoughts lately...

>> No.70484938


>> No.70484970

All I think about is how much I hate myself

>> No.70485116

Hey, novelknight here. I unfortunately missed the stream and see it got privated/deleted now?
Did something really bad happen?
Why did she made it disappear even if it was member content?
I don't want her to feel bad...

>> No.70485184
File: 462 KB, 2480x3508, 1705360125272482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't actually have sex with a sperg, right shiggers?

>> No.70485254

I'd give up literally everything to get a kiss on the cheek from her.

>> No.70485266

she accidently fingered herself and had to delete the vod...

>> No.70485284
File: 762 KB, 2564x3951, 1684575866162096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are having autistic children together

>> No.70485323

She traumadumped about her parents and it got a little too real-shi. You can find a vod in the previous thread.

>> No.70485424
Quoted by: >>70485508

it wasn't only about her parents...

>> No.70485480
File: 1.66 MB, 2600x2160, 1692515966448202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd breed this dork so we can create an ultra autistic child

>> No.70485508

Her parents, her friends, the girls at Hololive.

>> No.70485548

>jailbirds? More like concentrationcampbirds
She proceeded to laugh for like 30 minutes. Really autistic, I didn't understand the joke at all.

>> No.70485654
Quoted by: >>70485704

Is shiori going to call into nerissa's stream too?

>> No.70485659

Can you go a little more in-depth about what was said, or alternatively point out in the VOD when she talks about it?

>> No.70485704

No, she has too much parental PTSD to be near someone's mom.

>> No.70485708
Quoted by: >>70485794

Can you fuck off, page skipper?

>> No.70485794
Quoted by: >>70485987

believe it or not, not everyone has the time to watch an entire 3 hours vod, even from his oshii. Well at least not always

>> No.70485862
Quoted by: >>70485952

Her mother hates men and raised Shiori with the fear she'd get raped.

>> No.70485906

Any shiori mentions from mamarissa?

>> No.70485920
Quoted by: >>70486032

There's a fag on the board spamming the VOD link and sperging out BS. Shit keeps getting deleted though so kek. If he aint banned, expect him to sperg out here

>> No.70485952
Quoted by: >>70486257

damn, that's rough if true.

>> No.70485987

Post your cock with "Shiori~n" written on it and then I'll entertain your wishes.

>> No.70486032
Quoted by: >>70486257

Probably a sister, it was posted twice at that site.

>> No.70486257

It is. Asian parents are notoriously rough with their daughters.
t. have Asian parents and a sister
More than likely, that last thread said something about the vod having info about how SHiori thinks the other holo girls are back stabbing whores or some shit.

>> No.70486349

Jwu and reading the posts, should I find the vod or was it really that sadshi

>> No.70486403
Quoted by: >>70486456

Shiori wished for it to stay within the context of the stream. Just know that if you watch the vod you'll be going against her wishes.

>> No.70486451 [DELETED] 

So thats why she has more male friends in her pl than female ones. It makes sense to me now

>> No.70486456

The context was members so I'd assume any member should have the right to watch it.

>> No.70486530

Make sure to post your novelknight status + timestamp + dickpick before watching.

>> No.70486605
Quoted by: >>70486834

>said something about the vod having info about how SHiori thinks the other holo girls are back stabbing whores or some shit
This never happened btw

>> No.70486616
Quoted by: >>70486834

I'll take anons advice and see you next stream. Stay strong Shiggers.

>> No.70486656
Quoted by: >>70486753

She cried, talked about her parents, how they brought her up, talked about ero games, Holoships, and something about hating a person her friend was talking to. I'm not gonna stop you finding it and watching it. Just know she wished to keep things contained before ending the stream.

>> No.70486731
Quoted by: >>70486834

> More than likely, that last thread said something about the vod having info about how SHiori thinks the other holo girls are back stabbing whores or some shit.

I refuse to believe this. People who said this are full of shit.

>> No.70486753
Quoted by: >>70487065

>Just know she wished to keep things contained before ending the stream.
With the context that it stayed members only. She never said she was going to private the stream.

>> No.70486834

I know, that's why the OP of that thread is a sister. They love making shit up.
Good luck, shigger. We'll hold down the fort. See you then.

>> No.70486844

With 450 downloads of the vod, not like it matters if someone else watches it. It's already breached containment

>> No.70486914
File: 2.63 MB, 1280x720, 1694919897267335.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70486935
File: 137 KB, 1280x1280, 1704647758322869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori does stress oftentimes that her relationship with her parents is good *now*, so that's something to remember the most, imo. The past is the past. Cherish what we have now, and work for tomorrow.

>> No.70487065
Quoted by: >>70487227

She probably didn't think of privateing the VOD since it was up for at a while before getting nuked.

>> No.70487073

Well we keep telling her that, its Shiori's fault for remembering the sad stuff even now

>> No.70487227

Yeah the fact the it wasn't privated instantly shows that she thought about it

>> No.70487257

Even if it's better, it's still not entirely good . The phone call situation is proof of that.

>> No.70487274


>> No.70487282

No one asked, but Mamarissa thinks Shiori is straightforward.

>> No.70487296

I'm kinda curious on anons that do not like Shiori's relationship with her parents
like do you plan on abandoning your parents entirely even if they have done you wrong in the past before (not to the point of physical abuse because fuck those)
I'm just rambling whateves

>> No.70487329

I've seen sister post with the VOD, please just tell me Shiori is feeling better now, I'm really worried.

>> No.70487357

i want to make shiori happy

>> No.70487370
File: 391 KB, 1485x2076, GHL634QagAA-EA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mamarissa talking about Shiori.
>Shiori tells it like it is, kinda like Nerissa, adaptive
That's it. Biboo is her favorite because she's family-friendly.

>> No.70487387
Quoted by: >>70487530

Mamarissa should adopt shiori, move her into their midwest mcmansion and spoil her with home made food

>> No.70487422
Quoted by: >>70487550

Scheduling calls is actually good
Don't be like me who just never calls or talks to them and has completely forgotten how to even talk to them properly

>> No.70487530

This, but it's my McMansion and I've made both Shiori and Nerissa my Mormon wives

>> No.70487550

Was more the forgetting about it and going to bed part.

>> No.70487645

She said she was feeling better before ending. She mentioned going grocery shopping too. I'm sure she'll be fine.
I feel like it's a cultural thing. I'm sure most anons here who grew up in an asian household understand Shiori more than those who did not.

>> No.70487695
Quoted by: >>70492497

We don't know, she hasn't shown activity. But she's got good friends so I hope they're taking care of her.

>> No.70487738
File: 130 KB, 800x800, 1707465762644211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu, I kinda like their idea of scheduling weekly calls, even if her parents evidently treat it more loosely. I really enjoy listening to my parent's voices more often as I've moved out this past year.

>> No.70487747
Quoted by: >>70495957

I have an asian friend who got into a deep depression because of his parents, shit happens bro, its the asian life

>> No.70488164
Quoted by: >>70495957

I'm not sure, honestly. I see this notion of cutting off "toxic family" online a lot, but I'm not actually familiar with this situation IRL outisde of the usual parental divorce, estranged parents, etc.

I think financially, it's easier for children to separate from parents if they had to take out student loans and pay it off themselves, if their parents can't/refuse to assist. My parents helped me out, so even if our relationship can enter some levels of strife, I'm always inclined to mend our bonds than sever it.

>> No.70488982
File: 997 KB, 791x1200, 1684612911598246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70489481

Thoughts on normal and loving household relationships?

>> No.70489576

I greatly desire to have one with Shiori

>> No.70489627

I already have one with Shiori

>> No.70489700

I did not grow up with a "normal" household, but I'd strive to have one with Shiori

>> No.70490039
File: 513 KB, 1620x2086, 1700715007423687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori and I will have the loving household we never had.

>> No.70490466

People on the internet talk about cutting your parents out of your life like it's the easiest, most mundane thing, it's ridiculous. I think it's mostly immature teenagers/early 20s that act like this, though.

>> No.70491279 [DELETED] 

Do you guys think Shiori is crying herself to sleep after that Mamarissa debut?

>> No.70491902
File: 191 KB, 967x2045, 1696823820646031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excited for whatever she recorded for FES

>> No.70491971
Quoted by: >>70492149

Which holo should Shiori hire to play her mom?

>> No.70492149
Quoted by: >>70492250


>> No.70492250

>Ame already hates Shiori
perfect role

>> No.70492357
File: 296 KB, 411x533, 1709435958093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do YOU have a good relationship with your parents Novelites?

>> No.70492436
File: 584 KB, 780x370, 1694906573681867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. They think I'm autistic because I'm a neet tho

>> No.70492497

I hope she's doing better, seeing her in that state broke my heart. Thanks.

>> No.70492502

We tolerate each other's existence, I guess.

>> No.70492840
File: 68 KB, 642x453, 1701382757296243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom yes, Dad no.

>> No.70492933

I love them and I know they love me. After everything Shiori has told us with her relationship with her parents, I will never take my parent's love for granted because there are others who have it much worse.

>> No.70493017

Fuck it, non page 10 t. dump: My mom, sorta. My dad s dead and I hate my stepdad. I don't know why she married this schizo white boy.

>> No.70493427

oh shit the shio butt has 32k likes

>> No.70493468
Quoted by: >>70493725

I want to hug Shiori and tell her that we're all gonna make it, even if we aren't. And then die on the Halo ring as she gets away.

>> No.70493725
File: 27 KB, 1024x446, 1681870792832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but it's this scene from Rouge One

>> No.70493754

I was asleep and let the stream archive, then woke up to Rissa's mother debut and now I see you guys talking about what happened. There's no way I can watch it now

>> No.70493921
Quoted by: >>70495957

I have a bit of a story regarding my parents (asian) but it can wait until the bump limit trauma dump section.

>> No.70493951
File: 822 KB, 1200x781, 1681829029966059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70494584
File: 842 KB, 600x600, Depression[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbscuev.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's.. fine.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little resentful over some things, like the way they treated my schooling, but I know they probably meant well and do love me, even if I'm so useless
Being pushed into college right after highschool and also being denied my first choice school that I made it into because my mother wanted me to be closer to home instead of a few hours away is what lead to me becoming a drop-out

>> No.70494673
File: 226 KB, 332x305, 1682000861535861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70495822


>> No.70495121

Goodnight bros, I love Shiorin

>> No.70495263
File: 591 KB, 600x600, 1684997366601262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70495327
File: 386 KB, 933x885, 1686978272578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight

>> No.70495480


>> No.70495822

I've always wondered why it's spelled siuuu when it sounds like seeeee

>> No.70495957
File: 205 KB, 564x406, 1694849433639664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god, are we all just asians

>> No.70496464
Quoted by: >>70496846

Since when this thread became r/Asianmasculinity lmao

>> No.70496846

I was under the impression that place was more about incel discussion rather than parental angst. And to be honest, I can't imagine anyone who had a "good" upbringing to end up on 4chan in [current year]. Something fucked up must have happened to everyone.

>> No.70497127

My parents are white-trash crack addicts who would regularly fuck me and my siblings over for even tiny amounts of money to feed their addictions. I fucking wish I had pushy asian parents.

>> No.70497220

does going through Covid count

>> No.70498077

Excuse you, but I'm VERY white

>> No.70498169

I had a pretty normal upbringing, but i can't stand normaIfags so come here for fun. Not everyone here is mentally ill.

>> No.70498191

Excuse you, but I'm VERY black.

>> No.70498389

Why are you black?

>> No.70498691

I dunno

>> No.70499037

My mother made me like that.

>> No.70499111
Quoted by: >>70500470

Goodnight novelites. I hope I dream about hugging Shiori tonight.

>> No.70500406
File: 72 KB, 386x616, 1707885419653049.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70500548

>> No.70500470
File: 492 KB, 2871x2344, 1706123705812883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleep well

>> No.70500548


>> No.70500706

Im so jealous of Nerissa and her mom

>> No.70500855


>> No.70501378


>> No.70501858
Quoted by: >>70501967

She is so supportive and proud of Nerissa being a Vtuber....
It's just not fair.

>> No.70501967


>> No.70502095
Quoted by: >>70502215

Vtuber is not a real job.

>> No.70502215

Shut up, Pe King Duck
Raise your kids better with love and understanding
In America you're allowed to have dreams and not become a depressed doctor

>> No.70502343
Quoted by: >>70503186

A doctor is a valuable and respectable career. Unlike being an anime girl on the internet.

>> No.70502523

Vtuber has no room for growth or job security. It is a fad that has no usefulness a decade from now.

>> No.70502818
File: 313 KB, 881x881, 1704507077549192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wake up and I don't want to know what's going on.

>> No.70502911

I hate feeling angry about the joy of others

>> No.70503186

Are doctors even respected these days?

>> No.70503231
Quoted by: >>70503399

Yes they are and always will be

>> No.70503382
File: 690 KB, 1200x1200, 1671325290486819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're derided for being retards over-prescribing anti-biotics and causing opioid epidemics
Surgeons and adjacent positions though, that's the shit

>> No.70503394
Quoted by: >>70504074

Not in America the suicide rate is highest for doctors, their healthcare is totally fucked with massive understaff and intake of illegal immigrant.

>> No.70503399


>> No.70503420

>t. Amerimutt

>> No.70503462

Mamashiori hates her daughter's livelihood.

>> No.70503627
Quoted by: >>70503719

And she keeps proving her parents are right about her career choices. I would be disappointed if my son/daughter became a vtuber instead of working in a worthwhile field.

>> No.70503647

It's okay, Shioripapa approves of her widdies
One day he WILL give us his opinion on MW3

>> No.70503719
Quoted by: >>70504017


>> No.70503818
Quoted by: >>70503951

Shiori likes call of duty?

>> No.70503934
Quoted by: >>70504074

In Asia they will always be respected because asians are pathetic bootlickers who only know that they make big money and ignore the fact that doctors are now just pill pushers and Google searches with a medical licence.

>> No.70503949
Quoted by: >>70504888

ShioPapa liking the 2D widdies but laughing at Shiori IRL because THERE'S NOTHING THERE

>> No.70503951

Papa does, but he only plays campaigns since he's too old to play multi with the sliding and flicking zoom-zooms

>> No.70504017

Ten times better than been a girl failure vtuber.

>> No.70504040
File: 935 KB, 1176x1080, chise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hate for doctors on 4chan (from americans?) is always bizarre to read.
I fully believe it's an over reaction to some negative personal experiences.

>> No.70504074

seething lmao

>> No.70504156

Ironic considering all of them wouldn't be alive without Doctors.

>> No.70504241

American doctors are corrupt cunts. But it's not their fault, it's the entire medical system

>> No.70504253
File: 613 KB, 1311x1080, 1693500455634527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the antibiotic thing is an ACTUAL problem that's called out by biologists constantly that's creating super-resistant bacteria that can very well cause a new plague
Not all doctors are made equal, pill-pushing general practitioners are the lowest on the totem pole

>> No.70504301

>Americans hate doctors
>Americans hate cops
Clown country

>> No.70504332

Aside from my numerous personal experiences being dogshit, doctors have the most insane chip on their shoulder out if any profession and are almost universally insufferable cunts.

>> No.70504396

>Shiori doesn't go the doctor because it reminds her of the failure she is
Everything makes sense now

>> No.70504465

I pray you never have any experience with police here anon. Everything you get pulled out you have to pray it isn't some power tripping psychopath. At least in your third world shithole you can bribe your way out trouble.

>> No.70504614
Quoted by: >>70504664

Audience reflects fanbase, I guess. If it helps I'm SEAMonkey

>> No.70504664


>> No.70504700
Quoted by: >>70504864

Mamashiori hates me (I'm Shiori's husband)

>> No.70504864

Why would she hate you? If anything she will like you for fixing her damaged goods daughter.

>> No.70504888

lol yeah Shiopapa laughed at his daughter's tits because she's a flatty irl.

>> No.70504908
Quoted by: >>70506673

She will only like you if you are a doctor or make shiori doctor

>> No.70505118
Quoted by: >>70505679

A fatty as well

>> No.70505160
Quoted by: >>70505831

He laughed because her models widdies are TOO SMALL compared to Shiori's BAGOONGAS

>> No.70505214
File: 27 KB, 450x321, Bran (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiorin will never lactate her beautiful mammaries to fill into your bowl of bran flakes for breakfast...

>> No.70505329
Quoted by: >>70505426

Cops murder you

>> No.70505404

I have yellow fever, so you should all be scared

>> No.70505426

Only if you are black

>> No.70505539
Quoted by: >>70505714

Has she shown any sign of activity? Is she okay?

>> No.70505667
Quoted by: >>70506053

Didn't expect a VOD to get deleted so I went against her wishes out of entitlement more than anything (I pay for this shit dammit).
I feelt so bad, I promised myself never to fun post again.
Then I noticed the title of the stream and made a joke about never trusting her lies. I don't deserve her.[/spoiler

>> No.70505679

She's the most anorexic female in holo fag

>> No.70505714

She cried herself to sleep after the Mamarissa stream

>> No.70505751
Quoted by: >>70506196

It makes me sad knowing she would definitely feel awful watching that stream

>> No.70505754

That's Ina.

>> No.70505788

I can't fucking believe these two things happened in the same day. wtf

>> No.70505831

Sure, Shiori.

>> No.70505835
Quoted by: >>70505938

That's not gura

>> No.70505905


>> No.70505938

Not eating because you only consume alcohol is different

>> No.70506002

I felt so bad for Shiori when the girls were talking about their moms during the brunch stream. She was dead silent. I wonder if she trauma dumped about her parents to Advent.

>> No.70506035

Shiori should adopt someone from advent to be her mom

>> No.70506053

What are you blabbing about?

>> No.70506196

>That part when Nerissa asked Mamarissa what she thought about Shiori and she coldly said that she is straight forward
Mamarissa definitely pities Shiori

>> No.70506424

No one takes care of themselves here, anon. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.70506566

Functional family hate

>> No.70506579
Quoted by: >>70506599

Mamarissa hates Shiori for stealing Nerissa's horn.

>> No.70506599
File: 755 KB, 2256x2000, GHtsoURaUAAI8g3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70506673

I'm not a doctor, I'm comp sci and she thinks I'm glorified IT.

>> No.70506751
Quoted by: >>70506859

I just remember them going around talking about whether they'd bring their mom on stream like Rissa. Biboo was a maybe (probably not), Fuwawa was making a clear joke (never), and Shiori made a joke (serious) about hiring an actor/friend to roleplay as her "mom".

>> No.70506859

To be fair, Shiori also hired an actor for the candy house building stream.

>> No.70506940
File: 333 KB, 500x607, 1702456485642378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70507181

my schizo rrat is that Nerissa asked Shiori to join her on her Mamarissa stream the same way she asked Biboo and Shiori had to awkwardly decline because she knew she'd feel horrible about it, eventually leading to her breakdown on stream

>> No.70507013
Quoted by: >>70507245

If only Shiori had an older brother she could go to for comfort.

>> No.70507181

Nah, she has been ruminating on it since the brunch collab.

>> No.70507245

I volunteer. I can cook, drive, earn money from my job while working at home and help with her unity projects.
Also I can give her the incest sex she craves every night.

>> No.70507581

Fuck that. That's just typical broken child making excuses for shitty parents.

>> No.70507968

Holy fuck what the hell did I stumble upon after deciding to take a break from watching Shiori’s streams due to university?!

>> No.70507994

Actual, real, genuine, girlfriend experience.

>> No.70508052

What would you do if she's been given a two week vacation?

>> No.70508100

Stop using this thread

>> No.70508153

Enjoy the content drip she gives us, just like early on and in December.

>> No.70508176

I scared to have a gf now

>> No.70508440
Quoted by: >>70509864

And here I was thinking, “they’re not my friends, don’t get attached” or some bullshit I was fed. Don’t know if it’s because I’m getting old or because of the internet brainrot.

>> No.70508584

I should stop looking, but it's nearly at 900... I hate it.

>> No.70509216

Adore my dad even if im disapointed in his cowardice. I despise my mother and resent her for denying our family a loving mom instead of a hysterical control freak that lead to years of severe mistreatment of my siblings.

>> No.70509228
File: 484 KB, 1440x1816, 20240303_025415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70510056

People make it so obvious when they don't watch streams.

>> No.70509474
Quoted by: >>70509770

Seriously there can't be that many people on that site and whatever discords it's being linked in

>> No.70509576
Quoted by: >>70509857

Shiori has been strangely quiet all day after stream

>> No.70509682


>> No.70509770

Funny enough, other holo's member streams barely go past the 250's on day 1. It certainly gets to just under 1k maybe a few days or a week after it spawns.

>> No.70509815
Quoted by: >>70509864

can't believe this is how it ends

>> No.70509857

Which is entirely understandable. Hope her discord friends are taking care of her, luckily she didn't have any streams scheduled today.

>> No.70509864
File: 396 KB, 559x734, 1707189060929143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70510367

what's going on

>> No.70509927


>> No.70509991

I just hope she didn't do anything rash

>> No.70510001

Do we, does this place hold love for Shiori?

>> No.70510017
File: 119 KB, 602x489, 1678861975429361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70510413

When I said I want Shiori to be miserable I was only being edgy

>> No.70510033

I can't rationalize, I can't deal with the fact that someone from here would willingly do it.

>> No.70510056
File: 630 KB, 3140x2521, GHrtM3maAAAzqqG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair, Shiori on twitter feels like a much different person from Shiori on stream. It's how we got Shioraven, after all.

>> No.70510069
Quoted by: >>70510098

If her hair turns full white, it’s over. I’ve only watched her for 4+ months now but the violence shall escalate if anything happens to her.

>> No.70510092

Now that Holo somehow has perms for Yugioh, I want Shiori to go through a card game autist arc and end up playing yugioh as her long term stream of choice with the goal of hitting Master I in one season.
Every now and then she'll open up lobbies to duel against her for fun, and sometimes she'll stream on an alt account with the theme being "off meta fun decks" where chat suggests the archetype of choice and she tries to play ranked with it.

>> No.70510098

Will the cute vs sex wars conclude?

>> No.70510285

If she doesn't show activity tomorrow I'm actually gonna turn concernfag

>> No.70510350
File: 411 KB, 680x680, 1682411875535963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately yes
They love me and support me despite being a bigger failure than anything they could have ever anticipated.

I'm sure this is edgy or insensitive or tone-deaf or whatever but sometimes I wish they hated me. So that it would be easier to "go away" so to speak.

>> No.70510367

Shiori had a member stream where she had some dark thoughts. The vod is down now.

I have no idea what >>70508584 is talking, I guess the vod was uploaded somewhere, on some discord?

>> No.70510397
Quoted by: >>70510440

I thought 1% meant not a lot of mental darkness

>> No.70510400

In this very general first, then it spread outwards from there.

>> No.70510413
Quoted by: >>70510437

It's your fault. She'd probably swinging by her neck in her closet and all because you couldn't show her a little kindness. For shame.

>> No.70510437

>You kinda left her hanging this morning, you know?

>> No.70510440

She went from 1% to 110% within like 10 minutes

>> No.70510534
Quoted by: >>70510656

the vod someone from here uploaded is at over 1000 downloads, you know, despite Shiori directly saying she wishes it was kept in stream

>> No.70510652
File: 392 KB, 1487x2523, 1705807554069618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please submit an abuse report for any sites hosting the stream for download. Thank you. See you guys tomorrow/Monday.

>> No.70510656
Quoted by: >>70510676

It will be a valuable lesson that nothing on the internet is private or disappears.
Not trying to justify it. I feel bad for her. But it's like getting angry at the sun for setting down.

>> No.70510676
Quoted by: >>70510691

Shut the fuck up

>> No.70510691
File: 377 KB, 1792x1600, 1705818869350606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70510696

I like Shiori
I hate myself
Simple as

>> No.70510844

Not really. I disagree with them on most ethical positions and don't really have anything in commin with them. I hate myself for having to move back in with them even.

>> No.70511092
Quoted by: >>70511215

I blame it all to the giftfags.

>> No.70511215
Quoted by: >>70511382

The chat did seem faster than usual even before she started crying

>> No.70511382

no shit the chat is faster when something is happening

>> No.70511482

she could've totally taken it down by now

>> No.70511591

cheering up shiori by doing a silvio dante impression

>> No.70511789

Doing shiori

>> No.70511853
Quoted by: >>70512001

watching south park with shiori

>> No.70512001

the episode where Kenny gets taken away from his parents and put in an orphanage

>> No.70512155

Hugging Shiori
Comforting Shiori
Patting Shiori
Telling Shiori that everything will be alright
Groping Shiori's ass

>> No.70512309

Hurts to know that shiori will probably never be as open and vulnerable with us as she was in that stream ever again

>> No.70512321

and it's entirely our fault

>> No.70512572

Good morning. Unbelievably, I woke up thinking intensively about Shiori. Oh, cruel is the God in the stars, for he forbids me to hold her in my arms.

>> No.70512686
Quoted by: >>70512728

She was never going to do it anyway. She already knew it was going to get leaked. All of them are

>> No.70512728

If that makes you feel better and helps you sleep at night.

>> No.70512856

The sound of those tears still pierce my soul. I don't want to talk about the stream, but it's the only thing on my mind. God dammit Shiori, it's all gonna be okay.

>> No.70512933

I'd be an awful bf for Shiori (not that she'd be interested in me anyways)

>> No.70512963

Does anyone remember when the next twilight watchalong was supposed to happen?

>> No.70512975

That's how easy Shiori can breakdown, she said that sometimes she streams when she was feeling like that. Imagine how awkward it would be if she randomly started crying during a Collab...

>> No.70513002


>> No.70513015

Tuesday, same time on Iofi Channel

>> No.70513130
Quoted by: >>70513256

Yeah, you can see it occasionally. I never knew it was this bad.

>> No.70513158

I still wanna know what was in the boxes she was gonna open on stream

>> No.70513256
Quoted by: >>70513303

Asian parents+e*lene trauma

She deserves better

>> No.70513282
Quoted by: >>70513349

Feel vindicated that I knew all along that something was seriously bothering shiori lately

>> No.70513303

Plus other stuff... Imagine how sad the mental state of Shiori was before holo...

>> No.70513349

Me too, I knew I was getting triggered for some reason. And people kept saying "it's okay, she has insomnia, she's always been like that"

>> No.70513373
File: 154 KB, 800x1200, 20240303_165618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70513464

Cute and sexy shiorin

>> No.70513461

We all knew

>> No.70513463

Concernfags... Won...

>> No.70513464

I wish I looked like this

>> No.70513477
Quoted by: >>70513542

Just hope it won't turn out like what happened last time she was depressed.

>> No.70513542

It can't escalate that badly. These are just thoughts that came back because she has been doing good lately.

>> No.70513601
Quoted by: >>70513617

Shiori probably thinks she doesn't deserve to be happy.

>> No.70513617

Maybe she doesn't deserve it

>> No.70513669


>> No.70513673
Quoted by: >>70513710

Fuck off

>> No.70513674
Quoted by: >>70513710

Why wouldn't she? She is a good girl.

>> No.70513689

The more I think about it, she loves incest because she wished she had an older brother to protect her from her family when she was growing up...

>> No.70513694
File: 256 KB, 1140x1700, 1649364926487978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70513710
Quoted by: >>70513802

You don't know her. Maybe she doesn't deserve happiness. You can't say for certain she does.

>> No.70513722
Quoted by: >>70513903

That's fucking disgusting, she should be slapped across the mouth

>> No.70513802
File: 369 KB, 663x485, 1702434648079424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think everyone deserves to be happy, even you. Cheers mate, how much do you love Shiori?

>> No.70513811

Man sometimes I come into this thread and am constantly surprised by the amount of genuinely weird shit you all talk about.

>> No.70513851
Quoted by: >>70513951

This strangely enough makes sense

>> No.70513903

>she should be slapped across the mouth
Probably what her dad and uncle were doing to her growing up

>> No.70513907
File: 251 KB, 704x704, 1694331228472834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also mentally ill and depressed, but nobody cares because I'm not a cute girl.

>> No.70513951

She just wants someone from her family that actually loves her and protect her.

>> No.70514117
File: 312 KB, 497x545, 1702348077734587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it makes you feel better, women's crying and tears have a measureable physiological effect on men whether we want to or not. For example, there are studies showing that smelling women's tears significantly lowers testosterone levels in men in the short term. They have literal cheat codes to mindcontrol us.

>> No.70514210
Quoted by: >>70514224

What about men's tears?

>> No.70514224

They give women the ick.

>> No.70514281


>> No.70514368
Quoted by: >>70515899


>> No.70514387

1200... who are all these people.

>> No.70514399 [DELETED] 

>what Mamavella would like
A daughter that's not a failure

>> No.70514431

Nvm too far

>> No.70514437

So these twitter fuckheads don't watch streams

>> No.70514464

If she didn't delete the vod that number would be smaller, just that fact makes people more curious about it

>> No.70514498

If she didn't delete the vod there'd be no reason for it to be uploaded. It's her fault.

>> No.70514528

How many times do we have to tell you that it would've been uploaded anyway?

>> No.70514580

I'm not the same person. I'm saying if she didn't delete it, there'd be no reason people would be begging for a vod here. Shiori should have been smarter, she claims she's been doing this for years and created this problem herself. She's got nobody to blame for this situation but herself.

>> No.70514636

Trying too hard

>> No.70514642

>Create controversy
>Delete VOD
>Expect privacy
Dumb bitch

>> No.70514680
Quoted by: >>70515899

Man... MAN... Just...

>> No.70514754

I'm going to write her a letter.

>> No.70514763

This could make Shiori more popular

>> No.70514769

fuck that bullshit, joy doesn't exist if pain is unavoidable

>> No.70514857
File: 25 KB, 220x239, 1708381321938930.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70514915
File: 1.41 MB, 1081x1080, 1691607060172422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm done with my ShioDetox. I'm back into watching her streams again.

>> No.70514926
File: 583 KB, 1074x1991, Korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70515048

COVER put out a statement
>[Notice regarding Shiori Novella]
>We were made aware of recent activities of Shiori Novella and have given her a cupcake and a box of juice because she needs it

>> No.70515068
File: 773 KB, 720x720, 1699345643594705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70515102

Fuck, why do I care so much? I don't know Shiori like that and she doesn't know me yet what happened in that stream is all I could think about. I feel so sorry for Shiori for having to deal with this emotional pain all her life. God I wish I could be there for her. A girl like Shiori doesn't deserve to suffer like this. Damn this hurts.

>> No.70515098
Quoted by: >>70515215


>> No.70515102

Maybe she does deserve it.

>> No.70515139
File: 89 KB, 224x311, 1709210802537346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skim through last night's threads
>unironically applying being pro-piracy/"freedom of information" arguments to this case
I share the fanbase with genuine mental retards

>> No.70515146

To be fair, I am a guy myself and I think that the stuff men complaint about is 90% so mundane and boring.

Like, something that drives me insane: people who moan because they are tired. When I tell them to see a doctor, look up their syntoms, try to get more sun or vitamin D, or even change the bed (buying a new and GOOD mattress was a life changer for me), they make up excuses, blame doctors, do everything to not do something.

If a woman does this, it makes me want to help her. If a guy does this, I want to slap him.

>> No.70515151
Quoted by: >>70515168


>> No.70515168
Quoted by: >>70515205

reading comprehension shigger, use it

>> No.70515194

Have you reported it to cover?

>> No.70515205

So you're agreeing that there's no problem?

>> No.70515215

It's not real

>> No.70515233
Quoted by: >>70515281

Not even true, even if she deleted it, other holos and their deleted mem streams barely pass the 300 mark. Shiori is getting extra attention, probably from antis trying to find a juicy rrat.

>> No.70515281
Quoted by: >>70515382

What do you gain from doing this?

>> No.70515304

Information wants to be free. Just need to gas the third world.

>> No.70515368
Quoted by: >>70515471


>> No.70515382

It's not even false though. Fauna's deleted member vod didn't reach nearly as high on day 1.

>> No.70515471

>Unironic snitches

>> No.70515472

I wish I was better

>> No.70515512
Quoted by: >>70515613

glad the dramafags killed themselves over this

>> No.70515549

So here's the page 10 tdump regarding Asian parents. It can happen to any teenager though.
I grew up and all throughout high school with constant pressure to be number 1 in the school, and when I got that, they said I had to be number 1 in the state.
Right before my graduation, I cracked under the pressure and dropped out and nearly killed myself. I was assigned a psychiatrist and she basically yelled at my parents for being failures. The next year I skipped and took a gap year then finished my high school through community college.
Lastly, when I finally entered Uni, they apologized to me and then offered to pay my tuition. I feel a void in my heart over them but I still kind of love them regardless.

>> No.70515598
File: 382 KB, 707x442, 1703249303014711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70515655

I'm getting distant from the /shig/ I once knew.

>> No.70515613

Funny how it proves that they were the shitposter all along.

>> No.70515655

Remember when we used to just post marriage copypastas, cute shiori eating ice cream and ryona shiori? Better times

>> No.70515688

Imagine Shiori confiding all her trauma in you and you don't even look up from tiktok sluts in your phone and just go "that's crazy"

>> No.70515713
Quoted by: >>70515777

These threads can heal

>> No.70515766
Quoted by: >>70515799

If you really want to feel better, those were all 99% catalog dramaniggers because the exact arguments word-for-word were used against an "IRyS" stream that happened around the same time as shiori's stream. That coupled with the fact that last week were have been raided by that fucking nijinigger who won't stop raiding us now because we talked bad about his corpo at some point.

>> No.70515777

It certainly can, now with them gone

>> No.70515799
Quoted by: >>70515844

You can cope however you want. But it's been proven time and time again there are no raids.

>> No.70515834

I miss ryonaposting. Shiori used to lean into that kind of stuff before

>> No.70515844
Quoted by: >>70515894

Kys bitch. Your gaslighting will never work.

>> No.70515894
Quoted by: >>70515945

Want to call me a sister? Will that make you feel better? I'm day one.

>> No.70515899
Quoted by: >>70516005

The fun part is that novelites from twittard and dicksword do watch streams, they're just normies that don't read between the lines, they believe her when she says she loves her mom.
t. lurking in the two dickswords where they talk about it and admire her for her love of her parents

>> No.70515921

>it was a sister
So the archiveanon deleted it because of a sister?

>actually it was a novelite
Then you have to surrender that there was no raid

>> No.70515945

So you're telling me that this ain't a raid?

>> No.70515953

He's an attentionwhoring bitch.

>> No.70515962
Quoted by: >>70516118

flawless logic, 4channer...

>> No.70515983

I should die

>> No.70516005
Quoted by: >>70516246

What? How can they be so clueless?

>> No.70516018

how in the fuck was that not deleted and banned

>> No.70516043

He deleted it because he's a moralfag.

>> No.70516059
File: 430 KB, 2048x2048, GHuFOMfWMAAD_dG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70516153

Just caught up with last stream, genuinely glad it was a nothing burger. She will only grow stronger. I love this dork.

>> No.70516073

just ignore and report that obvious nijinigger, he's been camping this thread for weeks now

>> No.70516118
Quoted by: >>70516167

Archiveanon already accepted that it was a novelite doing, hence why he deleted the archive.
Unless you want to admit that he's just an attentionwhore

>> No.70516153

>it was a nothing burger
Exactly, but the drama surrounding it in this thread is telling

>> No.70516167
Quoted by: >>70516260

That's right, anon. Every anon here is one and the same. You are me. I am you.

>> No.70516230

It's obvious to anyone with a brain that it was a sister who uploaded the vod

>> No.70516246

No clue. They just think she isn't just talking them up.

>> No.70516250

Given the antis obsession with archiveanon, I will ignore all posts claiming to read his mind. No doubt nijiniggers have tried to impersonate him multiple times.

>> No.70516260

So he left because of a sister or what >>70469388

>> No.70516325

He got baited by a falseflag.
It's that simple.

>> No.70516334

go read the namarin threads, all the same bullshit

>> No.70516347

With the amount of drama that he bought to the thread he may as well be a sister.

>> No.70516349

I must have missed when archiveanon became the fucking emperor of shiggers

>> No.70516407

It's incredible that you literally can not wrap your head around the fact that being a Novelite doesn't exclude you from being a sister, a dramafag, and an attentionwhore, all at the same time even.

>> No.70516413

If that was really him, he would have kaput his entire archive, not just the member stream.

>> No.70516450

You're stating the obvious, but someone right now is trying their hardest to deny raids when there has been proof of them recently.

>> No.70516482
Quoted by: >>70516801

It's no surprise that it's on iketog too

>> No.70516505

It's no surprise that you read that site, but know that it was posted here first and foremost

>> No.70516540

nope, I googled the URL and first result was that website

>> No.70516557
Quoted by: >>70516681

Why does it matter where it came from? It would have been uploaded elsewhere eventually.

>> No.70516681

Because the discussion is about was it a Novelite that posted it, or a sister. That person could be both, but anon just can't accept that fact and had to blame it on the various boogeyman. Even more drama ensues after the archiveanon basically exposed himself as a dramafag

>> No.70516688

It was not posted here first. The “anon” who had the archive said the VOD here didnt even provide a link. he posted it there first. Then some fucking anti proceeded to spam it on previous threads and made a couple on the board with increasingly bait OPs like “she deleted the VOD because she thinks the other girls are backstabbing whores or some shit. Wanna know why it got 1000 downloads, it’s because of that. So go fuck yourself you drama craving cunt.

>> No.70516705
Quoted by: >>70517009

So he uploaded the vod and deleted his own archive because of it?

>> No.70516724
File: 73 KB, 826x826, 20230807_162338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning bros I love Shiorin.

>> No.70516734
Quoted by: >>70517011

are you just stupid or something >>70468225

>> No.70516738
Quoted by: >>70517011


>> No.70516783
Quoted by: >>70516823

How is he a dramafag if the regulars are the sisters?

>> No.70516801

Jesus, skimming through there and you can see posts made by the exact same fucking cunt who posts here and pushes his drunk bar visit rrats and bf rrats and bingo sheet

>> No.70516823

Why would you delete an archive over a nothingburger like this?

>> No.70516842

Why are people saying he deleted it when it's still there??

>> No.70516862
Quoted by: >>70516975

By being a moralfag. Why are we going in circles?
>He deleted it because he's a moralfag that thought it was a novelite posting when it was a sister / anti and he got baited.

>> No.70516863


>> No.70516870


>> No.70516892

Anon open the link. The links are gone.

>> No.70516922

Sisters won

>> No.70516932

I love her too, can't wait for the next Twilight collab

>> No.70516975

That's where I'm getting confused. If people are saying he got baited by the sisters and others are saying you can be a sister and a novelite then wouldn't it make sense to be disgusted by the behavior of this thread and want to leave?

>> No.70517009
Quoted by: >>70517066

No, he didn't upload it, but he deleted the entire archive, and made a statement about it to "take a stance" on the member VOD being shared. Meanwhile, the VOD was not even up at the time, thus, it only exposed him as being a blatant dramafag and an attentionwhore. And again, refer back to my post >>70516407. If he was doing the archiving for the sake of the thread, or the community, he should've just shut up about it, maybe silently stopped archiving, but he chose the worst way out.
It's not like this thread isn't known for having a problem with attentionwhores, namefags, and a culture around worshipping them, amirite

>> No.70517011

Fuck I am stupid because I did bot realize that was a gofile link. But my point about the sister taking that link and spreading bullshit still stands. Thankfully the VOD itself is just a nothing burger, but goddamnit.

>> No.70517028
File: 304 KB, 1202x1707, 1707595188503949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning shigger I love Shiori too

>> No.70517065

[Notice regarding Shiori Novella]
she is cute

>> No.70517066
Quoted by: >>70517114

The VOD was uploading 20 minutes before >>70469388 >>70468225 can people not follow a simple timeline?

>> No.70517093


Big brother's vacation from antis is over. Enjoy the bread. I'mma prepare for work. (On a Sunday, fuck.)

>> No.70517114
Quoted by: >>70517134

anon, read the fucking post, the vod WAS NOT FINISHED UPLOADING
and go check the gofile time for fuck sake

>> No.70517134
Quoted by: >>70517154

Does it matter when the link was shared?

>> No.70517154
Quoted by: >>70517168

so he deleted everything because someone MIGHT upload the vod?

>> No.70517168

Someone did upload the VOD.

>> No.70517204

after he deleted the archive

>> No.70517240

It was getting uploaded no matter what, is he a newfag or what?
