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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70467051 No.70467051 [Reply] [Original]

I am glad it cannot happen twice, the fever of first love. For it is a fever, and a burden, too, whatever the poets may say.

Previous Page: >>70458177

>> No.70467096
File: 176 KB, 1181x1188, 1697281257984908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your reps, report and ignore bait

Next Stream: TBD

Last Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ip9OHlWrr0 (Members Only)
Latest Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kFM4CyqjJY

Snowed In【Shiori Novella Visual Novel】: https://shiorinovella.itch.io/shiorivisualnovella
Whisper Whisper Whisper【Shiori Novella Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgCgHwIWgUU
MEGITSUNE【hololive English -Advent- Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OffTXFgbn7A

Deadbeats Deadbeats Whatcha Gonna Do【Shiori Novella Original】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK4KD1mBDBA&t=3548s
Halloween Night, Tonight!【hololive English -Advent- Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqXrBy_FIU0
Rebellion【hololive English -Advent- Debut Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYNYhSsR8EE

Schedule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkqwIcO3YN8
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ShioriNovella
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shiorinovella
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shiorinovella

Hololive English Valentine's Day 2024: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_valentine2024?variant=44476442116316
Hololive Valentine's Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_valentinevoice2024?variant=44401019879644
More Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_シオリ・ノヴェラ%22

Shiori Likes: https://rentry.org/8aukv
Shiori AI Covers: https://rentry.org/yoo4r
Shiori Guest Appearances: https://rentry.org/46zgf
Shiorium Archive: https://rentry.org/shiorium_archive
Shiori Improvisations: https://rentry.org/b72cvt

>> No.70467145
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>> No.70467202

shiori doesnt deserve anything

>> No.70467207
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Quoted by: >>70467344

I love Shiorin. I wish the best things for her in life.

>> No.70467243

Shiori deserves to be happy

>> No.70467247
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>> No.70467280

Shiori is on her period. The anon below me couldn't get her pregnant.

>> No.70467304
File: 169 KB, 1535x2048, 1691655444762153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won again.

>> No.70467344
File: 145 KB, 1475x1055, 1678456064169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad she's been happy here and is finding her place

>> No.70467422


>> No.70467446

Shiori love

>> No.70467469
Quoted by: >>70467486

The chance of a vod not surviving is low, but never 0

>> No.70467486

She could just edit something out, we'll wait

>> No.70467523
Quoted by: >>70467556

Say something, you're going to make things worse if you leave it silent.

>> No.70467556

that's the woman way

>> No.70467559


>> No.70467574

Jesus fucking Christ man that was emotionally heavy. I know she couldn't say everything she wanted for privacy reasons yet it still felt so impactful. God damn I wasn't expecting this at all, I thought the title was just a joke but she really went full mental darkness. Is this how it feels when someone trauma dumps on you? I feel so emotionally broken after that.

>> No.70467621
Quoted by: >>70467767

It's more tiring because she was being vague and choosing her words carefully.

>> No.70467650

Archiver statues update

>> No.70467685

Cover has sent out assassins, don't answer this anon.

>> No.70467691
File: 83 KB, 749x766, 1691532833317303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now imagine how you'd feel actually seeing and smelling her tears, our male monke brains aren't made for this

>> No.70467704

Go away dramafag

>> No.70467741
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Quoted by: >>70467926

I'm thinking!

>> No.70467767

God you faggots are such pussy sissies.

>> No.70467777
File: 214 KB, 1228x880, 16496725952659165927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife

>> No.70467818
Quoted by: >>70468102

I'm so glad I'm not you.

>> No.70467926


>> No.70467967
File: 59 KB, 433x433, 1686014077392722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70468102

How do you reconcile your chuuni alphamale LARP with the fact that you're on 4chan's virtual youtuber board dicussing anime girl avatars voiced by grown women?

>> No.70468000

I love you Shiori

>> No.70468005
Quoted by: >>70468161

I wonder if it'll just stay dead or if it'll come back at some point. Either way I'm glad I caught it live.

>> No.70468073

it won't be uploaded officially at least that's for sure

>> No.70468102
Quoted by: >>70468171

If this kind of pussy trauma dumping that's sanitized to hell and back and omits 90% of the detail is too much you'd kill yourself if you actually had to go through the whole fucking thing, specially so in real life, and by someone you actually know personally too.
By able to talk with my fellow anons without having to cram in 10 different types of strawmen and buzzwords in my post like you.

>> No.70468157
File: 347 KB, 640x605, 1700316041308705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watched the whole thing live and memorized every second of it, that way I don't need to rely on archives.

>> No.70468161

I think it'll remain privated. She was embarrassed by her vulnerability and the entire stream was just trauma dumping to us

>> No.70468171

>if you actually had to go through the whole fucking thing


>> No.70468204
Quoted by: >>70468370

I didn't get to comment and don't want to be a fag and attention whore on twitter.

>> No.70468209
Quoted by: >>70468359

I didn't think the vod would actually kill...is there a 1% chance anyone archived it?

>> No.70468225

It's uploading. ISP isn't being very kind to me so just check back in an hour or two. I need to sleep.
Hopefully someone can upload a different one but if not then use this as a back up, assuming nothing go wrong while I'm uploading it ._.
and assuming that Shiori doesn't send her assassin after me for this one since she did it before.

>> No.70468286

this doesn't sit right with me but I can't stop you from doing it

>> No.70468307
File: 3.62 MB, 2040x2887, 1694999018662497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love menhera Asian women that trauma dump on me and make me feel like shit for the rest of the day. Unironically.

>> No.70468313
Quoted by: >>70468366

damn did it happen before?

>> No.70468317

Anti thread

>> No.70468318
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>> No.70468336


>> No.70468357
Quoted by: >>70468441

>Sharing member's content

>> No.70468359

Normally I'd be very against this but I just >>70468209, probably keep it up till you wake up then delete after.

>> No.70468366

I remember the gofile for the pumpkin carving stream was mysteriously taken down

>> No.70468370

just make a very simple post with no information about the stream, boost her twitter algorithm at least

>> No.70468415
Quoted by: >>70468441

>I hope it stays here

>> No.70468441

Oh no piracy on the internet the horror.

>> No.70468481
Quoted by: >>70468626

if you're going to post a fucking members vod then at least password protect it with something only members can find out

>> No.70468542

At least I know this is well and truly the anti thread. Ignoring her explicit wishes. You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.70468573

Yeah saw the vod getting nuked coming a mile away, she definitely overshared way too much at points

>> No.70468606

My explicit wish is that you kill yourself.
Why aren't you doing it? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

>> No.70468616
Quoted by: >>70468665

Not even that, is just not respecting what she wanted. I know sisters and antis camp here but, fucking hell.

>> No.70468626

Nah, I owe my life to piracy, I'm not going to turn from it when it calls me. Only those who cares enough will watch it anyways

>> No.70468665

Welcome to the internet, zoomer-kun.
You don't know to be an anti to realize and accept that paywalled things will get shared one way or another everywhere.

>> No.70468682

Thank you! I missed the stream entirely so I was sad to wake up to it being gone.

>> No.70468684

Cool, kill yourself while you're at it faggot if you can't respect her simple wish to keep things where they are

>> No.70468687

Fuck you, you're giving the antis ammo.

>> No.70468698
Quoted by: >>70468754

doesn't mean that you have to be the one to do it, human scum.

>> No.70468748

it must be kept for the sake of being a pirate and loving her

>> No.70468754
Quoted by: >>70468827

Call me back when you don't have a single pirated thing on your computer. You can be a moralfag then.

>> No.70468766

She said she wishes things would stay here from her mouth that wasn't cover saying she went too far that wasnt policy that was Shiori and her thoughts and you'll ignore them? Fuck you fuck you.

>> No.70468778

The Archiver, they call her

>> No.70468780

I just missed it due to life circumstances and I'm exceedingly worried about her after checking these threads. I would probably throw more money at her if she was depressed about numbers/income in the stream. so not all of us who want to watch it are 'antis'.

>> No.70468801

Go fuck yourself, most generals on this site won't share members content because they know it's a shitty thing to do. But I guess I shouldn't expect anything else from the anti general

>> No.70468811
File: 365 KB, 800x800, bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shiori says please don't share this.
>Unwritten rule in hololive that what happens in members streams stays in members streams.
>Reupload it anyway.
>Get mad when people say that that's a little scummy.
Why are piratefags like this? Do they only care about saving a few dollars a month?
I get preserving it for actual members but just putting it out in the wild is different entirely.

>> No.70468827

This isn't about piracy you dense motherfucker this is about being a decent person and not being an anti. Respect her wishes.

>> No.70468850
Quoted by: >>70468933

>people unironically defending sharing member content
nice thread

>> No.70468863


>> No.70468878
Quoted by: >>70468926

>he doesn't want people archiving the archiver

>> No.70468917

Probably deleted the vod so her friend won't find out she was talking about their discord convos on stream

>> No.70468921

already reported it several times. of you don't want it to stay up, you should do the same.

>> No.70468926

haha, she's known for rewriting part of history

>> No.70468933

Nobody that goes against what Shiori wants is a real shigger, they're just antis

>> No.70468935

>Being this much of a corpo dick sucker
Shame. Shiori barely sees a percentage of the money you give out anyway.

>> No.70468943
Quoted by: >>70469008

You fags now members stuff of every fucking one gets shared every fucking where, right? If it's not here it would be on the other ten places.

>> No.70468959
Quoted by: >>70469054

you should've put a password that's some specific word from from a member's post

>> No.70468998

It's the same "people" (read: sisters) that were seething in the IRyS dox thread on the catalog getting pissy that Holofans don't agree with sharing stuff

>> No.70469008
Quoted by: >>70469069

Then go there and don't bring that shit here

>> No.70469054

This is unironically the way to do it if you're going to be a faggot and do it anyway, actual gatekeeping

>> No.70469069
Quoted by: >>70469131

That really is besides the point.
Just stop being a retard getting mad because you cannot block the sun with a finger.

>> No.70469131

The point is you're flagrantly ignoring Shiori's wishes in her fucking general.

>> No.70469163
Quoted by: >>70469207

Again, stop being a retard getting mad because you cannot block the sun with a finger.

>> No.70469188

i COULD still put on a password now since the file isnt finished uploading

>> No.70469207

Fuck you, kill yourself.

>> No.70469216

Don't bother trying to reason with evil. There's only one way to deal with it that works.

>> No.70469232
Quoted by: >>70469271

You sisters aren't helping your point, you look more like antis with every post

>> No.70469238

>trying to combat piracy by telling them it's morally wrong
Jesus christ you guys really never learn. You know by kicking and screaming like you are only encouraging them to post her content more right? And that by throwing such a hissy fit you are only drawing even more attention to the stream you don't want anyone else to watch right? Fucking morons.

>> No.70469256

Decide on a keyword from streams and set it and forget it

>> No.70469271

Yeah, we've shared archives before, who cares.

>> No.70469299

This unironically

>> No.70469322

just cancel it

>> No.70469328
Quoted by: >>70469416


>> No.70469339

can someone just tell me if she's okay?

>> No.70469354

I suggest something like the fifth word she said in the latest novelknight audio drama.
That way giftwyrms don't get access to it.

>> No.70469358

Yeah, she got better after talking about stuffs with us

>> No.70469376

She said she's fine by the end of the stream.

>> No.70469381

we don't know and I hope she is doing well

>> No.70469382
Quoted by: >>70469439

Did I miss anything important in the first hour and half parts of the stream then if the VOD is nuked?

>> No.70469388

I refuse to be part of this nonsense any further.
Find someone else to be your archiver, my archive is gone.

>> No.70469416

she's also literally never said before this one that she hopes it won't be shared outside of the stream

>> No.70469419

Is this what Asians/Christians go through during their childhood? Because fuck it sounds like hell

>> No.70469429
Quoted by: >>70469496

It's about respecting Shiori membership content. Keep it at least within members and secure it with a password. After all, why limit this audio dramas voice packs and wallpapers

>> No.70469439

She got into her own head about sadshi stuffs from childhood and became sadshi

>> No.70469440

All the good parents stories she hears from everyone in holo messed her up...

>> No.70469441

>it's real

>> No.70469496


>it's about Shiori's wishes to not share it
>that's why you should still share it but only for me

>> No.70469531

Good on you for taking a stand against this bullshit because frankly I can't stand watching this either.

>> No.70469544
Quoted by: >>70469583

Everyone who missed it because of life related things could use the archive tho

>> No.70469570

so just another attentionfaggot huh

>> No.70469583

That one is going to have to be a skip from them when the person streaming literally says "please don't share it."

>> No.70469613

Sisters were right about the archivecuck.

>> No.70469649

Jesus this discussion is stupid.

>> No.70469652

I need to wrap her in a blanket and tell her everything is okay. I wish the world was kinder to her. even holo fans treat her like shit. but she made it to hololive, she stole my heart, and she's an excellent, motivated person. Wish she could see what I see.

>> No.70469674
File: 97 KB, 791x773, 2023-11-07_13-31-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna finish the vod, I was watching up until the point where she kept sniffling about her intrusive thoughts and I had to go to an appointment

>> No.70469683

And so archive will live on in infamy. Sucks to those who missed it, but they have the context they need.

>> No.70469721


>> No.70469818

Good riddance threads will improve without your dramafagging ass.

>> No.70469837

>even holo fans treat her like shit
Fucking WHERE?
And no, catalogtards are not "fans"

>> No.70469860
Quoted by: >>70470124

The best thing we can do is give context to those who asked. Nothing else. Shiori already asked not to share it.
I think she knows her worth already. She mentioned so during the stream. It's that she needs to let go of whatever she went through. I do still want to give her a big hug.

>> No.70469884

if all it takes to make her happy is not finishing the vod, then so it be, after this shitstorm she deserves some peace of mind

>> No.70469950

Go look at the holoquiz vod comments. That's a good start.

>> No.70469988
Quoted by: >>70470030

lol just like guras comment section right?

>> No.70470030

It's either very stupid containment breakers, or fans that dunked on Shiori, take your pick.

>> No.70470039
Quoted by: >>70470186

I mean the start of this general literally asks people to report and ignore bait. As far as I know, this is the only general that says that. Of course I'm generalizing, and most people are kind to her. maybe I exaggerate it in my head because she's my oshi, but she seems to get the most hate out of advent.

>> No.70470050
File: 162 KB, 1260x1354, 1679536080699943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be funny if she ends up just editing the crying part

>> No.70470062

>comments from 7 months ago when she had literally just debuted less than 2 weeks before

>> No.70470061

It's never fans.

>> No.70470077

it's always containment breakers

>> No.70470108

doubt that she would do that, S team is in shambles rn

>> No.70470124

For ONCE I'll actually put in the effort for a fully explained reply if someone asks for context of what happened and not just answer with a shitpost. As long as it'll stop people from asking dumb shit.

>> No.70470131
File: 302 KB, 645x522, 1682876868583944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So hows discord reacting to this, surely a lot of them missed the stream too

>> No.70470153

You mean the Holotalk appearance?
Because I'm scrolling through and I'm not seeing shit

>> No.70470161
File: 1.86 MB, 2591x1686, rs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70470172
Quoted by: >>70470305

Sad heat of the moment like this got you, but I get it, take some cold shower and think about it.

>> No.70470186

Nah, /gem/ and /ope/ also say that

>> No.70470194
Quoted by: >>70470588

Honestly all I wanted to go back to was the oldfag vtubers part of the stream.

>> No.70470218

Let's drop the topic of the archive already since the sisters are here trying to capitalize on that shit. If it gets uploaded somewhere, tough shit. We cannot stop a stranger from doing so.

If you want to express your gratitude towards Shiori, there's always twitter. Other than that, let's fuckin move on already and just post Cute Shiorin.

The stream was her crying and vaguely talking about her crying with a tangent about Ero games in the middle. The vod stays down, I'm afraid.

>> No.70470227

could a brother get some context from halfway onwards?

>> No.70470232

Bro the vod is straight up not coming back if you cut out all the potentially yab stuff there would be like 1 hour left

>> No.70470278
File: 64 KB, 858x505, Screenshot_20240302-174544513 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you ask

>> No.70470305
Quoted by: >>70470387

Nah fuck him, he's a dramafag cunt. Better off if he leaves if he's going to be like this.

>> No.70470339

it's funny because the vod isn't even up. Yet, the dramaqueen already revealed herself. I could be lying for all you know...
If you ever had the idea of archiving for the community in mind, you would not have deleted it. But, you love the attention, a tale all too familiar. I truly admire the chink and ruskie in this area

>> No.70470342 [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 846x1504, 1692413907012678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Nijisanji is a black company that will never recover from the loss of Selen. Sisters can hit you with the cope that "no one is talking about it anymore!" to ignore the fact that the loss in subscribers and viewers can not be recovered by any liver within that shit company. The lowest viewed HoloEN mogs the biggest NijiEN at this point.
And every Phase shilling SEA monkey can astroturf their talent and shitpost about holos all they want. Won't change the fact their number one talent can't help but pathetically try and shill herself as /here/ while getting everyone else in her company in deep shit because she couldn't help but get in on the flesh-tuber cock carousel.

>> No.70470358

The discord are stickler for rules. If anyone has the archive, they will be forced no to post it and they'd get banned if they did.

>> No.70470383


>> No.70470387
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1693281917946970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sticking to morals and listening to Shiori is now being a dramafag cunt

>> No.70470402

Maybe the threads will get better now.

>> No.70470428

deleting the whole archive because of it is an attention whore thing to do tho

>> No.70470471

Just walk away, but he had to make a post about how this affects him. Attentionfag behavior.

>> No.70470499
Quoted by: >>70470551

he never posts members stuff anyway, why delete it?

>> No.70470511
Quoted by: >>70471051

>Do your reps, report and ignore bait.
I wish all the true patriotic Shiggers to have a good weekened

>> No.70470548

I'm the only good novelite

>> No.70470551
Quoted by: >>70470877

He was creepily parasocial over Shiori. Upset someone's posting members content or whatever.

>> No.70470588

yeah, that was a cute moment even if wasn't that much new info
I wonder if she knows that one of her oshi reincarnated and is still going

>> No.70470654

What made her start crying around the 30-40 minute mark? I had to entertain family when that happened.

>> No.70470708
Quoted by: >>70470866

She refused to mention probably because it would be too personal, BUT we could infer it's about how she was raised.

>> No.70470750

>every post i dont like is le sisters boogeyman
>every post i dont like is le phase boogeyman
ever consider that out of the hundreds of thousands of people who watch hololive content, some of them might not have the same opinions that you do?

>> No.70470771

People forget where we are. This is 4chan. Go back to lereddit or dicksword if you want your hugbox.

>> No.70470772
File: 282 KB, 480x480, 1701491023867832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70470832

Pebble here. I'm not a member so I don't know what is going on but I'm worried about Shiori after reading the thread. Take care of her Novelites.

>> No.70470776

it's 100% her parents, specifically her mom

>> No.70470812

>come here to see what the stream was about because I'm a novelpleb
>something super sadshi happened
I suddenly feel thirdhand bad for her just even catching whiffs of this.

>> No.70470818
Quoted by: >>70471038

This is only ever uttered by faggot tourists from said shitholes
Not your fucking shitting ground, faggot

>> No.70470832
File: 58 KB, 860x885, 1697698312162827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no new ip
thanks anyway i guess

>> No.70470842

She said she was having thoughts about her childhood, but she never said why.

>> No.70470866
File: 373 KB, 864x864, 1694603497200469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When she started sniffling after thinking about a time papaShiori was angry and passive aggresive towards her
had my heart go sadshi a little

>> No.70470877
Quoted by: >>70470910

Your a sister. I've seen them say the same shit on that dox site.

>> No.70470910

He just deleted the entire archive over a nothingburger, what would you call that if not being a dramawhore?

>> No.70470927

family trauma but dont worry she love her parents!

>> No.70470991

wtf did her papa and uncle do to her?

>> No.70471027
Quoted by: >>70471327

Yeah I that one hit too close to home. It fucking sucks because I know what that feels like; it fells like your parents or the people who raised you did not love you unless you met a certain unreachable criteria.

>> No.70471038

Well said

>> No.70471045

Not need to be an asshole or edgy all the time yknow

>> No.70471051

I get annoyed at sisters bait because they take up 60% of the thread and spam niji psyops. Seriously what's wrong with them? Sometimes we out them but they just loop anyway. Page 10 sister rape when

>> No.70471062

As someone that missed the entire thing because SEA hours suck and I have overtime work. Why is everyone sperging out about the whole pirating a members stream that she explicitly said "Don't share this."
I'd understand if it came from doxxsite or catalog, but why is her very own general the one ignoring her when she was in tears earlier. (Forced to threadread most of the past two threads.)

>> No.70471126

I already told you it's not sister. But if you wished it was true so much then I can entertain you

>> No.70471132
Quoted by: >>70471252

Fuck off archivecuck

>> No.70471157
Quoted by: >>70471245

I think shiori needs to admit to herself that she doesn't actually love her parents and thats ok

>> No.70471159
File: 437 KB, 849x1200, 1690246361317648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori steppies status?

>> No.70471163

Because it's not actual her fans asking for the archive. The sister need more fuel

>> No.70471198

So an anti posted it?

>> No.70471216

This was a special stream where she opened up to us. We'll probably never see her be this vulnerable for a really long time.

>> No.70471245

>Someone with mommy/daddy issues
>Ever being able to admit that

>> No.70471249

the general has been infested with the same group of antis for several pages now. you're not supposed to share member content. those that were begging for an archive were obviously sisters.

>> No.70471252

Honestly just put a password with a hint of something she explicitly said in an audio drama and suddenly the sisters can no longer access it.
If there's a password attached, then probably not, no.
Gotcha, shame I missed it but life happens.

>> No.70471282
Quoted by: >>70471390

Damn, sounds like I missed a lot. I was spending time with family so I missed shiori's and anons melties.

>> No.70471289

I would not be even surprised if it was a sister who posted "I deleted the archive" bs so they could shit on him even more. We KNOW archive anon does not sound post members stream. Those cunts have a hate boner for him.

>> No.70471305

And she was very careful with her wording, if we ever had an unfiltered Shiori thoughts we would all die

>> No.70471320
Quoted by: >>70471476


>> No.70471327
File: 24 KB, 102x146, 1679233029580708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're better than this
>you should be able to do this
>you're smarter than that
Being the first child sucked, every expectation forced on you to be some kind of God while you watch the younger ones get free passes and special attention

>> No.70471338
Quoted by: >>70471476

the archive is gone though hahaha

>> No.70471352

Are these "sisters" in the room with us right now? Some of us have jobs and can't be around for streams 24 hours a day.

>> No.70471365

Now I know you suck his cock but don't be a retard.

>> No.70471381

Worse is when even despite being the oldest, your younger sibling is the clear favorite.

>> No.70471390

Same boat as you but that's just how life is.

>> No.70471426

Maybe you should've actually not been a shit kid.
You ended up here after all so clearly you did something wrong.

>> No.70471435

This member stream is basically what I wanted and expected though, I love cute menhera girls even if they're bad for me.

>> No.70471476
Quoted by: >>70471858

Oh shit. Ok I apologize, nigga really caved.
Fucking this. The oldest gets all the expectations and less the love. I love my siblings but clearly, they got more attention

>> No.70471585
File: 340 KB, 600x598, 1661843036608983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>struggle a bit with school
>really good in most subjects but just can't manage with a few
>constantly get shit for it, accused of being lazy
>decide to be exactly what they say
>coast on your good subjects but overall stop trying outside of testing for credits
>end up drifting in life because your motivation died early
>pile on other social issues into the shit stew

>> No.70471619

Your posting style is showing, I thought you learned how to lurk better?

>> No.70471642

so uh i missed todya's stream did i miss something

>> No.70471690

fellow onii-sans, I feel you but eventually you learn to let bygones be bygones as you grow older since when you can't depend on friends, at least you know there's family to watch your back

>> No.70471759
Quoted by: >>70471807

she traumadumped on us

>> No.70471807

damn and my like two months of super heavy workload literally ended today for me not to be able to watch

>> No.70471857
File: 358 KB, 640x640, 1709421261187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you guys exists, middle children like me are completly forgotten

>> No.70471858

I get why he would cave, but at the same time it's obviously antis and sisters that are begging for the archive mixed in with one or two novelites that missed cuz of life.
Life happens though, it's unfortunate but if Shiori said "Please don't share." then I'd rather respect her wishes.

>> No.70471974
File: 3.52 MB, 1600x2000, 1698840086478274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori started off tired and a little distant. You could tell something wasn't 100% right. She got on to the topic of her childhood and parents. Went quiet. Started crying. This happened a few times within 30m. Snapped out of it and talked about EN ships and said she doesn't care who (We) ship her with. Then she started to properly cheer up when talking about oldfag oshis and vtubing. Lots of sister fuel was sprinkled throughout which is why they're desperate for the archive. Shiori overshared in some places but it was nothing bad really.

>> No.70471983

yeah i'm alright not watching. i think having at least enough healthy separation to not FOMO so bad over a traumadump stream is kinda essential

>> No.70471985

>I get why he would cave
explain it to me then

>> No.70472025

Archive doko

>> No.70472098
Quoted by: >>70472221

You can't label everyone you don't like as a sister. We've shared archives of the vod before no problem. Don't be bitchy now

>> No.70472121
Quoted by: >>70472175

>Be normal fan
>Watch stream
>Oshi cries and says don't share this while in tears
>See faggots sharing it or talking about sharing it (But really they're just sisters and faggots)
>Thinks it's our own (maybe only a couple of them are)
>Frustrated and leaves

>> No.70472160
File: 258 KB, 470x835, 20230813_122746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really hate my parents over it, not like I've ever (or probably ever will) explain the way I feel to them
As far as they know I'm just a lazy shit coasting through life while in reality I'm a neurotic mess in a constant state of break down
I keep my mental darkness hidden

>> No.70472175

He never shared members content.

>> No.70472209

Sisters and antis have a hate boner for him and they've been attacking him for a good while now.

>> No.70472221
Quoted by: >>70472298

Point to a single membership archive we've shared, I'll wait.
Wrong reply? I'm aware he hasn't and he wasn't about to start.

>> No.70472256

Maybe that's why he took a moralfag stance against it. Kinda stupid desu

>> No.70472287

Yeah, I hold no grudges towards my relatives. They just wanted what's best for me and my siblings.

>> No.70472298
Quoted by: >>70472434

Right reply. I don't get why he would delete the archive of her normal streams because someone else is sharing a members stream. It doesn't make sense in my head

>> No.70472328

VOD is up.

Just a reminder that you (and me), are not entitled to anything, archiveanon. Hopefully you can see through your misguided notion, come around, and revive the archive.

>> No.70472329

Her problems will be solved by having sex

>> No.70472406

It's not about us. It's about Shiori.

>> No.70472434

Because for some reason he thought it was her regulars sharing and not sisters, so by this notion, he thinks the regulars deserve nothing anymore.
Put a novelknight password on it or something, at least gatekeep it.

>> No.70472592

Unironically this. Shiori needs someone she can trust to tell her everything will be okay.

>> No.70472598

Her problems indeed did not solve with that

>> No.70472622

Barely 6 months in and already deleting vods not a good look for her

>> No.70472700

From memory, this is the first time that Shiori's asked for things to be kept private, barring the jokes about the stomach rumbling that had the caveat of the Dimitri picture. It's truly a shame that that request cannot be honored.

>> No.70472706
Quoted by: >>70472982

I know the damage is already done. I'm just ignoring their bad career advice at this point. They tried pushing me into business when I've said from the start I wanted to be STEM.

>> No.70472709

Finally somebody that isn't a faggot. Thanks, chief.

>> No.70472741

I'm pro-piracy but the downside here is we may never get this Shiori again if the deleted VOD spreads so I have to side with those opposed to a re-upload.

>> No.70472824
Quoted by: >>70472927

She's /here/ and she nuked something before, maybe this time she'll start making members stream T3 only not that it would matter

>> No.70472892
Quoted by: >>70472939

Maybe this will be a wakeup call to shiori that some topics just aren't appropriate in hololive

>> No.70472927
Quoted by: >>70473590

you're right. I could also upload the audio drama just to prove a point

>> No.70472939
Quoted by: >>70473190

now you're just being a retard, we need more of that in hololive, how can you live with yourself knowing that these people are only acting ?

>> No.70472955
Quoted by: >>70473194

Shiori is not /here/ and never will be /here/

>> No.70472982
Quoted by: >>70473294

yeah, same issue here too. Sat down, talked it out like adults and came to a compromise. Relatives would still talk shit but at least I'm in a better place now and my parents stopped expecting

>> No.70473003

>My wife makes a request
>I immediately ignore it and do the exact opposite
Is this what they call being married?

>> No.70473066

This is more like a shitty boyfriend that will eventually end up as an ex and wonder "what the fuck happened why's she such a bitch?" but what can you do?

>> No.70473125
Quoted by: >>70473174

>don't respect Shiori's wishes fellow siste- I mean, novelite
>spread everything as much as you can, no matter what she says

>> No.70473155

Shiori won't have sex with you lil bro

>> No.70473174

>didn't read the post

>> No.70473190

You're responding to a sister

>> No.70473194

I'd be completely unsurprised if she was a lurker. Also, I side with
on this one. Let Shiori be Shiori.

>> No.70473213
File: 322 KB, 1080x1422, 1692522552174225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks my shigger

>> No.70473214

she's having sex with me

>> No.70473228

lil bro really thought he came up with a zinger

>> No.70473248

Exactly the type of person Shiori hates. Promising something and then doing the opposite.

>> No.70473294

For me, it's more that their idea of success is being an executive and can't conceive what it's like outside of it. I've told them I don't wanna be a bureaucratic tool (in a more diplomatic manner obviously).

>> No.70473302

Archive is up at the usual place if you know you know

>> No.70473315
Quoted by: >>70473408

>just got back from work
Well... Fuck... Was she cute at least?

>> No.70473346

I don't care

>> No.70473371

What if we don't

>> No.70473384

A sister, with her crusty ass vagina, is samefagging my response, within a minute of each other. Damn, did that post make you seethe that hard?

>> No.70473399


>> No.70473408

She was neutral, then got very sadshi but cheered up at the end

>> No.70473411

thank you

>> No.70473465
Quoted by: >>70473537

62s apart. Make it less obvious.

>> No.70473488

I promised to upload the VOD last thread(s), and I did!

>> No.70473537
Quoted by: >>70473636

Not the same person. Don't care what you think. Got my VOD so I'm satisfied. Don't forget to upload the next one.

>> No.70473561
File: 149 KB, 438x182, 1692291446322959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70473576

should I share the archive some schizo posted on the other thread so that it gets nuked?

>> No.70473590

Did she delete one?

Did I miss something?

>> No.70473606 [DELETED] 

Link from global

>> No.70473622

Based retard

>> No.70473629

You can snitch to cover if you want.

>> No.70473636

>don't care
>responded anyway and went out of your way to say you weren't the same person.

>> No.70473639

Should send it to Cover's reporting function

>> No.70473755

gofile have the option too, nobody is gonna stop you

>> No.70473783
File: 139 KB, 1080x884, Screenshot_20240302_173928_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate us

>> No.70473816

This gave me a big ICK, ugh

Is she retarded

>> No.70473886
Quoted by: >>70473936

I hate sisters, because it's the fucking sisters
They didn't bother changing their posts from when they were making the same one about a different Holomem earlier in the catalog
Same argument, same posts, word for word

>> No.70473900

next membership stream is going to be on fes week, good god it's a busy time

>> No.70473904

I'm at the part where she's talking about ships in EN. Most of them are from Promise lol.

>> No.70473936

Incest is wincest

>> No.70474056
File: 638 KB, 691x716, 1703344957815581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70474103

For the next member's stream we should be the ones trauma dumping to Shiori about our awful lives.

>> No.70474103

People already did that by sending SCs, but it would be funny

>> No.70474145
Quoted by: >>70474233

gently suckling shiori's breasts

>> No.70474188

reminder that next stream probably is a collab if she doesn't stream earlier in the day

>> No.70474233
Quoted by: >>70475659


>> No.70474397

God it would be so funny is she goes full menhera over this

>> No.70474483

it's a literal nothingburger

>> No.70474501

why would she?

>> No.70474508

she has no reason to

>> No.70474634

but I agree that it would be

>> No.70474643
Quoted by: >>70474745

Whiny bitch ran off to /gem/

>> No.70474665

I have no idea what sisters could use from this vod. It's just more of the same but this time she cried.

>> No.70474745
Quoted by: >>70474839

>the responses
More sane than /here/ at least.
Lolicons have a better head on their shoulders, who knew.

>> No.70474835
Quoted by: >>70474982

No, but they will make shit up like always. Expect a raid tomorrow, if not tonight.

>> No.70474839

At least they know we're on 4chan of all places and not to have PMS and delete their archive like an emotional woman.

>> No.70474848
Quoted by: >>70474936

They specifically want it uploaded because she said not to
It's literally just spite
They're genuinely evil and wonder why nobody will love them, and then they lash out at people living their dream

>> No.70474936

>They specifically want it uploaded because she said not to
It would have happened anyway, all members streams is uploaded somewhere

>> No.70474955


>> No.70474970

Doesn't matter, they just want to take something and blow it up to make it seem like a yab like they always do.

>> No.70474982

Then do as your fellow patriotic shigger does. Report and ignore.

>> No.70475001

If you're here ArchiveAnon, I appreciated you. Please come home.

>> No.70475035

Counterpost, fuck off forever.

>> No.70475055
Quoted by: >>70475185

What a timing.

>> No.70475070

Shiori... the timing is a bit... you know...

>> No.70475121


>> No.70475185
Quoted by: >>70475217

These shorts have been consistently been uploaded at 6 pm CST. That was more than likely scheduled a couple of days ago

>> No.70475206
File: 341 KB, 541x680, 1682539973647173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70475277

Same, he shouldn't let the sisters get to him
Scum will be scum

>> No.70475217

I know, just the content of it

>> No.70475219

Really cute, if you th*nk about it.

>> No.70475277

Is the person who uploaded the vod a sister?

>> No.70475321
File: 156 KB, 160x160, 1705642591510102.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Sisters will forever be sisters, just ignore em.
>No password to gatekeep
Either a sister, anti, or someone not from /here/

>> No.70475371

>unprotected uploaded
>doing the opposite of what Shiori asked
99.99% chance of yes

>> No.70475393
Quoted by: >>70475453

Sisters false flagging so actual Novelites are labeled as antis. Telling them to rope themselves just disrupts the thread. Is there no way to win against these two-faced bitches?

>> No.70475437

Why is she trying so hard to please her parents? If you were in her position, wouldn't you just kick them out of your life?

>> No.70475453
Quoted by: >>70475579


>> No.70475497
Quoted by: >>70475558

much appreciated archive anon

>> No.70475558
Quoted by: >>70475934

The new archive anon

>> No.70475579

I've been doing that for the past 2 months and they're still here. I unironically just post here less now.

>> No.70475616
Quoted by: >>70475756

Agreed, it was getting uploaded either way
I just didn't expect to be in her general where some "novelite" did it over an argument on the internet lol

>> No.70475659

shiori, play werewolves of london next time you do a piano stream, please!

>> No.70475676

that's still 0.01% no
i'll take it

>> No.70475687
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x900, 1704797939795516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cute ditzy dork

>> No.70475752

A shoddy and nasty lie
Laugh at it, that small trump card
that is like a throbbing light that purifies darkness
What are you holding?
Just throw that card you're riding on
It's not a temporary wonderland
The strong and hopeless wishes at the Pandemonium
If you can't drink them all then you're still weak
You closed your eyes and it was a checkmate.
That's worth less than glory and the sound of that heart
How about holding this hopeful hand?
But it'll never come
So you can't stay and wait for it, right? Dirty boy

>> No.70475756

Sisters don't know that, which is why they tried to make a stink of it here

>> No.70475787
Quoted by: >>70475835

While true, I'd expect it to come from outside first. Not from our very own home. But
>unprotected, not gatekept
Kinda telling who it is that uploaded it.

>> No.70475835
Quoted by: >>70475939

Why are you exposing yourself? This is the internet, what did you expect?

>> No.70475934

No need to even acknowledge the holier-than-thou has-been

>> No.70475939
Quoted by: >>70477905

I expected someone in global or catalog, or a sister to post it.
That's it. My expectations were met.

>> No.70475955
Quoted by: >>70476116

It doesn't matter who uploaded it, it would have been uploaded anyway.

>> No.70475972
Quoted by: >>70476329

Maybe the novelbeat will take up the role now

>> No.70476116

It does matter, if you call yourself a novelite, you wouldn't have done it.

>> No.70476178
Quoted by: >>70476302

That's just what being Asian is like, anon. You're led to believe (and rightfully so sometimes) that you've got talent.

>> No.70476255

When you're raised to think that the approval of your family is everything and you barely matter as an individual, it can be hard to do that.

>> No.70476302

Happens to white people, too
According to my parents, I was supposed to be the second coming of Christ (figuratively)

>> No.70476329

After seeing how this place behaves, fuck that. Find another. Chasing out your own and uploading shit your own oshi said not to? Yes, it would have been uploaded by someone else, but being the one uploading it? Nah. You're on your own. Ask the guy that uploaded it to soundpost for you fags.

>> No.70476331
File: 488 KB, 1080x1846, 5months15days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeps coping

>> No.70476424
Quoted by: >>70476929

I thought you were leaving.

>> No.70476590
Quoted by: >>70476929

Why are you larping as the novelbeat? Jealous he was more talented than you? You deleted the archive, you said your bit, now fuck off.

>> No.70476766
Quoted by: >>70476837

Thank God almighty that Shiori was born, but at the same time, her parents really shouldn't have had children.

>> No.70476837
Quoted by: >>70477018

Thats all asian parents tho

>> No.70476929
Quoted by: >>70477013

Lol. This is my post >>69656731, and you're right, I am leaving, goodbye.

>> No.70476972

>Was a new IP
Well there goes the Novelbeat too.

>> No.70477000
Quoted by: >>70477042

Fuckin anons thinking they're thread celebs. Upload the archive or shut the fuck up.

>> No.70477013

that's cool
who are you again?

>> No.70477018

I'm not saying asians shouldn't exist, but...

>> No.70477042
Quoted by: >>70477132

I'm famous but you'll never know who I am

>> No.70477068

It would be funny if vod got privated because she mentioned all those old vtubers names

>> No.70477083

anon, that was the novelbeat that others have been asking to upload soundposts in place of the other archive anon. now we literally have no one.

>> No.70477132
Quoted by: >>70477170

Me too, I'm actually a famous Hollywood actor.

>> No.70477164
File: 443 KB, 1846x2234, 1685861016605142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70477203

I watch every stream live so I'm okay without soundposts

>> No.70477170

I knew it. Ryan Gosling is one of us.

>> No.70477203

Nice to meet you, I'm Tim.
It would be nice to have a reaction like a laugh or a shitpost on hand but, oh well. Shit happens.

>> No.70477255
Quoted by: >>70477344

>It would be nice to have a reaction like a laugh or a shitpost on hand
I don't know how to use them so...

>> No.70477251
Quoted by: >>70477401

If I missed the stream, the soundposts were great to catch up. If I watched it, I used them to come back to great moments.

>> No.70477306

Anons thinking they're more important than someone who will upload an entire VOD, like my bro, you're replaceable. Get over yourself.

>> No.70477344

I'll teach you anon. All I want in exchange is a cute Shiori pic.

>> No.70477348

have a nice vacation brave anon

>> No.70477375
File: 422 KB, 663x485, 1693649688037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70477471


>> No.70477401
File: 115 KB, 1280x1280, KW7MD8FEWT7lMXx_-_1696117447676600599.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70477489

If people are willing to timestamp for me, I'd gladly go back and make soundposts once I get my shit set up I'm stupid and somehow my stuffs never work, I think I installed python wrong somehow

>> No.70477405

first, i don't want an entire vod, i want specific clips
second, if they're replaceable, why has literally no one else done it despite all the bitching?
>my bro
oh, sister detected.

>> No.70477421
File: 2.26 MB, 432x404, 1704731061579431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine without using them

>> No.70477471
File: 83 KB, 211x299, 1699882727997203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lied! Devilish~

>> No.70477483

more like anon thinking they are critical to the entertainment provided by Shiori

>> No.70477489

The sad part is I used to tie a lot of my posts with the older soundposts and I have no idea any more where they came from so combing through the vods trying to find the exact section is going to be a nightmare.

>> No.70477529

Why do you guys like Melty Blood so much?

>> No.70477563

oh yeah, it was nice to share shiori soundposts in other threads if someone asked or to reply someone

>> No.70477579

I don't. I like Under Night more.

>> No.70477634
Quoted by: >>70477757


>> No.70477757

It will always be Blazblue (pre crosstag) > Guilty Gear > Under night > Melty blood > Blazblue crosstag.

>> No.70477775
Quoted by: >>70477985

I wonder if Nerissa's mother is part of the reason why today too. Because that's a highly anticipated stream. People have asked Shiori about her parents being on stream, and prechat fuckers won't shut up about Nerissa's mom. Not saying it's Nerissa's fault, but it must be awkward for Shiori.

>> No.70477779
Quoted by: >>70478280


>> No.70477792
Quoted by: >>70478280

BB is good

>> No.70477798
File: 1.08 MB, 782x999, 1684252348907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70477881

>> No.70477881


>> No.70477905

Your expectation was met, it was a sister, and you still chose to delete everything?
ahaha, get over yourself

>> No.70477921

I liked playing as Noel

>> No.70477985

She should bring Shioripapa on stream instead, and he can talk about how Call of Duty Warzone 2 fucking SUCKS

>> No.70478035
Quoted by: >>70478139

Just ignore him, he's taken off the mask and is attentionwhoring.

>> No.70478052
File: 853 KB, 823x728, 164036492659660584749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soundposter anon love!

>> No.70478139

He's just not making any sense

>> No.70478154
File: 58 KB, 900x1200, 1700882141948931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soundposter indifference

>> No.70478162

I think Antis and Archiveanon should kiss

>> No.70478206

I think Shiori and I should kiss.

>> No.70478209
Quoted by: >>70478382

BB Noel or Melty Noel? If BB, pick up Kaguya in UNI2.

>> No.70478224

Man, I literally only care about Shiori.

>> No.70478280

I'm not archiveanon because I'd keep the archive despite sisters blatantly trying to drag his name through the mud if I were him.
BB Noel good, I liked Hazama best.

>> No.70478360
Quoted by: >>70478508

You can't call everyone you don't like a sister. The vod was uploaded by a fan, deal with it.

>> No.70478370
Quoted by: >>70478508

gordon is pretty cool, i played wagner in unist and fucking around with londrekia in uni2

>> No.70478382
File: 175 KB, 350x426, shioriii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BB Noel, I messed around with Apostle Noel in TL though against my friend though since it's funny to have him cope at ranged spammers (we both hate blob though)

>> No.70478391
File: 232 KB, 983x1485, 1709380715427070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at a loss of how to express myself. Please help me cherish this sweet soul.

>> No.70478482

Why don't you write her a letter?

>> No.70478508

Sister isn't a person, it's a behavior pattern at this point. You can be a "fan" and act like a sister, it's happened before.
I honestly just hate what Crosstag had become, the BB's before it were super good.

>> No.70478526
File: 755 KB, 831x831, 1666850613591452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70478662

I wanna make a fangame for her (well, for all of EN rather but with her having a big part in it)

>> No.70478581

gonna be a 2 days break btw
maybe stop making threads
just a friendly suggestion

>> No.70478646
Quoted by: >>70478746

I don't even know if you're a sister or not because you always insist on letting the thread die but I'll humor you the response
>Letting antis and sisters win

>> No.70478647

>2 days break
in the best case scenario

>> No.70478662
Quoted by: >>70478853

Why not start now?

>> No.70478723

She'll do a venting twitter space sometime before tuesday, I BELIEVE

>> No.70478746 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>70478792

great! I'll see you next thread

>> No.70478762

I'm a Type-Moonfag

>> No.70478764

I'll give you a hard roru followed by a big rumao.

>> No.70478792

I know you will, archiveanon

>> No.70478853
File: 89 KB, 397x439, 1696131765313855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna!
At least, I'm gonna after I finish applying for part-time jobs so I have income and am a bit more independent, but THEN I'm gonna start learning!

>> No.70478946
Quoted by: >>70479624

what kind of game do you have in mind? platformer/rpg/vn/etc.?

>> No.70478968

Well, good luck

>> No.70479089

Here's your rrat of the day.
Shiori is archiveanon and she was happy to clip herself for her anon fans but then she saw the blowback from her own general and decided fuck that. The next stream she'll directly address it and say "I had to remove an archive. It was a shame but it is what it is." or something of that nature.
How would you respond to the theoretical rrat?

>> No.70479211

i honestly don't know what i would think if your delusions didn't stay as delusions. actually id probably laugh at myself out of pity if that ever happened.

>> No.70479260

I would send headpats emote in the chat

>> No.70479268
Quoted by: >>70479516

i'd be honored for being the cause of her meltdown (for real this time)

>> No.70479455

Very poorly crafted rrat, doesn't make sense at all. Go train your rratfu some more, anon.

>> No.70479488
Quoted by: >>70479645

Can we not mention that freak?

>> No.70479516

Who do you hate sis

>> No.70479624
File: 194 KB, 1045x377, 1693224537841458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A VN but with raising sim elements/mini-games, like some of those older PC-98 games

>> No.70479645
Quoted by: >>70479815

The other anon was right about sisters posting the same way, they use the exact same terminology

>> No.70479815
Quoted by: >>70479889

Wow anon, you're so smart. Why are you posting in the sisters thread?

>> No.70479889
Quoted by: >>70479971

This isn't your thread, fuck off.

>> No.70479951
File: 1.40 MB, 766x774, 1705329557128577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new bread

>> No.70479971
Quoted by: >>70480097

When you call everyone a sister, it is.

>> No.70480097

>Posts like a sister
>Using the same terminology as a sister
>Expects to not be called out
Roru. Rumao even.

>> No.70480097,1 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone got a gofile, streamable, or torrent link of the privated vod that works?

>> No.70480097,2 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone got a gofile, streamable, or torrent link of the privated vod that works?
