Previous thread
>>OPMan, I want to fuck Shuba
>>OPsex with shuba
>>OPPrevious: >>70441685*GENERAL NUMBERFAG SITES*>>>>>> sites>>>> sites>>>>>>>
So what thread were people repoting? VShojo one?
>>OPTotal Yaoi Faggots Eradicationwe only love girls hereAll male vtubers are gay and criny
Early thread rules. We do our threadly reps here.
using the tomboy thread
So who's the sexiest holo?
Why does Mumei like bleps so much?
JP stream lingo for EOPs w/ furigana>配信 :: はいしん :: stream>初配信 :: はつはいしん :: debut stream>卒業 :: そつぎょう :: graduation>放送 :: ほうそう :: broadcast>生放送 :: なまほうそう :: live broadcast>雑談 :: ざつだん :: chatting>歌枠 :: うたわく :: karaoke>カメラ枠 :: かめらわく :: handcam>コラボ :: こらぼ :: collab>オフコラボ :: おふこらぼ :: offcollab>罰ゲーム :: ばつげーむ :: punishment game>同時視聴 :: どうじしちょう :: watchalong>初見 :: しょけん :: first viewing>耐久 :: たいきゅう :: endurance>深夜 :: しんや :: late night>朝 :: あさ :: morning>告知 :: こくち :: notice/announcement>発表 :: はっぴょう :: announcement>お知らせ :: おしらせ :: notice/announcement>大事な話 :: だいじなはなし :: important talk>重大告知 :: じゅうだいこくち :: important/big announcement>重大発表 :: じゅうだいはっぴょう :: important/big announcement>凸待ち :: とつまち :: call-in>逆凸 :: ぎゃくとつ :: reverse call-in>参加型 :: さんかがた :: viewer participation stream>縦型 :: たてがた :: vertical stream>料理 :: りょうり :: cooking>練習 :: れんしゅう :: practice>視点 :: してん :: POV>初心者 :: しょしんしゃ :: beginner>一緒 :: いっしょ :: together>サーバー :: さーばー :: server>鯖 :: さば :: server (literally "mackerel")>大会 :: たいかい :: tournament>対決 :: たいけつ :: showdown/battle>運動会 :: うんどうかい :: sports festival>夏祭り :: なつまつり :: summer festival>バレンタイン :: ばれんたいん :: Valentine's>クリスマス :: くりすます :: Christmas>晩酌 :: ばんしゃく :: evening drinking>最終回 :: さいしゅうかい :: last/final part>最後 :: さいご :: last>終了 :: しゅうりょう :: end>クリア :: くりあ :: clear>挑戦 :: ちょうせん :: challenge>チャレンジ :: ちゃれんじ :: challenge>RTA :: あーるてぃーえー :: speedrun>冒険 :: ぼうけん :: adventure>目指す :: めざす :: aim(ing for)>新衣装 :: しんいしょう :: new outfit>新髪型 :: しんかみがた :: new hairstyle>お披露目 :: おひろうめ :: reveal>お正月 :: おしょうがつ :: new year>新年 :: しんねん :: new year>新春 :: しんしゅん :: new year (spring)>誕生日 :: たんじょうび :: birthday>生誕祭 :: せいたんさい :: birthday (usually a bday LIVE)>〇周年 :: 〇しゅうねん :: nth anniversary>記念 :: きねん :: commemoration/celebration>ライブ :: らいぶ :: LIVE>〇時間 :: 〇じかん :: n hours (or "time" if no number in front)>ホロメン :: ほろめん :: holomem>〇期生 :: 〇きせい :: nth generation member(s)>視聴者 :: しちょうしゃ :: viewer>リスナー :: りすなー :: viewer>登録者 :: とうろくしゃ :: subscriber>〇万人 :: 〇まんにん :: 10,000 people/subscribers (10万/十万 = 100,000; 100万/百万 = 1,000,000)>〇曜日 :: 〇ようび :: day of week (月 げつ mon, 火 か tue, 水 すい wed, 木 もく thu, 金 きん fri, 土 ど sat, 日 にち sun)
>>OP>Erotic Tomboy or big Migo titsI choose this one
>Watame gets 9k people watching her play this
>>70448889Watame really is the people's champ for inducing so much of that art REINE HONORARY HOLOEN
>>70448881where's the romaji?
/#/ is a cunny general.
>>70448884>>70448961>Question about holo>Posts males
>>70448996oh cmon you could at least learn hiragana
>>70448988Based Reine
>>70448988She's just like me fr fr
Homos has two allies it's flips and drama channels
>>70448988never doubted her
>>70449115why is it always flips...
>>70449115>flips againflipbros can't stop losing
>>70449115Ofcourse! A FUCKING FLIP!US shouldve nuke that place instead of jap
>>70448958It look pretty good tho
>>70449135Golden gen
>>70449115I'm sure they'll finally incline with those subhumans on their side.
What is wrong with flip brains?
>>70449015 won the hololive sexy contest
>>70449164I remember doxxsagi talking about male collabs and calling the unicorns a bunch of crybabies and that SEA people are the ones who have their heads on the right place, my fucking sides.
>>70448988Funny how they're so desperate for EN viewers. HoloID I knew are super straight and homo friendly
Why are japs like this about their food
* FINAL TALLY OF THE DAY IS IN *Here it goes>64,041: Miko (Hololive)>53,289: Nene (Hololive)>35,732: Pekora (Hololive)>34,752: Pekora (Hololive)>34,018: Bijou (Hololive)>29,100: Hal (Neo-Porte)>26,950: Subaru (Hololive)>24,979: Subaru (Hololive)>24,874: Koyori (Hololive)>23,297: Nerissa (Hololive)>23,095: Shigure Ui (Indie)>19,010: Botan (Hololive)>18,932: IRyS (Hololive)>18,618: Ange (Nijisanji)>16,963: Ito Life (Indie)>16,395: Nagao Kei (Nijisanji)>16,051: Koyori (Hololive)>15,967: Fubuki (Hololive)>12,650: Nose (VSPO)>12,387: Necoma (KEMOMIMI-REFLE!)>11,533: Dokibird (Indie)>11,530: Fuwa (Nijisanji)>10,807: Okayu (Hololive)Gold for Miko with her Micomet stream with Nene getting silver with her SEGA 3D birthday live and Pekora, bronze.
>>70449274no way, is he a SEApag himself?
I never doubted this thread
>>70449282It's literally their culture to decorate dishes like that
Imagine having to eat a ban for reporting the doxfag thread
>>70449277Reine has never been discreet about her genuine homosexuality
>>70449316Yes hes a fucking flip
>>70449306Bae 3D > Nene 3D
>>70449281So fucking sex god I love Fauna
>>70449369These are NOT beach outfit
>>70449316how new? maybe you believe hes a nousagi instead of a mystakek
>>70449306Total Hololive domination
Bae Zodiac itunes charting
Are flips nepotistic? It feels like they only start infesting a fan base the second they recognize a flip is on the screen.
>>70449316Have you not listened to his disgusting accent? Lucky
>>70449464>hololive gets a flip girl>shitposting drops by 90% as flips won't attack their own kind
Miko fucking unstoppable.
>>70449281she should be fatter
>>70449520but she destroy your branch
>>70449540Missing the verb there
>>70449164It's a country with high english proficiency despite being SEA
>>70449349What's wrong with a thread about an active indie vtuber on a vtuber board?
>>70449477The real question is why you have heard the faggot
>>70449598Jeez! Thanks for reminding me about that FUCKING PAGPAGS SHOULD KYS!
>>70449520How do flips feel about Millie though?
>>70449627Kill yourself vermin
>>70449349IRyStocrats opinions on piracy and content leaking?
>>70449627kys doxxnigger vermin
>>70449306>53,289: Nene (Hololive)lmaoooooo
Shark thighs
>>70449621US colonization is fun
The whole Doki shit has been terrible for the vtuber community.
>>70449627Don't try to act coy you subhuman.
>>70449633I watched his video on coco like 2 years ago when I was a complete newfag
>>70449719dont worryholofest will whitewash everything
>>70449652Didn't the shitposting and tribalism increase when Millie entered and flips recognized her due to their doxxing tendencies? And really ramped up after Mysta and other filipinos entered the branch?
>>70449802I don't know, I was referring to the part where she said on stream that she doesn't like flip guys and wants a white husband.
>>70448988>4 kidsthe button actually means 4kids revives from the dead to dub you're animes.
>>70449772Dios mio, my condolences. Man I feel bad for people who came in after those faggots got established.
>>70448458>cool people don't watch vtubersBASED>Never subscribe>no superchat>no membership>don't buy merch>don't watch streams>only clips>bum off wi-fi from neighbor's internet>free electricity from neighbor's breaker
I thought Pego was done racing for numbers?Why is she farming views again?
>>70449781template is so underrated its criminal
>>70449856>jannieslookingatthecatalogue.jpgexcept unlike Gura they don't end up cleaning it up
>>70449652It was only when Millie spoke badly of flips that they turned on her for being a traitor.
Just because all the baddies are flips, it doesn't mean all flips are baddies!
>>70449929>Everything have to be about watch hourShe is doing a playthrough what's wrong? The game is not going to play itself ya know
>>70449972I'll sub and akasupas milliemage if she denounce the pagpags and call them the most toxic poeple in the internet
>>70449682>Bae gets silver>Nene gets silver
>>70449929she's just playing elden ring because she never finished it and the dlc is coming
>>70450010Its 2am in Samurai land right now, she doesnt usually stream at this hour is recommending me uoh content...
Lol a thread is unvailing Pippas vileness and a bunch of Phasenigs go on full damage control, expect the thread to be subhumanfree for a while.
>>70448988Is it bad if I have the fantasy of force impregnate a dyke just to make her feel like a real woman?
>>70449840Man I love these two
>>70450094Because >>70450064She want to finish it before the DLC drop stupid
>>70449267>male won sexy contest>holofags are actual faggotsyeah, we've known for a while. only newfags/tourists would be surprised
/#/ - Yuri General
>>70450134Yes, because ugly people like you shouldn't spread their genes and laws against rape are based for preventing that.
>>70450164even miko finds towa sexy
>>70449972I've never met a flip woman who wasn't a prostitute or formerly a prostitute before marriage. Is this just an over seas thing? I met hundreds of them in the US and Japan. Is it just common over there or is it just some huge sex trafficking operation that everyone ignores?
>>70450094Why do you have to giveaway that you never watch Pekora? Her MGS streams go on until 6am
>>70450233Miko regularly has sex with a male (Verification not required, but pic very much related).
>>70450262Sex work is normalized among flips, but the farther removed they are from the Phillipines the less you'll see that kind of behavior.If they're first gen immigrants it's more likely that's how they got into the country in the first place.
>>70450183You're in the right thread king
>>70449306MARCH 2024 HIGHLANDER>1) 58,861: Miko (Hololive) Important Announcement + gyakutotsu>2) 53,289: Nene (Hololive) 3D Bday [S]> PER COMPANY2x: Hololiveday 2 and already a divergence in gold and highlander!will try to post highlander whenever it diverges from gold of that day
>>70450183>>70450409based and n/u/mberpilled
>>70450389Maybe that's why flips are so cool with homo collabs. Western men normally want a woman just for themselves.
>>70449306MICOMET SEX
Bubble gum konbi
>>70450404Is this a bot? It say the same shit everyday35P must have a better way to celebrate her gold than sending a chatbot to /#/?
>>70449281Boots like that do not breathe at allVery sweaty feet
>>70449306MARCH 2024 FIRST BLOOD>GOLD: Miko (Holo)>SILVER: Kuzuha (Niji)>BRONZE: NeruMero (Indie)1-1-1
>>70449277>HoloID I knew are super straight
>>70450488Flips are obsessed with self-insert gacha games with only female characters though. The prevailing theory is that they want homo collabs so that they can self insert as the guy on the screen interacting with the girls.
Reine is so fucking bougie. She showers everyday. Hot showers even in summer! Queen of water right here.
Mumei bouncing on my dick
>>70450580Fauna is aware, and has mentioned that they only exist to be worn for photos and then immediately taken off
>>70450205>because ugly people like youNice projection
>>70450488The reason flips like homocollabs so much is because they actually cant jerk off without there being a literal male there they can self insert as, they are quite literally not smart enough to imagine themselves fucking their oshi
>>70449306>Gokishit can't even get gold with a 3D Live
I basically been spending the past few month theorizing why Nijisanji often start coming out in midnight, not all of them, but part of them cultivated a midnight slotWhat even is the advantage? Who started watching stream in Japan in 24:00?
>>70450720If you weren't ugly you wouldn't have to think about raping people lol. "Projection" isn't a magic word that can save you from everything, my ugly brown friend.
>>70450739unemployed women
>>70450739sisters who don't have work because they're leeching off their boyfriends
>>70450768You sound very defensive with this topic, why is that?
>>70449306for some numberlaughs:Highlander (Jan-Mar)1) Chloe (Hololive) 24,708 [5th]2) Nene (Hololive) 53,289 [S]It's still a fucking sweep
>>70450739sankisei owns primetime jp hours
>>70450183We love heterowhores, thoughever
>>70450842Said the guy getting very defensive over being called ugly, to the point of now trying to change the argument. I'm feeling nice today so I'll stop bullying you now since you're clearly upset.
Per Reine, there's a collab next week. She's not sure who's in it but at least some ID girls.Sounds to me like that means it's an ID-EN collab
I thought Tournament King was a meme but it is real, out of Kuzuha's last 12 streams, a whole TEN of it was for tournaments. He jumped from one tournament to another with no filler stream inbetween
>>70450739Married women. I read a doujin about a married woman who donates akasupas to her favorite male streamer constantly, and then they meet and fuck, and that's what I imagine happens all the time.
cmon phasecuckjannydo your job
>>70450890Ok, let's take a recap>is it bad if I have the fantasy of raping a dyke to force impregnate her and make her feel like a real women?Your immediate response is >UUUUUGLY BROWN BRWON BROWN UGLY ONLY UGLY PEOPLE WANT TO RAPE AAAAAre you telling me that dykes will have sex with a man if he is attractive enough? retard
Kronii will be in IRyS 3D because they love each other
>>70451026That sucks live is tomorrow right? I guess this is silver.
is IRyS' latest cover gonna be ogeyit was supposed to be a super buff
truly an invisible war
/qa/ wonDN wonthe Philippines won
>>70450998>ask a question>get an answer>start seethinglol? Your fragility doesn't help you beat the incel accusations btw.
>>70451084Rent free
x numbers
>>70451084kek, I'm going to downboat him just to feed his schizophrenia
>>70451068not vtuber
>>70451129>SEETHEE SEETHEE YOU MAD BRO INCEL BROWN UGLYUsually the one throwing insults is the one seething sister.
>>70451084utterly mindbrokenhe can't comprehend that regular users of the sub are the ones mass downvoting stars posts
>>70451270She is a vtuber
Why does Enna get every single raid? She doesn't even have raids turned on.Fulgur is streaming, they could have raided Fulgur. Instead they all do "manual raids" of Enna.I don't understand, is there some kind of management mandate to raid Enna when she has low numbers?
>>70451278Is that what you told yourself when you were getting bullied in school?
>>70451311Stop noticing things
I love /vt/
>>70451321>another projectionIt's ok, you can trauma dump here all you want
>>70451311Right hand of the clique
>>70451374No, just simple critical thinking, something beyond your brown brain. Refer to >>70450768
>>70451294nah. utaite at most. no l2d or 3d model. streams with avatar or flesh
Sisters should be hosed down with ice cold water for 10 minutes straight to break their spirits, shaved, bathed, dressed in lingerie, and be thoroughly corrected by Anons over a long weekend, so that they stop causing trouble.
>>70449929Kek dumb newfag
>>70451084homobeggars on reddit think bots are the reason the bois post get downvoted and deleted
>>70451311>>70451350By the way it's not the first time.Whenever Enna gets below-average numbers, everyone POURS raids on her. She gets like 4 raids, even when there's lower-viewed people streaming who could have used them. I swear there is some kind of management directive that Enna needs to be raided if her numbers are below a certain threshhold.
>>70451411>you can only think of rape if you're ugly and brownYour response implies that dykes would have sex with a man if he is attractive enough, what is the definition of dyke sister? lesbian aka attracted only to women, therefore the only way to impregnate is rape. Once again, retard.
>phase janny actually deleted the image of pippa making the asuka jokeSo what are we really allowed to talk about? We cant speak about old streams by vtubers and we cant even speak about like 2 year old tweets. Will the jannies start banning discussion of the Mythmania period?Things happening on the official stream or the official twitter that isnt pure mistakes should be 100% allowed as it was sanctioned by the vtuber themselves that they wanted to send that stream or send that tweet.Or just go nuclear and turn this officially into a Hololive board so we dont have to share a board with phase scum and other insects
>>70451519Why are they incapable of beliving that people are just tired of their shit? Isnt that way more reasonable than a bot that specifically targets them?
>>70451284well i actually tried to find Homos post downvote before but i just can't, there is none. I feel like i have never seen homos posts again in the subreddit ever since that Altare 3D debacle where lot of homobeggars revolted in the comment section
>>70450843s-soon hololive will run out of members to win golds and niji will win!
>>70451587Since it's your fantasy then you can fantasize about them falling for you anyway. But since you're subconsciously insecure and aware of your ugliness, you default to thoughts of rape. It's the same brown IQ which causes you to be unable to enjoy anything where you can't self insert, due to limited brain capacity.
>>70451600Because they refuse to accept that the greater fanbase doesn't care about their male failures and still believe that it's just a minority of unicorns/incels/chuds/whatever the fuck is the new buzzword.
>>70451084this isn't even the first time he complained about downvotes
>>70450872Holy based. I will be tuning in to her streams more now
>>70449856Whay the fuck the tail cover is adorable...
>>70451677>Since it's your fantasy then you can fantasize about them falling for you anywayThat posture is not very lgbt friendly sister, your answer implies that lesbians are not born that way but it is an option. Do you really agree with that?
>>70451600they expect everyone else to show up to the homos streams but not themthey can just hang out and watch clips
>>70451725OKBH raided holosub during blue boy's 3D and the posts all kept getting downvoted and deleted by automod within seconds until the reddit mod allowed 1 post to standthe comments section of that post were barely talking about the 3D and mostly seething about invisible unicorns who keep downvoting their posts
>>70451804Oh dear, now you're exposing that you can't separate reality from fantasy. Not a good look browncelbro.
>>70451284>Implying anyone even uses MMD anymoreShit's old and busted with UI reminiscent of two decades ago
>Yuri being posted>Thread is shit
Did reGloss not have fan names before? They didn't decide on it in the beginning?
>>70451958stopped* being postedTime to make things a bit better.
>Got banned for reporting the doxx threadJannies are so fucking retarded
The way Mumei says 'mature' makes my dick hard.
>>70451596phasecucks are obsessed to clean pippa image, sorry that your oshi is garbage bro not our fault
>>70452035Welcome to the club
>>70451958Happens every time. Not sure why it's surprising to anyone. Yuri is only ever posted to trigger people, not out of genuine love.
>>70451600>Why are they incapable of beliving that people are just tired of their shit?One guy even spelled it out to them in the Axels 3d thread, their response? Ignore it and keeps complaining.It's good that they keep doing this though, just makes more people turn on them even if it comes at the whole subreddit burning out.Twitter is still rampant in homobegging and unicorn fantasies though, and it's not going to change.
>>70452035It happened to me tooWhenever I report dox,I get a warning for the most minor shit right after or just banned
what happens here?sex?
>>70452088Why lie?
A win for Gura is a win for Hololive.
>>70452116He got downvoted to hell of i remember correctly and shifted on by those fags
70452035sasu phasejanny
>>70452035I keep seeing this kind of posts but it never happened to me even tho i reported every doxx and offtopic shit in the catalog, hlgg, and this thread since forever, am i special?
>>70452116the fact that beggars cooked up a whole secret unicorn cabal out of their delusions is too funny
>>70452088who wtf gets triggered by yuri lol
>>70452123Same. Almost makes you wonder if there is bias involved. Nah, we love our jannys, our board enforcement.
who do you think deserved the most dedicated fanbase award more?>chumbuds that got the award for funding, sticking to and bragging about their oshi whose fault is simply being barely present; or>kindreds and famelira fiercely defending their oshis and patronizing their merch even when objectively proven to be horrible human beings
It really feels like the covid bubble has finally popped, burnout is setting in, and we are looking at a Holo-only future where even HoloEN faces anemic growth or even decline. Grim.
>>70451855Well you know who else can't separate fiction from reality? you guys, I'm happier than I have ever been because I won, your nijishit branch is being destroyed as we speak, your homos are worthless, hololive is thriving and thus the chuds won, AND YOU can't do anything about it and you are just here seething in this weeb forum trying to seek vengance lmaoHow does it feel sister, me winning and you losing? what is your cope?
>>70452035Probably some btvmfag or doxxsagi vermin slipped in the position only they are mentally ill enough to apply for that position.
>>70452237why is a board dominated by holofans governed by holoanti mods
>>70452151I look forward to her mom yabbing and using the wrong name for Nerissa
>>70452290Only they are schizo enough to apply for that position
>>70452239any niji fandom eventually fall back to corpo worshipping so they can't win
>>70452176Nah the beggers get downvoted overtime, happens everytime. Their discord can't save beggers from negative downvotes.
>>70452227Religious nutjobs
>>70452249Did you misquote? Not sure why you're calling me a nijisister, in fact your posts are closer to that for implying that you wanted to rape a holo.
>>70452035 know what to do
>>70452035If you're talking about what I think you're talking about that isn't a "dox thread".
>>70452051 about holoen twitter finally making a proper post to congratulate Mumei, 6 days late
>>70452340I'm religious and I enjoy wholesome /u/
>>70452239Mikecat's fanbase; whatever they're called.
>>70452035How are you posting
Since you guys love /u/ so much, name your best ship/couple in Hololive
>>70452367That's why I specified nutjobs.
Based on your expertise in watching the trends, who is next?
>>70452305Not like her name is some state secret. The Holos that are more opsec conscious don't have their family on for that reason but Nerissa doesn't care.
>>70452397I don't care about Holo /u/ shit though.
>>70452397Ezy, Sora x every other holomen on a couch
>>70452397me and my oshi
>>70452397Faumei for EN, Okakoro for JP
>>70452397My cock x every loli
>>70452346NtaBut it doesn't seem to work,looking at the state of the board
Will Fauna stream today?
>>70452506Cock is not for yuri. If you like futa, you are gay as in love boys
>>70452550She already said she wouldnt, expect 4 days in a row after today though
/u/ is one step removed from cuckoldry
>>70452550nope, Sun Mon Wed(tree anniversary) confirmed Tuesday(watchalong)
>>70452341>in fact your posts are closer to that for implying that you wanted to rape a holo????Where did I mention a holo explicitly? I said dykeHow does wanting to rape a holo makes someone a sister? wanting to rape a chuba is common here, pic relatedAnd only sisters use incel unironically as an insult.
>>70452550Watch streamsNo. But she is streaming Sunday-Wednesday
>>70452550No, but she is streaming on Sunday/Monday/Wednesday, and joining Twilight watchalong on Tuesday, so 4 days of Fauna in a row.
>>70452630Slept all yesterday, watching IRyS VOD atm
cunny bros why aren't you spamming cunny
>>70452529we do cycle through jannies a lotthe problem is that most of the regulars on this thread at least aren't here 24x7so only the most schizo types keep applying for janny positionsit becomes a continuous loop
>>70452710It was a meido who was camping that thread. Jannies can't ban
>>70452227Cuckolds & Self-inserter homobeggerslike Oboretai
>>70452583>>70452611>>70452651>>70452630We really are /uuu2/
>>70452599I should be allowed to lick Ina's chest whenever I want. Her pits too.
>>70452710We've had some good ones but they can't be here 24/7 to fight some no lifer in Karachi.
>>70452680ahh you missed IRyS bling bang bang, she really flexed yesterday divine karaoke
>>70452506>My cock x every loli>Yuri
>>70452694My baby is singing, don't care about the thread atm.
>>70452784All the numbers, drama and everything else is just a way to gatekeep the undesirable 'saplings' out, at least that's how I see it nowadays
>>70452784Yeah? Fauna's SC reading had more liveposting than most streams could ever dream about.
>>70452617You didn't say it explicitly, you said it in direct response to a picture of Reine, hence why I said you implied it. Furthermore, wanting to commit a crime against someone is not a good thing. You're very obviously brown.
>>70452290I'm not this shit for free
>>70452680>>70452828 (me)when you done listen to it she nailed it but they have to remove it from the VOD to archive the karaoke
>Doxx threads & porn threads in catalog>Janny doesn't do anything about it
>>70452966What' wrong with rape posting.
>>70448832It's a close race between Towa and Mumei.
>>70452825This but me not you
>>70453051sisters don't like it
>Gura is the Gura of Hololive>Salami is the Gura of Nijisanji>Doki is the Gura of Indies>Rin is the Gura of Idol>Pippa is the Gura of PhaseWho’s the Gura of Vshojo?
>>70452966>wanting to commit a crime against someone is not a good thingWell well well, wasn't me the one that can't separate fiction from reality?>you said it in direct response to a picture of ReineI didn't say I wanted to rape Reine, I said a dyke, it was in response to her picture because.... you know, she reminded me that fantasy.
>>70453078I'm willing to share. I'll take her left side, you can have the right.
Immersion ruined, 'crats?
>>70453106The Gura of Hololive is Pekora actually
>>70453174The reality is that you think about wanting to rape people. I hope you know that you can still get jailed for crimes you haven't committed yet.". You're not very intelligent, as expected from your skin tone.
>>70453289>I hope you know that you can still get jailed for crimes you haven't committed yetWho will arrest me? the thought police? Also... sister.... you're very fixated in calling people brown... are you perhaps... racist?
>>70453049just say that you are a sucker for Taisho Roman anon, it's a based opinion.
I think Fauna should play Voices of the Void
>>70453289>latent crime
Why's there a sister crying about rape posts agian?
Something happen? What's with the Enna posting?
>>70453031Technically Nami is a Vtuber so it's not a dox.Otherwise I only see 2 bait thread from this nigger >70453226 on the catalog. Anyway, where's the porn you've mentioned?
>>70451519Oh wow I found out within 5 seconds of looking at his profile that he advocates for talking about talent PLs! That is so suprising, I would never expect a homostar fan to be a complete fucking retard! that is sooooo unusual How is it that there's not a single good homostar fan, like literally none
>>70453428yuri attracts these people
>>70453031Somebody is having a melty today
>>70453520Fuck off doxxvermin
>>70453511Just good old schizophrenia
Luna gained 2k.
>>70453511Enna currently streaming beyond that idk
>>70453511don't bother it's the perpetual seethe taking a toll on their feeble minds.
So it's okay to post doxx according to janny
>>70453581>How is it that there's not a single good homostar fan, like literally nonI have seen one based Astel fan that calls people complaining about the girls retards and says that Homofans should just stick to their own sub instead of throwing a fit.
>>70453581They do exist, it's just that they always get outnumbered by the beggars.
>>70453642It's kinda hard to predict when it will reach the million
>>70453581xorrag is the worst. Regularly shits on the girls.
Go make a "Bitch Ass Nigga: Whining And Crying" thread if you need to, but it's off-topic here.
>>70453382Fortunately (for you), you won't be arrested because we both know you're too much of a gutless loser to do anything in real life. Anyway, your question has already been answered, I don't think there's a point continuing unless you just want me to keep making fun of you.
>>70453683The one who called the krisfag on twitter?
>>70453779I accept your concession
>>70453418That's literally how the law works. Refer to those /pol/tards who got arrested for saying they wanted to kill someone as an example.
>>70453820Sounds about right.
>>70453581>xorraganon... he is a well known Homoslovers and Hololive anti for 4 years now
Realistically, can hime do an endurance karaoke 1million?
>>70453830Unsurprisingly childish way of bowing out, as expected of a browncel.
>>70453833>doxxing and sending death threats naming the victim is equally bad under the law as posting that you have a fantasy of raping a dyke
>>70453949Concession accepted.
Could Vshojo be the #1 vtubing agency if they have a 6view chuuba?
>>704539453-4k away on vertical with counter on screen yeah
>>70454010Oh no its brain broke.
>>70453683>>70453689i dont really give a shit though now do I?Everytime a fan of the girls does anything "wrong" everyone loses their mind about it, either crying about parasocial or actively trying to cancel one of the girls/force them to do stuff they clearly don't want to do, and yet I have to give a shit that 5% of their community isn't completely fucking cancer?Fucking hell, when EN was in its first 2 months (so 3 and a half years ago now), when the community was still taking shape, a bunch of 10 year old tourist kids went ape shit because of gura 1m and STILL to this fucking day you read people bitch and moan about chumbuds, and that she should've controlled her fans better or that hololive talents should admonish their fans and tell them to go watch ze boiz because they deserve it, but when 95% of the homofags fanbase is detritus suddenly we can't call it out without 2 fucks coming out of the woodworks to defend them.Nah fuck them, fuck all of them idgaf
>>704539451 Million tends to be very fast compared to other Milestones. 9k is still quite a bit, but should be more than doable.
>>70453954I didn't say that alone qualified for arrest, I was just saying that it is possible at all to be arrested prior to committing a crime, as a warning for the schizo to not get any ideas.
Raping lolis and hebes
>>70453954IIRC they didn't doxx him, just said they were going to kill him.
>>70454071I thought you were leaving, is there something else you want to consneed?
>>70453779Enjoy sister
>>70454098success breed jealousy, everyone outside of hololive is ready to pick every gap in the PR/training even when there is none to exploit and shit on the girls, as response the girls become even more aware and tight up the gaps, that's why the difference between holoEN and the rest of the industry in the west is staggering, literally built different.
>>70453581I've seen one Astella, and opsec reps show they're genuinely a homofan, putting homobeggars on blast and rightly calling them out for the posers they are.I've long found it confusing that genuine homofans don't get mad at homobeggars more frequently.
>>70454254Where did I say I was leaving? I was even explicitly open to the possibility of continuing to make fun of you. You're the one who tried to end the argument with "concession accepted" but are still continuing lol. Your bruised ego is really transparent.
>>70453642Why does youtube hate numberfags? Long gone are the days when the quality of the stream mattered the most, now it's raids, shorts and verical streams that give effortless numbers. Still love Luna though
>>70454372Real Stars fans shouldn't even be anywhere homobeggars are posting in the first place, should they?
>>70454470It was on Twitter and I assume other genuine homofans still use twitter.
Queue rrat disproven. Imagine actually believing the LK larper.
>>70454490nooo stop you cant post that stuff
Board's been kind of unhinged lately
>>70454386>I was even explicitly open to the possibility of continuing to make fun of youThat's interesting, can you tell us again your posture about rape posting?
>>70454750Once the original guy was proven right several times it became too easy for people to larp.
>>70454470Good, there's 1 homofan that actually has a spine, I'll stop wishing the branch to explode when 90% of their fanbase is like that>>70454372Nah I disagree, they and their talents should be hunting down their schizos, it's that fucking bad. Whenever the community of one of the girls starts misbehaving as a whole you see them address it on stream even if it is only a 10 sec segment (especially when it involves another member of hololive) they just stamp that shit down instantly. On the other hand, ze bois? They never do that shit, in fact many times they do the opposite, remember the pizza retard "24hour is not very good" or the whole vesper situation? The truth of the matter is that these fucks could make this situation a lot better but they directly choose not to do so. If they don't at least their fans should grow a spine and do it for their testerone-less fucks of an oshi, because until then i don't want to hear about "but muh 1 good homofag"
>>70454750When did Kyo get graduated again?
>>70454792That's the second time you've misused "posture" so I can't give you the benefit of the doubt anymore, ESL brownbro. You're a living stereotype kek.
>>70452239While those votes were going on 10% of Kindred were all writing massive essays in his comment section about how much they hate his content and the direction he's going in. The other 90% stopped watching him ages ago.So not them
Raping Biboo and Gura
>>70454826>They never do that shitThere have been rare occasions of the JP homos doing it, but I agree it's not nearly as common as it should be.
>>70454907>posture>1) the position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting.>"he stood in a flamboyant posture with his hands on his hips">2) a particular way of dealing with or considering something; an approach or attitude.>"labor unions adopted a more militant posture in wage negotiations"
>>70454775Fes can't come soon enough.
>>70455034This, but Laplus and Gura.
>>70454775Too many homo collabs
Kronfau MOGS Faumei any day of the week
>fleshslop sneaked onto my YT frontpageWHOMS'T and why does she have Gura merch
>>70455133>doubling down>too ESL to even understand the dictionaryJust gets better and better.
Anytime I have to go to the catalog I'm reminded that this thread is a bastion of sanity despite the sister and phase fag raids.
>>70453383I also really like their punk-themed outfits.But they do have the best kimonos in hololive.
>>70455262isn't that in the connur circle? your typical twitch "vtuber"
>>70455292What's the correct word according to you?
>>70455262>7 and a half hoursHow
>>70448988Her 3d is impressive
>honestly, i keep wishing for COVER to give equal levels of attention to stars as a whole>i kinda feel like they are left behind by their hololive-side colleagues, and it kinda sucks thinking about it
>>70455306Mumei should kiss me
>>70455306I welcome it, honestly, so much attention has been on the sisters lately that it felt like people were forgetting the true pippigger problem
>>70455306>>70455425what kind of gun would moom wield
>>70455381NTA, but "position on" instead of "posture about"
Look, I'm no jailbird. But you can bet your ass I'm going to be there for this. MILF LOVE MILF LOVE
>>70455381Not him but I personally would have said "complex about rape posting". I wouldn't have said that though, being anti-rape is hella cringe.
>>70455381From your posts I assume the word you were looking for is "position", although I can think of several other substitutes. Anyway I take it that you're not longer pretending to be brown? Good, we've made progress.
>>70455425You should tell her that Fauna, on discord or by text
>>70455484>I'm no JailbirdYeah, most of the ones who "watch" Nerissa are there for her family.
>>70455484how about you just post mamarissa porn instead
>>70455422I too wish they gave equal levels of attention to stars as a whole, it would be amazing if they had their own twitter for shilling for example, it's so oppressive that they have to share the girls twitter, they should get one all for themselves it would really improve their promotion. You could ban tweets about hololive on the holostars twitter and ban holostar tweets on the hololive twitter, that would be really fair
>>70455538Almost like...they love their Ravencroft family?
>>70455484>MILFI love Fauna too
>>70455262It's a twitch vtuber I always get confused with Numi or Onigiri. B-tier 1-2k streamer.
>>70455538Except she only has a family member on for one stream a month so your post doesn't make any sense.
>>70455517So what if I'm not an EOP? are you going to resort to strawmans?
>>70455594>>70455625Like clockwork
>>70455538can't refute this...
>>70455651Not much, I've already won now since the last few posts were just me calling you brown and you denying it lol.
>>70455484using cropped porn as thumbnail for the debut of your biological mother, she's so based sometimes.
>>70455484Ah yes The Ravencroft ch. Feat Nerissa.
Raping Gura and Shion, but with consent (while they're sleeping).
Who is Ina's best friend in hololive? Does she have ships?
>>70455662Calling out your stupid post? Is that why you make so many bad posts? Because you t used to people not calling your brown ass out?
jwu is it the true pekora is the elden lord?
>>70455728>Jailbird responding to shitty baitoof
The thread were pippa plalpkin was outed as a grifter, homobeggar and BVTM associate has been archived, expect the faggots to flood this place soon.
>>70455770they lack training
>>70455720Used to be Sana and she is pretty close to a lot of JPs, I think she has gotten closer to Bae recently in EN. 0 non schizo ships.
>>70455709I don't remember denying it? can you quote that post?
>>70455770It's because you let those faggots get comfortable that this thread is so shit.
>>70455719sisters, don't look at this post...
>>70455422And I want my personal Loli Sex Slave
Speculation go
This thread was absolute garbage, goddamn. I thought you were kidding about yuri attracting sisters
>>70455883gura and ame visited her apartment.
>>70455816giving them (You) only aggravate the issue, just stock Nerissa fanarts/scrn and spam their schizoposts
>>70455720Iname my beloved...
>>70455883I think Ina likes Bocchi the Rock
>>70455814You quite literally acknowledged it as an insult >>70451278So another revelation is that you're self-hating. Not surprising but funny as always, lmao.
>>70455720Closest she has to a ship is Korone enjoyed hugging her a lot, but I think most people would agree that's hardly a ship. Unless you want to travel back in time to when she was seducing NePoLaBo
>>70455942>SpamOr just not respond.
>>70455794She only wears that black bondage gear underneath the shirt, right?
>>70455720Iname was kino in my mindI don't like Ame anymore though so I don't ship it
>>70455883Someone visited herSurprise offcollab incoming because you know they can't give us proper warning
>>70455915concession sisters arguing about the repercussions of raping anime women, can't have more estrogen in your body than that.
I miss Fauna
>>70455883Ina is Bocchi
>>70456082I thought women liked to fantasize about rape and shit. I don't see what anyone is triggered about. Especially since it's just fantasies.
>>70456031that's the end of the training, but going from text to image is already a step forward
Shiori is the cutest when she's crying
>>70456073I don't even care anymore, summer '22 and the '23 japan arc were such disappointments that if I miss it, I miss itmaybe like three good non-studio streams that came out of that