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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.18 MB, 600x600, you saw nothing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69684910 No.69684910 [Reply] [Original]

/eien/ - EIEN Project General - Flashing Edition

Website: https://eien-project.com/
Schedule: https://schedule.eien-project.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@EIENProject
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EIENproj

>Gen 1 Museia
Kilia Kurayami

Kiki Lockheart

Skye Shinryu

>Gen 2 Haven
Blaise Shinryu

Nanimo Navi

Amora Lumina

Zumi Dokumi

Mirri Saffire

Museia (Group)

EIEN Group song

Haven covers

Unarchived streams archive:

Previous thread >>69591743

>> No.69685089
Quoted by: >>69685179

Amowa soon, hope someone has an archive
Blaise Drakengard 3
And Skye membership but I don't see a room

>> No.69685179

Everything is archived automatically.

>> No.69685345
File: 454 KB, 500x500, navilove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute robowife Navi!

>> No.69685373
Quoted by: >>69686170

Luminauts, is this your oshi??

>> No.69685384

Oh god

>> No.69685395 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 610x560, 1690379398004934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69685663

amora is the new kiki eww

>> No.69686069


>> No.69686170
File: 242 KB, 435x437, 1699495221775972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69686339

this is the rude awakening, and kilia will dunk on the incels again

>> No.69686633

I think I like Blaise a bit, just a little though, nothing serious

>> No.69686761
File: 316 KB, 521x479, 1682114862397204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69687375

oh god

>> No.69687683
Quoted by: >>69690415


>> No.69688861

It's eienover

>> No.69689759
File: 370 KB, 2205x3118, 20240209_075847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweaty, stinky, lovey-dovey, tadpole making, frog sex!!!

>> No.69689865

nowZow has branched out to the other girls channels fucking up the conversation. Fuck off with this dude.

>> No.69690032

How horrifying.

>> No.69690211

honestly surprised gr15 is still a rule

>> No.69690411
Quoted by: >>69692579

>if you don't like me at my princessiest you don't deserve me at my poniest

>> No.69690415

yaaay her hamster came back to life

>> No.69690557
Quoted by: >>69690740

>no eien members in the lethal company collab
Maybe Killia was on to something.

>> No.69690740
Quoted by: >>69690933

What collab?

>> No.69690933
Quoted by: >>69691448

v4mirai, idol, lisa, and some other chuuba I've never heard of.

>> No.69690980

Debugs make sure to change topics of conversation after he sends any message if he shows up, ignore for a couple minutes then talk about something else

>> No.69691025
Quoted by: >>69692634

Anons being shocked that Kilia is British and has British moments is always funny

>> No.69691448
Quoted by: >>69691850

Oh yeah, Poko's in it

>> No.69691520

Keep him, Skye has suffered enough

>> No.69691554
File: 340 KB, 984x1020, twittervid.com_downvote_me_ae1935.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my frogwife and she loves me!

>> No.69691850

Poko is a harem queen, but keep in mind that v4m and Idol are partnered now

>> No.69692510

Oh, I forgot why I stopped watching Blaise in the first place. Her retarded Blaised takes with media

>> No.69692521
File: 2.44 MB, 336x384, Amora I'm crying I'm screaming[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdz1og7.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69692579

You will clop to amora.

>> No.69692634

>that time she started talking about colds on the cob and anons had no clue what that was

>> No.69693337
File: 206 KB, 432x415, amora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a joke, I'm not a brony or a furry okay!

>> No.69693348 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 410 KB, 462x503, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69693493


>> No.69694176
Quoted by: >>69694200

Anon no! They make you go on vacation!

>> No.69694200

maybe it was Amora's plan all along

>> No.69694257

>Amora getting rid of anons so the thread can finally stay dead

>> No.69694509
Quoted by: >>69694668

This is it, the chink in the armor. No girl is perfect, but she did well keeping up the mask for so long. It's now so over for her

>> No.69694668
Quoted by: >>69694775

yeah I can't believe Amora is a fucking brony either

>> No.69694703
File: 755 KB, 2926x4096, 20240221_170149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If /eien/ dies I will makes /zum/ where me and the 5 other deadpoles can frogwife post and talk about licking the sweat out of Zumi's sweet navel.

>> No.69694775
Quoted by: >>69695066

Girls liking MLP is only weird if they weren't age appropriate when the show came out

>> No.69695066

It would actually fit if Amora is really 22

>> No.69695849
Quoted by: >>69696527

Kilia leaking on main

>> No.69696527
Quoted by: >>69696706


>> No.69696706

Just jork, she's making a thumbnail for the museia collab with new art

>> No.69696814
File: 281 KB, 425x529, 1690717688996324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69696864
Quoted by: >>69696896

Did you cut someone out of this anon?

>> No.69696896

of course, didn't want to make it eww

>> No.69696945
Quoted by: >>69701537

I just noticed what seems almost like a very intentional lack of any greens in this thumbnail

>> No.69697144

Who the fuck is this male

>> No.69697858


>> No.69698194

i WILL let this thread die

>> No.69698274

[20240221] 【Unarchived Karaoke】 Destroying my reputation with Classic Fandom Songs (k24WN1OxMOs)


>> No.69699234

Raki and Navi are having sex in palword and basically you're a loser.

>> No.69700227
File: 953 KB, 1200x1200, 1708542473815534[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How we feeling with all these debuts coming soon™

>> No.69700733

Why should I care about any debuts other than VAllure's

>> No.69700895

It means than gen 3 comes after all of those

>> No.69701537

It's fine, green is not a creative color anyway

>> No.69701756

I don't even know what the one on the left is, and the only care I have for the one on the right is the Navi copycat

>> No.69702683

Curios about IdolES since we will know how big is the ES market

>> No.69702752

I like watching debuts

>> No.69704563
Quoted by: >>69705181


>> No.69704676
File: 56 KB, 919x517, 1706756188103092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69704942
Quoted by: >>69705181

The schedule...

>> No.69705181

Now wtf happened??

>> No.69705480

My fuck is unrelated to zumi, i was just bumping

>> No.69707429

Zumi's just being a bit of a late Andy
Nothing to be alarmed about

>> No.69708318

Hello /eien/, does Skye read her maros? I want to challenge her to a duel in AC6

>> No.69708486

Sorry you have to ask her in chat. Make sure you're also a greyname and do it in all caps.

>> No.69708545

and make sure to spam it in case she misses it

>> No.69708605

And don't forget to apologize in your message. Because you somehow have enough self-awareness to know you're being annoying, but not enough to just not send the message at all.

>> No.69708743
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>> No.69708987

Plapping kiki's town bike puffy pussy uoooohhh....haaaha

I don't really care about the drama, a shame she scaled back her horniness but it is what it is

>> No.69709074

Being kiki's 5th guy for the night uoooooooh

>> No.69709955

>can't share anything from Amora's stream because it's technically /mlp/
she got us good

>> No.69711598


>> No.69713514
File: 114 KB, 1080x503, Screenshot_20240221_213043_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69716614


>> No.69713608


>> No.69713625

which one is the one on the left

>> No.69715632
File: 623 KB, 1516x1791, 1684395841658788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69716032 [DELETED] 

Looked it up. Guess it's the new Kawaii gen.

>> No.69716280
Quoted by: >>69716362

V&U's 5th gen. Their acceleration strategy is just baffling.

>> No.69716362

Meant for

>> No.69716614

called it

>> No.69716896

PixelLink rabbit girl came into VC with Blaise. Didn't expect that

>> No.69716971
File: 1.61 MB, 2000x2000, zumitransparentbg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69717313

Hey Zumi, my wonderful frogwife, please do a twitter space this week, thank you

>> No.69717057

Imagine if this causes Gabe to become a Ryubie

>> No.69717313

Imagine her getting flustered when reading "my wonderful frogwife" out of nowhere

>> No.69717549
Quoted by: >>69717973

Navi is actually dying...

>> No.69717973
File: 102 KB, 820x549, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69719252

At least she's still got her sense of humor

>> No.69718147

I wish I could rim Blaise to sleep after she's done sitting for 12 hours

>> No.69718712
File: 149 KB, 1080x1471, Screenshot_20240221_223543_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her...

>> No.69719252
Quoted by: >>69720192

i love navi so much guys

>> No.69719266
File: 357 KB, 748x1717, 1702064485096912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69719588

Good luck Navi, you can do it.

>> No.69719789
Quoted by: >>69719932

I didn't want to drop Amora..

>> No.69719859
Quoted by: >>69720247

>dropped out of high school
Wonder if that was for health or for League?

>> No.69719932

>not into mare pussy
More for me fag

>> No.69720192

We know, Zumi. Now come sit on my lap

>> No.69720247

Send a maro

>> No.69720452
Quoted by: >>69723563

has she gotten many VCs in general?

>> No.69720793
Quoted by: >>69721437

Skye is diabetic.

>> No.69721437

Yeah, with me

>> No.69722272
Quoted by: >>69722379

Skye is graduating

>> No.69722379

Yeah, with me

>> No.69722415

Skye is funny and a loveable dork

>> No.69722945

Yeah, on my dick

>> No.69723053

Yeah, mine

>> No.69723256

I don't remember typing this

>> No.69723397
Quoted by: >>69723512

My schizophrenia is acting up again

>> No.69723512

all me

>> No.69723563

I don't watch Blaise regularly, but I'm going to say no. Someone can correct me

>> No.69724712
File: 63 KB, 222x222, 1681436215479437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69724741
File: 370 KB, 513x549, 1700452271469287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69725033

Skye is the sexiest EIEN after Navi.

>> No.69725505
File: 459 KB, 1920x1440, Skye CRT Sony Trinitron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69726359

This thread is now a Skye shrine.
If you say "Thank you Skye", good fortune and dorky gamer girls will flock to you.

>> No.69726089
File: 11 KB, 525x96, imagen_2024-02-21_231936672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69726289

i love navi

>> No.69726289
Quoted by: >>69726337

She's definitely been on one tonight

>> No.69726337

yes me

>> No.69726359

Will those gamer girls also have a problem with me being attracted to them?

>> No.69726422
File: 57 KB, 229x205, 1708515303888051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69727018
File: 204 KB, 391x372, 1682479859601521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it

>> No.69727337 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 598x548, Funnyfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this funny frog art

>> No.69728773

>ctrl+F Blaise
>0 results
She has been streaming for 10 hours, why isn't anyone talking about her?

>> No.69728927


>> No.69729790
File: 105 KB, 112x112, 1697167931913218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69734360

Drakengard reminds me of that Hayao Miyazaki (I think) quote about anime feeling so autistic because the creators learn about life through anime

>> No.69731582
File: 96 KB, 311x233, 1681201763760290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69732975
Quoted by: >>69733173

So how was Blaise's stream? I like the girl but god damn I just can't get into the games she plays.

>> No.69733173

The stream was generally good. I'm the autist earlier who thinks she should shut her mouth when being an ironic weeb, but she otherwise did good. Reached an ending in a single setting, had cute fan moments sometimes, and had Miuna on discord call for a while. I zoned out for the lore bit at the end

>> No.69734360
File: 140 KB, 343x317, dontlook....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has eri been active also does she have a twitch?
>t.out of the loop

>> No.69734875

The rat is on youtube

>> No.69735223
File: 187 KB, 367x367, 1677095627151703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69735410
File: 412 KB, 430x433, ezgif-1-a1765ca947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find the girls fun, and the streams enjoyable

>> No.69736787
File: 162 KB, 1080x966, 1701848069572407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I just find this out...

>> No.69737081

You relearn everything in uni anyway, doing good at math in high school just makes it easier, it isn't remotely necessary.

>> No.69739129


>> No.69740473
Quoted by: >>69740713

Bets on the next day Zumi streams?

>> No.69740713
Quoted by: >>69741840

She won't stream this week

>> No.69741840

Her last stream was literally Valentine's Day a week ago. Zumi, can we at least get a twitter space or something? Also add Museia to your channel's home page already, goddamn

>> No.69742046 [DELETED] 

Kiki Lockheart's lies exposed once again, as well as the hypocrisy of her viewers.
Returning to Kiki's first donothon, it was proven that she had a boyfriend and that her previous account was named "Kuchikicombi". She has performed in Rong Rong videos (hence her appearance in some of his streams) and live as a PNGTuber in the past.

Things have now changed. Back in June 2023, Kiki and a handful of KiChains find themselves offstream on Mino Mieko's discord server in a voice call. This allowed Kiki to avoid EIEN management and spend time with a limited group of KiChains. They played Dota, Overwatch 2, VRChat etc... But that's not the most interesting part.

Kiki and her boyfriend broke up in early September. (Her facebook page has been changed.)

It may seem surprising, but the reason is that she's now in a relationship with one of those viewers. Nekoravanger.
Several pieces of evidence are available
>Nekoravanger disappeared from the community when they got together.
>Kiki talks in a stream about a new campaign on Baldur's Gate 3 with a "new friend", the latter being Nekoravanger.
>Kiki starts playing League Of Legends (now on a private account) with Nekoravanger and claims in the stream to have never touched the game. This is obviously untrue given his level on the game.
>A screen from a Little Goodies Two Shoes stream where Kiki shows she's in VC on her previous account with Nekoravanger.
>A screen showing the two playing Dota together.
>Kiki talks in the stream about how an American friend gave him his Mirana mouse pad. I'll let you guess who this friend is.
>Kiki is strangely attached to American schedules and no longer interacts with his community at all. We wonder why.

For the fun facts that Kiki probably doesn't know, Nekoravanger is 18 years old and known as Kiki Lockheart's biggest stalker.
He'd leave his PC on all day to record every written channel available, as well as record every VC where Kiki was.
He had a double account to stalk Kiki's past account on different servers like Rong Rong or Naokomama for example.

Getting back to Kiki Lockheart, she had leaked personal information to the few KiChains she trusted. I don't know exactly what she leaked, but you can probably ask a regular and he'll probably be able to tell you his name, address, date of birth etc.

However, she also leaked the fact of graduate very soon hence the closure of her Marshmallow.
So it won't be surprising to see an announcement from her soon and for KiChains to pretend to be surprised.

She already has a new account thinking no one knows. Anyway, if you want to put the Kichains on an equal footing Kiki. Cut ties with Nekoravanger and stop lying.

This is the real story behind Kiki Lockheart and its community.

>> No.69743740

When's the last time we had a good week?

>> No.69743759 [DELETED] 

>However, she also leaked the fact of graduate very soon hence the closure of her Marshmallow.
If one thing is true in this schizopost I hope it's this one

>> No.69743985
File: 644 KB, 835x715, Screen Shot 2024-02-22 at 4.16.23 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kilia ASMR:


>> No.69744084 [DELETED] 


>> No.69744568 [DELETED] 


>> No.69744726 [DELETED] 

Why do SEAs struggle so much with pronouns?

>> No.69744794 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69745093

Real or not
>graduate very soon
makes me unease, if she tried to join vallure she would definitely get in and in that case corpo would be doa for me

>> No.69745093 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69745224

>eww graduates
>she joins Vallure
kek now that would be a monkey paw. And Riifu made it clear that she would hire any of her ex genmates if they just asked

>> No.69745224 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69745307

I remember in her first stream somebody said something along the lines of
>Would you hire a certain Filipino loli?
and she said that there are some reasons why she couldn't hire her. Not sure if she said something else later on or if she didn't mean Kiki, but at the time it seemed like she wasn't open to hiring Kiki.

>> No.69745307 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69745435

She's riitarded so she misunderstood, and said later that if Kilia/Skye/Eww ever left Eien and asked her to join Vallure, she would hire them on the spot, and would let them join without even doing lewd content.

>> No.69745355 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69748081

I believe it. There has been enough proof of her playing with Nekoravanger, and she hasn't played with her dear in a long time.
Imagine leaving a long lasting relationship for some random American stalker kek.
It would also explain why none of her regulars asked why she closed her maros.

>> No.69745435 [DELETED] 

That's probably just something she said to put on a good front.
>would let them join without even doing lewd content.
That goes against everything she is currently saying. And hiring Kiki is a death sentence for her corpo

>> No.69745531 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69747397

I don't think she was lying. But it is very unlikely to happen.

>> No.69745542 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69747397

You don't think Riifu is petty enough to do that? Even if it means going against the mission statement of her own project? She'll do anything to spite Eri at this point.

>> No.69745728
Quoted by: >>69745840

Does Zumi have the most art in eien? Crazy that's on the back of mostly one dude.

>> No.69745840

Most art in Haven sure, but in Eien it's probably Kilia

>> No.69746616 [DELETED] 


>> No.69746849 [DELETED] 

link the new account

>> No.69747318


>> No.69747397
File: 44 KB, 501x233, GG7GwFIbMAAUBN3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69747850

>This is where our protection of history of engagement comes in, as well as during the 1 on 1 interview we are making it clear as day what we are asking for. I can't speak for other people but I assume they enguaged in the content, had fun but then slowly realized it wasn't for them after X time. So the history factor we ask for is a good indication of risk. Such as if someone's only been doing it for 3 months might be a risk vs someone who's a year plus+. As for a legit answer if they don't want to before contract end, well it's a risk we take isn't it when it comes to picking out the talents. Time changes everything but we'd probably let the contract run out and take a look at what the talent wants vs what we want. Such as if they wished to stay on, their split rate might change. DESU and this is just me though, not the agency. Having people around a lewd agency that are uncomfy with lewd is just like, bruh why even sign up? Don't waste your time applying ya know?
Riifu is going all in on being coomer and you think she's going to hire the girls who flip flop back and forth about doing lewd content just because they were "friends"?
>Skye and her unstable personality on whether to be coom or not. Make coom bait assets and pictures but breaks down when she is used as coombait
>Kiki with her cuck chair, sudden personality switch which actually isn't a big reveal if you've seen what she has said before joining EIEN
>Kilia the "clueless" tease who wants to be normal
If any of them get into her corpo then it's dead before it can even walk.

>> No.69747850
Quoted by: >>69748362

I don't really care whether you believe it or not, I was just paraphrasing was she said. She said she'd make an exception for her ex genmates, and only her ex genmates, and you can check the vod yourself if you don't believe me. Maybe she'd make a non-lewd side branch or side corpo for them or something, I don't fucking know, go ask her if you care that much.

>> No.69748081 [DELETED] 

>Stalking your oshi is the way to get in a relationship with her

>> No.69748164

Get some help

>> No.69748172 [DELETED] 

How much of this do you have proof of and how much of it is speculation based on known information?

>> No.69748323 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69754318

And now he has a stalker. The ironing.

>> No.69748362

KEK seems like some people really have no social awareness

>> No.69748370

If Kiki does graduate, which fanbases take the most collateral damage from the orphaned Kichains?

>> No.69748428
Quoted by: >>69748508


>> No.69748483

Mirri's is already full of kichains so Amora I guess, since she streams at around Kiki's time.

>> No.69748508

Can't get worse desu

>> No.69748977
Quoted by: >>69749323

I'm more excited to see how everyone will try to act sad or even cry if they're brave enough. None of the talents seem close at all and there is not much synergy between them.

>> No.69749323
File: 11 KB, 310x154, Screenshot_20240222_093236_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of the talents seem close at all
Try Navi and Zumi

>> No.69749829 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69750079


Imagine trying to be a streamer in a corpo and actually having a personal life, where off stream you could live life free, I sure can't.
Viewers complain about "immersion breaking" if they see something like OBS accidentally midstream.
Viewers also complain when people dig into PL and IRL and you do anything that goes against what you do when you stream.
Streamers seem pretty much trapped in a corner, and the "perfect streamer" would be someone that CANT have a personal life, like an AI. Because then being trapped in a bubble unable to have a social life CANT affect their streams or mental health.

>> No.69750079 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69750484

She mixed her personal life with the corpo, what are you on about

>> No.69750484 [DELETED] 

Oh I know, but why does it actually matter so much, I stopped watching her a while ago, I just see it like "Why are people unable to move on" like, what level of tism do you need to have in order to spend so much free time hatewatching and paying attention to enough small details when you could be enjoying yourself doing more positive things with your life? I mean, I understand most of that statement falls on deaf ears.. But realistically, what is there to actually gain from someone still bashing on kiki? Self-satisfaction? Pretending that you got "revenge" on someone that "broke your heart" and "betrayed your emotions?" You're watching Anime girls, most of them are varying degrees of actors, that have varying types of content, if you don't like it, then why not just move on instead of wasting more time whining about it?

>> No.69750995 [DELETED] 

go on and slay, kilia

>> No.69751155 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69751747

I don't follow her or watch her but, as long as she's still in the corpo, and her fans are actively the worst part of the community, I will shit talk her when presented an opportunity.

>> No.69751208 [DELETED] 

That's Zumi, Kilia hates Kiki

>> No.69751395 [DELETED] 


>> No.69751411 [DELETED] 

Here's an interesting schizo thought: the anon has a lot of information that he seems absolutely sure of yet there's no hard proof of. What if he was in this kichain "inner circle" but isn't happy about being cucked by nekoravanger and now wants to get back at her?

>> No.69751419 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69752126

You're making light of their feelings. From what I see, Kichains care about Kiki but she doesn't give a damn about them. She has already made the decision to discard them, if she graduates as >>69742046 says

>> No.69751747 [DELETED] 

>she's still in the corpo, and her fans are actively the worst part of the community, I will shit talk her when presented an opportunity.
Fair to a certain degree I'd say, just seems excessive for it to be so much effort most of the time when at this point most of the people that care about the finer details already know. So going about it with just a barrage of PL info that leads to making potential future streamers (or current ones) second guess their decision to be a streamer, and paranoid over any tiny detail they share with viewers down to even being concerned about being able to play games on a different account online without it revolving around streaming then it just ends up not being a net positive for anybody because generally a happy streamer = happy fans.
But I guess that's just moreso my thoughts beyond just what I see / want to see / care about. But for schizo's thinking about most things from a perspective that doesn't revolve around them and the perspective they see their life and everything in it from could be too much of a big ask.

>> No.69751927 [DELETED] 

Look man what you are saying makes sense, but when your job is just to treat your fans nicely and keeping your personal life out of your job (and that's only if you are looking to make gfe or something similar your main appeal) and you fail at something as easy as that then I can't feel bad for her

>> No.69751929 [DELETED] 

Or what if he's just another deranged shizo pulling the biggest pile of shit he could muster out of his ass

>> No.69752126

I was practically baiting that perspective honestly, Inner circle kiichains complaining only now would basically be the epitome of "IT SHOULDVE BEEN MEEEE" Where they are complaining now, but if it was them then they wouldn't be complaining. Only really freaking out because they didn't get chosen, and only would've been happy if THEY were the one chosen
That could be the case, but I'd actually argue that in reality the Kiichains that are the loudest about it and try to "get revenge" are ones that actually cared more about themselves than they did Kiki; I mean I'm not a fan of getting kucked myself, but cmon now, anybody that was a kichain that WASNT okay with it should've fallen of the keychain by now. You didn't do yourself any favors lying to yourself about reality this whole time, and If they really are that hurt about it, revenge won't actually help you heal or get over it.
Would be low-key funny if that was the case, but if he was, then that'll just do even more damage because it only does more damage when it's unconfirmed and unprovable for or against, lmao

>> No.69752237 [DELETED] 

You'd be surprised the amount of leeway good opsec can buy a chuuba in her personal life. Just look at what Rushia was able to get away with for so long. And once again, Kiki is a special case because she pierced the keyfabe veil during the Dota community stream. It's not quite comparable to the situation most chuubas will find themselves in.

>> No.69752264
Quoted by: >>69752452

>riifu talk earlier and now long kiki discussion
We are so back to pre haven times

>> No.69752452
Quoted by: >>69753307

If someone is this desperate to have discussion about Kiki without getting dogpilled by antis and schizos Idk why they just don't go to /uoh/ where she's at least tolerated because half of the other cunny chuubas are also deranged whores

>> No.69752593

Was thinking about getting a few skebs for Navi but I can already see myself getting canceled on or price hiked because of her design complications. Might have to go the alternative outfits route...

>> No.69752697
Quoted by: >>69753172

Navi's design is really simple though?

>> No.69752708
Quoted by: >>69753648

Comission art of her naked

>> No.69752723
Quoted by: >>69753172

She doesn't seem that hard to draw though, at leat for any decent artists. Just give them her character sheet

>> No.69752843 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69753307

Oh come on, don't act like you never once in your life hated something then went on to read, watch things, or talk about hating it. You never talked shit about another person ever in your life? You never complained about anyone or anything to another person in your life?
It's always funny seeing people like you who act like these things humans do never apply to you.

>> No.69753089

I've gotten dozens of skebs and I've never gotten a price increase appeal because of a complicated character design, and I request the recommended amount most of the time.

>> No.69753172
File: 261 KB, 2048x1118, F-R4EohXIAAhl3W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been cancelled on for less than Navi's outfit

>> No.69753307
Quoted by: >>69753995

>fe hated something then went on to read, watch things, or talk about hating it. You never talked shit about another person ever in your life? You never complained about anyone or anything to another person in your life?
Oh I certainly did, and anybody that swears it never happened to them once would obviously be lying, but the thing was one day I grew up.
Just because someone does something in their past doesn't immediately make them a hypocrite for speaking against other people doing it; And that's the kind of mentality that keeps people from actually improving themselves because what's the point of doing anything better because you will always be judged the rest of your life by your low points?

>> No.69753343

you sure you're not just getting scammed? The only time when get a price jump is if I want extra stuff like alt outfits and backgrounds.

>> No.69753400
Quoted by: >>69753775

This guy might be worse than Z*w

>> No.69753518 [DELETED] 

By thinking and digging a bit, most of what they said seem to be true
>Kiki broke up with her dear for Nekoravanger
She hasn't played Dota with her dear since August, but she played with Nekoravanger. Considering how addicted she is to that garbage game, it's weird she wouldn't play with her bf anymore.
>Nekoravanger stopped replying to her tweets early September, which is the timing described in the OP.
He didn't need to reply to tweets if he could just DM her. He still sent a few messages on the public discord after that but way less than he used to, and now completely stopped.
>Nekoravanger playing games with her
We already have multiple proofs of that
>Kiki going in VC with Kichains, will graduate and closed her maros
Explains why no one freaked out at it, she told them in voice chat
Definitely a Kichain from the inner circle who snapped, tired of the lies.
>Anyway, if you want to put the Kichains on an equal footing Kiki. Cut ties with Nekoravanger and stop lying.
Poor Kichain, I understand that Kiki is a bad person who manipulated you guys, and went to laugh behind your backs with Nekoravanger, but are you really trying to make her crawl back to you after that message? If she reads it, she will know that one of her trusted Kichains backstabbed her (deserved btw), and won't want to talk to any of you guys. The best outcome for you out of this is her ditching Nekoravanger because of his stalking.

>> No.69753615
Quoted by: >>69753692

Still looks fairly simple as far as vtubers go. Besides it's skeb you don't lose anything if the request gets canceled or appealed

>> No.69753648

Does she even have a lewd tag?

>> No.69753692
Quoted by: >>69754107

Having money held for up to a month at a time is still annoying

>> No.69753775

I can only judge z*w from undelete discord messages and screenshot I've seen /here/ but he's definitely comparable. Can only hope the people that finally got him banned are still on the mod team and take action if this shit continues.

>> No.69753995
Quoted by: >>69755377

>Oh I certainly did, and anybody that swears it never happened to them once would obviously be lying, but the thing was one day I grew up.
Yeah, you grew up and now complain about people who watch vtubers. Funny how that works
>Just because someone does something in their past doesn't immediately make them a hypocrite
The point is that it's human nature and your holier than thou act is stupid. I can use your entire argument against you and ask why you care so much about random people talking about kiki.
>But for schizo's thinking about most things from a perspective that doesn't revolve around them and the perspective they see their life and everything in it from could be too much of a big ask.
You're so enlightened you don't realize your argument applies to you.

>> No.69754101 [DELETED] 

Bro she just wants a green card

>> No.69754107
Quoted by: >>69755028

Fair, although if an artist keeps my request pending for longer than a week I just cancel it myself at this point

>> No.69754197 [DELETED] 
File: 486 KB, 597x597, Let_me_tell_you_something.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just see it like "Why are people unable to move on"
Funny enough when gen 2 was near and people feeling more hopeful than angry the thread was starting to give her a pass and Eww posting started to slow down after her off collab with Skye and the half aniversery. People assumed she just made a mistake in the past and now just wants to get past it so her community can be happy and vice versa since Eien was at such a low point. But the Nekoravanger shit was caught on stream and the day that Riro yab was new people found her playing with him and quickly more eyes from before started to jump back in, eww post, shit up the thread, and watch Kiki's every move for more fuck ups which was also blown up. If Kiki didn't have new things added to her "list of crimes" since the Dota stream then that would be different but now that she does people are more likely to schizo post without anyone defending her since kichains fucked off to other threads and casual watchers dont care enough to defend her or are just as confused about what's true or not. Look at Blaise, someone who has PL junk that was shitposted about the week she came out or whenever she got praise from one of the few ryubies here early on. Now we're 3 months in with little to no signs of her doing what she did before again. Just streams, singing, and getting drunk a few times. If it was "just PL shit" Blaise would get shit still today as a grifter or whatever but because she hasn't fucked up hard as Blaise no one cares. Kiki fucked up on stream first, then fucked up on stream again months later and got caught both times and thats why eww posting is thread culture at this point. None of the 7 other girls have the problem only Kiki has and thats why she gets shit on so often by people who probably dont care about her anyways.

>> No.69754318 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69755087

Did she talk about that publicly? Recently?

>> No.69754925 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69755764

Anon, even if you disregard betrayed feelings and broken promises, she made money off of being a literal scam artist

>> No.69755028

I'll let it sit longer if they actually show their "average time to respond" and a long wait time is normal. Some artists might make you wait a week or two before they accept but then have the art to you within that week.

>> No.69755087 [DELETED] 

No, I don't think Kiki talked about the fact Nekoravager has a schizo stalking the games he's playing and I don't know why she would

>> No.69755377
Quoted by: >>69755548

>Yeah, you grew up and now complain about people who watch vtubers. Funny how that works
I don't see what you see is so wild about that, Though I'd hardly call what I was doing actually complaining more than trying to get a better understanding as to why certain people didn't want to move on from complaining about it, and applying the concerns to a scope broader than "Just kiki"

>The point is that it's human nature and your holier than thou act is stupid. I can use your entire argument against you and ask why you care so much about random people talking about kiki.
Believe it or not sometimes to be able to choose certain words to elicit responses or actual thinking from others does require a certain verbage that may be triggering to some that may have low self esteem and may lead to some misinterpretations of intent behind the messages. For some people it's easier to just lash out and try to pidgeonhole other peoples perspective because that is far easier to do than trying to understand the reasoning behind it (Or that it just goes against the narrative you want to be true)
>You're so enlightened you don't realize your argument applies to you.
Oh I'm well aware it does, but it's alright Shay, I'm sure one day you'll be able to process information beyond what's immediately obvious and recognize things like nuances without feeling like you have to actively attack anything you don't agree with or understand

>> No.69755548
Quoted by: >>69755814

Jesus christ, shut the fuck up Zow

>> No.69755764 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 579x388, 8675209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69755814

Sorry, meant for

>> No.69755861
File: 377 KB, 2048x1152, 20240222_115514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69768314

This is the worst thread we've had in a long time

>> No.69755909 [DELETED] 

SmokyJo seems fine to me

>> No.69755937

I've been thinking, who is Eri's silent partner? Where does she get the money?

>> No.69756178
Quoted by: >>69756279

Likely just some techbro start-up investor. They're a dime-a-dozen.

>> No.69756210

Don't forget that Kiki made Kichains buy a ring for their engagement while she was already in a relationship with Nekoravanger.

>> No.69756279
Quoted by: >>69756434

That is what I figured, considering where others got theirs.

>> No.69756434
Quoted by: >>69756478

It's nice that we know exactly where Riifu got hers

>> No.69756478
Quoted by: >>69756650


>> No.69756650

The black market

>> No.69756794 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69757286

You still type like that faggot

>> No.69756866
File: 354 KB, 778x422, kiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this makes sense now. All the cucks on the side celebrating kiki and neko's relationship.

>> No.69756987 [SPOILER] 
Quoted by: >>69757104

>I warned you about GFE bro

>> No.69757104

Buoys are in for a rude awakening

>> No.69757248

Are they all really cucks if she alternates between them?

>> No.69757281
File: 90 KB, 768x768, 1704501279657151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69757807

I miss my wife

>> No.69757286 [DELETED] 

Noted... I'll be better...

>> No.69757299

The ones where they only show the ring always make me laugh

>> No.69757807
File: 441 KB, 1365x2048, 20240124_115448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69758398

Surely, she'll do a space this soon, right? I just want to hear her voice and about her week...

>> No.69758398
Quoted by: >>69760088

She's too busy preparing my onahole mold, sorry

>> No.69760088

Imagine how tight the Zumi ona would be...

>> No.69760091

I want Blaise to choke me with her nails digging into my skin

>> No.69760176

I want Amora to choke me with her braps flooding into my nose

>> No.69760302

Frogfags are off topic, your vtuber doesn't exist.

>> No.69760361

I want Zumi to choke me with her sweaty ass planted on my face

>> No.69760480
File: 267 KB, 1150x665, 1708211646685888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69802436

get new material faggot

>> No.69760533

>this thread
One year later and we are so fucking back

>> No.69760700 [SPOILER] 
File: 224 KB, 1030x770, 1683484399795923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"we've come back full circle" how many times now? I lost count...

>> No.69760883
Quoted by: >>69774205

Gen 3 will save us

>> No.69761473

>t. riinigger

>> No.69764282


>> No.69764484

Amora is live with Spectra RIGHT NOW


>> No.69764487


>> No.69764796

kichains started that and convinced her to get one

>> No.69765393
Quoted by: >>69765646

>106 ccv
Are we tired of Minecraft?

>> No.69765646

idc I just enjoy Amora's voice
t. Ryubie/Luminaut

>> No.69767902
File: 208 KB, 1448x2048, 20240222_145547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69767969

Zumi looking for reasons to cancel streams

>> No.69768074
Quoted by: >>69768291

I don't get the chance to watch Amora often but it would be interesting if she could start some sort of multi-vtuber SMV server. Make it more of an event series that emulates the Minecraft fleshtubers she enjoys. Only this time with cute and sexy cartoon women.

>> No.69768291

imo trying to wrangle vtubers long enough to make more than one collab is way too hard, especially across other corpo. hell, Amora & Blaise's Book Club collab was delayed for 2 months, and they're the most active Haven members

>> No.69768314

>56 posters

>> No.69768435


>> No.69768876

Imagine her sticking her ass out while crawling around looking for her glasses...

>> No.69769019

Who is the Shaggy Rogers of Eien?

>> No.69769322

In terms of being a scaredy cat, probably Skye

>> No.69769412

Blaisu-chama is live! playing the latest Nier Replicant

>> No.69769522
Quoted by: >>69769666

Daphne = Amora
Fred = Skye (bro)
Shaggy = Navi
Scooby = Blaise
Scrappy Doo = Kiki

>> No.69769666

Doggystyle sex with Blaisey-doo...

>> No.69770064
Quoted by: >>69770845

I'm kinda falling for Kilia?

>> No.69770845
Quoted by: >>69771246

Based! Become a buoy.

>> No.69771246
Quoted by: >>69771931

you got any good VoDs I can watch

>> No.69771547
Quoted by: >>69771692

How many hours of Blaise's 36 hour marathon actually got streamed? Talk about cancel corp.

>> No.69771692

Day 1: 6 out of 12
Day 2: 11 hours(stopped due to reaching an ending)
Day 3: 30 minutes (Blaise is moving Saturday's karaoke to tonight)

>> No.69771931

And something recent
The recent members date is also a good one but I don't know if you're into that (gfe) or a member.
Her asmr streams are good too.

>> No.69771967
File: 66 KB, 1006x289, Screenshot_20240222_160657_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69772130

When know you do Zumi, especially with a new PC, but chatting with the frogwife is nice too

>> No.69772130
Quoted by: >>69772666

Wow, since she is an autistic programmer, this fuck up must be really embarrassing for her

>> No.69772666
Quoted by: >>69772818

Faulty power supplies aren't exactly self-repairable

>> No.69772818

Damn, didn't see that part. Really fucked up that all those bad things keep happening to her.

>> No.69772839 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69773460

glad im still under the radar

>> No.69773460 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>69773836

That was just a PNG that was saved from god knows how long ago, not really very relevant anymore

>> No.69773836 [DELETED] 

I was about to ask what got someone labeled a schizo as opposed just well-known. You still see a lot of the listed guys but they're hardly the most prominent community members currently.

>> No.69774097

kilia screams are kinda erotic?

>> No.69774205
Quoted by: >>69777654

Gen 3 will destroy us

>> No.69775578


>> No.69776129

Gen 3 will give me the analingus chuuba I deserve

>> No.69777613

I hate gaming streams because I'm not a gamer

>> No.69777654

Yeah the dark elf Shinryu sister will destroy my dick

>> No.69777736

Ryubies, why didn't blaise do her nier stream

>> No.69778128
Quoted by: >>69778231

her capture card was glitching out, and after delaying it for 30mins, decided to cancel the stream

She later found out its her drivers that are outdated

>> No.69778148

She couldn't capture the gameplay without stuttering

>> No.69778231

While admirable the marathon was just too ambitious for a spur-of-the-moment idea

>> No.69779789
Quoted by: >>69779907


>> No.69779907

Is cute, yes

>> No.69782274

Sex with Blaise

>> No.69782473
File: 325 KB, 1152x2048, Zuminspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it's controversial, I still love Zumi

>> No.69784483
File: 459 KB, 565x479, 1705091163323335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69784700

Me? I'm watching shiori

>> No.69786093


>> No.69787213

1 year already...

>> No.69790441
Quoted by: >>69790564

Hello. I recently listened to this Kilia girl and I like her voice. But I'm allergic to giving ewhores money. Are her members ASMRs any good? Since this is the ewhore company, are they really hot?

>> No.69790564

She doesn't do coomer ASMR no.

>> No.69792043

Blaise Nier karaoke

>> No.69792579

Why are the Shinryu sisters so consistently good?

>> No.69794523
Quoted by: >>69795150


>> No.69794625

Part of the curse

>> No.69795150
File: 132 KB, 311x311, Skyeheh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eternally good
eternally menhera

>> No.69795203
File: 25 KB, 1165x204, 1685286185061503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69795449

>> No.69795449
Quoted by: >>69795768

Careful anon, notZow and Dark are currently interacting with each other in there. You're bound to get cancer.

>> No.69795768
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x1000, skyeschizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69795888

is Zow still around? holy shit

>> No.69795882

Dark please if you are reading this, shut up.

>> No.69795888
Quoted by: >>69796697

Either a ban evade alt or somehow more autistic copycat

>> No.69795994
File: 51 KB, 640x448, dark_and_notzow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69796327
Quoted by: >>69801110


>> No.69796391
File: 571 KB, 687x741, 1686437485165839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69796631

Just woke up. What the fuck happened itt

>> No.69796631

Kikis antis have their own antis now. A very cancerous development.

>> No.69796697
File: 70 KB, 186x186, skyekekd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn I left the cord after the ew chair incident, wild

>> No.69796918
Quoted by: >>69797168


>> No.69796939
Quoted by: >>69797168


>> No.69797050
Quoted by: >>69797168

I tried to warn you since the first Amora streams
Never give this kind of person an inch

>> No.69797168

What happened?

>> No.69797303
Quoted by: >>69797385

I can't believe that Navi feels like opening up about a very sensitive topic and Dark out of all people thinks its a good idea to say what is basically an "Um, ackshually" moment.
I'm so done with luminauts.

>> No.69797385

Look man, we can all agree how shit he is as a person, but let's not automatically disparage an entire fanbase. We want nothing to do with him.

>> No.69797638 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 189x62, 1683455933514689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69797647
Quoted by: >>69797706

>navi going into a detailed story about the somewhat recent loss of a loved one who was her emotional confidant
>being very open and vulnerable, obviously seeking some form of comfort from her community
>says she'll never meet a more amazing woman again
>dark responds: "uhhh, are you sure about that?!"

>> No.69797706

Nvm, I just went and checked. Jesus Christ. Can't a mod pull him aside and spell out for him why he's being retarded? He's apparently too dumb or self-centered to read the room.
He's unironically retarded. Holy shit.

>> No.69797802


>> No.69797846
File: 31 KB, 458x513, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69797878

And we're supposed to be the schizos, holy fuck

>> No.69797895

I can't bear to watch this anymore. This is physically painful. I am having a physical reaction to reading his bullshit.

>> No.69798077
File: 180 KB, 1280x960, 1704336514319481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I don't have a discord

>> No.69798102

If dark costs us our late night chats with Navi I really will make the most autistic alt account imaginable. The mods will be made to do their jobs.

>> No.69798147

You're actually saving yourself from the pain. We weren't joking when we said discord was a mistake.

>> No.69798616
Quoted by: >>69798737

It's so fucking over, why does this community attract these people?

>> No.69798725

stay safe, skyelight

>> No.69798737

Retarded autists who can't understand basic social cues and interactions flock to internet anime girl because the real world would literally chew them up and spit them out. Not really that big a wonder.

>> No.69798798

I'm so depressed after that
debugs please gatekeep harder

>> No.69798848

To add to this, I'm also retarded and autistic but at least I have more sense than people like Dark and Z*w

>> No.69798945

I always consider myself a hyper autist until I see these people and feel like a social savant

>> No.69799065

>"Ratiod by Skye"
>"Most targeted Luminaught"
What is it with niggas who have stupid titles in their names? Unbearable spergs every last one.

>> No.69799166

Narcissists. They think themselves so self-important that they feel deserved of putting dumbass titles in their names, as if it gives them so enhanced status.

>> No.69799590
Quoted by: >>69799871

My favorite is still the underage "luminaut" who got angry at Amora for stream issues that weren't even her fault (it was youtube not working properly), and got piled on by half of the talents. He was actually really happy about it and immediately added "ratio'd by eien" in his name or something like that. He then got banned a week later for doing it again.

>> No.69799689
File: 362 KB, 357x548, skyeapple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I just wanna sit with skye at a bonfire in DS2 what happened?

>> No.69799871

He just skulks around the Idol discord now. No more spergouts so maybe he finally took the hint.

>> No.69799985

Well, the most unbearable Skyelight and the most retarded Luminaut walk into a bar...

>> No.69800029
Quoted by: >>69800304

I'm a buoychainlight

>> No.69800304

That dude barely even makes it into the top 5 of the worst discord members these days...

>> No.69800415

It always comes back to Discord, and I'll tell you why:

Discord should be used as an information hub for talent streams and activities, occasional moderated timed meet and greets, and a place for viewers to otherwise interact only with each other.

By heavily encouraging and allowing significant talent interaction with users in discord, this creates a schism in which cliques form and specific members are able to cement themselves more easily in the memories/minds of the talents, which no matter what anyone else says, causes additional bias (either for, or against).

Additionally, allowing talents to have discord chat open during streams causes an attention split when the focus should be entirely on the youtube stream. Youtube viewers/chatters have their messages more often missed/overlooked, whereas discord users have additional chances for their messages to be seen due to the slower nature. The fact is that not everyone who watches the youtube stream, has discord, or is in the discord at the time. This is more so for people who watch on their phone, as they can't easily go back and forth between youtube and discord.

tl;dr Discord is cancer for vtubers if they are not heavily separated from their community enough.

>> No.69800532

Also this applies mostly to corpos. It's a whole different thing for indies.

>> No.69800653
Quoted by: >>69800683

I miss the 3 week period we had before the eien discord launched
I know most talents were livereading the threads but still

>> No.69800683
Quoted by: >>69800823

Truly the golden age of EIEN.

>> No.69800758

If you want fan interaction? Do it on twitter.
Streams should be youtube only.
Discord for fanbases only.

>> No.69800823
File: 1.31 MB, 1455x863, stummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69801029

frankly I blame Riifu for actually actively participating in voice chat, even Kiki only responded in voice like once a day

>> No.69800939

I can at least agree that's it's retarded for a talent to actively read discord chat over their stream chat. Luckily the Haven girls I've watched have only done so when requesting a link to something relevant to the stream at the time.

>> No.69801029

One benefit of a lazy mod staff is that there will never be a voice chat on the server again of any kind

>> No.69801110


>> No.69801206

Navi really is such a precious cutie. Even if her zoomerism is terminal.

>> No.69801630

Are the cliques in the room with us now?

>> No.69801771
Quoted by: >>69802088

Anyone who is in the discord is painfully aware of them. Just go look at Skye's birthday stream and the "viewer's awards" segment.

>> No.69802088

There are certainly circlejerks with some of the fanbases in the discord. But not every talent has one. Unless you believe dumb shit like the OSRS clique. A group so favored Zumi put their game on indefinite hiatus.

>> No.69802093
Quoted by: >>69802227

If all corpos do everything the same way, then there's barely anything that sets them apart from one another. Innovation and "new ideas" barely have much of an opportunity in an environment where everybody is expected to do everything the same way.

>> No.69802124
Quoted by: >>69802419

You can't go two minutes on Kilia's channels without that dranagon faggot bringing up his private buoy cliquecord

>> No.69802227
Quoted by: >>69802333

There's a big difference between talents doing things "the same way" and running a corpo. There are corpos in which established practices have proven effective and work for a reason, while talents each have their own unique way of streaming. You're conflating the two.

>> No.69802333
Quoted by: >>69802472

Eiens whole shtick is being a corpo in the loosest definition possible

>> No.69802419

How the fuck is that not bannable?

>> No.69802436
Quoted by: >>69802494

Get a streamer that streams. also cope

>> No.69802472
Quoted by: >>69802641

They can keep doing things their way. That's up to them. It's just painful watching them and seeing where improvements/changes can be made, but aren't resulting in the clusterfucks and drama that we end up with.

>> No.69802494

Took you 10 hours to come up with that? Pathetic.

>> No.69802641
Quoted by: >>69802712

I'd certainly agree that there's issues. Not helped by all the talent drama at the corpos beginning and overly lax moderation. I just don't think the solution is to turn into a less popular idol or phase.

>> No.69802660

Good night /eien/

>> No.69802712
Quoted by: >>69803049

In an effort to produce productive conversation, what ideas, if any, do you have or suggest that would help with the issues, without turning into "a less popular idol or phase".

>> No.69803049
Quoted by: >>69803227

In large part I honestly don't know. I'm no community manager. But a mod staff that acts more like actual staff and not just like every other chatter but with a special colored name, as well as enforcing rules other than fucking talent pings and whatever Clarrisa feels is "offtopic" that day, couldn't hurt.

>> No.69803227
Quoted by: >>69803424

I think mods in general are still issues, as from what I've seen, most communities are usually filled with mods that are basically the same way. You just end up lucking out sometimes on certain mods that are objectively better at the job than others.
I do want to say though that, being a less popular idol or phase, is not necessarily a bad thing to start out. Like with reinventing the wheel, there are some things that just work. There's no shame in using similar practices as successful companies. Everyone starts at the bottom. Phase took two years before they really started gaining a lot of momentum, based on what I've seen.

>> No.69803424
Quoted by: >>69804298

Problem being that this is not a good time to start at the bottom. The western side of this industry is more cutthroat than ever, twice as saturated, and with a corpo collapsing every other month. Start too low and there might not be a ladder to even grab on to.

>> No.69804160


>> No.69804298

And on top of those bits, the "proven effective and work for a reason" corpos were also ones that had their own working systems as they grew, when the market itself for vtubing wasn't as wide, so they had the opportunity to grow their communities within the given channels they already were using / had available.

>> No.69804334

