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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.69622824

>Innocent wose forced to pick sides in a civil war among people she genuinely believed would be like a family
Do you think Kurosanji would still cover up an attempt if it succeeded?

>> No.69622891

Queen Bee sends her regards

>> No.69622969


>> No.69622986

Yes, now more than ever with the absolute shit show the past few weeks have been for niji

>> No.69622991

Too busy writing holo applications and bribing her way to the front of the graduation queue. Shame about the model.

>> No.69623006

>>Innocent wose

>> No.69623060
File: 817 KB, 750x1000, _rosemi__dizzy__tsunderia_[sound=files.catbox.moe%2fkyjibz.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69623147


>> No.69623182

oh no my midsemi wife

>> No.69623253

Hopefully she does the smart thing and leaves

>> No.69623293

Considering what the other remaining organs are doing to self-immolate, this is a good thing

>> No.69623295

My nigga wosemi just wants to stream Tekken. Just go indie already.

>> No.69623330

Poor girl literally just got noticed by Harada and even offered to become a part of the game which she'd never see the profits from anyways and now it's all over. Fuck kurosanji.

>> No.69623338

Is this a batman quote from arkham city I swear I remember something vaguely about it.

>> No.69623389
Quoted by: >>69624237

Maybe in March? The fucking idiots keep on talking and making themselves look bad every week at this point

>> No.69623409
File: 1.48 MB, 1148x1000, the kinslayer's fate[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0k8v6n.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ritual will be complete soon.

>> No.69623523

She never asked for any of this. She just wanted to play games with an anime avatar.

>> No.69623578

Wha..a..at ritual

>> No.69623586
File: 3.79 MB, 640x430, 1688342624630591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a Woo Girl

>> No.69623600

We have no evidence about where she stands on any of this, the rexeet could've been management.

>> No.69623662
Quoted by: >>69623918

God I'm gonna miss these.


>> No.69623724
Quoted by: >>69636804

I want her to leave and go indie. Losing that fucking model sucks so bad though.

>> No.69623918
Quoted by: >>69624390

Doki is not going to. She already has the success being independent.

>> No.69624055

I’ve lost
While all the males still exist minus the wigger. In the worst timeline

>> No.69624144
File: 67 KB, 193x184, 1628643291915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love poor dramafag tourists who pretend to be diehard fans but haven't even seen her membership posts or last mengen zatsu

>> No.69624237
Quoted by: >>69641134

March 6th, for her graduation stream.
...Depending on how strictly Niji enforces the graduation queue. Pomu and Kyo were probably not the only ones who turned in their resignation notices before Christmas, a bunch mentally checked out on or right after Feb 5th, and tickets for the Nijitanic lifeboats are first come first served (life jackets sold separately).

>> No.69624347
File: 1.49 MB, 1152x1240, 6a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niji profit shares depends on milestones, the higher the subs, the higher the profit share
>Upon reaching 500k, there would've been a pretty high share and a 3D model would be made soon
>Wose slogs through most of 2023 with shitcanned projects, stuck between 400k-500k, finally gets a new outfit she's been looking forward to. Celebrates with her genmates their second anniversary, gets in more frequent contact with her old ex-Tsunderia friends hoping for collabs. Everything good.
>Gets her dreamed Tekken perms, reaches 500k, Harada notices her, everything going good, hasn't heard of Selen in a while but she'll soon celebrate with her.
>Her genmate almost kills herself
>Her genmate is non-ceremoniously fired despite being the biggest NijiEN
>Her other genmate is in despair
>Incompetence leads to self-reporting about bullying, every talent is punished
>PR stream, everything goes for the worse
>500k milestone is taken away
>Everyone is disillusioned with her company
>Disappear for 15 days, post some bittersweet member's posts so at least her biggest fans don't worry about you being dead
Tragickinos for this feel?

>> No.69624390

Huh? I meant commissioning new chibis.

>> No.69624425
Quoted by: >>69624500

>>PR stream, everything goes for the worse
more like "everything goes for the wose" hehehe

>> No.69624469

>Dreaming of getting hugged
>Acrylic stand of her oshi she's too autistic to collab with
>Trying to at least have dinner with some ex-Nijis to feel better but they can't

>> No.69624485
File: 1.02 MB, 750x1000, _rosemi__i will return__dizzy__cool_[sound=files.catbox.moe%2fif28c9.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69624500
File: 101 KB, 283x277, 1705047217350106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69624519
Quoted by: >>69624851

Who's are rightmost hooded one and the pink one? Leftmost hooded one I have nothing to give me a hint so I assume it's filler.

>> No.69624562
File: 683 KB, 750x1000, the master of Tails[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fuegqs9.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The return of the Rrat King

>> No.69624608
File: 132 KB, 512x512, 1680517686577142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69627695

There's a member's post but I don't want to spend five dollars to see it

>> No.69624613

Post membud

>> No.69624765


>> No.69624779
File: 50 KB, 577x689, 1707372100448470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69624788

It's a shame because i had just found her from her tekken 8 streams, i hope she's innocent in all of this but frankly with everything i'm just running low on hopium...

>> No.69624851
File: 1.47 MB, 1148x1000, soon we shall feast[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6v2olm.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rightmost hooded one
Miori Celesta
>Pink one
Matsuro Meru
>Leftmost hooded one
Nini Yuuna likely

>> No.69624966

>Those horns
Nah it's most likely Lisa

>> No.69625066

And besides, she came back to twitter to retweet Elira.

>> No.69625079

>"Follow the rose"
LK was telling everyone to rope the entire time

>> No.69625296
File: 80 KB, 700x438, 4253563868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69625463

Another suicide attempt?

>> No.69626424

If she doesn't stream for Rosemi day (March 6th) then she's definitely graduating.

>> No.69627242

Wait this is sick as fuck, is there any more?

>> No.69627243

song name?

>> No.69627374
Quoted by: >>69627784

NTA and not sure, but I think it's a Gesaffelstein song.

>> No.69627396

how do i look up or search song from sound images? I guess just playing it out loud and using song identify is the most straight forward way.

>> No.69627695

It's just a pic of her Ange standee

>> No.69627764

wose needs to come back for her 400k sub celebration stream

>> No.69627784

Im too retarded to actually play the sound of pngs, but if its a gesaffelstein song as anon >>69627374 said, Im just gonna guess its pursuit and post that, someone tell me its the correct one pls.

>> No.69627956
Quoted by: >>69628340

That's the song for one of those cool soundposts, but not the one anon was asking about, maybe I got it mixed up because of that...

>> No.69628340

I forgot the if, thats truly embarassing. My ESL has been exposed.

I really liked Pursuit, but I could never get into their other stuff for some reason.

>> No.69628379

Rose please graduate, I want this trio so bad and to go full menhera together.

>> No.69628707

Fuck the sound was delayed had a jumpscare. Nice art thou

>> No.69628791

she's a 50/50 for me. either wouldnt surprise me

>> No.69628792
File: 405 KB, 1079x1282, Da_wose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me how many yabs she's commited, oh right... you can't.

>> No.69629075

Midsemi Midlock

>> No.69629219


>> No.69629273

according to LK, Rosemi and Luca are likely the next graduates.
theres the theory LK might be Luca Kaneshiro, but maybe thats too obvious, he said follow the rose, maybe its Rosemi LovelocK

>> No.69629370

She may actually be leaving if this keeps up...

>> No.69629385

As you can see there are professionals working on this case. Please do not interfere with their ritual. This magic can be rather unwieldy in untrained hands

>> No.69629404

Rosemi is way too mentally stable to unalive

>> No.69629511


>> No.69629583

I like this, but I'm wondering if there's a Faith version? That 8bit game.

>> No.69629634

>Nothing said in her Twitter
Is she ogey

>> No.69629776
Quoted by: >>69664654

I'm going to need the collection of these, because they're really well done.

>> No.69629948


>> No.69629996

>2020 Tsunderia becomes one of the first true EN Vtuber Corpos
>2021 Grows and is suffers several misfortunes
>2022 Tsunderia is in decline
>2023 Tsunderia is a laughing stock
>2024 Tsunderia is the most influential Corpo in EN Vtubing

>> No.69630065

Too dumb to be a bully. Have you heard her try yo mama jokes?

>> No.69630099

Didn't she post a membership post tho

>> No.69630229

>Tsunderia becomes stronger in death as a vengeful wraith spirit

>> No.69630364
Quoted by: >>69634007

>Art choice that almost looks straight out of a graduation stream
Uuuuh bros?
Also, will she even be able to play her intro? It features Selen.

>> No.69630521
File: 41 KB, 806x444, Curse of the Crown[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fm11czs.opus].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first and the last.
The alpha and the omega.
The beginning and the end.

>> No.69630542

Not gonna watch her. She's probably going to talk her trip while playing geo.

>> No.69630549

I sorta feel like that 2022 was a deadcat bounce.
It was already toast, just floating along.

>> No.69630669
Quoted by: >>69631198

Rosemi please, just fuck Riku and get back in the game. Legal and PR will memory-hole it, you will be fine !

>> No.69631198


>> No.69631345
Quoted by: >>69631647

clever wose now that the drama sinks, she'd likely getting less hate

>> No.69631647
File: 74 KB, 850x850, 1707262789956829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Rosemi
>Fly to Japan
>Genmate gets fired, internet explodes
>Close social media, enjoy vacation
>Come back
>Hey guys what did I miss?

>> No.69632053
Quoted by: >>69643776

God, I'd forgotten how hard Heilung goes...

>> No.69632235

imagine them reading the GURRAT on stream

>> No.69632303

she was in Japan, and that's it for the past year unless there are any I'm forgetting.

>> No.69632605

What if Rosemi was streaming normally and suddenly she starts throatsinging shamanic tribal songs as you hear a voice similar to Elira's screaming in the background followed by the noises of meat being violently stabbed with a butcher knife and then everything goes silent and she continues streaming like nothing happened

>> No.69632713


>> No.69632741

this happens every stream

>> No.69632797
Quoted by: >>69632959

let me guess
she was a good girl
she dindu nuffin
she was getting her life back together
nijisanji needs mo money fo dem programs n shiet

>> No.69632835

i wouldnt put it past kuro to put a new girl behind the model and act like nothing changed

>> No.69632874

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.69632879
File: 143 KB, 1080x1080, There she is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's alive. Don't worry.

>verification not required

>> No.69632959
File: 366 KB, 793x578, 1660582509103255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think fast foo

>> No.69633103

Look towards the fish.

>> No.69633119

>Selen gone
>Now Obysida has to make do as Luca's groupies, one for each hand.

>> No.69633148


>> No.69633312
File: 1.67 MB, 1148x1000, behold the kinslayer's fate[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0k8v6n.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon she'll be reunited with her real family

>> No.69633517

This costume screams QoS

>> No.69633569

Can any of the remaining nijis make it as indie?

>> No.69633585

What's the point of a VIP zone for vtubers? Its not like you can see upskirts

>> No.69633634

Quartermaster of Sacrifices

>> No.69633641

they've all been branded as bullies so no

>> No.69633677

>didn't announce Selen wasn't going to be at anime impulse til last minute
What if Rosemi and Petra both don't show and it just becomes Luxiem

>> No.69633803
File: 570 KB, 532x683, 1707853665010210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's back.

>> No.69633911

Considering how little they earn after the corpo cut, absolutely. But it's more work, requires risk and is uncomfortable, so probably very few of them will do it.

>> No.69633934
Quoted by: >>69634177

Scarle's PL has the subs. All she needs is the right model. I have trouble imagining anything better than what she has now.

Rosemi has a general going pentagram meme magic mode for her reincarnation.

>> No.69634007

>Also, will she even be able to play her intro? It features Selen.

Damn who can even say.

>> No.69634152
Quoted by: >>69636605

>Luca replaced Selen
holy kek
The fact that some people are actually *fans* of Luca makes me lose all faith in humanit

>> No.69634177
File: 658 KB, 1000x962, mistral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy, just do this

>> No.69634305

Not sure about that

>> No.69634360
Quoted by: >>69635873

If she goes I’m going to miss the fuck out of this design. One of my favorites

>> No.69634569


>> No.69634584
Quoted by: >>69635231


>> No.69635231
File: 226 KB, 500x333, 190437.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Random 4chan shitpost claims that an innocuous meme she posted on Twitter was actually a malicious joke
>People just fucking believe it because ?????

>> No.69635239 [DELETED] 

Thought this was a bed for a second

>> No.69635330
File: 76 KB, 543x590, 1708481577287896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69635994

Thought this was a bed for a second

>> No.69635873

She could go palworld route

>> No.69635912

Diablo Jim got her.

>> No.69635994

Yeah, my bed

>> No.69636601

Only trannyggers and dumb Amerimutts chose that chink Selen and it's noteworthy that in the modern entertainment, every side Amerimutts took failed. Every fucking thing. Films, games, comics, cartoons, toys, etc. Everything.

>> No.69636605


>> No.69636689
Quoted by: >>69637747

>t. chink

>> No.69636804
File: 338 KB, 1152x2048, 1708160538630186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69637747

I'm not either sea or chink, Amerimutt fatfuck. All of your entertainments are factually dying, this goes for music too, and Japan actually totally dominates some of the industries. The ones who are on the wrong side are always Amerimutts.

>> No.69637917

Post hands.

>> No.69637933

>Panel show with 3 graduating livers

>> No.69638026

Holy shit, isreal

>> No.69638593

Rosemi and Vox are a couple. She leans towards Selen while Vox was tricked by Elira into throwing his lot with the clique. Their relationship drama is intermingled with the company drama.

>> No.69639233
Quoted by: >>69652029

you cant just post these and not give song sauce. thats sick as fuck

>> No.69639238
File: 61 KB, 411x375, 1628384764472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69640429

I mean, it's been 5 years and still nobody has uncovered what happened to that librarian vtuber.

>> No.69640936

>buying underwear with Luca yab

>> No.69641000
Quoted by: >>69644436

This is so stupidly outrageous and fake that I believe it

>> No.69641134

I believe it. LK mentioned to look for multiple graduations this Friday and considering we have gotten zero updates from NijiEN, I believe Rosemi is up next

>> No.69642089
Quoted by: >>69642167

Let's be honest, Rosemi's upcoming graduation will be the least surprising news of the decade once it's officially announced.

>> No.69642127

They could, but they'd likely be significantly smaller unless they somehow get on the Doki train. Kurosanji might be a black spot on the reputation, but it still provides a baseline level of support and audience, however low they are.

>> No.69642167
File: 44 KB, 428x400, 1628555893385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69642324


>> No.69642537

X WILL give it to you.
Are you ready for the next stage of her plan?

>> No.69643388

It'd be so funny if 3 of them announced they'd be graduating lmao

>> No.69643776


>> No.69643932
File: 249 KB, 590x550, moona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsunderia was pretty much defunct by 2022
>They lost 5+ of the biggest and most influential members of the corpo by the start of the year
>the gen 5 cancellation leak was also early that year.
>To top it all off, that year started off with members of their new at the time gen 4 admitting they had regrets with joining tsunderia
It was official by 2023, but you could see that they were done as a company as early as January 2022.

>> No.69644436

My evidence is vibes.

>> No.69644511

>Wose has been privately speaking to Domi either apoogizing and teying to make amends for her not being able to do more for her or her (probably very little) part in the bullying
>Graduates from niji, makes no mention of drama on PL
>NDF claim her silence is a sign of Selen being a lying bitch
>Niji antis harrass her
>Selen feels the need to defend her and, with permission, reveal the dms showing Wose is a good person
>NDFs btfo and Antis sub to Rosemi's PL en masse
>Rose's hands stay clean of drama
"All according to keikaku." -Rosemi Lovelock

>> No.69644601

The dead ought to pity the living.

>> No.69646230

As if Niji would ever let her have that collab. Even Pomu got fucking denied a potentially important collab because fuckyoulol. Fucking POMU, anon.

>> No.69647044

Selen yourself

>> No.69647361
Quoted by: >>69666342

You forgot
>get thought to be a bully by some
>just because your company painted a target on literally everyones back
>and there's no way for you to be disproven as one
Poor girl.

>> No.69647747
File: 16 KB, 370x370, lfnaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69648407

Lets get a #WhereIsRosemi tag trending.

>> No.69648346

Gesaffelstein - Opr

Here's the file link from that pic

>> No.69648407

she has a stream frame up anon

>> No.69648510
File: 1.22 MB, 1403x791, 1708486969591830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enna had a karaoke stream and the outro had pic related
Rosemi NOT in the clique AND graduating.

>> No.69648711

anyone else missing? (I don't know half these people)

>> No.69648818
Quoted by: >>69649303

Reimu, Vivi, and Scarle from what I see

>> No.69648865
File: 914 KB, 900x900, 1661559269856860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Scarle
>no Rosemi

>> No.69649303
Quoted by: >>69649796

Sorry for the highjack, but is Scarle's name pronounced like Carly or like Carl? She's being discussed a lot right now and not knowing is bothering me.

>> No.69649309

She also has a stream up for tomorrow but hasn't announced it on Twitter nor has she posted any kind of schedule. Might be looking into it too much but it looks like she's burned out.

>> No.69649796
Quoted by: >>69649976

Think of the word Scarlet, but without the T

>> No.69649950

notPomu also said she received some news that made her really sad.
Wubadabbada it's true...

>> No.69649976
Quoted by: >>69670476

So like Parlay?

>> No.69650042
Quoted by: >>69650304

>the one Nijiliver not actively being retarded

>> No.69650304
File: 154 KB, 1170x1100, 1628900232169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi's super power
Being the only liver remaining above room temp IQ

>> No.69650479

>Tfw turbo autism allows you to not share the emotions of others so when emotions are running high and people are making rash decisions you end up the most sane.

>> No.69650548
Quoted by: >>69650986

or you know shes not posting on the platform where dramafags are most active on probably close until her actual stream

>> No.69650888


>> No.69650986

Rosemi has never once acknowledged or cared about dramafags, only the other braindead nijis do so. If she wants to post something in Twitter she just does.

>> No.69651162
Quoted by: >>69651332

Midsemi Midlock is supreme when everyone else is Bottomsanji
No I'm not talking about sex positions

>> No.69651332
File: 1.68 MB, 1400x2100, 1708479236878957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69651492

Midriffsemi Tummylock

>> No.69651492


>> No.69651587

Fuck that would be an amazing ending to the arc given we know how her PL first got into 4ch (confirming she has been /here/) and how we know shes just here to get some bread and has no time for bitches and drama (her jumping ship and changing personalities, very good kayfabe, etc)

>> No.69651648

Meru graduated and said she's going to "take some time to herself" and come back streaming again in the future. Sounds to me like the classic "get in the dungeon" tactic Phase uses for new waves. Which it makes sense that she'd be in a new wave over an Invader because she has admitting to actually disliking the Meru character.

>> No.69651773

everything is better than a nip, two nukes were not enough clearly

>> No.69651999

Hey at least we don't sound like a coin in a garbage disposal when we talk

>> No.69652029
Quoted by: >>69652947

that one is the Shadient remix of Stress by Justice, i dont know the others

>> No.69652037
File: 131 KB, 890x653, 1626807102663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69652376

My name is Rosemi Lovelock. I’m [] years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing my photosynthesis. I can do a thousand joules now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep stomata cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your leaves out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. There is an idea of a Rosemi Lovelock. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my cute gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel thorns stabbing you, and maybe you can even sense tastes in video games are probably comparable, I simply am not there.

>> No.69652172


>> No.69652276

He finally crumpled his last bottle...

>> No.69652296
File: 1.45 MB, 4000x4000, 1686848901598176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the plan.

>> No.69652310

>Old men hitting on her and she always lets it happen and entertains them
>telling old men in a barcade she's Rosemi Lovelock
>Luca arc
>Tsunderia betrayal
>feet oogled by men multiple times
>Slutty cosplays, tokyo mew mew at 12, maid shuten doji recently
>imposter syndrome she never brings up again
>Fake teehee laugh, no more seagull laugh
>the now infamous missed April monthly letter

>> No.69652375

So what the fuck is in the members post.

>> No.69652376

Nice. Very Nice.

Let's see Maririn's synopsis.

>> No.69652415
Quoted by: >>69652602

thank you for letting us know all her "crimes", nijisanji

>> No.69652442

>Maid shuten doji

I need pics now

>> No.69652562

>no more seagull laugh
She's never going to recover from that yab

>> No.69652602

If i were nijisanji her crime would just be her making schedules on monday rather than sunday because she thinks the week begins on mondays, so that's when she uploads schedules

>> No.69652649
Quoted by: >>69653039

>old men hitting on her
>telling old men she's Rosemi
>feet ogled by men
Those old men? All me.

>> No.69652689

One of those things is kind of a yab and the rest is relatively innocuous.
I will leave to your intellect to deduce which one is which.

>> No.69652703
Quoted by: >>69652817

prove any of this

>> No.69652817
Quoted by: >>69653024

watch her streams since 2021, newfag

>> No.69652912

They would have covered up the last attempt successfully, if they had let Selen graduate. Probably still would have even if they terminated her with a modicum of respect and never put up the black box.

I've no doubt they'd sock puppet a twitter account for months to cover up successfully solved sudoku.

>> No.69652947

>Shadient remix of Stress by Justice
bless you anon

>> No.69652979

Idk her very well tebeha, but I do hope shes leaving in protest, she doesnt seem like a bad person, but its hard to be sure, maybe she was even the leaker, LoveLocK = LK? mhh... wonder if we ll ever really know.

>> No.69653001
File: 78 KB, 772x525, ESL dekinai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69653024
Quoted by: >>69655166

>I watch all her streams also I'm an anti

>> No.69653039
Quoted by: >>69653416

how old are you anon?

>> No.69653076
File: 22 KB, 842x254, ESL fwmc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69653146
Quoted by: >>69653408

that's hella tame, even pommers had more skeletons in her closet.

>> No.69653281

>Super Rosemi
>The last remaining liver
>who's not a retard
Fixed (You)r haiku

>> No.69653343

That's a shame, it suits her well. But I will love and support Meru anywhere she ends up.

>> No.69653390

but there are two missing that are more surprising

>> No.69653408
Quoted by: >>69655323

half of those arent even true is the funny part, im pretty sure she mentioned not even telling her friends who she is but they figured out from her voice

>> No.69653416
Quoted by: >>69655733


>> No.69654103
Quoted by: >>69654233

I miss her, it fucking sucks

>> No.69654233
File: 77 KB, 820x910, 1628386379285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69657584


>> No.69654473

>only really liked Rosemi, Petra, Maria, and Meloco prior to the events that unfolded
How fucked/blessed am I?

>> No.69655166

You have autism, right?

>> No.69655323

t. Newfag.
Every single thing posted has come from her lips, or are things she has done.
Rosemi's fanbase will never not be a group of insane little newfags that like her in passing because, have barely watched her, and think she's amazing because she's cute like most other vtubers.

>> No.69655349

So is this a picture of the true clique?

>> No.69655383
Quoted by: >>69656174

>I obsessively watch her and hate her and hate her fans reeeeeeee
find something else to do you deranged freak

>> No.69655733

based, Im mid 30s.

>> No.69655748

I wish I could take a monthly break from work on a whim, because I'm "saddened".

>> No.69655792


Didn't see LK imply this, screencap?

>> No.69655817
File: 56 KB, 720x364, 1708015446105074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69655855

Rosemi is trying to get into Vshojo.

>> No.69655981

Do not redeem, sir! SIR, Do not redeem!

>> No.69656174
Quoted by: >>69656236

>aiiiieeeeee don't hurt me with the truth!!
literally watch streams, newfag

>> No.69656236
Quoted by: >>69656275

what's it like being mentally ill?

>> No.69656250

Wait did meru finally join? I thought she was one of the stronger hold out

>> No.69656275
Quoted by: >>69656335

you tell me, i dont think midsemi midlock is anything special. you'd have to be mentally to think she is just cus she is cute

>> No.69656335
Quoted by: >>69656442

meds before the stroke kills you

>> No.69656439

None shall remain, The Rat King has decreed so

>> No.69656442

stay stupid, but at least watch streams, newfag

>> No.69656583
Quoted by: >>69656737

>Slutty cosplays, tokyo mew mew at 12, maid shuten doji recently
I need pics as proof or didn't happen

>> No.69656671

Abandoning a friend group to better her career is nothing new to her

>> No.69656737

tell her to quit nijisanji, tell her to become a twitchthot because the biggest takeaway from when she meets people is how pretty she is, and convince her to whore it up with slutty cosplays and feetshit

>> No.69656817
Quoted by: >>69656973

Roseschizo has been seething nonstop for 2 years because she missed one (1) membership post

>> No.69656864

when does the dizzler sneed? feed?
sometimes you have to plap them
it hag to be this way
phasetriots in control
tsun more weeks

>> No.69656973
Quoted by: >>69657195

>RoseGOD has killed her general twice and always truthbombs rosefags and newfags
Rosemi masturbates to roseschizo, btw
It came to me in a dream

>> No.69657032

>Tell me how many yabs she's commited
Joining Niggersanji

>> No.69657195
Quoted by: >>69657329

enjoy your delusions and psychosis

>> No.69657278


>> No.69657311
File: 785 KB, 1170x1774, IMG_3620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69657896

Based Wose still including Selen in her descriptions.

>> No.69657329

Rosemi is gonna pop that pussy for roseschizo, gonna stream their bedbreaking sex, will get terminated from kurosanji and he will thus save her and her career at the cost of her purity.

>> No.69657550

Look it like this, you don't really want to be the kind of people that will crumble from the small bumps in life.
Some people just can't deal with adversity at all.

>> No.69657584
File: 6 KB, 238x212, 1707418564269734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im gag
The balls on this wose, holy shit

>> No.69657620
Quoted by: >>69657891

literally backstabbed her friends and her previous corpo to join niji

>> No.69657698

>16 days


>> No.69657807

There you go

>> No.69657862
File: 159 KB, 1189x516, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69657891
Quoted by: >>69664129

Dizzy killed that rrat almost a year ago.

>> No.69657896


>> No.69658791

I think they'd celebrate it, they genuinely seem to have a lot of fucked up hate filled people working there

>> No.69659166

Imagine if she started streaming and they dropped a graduation announcement for her.

>> No.69659329

Rosemi Lovescock

>> No.69659518
File: 2.01 MB, 1200x675, 1682242932283237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69660654

>The focus is on Elira not Enna
>Almost everyone is pivoted towards her in some way
>Sits at the front holding on to everyone in their pure white clothes including Enna like a sacred mother
Given the current narratives it looks like some kind of cultist art desu

>> No.69660594

>Do you think Kurosanji would still cover up an attempt if it succeeded?
They would cover up the fact that they had anything to do with it, have a sad little stream in Selen's memory, maybe sell a bit of merch and donate 2% of the proceeds to some charity.

>> No.69660654
File: 108 KB, 736x720, 1707891485810389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69660943

Saved to my Hell Divers 2 playlist

>> No.69660965
Quoted by: >>69663004

There's no image source for this, it's not fanart
One of them commissioned this and chose who to leave out specifically

>> No.69661288
Quoted by: >>69663398

stop using faggy retarded neutered twitter troon speak
trying to kill yourself is not a fucking "attempt". an attempt at what, doing a crossword puzzle?
it is "a SUICIDE attempt"
that said, fucking kill yourself

>> No.69661703

>Dizzy has been carrying out a multi-year plan to resurrect Tsunderia as the ultimate Lich corpo, now with the resources of the rich but easy to manipulate fishman
Holy fucking kino.

>> No.69662185

Opposite think:

>> No.69662198

>The three secret agents

>> No.69663004
Quoted by: >>69664684

The source is pretty easy to find actually:
That being said you are correct that this is a commission. The official explanation for the missing people seems to be that image is of just the people who contributed to the Weight of the World cover... but still, Reimu of all people being missing from a huge group song feels oddly conspicuous.

>> No.69663215

I remember early on Rosemi was saying how happy she was that she found a bunch of people she could be happy around, to stream with, after she had been sad for a while (she was, especially in her Miki days)
Seeing the state of things now is fucking depressing man. She deserves better.

>> No.69663338

>Tell me how many yabs she's commited,
tsuderia arc you fucking retard. I hate newfags like you trying to act like you know shit about vtubers. go back.

>> No.69663398

Sudoku is a puzzle, and if you solve the funny numbers game you successfully leave this mortal coil anon. So yah it is an attempt.

>> No.69663640

>people she genuinely believed would be like a family
she cant be that dumb

>> No.69664129

>almost a year ago
*Over two years ago

>> No.69664592

Sauce on the image? Is that Ria on the right?

>> No.69664654
File: 1.28 MB, 750x1000, They hunger[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgmq5ls.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69664890

i don't have the collection but this one wasn't posted

>> No.69664684

Yeah it's just circular logic at that point
"They weren't excluded because they arent part of the clique, they're excluded because they werent part of this thing they were excluded from because they're not part of the clique"

>> No.69664689

Petrabros, why is your oshi in the picture?

>> No.69664890

That's Carpenter Brut, I can recognize that instantly.

>> No.69665131
File: 142 KB, 850x1598, 1708143634352067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69670417

She's a tensai

>> No.69665206
File: 372 KB, 1860x1857, da wose da wose dawo se dawose dawosedawosedawosedawose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>69665263

>Leaves the floundering Tsunderia for a better life at NijiEN
>Tsunderia somehow spiritually survived its own death through the sheer unity of its former members
>Meanwhile NijiEN is tearing itself apart because most of its members turned out to be self-serving snakes
What a timeline

>> No.69665263

She needs to come home. Slugma is waiting with open arms, there is zero bad blood between them.

>> No.69665425

>there is zero bad blood between them
Even if they're friends, Rosemi is a toxic asset now, no need to risk it

>> No.69665638
Quoted by: >>69665782

It looks the exact opposite to me.
Assuming Rosemi is innocent (the only thing we have from her is the retweet, which was done during her break. Might have been a manager puppeting the account but even if it was her, it's not a big deal) she could join as an Invader.
PC would get a ton of good will for helping the saintess of NijiEN, and she'd bring a good chunk of her fanbase with her.

>> No.69665782
Quoted by: >>69666007

It'd be nice, but it seems she's sticking with Niji. Maybe management finally got its shit together, or perhaps the Tekken perms simply too good.
Assuming she did leave (unlikely at this point), her toxicity would be of little relevance. The fish already has a record of hiring talents with toxic backgrounds and making it work. One more is no different.

>> No.69666007

I don't think the fact that she's back to streaming is necessarily an indicator that she'll be sticking around. I still think she's planning to leave, but if she's going through the appropriate channels then it could be a long time until it actually happens and so it makes sense for her to stream in the meantime.

>> No.69666065

Yeah, similar to Pomu. A clean graduation, not a termination with attempted character assassination.

>> No.69666217

this, pomu's departure was only faintly telegraphed and mostly discounted as just rrats or drama sisters reading too much into things.

thing is once she left we now think we have a much-stronger clue of the subtler signs such as who doesn't show up on what merch or group shots etc. although since I'm not a rosebud I don't have a strong catalog in my mind for what these signs may be from her. she is overall low-key sad that her success has been a struggle relative to some others but that's not new at all and I dunno if that alone would make her leave. I mean, if she thinks the phase crowd would love her more than the nijiEN crowd, that's actually not implausible because new phases are generally doing better than her now and she can probably sense the meme magic of tsunderia reuniting under a new banner would give her a boost in of itself. we'd see the interactions with tsuns that she never had time for, etc.

>> No.69666342
Quoted by: >>69666389

I mean there is one way out.
Be the first one to parachute off the crashing plane, contact Doki in private and ask to go on a stream together which'd be a way to show, without directly saying it, that you were always on good terms and not one of the bullies mentioned.
People would respect that I think and all it takes is disassociating yourself from the shit company.

>> No.69666389
Quoted by: >>69666485

>contact Doki in private
Problem is they might not like each other. I don't talk about bullying or anything like that, but it's probably that they just want to go their separate ways.

>> No.69666485

Even if that's the case I think being straight and going 'Look, we don't get on well but I don't want accusations of bullying you hanging over my head for the rest of my life.' would probably get a stream done.

Not many people wants to fuck someone else's career just for the kicks if that person has never done anything to them.

>> No.69666612
File: 583 KB, 2539x4000, E5SHCzFVgAYUD-i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready for her next move.

>> No.69668383

You forgot
>seduced her best female friend away from her boyfriend while in high school
She might pretend to be innocent, but irl she's female equivalent of those tanned NTR ikemen guys.

>> No.69668445

She's part of the mean girl clique. Hopefully they all get sacked and they start anew with just Reimu, Scarle, Vivi and Kunai.

>> No.69668811

>Rosemi is part of the mean girl clique but Reimu isn't
Yeah okay

>> No.69669142
Quoted by: >>69669566

The total list of people not in the image
Rosemi Lovelock
Reimu Endou
Ike Eveland
Aster Arcadia
Hex Haywire
Yu Q. Wilson
Kunai Nakasato
Victoria Brightshield
What would be worse: These people leaving, or them being the only ones to stay?

>> No.69669545

Who's outside of the "clique" at this point?

>> No.69669566

It's a mix.
>Rosemi Lovelock
>Reimu Endou
These two are both hard to determine for their own reasons, but ultimately it's likely neither are in the clique.
>Ike Eveland
I still don't know why he was in that video. Considering Fulgur is willing to collab with him, I doubt he's in the clique, and is just an amicable bystander.
>Aster Arcadia
*sigh*. He should be terminated for trying to fuck his coworkers. Even NijiJP won't put up with that shit.
>Hex Haywire
He has access to other talents' youtube accounts, as confirmed by himself. He's in the clique.
>Yu Q. Wilson
Incorrigible Yes-man. If he's not in the clique then he's at least complicit.
>Kunai Nakasato
Current rumors saying she's been trying to get out since a month after debut. She ain't been around long enough to be in the clique.
>Victoria Brightshield
Both of her oshis are gone, at least in part because of the clique's activities. It would be disappointing to learn she's in the clique, but I don't know her well enough to state either way.

>> No.69669696

Anyone has the one with the hotline Miami track?

>> No.69670124

They literally only cancelled Selen participation on anime impulse 3 days before the event, they can still pull the same bullshit on Rosemi

>> No.69670414

this rrat falls off because Ike & Reimu are also not included

>> No.69670417
Quoted by: >>69675235

I really don’t like that model. The tsunderia rat is 10 times better and the current rosemi is 100 times better.

>> No.69670476

pretty much is the most common way to say but
Aia says Scarla
Maria is something like Scarl

>> No.69670559

the people incluced in the image sang along with the final song in the concert.

>> No.69670745

>Considering Fulgur is willing to collab with him, I doubt he's in the clique, and is just an amicable bystander.
Fulgur clearly knows how to separate emotions and job, cancelling a collab with people involved will only makes thing look worse

>> No.69670874

Doppio and Fulgur aren't in any clique

>> No.69671380
File: 409 KB, 621x473, 1701630784516082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No matter how many times they die, I will revive them every time
>taking their pain on me
>I will endure
>Because I am their Compass,
>I am...
>Their Manager

>> No.69671502

the tsunderia girls going into other corpos = their mirror world IDs

>> No.69671604

>stream frame went up last night
>this thread is still up and active
I legitimately do not understand the catalog anymore. Avoiding the rrat overdose must be like dodging the jab.

>> No.69672606

>Thinks he's on the winning side in a battle against America
>Is actually an irrelevant bystander to the 2nd American civil war
>Verification not required.

>> No.69673769

>Reimu not in the clique
Holy newfag. She bullied Nina and excluded her along with Millie and Enna.
>Rosemi not in the clique
Besties off-collab
After that off-collab her goal was to "make friends" and her channel suffered for it as all she did was collab and if I have it correct, all the rosebuds that left her were the ones that mostly supported her monetarily.
Reimu is in the clique no doubt, even if she didn't bully Selen. Rosemi is very likely in the clique as well, again, even if she didn't bully Selen

>> No.69674264
File: 56 KB, 960x404, 87347864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You ride to war, but not to victory. Elira's sisters march on Twitter, this you know, but in secret she sends another force which will attack from within the branch.
>A new wave of of nepo-livers sails from the Philippines.
>They will debut in two more weeks... You're out-numbered, Rosemi. You need more fans.
"There are none."
>There are those who dwell in the imageboard.
"...Shitposters, schizos - you would call upon them to fight? They believe in nothing. They answer to no-one."
>They will answer to the Queen of Tsunderia.
>/tsunX/, first of the West . . . forged from the the shards of Tsunderia.
"Anons will not have forgotten the crown of Tsunderia... the crown that was broken shall return to vtubing."
>The woman who can wield the power of this crown can summon to her an army more deadly than any that walks this earth.
>Put aside the Liver - become who you were born to be.

>> No.69674529

where is Doppio Dropscythe in all this i feel like this guy has been super unproblematic all he did was retweet the black video no add just skinwalked then has just been normal posting no snide remarks etc. is Doppio a good guy?

>> No.69674651
Quoted by: >>69679537

He is a good guy, but he is a spineless coward. He liked Zaion but he didn't try to defend her when Niji thew her under the bus, and the other day he was having a collab with Vox.

>> No.69674670

I want to believe it because the civ stream with vox fulgur doppio and selen was what got me into selen and pomu fulgur has been kind of a company man but it would be nice if doppio was a chill dude who might have been nice to selen

>> No.69674696
File: 183 KB, 369x387, slugdepartment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino of the highest order

>> No.69675073
File: 3.42 MB, 2500x2198, 1708111640552729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69675235

I fucking loved the Miki model.
The only weird issue was the head rotation stuff looked a bit janky.
If, god forbid, she were to leave again, she should commission this chick, she was doing proper head rotations back in 2021. Some riggers still can't do it now despite all the hard work being done for you in modern L2D rigging.

>> No.69675785
Quoted by: >>69676042


I had an instructor in game art/design that was talking about how everyone wants to be a character artist but there's tons of jobs that are underappreciated where you can make a ton of money like rigging. He really knew what was going on and VT has shown me that - kino but in all seriousness rigging and doing that shit now probably would make some decent coin as a side gig

>> No.69676042
Quoted by: >>69676706

Yeah there is quite a bit of money in it even if you do it casually at a reduced cost.
Like maybe a commissions every 3 months, more if you have the time.
Making the models now is so fucking much easier than yesteryears, the software is just so much better.
The drawing side of things is still a pain as always because of the obscene number of layers you need to manage, but that's just one of those things lol, you just have to get over it, that's not realistically going to change, just like it doesn't in 3D modelling either.

>> No.69676146
Quoted by: >>69676466

>he wants her to stay in kurosanji

>> No.69676149

God I hope so

>> No.69676466

NTA but I at least want her to accomplish her dream for doing a 3D concert with an Ange Collab before leaving. If she leaves next month I'd be okay with it but it would definitely feel very bitter because it means Wose gave up on it.

>> No.69676706
Quoted by: >>69679311

for sure - i never had the talent for it so i dropped out years ago and just went into cyber security but now that its been like 10 years and professional life is kind of set. I've been wanting to get back into art to have some creative outlet even just looking at how much blender has improved is crazy when i was using 3dsmax and zbrush before but its seems like everything is just so much more powerful and more intuitive.

>> No.69676939

I hate to break it to you anon, but i dont think she really cares about ange beyond what a clipfag would

>> No.69677747

She doesn't have a long enough lifespan to wait for NijiEN to have a 3D concert with anyone.

>> No.69678507

I'll save this for later, just in case.

>> No.69678620

Quality over Selen?

>> No.69679204

There's been rumors that Sanbaka are likely to dip soon, so I wouldn't hold my breath for that anyway.

>> No.69679311

You can do it. I also did software dev and still do art as well.
Never give up man

>> No.69679537

Sayu's still following his pl though.

>> No.69680629

wosemi wovescock
