She is still asleep.
>>692674im chumbabby
Nenechi a cute
I love you Gura!
>>692675looks like a lesbian
I love Reine!!!
>>692675I found out where the ears came from, you bastard and i don't really care
>>692675The need to breed her rises
>>692706Why are deadbeats like this?
Let the holostars be a part of your world, Yagoo.
>>692610>videogame strip battle with MoriSorry, I'm not really into CMNF desu
so we like unity right?
>>692697Why are you posting a deadbeat sc then?
>*steals your Oreos*
>>692699>gmt+7>stream in burger timeswhy is she like this?
>>692693Me too!!
>>692699Finally a fucking Ollie stream that i can watch without depriving myself of sleep
>>692724U N I T Y
Look at this cute Festival. Just look at her!
I want to give Garp Goodah an award for being the girl I'd have the most trouble not violating as soon as I wake up next to her.
>>692724no, I fucking hate KFP and Deadbrapst. takodachi
>>692713me too!
>>692724Only retards don't
>>692724We are all united on hating (you) so yes
>>692751Why are Teammcondoms like this?
>>692724All gens, all branches,
>>692734What's up with all that ink?Did they squash an Ikadachi?
>>692751fucking teamates
So assuming Dr from the Homoshart love, can someone explain how a girl like Gura that usually eats a deluxe quarter pound meal not eat for 24 hours? Is she just that retarded or does she have a eating disorder?
>>692734>Edgy>Out of character.>Not hot or cute.Yep, it's a Taiwan schizo.
>>692751Why are Deadbeats like this?
astel is suddenly popular
>>692438If so that sounds greatIf we get some more Holomyth lore I'm all in and ready to spend cash
>>692751why are teakeks like this?
>>692724FUCK UNITY
I got into an argument about someone saying that Gura is fake because she tries to be family friendly. I agreed that she was "fake" but that she wasn't trying to be family friendly. Then they kept saying it's because she doesn't curse and filters herself. I'm not even sure who's in the wrong anymore.
..-. .- - / -.-. .- -
>>692751The average chumdachi everyone. Always tribalism with them.
Thread is so dead everyone will notice me posting a womb that won't bear you any children no matter how much you cum inside it.
>>692775People with ADHD just forget to eat for an entire day please understand
I came here to laugh at you nanora
So we like mass replying to posts containing the word "we", right?
>>692724There is a clear division between HoloENJP (Mori), HoloENEU (Kiara) and HoloENNA (Gura, Ame, Ina) now. Unity is dead.
>>692747Feral Gura is an old taiwan tradition
>>692734>Iname schizos moved onto GurameNOOOOO GIVE THEM THEIR COLLAB ALREADY
I'm going to become a writer for Hololive Alt and insert shadow the hedgehog!
Lads, would you fuck a mermaid?
>>692751wwhy are mchubabibs lesike thanst. ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
You're walking down your spacious mansion's corridors at night when this appears out of the shadows and goes >HOOCHA! What do you do?
>>692699>An Ollie stream I can actually catch instead of VOD repsYoshaaa!
>>692806>ctrl+f we>81 matches>we
So who in lore are the villainous Holos? With Alternative being a thing, they'll need a decent supply of antagonists.
>>692812>>692747How new?
>>692724Never forget
>>692795>chumdachi>implying it's not a nousaitodachibeat instead
Come to think of it, whenever Mori graduates (it’ll happen, there’s no way she’s doing this until she karoshi’s in her 40s), will there be some mass suicide, since she’ll technically no longer be on hiatus?
Sexy squirrel!
>>692829EN vs JP screencap this
>>692775it's just the lifestyle she's accustomed to. going a day without eating really isn't bad for you.
>>692747>ImplyingFeral Gura has always been a thing. It's better anyhow
>>692784>SuddenlyHis extreme autism has been making Astelcoin incline for a while.
>>692818Bring her to bed room and cuddle vigorously
>>692786I would be really into it. Holomyth lore seems darker than the JP stuff. Or at least it could be made into a darker story. Without it going full Iname-art-tier levels of crazy.
>>692751God i fucking hate Onigiriya
>>692829they will fight generic demon lords and most villainous holos will be anti-hero and wild cannon types..
>>692789remind your idiot friend that crude humor is what appeals to children
>>692829Unironically Gen 4 and half the stars.
>>692829Antagonists: >Mori>Ina>Ayame >Choco >Towa
>>692844I love how self aware these are. Also cute
>>692829Well, they do have a bunch of designs they aren't using at the moment...
what a lineup
>>692853You schizo's sure hate love and being in character, huh.
>>OPSo how the fuck is Matsuri supposed to fight half of these people?
>>692751Fucking kenzocucks, I swear
Anyone else get weirdly sad during this part?
>>692745Cute Festival.It reminds me of her saying she wants to be a VA.
>>692786Gura ruins this image
>>692851He is right though
>>692829conflicts are all going to be due to misunderstandings and they'll end up discovering the power of friendship.
>>692829GuraPekora Haachama
>>692832>>692853It's been awhile since I last saw a feral Gura I can't remember everything alright
>>692784Are Astel and Bossu the most popular in HoloStars? with the most viewership?
>>692870>a literal angel and kanata>villains
I'm glad the InAme schizo's are taking it into their own hands of making Ame and Ina uncomfortable enough to never want to collab ever again.
>>692872Will this have anything to do with HololiveALT?
>>692830You know that's impossible.
>>692724This is /ameg/ and Ame is pro-unity.
>tried to baitpost at /hlg/ about Mori singing the Hololive alternative trailer>they all said she did a good jobCan we... be friends again?
>>692784>never heard of the official Disney princess of Cover
>>692846At first I just enjoyed her streams but y'know what yeah I want to eat her ass sure.
>>692897No I think Roberu is the most popular
>>692884It should have been the HoloFive...
>>692905yeah but just a teaser
>>692724No I'm Gurame Inmae Amemori Kiarame supremacy
>>692875Too bad the game is fucking shit.
>>692784Astel has been inclining through sheer force of autism for a while now.
>>692888Do you need a reminder, too?
>>692928Aloeposters deserve to shut up and move on to their triangle general, but Nene should have been there
>>692875c-can they read japanese well?
>>692908Post Kiara and see what they really are
>>692876Holy shit. Is this the first Risu+EN collab since Among Us? I really hope this means we get more Risu+EN collabs. I can't wait for her to breech containment about my oshi!
>>692829Their alter egos.
>>692843>will there be some mass suicideMaybe. You could lead by example though.
>>692908They'll have to convert eventually if they want to remain hololive fans. ENs will only be integrated deeper as time goes on, after all.
>>692908Don't get it twisted. /hlg/ liking Mori's singing in the PV does not mean they like EN
>>692897>astel in the bottom three right above trnma and miyabi>top 3astel is just the carly rae jespen of homoshis fanbase is 50% 4chan and 50% underage girls
>>692905I dunno actually. This could be part of the lore of the real world Ina and not the alternative world. Hard to say until she elaborates.
>>692888He isn't.
>>692943Woops, Meant for >>692875
>>692882Isn't she a Festival God? Or God of Festivals?
>>692900>A literal demon lord
>>692724Love unity but some of those threads were rough this morning.
>>692871No, Mori is the antihero of HoloEN, not an antagonist.Momonga, Vegeta, Bakugo, accelerator, etc.Fits her perfectly, making people seethe with her actions but still caring.
>>692897Winning son is the most popular thanks to the meme
Damn /hlg/ has way better rrats than us at the moment, I didn't even know Rushia deleted this tweet, holy DAMN that's spicy
>>692912Deep voiced Moona and High-pitched Astel singing a Disney-esque song would be interesting.
>>692829Ancient Ones & Haachama as big evilsSome of the more mischievous holos as harmless antagonists who become allies
>>692908There is only one litmus test for if we can reunite.
>>692908It´s honestly not THAT great...
>>692971>demon lordin the same sense that satania is evil yes
>>692980translate it weeb
I'm starting to like Mori as much as the others now... but who do I vote for in the worst Holo poals now? I like all of the rest too...
>>692943>your numbers are really going up aren't they Kiara
>>692884I didn't watch Bloom because of this. And I still won't watch Bloom even if it's pirateable. Even if Nene is ok with it I'm not supporting this bullshit.
>>692829>Coco will be friendship recruited after getting ganged up on by Noel, Flare, and Shion>Friend and Mio fight against Ayame because she called them whores>Mori would probably be some kind of antagonist>Marine gets her ship sunk by Gura fucking around
>>692976Finally someone gets it.
>>692875How nice of Kiara to promote her ID colleagues
>>692724On paper yes
>>692997wrong link anon
>>692980IT IS honestly weird how much cover sucks off Aqua when Rushia makes literally more money than anything in the company
People seriously think this is going to be a serial manga or an anime when it's clearly going to be a gacha game of some sort in the vein of Genshin Impact. FFS, they were looking for game developers not that long ago and got a huge cash infusion of somewhere in the $40m - $50m range in December.
>>692993You can choose to not be a faggot and not let this thread influence your opinions.
>>692997I'm a texasfag, is there a way I can send her a whole menu from my local Wataburger
Zoom in to see the best cunny on the planet.
>>692957Yoruno Sora is a shameless rip-off of Black AI who herself is a shameless rip-off of Shadow the Hedgehog who's a shameless rip-off of Vegeta
what is her problem?
>>692976>accelerator>anti heroShut up OTpleb, Accelerator is a straight up good guy now, he even put himself in jail to atone for his sins and make sure his loli wife can't drawin anymore of his semen.
>>692908Which /hlg/? Did you try the /jp/ one?
>>692897rikka and evening, robert are the most popularthen comes shien, pizza dad and oga who are all pretty close when it comes to numbersthen astel miyabilastly the least subbed holo out there, the hafmagnet himself, tenma
>>692996If it makes you feel better Botan openly talked shit about Cover about the Nene situation.
>>692940Kiara said she chose them to play this game since they are all good enough with Japanese to do it.
>>692724yes WE do
>>693014Building a larger lore is fun. Even if it's fans doing it. If there's enough people asking for it then it may even happen.
>>692743>Mori's gigantic headLmoa.
It hurts that his Ame and Gura lewd will apparently be gone forever.
>>693014God thing I love gacha
>>693025She's dog water at videogames and probably gay in real life
did you rike moon's new song?
>>693025>fat ass>bad at video games>probably gay irl
oh cool a hololive member is going to play apex that's such a fresh and new idea
>>692956What, Ame Loan?
>>692908The person going "hlg said this!" probably also does the other way around as well for the (You)s. With the way most of that thread types, I wouldn't be surprised if it were 70% SEAnigs.>>693028It WAS /jp/hlg, I witnessed the response to his post myself.>>692988You know its never gonna happen, friend.
>>693028anon the /vt/ hlg has been a corpse for a month
>>692940Did a practice game yesterday and apparently all went well.
What's the name of the soviet bgm that Haachama/Haato uses in her streams?
>>692908post a similar image and see what happen
EN collab gapsMori/Ina: 96 daysAme/Ina: 94 daysGura/Ina: 64 daysMori/Gura: 41 daysMori/Ame: 38 daysIna/Kiara: 34 daysKiara/Gura: 33 daysKiara/Ame: 27 days>FULL EN COLLAB: 11 daysGura/Ame: 5 daysMori/Kiara: 2 days (Feb 19)100 day gap soon.
>>693052Not particularly. I didn't like how the vocals were layered but I do enjoy her singing voice.
>>693027He was an antihero at some point and thats what matters.
>>692980not our fault, EN is pretty tame compared to some of the things that goes on the other branches
>>692908I like Mori but the singing wasn't even that good. People kneel here to anything and it's funny.
>>692751why are condomates like this?
>>692993Worst doesn't imply you don't like them all. Just the one you like the least.
>>692976Mori did nothing wrong. That village of Namekian shotas deserved it.
>>693042Don't you just join the patreon and the post unlocks?
>>693068This one ?
>>692844Inamefags and Inameschizo art unironically fills me with anger.
>>693014I wish burgers did their archive reps after waking up instead of immediately jumping to post retarded shit like this.
This is Nenechi. She is very cute
>>693077It's all relative. I kneel relatively.
>"don't mix these documents">2 seconds pass>"OK I THINK THIS ONES ARE THE ORIGINAL ONES">they're notHow. Just fucking how. What the fuck is wrong with this shark.
>>693057ame womb
>>692829Here is your final boss
>>693072Ina, your genmate reps...
>>692908They can go fuck themselves.
Since these are dead hours now, may I ask why I was banned for posting >>504980 during the audition tweet /hlgg/ thread? The ban said off-topic (/vt/ rule), but apparently someone else reposted it and didn't get punished. I did post similar images in the same thread, so maybe meidos didn't like me repeating the same joke? Do accidents happen?
>>693072Where are all the InaMori fags making Twitter accounts and crying about their lack of collabs?
>>693072GO MORINA GO
>>692829The villains are the people who don't give them Permissions
>>692751Why are watamates like this?
>>692908>admitting to being a tribalistoff yourself
>>692871>>692976Mori herself is polite and gentle, unless you cause her trouble. What she represents is something natural. Neither good or bad. A storyline with her would be someone else whose time has come and she appears to do her duty, only for others to try to stop her. If it's a story with all the holos then it seems natural that Mori and Rushia will clash.
>>693102cute bear
>>692905I hope so
Mort LOVEDeadbeat tribe is glorious.My tribe is strong!Your tribes are weak.I kill you Ame tribe.I kill you because I am strong!I enslave you takos.Draw me a picture now.
>>693092I joined his patreon just to see if he would include it but he didn't. It's not coming back. At least the small res version has nothing to censor bar so it's only the resolution that sucks.
>>692829>The ancient dragon>The angle of destruction>The horned beast>The arch demon>The sadistic princess
>>693114the full en collab counts shithead
>>692829Haato who becomes Haachama at the end>"I'm sorry Sora..."
When's Ame going to go back to something like pic related/the couch for her movie watchalongs? Or her office for superchat readings? She even got her new overlays not too long ago, which she apparently doesn't like that much. Without sounding like complaining for no reason; I just feel like her floating in front of a black void can get a bit dull. Not to mention you can see artifacts in the black colour behind her because of the quality image.
>>693118So the big one then.
>>692829>The Shrine Wars (Ayame, FBK, Miko)>Coco the Dragon>Rushia's Necromancy army>The Haato Haachama conspiracy>The growing number of demons and devils>The Atlantian Invasion>The Principality of KFP>The Chaos Armageddon and AO-Chan's Endgame
Yeb hehe...
>>693072rrats aside it's pretty sad ina doesn't click much with her genmates and only real friend is her manager
>>693052Great singing held back by shitty production.
>>693113The >pic that points to the user below/aboveposts used to get deleted back on /jp/, but apparently no more so not sure what to say.
>>693102Here are some Nenechi facts:Number one :That's all for now, see you next time!
>>693070>Kiara has 23 distinct anti threads>the 24th is about to be unleashedMight make OC of this later idk I have stuff to do right now though
>>693100Why, seems like a pretty petty thing to get angry over
>>693034Unity yesterday, Unity today, Unity tomorrow. Unity 24/7.
>>692829I can't name all off the top but Mori is 100% a villain and is probably the strongest Holo being Death herself. Ame is by lore her enemy and her goal is to kill Mori. I guess Ina would be a villain depending on what the writers decide to do with her. I would see her going the, "Vilian who's defeated and joins the heroes and turns good over time" with a "had secret plans on betraying them later on" twistThe "Ina vs Mori" argument is null by default because eldritch creatures' powers vary widely and Ina has never specified what AO-chan can really do. Ina could easily be stronger than Mori by miles, OR she's probably not even stronger than Gura. It just depends. But I assume WE can safely say that without AO-chan, Ina is just a human and would die easily. But this also implies that AO-chan would EVERY leave Ina's side. I don't think they'll have actual Holos be villains, but Mori would be final boss tier and Ame would probably be the one to kill her somehow or they'll pull a Naruto and make her their friend
>>692829The Holostars.Which could be fun if they go full ham with it.
>>693072Reminder that this doesn't account for 3-person collabs like Puyo Tetris, Smash, or M*hjong
>>693072why do other girls always leave out ina? do they hate her?
>>692829They can always pull a Touhou and make the antagonist a good person doing something incredibly stupid or chaotic
>>693075>Introduced by eating fingers and killing literally 10,000 cute girls>went schitzo and got brain damageAnon cmon I like accel as much as the next guy but he is a terrible example of an anti hero. Until WWIII he's basically a straight up villain, just because he doesn't murder literally everybody doesn't mean he wasn't evil.
3 hours from now they will announce a Hololive visual novel with lots of romance and paths to take for the Switch
>>693167>Kiara has 23 distinct anti threads
>>693059T-train game collab tonight haha...
>>693100You should probably take your meds.
>>692869I did try and imply that but he said she's trying to work the algorithm which is why she's being so "behaved". And that I can't possibly be this new for not seeing that. I stopped the argument when he kept complaining about her not finishing games right away.
>>693163Bonus fact:
Does anyone have Bloom clips yet? Or at least matsuri's part, hanafubuki and stardust song
i made 0 quality posts in this thread
>>693072It's fine to collab more with people you have mutual interests with and not your genmates
>Astel doing both the male and female voices switching back and forth between low pitch/high pitch
>>693167How does she do it?
>>693167I know you are shitposting but there are 10 anti Kiara threads in this board right now, not to mention the ones I didnt bother to enter to check Mainly the HoloID ones
>>693090Is this uncensored on Patreon?
>>693181yes i was talking to my wife ina last right after a round of breathtaking amazing sex and she told me about how they bully her off stream and call her a smelly gook
>>693111is Amelia aware of what type of fanbase she has? No wonder she switched her mind on stuff like homo collabs
>>693169It is usually severally out of character, done by chinks with actual schizophrenia and its sexualizing two characters that shouldnt be together. Ame should be with Gura. I also hate how Inamefags act itt and on twitter.
>>693201call your friend a dumb nigger for me will ya
>>693032Where? How?
>>693207All your posts are quality posts, Anon!
>>693163I see two big facts in that image.
>>693201Blame Youtube shadowbanning her. Literally the only reason any Youtuber filters themselves.
>>692908>baitpostNot with you faggot.
>>693174I can't really see Mori as a villain. She's more of just a natural threat that everyone knows about and everyone fears, but she's neither on your side nor against you. She just does her jobIf anything she only appears as a background character that's cool and daark and mature (Like how the JOPs used to see her) until she gets a more prominent role once Kiara gets introduced. Maybe she might help if Rushia starts doing necromancy things since it fucks with the balance of things
>>693201I mean, if you go the "You haven't seen her hours-long streams where she gets frustrated" route you come off as obsessed nad a weirdo, if you don't do it he calls you a newfag (lol the irony)
>>693216She just seems to invoke passion in people.
>>693228You really need your meds if you think this.
>>693032Need source immediately or you're a faggit.
>>693158It's sad until you remember it's of her own choosing. For some autistic reason, she's trying to not keep her social life and work life connected, and keeping them at arms length. Which sounds like a smart idea on paper; you don't want people at work involved in your person shit, but then you remember their job is literally about socializing. She said she joined hololive to make friends, but then simultaneously tells her chat that she treats them like coworkers. It's frustrating as an outsider because it comes off as incredibly standoffish.
>>693111i'm dead
>6 Kiara threadsIf you people have to spam "le orange girl" meme why not pick Coco instead? She's far more derserving
>>693032I remember when that happened
>>692908next time try not being a faggot and hopefully your father would love you
>>693160>used to get deleted back on /jp/>apparently no moreBoth strictly not true, they went undeleted for long in /jp/. At some point they started to be deleted, but it wasn't 100%. Now it is still the same, sometimes.
A true work of Art. Good job to all the anons who contributed.
>>693063This was why I was asking.
>>692884I didnt watch bloom. Was Nene missing?
>>693228Nigger the real inamefags are keeping their heads down, you're getting baited by falseflaggers because you're a gurame schizo. Take your fucking meds.
>>692829Obviously the holos are going to be facing their inner demons, i.e. their roommates
>>693138>Deadbrap getting uppityThis is how they live everyone
>>693215It's kinda sad to see some Moona threads only harp on about Kiara, do they like Moona or do they just like the figure that can make an imaginary version of Kiara cry?
>>693106Youth and Fertile
JWU, how was the Bloom concert?
Astel your falsetto... I cannot kneel anymore. Please.
>>693282>liveDoesn't look that way
>>693255You took what she said the wrong way. She just doesn't always want to talk about work with them. That's it.
I just realized that the only EN stream tomorrow will be Ame Oblivion unless a miracle happens and Mori actually does a Guilty Gear guerilla stream.
>>693273Nene's 3D was delayed because of her redesign.
>>693184It would make things go full circle too
>>693297What about Gar Goomba?
>>693228Ame should be with Ina, Gura should be with Calli, Kiara should be with me.
for cute happy married couple
Never enough
>>693284Kek *wipes sweat from brow* whew man Gura is hilarious :joy:
>>692986>the ancient ones are the people who created and possessed akai causing haachama to form
>>693228Guramefags deserve the rope
>>693309Shut up
>>693072I want more Amemori collab
>>693297Isn't her steaming time with GG limited?
>>693268>tfw I made an reposted 5 different pointing imagesI'm guessing this also applies to quoting posts that don't yet exist?
what are we watching
>>693184Even Touhou has actual villains though
I forgot how good the music was in Greatest Showman despite the movie being so bad.
I wont make it till the train game
What happened in the past 36 hours? Power was out and the generator got busted due to rrats.
>>693260At least it's not AO threads.
>>OPDoes this mean 'Gen2' will have a higher focus on voice actors?
>>693324You know I'm right
>>693323is this real??
>>693323>it's real
>>693335We had several rrat infestations
>>693344>Gen2no more gens anon. EN is too western for that
>>693332Wasn't it a musical?
>>693184What I would do to play a Hololive shmup...... other than the Artia one...
>>693335similar to your generator situation the thread was infested with rrats
>>693335Heard Rushia died or something
God I wish Astel would look into more english musicals. I wanna hear him singing stuff from Dear Evan Hansen and Be More Chill.
>>692829>a detective investigating mythical beingsAt least we all agree Ame would make the obvious protagonist. right?
How the hell are rhythm games good stream games? You literally just click on circles or whatever, who likes that? I'm not a 6 years old
>>693374Enjoy your vacation
>>693174I think Shinigamis in japanese lore tend to be more neutral than good or evil. Ina definitely makes the most sense as a final boss. Plus with AO-chan, it leaves the possibility of saving her.
>>693380most retarded post ITT
>>693374Cunny time?
>>693270Cute Ina, Ame and Risu!
>>693362Well the movie was a musical, but it was still a movie .
>>693374coffee is good for you
>>693327Open beta starts today if you preordered. The only reason she was limited before was by the hours that the streamer beta was open.
>>693309InAme and CalliGura are best ships.AmeSame's only substance is the sheer volume of their awkward collabs.
>>692829The budget
>>693319You don't find PP hilarious?
>>693334it's in 10 hours. go to sleep, anon.
>>693242>>693388>>She's more of just a natural threat that everyone knows about and everyone fears. She just does her job>HoloA is fighting HoloB>Fight coming to the climax>B is on her knees, looking at the ground>A slowly starts walking towards her>B lifts her head to look at A, sees Mori standing behind A in the distanceThis is a pretty good alternative too, Mori being a living death flag waiting for someone to die and take them. This would tie into RushiaxOllie and Kiara shit well too
>>693380yes you are gooruuhhh
pu ekow tsujI see they announced an animation thing. I knew they were gonna do that at some point, too good of a chance to pass up. I wonder when they'll announce THAT. You know exactly what I mean.
Is holoALT reviving the power level/lore rrats from the other day?>Ame says she traveled back in time to prevent the destruction of the world>Ame has said that her "world" is hololive after everything they've given her>hololive is transient and will one day end, either through a big yab that snowballs, or a slow dwindling death>Ame constantly travels back in time to relive hololive>this is boring, so every time she time travels, she alters history slightly so that events unfold differently that previously>rrats are just people remembering something that happened in an alternate history
>>693335We got raided by sand people on bikes made of SEA schizos that were quoting the bible of Ryan Gosling. It was all being recorded by Hideki Anno for the Eva 4 movie
>>693331I think the only actual "evil" characters in Touhou might be Utsuho and Junko, unless I'm missing someone?
>>693413really cool art
>>693344 this girl finally make it?
>>693379for the EN's? yesMiko is the protagnist of all of Hololive though
i have ran out of idea's for posts besides watamelon
>>693377You could let him know on twitter. He sometimes takes suggestions for new songs.
What was it? I missed it
>>6934153 hours from now, anon. During the Ninty direct.
>>693436>that filenameom3tcw but worse
>>693228ReminderBest HoloEN ship>Gurame>Inmae>Amemori>Kiarame>Amewatson
>>693335Hololive concert, Kiara did a watchalong and was a major bitch to Mori
>>693374You people make me sick. I hate this place sometimes.
Holo EN won't be in Alternative. They need to be able to VO in decent japanese. Mori and Kiara are the only ones that could possibly make an appearance, but they're probably going to take the simple route and make it JP branch only.
>>693436[X] DOUBT.
>>693438yeah well i'm just saying but well you know you can always post risu just saying
>>693436This used to trigger a visceral reaction in me but after seeing it enough times I'm just mildly upset she didn't go for 'may may maymay'
>>689526Out of curiosity are you doing the JP girls at any time or the fanbase personifications from that one unity image? Great work btw, it's fucking incredible how few mods I had to install for this. I did have a few of them already, though.
>>693421Funnily enough, the only lore we know of Ame currently is she joined Hololive to prevent the destruction of the world she witnessed, with Ina being the first 'known' threat.
>>693255All she meant was she doesnt talk about work with them thus she won't ask for collabs cause that's work talk and she'd rather talk about stuff interesting to her>Enma, I dont know I feel like I always separate work and friends very much>So when it comes to work it's work but when it comes to friendship it's friendship>I don't want them bleeding into each other at all, yup>No I mean when it comes to Enma I don't mind being her friend but>like I don't want like to talk about work stuff at all>unless it's absolutely necessary>It's like work worries lets worry about that during work time>>"Genmates are just coworkers?">no, genmates areeee like friends and coworkers at the same time>It's just that when it comes to outside stream related stuff>I'd rather talk about interests that we are both interested in or all interested in>rather than just talking work stuff all the time is what I meant to say if that made sense at all>Cause I think especially with streaming work and stuff>even though you wanna keep your life separate>it's just around us all the time>so it's kinda hard to take a break from it>so I'd rather-- I mean if the other girls want to rather I guess>it's like if possible we can talk about other stuff, ya know>other than just only talking about work related stuff
>>693413It could also explain why the only times people really see Mori is either around Rushia, Ollie, or Kiara because>Rushia is messing with the balance of life and death>Ollie is an anomaly >Kiara breaks the rulesShe's just this shadow that seems to exist even when there's no light, only around when she's needed
>>693335Kiara got jealous and started crying on stream or something. Lots of people talking about it.
>i need a membershipwhy doesnt astel have one?
>>693062>You know its never gonna happen, friendSo be it.
>>693429>UtsuhoNot really anymore. Most Lunarians are dickheads, and Seiga is pure unashamed evil scum. The yakuza leaders in WBaWC have also yet to redeem themselves.
>>693413>>693388>>693242>>692829Regardless of what they do, I just hope it isn't purely a comedy. And I hope they aren't too pussy to have the girls fight each other. This is a golden opportunity, I would hate to see them ruin this.
>>693477i only have one risu image. sorry risu.
>>693459This but with Gura and I'm being unironic. Besides Takamori I always see Gura paired with everyone else. Sametori, Takosame, Gurame, Calligula...
>>693284>Moona threadsi only see at least 2 Moona related threads, the one with Moona as OP and Moona general. You made me check and found out not a single "anti-kiara" discussion other than some KFP who cant help themselves but bringing up Kiara's name only to get told off to take their meds. do KFP really? i know you love your boogeyman so much but all this doesnt fit your narrative at all.
>>693415The special fart porn OVA?
>>693174Mori cannot be a villain. She's someone who appears at first to be cold and indifferent to the suffering of others (when it's really the exact opposite and she feels for many of the souls she comes to reap) She is an agent of Death but not Death itself (yet).I think a basic story for HoloEN would go:>Amelia flees from a future timeline where complete destruction has happened because of the AO, she should be dead along with everyone else>Jumps so far back she winds up somewhere unknown, weak and floating on an ocean>Gura saves her, they're both totally alone in the world>They cannot save Gura's home, Amelia brings her to the future (present time)>Arc of Amelia trying to teach Gura about how to fit into an unfamiliar society, they stop at a KFP and meet Kiara and become friends>Over time Amelia reveals where she came from how she needs to save things, the other two are confused but agree to help>Eventually Mori appears, saying that Watson cheated Death and she needs to pay up what it owed>Amelia pleads that if she dies then everything else will end, the balance of life/death will be gone>Kiara and Mori recognize each other and another fight begins>Mori hesitates, saying she will be back, and returns to the underworld (after Kiara has fought her off)>The three girls try to keep going normally>The encounter Ina>Amelia recognizes her as the Priestess which destroyed all, moves in to kill her>Instead finds a frightened and quiet girl who seems like she wouldn't harm a thing>There is clearly a lot more going on than originally thought...
>>693500No you dum, it's GuraMove set writes itself
>>692875This game is so fucking wack. It's cool that they're all playing together, but that shit's gonna put me to sleep if I try to watch it.
>>693453If they put Reimu in I will lose my mind
You guys call redditors and normalfags cringe for spamming the same jokes but Pekofags are no different. They love to run their epic "jokes" to the ground like ogey, rrat, pardun, do you know pekora and other annoying spam garbage that were never funny in the first place. They think they are so smug for replying ogey, rrat, and pardun to shitposters when in fact it makes them happier because they give them even more (You)s. Don't even bother replying this post with ogey, rrat, or pardun because I don't give a shit. I just want to let you know how pathetic and insufferable Pekofags are
>>693486The Ancient Ones could very well exist outside of our perception of time, which would be the largest threat Ame's timeloop. While Ina herself might not remember each and every iteration, AO does, and when the priestess fully becomes its host, she remembers everything, which would be the catalyst for everything unraveling. The timeloops may also be a way for her to buy herself enough time to find a way to stop AO.Ina, I hope you're writing all of this down.
>>693500>>693541I would lose all my precious cum in a matter of seconds if either of these are true.'t even notice this one, seaweed can't stop winning. He ain't wrong though, Twap's performance was cool.
>>693255She literally said the opposite. She WANTS to be friends with them, she just doesn't to have their conversations be about work only. Hell, it's pretty obvious from that one MC log leak that her and EnMa's interactions run deeper than a boss / employee relationship.
>>693279>going to be facing their inner demons food thot
now that the dust has settled, do we know why risu stole gura's bread?
>>693514I'm always saying Sametori is the best pairing.
>>693515I said "Some" not every time are they gonna be anti-threads jesas.
Do you think some of Hololive feels a weird disconnect from their character? The character is them, but it's not really them. When they see fan art of it, or seeing them animated like in Hololive Alternative, do they really see it as themselves or just as some strange 3rd party.
eating mike tyson's I love you
>>693541>Reimu in SmashImagine /jp/ the moment it happens
>>693539my hope is that they'll focus on chatting instead of the game. with bloom being so recent, they should have plenty to fangirl over.
excuse me for a second for interrupting this glorious unity thread, but I've got things to do>>664010>>664048>>664265>>679906>>676422>>676227>>675607>>675657>>660274>>675891>>675822>>675823>>676468>>679885>>679807>>679845>>681611>>681110 >>680049>>679920
How long until yagoo creates vrchat but for hololive
>>693279noel and mori fight are going to be kinococo will be pretty one sidedrest are mid-trash tiers
>>693509This I agree on. I can understand why they would go for a Comedy SOL anime since "Because they're idols"But some of the lore for the girls are fantastic for worldbuilding for an action shounen.
>>693549Those aren't kfp anon...
>>693559They're all cool, it's just that when Towa turns off her limiters, she becomes the coolest.
>>693458During the beginning of /hlgg/, JWU posters were shunned and told to do archive reps, in order to avoid timeloops. But no one was gonna fucking do /hlgg/ archive reps for long.People started censoring the phrase, and it became a bit of a joke.Time passed and then NO jwuposter was told to do archive reps anymore. Now it's just an invitation to timeloop, and the worst part is, because it's mangled as fuck, it gets asked so many fucking times a thread, because anons cant just ctrl-f jwu.I wish people would stop censoring, since the original point of censoring was to be cheeky and avoid people yelling about archive reps.
>>693072Accounting for 3+ collabs it changes toGura/Ina: 64 daysMori/Ina: 64 daysMori/Gura: 41 daysMori/Ame: 38 daysKiara/Gura: 33 daysKiara/Ame: 21 daysKiara/Ina: 21 days (Next one in 10 hours)Ame/Ina: 21 days>FULL EN COLLAB: 11 daysGura/Ame: 5 daysMori/Kiara: 2 days (Feb 19)
>>693429Mima who may or may not be the vengeful spirit in the latest manga the manga has plenty of asshole characters, the Lunarians are direct antagonists I can't really call good people.Technically while Yuuka "genocide is just a game" Kazami is not evil, she is also not what I would call a good person either. Her debut has her destroying the Hakurei Shrine and potentially killing Reimu just because she had spare time and was boredBy nature Seija is the worst person to be around.Okuu is just stupidHecatia is still evil even if she is a laidback evil, perfectly willing to fuck everything up just because it entertains her.Joon is a huge bitch with no remorse for any of her actionsSaki is full conquest.Never trust that bitch Seiga, just don't I'm probably missing a few, and especially more if I use pc98 but I think you get the gist of it, while there are some misunderstandings and for some like Utsuhothey're just doing stupid things, some of them really will fuck your shit up for no reason other than because they can
>>693563>She WANTS to be friends with them, she just doesn't to have their conversations be about work only.that's the thing work and social are so tied together with streaming it's nearly impossible not to tie them together. She could be doing friendshit while streaming with them but won't since organizing a collab is workshit despite it being workshit that results in friendshit
>>693588They put Steve in for /v/ (literally did it on /v/'s birthday), maybe they will do Reimu. You never know
>>693594h-holy shit...
>>693599The sure is scarcastic, I know
>>693545haven't seen this pasta in a while. probably more common on hlg.
>>693599Meant for>>693515
>>693566this meal looks fucking tiny. this is like 2 teaspoons of macaroni. kiara is going to die of starvation
>>693594based grudgeposter
>>693565>shadow gura round 2
>>693594Dangerously based, grudgeposter
>>693625My quoting reps... my bad.
>>693566PAN. NICE AND HOT.
>>693594You're my favorite anon grudge-san.
>>693575If it wasnt for Kiara moving back home I half expected her to start thinking of herself AS Kiara in a few months luckily that insanity is gonna be put off at least until the feeling of being home wears off and she realizes it didn't solve her mental problems but KFP will handle that when it gets there
>>693529Based fanfic poster
>>693566I'm glad my wife can cook decently well
>>693570To debuff her
>>693653Dont worry about it
I can't reveal much, but let's just say tomorrow will blow your mind
>>693565>A persona referenceI've been waiting for this!
>>693594>I'm in 3 timesBased grudgeposter
>>693566Looks really good. Portion is a bit small but she probably has more and only served this amount for herself.
>>693477Post Risu lewds!!!
Mononoke time my dudes.
>>693666shit quality, based digits
>>693594All me btw
I still can't get over the fact that Mori, not Sora, was the one to sing the MV. HoloEN is INCLINING!
>>693673I got something you can blow, anon.
>>693566/ck/ herelooks pretty bad, only saved by filters.probably tastes like nothing aswell
>>693594>im in 2 timess-sugoi
>>693673hopefully not in a literal sense
>>693553That definitely seems like the final boss, Ina but where she's been taken over by the AOs. They were not content with coexistence and felt Ina's friends were interfering too much.A story where there are some bad ends but it's always reversed as Watson tries to fix it. With the grand finale being where Ina is possessed but through many lives worth of experience, Ame frees her.
>>693664kekFucking Iofi
>>693415I thought it's supposed to be a MV and a manga?
>>693673I BELIEVE
>>693566/ck/ hereLooks better then anything I've made in the past year
>>693687Do your reps first and I will.
i kneel, knees drilling the ground
>>693673At least post the right file.
Every time he sings that, pic related comes to mind.
>>693566Looks good for me
No holo girl can compete with Astel's pure autism. The fact that a 3 hour karaoke isn't even his longest is crazy.
>>693566>cook packet pasta>take picture>turn contrast up"Wow look at my YUMMY food guys."
>>693728ANIKI LOVE
I know all the lore talk is fun but you guys are insane if you think HoloMyth's lore will matter one fucking bit to it
>>693610You fucked up didn't you?
>>693664gay, give me the choccy mommy oga drawing instead
>those high notes
>>693721Speaking of which... isn't that today?
>>693697foolishness anon, foolishness, mori is EN's sora
>>693566>based Chicken PastaSHE'S
>>693735>negativeG-go Ame go...?
>>693740The quote was a fuckup, yes but my point still stands.
>>OPholy shit i didn't even realize mori was the one singing this
totoro is overrated
>>693739That's him, grudgeposter. Remember his face.
Can someone post some Subaru webms from Bloom? I don't have the one where she jumped
>>693735OG EMA OG
she's never gonna be able to play persona is she
>>693761Fuck you, Africa is a great song
>>693739Let me believ
>>693728Aniki...Pls wake up
ogey jewtube
>>693709It's going to be several things. The fact that half of fucking ufotable are fans is impressive.
>>693783It wouldn't be a good streaming game.
>>693783atlus autism is too strong please andastan
How was Ollie's debut?
>>693728he is lifting with rich now, its okay
Totoro is a big fat motherfucker.
>>693805My ears are still ringing
>>693783would lol if she made 'Persona 3 Watchalong' where she just does a normal watchalong stream watching a streamer play it, but the streamer is just herself on her roomie twitch
As based as a Holo manga/anime would be, it's kind of a shame that a lot of the Holos will just straight up be background characters. Unless Cover has a fucking budget and is making this a very, very, VERY big thing/universe I can imagine we'd see people like Watame and Matsuri pushed to the side while the EN girls and more popular Holos get the spotlight assuming this is an action/story series. If this is solely a comedy, which I pray to God it isn't, then this whole post is bullshit.. Even Haatochama would be a prominent character despite being human just like a lot of the other Holos, solely because she's more "popular" in a way. I hope it doesn't become a popularity contest type thing.
>>693566No wonder she wanted to get into the food industry! >>693654She even said she had to get some olive oil at the store to make her pasta today.
>>693805"Powerful" is how I'd describe it. She went pretty fucking bonkers during it, but it also made her stand out.
>>693805It was pretty kureiji.
>>693805I think people talked about Kiara more than they did Ollie
Alright, give me some numbers.
I can't believe Ina said this..
>>693566>woman still can't cookstill never eating at KFP
>>693817Haato has spent more time constructing her lore than anyone else though. Maybe should've thought about that!
>ponyoimmersion ruined...
>>693783Unless there's some kind of HD remake I can't see her playing 3. There's always an outside chance of one of the later games being possible, since I remember FBK doing a Persona 5 stream at some point.
cat withdrawals
>>693817How much would it cost to make an entire episode with the quality of the MV? Realistically.A 12 episode anime would be based.
>ponyoit's based
>>693805she talked shit about senpais first fucking stream10/10
>>693664>AnondaIofi not you too
>>693817Don't worry lad, it's very likely going to be a gacha
>>693687every time i see the pic it looks a little off, i tried to fix it a bit
>>693814lmaowould be kino
>>693706>AO-chan knows that Ame is a timetraveller and knows she keeps trying to undo the future>Instead of killing her, she lets Ame have another shot because it's amusing that she thinks she could undo things
>>693851I don't see the difference
>>693783Correct. We live in a timeline where permission/business autism is so cosmically strong that you will sooner hear Mori voice herself in her own company's vtuber anime. Japan Brain prease undastan.
>>693817>here's your anime bro
>Guren no YumiyaThat came out of nowhere. Based?
>>693805ctrl + f "Kiara"1/1000 results
>>693844at least she made it into the holoalt teaser.
>>693788that is so damn cute>>693805loud
How much truth do you think there is to the Mori hates Kiara rrat?
>>693872Im okay with that, lets go
Why are they smugfucks
>>693872Not a single brain cell among them. I've noticed a trend.
>>693886I-Is that cum?
>>693851Might be better, the anatomy is a bit weird in the first place so hard to improve.
>>693817Haato has been constructing a lore that could work as a whole arc in a manga. She won't get added because she's popular. She'll get added because of her lore
>>693890buenas noches mein führer
how does this make you feel
>>693886It'd be easier to figure out who actually likes her
>>693872Bow down to Gura, queen of Hololive
>>693817Realistically, it's just going to be the MV and a gacha game. With loosely connected animated shorts focusing on one character or those who would be connected. No epic and overarching story line, even if it would be incredible.
>>693897I could fuck the Risu I guess
>>693834>not singing the true lyricsWeak.
>>693890>"zbee zbasin sfee zaaher"german
>>693805>SEAniggers said Ollie was better than Kiara bla bla>SEAniggers said oh no no no chickenshits>SEAniggers said Kiara got mogged by Ollie>SEAniggers said Ollie will be the next king of subs count bla bla
>>693837>the ALT ignores all the lore she crafted and Cover does what they want with her character
>>693897>Moono Tsukinovicmy fucking sides
>>693890Tenchou your sleep reps...
>>693916I love Nacho's art style
>>693916Catskin for Gura, onegai.
>Kizuna Ai in the PVI don't understand
>>693916I want to impregnate nachomama so badly AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>693882it was so goddamn cute
>>693805people were expecting indog accent and were pleasantly surprisedalso LOUD
Ruining ayames pure japanese bloodline!
>>693872Slap Aqua, Marine and Gura together for water crew PoV and Haachama and Ame and honestly you might have a decent enough selection to then have the rest be side characters for each person
>>693817I really hope they don't go the comedy route. There's so much they could do
>>693877She sure is popular!>>693886Something you could only believe if you fell for the lowest quality of rrats.
>>693964Putting a dirty westerner inside of Ayame!
>>6938860% considering Mori just liked a shit ton of takamori art
>>693947will nacho cry when she sees gura all 3D and singing?
>>693817If it's about lore, then it makes sense that the Holos with more/better lore would be more prominent. Watame's lore is literally just that she's a sheep that eats potato chips. What can they possibly do with that?
JWU how was bloom
So, how was Towa's debut? Was it kino as I predicted a week or so ago?
>>693949It's still falling, forever to be lost. Rest in peace, delicious prince.
>>693949Okayu looks more bothered than anything.ONIGIRI LOVE
which holo is more likely to do a SexyKitten in bed?
>>692905Ina has said she wants to do lore stuff but doesn't have the time with her shrine duties.
>>693993Her hunt for the best potato chip in the world.
>>693993I expect the current lore to get butchered with the explanation of "IT'S ALTERNATIVE"
>>693897>Moono the slav holostar>Yofie the italian one>Wisnu ANONda, the anon from here that finally made it
>>693991You know she will
>>694002>>693998IT JUST ISNT FAIR
>>693880Why you are doing this Risu?
>>692905It could be lore about Ina and how she met AO-chan
>>693949That's a very lean cat, who that?
>>693594Holy based.
>>693996Pretty good as far as free entertainment goes.
Holy shit, Gura was caught out in public!
>>693859That could be it. AO being both sadistic to an extent and entirely confident in its/their abilities to get the same result no matter what. Always being in Ina's mind but as a gentler sounding voice, even offering small bits of help to build that bond.Content to let things play out over and over and see Amelia ruin herself, and once an actual breakthrough is made is when AO-chan shows actual shock and throws things into overdrive. Taking complete control of Ina and beginning to consume everything.When Amelia first saw it, she was a helpless girl. This time, she knows there is a path to victory and she has far more allies/knowledge/tools to uncover it.
>EN2 auditions hopefuls are now forcing rap into their entries as an attempt to be next MoriThis would be hilarious.
>>694046look at how fucking flat she is!
>>OPWait, so is that really Mori singing?Fuck me she has a lot more range than I thought as a singer.
>>694046Stalkers man, I swear.
>>693845seems like the average 12 episode anime costs around 2 million dollars, but producing that level of quality across an entire season would probably cost much more.
>>692829Lost memory rage form Gura.
>>692908Dude half the coments reacting to Mori being the singer we're "ruines"
>>694046>>694055Not flat enough
Imagine destroying Mori with your dick
Should I buy Bloom for the vod....
>>694063Anon, even mori doesn't think she's a good singer because of trauma.
>>694051>EN2 auditions hopefuls are now forcing brap into their entries as an attempt to be next MoriFTFY
>>694046Imagine being Gura and actually encountering something like that.It would be so surreal.
>>694078Imagine Mori destroying you with her 5ft scythe
>>694051>rapIf we actually get a black Holo she will 100% call herself a rapper and I hope she gives Mori the n-word pass on stream so they can make a rap song together
Fuck, playboard completely revamped the way it does streaming statistics.For Livestreams they now only count at most 30 streams in 90 days meaning that the relevant timeframe for Holos will be likely just about a month and a bit.Given the reduced averaging we can expect higher spikes and valleys with big streams falling off/happening.VoD view average is still taken from the full 90 day period(100 videos at most so Holo's don't run into issues there).Ina's average still seems bugged but I can't pinpoint the corrupted stream data that would cause it
>>694051wouldn't that actually lower their chances since they aren't bringing anything new to the table?
>>694063We've known that she has a great voice it's just that her focus is on wiggity wack diggity shiggity rap ding dong schlong so we just never really get to hear much of the other side of her voice.
>>694087HA HA!! Hilarious! Despair upon the worthless
>>694048>Ame at first trying to overcome AO-chan by herself>As more attempts are made, she seems to befriend more and more along the way>The final battle is all of Hololive vs AO-chan and everything is riding on it
>>693890I miss you every day
>>694082Why? It has an expiration date.
>>693991While I can't imagine gura getting a 3D due to geographic factors, I wish they'd at least try and improve her live2D. I feel like Nachos design is kinda wasted with how awkward the rigging is. Though some of it may be on Guras end or should be tweaked to match e.g. her eyes are half closed most of the time. But some stuff like the mouth and just general face shape as she turns her head to the side I feel could use some work and is on the live2Ds end.
I'm going to induce blunt force injury upon myself and become the head writer for Alt and force in my fanfiction about Ina getting breast reduction surgery
>>693805>LOUD>fast and energetic as fuck>three languages almost simultaneously>an impression of almost every senpaiIt was pretty fun desu.
>>694082only if you want to support Coverthe Vod only lasts until ~mid march or somethingwho has the VoD rip tech, I'm an idiot with these things
>>694102HOLOEN full collab
>>694106You've seen American Idol, right? Time and time again, we've seen copycat entries and they didn't stop.
>>694100No seriously, imagine fucking her so long and hard in every single hole that she's literally at the point of death, a quivering cum-covered mess twitching on the ground
>>694115I’ll buy it and then probably record it myself or torrent a copy for safekeeping...
>>694116or korone playing megaman 1-10 then the X series within a week
>Cover is using all the money to produce anime OVAs instead of getting game permissions>Minecraft, Apex, and ARK for the next 3 yearsY-yay...!
>>OPHow is Sora's design, being just a normal-ish idol so fucking iconic?
>>694133>American IdolThis is Japan, gaijin
>>694082buy it of nyaa
>>693872Fine by me, just add Kiara for some moritori moments and we're golden.
Is it autistic to make video clips of every time your oshi reads and replies to an SC you sent her and catalogue them in a folder?
>>694139Should as well wait for the BDs.
>>692789Gura does try to cultivate a seiso image. She's top left.
>>694153yes but do it anyways
>>693872Is this pic from bloom?
>>694153Yes but there's nothing wrong with that
>>694146It's worked for literally every other 2D idol anime/series/franchise, so obviously it'd work for hololive.
>>694146it's a really good designplus it being simple actually makes it stand out next to the other more complex/themed designs
>>694153yes, but it's not the most autistic thing you can do
>>693897>Anonda WisnuHE'S>Tsukinovicкeк
>>694139Well that sounds more reasonable.>>694128Run it through OBS. Every twitch thot and their grandma can use that program.
>>694116They will bendl
>>694172that is lower than I remember
>>694153>needing her to superchat for her to even reply to your commentst. name dropped by my oshi multiple times for free comments
>>694148Yes, but that same region is going to be the ones applying, not the Japs, you have the Gen6 Auditions for that.
>>694144>Cover>implying the holos don't have to pay for it out of their own pocket
>>694196Fuck off Brom.
>>694196fuck you tony
>>694192Get this off-topic indie shit outta here nigger
Rratto rratto not a cattoTake your meds or you go splattoWhen you see your oshi tweetYou hope that finally you will eatBut when orange woman does not do badYou find that your brain is rather sadYour brethren talk of pregnancyAnd a yakuza controlled agencyThey sit in this thread and fish for (you)sWith stories so old they make me snoozeNobody likes you, you're no funStop saying Kiara has a gunPlease oh please rrat just go awayOr you will make me say "ogey".
imagine becoming a literal anime, isn't it like a dream. i wonder what girls feel like. i know they have internet but can they physically come back to our world?
>>694101My wigga.
>Mori's Twitter has a ton of Takamori art in her likes.Rrats?
>>694196So you're not a chumbud or tako...
>>694112Exactly. Amelia reaching a point where she knows: what AO-chan is (when originally it was just something that happened under her radar and there was nothing she could do but watch) and where she's gathered many more friends. With powers enough to do something. That's why Amelia is the protagonist. She's really an ordinary woman but a smart detective with people skills, with the one ability being her watch and it's exactly what was needed to bring everything together.
>be me, a trinityfag>dislike both kiara and cali very much>cant stop listening to wah wah worldits not fair..
>>694153Yes. Just save the timestamps like I do.
Od Losta nromg smhtu su Vsf;;o s ttsy pt trs;
>>693566>pov: kiara's husband (you) at 9 AM
>>694238What if another holocaust happens and all the recordings are gone?
>>694222her autistic ass lurked the threads to read about her bloom appearance opinions, seen people noting Kiara might've been upset and she went on a Takamori spree since she knows it'll improve Kiara's mood once she egosearches (which means every 15 minutes of given hour)
>>694222She HATES Takamori!
>>694235Accept Unity faggot. Trinity is a meme.
>>694101Right, because all black people are rappers right? Fuck off, racist.
>>694215I want to rough fuck Suisei and impregnate her
>>694129>>694102Actually checking i think i found it.Ina's cycling average still includes streams from shortly after NYE that have a corrupted live-viewer graph, ie cutting out in the middle, they should fall off the next few streams.I don't think the 2 EN collabs can skew the average that massively.Going by Holotools it has 35k average viewership which just adds 1.13k to the avg viewership.
>>694215>i wonder what girls feel like.bags of sand and dreams
What ever alternative is going to be it better be good
>>694260Sure anon, i'll accept unity. When Cali and Kiara graduate.
>>694215Is suisei still demonetized
>>694239If Anya was to punch someone, does it count as stab damage?
Hey guys it's me, your favorite anon.
>>694222Woah, Kiara does too!!! What are the chances of that?????
I LOVE KIARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>694262Is this nigger serious?
>>694251That's cute that she cares that much about her fellow autistic friends mood
>>693872>The 10 Heavenly Queens of Hololie>Gura, the Tyrant Ruler of Atlantis>Marine, erogaki plunderer of the seven seas>Korosan, the Inugami Deity >Mori, Death's Apprentice>Fubuki, the Inari Goddess>Haato and Haachama, the the Ying Yang duo of Order and Chaos>Pekora, the accountant of the gods>Amelia, the time traveler from a dark future>Aqua, the Maiden of the Sea>Coco, the Dragon Yakuza leader
>>694301No... you are not Damascus or Risu
>>694235Trinity sucks and so does Wah Wah World.t. deadbeat
Why wont Gura collab with her jp senpais? Does she hate them or something? Does she think she is far above them because she has more subscribers?? I just wish she would stop being rude to the ones that put her up there......
>>694294>Flagship of the EN Fleet>Desperate Numberfag They're not graduating anytime soon.
unless i'm being retarded shouldn't the copyright say 2021? Why does it say 2016?
>>694298Only if she punches really hard.
>>694333social anxiety please understand
>>694335please delete this abomination
>>694301I love u anon post more of Ina's bare chest
>>694262>Right, because all black people are rappers right?Yes, as it has been told in Bonfire
I love my Mori
>>694298she is steel not fighting.
>>694087>holoEN2 auditions are just a glorified farting competition
>>693872If this was the base roster for the launch version of a fighting game, who would you main?
>>694063How new? Mori unironically has an incredible range, she just has to practice a bit more.'s also one rommate cover that demonstrates her capabilities perfectly
Rate my rratSoaplands, pink salons, anime and even vtubers were a plan created by the US government in order to make sure japan could never any fighting force for the next upcoming world war, because they would be dealing with low birth rates and people who lack the ability to communicate with others causing them to become shut ins and streamers
>>694319you just need to remember AWO, when Calli actually sees Kiara being seriously distressed she's incredibly sweet to her in a manner of ways to help her mood
Be careful watching this video, you'll be watching it 100 times
>>694322Gura is too dumb to be a tyrant.
>>694370Not new, but I don't watch enough Mori apparently.
>>694351Okay, sorry
>>694153I don’t make clips but I unironically rewatch the part of the stream multiples times and memorize the time stamps
>>694315Me too!
>>694385She accidentally hit her head and doesn't remember her past
>>694335>>694386AAAAHHH TASKETE
>>694370Callie puts effort into her backgrounds
>>694385Tyrants don´t need intelligence.
>>694368>2 characters in 1it's basically cheating
>>694189I’ll probably torrent it for now and just buy the BDs
>>694153yeah. i think i didn't even watch some thanking streams with my name
>>694018good riddance. "canon" and "lore" are rarely more than an albatross around the neck of good writing.
>>694414Friend is looking kinda sweaty....
>>694386this one too
>>694370>There's also one rommate cover that demonstrates her capabilities perfectlyHints?
>>694414Sweating friend is so hot
>>694418If you want to stay in power, yes you needsee Stalin
>>694384you should listen to her last archived karaoke and her 1M endurance acapellas, imho had some of the best showings in those
>>694368FBK of course
>>694431You can also just download the VOD from youtube right now.>>693310
>>694370>not including feel good inc when she hits the octanes
>>694394I can imagine her having a playstyle similar to Peacock in Skullgirls.
Kind of overslept and missed Bloom, how was it anons?
Erogaki erogaki erogaki
>>694444jesus, with those digits I lack the heart to call you a doxxfaggotprobably the MiA opening cover
>>694435Fuck off if you can't write within the preexisting lore you are a shit writer
>>694458now this is good shit
>Ollie in Astel's chatOllie what happened to sleep...
>>694462What's the original called?
I still cannot believe that my favorite hentai artist in the whole world (out of thousands) was selected to make official Hololive art. I don't think I'll ever fully accept it.
>>694368CoCock as long as she is the slowest and weightiest motherfucker on earth.
>>694461good to greatAki got a bday song and was sexy as all fuckthen Mori sung at the end
Sametori Cooking!
>>694482>Ollie has an Endurance Apex stream in 8 hours>Singing along with Astel in his chat
>>694231Bonus where there's a plot twist that because she kept messing up and abusing the watch, she ends up burning it out. Which means this is her final shot at undoing the future
>>694482>chat actually threat Ollie like a sister
>>692710I'll admit, their Among Us gameplay (particularly the "tag" second half) was some of the most entertaining streams of that game I've caught in a long time, even if I couldn't understand a single word.
>>694469keep being an OCD autist whining about minutiae and wondering why everything you claim to enjoy just irritates you. lore that grows organically out of dozens of people improvising live is going to be a mess, and no good writer would enslave himself to it.
>>694482She loves her brother please understando
>>694488which artist are you talking about?
>>694426She would basically be a character from that capcom jojo game
>>694444Made in Abyss
>>694505Ollie is everyone's autistic sister.
>>694372too vague and general, need specifics
>>694467I thought you were going to mention FtF
>>694478Speedrun to surpassing Moona prease undingdoka
>>694342That was the year you were put into the simulation, wake up anon
I love Gura
>>694509if they do not accurately represent Watame's full power i will boycott cover forever.
>>694488Man, I'm happy that some hentai artists are going legitimateAt the same time, I'm going to miss them...
>>694482She was there for a while until the end yesterday too. She mentioned watching his streams occasionally.
>>694509>no good writer would enslave himself to it.a good writer could manage it
>>694394>When she gets hit she makes extra loud retarded gremlin noises, completely contrasting her cuteness>One of her special time travel moves has her do the time travel machine noises in which she also physically shakes like a fucking sperg I want that
>>694384 should at least try to catch her singing if nothing else, anon
>>694543He loves Gooruh.
>>694488Great Mosu drawing Gen 2's loli when?
>>694555loretards in a nutshell.
>>694119You are right but at the same time it adds to her charm, and I think if ir ever gets fixes she will be more of a generic moeblob
Iname aren't the only ones with crazy art
>>694488he's doing official art now? wasn't his very nsfw doujin quite recent?
>>694568Great mosu is overrated as shit, konarofu design when?
>Astel scolding Ollie for staying up so latekek
>>694574I'm surprised Mori doesn't have more Chainsawman/Makima crossover art
>Go to>Search for Noel>Bring some SOUL is actually a good clip and I hope you guys watch it and can appreciate the hard work everyone in Hololive and even Holostars put in despite what the numbers look like.
>>694551774..part 3 onegai...
Marine's womb is actually extremely fertile
>Astel scolding Ollie My sides
>>694574I actually like the taiwanese schizo edgy art
>>694574How the fuck does someone tie up Kiara just burn the ropes chickenbrain
>>694625shes into that shit anonchama....
>>694599>"It's unarchived"? Ahaha, I guess it's my fault, sorry.
>>694625>implying she didn't volunteer to be tied up and abused by mori
what she mean by this
I really wish they could use mods on the server imagine if Ina could have a pet tako follow her
>>694551With Marine's approval, I'm sure he'll be allowed to do both.
>>694551>he doesn't know that japs give no fucks if the artist continues to draw hentai for professional work.>He didn't read the 2 doujins he made awhile ago
>>694615I thought people only said dusty as in unused, not that she was infertile. Not like Botan where I see posts of people saying they want to revert her menopause.
>>692829Haachama, the powerful chaos spirit that inhabits the body of one of Sora's best friends>Mel, as cute as she is, is still a powerful vampire and could manipulate mass armies for her own corrupt purposes>Rushia, being a necromancer always has dark implications, and her yandere tendencies are a big plus towards villainy >Coco, being a powerful leader of the fearsome Dragon Clan, bent on ridding the world of the weakHonestly, it'd be better to have some universal "evil" forces they have to fight to keep fanbases from infighting more
You know, nabi nama is kind of a bad/mediocre artistMakes me wonder how she got her design accepted
>>694384 can hit from many directions
>>694551>Going legitimateFaggot, Pochi is a Holo mama and still draws porn what is your point?
>>694625What is a fetish?
>>694667Watame is better
>>694664it's perfect for a medicore girl
>>694202It certainly sounds like cover was willing to cover part of it, but since it was a project she wanted to do, it would cost her.Cover isn't obligated to foot the bill for every side project that they want to do.
>>694511125493Enjoy it newfag.
>>694644Gura is a whore.
hey hey apple
>>694593He's doing an official manga too.
>>694667Towa is great but Aki absolutely murders everyone when it comes to moving on scene
>>694689Only for you Ame.
>>694368Gosh Golly for the small hitboxes and zoning.
>>694652A lot of hentai artists DO stop drawing porn when they get a major non-H serialization or commercial project. It's a thing that happens. Whether they stick with it or not just depends on whether their employer permits it or whether it's acceptable in the sub-field of illustration they're working in.
>>694646Hella cute
>>694574I don't know the context but my first thought when seeing it was>Kiara died in a bad way but it's okay because the one person she can always rely on is there.>>694623Me too.
>>694699I'm so fucking excited aaAAAAAAI LOVE YOU MIZURYU
>>694574iname art is sadistic and disturbing.this is hot.
Wow there's not a lot of cum in this thread
speedrunning the image limit
>>694652Anon, most hentai artists outright stop making NSFW art once they go legitimate and make a serialized non-H project. Example: Meth...
I-is she ok..? It's been while...
You must graduate 1 holo from each generationWat do?
>>694386Shocking truth!
>>694394Why not base her moveset to Noel's?
>>694740Please consider the possibility that you didn't have to post this
>>694744We're already at 900 posts, you're way too slow.
jwu, I guess they're making a hololive anime or something?
>>694699>doing official art for his oshithat man is truly living the dream. on a semi-related note, his ahoy! cover is pretty decent too.
>>694736I guarantee you cum if you will wait for a few hours
Love InaLove GuraLove AmeLike MoriHate Kiarasimple as
>>693485Also for anyone having trouble with colors like I was I did not realize that there was a mod launcher that was better than the vanilla one that fixes the issue of the colors being broken anyways
>>694646tako look a bit fat
>>694754AZKiChris again2nd gen manager3rd gen manager4th gen managerDelta, making her come backEnma
>>694769right now it's just a manga and a music video, but it will almost certainly be an anime at some point
The only hentai artist I know is Tosh
>>694791>AZKiI'll kill you
>>694754I had a post typed out but I couldn't get myself to pick one of the gen5
>>6947540 - Roboco1 - Mel2 - ChocoGamers - Mio3rd - Noel4th - Luna5th - BotanEn - KiaraEasy.
>>694805I did what I could...
>>694807gudmorning fatto catto
"I guess in the end, it really was all just Hololive Alternative"
>>694808Don't worry, someone already picked for you.
>>694769The day hololive gets an anime is the day babymetal gets an anime
>>694821>LunaFucking NAAAAggers
>>694829>So you're saying this girls you want me to find...they're some kind of HoloMYTH?
>>694725>>694751The weak leave while the strong strive.
>>694740thanks, i hate it
>>694740the chicken consumes all...
>>694675She's more of an exception than the rule I'd say. But frankly I never expect Mizuryu Kei to stop doing lewds. The man is so revered in the porn world his original universe gets its own fucking doujins.
>>694851>"Man, this must be some sort of Hololive Fantasy"
Do you guys have any hopes or expectations at all for this manga/possible anime? How shit is it gonna be?
>>694879It will be drawn entirely by hentai artists.
>>694769HololiveALT, it's like a multi-media franchise. what we know is there is a manga, music, anime, videogames. anything is possible I guess
>>694754I tried, but I couldn't pick one from Gamers, 3rd or 4th.>1 million views alreadyS-Sugoi
>>694879God Emperor Mizuryu Kei is involved, it will be perfect.
>>694752I honestly hope she is. I love the apex /u/ schizo going insane on Twitter and her art is genuinely nice
>>694821terrible list
>>694805Not if I get to him first
did any holo, ever, sing space oddity?
*whales your oshi*
Can you say you love your Oshi if you can't even deadlift her?
>>694914I wasn't gonna cop out and say "oh no I can't pick one here" like a faggot. Gamers was the hardest, there is no good choice.
Reminder that this bitch whom I fucking love just reached her 1M sub milestone in spite of zhang's best efforts
>>694906doesn't that make another Mori song that hit a mil already this song got to 5k now to get it into Supa Sunday
>>694908>>694879I meant in terms of writing.I hope Ina gets to do something for it too.
if you punched anya would you get cut?
>>694921thanks, galmar grelod
>>694935graduate FBK from Gamers, she still remains in Gen 1, faggotron
*Splits your general*Heh, nothing personal.ええ、個人的なことは何もありません。Heh, bukan urusan pribadi.
>>694952You die.
>>694754Ah whatever let's go>Roboco>Mel>AyameGamers isn't technically a gen>Flare>Towa>Botan>Iofi>Anya>Mori
>>694906Choco-sensei love!
>>694944Well it's not the full thing, just a teaser. I expect the full MV to hit it even faster.
>>694941I fucking LOVE this bitch
>>694965I LOVE GURA
>>6947540 - Roboco: She fucking suck at Apex Legends1- Mel: I will doing her a favor... don't know why she didn't do that after the YEB2- Choco: Woman... just go and find a good man instead larping as a anime girl... Choco...3- Flare: I hate Elfs4- Kanata: Her ear problem... im sorry5- Lamy: I hate ElfsID- Risu: DO A KARAOKE WITH YOUR BEAUTIFUL VOICE OR GRADUATE RISU I KNOW YOU ARE HEREEN- Gura or Ina: I will get a lot of salt here, i don't want any of the EN to graduate, so I'm picking my decision based on the economical side... If Gura graduate, she have a giant fanbase that will follow her in HER account. The other one that come close is Ina who can get lot of money via drawing. The other holos specially Ame and Kiara would fall into obscurity
>>694973Thats just cheating the question and you know it.
>>694952You would not survive
I've decided that I will finish reading every Mizuryu Kei doujin on nhentai and rank them. Please do the same in anticipation of holoALT.
Was that one youtube restream from /hlg/ up the entire time? I fell asleep but it didn't appear to get taken down and even has an archive.
>>694981>>694988wouldn't she hold the 1st, 2nd and 3rd spot by now?
>>694994Stop shitposting, Sio.
Mizuryu Kei has sucked for years to be honest, just keeps rotating the same shit. His old stuff had some more edge to it.
Alright boisAny good streams coming up in the next 3 hours or so? I know there'll be nothing from EN, but anything from JP?
>>693872>half are english speakers
>>694740My daughter looks.... more orange than usual...
>>694941_ _______ ____ ____ _____
>>694981You got the line wrong. I would've have cared a few months ago, but now that I've watched Breaking Bad, that meme just isn't the same...
I want to thank whoever idea it was to introduce corporate sponsored yuribait into hololive. It just makes me all nostalgic of 2012 when tumblr was a thing while twitter wasn't
>>694921Thanks, Todd Howard
How did you retards manage to reach image limit in deadhours not even 1000 posts in?
>>693872It'll be more than half in 1-2 months
What is the most forced ship pushed by management in Hololive and why is it MariRushi
>>695034We are just that good!
>4 hoursThis is turning into a karaoke endurance stream.
>>695036It's actually FubukiIofi
>>694879Nothing but a glorified gacha promotion.
>>693459Amemates BEST SHIP
>>695034It's easier in deadhours since there's no one repeating what's said on stream to dilute the images.
>>694921Thank you, godd goward
>>694994just say you want Ina to graduate be cause of her ears
>>695034Why isn't the post limit 1000 or the image limit 500?
>>695042I like Mel.
>>695035You think so? Right now only rushia is over 900k
>>695057So they are releasing their OWN gacha?God that would be cool I want to roll for the limited SUMMER OUTFIT SSS GURA
>>695054First time watching Astel?
>The NA girls are treated like red headed step children while the JP based holos get songs and opportunitiesYou hate to see it
>Cocock cocock>Cocock cocock cockC-Coco...
>>694944Not quite since it's not something she wrote herself. Still f-wording proud of her though
>>695018And Korone gets the english crowd so lets count that too.
>>695074What's it from?
>>694945It's quite a catchy song.>>695072Mel Love!
>>695082Typical Japanese companies. A good excuse to pirate their shit.
Um... why do the holos need game permissions, period? Are Nips just not allowed to stream whatever they want or something?
>>695082Enma love
>>695082Never saw them more as a side branch that makes money without much effort.
>>695092Oh fuck those are some nice thighs. Tenchou looks cute in this picture
>>694740I like it
I'm gonna say it! Marine still can't dance
What do you guys think about THIS pic?
>>695089I don't think who writes it has really mattered for any of the other chuuba songs
>>695086Co cock?
>>695092I can feel my atoms splitting
>>695106not when they're getting money from it
>>695092obnoxious lesbian, not cute, also catty and vindictive
>>695076>implying there will be ENlol
>>695106Japanese copyright laws. In fact even in America technically streamers could get hit at any time, but most companies don't want that bad press in the west. Plus unless they're nintendo, they aren't dumb enough to not realize it helps them instead of hurts them.
>Your Oshi>The cast for Holo Alternative 2
>>695092I would giver her a massage and a good dicking
>>695106yepextremely stringent copyright
>>695082EN and ID are just oversea branches for easy money with little effort
What does a video need to be tagged with in order to get into supa sunday?
>>695149Gen 0-3Gamerspachi pachi
++++ ++++ ++, I got you guys some Dunkin Donuts, here you go, any good shit in the archives for the last twelve hours or so?
>Coco disguised in her doragon form in the Alternative previewWhen will Cover stop hiding kaichou and bowing to the chinks?
>>695167Oh I dropped this at the start of that arc
>>694212To the anon who made this, mind putting in a second verse and maybe a bridge? Doing something...
>>695092KFC might be finger licking good, I'm thinking KFP is toe licking good.
>>695106Somebody post it
So what if one day one of the girls unironically announce to be pregnant, for real though
>>695177No not really.
>>695082Well so far it's mostly a case of Kiara and Mori actually wanting to do more than just streaming, unlike the trinity. I wouldn't be surprised if Kiara keeps up the OG songs/covers even back in Europe. Even Reine did an OG song on debut and a cover/remix a few weeks after that, and she's not in Japan last I checked.
>>695089>didn't write it herselfanon, that'd disqualify 90% of Holo originals...
Your OshiTheir theme song.>Mori>Tornado of Souls
>>695164Music category and 5k views
>>695106Lurk more
>>695092Nice thighs, cute fleshfang. Feetfags shouldn't be allowed to breed.
>>695167Mori should sing it. Fits the circumstances.
>>695178When the Three Gorges Dam goes to shit
>>695204watamelon head defeated again...
>>694446Not if you have literal super natural powers. With how much Gura enjoys sadistic tendencies I can see her being just a kid buu type of archetype.
>>695148I think it's a bit more complicated in America with regard to fair use, but it's definitely not clear one way or the other.
>>695181did you drop it because of how shit Overhaul's arc was and how they squandered it's potential? I know I did
>>695194It would be kept under the rug, or they would graduate to focus on the pregnancy. You don't tell a fanbase of idolfags that their oshi is pregnant by not them.
>>695194expect "sorry, it was me" posts
>>692908Honestly the only reason these threads hate each other is bcuz 1 sheepfucker
>>695082They've only been around for five months, it was assumed at the start they'd be small fries, and travel is still a pain in the ass at the moment.Give shit some time to shake out one way or the other.
>>692908/hlg/ only likes Ina and sometimes Ame on a good day
>>695194Never going to happen, the announcement
>>695181Unfortunate because it's the last good arc before the series takes a huge dive in quality. Gentle was unironically the best antagonist in the series because he never wanted to be a villain.
>>695197>I wouldn't be surprised if Kiara keeps up the OG songs/covers even back in Europe.the only thing that would slow Kiara is if she actually writes her own lyrics like she'll be forced to do when she makes an EN song
>>695210I'm glad someone imported that ray of hope to these threads recently. Felt like some anons needed to know that things were going to get better eventually.
>>695178Thrown into the air, transforms into human form, comes down with a massive attack against Noel
>>695228Post a Kiara pic there and come back half an hour later
>>695194Last time they sacked a Star
>>695257>implying I didntThey just ignored it
>>695207>What do they think of me?>Who do they think I'll be?>I could not care less, I don't wanna know>Am I doing right?>Am I satisfied?>I wanna live my life like it's meant to beActually kino.
>>695194If I liked the holo I would be happy for them, if I hated them I would join the horde of shitposters shitting on them. If it was my oshi I would be depressed
>>695177mori killed the "doesn't care about hololive" rrat again, this time in the most spectacular manner.
Cover can stream without permissions and nothing bad will ultimately happen
>>693149She's been talking about redoing the office layout and bringing it back soon. I guess we'll see
>>695292How dare you value Mio's life so little
I like this calm version...
>>695194When Choco gets pregnant there will be a week of festivities to celebrate.
>>695286n-no you don't get it, she just wants to make money of the MV...
>>695247Could she not contract someone in Europe?
>>695199Fffffuck, just when I thought I couldn't kneel any harder.
Kaneki Leda...
>>695220No, it just got hard to enjoy, I got bored right around the school festival part and dropped it. Overhaul wasn't memorable for me
>>695267Last time someone said this they literally splt their threads again over a torinity OP a couple of days later
>>695194And how exactly it can happen? Most of them are unironically hikikimori that barely rember what is sunlight and the ones who aren't in a state of self reclusion are landbeastsUnironically one of the indos will get pregnant firstKiara and Ina are definetly not getting pregnat anytime soon if ever
>>695301She doesn’t need a channel since she does collabs 99% of the time
>>695319Honestly cant blame they got raided so hard by either our schizo or their schizo
>Hololive>Only Watame streamingWelp, time to do my gaming reps after not being able to do them for 3 WEEKSAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>>695292watamephone.jpg>Activate the nijiniggers
Doing a short analysis of>Opens with Sora looking at a drab and grayscale city world, clouds obscuring sunshine, then sudden rays appearThis implies that either a calamity has/will come, or that the world has become stagnant, boring, or status quo before something incredible happens.>Shion flying down with a lightning kick, Flare with her bow, Noel throws a dragon, "'Something that isn't 'them,' 'A moment that isn't 'now'"Isekai? Is it people that become other people? Or is it them reaching alternate dimensions? This also implies battles. Will they be fighting each other, or will they be fighting an unseen force? I'm excited for what they're going to throw at us here.>Marine looking over an island town on her tower, ethereal anchor behind her, Aqua cleaning a large room with chairs emblazoned with a golden anchor, sweaty Roboco staring at the camera, Choco sitting on a throne and writing on a manifest, skeleton and potions or medicines on one side, tea on the other, Ayame fighting in front More worldbuilding scenes. I could infer that maybe in this scenario Marine owns a huge tower and she employs Aqua as her cabin girl to keep everything tidy. Something is odd about the anchor, it's clearly not colored the way you would normally color an anchor. Choco is a teacher, anatomy related (or maybe they just put it there because "school prop"). Whatever is attacking Ayame is putting up a fight because it made her slide back.>Kanata falling into a floating island, other floating islands around her, Miko on stage, Matsuri running across a diner, Korone and Okayu going on a walk, Pekora playing with her nousagis, Fubuki and Mio look across a quiet village from their temple, "The universe is made of stories, not atoms."This is the most interesting part of the video. The island Kanata is falling into looks circular and round, and she's falling into a circle specifically in the middle, as if she's meant to fall there. Is this the "portal" to their world? The islands around her have completely different architecture as well, implying these worlds live with different cultures. They probably have a central island "hub" somewhere, maybe that's where they all meet. The idol aspect will clearly be retained, as seen by Miko, and there is some slice of life mixed in. An interesting thing to note is that in the reflection of the cafe window Matsuri passes by is a huge, cross-like object in the distance. Did it grow from the ground? Or did they something jam it in there? The line about it being stories not atoms implies none of this is "real," maybe the setting is a digital universe that you can go in and join and make your own life, e.g. Second Life. >End with Sora in the middle of a grass field, power lines and overgrown abandoned skyscraper on her left, giant huge cross/sword sticking out of crystals on her rightIs it a collision of worlds? How much of it is "dangerous?" Are the worlds/islands combining of their own will, or is it a problem that they will have to fix? Final thoughts: I'm excited. This'll be fun, regardless of what it actually is. Also, I fucking kneel for your boy. SHE CARES ABOUT HOLOLIVE!
>>695247god I hope her english song does so fucking good she stops shitty japanese idol music hell Kiara even said she wants to do an electroswing song
>>695313Mori is an anomaly in many ways
>>695237Is it really the last good arc? Gentle himself was amazing, the rest of that arc I couldn't give less of a shit about
>>695331kiara will be impregnated by gen 2's scottish tranny when they off collab
>>695194[3000$ akasupa]A humble donation for your abortion! LETS GOOOOOOOOO
>>695073The majority will be EN when Kiara and Ina get there, but Okayu, Noel, and Matsuri will take majority again, assuming Kiara and Ina grow faster than them but slower than Rushia. But when the edition of ~8 New ENs, I assume they will all hit 1M too, if not all then 5/~8. I don't think Gen3EN will be as successful as 2 or 1 though. But regardless EN will own the 1M spots, ES might too if they release them in 5s and not 3s, and do a lot of branches. But Kiara and Ina being in EN gives me doubt there'll ever be an EU or ES. It'll just be made that they need English proficiency and slapped under EN
>>695337Is watame always streaming at this late night slot? it's like middle of the night in japan
>>693571You're the only one saying that
Are you willing to forgive the japs for what they did to Towa? I don't if I can
>>695286Is it killing the rrat if it's been dead for months now?Just about every single rrat in the threads since the move have been corpses puppeted by SEAniggers in the hopes that newfags will be tricked into thinking there's life there, or something that anons have literally deluded themselves into believing is fact by repetition, like everything involving Enma.That's why I like these times more than even the OC overdrive era of late October/November. It's very settled, and despite some bumps cropping up, everyone is doing fine now.
>>695194The first will be Anya and nothing will happen because no one watches Anya
>oshi>favorite physics theory
>>695333blame them*
>>695363Shleep is for the week.
>>695352trannies can't impregnate anyone thanks to hormone therapy or dick cutting, if they have fuctional genitals they aren't trannies
>>695350It's a hot take, but I think so.>Bakugod actually acting like a leader>best side character gets spotlightIt's definitely the strongest non-LoV arc, tied with the sports festival's tournament arc.
>>695375i don't if i can either anon...
>>695360>I don't think Gen3EN will be as successful as 2 or 1 though.Oh hey, I remember this timeloop!
>>695286Yeah she cares about it's but she's also a retard and doesn't know much about it people thought her being ignorant meant she didn't care when it's just her being dumb she does care despite not really knowng hololive which makes her even more impressive
>>695216It is pretty clear. Playthrough of the entire game or significant part of it is not transformative enough for fair use. Gameplay should be secondary to whatever you do in the video (guide, review, gmv). It's just that company that will start banning streams in the west will be mixed with shit.
>>695203>Mori>not this
>>695381that's why I said "again". It's literally that Simpsons meme now.
>>695419What do you mean? its brand new
>>695331With her newfound popularity, your boy will be swimming in asian manlet duck. It's only a matter of time.
>>695393AmeGeneral and Special relativity, but anon majority here probably hates physics
>>693964>>693984You guys are looking at this the wrong way. You're giving her a half human, half oni child.
>>695346Actually, thinking about it, did any other Holo write their own songs? AZKi doesn't, as much as I love her, and neither does Sora or the others. Watame has done her meme raps, but not a properly produced song yet. Even Sui's older songs from when she was a starving artist weren't wrote by herself.
>>695341It is really interesting to see what the fuck they'll do with it.All the possible media makes this pretty confusing.
>>695436>>695459>kiara was the only thing protecting mori from her own shota lust>and now she's leaving.
>>695459Don't worry, it won't happen Mori...
>>695216Not really, pretty sure Let's Plays, and by reasonable extrapolation streams, have been ruled as non-transformative in regards to fair use
>>695363Watame puts in Twitch level streaming hours, on top of her music. She was the top for the company for the year by a pretty healthy margin, though I imagine Ame and maybe Kiara will give her a run for her money this year.
>Backstreet boys board>Cant post Astel in white suitTe-tell me why....
>>695345I think Kiara will followthrough on making different genres eventually. I recall forever ago she wanted to make a song like one she heard from Calli's remake contest. With her saying she wants an electroswing song and saying she loves the EDM and jazz songs from Bloom I hope she makes songs in whatever genre she feels like
>>695418>she does care despite not really knowng hololive which makes her even more impressiveThat's actually really cool of her
>>695436>TakaMori isn't just a forced ship for Cover, it's also warranty the retard doesn't get knocked up like a fucking retard>Kiara is going back to AustriaOH NO
>>695393OkayuQuantum skeletons.
>>695483>BSB is only I want It That WayFuck off. All I Have to Give was and still is the best BSB song.
>>695393PolkaAnon, I'll have you know I'm fucking retarded
>>695483I hope to god someone is archiving this and will post a clip of him singing Hajimete no Chuu
>>695490>With her saying she wants an electroswing song and saying she loves the EDM and jazz songs from Bloom I hope she makes songs in whatever genre she feels likeshe also says she wants to sing like RBC
what do kiara's eggs taste like?
>>695483>Backstreet boys boardThis is actually a Prokofiev board
>>695341I think what they were getting at with "'Something that isn't 'them,' 'A moment that isn't 'now'" was that in this alternative world there are holos who are purely sticking to their characters.
WAH thread, can WahWah!!!
>>695341>Isekai? Is it people that become other people?I think the conciet of HoloAlternative is that it's literally an Alternate Universe setting, where all of their lore and some of their ambitions are active. So Shion is a magical girl/witch, Noel is an active paladin/knight, Marine has her pirate dreams fulfilled and is actively out there, etc.It's also likely to be a Subspace Emmisary kind of deal when it comes to worlds and realms that shouldn't really fit together, something that Kanata may be having shown off in her falling scene.It's worth remembering that Sora is probably the key to all of this. Her name can basically be taken to mean>Time-Space-SkySo she probably serves as some kind of Kingdom Hearts-like key to other worlds that share the same sky, the same destiny and all that. But for now, just assume it's an Alternate Universe more so than some kind of Isekai.
kikkirikii niggaskiara love
>>695393Ame Ame Amequantum entanglement, the only hope for intergalactic communication>>695496 related?
>>695393MoriSub-atomic particles are interesting, and one of the last times scientists didn't take themselves seriously when working on a ground breaking theory, hence why we have fucking flavors.
>>695507I'm partial to As Long as You Love Me, personally
Has anybody noticed the Homos' subscriber count going up faster than usual? I see Temma and Shien gaining subs fast in particular without any real reason for them to, is it because of general hype surrounding the company right now?
>>695449Suityan, Towa's piece from Bloom might be self-written, Shallys from Aki (in her own made up language)
>your oshi>pick a song to replace KING as the goto meme cover
>>695538 image is dangerous.
>>695563it's because my boys are finally finding their ground and also Astel has cornered the oil barron daughter market
>>695527BASADOis.. is this song used in Monster Girl Quest? LMAO
>>695563Probably, Astel is getting a piece of Ollie's audience as well.
>>695523That too is great! I just want her to succeed and maybe get one or two real hit songs that a lot of hololive members enjoy so that she isn't so hard on herself
>>695574>Pekor>never, there will be a day when there is a cover by all the holos, yes even Ame
>>695393MoriDo circuits count?
>>695594I think this would be funnier
Take me home...
>>695363Yes. She's a super hardcore insomniac. She streams into the wee hours of the morn' almost every day.
>>695547I actually didn’t notice the Kingdom Hearts parallel, yeah. It could be she’s universe hopping to find a cast of unique and interesting girls to make a group that will make her world interesting again.
>>695574InaHajimete No Chu
>>695563>ShienLikely the exposure from the among us collab with ID>TemmaThe babies from his human breeding plan are hatching.
>>695574That girl from HololiveEn gen 2
>>695596yeah she really fucked herself going chuuni on hinotori since it used archaic jap that's no fun to sing so other holos won't do it in karaoke often like say Ahoy
>>695616I like unrockbar but it's nowhere near as iconic and catchy as Schrei nach Liebe
>Todd winning even in HolostarsHoly based
>>695563Shien beat Woolie in a fighting game and it got posted all over twatter
>>695449>>695567wait, even Sui didn't write her shit? damnthat just leaves Aki (with Shallys) and Mori as the only two I'm certain about
>>692724Honestly no. There's no be benefit to me even pretending to like the other girls. I just ignore their existence completely.
>>695614I'll flip my shit if they sing this in the O'riends collab
>>693529>Implying Gura is not a stone cold killer of the waters and Ame convinces her into a quasi alliance only for a chance to get back at Ina for destroying Atantis many eons ago.
>>695393InaQuantum gravity. As a side note I like how funky quantum eraser is. It really fucked with me during the first time my professor talked about it at uni, even if it ends up being dissapointing overall.
>>695648Yes, but would it matter for Japanese and Anglo Idols(+Kiara)?
So is Watame popular with EOPs because she streams during their hours
>>695574MoriTevin Campbell I2I
What are you guys doing? Anyone else watching Watame?
>>695393>Ame>Holographic Principle>tfw we're all the oshi of a higher dimensional being watching us on his event horizon tv screen
>>695654Oh shit, really? That's too funny, was Woolie streaming when he did?
>>695563Is this what a coping homoshart looks like?
Gura definitely had a drastic personality change after she tripped and bonked her head too many times after coming to land.
>>695393AmeAnything and everything involving heat loss. I'm utterly fascinated by it, and the way it both sustains life, and is the reason life of all kind will eventually go dormant when entropy takes over.Especially since there has to be a way around it. The universe was created, after all. Energy was, at one single point in history, created without loss, but with gain, or else we wouldn't exist. So someone's gonna eventually figure out how to do it again, I'm sure. The only question is how and when, maybe billions of years from now or maybe in a decade.
>>695683its because shes very cute and has fat tits
>>695552>quantum entanglement, the only hope for intergalactic communicationthere's no hope, to confirm the entanglement occurred you need to use normal, light-speed limited ways of communication
>>695683she's also cute, pretty toned down so she makes good background noise like Ina and has very memeable face
>It's been a long day without you my friendI miss Ame, bros...
>>695660I need to correct myself, since I only checked Comet. Sui did write NCP, but not Celestial Sphere. I also can't find a confirmation one way or another if Aki actually wrote the rest of her song, since no one is credited with the lyrics in the description.
>>695552Quantum skeletons are very scary. They disappear when you look at them.
When Ame is done with Galaxy she should just skip Sunshine and go straigth for 64 or buy 3D World. Bowser’s Fury is fun as fuck.
Kek Astel
i miss beyblade........
So who are the calm and cozy holos? Off the top of my head I can name Ina, Mio, Okayu, Watame and maybe Roboco, but I didnt watch her streams for months now. No idea if she changed.
>>695699There's some speculation that the big bang was really a Boltzmann Brain situation in the heat death of a previous universe. Though obviously that's not falsifiable.
>>695683Yes, but she also does weekly singing streams which is a massive EOP draw, and they're not even at a terrible time to catch for NA.
>>695740Isn't Sunshine Gura's favorite? No fucking way she's skipping it.
>>695574Ame fucking imagine
Honaneeeee mataneeeee
>>695393AmeAnything optics, so if you want a theory, electromagnetism I guess
roberu....son....your kansai raps.........
>>695761>>695740also Sunshine is Ame's favorite as well
>>695393GuraMany Worlds
>>695730pretty sure lack of credited writer implies she wrote it herself, Cover girls seem pretty careful about crediting all involved parties
>>695679>>695648any opinion on this one?'m hoping for a shitpost karaoke one distant day.
>>695786and Kiara's favorite
>>695778Physicslet here, what do you mean by “optics”
>>695637Alternatively, what if it was fucking wild and some shit like the Wubbulous World of Doctor Suess?>Sora is the Cat in the Hat stand-in>Speaks directly to the audience and acts as a semi-malevolent God of the universe>Directs the audience through a looking glass to observe stories of other notable members of the same canon>Acts in the background to manipulate the events of stories by starting problems or providing crucial, indirect salvation to the main character of the storyIt would be some wild shit if that's how we went.
>>695740Bowser’s Fury is fun but the game is too short, not worth for 60$
I kind of miss Ina's old voice, it was more soothing and relaxed, I wonder if the change was due to her becoming more comfortable with being a Vtuber or because she likes the idea of having a higher pitched voice
>>692675Is cat.
>Try to show my friend Haachama>"Ew vtubers are so cringe I hate that shit">*Proceeds to ERP on Discord as anime girls*Are we just a different breed of degenerate?
>>695642I'd be fucking down for that holy shit
>>695829Behavior of electromagnetic waves, in the range of visible light.
Post>your holo>your katawa>your doki>your pony
Amelia: Handholding vanilla missionary sex for the sole purpose of procreationGura: Tender, loving missionary sex under the covers exclusively to put baby batter in her ovenIna: Cuddling and gentle kissing while pumping into her from the missionary position, with the lights off, entirely for the sake of passing on both your genes to a future generationKiara: Anal, scat play, and massive orgies where she calls over all her employees to rail her one by one, only giving you a turn after everyone else is finished with her worn out bodyMori: Passionate missionary position lovemaking with the intent of impregnatio
>>695850Idols are the opposite of degenerate.
695856Go back and stay there
>>695574Polkacy8er - mylife
>>695850The holostars sound more up his alley
>>695856>Mori>Lily>Yuri>never watched
>>695806>'ll be like the RFA challenge. No one's going to try after that.
I think I finally understand why I love Amelia so much and it's a bit embarrassing but here goes. In high school I dated a girl for about a year and half. Very pretty, basically out of my league. We talked about marriage and were very much in love (puppy love if you want to call it that). I wanted her to be my first and me hers, but she always found an excuse not to have sex with me. It was strange. So one day I got fed up with her and tell her I wanted to go on a break. She agreed. So we're on a break, but I fully intended to get back together with her after a while. Well one day some guy messages me saying he fucked my ex girlfriend in the town's mall bathroom. I legitimately thought he was fucking with me but I asked my ex about it and she just started crying and saying she was sorry and that "it just happened" and that she still loved me and wanted to get back together. I said fuck that, we're done. The few days after that, I couldn't stop thinking about this dude fucking my ex girl in that bathroom stall. He defiled her. I could only imagine her moans and pleasure. It turned me on and I had some of the best cooms of my life. Ever since, I've enjoyed NTR. It just happened and that's how it is. I still talk to her now from time to time and we catch up because she genuinely meant a lot to me back then and was my first love. But yeah. Whenever I watch Amelia I get that same rush that I got back then and I love the rush. Not to mention Amelia is honestly really cute and funny to be around. This feeling just takes it over the top for me.
>>695865Why are KFP like this?
>>692784remember when Ame visited his stream and he dropped his spaghetti
>>695847i would say the main change was cause of her new mic
>>695804Yea, it might be what she meant with 'composition' since she credits someone else for the music. Either way, that's a grand total of 2 songs outside Mori for the entirety of Hololive.
>>695876A fuckwit like that would find astel singing cringe too. There's no saving them
>>695850"Cringe" is just another meme word corrupted by the new age of internet cynical/ironic """"humor"""". It used to mean something, not anymore.
>>695884Ogey pasta
>>695884Based.Or cringe.I didn't read, but I'm happy that Ame is your oshi.
>>695850Haachama is an acquired taste...most people just pretend to like her
I want you to picture this anon.It's a dark time for /hlgg/, the thread has been in a rage ever since the Ollie debut, with schizos and tourists shitposting constantly to stir up shit in the thread. They manage to derail almost the whole holotalk thread with anti posts. IPs are constantly reaching 400+ each thread as more and more shitposters get attracted to the blood in the water.They have fun during the dead hours and continue their fight against people trying to post unity. Then they see it, the next stream, Amelia is returning from her 2 day break. This is the perfect target for them, if they can ruin these threads then so many people will abandon /hlgg/ all together and there will be nothing but ruin left.It's 5 minutes before the stream. They know that Goslings will want to post about their pain so they spam images so that the goslings can't post any pictures. The image limit fills up with 500 posts left in the thread. The schizos have made their first strike, they have the advantage.But what's this? Amelia has delayed her stream by 5 minutes. The schizos didn't account for Amelia being a lazy bum! The Goslings see their chance and spam posts until the thread dies. They make it just in time and a new thread starts just as the stream kicks off. The Goslings start flooding out of the gate as they realize that Ame is a lot cuter than usual today. The schizos aren't done yet though as they start spamming images too. The thread is an absolute battlefield as image slots are being taken up left and right. The thread hits image limit in only 500 posts. But this isn't the end for the Goslings, Ame is acting too cute for them to give up. They blast through the thread in record time, deleting old images so that new goslings can be posted.This continues for 3 whole threads. The schizos are done. It's been an hour and despite their best efforts to doxxpost and derail the thread, everyone is talking about Ame. The last of the schizos get cleaned up as sharkmeido arrives and bans anyone complaining about Gosling spam.The thread is calm just in time for a wholesome Ina stream where takodachis can enjoy the peace created through the effort of countless Goslings.
God damn, some of you guys are just desperate to kill the thread, aren't you, I haven't seen some of these baits in months.
>>695876He's "gay" but he's only had sex with women. I'm not being ironic, normalfags are getting weirder these days.
>>695884Im sorry that happened to you or im glad it did. Not reading , pick whichever answer makes you feel better.
>>695913Didn't ask.
I believe I've cracked the code on this one.It can't be Ina, because she's a distant fragment. The kind of girl that you pass by occasionally and catch up with, something you two do ever since she helped you out that one time. But she's ephemeral. A fleeting memory. You don't want to be with her, you want to be with the memory of her. You will remember what she has done, and what she has accomplished, but not who she is. Faceless. She's the kind of woman that tugs at your neurons decades later as you stare down the shot glass, substituting her face for a squirming black squiggle. "I wonder what would have been," you think, "if I went for it." But you never did, and you never would have.It can't be Kiara, because you lust for her. She breaks your back working for her but rewards you with a gentle kiss and a hug. Ultimately, she's an authority figure, a forbidden fruit that you can indulge in only if she allows you to. And then, even when she does, when she opens herself to you, you will realize: "I want to fuck this chicken... But will I?" The reality dawns on you that all these fantasies of screwing your boss at the same shitty restaurant on the same shitty counter where you take shitty people's shitty fast food orders might be better left as a fantasy. Your cock becomes flaccid, and she's disappointed. You never live it down. You work day after day, never able to look her in the eyes, never being ballsy enough to ask for a promotion as the years go by. One day, she retires. You do not.It can't be Gura, because you love her. Sure, she's adorable, and she's a brat, and she pulls at your heartstrings in all the right ways. On first encounters your dick and nipples go rock hard whenever you meet, every hanging syllable of every word of every sentence coming form her mouth indulging the mental scratch to your darkest itches. But then, one night, after the energy has calmed down, when you two sit there slightly buzzed, in comfortable silence, her voice comes out in a low whisper you've never heard before. And her insecurities and vulnerabilities and fears and wants come tumbling out unevenly, an uninterrupted waterfall of words as tears well up in her eyes. She grabs on to you, and you kiss. You never kiss her again.It can't be Mori, because she's simply too far out of your reach. Bullheaded, brash, and bantering, you two climb and climb, insteps and inclines, believing the world can be conquered. But time passes, and you slowly start to notice that the pathway you were striding on begins to diverge, and she seems to grow farther every single day. Regardless of your personal success, the sinking feeling of dread hits you as you understand your paths were simply meant to intersect, not follow. She grows farther and farther away, into the fog like a ghostly spirit. You reach out towards her in an attempt to clasp her, but she already has her back towards you, a twinkling star in the evening sky.But Amelia? Ame is the everyday girl doing her best. She's no splendid artist, nor trilingual world bridger, nor overnight sensation, nor wild child chasing her dreams. She's the down to earth girl that can kind of sing, that can kind of dance, that can kind of draw. The kind of talent that shines because she knows she's not a pure diamond and wants to show you everything of her. And you love her, because you see yourself in her, and what you can become as well. No, you two can't do things beyond your wildest imagination. But you can sing The Ink Spots with the ukelele under a tree as the midsummer afternoon light shines on you. You can take Bubba out for a walk, laughing at that silly old lady that always greets you while you're out. You can hold her hand, staring at the star-spangled sky because she woke you up at 2 AM and decided, "I can't sleep, let's go stargazing." The kind of girl you can grow old with, and learn with, and laugh with.
>>695852 watamelon
>>695908What is old shall soon be new againt.dumpsterdiver
>project diva stream starts at SEVEN am my timeOk Ame...
>>695929i love ame too but im not reading that
Whats the fastest way to kill a thread and start a new one with images?All I have is mentioning a latinx holo.
*Chumbud posts video of Gura making erotic sounds, embarassing her*>T-this is all clipfags fault!*Chumbud admits they're a pedo*>I-it's a falseflagging anti, retard!*Chumbud posts dox*>Filthy SEAnigger, kys!*Chumbud hints at her past life in Gura's chat*>I-it's just a HERfag, not a real Chumbud!Why are Chumbuds like this?
>>695907Still my favorite pasta and still my favorite night on /hlgg/, witnessing that in person was one of the funniest things.
>Ate sand as a kid and liked the texture>Slipped on a wet floor while eating ice cream, nearly bit off her tongue, which has hanging by just a few thin shreds. Guy was afraid of getting sued, wouldn't let her mom call 911. She still has a thick scar in the middle of her tongue to this day.>Cracked open her skull after being pushed off the bed and hitting an open drawer. The injury sometimes makes her feel like her brain is exposed to air. Also swears she had no lasting brain damage.>Cut off the tip of her thumb while trying to peel an orange with a knife>Was left in the car in the summer heat that was hot enough to melt crayons, which she then smeared all over the upholstry>Tried to pat a cactus like a dog, thought it would be fluffy>Lied to strangers about her age on runescape and neopets, got in trouble for it>Skipped school to watch anime and play vidya>Can't cook - microwaved a whole egg, which exploded>Bought her monitor through a shady parking lot deal on craigslist>Used to shower only once a week>While at E3, was asked about what the latest console was, and replied that it was the "Gega Senesis">Eats lettuce straight from a bag like potato chips>Intentionally drinks flat pepsi thats been sitting in the open for days because she likes the flavor>Loves the smell of paint, gasoline, and permanent markers>After helping the other Holo En's with their technical issues, forgot the day of her debut so was forced to stream while high on caffeine and sleep deprivation>Was homeless>Bit by multiple dogs, almost had throat ripped out by one>Got rabbies, bit the nurse, survived>Cut a kid's finger off with a shopping cart>Afraid to drink because she will call people niggers>Read gay tf2 fanfiction>Played the sims with porn mods at the age of 12>Almost kidnapped because of mistaken identity>Orders meat lovers pizza but takes off all the meat>Can't do division>Streamed on gura's channel by accident>Her mother was kidnapped by Moroccans before she was born>A car ran over her ankle, tore off skin>Brother kicked a ball into her face, causing her to lose 3 baby teeth>Licked her friends tears>Grandma Watson was a real homewrecker and one of those women was a witch who placed a hex on her family>Grandma Watson got her earring caught in a vaccum>Ate baby sitter's anniversary present, blamed it on another girl>Amelia's Mother doesnt believe the moon landing was real>Auntie Watson let Amelia skip school to go watch Spy Kids in Theaters>Would always scream when going into tunnel as a joke, even to the point of almost passing out.
>Collab ban ends>"Please welcome to the show Gawr Gura and Usada Pekora!">Chat goes wild as shark daughter and her girlfrend come to the 3D>Gura: "We know you've been waiting a long time to see more Minecraft but before we show you that, we'd like to finn you in on our plans for the future of Hololive.">before Pekora can speak, Gawr hammershark-fists her in the back of the head>Pekora topples over and smashes her face into the camera, blood spewing from her nose>like an great white on meth Gura dives on the bleeding rabbit her raging fins and moist impact noises drown out her whimpering>Gura stops her vicious flailing and begins choking her hard with one fin>with her other fin she undoes her costume and forces her skirt down>Cover employees rush to the camera>Gura has begun sodomizing her>the Cover employees begin masterbating and pissing on the two as Gura chokes and rapes and shouts>Gura begins to climax>"HOWS IT KONPEKO-FEEL CUNT!!!" she says as she squirts>Gura peals herself away from Pekora's piss and blood covered corpse>she turns to the chat>"And now, Hololives' story can really begin.."
>>695936Have you tried being unemployed? I don't recommend it
>>695948Here's one:Your oshiYour nationalityYour opinion on Kiara
I'M GONNA SAY ITN_______oel!!!!!!!!!!! is why we say NO MALES.
>>695884based NTR fan. All porn is NTR approach it with the right mindset.
Dating Amelia!Letting Amelia meet your family!Asking Amelia if you can visit her family!Wondering why Amelia is crying!Meeting Amelia's extended family!Wondering why Amelia's parents are absent!Hearing all the fucked up stories of Amelia's past!Getting sexually assulted by Aunty Watson!Amelia's brother catching Aunty Watson stroking your leg!Amelia's brother beating you close to death!Amelia crying over your bruised and broken body!Amelia breaking up with you so that she doesn't cause you any more pain!Crying yourself to sleep remembering how things used to be!I love Ame!Loving Ame!Marrying Ame!Taking Ame to bed!Pleasing Ame sexually!Providing Ame the living standards she wants!Satisfying Ame emotionally!Getting closer to Ame physically!Having to explain the lunches Ame gave me to my co-workers!Having a rewarding marriage with Ame!Nine children with Ame!Playing video games with Ame!All facets of my life filled with happiness because of Ame!I love Ame!Loving Ame!Marrying Ame!Taking Ame to bed!Disappointing Ame sexually!Failing to give Ame the living standards she wants!Disappointing Ame emotionally!Getting abused by Ame physically!Having to explain the bruises Ame gave me to my co-workers!Dealing with a failing marriage with Ame!No children with Ame!Screaming matches with Ame!All the appliances in the houses broken because of Ame!I love Ame!
>>695929>It cant be InaStopped reading. The answer is always Ina, regardless of the question.
you have all this shit saved up on a notepad
>>695968NO MALES
>>695980What if the question is a guro doujin?
>>695950Heh nice bait have (You)
I've been making food, eating, reading the thread and all kinds of other shit, having Astel in the background for hours.Not gonna lie, feeling fucking comfy right now.
>>695976Loving Ame!Marrying Ame!Taking Ame to bed!Pleasing Ame sexually!Providing Ame the living standards she wants!Satisfying Ame emotionally!Getting closer to Ame physically!Having to explain the lunches Ame gave me to my co-workers!Having a rewarding marriage with Ame!Nine children with Ame!Playing video games with Ame!All facets of my life filled with happiness because of Ame!I love Ame!
>>695724Now record yourself singing it like that and submit it to /vt/ sings
Alright, here's a question for deadhours. Who's the worse dancer based on their performance at Bloom, Rushia or Marine?
>>695393KiaraHeisenberg uncertainty is fucking wack but also very interesting
>she knows the lyrics by heart and doesn't even need to look at the TV, instead she looks at you while smiling and singing>halfway through, as you look at her performing for you, something changes inside of you>this isn't someone you only view as a friend>there's more to it, you suddenly feel it hitting you like a tsunami hits the shore>your cheeks flush, there's an odd feeling in your stomach and your eyes hold contact with hers in an unusual way so that even Amelia notices something isn't quite right>you KNOW that she can tell something is up with you, but she still finishes the song and doesn't mention anything>"haaaa... wasn't that fun? thank you for taking me out tonight! Wanna get going then?" - she's back to her cheerful self and you too get your composure back>you end up walking her home while chitchatting about nothing important>as you arrive outside of her place, you two hug and you wish each other a good night>she goes up to her door but halts after just a few steps before turning around>there's a brief pause>"hey...promise me one thing... promise you haven't fallen in love with me.">she looks directly at you, her beauty as overwhelming as the words she just uttered, as you can hear your own heartbeat seemingly deafeningly loud in contrast to the completely serene scene you are in, snowflakes slowly falling to the ground around you
>>695965>>695965GuraSome popular SEA country with highest rates of schizophrenia. If shes orange, shes shit. Thats my motto. is she so cute bros
>>695996Most people couldnt fit a tentacle into their ass.
>>695968The yukimin already put him in his place.
/hlgg/ looks stranger than usual today
>>695976i remember when scottish anon read the second one, i wish i still had it
>>695998Uhhh based?
>>695856I'll just post favorites for anything that comes to mind.HoloEN: AmeHoloJP: MikoIndie: VeibaeStreamer: VinnyPokemon: CyndaquilTouhou: Reisen Touhou game: SATouhou song: Unlocated HellPony: DashShojo: Nyanners
>Your oshi>Have you ever tried to suck your own dick?
>>695948This is the time where you're supposed to do your reps, anon.Dead-ish hours for you, nothing interesting going on, just play a game. Or catch up on a manga you've been slacking on. Or read a book, learn some history or financial skills. Do a workout. Take a walk outside. Maybe learn some minor skills that would be useful to you if civilization ended, like how to build a water wheel or make a hand-crank electricity generator out of microwave plate spinning engines, or how to grow crops in a sustainable way. Or take a bike ride. Or just call up a family member and ask them how their day was, and if they've been living well. Or reconnect with someone you haven't talked to for a bit.Literally anything can be done. No use loitering around in the waiting room if you don't have anything to talk about for the moment.
>>695996I said Ina is the answer to every question.
>>695965AmeBurgerlandI fucking hate how she is targeted by schizos. Kiara love!
Had to work, how was Bloom?
>Hololive manga comes out>Haato is written as completely sane and Haachama is non existentHow would you react?I hope all the girls have actual input on their characters, at least.
>>696051>gura>tried? more like succeeded
Teamates when Ame is not streaming>I think Kiara is fun to watch.>Gura is quite entertaining, I really appreciate her hanging around with my wife.>I love Ame! Do you love Ame?>*posts Gosling.jpg*>waiting for Ame and missing her>Ina's streams are quite relaxing aren't they, Takobros?>Watch my wife's girlfriend's stream.>Bros I can't take it anymore until Amelia's next stream, what do I do?>This clip of my wife and her girlfriend is really cute, isn't it teabuds?>gurame discord sex because they are lovers>*posts Gosling.jpg again*Teamates when Amelia is streaming>AME IS CUTER THAN USUAL TODAY AHHHHHHHHHHHH!>LEWD ToT>BROS I CAN'T HER VOICE IS SO LEWDDD>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AME IS BACK>AME LEWDD>*posts a Gosling.jpg*>I LOVE AME AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH>AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!>AME LOVE AAAAAAHHH ToT>UUUAAAAH LEWDDDD!!!!>MY FUCKIN COUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHK>HER WHISPERS IT'S TOO CUTEAAAAAAHHHHH
I wonder how mad is Kiara over Mori doing the MV song
>duuhhh why supacha called?>gguuuuuhhh makes new thread early>uhhh why anti called?>durrrr who coco is?>uh uh sora who???>uhhhhhhh why permission?>what 5ch????>uhrrrrr where 5ch link?>post frogman and soijak>WHERE DOXX??????????>WHY HATE MY FAVORITE????>what kino means????>what reps means????>just woke up what happen????????>hurr when is stream?>duuuur what gosling means???>what naizuri?????????>what roommate means????>bluuuh what rule 1 2????????????>SIMP heh gotem>uhhh just anime girl???>durrrrrhhhh is my schizo narrative true??>jp/indie collab when???????????????>huh how play 2 streams???>asanagi who????>why thread deleted after 2000?>why live stream only?>what does membership give???>durr how youtube-dl work?????????????>im ray0 what do i akasupa???????>what freechat????>what oishi gachokoi??>what gremlin is???>just twitch????????>supacha stream zzzzz????>why all girls gay??????>what ogey means????>what rrat means????>uhhrrr why mikocchi boat????>durr what towa aloe do?????>nurrr where superchat/membership money go??>hurrrrrr gatekeep bad! told anon i'd post this every so often and i've been slackin
>>695965ReineYou know that oneshe's ogey
>>695998>anti-anti>also anti-holostarsTerrible, terrible post. Please improve next time.
I have seen all of Kiara's and Mori's streams and unfortunately came to the conclusion that Kiara is a psychopath. I have a degree in psychology and know how to analyze human behavior. There just so many evidence you wouldn't believe it...If you watch Kiara and have at least some information about her past you would know the following facts about her:1) She is an extremely rational individual. Although she puts this "cute Kiara mask on" during the streams, it is impossible to hide the fact that all of her decision making comes from a cold logical calculation.2) It is impossible to predict Kiara's behavior. I don't mean that she is insane, I mean that psychopaths usually have a tendency to be unpredictable. If a normal individual has a certain "standard" behavior, Kiara doesn't have one.3) She always lies, and she does it unconsciously.4) Kiara never takes responsibility for her words or actions. In her mind it's always someone else's fault.5) She always tries to get more for less work. It's especially visible when you look at her RPG gameplay. In a psychopath's mind there is always a way to get more resources from a system.Here I will propose a hypothesis that I simply call "The great chicken conspiracy". From the start Kiara knew that she is less talented, capable and competent than other EN girls. And I also suggest that she was the one who proposed this whole "relationship between Mori and Kiara thing", Cover is too incompetent to be so forward thinking and you know it. From the very beginning her plan was, and to the certain degree still is to leech from Mori's popularity.You probably will ask "Why Mori and not someone like Gura who is more popular?"Simple my frens Mori is an outkast, a loner, a dork. She was never popular among people and she never had real friends. Mori is inexperienced individual when it comes to relationships and Kiara like a deadly predator knows about it. From now on I want you all to pay closer attention to our psychopathic chicken.You will all see what I mean during her Nier playthrough. Pay attention to her reactions during 2b moments.
>>696051AmeYes, and I can. I don't do it normally, but sometimes I dream about sucking my own dick and filling my mouth with my own load. I'm not gay so it's weird, but the morning jerkoff is usually the most satisfying I ever have.
>>696067Stop being such a retarded EOP with this Haachama thing.
Gura-Lifts-Her-Tail>My goodness, that's quite a loaf! But how ever shall it fit my oven?Amelius Woltson>This loaf isn't ready for baking, my sweet. It has yet to rise.Gura-Lifts-Her-Tail>If only we could hurry that along. How would I accomplish such a task?Amelius Woltson>Oh, my foolish little Sharkgonian maid, you must use your hands.Gura-Lifts-Her-Tail>You wish me to knead the loaf? Here?Amelius Woltson>Of course.Gura-Lifts-Her-Tail>But what if the mistress catches me? Your loaf was meant to satisfy her appetite.Amelius Woltson>Don't fret, my delicate flower. I'll satisfy the mistress's cravings later.Gura-Lifts-Her-Tail>Very well, but I'm afraid my oven isn't hot enough. It could take hours!Amelius Woltson>Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time.
What's wrong with this thread
(You) are extra retarded today anon
>>696077Yes, and? Teamates have the deepest love for their oshi, which can be a negative sometimes. But they reflect her, because she also has the deepest love for her Holo coworkers out of all the ENs too.
>>696101Make me, faggot.
>>696104There are no more image slots
>>695965InaBurgerShe's alright. Right in the middle of the EN girls, if I were to rank them by how much I enjoy them.
You dumbasses will discuss anything, like why Ame picks her nose with her pinky and not the index finger.
>>696113Awful. I love her.
>>696067They could pull a Danganronpa and make it so Haachama can be summoned by tasing Haato
>>696077>*posts Gosling.jpg*spongebob pointing at himself in the corner Amelia streamed beforeShe was so cute I thought I'd dieShe's just like an angelHer grin makes me smileShe glows like sunlightIn this dark and lonely worldShe's so fucking specialI wish I was specialBut I'm a gooseI'm a teabroWhat the hell am I doing hereWhen Ame is not here?I don't care if it hurtsAmelia is in controlShe has a perfect bodyShe has the kindest soulI wish she would noticeThat when she is aroundShe's so fucking specialI wish I was specialI'm a gooseI'm a teabroWhat the hell am I doing hereWhen Ame is not here?She's late for stream againShe's late againShe's late, late, late, late,LateWhatever makes her happyWhatever she wantsShe's so fucking specialI wish I was specialBut I'm a gooseI'm a teabroWhat the hell am I doing here?I guess I belong hereI belong right here...
>>696104Someone has decided to drop their copypasta folder it seems.
It distresses me that I take better care of myself than my oshi takes care of herself.
why do you have all of these? some i haven't seen in fucking months
Is there a reason we're spamming pasta?
>>696112>Teamates have the deepest love for their oshiDon't fucking start this shit agsain, it's obnoxious.t.m8
so does zoombie know about MOTIVATION? and the reason for that chair DMC image?
>Your oshi>Your favorite letter of the alphabetKoroneE
>>696104One anon posting old thread OC.
>>696113Now I'm mad. cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha neneeeeee suturi english neeeneeee wa perfect engliish neeneeeeeeee piece of a cakeenglish speaking beliebeeel neneeee beliiii beliii beli beli beli belibeliberuuuuu english english supeaku supeaku nene cute nene wa goodto dayouahaha
>>695996Have you seen those Ina/Ame comics?She's a natural fit.
>>696143>truth is obnoxious
>>695965Mori BurgerMy second favorite of HoloEN, tied with Gura
This sure is a hololive thread
>>696128that would be pretty cute, honestly
Unable to last against the relentless assault of her technique, I climaxed inside of Mori Calliope. The afterglow of our simultaneous release was a cacophony that made me forget the guilt of knowing that the souls of millions of my unborn sperms were being consumed by the grim reaper herself. As she picked herself up off of me, she gave me a coy wink. "Whew," she said, wiping sweat off her brow, "your boy hasn't been pounded out like that in a HOT minute."I looked down at my dick, sensing something was amiss, and what met my gaze was black necrosis that had seemingly consumed my entire member. I looked up and my gaze met Mori's, who had noticed my predicament at the same time and seemed a bit confused. I tried to touch myself but the skin chipped off in my hand like bark from the side of a tree.Realizing she was trying to stifle off the urge to giggle, I asked Mori what was so funny.Bringing an imaginary mic to her mouth, she stammered "Try fapping with a zombie dick, call it 'Dead Beats'!!!" before collapsing to the floor, clutching her sides in laughter. I smiled at her as a courtesy, but to be honest I didn't find her joke very funny.
>>695965Morithe freezer at Burger KingShe's fine when she doesn't make things awkward
>your oshi>did you write/voice/contribute to any of the things that have been posted so far
>>696004EN2 needs a marathon singer.Would be an unbelievable blessing.
Does anyone waiting for Nintendo Direct?
Reminder>When Amelia Watson auditioned for HololiveEN, she only had $11 dollars to her name. When the EN Crew got their checks, the first thing that Kiara bought was a crane game. Amelia bought a hot dinner.
>>696141>oui nanorananora ga yattekitananora nanorananora ga yattekitananora nanorananora ga yattekitaaaaaararararararaararananora nanorananora ga yattekitananora dazoooooooooounnaaaaaaaaaahhhzabusshaaambusshaamminna hakaishite yarundaaa noraaabushhhmmbuuushhhmnanoraaaabuushmmmbusshmmnanoraaa....nanoraaahh.....nanor...ah...nanora wa tsuyoi kara ningen ni yousha shinai nora
>>694222Damage control
>>695965AmeAm frogShe said we're her enemy, so you know.
I can't believe Gura said this on stream
>>695847I like her sleepy voice
>>696186Kanata was in a similar situation and their monetization took forever
>>695965KiaraBurgerI love the birb
>>695183>>694212Rratto Rratto nice and fattoYou're as annoying as a gnattoYour posts are weak, your replies blandIn a court your theories would not standYou seek chaos, ruin, or just attentionYet you seem to lack skills of comprehensionIn your world sex is the only thingSo of it you will always singBreaks, schedule changes, other things tooIn your mind come from girls doing the doYou're braindead, bland, and just plain dumbAnd to schizophrenia you will succumbWhy oh why must it be this wayWhy can't you ignore bait or just post "ogey"Hopefully this isn't too late and sorry it's shitty, but I'm still half asleep since I just took a nap.
>>696207>its real
>>696175InaIve written a good portion of the shitty pastas on /hlgg/ and /hlg/ and i saw 3 being posted itt already.
>>696182>is anyoneanon.....
>>696186This hurts so much. I love my oshi so much and I never want her to be in that place ever again.
>>696237But she'll just come back?
uwanani kono sure
>>696221okayui like the ones i can stick my fork inside the holes and eat like 3 at once.
>>696186ame deserves everything good coming her way
>>696217PPT's old (actual)roommate was shitty as fuck. Thank god she is with kaichou know...
>>696237How does one kill death itself?
You guys are really grasping for the topics to kill the thread aren't you.
>>696175AmeI wrote the "better 1000" copypasta, but someone else voiced it that day. Don't know why they added a homoposter section in though, it's not in the OG or the voiced one.
>>696128I can understand why she uses her pinky instead of the index or thumb because I tend to go overboard until I get a nosebleed most of the time. The reward for getting that booger out is worth it though
>>696175Inano, I'm terrible at writing, I'd rather stick to editing images and such
>>696221InaI don't know, those rhombus looking ones
I feel sorry for J*y.
>>695968Lol he would probably be skinned if he was talking about lamy
>>696186Damn, I'm a teamate but I guess I missed that. Was this during a member stream?
>>696268PPT wallet...
>>696237god i wish i could
>>696186she actually bought a fucking bean bag but she bough her family a car too, so I understand what you mean
>en oshi>do you dislike ritualposts with images?
>>696186Actually during Kiara's crane game stream she said that she actually hadn't gotten her first paycheck yet, that was just money she had in her bank account already.
>>696186Did Gura say something about her first checks?I wonder what did gura buy
>>696175KiaraOne, but its technically a big rewrite of a /vg/ copypasta so I'm not sure it counts
>Ina is streaming>/hlgg/ would rather spam pastas then talk about herIna.......
>>696175GuraI've made a few soundposts
>>696297I thought she already had the bean bag and she bought a TV
>>696300AmeDon't care
>>695965MoriPizzaI like her, even if she hates my kind
>>696182Of course I am. It'll be over right in time for Amelia's Galaxy stream too which is pretty awesome.
>>695968Because they exist..?Kinda rough, don't you think?
>>696304>>696297>>696287it's just a stupid pasta don't take it seriously
>>696300Ameyes, when they go on for too long. No ritual post should last more than 2 weeks max
>>696186I remember when anons actually believed this and used it to shit on Kiara
>>696308Ina... Stream... Onegai...
The only reason why I post in these threads despite having nothing to contribute is the knowledge that the thread will eventually need to die.
>>696294she has her own wallet now.....kaichou...
>>695393AmeVacuum decay and the idea that the universe is not in it's lowest energy state and a random fluke of quantum tunneling could cause a cascading effect of the universe flipping to it's lowest energy state radiating from the epicenter at light speed destroying everything and we'd never even see it coming
>>696322>he doesn't understand we're trying to kill the thread fasterngmi
>>696300AmeIt can get out of hand quickly and use up a fifth of the image slots, but most of the time it's not that bad
>>696186>ywn exploit homeless desperate Amewhy live
>>696287Some anon literally copied a Matt LeBlanc story and just kept reposting it, somehow people just believed it.>Not a lot of fans know that Matt LeBlanc auditioned with just 11 dollars in his pocket. Yes, you read that right. And not just that, when he received his first paycheck, he got himself a hot dinner. Well, that’s just Joey for us ladies and gentlemen!
>>696237But she's already dead ?
>>696221PolkaSquid ink spaghetti
>>696345>he doesn't understand that my reply is just a ploy for you to reply to kill the thread fasterngmi
>>696308Do people still act as if Ina streams are the same as Dead Hours?
>>696175AmeNo, most of these things are pretty eh
>>696281Me too. I almost fucked with him earlier today because he was streaming but when I listened to him talk to his one viewer for a few minutes I didn't have the heart to do it.
*image of Gura's cunny*
Very gay....
would we forgive capcom for Mio if they finally gave permissions
>Gurame fag sperging earlierRelax nigger Iname fags made themselves a meme with the Collab next week shit and CalliGula is just brothers, did Gura like any yab CalliGula fanart like she did with Gurame?! No! Get your head in the game you fool
>>696340>Vacuum decay and the idea that the universe is not in it's lowest energy state and a random fluke of quantum tunneling could cause a cascading effect of the universe flipping to it's lowest energy state radiating from the epicenter at light speed destroying everything and we'd never even see it comingTake your meds.
>>696237I literally can't
>sugoi post>cant post sugoii-image board
>>696360>D>A>DWhat did he mean by this?
>>696175I vocaroo’d >>696050 and >>695998, wrote >>695929. There hasn’t been anything interesting to voice lately, mostly because we don’t have anyone to fight anymore. We grow fat in our stagnation, weak in our ambition. I kind of miss the old threads. War was all we knew.
>>696175I make Risu and Roboco soundposts. Does that count?
Sometimes I day dream about meeting my oshi at the super market, or like a Walmart or Target or something. And while we're at the checkout, terrorists attack and we have to take cover. Not having much to live for, but desiring my oshi's safety, I valiantly charge at the terrorists, using scuffed CQC before they can even turn their guns towards me. Before I can get the last guy, he manages to stab me in my chest, and I have to make a choice as to whether to keep the blade in to stop the bleeding from worsening, or use it to fight back. I look at my oshi and decide her life is worth more than mine so I pull the knife out and kill the last terrorist. As I fall to the ground, my lung having fully collapsed, my oshi runs over and holds me and asked why I did it if I don't even know her. I muster the last of my strength and smile at her and say her name before handing her a bowl of eggs.
>>696367uoh tot etc
Hey anon just use your catboxes and show us some good shit, you know what I'm saying?
Watame has the best 3d and it isnt even close
>>696367A girl just exposing her cunny is not really sexy and not at all Gura's style. She's way more subtle than that.
>>696375Not him, but it's actually a partially valid theory as schizophrenic as it sounds.
>>696389dis nigga aint even tryin no mo
>>696387ogey and meds
>>696268>>696294Redpill me on Kanatan's sad backstory. Without doxxposting, preferrably.
>your oshi>why isn't the thread dead yet
>>696387Same but I'm the terrorist
>>696339It hurt and it was extremely stressful reading the EVENT unfold live, but I must admit the various Watame posting was funny afterwards. Happy that PPT has a friend now. A true... Friend...
>4chan dot org is, supposedly, an image board>At this current time, in this very thread, neither I or any of the other gentlemen present are capable of posting anything that can even remotely be called a proper imageMajestic.
>>696384I tried to Alt+255 in the middle so that it would make (Destroy, Attack, Die) the thread. I failed.Reference to the fox news bit.
>deadhours either leads to Homo spam or copypastasLeast SEAniggers are bored
>>696408>partially validSo in other words, invalid
>>696409It's the same old image, at some point it's not as uoh worthy as it used to be.
>>696413got slapped by pekora in front of coco
I want to drink shark piss
>>696385Through the fires of shitty threads was where the best OC was made, we don't have any real conflict to unite around now so the OC production has crawled to almost a halt. was really morbid
>>696300AmeI only dislike ritualposts that have no purpose or interaction. Ones that advertise their oshi with some variety, like how fatcatposter changes the wording every time and puts some highlights in the description sometimes, that's good in my book. Or how the Ina loveposts come with lots of variation a lot of the time, and gets people to respond in a positive way, I can accept that as a decent way to promote some positive feelings about a girl.Ones that are just self-serving injokes, they have too hard of a shelf-life and I don't mind seeing them go, and they should have the grace of Avacadoposter to give them nice cap-offs.
>>696417Amebecause not enough other threads are being made for this thread to get archived
wch holo wud u fuq
>>696387I had a dream where I was a homostar and played borderlands with fans within seconds a dude earraped me and screamed NIGGER so I played alone the rest of the stream
>>696401here's a random webm i don't know what's here
>no WAHposts to kill the threadIna...I miss you...
good thread as always bros
SHILL THE BREAD>name a bread brand>say something nice about them
>>696428im watching asteli, is not spam, promise guvna
why ina not steam?
Not sure if anyone cares but Im at her house. Still waiting for her stream and just honk to hear if its really her. She reminded me of my old classmate that had a voice like her. If you hear a honk during a stream, thats probably me.
>your oshi>most overrated holo
>>696423My dear Anonymous user, please do deign to inform me of just precisely how recently you have begun to peruse this fine imageboard without images?
I want to listen to Astel's singing forever.
Finally had time to watch Bloom. Were some of the models scaled incorrectly? Ayame (152 cm) was significantly smaller than Kanata (147cm).
>your oshi>your thoughts on Yagoo
>>696485KiaraYour oshi
>>695965ameflipi actively avoid her, so neutral i guess
>>696491noo anon don't go to 2d realm
>>696437I said partially because it is hypothetically plausible but has very little experimental evidence behind it, just like many other modern physics theories.
>>696300MoriYes. Ritual posts are for people who's hobby is 4chan, not Hololive and they should get the fuck out.
>>696478*car honkingI've prepared some snacks for the time being so I wont get too hungry
anal idol hosimati suisei
>>696413Law enforcement involved. Tweeted throughout it all, it wasnt fun. Even the threads werent having fun while it was happening.
>>695965ameleafher voice filters me but i love how angry she makes schizos
I want anti-holostars faggots to go...
>>696501the oranges....the oranges are losing....
>>695965GuraChocoball Very cute
>>696478Kill yourself
>>696491He is very good isn't he?Some of his songs are clearly not his wheelhouse, but when he's singing something fit for him he's unbelievably good. But that's because he experiments so much singing different stuff. That's probably how he got so good in the first place, he has fun with it. He's probably the best singer in hololive.
>>695965AmeFinnLove the bird
>>696361>he doesn't understand that I'm nta but just butted in to kill the thread fasterngmi
>>696455fight me
>>696385I value the times of peace far more than the times of war and anger. Even if it means things are slower sometimes, and there's less fire in OC maker's bellies. It just means the girls are in peaceful times, and the people who want to be their enemies, as stupid as that sounds for chuubas, don't have anything to work with.An uneventful day is a treasure. We all too often forget the pain of hellish threads while we have such treasured slow days, remembering only the passion, not the reason it was needed.Don't let the tranquility make you forget why it was worthwhile to get.
I love Gura and can't stop listening to her singing. Her voice is majestic.
i love you, gura.
>>696428Nintendo direct is happening fairly soon so most shitters are gonna flock over to /v/ to troll there instead until a chuuba goes live.
>>696446A little morbid, a lot hot.