>> | No.68622894 File: 1.07 MB, 2254x4096, 1690911266053841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>68621996 Bijou would easily be the queen of your party. >Can use rock magic that's crystal based, very cool, very strong >Is a nonstop locomotion of progress >Likes to explore and have fun The others wouldn't be so bad I think >Fuwamoco are able to shred through most enemies and even encampments once they get going, you just need to give them the okay to go wild. >Collateral damage is big though >Fuwawa tends to backseat her sister even in this, which leads to infighting Shiori >Has a lot of knowledge, but her own tangents make it tough sometimes to get what you need in a single statement. If you can keep her thoughts focused, there isn't much she won't be able to uncover for you >Can be a little emotionally distant, making teamwork a little more difficult, she will do what she needs to make sure she endures as little pain as possible out of reflex >Can intimidate others through just being batshit and being able to sell the role. Pretty handy when the situation can't risk the demon dogs wrecking everything. Narissa >Songtress is a powerful vocation, and she's got a bit ol tuning fork. >This one might be too big of a girlfailure to be of use most of the time, will likely need to make a plan with the assumption that Nerissa will fuck up the initial plan somehow. >Hey she's tall though! Give her an easy target and she will at least turn a few heads into jelly. >And you can try to fuck her sisters later