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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 694 KB, 2894x4093, FKwdNkuUUAAaVyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68515810 No.68515810 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>68516307

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>68318025
(Where we discussed our WIPs and word counts, growing Nerissa, romance competitive Suisei, and arts and crafts Marine.)

>> No.68515830
File: 228 KB, 1061x1500, Fpj2kfEakAAo5c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story Anchor
Post em if you got em

>> No.68515866
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x865, wg prompt board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.68515900
File: 429 KB, 1800x2400, GBjGD8RbwAAgFoS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68543272

Story recap, we had one story posted last thread

Tower of Tattle Part IV on its github >>68504756

>> No.68516307

>Never Fade Away Edition
I want AZKi uploaded into my brain, even if it'd kill me

>> No.68516511
Quoted by: >>68538627

I want to hack her and alter her program to make her extremely slutty

>> No.68517288

This is making me half remember a prompt from like months ago.
I think it went something like.
>You're some random hacker/scavenger >Get AZKi downloaded into your brain
>Work with her slowly building up your relationship
>Finally fall in love with each other but then
>Mercs show up coming to get AZKi to overwrite your body.
>She can't cancel because a contract is a contract.
Which isn't that related, but the cyberpunk AZKi + hacker prompt is even more forgotten by my brain than the one above.

>> No.68517446
File: 1.96 MB, 1050x1974, 1677577933055359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see holoENs reactions to (You)r penis, like pic related. I mean only the text, I don't expect anyone to hand pick the images, arrange them etc.

>> No.68518296

Spitballing from vaguely remembering ideas from the last time someone pitched the idea and my own brainstorm.
>Mori: Inverse pattern, Goes down from nice cock deadbeat to hey kid wanna /ss/
>Bae: Embarrassed at literally every size tier.
>Shiori: Standard pattern, but literally every tier ends with a tangent that gets cut off with a "-"

>> No.68519255
Quoted by: >>68529320

Ina should be a scale from "oh its cute that its so small" to "nice dick *THUNK* mine's bigger"

>> No.68519924

>Mori small penis appreciation
Oh boy

>> No.68520514
Quoted by: >>68520908

>>68518296 (me)
Couple more ideas
>Mumei: Breaks Format, instead of cock sizes it's cock types from human to dog/wolf to horse and a few more in between.
I know it's not EN but
>Reine: Not impressed at any size. Has a bonus tier for vagina where her attitude is the opposite.
>Ollie: Starts impressed, gets more and more shocked by the tier.

>> No.68520908
Quoted by: >>68521155

>I know it's not EN but
That's fine. Honestly I would like one made for every holo there is but I figured holoEN would be a good start

>> No.68521155

You'd probably have the best chances with Fubuki, Ayame and Suisei

>> No.68521224

Another day where Holotrap dungeon is stuck on my head.
Another day where i realize its more fun to just conceptualize bad ends rather than tackle the rest

>> No.68521271
Quoted by: >>68522303

You could write a bad end compilation instead of a single run. Similar to the holo brothel review or the hag testing.

>> No.68521866
Quoted by: >>68522303

Honestly I'm pretty sure the only way to write holotrap dungeon would either have it be a quest with DCs made to stack the deck against the players or holofantasy style where it's effectively a zero player rpg written using dice.
Though saying that, there's nothing wrong in having your holotrap dungeon fic literally just be a bunch of bad ends in an anthology about foolish anons finding their doom in the Cover dungeons.
Give some bad end ideas. Those are always fun to build up.

>> No.68522303
Quoted by: >>68522971

I was thinking on writing an intro and having an inmediate bad ending associate where instead of waking up in a dark building where a pre-recorded message of yagoo, you wake up in nijisanji EN.
Aside from that,yeah a compilation sounds good, maybe the usual "become X chuuba fan" but also "you die of cringe because an internet forum pins you as the number 1 fan of said chuuba" or "You turn into listener san and korone beats you to death"

>> No.68522751

Come on, post a link! The tension is palpable!

>> No.68522971

If you're going for the anthology approach you can probably vary it up even more.
Have "soft bad end" scenarios like the 'you try to rape mel' one putting you in kapumin jail, aka stuff that isn't strictly adventure ending were this a 'real game'.
Have bad ends from gaining traits and the associated buildup, ala the kemonomimi to Subaru pet one.
Maybe sprinkle in a couple "good ends" about signing onto hololive as an idol where the joke is that the narration is implying they're actually Nerissa or Laplus

>> No.68523087
Quoted by: >>68526684

Dont crosspost your shitpost,faggot

>> No.68524556


Capcha: vthon

>> No.68526035
File: 1.97 MB, 1712x2609, AyameRead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how are your wips coming along?
Bonus Question: Do you have any fic concepts living rent free in your head? Share them.

>> No.68526684

sorry for the delay, it was outside of my control
here's the link, and I also did archive reps to find the culprit admitted it here a few days ago >>68152965

>> No.68526870


Bonus: still wanna see Oga x Chloe in some way...

>> No.68526872
File: 211 KB, 457x540, 1695301591280975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently at odds with how my current scene is playing out. Something just doesn't feel right about it, which usually means it needs to be altered in a considerable way. I'm just not sure what the correct path for it is yet.

>> No.68526882

It's going well, currently deciding whether I should make one long whole or release in multiple parts.
Bonus: The recent idea about being married to a princess for political reasons and having to make the best out of it. I like the idea of Queen Pekomama working on making her daughter into a good wife for you, and to see Pekora turn from a bratty introvert into a sex crazed machine during mating season.

>> No.68527022

Wait a minute that's the user name that weirdanonv2 used for ao3.
Did he actually do a fucking copy paste job for a fic reading stream?

>> No.68527075

I really like the elegant little wrapping Ayame has around the base of her left horn in that image. It feels appropriate to swap the simple cloth wrappings she usually wears on it out for when she is wearing more modern attire.

>> No.68527604
File: 50 KB, 256x256, Lapdumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68527903

It's kind of funny thinking about how Laplus is such a massive yab magnet inJP but since we've gotten everything we could want out of her character in terms of fics during like the first few months nothing she could do for good or ill can really affect it.
Probably the one slam dunk done by whoever writes the lore.

>> No.68527903

We recently got the old idea of an oppai loli Laplus fic delivered, and new story concepts with her were develped just last thread.

>> No.68528045

dont engage with dramabait. He's prodding so we go "what do u mean?!?" and he can post his schizo shit

>> No.68528146
File: 26 KB, 554x554, Lapras.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68675774

I more meant we got everything we could want in terms of characterization from her from like the first few months of streams and videos on the main channel. From her being chuuni, to being the holoX leader, to anything involving her being a sweetheart that loves Towa. Pretty much nothing needs new material to inspire ideas about La+ so nothing leaking from the JP side can really affect our perception of her when it comes to fics...
Unless rrat!Laplus somehow combines to create a better character but I doubt that.

>> No.68528297
File: 473 KB, 2048x1155, AZKiSpeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you mention >>52616605 cause that was me

>> No.68529085
Quoted by: >>68529390

Man, that is fucking funny. I'm really glad she ended up reading it. That now means I'm two degrees of separation from the actual Fubuki and I now have proof a chuuba has read one of my fics. A part of me wishes that I submitted Paradise Regained as well but I think that'd be overkill.

>> No.68529320

This just making me imagine Ina is somehow the only one in the HoloeEN size chart who has a fully unironically positive reaction to medium size. With her reactions going from
>Mine's bigger.
>Whoa, your cock will fit perfect in me
>Oh how cute.

>> No.68529390

I guess this confirms it was the actual weirdanonv2 who submitted paradise lost to a fanfic reading stream.

>> No.68531536
File: 1.20 MB, 924x720, AnyaStep.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68532389

>> No.68532389

put your tits back on you little bastard

>> No.68533448

Sorry, I milk her tits down every day

>> No.68535117
File: 260 KB, 1556x2048, __shigure_ui_and_shigure_ui_indie_virtual_youtuber_and_1_more_drawn_by_kiyo_yamazoe1122__636b7438091a8df7f93c3a4cef13e7d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68535850
File: 1002 KB, 2714x4096, 1680410671388181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68536329

>> No.68536329
Quoted by: >>68536422

She will never be out of that set of clothes guranteed.

>> No.68536422
Quoted by: >>68537406

She will when I come to visit

>> No.68537406
Quoted by: >>68538622

Except for that ofc.
Man, vanilla is hella sex.

>> No.68538622

I like that you acknowledged my status as the one who can get her out of those clothes

>> No.68538627
Quoted by: >>68539790

Funny enough, that's pretty much her actual lore: a diva from the cyber future.

>> No.68539790

Exactly. So she needs to get corrupted by a virus that penetrates her program and fills her up with its "code".

>> No.68541282

It would appear so.

>> No.68543272
File: 15 KB, 403x80, 1699764683905744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68545257
Quoted by: >>68546311


>> No.68546311

Goes the penis when Miori shits in your mouth.

>> No.68547277

It's usually not all that maliciously-minded. It's just something the dom girl knows will get her cucky swap partner to squirm. Often see her giving him a nursing job or the like beforehand in scenarios like this

>> No.68547751

(You) are a prominent AI artist. One day, after posting a particulaely spicy pic of Iofi, she breaks into your house in rage and shows you that the real thing is miles better than the surrogate by riding you dry

>> No.68548294

This, except she also torments you for your sins.

>> No.68548447
File: 422 KB, 673x875, 8b38b379db57b64e2cfb1b80bfb0279f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68549711

>As you're about to admit that real is better, Roboco barges in
>queue real vs a.i. sex battle
>(you are the winner)

>> No.68549711
Quoted by: >>68549923

>Iofi brags that she can have babies
>Roboco actually carries blank eggs and has a genetic sequencer
>She traces Iofi's DNA

>> No.68549771

That's fucking hilarious, I laughed like a hyena.

>> No.68549923
Quoted by: >>68559876

>They come out
>"Uuuuh....RBC....why do they look like Moona?"
>starts criying

>> No.68551669

Plot twist
Weirdanonv2 IS Miori

>> No.68552836
File: 311 KB, 1000x1778, AChanBirthdayLive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68583326

>> No.68553610
File: 58 KB, 640x480, cagelove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petra Gurin encounters the first slightly more forward than usual guy that's ever taken an interest in her and quickly has all her masochistic verbal slips escalated to the bedroom

>> No.68554582

Hollow Knight has robbed me of my attention span. Either way, I was low on inspiration. Gotta read some more so I can build it up.

>> No.68556317

Trucking along just fine, helps that its a shorter concept.
Alt!Suisei, Sora's Secret, HoloX tokutastu, HoloIsekai, Fate Holo/Live

>> No.68557909

Oh and being a delinquent with Hajime

>> No.68558118
Quoted by: >>68558409

Tired, trying to find some way to refocus and get back in.
Still want to see "everything wants to rape Luna until they learn she's slutty and wants it so they give up".

>> No.68558409
File: 531 KB, 1080x1610, 1670313635136533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he gets to choose whether or not he rapes lunahime

>> No.68559876

>Makes Moona babies instead of Iofi babies
How is that worse?

>> No.68561727
File: 413 KB, 2112x1678, GA8J14RaoAAZFFU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You spend christmas with your friends, which for some reason seem confused on why the other girl is there
and then threesome

>> No.68563702
Quoted by: >>68563784

What a week huh?

>> No.68563784
File: 719 KB, 4096x3994, MioCrying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68565320

Captain...It's Thursday...

>> No.68565320

SURELY we're past the worst of it, r-right?

>> No.68565411

Maybe. It's likely we're past the funniest of it though

>> No.68565487
Quoted by: >>68568838

>HoloX tokutastu
What's this concept? I half remember a couple of holoX hypnotizes a hero to be their lover popping up a few months back, but I don't think I remember a holoX as tokusatsu villains one.

>> No.68567228

God, I hope not.

>> No.68568838
File: 335 KB, 1748x2480, GEIW75MbQAAdw5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68572278

Its my own idea but well, HoloX is supposed to be a group of "villains" bent on world domination, right? So I had this vague idea of where you get turned into a cyborg by them but end up working for them to save the world from a crisis. Something like:

>Be a normal dude living in the high-tech world of Holo City, where robots and stuff are common.
>Walk down the street one day
>Spot this silver-haired girl walking with a kid with giant demon horns.
>The silver-haired girl decided to jaywalk and swiftly cuts across multiple lanes of traffic.
>The demon girl tries to follow but trips right to the middle of the busy lane.
> Without thinking, you jump in and literally throw her back onto the sidewalk, just in time to see a truck hit you.
>Wake up an indeterminate time later, the girl you saved was Laplus, and to save your life, had Koyori turn you into a cyborg. She admires your courage and asks you to join HoloX
>You never asked for this, so you decline but are thankful nonetheless.
>Sometime later, a robot uprising happens, and only (You) are capable of taking down the leaders and saving the day. So you join them. HoloX is your support/codec team

Thats the general idea, subject to change of course. Anon comes to terms with and even enjoys the company of HoloX and realizes that despite desires for world domination, are good people.

>Chloe trying to kill you after you reject joining out of her own volition because she views you as a loose end.
>Having to assuage Lap's guilt into turning you into cyborg.
>Koyori giving you Assisant-kun as your Freinder.
>The uprising accidentally being HoloX fault, which is why they want to fix it.
Finding out Lap wanted you to join because she wants you to be HoloX moral compass.

>> No.68570773

Hey wake up

>> No.68572278
Quoted by: >>68574574

This is vaguely reminding me of a prompt from a while back about Koyori turning you into a Kamen Rider. That I've now found because those two things being in the same post has only happened like three times.

>> No.68572869

hey writing friends, I don't usually write or read a lot but I really like that one about kiara raping the employee until he eventually develops feelings for her, is there anything similar to that one?

>> No.68573281
Quoted by: >>68573405

Do you mean in the abusive kind of loving femdom way or in the "I want more hot fics with Kiara" way. Because respectively that's about half of the stuff that use the tag 'abuse', and NSFW fics that use Kiara.

>> No.68573326
Quoted by: >>68573405

Dont think so...
There is something like that funnily enough with Reine called The Private Elevator, cmiiw

>> No.68573405
Quoted by: >>68574660

In the femdom kind of way, I don't really care what chuuba is, as I said I don't read a lot so I was just asking for recommendations

I'll check it out thanks

>> No.68574574
Quoted by: >>68576887

>Interesting prompt is actually about sex the entire time
Never change /wg/

>> No.68574660

Oh then you want the general femdom tag, "Kiara sits on your face" is a definite recommend if you want something recent.
Not really sure what else to recc outside of something like Present Day Present Time which has some of the best smut in general, just don't think of it as a series and just view it as an anthology of smut.

>> No.68576887
File: 1.48 MB, 3000x3000, 108987599_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All prompts are about smut anon, except for the ones explicitly about sex; those are about the emotional struggle.

>> No.68579220

Is Present Day Present Time the most emotionally compelling story we have?

>> No.68579769
File: 2.17 MB, 2480x2597, 1622939562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's been caught up with too many projects and has gained a good amount of weight as a result.
You're hired as her personal trainer and start the first of many sessions at Cover's company gym. When she gets on the treadmill, it's hard not to stare at her huge tits flopping around. When she does squats, it's hard not to stare at her fat ass devouring her tiny workout shorts. Your lust for her thick reaper body is getting harder to control...

>> No.68580544
File: 124 KB, 850x1217, __ceres_fauna_and_sapling_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ddrawins__sample-087ebfbe40beff240da03f73f151f309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add fauna as her gym buddy

>> No.68583254

What if Anya's next outfit inexplicably gives her massive tits again?

>> No.68583326

Embarrassed A-Chan gives me life

>> No.68584109

No of course not. Wtf lol

>> No.68587310
Quoted by: >>68587443


>> No.68587443
File: 591 KB, 900x1200, 1697558874946829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'm actually at my computer this time. Here ya go.

>> No.68587989


>> No.68588156

off model booba

>> No.68589201
File: 1.08 MB, 1500x2000, 112572876_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68590968


>> No.68592190
File: 178 KB, 700x934, 168663395719297946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68592526

The other day I mentioned I wanted to write my first rape fic. I didn't say so at the time, but the subject of the fic was supposed to be Scarle. I don't think I could write it anymore.
The worst part is is that this is the second time random drama has killed one of my ideas. But oh well, this time I just lost a mental outline. Last time I lost many, many hours of work. And I came to the idea few times already, so not too big of a loss.

>> No.68592626
Quoted by: >>68593153

I have to ask, what random yab killed your first idea? If only because I want to know how poorly aged that idea has become.

>> No.68593153
Quoted by: >>68593412

Ame calling Gura a fucking bitch during a rust stream. Looking back on it, it was perhaps an overreaction, but the whole fic was supposed to be a wholesome AmeSame and Anon adventure and that made it weird for me. More than that though, /vt/ at the time was rrating the shit out of it, so I shelved it instead of writing 10+k more words just to get a bunch of joke (You)s.
I've considered going back to finish it, not because I think it would necessarily be any good, but because it's an interesting time capsule of myth references. I had been working on and off on it for a while, so some of the references were probably already dated by the time I shelved it lol. Very nostalgic.

>> No.68593259
Quoted by: >>68594653

>t the subject of the fic was supposed to be Scarle
Just make it Aster, dude. That's hot.

>> No.68593412

Going to be honest. While the ship isn't exactly alive I think I'd read this if you finished it even if I don't really read much in the way of chuuba yuri.

>> No.68593537

It wasn't a yuri fic at all. They had a sisterly relationship. Which I guess calling each other fucking bitches would be a natural part of, now that I think about it lol

>> No.68594653


>> No.68595769
Quoted by: >>68596536

Get Motivated Anons!

>> No.68595821
File: 423 KB, 1652x2865, 1703659482289817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68596536
Quoted by: >>68598471

Instead, it got deleted

>> No.68597738
File: 2.93 MB, 2000x3000, 96299533_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68598471
Quoted by: >>68598586

That post wasn't deleted, it expired. It's 2 months old

>> No.68598586
Quoted by: >>68598642


>> No.68598642
Quoted by: >>68603509

You do have something that lets you view old posts installed, right?

>> No.68599715
File: 1.64 MB, 2324x3293, 101071886_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68601289
File: 359 KB, 1120x2916, 1680242156768666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68602306

Live dammit

>> No.68602372
File: 482 KB, 1463x2048, F8JS4tUbcAAkjVi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the beebs fic will usher a new age of writing

>> No.68602453

busy helldiving

>> No.68603482
File: 1006 KB, 3342x2470, Shioraven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, since we're barely hanging on without a topic to discuss.
What's a "Low hanging fruit" concept you want to see/are surprised hasn't been made yet?
Personally, bit weird how we don't get much prison themed stuff with Advent given the whole prison break thing with their debut. Like even the fanart side doesn't really touch on it much. Admittedly on the fic side it's kind of thin, would either be prison predebut romance with a side of yearning for freedom or skeevy warden (You) force advent to do sex acts.

>> No.68603509


>> No.68603555
Quoted by: >>68603825

I like abusive perv warden
Making Advent his sex slaves

>> No.68603603
Quoted by: >>68606720

I remember some discussion about it but I would love to see an arranged marriage/enemies to lovers fic.

>> No.68603825
Quoted by: >>68604296

>takes care of Advent's sexual needs in prison
>except for Bijou, it just feels weird
>eventually the other four pin you down while a horny Bijou mounts you with hearts in her eyes

>> No.68604296
Quoted by: >>68604464

>Be broken by the 6 way advent reverse gangbang
>Do everything in your power to get them out of your hair.
>Find out literally every other hell-prison foisted them on you intentionally.
>Only way for them to not be in your prison for all eternity is for them to escape.
>Unfortunately Advent has started to like eternity with you as their warden.
>Start planning their break out for them.
>Do everything to drop hints.
>Leaving your keys out, kicking down seals, looping footage.
>Hear the alarms ring for a break out
>Get knocked out as part of their escape
>Wake up in their escape car's trunk

>> No.68604464


>> No.68604531

That would be Foxfamily breakfast.

>> No.68604671

>Going on a date with Subaru
Mating pressing sex with the duck
>Fuck the duck until exploded
An emotionally captivating story about what happens when two childhood friends grow apart, but remain together because it's all they know.

>> No.68605454
File: 1.58 MB, 1555x2321, 05d893bce7d4a899684c596039d5d0f9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68606021

Taking Subaru to a love hotel for the first time after a nice romantic third date, and realizing she's into kinky stuff and she doesn't realize how kinky it is

>> No.68606021
Quoted by: >>68612082

Does she pee on you after her orgasm or what?

>> No.68606720
Quoted by: >>68607828

You can combine these
>Political prisoner. Son of a king
>Have to keep your head as you juggle all of advent triying to rope you into marriage

>> No.68607828

That just makes me imagine this is a fucking corruption fic where Advent slowly drives you wild with lust, and you fuck all of them in a passionate orgy.
After which you presumably lead the armies of the underworld to take over the realms of man.

>> No.68609392

I think this is the first time I've heard about a reverse corruption

>> No.68610562
Quoted by: >>68614713

since they are all vaguely demon related (demon dogs, shadows with shiori, madness with bijou) it would be neat if they all turned you into the demonlord

>> No.68611415
Quoted by: >>68611635

Would it hurt more to cuck your childhood best friend Subaru, or the good girl who genuinely likes you Sora?

>> No.68611635

Both. Both hurt.
Only solvable by rope or lead

>> No.68612082

More of she wants the used condoms to be tied to her nipples, wants to be degraded and told she's a useless fuckpet, wants you to take pictures of her half-conscious cum covered body
Nothing crazy crazy, but not something you ask the first time you have sex with someone

>> No.68613402

What makes a fight scene good in your opinion?

>> No.68613545

Depends on the context. For fantasy I like it when the characters use a creative way to play around their weaknesses (See Jojo).
For real life fights I just like pure brutality and realism. Like, if you get stabbed or shot you usually don't notice it or even feel (if you didn't see it) until the adrenaline wears down.

>> No.68614713

Fuck it. You are the shota demon king and your generals constantly molest you
Half the fight in itself and half the themes of it.
The fight part has to be interesting to look/read but also resonate with the audience. Kenpachi vs Ichigo is a fight where very little fight goes on but its also really good because the thematic is "pain and hardships will come your way and those paralyzed from fear will never get over it". This cool idea is wrapped around "what if you had to fight a battle autist who lets you get cheap shots in because he hates how powerful he has become" which is fantastic

>> No.68615011
Quoted by: >>68615111

Why not be a teen? Or a young adult even?

>> No.68615111
Quoted by: >>68615584

Because i like ss mostly, but im not opposed to those two.
Whatever the idea is, Nerissa should end pregnant

>> No.68615584
Quoted by: >>68616842

Then a teen is your best bet. Particularly one goinf through puberty.

"Ara ara, warden-kun...let me teach you how to be a man..."

>> No.68616842

You're thinking SMALLTIME
>Fuwawa coddles the young Warden, but fears she's going overboard on the pampering. Thus, to make sure he doesn't forget to grow up, Fuwawa makes him him fuck the prepubescent Mococo after teaching him the basics with her body

>> No.68617388

>your generals constantly molest you
this but as your demonic powers grow it turns into shotadom

>> No.68619975


>> No.68621996
File: 550 KB, 1638x2048, @KluverDesigns-1715400263144493359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68622894

I've been thinking about an idea where you and Advent are a fantasy adventuring group, except you have to hard carry them because they're terrible at it Except Bijou but that's because she's like 400kg and functionally indestructible cause she's a rock, but you're fine with it because you get to plap whichever girls you like whenever you guys camp for the night Except Bijou but that's because she's like 400kg and functionally indestructible cause she's a rock

>> No.68622894
File: 1.07 MB, 2254x4096, 1690911266053841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bijou would easily be the queen of your party.
>Can use rock magic that's crystal based, very cool, very strong
>Is a nonstop locomotion of progress
>Likes to explore and have fun
The others wouldn't be so bad I think
>Fuwamoco are able to shred through most enemies and even encampments once they get going, you just need to give them the okay to go wild.
>Collateral damage is big though
>Fuwawa tends to backseat her sister even in this, which leads to infighting
>Has a lot of knowledge, but her own tangents make it tough sometimes to get what you need in a single statement. If you can keep her thoughts focused, there isn't much she won't be able to uncover for you
>Can be a little emotionally distant, making teamwork a little more difficult, she will do what she needs to make sure she endures as little pain as possible out of reflex
>Can intimidate others through just being batshit and being able to sell the role. Pretty handy when the situation can't risk the demon dogs wrecking everything.
>Songtress is a powerful vocation, and she's got a bit ol tuning fork.
>This one might be too big of a girlfailure to be of use most of the time, will likely need to make a plan with the assumption that Nerissa will fuck up the initial plan somehow.
>Hey she's tall though! Give her an easy target and she will at least turn a few heads into jelly.
>And you can try to fuck her sisters later

>> No.68623613

Shiori can cast magic with just a few words but instead insists upon using 500+ word incantations because they're 1% more powerful.

>> No.68625332
File: 1.73 MB, 1024x1280, 1692284336475013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang it. No you don't!

>> No.68625411
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>> No.68626761
File: 1.56 MB, 1447x2047, 1670125068830038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68627484
File: 175 KB, 850x850, 1679221953261250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but that's not the story I want to tell. I want them to be barely able to screw in a lightbulb when the five of them are together, and for them to all want to suck your cock for getting them out of a bind AGAIN

>> No.68627724
File: 384 KB, 640x605, 1691503352590277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power to ya bro. Can't wait to see what you cook up.

>> No.68628443
Quoted by: >>68629977

So full Konosuba levels of uselessness.
>Fuwawa can only give useless advice
>Mococo's too scared to do anything
>Shiori and Nerissa are too busy intentionally falling into lewd scenarios to achieve anything
>Bijou's only spell is "throw a rock at it"

>> No.68629977

Not everything is konosuba

>> No.68630884
Quoted by: >>68648356

Everything should be konosuba

>> No.68631201
Quoted by: >>68631305

>You are the shota demon king and your generals constantly molest you
That's making me think of Advent being the household originally assigned to you as you grew up but are now forced to be your Elite Four (Five) as you're forced to ascend to the position.
>Shiori :Archiver of Knowledge contracted by pact to be your teacher.
>FuwaMoco: Household demon guard dogs
>Nerissa: Maid and Personal servant
>Bijou: Cool rock your dad found and gave to you.

>> No.68631305

How exactly is Bijou gonna molest you?

>> No.68631495

With her rock feet

>> No.68631837

she's gonna force you to raid ff14with her

>> No.68632053
Quoted by: >>68632916

She takes your emotions and projects them back at you more strongly, so as soon as she has made you slightly horny she can make you cum in your pants

>> No.68632097

She tries but even with your small shota body she can't.... Not until she uses the power of friendship and gets all of Advent to hold you down for her.
After that you get much more compliant

>> No.68632916
Quoted by: >>68633048

>Bijou feeling bratty and making everyone in cum in their pants multiple times just for the lulz

>> No.68633048
Quoted by: >>68633142

She can only do that trick with one other person in the room, otherwise she just starts an orgy.

>> No.68633142

Or a gangbang
>Literally emitting uoh waves

>> No.68633280
File: 2.54 MB, 2743x3298, 101499633_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68642096

>> No.68635934


>> No.68636344
File: 885 KB, 2126x4092, FJ3PC78VEAAsZA4.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68637748


>> No.68638029
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x710, 1683700214701031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68639169
File: 2.14 MB, 2314x3507, 45bb4a893f9d4992a03e3c03ce5392b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68640639

>While the ship isn't exactly alive
Does he know?

>> No.68641227

>have exact sentences written out in your mind
>WIP isn’t at those parts in the story yet
>don’t have the mental capacity to write to get to those parts

>> No.68641544

Write just those sentences in isolation in a giant continuous sequence with no transitions and release that as its own fic

>> No.68641994

Always save good sentences, ideas, thoughts etc. in writing. They'll often come in handy later.

>> No.68642096

That's a very broad broad.

>> No.68642396
File: 2.20 MB, 2000x2821, 101035126_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68667727

>> No.68645060
File: 2.23 MB, 2000x1353, 101794522_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68667727

>> No.68646318
File: 3.07 MB, 3232x2694, 1684486591607669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68647667

>> No.68647667
Quoted by: >>68648291

TWO Porukas?!?!?!

>> No.68648291
File: 209 KB, 850x1140, 1662968835465574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a third, but it's a little funny lookin. Don't worry too much about it.

>> No.68648356

What gens/groups would make a funny group of adventurers?
>Promise (with a sprinkle of their old lore): Hilariously overpowered in combat, absolute failures in adventuring. Like a min maxed dnd party that can gut their way through any encounter but can get stopped for hours by a puzzle.
Maybe you're an experienced adventurer scared shitless by what's clearly a group of gods larping as newbies?

>> No.68649258
File: 758 KB, 1276x4848, 1707530721772166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68650583

gen 5
>Polka serves as the "face" of the party and does most of the talking, as well as busking for some extra gold when the party is low on funds (which is always)
>Botan is the only competent fighter who consistently carries the team
>Lamy is a decent caster, but she wastes most of the gold they earn from adventuring on getting sloshed at the tavern
>Nene is constantly getting distracted by playing with mud or finding cool rocks/bugs, but she's so much fun to have around that nobody wants to kick her out. And she can pack a mean punch when she wants to

>> No.68649583


>> No.68650204

>Zeta is a rogue who can hide and sneak really well, but can't pick locks, climb walls, steal objects, or do sneak attacks
>Kaela can grind out millions upon millions of resources and make super ultimate gear, but never actually does any adventuring with you
>Kobo claims to have really potent water magic but can't manage much of anything and is too busy being a brat to actually do any work

>> No.68650583

>Botan: Somehow has a modern gun in a fantasy setting.
>Shion a bratty witch that cares more for casting whatever spell is the funniest rather than the most effective.
>Ayame a thirsty oni that hungers for blood, battle, and sex.
>Choco, a demon nurse dodging succubus allegations... So far she's been dodging them poorly.
>Subaru, the sporty daughter of a great hero. Somehow stuck with this party.
>Aqua, she has no idea how or why the adventurer's guild thought she was applying to be an adventurer and she's too socially awkward to complain.

>> No.68653316

Gen 0
>Micomet is a duo that does most of their jobs together
>Sora, Azki are more focused on giving street performances or earning money at the tavern
>Roboco can carry the team in most combat situations thanks to her unique body and weaponry
>Suisei sometimes makes longer stays difficult due to her violent tendencies towards innocent bystanders

>> No.68654973

I want to plap this bitch's tits like no tomorrow.
Please God let the Fujocast story have her getting hardcore creampied.

>> No.68655011
File: 3.12 MB, 2100x1877, 101649535_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68656129

Here's a change from Fubuki

>> No.68656129


>> No.68657130
File: 1.17 MB, 2508x3541, FDEzDiXaUAA-a42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 3 of course
>Marine as the charismatic face of the party
>Noel as the frontline tank
>Flare as the Ranger
>Pekora as the murderhobo
>Rushia as their mage

>> No.68657255
Quoted by: >>68657359

I hate how you have to spoiler-hide anything male outside the regular male ones in this bitch of a board

>> No.68657276
Quoted by: >>68657561

Too predictable

>> No.68657359
Quoted by: >>68663613

I don’t have to but I’m self-conscious about it

>> No.68657561

Its not my fault Cover gave everyone the answer.

>> No.68657699

rushia is the murderhobo player that eventually stops being invited

>> No.68658108
Quoted by: >>68659465

>Pekora is that player who tries to metagame and lootgoblin everything
>Flare is the player that refuses to play her class properly
>Noel is the player that roleplays a bit TOO much
>Marine is the player that's never played before

>> No.68659465

This is making me remember an ancient fucking prompt about holofantasy playing DND and accidentally making each other as characters.
I think it ended up as
>Flare makes a funny joke character to not take things seriously. Effectively just makes Pekora.
The rest I forgot.
I think going by context it was
>Noel accidentally makes Marine because she wants her character flirt with Flare
>Rushia makes Noel because she wanted to do someone with big tits
Not sure about the rest
>Marine making Flare because of flirting with Rushia???
>Pekora makes Rushia because???

>> No.68661833

please no die

>> No.68661843
File: 717 KB, 1920x2715, ChloeSideProfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there ever gonna be an anti-yab that slows this place the fuck down? Besides South East Asia slipping beneath the waves?

>> No.68662195

All the big yabs happen at the start of the year

>> No.68662811
File: 345 KB, 128x128, 1662481328218312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Board has long become a breeding ground for obnoxious shitflinging and arguments based on absolute pure bullshit hearsay and willful misinterpretation of others' words
The only hope I can see for the future is /vtg/ and for this board to become containment for retardation, but even then I don't know if that would work

>> No.68663613

Relatable especially in this ass of a board

>> No.68663735
Quoted by: >>68666306


>> No.68664042
Quoted by: >>68664760

its a combination of the yabs+ pre-fes shitstirring.
it always happens around this timeframe, so just calm down and let it pass

>> No.68664760

I don't think there's ever been this many yabs in such a short time span. I can't imagine any realistic scenario rraters will ever have freer reign.

>> No.68665809
File: 59 KB, 694x739, 1697003899934437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things should start calming down soon provided that NijiEN stops embarrassing themselves for at least a bit. There are only so many threads of the same clowning before most people get bored and move on. Doki's return stream doused a lot of the fire. It's just that the Selen into Luca into Scarle combo has given sisters a lot of food.
HoloFES will wash away most of this anyway so hold tight and do what you can to keep the thread up, whether asking for advice for your WIP, giving a review to a random story in the archive, or posting a sexy Fubuki.

>> No.68665959

actually rather than " a sexy fubuki" (AKA a guy posting the same fubuki pictures he always posts) i would prefer if the thread was bumped with questions, prompts or anything that gets people talking.

>> No.68666306
Quoted by: >>68666491

I wish the tsunami got you

>> No.68666491
Quoted by: >>68669373

You first satan

>> No.68666591
File: 38 KB, 326x400, Coco says shut up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68666625
File: 194 KB, 400x400, wolfcastle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68667091
File: 386 KB, 1446x2048, Crackedjemu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68668278

Sex with an evil Bijou that's gone from :D to >:D

>> No.68667145 [DELETED] 
File: 3.53 MB, 1600x2162, 109647288_p10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care what you prefer.

>> No.68667727
Quoted by: >>68668672

I can't stop thinking about that idea with the sisters as your submissive gfs, where Fubuki is dutiful and kind while Kurokami is pretending to hate what you're doing but never really resists because she actually loves this kind of play.

>> No.68668278
Quoted by: >>68668639

Bijou makes for a great "fallen magical girl". she already has the aesthetic and the lore for it (gem that makes people go mad)

>> No.68668639
Quoted by: >>68668761

But who would be the good magical girl that tries to redeem her?
Or since we're thinking of smut, gets corrupted by Biboo and turned into a corrupted slut like her.
What if it's just normal bijou and the cracked jem is actually her past trying to break out.

>> No.68668672 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 1280x1810, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kurokami is pretending to hate what you're doing
And what is it exactly that you're doing, anon?

>> No.68668712

No nipples this is safe

>> No.68668761
Quoted by: >>68669218

Ironically it could be Kaela. Something like they were magical girls once, bijou fell into some space tear mumbo jumbo where time flows in a different way.
>cracked gem is the real one
that's just a breeding ground for a fic where Advent is actually as "evil" as holox, with all of them being imprisoned for actual crimes

>> No.68669218

>The real reason Advent managed to break out is because their rehabilitation worked.
>Driving Shiori insane enough that she's able to interact with the outside world while blabbing her archive's secrets with no one treating it seriously.
>Clipping Nerissa's horn and assigning her to a family of handlers to keep her voice in check.
>Splitting FuwaMoco into two individuals to split their power
>Patching up Bijou with magically inert rock in order to seal her power and intelligence.

>> No.68669373

That's not how it works, dumbass.

>> No.68669468
Quoted by: >>68669938

>High treason, Arson
>Murder, Disturbing the peace
>Vehicular Manslaughter, Incest
>Terrorism, Breaking the geneva convention

>> No.68669674
File: 3.17 MB, 1248x1824, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some peko? its been a while since we got a fic about her

>> No.68669938
Quoted by: >>68671229

>Breaking the geneva convention
What war was Bijou in, and what got her caught?

>> No.68671229

Bijou is the weapon of mass destruction

>> No.68671342
Quoted by: >>68671776

>Bijou's zoomer brain rot is by design
>the instant her powers are unleashed she goes back to talking like a normal person

>> No.68671776

>Bijou starts singing Bury the Light as her transformation starts and she gets hyped up
>Suddenly stops singing
>"I will despoil and destory all you hold dear. I will turn this world into a neverending sea of glittering gems and sun-bleached bones."
>she blinks
>"Cast aside there's no coming hoooooommmeee~!"

>> No.68671782

I was imagining spanking them together, followed by one giving a blowjob and the other pole dancing (with a swap in the middle?).

>> No.68671961

You're free to bump the thread with those! I'd rather have more of them too, but everyone can choose for themselves.

>> No.68672488

Ru-chan is already forgotten...

>> No.68672732

Mods bothering to do their job help squash that.
I swear, the second the Selen stick went down this thread 404'd

>> No.68672902

At least the flame is off her back.

>> No.68673008
Quoted by: >>68674087

NTA but do you want the thread to die quicker?

>> No.68674087
Quoted by: >>68675205

I want to cum quicker, and old busted Foobs just ain't cutting it no more

>> No.68674113

I'm kind of glad the character was buried before her rm's actions utterly ruined her. I can keep my fond memories of better times.

>> No.68675205

No...Foobs not working anymore...

>> No.68675774
Quoted by: >>68677189

>Laplus somehow combines to create a better character but I doubt that.
hololive vtubers are known to create side characters from time to time

>> No.68677189

I meant that I don't think combining Laplus with the worst traits borne from her rrats is going to result in a better character ala rrat!Ayame. Especially since pulling from Laplus rrats kind of fuck up the whole holoX thing.

>> No.68678282



>> No.68678291
Quoted by: >>68678336

Hold it in for a bit longer.

>> No.68678336

Zeta soft femdom...

>> No.68678373
File: 3.18 MB, 2894x4093, 115196702_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68678547

Bimbofication but not the sex kind, more of the happy airhead one.
Nenefication if you will

>> No.68678908
File: 130 KB, 775x1096, 1707567003598563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68680829

She WOULD be a good candidate for soft femdom with that voice.

>> No.68679790

It's an interesting idea, but you could probably add somewhat casual sex too. Like those prompts where Nene just has fun making people happy.

>> No.68680161 [DELETED] 
File: 2.54 MB, 2400x1800, 4TktIjGE296ORuJANeXlaAjE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68680332
File: 7 KB, 218x260, 1707209368623480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah there! This is a blue board sir, you can't post a Fubuki with her nipples out, much less her pussy dripping with love jelly and semen!

>> No.68680529
Quoted by: >>68680724

Fubuki is definitely best when drawn with smaller tits.

>> No.68680724

I don't know man, ever since she got the casual outfit and that massive buff to her perky fox tits I'm just torn.
So much Fubuki, so little time.

>> No.68680829
Quoted by: >>68681276

I wonder if /V7/ would be a fan of it, too.

>> No.68681276
Quoted by: >>68681866

i dont care about her split, i care about her doing a split
on my face

>> No.68681866

Understandable, hope she does
And then me after lol

>> No.68682226
File: 1.02 MB, 1300x1300, 1687083107762660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, since we're in a bit of a lull.
Holotrap Dungeon, what are some interesting ideas for bad ends?

>> No.68682415

Becoming a dragon's slave

>> No.68682738

Slime breeding factory

>> No.68683416
Quoted by: >>68684338

For the chuuba or for (You)?

>> No.68684338

I was leaning more on for (You) since I was thinking about the greentext in the archive. While generic chuubas raped by dungeon monsters scenarios are a low hanging fruit I'd love to read. The mildly comedic scenarios about (fem)anon getting groomed into becoming a part of X chuuba's fanbase are stuck in my head.

>> No.68684466
File: 1.34 MB, 1536x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You test the cage's bars, grunting as the solid metal refuses to yield
>Some people in your cage follow your example, while others despair. The room with the suspended cages is full of people like you, that crossed the CEO.
>You cant even make out what's at the bottom of the floor, its like a chasm.
>the weird thing is that its a mixed group of people in here. You can spot a bunch of artists, omarusas, homofans and even a zetamin.
>The girl next to you, wearing her waitress outfit isnt moving, she's just grinding her teeth and cursing "that damn raven"
>Suddenly, someone yells
>The artist yelps as the shadows twist and turn in front of her.
>they group themselves and form into a thin line, said thin line suddenly opening. It looks like a stitch in the middle of the air
>Shit! is the archiver. she was the one who spotted you.
>"oooh look how many cute people we have today. Is that Yosaka? Welcome, welcome!"
>You shudder as your name is uttered among many others. She's very aware of each person here in this cell.
>"stay put okay? you dont wanna miss the show"
>The room rumbles, people yelling once more as something emerges from down below
>Its...a stage? full with screens and sound equipment
>The raven gives a welcome, the girl next to you clicks her tongue
>"She's so cool isnt she?" The archiver whispers into your ear. You shudder and take a step back
>"Huh? Is that Shiorin i hear?" the diva talks from her stage "My dear Shiorin?"
>The archiver lifts a finger to her lips, gives a wink and dissapears, as the raven changes the subject.
>Its been a week. The cages are connected to a rest area via portals. You and your cellmates are free to hang around the rest area until its time for the "performance"
>Its always those two. Either the raven performing some songs or talking, or its the archiver doing some of her weird talks.
>While you get that they are triying to win you over, the method confuses you.
>Whatever. You will not lose to either of them. Unlike the deadbeat you saw sighing in the cell
>"Hey...do you think...those two.."
>You lift your head from the food. The person who raised the question muttering a "neverming" under her breath as she eats
>the group exchanges glances until someone else raises their hand
>"I...I was wondering the same"
>You mention how dumb this conversation is. Who cares? they have you trapped. Besides the Archiver has talked about men
>the table sits silent. But the seed is planted
>"Man, Nerissa is so good"
>"I wasnt expecting the dogs to show up today!"
>The chatter is pleasant amongst the group, you don wanna admit it but today's show was indeed exquisite.
>Specially the Duet inbetween Shiori and Nerissa. Those two work together so well
>"hey, what's that?"
>everyone turns. surprised at the panic in the artist's voice.
>She's sweating. Hiding her notebook behind her back
>"Come on! show it to me!"
>people join in on the teasing. saying she has smut and that she should share.
>Laughs, pushes and the notebook falls into the ground, spilling its contents
>Laughter dies dow. There's drawings and drawings of Nerissa and Shiori.
>Drawings of them...
>You avert your eyes. For some reason your face is red
>"Holy shit..."
>"This..this was last week's show right?"
>"H-Hey...this...you drew this?"
>The artist is scrambling to get her drawings, apologizing with tears in her eyes
>"This...This is really good"
>Everyone snaps their eyes to the ex-waitress, who is devouring the drawings with her eyes
>She lifts her eyes from the drawing
>"How do you call it?"
>The artist gulps.
>the name shakes the air
>The homolover raises her hand
>"S-Shouldnt it be...Shioraven?"
>Three weeks. Those annoying girls keep talking about your jailers, The artist is feeling herself inspired and now draws her "stuff" in the open
>You try to not look, but its hard.

>"Well..Rissa is the husband...and im the wife...gosh that sounds so bad hahahah"
>"What? Shiorin dont you wanna marry me?"
>You look at the bit, alone, as the girls squeal and giggle.
>Its a bit, Its not serious. It isnt happening.
>That's your mantra.
>It keeps you sane. It keeps you away from the pencil
>"Nerissa was so controlling today!"
>"You saw the drawing we got from the other cell? the one where she's pulling Shiori's hair? fuck me it was hot"
>"She's definitely the Alpha when she wants to!"
>The tip of your pencil breaks.
>You sigh and pull your chair back. for some reason you are beyond annoyed
>"Shut up already"
>Heads are turned to you
>"Stop..Just stop..Stop saying shit that doesnt make sense"
>They ask what your problem is, what's wrong.
>As if they couldnt see it
>Nerissa Is a bottom. These bitches dont even know the first thing about Shioraven.
>God it sucks to share a cell with them.

BAD END: The lilies bloom in the dark

>> No.68684493

Becoming Matsuri's mind-controlled sexpet

>> No.68684852
File: 157 KB, 1280x1280, Shioreo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meet the requirements for Soft Bad End (Imprisoned).
>Scenario (Advent Breach) must end with Advent signing on as talents.
>Neither Shiori or Nerissa has Affection higher than 20%
>Player must have been preciously imprisoned 2+ times.

>> No.68685605
Quoted by: >>68685971

hey this happened to me!

>> No.68685971
Quoted by: >>68686025

How did you get out?

>> No.68686025

I didnt. Its not that bad because there's a lot of Shioraven fanart but i can feel my mental sanity eroding

>> No.68687631
File: 234 KB, 850x1206, Wordcountcheck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word count check?

>> No.68687914
File: 289 KB, 2048x1671, 1687432566859216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68690911

17k, 3k up from the last time, so we're gonna make it bros.

>> No.68689821


>> No.68690177
File: 273 KB, 600x600, 1685914300490623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68692693

3k! I'm happy about it.

>> No.68690911
Quoted by: >>68708454

I think I moved the needle a bit but things and time aint clickin rn

>> No.68691340


>> No.68692693
Quoted by: >>68695981

I always forget how absurd Watame’s tots are in that outfit

>> No.68693769

2538. Probably 500ish more words before the first draft is done

>> No.68695604

6.6k, unfinished first draft.

>> No.68695981

You know it's a good model when the tits are bigger than the waist

>> No.68696591
File: 202 KB, 1240x1754, WatameSweat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those straps must be made of fucking carbon fiber

>> No.68696737
Quoted by: >>68696783

This is heresy.
The tits and waist should both be equally huge.

>> No.68696783
Quoted by: >>68697074

No, that's the tits and hips.

>> No.68697074
File: 1.31 MB, 1263x1920, b5752d179153a69502d890a768c53c57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said what I meant.

>> No.68698389 [DELETED] 
File: 766 KB, 1036x1316, 96542675_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68698446

Is there a chuuba that's obsessed with getting themselves washed? Or is it only just me?

>> No.68698532

Mikeneko is obsessed with becoming washed out, if that helps.

>> No.68699114
File: 346 KB, 1450x2048, MoriBraids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as the stinky Fujo Chadcast stuff is hot, Mori has stopped and will stop a stream just to go wash her hands if she feels they've got too sweaty

>> No.68699530
Quoted by: >>68711357

You could write a "corruption" fic about how you transform Chloe from a stinky orca into a bathtub addict.

>> No.68700064
Quoted by: >>68708309

Not her face, anon? That's what I'm trying to get at because I feel like I'm the only one that's always washing their hands (that goes up to the bottom part of their arms) and face whenever I use the loo.

>> No.68700180

You know i never put it into perspective but in a way, fujocast is like rratayame.
A flanderized/shitposted version of the talents that differs completely from them

>> No.68701868

Shiori showers like twice a day. I think Subaru takes a lot of baths as well.

>> No.68702964
File: 121 KB, 1582x933, criying Bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write something to get out of my funk
>cant finish writing it
Does suffering end, or does it merely transform?

>> No.68703170
File: 117 KB, 393x339, FubukiNeedsSomeSleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hobby is nothing but suffering.

>> No.68703287

That's a good observation.

>> No.68703806
Quoted by: >>68704936

what are you writing?are you gonna repost the kiara ss fic?

>> No.68704936
Quoted by: >>68705462

A fluff piece starring Nerissa. I've written too much horny shit lately and my other fic isnt progressing.
S-soon...i need to wake up in cold sweat in the middle of the night and finish all the touches i added

>> No.68705462

This dude writes fics in his dreams!

>> No.68706269
File: 921 KB, 847x951, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68706373

Yoooo, Maria got her 3.0~!!!
Sadly, I don't think I need it because the spriteset I have is pretty bussing. I might add a couple expressions if I have time.
What I really want is Elira 3.0 to come out before April, because her current spriteset sucks. Hopefully they prioritize her a little, since she's the daisenpai

>> No.68706373
File: 1.04 MB, 2894x4093, EliraEye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68706856

I admire your optimism, VNbro

>> No.68706856
File: 1.73 MB, 1500x2100, 1678393204927554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68717867

With all the people in the company, including the males, it's a game of statistics. That said, I doubt they have plans for the new gen yet.
Out of Lazusydia, 4/6 have 3.0s. I don't know if their mindset finishing up Lazusydia before moving on, or trying to keep things equal. They say the that its lottery but the fact that Selen was the first 3.0 makes me doubt that.
Iluna does has 3/6, but I believe Luxiem has 0/5 which worries me, because if I was a manager, I'd be pushing for someone in that wave to get theirs, for fairness and because they're big.

>> No.68708254


>> No.68708304

Fujocast is effectively a setting specific characterization of the CHADcast. I don't think the exaggerated fujo smell thing works anywhere else other than the school setting... Though I could see it sort of working in the 20 minutes in the future Tokyo setting running of the 'they used to hypnotize you in high school' part of the extended idea.

>> No.68708309

>that goes up to the bottom part of their arms
Are you referring to elbows? I thought anatomical terms were one of the first things taught in language classes.

>> No.68708454
File: 1.10 MB, 1875x2500, 1678746726299179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68711415

How so? Try to get your thoughts out, maybe that will help you find what clicks. Sometimes a simple soundboard for my ideas is all I need to find out what they need.

>> No.68709996


>> No.68710600
File: 205 KB, 971x1458, 1679229668422935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn that suffering into passion, and let that passion flow into your hard work. It won't always feel great, but you can persevere, just like our oshis.

>> No.68711357

That sounds like an abuse fic where Chloe gets defiled and does the "I can never feel clean again" thing.

>> No.68711415
Quoted by: >>68712309

I wish there was a naked version of that pic so her massively wide hips were more visible.

>> No.68712309
File: 643 KB, 870x1406, Watamewearingmyshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68712391

there is a skirtless version that I can't post for obvious reasons

>> No.68712391
Quoted by: >>68712464

Links to NSFW images are allowed

>> No.68712464

I help those who help themselves

But I'll make an exception this one time https://cdn.donmai.us/original/95/23/__tsunomaki_watame_and_tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_sereneandsilent__95234d34ac3510a4d021795209be80c4.png

>> No.68712691
File: 1.13 MB, 850x1291, 1686080375616693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I can't wait to write more sheep sex.

>> No.68712697

>extremely fertile hips
>wants her bf to breed other women
What's wrong with this sheep?

>> No.68712913
File: 1.79 MB, 1400x1983, 1682010611402064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who says she ain't getting bred too?

>> No.68713502

She's already pregnant and she will have sex with these women alongside you

>> No.68713896
File: 539 KB, 1536x2048, 1682768972563025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it.

>> No.68715494
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, 1705634818639886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teaching Ririka how to cook

>> No.68715572


>> No.68717867
Quoted by: >>68718065

I don't know what exactly is happening in this picture but it's incredibly SEX.

>> No.68717938
Quoted by: >>68718154

What am I even looking at? A couple of eggs and...bean sprouts?

>> No.68718065

There's a fairy hiding in the picture
Now this is what I want to see in HoloJourneys in 2026 or so

>> No.68718154
File: 2.37 MB, 1920x1080, 1705635167768520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68718323
Quoted by: >>68718569

>raw canned sausages

>> No.68718569
File: 1022 KB, 1280x720, r7yzln.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68719269

She loves her canned sausage

>> No.68719093

Baking, stand by

>> No.68719269
File: 419 KB, 680x662, 807n0k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68719669


>> No.68719582
File: 487 KB, 2366x2797, FjIgNsTUYAAyI2n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baked, migrate when ready

>> No.68719669
File: 402 KB, 640x387, 1704338375879245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more for the road
