Domesticated Edition>What is /lig/?/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.>Why /lig/?Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.Numbers for 1/30:1: (6,039)2: (2,179)3: (2,083)4: (1,857)5: (1,800)6: (1,638)7: (1,568)8: (1,520)9: (1,409)10: (1,293)Non-English:1: (9,704) *Korean2: (7,923) *Korean3: (6,552) *Korean>Wait isn't that one a corpo?A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.>Twitch Clips Guide>VOD Archival Guide>/lig/ VOD Archive>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)>Tiermaker>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)>Upcoming BirthdaysFebruary 5th - Bodega RatFebruary 9th - Meat & wwParasiFebruary 14th - Reiyuguigui>Official /lig/ booru>OC material for the OP>Ducks useful threads:>>>/vt//wvt/>>>/vt//asp/>>>/vt//corpo/>>>/vt//indie/>>>/vt//vrt/>>>/vt//vsj+/>>>/vt//swarm/Previous Thread: >>67892793
I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
Good day lig I love my oshi!
have a good day today, oomfies.
>>67902119I pursue the dao of fat belly rubbing
A l i t t l e b i t c l o s e r t o h e a v e n
I miss feemsh. I'm going to drink water and watch a television show. The wild hounds are yapping and I can't focus anyway
sex with bugs
>>67902119This liggerman will achieve immortality, become the Heaven Defying Dragon Amongst Men and have plump, jade like beauties throw themselves at his feet.
stop fetishizing obesity
>>67902184>>67902447This guy too.
>>67902377I just realized I've never seen a spidergirl design that I've liked much. The stereotypical centaur-ish designs feel pretty mid somehow.
Sex with Slug wifeTurning big Slug sis into Mommy SlugHaving children with Slug wifeBeing happy with Slug wife and kids
>>67902861Very cute desu
>>67902549Respectfully Anon, you have your tastes and I have mine. I'm not yucking in anyone's yum posting about bbw love on a public forum.
Love my wolf wife
>>67903109Are you going to start fat ass posting or what anon. We're waiting.
Good morning
ferret titties
>>67903677BIGGER ferret titties
>>67903495cute AInis
any giant breasted nemu?
>>67902661>but my wife
>>67903810best I can do is larger ferret titties
>>67903887>Looks sort of concerned that she is going to have a wardrobe malfunction.Sublime.
>>67902549but bellies are hot
>>67904045ban bao
>>67904009and culo
Is now a good time to say that I'm in love with Filian?
I am in love with Olivia Monroe.
>>67903874Still, quelaag isn't really a bug girl, she's more like half a woman kitbashed onto a whole spider that still has its own head and all that. It's even less bug girlish than the typical anime version that makes the palps look sort of like human legs, like that juni image earlier. Tricky did her own version pretty uniquely, but it's still pretty simple.
>>67904024Can you gen an especially cock drunk looking Mint or two, oomfie?
>>67904045Braphogs and slampigs make the world go round.
Iku love
I'll never be able to watch ferret without thinking about her promiscuity because of you people.
>>67903289My badHere some fat Silverbutt
>>67904024I need to see that Silver from behind ai anonI need that wolf butt
>>67904695and that's a good thing
I like (You)
>>67904741Don't apologise. You should be more like "My good". All these big booty posts have had me leaking since the beginning of the day. It didn't make it any easier dealing with this one particular curvy redhead at work. I LIKE BIG BOOTIES AND I CAN NOT LIE.
>>67904983No way! I like (You) too
Good morning, Liggers, my wife will not stream today
>>67905301I really hope she does, this is the only day this week I'd be able to watch.
Bnuy stream today
womp womp
>>67905466Hell yeah! Is today the cooking stream?
>>67905723Literally built for parking on my faceThank you AI Anon
>>67905722Nah that's satiurdauy sjre;s plsaiuomh
>>67905723Ai Anon. Could I please, please get some more thicc Snuffy dumpy?
everyone's asleep so no one will notice me posting mousey
>>67905857are you okay ligga? Do you smell burnt toast?
Quiet morning for the liggers
>>67906120Im still in bed
>>67904024>mfw my oshi will never have a belly again and will only get skinnier gonna deepthroat a 12g brb
>>67906083I love you too Ikumi poster. You don't have to say it back.
>>67906181Livestream it.
If you had to get one of your parents in to vtubers, who would be your introduction?
>>67904313I miss Junyaper Nyactias
Dead hours...
>>67906961ssshh im trying to work on my meat tile
>>67906961Time to sexpest you
>>67907032I'm planning to do something special for meat this time
>>67906961Pink the dead hours away.
>>67906961I'm sadly alive and still busy. I can post about the fact that I'm watching a lyra vod I suppose.
Anyone got the filian fansly vod?
Wanted to get ahead of meat to experience hifi. I wonder if the reddit dialogue will filter her. "It's about family"
>>67907361What's past-Lyra doing in the vod
>>67907408 XCOM Granblue Relink AC6 Tekken 8 MMX4 Bloodborne usually art, mild german accent Crusader Kings 3 supposedly buckshot Bloodborne yapping
>>67907462Her internet just crashed, so nothing anymore. You reminded me that I've been sitting in silence for the past 5 minutes at least.
Why is it called yapping now? How did it happen?
>>67907731broads been yappin for ages, it's just coming back around because words get boring
>>67907303Pink away!
So uuuh....come her often?'t notice haevelyn did a cover, cuteshe's a turbo hag btw
>>67907930I'm always here.
where are the nice girls
>>67907731>younger generation are introduced to a word that is commonly known but rarely used by older people or people outside their immediate group>seemingly novel word is picked up and spreads like wildfire due to social media>renewed popularity of word creates a short lived lexical zeitgeistmany such cases
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
Once and for all;Which top 3 Ligs have the biggest, most perfect ass?No fatties.My vote: 1. Layna2. Kirsche3. Mako Fukasame
>>67908079Just so we're clear: we're talking about 3D models right?
>>67907930When is she starting her subathon?
>>67908219Yappathon starts on the 4th
>>67908253Nice, hopefully she posts another thirst trap
>>67908193I enjoy your company
>>67908059Waiting for women getting called Toots again
>>67906483Mint because she's old enough to be my mom
>>67908157You guys can say 3D or IRL, but specify it.
>>67908270Its a subgoal for 6969 subs. I'm fairly certain that that goal's gonna be reached
>>67908282you have to be 18 to post here
>>67908193Incorrect, you have mandatory labs.
>>679082953D:1.Sorry2.Layna3.Anny(of the ones I watch)IRL:Idc
>> the math
>>67908372Most people have mandatory sleep too.>>67908278Thanks, but I think it still doesn't speak too well of my mental health.
>>67908346She's OLD
>>67908482>mandatory I loathe the limitations of my flesh. I wish I could run off batteries.
The night crew chuubas have been slacking lately. Where did they all go?
>>67908543Same. If it was possible to do some fucked up body horror thing to ascend past humanity I'd probably do it without a second thought if it got rid of the annoying parts of life.
>>67908725I'd prefer to become a sleep demon. Azatoth my beloved.
>>67908669Coqui had covid and it still makes her sleepy
>>67908871Sleeping more seems counterproductive. It's already a waste of like a third of our lifetime as is.>>67908722Weird bat.
Miyune tweeted "meow"
>>67908996Being productive is _overrated_. Delving into the depths of subconscious is the is there a dream themed ligger?
>>67907776Pink...I am not even mad. Everything just feels so good right now. The demerit of having a recognised shit post is that others can copy it. Few among the Snuffybros know of this... Imaginary technique: Hollow dumpy.
>>67909291This is in my top five of all ligger reaction images
>>67909427It's my magnum opus of crops
>>67909072I can't think of a dream themed ligger actually, aside from naiyo who consistently oversleeps...Also I've done enough daydreaming in my life, nothing good ever comes of it. Regular sleep is even worse because it's a 50/50 of either stress or sadness and 70% of the time you won't even remember what happened.
You know that artist, that draws thicc chuubas? You should take a look at her alt twitter
I love grimmi so much i want to be strong enough to hug all her trauma and bad feelings awayI want to be strong enough for my beautiful princess
>>67909476this is too vague
>>67909291"Something is off.". Kek.
>>67909467Liggers should take notes. This is how you awaken saviourfagness in people.
member when nyanners was gay
>>67909571Succuguts. She also has a vtuber model, so it's on topic
remember when lig was good?
member when nyanners used to stream
>>67909642thought you were talking about margo
>>67909632Let me write my anti-sleep manifesto in peace.
>>67909762Fine, but let me fucking cook for you while you do it!
>>67909638*Teleports behind your oshi and turns her straight*"Heh! Nothing personal kid."
>>67909762Sleep is supposed to be a comfy rest time, not stress and sadness... dumb spedgeposter...
>>67909707she was miserable during those times, chud.
>>67906406i'd better not say
>>67909830So true.
para asked her grandma to make a pedobear outfit and wore it at a school event
>>67909859Buff is the only vtuber I can think of who is constantly fighting emaciation
>>67909823chuubas are supposed to suffer for our entertainment
>>67909830that sounds like an insult, ngl
>>67909937strongfat buffpup my beloved
>>67910070This is true.
>>67910085because it is
>>67910095Being pink should be suffering.
>>67910070Which ligger suffers the most for our entertainment?
complete absolute unconditional total utter bino impregnation
>>67905466Para with no arms is very cute and hot
>>67909467I think there is a sleep and dreams the.ed sheep vtuber but they sre not lig and I don't remember the name. Also that is a you thing my dreams are fun and I remember a lot of them. Also stop being such a prime saviourfag material. You know half the anons here have a saviour complex you will just be percieved more.
ex dee
Does anyone have a HoneyCome and can test this card? I wonder if the quality is really any better than in KK
>>67910539This is peak loli face
howlin innit
Does Clauvio count as a dreams vtuber? Dumb sleepy mouse
>>67910606>>67910646these look like those collectibles plushie merch
>>67910593what's a dreams vtuber
>>67909642bro do not talk about her at 6 am my dick needs rest
Gm lig, I still hate myself for loving her
>>67910739Did you see the video of her jiggling her ass?
>>67910335Whore with ugly 3DWhorecaAIZoomerWhore Whore (for Vedal)Whore
randomly popped in to sayu's streams and for some reason the topic is about kidnapping kek
filian is based
>>67910874shes not lig but she would be if the dumb whore streamed on twitch. she has the numbers on her other streams
>>67910711oh that's why her tail is not your typical mouse tail
>>67910924Sayu does what Milky is too afraid to
>>67910522Eh. I think it's the evening depressionbrain talking at these hours.
>>67904695promsicuous ferret is why you watch
>>67910926remember when she ate bugs but then did not prepare the tarantula correctly? Get a load of this moth.
TODAY:Lucy: Bloodborne @ 12pm est (in ~2.5h)Yellow Vei: Twitch stream @ 4pm est (in ~6.5h)Mega: YLYL @ 4pm est (in ~6.5h)Filian: Try not to scream @ 5pm est (in ~7.5h)YFU: Weird Fiverr unboxing @ 7pm est (in ~9.5h)Vei: Unknown
there is enough Juni reaction images at this point to have a pure Juni image to Juni image communication. No words only Junp.
>>67911192I actually haven't seen that stream at all. I was busy on that day or something and I never went back to watch the vod.
>>67911283I want her to do it again. On a Sunday stream. Maybe she can add it to the subathon goal since she allegedly wants to do one.
>schedule4pm oli (a game we will love) 6pm lucy bloodborn7pm shondo palworld8pm tanya asmrOff: saru, soya, nina
>>67911268that's some darmok bullshit
>>67910775Who is your favourite Gosling /lig/? A Place Beyond The Pines for me. A short, but sweet memorable appearance.
>>67911414That actually seems like a solid idea. I feel like juni would probably go hard on the goals because of brainworms. Either that or it'd be something like "I will stream for 5 consecutive hours every day for a week".
>>67911476jusdging by her sleeping habits it will be I stream for 4 hours and then sleep for the next 20.
>>67911459The only ryan gosling movie I've ever seen was the first 20 minutes of drive.
>>67911476her face on this model and the horns model is the same, right? For some reason this face looks extra chubby and round on a lot of your reaction images like she is a hampter full of nuts. Is this just an illusion? Do the horns slim down her face?
>>67911547You should of watched the rest Spedge Poster. It has the Malcolm in The Middle Dad in it. That's if you care enough about that.
>>OPbnuuy cnuuy in the OP dayo!
>>67911739I love all the rabbas so much
>>67911609The head was the same between the two models, but IIRC she said there were some tweaks made to the face. I don't have any two screenshots that exactly match, but the differences are pretty subtle if any. Her eyes changed the most. I'll post two fairly similar images, give me a minute.>>67911661>It has the Malcolm in The Middle Dad in it.I actually don't know who that is...
>>67911459The Big Short
>>67911873>I actually don't know who that isBreaking Bad's Walter White
>>67911933Ah. I've never seen it either but I know who that is at least.
>>67911783bunny pride world wide
>>67911886I never even heard of this movie. Bale and Gosling combo?
>>67911941No fucking way. Let’s goooo
>>67911739Pcg meme do not post
>>67911990>>67911783bnnuy stronk
>>67911873>>67911911they do look slightly different. I can't unsee the hornless Juni puffed up cheeks full of acorns now. I should draw that.
Baolifornia girls
I love my wife
>>67911941Can you please explain to me why she has an alt?She seems to have such an intense disdain for streaming that I find it almost satirical for her to make an alt account when she barely even streams on her main.
>>67912008It's really really good if finance does not absolutely bore you to Is there a finance themed ligger?
In TEN DAYS it'll be Para's birthday, show your appreciation by contributing to her birthday card! Standard card rules apply: submissions must be SFW and have image dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400).Model references: card: of Para's hobbies/interests for inspiration:>Her friends (non-inclusive): Essie_ch (her oshi), Krumroll, Nanobites, and Rurumi, Kikitchiwi (french), Miaelou (french), Rimaeri>Guro and grotesque things in general>Touhou (Cirno, Reisen, Flandre, Remilia, Tewi)>Meat (raw or rare) and food in general. She cooked beef tartar and sheep brain on stream.>Drinking beer (her favorite is Asahi (also french beers)) and tea>Drawing>Rioting (she used to run from cops?)>Drunk driving>Bunnies and sheeps>Playing guitar (and singing)>French culture>Insects (beetles, maggots?)>Movies (avant-garde, Takashi Miike, japanese movies)>Games (rhythm, half-life, dusk, silent hill)
>>67912139Gosling money
>>67912165A finance themed ligger would probably give horrible advice and result in hundreds of poor and impressionable viewers losing thousands of dollars.
>>67912051its a /lig/ meme now that Y*r* (>>67912077) is indie
>>67912215Somehow Glunk's friend appeared in my mind.
>>67912051>>67912269/pcg/ is one of our sister threads anyway and they talk about a ton of liggers there
>>67912165>>67912215Wasn't there going to be a vtuber tax tutorial last year but they stopped because they would potentially dox themselves?
>>67912215>hundreds of poor and impressionable viewers losing thousands of dollars.It's called giftsubs/merch/donos
Vei WILL stream today.
Mint's voice is weird.Sometimes I can open a picture of a fat chick while listening and think "yeah that fits" and other times I get like an 80% reading on the man-meter
>>67912139Vienna likes luxurious lifestyle. There was a time when she only drank Thousand BC water or some other expensive bottled water. You need to stream for that.
>>67912465This but Hina
>>67912465>>67912527You guys say this for every woman that doesn't sound like a 12 year old removed all her tatoos?
>>67912618Not really.
>>67912465I just enjoy the little giggles. It warms my soul when Snuffy isn't on. Her laughter is like sun shine. I really hope "Hehe" poster is alright.
>>67912628how tf are you guys clicking on all these twitter links without getting rate limited?I don't even browse twitter itself but I get blocked every single day just from opening links posted here
>>67912628Tattoo removals still leave some marks, no?Either heavy makeup, clever clothes placement or some sort of editing
Farcry 3
>>67912628Hired cosplayer
>>67912776Removal leaves behind scars. I think it's editing, since I can't be sure of the hired model rrat.
>>67912707I have never ever been rate limited on twitter and I spend way more time there than I should.
>Oli live for 2 minutes>2k viewersIs she front page or did she get a big raid?
Guys stop the shipping, also no shipping with female friends that's also wrong.
>>67912933My account is also suspended for some reason, maybe I have a lower limit than regular accounts.
>>67912628I know it's >pixelsBut the places where we know she has tats are either covered up or have a blurry quality that looks edited.
>>67912939front page
>>67912960Is your account new? Mine is like a decade old, maybe older accounts don't get rate limited. Also what did you do to get suspended?
>>67912973What about the one on the leg? Wasn't that basically almost the full leg?
>>67912949t. Suez canal
>>67912999I think it's 3-4 years old.Honestly not sure why I got suspended, I have never posted or done anything with the account. If I had to guess it might be because I was using third party clients?
When /lig/ sends their digital forensics they're not sending their best
>>67912949Ikubro x Moff
I hate this, watching your oshi who's on the front page is like having sex with the curtains open
>>67912618Yeah nah it's a common thing to read about her
>>67913098It would be too easy to say that she's just editing the tattoos out. Hired cosplayer rrat is more interesting and gives us another person to ship her with.
>>67912307They arent in the op so no they arent
>>67913226>Confirmed white woman
>what turn man onY-you...
>>67913098Not everyone can be Sherlig Holmes
>>67913285That section is called "other useful threads" not "sister threads"Our sister threads are /pcg/ and /vsj/
>>67913226what does this mean?
>>67913344she's got some meaty thighs
>>67913333It's sister only because of Purin
>>67912628Evidence was posted last night that she still has them
>>67913333Like calling nijien sister thread because of sayu retard
>>67913372>>67913395Every non holo/niji thread is a sister to us.
>>67913226Those are definitely dancer legs
Oli learning about how men like morning voice and retarded girls
>>67913431you can't tell shit from that picture, I could put yoga pants on and take a picture like that and you'd coom if you thought it was from your oshi
>>67913468>he doesn't have manly tree trunk legstime to do your squat reps anon
>>67913468proove it, post thighs in yoga pants.
>>67913468Same t. wrestler legs
just wrung out some ball snot for filian
just freshly squeezed some sack juice for filian
>>67913544Is this cum
>cosmo says women paying for their own dinner turns men on
>>67913468>>67913522Post legs in yoga pants so i can coom to themYou wont faggots
just uncovered 4 intricately carved stone tablets in the sahara desert for filian
>>67913468Shut up Saru
uh olifags? are these normal oli numbers?
which chuuba is the most jealous of other chuubas?
didn't feel like putting any actual effort into this
>>67913738front page buff i think, her chat is normal speed
>>67913738front page buff
>>67913738yeah, she has really grown this year.
>what turns men on>paying for your own food>being rich>a good credit score
someone make the call, filian has to leech oli next
>>679137632k+ Oli will be the normal I hope. I want her to throw with the big ligs
How do they get on the front page of twitch? Is it something they have to request?
>>67913924i think it's some reward you can earn
>>67913924hype challenge rewards
>>67908079Rtx : Filian3D model : Filian
>>67913989Need to slap filian’s ass and watch it jiggle jiggle
Why oli 7k ccv? She on the front page or something?
>>67908079this >>67913989
>>67914026Read >>67913804
>>67913653In 2 hours
>>67913890Oli x Filian would be kino, Olivia wants to dance with a 3d model soon so that's a stream idea and a half for collab
>>67913226I can't tell if those are her real legs or not but I will gob to them thinking about her
Is oli on the front page?
>>67914186oli probably mogs filian since she's just a shuffler but it would still be cool to watch
>>67914097Hell Yeah! (You) me ligga
>>67914097I'm holding you to this as a fellow pink
>oli has drawn on freckles before
Bedge. Naiyo streaming hotline miami 2 in 7h20. Mork is vaguetweeting about some big plans for today so batposters be alert because this might be the last stream before she gets brought for trial in the hague.
>>67912628>No tummy
>>67914413Good night babe kiss your forehead
how come I never see this ligger in the numbers?
>>67914413>come back home>bat permanently diesIt was rigged from the beginning.
>>67914647what the
>>67914413Sleep tight spedgeneer
Oli's butthole is getting the numbers
I drem of Layna's butthole every nite
Haven't seen the front page buff hit so hard in a good while.
>>67914647Jesus, if you are going to bot be subtle about it, get an extra 50-100 viewers at most
>>67914634>Bat commits war crimes, gets tried, executed, and dies just to avoid collabing with NinaWhat's wrong with her?
>>67914647Is her chat dead?
>>67914881who needs subtlety when they don't give a shit
>>67914924about the speed of a 3view
>>67914881As much as I want to agree with you, I know it's probably still the best way they can grow. Appearances are everything to attract more of a following.
>>67914881and the stream where they tested it before going all in
>>67914997>september follower gain 180>october follower gain 470821
>>67915107Oh, damn, that hurt my eyes
>>67914991You're right that the ecosystem encourages botting, but you didn't contradict that anon in a meaningful way with your take.
>>67914557>live for 2h>only 44 people typed in chat
>>67914881must be difficult to achieve from a botter's perspective
>>67915137See a doctor.
I think Oli has officially made it
>>67915107it's just so funny, twitch can't action it without proof because then that just opens a path to abuse, but everyone with a functioning brain stem knows
>>67915188For comparison usualy chatters are around half the average viewers, so only about 90 people are real which fits the pre botting numbers. So bitting hasn't even brought in any new real viewers so far
>>67914634Great news
>>67915213almost like there was a reason or something hm
Have these front page streams resulted in growth? I think the crazy bitch also had one recently
>>67909467The times I've startled awake with a cry of repressed trauma makes me think I probably shouldn't sleep with other people.
fat bitch apotheosis
>>67915445not really. 90% of it is just people that left the front page of twitch open in a different tab or afks
>>67915164It's nice to be subtle sure but in the end it's doing the same shit.
>>67915235I thought twitch can detect botting? I've seen at least one partner applications get rejected citing botting.
I wanna say "oli's pussy after a long stream", but I don't think she'd appreciate that even if it's totally true
>>67914634bat should be pregnant and never stop being pregnant for more than a week
>>67915319>>67910775>layna being honest on the steps below gos>saru lying putting herself above goslynchian kino
>>67915520Do it anyway
>>67915505it's not hard to tell if you look across their metrics, but you can't prove they're the one responsible for it, so what are you going to do?if you action them, then people can just buy bots to get streamers banneddenying partner is a different story since it's pretty unlikely anyone's buying bots to keep their pet 2view from partner
>>67915520Say "the land between" for pussy.
>>67915660>>67915697Well now I don't wanna do it, since you'll dox me
Ive never watched Mint and this is one of the first things I found looking for reference images on her twitter
Licking Bat’s land between after she sweats on stream
>>67915497No, it's not the same. Not in the pedantic sense, not morally, not pragmatically. We wouldn't be discussing her if she was subtle about it. If she did 50% of her natural views, it would also be less morally questionable.
Smelling the batcave after a long mmr session
>>67915778I hate how all these cartoon broads keep trying to get me to join the Taliban
is bat... you know...
>>67915964Yeah, unfortunately she is indeed german
>>67916007she's yellow
>>67916023She has jaundice?
do you suppose that bat knows people talk about fucking her ears
>>67915964pregnant? i'm working on it
>>67915641I like how Layna's expression reads: "The Fuck am I doing here? Really?"
Why is Oli talking about her stinky shits?
>>67916109Layna should show hole
>>67916092her eyes are squinty
>>679161303am is a bad influence
>>67915355Me being home or bat dying?
Alice is kill
>>67916179She should get glasses then
>>67916205Yeah you
>>67916205Your mom's a virgin
Hags pegging twinks.Have a nice day.
moriko is going to get white nose syndrome and die. you are going to find her flopping around helplessly on the floor her ready room. batrick already expired. theres nothing you can do to help her
filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
>>67916502That's it I'm moving the whaet pic to my lig folder for faster access