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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67451233 No.67451233 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>67321749
(Where we discussed Laplus NTR, Shotafied holos, tips on how to improve, oppai loli and Necromancer Flare)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/

>> No.67451334
File: 868 KB, 3000x4000, F_ZOsdnbgAAsrYk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story anchor
Post em if you got em

>> No.67451451
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x865, wg prompt board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.67451555
File: 435 KB, 1637x2910, GEdDHIJXUAIr_ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67452021

Story Recap. The were 0 stories posted last thread.

>> No.67452021

Best girl Regloss ez

>> No.67452152
File: 460 KB, 334x626, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You discover that putting Mori in the idol outfit completely transforms her personality into an airhead idol bimbo

>> No.67453580

My two wives.

>> No.67453909
File: 15 KB, 320x305, moririn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67454365

>"Why the fuck i gotta put that dress on huh? Can i just rehearse without it?"
>"Seriously? Fucking great man"
>"Osuuuu~ Moririn-dayoooo!"
>"hehehe manager you should close your mouth...hehehe you might get a kiss"
and the twist is that she started this as a bit but then realized she can act all lovey dovey with you if she pretends to tranform

>> No.67454365

What about a double twist where bimbo!Mori starts becoming more real and tries to take over her life despite her saying it was just a bit she was pretending to do.

>> No.67454473
File: 589 KB, 2160x3840, 1704720755239472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been increasingly horny for Mori lately...

>> No.67454775
Quoted by: >>67455002

Every. now and again, I wonder if some of the chuba come here to read the shit we write...mori if you're here, im sorry...

>> No.67454843

God I want her to fart on me so bad

>> No.67455002
File: 112 KB, 781x1079, MoriPout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67455906

Nah fuck that shit you weak bitch


>> No.67455210

>Mori is so much of a tsundere towards her manager that she has to invent a girly personality and gaslight herself to be honest
Im never not horny for her

>> No.67455567

I very much like the best Regloss to best Holo pipeline we've got going here.

>> No.67455765
Quoted by: >>67459738

>Mori starts to genuinely black out when the dress is on
>Then she starts blacking out at random
>Starts finding weird "getting nails done" streams on her channel she never did
>Makeup she has never seen suddenly on her nightstand
>Friends ask her why She's so touchy and kissy nowadays
>And yet she doesnt stop because sometimes she returns to her body with manager in her bed or covered in her lipstick
Is it self cucking if your alt personality is the one getting all the action?

>> No.67455906

Ever since someone mentioned Mori small penis appreciation I haven't been able to get her out of my head.

>> No.67457831

whoa there

>> No.67459640
Quoted by: >>67462700

girls selling sweat but its a lemonade stand

>> No.67459738
File: 176 KB, 208x350, Suitits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67470998

>The new idol costumes are actually cursed and make anyone that wears them more feminine.

>> No.67462700
File: 312 KB, 2000x2000, 1621438450592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67464472

I'd rather they sell a different yellow liquid from their bodies

>> No.67464472

Ringo bro...

>> No.67465542

Lyrica love!

>> No.67465991
File: 153 KB, 2205x1240, lapu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67466334

Compiled the Laplus NTR concept from the last weekish
Laplus NTR Greentext Concept Compilation
Tags: Laplus, HoloX, NSFW, NTR, Greentext comp

>> No.67466334

that was nice of you, now CC has a story board to work off

>> No.67468272
File: 249 KB, 1638x2048, 1658982998013149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67469424

>> No.67469424
Quoted by: >>67470715

POV: You're giving Towa a surprise cucking

>> No.67470715


>> No.67470918
Quoted by: >>67471162

Towa's rule.
The longer any discussion regarding Towa goes on, the chance of her getting cuckquean'd increases

>> No.67470998
File: 54 KB, 350x350, smug koyori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suitits grow
>Deathstar Paizuri with an airhead idol Mori and a slutty idol Suisei
what other changes can the cursed idol outfits bring to the table

>> No.67471162

not to sound like a new fag but where did towa getting cuckqueened even start?

>> No.67471188

Ages ago, a writer posted Sad, Genuine smile.
The rest is history.

>> No.67471219
Quoted by: >>67471418

They lolify your hags

>> No.67471241
Quoted by: >>67474808

For /here/ that would be the fic Sad Genuine Smile.
All it takes is one good fic to change /wg/'s attitude and perception for a chuuba.

>> No.67471252
Quoted by: >>67471953

We had a story written called Sad, Genuine Smile and now we have one guy bringing it up every time Towa is mentioned.

>> No.67471326

Suisei Breast expansion is the best. She grinded so much she deserves a bit more of tits AND ass

>> No.67471418

they make your hags re-ovulate

>> No.67471421
Quoted by: >>67471533

this is blasphemous

>> No.67471533
Quoted by: >>67471649

Its what she wants.
Are you really gonna be THAT guy and deny Suisei the meat and fat she definitely deserves on her body?

>> No.67471649
File: 747 KB, 1398x2048, 1706144597548517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67471756

Yes because she's perfect as is

>> No.67471688
Quoted by: >>67471756

As Suisei's brother I disapprove of this

>> No.67471756
Quoted by: >>67472106

see that's why you are weak.
That could be a fishnet stocking suisei, with an ass barely contained by the leotard, while the upper top fights for its damn life triying to stay on top as she still pretends she has no sex appeal despite being a walking baby factory.
You deny suisei her true purpose
Stay out of this brother in law

>> No.67471953
Quoted by: >>67472397

I haven't read that story, I just picked up the meme from the thread.

>> No.67472106
File: 234 KB, 1431x2048, GB9U1ejbAAAupqd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67472447

You cow tit bastards already got so many girls to play with and yet you continue to desecrate holy sanctities. Shame on you.

>> No.67472397

You should. It's roughly written but it's a good emotional drama with some olay smut thrown in.

>> No.67472447

Because its not about quantity. Its about Quality.
I dont give a shit if friend is flat or if Anya isnt a shortstack, but Suisei's potential is wasted on being a flatty

>> No.67473555

All boobs are good.

>> No.67473895
Quoted by: >>67474519

She’s part of the “stupid sexy ENs” group along with Bae

>> No.67474519
Quoted by: >>67474652

Every EN is stupid AND sexy

>> No.67474652

Yeah but I’m mainly referring to the ones that tend to not be liked well broadly speaking but are still so damned sexy people can’t help but get hard looking at them. The ones you’d want to hatesex.

>> No.67474808

Our cures...

>> No.67476211

Aww poor baby didnt get a you in his catalog thread and now has to come and beg for one? here, you can have one.
Make it count!

>> No.67476303

Quality post from an ENshitter

>> No.67476587

Dont be mean to him. Gura streamed and he's running out of ammo as we speak

>> No.67476903
Quoted by: >>67478479

While rrat!Ayame was always a topic for discussion here due to previous fics. I'm pretty sure Our Cures solidified the sub character into the sympathetic slut we all love ... Also weirdly enough made everyone aware of the little lore tidbit that she's supposed to be a school council president.

>> No.67478215

I don’t dislike either of them, I just don’t enjoy watching them because their personalities don’t mesh with my tastes. I think they’re both sex incarnate though. I see a lot of people who share that opinion

I don’t know what I did to make you so defensive :(

>> No.67478479

>over 1500 years old
>still in school
What is she doing all the time

>> No.67478523

Be patient with her, she's not the sharpest tool in the shed.

>> No.67478543

Detention for bullying foreigners

>> No.67479370
Quoted by: >>67481734

Didn't she originally go to demon school or something?

>> No.67480829
File: 819 KB, 850x1105, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a Nene fic

>> No.67481143

I now love Ayame.

>> No.67481734
Quoted by: >>67483084

Allegedly, Choco works at that same academy.

>> No.67482281
Quoted by: >>67482543

Molesting her teachers so she wouldn’t have to learn the multiplication tables.

>> No.67482543

Those teachers? Me and me.

>> No.67483084
File: 1.11 MB, 4093x2894, 1680462112924139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67484029

I want to be Choco's prodigy student.

>> No.67483505
Quoted by: >>67526897

I want to fuck my mom Aki...

>> No.67484029
Quoted by: >>67484423


You mean daily patient?

>> No.67484179

We've had rrat Ayame but have we had a fic where rrat Ayame meets actual Ayame?

>> No.67484264
Quoted by: >>67484331

No, and I don't really see what you'd do with it. Unless you exaggerate it into an evil twin kind of story.

>> No.67484331 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>67484730

I was thinking it more as actual Ayame being disgusted by her rrat self but being that Ayame doesn't have a personality at all I guess that idea was kinda dumb.

>> No.67484423
Quoted by: >>67484607

No. She's teaching me how I can become a proper doctor.

>> No.67484607
Quoted by: >>67489976

I see. And how to cure infertility I guess? Lol

>> No.67484730
Quoted by: >>67484807

If you think Ayame has no personality, you should watch her Valorant tournament streams vs her zatsus to see her different sides. She's really funny (mainly through puns) and easygoing most of the time, but she has a competitive side to her that comes out when it counts. It's just that her surface-level appeal is the synergy between her cute model and her cute voice, which is what EOPs tend to pick up on.

>> No.67484807 [DELETED] 

I know I'm going to get hate for this but if she has a personality like you say she does, then why do people prefer writing her as her rrat self?

>> No.67484949
File: 1.19 MB, 1000x1000, 1666571987747451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67485078

Because a turboslut that hates koreens but still has a heart of gold is funny?

>> No.67485078 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>67485399

So you agree with me that Ayame doesn't... okay, HAS a slight personality that is horribly overshadowed by her rrat self?

I knew I should have probably just kept my mouth shut.

>> No.67485196
Quoted by: >>67485484

Because her image on /vt/ was and still kind of is dominated by that surface-level impression of cuteness, contrasted with rrats/jokes about how she is a LoL-playing, boyfriend-fucking, Korean-hating, lazy whore. You'll be hard-pressed to find Nakirigumi on this board that actually know her well - even Nakirigumi in general are rare. They're only notable in /hfz/, and in /hlgg/ the 1-2 times per week that Ayame is on stream.
And don't take cover with stuff like "I know I'm going to get hate for this but", you're not being brave for posting mildly controversial opinions anonymously and there's no need to be afraid of fucking 4chan users shitting on you, either. At least post the famous Freedom of Speech painting or something.

>> No.67485399
File: 1010 KB, 977x750, 1690894378638740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67485484

I didn't imply that actual Ayame isn't fun to write. She's a cute little oni bean. I mainly brought up the point that the concept of rrrat Ayame is more likely to ensnare a writer's imagination and offer something a little more unique since cute chuubas are in no short supply. Why are you so quick to slap your own mouth for just asking a question?

>> No.67485484 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>67486119

>no need to be afraid of fucking 4chan users shitting on you, either. At least post the famous Freedom of Speech painting or something.

There is when I genuinely don't watch her (or much VTubers in general) and the only time I did watch her, all I got from her is that yes, she's cute as a button, no I cannot understand what she's saying despite having a voice I could listen to for hours if I had the motivation to, and that her "giggle" isn't THAT good. Its cute yes... but I always found Mio's giggle more tolerable than what Ayame's was.

>Why are you so quick to slap your own mouth for just asking a question?

Because I only like what, watched Ayame maybe once or twice and I genuinely cannot tell what her personality is at all? Maybe I'm just a shitposting retard (no surprise) and just looking for a feeble excuse to rile you up (not intended).

>> No.67485805
File: 3.83 MB, 2405x4500, 1701507658443089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any writer born after 1983 Can't Watch Stream, All They Know Is Rrats, Charge Their Phone, Fap, Be Incestual, Eat Bait And Lie (In Their Stories)

>> No.67486057


Also, kek
But really, 1983? That far back?

>> No.67486119

>There is when I genuinely don't watch her (or much VTubers in general)
If you're afraid of anons (more or less angrily) arguing with you, you should be more neutral with your posts rather than claiming Ayame has no personality without actually know her well. Ask questions when you're not well-informed, ideally neutrally and polite. There's a big difference between "Can you explain this apparent contradiction, then?" style questions like in >>67484807 and "That's interesting, could you go into more depth?" style questions. The latter doesn't really assume a position while the former communicates skepticism.

>> No.67486158

Nice Biboo but her feet are WRONG

>> No.67486254
File: 131 KB, 736x912, db08be3aa52895da323e9b53597d5b6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sticking out your WIP for the writers
You're so rentry
You're so Google Docs
I just wanna be /wg/

>> No.67486449
File: 42 KB, 353x346, 1690961474679979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67487038




>> No.67487447

I want to write a weight gain fic about Holo EN girls binging FF14 to get to Dawntrail so they can play with Biboo and getting fat as they do so, but I dunno who can be the 4th party member. I got Bae, Nerissa and FuwaMoco. I originally had IRyS as the 4th but after learning she takes the piss out of everything I dropped her and need a replacement. I don't like Myth, Kronii or Shiori so those are are the table as well, but I'm not sure the remaining members would fit

>> No.67487494

Just get Fuwawa her own PC

>> No.67487647
Quoted by: >>67489231

>but after learning she takes the piss out of everything
Wait she does?

>> No.67488029
Quoted by: >>67489187

Why not choose from an ID then? You got plenty of options for chuubas who could get sweaty over a game like that.

>> No.67488071
Quoted by: >>67489187

So your only options are Fauna or Mumei? One of them is definitely more of a gamer.

>> No.67489187

I don't watch ID, the only one who interested me was Reine and well...I'm a guy so you can imagine my letdown.
Yeah my choices are slim, and even if I did pick Fauna I'd have to look up what those damn Vegetarians eat that can actually put weight on them. I can't just feed her Avocados every scene.

>> No.67489231

Less takes the piss out of and more doesn't emotionally invest herself to not feel sad. Which honestly isn't much better because it will just make people think you're a psychopath with no empathy.

>> No.67489534
File: 1.15 MB, 2400x3600, 1670326533981834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67491707

I'm not sure how the fact that Reine is always down to slam clams disqualifies her from your fic. You're just making them fat anyway unless there's a layer where a (You) is involved.

>> No.67489976
Quoted by: >>67490185

We're trying a method she's doing some research on. Three daily creampies, although we might have to increase them

>> No.67490185

What a coincidence, I'm actually assisting with that research as a creampie provider.

>> No.67490392
Quoted by: >>67491707

Fauna is a vegan, even, but I don't think that's an issue. Nut butter, fried potato in various forms, all kinds of vegan imitations of cheese or meat, rice, quinoa, bread, olive oil...
Though I'd personally add Haachama, weight gain has been a topic on her streams and she gets good chubby art.

>> No.67491139
Quoted by: >>67491707

I swear to god this fic already exists in the archive

>> No.67491707

WTF how Advent isn't even that old! I can see maybe a different variant on the idea but not 1:1
Didn't she do a baked good tier list and don't those use eggs? I swear Vegans confuse me.
It's a matter of getting her character right, having jumped ship once she made it obvious she likes fish tacos I don't have the full personality and lore.

>> No.67491836

Sorry it was Kiara and Reine grinding FFXIV to catch up to the rest of Holotori and getting fat in the process

There's also a ton of vegan egg replacement things and I think Fauna clarified that that's how she had them all

>> No.67492052
Quoted by: >>67492804

Just throw is Ririka on the notion she's going to jump to JP after everyone is caught up and wants to play with Bae at first.

>> No.67492745
File: 373 KB, 1728x1346, 1655462942743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough. Your desire for authenticity is commendable and it might make more sense for this fic to tackle it with what you already know. Your options are pretty limited at this point though.

>> No.67492804

Considering the thread edition and how fun she is, Ririka stories are definitely needed.

>> No.67494474
File: 244 KB, 1200x1029, GEpSEqyWEAEfRIa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story where tomboy!Bae tries to fit in with her guy friends as “one of the guys” and ends up doing a bunch of humiliating things because they realize they can fuck with her

>> No.67494743
File: 217 KB, 393x385, 1658933378951336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 sets of ears
You either lose the human lobes, or cover them up properly.

>> No.67495171

That's a fun concept! For historical reasons, my first idea would be strip poker (or some other game where you have to take off a piece of clothing if you lose) where only underpants are exempt. Just insist that you've always played it this way and that the rules technically treat everyone the same.

>> No.67495222 [SPOILER] 

establish loyalty for the beastkin heritage and cut them off while leaving little 'x's where the human ears used to be, just like in one of my mongos

>> No.67495449
File: 60 KB, 750x795, 240p smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67495799

ACKSHUALLY Bae is the only one allowed to have more than one pair of ears.

When she introduced herself she explained that she has 4 ears due to being chaos that takes form of a rat. This was also brought up later on when she did a stream featuring cat ears, which she explained as "simply growing them up because she wanted"
That drawing still fucking sucks though

>> No.67495799
File: 513 KB, 1920x1080, 1676600405288276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67495980

Nice try. I'll give her points for actually using her lore to write it off, but that ain't fooling me entirely. If she IS chaos, she can simply remove the ears herself. The form of natural human ears on her mostly human shape would be less chaotic and rob her of the chance to do things like covering her rat ears with a hat, and then walking up to someone and move her hair to reveal flat flesh where her ear would be expected to be.

>> No.67495980 [SPOILER] 
File: 354 KB, 547x551, baegun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you got me man i guess hands where i can see them dumbass. This is a sting by the oozorapolice conducted by Deputy HAKOS. We are investigating them subumans before they get uppity and we cant have dumb vigilantes like you running around

>> No.67496224
File: 891 KB, 3404x4096, 1661883629191829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67497235


>> No.67498009
File: 1.56 MB, 850x1370, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko tries to convince you she's sexy

>> No.67498667

FuwaMoco: Holostar Saga

>> No.67499005
File: 153 KB, 441x333, 1665139195702113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then while my eyes say yes, my ears are telling me no.
>gaslight miko into thinking ball-gags are the top tier of sex appeal

>> No.67499016
File: 402 KB, 165x165, nerissawink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been checking some Nerissa lately and i stumbled upon the gem of a zatsu where she cried and told her parents she accidentelly ate mold, went on a rant about the devil wears prada and finally landed on a really fun tangent.

She spent a good chunk complaining that men dont get compliments because they dont know how to take them (and they should get more) and cited that everytime she compliments guys she gets called weird. Basically Nerissa fucking sucks to give compliments because she goes like

I think its really cute of her to be this nice while also being this awkward creature

>> No.67499402
Quoted by: >>67499670

Should have seen the Ope thread previous to the current one. Anons were legitimately arguing what should and should be considered compliments for guys.
I should write a greentext about her trying to find something to compliment about me

>> No.67499416

Nerissa my autistic tradwife queen

>> No.67499476
Quoted by: >>67499670

I want a Nerissa Onee-san fic but it doesn't suit her personality.

>> No.67499670
File: 43 KB, 408x470, bae fr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree with Rissa because people are so goddamn autistic when it comes to male compliments
>Friend of almost 14 years still gets jumpy when someone of our friend group tells him "hey we missed you man" and similar shit

Also Rissa (Nessie) is really cute and could make a good fic about her being your coworker
Onee-san (Girlfailure) edition? She wants to be cool and misterious but keeps fumbling the bag?

>> No.67499721

Ah, that could be really cute. Her model has the look of cool, mysterious, collected Nee-san, but she's a fumbling girl failure. I like this. Gap moe is underrated.

>> No.67499914

Hot as fuck gyaru Ririka and cool mysterious Rissa out on a date looking like they're about to go do something lewd, but they're actually just going to the supermarket for ingredients for the the most horrendous girlfailure boydinner collab of all time.

>> No.67499964

It doesnt have to be 100% sex. IT could be a cute ss about a kid crushing in a oneesanHe comes back ten years later, a self made man while Oneesan is just a cringe girlflopand he loves her anyway

>> No.67500165

That sounds really cute and fun, I mean I like sex and romance and forbidden taboo relationships that have to be hidden and sweetness, coming back later to help take care of her after she took care of you as a kid, even if it was a mess, sounds super cute.

>> No.67500644

i love that "Come back in 10 years" trope

>> No.67500700
Quoted by: >>67502187

>Nerissa tries really hard to be cool but she ends up doing something hugely embarrassing like tucking her skirt into her underwear after the bathroom and ends up thinking she’s hot shit when so many people are staring at her until someone whispers what’s going on and she melts with embarrassment

>> No.67502187
File: 657 KB, 542x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miss the first week of school. You are doomed to be a loner unless you do something FAST
>The teacher seats you in the back.
>Next to a gorgeous tall girl.
>She's cool, calm and collected during the lesson.
>Okay. Its a hail mary, but you should talk to her
>Once the lesson ends, you try and strike conversation.
>However something stuns you.
>In her notebook there isnt a single note, its all doodles of vampires and a drawing of a girl filled with hearts
>Before you can comment on it, she steps up.
>ITs now or never!
>"H-Hi...Im anon"
>She looks at you, surprised
>"Oh...huuh..Hi! Im..Nerissa..."
>Before you can say anything else,she blurts out a comment
>"Nice shirt!"
>You look down. Its a plain white shirt
>She looks pleased with herself
>"Well.. See ya skater boy"
>You cringe. That song is really old
>She confidently walks to the exit
>The door rattles, and she fights with it
>Its not opening
>You watch in silence as she increasingly fights the door
>"Its a pull door, not a push one"
>She finally pulls
>And then walks right into another student, both grunting
That's where you make a promise to yourself: Even if you end up a loner, you are gonna help this girl survive her schoolyear, because otherwise she's gonna die by herself

>> No.67502775
File: 770 KB, 805x717, emobirds4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67503952

Now how up to the task will you be when you find out she's also a horse girl?

>> No.67502950

She needs some competency or sex is going to feel like just using her.

>> No.67503627
Quoted by: >>67503674

Isn't it enough that she likes you and enjoys the sex?

>> No.67503637

Crossup: she’s wicked smart, just socially awkward and trying to pretend she’s not because her body is amazing

>> No.67503674

Yeah but if they're too naive about it I get weirded out.

>> No.67503787
Quoted by: >>67503903

I imagine she wouldn't be naive or incompetent, just massively awkward and a big weirdo

>> No.67503903

Yeah see, that's cute, I like that.

>> No.67503908

girlfailure doesn't always translate to naivety; imho, there's something erotic about the girl who always trips and falls also being unable to keep herself still for sex and unable to run away from pleasure

>> No.67503952
Quoted by: >>67504169

This is just making me imagine a comedy scene where (You)'re told she's a horse girl and not knowing what they are think she's a centaur.

>> No.67504169

I actually have a joke like that planned down the line.

>> No.67504925

What if you're both naive and just figuring shit out?

>> No.67504999
Quoted by: >>67505104

>”which hole is that?”
>”never mind that, why is your thing not pointed down? Why’s it on the front?”

>> No.67505104

>Nerissa gasping and chuckling when you make your dick dance

>> No.67505271

I do miss the cute puppy love that came from being that young, it felt pure, and the sex wasn't too awkward, could be adorable.

>> No.67508415

If she tries to hop a fence, she definitely gets her pants or underwear caught on it

>> No.67508801

>"Come Anon! ill introduce you to my best friend!"
>Oh good. she has a friend
>You two go to the other class
>There, in the middle of the classroom, a creature stirrs
>You grab Nerissa and point
>"See Nerissa? we should avoid being like that. That creature...all alone...devoid of friends..stinking up th-"
>Now you have to take care of two creatures

>> No.67509118
Quoted by: >>67540731

Shiori Nerissa girl failure threesome and cooking for them after when

>> No.67509956
File: 91 KB, 650x1200, 5d1b4c72934bd0043c758628594bf487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idol correction: Marine

Houshou Marine gets punished in front of her entire class at Catholic school.

Tags: Marine, spanking, straight shota

>> No.67510126

Guess who forgot to add the fucking link.

>> No.67513435
File: 62 KB, 850x600, IMG_7350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The poker in question

>> No.67513619
Quoted by: >>67514352

Everytime I see IRyS i can't help but think she's got to be a huge slut.

>> No.67514352

She's really repressed because of her upbringing (I think Mormon?). A thing that actually happened during the holoen meetup in Japan is that she suggested going to the onsen together and the other girls refused one by one, and she was left bewildered about what's so weird about a group of girls all being naked together.

>> No.67514505
Quoted by: >>67516637

bimbofication? hell yeah. even better if OG Calli goes through Identity Death screaming and kicking as Bimbo Calli takes over.

>> No.67514582

Makes sense, I don't know she comes off as really lewd, maybe it's just me lusting after her.

>> No.67515441
File: 1.00 MB, 850x1433, sample_7b698179f53e18a43eed4c95ef800f2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate Bae at all, but i feel like she would be very fun to push around and bully.

>> No.67515879

I just want to play with her butt.

>> No.67516637
Quoted by: >>67516879

>Biboo Calli
Desperately trying to tear off the cursed idol costumes after Mori starts trying to come up with myth-themed lyrics for the newest zoomer song on tiktok.

>> No.67516801

She’s really sexy and I would take her virginity given the chance and the consent

>> No.67516879
Quoted by: >>67517046

Bruh I wanted Calli to suffer Identity Death not Eternal Torture. I have no idea how Biboo created that monstrosity of a song.

>> No.67516896

Yeah I agree. She’d have the best reactions. And since bullying is my fetish it would be doubly fun

>> No.67517046

maybe its because im constantly exposed to my nephews but i still dont get what's supposed to be so abominable about it.
Its not so different from YTP humor

>> No.67517096
Quoted by: >>67517227

Hololive ytp when

>> No.67517227
File: 819 KB, 1124x632, 1679481083239484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67518526

Hologra are basically YTPs at their essence. Put that shit on 4x speed if you want a gmod flavor of it too.

>> No.67517346

>Its not so different from YTP
bullseye. Its just "new thing that i dont get annoys me because im not on the joke".
Its like your boomer dad/uncle busting their gut laughing at "The gods must be crazy" while you sit there going "i mean its funny...but not that funny"

>> No.67517657

Kind of ruins the joke if it's not mixed gender.

>> No.67517677
File: 207 KB, 1500x1500, emoKiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67544513

More alt versions of Chuubas.
>Emo/bitchy Kiara
>Seiso princess Marine
>Cat Korone

>> No.67518526

Yeah but it’s not as funny without the SuS and sex jokes and sentence mixing

>> No.67519791
Quoted by: >>67520264

This has big "marriage equality already exists because everyone is equally allowed to marry people of the other gender" energy. I like it

>> No.67520264
Quoted by: >>67521260

>This has big "marriage equality already exists because everyone is equally allowed to marry people of the other gender" energy.
You mean obviously idiotic?

>> No.67520791
Quoted by: >>67521257

It feels half-baked.
Maybe it's because I'm not fully into the fetish as a stand-alone thing but this just feels like one of those ao3 fics were it's just the sex scene without any build up.

>> No.67521257

I tried to keep it short while still having a plotline, which kind of necessitates in medias res to not ruin the reveal.

I'm writing these as short vignettes basically.

>> No.67521260
Quoted by: >>67522181

You could put it that way; it's a technical equality which ignores context, just like claiming the strip game is technically equal because at the end everyone is wearing underpants and nothing else.
That that is much more normal for men than for women is conveniently ignored in order to make the girls get their tits out.

>> No.67522181

>it's a technical equality which ignores context
It's not technical equality, it's refusal to understand what words mean.

What you're describing wrt strip poker is the opposite and concerns preferential treatment.

>> No.67523571

I want rrat Gura next. Make her this drunk, bitchy diva behind the scenes.

>> No.67524691

I recently started rewatching Overlord and felt like writing a bit of fanfiction. Would you like to read it? It's only 600 words, right before a player gets transported to the New World.
I know it isn't /vt/ related, but here and /lit/'s are the only writing general I know and visit from time to time, so how about it? Would you do me the favor and give me your opinions?

>> No.67524781
File: 168 KB, 500x500, 1670551029807055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67525228

no, fuck off

>> No.67525020
File: 313 KB, 881x881, 1706027704846092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67525228

For things posted in the thread that authors wish to get feedback on, it should involve chuubas in some way. 600 words will also not net you a lot of useful feedback unless the grammar or formatting is just way off. If something strikes your fancy and you want to write a chuuba related fic, you can damn sure post it and get some feedback.

>> No.67525228
Quoted by: >>67525295

Lol, alright...

>> No.67525269
Quoted by: >>67525792

Just post it on ao3, my guy. This is exclusively a chuuba fanfic thread. I'd read other stuff from like omelas guy or our cures guy

>> No.67525295

I honestly don't know what you expected. Here's my off topic project please give me advice.

>> No.67525346

I'm planning to write more of these by the way. Taking requests.

>> No.67525492
Quoted by: >>67525792

You there are other fanfiction writing communities out there right?

>> No.67525631
Quoted by: >>67526154

I want more ss with Marine. I liked the spanking though, spanking underrated fetish.

>> No.67525792

Will I get a somewhat quick response there?
I actually expected this kek
I don't know any of them or whether they are even moderately active like here or /lit/'s /wg/

>> No.67526083

It's just 600 words, though. Nothing much.

>> No.67526154

I'll consider it. I might be using those as a spinoff point for longer works in the future. For now I'm just taking spanking and adjacent correction requests.

>> No.67526382
Quoted by: >>67527515

Google "beta reader fanfiction". Now please stop detailing the thread.

>> No.67526526

On ao3 exclusively, no. Literally everyone treats that site as a fic hosting platform rather than a community since generally every fandom has some other site they actually discuss this on.
As for your fandom specifically, just go looking for it Isekai anime tends to at least have a thread on some forum out there on the internet.

>> No.67526703

I don't have an exact idea for who, but I would request a short about some kind of petplay with spanking during a blowjob(i.e. this: https://files.catbox.moe/jlheu6.jpeg))

>> No.67526897

I want to fuck my aunt Reine

>> No.67527515

Got it, thanks!

>> No.67527898
Quoted by: >>67527940

I'm spitballing so far, how about petplay with Fubuki but she has to pretend to be a cat? Might have cringy dialogue.

>> No.67527940

Fuck it, why not

>> No.67528526
Quoted by: >>67529291

There's no "community" because the smallest organizational unit larger than an individual story is the entire fucking category. (For comparison, individual /vt/ threads and categorized subreddits are the respective smallest individual organizational units of those two sites, which is why reddit sucks unless you like consooming the entire sub's content). This is not the 'fault' of the platform, but it explains why you won't be able to find like-minded people beyond their own pages. Not a big problem for chuubas, but it does mean I have to go to /trash/ if I want any chance of discussing the other kind of fanfiction I write.

>> No.67529291

If you're willing to go to a traditional forum, questionablequesting and the other forums associated with it are pretty decent places with writing communities for specific fandoms.

>> No.67529479

What about spanking Matsuri so hard she pees?

>> No.67529666

Sorry, I will be writing absolutely no piss or other scatological content.

>> No.67530444


>> No.67533925
Quoted by: >>67534095

Fast catalog we have today...

>> No.67534095

I have observed dramafags necrobumping their bait threads from page 11
it is very pathetic

>> No.67534885
File: 88 KB, 1080x944, KoroMUG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fic in the style of those early 2000's stoner comedies about Korone in america trying to find some MUG root beer to try

>> No.67535956

She's just cute with that outfit

>> No.67537025
Quoted by: >>67566651

Spanking Shirakami (who likes it) and Kurokami (who seems to hate it but is maybe just tsundere).
I have this scene in my head where both lie across your lap and you alternate your spanks between them. Whenever you hit Shirakami she says "Thank you" and whenever you hit Kurokami she says "Fuck you".

>> No.67538653

She doesn't need to convince me

>> No.67538980

what's the title (or working title) of your current WIP
bonus: what's one of the songs you're listening to while you're writing it

>> No.67540308
Quoted by: >>67545677

Ars Amatoria

>> No.67540731
File: 1006 KB, 3342x2470, Shioraven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to describe it but any shioraven threesome thing always feels like it should have the rest of advent be there somehow.
I think it's because of that weird quirk of FuwaMoco being two people but feeling like "one slot" so with Shiori and Nerissa it already feels like you have half of advent conceptually.

>> No.67541748


>> No.67542407
Quoted by: >>67545677


>> No.67543023
File: 258 KB, 1916x2048, 1678718369877128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow Moco-chan, do see how good they must feel?
>He seems like he really knows how to pleasure two girls at once, huh?
>...Hey Moco-chan, would you rather be Shiorin, or Nerrisa right now?

>Look Kaela, look! Wait, lemme move my camera-See? Look at 'rissa's face!
>Yas Biboo das very nice. It luks like fun.
>Do you-Dou you wanna try it? We should try it!

>> No.67544489


>> No.67544506
Quoted by: >>67545677

The Littlest Oni

>> No.67544513
Quoted by: >>67545571

>Nekomata Korone
Holy fuck!

>> No.67544552
Quoted by: >>67545677

Beast of Rebellion

>> No.67545571

Korone marries Okayu and takes her surname. It turns out that cat traits come with the surname. Slow mogufication

>> No.67545677

I'm going to make a guess about what these wips are about based only on title and music
Either a smut fic with that one nijiJP girl or Shiori.
The holoslavia tank fic with Chloe that the author wanted to make for the contest but couldn't finish in time
A fic about Rrat!Ayame getting cancer.
Chuuni action fic with either all of Advent or just FuwaMoco.

>> No.67545814

Wrath's Daggers

>> No.67546574

NTA but I'll take a shot at the guessing game
anon picks up ab evil Anya and gets cursed with demon berserker rage and fights angels

>> No.67547334
Quoted by: >>67547495

Love bites, love sucks

>> No.67547481
Quoted by: >>67548833

The fire is lit

Bonus:https://youtu.be/HhZaHf8RP6g The entire "soundtrack" is electronic music, but this doesnt fit a scene in particular yet

>> No.67547495
File: 261 KB, 1200x400, Canthink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67555546

Continuing >>67545677
This is the same wip as this >>53770013 , and I'm taking this guess entirely because of the similarities in the wip title.
Mel romance/tragedy inspired by recent events.

>> No.67547623

>Chuuni action fic with either all of Advent or just FuwaMoco.
I'll give you half a point, for the chunii action fic part, but no FuwaMoko or advent

>> No.67547851

>A fic about Rrat!Ayame getting cancer.
It's not rrat!Ayame, and there's no cancer involved. It's worse.

>> No.67548117

For me its like they are Nepolabo. Not to say the rest of EN doesnt have unity, but there's some pairs that work and others that kinda need a third party
Advent feels like you can rotate anyone with anyone and you get a fun time
>Shiori and Fuwawa for a slightly unhinged time
>Mococo and Bijou for bratty shenanigans
>Nerissa and Mococo for a good comedy duo
If the twins manage to shake off the inherent autism that comes with twins always being together, they might become one of the golden gens of all of hololive, not only EN

>> No.67548364
Quoted by: >>67548433

The Tale of Sir Anon and his Sister
Questing for Maid Dumpy

>> No.67548433
Quoted by: >>67562204

damn someone's actually working on that prompt? I can't wait

>> No.67548833
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x995, menacing rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67549166

scratch that, i just dusted off linkin park because it rules and they always did

>> No.67549166
Quoted by: >>67549295

which song?

>> No.67549231
File: 348 KB, 1448x2048, 1704203611611490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Lion's Share of Munitions (working title)

>> No.67549295
File: 372 KB, 850x377, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of Meteora and Hybrid theory really, but i really wanna use One step Closer for Kanata becoming a fallen angel

>> No.67549641
File: 584 KB, 850x1134, sample_71201fab59cd642e4a3b228558ac8540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67550006

god your taking me back to 7th grade and i don't think i like it

>> No.67549691
File: 1.53 MB, 800x1126, 104516935_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67550006

>Kanata becoming a fallen angel
Kanata should only become a fallen angel by abandoning the pure love of yuri and getting mindbroken by cock, specifically mine

>> No.67550006
File: 984 KB, 828x788, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67550680

sometimes all you need is angst and hate to become stronger. Not against the world, but against those that oppose you
Honestly i want to rescind my statement and say Point of Authority fits her better, as she seeks her own justice.
Also yes she's hot but that's not the point

>> No.67550143

>The holoslavia tank fic with Chloe that the author wanted to make for the contest but couldn't finish in time

>> No.67550642

fair warning, catalog will be zooming today

>> No.67550680

Some of the best creative works in history have been born out of spite

>> No.67550778

What happened this time?

>> No.67550841
Quoted by: >>67551017

Yuuup, it's gonna be a fast one today, boys...
Just go to Warosu; you'll see it soon enough

>> No.67551017
Quoted by: >>67551914


>> No.67551094
Quoted by: >>67551914

Michael Cat, again, somehow

>> No.67551914

Man i didnt like the dogpile in miguel gato because it felt cheap. Sure she did something dumb and was weird, but she had her own punishment.
If half the shit here is true...welll...

>> No.67552003
Quoted by: >>67552068

Quiet before you bring the meidos here.

>> No.67552068

With that being said. i do wonder hows the guy who wrote that "The hangover" thing with rushia

>> No.67552163

If it turns out to be true, guess it ain't wrong to write her a truly crazy bitch. The possibilities are endless.

>> No.67552338
File: 134 KB, 600x419, 93797a02b36d4130c6bd3c6de9f83f2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, I had plans to make her the primary antagonist in one of my fics (not for anti reasons, i just thought she'd fit the roll) but now i think it'd be in bad taste...

>> No.67552482
File: 97 KB, 293x247, 1677940353599664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also wanted to use the necromancer for some things, but even before this I have been skeptical to commit to the idea in planning. I might just need to find or come up with someone else who can order around funny boner men.

>> No.67552548

Personally I have zero issue with using her as a villain. If anything I've lost what reservations I once had.

>> No.67552559
Quoted by: >>67553059

Stop drowning chuubas....
But that aside, i dont think anyone would refuse or hate you for including them...its up to you how you feel if you want to write them.

>> No.67552567 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.03 MB, 1286x1714, 1642167156907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, i mean, there's always...

>> No.67552568
Quoted by: >>67553059

As a funny boner man, I'd let any holo order me around

>> No.67552602
File: 1.60 MB, 1200x675, Rushier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67553059

If you really liked the idea of "Uruha Rushia" for fic purposes just pretend anything you found out about her post firing doesn't exist, just have her be the character you liked.

>> No.67552610
File: 64 KB, 420x479, deranged shiori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey mori! Stop giving me BONERS! i've got a BONE to pick with you!

>> No.67553059
File: 2.43 MB, 2360x2258, 1672107326313958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67553298

Yeah you got a good point. Better to let the character's own actions and personality speak for itself within the story than anything else.
You are a true bone goon, my friend. Never stop.
She's got a different role planned that should be pretty cool.
Fine you convinced me on both fronts.

>> No.67553106

God damnit, now I'm too anxious to write.

>> No.67553298

Unrelated but these Chloe pictures just gave me a thought.
Does Chloe have like Orca powers or is she just Orca themed?

>> No.67553633
File: 1.61 MB, 2894x3756, 1680277981927528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say that depends on your own imagination and setting. In official lore, she is strong, swift, and tough. I personally gave her traits and powers that would align with being part orca in addition to those other things.

>> No.67553695
Quoted by: >>67553896

I can take certain aspects of this shitshow, and use them for my writings.
Thanks menheras! Life does surpass fiction.

>> No.67553876
File: 294 KB, 500x500, 1681996360284659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and I'm pretty sure in lore she can breathe underwater, if some of her 3d stuff is anything to go by.

>> No.67553896

Women *sips tea*

>> No.67553986
File: 777 KB, 679x831, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloX is really nebulous about the powers and abilities of its members but i like to imagine Chloe can indeed smell blood and swim really well.

But the one thing i really would like to see in a fic is her being ruthless and cruel to the point that its unnerving. Something like a switch that goes off when she gets assigned a target that makes her splatter a man's head against a wall without even registering it as a problem
>No fic where you think Chloe is just a cute stinky girl only to find one of her hunting grounds

>> No.67554201
File: 256 KB, 850x1077, __sakamata_chloe_and_sakamata_chloe_hololive_drawn_by_orouu__sample-0bc3ea6462fb23d753342418d9b42ebb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The instant the mask goes on, the part of her that can feel goes numb.

>> No.67554502

Could I theoretically use this to feel her up without her noticing?

>> No.67554641
Quoted by: >>67555168

The truth is that there is no “switch.” That layer of her is always there, but she’s layered so much “normalcy” over it that nobody can see it. The mask isn’t flipping a switch, it’s a symbolic hiding of the “normal” Chloe from herself. Ironically, it’s only when her face is hidden that she can be her real self.

I feel like I’ve read that somewhere before, maybe in Shakespeare. Some kind of metaphor using a literal masquerade…

>> No.67554786
File: 1.32 MB, 850x1211, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Married to your clumsy wife Chloe.
>One day a home invasion occurs. The men are armed and so you just surrender, begging them to not hurt her.
>One of the pushes you and you hit your head against a cupboard. Black out for a few minutes
>When you open your eyes, you are assaulted by the scent of a body
>The man who pushed you has its right hand nailed to the cupboard, his knees are bent inwards and his entire left arm is missing.
>You puke, and before you can advert your eyes from the body, you notice the bones of his arm were broken and used to spill his gut open
>try and escape your house.
>Only to find another man in your front yard, all the cutlery in your kitchen stabbed on his body. He looks like a human porcupine.
>In the middle of the night, you manage to hear another sound over your own breath
>Its coming from your basement entrance, which is wide open
>stumble to it. Your wife is waterboarding the third men
>A chill runs through your spine. She's dunking his head into blood
>The man is sputtering and criying. He's bleeding from multiple wounds.
>Chloe's eyes snap to you.
>You almost wanted them to be blank and lifeless.
>Instead they are normal. Composed. In control
>completely aware of what she's doing
>"Ill be with you in a while darling. Im almost finished"

>> No.67554825

I'm having Yunaka vibes here from Engage.
Both are assassins, have cheerful fronts, and have red in their pallette.

>> No.67554883
Quoted by: >>67556179

Good lawd that'll awaken my own demon

>> No.67555043
File: 534 KB, 560x715, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67555357

I played engage with both voices and terrible localization aside, goddamn is that a star EN voicecast
>"Look what you made me do"

>> No.67555168

>>67554641 (me)
Wait was it fucking Pride and Prejudice?

>> No.67555200
Quoted by: >>67556179

Hot but also terrifying

>> No.67555253
Quoted by: >>67556179

>Your wife is waterboarding the third men
>A chill runs through your spine. She's dunking his head into blood.
Metal as fuck.

>> No.67555357
Quoted by: >>67556179

The fact that that particular line is also a song and speaks of the same themes...

>> No.67555487


Ano Aozora No Sei Da and mainly Love Me Love Me

>> No.67555546

Not about the hagpire, but about Okayu

>> No.67555556

Scooby Doo but it’s Hololive mems and Korone is the dog. She’s speaking perfect japanese but the rest of them all pretend they can’t understand what she’s saying for some reason. She thinks it’s because of her accent but they’re just being dicks about it because they can because she’s a dog

>> No.67556050
Quoted by: >>67556254

>"I'll be with you in a moment darling, I'm almost fineshed"
>she turns her attention back to the third guy
>"now who were those guys that made the hit on me and my beloved husband who now has to see an ugly side of me I didn't want him to see..."
>the guy cries begging for his life. Chloe just dunks his head under the blood for a while.
>screams bubble up from the bucket while he struggles she walks up to a patch of dirt and plants a bamboo sprout.
>she pulls the guy out once more
>"last chance, who. made. the. hit?"
>he starts whimpering and crying some more.
>she had enough and ties him up and stands stands him over the bamboo sprout
>"did you know bamboo will grow through bodies? it's a very slow and painful death and it's said victims will feel every inch of the bamboo slowly impaling them"
>"okay, okay I'll talk, I'll talk. the hit was made by [redacted]"
>"mmmm...too late. you should have spoke sooner."
>she gags the man before happily running up to you, wrapping her arms around yours
>"let's go upstairs darling~ let's make some tea while I make a few phone calls to deal with the bodies upstairs."
>you spend the next few days terrified as you hear the screams of a strange man in your basement till you eventually don't, and you're too scared to see how the bamboo grew out of the guy

>> No.67556179
File: 945 KB, 850x1173, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You run as fast as you can. You saw what that woman did to Tanaka. Next to you, Takeda is also running as fast as humanly posible.
>You check over your shoulder and almost faint
>She's there. Running after both of you with a hammer
>And then you are jolted awake by a muffled scream. Takeda is gagged, next to you.
>There's a cleaver sticking out of his shoulder.
>You try and run , but crushing pain sends you to the floor. There's blood all over your pants
>Did..did that bitch hammer your knees?!
>Another scream escapes Takeda as you turn around. The bitch is there, in the shadows
>With a sickening thud, another knife lands on Takeda,another scream
>You whimper and crawl, in direction to the street.
>Another thud. Takeda is criying
>You grab handfuls of grass and pull yourself, as your friend is reduced to a bloody porcupine.
>When you are almost at the fence, a Knife lodges into your hand and now its your time to scream
>Her hand grabs your hair and pulls it back
>Her eyes glow and you bite back a whimper.
>It reminds you of a person crushing an ant with their finger
>"Look what you made me do"
>Her voice is a whisper as she drags you through the floor by the hair, scalp burning as she mumbles
>"You ruined our kitchen..i need some ammonia to clean all of this..A new set of knives...even our grass is ruined"
>The door to her basement opens and you are thrown like a doll. Pain explodes all over your body as she lands on top of you.
>Your broken and mangled body is carried once more, as she puts a container under you
>You black out once more
>And then. You regain conciousness
>You beg and beg, as she dunks your head in your own blood
>Suddenly she stops
>"Ill be with you in a while darling. Im almost finished"

>> No.67556254

HBTanon is that you

>> No.67556968
Quoted by: >>67561523

Nope. Just putting some intrusive thoughts out
Im sorry but i dont know what he wrote

>> No.67558645
File: 255 KB, 850x1202, sample_9559db438b6ddcf2d3cfca6299c3d111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chloe has another Cucking session with her bull
>She holds his hand while riding on top of him, moaning lovingly
>"h-hey I was thinking. why not just dump that loser cuck of yours and just stay with m-"
>a loud cracking noise echoes through the room as Chloe bends one of his fingers backwards with her thumb. she stops moving and moaning all together
>the bull screams in agony, completely disrupting his thought
>"I'm sorry, what was that? if it wasn't for 'that loser cuck' I wouldn't give a piece of shit like you the time of day~" she says sweetly bending another one of his fingers backwards
>his screams echo throughout the bedroom,
>"looks like someone got a little too cocky, just because his thing is bigger than normal..." snaps another finger followed by his scream
>"he thought you were such a nice guy too...it's a shame..." Chloe speaks vaguely before standing up and dismounting from her ride.
>the man panicking tries to run out the room, not even bothering to put his clothes on
>he makes it out the door but he trips and is dragged back into the room.
>The door slams.

>she walks back to the park where she promised to meet with her boyfriend
>boyfriend hugs her sulkingly. she giggles and gently pets his head with a smile.
>"h-how was it? d-did you enjoy yourself" boyfriend asks timidly.
>she grimaces for a moment...
>"I don't think we'll be seeing him anymore babe. He said he got board of me..." She tears up a little
>boyfriend looks offended and now he's the one hugging her.
>"how could he say that! any guy would be lucky to spend time with you!"
>she grins and kisses him on the cheek
>"let's just spend alone time together for a while before finding a new boytoy~"
>"y-yeah okay. it sounds like this guy really hurt you."
>"a little...but I'm pretty sure I hurt him worse..."

>several hours later a man was found dead in his own apartment a shattered wooden chair was found at the crime scene, pieces of said chair were found impaled through the victim's knees, elbows, and jammed into his eye sockets. After completely incapacitating him the killer tossed the victims body in his bath tub while he was still alive and turned the water on before leaving the crime scene, leaving the man to drown. the only reason why the body was found was due to complaints from the floor below that there was water leaking from the ceiling.

>> No.67559192

>No One Messes With My Cuck Boyfriend!

>> No.67560439
File: 127 KB, 480x480, 1704828866973186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a romance novel I've been trying to release and I'm torn on a few titles:

The Flower Duet



All of them are great titles for the themes of the story that I'm setting up but I just can't decide on a winner.

Right now I've got Frieren OP1 on repeat and Doggy God's Street by Korone.

>> No.67561523

Heartbreak Tokyo?

>> No.67561572
Quoted by: >>67562811

I think Kokoronashi is really cute.

>> No.67561708
Quoted by: >>67562811

I'd say either Kokoronashi or Memoir. You peaked my interest with this romance novel though

>> No.67562041

little lost lamb
franz ferdinand - right thoughts right words right action

>> No.67562204
Quoted by: >>67562436

What prompt?

>> No.67562251

Snowglobe and Flashing Steel ( feel like this one is subject to change though)

>> No.67562436

If I'm right, it's the prompt where you and Suisei are noble siblings and have Aqua as a maid. You're enticed by Aqua's dumptruck and Suisei is trying to drag you into her court because she believes noble blood shouldn't mingle with peasants

>> No.67562515
Quoted by: >>67562889

Help, I like everything about this.

What is wrong with me?

>> No.67562811
File: 1.46 MB, 1414x2000, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I will go with Kokoronashi then. I think it would be very fitting.

I hope you enjoy it when I release it, the first chapter is about halfway done. Going to be very fluffy, very cute and very comfy with a bit drama mixed in.

>> No.67562889

You're another guy who wants to be cucked and loved by Chloe, it's not that uncommon here

>> No.67562930
Quoted by: >>67562975

What is it about her that attracts cucks though?

>> No.67562975

She is slutty, sexy and sweet.

>> No.67563020
File: 2.04 MB, 777x1357, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67563127

You wake up covered in bandages. A dark elf nursing your wounds.
Both of you are strangers in this town, and there's some animosity inbetween you and the elf. You cant wait until you are better and a boat comes so you can leave.
or will you succumb to brown pussy?!

>> No.67563064
Quoted by: >>67563692

I'm just a catalog tourist, but I saw the OP image and thought Ririka was holding up a pregnancy test at first instead of sunglasses

>> No.67563127

>dark elf

>> No.67563532

>willing to fuck other guys for your arousal
>but also willing to kill them if they dare insult you, the man she actually loves
this may be the only flavor of cuckolding that I'd ever be able to tolerate

>> No.67563692
Quoted by: >>67565639

Giving Ririka pregancy correction sounds like a fun topic for a story.

>> No.67564168
Quoted by: >>67565680

I always knew I liked netorase it's not that, it's the violence, the power, the secret side of her, that's freaking me out. I didn't know I liked this. The home invasion stuff too.

>> No.67564376

one drop rule

>> No.67565124

half dark elf.
Whatever. She's fertile

>> No.67565639
Quoted by: >>67571198

>give her pregnancy correction
>it changes nothing about her except her boobs are bigger and she dotes on your child

>> No.67565680

Would you like it if she was sadistic and dominant towards the bull in general?

>> No.67566259

>Come home, greet Chloe
>She asks for a towel so she can shower
>Go to your closet, find a burly, muscular man curled up inside it
>"Oh hey dude!" You greet him. "No need to hide, my wife and I are on an open-"
>"Haha, couldn't keep up with her libido? Been there-"
>"... Now now, Mr. Bull, you're gonna show some respect to her, she's the love of my life and-"
>"P-Please, just let me out...." He breaks into a sob. "I wanna go home..."
>"... Okay."
>Ask Chloe what that was about
>She just shrugs as she writes down some information about the dude, including his socials, his address, his job, and other stuff
>"I'll teach you to respect my boyfriend, you píece of fucking shit." She grins.

>> No.67566651
Quoted by: >>67566913

Oh, that's a cute concept. I think you can even combine it with petplay.

>> No.67566913

As the requester of this
I’d very much be ok with the two prompts being combined and having both of them giving a double blowjob while being spanked

>> No.67567222
File: 160 KB, 1024x1024, photoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schizo violence with named goons
I can why you thought that, but given that he's actually finished and posted something it could not have been me
life do be a bitch sometimes all the time

>> No.67567941

>Someone gets an interesting Chloe discussion going.
>"Lets make it about her cucking you."
What is wrong with you people?

>> No.67568345
Quoted by: >>67570805

>go to bed
>everything normal
>wake up
>seventh trumpet is sounding
holy moly

>> No.67568494

>Either a smut fic with that one nijiJP girl or Shiori.
Swing and a miss. Here, take another song

>> No.67569927

Not yet

>> No.67569952

>the bull is wearing a gimp mask, his hands and feet tied to the bedposts
>Chloe stops actively riding him, forcing him to do all the work by thrusting upwards
>She slaps him before crossing her arms, a disappointed look on her face
>"Is that all you've got? My boyfriend is jerking off over there, so you better make me cum soon!"

>> No.67569960
File: 280 KB, 1322x1781, FlareHickeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67570136

It's almost time to bake!

>> No.67570136
File: 535 KB, 2470x2470, 1681863687636197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that is a piece of art that just made my day.
>The hickey on the ear
Damn I'm motivated now. It's full fucking speed ahead now.

>> No.67570805

“Meow” as they say

>> No.67571198

And she's probably 5 pounds fatter

>> No.67571504

Baking, please stand by

>> No.67571760
File: 692 KB, 2089x1200, 1704607012809832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>67572033

Baked, migrate when ready

>> No.67572033
File: 1.54 MB, 2560x1440, LuiWings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Louis thread
I think this is gonna be a good one
