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File: 336 KB, 1200x941, 1690781318375764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65245562 No.65245562 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:











Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>65239602

>> No.65245583
File: 281 KB, 1681x2048, IMG_1571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca love!

>> No.65245596
File: 455 KB, 720x1133, IMG_20231225_173148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65245604
Quoted by: >>65245856

I want to behead enna

>> No.65245605
File: 187 KB, 2048x1277, IMG_1640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my wife

>> No.65245654
File: 137 KB, 1600x1600, GCIByZybwAA43Wt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ikey! <3

>> No.65245656

>Thumbnail by https://twitter.com/ruru_nnnn
She commisioned that Ewiwa booba artist. I KNEEL MEROCO

>> No.65245725
File: 235 KB, 678x708, 110498823_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65245734
File: 81 KB, 512x512, 1703500648479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy booba

>> No.65245748

Reminder that Elira herself follows thsi artist too

>> No.65245753

Oh Gaon is doing a real cover of YONA YONA DANCE. The karaoke he version he sung with the rest of the nijimelody relay livers was cute

>> No.65245825

Everyone but pomudachis and pentomos won.

>> No.65245856 [DELETED] 

Fuck off muslim. You're the reason why china genocides the uyghurs (based). At least they're free from terrorism

>> No.65245946
File: 223 KB, 596x682, 1673101098835668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millie is in this game too? She sure gets around.

>> No.65245981

Bitch you know watching Enna's beheaded body wander around like a dead chicken would be funny

>> No.65246008

seems like seffyna and maria met up and she gave seffy some candy from australia.

>> No.65246011

Earning yourself a vacation on Christmas? Good plan, actually.

>> No.65246012
File: 282 KB, 850x1298, 1637100071223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65247353

What's stopping you from applying to join so you could have sex with your oshi? Even the new waves are getting in on it, it's not too late.

>> No.65246066
Quoted by: >>65246135

Yuyu Q. Wilson rabu rabu!!!

>> No.65246114

Zali also gave some kind of baked good from france she can't read it since its all in french.

>> No.65246135
Quoted by: >>65246410

I missed you YuQtie

>> No.65246137
File: 3.85 MB, 286x286, 1675309379320362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My head hurts AAAAAAAAAA
Anyone get any nice gifts for Christmas?

>> No.65246151
Quoted by: >>65246176

Chiggers new outfit seems sex

>> No.65246176
File: 746 KB, 1366x768, chiguchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65246225


>> No.65246178
File: 918 KB, 757x699, 1688199327036583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I got this one.

>> No.65246203

i busted a big fat one to claire, arigatou! how about you

>> No.65246225
File: 923 KB, 1366x768, mole still there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65246257


>> No.65246234
File: 338 KB, 2250x1780, IMG_2107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a keyboard! Finally no more cheap kb gaming

>> No.65246250


Harada.... please.... grant tekken perms for niji...

>> No.65246253

Chigusa cuteeeeee

>> No.65246257
File: 1.04 MB, 1366x768, jirai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65246315


>> No.65246278

What is this fashion style called again? Something something landmine?

>> No.65246315
File: 1.22 MB, 1366x768, menhera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65246325

jirai kei

>> No.65246329

Was listening to Maririn's VOD and she mentioned that 90% of cover songs can't be monetized, most of the time it's in the red
instrumental = $500 - $1k+
art = $300 - $1k+
video = $300 - $1k/2k+
mixing = ~$300
And Maririn did 14 covers just this year!

>> No.65246342

The outfit and hair definitely look familiar to someone, but I forgot already

>> No.65246374

The don't flirt with me fashion style
People on twitter got really upset about a meme asking how to make a move on a girl wearing it once

>> No.65246387
Quoted by: >>65246432


>> No.65246400

Jirai kei. Jirai means landmine, referring to how to it's a stereotype that girls who wear this style are menhera with a lot of landmines you shouldn't bring up when talking to

>> No.65246410
File: 323 KB, 378x421, -v-yuyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello.. Sorry, I think I got sick.. My throat doesn't feel good and I keep sneezing... I'll try posting here if I can....
I got perfumes... I have so much from the previous years too so I'm thinking of learning how to layer perfumes so I can use them quickly.. Also a handbag..

>> No.65246432
Quoted by: >>65246464

Nope, i remember it's jp girl

>> No.65246464


>> No.65246470
File: 274 KB, 1524x1500, 1678136608274489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65251912

That sounds so nice.
Hey would you like a boyfriend for Christmas? I can gift you that.

>> No.65246496
File: 763 KB, 361x253, 1697752437594754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, I think I got my last christmas present when I was 12 or something

>> No.65246536
File: 1.62 MB, 1366x768, who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65246562

i'd gladly step into the landmine if it's chigu

>> No.65246565
File: 445 KB, 2072x2140, F_o-VePX0AAn-fH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65246617

I got a pair of shoes and a nice watch!

>> No.65246579

she's dressed like the biggest red flag ever

>> No.65246598

a christmas miracle

>> No.65246617
File: 344 KB, 1440x2560, 1673223493131764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65246837

Photo of the watch?

>> No.65246695

Masked blowjob UUOOHHHGGHH

>> No.65246719
Quoted by: >>65246968

You're probably thinking of Iinchou

>> No.65246806
Quoted by: >>65246956

I forgot how infectious chigusa's energy is

>> No.65246820
Quoted by: >>65246861


>Japane Girls Friend

>> No.65246832
File: 139 KB, 1900x1170, GARIe9AaYAAR9a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meroco coming to give me christmas morning paizuli...

>> No.65246837
File: 458 KB, 1000x1000, 1674099153641965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65246991

I'm paranoid about posting irl pics sorry but it's an analog silver and black casio watch that looks nice on my wrist

>> No.65246861


>> No.65246871
File: 1.24 MB, 1366x768, two menheras.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hisupi sent an edit to Chigu

>> No.65246938
File: 381 KB, 1012x1428, 20231225_181956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TCB's 2nd Luxiem fanbook will feature the other boys' mamas too...

>> No.65246955

mari is home, strim soon

>> No.65246956

i now have the beetus

>> No.65246968
File: 251 KB, 1100x2382, 1703503371695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah maybe

>> No.65246984

I’m deadge, even oyomama is here

>> No.65246988

Bros did you forget to buy me my Aster body pillow? You said you'd get it me for Christmas.
Might just be late getting delivered haha, might turn up in a few days.

>> No.65246991
File: 173 KB, 970x1109, 1677373504346247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65247206

Pero pero wrist
I bet it's thin and cute
I don't really wear watches since I can just use my phone but in a recent project everyone had to leave their phones outside during meetings so a lot of people started wearing them.

>> No.65247009
Quoted by: >>65251912

No, I missed you cause I wasn't around last night... I did see that you got sick when I was thread reading. I hope you get well soon; it sucks to catch a cold at this time of the year.

>> No.65247186
File: 98 KB, 325x681, 1701160601424595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at my cute cunny wife

>> No.65247206

I've only seen the one with Shin-kun on the cover wtf Ike looks so good here ;v; TCB mama love!
yeah I haven't had to use a watch in years too but it's a nice accessory anyway

>> No.65247276


>> No.65247328

So anon,
What are you doing/watching right now?
What streams are you waiting to watch??

>> No.65247345

notGundou unboxing stuff while waiting for Maririn

>> No.65247353

That’s my plan but I need to do my stream reps before

>> No.65247356


>> No.65247368

I am on the fucking floor KEK i laugh easily...

>> No.65247396
File: 1009 KB, 1194x638, 1703370058863157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished taking a shower and probably not gonna watch anything today, unless Pomu streams but she's probably busy

>> No.65247399
Quoted by: >>65247443

ToT she looks like those models I follow on ig

>> No.65247443


>> No.65247447


>> No.65247471


>> No.65247529

There used to be a Scottish guy who was a minor celebrity in the NijiJP fanbase because he would always go to all the Nijisanji live events and was a gaijin so he would manage to get into the footage where they're recording the fans on location waiting for the show to start or whatever. He would shout Nijisanji Saikou it was funny.

>> No.65247544
File: 398 KB, 2048x1072, 1701874444588240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65247592

Watching NijiFes VODs, then will watch Koto's stream

>> No.65247595
File: 283 KB, 563x884, 1702195298673147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego from my favorite bald guy.

>> No.65247642
File: 512 KB, 836x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching silly drunk Elira singing.

>> No.65247695
File: 499 KB, 828x1329, IMG_7090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65247767


>> No.65247714

waiting for uiha new 3d outfit premiere

>> No.65247743
Quoted by: >>65247808

Why'd they tweet at around the same time? Did they get on the same flight again?

>> No.65247767

Ver my whore dad…

>> No.65247779

NijiEN for this feel?

>> No.65247808
File: 79 KB, 348x285, 1696013327024597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're having sex with me

>> No.65247810
Quoted by: >>65247845


>> No.65247845
Quoted by: >>65247961

>Both chinese
It actually fits, thanks

>> No.65247949

Uiha new 3D outfit reveal...

>> No.65247961


>> No.65248011
Quoted by: >>65248160

Kotocooking! No stream, just video this time

>> No.65248053
File: 873 KB, 2675x4096, F_JBjROawAA4KW5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my bird wife Enna!

>> No.65248064


>> No.65248104

Uiha is looking for a good place to pose with her new outfit with Hisupi vlog style

>> No.65248160

what a beautiful duwang

>> No.65248161

Uiha and Hisupi are commentating their vlog

>> No.65248166
Quoted by: >>65248263

Can I use AI to replace this girl with Enna?

>> No.65248197

pretty cool format

>> No.65248213

as always with just about any Pomu Elira dynamic I can't tell which one is which

>> No.65248242


>> No.65248249

look at this dragoons

>> No.65248263

>This girl
It's Mari from vitual real, she graduated 2 months ago

>> No.65248268

Omegaverse is real

>> No.65248280


>> No.65248285

>trying out some shisha


>> No.65248292


>> No.65248304


>> No.65248320

Uiha's new hair is so cute...

>> No.65248343


>> No.65248349

>Pomu used to make $900 per stream
>this was very consistent and held from debut all the way until early 2023
>in early 2023 Pomu's income/stream suddenly began plummeting
>now he earns almost half as much per stream
>her net income is plummeting from $20k/month to $10k/month

As for Luca
>used to make an easy $3.5k per stream
>even after decinnig still made a nice $1500/stream
>now makes $600 per stream
>Luca's net-income has fallen below Pomu now, for the first time ever

It seems like Pomu's underwear yab actually damaged her income in a very significant way. Her income is trending down and down right now too. She is at her lowest point EVER in December of 2023, about 1/3 as much as she made in her lowest-point before 2023

>> No.65248362

this 3d outfit is on the same level of "can't believe this is only going to get used once and never again" as gibara's last outfit

>> No.65248383
File: 214 KB, 605x339, 1683719655465177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maririn wants me to call her mariring instead but i'm not gonna

>> No.65248390
File: 198 KB, 1378x1342, superchat compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65248417
File: 643 KB, 961x755, 1692246688776182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65248445

Fat fuck

>> No.65248463
File: 377 KB, 492x762, 1696433543727601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65248472

This food looks so good

>> No.65248491
Quoted by: >>65248513

I need to have wet sloppy sex with hichupi

>> No.65248500
File: 498 KB, 690x768, 1682562115182052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Announcer Maririn

>> No.65248513
Quoted by: >>65248586

her 14 year old version or her adult version

>> No.65248539

>Merry is the ikeakuma schizo

>> No.65248550

alcohol, water bottle, lots of sweets. im so grateful for my water bottle because one of mine just broke

>> No.65248551
File: 338 KB, 637x528, 1697217224085360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65248584

ppet ahoge accessory

>> No.65248584

her ahoge is strong...

>> No.65248586

both at the same time unti; I break

>> No.65248603
File: 404 KB, 648x634, 1676645700808942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell santarin what you want for Christmas

>> No.65248615

Uiha is getting scouted for JAV

>> No.65248646

uiha's well toned ass

>> No.65248657
File: 479 KB, 611x757, 1674456706026778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65248666
File: 356 KB, 2048x1087, Crismo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65248998

Just waking up, going to download Elira's karaoke archive and watch Kotoka. I don't see anything else on the teamup besides Fuuchan doing a zatsu so I think I'll watch Reimu's FFVII vods or maybe finish Selen's Roboquest

Merry Christmas anon.

>> No.65248675
Quoted by: >>65248701


>> No.65248701
Quoted by: >>65248732

why do they dance so well...?

>> No.65248710

Uiha's dancing...

>> No.65248732

some say they're uiha's professional dancer friends, others say they're other livers who are good at dancing like mikoto

>> No.65248750
File: 449 KB, 585x750, 1697547749488182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for you daily ball crushing

>> No.65248760
File: 67 KB, 480x480, ppWow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selen cover

>> No.65248809
Quoted by: >>65248850

Big booba maririn

>> No.65248829

uohhhhhhh sex on the screeen

>> No.65248836

yorumichan kawaiii

>> No.65248847
Quoted by: >>65248902

The ahoge is making it look like she ha some creature trapped inside the hat and is trying to get out.

>> No.65248850
File: 36 KB, 453x446, 1680036389787576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're getting coal in your stocking

>> No.65248880

symphonia day 3

>> No.65248879

>fantasia outfits
symphonia day 3

>> No.65248883
Quoted by: >>65248944

I just got reminded of when I was in middle school and would masturbate to dance covers

>> No.65248895
File: 3.91 MB, 2048x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65248902

Yeah me

>> No.65248932
File: 76 KB, 850x668, therapeutic footjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65248939

Meanwhile shu and Sonny still has no cover

>> No.65248944

mmd outta control these days

>> No.65248968

eigo jouzu

>> No.65248970
File: 76 KB, 650x751, enna values.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65253003

Enna's income is a little bit more stable. But she is still earning a small fraction what she was.
Believe it or not, back in her "cute" days when her viewership was a small fraction, she was earning 2x as much superchat as she is today in her "vile whore" phase.
Anyone who knows something about the vtubing market could have predicted this.

>> No.65248998
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 7X5rZbnkC8K9_9EP5OW04Ag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65249497

Kunai said that she might do guerilla today, so she should stream at her usual time at 12PM

>> No.65249005

Are you factoring in streamlabs? Most of her paypigs moved to that

>> No.65249025

Man. I'm gonna miss her dancing

>> No.65249055

Hisui has sex singing voice

>> No.65249070

they aren't or gifted subs which are other metrics plus this enna one they just posted is even more worthless because shes been in japan since October.

>> No.65249076
Quoted by: >>65249120


>> No.65249084

nagaochan kawaii

>> No.65249089


>> No.65249101
File: 414 KB, 1066x614, bb3ac783149afce5dd9df6e8d9feae75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65249107

If Sonny went home today I wonder if he got to see his family

>> No.65249113

Old man cute

>> No.65249120


>> No.65249131
File: 72 KB, 1260x712, 1703382214029866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65249166

Maou-sama's 3D was my favorite gift of all

>> No.65249133

been seeing a lot of nagao these last few days

>> No.65249143

The cats and dogs on the big ass screen behind them is too fucking funny

>> No.65249165

Paypiggies, pay for Luca's condom money like good little piggies

>> No.65249166
Quoted by: >>65249378

ngl seeing her on stage made me tear up a bit

>> No.65249167

Akina anons!

>> No.65249174

Woah Akina

>> No.65249179

Akina! Akina! Akina! He's alive ueeeeee

>> No.65249183

another graduating liver...

>> No.65249194

He’ll be next

>> No.65249204

Chili boy

>> No.65249209
Quoted by: >>65249240

are uiha's videos gonna be privated after her graduation?

>> No.65249228

Did Akina come out of the closet yet?

>> No.65249236

I don't really like Shabu Shabu the broth they use is too plain I prefer the usual hotpot where a broth with flavor is used.

>> No.65249240

I think she said they'll be kept up

>> No.65249242

Please dont joke about this. Ill take a Gil or maimoto situation over graduation

>> No.65249252

Pretty sure he came out as bi super early on

>> No.65249258

Koto is doing cleaning zatsu right now if anyone wonders

>> No.65249271

Do you not see him salivating over knkn and shotas

>> No.65249286

Do you not remember him trying to fuck Alban the sexcat

>> No.65249294


>> No.65249296

>Doppio was so cute
>Ver was just Ver
poor Ver

>> No.65249300
Quoted by: >>65249388

Okay Maririn enough about the babies, was it an Airbus or a Boeing why do the livers never disclose this.

>> No.65249302
Quoted by: >>65249370

well, he did reassure his fans he wouldn't be graduating
...back in his last stream in august or something. wonder what's going on with him

>> No.65249313

>first Uiha outfit reveal tournament
and last...

>> No.65249329


>> No.65249330

Koto says taht Ver and Doppio were really cute. Her brain kind of bugged from Doppio, she can't believe that a real person talks like that in real life. She also didn't recognise him untill he started to speak

>> No.65249345

Sacrilege, Pomu and Maririn didn't go to a maid cafe.

>> No.65249352
File: 3.74 MB, 572x505, 1670337016044232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story of Big Boss and The Boss is so sad guys why is it so sad why did Snake need to kill The Boss they both deserved better I hate this so much why is life so unfair???

>> No.65249365

Pomu did all the calls during Maria's karaoke

>> No.65249368
File: 282 KB, 1280x720, hohoho[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8bz230.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65249833

>> No.65249367
Quoted by: >>65249386

Do Brazilians look like Japs? Doppio said he could pass as a JP... Is he actually a flip...

>> No.65249370

Sex with me

>> No.65249374

pomu was doing idol calls when maririn was singing in the karaoke party

>> No.65249378

Yeah, I think if I ever get to see my kamioshi on stage I might really burst into sobbing, which would be problematic because I want to see her in all her glory without tears clouding my vision.

>> No.65249379

>maririn sad she didn't go to a maid cafe with pomu
>mari: NOOOOOO!
>mari: oh don't worry, we'll go next time
oh yeah, we're so back
>mari: hopefully

>> No.65249386

he's too good-natured to be a flip

>> No.65249388
Quoted by: >>65249455

no plane autist in nijien, plane is a plane for the average person.

>> No.65249392
Quoted by: >>65249439

There's one of EN managers that taller than Doppio. When Doppio met him IRL, he freaked out. Kotoka thinks that Doppio has some kind of phobia of people that taller tahn him

>> No.65249418

Maririn had yakiniku with Pomu! Pomu is a rice person while Maririn favors noodle

>> No.65249419

is there a list of all the wins niji has had for the last couple weeks or so

>> No.65249424

Oliver peaked out from a corner and started talking with the boys. When Doppio saw him, he jumped up. Ver was also really excited to meet him. Doppio kept his distance from him this entire time

>> No.65249439

yeah oliver sensei also talked about how doppio fears him because irl oliver is like 6'3 or something.

>> No.65249455

I like the taste and texture of Japanese rice even by itself.
At least I managed to find out Vox took a B777 from the British Airways picture he posted. Their 777s had unique seats.

>> No.65249457

Kotoka's hat being all over the place feels on brand.

>> No.65249472
Quoted by: >>65249530

>Kotoka got glomped by Sukoya
god i wish that was me

>> No.65249488
Quoted by: >>65249506

Koto met Seffyna and Nari!

>> No.65249495
Quoted by: >>65249552

Potato noodles? I've only heard of potato pasta like Gnocchi.

>> No.65249497
File: 1.61 MB, 2000x2115, bug wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65249560

Hollow Mondays? If Family doesn't say anything I'll be there.

>> No.65249506
Quoted by: >>65249563

did seffyna appear anywhere in nijifes?

>> No.65249508

Funny car jumping on extremly high speed

>> No.65249522
Quoted by: >>65249561

The streamlabs are kind of a small percentage anon. She gets maybe like $1.5k a month in streamlabs? Juging by what I'm seeing anyway.
Even adding that to her total doesn't bring her anywhere near where she was. In 2021 she was making literally $20k a month. Now it's like...$7k? Maybe $10k on a good month? Adding a couple thousand to that isn't going to make the difference.

>> No.65249530
File: 80 KB, 480x480, 1695994990795880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you want to be glomped or be the one who glompes?

>> No.65249551

Do you really need to wait for that before spending on a console controller lol.

>> No.65249552

glass noodles are sometimes made from potatoes or sweet potatoes

>> No.65249556
File: 536 KB, 711x644, 1676545613612024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65249633

I wanna be glomped by Sukoya. Glomping Kotoka would probably kill her as I'm 230 lbs.

>> No.65249560

No, no Hollow Mondays this week. She said last week that she might do a zatsu if she'll have time!

>> No.65249561
Quoted by: >>65249765

I mean you say this but she also got 1200 gift members this month.

>> No.65249563

she was in one of the group zatsu intermission iirc

>> No.65249586

Koto met Lain on NijiFes too!

>> No.65249599

I want to glomp a small japanese woman

>> No.65249633

Whats that in kg??

>> No.65249682

Ohh, Enna apperently was at the party too. Kotoka sang with her at karaoke

>> No.65249696

104 anon. Honestly for all we know maybe it's all muscle on that Pomie and he's actually a tall American football player

>> No.65249711

105kg which is perfectly not fat weight if you are tall t. nta

>> No.65249728

Kotoka gave a present to Alban. The present was music related, Kotoka talked with him about music a lot behind the scenes. Apperently, this present will be useful to him.

>> No.65249764

Alban was really happy. He had pien face and looked like a puppy. He said that it was the best day of his life

>> No.65249765

Youtube implemented gifted memberships in May of 2022.
Pomu's income doesn't start visibly imploding until April of 2023, which is exactly when the underwear yab happened

>> No.65249807

Kotoka said that Alban would react like that even if he secretly hated the present, so she really hopes that he actually liked it

>> No.65249810
File: 642 KB, 1700x2000, 1651376185922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Rosemi with all of my heart!

>> No.65249832
Quoted by: >>65249878

>Kotoka's secret santa was Sonny
Briskadets gonna spam private QRT's while cutting themselves again

>> No.65249833
File: 692 KB, 1424x2048, GA4so_0bQAAv42T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65249837

Kotoka's secret santa was Sonny. She said that it was random and he had no choice
>ho ho ho, I'm Sonny. Sonny the santa.

>> No.65249838
File: 1.19 MB, 3000x4000, 20231225_090417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this.

>> No.65249841

that doesn't change anything you just don't know if people are just supporting in different ways looking back on the past 3 months shes gotten over 1,000 gifted members a month.

>> No.65249855


>> No.65249856
Quoted by: >>65249971

Stop fucking trying to have a genuine conversation with him you won’t get anything out of it except for stupid shit like this >>65249765

>> No.65249860
Quoted by: >>65250115

post cat

>> No.65249877


>> No.65249878
Quoted by: >>65249962

Never seen briskadets harassing girls taht interact with Sonny, be it Petra, Millie or Pomu. If anything, Alban got more harrasment from them than the girls

>> No.65249902


>> No.65249910

Sonny gave Kotoka two kitchen knives: big knife and baby knife
>What's the meaning of this, Sonny?
>Koto, use the small one untill you grow up, and use the big one after you grow up

>> No.65249917

pov: you are mysta?

>> No.65249922

Merrrroco LIVE

>> No.65249924

I never ate an apple for that reason before, I'm less Chinese than Maria.

>> No.65249926

Cute kot paw

>> No.65249931
File: 869 KB, 1580x906, 1694855481937691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65249954

>emoi goodbye message
Uiha... ;_;

>> No.65249962
Quoted by: >>65250037

>Sonny gave Kotoka a knife to stab him with
Briskadets...I'm so sorry

They don't harass livers the joke is that he wished happy birthday to a random attractive Briskadet on Twitter and they lost their shit.

>> No.65249971

In april of 2023 Pomu's income suddenly drops off a fucking cliff. She made only $4.5k in December, and did 13 streams.
In Decemer of 2021, she did 25 streams.....but earned $25k!!!
In December of 2022, she did 23 streams....and earned 19k!!!

Earning 4.5k is really really low, even given the reduced streaming. It's like her income just dropped off a fucking cliff

>> No.65249972

holy cow

>> No.65249988

pomu mention in mito stream

>> No.65250005

Millie gave everyone a pair of socks and prepared the secret santa!

>> No.65250012

Apperently, Millie gifted EVERYONE at the party pairs of matching socks. She also bought cake and ALL secret santa presents. She's dead now since she sang so hard at karaoke that her voice broke

>> No.65250037
Quoted by: >>65250084

Luca’s tweet had the same weird private quotes and replies but the briskadet schizo only posted this and you’re falling for it huh

>> No.65250084
Quoted by: >>65250109

Why does that bother you even? It's not like it's a negative thing towards Sonny. It's just teasing his fans for being overly parasocial. Don't get so defensive sis.

>> No.65250109
Quoted by: >>65250166

Don’t be disingenuous

>> No.65250113

Ver was singing only Korean songs. According to Koto, he was really good at singing. Ren was singing Fall out boy songs with the other boys

>> No.65250115
File: 373 KB, 4000x3000, 20231219_183547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That paw belongs to the cat on the left.

>> No.65250120
Quoted by: >>65250165

source: my ass

>> No.65250150

cute dog bro

>> No.65250165

it's right here: >>65248390

>> No.65250166

I'm not disingenuous, why are you upset?
People make fun of every fanbase, it's not a big deal. Pomudachis are the most victimized fanbase in this entire thread but you don't see us whining...

>> No.65250191
File: 588 KB, 426x498, worship white woman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65250227

merry christmas nijien

>> No.65250198
Quoted by: >>65250252

Have you played the earlier games?

>> No.65250206
Quoted by: >>65250338

Koto got really sick in the middle at the party. After she got sick, Enna came for help, got ginger ale out of nowhere and told her to drink it for stomach ache

>> No.65250218
Quoted by: >>65250346

If you’re a pomudachi then you should understand why I would hate shitposters in general and seeing anons defend them…

>> No.65250227

merry christmas

>> No.65250240
File: 1.76 MB, 1366x768, stranger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65250323

There's a stranger in maousama's stream watching Nari's 3D

>> No.65250239
Quoted by: >>65250342

Show the raw data. Graphs are inherently biased

>> No.65250252
Quoted by: >>65250346

Been playing AC since the PS2 games.

>> No.65250268
Quoted by: >>65250303

Kotoka got a chance to meet Zali, Vanta and Claude. She didn't get a chance to meet Wilson, Vivi and Kunai since they left Japan earlier

>> No.65250269

once again you are only using a single metric just went back to see how many gifted she had last year and it was less than this years and she didn't even have a karaoke boost compared.

>> No.65250281
Quoted by: >>65250327

Why was Kotoka so excited about meeting Vanta

>> No.65250287
File: 369 KB, 1536x2048, FzOQPPYaIAE7PQn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking of bird

>> No.65250303

Wilson, Vivi and Kunai HATE Kotoka

>> No.65250322


>> No.65250323

Sex with this stranger!

>> No.65250327

first black person she's ever met

>> No.65250338
File: 163 KB, 1152x308, 1703510354285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know from how I hear Enna sometimes talks about ginger ale in her zatsus, I think she thinks its ginger content is a lot higher than it actually is lmao.

>> No.65250341
Quoted by: >>65250385

ABout Doppio and Ver's fashin sense: they didn't look bad and
>They dress according to their body type (???)
Ver wear skinny clothes and Doppio wear baggy clothes

>> No.65250342
File: 28 KB, 313x521, pomu data.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65250437


>> No.65250346
File: 368 KB, 1326x1959, 1677375094189265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You two need to get a room
I played Armored Core on the PS1 so I win!
That's cool. Do you own any kits? I keep getting tempted to buy some of the 4/4A stuff but I don't really have a good place to display them.

>> No.65250385
File: 281 KB, 1186x1934, 1677706953627548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dress according to their body type
>Doppio wear baggy clothes
Doppio fatscythe..

>> No.65250394

cute cars thanks anon

>> No.65250399


>> No.65250403
Quoted by: >>65250508

Sonny always dresses comfy

>> No.65250404

>Sonny always dresses "comfy"
so he dresses like an incel in hoodie and cargo pants

>> No.65250413
Quoted by: >>65250492

So who WASNT there

>> No.65250427

According to Kotoka, Enna was the most fashionable at the party. She has really great fashion sense. She can't remember what the boys were wearing at all, lmao
>How is Sonny dresess?
>Claude said that Ver dresses like dad
She agrees, lmao

>> No.65250435
Quoted by: >>65250470


>> No.65250437
Quoted by: >>65250463

That's not the individual raw data. You gotta put in more effort to make your lies more believable buddy.

>> No.65250462
File: 228 KB, 400x411, 1684259102743740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Twitter for (you) page is full of /pol/ shit and I only follow and like Pomu things. Annoying.

>> No.65250463
Quoted by: >>65250503

it comes from playboard using excel magic to extract

>> No.65250466

That's just me but cargo shorts instead

>> No.65250470
Quoted by: >>65250510

hey babygirl you know who else dresses like a fat kid in middle school?

>> No.65250473


>> No.65250476
Quoted by: >>65250710

Based. He knows that IkeAkuma is canon and real.

>> No.65250492

shu, vox, ike, finana, elira, selen, reimu, nina, mysta, aia, scarle, aster, zaion, chimon

>> No.65250501

chiggers was very cute today

>> No.65250502

Every time Kotoka meets Luca in Japan, he says that he's going to clothing shopping, yet every time he wears the same exact clothes (or at least really simmilar ones). Kotoka told this Ren, and he said that Luca is like one of those anime characters that have like 10 similar shirts in their closets

>> No.65250503
Quoted by: >>65250560

>excel magic
So you admit it's just made up numbers then.

>> No.65250508
File: 393 KB, 3000x3000, 1703510672680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very huggable

>> No.65250510
Quoted by: >>65250543

But you’re not cute

>> No.65250513
File: 278 KB, 1170x2532, millie magnefy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come suddenly drops

>> No.65250517

koto is a girl so she only knows girls fashion

>> No.65250528
Quoted by: >>65250619

Gotta train the algo bro, seek out what you want and the for you page will show proper stuff.

>> No.65250537

Kotoka was talking with Ren about music and Luca's clothing, lmao

>> No.65250543
File: 392 KB, 532x781, 1702560917689900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65250574

you don't know that, girls usually say I am!

>> No.65250555
Quoted by: >>65250619

Vote biden american pomie

>> No.65250560
Quoted by: >>65250603

>copy all the data from playboard
>select every 5th row to get the donation amount
>every fifth row offset by 2 to get the date
>countif by the date string
>total the columns by month

>> No.65250571

You gotta follow more accounts. Mine is nothing but vtubers, cosplay sluts and ero doujin authors.

>> No.65250574
Quoted by: >>65250604

Post proof then

>> No.65250579

According to Koto, management actually payed for all the food for the entire duration of the NijiFes

>> No.65250591
Quoted by: >>65250621

they just dont want graduations over this

>> No.65250603
Quoted by: >>65250623

That doesn't even make any sense anon.

>> No.65250604

Sonny doesn't dox himself so why should I?

>> No.65250619
File: 1.12 MB, 2205x1242, 1676579155474936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65250643

I am brazilian!

I already do, but Twitter's algo is very fickle and chamges out of nowhere

>> No.65250621

*they don't want pomu to graduate

>> No.65250623
Quoted by: >>65250665

I'm sure a lot of things are a mystery to you

>> No.65250643
Quoted by: >>65250753

They did that last year as well. Selen mentioned that last year.

Vote Lula Brazilian Pomie!

>> No.65250646
Quoted by: >>65250710

Ike is with Vox. No matter if they are in Sweden, the U.K. Canada, or even Japan, they are always with each other because they are in love with each other.

>> No.65250665

Just like your made up numbers

>> No.65250668

nari acts so much like a child, sometimes i don't notice that her chest is actually pretty big

>> No.65250693
File: 7 KB, 382x100, 1674346911590654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65250749

Christmas with my Japanese (real) gf Meroco

>> No.65250710
Quoted by: >>65250789

how has your christmas been, vox?

>> No.65250722

During Xsoleil panel, Ver was really nervese, meanwhile Doppio was really excited. After the pannel, all said that they had fun

>> No.65250749

*Japane Girls Friend

>> No.65250753
File: 96 KB, 293x234, 1698922725964979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lula promissed evreyone was going to get a gf if he got elected and I am still waiting...

>> No.65250758

>I-it was just a company mandated dinner
>actually there was an entire secret santa party exchanging gifts and drinking together late at night

Lmao ok faggots
well now you know why she cancelled her stream

>> No.65250780

Meloco's thumbnail looks like she about to fuck a shota

>> No.65250789

It has been wonderful, spending all my time with Ike.

>> No.65250791
Quoted by: >>65250829

Apperently, Hex just copypasted Kuromi picture from google on his presentation. Kotoka and other Xsoleil members had to redraw it to avoid copyright

>> No.65250808
Quoted by: >>65250887

That shota? Me

>> No.65250815
Quoted by: >>65250887

That shota? Me

>> No.65250826
Quoted by: >>65250899

But company mandated dinners usually include all these things you mentioned

>> No.65250829

I feel like Hex will be the first to graduate

>> No.65250847
Quoted by: >>65250861


>> No.65250856
Quoted by: >>65250899

That just a normal year end company dinner

>> No.65250861


>> No.65250874


>> No.65250887
File: 708 KB, 714x556, 1689459532935136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65250899

Fucking idiots

>> No.65250915

Kotoka says that nobody in Xsoleil plans to graduate anytime soon

>> No.65250934

Found someone who never worked for an Asian company before

>> No.65250964

Truly shows the state of these threads when graduations (generally a bad thing) are what gets everyone riled up

>> No.65250967

>anon has never done secret santa with a bunch of coworkers you barley know and giving them mugs while getting socks as your gift
>anon has never been to a shitty Christmas party where the only good thing is the punch

>> No.65250981

You could be talking to a minor

>> No.65250996

Ver already said Vanta was drunk during it so it wasn't just punch

>> No.65250998

>My liveposts got used as a shitposting fuel
Sometimes I think I should just stop posting about streams in this thread alltogether

>> No.65251009

Yeah. A minor who sucks at excel sheets.

>> No.65251013

Wait do western companies not usually do that sort of stuff as well? My entire department last night did a white elephant on Christmas Eve because the head realized a ton of us weren't going home for Christmas/couldn't, so I just sorta assumed that it's the usual

>> No.65251015

Company dinners generally don't involve karaoke with hard alcohol

>> No.65251024
Quoted by: >>65251081

It literally is lol

I don't think it's exclusive to asian companies. I had to go to one of those recently.

>> No.65251042

Day 2 panel was really hard to Kotoka. Al ot of stuff that had been talked there was really dificcult to translate and she straight up didn't know half of the subjects brought up there, so she actually had to prepare in advance, google and make notes for everything

>> No.65251050

law firms and government facilities do it all the time

>> No.65251058

Asian ones do. I worked for a Korean company and that's what we did last week.

>> No.65251063


>> No.65251079
File: 406 KB, 1250x1250, 1703369947322358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!

Merry Christmas and good morning, anons!

>> No.65251081

Ok tell yourself whatever you want.
Fact remains they were all drunk together until 1am and stayed in the same hotel together. But it's ok because "the company forced them to"
yeah whatever you need to believe retard

>> No.65251091


>> No.65251096
File: 128 KB, 607x1162, for you page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like a you problem

>> No.65251103


>> No.65251106

Kind Koto, thank you for helping my Nihongo jouzon't son

>> No.65251116

Time to accept the L anon

>> No.65251136

Kotoka talks about how Ren and Sonny pranked Nagao with vegemite "candy", lmao

>> No.65251175

This is just normal and expected for companies btw.
It's called per diem.

>> No.65251187
File: 815 KB, 2304x4096, GCMl9JCaQAAAYPY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Aster is one of the sexiest girls in NijiEN

>> No.65251194
File: 384 KB, 510x598, 1688521990052674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65251248

Never said anyone forced them to go. They probably enjoyed themselves and had a good time but these things are done by the company.

Why are you so upset about this?

>> No.65251197 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>65251294

Nijisanji seems kind of like.....shit?

Other companies don't even have male members. But Nijisanji you are literally funding your oshi to get fucked by the males. It's so fucking gross. Why would anyone be fan of this shitty ass company?

>> No.65251218

Koto actually chickened out and didn't eat the vegemite. She now wants to taste it, lmao

>> No.65251222
Quoted by: >>65251312

I'm SHOCKED and APPALLED that a company would organise a PARTY DINNER with ALCOHOL around a MAJOR HOLIDAY and EVENT.
I cannot believe that the company workers would primarily stay in THE SAME HOTEL. Outrageous!

>> No.65251248

>"enjoyed themselves"
>"had a good time"
yeah that's one way to put it you cuck faggot

Get your testosterone levels checked you little faggy bitch

>> No.65251249

Nagao took an entire spoon of vegemite in his mouth. After that, he almost fell from his stool and his face looked like a salted plum

>> No.65251250

>Mika and Meloco GFE ASMR
I'm cumming

>> No.65251251

Asian companies unironically do. Heck one of the Western ones I worked for for a bit did BBQ+drinks but it's a more common Asian practice

>> No.65251255
Quoted by: >>65251613

The fact that you think men and women can't be friends and go out drinking together is truly the saddest thing, have you ever made eye contact with a woman you're not related to?

>> No.65251276

this is not hololive retard. we don't give a fuck if male and female vubers dating eachother

>> No.65251294
File: 1.69 MB, 4032x3024, 3592i3506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my oshi likes getting fucked by males thank you very much

>> No.65251312

But ANON sleeping in the same 100 square meter area MEANS they are absolutely FUCKING IN THEIR DREAMS, and this is literally PSYCHOLOGICALLY cucking ME

>> No.65251317
File: 453 KB, 2263x1325, 1702208729662716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65251514

look at these gremlins!

>> No.65251326
File: 10 KB, 246x205, prettyelira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gm!! How are you guys!?

>> No.65251337

>He fell for the Jew propaganda

>> No.65251338
Quoted by: >>65251407

reminder that nijisanji is not a GFE and BFE company

>> No.65251341

Koto wants to cook vegemite.....

>> No.65251351

>people flirt together for months and months
>surprised that people become suspicious when they stay up drinking together
maybe....don't flirt? ever thought of that?

>> No.65251356

>this company sucks! Why would anyone watch this shit! Not me!
>proceeds to still watch Enna and spam /nijiEN/ even on Christmas
One of my personal favorite loops of his if I’m being honest, the irony(schizophrenia) is quite interesting

>> No.65251363

Hello falseflagger, just a reminder that men and women can be friends or even best friends without dating each other or even being gay. I know you have an oedipal complex and it colors every interaction of your life, but I promise you can be happier if you would simply let yourself be

>> No.65251365

It's so funny because obviously a company getting rooms would be looking for bulk booking, ideally one location, set amount of days.

>> No.65251376

>shitposting on Christmas

>> No.65251404
File: 1.07 MB, 990x1282, 1696284365368157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still, a year later, you reply and engage with ennaschizo
Are you, like, actually retarded?

>> No.65251405

when??? Talking to other people is not flirting.

>> No.65251407
Quoted by: >>65251501

Meloc is literally doing one

>> No.65251410

>leplying to shitposter
you know the shitters won't stop right? unless someone bust his ass but he'll probably likes it

>> No.65251415

Holy projection, how much ntr do watch anon?

>> No.65251418

I've worked in a JP financial institution before, even the bosses who were really strict and proper normally always got piss drunk during parties, since it was after office these go till like past midnight too

>> No.65251421

The saddest part is he probably spent the whole christmas making graphs and numbers. This is just so sad I'm tearing up

>> No.65251427
Quoted by: >>65251460

Maybe asking your "friend" for their dick is not appropriate? Why are they doing that with their "friend"?

>> No.65251439
File: 215 KB, 499x500, 1688765280160163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christmas cheer time is over so its missing my oshi time

>> No.65251446

my lonely fat hairy little pomudachis having to deal with this on christmas. it makes me sad

>> No.65251454
File: 61 KB, 516x730, GAMUjZrbcAAyR4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gm!! been sick but i'm still feeling jolly!!!

>> No.65251455

Good morning weewa! Merry christmass!!!

>> No.65251460

friendless anon I feel so bad for you

>> No.65251484

gm!! im very very well. lots of alcohool and sweets now past midnight which isnt good for me but its christmas so og well
hope your day goes well! merry chrtismas!

>> No.65251489
Quoted by: >>65251529

>I want to fuck Vanta's dick, his voice is so hot, I will fight Reimu for the right to suck his dick
>posts dick emojis at him
>posts voicetweet where she's giggling about his voice and making lewd noises
"Why would people ever think they are anything but friends" I don't understand? hurr durr

>> No.65251490
File: 541 KB, 658x504, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just get cute Selen cosplayers

>> No.65251495

if you look at twitter you will know that famillies want millie to fuck luca, vanta and alban

>> No.65251501
Quoted by: >>65251601

xsoleil is the whore wave. they give you the pay for sex experience

>> No.65251514
File: 200 KB, 981x975, 1702621796093543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65251654

I'm looking, they're very cute!

Doing simply wonderful. I'm looking forward to master's cover, my entire day is blocked out for both irl and online people I care about, I woke up early to catch Maria's stream, there's a time period I can nap to asmr vods to stay up later, auntie might be doing a guerilla, Koto's current stories are fun, I'm still twitching from the sheer happiness of Nari getting her 3D, and I woke up just feeling so so so much happier and in love with the idea of being alive than usual

>> No.65251524
File: 324 KB, 2048x1152, GCMI-HIbcAAcW4l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65251607

shota fucker meloco...

>> No.65251523

That's so true anon this one time I told a guy his shoes are nice and laughed at one of his jokes and now he thinks we're married

>> No.65251529
Quoted by: >>65251576

Sounds like you're projecting your homosexual tendencies for Vanta onto Millie...

>> No.65251536

>he think pomudachis hate luca

>> No.65251547

That horseman? Me

>> No.65251555
Quoted by: >>65251589

Anon....how you feel about livers who are openly flirting with each other, like Enna/Hex, or Millie/Vanta, or Vox/Reimu?
See your narrative kind of falls apart because the livers aren't acting in the way you pretend they are

>> No.65251558
Quoted by: >>65251593

>shitpost all day about gay cuck interracial relationships
>sit around for 3 hours beating off to ryona
>go back to shitposting the same topic
very big white man

>> No.65251563
File: 40 KB, 590x579, 20230904_184120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre a genuine child if you think me and women cant be friends.

>> No.65251576

Shitposter-kun wants to be taken advantage of by Vanta uwahhh~

>> No.65251589
Quoted by: >>65251658

>livers who are openly flirting with each other, like Enna/Hex, or Millie/Vanta, or Vox/Reimu
since when?

>> No.65251593

Don't forget the gay porn spam

>> No.65251595

But also me.

>> No.65251601
File: 136 KB, 460x434, 1697220686138848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65251626

Koto is not a whore....

>> No.65251607

God I wish I was a little boy

>> No.65251613

Not him but been to so many company functions. Get pissed drunk, talk about all sorts of shit, end up going home after a good time. 65W-35M ratio company did it the most, and there wasn't a single case of sex stuff going on, most people already had SO's anyway. Some people just live a reality with their only lense being the Internet... Which will warp your perspective and tends to venerate the extremes, which is the only way someone could be so ignorant tbhdesu

>> No.65251621
Quoted by: >>65251718

Samefag in replied

>> No.65251626
Quoted by: >>65251800

we all saw her fallout playthrough...

>> No.65251628

Men and women can't be friends because I'm a nice tall buff attractive man and I have never had females friends because they only want to fuck me.

>> No.65251641
File: 378 KB, 488x651, 1699205920601494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish for Milllie with glasses

>> No.65251643


>> No.65251650
Quoted by: >>65251793

According to Koto, Ren, Luca and Nagao want to collab again in the future

>> No.65251654
Quoted by: >>65251839

very happy for you dragoon!

>> No.65251658

So would you consider this flirting?


>> No.65251662
Quoted by: >>65251769

You are my friend

>> No.65251673

We don't care if Pomu is dating someone or not. We love Pomu because she is Pomu and we want her to be happy because true love is not possession.

>> No.65251680
File: 89 KB, 212x225, yuyu taking it all in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not sure if you can take paracetamol and drink alcohol but MERRY CHRISTMAS

>> No.65251692
File: 19 KB, 220x230, GCDgiiIbwAASjon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never check that page, just scroll past some art tags and call it a day.

>> No.65251712
Quoted by: >>65251912


>> No.65251718

I've gotten so many (You)s so easily, but doctor-san told me I need variety in my diet to be healthy...

>> No.65251725
Quoted by: >>65251765

it's call banter retard

>> No.65251733
File: 16 KB, 619x109, 1672015080115369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65251912

You're good

>> No.65251736
Quoted by: >>65251912

As a very general rule you should not drink while taking medication.
However it's Christmas, so let your organs have a party too.

>> No.65251738
Quoted by: >>65251912

I really wouldn't recommend it!
Merry Christmas anyway!

>> No.65251745

Not at all

>> No.65251749
File: 277 KB, 1733x2048, 1674199360443170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65251765

Here is a voicetweet where Millie wants to fight Reimu, because millie wants to fuck Vanta, and Reimu also wants to fuck Vanta

Enna also posted this

>> No.65251769
File: 653 KB, 1155x968, 1696020958061404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65251779

this. nijifans are not gachikois and unicorns most of them are just people who watch vtuber for entertainment

>> No.65251793

Two ojisans and a kusogaki…

>> No.65251800
File: 38 KB, 330x335, 1697402422935753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chandler deserved it

>> No.65251805
File: 488 KB, 2690x3730, GB10mgWaEAAV6xg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65251843

Nijifes killed the mario kart tournament and NJU this year but it won't kill TouPea Christmas

>> No.65251811
Quoted by: >>65251856

Its joke dayo

>> No.65251817
Quoted by: >>65252161

NijiEN & Indie combo for this feel

>> No.65251820
File: 1.17 MB, 1412x1084, mll dum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the heck are people still replying?
No one who has a list links copied on a notepad on the ready to post is someone who is being genuine on 4chan

>> No.65251839
Quoted by: >>65251912

Thank youuuuuu!

No weird mental effects afaik sweetie but if you have a sensitive stomach please don't do it. My uncle got stomach ulcers because he did it a lot

>> No.65251843

When will they finally marry

>> No.65251846

My oshi deserves to be happy, if she finds happiness within the company more power to her.

>> No.65251856
Quoted by: >>65251920

"just a joke"

>> No.65251864
Quoted by: >>65251910

enna always make a joke right this her kouhai

>> No.65251875

Will Peanuts beat his song from last year?

>> No.65251910

Such a funny joke that she wants to fuck him. That won't make their friendship awkward or anything

Notice she didn't make this joke to Zali

>> No.65251912
File: 162 KB, 325x413, yuyueueue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning!!! I am sick but I will sleep it off!!
pomie... go outside and meet girls.. go to cons..
yeah unfortunately... I feel bad napping to recover but it is what it is.. uuu
uuuuu boo.... I'm not taking it then.... humu...

>> No.65251914

Koto says she'll play on Nopixel with other EN members

>> No.65251920
Quoted by: >>65251972

That's called "a bit"

>> No.65251926
File: 62 KB, 768x768, xmas pomie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda tired desu, these last days have been fun but also pretty bad for my sleep schedule. Hopefully I can fix myself before the new year.

>> No.65251935

Salome kawaii

>> No.65251956
File: 163 KB, 480x480, 1645560529435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65252860

Merry Christmas anons!

Be careful Yuqtie!

>> No.65251963

My oshi deserves to be happy, she an old weeb hag who want someone to love her, care about her and want to marry her

>> No.65251972

>Luca says he always watches Pomu's stream
>takes a picture of his computer
>Pomu's stream is playing on it

>> No.65251974

Koto won't leave her room untill the next year...

>> No.65251984
Quoted by: >>65252117

Now that I think about it I don't think I've seen hornyposting related to Zali, or maybe I just missed it.

>> No.65251997
Quoted by: >>65252461

i'd laugh at him for spending christmas /here/ but that's also true for me so...
i guess i'll watch toupea
happy holidays, anons

>> No.65252022
Quoted by: >>65252860

Hope you feel better!

>> No.65252048

Both vanta and enna are adults. They know how to deal with jokes.

>> No.65252062
File: 313 KB, 1300x1300, 1703512954661036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selenium Ryugetsu

>> No.65252083
File: 18 KB, 264x269, 1695683168718947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65252194

>love Kotoka
>love Meloco
>mfw gaijin

>> No.65252094
Quoted by: >>65252152

I always watch Pomu's stream too. That must mean I'm flirting with Pomu.

>> No.65252105

>130K watching

>> No.65252109
Quoted by: >>65252860

You can take ibuprofen or advil if your head hurts

>> No.65252117

Enna, Millie and Reimu aka "the bitch crew"
>single out the hot guys
>lust after their dicks and send lewd voicetweet
>arrange offline meetups and offcollabs with them
>completely ignore the girls and other guys or treat them like trash

I think the branch can do without this type of ""humor"". Also don't be surprised people think they're fucking when this type of thing is allowed to go on.

>> No.65252122

Darkness Eater's doing a 3D Christmas singing thing

>> No.65252125

holy shit lineup.....

>> No.65252127

>Event announcement
I wonder if it's Wrestesanji, even though it's kind of early to announce it

>> No.65252133
Quoted by: >>65252173

Zali is french

>> No.65252152
Quoted by: >>65252291

that's true. everyone who watches pomu even once has no choice but to flirt with her, she's just too irresistible

>> No.65252161

Elira and Maia

>> No.65252172

>event announcement
Wrestlesanji in collaboration with the actual WWE. Instead of using the game to make the liver, livers will pick a real life wrestler to cosplay and fight as them

>> No.65252173
Quoted by: >>65252227

She only seems to make this type of joke for certain guys in particular. Not Ver, not Doppio...Hex

>> No.65252180

>>Hello falseflagger, just a reminder that men and women can be friends or even best friends without dating each other or even being gay.
Woman coded post. I recommend never letting curiosity get the better of you and asking your 100% platonic single male friends whether they'd fuck you given a chance if you don't want your childlike world view to shatter within minutes

>> No.65252194
File: 292 KB, 96x96, 1656001334176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a pathetic oji-san? You can still get some points for Kotoka

>> No.65252206
Quoted by: >>65252241

>support his co-worker is bad now

>> No.65252224
File: 159 KB, 1266x1012, F30PZ8DbQAAkxgZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN for this feel?

>> No.65252227

They're french

>> No.65252241

Nothing creepy there, like when Luca tried to force his way into her superchat reading

>> No.65252245

If this is Wrestlesanji what if they announce whatever they were doing in Japan during it again kek

>> No.65252250

She's one of a kind

>> No.65252263

Christmas dinner with my wife soon!!

>> No.65252274

man alot of shit is going through my filter
is somehow having a meltdown on christmas?

>> No.65252290
File: 180 KB, 1920x1080, 1676390527101858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65252347


>> No.65252291

True. She's soo cute.

>> No.65252298

I haven't seen a black person with down syndrome

>> No.65252324
Quoted by: >>65253610

I love selen but I don't think she is a good host for this event.

>> No.65252326

>Anime Impulse
Oh yeah, by the way, did all EN members sold out or not?

>> No.65252327
Quoted by: >>65252594

The same person replied to me 5 times! But enough about them, how are you doing? What are you looking forward to?

>> No.65252347
File: 176 KB, 440x568, 111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65252416


>> No.65252363
Quoted by: >>65252392

Koto says that Anime Impulse setlist is insane, people will be really excited for it!

>> No.65252392
Quoted by: >>65252487

nobody gives a fuck

>> No.65252395
Quoted by: >>65252860

Don't feel too bad about napping, it'll make you feel better and we can have fun here again!

>> No.65252399

>Aster, Maria, Finana, Petra and Meloco still haven't sold out of their Anime Impulse M&G tickets for January
it's time to support them

>> No.65252416

Her waste is so fucking small

>> No.65252415
Quoted by: >>65252466

Schizo still doesn't live in the real world where men and women can be friends and or co-workers without cuckoldry fueled fantasies going on about them banging at every turn

>> No.65252438


>> No.65252451

Like a rabbit poop?

>> No.65252454
Quoted by: >>65252860


>> No.65252461

Meri Kuri and happy holidays anon!!!!! Be happier! Be grateful! Even if half of us are schizos and you might be one of us too it's okay, just ignore the one dude you dislike and enjoy how many of us are also way too into a niche hobby that we really really really love

>> No.65252462

Sonny slept earlier than usual he must've been tired from the airplane ride. He might stream tomorrow.

>> No.65252463

i can smell the holoseethe from here

>> No.65252466

Anon, if they are openly flirting, of course people will make that assumption. You are lying and pretending that none of that is happening, when it IS happening. You are being disingenuous

>> No.65252469

GFE is dead ....

>> No.65252478

They're rewatching toupea overdose

>> No.65252480
Quoted by: >>65252581

good because I have small hands

>> No.65252482
File: 307 KB, 725x622, 11111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salome-sama is too erotic.

>> No.65252487

>Being this much of a grinch on christmas
Someone got coal!

>> No.65252525
File: 877 KB, 809x632, F_tT1zSasAACSl3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GrinchKEKS this uppity

>> No.65252539

They're playing the new toupea song
>This is the X day
formerly twitter day

>> No.65252550

>Maria and Petra's tickets are not sold out yet
but why???

>> No.65252555
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, 1691282493999812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65252559
File: 75 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_1242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night anons!

>> No.65252574
Quoted by: >>65252618


>> No.65252575

Koto says that she and Melo have collab with EDWIN, jeans company. It was sneakely announced on NijiFes.

>> No.65252581

how small, anon
post proof, c'mon

>> No.65252593
File: 333 KB, 1500x2000, GB3aFBLbYAA-pEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Peanuts-kun is good

>> No.65252594
Quoted by: >>65252784

>how are you doing?
Im doing fine its christmas just woke up
how about you anon?
>What are you looking forward to?
Fulgur's stream and Selen's cover
currently listening to Melo's ASMR

>> No.65252601

It's the classic japanese negative ass

>> No.65252605

modern jrock era toupea

>> No.65252618

christmas buff

>> No.65252622

No one sane is making assumptions.
Thanks for keeping me company anon. Time for me to sleep. *chu*

>> No.65252628

my penis looks big when I hold it

>> No.65252647
File: 277 KB, 443x391, 1630901811407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 24cm hands and that's what i use for reference when purchasing gloves

>> No.65252664

Dilemma Dilemma Dilemma

>> No.65252709

The rewrite part is funny everytime

>> No.65252730

this song fits salome so much

>> No.65252738

Shut it you fucking cuckbrain. Unironically seen two married [to other people] co-workers "flirt" by your definition. You can have banter of that nature or be flirty to a degree without it leading to anything. Go live in the real world next year and maybe you won't waste your time worrying about other people's "sexual" behaviors as much because you'll realize the Internet has poisoned your view of the real world. Genuinely for your own sake, go use the new year to touch some grass

>> No.65252764
Quoted by: >>65252820

pomu still hasn't mentioned any stream after that tweet, will you still praise her when she gets home?

>> No.65252767

Ohhh, Ren has encouraged Koto to record an original song next year

>> No.65252769
File: 68 KB, 300x275, 1694850715643618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why leply

>> No.65252779

anyone want to be my guy friend this christmas

>> No.65252784
File: 270 KB, 1434x1775, 1672628805015227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really understand why but I'm so happy and really can't stop smiling! Maria's joy at having pinnable assets was such an infectious mood to wake up to, Koto's been fun, there's a million comfy and sweet things to be ready for and have happened that make me smile each time I think of them, and aghhhh it's just so much to be filled to the brim and bursting with.

I hope Melo's asmr is good! I'm jittering from excitement over Selen's cover, and I'm gonna time my brunch to coincide with Mr. Ovid's stream so that I get to eat with him and his pape

>> No.65252809
File: 159 KB, 512x512, roseWave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65252976

we can be bros and do bro things

>> No.65252814

>You can have banter of that nature or be flirty to a degree without it leading to anything
Lmao that's not "banter". Also how is that any way for two """friends""" to interact? Are you fucking stupid?

Why doesn't Enna do this "sexual banter" with someone like Ver, or Doppio, or Zali? Why is it Hex and Vanta? Fucking idiot

>> No.65252817

schizo needs his own peanuts-kun to keep company...

>> No.65252820

I will call her a nerd and remind her about ignoring hajime.

>> No.65252831
Quoted by: >>65252889

Koto wants to feel close to us!!!! Thank you, I wanna feel close to you as well, you've been so kind to us this year with so many great and hilarious streams!

>> No.65252852
Quoted by: >>65252918

Reimu has to flirt with guys because she can't incline without leeching

>> No.65252856

who is EN kenmochi?

>> No.65252860
File: 378 KB, 619x603, yuyueueueeeeeeee(EXTREME).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meri kuri phantomo!!!!
it's okay, I did take all of those earlier, I feel a little better! hence the alcohol

>> No.65252867

Peanuts-kun stealing an indirect kiss and grabbing Kenmochi's used tissues. If you do this, you too can make a banger song

>> No.65252871

It's a piece of cake to make a pretty cake

>> No.65252873
File: 282 KB, 606x396, 20350211_113523_IMG_0704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65252976


>> No.65252889
File: 106 KB, 320x320, dy8EZK-CH8KS_9EP-6KjgAU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koto love!

>> No.65252918

>he said this while reimu already more popular than half of noctyx and season 2 members

>> No.65252933

Koto confirmed that the Mahjong tournament will be happening next year!

>> No.65252959

Im happy for you dragoon
make sure to drink some nice coffee while listening to the cover's premier

>> No.65252977
Quoted by: >>65253842

YuQtie... it seems like you drink a lot.

>> No.65252976

I love you rosebuds

>> No.65252978
File: 105 KB, 206x206, 1654201373134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... You don't have to reply seriously. The majority of shitpost at this hours are made by the same weirdo.

>> No.65252984
File: 39 KB, 218x162, 1665743851312175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65253103

don't drink no oolong tea bro, that shit made my heart palpitate

>> No.65253001

You know that you reply to ennaschizo, the guy who has been shitting this thread up for over a year already? He can't be reasoned with, he's mentally ill

>> No.65253003
Quoted by: >>65253127

that's because the males fucking imploded. See graph: >>65248390
And the girls haven't been doing much better: >>65248970

>> No.65253039
Quoted by: >>65253124

kotoka said elira, finana, shu, meloco, kunai and zali willl join mahjong tournament

>> No.65253051
Quoted by: >>65253127

reimu isn't even more popular than aia or aster...

>> No.65253087
File: 1.35 MB, 591x835, 1703514584349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow and comfy sex tonight with sonny see ya buddies

>> No.65253095

Koto will make some VCR clips with EN translations

>> No.65253102

Koto might clip some GTA clips

>> No.65253103
Quoted by: >>65253122

you make my heart palpitate bro *mwah*

>> No.65253122
Quoted by: >>65253212

bro... close your eyes for me bro....

>> No.65253124

She didn't say that

>> No.65253127

>lazusydiathyria and luxnoc average ccv this month
selen - 5736
elira - 3276
luca - 3205
pomu - 3133
shu - 3130
ike - 2982
petra - 2914
fulgur - 2810
millie - 2801
vox - 2760
enna - 2645
sonny - 2290
uki - 1815
rosemi - 1632
reimu - 1341
alban - 1337
finana - 1102

and you think aia and aster are more popular than reimu

>> No.65253161
File: 82 KB, 512x512, butaHeart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love chu too

>> No.65253170
File: 747 KB, 839x605, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65253192

are they getting married...

>> No.65253182

Peanuts is proposing...

>> No.65253189
Quoted by: >>65253227

you guys never noticed before but petra's last stream was 11 days ago.....

>> No.65253192

>handmade engraved ring
>T&P heart

>> No.65253210

>yubi dashite
>kimochi warui, yada

>> No.65253212
File: 370 KB, 550x592, I see your point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65253368

I'm ready for you bro

>> No.65253227

Petra 2023 streams
january: 18 solo, 4 collabs = 22 (5 collab no pov)
february: 4 solo, 1 collab = 5
march: 20 solo, 4 collabs = 24
april: 13 solo (1 collab no pov)
may: 12 solo, 6 collabs =18 (5 collab no pov)
june: 16 solo, 1 Collab = 17 (4 collab no pov)
July: 9 solo, 2 collabs = 11 (5 collab no pov)
august: 13 solo, 4 collabs = 17 (4 collab no pov)
september: 19 solo, 3 collabs = 22 (2 collab no pov)
October: 5 solo (3 collab no pov)
November: 14 solo, 3 collabs = 17 (5 collab no pov)
December: 5 solo, 3 collabs = 8 (3 collab no pov)

179 streams in total (148 solo, 31 collabs) and 37 collab no pov

>> No.65253238

>Kenmochi is a lolicon
>getting married to a fat peanut dude
uh bros?
I thought he was a lolichad

>> No.65253250

Why is Kotoka so considerate on interrupting a GF ASMR stream?

>> No.65253278

This list is funny because it arbitrarily excludes Luxiem’s anniversary streams from their averages

>> No.65253303

So basically
Enna in 2021, when her viewership was tiny and she was still a 'cute girl'
>$12,000 a month
Then she takes a vacation so her income goes down.
Comes back, and she gets the Luxiem buff spamming handcams. Her viewership explodes
>$11,000 a month
When the girls leave, she enters her "nasty cunty bitch" phase and talking about Kyo every stream. Then her income fucking plummets to 1/2 what what it was
>$4.5k amonth

Ironically her income now, when her viewership is huge, is 1/3 what it was back when she was still being a cute girl.

>> No.65253308

Nobody raids GFE/BFE streams, it's unspoken rule

>> No.65253310

Those don't count but Reimu's botted streams do

>> No.65253319
File: 1.19 MB, 864x881, 1685043678257095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you realize you can't get what you want and when that happens you end up settling for a fat hairy peanut

>> No.65253324

You're one of my favourite anons, Merry Christmas!
It's always nice seeing how much anons love their oshi(s)

>> No.65253328

Peanuts-kun asking for petplay on stream...

>> No.65253342
File: 3.69 MB, 244x320, 1702282314823203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love ya too! Let's have a Holly Jolly Christmas!

>> No.65253344

>wan wan!!
>yoshi yosh!

>> No.65253346

since Hex inserted himself into Finana's and Reimu inserted herself into Vox's?

>> No.65253361

She's not an inconsiderate asshole like Reimu who interrupted a BF ASMR on purpose

>> No.65253368
File: 134 KB, 900x956, GAkzTIpagAAQu27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65253378
Quoted by: >>65253425

it's all one sided though..

>> No.65253382

Peanuts is 5 years old so it’s okay

>> No.65253425
Quoted by: >>65253478

he will crack sooner or later

>> No.65253428

Peanuts-kun just making Kenmochi play rhythm heaven verbally

>> No.65253430
File: 234 KB, 1500x1061, surou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65253615

wife's thumbnail art is so fucking hot

>> No.65253436

maybe if we cracked peanuts kun, a loli would come out

>> No.65253438

I would raid GFE/BFE streams.

>> No.65253444
Quoted by: >>65253483

Those weren't even raids, they just attentionwhored on their streams

>> No.65253460
File: 200 KB, 281x316, yuyu hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65253636

>sharing a christmas cake
>giving a handmade ring with their initials
>playing a bit of eroi game
ii nee...

>> No.65253459

>not median
how many raids did she get?

>> No.65253466
Quoted by: >>65253528

It's ok for Reimu to interrupt because she put all those chink fujos in their place and established herself as the most important female in Vox's life

>> No.65253478
File: 1.76 MB, 1384x800, 1672014876590406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65253482
Quoted by: >>65253842

Are you okay...you seem to drink alot

>> No.65253483
Quoted by: >>65253569

Yeah and it cost Vox his entire career and arguably brought down Luxiem just so Reimu could be a selfish bitch with her fantasies

>> No.65253493
Quoted by: >>65253530

anniversary and bot streams don't count

>> No.65253511

woke up to my period.. merry christmas to me, it hurts

>> No.65253526
Quoted by: >>65253579

It is actually fucking hilarious to me that Luca's income has dropped so far he's now below many of the girls including Pomu. The guy is like a frail twig now. Barely anyone even watches him anymore.

>> No.65253528

Learn what it means before you start shitposting, retard

>> No.65253530
Quoted by: >>65253560

Reimu is still more popular than Noctyx. She doesn't need to be botted

>> No.65253533

Oh this part of the Nijipets surgeon simulator collab got a small animation. I enjoyed the collab and still remember this moment.

>> No.65253549
File: 42 KB, 112x112, 1688249539240245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65253751

Hope you feel better soon

>> No.65253557
File: 188 KB, 500x500, 1703297739945634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65253560

the males collapsed so fucking hard.

All of us saying at the time the girls are retarded to chase the female audience and become orbiters were fucking right.

>> No.65253566


>> No.65253569

>I'm ruining the date
>I'm gonna get fucking hate
Reimu is so based

>> No.65253578
File: 1.52 MB, 1366x768, rofmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peanuts-kun joins rofmao by next year

>> No.65253579

>Barely anyone even watches him anymore.
>top 3

>> No.65253584 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x870, 97268974_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but (You)

>> No.65253597

NijiEN beating 209k shitposting stream when?
NijiEN releasing Peanuts-tier orisong when?

>> No.65253608
Quoted by: >>65253674

Botted streams don't count

>> No.65253610

then blame others for not taking the duty and leaving it all to her. Selen herself said she will pass it to someone else since she doesn't really want to do it again for 2023 but if no one was going to, she'll continue hosting it.

>> No.65253615

Armpit pero pero

>> No.65253624
Quoted by: >>65253728

>nobody watches her
>nobody likes her
>literally begs for donations because nobody donates to her
>majority female audience because nobody with balls is watching that shit
clearly Reimu is such a powerful and successful talent

>> No.65253631

nta I don't see a lot of pads in art so that's pretty interesting

>> No.65253636

Imagine it's you and Yuyu..

>> No.65253658

Man this christmas is so shit stream wise. At least we got good news from nijifest, I guess.

>> No.65253666

I don't know why but girls having something in their mouths like this gets me going, especially if it's a condom.

>> No.65253674

>botted streams
>while elira just get 10k botted stream today

>> No.65253679
File: 582 KB, 1366x768, voice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 20 years, Kenmochi voice pack

>> No.65253687
Quoted by: >>65253729

>toupea christmas still ongoing even in 2043

>> No.65253716
File: 346 KB, 426x556, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65253726

>> No.65253724

>top 3
He is number 1 if you count his anniversary stream, that’s why the schizo had to exclude it

>> No.65253726
Quoted by: >>65253754

vox next model

>> No.65253727


>> No.65253728

At least Reimu is way more successful than Aia or Aster

>> No.65253729
File: 1.92 MB, 1366x768, toupea xmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2053 too

>> No.65253732
Quoted by: >>65253814

Wait what good news, I was alseep

>> No.65253735
File: 364 KB, 499x558, 1702266329410933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65253814

Happy for Rosemi-sama and other livers but I kinda started watching on Christmas last year so it feels very different this year

>> No.65253740

>flited with hayun
>dumped him after vox debuted
>ruined vox's career
>dumped him and flit with vanta
is reimu the biggest stacy in en?

>> No.65253742
File: 389 KB, 1684x2381, hohohoo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GTA with Rosemi
>Sam Lake writes Thomas Zane writes Alan Wake (he's a writer)
>Event announcement
I don't usually watch Selen but this is a banger schedule. A lot of anons are saying wrestlesanji but she was pretty stressed after the last one so if she's going at it again I hope she got a team helping her.

>> No.65253751
Quoted by: >>65253942

thank you pomie, let's take ibuprofen together!
oh god, mine is a fountain compared to amamiya's

>> No.65253754
Quoted by: >>65253771

kek I just saw a jpniki say "VOX刀也?!" when I read this

>> No.65253760

>pomudachis coping "it was just a dinner!"
Kotoka told us what actually happened
>did a secret santa party getting drunk together until 2am
oh so THAT'S the reason Pomu cancelled her stream
>all stayed in the same hotel btw

Pomudachis thinking of every excuse in the book now

>> No.65253771


>> No.65253782

she's a disgusting pathetic slime

>> No.65253783
Quoted by: >>65253959

Nijisisters, I just heard the news.
Not a lot of Christmas-themed streams this year, it seems.

My condolences.
I hope next year is better.

>> No.65253799

2 hot 4 youtube

>> No.65253809
File: 732 KB, 583x664, 1677444673222459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute ojou-sama rabbit poops

>> No.65253814
File: 478 KB, 399x532, 1687533570297584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65253902

The asset pinning and new merch

Last year had lots of fun stuff and this year is kinda barren. It doesn't help that this thread gets even more raided now.

>> No.65253828

Reimu needs to sample different males' cum before she decides to become their cocksleeve. Smart girl

>> No.65253827

Raiding your bootyhole

>> No.65253842
File: 79 KB, 206x267, yuyu oooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65253873

nade nade anon, I hope you have a warm compress! They work wonders!
o-only occasionally! I promise... it depends if I'm stressed...

>> No.65253853
File: 853 KB, 1151x2048, GCKtL1WaoAAlYBY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas anons, hope your day is lovely and you have good food

>> No.65253873

Oh that makes sense, you had a lot of work recently. But I hope you take care of yourself!!

>> No.65253887


>> No.65253891


>> No.65253899
File: 180 KB, 1119x1119, 1655024630558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65253932

Merry Christmas!!!

>> No.65253902

The ironic thing is I think I greatly this Christmas more because my oshi didn't stream.

>> No.65253924

gakkun, nice job, he won't let peanuts kun take touya away

>> No.65253927
File: 429 KB, 900x900, 20231207_103654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65253958


>> No.65253932

imagine snapping her neck and stomping on it

>> No.65253941

That wiggling santa on the corner is cute

>> No.65253942

Please describe your flow and what your pad looks like after use.

>> No.65253950
File: 278 KB, 990x1080, Present.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65253991


>> No.65253958
Quoted by: >>65254061

She likes the toupea song this year too

>> No.65253959
Quoted by: >>65254122

Thanks bro. I hope you had a lot of fun with gura's special christmas stream!

>> No.65253976

>yellow is toupea ends forever
no more toupea christmas...

>> No.65253991
Quoted by: >>65254106

Good morning Minty!! I'm sorry for disappearing yesterday

>> No.65254006

Lmao gaku is just a soundboard

>> No.65254058

Joewari da

>> No.65254057
File: 154 KB, 441x437, 20350202_082311_IMG_0284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas! Alone and cooking for myself but still happy, next year I can finally see family again...

>> No.65254061

yea i just woke up and was browsing twitter!!!!

>> No.65254066

wow cutscene

>> No.65254092
File: 224 KB, 321x559, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65254106
File: 329 KB, 990x1080, Wifekissy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65254172

Top of the morning to ya!
No worries~ I don't mind, anons comes and goes it's normal

>> No.65254122

Gura didn't stream but thankfully she was the only one.

It seems though that almost none of your organs streamed.
It must suck knowing that they don't care that much about you and are probably disgusted by you.

No worries, next year will hopefully be different.

>> No.65254128

honto sore iindesuka?

>> No.65254132
Quoted by: >>65254198

No christmas streams because they were in a hotel getting drunk until 1am and sleeping together.
Lmao and you're funding it all, you fucking dumbshits. They must think you're absolute subhumans.

>> No.65254172
Quoted by: >>65254245

Nooo I just had to go have dinner I still wanted to talk more :(

>> No.65254179

Fuuchan about to go live. Hex in 45 or so minutes.

>> No.65254181
File: 718 KB, 1980x1080, 1703516366846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65254327

spending christmas morning with my wife

>> No.65254198
Quoted by: >>65254246

Sounds like projection to me

>> No.65254203
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, 1701423107871325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having Christmas dinner with my wife!!!

>> No.65254206
File: 330 KB, 430x490, yuyu but crispy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peanuts kun.. touya kun... you're not muted...

>> No.65254222
Quoted by: >>65254307

That's the usual bit after these

>> No.65254232
Quoted by: >>65254307

This is a bit at least, I hope so....

>> No.65254245

It's okay I left as well, so you didn't abandoned me haha

>> No.65254246

Kotoka told us that's literally what happened. They were partying and getting heavily drunk together late into the night and all slept together in the same hotel. You're funding an orgy.

>> No.65254268
File: 1.50 MB, 2316x1407, 1678324942618502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I invest a few thousand dollars into building a network of drones?

>> No.65254272

Licking Reimu's sweaty feet

>> No.65254276


>> No.65254287

I'd never abandon you!!

>> No.65254294

You have an unhealthy obsession with orgies and cucking. Looks like mental illness to me

>> No.65254306


>> No.65254307
File: 461 KB, 619x603, yuyublushies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T and P, HAATO

>> No.65254311
Quoted by: >>65254345

Though I guess I did yesterday by accident... I couldn't use my phone

>> No.65254321
Quoted by: >>65254597

f-for what purpose?

>> No.65254327
Quoted by: >>65254417

Good morning!

>> No.65254329

No, it isn't worth it unless you plan to sell these drones for combat warfare in Ukraine or Myanmar, then yeah, go for it

>> No.65254345
Quoted by: >>65254412

It's alright all is forgiven

>> No.65254348


>> No.65254365
File: 144 KB, 1572x1179, GCM7sugbsAAuypC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toupea christmas

>> No.65254367

>kenmochi finally complimenting peanuts
Time for that nutty bussy to get sore

>> No.65254374

Wife your asset pinning... kek

>> No.65254392

The pinned jacket is so cute! Very goofy tho haha

>> No.65254396

That's so cute

>> No.65254412

;w; let's have fun with wife then!! I have some christmas food with me

>> No.65254417

the asset pinning looks so weird on the sweater lmao.
good morning! merry christmas!

>> No.65254425

Wife is definitely going to accidentally nuke his app with the five gorillion assets he puts in

>> No.65254429

>we've been asking niji for a year for this feature

>> No.65254450

>literally small and tiny
your cute useless cock?

>> No.65254459

Fuuchan has a Christmas gift. Apparently it's very small. Presumably he'll be joining the recent Twitch meta and showing his dick.

>> No.65254464
Quoted by: >>65254538

I know right it looks so dumb, moves way too much
Merry Christmas!!

>> No.65254469

I think it's definitely meant for accessories and not clothes kek it's so floppy, would definitely look better on like hair decorations /hats or whatever

>> No.65254474 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>65254563

>lazusydiathyria and luxnoc average ccv this month
selen - 5739
shu - 3179
luca - 3135
elira - 3050
pomu - 3046
fulgur - 3035
ike - 2984
vox - 2921
petra - 2914
millie - 2600
enna - 2267
sonny - 2289
rosemi - 1936
uki - 1793
alban - 1406
reimu - 1341
finana - 1001

>> No.65254487
Quoted by: >>65254659


>> No.65254497

It is in the beta version still

>> No.65254502

Nyoooo wife is not showing his meal T^T

>> No.65254520

Wife I can share my meal with you so neither of us are alone...

>> No.65254538

his wonky sweater and his glasses that look pasted onto his face, he looks like a dumb nerd. i love him

>> No.65254563
Quoted by: >>65254590

How are luxiem this low when they had ani streams?

>> No.65254585

>Merry Breast mas

>> No.65254590

botted and anniversary streams are not count

>> No.65254597
File: 240 KB, 1656x1656, __koshimizu_toru_and_koshimizu_toru_nijisanji_drawn_by_futsure__a74501f6991f1dd7e7783c2e564d4c7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>65254690

I wrote a long paragraph response but think it's best if I don't say anything.
I think I'll start with one for now.

>> No.65254608

Does Fulgur not realize when he puts these sweater assets on that he makes his shoulders look way too wide

>> No.65254645


>> No.65254650


>> No.65254658

the sweater is so funny my sides

>> No.65254659

Banger, 2021 is still my favorite though

>> No.65254668
File: 606 KB, 1200x2000, __suzuka_utako_and_suzuka_utako_nijisanji_drawn_by_vivi_eve_no_hakoniwa__44f4d020e830a70d555b28b35879ef13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EN outfit like this when?
Also holy shit Utako has 13 outfits

>> No.65254674

I think my dog is getting jealous of Fulgur's dog.

>> No.65254685

So clumsy...

>> No.65254690

god i love toru
