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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64411503 No.64411503 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for (almost) everything you could want from vtuber fanfiction. We’re currently hosting the /vt/ Writing Rumble - Winter Writing War, a friendly competition for the holiday season! The info page & contest archive can be found at: https://rentry.org/VTWRWWW

Check the main archive below for everything the thread has put out in nearly three years of existence, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>64273739
(Where we had a nice discussion about who you're writing for)

/wg/ rentry for bakers: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/

>> No.64411648
File: 1.11 MB, 1232x1930, naa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story Anchor
Post em if you got em

>> No.64411734
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x865, wg prompt board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.64411742
File: 3.76 MB, 2578x2500, 1701595551248935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail lunahime.

>> No.64411795
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>> No.64411821

subachocoluna decide that (you) should be the father of their kids >>64411734

>> No.64411850
File: 1.02 MB, 3008x4041, naaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story Recap! There were three stories posted last thread

Another holoshorts entry >>64275314

Holomons >>64323299
Tags: Multiple chuubas, fluff, greentext

Sanding your deck with Subaru >>64375763
Needs tags

>> No.64411927
File: 282 KB, 1448x2048, naaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For any stories you want to enter into the contest, reply to this post!

>> No.64412379
File: 26 KB, 554x554, Lapras.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what Holo would you have as your pokemon?

>> No.64412437

Aqua, i would punt that little shit and scream at it until it stops pissing itself over everything

>> No.64412769
File: 2.19 MB, 1882x1371, 1647680979305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64412976

I was in a bit of a rush

>> No.64412976
Quoted by: >>64414375

NTA but perhaps in the future you finish baking before serving it otherwise we get mushy deflated bread

>> No.64413458
File: 3.07 MB, 1602x2533, 85032094-ef58-40cc-8a92-4041c5d74017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64414375

Normally I do but we were already on page 10
Other people are more than welcome to bake if they see that it's needed to avoid this problem in the future.

>> No.64415528

Sana, it would be like having my own Palkia

>> No.64417272
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>> No.64417322
File: 430 KB, 733x705, Live Kiara Reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated Holomoms with the ayashubamio thingy, that i had under construction, and a KiaraKobo entry because UWAAAAAAAAAAH HOT WOMAN WITH A KID EROTIC UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Inbetween this and my wips, this was a very productive day!

If you have some suggestions for family dynamics, im all ears

>> No.64417496
File: 529 KB, 1000x1000, shame bae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>64417322 (Me)
Apologies if the ayashubamio wasnt yuri, i truly couldnt come up with an interesting scenario for that

>> No.64418334

How about one where you acknowledge the holomon misspelling and have an entry where they're pokemon/trainers. Something like Lui and her prized shiny Lapras (darknesss) she treats like a daughter.

>> No.64418588
File: 774 KB, 2805x1984, 1702437926973840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever this thing is

>> No.64418633
Quoted by: >>64419122

something about this unnerves me

>> No.64419122
File: 458 KB, 1429x1429, 1702442107196708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry about it

>> No.64419534

I think that's a pekolandian buneary.

>> No.64422236
File: 729 KB, 954x1681, FlareBartender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drowning your romantic woes at your local bar, except the bartenders advice for anything is to have sex with older half-elf women

>> No.64422430

Is Mark from Our Cures a big black dude or a big white dude?

>> No.64422496

The author actually spoke on this and he said he's green of all things.

>> No.64422641
Quoted by: >>64422717

I'm friends with the author unlike >>64422496 and he says Mark is purple.

>> No.64422717

Mark is Barney the Dinosaur?

>> No.64423050

I've always imagined him as a white guy but I don't think it was ever specified.

>> No.64425126

I just imagined him as a stereotypical quarterback bro in a letterman jacket

>> No.64425808

Author here, it’s honestly up to you. As long as he’s tall and incredibly muscular he can even be Asian or Barney the Dinosaur.

>> No.64426632
File: 37 KB, 190x130, 1657389246921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suddenly get extremely high praise for one of the fics I posted on AO3, calling it one of the hottest things they've read in the 5 years they've been on the site
Maybe this writing thing isn't so bad after all.

>> No.64426835
Quoted by: >>64427843

Which fic?

>> No.64427032
Quoted by: >>64434488

Write the sex scene even though it doesn't really make any sense, and after it have the narration interrupted by a reader who is asking how this part makes sense, to which you answer that it doesn't but you wanted to write it so badly. Then you reset the world to the state it was in before.

>> No.64427495

Coco, the Dragonite with tits

>> No.64427659

Pekora being embarrassed by Pekomama

>> No.64427776

Pekomama being embarrassed by Pekora

>> No.64427843
Quoted by: >>64428172

Paradise Lost

>> No.64428172

While it would be funny if it was you, I'm pretty sure the ao3 account holding that got banned/taken down so >>64426632
can't be the weirdanon2.
If I had to bet purely off of the image, Pekofag

>> No.64430021
File: 531 KB, 2048x1443, 100948579_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64432449

>> No.64432449
Quoted by: >>64434815

Detectable fox tits...

>> No.64432519
File: 792 KB, 850x475, 1689704972398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heaven, Hell and the USDA
Coco, Towa, Kanata, lesbian, bdsm, under 5k

>> No.64432593
Quoted by: >>64433949

>>64432519 (me)
Forgot the NSFW tag.

>> No.64433949

I mean, is there SFW lesbian BDSM?

>> No.64434488
File: 22 KB, 220x244, 1692469415587738.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally forgot that's the entire reason I came up with the Bard's Tales concept of my series. Okay, we can do this.

>> No.64434815
Quoted by: >>64436356

yes we surely can detect them (w)

>> No.64436356

I can’t see em, guess I’ll have to feel em

>> No.64436365
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>> No.64438763
Quoted by: >>64458482

I liked the part where they passed her around and inspected her.

>> No.64441504

I'm looking forward to the oni sex!

>> No.64443260

who is most likely to give you a footjob while wearing grippy socks

>> No.64443333
Quoted by: >>64443909

Probably one of the phase girls, desu.

>> No.64443513
File: 682 KB, 1093x615, 1680732469687271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna would.
Iroha would if you asked, but might be put off by the idea at first and then get into it because she likes the motion.
Shiori just so she could roleplay as the girl you found in the psyche ward.
Koyori would.
Aki would as well, but only when she's laying flat on her stomach so you'd have to do the work yourself while she delights in teasing you with her ass.

>> No.64443703

Do you mean the socks the plasticy circles on the bottom? I don't get the appeal.

>> No.64443769
Quoted by: >>64458482

I liked it, felt a little short, but good for what you had

>> No.64443821
Quoted by: >>64445058

Get a footjob with them, and then you'll understand

>> No.64443909


>> No.64445058
File: 491 KB, 758x916, 1697407040431721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm genuinely curious and am going to have to find a way to propose that it happens

>> No.64446142

Get a pair that have individual toes

>> No.64446409
File: 327 KB, 467x374, 1664465771186230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64449019

I didn't know that was an option. I might as well since if I'm going to be asking for a footjob like this, I should just fully commit.

>> No.64446462
Quoted by: >>64448105

Long, striped grippy socks…

>> No.64446848

I thought he was Groose from Skyward Sword?

>> No.64448105
File: 125 KB, 850x1172, GuraSocksPanties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura probably owns a pair or two of those

>> No.64448220

Fucking brat... tempting adult like this...

>> No.64448619
Quoted by: >>64448875

They are more commonly known for being given out at psych wards for:
a) improving grip on surfaces
b) when you can't exactly give a patient anything they can harm themselves with (like laces on shoes or a string on a hoodie or belt on pants)

In short, don't stick your dick in crazy... Unless it is fiction

>> No.64448875
File: 1.21 MB, 1368x1200, MatsuriCheekWarming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64449501

Do not listen to this man schizo pussy is next level and totally worth it so long as you know how to cut and run when the time comes

>> No.64449019
Quoted by: >>64450010

Just tell your wife that it was recommend to you by someone from that online literary circle you share your stories with.

>> No.64449166

Fucking hell why is she so hot

>> No.64449501

I mean, I am not qualified to talk about pussy at all, buut
Isn't it a lot like nature documentaries? People get into dangerous environments, possibly disturb local fauna and live in constant danger of grave bodily harm or death. It is much more fun to watch about these people in a curated, romanticized manner, rather than be in the same situation.
imagine Steve Irwin but for menhera chuubas

>> No.64449600
Quoted by: >>64450010

You also have "The Parallel Pages", in case you want to jump to another place/time!

>> No.64449805

So if you had a Steve Irwin equivalent for dangerous chuuba girls, which kind would be the "crocodiles" and which kind would be the "stingray"?

>> No.64449958

The stingray incident is just getting an uber menhera pregnant

>> No.64450010
File: 586 KB, 1080x1440, 1691350541330881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is more about stuff that is canon but taking place in a different part of the world / story than what is currently happening in the regular sequential chapters. It's more going to be an umbrella for side stories and such where Anon will likely not be present. Bard's Tales started out as smutty stuff I couldn't get out of my head but didn't want to be part of the canon for one reason or another.
I feel like it's still gonna be an awkward sell since she knows I'm not into feet. Though with her reading trends lately, things can just weirder as time goes on, so anything's possible.

>> No.64450028

stingray level is some no name 2view who carves your name into everything she owns, including herself

>> No.64450144
Quoted by: >>64451064

>I feel like it's still gonna be an awkward sell since she knows I'm not into feet.
I mean, it is indeed more about the socks than the feet. A handjob administered by hands that are tucked into the socks fittingly would produce a similar result

>> No.64450153
Quoted by: >>64451206

This reminds me I still need to do a Gura holoshort

>> No.64450282
Quoted by: >>64451679

yeah is the same principle. a lot of people want some adventure.
One thing no one tells you its that most people arent gods at sex, some are not even good.
lets say that, from 10 people you have sex with, 5 are completely fine (you stick it in, they move with you, someone services someone. The end).
2 might be a mediocre experience, but not like you are gonna complain you had sex with them.
1 is a deadfish. they dont move, they dont kiss, they dont do anything except leave it to "the person that knows". That's the one girls (and boys) talk about, the one that people go "they dont know how to fuck"
1 is great and optimal. The two parties are in optimal wavelenght and everything goes fantastic. Tends to be the standard people put later on.
1 Is fantastic. That's the one everyone talks for their entire life, the one where someone "fucks you stupid". That one everyone wants, and they believe is hidden somewhere within the weirdo people (goth, flexible, crazy) or the "neglected" people (fat people, guys and gals that dont get as much sex, cripples, etc)

>> No.64450639
Quoted by: >>64451064

Unfortunately, from my humble opinion, at least 60% of the heavy lifting for footjobs is done by the fetish. Most women are not skilled enough to have the sensation make up for the gap.

That being said, there is an undeniable charm to the unskilled/reluctant footjob. Very similar to the armpit fucking genre. In a sense, it's an expression of love for her to do something she thinks is "gross" or "weird" just because her husband/bf/whathaveyou likes it or wants to try it. Very eroi.

>> No.64451064
File: 682 KB, 720x720, 1679513722407266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'd be missing out on the full on experience if I went that way. I'd probably have to try it both ways and see.
I agree with you there. There is a heart warming aspect to a girl trying something for your sake. It also means you can return the favor someday, which I think is also kinda nice.

>> No.64451206
Quoted by: >>64451335


>> No.64451335
Quoted by: >>64451664

In due time, I’m one guy…

>> No.64451664
Quoted by: >>64451916

I think they were moreso referring to the fact that you only mentioned Gura as an important upcoming project, even though both her and Ina are members of Myth who have thus far remained unwedgied in the context of Holoshorts.

>> No.64451679

What is "being good at sex"?
Explain it for people in the back (as well as middle and front), who still delude themselves with having that sort of relationship
As well as for people who want to just write hotter smut

>> No.64451916

Well… Gura is my favorite…

>> No.64452027
File: 233 KB, 418x414, 1689804472694266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64452363

NTA but from my own experiences, being a good lover is about being mindful of your partner's needs, your own technique, and the confidence to follow through with both. Technique can be associated with a lot of things; how you finger, kiss, thrust, etc. It can also relate to your own physical stamina in different positions, like being able to thrust your hips correctly in rhythm with your partner. There is also a less calculable aspect where you and your partner just have good body chemistry, your parts fit seamlessly with one another and your own natural tendencies mesh. A lot of this falls under an unspoken part of sex if that makes sense. You can also be good at sex in a way that you're vocal about what you want, asking your partner what they want in a way that doesn't kill the mood, or plain talking dirty. The dirty talk you can dish out can rile some girls up like you wouldn't believe if you strike the right chords. This might be a pretty high level overview about what "being good at sex" can mean, and it of course doesn't carry over 1for1 with every person. Everyone is different after all, both in health and in sex.

>> No.64452363
Quoted by: >>64452476

ITs a myriad of factors really.
Think of it as a wank. You can get horny, crank one as fast as humanly posible and be done with it, oooooooooor you could get a nice video, lay on your side if you want, get some lotion, etc.
The scene is important, and so is some variety, skin contact, touching a partner's body where they want. As >>64452027 says, communication is also part of it. Buddy of mine fucked up because he used to fuck girls that liked having their hair pulled. Did that to his then girlfriend and she kicked him out of the house for the night.
You dont need to be a 30 minutes jackhammer dick machine (and most girls dont like that, my friend described it as "i feel like my pussy gets turned into a hamburger at around the 20 minute mark") if you touch well, kiss, love in general.
Its why I,personally and totally, advise you to eat pussy. Some girls hate sucking dick, but they learn because guys love that. You could eat a girl out, and even if your performance was mediocre, she would 100% remember you more for at least triying to eat pussy

>> No.64452476
Quoted by: >>64452606

>lay on your side

>> No.64452606
Quoted by: >>64453472

Some people jerk off while laying on the bed anon. Hell people jerk off in really crazy ways
i had the, unfortunate, chance to learn one of my best friend jerks off standing up since i came back to our apartment to get back my phone

>> No.64453472
Quoted by: >>64453554

That I can get. One the side makes no sense

>> No.64453554
Quoted by: >>64453995

NTA, but I sleep lying on my side because it's the most comfortable position for me. So when I jerk off in bed, I'm lying on my side too. Is that so outlandish?

>> No.64453995
Quoted by: >>64454063

Kind of. It feels like an awfully restrictive position to do it in

>> No.64454063
Quoted by: >>64454174

It's the most comfortable, relaxed position of all to me. The only restricted thing is the arm I don't need.

>> No.64454174 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 485x289, IMG_7752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t need both hands?

>> No.64454232

Using both hands looks as desperate and hasty as eating ice cream with a spoon in each hand.

>> No.64454259
File: 137 KB, 617x347, psoting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Internet has provided us with a wealth of knowledge and entertainment. But today we follow one man's journey to delve into the further into the depths of the e-girl fandom. What you are about to witness is real.
>This is... Bruce Barbie: Virtual Veteran

>[Narrator]: We find ourselves in a seemingly normal American city. Population:100,000. Climate: Temperate. However, in this metropolis lies a foul fiend hiding in plain sight. Known as the '2 View', this creature seeks attention yet fails to find it, filling her with a burning hostility. It is up to Bruce to document this creature's tantrum and return home. Alive.

>"G'day, mates! You're just in time, I'm on the trail of a dangerous beast. For those of those you don't know me, allow me to introduce meself! I have traveled far and wide around this world on the search for what men desire most: adventure! And on me quest for adventure I have been given many names. The Chuuba Coraller, the Menhara Manhandler, that's right, the one and only Bruce Barbie hits the ground running on the hunt!"

>"I'm here in the bowels of this seemingly normal apartment complex to seek out the legendary '2 View'! Had to get up bright 'n early to catch *this* Shiela! Ah! Just as I suspected, I'm hot on her trail!"

>Bruce notices a string of cookie crumbs leading up the stairs. He immediately pounces on the trail and slithers up the steps, like a snake stalking its prey. He soon scampers up several floors, leaving the camera crew audibly exhausted. They eventually find Bruce hunkered up against a weathered door labeled "FLOOR 7", his ears pressed against the wood.

>"We're close, mates. Real close. She's just beyond this door. I can feel it."

>Bruce clutches the doorknob and swings it open. He immediately does a stunt roll fourteen times before landing at a scratched door, the camera crew struggling to keep up.

>Bruce's hands immediately dart out to the floor, too fast for the camera to follow. A few moments later, Bruce produces a lavender colored bag. He shakes it slightly before presenting it to the lens.
>Bugger me! It's a genuine 2022 Kuromi Silicone Zipper Pouch! We're dealing with a serious beasty, folks. And look!"

>Bruce unzips the bag to find an orange bottle. He shakes it and it rattles slightly.

>"Untaken meds! I could lose me head in there!"

>Bruce immediately swings open the door. Immediately a camera guy faints due to the overwhelming smell of cat piss and graham crackers. Bruce boldly pushes forward. He trudges through several piles of dirty laundry to the bedroom.
>Bruce peeks in the room. Hidden underneath the mountain of pillows and plushes sleeps a woman, her pastel pink wig covering her face.

>"And there she is, the 2 View! Of course, no mate sharing her bed. But she's a real beaut, isn't she? And look at that glorious mane! Unkempt, yet still she proudly wears it, even deep in slumber! Couldn't've asked for a better specimen!"

>Unfortunately, Bruce's monologue has woken the woman up. Immediately the woman erupts, sending pillows and plushes everywhere.
>"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" she shouts, flinging her keyboard at Bruce; Bruce nimbly dodges it. A loud clattering is heard as several keys scatter across the woman's room.


>Bruce immediately grabs a filthy Hatsune Miku plush. Immediately, the woman's eyes shift toward Bruce.

>"LET GO OF MIKU RIGHT NOWWWW!" the 2 View bellows, she says, now on all fours. Bruce only returns a massive grin.

>Bruce might live for adventure...
>But he loves the thrill of the chase even more.

>> No.64454907
File: 813 KB, 1730x1240, live Koseki Bijou Reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. Very great

>Camera crew hauling ass, All you can see in the shaky cam is Bruce forcefeeding meds
>"Lets sparkle some good ol Bl in this bowl, she'll come down"
>"Night camera of a femcel slowly crawling to the bl, sniffing it and then doing gorilla noises as she takes it home"
>Bruce coming out of a menhera apartment full of scratches and bites, one of the cameraman says "You stink of pussy bruce"

>> No.64455390


>> No.64455431
Quoted by: >>64456818

I’m to big, anon. It’s necessary

>> No.64456818

One does hand does tire reaching around the belly, yes, so you need another, yes

>> No.64457403
File: 42 KB, 640x480, SHIRAKAMIFLASH[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fr5scwd.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64459202


That's the last thought that goes in your head, as you suddenly slip pass the dimensional tissue, pass through the quantum field and do a left turn in Kazaktan, only to land in a weird dimension where the chuubas look similar...but their personalities are swapped?!

>> No.64458482
Quoted by: >>64458727

That's interesting. Do you think it was mostly because of the power dynamics on display or mostly because of something else?
Thank you! When I have a good idea on how to follow up on the ending of this Part 1 I'll write a Part 2.

>> No.64458727
Quoted by: >>64459359

NTA but i also liked that part. It showed the power dynamic and it was cute.
I forgot to write my review, but it was hot (even if it could use another pass) and any fic that has Coco sitting on people's face is great

>> No.64459202

jesus christ my fucking ears

>> No.64459280
Quoted by: >>64498634

I really want to see Towa attempt No nut November in your setting. the idea of her pathetically humping Coco or Kanata and pathetically begging for release sounds extremely hot,specially if her tail gets touched and she almost loses 20 days of progress, quivering and shaking while barely avoiding her orgasm

>> No.64459359

It was a bit of a spontaneous idea, so I'm happy that it worked so well - I guess it's something you don't get as often. Because on the positive reception I just edited the story to make Kanata verbalize her checking-out of Towa at the end, to establish her character and the relevance of her dominance more.
The vocabulary and grammar choices are probably of inconsistent quality to a better English speaker than me, ESL that I am. I'd be happy about feedback that helps me tell the story better.

>> No.64461250
File: 2.16 MB, 640x454, Average vtuber fanfiction writer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the WIP coming along Anon? You are cooking up the greatest fanfiction in history, right?

>> No.64461567
File: 430 KB, 1148x1087, 1665265384291815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64490678

Just about finished the outline for the next chapter today. I should be able to hit the ground running soon, and you're right, it is gonna be the greatest fanfiction in history.

>> No.64461674
File: 406 KB, 1206x753, 1693976763494687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blackbean Chapter Five


tags: Towa, Botan, Mio, Fubuki, other chuubas, fantasy

I put it through grammarly this time (plus gave it a once over with my own eye) so I hope that solved much of the spelling and grammar issues I so consistently have. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy and feel free to critique.

just got out of the oven, though it is certainly not the greatest fanfic in history.

>> No.64462317

>it is certainly not the greatest fanfic in history.
You got that right.

>> No.64462450

I think it earns its spot in the well above average tier, though.

>> No.64462621

Yeah, that's why no-one reads it. Because it's well above average.

>> No.64463020
File: 102 KB, 750x1624, IMG_3982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mate.

>> No.64463568
File: 40 KB, 566x638, unhinged bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2640 in one and 3680 in another, so i guess its going well? i need to step on the gas and get these finished, then ask for beta readers.
Enjoying my freedom a bit too much as i've neglected writing one or two days over playing vidya

>> No.64463746
Quoted by: >>64463991

Really cute, I liked Kanata inspecting her like a piece of meat.

>> No.64463991

Hah, that's the part I added to just an hour ago. Great timing!

>> No.64465042
File: 286 KB, 850x1133, 1683280896032184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64465828

I think you handled the portrayal of parallel scenes well in this chapter. The Reine led investigation is pretty intriguing so far. Though things might have escalated a little fast on Reine's personal end. It would be a little quick for any surrounding forces to play their hand like that. Anyway, spelling was pretty solid this time, I did note a few grammatical things I noticed though.

gently pushing her mana into them and giving it a perfect defense against anything the Abyss may through at it - should be throw

I don’t remember hearing you as part of the Spears and Lui hasn’t designated you a deserter.” - Would read better as something like "I don't remember anyone mentioning you as being part of the Spears, and if you were a deserter, Lui would have made sure everyone knew"

what it took to become a mage. I told her with a completely straight face that-” she stifled a giggle “I told her that in order for a woman to become a mage, she had to have sex with at least three senior mages because taking away a woman’s virginity was, at the time, better than using the Awakening Factor. - the part with taking should be reworded, since it's implying that the senior mages taking the virginity make you a mage, and not the act of losing your virginity to a mage actually does it.

I see you made use of Mio's ears, which is nice to see putting put into practice. Don't let yourself forget. Good show on making it so a normal person was drawn to Watame's horns as well. Depending on how common / accepted Spears are, it might make it feel more real if your average person is still a little apprehensive towards a person with animal features since that is out of the norm for them. Only if it's appropriate for your world of course. I'm also not sure if this is just personal preference or not, but it feels as though the Botan plotline is moving too slow when put side by side with the Investigation plot. If they are meant to meet in the middle for somewhere, that's fine, but I might consider picking right back up from the investigation side in the next chapter and not starting without another peaceful bit of exposition around the first group. This chapter is left in a tense situation on three ends, and the next opener being another tidbit from Towa's or someone's past might remove some of that. Just something to think about, keep up the passion.

>> No.64465828
File: 23 KB, 589x571, 1688551045170247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad this chapter was so smooth! That makes me really happy to hear!

>the Botan plot is moving slow

It's going to pick up again next chapter. Looking back on it, I should've started their next arc in this chapter.

> it might make it feel more real if your average person is still a little apprehensive

What I'm trying to go for is more of like a fading legend. People still revere the order for what they've done, but time is starting to show and their importance is dwindling. It's more of a case now that people know of them rather than have met them. It'll be elaborated on more, but the order's manpower is still large enough that people run into them occasionally.

Thank you for the corrections! I'm so, so glad to hear I'm improving!

>> No.64466246

I stopped reading halfway

To go back and start at chapter 1

>> No.64466283
File: 158 KB, 1063x1063, 1670377433514899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64469523

Don't chastise yourself for taking a little break from writing here and there. It's a hobby for us after all, and we should treat it as such for our own enjoyment. The best stories are written by the best you, and if that you wants a little bit doing something else that's fun, go for it! Your story and characters will always be waiting.

>> No.64469110
File: 327 KB, 699x499, 1670608094002292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you write?
you can tell me, it'll be our little secret

>> No.64469141
Quoted by: >>64469201

I finally finished it. I will email my beta readers, give it a final once over, and then, it's ready for shipping.

That is, unless I find a massive fucking problem with the story and decide to rewrite it again, but at this point, I'll take my losses and count my blessings.

>> No.64469145

Nothing happens in the life of a writer, so I write to vicariously live through their experiences.

>> No.64469201
Quoted by: >>64469460

If this story is what I think it is, then I am very excited, anon

>> No.64469242

To get shit out of my system, to live once again, to fuck anime girls in their 30's until I give them all a breeding creampie and 5 kids minimum.

>> No.64469460

It is EXACTLY what you think it is, it's Shrunken Troubles 2, where a spider NTRs fly-kun

>> No.64469523
File: 874 KB, 1125x898, GOD GIVES HIS HYPEST CHUUBAS TO THE STRONGEST FANS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. i guess there's also my oshi feeding me streams until i can no longer move...
but tomorrow! i will write!! promise!!!

>> No.64469662

You mean Shrunken Troubles 3, r-right...?

>> No.64469856

Jerking off is the only time Im a leftie.
No, not that kind of leftie.

>> No.64470148
File: 39 KB, 554x554, 1691416183141336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds incredibly hot, anon! Can't wait to read it!

Now, if only that's what you were actually releasing...

>> No.64470171
File: 1.42 MB, 1075x1006, 1650186436062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64472395

To make the story I always wanted to see in the world. To give all these scenes in my head life, and most importantly of all, hags.

>> No.64470343

Ah, so we have a contestant for LoTB 3 and 4 now.

>> No.64470864

"If you want something done, do it yourself"

>> No.64472395
File: 493 KB, 677x615, suichan is just as cute today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just something I've always been passionate about. I know people love my abusefics the most but I have a passion for adventure stories and romance novels. It also feels really good to improve. It's one of those hobbies that makes me feel really really satisfied when I finally fix something I'm not proficient at

>and most importantly of all, hags.


>> No.64473705

I need a chuuba who's on the more shy, quiet, reserved side. Not a social shut in mind you, just shyer than most others. I can't seem to find a good archetype.

Don't say Fubuki either. We need stories that don't have Fubuki once and white.

>> No.64473833
Quoted by: >>64474085

Kanata fits that

>> No.64473843
Quoted by: >>64474085


>> No.64473900
Quoted by: >>64474085


>> No.64474085
Quoted by: >>64474281

Kana-chan is a bit to straight (personalitywise, not, ya know) for what I'm going for

Roboco may be good, but I'd have to write her slightly out of character at the beginning to be more depressed than she usually is.

I will watch Ayame for a bit and see if she's what I'm looking for.

>> No.64474281
Quoted by: >>64475743

>more depressed than she usually is.
People can get downswings in their mood sometimes, so I doubt it'd be too unbelievable for Roboco to have a depressed moment

>> No.64474454


>> No.64474875
Quoted by: >>64475743

I feel like Mumei or Ina could work

>> No.64475743

Y'all forgetting about DepresShion.

>> No.64476392
Quoted by: >>64478649

I can fix her depression with sex

>> No.64476593
File: 614 KB, 612x556, TheDaggerAproaching[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzz5ru5.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know

>> No.64477713
File: 393 KB, 1323x1840, 1702519589261004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64478649
File: 1.71 MB, 1918x1080, youjustknow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64481072

I'm not sure you guys meet her standards

>> No.64481072


>> No.64481736
File: 917 KB, 2145x3035, FujoRyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this question's been asked before but it's been a while and I'm curious if anybody new's here or (You) read something more impactful,

Any particular line of dialogue stick with you? Bonus points for not naming what it's from so I can guess

>> No.64482522
Quoted by: >>64483164


there's just something about it makes me emotional

>> No.64483164

Classic. Cuts right to the core. I like it.

I'm certain other fics have used it so it's a little tricky guessing which one, but...Blue Monday?

>> No.64484533

This one really made the scene it was in.
>"Yup, that's the pessimist I know."
>"I'm being realistic."

>> No.64486152
File: 3.17 MB, 2000x2928, 102802490_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64489188

>> No.64486672
File: 183 KB, 850x1240, 1677240932600499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64487137

Tired of being forced to eat Natto, Mococo challenges Fuwawa to fight for her freedom from the nasty stringy bean food. Also anon is present to commentate on their match.

>> No.64487137

Tired of being disrespected, the hard working farmers of Tochigi prefecture rise up to fight Mococo.

>> No.64487617
Quoted by: >>64490013

I’ve had this idea kicking around for a bit where Mumei, in owl form, gets pregnant from a male owl. She goes through the whole 9 months invin her human form, but then births the egg as an owl again. It hatches and… it’s an owl. Just an owl. Mumei names it and raises it and then lets it go. “Motherhood is strange… but I’ll miss him.”

>> No.64489188

Sigh... *opens mouth*

>> No.64490013

For some reason this just makes me think this would be the reveal at the end of a fic, something like
>... And that's how Anon was born.

>> No.64490176

I want to make Shion even more depressed than she already is.

>> No.64490371
File: 2.46 MB, 1872x2100, Braided Yammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64491919

I have an enormous amount of editing ahead of me, but the first draft is finally coming together. I only wish I was a faster writer.

Where else in the world can I autistically write edgy action stories and sweet romance novels starring comically crass sluts? Nobody else is going to read this stuff, you guys are all I have. I'm trying to enjoy myself here while I can before I make a serious attempt at getting published... which is a long while away.

>> No.64490678

I halted all progress because I got sick and simultaneously seem to be going through a bout of depression...so yeah. fun!

>> No.64490765

meant for

>> No.64491795
File: 385 KB, 671x774, 1702545929497604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been able to make any progress in awhile. A lot of stressful stuff's going on that's eating up my brainpower. Hoping the situation will improve soon, but until then my WIPs are on ice.

>> No.64491864
Quoted by: >>64491932

I hope you will get some good streams to watch.

>> No.64491919
Quoted by: >>64494551

This Yammer is the perfect synthesis of cute and sexy.

>> No.64491932
Quoted by: >>64492036

hope things improve for you, Anon.

Do you have any recommendations?

>> No.64492036

Well, I'd personally start with the recent and upcoming lives. But I was thinking about your favourites' streams really, everyone has their preferences after all.

>> No.64493645
Quoted by: >>64523999

Funny, I'm a leftie in all things except that.

>> No.64494551
File: 1.64 MB, 1447x2046, Ayame cheerleader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64494807

Yammers is always cute and sexy.

>> No.64494807
File: 605 KB, 1920x2716, 96218027_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64495032

And a massive slut to boot.

>> No.64495032
File: 1.05 MB, 848x1199, 1702555196306894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slut Ayame
slut Hoshikawa
slut Nene
I fucking love SLUTS!

>> No.64495162
File: 357 KB, 2531x1439, Sara in bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slut love!

>> No.64495179
File: 424 KB, 1643x1742, slutnene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slut Nene

>> No.64495551
Quoted by: >>64497426

So long as being a puta isnt their only trait...

Also, something I learned in hentai that I find funny: Japan has no native word for the act of sex. Its simply seksu.

We pagpags have one, two even.

>> No.64495572
Quoted by: >>64495934

I liked that one Nene idea where she isn't really perverted, she just innocently thinks of sex as a fun activity to do with friends.

>> No.64495611
File: 1.12 MB, 850x1202, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64495892


>> No.64495892

We shall roll over these namby-pamby puritanfags and horned horsefags

>> No.64495934
File: 302 KB, 1200x1416, 1702557346857295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that.
>Nene sees that you're having a rough day
>invites you to slip into the janitor's closet and "have some fun"
>when she's done making you cum with her tits, she just looks up at you with the brightest smile you've ever seen, her face splashed with semen
>"Wow, that was a lot! You needed this more than Nene thought. So? Did you like it?"

>> No.64495945

Writing's my main talent. I used to concoct a very shitty Fast and Furious/Need For Speed ripoff fanfic in my old notebooks starring my classmates and me.

>> No.64496001

Chuuba of your choice bullying (You) to the point you want to kill yourself. You botch it (she saves you from it) and bullies you even harder.

>> No.64497303
File: 223 KB, 900x742, 1694910190010940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sending you both some of my energy. Things will get better soon, you're both gonna make it.

>> No.64497426

"Ecchi" also works.
>Atashi to ecchi suru?
And sometimes they can even get away with just "do you want to do it?"

>> No.64497628

You fool! You posted pomu! You activated my tramp prompt!
>Be Pomu 's roomate. Everything is fine and dandy since she's a darling.
>Altough... Lately you feel like you are waking up more tired than usual.
>Chalk it up to being under the weather or something
>One day come back early to the apartment
>Huh? Why is your basket of dirty laundry moving?
>Move a pair of boxes around, Pomu in her fairy form is laying there, in a cockhaze and clearly catching her breath from a masturbation marathon.
>Get her to admit your smell gets her going and that she's been giving you nocturnal blowjobs
The rest is up for grabs, but pomu asking for a cum bath/bukkake is super hot

>> No.64498597


>> No.64498608
Quoted by: >>64499363

>Huffing Pomu's fairy dust while she gets cock drunk and fucking in that haze.

>> No.64498634

I don't think it'd be a month, but a scene where Towa has to beg to be allowed to cum is certainly a good idea.

>> No.64499363
File: 200 KB, 579x671, 1694524201394445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I can probably give you for now is Pomu hanging out in your shirt and then falling down by accident and landing in your underwear somehow. I guess I could make her huff a little and play it off like no big deal though.
>getting high off fairy dust
Now there's a good idea.

>> No.64502299
Quoted by: >>64506217

>Pomu casts a spell on your balls that lets you cum enough to fill a mini-tub for her

>> No.64502300
File: 1.61 MB, 1024x1536, 1697818422929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64503347

>> No.64503347

I want that oni ass on my face

>> No.64503395

Speaking of ass, who's Hololive's ass?

>> No.64503496
Quoted by: >>64504379

Sounds like a prequel to Assurance Correction.
I doubt they will ever introduce a member who's a donkey girl.

>> No.64504379
File: 140 KB, 850x1203, 1702570660902605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64509542

>Assurance Correction
I really wish that story had been longer. Shion's rump is great, but leaving Aqua and Ayame to have their asses played with offscreen was a missed opportunity.

>> No.64505997
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, 1702568679057574.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64506186

>> No.64506186

What these two so smug about?

>> No.64506217

God that'd be so hot as an "ending".
After you blow her back, she shrinks and bathes in cum and gets pregnant like the akame ga kill image

>> No.64506223

>they see your dick

>> No.64506373
File: 2.23 MB, 2560x1097, 1702571593057465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64506955

the chicken

>> No.64506955
File: 2.39 MB, 1680x720, 1702571700986526.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64507940
Quoted by: >>64508318

Kanata's ass, offered up in front of them

>> No.64508318
Quoted by: >>64509490

She is bent over, drooling. In a low, lusty, desperate voice, she whispers, “please…”

>> No.64509490
Quoted by: >>64509839

And then she says 'Not faggot though'

>> No.64509542
Quoted by: >>64511705

>Assurance Correction
This just makes me think of Polka

>> No.64509839
Quoted by: >>64510976

>Kanata getting sandwiched inbetween the two, drooling and reaching heaven
>"Okay but did you guys say no homo? because im no homo, that's why i said no homo. I dont think i heard you say it, so can you guys say it please?"

>> No.64510976

>The truth comes out later: Kanata really is straight, she’s just so desperate because no guy has given her a chance since “she looks illegal” that she was willing to do anything to get her rocks off

>> No.64511705
File: 402 KB, 695x1169, PolPats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64513611


>> No.64513768

There she is but Nenechi is the rabbit and you are a kemono boy.

>> No.64515831
File: 2.62 MB, 2339x3174, PolkaAngry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your oshi asking you to help her commit suicide

>> No.64516208

(By choking her with your dick(To death))

>> No.64516441
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im shooting in the dark here but i was catching up to Uma musume and the latest plot development could make a juicy drama fic

Spoilers if you care about horse idols that ended up turning into hype spokon horses
Kitasan Black, the Mc of the third season, has a race where no matter what she does, she cant seem to move her position. Gold ship, another character who had the same problem early on, tells her its over:she hit her peak as an athlete.
Kitasan decides to go for one more race, thinking she can still defeat this with trainingshe wins, but is crushed by the realization that she had to give her all to win a race with none of her stronger rivals.

The idea would be to make a similar dramatic fic, one where one of the "hard idols" clashes against this conundrum, with the tone either being way darker as they silently quit or a bit cheerier they become trainers for the next generation

>> No.64518260

Thank you anon. I appreciate it.

>> No.64521095
File: 1.62 MB, 2552x1686, Fgj5JwbaAAAsFyQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>64515831 but you only help her commit social suicide and then when she's ostracized by everyone she knows, you lock her up in your house and use her for sex on demand, possibly convincing her you're her soulmate because you stood by her when everyone else left her

>> No.64521174
File: 222 KB, 536x735, 1693343776936320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fics are you still holding out hope for?
I want Red Riding Nene, simply because the idea of Nenechi getting knotted by a little wolf shota turned me on to no end.

>> No.64521833
File: 57 KB, 931x900, Chibiyammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, shit, I have to get back in the game now

>> No.64522674
Quoted by: >>64522832

Since you're one of the ones still holding out hope for it, I'm gonna ask your advice on a couple of things that I had made decisions on but was still unsure about, which I think may actually be hindering my motivation because I'm fucking stupid
Sorry for putting this on you but I'm straight up THIS indecisive of a person
>which is better, full-furry wolfboy or sort of like a kemono, but with animal arms and lower body
>what fur color
Thanks for still having some hope in me

>> No.64522832
Quoted by: >>64522934

Me personally, I'd like Kemono. Full furry would feel out of place assuming granny Botan remains a kemono.

As for fur color, I'd just go for a classic grey or black

>Thanks for having hope in me
It's all we can have in fanfiction communities.

>> No.64522934

>assuming granny Botan remains a kemono
Ah, I'm explaining that part by having the wolf be a full "beastman", but Botan only being 1/4th. After all, Nene's not really a kemono, and in the story they're related, so...

>> No.64523999
Quoted by: >>64524378

OUR porn, coomrade.

>> No.64524378

I chuckled.

>> No.64525874
File: 1.64 MB, 871x1345, 1681856525991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64526068

Aspect ratiojou...

>> No.64526317


>> No.64528087


>> No.64528185
Quoted by: >>64528328

I haven't been in this general for a while, has there been any word on The Broken Heartlock 3?

>> No.64528328

See >>52744310 and the surrounding conversation. The fic has a pretty unique title so it's easy to find in archives.

>> No.64529223

Who are the most re-Mark-able OCs this thread has produced?

>> No.64529357


>> No.64530062

Yep, Miyuki.

>> No.64530185

That girl that is Anon and Fubuki's daughter.

>> No.64530243

My daughterwife

>> No.64531084
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, IDOL LIE TRAILER THUMBNAIL 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Premiering in 40 minutes. It's the continuation of Part 1 which was posted here months ago.


>> No.64532183
Quoted by: >>64532892

It's still going on! Nice. I was waiting for this one.

>> No.64532838

Aside from the usual
>First Summer Memories...
post. I really hope the MWAnon comes back since I want to see his series back.
Also the anon that wrote holoreality but, I'm gonna be honest it's been nearly 2 years at this point, that one's probably just a half-built chapter and worldbuilding notes.

>> No.64532892
Quoted by: >>64534130

I'm glad to hear someone still remembers this! Hope you enjoy

Not sure if this is eligible to be added to the archive or for the contest, but I'll throw in tags in case it is. While the archive has more variety of formats, it seems all the contest entries are text only.
Gura, Ina, Kiara, Omega, Jenma, Amelia, SFW, Drama, Psychological, Thriller

>> No.64534130

I'm not really sure myself. For this specific contest we were going for a low word count limit in order to encourage shorter stories. So I'm not really sure what word count this would be.

>> No.64536798

To the authors who have put out multiple works: do you try something different each time or do you focus on your niche and try to master a single genre?

>> No.64537387
File: 1.30 MB, 2500x2500, 1688134705472087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally wanted to tackle the being Kurokami's errand boy prompt for not only letting myself get into another another genre, but because I liked it as well. I also have an unnamped WiP that might be considered a different genre from both that and HJ, so yeah, I personally would seek to try something different when I'm taking on something else.

>> No.64541731
File: 130 KB, 850x1201, AquaAngry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64541841

Get to work!

>> No.64541841

How about you get to sucking me off?

>> No.64545023
File: 712 KB, 2000x2829, 110022657_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64546700
Quoted by: >>64556761

Im gonna be honest here. I feel like the gimmick here (ai) has completely taken over the story. Pulling all the bells and whistles aside, its just not interesting to engage or read.
Your dialogue could use some work so it sounds less robotic, because as it stands i end up spacing out every few minutes

>> No.64546791

I basically only do fluff + something else. I like fluff and honestly, I could write fluff scenes all day, but I do try and spice it up. Not that I'm against doing other genres. I did write a singular (so far) adventure fic.

>> No.64546874
Quoted by: >>64546898

I keep my broad genre the same(smut), but I do try and mix up the fetishes the stories hit, and I try to change which chuubas I write about each time because it keeps it interesting and tests my skills more

>> No.64546898
Quoted by: >>64546959

Give me an example of your work and I'll nut to it

>> No.64546959
File: 43 KB, 680x382, 1659085850676118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64547095

If you're degenerate enough to nut to Time (s)Mutt, then I salute you, my fellow.

>> No.64547095
Quoted by: >>64547145

More than the bestiality aspect, it's Kronii that's going to make this challenging.

I'm degenerate enough to nut >14 times to Shrunken Troubles though; I'm sure I'll find a way

>> No.64547145
Quoted by: >>64547187

Well, there's always Yuzuki Vet and its sequel.

>> No.64547187
Quoted by: >>64547245

As SOON as I read "Her mind returning to his balls" I knew it was you, then you post this.

I'm already twenty steps ahead of you on those two stories, mate.

>> No.64547245
File: 133 KB, 540x540, 1653109469027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64547772


>> No.64547772
File: 55 KB, 217x190, 1491769522953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, that was less difficult than I thought it was going to be. You've got a way with words when describing the heroine reverting to a servile cum-receptacle as both parties experience mind-blowing orgasms. The pace of the description slows to a crawl just so more can be said of how a hungry womb becomes saturated with warm semen; I love it. Nutted so hard I drew a mental blank for a moment there.

>> No.64547942
Quoted by: >>64548176

God damn it, you fuckers are actually gonna get me to start writing again, aren't you
Bless you, anon

>> No.64548176

I really hope you do find the motivation to write again, anon. The thread has lost one of the best smut writers here without you.

>> No.64548246

My stories always have some aspect of romance besides the other genres present, but I think that’s where the similarities end. Granted I never go “out there” with my ideas and try to make something really dark or abnormal. I don’t write much smut either.

>> No.64549035

>Sanding your deck with Subaru
>Needs tags
Subaru, NSFW.

...I guess. Is there some kind of guidelines for the general tags that exist and/or for where the division line between sfw and nsfw is?

Showering with Subaru https://rentry.org/zwea9q
Subaru, NSFW

a sequel, dedicated to that one anon from last thread who complained about getting blueballed

>> No.64549158

The guidelines for the nsfw/sfw divide is more a de facto question of "is this smut?" rather than appropriateness for viewing at work; at least for 99% of the works that tag it.

>> No.64549278
Quoted by: >>64549418

>a sequel, dedicated to that one anon from last thread who complained about getting blueballed
FUCKING OATH! That was me. I'm eating well this thread.

>> No.64549418

Oh yeah, since I already nutted here >>64547772
I'm going pass on your story 'til later.

Y'know, just so you don't get bummed not getting feedback within 30 mins.

>> No.64550549

I mostly just write whatever's living in my head at the moment. Sometimes it's smut, sometimes it's fluff, sometimes it's darker stuff.

>> No.64551244
Quoted by: >>64551377

A hag chuuba of your choice is freshly divorced. You are only the second man she's ever gone on a date with. After a passionate courting period, you finally bring her to bed. Only to realize that she has no idea what she's doing. Somehow, she and her ex husband had been doing it wrong for 15 years. Now, you must retrain your hag in the ways of sex.

>> No.64551377

>Mio has been having sex entirely through urethral penetration for 15 years.
Not sure what kind of story you can make out of that.

>> No.64551626
File: 359 KB, 1367x2048, LapLonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lonely Lap reminiscing about the past before realising she still has you

>> No.64552593
Quoted by: >>64553187

Kronii with asphyxiation fetish

>> No.64553000
Quoted by: >>64553187

I mean... most of the fics that haven't been updated in a while are basically confirmed to be dropped unless stated otherwise by the author. I know for example FSM and Holoturismo have been dropped, so there's no point in holding out hope for them.

>> No.64553154

Enemies to lovers is overrated. The best relationship dynamic is enemies to still enemies (but having sex for some reason).

>> No.64553175



>> No.64553183
Quoted by: >>64553486

Hate sex is quite hot, I will admit...

>> No.64553187
Quoted by: >>64553457


HoloTurismo? Is the Turismo part what I think it is?

>> No.64553457
File: 1001 KB, 2551x3572, Sora sit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64558965

I'm not sure what you mean, if you're thinking of a Hololive car/racing fic then you'd be correct. An Anon started writing a story called Holoturismo starring Sora as the lead. It took inspiration from Initial D and Need for Speed and was two chapters in, but the author hasn't been heard from for about a year and a half iirc. I think he was the writer of Sex With Hags but don't quote me on that.

>> No.64553486

I want hate sex where the sex has to be super intimate and romantic for some reason


>> No.64553492
File: 1.22 MB, 1447x2047, 1000000200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64554245

what about friends with benefits to accidental lovers?

>> No.64554245
Quoted by: >>64556985

>accidental lovers
>Oh no! Mori tripped and fell on my cock before reverse mating pressing me and making me cum inside of her twice without protection.
>What a terrifying accident!

>> No.64555138
File: 542 KB, 1200x1903, Shion lick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64556335
File: 172 KB, 850x1224, __nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_ayamy__sample-76f185581601c414b11f27e39b1ce1df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64556466
File: 93 KB, 668x958, 1685256137951916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive has a lot of bratty younger sister archetypes but which of them would make for the well-behaved/obedient/doting kind?

>> No.64556761

I see where you're coming from. I learned a lot of lessons making Parts 1 and 2, and I do want to change my approach for Part 3

>> No.64556814
File: 1.67 MB, 3442x4630, Iroha uniform cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64562176


On a side note I wish 4chan would increase its file size limit to 5MB or something. I have to compress most of the images I find on danbooru.

>> No.64556852
File: 257 KB, 1365x2048, 1702639836785733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64556856

Brutally destroying Rushia / Mike's insides with your dick because she spat out your precious "baby batter" when she gave you head beforehand.

>> No.64556985
File: 139 KB, 850x1656, __tokoyami_towa_hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta, but isn't the usual cliché something like
>you and your long-time female friend are both unfortunate when it comes to your dating life
>"hey, we've been getting along great for a while now... and we both need a vent, right? Wanna try this FWB thing?"
>commence friendly fucking
>"holy shit, that was great. But isn't it a bit weird to just stare at each other while we do it? I guess we could kiss a bit or something. You know, to fill the dead air, nothing serious."
>"Ooof. Y-yeah just like that. Wow. Uhh... welp, you can go shower first, if you want."
>"yeah, I'm not feeling it either. Come on, scoot a bit closer. Might as well keep each other warm for a bit then. Huh, cuddling? Haha sure, if you want to call it that, weirdo."
>"Ugh, now I'm hungry. You wanna stay for dinner? Huh? You want to cook? Pshh, right. Come on, we'll do it together. I don't wanna get poisoned."
>"H-hey. There's this little festival in town tomorrow. The girls all blew me off to go with their guys. You wanna go? Just to grab a few drinks, look at the lights, you know."
>"Jeez, you always seem to get lost! Where were you? ...huh? You wanted to win the plushy I was eyeing earlier? Pfff you're a real dork, aren't you? No wonder you have no luck with the girls. Come on, take my hand. You're not running off again."
>"T-the lights sure are pretty..."
>"H-hey, doesn't this feel sorta... kinda like... you know? We two...? Haha... n-no never mind. Unless...?"

>> No.64558295

Reminds me of >>61039791 this, where you and a chuuba are basically dating but don't care to define the relationship.

>> No.64558358

dont we have that Mori greentext thats all about being friends with benefits?

>> No.64558965
Quoted by: >>64559204

Turismo, as in Gran Turismo the racing sim game.

That fic looks very much my first forays into fanfics, swapping out my classmates for Holomem. Link so I can maybe carry it on?

>> No.64559204
Quoted by: >>64559914

The archive for /wg/'s stories is linked in the first post.

>> No.64559914
Quoted by: >>64560019

Is the story editable? I'll assume it is but I'll want confirmation.

>> No.64560019
Quoted by: >>64570381

You can't and shouldn't edit someone else's actual work, but writing a fan sequel/adaptation of a long-abandoned fic is acceptable.

>> No.64560182
File: 3.80 MB, 540x466, dona.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two chapters, ch. 1 is (You)/Bon, ch. 2 is (You)/Bon/Park Dona.

Tags: Drunk sex, paizuri, femdom, threesome


>> No.64561558

I was reading that Fauna masturbation fic and now i want a fic detailing how each girls masturbates, for how long and how many times

>> No.64561808
Quoted by: >>64562513

I like to think Roboco probably uses different kinds of toys and maybe multiple at a time and Azki gets off to fantasies of cheating sex.

>> No.64562176

I'm tired of downloading previews.

>> No.64562266

Aqua just humps herself and leaves her retard drool everywhere

>> No.64562513

That's boring.
Roboco is into Erotic asphyxiation, but since she's a robot she emails herself some zipbombs that are big enough to clutter her brain but not heavy enought that she crashes. this slows her brain down to a crawl until all the info comes out all at once, thus making her cum

>> No.64562596
Quoted by: >>64562696

Can robots cum even? What'd they cum, joint lube?

>> No.64562696

Rococo is an advanced robot

>> No.64562795

There's not too many, sadly. That Fauna one and the Miko masturbation fic are great.

>> No.64563469
Quoted by: >>64564519

Pekora rivals marine in lenght and times done, but Will never admit it

>> No.64564037
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1697308312441808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64564158

I avoided making Roboco doing anything more android-like because then I would have to account for the Ponboco factor which might not end well for her.

>> No.64564158

>Roboco mails herself a Zipbomb to get a masturbation session going
>3 hours later you are running malwarebits on her because she cant stop leaking oil, her browser got hijacked and she can only speak in hindi

>> No.64564299
File: 844 KB, 1030x443, 1698562336551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute family meal

>> No.64564519
File: 259 KB, 397x471, 1659981067174154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You best believe I'm gonna make this rabbit jackhammer her own pelvis and never admit that it happens.

>> No.64564914
File: 184 KB, 335x319, ayame2345r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex is bad stop talking about it

>> No.64564962

It's not sex if you do it by yourself.

>> No.64565196
Quoted by: >>64565648

Ugh. Imagining Ayame as a prude feels weird after years of rrat!Ayameposting.

>> No.64565648
File: 93 KB, 720x720, 1677801408043016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64566274

That guy should've used pic related, the opposite of sexiness to prudepost instead.

>> No.64565746
Quoted by: >>64566203

who is "sex is bad" (doesn't get any)
who is "sex is good" (doesn't get any)

>> No.64565837

An alternative universe wherein Suisei is aggressively flirtatious with (You), her boyfriend, in the office. Ayame finds this utterly repulsive, and spends all her time finding ways to shut down your public affection.

>> No.64566203

The former is me, the latter is you

>> No.64566274

Suisei only has sex with oji-sans in the bathrooms of seedy bars

>> No.64567604
Quoted by: >>64568781

I usually take heavy influence from whatever media I'm consuming at the time. I was rewatching Mobirito and reading through Claymore at the time of Balsa so it took great influence from those stories.

Right now I'm watching a lot of Frieren, playing monster hunter and re-playing Dragon Age so the elements in all of those stories are massive contributors to how they shape.

Death of an author starts when you no longer take in new media to influence your work.

>> No.64568781
Quoted by: >>64568902

I'd prefer death of an author to basing my entire fucking stories around the settings I like. Nobody has forgotten your dogshit Witcher, Fallout and AC fics.

>> No.64568902

Yeah those were crossovers though and they were shit. But it taught me it's best to use stories to influence something that's your own rather than crossover. Not saying my work is unique or original or anything just a lot more mine and a lot more based around my own spin on aspects of those stories.

If nothing else, I learned from the failure. That's what matters

>> No.64569019
Quoted by: >>64569249

>I learned from the failure
It clearly didn't stop you from writing your current slop.

>> No.64569052
Quoted by: >>64569249

I liked the Witcher fic. But I'm also a big fan of the Witcher books, so I'm clearly biased.

>> No.64569249
Quoted by: >>64569439

I'm going to start chapter six of Blackbean just for that. One page for every anti comment.

Glad you did. Ultimately I'm glad I took some of the aspects of that story so better service my own, namely how cool a one handed magic system is. Always thought that was a really cool aspect of the world.

>> No.64569439

Yeah, go right ahead. Make another chapter that no one's gonna read. You're sure showing me.

>> No.64570381

Ok, read and how about this:

I keep the title, but reboot the story? I uh...kind of dont like the suicide honestly. Its unneceasarily gloomy imo. And expand possible appearances to HoloPro, and then uh...make it a more legal racing thing ala MF Ghost and all corpos including Holo are all racing teams?

>> No.64570517
Quoted by: >>64570668

I wouldn't keep the title. No harm in taking a concept and running your own take on it, just make it your own story instead of piggybacking on someone else's.

>> No.64570653
Quoted by: >>64570768

I don't think keeping the title would be important enough to justify the resulting confusion and bad optics. Just be clear on your influences, and on what's yours.

>> No.64570668
Quoted by: >>64570768

Alright, that's everything I could ask.

>> No.64570707

I'm on the train, so if anyone else wants to bake go ahead.

>> No.64570768

And you too.

Past and present coming together huh...

>> No.64570831

I feel your pain. My uni semester can't end too soon.

>> No.64572214

Nobody baking? I'll get to it then.
