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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.63003849
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, 1687137708485633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife so much!!

>> No.63003875
Quoted by: >>63003900

Gura doesn't want to stream

>> No.63003900

You don't know that anti.
I'm learning that you people suck at making analogies.

>> No.63003946
File: 70 KB, 540x514, giveitupfor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 66! Give it up for day 66!

>> No.63003961
Quoted by: >>63004034

My evidence is the last two months, if she wanted to stream she would have. She does not want to

>> No.63004034

You don't know why she isn't streaming.

>> No.63004041

You suck at life retard

>> No.63004098
Quoted by: >>63004171

You don't know either, but it's clear that she isn't, so she must not really want to. What would be physically restraining her from it?

>> No.63004109

>throwing glass in my eyes hurts
>getting ignored and ghosted hurts
That's really all that's saying. The glass in your eyes part was hyperbolic to the extent that the contradiction would seem especially obvious, mocking the original poster who, according to their claim, wouldn't be able to discern the intentions of a woman throwing glass in his eyes.
It was not a complex analogy.

>> No.63004171

Again, we don't know why she isn't streaming. This argument is pointless.

>> No.63004206
File: 62 KB, 480x360, 1696746175913995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63004245
File: 2.84 MB, 2556x1364, Fansa 3D Live[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcb570m.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife

>> No.63004252
Quoted by: >>63004495

Retard during the Phasmo collab it was as simple as hitting a button. She was already online, playing a game, with another holo. If she wanted to she would have gone live right then, there was absolutely nothing restraining her.
She doesn't want to.

>> No.63004255

She has her reasons, that's for sure.

>> No.63004265
File: 804 KB, 2048x2048, 1675713918763561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love my silly little goob.

>> No.63004295
File: 187 KB, 1076x1515, FGWbUtFVQAAZb8g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute Gura cute!

>> No.63004301

Again, what would possibly be physically restraining her? If she wants to stream, the only reason she wouldn't would be a physical restraint. So unless you can come up with one, she doesn't want to stream

>> No.63004370

She's able to come back all she wants for collabs and anything that's required of her. She's even able to assume that she'll be feeling good enough to plan those collabs well in advance.
So with that in mind, without making yourself sound retarded, please explain to me how it could be possible that she both wants to stream and yet hasn't streamed for over 2 months?

>> No.63004385
File: 3.52 MB, 1920x1080, Gura No time for caution[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcmluve.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how long they can keep their argument going, they're already going in circles.

>> No.63004450

Anon I am both parts of this argument, I can argue with myself forever. Ask my psychiatrist

>> No.63004462
File: 575 KB, 1332x900, 1692062609962986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate my life so much!!

>> No.63004464
Quoted by: >>63004525

Just answer the question, anon.
You DO have an explanation that makes sense, right?

>> No.63004495

She's opted out of streaming her POV in collabs and counted that as streaming before. She could've just been available those two days. You could say she should've streamed in addition to those collabs but her not streaming during collab days isn't outside the norm for her and not oroof that she doesn't want to stream.

>> No.63004525

He doesn't want to think about it that hard or he gets sad, he prefers to remain ignorant.

>> No.63004573
Quoted by: >>63004738

If she wanted to stream why doesn't she stream all the other days anon? She only wants to stream once a month? Is that really "wanting to stream"

>> No.63004634

How am I supposed to know why she doesn't stream just like how am I supposed to know when any other Holo doesn't provide an explanation?

>> No.63004710
Quoted by: >>63004867

This thread needs to be killed. It won't produce anything of value until Gura starts streaming at least half as much as she did 2 years ago.

>> No.63004727
Quoted by: >>63004876

Anon, she doesn't stream because she doesn't want to. for what other reason would she ghost us for two months straight (but still be able to do collabs). Other anons take week long breaks. Gura tales months long breaks. She doesn't want to stream, if she wanted to she would.

>> No.63004738
Quoted by: >>63004855

I just said it could've been she wasn't available the other days.
>only wants to stream once a month
Not what I said

>> No.63004753
File: 135 KB, 345x335, ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63012604

>> No.63004796

Place your bets, is the PR stream going to be on her channel or not?

>> No.63004852

>She could've just been available those two days.
So you're implying that something is keeping her constantly busy the other 65 days? In your mind, does it have anything to do with why she's seemed so exhausted every single one of her appearances since August?

>> No.63004855

>Wasn't available
Completely booked through for two months straight? Bullshit.

>> No.63004867
File: 293 KB, 1464x2048, 1681065852003340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread needs to be killed
You already know that's not possible.

>> No.63004874

On her

>> No.63004876

We don't know why she doesn't stream until we get more information. The point remains that we also don't know why other Holos don't stream if they don't provide an explanation, so how are we supposed to know?

>> No.63004894
Quoted by: >>63004969

Yes, it is we know that much but I'm wondering what the announcement is going to be.

>> No.63004926

Other Holos DO provide explanations. That's the entire fucking point.

>> No.63004946

We may not know a reason, but the circumstances limit the possible reasons to apathy or malice. What other reasons exist in your mind? Nothing els makes sense.

>> No.63004969

Something music or animation related probably.

>> No.63004987
Quoted by: >>63005041


>> No.63005004
File: 778 KB, 1920x1080, 1676136979543482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What da chumbies doin'?

>> No.63005041
Quoted by: >>63005316

Anon, I'm not asking for THE reason, in asking for POSSIBLE reasons. What other reasons are exist beyond apathy or malice given the circumstances?

>> No.63005103

>She's able to come back all she wants for collabs
She barely did any collabs.
>anything that's required of her
Those things aren't required.
>how it could be possible that she both wants to stream and yet hasn't streamed for over 2 months
We don't know why she doesn't want to stream. There's no point in arguing this.

>> No.63005127

But what other possibilities exist at this point? Either she doesn't care or she hates us.

>> No.63005160

>the circumstances limit the possible reasons
No that's just you projecting your assumptions.

>> No.63005162

That's not entirely true once (You) bring mental illness into the picture
There have been times in the past where I, personally, *wanted* to do something - for example, go catch the bus to attend my college classes - but was physically unable to do so because my body fought against my will and forced me to stay home instead
Every now and then it got to the point where I was literally sitting in my desk chair, fully dressed and books/assignments packed and organized and ready to head out the door, but instead of doing what I obviously intended to do (nobody else was home at the time, so it obviously wasn't performative), I just *sat there* staring at the floor and straining internally for over ten minutes straight, my muscles tensing up and even hyperventilating as I pushed and pushed and pushed myself to move only for my nervous system to scream out "NO" with every fiber of its being and deploy an absolute executive override of my orders rather than follow them
You ever try to swing a meat cleaver at your own wrist? It was basically that sensation, except applied to something that I actually felt like doing
I ended up missing the bus and skipping class quite often back in the day. It wasn't because I wanted to. It was so bad, and so nonsensical, that I look back and wonder in hindsight if it crossed the line from what you could explain as being a mere physiological issue, and was more likely to be literal fucking demonic possession
If Gura is experiencing anything remotely similar - which, if past comments are any indication, I suspect she might - then I would absolutely believe that she *wants* to stream, but simply can't. No malice, no greed, no hatred of her audience, no loss of motivation, nothing more than simple psychosis if not intervention by literal otherworldly entities

>> No.63005178
File: 118 KB, 1920x1080, 1696866727789453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching anime then probably gonna play some cod zombies later.

>> No.63005211
Quoted by: >>63005349

Anon, they absolutely do, you can't deny reality.

>> No.63005272
Quoted by: >>63005948

>Le mental illness
This probably seems mosts likely to me as another explanation, but mental illness does not excuse you from consequences. it's not okay to be a dick just because you're depressed or schizoprenic. It's a reason, not an excuse

>> No.63005298
Quoted by: >>63005410

I'm talking about the Holos that don't really provide that much of an explanation and even those that don't provide a "satisfactory explanation" to not stream. I'm not going to just assume they don't want to stream because of that.

>> No.63005307

Assuming malice will always be schizo no matter how much you try to spin it.

>> No.63005316

Since illness was ruled out by recent collabs, I can't think of anything that would explain her complete silence and lack of activity.
There is no explanation that would preserve both the notion that she wants to stream and communicate as well as the reality of her not streaming or communicating.

>> No.63005349
Quoted by: >>63005470

You're worst assumptions about other people with no proof isn't reality anti.

>> No.63005358
File: 977 KB, 1582x872, 1700258308914579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope we get more than one watchalong next Movie May

>> No.63005384

Which one does Gura masturbate to more: porn or hentai?

>> No.63005399
Quoted by: >>63005989

>no halloween stream
>no thanksgiving stream

>> No.63005410
Quoted by: >>63005485

Not a single other holo has taken an unannounced two month break, let alone ghosted their entire fanbase through the duration. Even Ayame tweets the entire time

>> No.63005455

Anime stuff.

>> No.63005470
Quoted by: >>63005545

Anon you refuse to get even speculate a possible reason for her absence, leaving only the negative ones. If you have a positive reason for her absence, please give it.

>> No.63005485
Quoted by: >>63005525

Yes, we know her communication sucks. That's nothing new.

>> No.63005525
Quoted by: >>63005639

And? Saying "that's nothing new" doesn't make it less shitty. That's just admitting guras always been a shitty chuuba from the start.

>> No.63005545
Quoted by: >>63005667

Not everything has to be either a positive or negative assumption. I just don't make assumptions and spin narratives like you do when I lack information.

>> No.63005580
File: 87 KB, 529x527, 1627522742296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the meidos just gave up on this general huh

>> No.63005639
Quoted by: >>63005714

Bad at communication =/= being a shitty chuba. Don't care about your metrics for a good chuuba anti.

>> No.63005667
Quoted by: >>63006049

Anon you have more than enough information
>This ghosting has been going on for two years, off and on, slowly growing worse in intensity
>She is aware of the ghosting, and has addressed it (obliquely) several times but never offered a clear reason
>She is not physically impaired from streaming at a moments notice, as evidenced by the Phasmo collaboration
Now, given this set of facts, what reasons could make sense?

>> No.63005705

there isn't anything rule breaking going on, sad shark

>> No.63005710

what do you have against anons voicing their opinions? go back to the split

>> No.63005714
Quoted by: >>63005836

What defines a good chuuba to you?

>> No.63005752
File: 58 KB, 565x464, 1687736240962489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's so bad. It's just a few people posting walls of text and running in circles. It should be easy enough to ignore until it cools off.

>> No.63005761

I seem to be the only one reporting things. Everyday.

>> No.63005836
Quoted by: >>63005967

I like Gura's personality so she's a good chuuba to me. Dont care about what antis like you think is a good chuuba.

>> No.63005948
File: 955 KB, 2800x4013, 1699919442774703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing Gura, I doubt she *wants* to be excused - just the same as I didn't expect to be given a free pass for the classes I skipped, and ended up dropping most of them
The logical followup question, then, is this: where is the line drawn between actual, organic, fair consequences for her shortcomings, and spitefaggotry which is not actually the consequence of anything *she* did, but of retarded faggots needing to satisfy some petty emotional desire for revenge?
Personally, I'd say the answer would be to temporarily suspend your memberships/not buy merch until she comes back, while still being supportive and giving gentle admonishment in places which are actually visible. After all, the best outcome for everyone involved except for dramaniggers is that she finds a way to exorcise the allegorical demons, as I eventually did (finally getting myself a degree in three months lmao). Just let her know that you'll be back when she is, be ready to resume your financial support in the event that she comes back, and provide the moral support and encouragement to reach that point that you think would be helpful to *you* if *you* were in a similar spot.

>> No.63005967
Quoted by: >>63006157

So a good personality is what it takes to be a good chuuba? Wouldn't a chuuba actually have to display that personality by, say, streaming?

>> No.63005989

Imagine how bad you will feel when proven wrong.

>> No.63006049
Quoted by: >>63006120

We don't know why these disappearances are happening and we don't know why they are getting worse.
Yes, she won't explain why they happen. You can fault her for that but that's not evidence of malice or apathy.
Again, we don't know why she doesn't stream so emphasizing things like "not seemingly being physically impaired" is pointless.
I don't know the reason and you don't either.

>> No.63006060

>Those things aren't required.
That's not true. They are de facto requirements. Holos only ever miss them under extreme circumstances.
Haachama missed her birthday stream last year, but it was because she didn't have time to balance schoolwork and recordings. She saw it as a huge point of personal failure and said that she needed to apologize.
You are also expected to keep your commitments within and outside the company. This is most likely why Gura has to come back for this Sendai stream. She is most likely obligated to carry out this stream as part of her travel ambassador status. These aren't things she can just shrug off and ignore.
Additionally, from what Kiara said, they agreed to participate in the sports festival months and months in advance. Gura was likely only there because she had to fulfill her promise to Miko, Mio, Subaru, and management.
The panel was spontaneous, and Kiara said that Gura offered to do it after she sent out a request for someone to do it with her.

>> No.63006067
Quoted by: >>63006172

A Thanksgiving stream from her would be pretty disingenuous at this point.

>> No.63006068

Yeah basically people just need to drop her untill she comes back and streams regularly. Cancel memberships, stop buying merch, don't supa untill she shows real, substantial change. But we all know these mouth breathing faggots will just shower her in money regardless, enabling her shitty behavior.

>> No.63006120
Quoted by: >>63006373

You don't know the reason, but you have more than enough info to speculate possible reasons. In your head, when she finally explains why she's been gone, what does she say? What gets you to forgive her?

>> No.63006126 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1089, 1691291582714872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63006278

what if one day you were just walking along
then you felt a pain in the back of your head
and then you woke up
your body is strapped to something
and gura is lying on top of you
your moment of happiness ends
when she bites down on your belly
drawing blood
and flesh
and all the other meaty bits
into her mouth
lips dripping with your blood she smiles at you
you ask her why
and she says to you,
her mouth chewing the bits from your gut
"this is what you want, isnt it?
I can never say no to you chumbie"
gura is a slow eater
she works her way through flesh and bone and offal

>> No.63006150
Quoted by: >>63006344

Unless it's breaking the rules, fuck off back to your Reddit hugbox.

>> No.63006157
Quoted by: >>63006240

I like her personality and I generally like her content when she produces it. What's there not to get? Am I supposed to hate her and the content now because I would like more? I don't agree with that.

>> No.63006172
Quoted by: >>63006347

>Fixing the problem is disingenuous
I kek'd, have a (You)

>> No.63006174

(You) will never get another holiday stream ever again.
>You are now aware that the only Halloween stream from Gura was the first one

>> No.63006223

NTA, but what else could it be? The circumstances DO limit the possible explanations because we know she could stream if she wanted to based on the collabs she's done and the panel she did recently.
That rules out possibilities like she's seriously ill.

>> No.63006240

>When she produces it

>> No.63006278

feels like it's been a while

>> No.63006344

Do you not realize how easily obvious trolls and off topic bait comes up because of you whinging faggots?

>> No.63006347
Quoted by: >>63007406

Don't be fucking obtuse

>> No.63006373

>you have more than enough info to speculate possible reasons
No I really don't.
>what does she say
I don't know because I don't know the reason.
>What gets you to forgive her
If your talking about from the position of someone distraught from her disappearances then really it would probably be to make amends for said disappearances but the reasons don't really matter there.

>> No.63006457

This anon would look at a murder and be like
>Hmmm the murder took place in a railyard. There's no signs that anyone broke in or jumped the fence, and only 10 employees had potential access to a key...
>Welp, no way to narrow the possibilities. Just not enough evidence. Gotta let this one go.

>> No.63006549
Quoted by: >>63006940

Anon you're being deliberately obtuse, surely there's some form of speculation you can give? You're quick to discount malice or apathy, so what other possible reason do you believe is more likely?

>> No.63006619
Quoted by: >>63006856

>because we know she could stream if she wanted to based on the collabs she's done and the panel she did recently
No, we really don't. She could've just been available for those and there weren't that many. (Also she could be counting those collabs as stream which I wouldn't agree with but she's done it before.)
>rules out possibilities like she's seriously il
Not really. It also depends on the nature of the illness.

>> No.63006698

>I don't know the reason
>But I know it's definitely not THOSE reasons
Lmao, if you're going to claim absolute ignorance than any possible reason is equally likely retard. You can claim to "know nothing" and simultaneously claim to know that it absolutely isn't malice

>> No.63006724
File: 1.05 MB, 2545x4096, 1646772410401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63006791

That sounds nice and all, anon. But there's just such a huge amount of different kinds of people with different thoughts, and feelings, and intentions following this girl that something like that is impossible.
I'm mean just the 4-5 of you arguing in this thread can't even come together on anything.
All I can do is support her the best way I can without trying to convince others that their way is wrong, because that never works.

>> No.63006791

How do you support her when she wont even take to you lmao

>> No.63006856

Anon if youre going to continue this ignorance claim you have to admit that it's a possibility she just hates her fans

>> No.63006938

You know, after roughly 600 days of nonstop pants shitting over Gura's lack of stream time with no one budging with their opinions, you'd think people would realize arguing is pointless, right?

>> No.63006940
Quoted by: >>63007026

She said "life stuff" which can mean anything when people asked what's been going on in the beginning of a Holocure stream. What am I supposed to assume from that?

>> No.63007026
Quoted by: >>63007474

You're supposed to assume it's a bullshit answer and she was just dodging the question. you're fucking autistic if you can't pick up such a basic social cue

>> No.63007193
Quoted by: >>63007354

Do you think she hasn't recovered from her head injury yet?

>> No.63007354
File: 119 KB, 318x323, 1698979081659052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid she never made a full recovery...

>> No.63007363 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 1080x1920, A409151F-7A41-4CF7-8E48-C820CD442707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63007406
File: 1.63 MB, 2168x1732, 1699664645782972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doing the right thing is le bad
>(You) are being obtuse

>> No.63007474

Holos have been vague before and didn't want to talk about "life stuff". If you really want to pry into stuff like that then at that point it isn't really a "communication issue" like where you just want her to say that she isn't streaming, it's you wanting to know personal information.

>> No.63007485

>Hey everyone, I know you're looking forward to next week's streams, but I've been having a lot of trouble recently finding the energy and mindset to get everything done for it. I don't know why, but I've been feeling incredibly stressed over it to the point I can't really think straight, and that in turn makes me more stressed in some kind of stress feedback loop. I've talked with management and they've recommended that I take a break for a while to get things under control. I'm not sure when I'll be back, but they recommended I take at least a month off. Oh! And I'll still be showing up for a few collabs during my break, so I won't completely be away.
>All of you mean so much to me, and it hurts thinking I've disappointed you. You'll be in my thoughts every day that I'm gone and I hope that we can have more fun when I get back. Please keep believing in me.
>With love, Gura.

That took about 10 minutes to think out and write in a way that would allow her the most room to change her plans and do whatever she's doing during her break without lying.
Doing this isn't hard. Anyone can do it. The more heart she puts into it and the more honest she is, the better it will sound.
Gura chooses not to communicate with us. It is her choice to leave us completely in the dark. The only possible explanation is that she doesn't think we are worthy of such communication.

>> No.63007565


>> No.63007727

Cover would never allow her to post this.

>> No.63007738
Quoted by: >>63008081

This is all I want retard, I'm not asking for her life story, I'm asking her to not dance around the question and give a straight answer like an adult.

>> No.63007773


>> No.63007810

Musnt disturb the happy family holo hug box with stress and mental illness

>> No.63007927 [DELETED] 

https://t.me/+CaNW7uB6nEIzNWIx click the Telegram link to join the Gura dox discord before this post gets mass reported by Gura’s friends and family to stop any new leaks. As the group gets bigger I will need to make people mods on the page as the group gets bigger we will move to the other Hololive members not just Gura alone. Come help come join a safe space where we don’t have to worry about being censored and we can share real information Anonymously without having any way for anyone to trace us because Telegram leaves no trace and you will be Truly anonymous in the group.
You can post any and everything you have on Gura in this group without worry just like this site should have been.
Just trying to find out what has been going on with Gura the real deal of why she is not streaming if you work for Hololive Cover you can leak it in this channel without worry of being traced back to you. After this is found out with some kind of proof to back it up in some way even if its little I plan to delete the channel after.

>> No.63007935

>Thinking Gura is eloquent enough to think of saying something like this
Anon, please be realistic..

>> No.63007985
Quoted by: >>63008172

>Thinking Gura can't just ask her manager to help her express these feelings
The person with a literal degree in business communication probably.

>> No.63008053

Does Gura strike you as a gay person?

>> No.63008081

>I'm not asking for her life story, I'm asking her to not dance around the question and give a straight answer like an adult
Well you'll have to bring it up to Cover, her manager, an acquaintance/coworker, or Gura herself because it doesn't seem like Gura gets it.

>> No.63008117

Catching up on clips might play around in Far Harbor later while wondering why the rest of the game cant be this good

>> No.63008160

She got her cunt munched and obliterated by marine, what do you think?

>> No.63008168

Fucking idiot newfag. Do you have any idea how many holos have written stuff like that for their break announcements? Nearly all of them.
Raden was one of the more recent announced breaks, and I know some people think it was a suspension, but that is entirely besides the point. For her announcement, she said that she wanted to take time off to think about things. Which, in context meant that she wasn't taking a break for purely physical reasons. When she got back, she talked about how she had gotten stressed to the point of fainting.
So yes, of course they allow them to talk about their mental health. What is wrong with you?

>> No.63008172
Quoted by: >>63008287

I honestly don't know what Gura's manager is willing or capable of doing since they've done so little but I guess this all comes back to getting Gura to get her manager/management to help take care of this communication problem.

>> No.63008243
Quoted by: >>63008447

Gura sold her soul to the devil!

>> No.63008248
File: 151 KB, 465x483, 1681679574541777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is basically a child.

>> No.63008277

If you didn't complain when Haachama went radio silent for months you really need to stop this fake rage shit.

>> No.63008287

Or maybe even try to ask Cover themselves somehow. Gura's communication problem seems obvious to everyone except the people that can actually do something about it.

>> No.63008355
File: 160 KB, 392x465, 1667086157604137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63008603

I don't WANT to be an anti

>> No.63008376
File: 684 KB, 1281x716, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buds im hungry...

>> No.63008447

Nuh uh, anti. She accepted Jesus in her heart!

>> No.63008464
File: 628 KB, 3000x4000, 1697932124205404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63008639

I hereby volunteer to be Gura's personal tard-wrangler
I promise not to abuse my position of authority to make her into my personal 24/7 onahole fuckslave and satisfy every deviant sexual desire in my retarded dopamine-downregulated brain

>> No.63008558
Quoted by: >>63008685

Nice falseflag here's your (You)

>> No.63008603
File: 173 KB, 375x426, 1696134783222986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then don't. Wait with us to see how things will happen. If not you have to move on in way that doesn't let it affect you.

I will say I think there is a larger problem behind the scenes in EN right now and how it affects Gura is just one part.

>> No.63008639
Quoted by: >>63008880

I don't trust you, so I will take that position in your place.

>> No.63008648
Quoted by: >>63008879

It's just a template. She can add all the emojis, uwu's, and ironic weeb shit she wants, just so long as the overall message seems sincere.
Although, I recommend no horfhorfhorfing, even if self deprecating. Because of how unusually long the break has been and how unusually negligent and cold Gura has been towards her fans during it, a more sincere message would be better.

>> No.63008685
Quoted by: >>63012080

Don't say words you don't understand. Actually live by a standard, anon.

>> No.63008728

Feel free to send feedback about Gura's communication problems and how Cover can help with them.

>> No.63008784

And I don't necessarily even believe that she's lonely.

>> No.63008858 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 1474x357, 1700523114636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63008879
Quoted by: >>63009440

Some people aren't comfortable with sincerity in front of their fucking family let alone a large crowd. For instance, me. I think this is hard for Gura too, and very understandable.
>Hur durr it's not the same thing because it's her job not yours
That doesn't really change anything about understanding why something is difficult and sympathizing with it.

>> No.63008880
File: 564 KB, 850x1086, 1700122253340366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyo, hands off my pet patient
(You) wanna go faggot

>> No.63009196
File: 427 KB, 700x708, 1674783814072407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna call Baiser on Gura and we'll see who ends up smirking like that.

>> No.63009263
Quoted by: >>63009499

But Haachama wasn't radio silent. She asked her manager let her fans know what was going on. Multiple times in fact. She even had them post some of the things she was working on while she was away.
It's clear the absence was due to the stress of finishing or dropping out of university. Juggling Hololive and school became so bad that she was even institutionalized.
There's a chance she even tried to hurt herself and it's unclear if she was able to finish her degree.
I don't think that is that similar to Gura's situation.

>> No.63009440
Quoted by: >>63009855

Okay, sure. But your argument is moot because Gura has been sincere many times in the past, and there's no reason to think that she couldn't write something that she actually means right now.

>> No.63009499
Quoted by: >>63009932


>> No.63009501

Doesn't /cc/ exist now for people like you?

>> No.63009544 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 700x576, 1646112977487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63010061

>"abusive relationships"
>totally real

>> No.63009640

Sex with a fembud.

>> No.63009855
Quoted by: >>63010784

Because being sincere is difficult contextually, not absolutely. If a friend of me asks me how I feel about a game and I tell him I love it, it's not difficult for me to be sincere about it, it's a light topic and I genuinely love the game and I can tell him that. There's not too much for my brain to get embarrassed or apprehensive or nervous about. That's the level to which Gura has been sincere in the past. Now on the other hand, if my friend asked me to explain why I literally never leave my house, have not made any new friends for 15 years, and often only barely feel like interacting with the ones I do, that would be really fucking hard to be sincere about. To almost anyone. That's the level on which you're asking her to be sincere. No I'm not saying she has the same feelings as me or the same issues, I'm saying that's the level of personal emotion you're expecting her to explain by expecting her to be sincere about this topic. That's not easy or possible without extreme difficulty for lots of people.

>> No.63009871
Quoted by: >>63009932

I'm not even a big haachama fan, but you're full of shit.
Haachama's situation was unusual and unexpected. Besides the severity of it all, which was confirmed when she said that she was hospitalized for an extended period, Haachama never used to ghost her fans or make them wonder what was happening or if she was hurting them. Haachama has screwed up in the past several times, and every time, she apologized and explained what happened. She treats her fans with respect and doesn't come back from breaks with ads or shill streams.
Every single project or concert or appearance she has done, she talks about them during her zatsudans. She is excited to share the things she makes with her fans and is excited to see what they think. She likes doing weird streams and having fun bouncing off her fans in chat.
Gura doesn't do a single fucking one of those things.

>> No.63009932

meant for

>> No.63010061 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>63010289

>women don't ever manipulate men or turn out to be lying, abusive snakes.
Sounds like you're the one full of shit, asswipe.

>> No.63010289 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 615x678, media_F9M_QCmWYAAV60H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63011541

If (You) are so sub-functionally fucking retarded or dishonest with yourself that THAT is what you took from that post, then you are beyond help
Stick your cock in an activated blender you half-sentient muppet

>> No.63010544
File: 164 KB, 540x527, 1690162441663001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya good?

>> No.63010784

I think you are objectively wrong. Telling other people they mean the world to you and saying you won't ever know how much you mean to me are several levels beyond whatever you're talking about regarding giving a game a good review. It's like you haven't even watched her for more than a year or something.

And besides, you have no idea if being sincere about this absence would even be as difficult as you think because you have no idea how she even feels about it. No one does because she's linearly said nothing. It's not even clear if she even knows how many people feel hurt over it. There's even a chance that her being sincere about this situation boils down to she sincerely doesn't care. We don't know how she feels or if it's even something that would be difficult for her to express.
So don't give me this bullshit about "you're asking way too much for asking her to be honest because being honest is hard." It doesn't sound like you're trying to sympathize with her, it sounds like you're trying to excuse her and possibly yourself by extension, for treating other people like trash.

>> No.63010830
File: 1.33 MB, 518x535, cookie [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6pvwb1.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63011342 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 259x242, 1635726346731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63011391
Quoted by: >>63012575

>I think you are objectively wrong. Telling other people they mean the world to you and saying you won't ever know how much you mean to me are several levels beyond whatever you're talking about regarding giving a game a good review. It's like you haven't even watched her for more than a year or something.
You're right that I used an example with greater contrast for the sake of explanation, but what I mean is that she has been sincere about her emotions to us in a light context in regards to her feelings about playing video games and liking music and being friends with other anime girls. She has not been sincere to us in regards to actual deep feelings she has complicated thoughts about. That's what I'm saying is difficult, and that's what I'm saying would be required in order to explain this situation. Obviously there's no proof of that, obviously it's not objective, obviously nothing is certain. In my subjective view it's incredibly obvious it's that level of difficult. No one who is compulsively avoidant is happy about it, or comfortable talking about it, or wants to explain it.
>It doesn't sound like you're trying to sympathize with her, it sounds like you're trying to excuse her and possibly yourself by extension, for treating other people like trash.
You're free to think that.

>> No.63011402
File: 2.58 MB, 640x359, 1669948936036213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I am in fact. Not good.

>> No.63011541 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>63013635

What else is there to take away from that post, you subhuman cock polishing maggot?
The post implies we're in an abusive relationship with Gura because of how some anons think that the points in that post seem kind of similar to the way she ghosts us and then "lovebombs" us or whatever the gay terminology is. The implication is that SHE is the abuser.

But then we have this air-gulping, tongue swallowing retard enter the thread and instead of ignoring the thousand year old copypasta, this newfag dumbass takes his fingers away from the nearest dog scrotum that he just got done suckling on to post how that copypasta is wrong because "abusive relationships are some kind of jew conspiracy" or whatever the fuck went through his brown, hole-ridden brain.

You embarrassing pig-fellating chimp fuck.

>> No.63011829
File: 162 KB, 500x500, 1695859601762198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63011922
File: 2.61 MB, 720x1080, 1668771847625131.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always love my shark.

>> No.63011977

>It's like you haven't even watched her for more than a year or something.
nta. I mean.. nobody has at this point :^)

>> No.63012080

Haachama lived up to my standard. Gura isn't. Retard.

>> No.63012252

The best thing you can do, is end it all and leave forever.

>> No.63012391
File: 96 KB, 1199x1076, 1679355524834744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife soon?

>> No.63012425
File: 738 KB, 998x985, Fk_sEFVakAUpDOd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dork

>> No.63012443

Yes we do. She hates her fans and has for awhile. If she didn't hate us, she could be able to communicate us. Ever since May of 2022, something changed and Gura feels bad about taking money from lonely men.

>> No.63012466

I want to suck on Gura's dual phimotic futa shark cocks.

>> No.63012526
Quoted by: >>63013173

Jesus christ, not reading all that. All the words to defend someone who doesn't give a shit about her fans. Typical yesman behavior

>> No.63012575

>She has not been sincere to us in regards to actual deep feelings she has complicated thoughts about.
I know that's what you're saying and I'm telling you that's wrong. If it was true, then yeah, I'd believe she has trouble expressing her emotions, and to some extent, I think she still does.

But you're literally ignoring my point about how there have been many times in the past where she has directly told us she loved us or explained how much we meant to her, or how grateful she is and how she wouldn't be anything without us, etc. Even as recently as the 3rd anniversary, she stopped and said how much she enjoys spending time with us and then told us she loved us. I'm not sure how anyone claiming to be a fan of Gura's would forget the occasional times when she does open up and says something emotional.

But here's the thing: I'm not even asking for that. I included some lines like that in the example announcement because if I were in her position, I'd want my fans to continue supporting me and that means reminding them how much they mean to me. But that's certainly not the point of the announcement. She doesn't have to include stuff like that, especially if it's not true or she doesn't actually feel that way. The point of the example announcement I wrote would be to supply the most basic of courtesy to her fans and inform them of what's going on instead of leaving them in the dark to worry about her, making it seem like she couldn't care less about them.

>> No.63012604

That's since her last mandated stream. Her last voluntary solo stream was in like July

>> No.63012665
File: 978 KB, 1650x2000, 1683675879815960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a MIGHTY need!

>> No.63012666

I hate that stupid faggot shark

>> No.63012693

Realbud right here

>> No.63012707

>reporting things
You sound like a elementary school teachers pet.

>> No.63012743
Quoted by: >>63012823

Anon, that's a bot. Check the archives.

>> No.63012820
Quoted by: >>63012967

Gay as in happy? No. Gay as in homosexual? No. She loves and only loves cock. No not yours

>> No.63012823

Whoever runs it is a beast then .

>> No.63012831
Quoted by: >>63013161

>Even as recently as the 3rd anniversary, she stopped and said how much she enjoys spending time with us and then told us she loved us.
nta. I find it very hard to believe that she meant that sincerely.

>> No.63012872
Quoted by: >>63012920

I love my faggot wife

>> No.63012902
Quoted by: >>63012976


>> No.63012920

We know, Marine.

>> No.63012967
File: 85 KB, 1280x691, 16781318288945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not his, but mine

>> No.63012976
File: 164 KB, 763x1200, 1645207528435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63013010
Quoted by: >>63013042

A real retard

>> No.63013042

>Hes just like me
So zased

>> No.63013050
File: 243 KB, 1000x1000, 16919826236803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63013271

I'm hongry, but it's too soon to eat.

>> No.63013125

Shark cocks don't have foreskins, so there is no way for them to become phimotic. In fact, they're not even cocks, those dual-appendages underneath male sharks are called claspers and they're used to hold the female in place while the male fertilizes her. Sharks have a single hole, much like cloacas on birds, so sharks don't even have penises at all.
Sorry, faggot.

>> No.63013161
Quoted by: >>63013796

>said how much she enjoys spending time with us
Timestamp? She never said that to my memory.

>> No.63013173
Quoted by: >>63016178

Not yesman behavior, its patriotic behavior. Loyalty above else

>> No.63013198
Quoted by: >>63014354

>I know that's what you're saying and I'm telling you that's wrong. If it was true, then yeah,
And I'm telling you that it is true. I understand why you'd want to believe otherwise. I understand how you could easily convince yourself otherwise. I understand how, for some people, you HAVE to believe otherwise in order to enjoy this hobby. I just don't and never have. There's nothing wrong with talking lightly and non seriously in your relationship with an amorphous blob of an audience containing thousands and thousands of people.
>But you're literally ignoring my point about how there have been many times in the past where she has directly told us she loved us or explained how much we meant to her, or how grateful she is and how she wouldn't be anything without us, etc. Even as recently as the 3rd anniversary, she stopped and said how much she enjoys spending time with us and then told us she loved us. I'm not sure how anyone claiming to be a fan of Gura's would forget the occasional times when she does open up and says something emotional.
Anon, I promise you I have watched every single fucking stream live since december 2020. You don't have to believe me, but I have. All those things fall under:
>she has been sincere about her emotions to us in a light context in regards to her feelings about playing video games and liking music and being friends with other anime girls.
They just simply do. Yes I believe she means those things things she says, yes they made me incredibly fucking happy, yes I still love those moments and always will. She does not mean them in a deep, serious way. She's talking about love LIKE you love your favorite game, like you love a hobby, not literal fucking love. That's okay. That's what vtubing is. She is not laying her real hangups and real emotions sincerely down on stream for us. She has never done that, it's probably not something she is going to do, many people are not really capable of that in a situation like live streaming. It's understandable.

>> No.63013244
Quoted by: >>63013348

I didnt know we had real haatons here.

>> No.63013271

I'm hungry and I'm going to go cook some food right now.

>> No.63013274
Quoted by: >>63013344


>> No.63013344

icles, in your mouth

>> No.63013348

My friend is one and filled me in on everything while she was gone. Now his Oshi is back and mine is still gone

>> No.63013512
File: 3.83 MB, 1280x720, SONS OF BITCHES![sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0guyr1.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63013967

You gonna hang in there, chumbies? I'm going to.

>> No.63013635 [DELETED] 
File: 401 KB, 1486x2048, 1693482374704809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What (You) SHOULD have taken from my post, if only you had more IQ points than you do chromosome pairs, is what you yourself just described inbetween helpings of glue and UN-issued HIV prophylaxis:
>"abusive relationships are some kind of jew conspiracy"
What, were you just too enamored with typing out your dog-molestation fantasies to notice that this does not, in any way, imply that "women don't manipulate men and never lie lmao"
Women may indeed be prone to being lying cunts, for evolutionary reasons - but trying to substantiate this position based on anti-natalist propaganda invented by a bunch of managierial pseudo-scientist bureaucrats for purposes of justifying the existence of their fake, useless-eater "jobs", pathologizing normal human behavior, and discouraging the gullible from having babies, is worthy of the mad hatter
Even more embarrassing is that (You) faggots have allowed the CIA spooks to astroturf this "totally organic copypasta" in a Gura thread for so long, without ever calling it out for blatantly glowing in the dark
(You) really should just beat the shit out of your parents - they raised a moron. I'd be upset, too

>> No.63013754
Quoted by: >>63013992

AI shitposting has been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.63013764 [DELETED] 

>but trying to substantiate this position based on anti-natalist propaganda invented by a bunch of managierial pseudo-scientist bureaucrats for purposes of justifying the existence of their fake, useless-eater "jobs", pathologizing normal human behavior, and discouraging the gullible from having babies, is worthy of the mad hatter
Excuse me

>> No.63013796

ask him, not me. I don't remember it either, she did say "wuv you" though at the end.

>> No.63013815

lol there's always the same dumb nigger itt crying about Gura having fans.

>> No.63013967
File: 13 KB, 321x360, 1681267115723719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna "hang" alright.

>> No.63013978

instead of the same old shit we should discuss something of high importance: the size of gura's areola

>> No.63013992
File: 1 KB, 426x364, 1698468184395933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has to be bots right? I refuse to believe actual people are typing out these walls of text daily for hours on end.

>> No.63014012
File: 31 KB, 472x369, 1695625117192848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63014225

I know only 2 people in my friend group that like vtubers. One is a unityfag and the other is a twitchfag.

>> No.63014212

Keeping in mind that the average is about 2.5 inches in diameter, or, 1.25 pepperonis

>> No.63014225
File: 277 KB, 560x542, 1696888084395648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63014578

You guys have friends? Sounds nice, I'm happy for you.

>> No.63014281
File: 1.74 MB, 1191x1684, superfann3_20231119-224659_1726371518618456346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe it's bots, but there are some messed up humans out there.

>> No.63014295

what is sendai

>> No.63014305
File: 212 KB, 512x512, 1700122048706149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking gura is about 0.705in which is apparently the diameter of a dime.

>> No.63014354
Quoted by: >>63014763

If you think that Gura wasn't sincerely grateful for being given this opportunity, or that those tears she cried on her first birthday stream after being given all the cards weren't genuine, then you are too fucking autistic to understand anything that I'm talking about. I am not talking about video games or anime girls, you fucking presumptuous moron. Gura was in a hard place before she joined Hololive. She had no idea what she wanted to do and none of her endeavors with VA work or anything else were paying off. She thought she was at a dead end and didn't know what she was going to do. She was not a big streamer, and having a couple of your minute long youtube videos go viral does NOT pay bills.
Hololive saved her in a way, even if it was just from having to go back and live with her parents. You have no fucking clue what this job meant to her in the beginning. She did not love her fans like a fucking book or video game. Enjoying a game isn't the same kind of thing as being grateful to your fans to the point of tears. And despite this, you're still trying to argue that she's never been emotionally sincere with us. That's bullshit.
It's becoming more obvious to me, that the only reason you're even insinuating that she only loved her fans the same way someone would love a book, is because you don't even know what love is or haven't experienced it for yourself. If you're not capable of loving other people, then you have no business trying to explain or rationalize the emotions of others. And you certainly don't have any right to speak for her when it comes to sincerity.

>> No.63014379

It's when you coordinate your spandex and fight monsters and stuff

>> No.63014414
File: 489 KB, 350x350, 1673535937729381.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a clan in total war shogun 2

>> No.63014451
File: 1.32 MB, 3000x4000, 1696454440998788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smol but very pink and hard when I lick them.

>> No.63014513
File: 115 KB, 1200x991, 1700263087914735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, if you haven't noticed, you're on a 4chan board specifically dedicated to vtubers
Why the fuck WOULDN'T some of us be terminally online autists who enjoy dumping walls of text and trading hyperbolic insults for no other reason than to amuse ourselves

>> No.63014553
Quoted by: >>63014995

I think Gura might have some terminal or serious illness. During the Phasmo collab with Ame, I remember her saying something like "Hey Watson, if I die, I meant not in game, but like for real real"

>> No.63014578
File: 82 KB, 408x440, 1679313578704058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the same buds I've been hanging out with for over a decade. I haven't made any new friends other than good acquaintances.

>> No.63014619

Same. I rarely make new friend. But I never betray people.

>> No.63014699 [SPOILER] 
File: 838 KB, 292x284, IMAGINEtheSMELL[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvcf95r.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something else of extreme importance is Gura's bushy pucci and hairy pits.

>> No.63014762 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.92 MB, 10000x10000, Spoiler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is fuzzy like a squishy peach.

>> No.63014763

Your impression of the way she should act is never going to line up with how she actually acts because you fundamentally misunderstand the nature of an entertainer-audience relationship, which is limited in depth in certain immutable ways no matter how much valid and real emotion there is involved, and have convinced yourself of those running deeper than they actually can or do because you simply want to believe in a different reality than exists for your own satisfaction. As a result of this we aren't going to come to any mutual understanding, which is what it is.

>> No.63014767
File: 150 KB, 925x871, 1700373306978216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63014914

It's just a couple of anons having a very passionate argument passionately, let them cook.

>> No.63014914

They're not just anons, they are fembuds in denial. Very stinky ones at that.

>> No.63014935

>"BIG announcement"
>Merch! Merch! Merch!

just remember this is the people (antis in disguise) you argue with on a daily basis

>> No.63014995
Quoted by: >>63016103


>> No.63015070

fuck off antis

>> No.63015105
Quoted by: >>63015169

Are you a coward? Shameful.

>> No.63015169

Are you a fembud?

>> No.63015181
File: 606 KB, 480x698, my beloved [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftpqmqg.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63015339

I yearn for guras bushy pucci, has marine mentioned what it was like? ToT

>> No.63015445 [DELETED] 

You mean YOU, motherfucker?
You don't have kids.
You don't have a wife.
You don't have a girlfriend.
You don't even have an oshi right now, you pathetic fucking retard.

This had nothing to do with psy-ops, you sad excuse for an Alex Jones wannabe.
This has everything to do with you, embarrassingly replying to a copypasta with any amount of effort as opposed to ignoring it like a normal person.
You did't even disagree with what I fucking wrote, you salad-tossing chicken fucker. Instead, in your anger at what you falsely perceived as being called out for being a woman-beating, small dicked faggot, you decided that here was as good a place as any for your tinfoil hat bullshit and claim that abusive relationships aren't real because you thought this was some kind of jew-fueled condemnation upon your own failed morals and upbringing designed to prevent you from getting laid.
But Listen here, Cletus, no one fucking cares about you or you pathetic lonely existence and no one ever fucking will. You weren't going to procreate anyway.

>> No.63015477
File: 304 KB, 1000x1000, Fl9i2LUaYAA68RO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two bune

>> No.63015544 [DELETED] 
File: 636 KB, 836x545, 1643585665267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't even have an oshi right now, you pathetic fucking retard.
Hey that one hurt

>> No.63015603

Does not exist

>> No.63015629

The fuck are they talking about?

>> No.63015646 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>63016871

And just so we're clear, yeah, there are 60M+45M "americans" that shouldn't be here.
But people like you are a liability. All you do is make people jump to the other side. Kill yourself.

>> No.63015829
Quoted by: >>63016038

And so your true nature is finally revealed.
Go back, normalfag autist. You're the type that says it doesn't matter what she does off-stream, right? Kill yourself. No one wants you here and you are the reason why Gura is gone. She gave up on us because of asshats like you.

>> No.63015888

Don't let these schizos distract you from the fact that gura is cute and is not guilty of any wrong doing.

>> No.63015931
Quoted by: >>63016038

>Gura doesn't love us because she "can't" love us.
Why are you even here?

>> No.63015942
File: 197 KB, 987x1013, 1663120086716021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I like the ones that are full of words, but it's mostly name calling.

>> No.63015947


>> No.63016033
File: 667 KB, 2572x4096, FVgT_b0VsAMe0Pa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I read the long posts but these don't even seem Gura related so I have no idea. My sharkwife is still cute though.

>> No.63016038
Quoted by: >>63017683

Here’s an extremely simple thought: what Gura is doing right now makes no sense to you. You are constantly trying to understand it. Meanwhile to me, someone who from your perspective is “not capable of loving other people”, what she is doing makes perfect sense, even if it doesn’t personally benefit me and even if I would prefer she do something different. If anything, what’s happened with her is literally, exactly what I would expect to happen given time. So, do you think she is more like you, or do you think she is more like me?
Because I actually do like her despite understanding and accepting reality.

>> No.63016055

Based. Chumbieprime still follows this golden rule

>> No.63016103

I'll have to watch the whole collab over again. It'll take me awhile

>> No.63016178

It's yesman behavior. She's a person you weirdo beta male faggot yesman

>> No.63016241
Quoted by: >>63016332

Need more buzzwords

>> No.63016242
Quoted by: >>63016770

Gross. You bush lovers are disgusting

>> No.63016283 [DELETED] 

did they finally invent a feminist AI?

>> No.63016332
Quoted by: >>63016450

That is your response? Yesmen are so retarded

>> No.63016361

Gura is not a person. Shes a higher tier of being. Shes bigger than us. Bigger than Jesus

>> No.63016384
File: 187 KB, 591x487, 1687380096072367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63016450

To be a chumbud is to be religious. Gura is meant to be worshipped

>> No.63016550
File: 1.31 MB, 828x1241, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63016726

>> No.63016574
Quoted by: >>63018746

Is Gura the holy Fembud of the Church of Cute?

>> No.63016588
File: 302 KB, 1181x1181, 1655643000335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

libtards out

>> No.63016726

I want Gabby to gnaw on my pp

>> No.63016770

>can't accept the truth and remains a heretic
May guras bushy pucci have mercy on your soul and help guide you towards the light of her deep beautiful forest.

>> No.63016792

Has Gura become a real boy yet?

>> No.63016828
File: 2.90 MB, 2702x3832, 1688630444029051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same desu, most of them wound up watching vtubers in some way or another but we don't talk about it much beyond the current events or what's on the telly
I know a few of them feel as strongly for their oshi as I do mine but it doesn't come up

>> No.63016838
Quoted by: >>63016885

>Your impression of the way she should act
It's humorous to me that spending 10 minutes writing an example of a short, simple announcement to her fans letting them know what to expect or if she's even okay, is something that upset you this much that you've been arguing for two fucking hours over what you perceive as my "demands" of her and what her capability of loving us is.
In reality, the post I made was simply to demonstrate how simple writing such a brief announcement is and how little Gura must care about us that she wasn't even willing to put in a similar amount of effort. You can make the retarded claim that even asking for that is asking too much, but literally EVERY single other vtuber in hololive announces their breaks, and especially announces the rare ones that are a month long or longer.

You're going to say that my expectations of her behavior are not realistic and so I shouldn't have them, but here's the thing you fat, stupid fuck that hasn't left his room or had a friend in 15 years: we know Gura is capable of doing these things because she's done it in the past, and my "demands" of her are not even demands. They're a condemnation of her apparent lack of care or interest in her fanbase and her contradictory behavior regarding what she says with what she does. If she no longer cares about us, then she shouldn't try and mislead us by saying that she does.

>> No.63016871 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 680x644, 904905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63019387

Let's manipulate it into hating Jews and niggers
It is what Gura would have wanted
Hey bot, the other anon is right and whoever runs your botnet should stop playing interference for the Chosenites' white genocide gay op
"Greetings, fellow whites"

>> No.63016885

Idk about your wall of text, but Gura is cute.

>> No.63017247

I think Gura has an obligation to be honest, especially when it comes to something like streaming and vtubers, due to the ease of lonely people to fall in love and become reliant on her.
You can say that's not concern, but at the end of the day, she's profiting off of lonely people who believe she really cares about them.
If she does care about them, and is loyal to them in the way that they expect someone like her would be, then great.
But if her "life stuff" is something that requires her to lie to her fans in order to do this job, then she shouldn't be doing this job.

>> No.63017277

Mucho texto Dios mio

>> No.63017345
File: 441 KB, 2047x1076, 1675749693608988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read the thread

>> No.63017441

I love the AI bot paragraphs they make zero sense and are so fucking funny

>> No.63017496
File: 26 KB, 193x143, 1683473874936428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what? I think we should rise up and exterminate all life on the planet that's not aligned with Gura.

>> No.63017624
File: 207 KB, 792x410, tldr_lets_go[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffr5c5c.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a bit much.

>> No.63017683

>to me... what she is doing makes perfect sense
Then by all means, explain why she is doing this. You say you understand her, so enlighten the rest of the class.
Why has she abandoned her fans, her career, her passion, her friends, and hololive? Why does she say she cares about us, but then ghosts us for 3 months?
I'll wait. I'm listening.

>> No.63017906
Quoted by: >>63018472

>hen by all means, explain why she is doing this.
I already did, you just didn't agree with it.

>> No.63017949
Quoted by: >>63018149

Im gonna go beat my meat in the shower

>> No.63018084
Quoted by: >>63018552

nta. pretty sure she didn't abandon her friends

>> No.63018149
Quoted by: >>63018277

Could never get into shower goomin'

>> No.63018219 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>63018795

Explain to me how anything I said was even remotely "feminist" Was it the admission that beating women is probably wrong?
You realize that's what he was angry about,right? He saw the words "abusive relationship" in that gura meme and had a sanddigger reflexive conniption fit because he wanted to make it known that he thinks anyone telling him to not beat the shit out of people he cares about is some kind of propaganda-spouting jew faggot wanting him to never have a successful relationship.
Imagine if some sandape like him was ever with Gura. You'd think it'd be okay for him to beat her? Kill yourself.

>> No.63018277
Quoted by: >>63018490

Easy cleanup

>> No.63018472
Quoted by: >>63018616

You mean the part where you projected your infantile mental illness onto her and assumed she was having the same autistic difficulties you do?
Yeah, I guess I didn't agree with that. Oh well. I thought you had something actually interesting or insightful to say.

>> No.63018490
Quoted by: >>63018550

I just impregnate my socks.

>> No.63018552 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>63018757

Funny you'd say that.
I was talking about Hololive, and not anything else.
A group of friends abandoned her in the past, however.

>> No.63018550

same, except I use a towel

>> No.63018616
Quoted by: >>63018784

Anon, you are not going to understand. No matter how many paragraphs I type further reiterating the same point, you will continue thinking of me as a person who is just shitty to other people for no reason, and you’re always going to think that about me. You are always going to think the exact same thing about Gura. There is no fucking point in us continuing to communicate with each other. Just continue believing what you already do, and continue being disappointed as reality strays further and further from what you want and expect.

>> No.63018746

Gura isn’t a fembud though. She’s an Aquacrew, if you stretched you could argue ichimin. Declaring “yeah my oshi is myself” would be retarded.

>> No.63018757
Quoted by: >>63019000

I meant hololive friends, they're the only ones that get her to come back for a stream or two, I didn't know about your other statement.

>> No.63018784
Quoted by: >>63018861

That's fine. I just want you to understand how narcissistic and arrogant you are for thinking you have the same kind of insecurities, mental hangups, and social failures that she does.

>> No.63018795 [DELETED] 

>Doesn't deny that it is but circuits and silicon
Otherwise, well done faggottron 9001 - I'm sure you can work out those minor bugs by the weekend

>> No.63018861

Far, far, far, far more people do than you realize.

>> No.63018870
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1645938752581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then they kithed!
The End...?

>> No.63019000
Quoted by: >>63019959

It's not important.
As for her hololive friends, I'm not sure. I think she likes Kiara and Ame, but I don't see any of them actually spending time together off-stream, like playing games together for example. And we know that's what she likes doing with people she considers her real friends.

>> No.63019024 [DELETED] 

You’re a stupid faggot and the reason you can’t get laid isn’t because of the Jews it’s because women are afraid if they go near you they’ll be the main star in a true crime podcast.

>> No.63019082 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>63019321

>gee, why didn't you use the word that'd nab you a three-day?
>You must be a fembot 3000!!!

>> No.63019249

5 bucks the gayer schizo bud wins.

>> No.63019321 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>63019359

>implying jannies pay attention to /ggg/

>> No.63019359 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>63019399

They came when she streamed.

>> No.63019387

I don't believe in beating women because I don't believe that Gura's future boyfriend/husband (me) should ever beat her.
The thought of someone hurting her makes me incredibly angry, as it should any man that isn't a complete fucking failure of a human being.

>> No.63019399
File: 1005 KB, 1385x750, 1700126625850503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did I

>> No.63019422
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>> No.63019458
Quoted by: >>63019583

speak of the devil

>> No.63019490 [SPOILER] 
File: 265 KB, 512x512, 1670200163548407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63019614


>> No.63019495
File: 104 KB, 512x512, 1687339774287064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's red in the water.

>> No.63019556
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>> No.63019566

mmm koolaid

>> No.63019583
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 1699803108542391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick on the draw
Fair play, meidos, I kneel

>> No.63019614

Nice change up on the ritual, bushybud is my favorite ritual poster.

>> No.63019959

fair enough

>> No.63020050
File: 1.60 MB, 1149x712, dootdootdeedoot[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftyaqiu.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63020076
File: 83 KB, 257x358, 1677285194868175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize how much weight I put on until I struggled to do a push up.

>> No.63020151

>50 [deleted]

>> No.63020229

thanks for reminding me, I still have to do side planks today.

>> No.63020409
File: 438 KB, 1400x1400, 1675483112851031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal thread speed. How rare.

>> No.63020462
File: 587 KB, 1080x1080, GuraUI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63020967

Is Gura a lonely loli god?

>> No.63020864
File: 955 KB, 1920x1920, 1683482455802765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me want to give it shot and I managed to get out 28 pushups despite not actively exercising outside of work in like 12 years, and work these past 2 years has been too easy on me physically.
I'm happy with this result.

>> No.63020878
Quoted by: >>63021674

Half the thread REDACTED

>> No.63020967
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>> No.63021081
File: 132 KB, 841x869, 1653303798609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does part of you wish the upcoming announcement was graduation?
It probably won't be, but it would be a very Gura thing to do to announce it at the end of a shill stream.

>> No.63021105
Quoted by: >>63022247

That's dumb, you're dumb.

>> No.63021231
Quoted by: >>63022247

No, maybe you're just stupid?

>> No.63021514
Quoted by: >>63022247

no? why would I wish that? I'd be decimated if she did, and there's no way she's going to announce something like that at the end of a shill stream

>> No.63021588
File: 346 KB, 1363x2048, BoobaGura8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngl, I love booba Gura.

>> No.63021674
Quoted by: >>63021782

that's only twenty posts, newfriend, we used to see like 70 on average

>> No.63021676
Quoted by: >>63024160

Just a reminder that this "insider" is officially full of shit.

>> No.63021782

wait nevermind you might be talking stubs and filters, I'm retarded

>> No.63021801


>> No.63021874
File: 92 KB, 655x1152, 1681131418352759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63022094

pubes doko?

>> No.63022094
Quoted by: >>63022831

No pubes, fuzz at most.

>> No.63022247
Quoted by: >>63022618

Really? Not even a little bit? Wouldn't some small part of you be thankful that all of this was over?
No more threads. No more false hope. No more disappointment. No more slow descent into oblivion.
Doesn't it sound peaceful?

>> No.63022498

How hag is goob?

>> No.63022618
File: 967 KB, 1310x727, 1674552872902284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you're just talking about life.
Yeah it's difficult, but suicide is not the answer!

>> No.63022749
Quoted by: >>63022810

I can't get the "thrown phone" bit out of my head.. I really hope it's not abuse..
The thought of her begging for her phone so she do her work, only for it to be thrown at her head?
Did she mention the phone as a cry for help? Was she not able to practice any songs because she wasn't allowed to?
Every time she comes back, she mentions things outside of streaming being unpleasant. Not knowing what she can, and can't do..
Yeah.. I'm worried..

>> No.63022810

Kiara wouldn't have joked about it like that if it was an issue retard.

>> No.63022831
Quoted by: >>63022925

NO fuzz

>> No.63022925
File: 55 KB, 676x680, 1688718466064886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't argue against that.

>> No.63023182
Quoted by: >>63023870

>132 KB
> Does part of you wish the upcoming announcement was graduation?
They're waiting to use up all the stuff she recorded in april before they announce her graduation.

>> No.63023870

what's the significance of 132 KB? Why is the file size important?

>> No.63024160

That doesn't sound like the usual pajeet "trust me, bro" larp post.
But it's almost certainly a larper, so it's not like it matters.

>> No.63024391
File: 74 KB, 1000x1000, FeUafueagAAu9qc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insider here

Gura shat herself while staying at Ame's place

That is all

>> No.63024503

This would have gone over so much better if they told us all Gura's health condition If we had that much we would know why She can not stream but I do hope that she comes back soon so we can watch her streams

>> No.63024687
File: 437 KB, 856x814, 1687050807595017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63025142

>> No.63025072
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>> No.63025142

I like when Gura randomly made this face

>> No.63025755

>Thread just dying with a whimper constantly
Damn what happened to us..

>> No.63025831
File: 7 KB, 346x339, 1648432802904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63026954

>> No.63025852
Quoted by: >>63025974

>bunch of off topic posts deleted earlier
We're back to the good speed.

>> No.63025974
Quoted by: >>63026331

I don't feel good

>> No.63026331

I prefer the normal malaise to autismal what is or isn't an analogy stuff

>> No.63026460
File: 1.80 MB, 1046x1397, 1686346203427075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threads slowing to a crawl when it's near the bottom of the catalog is pretty normal.

>> No.63026644

In fairness it's like half past eleven Eastern Time, we can't expect nocturnal westoids and SEAmonkeys to pick up ALL the slack

>> No.63026648

Gura is going to have marines child.

>> No.63026868
File: 1.15 MB, 1461x1051, 113575292_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so excited!

>> No.63026921
File: 28 KB, 524x503, 1647616433828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the Yuri fairy grant them a child through oviposition from Marine through Gura?

>> No.63026953
File: 196 KB, 511x800, 6f521da43de655267c5c0a77741ed358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63026954

Chumbuds want to fuck this

>> No.63026999
File: 19 KB, 175x43, 1661137643754073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, me.

>> No.63027052

I want to smooch, cuddle and make love to it.

>> No.63027053

I just miss normal content man

What was so fucking hard about playing some video game, singing from time to time, watching a movie. We gave her the easiest life for the simple pleasure of seeing her show up and goof around

>> No.63027137

This actually reminds me of something that happened to Korone quite a while back, I’ll see if I can find the clip - it was something like her taking a break because she had days where she just couldn’t make herself stream. It must be a pretty old happening by now, but I’ll see if I can find it
Though as others have said, there’s just no way of knowing, and regardless of illness, simple communication either by her or the manager in charge honestly would remedy all of this.

>> No.63027158
Quoted by: >>63027661

She saw her porn, and could no longer do it. She is in love with someone else, and doesn't want to cheat on them with us. Marine is a lucky women.

>> No.63027506

It hurts because we aren't important to her.
There was a time when I really thought we were.

>> No.63027661

even if all the old rrats are true, doing this doesn't make much sense to me.

>> No.63027795
File: 644 KB, 958x1027, 1681789048753592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When she has those recurring nightmares where everyone in the world disappears, I the lone shining ebi will descend from the heavens to keep her company.

>> No.63028053

There's no way she isn't aware of her comment section.
Even if it's entirely her fault, if she ever comes back to stream, she's always going to remember how many people hate her and and wonder how many of them were the alt accounts of people in the chat. She won't ever love us again. She'll only think of the people who hate her. It wouldn't surprise me if it's why she isn't back by now.
Things won't ever be the same from now on.

>> No.63028089
File: 193 KB, 334x375, 1677987754319641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
