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Petition for Fuwamoco to do a stream testing vibrators
>>62641304she probably has trouble doing so since her dad is an open commie and indo has a hateboner for them which also explains why her 3d was delayed and her blaming it due to travel reasons
>>62641453wtf are you talking about
>>62641219straight up deleted from the looks of it
>that sister trying the fuwamoco """yab""" angle as the thread archivedKWAB
* FINAL TALLY OF THE DAY *>115,324: Lamy (Hololive)>73,592: AZKi (Hololive)>38,943: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)>33,451: Subaru (Hololive)>28,743: Pekora (Hololive)>19,412: Pekora (Hololive)>18,777: Hal (Neo-Porte)>17,876: Ao (Hololive)>16,390: Kanade (Hololive)>15,676: Ayame (Hololive)>14,119: Lauren (Nijisanji)>13,154: Watame (Hololive)>13,151: Koyori (Hololive)>12,341: Ange (Nijisanji)>11,608: Mio (Hololive)>11,500: Luna (Hololive)>10,634: Furen (Nijisanji)>10,143: Kiara (Hololive)
>>62641525Not to mention how serious indecency is considered there, with the religious police after her there is no way she could go anywhere.
>>62641525Her dads a commie?But i tought islamic countries where le epic based trads???
>>62641577>NOVEMBER 2023 GOLDS1) Haachama (Hololive) - 127,696 - Return Stream2) Pekora (Hololive) - 43,774 - FGO Gacha3) NeruMero (Indie) - 47,083 - Genshin Impact Watchalong4) Miko (Hololive) - 80,004 - Minecraft Sports Festivel5) Hal (Neo-Porte) - 89,256 - Valorant Vsaikyo Team Distribution6) Hololive (Hololive) - 61,522 - Hoshimatic Announcement7) Pekora (Hololive) - 49,839 - Monster Strike8) Miko (Hololive) - 48,907 - Soul Calibur 69) Marine (Hololive) - 44,099 - Karaoke10) Polka (Hololive) - 68,854 - Anniversary 3D Live11) Nene (Hololive) - 78,239 - Anniversary 3D Live12) Marine (Hololive) - 177,277 - Anniversary 3D Live13) Hololive (Hololive) - 71,935 - Hoshimatic 3D Live14) Pekora (Hololive) - 52,335 - Monster Strike15) Lamy (Hololive) - 115,324 - Birthday 3D Live>PER COMPANY13x: Hololive1x: Indie, Neo-Porte>PER STREAMER3x: Pekora2x: Hololive, Marine, Miko1x: Haachama, Hal, Lamy, Nene, NeruMero, Polka>2023 GOLDS>PER COMPANY225x: Hololive71x: Nijisanji11x: Indie6x: Neo-Porte, VSPO>PER STREAMER70x: Pekora28x: Miko21x: Marine12x: Hololive, Kuzuha10x: Subaru9x: Nijisanji, Suisei8x: Toya6x: Aqua, Hal5x: Yashiro4x: Chiroru, Fuwa, Iroha, Lamy, Leos, Mio, NeruMero, Okayu, Shiina, Towa3x: Flare, Fubuki, Koyori, Lui, Watame2x: Aki, Fuwamoco, Hajime, Hinano, Ibrahim, Korone, Maimoto, Mel, Polka, Salome, Shion, Tsukasa1x: Air, Ayame, Beni, Botan, Chloe, Choco, Gaku, Gura, Gundou, Haachama, Hibari, Himawari, Hololive English, Ina, Kaede, Kanade, Kanata, Kanato, Kiara, Kobo, Kronii, Laplus, Lauren, Lize, Luna, Met, Mito, Mori, Mumei, Mysta, Nene, Noel, Nose, Nozomi, Nui, Ponto, Qpi, Raden, Rikiichi, Rion, Roco, ROF-MAO, Ryushen
>>62641013>Openly doxxing people is okay now?It has always been ok in r/vyt unless chinkmaple decides its too risky or they get contacted by the corpo
Man, the board is fast for deadhours. Guess we really had a 1-2-3 punch
FalseEyeD and Khyo rubbing their dramawhore hands in this very moment.
>>62641560>>62641569Were you not here a few hours ago? Even more sus is why /baubau/ either seems oblivious as fuck to it or are silently melting down.>>62641463Cover could probably take them down if they went that far on Fuwamoco. Maybe this is their chance to get fucked once andTYPE THE CAPTCHA HERE? for all.
>>62641612He’s American and lives in America
*FINAL EN TALLY OF THE DAY IS IN*>11/15 DAILY TALLY10,143: Kiara (Hololive)9,855: Bijou (Hololive)8,370: FuwaMoco (Hololive)>EN GOLDS FOR NOVEMBER 20231) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 17,718 - Spooky Stories2) IRyS (Hololive) - 16,829 - Game of Life (w/ Ina, Choco, Flare)3) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 12,710 - FuwaMoco Morning4) Scarle (Nijisanji) - 26,714 - Outfit Reveal5) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 14,962 - Karaoke6) Fulgur (Nijisanji) - 10,867 - Unarchived Karaoke7) Mumei (Hololive) - 17,273 - Unarchived Karaoke8) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 6,813 - 100 Days Celebration9) Bijou (Hololive) - 8,185 - Devil May Cry 310) Fauna (Hololive) - 10,112 - The Stanley Parable11) Bijou (Hololive) - 13,554 - Apex (w/ Amelia & Mumei)12) Aia (Nijisanji) - 12,056 - Outfit Reveal13) Mori (Hololive) - 20,890 - Monopoly (w/ Ina, Shiori, Nerissa)14) Kiara (Hololive) - 11,914 - Offcollab (w/ Mori & IRyS)15) Kiara (Hololive) - 10,143 - Offcollab (w/ Haachama)>PER COMPANY12x: Hololive3x: Nijisanji>PER STREAMER4x: FuwaMoco2x: Bijou, Kiara1x: Aia, Fauna, Fulgur, IRyS, Mori, Mumei, Scarle>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)29p: FuwaMoco18p: Bijou13p: Kiara, Mori11p: Fauna, Mumei10p: IRyS6p: Shiori5p: Aia, Fulgur, Scarle4p: Baelz3p: Vox1p: Nerissa, Petra
>>62641602You are Lamy now.
>>62641689Based schizogod, cant belive fuwawa said that about gura.
Did Aia say it was going to be a good month for nijisanji?
I'm like 70% sure it's a new Tempus gen but what if it's some side project like the VN? This seems like a pretty short notice for debuts if Shinri's streams are expected to be a watchalongs.
>>62641577>115,324: Lamy (Hololive)GET MOGGED.
>>62641684>Source behind a paywall and deleted>Secred RM vtuberThey won't touch it for now.
>>62641565I can literally still access it
>>62641712>2023 EN GOLDS>PER COMPANY248x: Hololive67x: Nijisanji3x: Holostars1x: Idol>PER STREAMER31x: Fauna30x: FuwaMoco27x: Mori, Mumei24x: Gura19x: IRyS15x: Baelz, Ina, Kronii14x: Mysta12x: Amelia, Bijou, Kiara9x: Vox4x: Pomu, Ren, Selen, Shu3x: Hololive English, Luca, Nerissa, Nina, Shiori2x: Alban, Finana, Fulgur, Ike, Wilson1x: Aia, Bandage, Enna, Elira, Flayon, Kyo, Luxiem, Millie, Petra, Regis, Roca, Rosemi, Scarle, Sonny, Vesper, Victoria>2023 POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)280p: Fauna265p: FuwaMoco223p: Mumei218p: Mori183p: IRyS175p: Ina153p: Baelz129p: Gura120p: Bijou117p: Kronii112p: Kiara105p: Mysta97p: Amelia77p: Vox75p: Luca49p: Nerissa38p: Shiori37p: Shu31p: Selen29p: Pomu24p: Nina21p: Ren20p: Fulgur19p: Ike18p: Enna17p: Sonny15p: Hololive English, Uki13p: Finana, Millie11p: Axel10p: Alban, Elira, Kotoka, Wilson9p: Vesper7p: Regis6p: Bandage, Kyo, Petra, Rosemi5p: Aia, Flayon, Luxiem, Roca, Scarle, Victoria4p: Bringer, Magni3p: Bettel, Claude, Hakka2p: Meloco1p: Kunai, Maria, Shinri, Pippa, Poko
>>62641569They had a yab though >>62634250
>>62641612Hana is an American hafu who's studying in Indonesia for some retarded reason.
>>62641758Huh? We're talking about Fuwamoco PL here. Not Hana.
>>62641751>TempusWouldn't it make more sense for the next 2 HomoEN gens to be "Anti-tempus"?A demon guild or something.
>>62641602Genuinly more homos
>>62641641>PER COMPANY>13x: Hololive>1x: Indie, Neo-PorteJesus
>>62641804She got a full ride engineering degree supposedly
Shiori doing T3 content now
>>62641525>>62641612>dad>>62641565You just can't sub anymore. It's still there.
>>62641602>trannysanji>raspberry tally is gonna get wild
>>62641807>This is news according to anon
>>62641612her dad is american that lived in america anonher mom is the indoalso indonesia has a special hateboner for them since they tried to organize a revolt which ended indonesia basically culling them resulting in like a million commies getting killed
>>62641796Mococo...your opsec reps...
I want to remind you all that if a new homo gen debuts there's a chance that one or more might be to mori's liking and she'll start up her squad bullshit again.>inb4 she change now chudyes I know deadcucks
>>62641865God, please step on me.
>>62641602Nijisanji made another girl troon out.
>>62641818It would make more sense for them to do anything else besides let more Homos loose upon the world.
i want to point out Hana has 5 streams from 2023 with more vod views than that thing has downloads.
>>62641865It got the same reaction that Hana's shit did. Don't downplay it.
>>62641712>10,143: Kiara (Hololive)>9,855: Bijou (Hololive)>8,370: FuwaMoco (Hololive)
>>62641767really cause i cant
>>62641852Yeah she's been doing that
>>62641902How the hell did she think doing this shit was a good idea in Indonesia of all places especially when she's kinda of a poorfag?
>>62641712Where's Jaiden, Ironmouse, Henya etc?
>>62642000I miss her so much
>>62641774>280p: Fauna>265p: FuwaMocoFAUNAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>62641758>They won't touch it for now.they wont touch it if niji doesnt touch it but if hana suddenly has a sudden long break then 100% they are gonna touch on it
>>62641904He found his true calling...
I wonder what would happen if someone forwarded it to the indonesian government
So evil Tempus. Evil/Dark alter egos maybe?
wait it's a tranny?
>>62641602more hologames coming soon published by holoindie
>>62642076He's such a fucking faggot.
have any of you jerk it to hana fansly?
FWMC biggest yab might happen on Saturday. They should move their streams to avoid overlapping tempus 3 instead of being selfish bitches.
>>62642076I find it really funny how the tumblr ass omega lore now got dumped to tempus
>>62641976I mean she pretty much lost everything because she was to scared to take the mantle of a leader. In the end out of 30 ID members she was the only one who ended up with an 3D model. > Lost her genmates> Lost her friends> Lost her mangers> Lost her viewers
>>62642108yeah, her moans were nice
>>62642076wait did he just tweet this? If he's tweeting shit alluding to the announcement then it's guaranteed HomoEN3 right
>>62642108Nah i only wank it to hags
>>62642146>Is currently trying to lose her womanhood
>>62642076my money is it being jp rather than en
>>62642129The person who's in charge of tempiss is likely someone who was hired during the ometroon era.
>>62641915If you believe.
>>62641987>Has already given up on making his irrelevant tallyPathetic DESU
Why would they even have homo3, like who is the audience? They already have next to no one watching the first two. Why not do homo ID first, ID fans seem to love male collabs
More non-JP vtubers should be encouraged to do coomer streams. Japanese vtubers already do it because their fans are less puritan and weird about it compared to EN/ID crowds.
>>62642105So you’re shitting up this thread and /baubau/ with your homobegging
>>62642178>and potentially her life.
>>62642108No, it was pretty shit. Funny at times though.
>>62641013Because M00t and Hiro still remember Rule 0.Rule 0: Don't get sued. Because they bend the knee to the feds to not have actual legal action sent at them for example.They'd kill 4chan instead of possibly paying out lawsuits or worse if it came to it.
>>62641880>start up her squad bullshit again.That would require more than just one Homo being liked be Mori. Squad only existed because of Kronii obsession with Vesper.
>>62641468how do we tell this anon?
>>62642076Yep this is exactly what I want to see more of.
>>62642255who the fuck is M00t?
>>62642163Ugh. Yea, they're rushing these guys out because the clown is 100% done next year.
>>62642108No but I always jerk off to this
>>62642234Nah there are enough whores for you to jack off to as is. Leave my girls alone
>>62642231Cover is absolutely retarded regarding the homos. We only had no debuts in JP for almost 2 years because the current homos at the time knew that a new gen would cannibalize their minuscule audience and asked Cover to not do it otherwise they would have debuted a homoJP4 in 2021.
>>62642293the creator of 2hu
>>62642325>Nah there are enough whores for you to jack off to as is.Wrong.
>>62642076Are they even allowed to be this fucking overt?
>>62642302Had the clown said anything?
>>62642076would be funny if its only new outfits
>>62642255I’d imagine at least one of the mods is a fed
>>62642303completely indistinguishable from her normal gibberish
>>62642347These 2 DEFINITELY shared a Reimu cosplayer.
>>62642364From what people have been saying, RM shit, and I can't be bothered to go digging for deetz.
>>62642076Man if it's really more EN faggots I really want to see as many girls as possible overlapping the debuts. It would be funny
>>62642365homo gen3 before outfits really doesn't make sense
>>62642396>I’d imagine at least one of the mods is a fedim surprised people forgot about that fbi hearing where one of them was outed as the fag who sometimes made mlp and mlpg threads
>>62642365I hope is it really tempus 3 because i want more contenders for the raspberry tally
Regis retweeted but has made no comment yet. Axel has yet to retweet or comment only Tempus 2 members outside Hakka has directly commented on it (though Hakka retweeted). Interestingly enough Bettel and Flayon don't have anything scheduled with Shinri this week they have their own mundane streams on Friday and Saturday.
>「DAYBREAK FRONTLINE」 - 音乃瀬奏(cover) *new*>「名前のない怪物」 - 音乃瀬奏(cover)
>>62642303i like better the kanacocomp3
>>62642364rmshit of him planning more rm stuff next year like with magni and him acting like magni/vesper prior to the hiatus cancelling collabs and streams
>>62641712Chiara, this is based as fuck, didn't you know?
>>6264171210k seems low for this collab. Kiara channel debuff?
>>62642271should have saved that pic someone had saying Selen was more powerful than Towa jesus christ
>>62642180You aren't a very good gambler
>>62642527It won't be debuts this week, it'll be an announcement at the most
>>62642271Just wait for Selen's original song with post malone holokeks
>>62642527sudden, short-notice emergency meeting
>>62642709Why even hype it up that long? Doing a hotdrop would be better for them.
>>62642559>ghosting homos alreadyit's over if that's true
>jwu>new tempissWhat the fuck?
En4 when
I just saw the news. I'm gonna barf, tempuke is coming
>>62642762Two more years, also have two more HomoEN gen debuts due to popular demands.
>>62642740Lines up with how Advent and Regloss debuted where they had an announcement than around a week where they briefly showcased designs of members each day.
>>62641976>half jap half america live in indonesiayeah the america trans inside her/him is winning
ggg is being raided again...
>>62642740Sure, but I'd bet on debuts if it's what's actually happening, being early next week, and hopefully terminations for Christmas
What surprises me is how people can look at the current state of tempiis and be like "i wanna be a part of that"
>>62642759nobody actually thinks its a new gen its just fun to act schizo
>>62642759Raspberry is about to get real exciting soon, how quick will they fall into raspberry territory?
>>62642705i mean i bet on mysta graduating after his behavior changed in december and i was right since it was the same month he decided to quit
>>62642108after getting used to the human sprinkler that shit didn't even give me a chub
I read earlier that apparently Dumb and Dumber managed to snag away one of the oil baronesses that helped fund the homos, did they steal away the one who is financing homoJP? Or was all of that bullshit?
>>62642271What happened? Was she just in a lobby with him, not in VC?I and other anons called it the instant she made the announcement. I don't even feel smug though because I don't think any legit Selen fans were shitposting using it.
>>62642626Of course. Kiara is number poison.
The gap between current day and Tempus2 is similar to the gap between Myth and Promise. I don't know what the big deal is.
>>62642849ggg has literal bots set up against that thread specifically, i'm not surprised
>>6264286790% of the fans are 0v chuuba it makes sense there are people wanting to join.
>>62642867they just want to get into the girls' pantseven if it's just Ollie, Bae, or even Mori
>watching regloss clips>Ao talks about how she doesnt have people over that often she really cant play the pussy magnet characteroh well she got fucked by the model too so its good that she abandoned ship as quickly as possible
>>62642901worse she was basically cannon fodder like the multiple 3views that were invited to the event
>>62642685ask and ye shall receive anon
>>62642626>>62642911>Pekora, Miko and Subaru overlapDoesn't seem low to me
>>62642759Cover is having fun copying nijisanji with Holostars for some reasonLuxiem works for like 4 months because of bots and chinese fujos -> OH SHIT RELEASE EN MALESNijisanjiEN ACCELERATES even though it's disastrous -> OH SHIT ACCELERATE THE EN MALES
>>62642713What do you mean by "wait", anon? It already got released
>>62642867There’s a very huge chance that these guys were hired before Holo/Homo collabs died off
>>62642914>More homos>I don't know what the big deal is.Take a moment and think.
>>62642867There are countless people who openly says that they want to join to interact with the girls
wtf AI art is evolving>>62639690
>>62642966What are the odds her next outfit is girly?
>>62642365The main table at the back-center of the room has 4 chairs. It's more of them.
>>62642867I mean, if you were able to, wouldn't you?
>>62643035>Homos are a big dealSince when?
>>62642987>Selen the most high profile Apex vtuber in the western sceneI mean, aren't both Mumei and Bijou both more popular when they stream Apex by a pretty huge margin? Even Ame, probably, right?
>>62642365im actually hoping for more homos since the last debut crippled starsjp
>>62643054I hope it's outrageously girly just for that gap moe and to give a middle finger to whoever thought giving an ill fitted suit to her was a good idea
>>62643087BasedEveryone thinks this but only some people are just being honest about it
>>62641712> back to back goldHOLY FUCKING KIARA INCLINE. GO CHICKEN GO
>>62643102Since they started shoving themselves where they are not wanted (my world).
>>62643102Where do you think you are, retard?
>>62643072then would be funny if its more homo + new outfits
>>62643107Both "Apex" and "VTuber" are niches among niches. Apex among Gaming --> FPS --> niche and VTuber among Anime + Streamer --> VTuber niche.Selen's not even a blip on the radar outside of their small communities, even for Apex itself.
>>62643107Pretty much any HoloEN girl could pick it up and get better numbers than her
>>62643051It honestly just needed something else than the exact same type of girls and models as basis
>>62643155no people are just realistic and realize that you are more likely to be a rezza than a kuzuha in nijisanji as a male
>>62643164Not in /mans/
>>62642914>already no one watching the few that exist>hey let's do more>instead of ID which doesn't even have any despite IDs being the only ones who love males
>>62642914It's not similar at all
>>62643209>IDs being the only ones who love malesIDs dont want males IDs though. They want the exotic cock
>>62643209ID management thinks having a male division is a horrible idea funnily enough.
>>62642867I mean I've been saying this about NijiEN since iLuna and yet people keep applying
>>6264323710 months versus 11 months
>>62642626>10k seems low for this collab. Kiara channel debuff?Kinda crazy they got mogged by Anya-FWMC collab.
>>62643209whats funny is that id management (probably reine) hates the idea of starsid
>>62643209>IDs being the only ones who love malesWould the ID male collaber girls like ID males though?
>>62643253Despite IDs being the only branch where the vast majority of them all collab with men regularly?ID fans also seem to love those collabs
>>62643051>it's over for the artists who bothered to learn to draw animals too
>still no Fauna tweet or frameuuuuu
>>62643209I would prefer IDhomos out of spite for the fucktards over there that encourage this shitshow to begin with
>>62643284>full japanese vs japanglish
>>62643284>EN ID Collab>JP in JP primetime
>>62641585There's no religious police there retard.
lol New age of homobegging starting. It's gonna be so "funny" to see Advent chats full of faggots begging. Especially FuwaMocos and Bijous.
>>62642626Connection issues, it was lagging for most of Asia
>>62643306probably has something to do with that indo law that gets you in trouble even if its a rumor if an unmarried man and woman are together
>>62643327you are no sap if you don't know when uuu time happens.
>>62643051I don't think it's over for skilled artists with real, unique artistic vision.But it might be kinda fucking over for the sort of artists who get $100 to make people's random commissions and OC. If you get a brain itch to see cute animal Okayu and Korone as the Python logo, you would have had to pay someone 5 years ago to draw it. And now you just prompt it, chuckle, post it on 4chan for free, and move on. Wild times.
>>62643155There's a reason why the homos are so hated in Hololive, everyone knows why they entered The "good" homo JPs are the ones that were humbled when the branch started and don't dare to try again
>>6264332745 minutes give or take
>>62643387>It's gonna be so "funny" to see Advent chats full of faggots nothing changes then since those fags are there even back then
>>62639755Found the free stuff but it's just a sample the real deal's 190 images and needs the 500 yen tier for subscription. No clue if it's time limited there too.
>>62642867When you're a 2view any way out looks like an appealing path. Not to mention if you're a 2view these days you've probably already been doing it for awhile with no improvement
>>62643405Give me a break, I just don't want to post about tempiss anymore
>>62643387Both of them have already had plenty of beggars and they ignored them every time.
>>62643209Anon, tell me again why we're supposed to care for the fate of the homos?Almost all the girls have made their stances perfectly clear.There's pretty much ZERO chance that new homos would change the minds of ANY girl who's currently in the CGDCT camp.So why bother?Let them rot.
Shiori is awake btwkeep an eye on her likes
Why dont i ever hear about homobegging in advent's chat? It was a huge tbing with council and myth if i remember correctly
>>62643434Man you really only think about sex. Consider watching less porn
>>62643335>>62643336Do you actually believe a FWMC+Haachama collab wouldn’t have done better in any time slot?
>>62643387The beggars has been there from the start and it's not like the new homos are going to pull in a new audience that will have the bright idea to harass the girls as well
>>62643387>You have EN kouhai now!
>>62642108That audio of her getting brutally pounded was nice. Blew a load already.
>>62643494You sound really obsessed with dick anon
>>62643051>wtf AI art is evolvingYou thought it would not evolve? This time next year you are going to have to look real hard to find difference between real artist and AI.
>>62643506Are you pretending to be retarded? Do you actually believe a Gura + Pekora collab wouldn't have done better in any time slot?
>>62643490I don't actually care about their fate, I'm just pondering what the fuck Cover is thinking.
>>62643506fwmc + haachama collab would have done better due to the first collab buffanya + haacham collab would have done worse
>>62643393more like it was from Kiara side
>>62643306We don't have enough ID fans here to collect a statistically significant sample so you're going to need to elaborate on where you get that idea from
>>62643490>CGDCT campYou know that doesn't exist. That's the cope the E-Girlfriend chumps use because they're too afraid to admit they're simps
>>62643529If anything, the fact that regloss debuted means that they can easily default to them when the beggars starts talking about kouhais
>>62643502someone literally mentioned Shien in Shiori's chat yesterday
>>62643501>Man you really only think about sex.>nowhere in the post was sex ever mentionedsister...
>>62643387Have you not been watching their streams? beggars are already there
>>62643583Whats up with this r*ddit tier languaje
>>62643581I dunno maybe the fact that every single ID x male collab does well and ID fans seem obsessed with shipping them and loving itJust look at Kobo
>>62643583That's a terrible word soup and an even worse parody of what a holoan or a homobeggar would be.Ganbare anon, one day you will find the good stuff to get as many (you)s as the usual schizos
>>62643565It's a combination of sunk cost and hoping for a miracleAnd to be honest I don't think the cost of running the homo branch is that high that they are actually running a loss for doing this
>>62643595Yeah and this happened kek
>>62643612its probably the niji intern that comes here whenever some drama with niji happens
>>62643209This is why ID must be disbanded
>>62642685Is this controversial? Towa plays the game a lot but she isn't that good. Even Matsuri wins more than her. Of course Aqua just steam rolls everybody. Not sure why they didn't use Aqua as the standard instead of Towa.
>>62643583Go back
>>62643502Because you didnt look enough. I still remember Biboo ER stream chat being especially cancer with a certain boss name and then just spamming stuff
>>62643529>EN kouhaiyeah, haachama
>>62643529>(faggot #9) likes Souls games too!!!
>>62643502Biboo had people spamming Vesper during a part of her AC6 stream. She completely ignored it
>>62643620Every squad collab did well too and you still have vesper x kronii shippers to this day but you aren't saying the en fanbase loves homo collabs
>>62643648>And to be honest I don't think the cost of running the homo branch is that high that they are actually running a loss for doing thisprobably not especially after the ipo since the homos have been pressured to get bigger numbers by themselves
>>62643620Kobo is a special case though. No one liked the era when Zeta was openly flirting with Axel on Twitter.
>>62643581For some reason people think that HoloID fans have "no problem" with male collabs even though the girls who do them really frequently are runts and Kaela, the completely nomales girl in the branch, is also the star second only to meme viral Kobo. I think the whole thing is flawed and the ID girls are operating on flawed premises. They've convinced themselves that their fans don't care about male collabs, when the truth is that they've actually just been filtering their audience with them by default this whole time and never noticed.
Did something happen? Board is more menhera today than usual.
>>62643555>between real artist and AInah, it's easy, like this anon said >>62643426 pro artists would be somewhat fine but those with simple artstyle will get mogged by the ai
>>62643654it was an extension of Selen being hotshit because she was playing apex *with* Post Malone.
>>62643434cool headcanon.
>>62643711New homos this weekend
>>62643684Because the majority of them don't and likewise the majority of ENs don't collab with homos.All IDs except Reine do, though and even she has had a few homo collabs here or there.
>>62643711four more en homos confirmed
>>62643708Personally I just think the meme sea hate has spread to the point where retards here just project everything they don't like on the sea branch the same way they blame pagpags for shitposting during euro hours
>>62643734>nah, it's easyLike I said, see you next year.
>>62643711NIDF sisters are going ham with the damage control
>>62643711Cover is starting an Indei publishing branch for fan gamesCover removed the overlap rulesA NijiID liver did a masturbation voice streamCover announced what is probably new Homos
>>62643760Your forgetting Kaela who exclusively only collabs with Holo girls.
>>62643620>every single ID x male collab does wellShow me their collab numbers
>>62643708>For some reason people think that HoloID fans have "no problem" with male collabsIts mostly eops and esl who watch the id girls or clips of them who think that since they dont see holoid fans sperging on youtube comments but not realizing that they are sperging on facebook insteadits not secret why ollie and kobo are the ones that are the most doxxed by indofags
we are so back
>>62643711holoparade debuting in 2 more weeks
>>62643760Kaela is a cute girl supremacist and is also the most Superchatted channel in Indonesia
>>62643711new homos and the sisters are pre-coping when they miserably fail again and get ignored by all of the girls (except Ollie)
>>62643831Kaela had a lot of homos on for her birthday
>>62643711The big one is that Hana did a masturbation stream on her roommate. Then cover teased tempus 3 and now we are having damage control in both ways as nijiniggers play up the homo shitposting while holofags play up the Hana fucking
>>62643711> Hana RM fansly> New HomoEN> Cover doing good to fangame devs> Wamy 100k+ variety The last one really only affects to retarded Gokosei schizo. Idk if im missing anything. I just got here.'t this a crime?
Fauna is awake btwkeep an eye on her likes
>>62643711aiba getting harassed after her or gwelus comments on a now deleted streamcover making a new indie game support systemoverlap rules got retconnedhana basically released a masturbation stream with her rm in fanslyprobable homo debuts
>>62643852Honestly at this point I don't think the gokischizo actually exists, he's just a mantle some shitposters use to get yous
You think management will force the new homos to @ everyone on twitter like what they did with regloss?
>>62643853It's public but the code is only published to members, it's fine.
>>62643887>it doesn't count
still no proof of hana RM fansly uh?
>>62643916that's right
>>62643711so much shit happened today, it's insane> hana rm doing lewd shit, got leaked, privated all her shit - anycolor probably knows now> Cover unveiling fangame monetization program, first step to becoming 2hu 2.0> Cover reverting 3D/debut overlap bans to be per-branch like it was before (no more stopping of holo streams for homos)> New homo debuts teased (unsure if JP or EN, most likely EN)
I just broke my onahole because of Hana, need to to buy new one asap
>>62643939>baby's first "please spoonfeed me" postcute
>>62643612in this hobby, comes with the territory.
>>62643853nope since stream is public which is what Nintendo is anal about aside from mods
>>62643844Closest I can find is a Magni prerecorded message other than that she practically stays away from them like the plague.
>>62643852Don't forget that they removed the overlap ban between branches
>>62643051It was able to do stuff like that for months.It's still not convincing, but all they need are some real artist touchups and it's usable.
>>62643808Maybe If Kobo took the unicorn route she would be a consistent 10k streamer
>>62643894Probably not but the shitposting would be amusing
>>62643612Just because you don't like it doesn't make it reddit nigger
>>62643939Here comes the airplane, retard~~ Say aah~
This thread going crazy over potential new EN homos and their supposed upcoming interactions with EN girls when it's the JPs who have been cozying up to the homos more recently.
>>62643939just look up nijishit in the archives
>>62643894That Regloss shit was totally bizarre and unique to their fucked up circumstances, and also they only attempted it because they were girls.No way would they have the men do that humiliation ritual especially since almost zero HoloENs would reply, just Mori, Bae, maybe Kronii but probably not, maybe Shiori if she really pities them.
Go to sleep indogs
>>62643711Hana will become more menhera and I expect a meltdown
>>62644014>>62644014>Maybe If Kobo took the unicorn route she would be a consistent 10k streamerNah she should have taken the pekora/miko route and collab with males bigger than her instead of people smaller than her
>>62643808Ollie yeah but Kobo is nowhere near the most doxxed by indo fags. Like I guarantee you if they could dig up something about Anya they would
>>62643996>stays away from them like the plague.
>>62643980Is onahole really that good?
>>62644089So, like windah?
>>62641577Fuck it, here's some broken Ai Lamy.
>>62643853She’s doing another “public” members only stream? Why???
>>62643946and why doesn't it?
>>62644033JPs aside from Mel have been cozying up to e-celebs, not homos (And they are totally okay)
I didn't nut to Hana, I nutted to the game, orc massage. Porngames these days are advances surprisingly, back then all I know was crystal the fox and ganguro girl deluxe.
>>62644033Mostly the same shitty ones as before though. Although sadly Mel has done a lot with them lately.
If HoloIndie program doesnt need to have all games monetized, why did Kay Yu declined to put Holocure in that program?
>>62644094>Aug 2022Thanks for proving the point
>>62643955Does per branch mean that EN, ID, and JP can overlap each other's debuts? Or does branch in this case mean Hololive and Holostars as whole entities only?
>>62644111That looks less like Become and more like someone's schizo delusions finally overtaking their mind, and now they think their tulpa Lamy is real and they can see her walking towards them. I like it
>>62643844Yeah the first one which she said was all arranged by her Manechan. The second one which was all her had none of them
>>62643894Nah, they had to do so much backtracking when regloss flopped compared to any other JP debut that they won’t do it anytime soon.The fact that they killed the overlap rule hours before announcing a new homo gen means they realized their method of forcing them in the fans of the girls failed hard.
>>62644131Have you tried Koikatsu?
>>62644149>it doesn't count
>>62644094lol Have you had this bookmarked over a year just for this gotcha moment? Impressive levels of schizo.
>>62644093>but Kobo is nowhere near the most doxxed by indo fagsanon where have you been for the past few months where pics of kobo going on a vacation with her family and her actual address got leaked
>>62644196He doesn't think so >>62644149
>>62644129If ENs were doing this it would go from being "totally okay" to "destroying Hololive culture."
>>62642536rare to see hololive covering orangestar other than startend are pretty much having their own con thanks to Anime Impulse, everyone except the newest wave is invited
>>62644191you got it
>>62644033It's just the same beggars who think Shiori will have multiple homo collabs per week. Everyone here who's not a subhuman knows that Cover is sending these faggots to die because not only they won't have the few girls giving them a "warm welcome" like they did with tempiss part 1 they're also coming when the branch is squarely in the 3view zone save for the clown and after dumb and dumber got graduated so we're more than likely loking for debuts with lower ccw than tempiss part 2 and their numbers will make TTT look great in comparison.
>>62644107basicallyif she just kept collabing with windah or some indo lol/valorant players instead of shitters in stars she would have actually kept her numbers
Lamy lewds are fucking ass today huh?
>>62644209Make sense, faggot.
>>62644199Yeah, that's because of poor opsec, not because she's "the most doxxed holoid", whatever the hell that's supposed to mean
kuzuha has something to say tomorrowprobably kuzuha cup again
>>62642204>made tally to stick it up holofags that they're getting mogged too>holos still win the tally>tally goneKWAB
>>62644014Unicorn-friendly Kobo would be a first army
>>62644146He already reached an agreement with Cover about it months ago, there's no need to go over all the process of republishing the game under Holo Indie if it's already done.
>>62644222Truly the bargain bin of large corpos.
>>62644270Ultimately her audience is primarily indo fags and if there's one thing I've learnt from this thread is that you guys somehow know less about the indo market than the Chinese market
>>62644263her poor opsec was the result of her having a to of people in id wanting her doxx anon hell if her doxxfags had the same energy in trying to get kaela or zetas address they can actually get it since their rm were much easier to find and trace
>>62644152HoloEN can't overlap HoloEN, but can stream over everyone else as an example. Regloss counts as their own thing as well.
>>62644152EN, ID, JP, ReGloss. HomoEN and HomoJP are all considered separate branches.So if an EN 3d/debut is happening, other ENs are forbidden from overlap, but other branches can do what they want.
>>62644371So does she have poor opsec or does she have a ton of people wanting to dox her? Make up your mind
>>62644369indo market is basically the same as every other marketif you want to collab with males make sure the males are more popular than you
>>62644152I would expect the girls to give deference to other girl debuts and 3D events, just like it was before
>>62644446The overlap comes up so extremely rarely anyway due to timezones so I doubt it really matters for the girls.It's purely a holo and homo issue.
>>62644349anon you must be one special retard if i have to spell it out for youshe has the same poor opsec as the rest of her gen but has more people willing to look for doxx related to her than the other 2
>>62644246Yeah mine
>>62644369Yeah we don't have any actual indofags here, especially not at this time so pretty much all the discussion about the "indo market" and their tastes are projections and fanfiction
>>62644497>Thread died.Success.Lewds always spook SEA reulars. And Ai shit spooks NA regulars.There are no EUs here anyway.
>>62643939awww such a cute anonbaby
>>62643629I dunno, sounds like he struck a nerve.
>>62644539And that isn't a result of her increased popularity compared to the others?
>>62644561I am
>>62642108lol pornstars unironically have more dignity than some nijiwhore, fuck no
>>62644561waiting for fauna frame
>>62644583no because if that were the case there would be more people trying to doxx and harass moona or even reine compared to ollie if popularity was the cause
>>62644131i think you will find some good pics in /orc/
>>62644539>>62644583Sisters, your bots are broken
>>62644546I still remember when retards here actually believed that Kobo's numbers have fallen below kaela's just because alot of other posters said they did. At the end of the day the numbers thread is not actually about numbers and expecting this place to somehow has greater insight into vtuber affairs is retarded
>>62642528Both Hakka and Shinri are part of new gen lore
>>62644263>poor opsecanon? her opsec was amazing, it would be the same as anya if it werent for the insta yab that i think wasnt even her fault
>>62644700>I still remember when retards here actually believed that Kobo's numbers have fallen below kaelaThey actually did. For a single day>July 22 this yearKaela's 30 days average was ahead of Kobo's. That, of course, is not a trend (Kobo clearly is ahead of Kaela) but it was very remarkable to see how high Kaela had risen and how low Kobo had fallen
>>62644762I don't actually do dox least of all indo dox so I'll take your word for it
Fauna frame up
>>62644349I mean its anime impulse the con that thought that getting a venue with holes in the roof is ideal since its cheaper which resulted in the con getting wet and flooded
>>62644668Botsanji strikes again.
Enter Fauna
>>62644848 why
Sorry I was busy with Fauna
>>62644906We forgive you Mumei
>>62644872she loves goobert, its her lore
>>62644894>>62644872>>62644869>>62644867>Blue slime
>>62644867>>62644869>>62644872Now kiss!This game sucks to watch tbdesu
>>62644867>>62644869>>62644872WE ARE SO BACK
>>62643375 stand corrected, it's only in that one region.
>>62644914If I had the power to make a chuuba start a fansly it would not be fucking hana
>>62644949Even the worse games are fine to watch so long as I can hear Fauna's voice ludwig in starsen3. Holokeks status?
>>62641872i thought her mother was Japanese (and was dead for quite some time actually) anyway I know she bought her dildos in Japan a few months back because she bragged about it on that alt twitter but in the stream she also mentioned getting fucked while looking in the mirror and shit which is quite odd because I've always seen her as a bit of a prude if anything especially after she went hard on filtering her fanbase. Kinda makes me wonder is holo EN the most seiso Vtuber group atm? Everybody else seem to be doing e-girl shit with dicksuking ASMRs, drinking their own piss, planning to start a "harem" with listeners and now this the whorification of Vtubers is accelerating feels like.
>>62641602>he wants the quick ReandownHaha, guess it's time to not hold back>orphaned and adopted into a Noble family>final student of a legendary swordsman>secret son of the mysterious big bad who's actually good>such a chad that he not only adds every woman to his ever-expanding harem but also the men>his sister and her friend (who is the royal princess)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer mention of his name>chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha>masters and can fully control his *psh nothin personell kid" demonic powers>wields a tachi and can teleport behind you>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in Trails in the Sky>grows up to become a teacher, can romance his underage students>just saying "haha" makes everybody drop their pants for him>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional hatred curse that appears at the last second>is technically royalty, his biological father is the reincarnation of an ancient Emperor>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game>even the protagonists of previous games hype him up>kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending>becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua, Tita away from Agate, Tio away from Lloyd, etc.>now a version of himself from an alternate timeline is trying to kill him because he's too chad>awakens a new inner power to combat this alternate self, giving him heterochromia in the process>tops Japanese official popularity polls, brought his franchise to the spotlight,>made it so that the majority of the franchise's games are about him>is the writer's favorite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing
>>62644914We actually made her start doing it
>Got Women's Champions League stream recommended>70k watchingNot even close to Holo levels, but they've come a long way these last 2 years.
>>62644412>>62644396oh wow so its fuck EN specifically. oh well at least this was after promise got their bag.
>>62645089Isn't it kinda weird for a "prude" to be bragging about purchasing dildos on her alt?
I came from the future tempus 3 will have an trap that will get hololive numbers and will collab with the girls.
Speaking of Hana, would nijisanji even care about her, or for that matter, would firing her even be a punishment considering the state of the company?
>>62644949just play alongside her
>>62645187So just like Rio?
>>62643375>>62645015I think anon might be refering to indonesias anti porn law which states "that anyone engaging in pornography and pornoaction is punishable by law, pornoaction being an invented word that means "actions deemed indecent." This includes, but is not limited to, public acts such as spouses kissing,[2] women showing their navels or shoulders, and people sunbathing in bikinis or swimwear."Its one of the reasons why holoid uses the special bikini for id streams
>>62645156Not really, if anything it fucks over ID more since their timeslots overlap a lot more with JP.
>>62645187So what you are telling me is that the only way for the homos to get numbers is by pretending to be girls?
>>62644522Actually, the ones who stand to be hurt the most are the IDs. Same timezone as JP, and much has been made about their 3D debut numbers being largely due to the JP audience not having JPs to watch because of the rule.
>>62645107Me in the middle
Pffft promise still hasn’t hit 1 mil? Holy flop gen
>>62645156Yeah what >>62645247 said, ID is the big loser here because their prime time is two hours after nip prime time and that's usually when jp overlap is huge
>>62645089huh i always heard her mother was indo or had indo blood which explains her going to school in indonesia of all places
>>62645245If that law has actually been enforced anytime in the past decade I'll eat my hat
>>62644222Niji is starting a grassroots movement instead of forcefully acquiring fans through industry establishment. In the future when AnimeImpulse becomes the next AXPO, holokeks will be on a no-invite list
>>62645251If that's the case Rio would've been the top of the branch
>>62645089HoloEN is where English speaking female content creators go to NOT become literal whores. Only exception to this is Nerissa and that's more her just larping with her Vtuber model as she's basically the loser unmarried daughter of her family IRL that still gets scolded by her mother to stop swearing so much.
>>62645345 hope your hat is tasty anon
>>62645347Did you feed the nijicope list through an ai?
>>62645089HoloEN may legitimately be the most seiso group, maybe due to how whore-ish the EN streaming scene normally is for women, so it's become a refuge for girls who don't want that. Even then, you've got stuff like Bae making dick jokes all the time and Nerissa thirsting for guys in games, though none appear to even be considering whoring out as their RMs.
>>62645396He isn't pretending though, he is just such a massive faggot that his english counterparts told the reporters that he was a tranny
I love Fauna and Mumei so much
>>62644926I don't. My turn when
>>62641880There will be no squad if they don't bring any numbers and that's extremely unlikely. Notice how Vesper and Fagni were the most popular homos with the largest overlap in male hololive audience, shitters will only collab with ID (Kobo and Ollie in particular).>>62642049I remember when Hana was playing all sorts of boomer shooters, she was pretty based at one point.>>62641924Kiara had three 10K+ streams in a row
Homochad status?
>>62645187Didn't this character literally become female
We need EN4 now
>>62644189>Koikatsuoji-san have you tried HoneyCome?
>>62645396Rio isn't the peak? yt threw one of his singing streams at me and it was pretty chill and great I'm pretty sure Rio is the best homo.
>>62645579>>62645571Out in the club.
>>62645529>Kiara had three 10K+ streams in a rowHow many of those were collabs that would have done twice as good if not debuffed by her?
>>62641880Mori was a fan of Magni's rm and he will probably be the highest profile person Cover ever manages to rope into homo EN.As it is now, the illusion of being "equals" with HoloEN are dead and it got solidified with Advent.
>>62645648Seethe and cope.
>>62645529>Kiara had three 10K+ streams in a row>The collab with Roboco is on Roboco's channelWhat did she mean by this?
>>62645621He's excruciatingly boring outside of singing streams.
Two of the graduated candidates for starsen3 are flips. Mysta is the star of luxiem so i guess cover is going for that angle.
>>62645613Damn I'm out the loop I didn't know illusion was back
>>62645648>moving goalposts
>>62645345heres another one thats closer to what hana did
>>62645613Is the HC modding scene actually alive?I remember seeing that the devs tried to make it harder than your average illusion game to mod.
>>62645690Are we pretending that Ririka is a massive buff or a number draw now ?
>>62645670wasn't there some rrat about vesper working with her before?
>>62645345it's the kind of law you enforce when you want to.
>>62645747Doing EN Shark Tank and having guests on certainly is a buff
>>62645712Ah damn Hana might be in legit trouble if someone does report that video to authorities .
>>62645345heres a funny one
>>62645670>Mori was a fan of Magni's rmproof of this I've never once seen her mention his RM on either of her account?
>>62645437The former with Bae is just her having dumb immature humor. Nerissa basically acts like a sister when it comes thirsting over fictional men but she's basically the weaboo loser of her family.
>>62645437I always thought Bae would be the "Whore of Babylon" of EN after getting mindbroken by the constant Mating press memes. Surprisingly she's been pretty away from whore stuff lately.
Interesting to see how anon very correctly analyzed Mika's situation after reading up on Hana's situation, back in February. The only thing he missed is he didn't expect Vshojo would launch Niji-poaching campaign.>>42843605>>42844951
>YouTube completely removed the "Channels" tabFor fucks sake, every decision is worse.
>>62644848>>62644867>>62644869>> least its a stream. 5.5k
>>62645889basically a rrat spread by the sisters in order to justify mori having first dibs on the collabs
>the raspberry queen approaches you
>>62641872You reminded me of something funny I read awhile backtldr Indonesian Christians and Muslims would team up and murder faggot communists with Japanese weaponry
>>62643894That would genuinely be mean. Also a one way trip to getting and shutting the idea down forever.
This MC game Kaela is playing is quite buff
>>62645943>no more wechat>no more nijichat>no more channelshow the fuck will we recognize schizos?
Shiori was awake earlier but so far it looks like she was just on a liking spree of her own fanart and clips.
>>62646124MC is her only buff anon
>>62646145most schizos are retards and use the same username for multiple accounts even outside youtube
>>62645571prospering and conquering
>>62645943I think I like it. Makes the community tab more noticeable. About is also gone, only on the arrow up top. Associated channels is at the bottom. I guess this means no peeping on subs though.
>>62645976from what i remember christians supported it due to the indo commie movement being anti west while muslism supported it because most of the people who supported the commie movement were non traditional muslims
>>62646187then how we will recognize beggars?
>>62642035sudden long break? anon, hana barely streams outside of certain periods of time.
>>62646369>then how we will recognize beggars?maybe by looking up their usernames and see if it corresponds
>>62645929>Surprisingly she's been pretty away from whore stuff lately.Just like how Mori is CGDCT now kek
>>62645943Some of these are still visible on home page at least
>>62646457And have a freebie.
This chuunii roleplay makes me want to vomit
>>62646545Thanks I now have cancer
>>62646413she's more consistent than her fellow id like layla recently so her suddenly taking a long break along with that indonesian porn law would make it sus
>>62646545This is what the people want, all those updoots can't be wrong
>>OP/news/ anchorReply with a short description of the news and a link to the source!News from today:>HoloPro teaser>Selen in the same games as Post Malone>The channels tab on youtube was removed's news:>globie vtuber pre debut AMA>Aiba Uiha graduation>More KAF songs subbed and her fellings on them>Interview with Cover's CTO>V4Mirai concert at LA>Another globie vtuber announced, a Belgian male>Woman arrested for stealing hololive goods>Hololive timetable for AnimeNYC>hololive x Japanese train network>Nijisanji x anime impulse>AZKi fanbook released>AZKi 5th anniversary live and outfit reveal>Algorhythm Project event guests revealed>Cover to publish hololive fan games>HoloParade to release on first of December>Update about hololive's overlap rules>Nijisanji x Lee>MGO exhibition>AZKi LINE stickers
>>62646641why no news article about hana ?
>>62646545It is the duty of every real Hololive fan to harrass these embarrassing faggots as much as possible. Make it clear to them that they aren't welcome.
Incidentally, this thread is a quicker and more reliable way to be notified about Fauna streams, even better than Youtube notifications, Holodex, X or (god forbid) reddit
Genuinely think the pace at which they're pumping out EN homos is ridiculousWasn't jap supposed to fix this shit?
>>62646696Youre late. We already reacted. Watch Lamy's Fitness thing now. I dont think anyone pegged it as a 100k stream
>>62646545>>62646609Basically nobody wants this. The raspberry express will continue.
>>62646760Did Hana do anything of note?
>>62646786i mean punping out homos will kill them faster especially since jp were already in danger mode during tempus 2 debutsunless the new homos somehow defy expectations and manage to tap a new audience then it will be grim
>Go full accelerate with the homos>Drip fed the girls even after finding viral successIf they ever start pumping more girls we know the company is big trouble.
>>62646786He did by ending the overlap rules so the homos will die instantly and relegated as the sidebranch they are
>>62646855some anon said she debited on some streaming site called fansly? it even got front page in the vtuber reddit
>>62642559I mean he actually moved next to magni irl sisters called it for a while because it's obvious how much of a magni's bitch this faggot is.>>62642365yes but we had the same cope before tempoop "perhaps it's just their mascots or something" even sisters thought it's too early but fagoo said ACCELERATE we need more cock, it's never enough for him.
>>62646900Or they did it so Advents 3D numbers are worse and therefore make homos look better
>>62646786Jap can't overrule JP upper management. Auditions for homo 3 were already started before he even got hired.
>>62646786Pumping out more homos is a surefire way to kill them. Did you learn nothing from NijiCN or hell even Tempiss 2.
>>62642146There's only been 19 members retard. and she has managers, how do you think she got focus on?
>>62646786I'm excited, I love watching stuff fail. Success is entertaining to watch but failure is even more entertaining. It makes absolutely no sense to put out more EN Holostars, they're on crack.
>>62646786wait it's really new homos?
>>62645196what is the state of the company, anon?
Advent failed that’s why management is debuting tempus 3.
>>62647043yeah since holostars retweeted itmy money is on jp since holostars acknowledged it unlike tempus 1 and 2
>>62647043We don't really know for sure, but the pattern seems to match. We'll see in the next week or so.
>check global>still complaining about Fauna's stream roru
>>62646991It doesnt matter if the homos overlap the girls 3D since they dont have any real power to draw attention. And the girls arent going to overlap them and no JP is going to touch that timeslot anyways
>>62645196I mean if it gets big enough to become a legal problem for them especially with how autistic indonesian gov is with porn then maybe
>>62647137The /hlg/ schizo has pretty much set down roots there since the jannies don't care.
>>62647043That's the assumption.
Why are anons saying anycolor wont care about Hana? she's the only ID having real investment from them post merger. Did you all forget she was part of Focus On and got two singles? Or how she got her own merch? She even reinforced multiple times that she will stay for years.I dont think shes going to receive any punishment. reimu also has donations in her other account and nothing happened to her.
>>62647078Nijisanji? They're graduating the low performing IDs and keeping the high performing ones.Given her recent performance, would the threat of firing her even be effective as a punishment / eventual deterrent?
>>62647137truly the anti-thread
ARM_IS will save en vtubing
I'm shocked that the EN stars all have personal managers but the girls share some. How is it possible for Cover to waste so much money and time to get worst results? Now Cover is hiring even more starsen managers so they will probably have a part 2 like Tempus.
>>62647137We love Fauna here
why did this hana thing become so big when noel, matsuri and others in holo already do segs stuff in their roomate
>>62647240They need more managers because the current ones they have are too busy writing shitty VNs for the boys
>>62647137A certain contingent in global really doesn't like Fauna for whatever reason.
>>62647240not all of them have personal managerstempoop flayon and shinri share managers
>>62647155>>62647129What I meant is let’s say with no overlap Advent would have gotten 60k, and now they’ll get 40k. The homos won’t get a bump, but their low debut number now doesn’t seem as terrible when compared
>>62646931That's not Hana tho, it's just some random whore of no note
>>626472601. Fags don't watch JP2. Some people just want to grab whatever yab niji has and amplify it 1000x
>>62645059>indefinite hiatus 3 months ago>'s so fucking over....
so where can I get the HM roommate shit? is it on /t/?
>>62647260Mostly because Hana went beyond what either of them ones you mentioned, in her very one time doing that thing in a site that has no pretense to be anything other than a pay for porn one (fansly).
>>62647200did reimu release porn in her rm account?>>62647260because niji is more strict in their rm than holo
>>62643852>Cover doing good to fangame devswhat?
>>62647200You care a lot more about this than any manager at NijiEN does, I'd bet. It's fine, lots of corpo talents do stuff on their other accounts, even lewd stuff. and she's a NijiID, even if the branch technically doesn't exist anymore, but it's not like she's super high profile with a magnifying glass on her. Sure she gets more investment than the rest of them because she's not a total flop, but she's not that big of a deal.
>>62647341RedditUnironicallyAlso discord servers filled with SEA kids, shizos and people under Anycolor's payroll
homochads won
>>62647320>1. Fags don't watch JPseems like you dont as well considering hana went beyond what matsuri or noel did and the only thing close would be that girl who did "toothbrush" streams
>>62647320Anon, you don't need to watch JP to know NotNoel activities, she's famous (and infamous) enough in her RM for her name to be known in this blessed site even by people that know nothing about vtubers.>Some people just want to grab whatever yab niji has and amplify it 1000xYou say it as if people won't do it for Holos, Phase, Idol or any other company with a presence in this place.Even kiki is doing the rounds on the catalog (again) and she's a literally who 2 views
>>62647260Matsuri is supposedly buried on some obscure JP site that no one knows how to navigate and Noel has been been doing her thing since before she was even a Holo. Hana is a case of a chuuba going full whore AS are still in the company meaning she has to sell her body in order to make ends meet because Nijisanji isn't enough.
>>62647408I still don't understand. They literally has no connection with hololive and yet people are seething about them. Leave them alone.
>discussing Holo doxxAbayo
>>62647137? What about it? We get a Fauna stream. Thats all i care about. And since shes repeating shes probbably busy but still wants to stream. So unfortunately its a repeat but we FST so its cool
>>62647408Right thread, king.
>>62647240The personal manager situation is weird, I wonder how exactly they get allocated.Haven't we heard that at some points, super busy talents had two managers? Like Ame, back in the super-busy producer era, right? Perhaps it's based on how demanding it is to manage any given talent. I don't get why any Tempus would have a dedicated manager though, even their biggest names aren't as busy as the average HoloEN by a long shot.
So I guess moderation just gave up on dealing with anything but the catalog today
>>62647459Anon, for the longest time in this thread discussing that, in these obscured terms, might be tasteless but it is far from being taboo or something that would be janny cleanup material.
>>62638430Looks like even Tempus fans agree they wont be able to support 4 more talents
>>62647260probably because noel and matsuri has been doing it way before their holo activities while hana suddenly starts doing it and going all in at a time a number of her colleagues quit due to not earning enough income
>>62647497I think Mumei had 2 managers at one point handling different projects, but I don't know if they were handling other talents as well.
>>62647459yuro hours everyone
>>62647514Sounds like something a tourist doxxnig would say.
>>62647371The new HoloIndie initiative.
>>62647433>>62647438People knew about Noel sure. But most don't know about the dildos and that shocked a lot of people which was a big deal and the poster I replied to clearly didn't know. >>62647444Some of the holoENs are whores too you just need to know where to find.
>>62647497Every HoloEN girl has at least two managers per Kiara, with her being the exception because her manager is the head manager.
>>62647283Look at the credits for their game. There is a manager for each one.
>>62645272this is my favorite series
>>62647459I could only find 1 (single) ai to celebrate.
>>62647560Mumei has 2 managers currently.
>>62645613oh this looks nicer. I hope it has harem mods
Well that was predictable
>>62647533Sisters being reasonable for once. Their fans are not growing and throwing more bodies at the problem never fixes things. At this rate there is really a race between the Homos and niji EN to 2 view status., I don't recognize this voice anymore.
>>62647298You're beyond retarded if you think Advent will get 40k for their 3D debuts. No HoloEN will overlap because they can't, the absolute majority of JP and ID girls won't as well because the majority of them don't stream on that timeslot and those who do will support the Advent girls and none of the homos, JP or EN, have the pull to fuck up a Hololive 3D debut.
>homochads wonlmao, wait for another gen of failed 3view shitter Nijimales. With half of them quitting in less than a year. Tempoop was already a disaster compared to the first batch and they debuted just 6 months later.
>>62647567None of the ENs have ever done anything that would classify as porn shut the fuck up
>>62647330This dude looks like a green bootleg of Rikka lmao.
>>62647533At the end of the day all kneel to the reality that numbers matter, no matter how hard they try to deny and obfuscate.
>>62647533>Some of those anons are hoping it'll be an EU genimagine how grim that could get... New grimness levels heretofore unimaginable...
anons, should i bust a nut again to the hoshimatic project 3d stream?
>>62647533Yep. If this new homo gen ends up a big a flop as tempoop then i can see HoloEN getting 2 before they get another. Management probbably doesnt want their HomoEN branch to be running off what is essentially a single 6 man gen for another year or 2 so theyre gonna have them be 10.
>>62647533It does point at another interesting discussion, how many gens could JP and EN sustain more than what they currently have?
>>62647969All hundred and fifty EU viewers were bigtime vesties, I know this because they shit up Kiara’s chat about them sharing hours at every opportunity.
>>62647976is it weird that suisei being a prude about not showing her tummy made me bust the fattest of nuts
>>62647137Unironically you get far more push back on /#/ for trying to attack Fauna, and the usual global hooman vs sapling shitposting is basically a taboo here lmao
>>62648079No. How long before Suzy realizes that her prudish antics only turn men on more.
>>62645251No. The only way is to have girls as boys. Get rid of all current stars. we will usher in a new era of real homos (forma girl on girl)
>>62647969Wasn't Vespers streams during EU hours some of the better viewed ones for the fags?
>>62648044I think EN has one or two more gens in them before they reach a solid number and don't need anymore. I want enough for them to be able to easily flesh out events or group servers but I don't think they need to have the same amount of people as JP
>Hana's thread stayed up for hours before taken down>HoloEN's things mentioned instantly deletedhmmmmmmm
>>62648044It's an interesting question for JP. I would guess at least two more mainline branches just because their numbers are so huge, however I don't know if they'd start to have diminishing returns in overall revenue improvement if fans just get "redistributed". EN, I think, needs another gen at least, one year or so from now. Perhaps two in the next 2.5 years. After that I think they'll be pretty stable and can wait to put out a new gen until they get some really good hires, or if Myth starts to retire for real, or if the branch has a second growth spurt.
>>62648214Almost like no one cares to defend her. Weird. Almost like she doesn't have any fans here.
>>62648111Did Saplings flock to /#/ or did numberfags turn into Saplings? Because Pre-the Era of Grim that was mid2022 to early 2023, Fauna was largely ignored here
>>62648111>the usual global hooman vs sapling shitpostingYou mean the one guy who has been obsessively trying to force it since early summer? That guy being probably you?
Fauna should act a little sluttier
>>62648044Probably 5 for EN, but it's hard to say as some of the girls will always stream less and less as they gain seniority. JP can honestly take a lot, and I don't know if there even is an upper limit, but I think 10 Gens would be a good number
>>62648313the UUUUUUUU fever from back then
>>62648192Vesper is pretty popular with EU.
>>62648044Depends what you consider to be "sustain". EN could be the size of Niji EN if they wanted and still have everyone make enough money to stream full time, but you'd be looking at a lot of 2-3k streams and some dipping into 3view.
>No big male vtuber has graduated in recent times...I have no idea who did Cover get for the make or break HolostarsEN gen
>>62648313The saplings here are a different flavor, it was regulars here moving to Fauna post Tempiss debut and the Christmas/new year period
>>62648313Chicken or egg problem. Saplings started to come here because Fauna started to do better, people here became Saplings because Fauna started to do better.
The new Homo could be browsing this thread right now, what advice does /#/ have for them.
>>62648460Stay away from Flayon.
bros why didn't fauna retweet the announcement bros
>>62648377It will be a bunch of random 1views
>>62648377There really are almost no "big" male vtubers. Shoto. Then Nyanner's boyfriend. Then uh.....fuck if I know? Some low 4view/high 3view?
>>62648460>what advice does an anti thread has for yougee I wonder
>>62647533That is obvious. If nijisanji can't do why would they be able to?
>>62648460Don't embarrass yourself trying to leech the girls with coy little tweets, mentions, etc. like Flayon has been doing. It's a bad look. Just take your threeview CCV and be grateful, try to grow using your own skills if you have the ambition. Stay away from HoloEN.
>>62648377Bijou, FWMC weren’t that big before joining hololive.
>>62648515true, thats why if they really need to debut a new gen the better to find 4 pro singers or dancers.... try for someone very different
>>62648496Stay away from all of them to be honest.
>>62648460Be really parasocial with your audience and try to farm SCs, you'll never get good views don't even worry about it.
>>62648500I wonder why indeed
>>62648460Go leech off of vhoejo and then graduate after 6 months so the branch is killed even faster
>>62647137Global is a shithole invaded by homobeggars and Nijisisters. And we know the Selenposter is a massive cuck who has a grudge for CGDCT girls.
>>62648313A lot of regulars started watching her cause there was literally nothing else going on during the early hours at the time with both Ina & Gura being gone. Helped that she started inclining which is always exciting to follow.
>>62647773Mori or Bae (or both) will do a watch along. They need the numbers
Literally the best advice is to leech on the girls. Look at Magni and Vesper. If they didn't graduate they would still be the strongest homos.
>>62648165I like to think she's known all along and does everything she can to absolve herself of blame while still letting it happen
>>62648460Groom your prechat to dump money on you until they run out.
>>62648660They were by far the biggest homos before they started leeching
>>62648344>That guy being probably you?I don't think I could say a bad word about either girls or the fanbases.
>>62645641why are rosebuds fags that sometimes speak facts?
>>62648014With Advent, there are now 15 bodies to subsidize 6. Adding 4 more won't hurt
>>62648660It was good advice for Tempus back in the day (although they fucking blew it).It's bad advice now that HoloEN is treating Tempus like radioactive waste. Leeching when your partner is receptive is one thing, but trying to leech from girls shying away from you like you have leprosy makes you look like a pathetic idiot
Is Moom doing another trivia ASMR?
>>62648460Kill yourself NOW
>>62648719The subsidies are cheaper now anyway since they're taking so fucking long to get Tempus their 3Ds and their merch is just generic redbubble stuff.
>>62648726>Tempus is radioactiveThat is the point. If you can court one or multiple of the girls and they can laugh at your joke while their fanbase is looking at them. It is consider a win and a chadmove. Since you are going to be a 3view anyway it is do or die. The best way to go forward for any homo is to find someone from holoEN, especially those that never done any homo collabs, like Fauna and Mumei and leech on them.
>>62648713*nijifemale vtuber fansAll of my oshi's female fans are either artists dedicated to her or cosplayers
>>62648460Yabba harder. Dabba smarter. Do not be like Vesper. That fag is a moron who left a golden opportunity.
>>62648460t. new homo that wants free tips
>>62648827Cover themselves said that 3D is not a priority for Homo EN and what are they gonna do with it anyways? They don't have concerts anymore.
>>62648713Vtubers affirmed my already held belief that women function better and are happier under oppression
>>62648460drink bleach
>>62648857>fag is a moron who left a golden opportunitydid he really though? he go prime Korean pussy for months
>>62648848Yeah sure, that would be the "best move", justt like the best move for a homeless person is to inherit a trust fund with $10m in it, but it's not possible.The only way to make it work is to do what Vesper did. Make connections behind the scenes, leave a positive impression, and then collabs will happen naturally. But it'll never happen for any of the new dudes because the girls most likely aren't talking to any of them at all on any level. So they just make these lame desperate tweets or pop up in chats and get ignored, which makes them look like pathetic low-value dudes.
>>62648848Best advice someone can give itt
Still laughing at gura getting her ego absolutely destroyed by mori and did permanent damage to her and chumbuds. I've been laughing for 2 years and she's still not recovered.
>>62648713Anything with a large female fanbase has a lot of female fan related disasters
>>62648938>low-value dudes.Literally sisterspeak.
>>62648656And? What's your point here when I'm talking about Advent's 3D debuts?
>>62648460Don't be Magni or Vesper. Only do shit with the sane members of Tempus and try to grow from smart outside collab choices like Roberu.
>>62648908Are you the original poster>>62648891Popular demand. It's ridiculous that they waited over a year for it
>>62648660Nah. The two retards were the breakout stars before they began leeching. You need to stand out. Even the clown homo stood out on debut. What was it. He postponed his first stream or he got banned or something. I dont remember but hes #1 now
>>62648934>did he really though?yes
>>62648942You beggars are truly pathetic.
>>62648994The audience for Tempus is women, so I'm thinking in terms of what they'd like.They want to watch gigachad who steals the girls. They don't want to watch some pathetic beta who makes a pass at a HoloEN and gets ignored.This is why it's common advice to tell Tempus to go find a 2view indie harem, so they look like successful ladykillers.
>>62648908>under oppressionyou sound like a vshojofag or nijishill tbqh
>>62648675Shes the sole reason i understand why people have that defiling fetish. I want to break that prude and have her do sexy asmrs and coombaits streams.
>>62648460Be blessed with a passable model like Bettel.
>>62649056You are a woman it is pretty easy to tell.
>>62648627The homobegging situation in global is getting really bad, almost entirely because teamates still refuse to admit ame did anything wrong
>>62649056>They want to watch gigachad who steals the girlsExactly what >>62648848>court one or multiple of the girls and they can laugh at your joke while their fanbase is looking at themis about so that anon was right
>>62648460Stay on your lane.
>>62649056truly, so the manwhore must be swimming in views and pussy right
>>62649056counter-example, Axel.Also Clown is way more popular without this tactic
>>62649082You're an offended /mans/sister who's projecting. many such cases. I'm just trying to give sincere advice, I don't care what they do personally. My oshi and any of the girls I watch will never interact with them, I guarantee it.
>>62649070I don't use the word in a negative manner
>>62649082>sister calling others women for shitting on their homosIs this what we'll have to deal with until the new fags end up being failures just like their senpai?
>>62649056Axel and Faggon are the runts of Tempus and they have interacted with HoloEN the most
>>62649056If it fails, they'll never recover. Imagine getting rejected in front of thousandsstars aren't MAN enough to laugh that off because of they were, they would never sign up to be a lesser male
>omg new ina stream today>pikminzzzzzzzz
This is why I hate yagoo and never agreed to him being this "savior" of a CEO with an infinite smile. The dude is homosister PRIME. Look at how long it took for Advent and now look at how quckly they scrape off some dudes from the depths of Twitch to form new groups of faggots. It's fucking insane how big of a fucking retard yagoo is. People wanted a new JP gen and he agreed ot this weird fucking side-branch-but-not-really ReGloss thing.
>>62649056>They don't want to watch some pathetic beta who makes a pass at a HoloEN and gets ignored.this is the same shit that happens in dating if a woman see your aren't popular with other woman it gives them the ick
>>62649298>Imagine getting rejected in front of thousandsThere are countless failed proposal videos online. Men usually took it like, men should, while women usually freak out when they were rejected.
>>62649254Axel doesn't get on-stream collabs any more, since long ago, and only ever had one big success (his collab song last year, that got overshadowed because Ina memoryholed it rather than embrace it). And Flayon doesn't really interact with the girls, he just goes around tweeting at them and raiding them on occasion. Hardly some big charismatic casanova.
>>62649335>This is why I hate yagooI don't need to read the rest, nijinig.
>>62648460Okay, so you have other homos right?Ignore them and use Cover's support to instead do shit with indies and other corpos
>>62649113You think his advice of "Get Fauna and Mumei to laugh at your jokes" is right? Wow anon, what genius advice, but first you have to make a miracle happen and somehow get on stream with those two. Why don't you give our intrepid Tempus3 the secret to make that happen?
>>62649453have fun watching the debuts, fag
>>62649518Unironically if the homos can court Fauna and Mumei they would be winning hard.
>>62649585If they can just secure a bunch of Gura collabs, and maybe a collab song, and hey, while we're at it, how about a 3D duet with her at Holofes5? Then they'll REALLY be cooking!
>>62649585Maybe they can score a Pekora collab and really incline.
>>62645995I wish I could be PEKORAD
>>62649056>They want to watch gigachad who steals the girls. They just need to see other women “vouch” for his quality. It isn’t really about “stealing girls”. It’s the same as how men with wedding rings are more attractive.
>>62649337>Wear a wedding ringDoesn't matter if you're single. Get a cheap fake. The idea is to "signal" to other women that you are desired (by at least 1). t. PUA
>>62649585nah, get a duet with ame and you've made it :^)
>>62648713I have 0 fucking respect for her and her fans because she's a fucking poser. Pretending she gave a shit about Tekken but had almost 0 reaction to any of Heihachi's moves that got pasted onto Reina like the headbutt. She didn't even have any real reaction to her EWGF. Shitter.
>>62649645Kino incoming?
>>62649687Yeah, exactly.Men see another man interact with the girl they like, and that makes them jealous and angry. But women seeing other women interact with a dude just makes him seem alluring. Obviously he must be really cool and interesting if other girls are already into him, I better also throw my hat in
>>62646545>I'll just stick with the Roons
>>62649753this moment did more harm to the homo's then kronii or the squad collabs did
>>62649387Again, those are REAL MEN. Have you not been around for Menhera Rias, Maghera, and YBDBD? Male vtubers are a mistake.
>faggots seething ittCouldn't be me.
>>62649753Literally her showing her coworker and some incels sperging out.
My best guess is its Stars ID... Ollie mentioned big stars related thing, ID auditions have now been a year long, StarsEN are not really booming to demand a new gen.....
>>62649645Impressive how one of the worst singers does so many karaokes. Ill give her credit for that. The only way i would sing publicly, much less to her regular 5k, is if i was drunk.
>>62650034You mean your best hope.
>>62650034>StarsEN are not really booming to demand a new gen.....StarsJP haven't been booming since their creation and they still get new gens
>>62650090Fauna does a lot of karaokes too
>>62649880It was certainly a mistake, tonedeaf and brought heat on Altare when he apparently wasn't even involved. I don't know if I'd rank it above Vesper's first suspension or the Kronii management tweet in overall damage though.
>>62650034Would be weird as fuck for them not to retweet it and all the EN homos larping
>>62649880I'm only one person of course but it really did take my indifference towards them and collabs to just resentfulness
>>62648353I'm not so sure about JP. ReGloss already showed that just being a JP girl in Hololive doesn't ensure huge success anymore, whatever you want to say about them being a sidebranch.
>>62650034holoid didn't even retweetet thisits homo en anon, stop cope
>>62649753w*man moment>oh, I know, they don't like the homos just because they haven't tried them yet!
>>62650034That'd be worse, SEA men are all sexpests that won't stop until the girls (preferably the white ones) give them attention
>>62650034>Holo "Production" EN posted>Holostars JP retweeted>Hololive Indonesia did not retweetI hope people here can put 1 + 1 together.
>>62650154Coep and seethe
>>62650034I don't see it. Wouldn't the teaser tweets be in Bahasa Indonesia on a new account, and then just retweeted?I'd love to see that though, talk about speedrunning 2view status. But nah it's absolutely Tempus3
>>62650207You are hoping for too much m8
>>62649880It's pretty up there but Kronii had like 3 different retarded blunders that resulted in management getting involved. Then she came back with a collab where Vampfag played therapist with her. It doesn't get much bigger than that.
>>62650034Homos like Flayon are larping on twitter with chuuni lore and the bara dude description even fit with the ''beast outbreak" thing. It's 100% something EN related
>>62650209Wrong thread, teacuck
>>62650141its because HoloPro ID doesnt exist, so all Holostars related twitter retweeted it. That new twitter profile will be created afterwords
>>62650215It's Dev_EN
>>62650197Someone trying to pull a Luca in holopro, as some tiny shitter new gen holostars instead of Luxiem with all that clout and management favoritism, would probably do severe damage to inter-branch relations and reset things back years. I hope you're right!
>>62649880kronii literally had management taking action with that tweet
>>62650209He already did. Teakeks are at peace with it or have left
>>62650294That would be funny because that implies Regloss are Israelis.
>>62650034>StarsEN are not really booming to demand a new gen.....the audition call was put out when they were still all 4 view and were about the size of most of NijiENThings only got turbo grim for StarsEN after Tempoop.
>Cover "my oshi is the Tate brothers" Corporation>Come home, Raito>Come home, Luca
>>62650197SEA men are actually chads?
>>62650374>and were about the size of most of NijiENyou mean vesper and magni. blue dude and dingo were already getting 3view stream very early on
>>62650215> Speedrunning 2view statusthey won't let that happen. new homos be 4view for a while. I hope you're ready for the amount of threads comparing Mori, advent debuff numbers to freshly debuted en homos
Ririka a cute
>>62650462The hypothetical is ID Holostars, right? They'd become the lowest talents in the company in record time, nobody wants that.It'll never happen though.
how long until she gets tired of it?
>>62650484ogey but numbers??
>>62650522>KFP for 3 yearsEhhhhhhh...
>biggest talent of the branch was a menhera who did nothing but cause drama and fucked off after getting a full blown redesign, something we know takes a lot of resources for Cover's already malnourished team>every piece of data suggests that they are a tumor for Hololive and actively kill the numbers of the girls who collab with them, something even Cover realized>box is already stretched very thin for the remaining members, with overlaps absolutely slashing in half their CCV and some of them getting less money than some wagie flipping burgersas usual a baffling choice by Cover
>>62650522never, thats her "brand"
>>62650502Holostars ID would be 3view out of the gate and then be lucky if they could maintain that.
>>62650522Nerissa lusting after Aki is cute, at least she's not mortified of interacting with JP unlike half of EN.