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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.18 MB, 916x921, mumei_cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62356976 No.62356976 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>62310559
>Ant Observation/アリの観察 (ヒーリングP)
>Second original song - mumei
>Holotori first original song - HOLOTORI Dance!
>Stellar Stellar (Hoshimachi Suisei)
>The Forgotten Song (Whoo / Hatsune Miku)
>List of Songs / Karaokes
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>Merch (3D showcase merch and acrylic stands now available)

Reminder: >>1
Do not reply to bait and 'invitations' to doxxshit, shitstirring or dramafaggotry (the general jargon for these individuals are 'printers'). Be it inside AND outside the thread - hide, report and move on.

>> No.62357019
File: 231 KB, 558x612, smoker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streams / M.E.S.
>【EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR 2】 The Designated Driver of HoloEN
>【imomushi】 without rage there is no ..
>Owl mentions

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OP template: https://rentry.org/7uy87
Updates / additions:

>> No.62357041
File: 115 KB, 1044x326, Moom heartbeat[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjiyij3.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62357085
File: 188 KB, 388x405, 1698646447460261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think I didn't see that

>> No.62357086
File: 228 KB, 619x1061, Rrat Lovee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62357170

Also mubae vc love

>> No.62357112
File: 683 KB, 3000x4000, @sseldne_1720757787901444166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luv Moom!

That was a very scuffed mid-thread

>> No.62357114

did all regular interns jump ship or what?
this is like the second time this happens in the same week

>> No.62357116
File: 148 KB, 1169x1403, 1699669939710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62357131
File: 217 KB, 1350x1000, wanashi24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanashi Mumei

>> No.62357170
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>> No.62357232

>【APEX LEGENDS COLLAB】Just some regular, non-toxic gaming! (heh)
>Timestamp pending

>> No.62357234
File: 1010 KB, 2280x3936, 1683570607752001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can your owlshi recite the entire Lion King Silmarillion on a dime?

>> No.62357253
Quoted by: >>62357684

>Danny Phantom was pretty huge, right?
It only had 3 seasons/53 episodes, which is about the same as As Told By Ginger. It just had that cult status like Invader Zim did.

>> No.62357269
File: 885 KB, 1017x1080, 1695355056035974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it seems
You better learn how to bake

>> No.62357309
Quoted by: >>62357466

Because she's autistically obsessed with Lion King 2, and she definitely had a crush on Kovu no matter what she says

>> No.62357318

I'm gonna mating press this rrat

>> No.62357466
File: 1.55 MB, 356x400, MumeiIdowantyoutodie[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F336qvg.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62358000


>> No.62357545

i remember when bae wanted to do a LOTR watchalong with moom...

>> No.62357684

>>62357253 (me)
With that said, there's definitely bias here. I was almost in HS when DP was airing so that might be why I didn't hear shit about it. After consideration, 53 actually isn't that bad at all and it's unfair to compare it to IZ since that only had 20 some episodes. I wouldn't call it huge but it wasn't small, either. Still is crazy, though, that those were shows girls watched. I just thought the idea was cool and enjoyed the OP.

>> No.62357882
Quoted by: >>62357994

Mumei is Randy Stair??????? (NOT CLICKBAIT[GONE SEXUAL])

>> No.62357994

Nigga did a murder suicide when he could have just waited a few years and become a babiniku ghost girl vtuber baka desu senpai

>> No.62358000

I love when she is abusive

>> No.62358090

Macdonalds edition

>> No.62358091

Nakadashi Mumei

>> No.62358177
File: 566 KB, 820x720, @ProjektBear-1720739522600964334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an intern, just busy so I couldn't. I'll get back to doing it more

>> No.62358461
Quoted by: >>62358991


why did she mention james woods

>> No.62358807

Mumei is astonishingly cool…

>> No.62358991
Quoted by: >>62361099

James Wood voiced Hades in the 1997 Disney animated feature film Hercules

>> No.62359278

Mumei will screech a lot today

>> No.62359351

Mumei will call someone a slur today.

>> No.62359600

Mumei will call me a slur today. I won't even be playing. She just hates me.

>> No.62360482

so how many fuckers are going to try stream snipe them?

>> No.62360731
Quoted by: >>62360758

Ame's PoV is up
And here's Bijou's

>> No.62360758
Quoted by: >>62360798

what did ame mean by that tumbnail

>> No.62360797
Quoted by: >>62361002

I tell ya what Mumei’s a cute little moomer ain’t she

>> No.62360798

she has a favorite it's her sister

>> No.62360838
File: 9 KB, 278x102, apex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62360999
Quoted by: >>62361109

Ame is gonna have two little sisters to spoil...

>> No.62361002

that moom ain't right

>> No.62361061

I will not watch apex

>> No.62361074

I did not ask

>> No.62361099

Fun fact: The production designer for that film, Gerald Scarfe, also did props and set design for Pink Floyd’s promotional tour for The Wall, did some animated sequences for the film, and the opening credits for the BBC sitcom Yes Minister.

>> No.62361109
Quoted by: >>62361148

Mumei is a middle sister now

>> No.62361148

She's gonna get forgotten...

>> No.62361406
File: 34 KB, 789x392, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unironically super close to my dream collab, it only loses a point for being apex. I am very excited

>> No.62361756
Quoted by: >>62361912

Sugoi, the Hoobblemate

>> No.62361912

day 1 Mumei, day 1 Bijou, and sadly I had to member to Ame at the same time I did for Mumei because I was poor for a very long.

>> No.62362175
Quoted by: >>62362303


>> No.62362303
Quoted by: >>62362335

Don't bully him. He already has to live with knowing his oshi hates his entire country and thinks it should be destroyed.

>> No.62362335

thanks buddy

>> No.62362469
Quoted by: >>62362496

Moom POV?

>> No.62362496


>> No.62362601
File: 454 KB, 1000x563, 289326726724894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62362715

No fanbase suffers more than hoomans.

>> No.62362669

In that case, which POV will provide the maximum amount of Moom

>> No.62362689

I really hate ame for this
Whenever there's fps shittery, she's in the middle of it

>> No.62362715
Quoted by: >>62362843

While I know you're joking, we have at least one chumbud in here who would actually rape you for saying this.

>> No.62362754

It's apesex. There's no way to be sure. I'm watching Biboo because I love Biboo.

>> No.62362766

Biboo has owlfever, so probably her

>> No.62362840

This would have been me Ame streamed more and Bijou was just a bit more charismatic. Oh, and without being >a fucking leaf, too, that's the most important part.

>> No.62362843
Quoted by: >>62362887

If its a fembud i would let it happen.

>> No.62362887
Quoted by: >>62363139

>implying fembuds exist

>> No.62363139

They do, they just have a penis

>> No.62363308
Quoted by: >>62363362

>I have gone front
Okay but what did she mean by that?

>> No.62363362

She has gone to my front yard to burn a cross

>> No.62363451

dont know but im putting my stock in ameeeee

>> No.62363566

>I missed MuBae sex

>> No.62363590

It's fine, they're gonna have sex again in like five minutes.

>> No.62363617
File: 8 KB, 300x168, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody point and laugh

>> No.62363619

Bae isn't joining Apex is she

>> No.62363642

No, she's just gonna eat Moom out under her desk

>> No.62363767
File: 554 KB, 616x599, 1689040769772814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62363801


>> No.62363801

God, look at those slender shoulders. She's just begging for a mating press.

>> No.62363827

She's too busy packing so she can go have sex with JP senpai again

>> No.62363857
File: 20 KB, 380x544, pixy_time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both are live now

>> No.62363898
Quoted by: >>62363957

yeah, exclusively me

>> No.62363933


>> No.62363939
File: 1.35 MB, 3760x3328, 1699675345059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62363957

shut up, chloe

>> No.62364130
File: 138 KB, 312x211, 1671416694580903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mumei on the telly!

>> No.62364155

Mumei is a cuhrazy person

>> No.62364165


>> No.62364172

2 of them are black...

>> No.62364193

She ragequit..

>> No.62364232
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 1268252176292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62364248

Friendship with Selen ended.
Now Bijou is my best friend.

>> No.62364320
Quoted by: >>62364381

Mumei sounds a lot softer through discord

>> No.62364381
Quoted by: >>62364468

Discord fucking with settings as always, she did sound robotic just now

>> No.62364468
File: 41 KB, 310x302, 1682906954163716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62364493

That's because Mumei is cool, and robots are also cool

>> No.62364493

Consider meds

>> No.62364533

jej Instant disaster

>> No.62364544

Fantastic start!

>> No.62364549

This game is so fucking shit.

>> No.62364561

Well that was fast

>> No.62364582


>> No.62364608

I hate apex

>> No.62364722
File: 150 KB, 261x295, pippo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bijou is 400 kilos heavy, they can't cary her!

>> No.62364725

no wonder she can never tell what direction sounds are coming from

>> No.62364773
Quoted by: >>62364833

I had to get rid of my AirPods Max because they squished my head too much

>> No.62364830
Quoted by: >>62364911

I can't believe Mumei spent money on something to avoid pain. Who is this owl and what has she done with Mumei.

>> No.62364833
File: 182 KB, 1052x487, 1642127887735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pudgy wudgy...

>> No.62364840
File: 246 KB, 322x388, mei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also suffered a lot from headphones hurting my ears after a while, I just need to find some that can accomodate my beeg head

>> No.62364894

This is just an awful fucking game for chuubas of even middling skill, let alone shitters. Each round is either "nothing happens for twenty minutes and then it ends" or "they die immediately"

>> No.62364907

I doubt they will even get a top 5 this stream, let alone a win

>> No.62364911

ear and head pain is a special kind of torture

>> No.62364964

Either that or they run around for 15minutes, shoot on fucking spiders or some shit and then get jumped by by stream snipers

>> No.62365006

It's gatcha, people watch because there's a chance they can spam "I was here" in chat.

>> No.62365015

>only weirdos watch
she admits it! she's a weirdo!

>> No.62365020
Quoted by: >>62365116

I'm hoping for zatsu kino

>> No.62365116

They can't zatsu because it also requires some focus. It's just shit. It's a shit stream game for anyone except pros.

>> No.62365124
File: 546 KB, 1026x917, 1699675853739654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aggression is the only way

>> No.62365130

wouldnt even be surprised anymore if they don't know about basic stuff like build in monitoring channels in obs

>> No.62365216
Quoted by: >>62365637

thigh appreciator mooms

>> No.62365220

Mumei is horny again..

>> No.62365255

Mumei is thinking about the physics of this game

>> No.62365259

Moom is lusting over thigh anatomei

>> No.62365319

Moom pov on biboo's telly

>> No.62365331
File: 144 KB, 354x369, 1680657212445951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62365360

kek Mumei was just trying to fucking punch em

>> No.62365360

she choose violence

>> No.62365378

Yea, but let them enjoy themselves. They will almost certainly feel like shit after the collab if this happens the entire night.

>> No.62365416
Quoted by: >>62365479

I'm actually angry at how shit this game is. We could have had Ame, Biboo, and Moom teamed up on something that lets them talk about cursed shit or be bratty gremlins. And instead we get Stream Sniper Simulator. Fucking Apex, jesus. I'm gonna schizo out.

>> No.62365479
Quoted by: >>62367485

maybe they learn and play something else next time

>> No.62365520

Saving captain Mumei (and Bijou)

>> No.62365524

Is Biboo a league tard?

>> No.62365526


>> No.62365636

Biboo might be a lost case

>> No.62365637

She should get Harpy Moom as an official outfit

>> No.62365657

Mumei leads now

>> No.62365695

Still don't get why they choose to play this battle royal garbage instead good old team deathmatch games

>> No.62365699


>> No.62365700
Quoted by: >>62365714

>get jumped
Such a fun game

>> No.62365714
Quoted by: >>62365814

its called stream snipers, they always ruin shit

>> No.62365758

>oh it looks like you

>> No.62365782

Contender for the worst collab game?

>> No.62365801

"Contender" would imply it has competition.

>> No.62365814
Quoted by: >>62365886

Doesn't help that Biboo does not have streamer mode on

>> No.62365823

It's the clear winner

>> No.62365842
Quoted by: >>62365866

the worst collab game is competitive The Last Campfire

>> No.62365853

The game is not bad but the combination of them sucking at shooting and the stream snipers will make this stream end quickly.

>> No.62365864

Easy win and not just for collabs

>> No.62365866

I forgot that game existed

>> No.62365886
Quoted by: >>62365930

It doesn't matter, retard. The no-life nigger stream snipers can tell where they are by looking at their surroundings on stream. They know the maps.

>> No.62365930

missing the point, it's extra incentive to them

>> No.62366091

It's going to be one of those, 20minutes of nothing rounds..

>> No.62366098

These weapons always look so wacky

>> No.62366216

I love Up

>> No.62366267
File: 298 KB, 366x399, 1681260022873761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62366517

>the first 11 minutes of the movie are the best
Yeah, I guess.

>> No.62366368

>all around me are ENEMIES
my schizo oshi...

>> No.62366376


>> No.62366443

schizowl..she had a bit like that during the truckin' too

>> No.62366505
File: 2.02 MB, 1489x1313, nuclear[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ff1e2k4.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't trust no one, not even yourself

>> No.62366517

Shes right in saying that the first 11 minutes of the movie are the most emotionally impactful, the rest of the movie is just nothing until he opens the book back up again

>> No.62366565
File: 179 KB, 504x302, ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62366615


>> No.62366570

>bless you

>> No.62366615


>> No.62366707
File: 140 KB, 292x292, 26e19edbb7476422409b18f1d757da6a176052577f8cea6c847fd901d3a9c429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62366729

>Biboo super chipper and fun
>the Moom an angry weirdo
I haven't watched Ame in such a long while, but... didn't she used to be more animated than this?

>> No.62366784

it was never in any doubt

>> No.62366792

literally a second left

>> No.62366795

her sleep schedule is fucked and she probably ate bread again

>> No.62366819
Quoted by: >>62367342

not really, she's always been boring

>> No.62366827

Ame is just Ame now. She's kinda there

>> No.62366940


>> No.62366965

>i hope you have a lot of meds cuz-
>I don't :D

>> No.62366999

This is a literal nightmare

>> No.62367013


>> No.62367023

And it burns, burns, burns
The ring of fire, the ring of fire
The ring of fire, the ring of fire
The ring of fire

>> No.62367068

Schizowl without meds...

>> No.62367069
File: 51 KB, 512x512, 1650568841142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62367139


>> No.62367235
Quoted by: >>62367258

TOWL already sleepy

>> No.62367258

she HATES apex

>> No.62367271
Quoted by: >>62367314

Pudgy owl

>> No.62367275

this brat drinking pepsi for breakfast

>> No.62367288


>> No.62367314

All of it going to the moombut

>> No.62367342
Quoted by: >>62367439

she's one of the most innovative and also the dullest girl in holo

>> No.62367357

It should be a crime for a collab to have members this good but still be this shit.

>> No.62367439
Quoted by: >>62367729

She hasn't been innovative since 2021/early 2022

>> No.62367480

Moom literally describing why this game is a shit stream game

>> No.62367485

Like Fortnite?

>> No.62367544

Holy shit, Moom is fucking furious.

>> No.62367568


>> No.62367594

I like pissy mood moom

>> No.62367686

Moom seething lol

>> No.62367725
File: 200 KB, 469x401, 1673841920112560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62367729

real, I honestly think she'd be the first myth to leave (besides gura quite quitting)

>> No.62367736

>mom and dad hop on apex
oh fuck my sides

>> No.62367781

all these motherfathers and their sons on pex

>> No.62367824

>I wanted to reply but then I started thinking about robots

>> No.62367864

Ugh. This is just the most miserable fucking experience.

>> No.62367960

I'm enjoying the Moomnoises and her laughing at Ame

>> No.62368024

My oshi is a based cinematography enjoyer

>> No.62368061


>> No.62368080

immersing yourself in movies becomes hard after a while.
>how did the prince know her smell
huh? barbie is wild man

>> No.62368148

what did you expect? I still wonder why they choose to play this

>> No.62368185

Ame straight for the jugular lmao

>> No.62368192
File: 120 KB, 420x400, 1673919680015124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62368350

anti fpsfags seething

>> No.62368197

>I am now a girl

>> No.62368251

>new IP, new Printer
Funny how that works.

>> No.62368289
Quoted by: >>62368332

Mumei on healslut duty...

>> No.62368332

yea, mine

>> No.62368350
File: 123 KB, 738x746, 1695197536573090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62368498

I'm just here for cute owl, rock, and Ame noises

>> No.62368372
Quoted by: >>62368448

I think that question was about the childhood friend who works as a gardener and managed to pick up the faint smell of lavender off of parchment.

>> No.62368448

>Knowing female smells
I didn't Barbie was THIS based

>> No.62368498

owl, rock, and a regular human

>> No.62368500

I was getting thirsty, she loves me!

>> No.62368598


>> No.62368632
File: 69 KB, 1000x950, 23471495419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow that's crazy

>> No.62368695

Mumei is confusing even her teamates with her mindgames

>> No.62368706


>> No.62368755

Mumei's mind games are beyond her own comprehension

>> No.62368776

She really is Lex

>> No.62368851

>Watch any TV shows?

>> No.62368900

Who is the brattiest in this trio?

>> No.62368909
File: 1.74 MB, 2517x1425, 84890130483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62368913

Mumei is literally me making conversation after running out of things ive done recently (i dont do anything)

>> No.62368955

weather outside sure is weather lately

>> No.62368973

*Queen of going autistic when there's dead air, only behind chimkin

>> No.62369105

#1 saleswoman of small talking

>> No.62369192
Quoted by: >>62369297

Man the Golden Kamuy manga was good, I liked the joke about it being literally every genre possible

>> No.62369297


>> No.62369396

next time mumei wants to play fps, she should grab ame for co-op halo

>> No.62369464

They should do all the legendary playlists in MCC.

>> No.62369474

stop teasing..

>> No.62369481

>for realsies

>> No.62369491

Why Ame? Bijou is way better match for Mumei

>> No.62369516

was my twitter lagging or did she just retweet something while in an idol meeting

>> No.62369559

Which do you prefer

>> No.62369622
File: 420 KB, 360x720, mumeiTechStuff[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpzccdj.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62369629

cute cromch

>> No.62369637

frosted mini wheats are actually great without milk, the sugar powder stuff on them carries the dry wheat weave somehow

>> No.62369646

frosted mini wheats

>> No.62369694
Quoted by: >>62369867

as much as i love biboo, halo co-op is meant to be played with siblings

>> No.62369734

>kay i'm ready to cue
>already fully equipped

>> No.62369743

she's getting bored with apeseggs already

>> No.62369867
Quoted by: >>62370055

Anons, Halo coop goes up to 4 players, they can all play if they wanted to (they don't).

>> No.62369909
Quoted by: >>62369994

>what a dingdong

>> No.62369994

yeah, mine

>> No.62370051

just happily cronching away

>> No.62370055
Quoted by: >>62370436

Let me guess, you never played halo 1 and 2?

>> No.62370431

not going to be touching ames, only the freshest moomjuice

>> No.62370436
Quoted by: >>62370593

Don't make me post my Halo 1 and LE Halo 2 with my OG Xbox bitch, I still have my Dukes. If they were to play Halo again it would either be 3, Reach, ODST, or Infinite.

>> No.62370444
File: 327 KB, 900x892, v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62370640


>> No.62370593
Quoted by: >>62370679

So you would know that halo 1 and 2 only have 2 player coop

>> No.62370640
Quoted by: >>62371576

She can sell chocolate to a rock she's such a good saleswoman.

>> No.62370679
Quoted by: >>62371674

Yes, but like I said they wouldn't play those so it's irrelevant to the conversation. The only Halo games Holomems have played are Reach and Infinite.

>> No.62370843
File: 81 KB, 819x911, violence_escalated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62370895

deathmatch time

>> No.62370895

Can't be worse than the current mode

>> No.62371340

that round took forever

>> No.62371401
Quoted by: >>62371490

the sound of the moomskin...

>> No.62371490

slapping against mine (me)

>> No.62371524

goats will lick up anything even remotely salty

>> No.62371551
File: 190 KB, 1242x1863, 1675281061436991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62371617

moom referencing ancient memes again

>> No.62371576

Mumei could sell ice in a snowstorm. She could sell shit in a sewer. Now get your dick steady and your credit card ready cause here she goes.

>> No.62371603


>> No.62371617

how did you get this photo of me on biboo's chest

>> No.62371650

is that why I would lick Mumei right now

>> No.62371674
Quoted by: >>62371986

Never say never. Frankly I don't get why they avoid even trying it and I am 100% sure that they would have more fun in halo:mcc MP than Ape sex

>> No.62371704

I think Moom should try Deep Rock Galactic

>> No.62371860

Imagine the smell

>> No.62371862
Quoted by: >>62372004

they could be deep right now...

>> No.62371880

can't be worse than this 'game'

>> No.62371926


>> No.62371986
Quoted by: >>62374092

She's starting to lose it...
The original theory was that they couldn't monetize it (iirc they had issues with the original Reach stream but maybe they were fixed?) because of the Marty situation, but the Homo's had a Reach collab this year and it was monetized so I have no idea. I guess they just didn't grow up with Halo and no one talks about it anymore so they just don't care. It is what it is.

>> No.62372004

deep inside the moomhole..

>> No.62372017

Rock (Biboo) and stone (Biboo)

>> No.62372174

They could be playing wolfquest instead of this

>> No.62372387

Oh shit actual team tactics

>> No.62372543
File: 282 KB, 400x428, wannakillmore [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkhxe4z.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 kills
>0 assists

>> No.62372571 [SPOILER] 
File: 135 KB, 850x1204, wife_apex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like ame cause shes usually good at FPS games, but is mumei fucking cracked? i never knew even complains about crossplay

>> No.62372584

I hope Moom is having fun at least

>> No.62372637

Deathmatch has been much better

>> No.62372662

I think she is

>> No.62372724
Quoted by: >>62372770

mumei has excellent aim, she never misses me

>> No.62372727
File: 29 KB, 103x112, 1678679073484347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ame forgot about the fortnite collab
Mumei is good at aiming, not much of a strategist or a master tactician thought

>> No.62372761
File: 283 KB, 1500x1890, 1688413222005901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memory holed

>> No.62372770

>never miss
>no tactics
based unga bunga, makes a lot of sense

>> No.62372777

okay aim but horrible game sense
doesn't help that she can never tell where sounds are even coming from

>> No.62372791
Quoted by: >>62372879

But she is Lex?

>> No.62372879

She's so LEX that she confuses herself with her own mindgames

>> No.62372922

>I like ame cause shes usually good at FPS games, but is mumei fucking cracked?
They are good for girls is the best description for them.

Also based Ame, please get them into Team Fortress 2.

>> No.62372939
Quoted by: >>62373009

Titanfall would've been so much better

>> No.62372959

They should just play better deathmatch game instead of this

>> No.62372972
File: 1.60 MB, 132x134, 1647608933386.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this time, Ame was simply planning ahead for a TF2 collab, sasuga

>> No.62373009
Quoted by: >>62373165

They would get destroyed even harder in that than APEX, it would be miserable for them.

>> No.62373101

Biboo might actually be the one member who would actually take up Ame's suggestion.

>> No.62373146

Filled with meds..

>> No.62373165
Quoted by: >>62373546

Is TF2 that sweaty? At least in that Mumei could be a german healslut

>> No.62373182
Quoted by: >>62373224

Not surprising, FPS streams are always forgettable

>> No.62373224

um akshually, it's a TPS sweaty.

>> No.62373235

Mumei's a monkey???

>> No.62373239
File: 149 KB, 850x594, 1699684158912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night

>> No.62373270

Weirdly enough I remember the collabs Ame has had with Fauna and Gura but not Mumei.

>> No.62373316

was thinking the same thing about the tf2, she connects to my autism frequency

>> No.62373440

kek, what a scream

>> No.62373522
File: 646 KB, 431x309, hoothootcute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62373695


>> No.62373546
Quoted by: >>62374158

You're getting mixed up, he was talking about Titanfall. And yea, Titanfall is literally APEX but only the super autits still play it. It's not a BR, either, so if it's a stomp they have to stay the entire match.

>> No.62373657

>Apex Legends X Post Malone

>> No.62373695
File: 1.74 MB, 1447x2047, @Shuuzo4-1612992611459158017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doc this rowlet hitting different...

>> No.62373724


>> No.62373728

Biboo's lips are in danger...

>> No.62373741
File: 182 KB, 1344x2048, @Renamezero-1720084057969881134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to kiss and kill all pebbles

>> No.62373744

Moom...t-that's lewd!

>> No.62373759

Moom horny tinight

>> No.62373765

It's one of those new regional forms

>> No.62373798

so squeezeable

>> No.62373888

i want to sniff her hair

>> No.62374068

>read any good books?

>> No.62374092
Quoted by: >>62374278

Mumei’s mentioned people talking about wanting to do a Halo collab in the past, it just hasn’t gone anywhere. Also, you’re assuming management tells the girls when permissions problems are cleared up without the girls having to go out of their way to pester them about it. Remember how Mumei only found out about Civ permissions when Fauna scheduled it?

>> No.62374158
Quoted by: >>62374321

Oh my bad but since when has titanfall 2 called TF2? to me that always been Team Fortress 2 (they should try it). You are right, Titanfall 2 MP players are crazy.

>> No.62374237
File: 132 KB, 900x1200, @LpnKhG_CXZ-1723229933479284756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62374292

Moom is cool

>> No.62374278
Quoted by: >>62374477

I was always under impression that they have list that they can check for perms unless that does not get updated very often

>> No.62374292


>> No.62374321

>but since when has titanfall 2 called TF2?
Zoomers and Titanfall/APEX players, TF2 will always mean Team Fortress 2, to the rest of the world.

>> No.62374469

mumei is so tired she's starting to freestyle

>> No.62374477
Quoted by: >>62374658

If it was that easy, you wouldn’t be hearing half the complaints about permissions. Also, either Moom would be able to sing Disney songs in karaoke or Gura wouldn’t be able to, depending on what the permissions actually are.

>> No.62374598


>> No.62374646
File: 271 KB, 872x409, 1699685877695099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62374653
Quoted by: >>62374728

Ame went for it... the CS2 mini-arc begins

>> No.62374657
File: 69 KB, 700x800, ayay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62374751

Finally, Ame did it, she invited them to play CS with them.

>> No.62374658

huh, I could have sworn that I have heard Mumei say something like "I'll take a look of the game perms list" on one of the streams when she didn't know what to play

>> No.62374659

just no

>> No.62374663

>moom counter strike
I love the game but fuck. Enough FPS

>> No.62374707

Better than this, slowly but surely Ame will make them play a good FPS. Trust the plan.

>> No.62374728

is that any better? if anything it will be worse since you can't really run and gun

>> No.62374751
Quoted by: >>62374848

Yeah but it's Ame, so she won't actually follow up unless Biboo or Mumei take the initiative.

>> No.62374787
Quoted by: >>62374842

kek, Mumei's fucking trolling em

>> No.62374842

your timestamp is ahead of my system clock wtf

>> No.62374848
Quoted by: >>62374947

It's why its a big step for her to bring up the idea in the first place

>> No.62374909

>up your anus
anal with mumei!

>> No.62374920


>> No.62374932

Her brain is done for.

>> No.62374947

True, I just don't think it's likely to happen.

>> No.62374948
File: 28 KB, 224x204, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62375006

Mumei's filter is GONE

>> No.62375006

Mumei is 2nd in line to my kamioshi but if she says the gamer word I will make her my kamioshi

>> No.62375017
Quoted by: >>62375138

We were so robbed. This could have been such a good collab

>> No.62375138

Please share with the class

>> No.62375171

FPS is not the problem, it's their game selection. Why always go with the sweat fest popular game instead something more chill

>> No.62375231

Damn that gun has a CHUNKY sound

>> No.62375240

I disagree. Any multiplayer shooter is high-focus which means the problem would exist with all of them. Yeah, there's levels of shit and this is at the top, but they're still all shit

>> No.62375286

What fps do you consider chill

>> No.62375287

Do you think Biboo sounds like that when she cums?

>> No.62375296
Quoted by: >>62375985

They have limited game choices as it is
Please give an example of a “chill” FPS game that they actually have permission to stream

>> No.62375299


>> No.62375366
Quoted by: >>62375461

They should play Quake.

>> No.62375374

towl angy :(

>> No.62375373
File: 317 KB, 1184x469, 1699686888171584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62375375


>> No.62375387

They should play Unreal Tournament 3

>> No.62375399


>> No.62375421

Moom pls...

Also that pause with Moom realizing she's playing with "NEETs".

>> No.62375437
File: 181 KB, 2048x1536, @kkkkkkkkoda-1723161415262056719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62376332

I relate with Moom

>> No.62375461

if only...

>> No.62375484

>I'm not trapped in here with you

>> No.62375532

holy shit Mumei is fucking gaming

>> No.62375562

yeah...i feel bad she still goes to "duties" when her actual "job" probably pays more than she'll ever see from her "duties" degree. and she's basically autistic...and previously took a break from the "duties"

>> No.62375590

damn moom is gaming this match huh

>> No.62375695

Not to mention she was already skipping some classes this term

>> No.62375706
File: 426 KB, 1448x2048, @MK_ero01-1721932904924889115-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moom carrying this team

>> No.62375739


>> No.62375750

Mumei GAMED her ass off there

>> No.62375771


>> No.62375783

Mumei limiter off

>> No.62375876


>> No.62375899


>> No.62375901

Mass shooter mooms rising

>> No.62375932

She will need help getting that out of her system

>> No.62375941

This is way better than normal apex the hell

>> No.62375974

It's time to do it Mooms. Go crazy

>> No.62375984

That shriek got my dog all excited. Now she wants to go out...

>> No.62375985
Quoted by: >>62376380

Already did, Team fortress 2/Halo:MCC. are they super chill? no but that depends on a gametype.

>> No.62376064
File: 133 KB, 476x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit moom

>> No.62376071

>1 kill
>13 assists
sometimes it be like that

>> No.62376080

Not her round, there will be seethe

>> No.62376145

MVP material right there

>> No.62376200

biboo please..

>> No.62376221
File: 118 KB, 360x359, 1674926922592724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62376228

Biboo... please, let her go

>> No.62376240

biboo is a bad influence on my daughter

>> No.62376260


>> No.62376298

Moom can’t keep up with this zoomer’s stamina

>> No.62376332

Biboo dragging Mumei's corpse for one more go
I just assume it's because it's something she really wants to do, which is why she continues to struggle. I really hope that's the case cause otherwise she's pretty dumb. Well, I guess she's still kind of dumb since she could just go to college once she's "done" with Hololive in 5-10 years. Or at the very least take less classes. Honestly thinking about it it really is weird why she's stressing herself out so much instead of taking her time. Or maybe it's the dogshit I had to deal with where a class you need to take only occurs in one semester of the year, fuck that shit.
The first part or second?

>> No.62376338
File: 59 KB, 600x750, 1695065186616332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watched the AOT ending on youtube

>> No.62376340

Mumei is the senpai, she should've shut Biboo down

>> No.62376369
Quoted by: >>62376426

with a kiss!

>> No.62376380

Good too in that you can play in horde mode called firefight in Reach or ODST where you kill AI together or just campaign missions of course. The less said about Spartan Ops the better.

>> No.62376393
File: 86 KB, 600x750, 1689018595358033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bijou asks if they want to keep playing
>both Ame and Mumei instantly reply with YES

>> No.62376408
File: 330 KB, 1080x1440, @OgumaShiro-1723097417707381214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first part or second?

>> No.62376426

Can't talk if he lips are occupied

>> No.62376469

Hagmei, my beloved...

>> No.62376507

Mumei going to get milk

>> No.62376537

yeah, mine

>> No.62376574

She won't stop..

>> No.62376575
File: 213 KB, 440x537, farmer_mumei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62376614

>top damage

>> No.62376592

Mumei popping off
Is she getting better as she is getting tired?

>> No.62376614
Quoted by: >>62376681

She's always been top damage and also the one tilting the most

>> No.62376648

She's becoming one with the gun, a true master of gunkata

>> No.62376661

Moom, stop.

>> No.62376674

she's so silly

>> No.62376681

>also the one tilting the most
Something something Towl. A meme I am fucking sick of but Mooms has made it a permanent thing with merch that will never go away.

>> No.62376684
File: 281 KB, 898x414, 1699688829691886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62376706

Maybe that cured her from FPS for a while

>> No.62376717
File: 107 KB, 520x360, woooo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bijou has been successfully groomed by the nanason sisters

>> No.62376740

I am so happy that mumei and ame finally had someone to play fps with man?
I am gonna cry

>> No.62376758
Quoted by: >>62376856

Biboo is the one grooming everyone else anon.

>> No.62376772

>he thinks its biboo that was groomed
open your eyes, she's an S class reverse groomer

>> No.62376782
File: 121 KB, 1920x1080, 1683941469901190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coughs very hard
>the game is GARBAGE now
I love it

>> No.62376794

Oh no, Anon is going to die from dehydration! Anyway, ...

>> No.62376817

bunch of cuties

>> No.62376856
File: 335 KB, 389x559, TachyonSpeedCaffeinatedMumei[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Falptfs.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mumei and Ame wanted another FPS buddy
>they got it
Seems like a win-win to me

>> No.62376857
Quoted by: >>62376950

It's true. She keeps reverse grooming all the damn onee-sans.

>> No.62376906

Oh sweet, redirect bugging out.
Whatever I do it's still trying to redirect me back to the clock as long as I'm not leaving yt completely.
NEAAAAAL fix your shit you Donkey

>> No.62376950

And made them into her mothers and made Bae her older sister, thus Biboo always maintains a youthful image. Like an energy absorbing vampire.

>> No.62376981

Took about an hour to get going but the collab ended up being fun (once they swapped of BR). Hope they do some more games together.

>> No.62377006
Quoted by: >>62377082

Fps gamer unit
Aqua(I hope someday it will happen)

>> No.62377020

considering that bae is now biboos older sister how is teh full picture of thsi family?

>> No.62377028
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, refusal_of_pete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62377056

10/10 tilt
I loved it

>> No.62377082

>Aqua(I hope someday it will happen)
Good joke. If only.

>> No.62377095

Quite fun/10
took a bit to get going. I really hope Bijou can wrangle these 2 autists into playing more with her/10

>> No.62377166
File: 293 KB, 1071x1539, @Shuuzo4-1606628867896221697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62377181

Fps are awful

>> No.62377211

No POV/10
would have liked one when they dropped the BR stuff
Ape sex still shit

>> No.62377512

but had moom I guess / 10

>> No.62377548
File: 627 KB, 584x586, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62377564
Quoted by: >>62377592

wdsmb (?)

>> No.62377587

Batten down the hatches, lads. We might be in for a rough one.

>> No.62377592
File: 15 KB, 800x600, NoSleep[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqbkt60.aac].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes threatening me

>> No.62377618

Making the new thread

>> No.62377689
Quoted by: >>62378092


>> No.62377717

Jump in anytime

>> No.62377728
File: 453 KB, 380x520, MumeiGoingGhost[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqz5wzr.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last and silliest!

>> No.62378092


>> No.62378268
File: 1.73 MB, 540x304, Rowlet_donation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62378522

Take care, /who/.

>> No.62378394


>> No.62378480
File: 5 KB, 329x299, bye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62378522
File: 1.80 MB, 498x373, rowletcute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

