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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.13 MB, 850x1202, 1681383866216033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62212539 No.62212539 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>62203701

>> No.62212572
File: 1.25 MB, 1000x1000, 「名前のない怪物」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62212577
File: 2.53 MB, 850x1985, 1685282157897516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.62212580

>Zelda live action
I wonder if Nintendo will get Holo to shill it

>> No.62212596
File: 15 KB, 580x115, liver disease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62212597

so close cunnyposter

>> No.62212612
Quoted by: >>62212677

ehh, they don't need anyone to shill it in japan

>> No.62212622


>> No.62212627 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>62213522

>spamming SC6

>> No.62212637

Will Shiori do a stream about public domain day?

>> No.62212640

New grim. /baubau/ melting down.

>> No.62212648
File: 1.17 MB, 1643x1981, 2023-11-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sub 20k 4th place... Naraka
>12 entries
What happened? So little.

>> No.62212670
File: 167 KB, 1200x1200, tumblr_ozrw3p2FWC1qad8qko3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62212761


>> No.62212676
File: 126 KB, 360x318, kamoshida angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you know they put Luca in a videogame?

>> No.62212677
Quoted by: >>62212804

I am also thinking about if Rockstar will get Miko to shill GTA6, but at the same time I have a hunch that Niji will take it
King shilling GTA does sound plausible

>> No.62212678
File: 102 KB, 193x303, 1668951246225280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62212791

So what did we learn from the last thread anons?

>> No.62212679

many holos are resting, or just playing neutral stream

>> No.62212692

flarys is cute!
you guys never told me about this

>> No.62212709
File: 40 KB, 998x1030, half in the shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me when I refuse to go out with the family. Not because I have anything better or urgent to do, I just want to stay alone in my room doing nothing.

>> No.62212710 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 573x544, 1699224717332274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62212715
File: 910 KB, 1509x1080, 1679925773218601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62212950


>> No.62212717

So what chuuba/holo news sources do you guys know?
Outside of vtuber style that is

>> No.62212727

21,933: JaidenAnimations (Indie)
12,656: IronMouse (Vshojo)
6,892 : Shiori Novella (Hololive)
6,813 : FUWAMOCO (Hololive)
5,552 : Koseki Bijou (Hololive)
5,377 : Matara Kan (Vshojo)
5 237 : Shylily (Mythic Talent)
5,174 : Henya The Genius (Vshojo)
5,042 : IRyS (Hololive)

1) FUWAMOCO (Hololive) - 17,706 - SPOOKY STORYTIME (Botted)
2) IRyS (Hololive) - 16,829 - Game of Life (w/ Ina, Choco, Flare)
3) FUWAMOCO (Hololive) - 12,657 - FWMC MORNING (Botted)
4) Indie Yonaguni (Nijisanji) - 26,714 - New Model Debut (Botted)
6) JaidenAnimations (Indie) - 14,200 - QSMP MINECRAFT
7) Nanashi Mumei (Hololive) - 17,273 - UNARCHIVED KARAOKE
8) JaidenAnimations (Indie) - 21,933 - QSMP MINECRAFT

5x: Hololive
2x: Indie
1x: Nijisanji

3x: FuwaMoco
2x: JaidenAnimation
1x: IRyS, Sacarle, Mumei

2x: FuwaMoco
1x: Shu Yamino, Ceres Fauna

>POINTS PER STREAMER (tin = 5pts, rubber = 3pts, plastic = 1pt)
9p: Ironmouse
5p: IRyS, Scarle, Mumei
4p: Shiori Novella
3p: Koseki Bijou, Vox Akuma, Fulgur Ovid, Vei
1p: Filian, Mori Calliope, Neuro Sama, Henya The Genius, Ceres Fauna

>> No.62212735

No one big is on today beside Miko and Mio

>> No.62212741

reminder that using liver to refer to your talents is retarded

>> No.62212752

>check /baubau/ if they're melting down over the panties question
>theyre not

>> No.62212761
File: 3.78 MB, 2056x4093, 73e52ec6403e8014e5b6fb9728c6411b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fattest of baby tits counter today.

>> No.62212760

oh, suischizo is ban evading once again

>> No.62212769 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>62213522

juicy rhymes with suisei lol

>> No.62212773
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1686562062042565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw a fucking hololive manager gets a 3D debut faster than Obsydia

>> No.62212791

people are learning things here?

>> No.62212795

honestly I mostly just get my info from here and cross reference it with spacebattles and false's discord server

>> No.62212804
File: 407 KB, 598x584, 1671060895014310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62212940

the people from VaultRoom got an extra rare poster straight from them last week

>> No.62212816

I check Holo Twitter constantly

>> No.62212822
File: 1.60 MB, 3800x2841, 1695426507737121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62212828


>> No.62212836 [DELETED] 
File: 633 KB, 1108x1291, 1699322732865404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summary of suspicions about Sakuma Daisuke and Hoshimachi Suisei living together.

Suisei announced that she finished moving houses

In the stream of the cat puzzle game, Suisei says "I want a cat"

In a variety program "Love It!", Sakuma Daisuke reveals that he adopted two cats from an animal shelter. However, animal shelters usually don't let a single male (especially a very busy celebrity/entertainer) adopt cats. Suspicions that he's living together with someone begins

During Suisei's stream, a man's voice is suddenly heard and then Suisei quickly raises her voice to try to cover it (The archive has edited this out in post)
You could hear a man's voice calling out "Tsuna~"(The two cats Sakuma Daisuke adopted are called Shachi and Tsuna)

>> No.62212840
Quoted by: >>62212899

Is his discord a good news source or is it mostly minor drama taken from here?

>> No.62212857

>Ame recited numberfagging 101 for both twitch and youtube in her zatsu
So she knows but refuses to commit to it. wtf.

>> No.62212868
File: 383 KB, 2500x2500, 1681828408598442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62212872
File: 101 KB, 378x329, 1676469401547131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62212874

and now the faggot is samefagging and spamming

>> No.62212895

Current AZKi is so cute and mature...

>> No.62212899
Quoted by: >>62212965

no, not really, it's mostly to verify that the stuff I'm reading here is actually true and isn't made up by one schizo

>> No.62212900 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 1125x1858, 1699453661998772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62212918 [SPOILER] 
File: 203 KB, 512x512, 1690262021541048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62213027

MOST is my source of news

>> No.62212924
File: 359 KB, 2048x478, Myth smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62212940

also, they are completely in bed with nijisanji regarding GTA, anything kanae has to say, they listen
unlike holos, who were only invited out of pity (most won't join regardless)

>> No.62212950
File: 233 KB, 1561x2048, 1664715733594192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to have a mixed child with an Indonesian woman

>> No.62212951 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>62213522

Love is in the air.

>> No.62212965
Quoted by: >>62213187

unironic dramatuber discord users holy fuck go back

>> No.62212969
File: 136 KB, 480x273, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62212972


>> No.62212976

Just let him, he need to learn the hard way that his opinion will never matter

>> No.62212987
File: 2.24 MB, 3117x4096, 1699461761299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62213975


>> No.62212984 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>62213522

eh Suisei has been open to male interactions and collabs and never played the GFE simulator card so im happy for her if she managed to nab a male idol husband, she came a long way from being a nobody

>> No.62213015
File: 2.55 MB, 498x498, gosegu-고세구.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62213026

Have you figured out what discord the raids are organized from?

>> No.62213027
File: 32 KB, 1201x570, 1698527885860102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62213034

/#/ and catalog.

>> No.62213041

>hololive wins
>schizos and beggars appear
funny how that happened

>> No.62213079
Quoted by: >>62213103

Another day, another HoloGold
Feels good to be a HoloChad

>> No.62213089
File: 45 KB, 780x769, FXPFH3GakAAt8tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Nijisanji compete?

>> No.62213096

>Luna E
The fuck?

>> No.62213103

Another day, another HoloChad
Feels good to be a HoloGold

>> No.62213104
File: 1.01 MB, 1044x702, ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just now did I realize

>> No.62213102 [DELETED] 
File: 3.72 MB, 640x640, 1699458757378672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont click

>> No.62213131

Mature sexy beautiful princess!

>> No.62213148

eh ignore the literal faggot

>> No.62213157
File: 1.42 MB, 360x396, 1694141886898064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My indie oshi has been active for about 3 years now. She averages about 100 viewers per stream. Is she going to make it?

>> No.62213159
File: 160 KB, 967x537, shortstacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62214521


>> No.62213162 [DELETED] 
File: 3.10 MB, 4780x10000, 1699455203371030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62213522

>> No.62213175
File: 743 KB, 1100x1085, 1682586643717501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62213187
Quoted by: >>62213302


>> No.62213208 [DELETED] 

Alright... Schizos are starting to piece this together in a more believable way.

>> No.62213218

Miko my beloved
She's got bigger tits than a few of these girls btw
Underrated as always, Mikochi

>> No.62213219

well if she's still active clearly she's not in it for the money

>> No.62213234
File: 458 KB, 1080x1867, 20231108_104244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More slop on the menu tonight, state of en right now is pretty boring

>> No.62213252
Quoted by: >>62213269

>Kiara back to 2K
not even the dogs could save her

>> No.62213268
File: 2.48 MB, 768x368, 1699270979161206.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62213269

wait she actually managed to get 2k on final fantasy?

>> No.62213286


>> No.62213293

I hope that panty color question response from Mococo doesnt become big...
Its normal in Holo to joke about it, however I dont think Twitter SJWs would like that

>> No.62213294
File: 160 KB, 1400x1400, 1667141781046274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new that you don't even know about the meme?

>> No.62213302
Quoted by: >>62213328

I hate nijisanji and discordkeks like you
fuck off

>> No.62213304
File: 958 KB, 1100x1550, micomet 1209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the miComet lewds I was promised?

>> No.62213306

doggo raid but retention is good so far

>> No.62213310

For an indie 100 isn't bad at all, most of advent weren't doing much better pre-hololive

>> No.62213314

not like it's even new

>> No.62213328
Quoted by: >>62213432

funny that sounds just like what a nijinigger would say

>> No.62213343
Quoted by: >>62213384

nope she was like 1.6K before the raid or something

>> No.62213352 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>62213522

Suicuck what is your defense?

>> No.62213354
File: 637 KB, 842x855, 1624810886591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62213937


>> No.62213378
File: 144 KB, 666x530, verysexy[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9zoob9.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62213384

well she's still above 2k so

>> No.62213385 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 462x649, 1699273618100250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62213522

>> No.62213393
File: 1.07 MB, 799x1421, 1669235791700792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62213414

We love Shiori here

>> No.62213413
Quoted by: >>62213594

I'll never get what's the appeal of asian guys. My friends back at school all used to be crazy for bts and kpop boys in general but they all always seemed so plastic and same-face to me.

Uncanny might be a better word to describe. It's like I'm looking to a humanoid thing.

>> No.62213414
Quoted by: >>62213556

Yeah, she's on the Fauna arc. She'll be one of the top ENs next year.

>> No.62213432
Quoted by: >>62213464

no, it really doesn't. dumbass discordkek

>> No.62213437
File: 837 KB, 2323x3629, 1674415294255036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62213451 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>62213522


>> No.62213461

nigger janny do your work

>> No.62213464
Quoted by: >>62213538

funny for supposed not nijinigger you sure seem to defend nijisanji alot

>> No.62213467

you can leave your job and live off streaming with around 200-400 views depending on their engagiment. Or so I heard.

>> No.62213479

While the wolf's away...

>> No.62213501
File: 114 KB, 850x1134, 1690445735593300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko's official Puni belly has made it's appearance

>> No.62213502 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 345x448, 1699270746921620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62213784

>> No.62213522

let's see if i got all of sakumaschizo's posts from here on.

>> No.62213538
Quoted by: >>62214785

you hallucinating things or is it your inability to be literate when I said I hate them? can't expect much from a discordfag i guess

>> No.62213543
File: 853 KB, 2508x3541, 1677806249091697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62213546 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with that? It is basically general knowledge at this point. There is no fucking doubt the moment his face turned pale as ghost once the username appeared on his switch.

>> No.62213556

Woah now don't get ahead of yourself, lets get shiori to at least a 5k average before making bold claims like thst

>> No.62213561
Quoted by: >>62213624


>> No.62213565
Quoted by: >>62213609

am i supposed to hate suisei now or what? also it's been like a month does anyone still care?

>> No.62213573
File: 55 KB, 538x823, 1687036911799404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The browns are at it again!

>> No.62213577 [DELETED] 
File: 663 KB, 800x1021, 1699270720448148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62213784

>> No.62213588

more reddit images please?

>> No.62213594

It’s a fetish, just like how weebs tend to have yellow fever.

>> No.62213604
Quoted by: >>62214768

man, its hilarious how pathetic suischizo is.

>> No.62213609
Quoted by: >>62213733

I'm smelling another nijiyab in the works

>> No.62213618
File: 1.63 MB, 1447x2046, 1682594160840850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62213624

Oh shit I will actually watch this, thank you ponpoko chad

>> No.62213635 [DELETED] 

No one is asking you to hate her. People are just putting out the truth for others to see.

>> No.62213644

There are still people who think it’s an own when her fans don’t actually care lol

>> No.62213648

/hlg/fags coping hard

>> No.62213662
File: 297 KB, 1524x1000, 1647560099178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quote me next time you fucking coward.

>> No.62213676 [DELETED] 
File: 2.36 MB, 498x270, 1699455317946290.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62213784

>man, its hilarious how pathetic suischizo is.

>> No.62213679


>> No.62213681
File: 181 KB, 1920x1080, 1680378214881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62213696
File: 799 KB, 1852x2236, 2023-11-08 top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it goes
>48,907: Miko (Hololive)
>35,820: Mio (Hololive)
>28,471: NeruMero (Indie)
>19,119: Naraka (Nijisanji)
>17,844: Kanade (Hololive)
>16,773: Noel (Hololive)
>13,212: Ange (Nijisanji)
>12,495: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>11,846: Fubuki (Hololive)
>11,099: Genshin Mosu (Indie)
>10,678: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
>10,136: Yashiro (Nijisanji)

Miko gold with Soul Calibur with Mio taking silver with a SMOK collab and Nerumero snatching bronze with another Genshin update

>> No.62213705
File: 294 KB, 2048x1180, 1674321819636083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62213716
Quoted by: >>62213771

There has to be a Niji yab happening right now for fags to get this desperate in using such a nothingburger of last month

>> No.62213724
File: 406 KB, 2012x1891, 1696910928247179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62213727

Very good job from Miko today, long live Hololive

>> No.62213729
File: 2.20 MB, 1659x2479, 1683160480759645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62213792


>> No.62213733

Pomu graduation

>> No.62213736

wait, it's not a bot posting these images, it's someone actively doing it? lmao that's actually so sad

>> No.62213737

oh it's starting

>> No.62213747
File: 429 KB, 700x616, 1686226617374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62213751
File: 1.29 MB, 1200x705, 1672976852510835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62213757

my kanade and noeru... They deserved to be both on top5

>> No.62213771

anons are laughing at nijiniggers due to nodoka debuting her 3d faster than the 2nd gen of nijien

>> No.62213775

I mean if they had an actual issue with it they would just ignore it and mute the guy.

>> No.62213784
Quoted by: >>62213853

another one

>> No.62213792 [DELETED] 
File: 568 KB, 1535x2290, 1682522249823506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62213793

I dont really get youtube. Sometimes I do get redirected during raids, but other times I dont. Wth is going on?

>> No.62213797
File: 216 KB, 1286x1211, kuzu drop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62213815

I don't know what the fuck happened with Kuzuha today but this is one of the lowest gaming streams in his career.
This Yugioh tournament .... it's not panning out, is it?

>> No.62213815

is it nijitourney?

>> No.62213826
File: 3.81 MB, 498x270, micomet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62213946

micomet won.

>> No.62213853

dont need to

>> No.62213869 [DELETED] 
File: 1.82 MB, 1240x1754, 1697746804231281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62213904


>> No.62213877
File: 748 KB, 1186x678, 1681851307056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day another Miko GOLD

>> No.62213876

congrats anon, you got em all

>> No.62213878

Why is Takanashi "you mean actual monkeys" Kiara like this?

>> No.62213896
File: 2.49 MB, 1865x5167, 1699375896478123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lukek deflection

>> No.62213899
Quoted by: >>62213926

Yeah, announced last week or so
Kuzuha literally never got this low for any tournament stream EVER. Nijisanji is toasted

>> No.62213904
File: 168 KB, 765x629, 442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little too spicy anon...

>> No.62213914

BUTA 300k views after a week

>> No.62213922

if they mute the guy, similar questions will pop up anyway, so might as well make the issue be known that they don't like that kind of question

>> No.62213926

Is the game that bad/uninteresting or niji tourney buff is dead?

>> No.62213937

i want another texture pack stream...

>> No.62213940
File: 2.49 MB, 1852x1044, Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 9.04.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62214011

Thats really good retention.

>> No.62213944
File: 125 KB, 1195x550, kuzuguioh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62214097

>is it nijitourney?
Yep. Here is what Kuzuha himself got last year, even at his lowest he didn't get under 15k

>> No.62213946
File: 313 KB, 604x702, GhJGgUGZ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62213956
File: 252 KB, 621x349, 1699390033758377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62213975

The fuck is wrong with his face?

>> No.62213985
File: 233 KB, 850x1202, 1649935796928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will support her for as long as I draw breath

>> No.62213989
Quoted by: >>62214097

We have their number last year to compare I think, so I would say Nijisanji tourney buff is dead
Nijinigger better hope Hololive won't host another tournament soon, they gonna get mogged

>> No.62214006
File: 1009 KB, 2894x4093, 1686636786126346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62214011

They raided during on of the few hype parts of FF16 for viewers, the Eidolon fights, so it was honestly great timing today.

>> No.62214019
Quoted by: >>62214124

>niji tourney buff
there never was a buff, it was all bots of chinese Nijifags... they have left now so the reality is exposing itself

>> No.62214028

her reaction to this live was amazing

>> No.62214037
File: 1.66 MB, 1080x1527, 1682996583835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62214153


>> No.62214045

unfortunately, the guy who made the Agochi pack didn't update it for the newer versions, so she lost it when the holoserver updated to 1.18 that time.

>> No.62214097

well I mean nijinumbers have also been reclining across the board too, so maybe this bot rrat does explain something

>> No.62214103


>> No.62214115

They don't actually care anon. You think the girls who love porn games and maggot baits are a bunch of prudes? They picked the question because it let them do a silly bit

>> No.62214124

forgot to quote >>62214019 too

>> No.62214140
Quoted by: >>62214163

is areola bad?

>> No.62214153
File: 700 KB, 2100x2800, 1679702876422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62214278


>> No.62214163

No, it's great

>> No.62214164

I mean that, plus Hololive been ramping up their event game this last year. I said before that the only reason why Nijisanji get such good tournament number was largely because there's no competition, Hololive didn't go as hard into tournament back then
You are seeing the result of Hololive finally decided to compete with Niji on equal ground. Holo event been drawing more and more viewership

>> No.62214211
File: 157 KB, 1920x1080, First week November.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female literally cannot compete

>> No.62214215
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>> No.62214227

If they didn't want the questions they wouldn't have directly responded to the guy lol

>> No.62214271


>> No.62214276
Quoted by: >>62214351

what would happen if holos turn off the embeds for one day?

>> No.62214278
File: 453 KB, 1680x1260, 1668959525650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62214354


>> No.62214279

So Ame opted out of New years Countdown thing by not responding and “just chilling”. So this does kind of prove Gura only cares about 3D shit because she never skips out on it even tho she never responds to lots of things …..: hmm. Who cares…. HOMO 3D NEXT! SHART 3BD LIVE? BIG KEK!

>> No.62214292
Quoted by: >>62214420

well, as long as they do it properly (e.g. Puyopuyo), not the HLZNTL ones

>> No.62214302

If they hated it, they would've done like with the Fuwawa is not real jokes and art

>> No.62214306

>75 hours
This nigga lives on stream

>> No.62214310

Male Vtubers are pathetics cucks and only Twitter troons care about them. No exception.

>> No.62214311
File: 1.79 MB, 854x1080, 1698191602332319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62215051

>> No.62214320

75 hours in a week? wtf is wrong with kanae

>> No.62214323

Idk if this is fake but you’re telling me it took Kuzuha 23 hours to get barely above what Pekora got in 9? Kek

>> No.62214352
Quoted by: >>62214767

They got enough members. With a couple more debuts next year, they might start doing company wide koshien too

>> No.62214351
Quoted by: >>62214544

already did automatically by streaming on Youtube

>> No.62214354
File: 433 KB, 1000x1000, 1685532774412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62214441


>> No.62214360
Quoted by: >>62214568

Well just look at Iron lung relying on Connor and now all of a sudden Vei is back! After getting her husbands buff. Hololive is an Anomaly

>> No.62214366

He is a desperate fuck
Making money is hard in nijisanji afterall

>> No.62214374
File: 373 KB, 1000x1778, 1699463731087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute gaming kirin wife is streaming today
I wonder what she'll play

>> No.62214389


>> No.62214405

Fauna and Mumei should make a couples channel

>> No.62214415

My penis

>> No.62214420

Tbh HLZNTL stuffs weren't really big tournaments, more like sponsored pvp matches.
And desu compare to Niji, Hololive still don't have that many tournament, depend on if you count Sport Fes as a tournament. Otherwise you have like what? Four a year?

>> No.62214423
Quoted by: >>62214597

My money is on Backpack Battles or that worm game Mumei has been playing.

>> No.62214424
File: 110 KB, 480x472, 1675987323193502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62214432

I love Mikochi

>> No.62214439

Mousey still QUEEN of EN.

>> No.62214441
File: 495 KB, 1024x962, 1671241965090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62214569


>> No.62214459

minecraft m'wednesday?

>> No.62214464

The fucked up thing is that there is nothing wrong with him. That is just normal Twitch streamer hours, they live on stream

>> No.62214470
File: 339 KB, 615x723, 93A2232F-E028-4156-B058-2709928F7102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

?? I look at twitter but I have to look at lots of homo shit to get my news so most of the time I just come here because it’s already filtered

>> No.62214479

but one credit I will give him is that he is doing a better job than laplus in creating a fanbase for other talents to switch to Twitch..
When Niji fails on Youtube they will have some fanbase to use on Twitch and start competing against Vshojo

>> No.62214485

Fucking retarded weeb

>> No.62214497


>> No.62214521

Perfect for standing, perpendicular paizuri.

>> No.62214528
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>> No.62214536
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>> No.62214544
Quoted by: >>62214621

retard i mean embedwatching, they turned it off during debut streams

>> No.62214556


>> No.62214564

>the only reason why Nijisanji get such good tournament number was largely because there's no competition
There was other reason: Niji cast was big enough for their livers to be able to self organize multiple of those per year
But they lost two of their main organizers
and their HQ decided to snatch it from their livers hands so it demotivated many of them, including Toya which likely won't repeat the organization of the MK tournament (one of their flagships)

>> No.62214568

mf complain about bf merdly 10k raids when hologirls have the biggest buff in vtubing called holobox. No one in mythic or vshojo watches mouse or Vei because they are part of the same org.

>> No.62214569
File: 1.57 MB, 3220x4673, 1690124169271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62214584

With Mumei’s ears, nibbling on them and then slowly shoving her fingers into the …. MOOM

>> No.62214597

>Mumei was*
not anymore

>> No.62214605
Quoted by: >>62214831

Had Kanae started like this from January he would likely beat the most viewed, but he doesn't have time anymore this year

>> No.62214609

That’s a great number for her no?

>> No.62214613

I watch stream
Want to know about certain Holo situation?
>Watch their stream
>Ask their fan
>Check their Twitter
>Check official Twitter

>> No.62214621
Quoted by: >>62214759

Anon you literally have no idea what you are talking about, take your meds(poisonous once) and kys

>> No.62214634
Quoted by: >>62214691

>Ine among the top for watch hours
The fuck?
>Veinas well
The Fuck?!

>> No.62214635

and those are just his twitch hours, he also streams on yt

>> No.62214657
Quoted by: >>62214698

Well even with just that they seem to be very busy already, so I don't know about adding more
Usually the fans only like the event organized by the talents

>> No.62214664
File: 84 KB, 239x281, F5F41F5C-DB3F-42F2-BE37-AA9356951C6F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are nijis still playing watermelon game?

>> No.62214670

hoping that fwmc will not move back to 24jst in march, make that 1 am jst their official fuwamoco morning timeslot

>> No.62214685

>So what chuuba/holo news sources
Here is an advice that goes for both vtubers and general news
>stick to first party sources
You can keep your ears in the ground and listen to EVERYONE, from the rrat peddler on 4chan to the mainstream new media but, unless they are posting first party source material corroborating whatever they're saying you can safely ignore as a probable lie

>> No.62214691
Quoted by: >>62214777

Arnt they doing the same shit kanae is doing

>> No.62214693

I make the news

>> No.62214698

anon Holofes and holosummer are both management pushed events and the fans lapped it up, what are you talking about

>> No.62214714
Quoted by: >>62214775

Correction: Toya did not said he won’t do it anymore, but that he will let management host the MarioKa tournament from now on

>> No.62214716

no, I mean for tourneys

>> No.62214728

this is why getting your information from multiple sources is so important and why you shouldn't just read /vt/ all day and take everything people put here as fact

>> No.62214739
Quoted by: >>62214760

Anon mentioned "usually" and your two examples are the exception that proves the rule

>> No.62214740
File: 7 KB, 416x110, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62215222


>> No.62214741

anon can you show us the whole month of October

>> No.62214759

holy fucking retard, yt has an option to turn off embedwatching, meaning that they force you to open the link to yt

>> No.62214760
Quoted by: >>62214822

>exception that proves the rule
translation: those examples disprove my statement but please ignore it

>> No.62214767

Kek good luck getting Konami perm
But there are many games out there for them to do tournament with. I mean no one expected a PuyoTetris tournament right?

>> No.62214768

I am enjoying it. If hoshiyomi can't face this they are weak af. Nousagi was bombarded with cold chicken and there was no mod to ban the schizos' ass from posting about cold chicken and yet they never fazed.

>> No.62214775

>Toya did not said he won’t do it anymore, but that he will let management host the MarioKa tournament from now on
Same difference, considering it is the same situation as Rindou's NJU
It is not that she's not longer a part of it, it is just that it is no longer in her hands

>> No.62214777

No anon, just some of the FPS JPs are doing that.
Vei and Ine are known for streaming verynlittle per month.

>> No.62214785

For someone who hates nijisanji you sure seem to be putting an awful lot of effort into defending them

>> No.62214787
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>> No.62214808
File: 976 KB, 1076x1046, 1698718856774971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mousey the queen of EN

>> No.62214816
File: 127 KB, 1080x1080, 0718B34C-BC03-4B68-89E4-8D64618C0D49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it from Rev says Desu, Depressed Nousagai, False, Khyo and parrot 4chat

>> No.62214822
Quoted by: >>62214947

I'll assume you understand the meaning of "usually" and how it is different from "always".
I also assume you are familiar with what this thread calls "main channel debuff"

>> No.62214831

Yeah but the GTA server did not exist since January

>> No.62214833

I have always said, if Hololive wants to go next level for streaming numbers just develop a platform where fans can post clips, arts, games, posts etc.
No copyright issues and they can do reaction content as much as they want, also less stress in figuring out what to stream and perm for it....
Literally what all Isegye idols do on Twitch

>> No.62214836
File: 285 KB, 1170x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62215004

this faggot acting up again

>> No.62214876
Quoted by: >>62214895

who won cripple gold?
the doggos?

>> No.62214882
Quoted by: >>62215085

I mean, Miko already doing that no? Her strong point is literally viewer participation stream where she react to fan creations

>> No.62214895


>> No.62214907
Quoted by: >>62214983

so, you don't know that some homos graduated?

>> No.62214909


>> No.62214920
File: 280 KB, 543x1334, E86960C5-B32C-40EF-A2FA-6F50141CD466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mogs mousey

>> No.62214947

considering that there are around 6-8 events a year an exception of 2 is pretty significant anon

>> No.62214952


>> No.62214967

Next year will be VERY interesting for Niji
>Maimoto might not come back to host Koshien and Mahjong tourney
>MarioKa tourney is no longer hosted by Toya
>YGO tourney number already declining
They are losing their weapon one by one, meanwhile Hololive First Army will gradually came up with new events

>> No.62214972
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>> No.62214983
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, E8234A09-FB0D-4B6F-A838-2E9401B1D2FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62215107

Rev, false and Khyo brought it up tho. It’s parrot and DN that were seething/crying too hard that didn’t

>> No.62215003
File: 810 KB, 634x1525, IMG_7580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GRIM bros are in for a feast tonight

>> No.62215004

But enough talking about Miko

>> No.62215008
Quoted by: >>62215483


>> No.62215022
File: 209 KB, 991x768, viacom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62215218

>Literally what all Isegye idols do on Twitch
Yes anon, Hololive recipe for better numbers is to emulate those who get worse numbers. The logic there is flawless
>if Hololive wants to go next level for streaming numbers just develop a platform where fans can post clips, arts, games, posts etc.
>No copyright issues and they can do reaction content as much as they want, also less stress in figuring out what to stream and perm for it....
Anon, do you really believe "copyright issues" came from Youtube side and not from the copyright holders side?

Before Google bought Youtube that site was a free for all, and right at the heels of "RIAA" war on Napster and the rest of internet piracy.
Then Viacom (MTV parent company) sued Youtube, Google and forced them into the current system of automatic copyright id.

How many milliseconds would take them to file the exact same fucking lawsuit against Cover and their "Holotube" site?

>> No.62215027
File: 122 KB, 750x317, F50F9F59-8A97-4B6E-823B-2F3B59F68408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62215060

Ugh step aside Mouse Kek there is a new queen in town now

>> No.62215044
File: 465 KB, 712x597, 1690269630782199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62215113


>> No.62215051

you too

>> No.62215057

>IM be fighting watchalong now
Pfffft you know what they say about fighting someone your size. Even Laplus is too big for your mouse perhaps?

>> No.62215060

seems like jaiden is more integrated in the server than iron mouse

>> No.62215069
Quoted by: >>62215304

IM can only dream getting this kind of numbers >>62213696

>> No.62215085

not sustainable, how many times can she play Soul Calibur

>> No.62215087
File: 657 KB, 686x720, 1577533567346719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>48,907: Miko (Hololive)
>35,820: Mio (Hololive)

>> No.62215094
Quoted by: >>62215137

IMkek fear the number 44k, their oshi will NEVER beat that number

>> No.62215107

and the board basically celebrated it for like 2-3 days

>> No.62215113
File: 448 KB, 674x590, 63B8ED0A-4B41-4DA9-B058-546BCBAC2F81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh Iphone
Stop hating on Holos, IRyS herself is a huuuuuge Apple baby

>> No.62215133

She been playing it for a year now, granted she spread it out pretty nicely to maintain the buff
But I bet as long as 35P can keep feeding her meme shit to react to it will remain a buff

>> No.62215137

Just ignore it already you retard

>> No.62215145
File: 869 KB, 804x715, 1635434719577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62215289

nta but Miko has had successful viewer participation streams her whole career
Hackers pushed her out of GTA, her flagship, but she's bounced back nicely
her resiliency is part of her charm

>> No.62215175

>queen of EN
lost to Zentreya pfftt

>> No.62215181
File: 1.46 MB, 1080x2025, 1697341332915462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62215218

> is to emulate those who get worse numbers
you are an idiot if you dont think the strength of Hololive is interacting/reacting within themselves

Also it will be their platform, they can literally restrict to use copyright free material and fans can give their permission

>> No.62215222

thats fucking embarrassing

>> No.62215235

>Enna now has 2.3k people watching her superchats and zatsu
So why WOULDN'T you just spam the absolute fuck out of the watermelon game? Why would you even stream anything else? Just turn on watermelon game and you immediately have 2x your normal audience, you get flooded with donations. There's utterly no downside
vtuber content should be
>watermelon game
>watermelon game
>watermelon game
I mean it just works. Play watermelon game and you win

>> No.62215237

Why do holos stream so few hours?

>> No.62215252

>they can literally restrict to use copyright free material and fans can give their permission
So the exact same as they can do on Youtube?

>> No.62215275


>> No.62215282

Enna is not a numberfag.

>> No.62215289

not everyone is Miko... chumbuds are crying because they rejected Gura from doing reaction content, now they have nothing to watch

>> No.62215292

dance and singing practice, meetings unless you go gungho like aki in october

>> No.62215294
File: 1.93 MB, 2000x2200, 1699465004797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like the idea of Biboo being incredibly heavy

>> No.62215304

>gets mogged by mouse two years in a row

>> No.62215308


>> No.62215312

Yeah but you can't even start searching for source unless you know something happened in first place

>> No.62215316

>because they rejected
the managers did

>> No.62215342
Quoted by: >>62215372

In bed with Mooms

>> No.62215345
Quoted by: >>62215572

whatever works.. but it would be better to have control over the content like Holoplus

>> No.62215346

Because they have reps?
Even Pekora have recording and she spend time going to the gym to get fit. PekoMiko wouldn’t mention it on stream but they have just as much responsibility as others, which make the fact they even stream so much impressive

>> No.62215360
Quoted by: >>62215511

LMAO that's why she decided to play this game at 2am from her time right? Because she's totally not numberfagging her timeslot

>> No.62215372

Under my bed covers….>>62215342
mumei is here too

>> No.62215380
Quoted by: >>62215467

before she could even ask, chumbuds literally replied to her its a low level content

>> No.62215381

That is month retard

>> No.62215383
File: 242 KB, 1116x1854, 1687337615181402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62215405

Oh nonono 53piss what is your response?

>> No.62215424
Quoted by: >>62215607

The fuck is this shitpost? Gura did said it but you would be retard to believe that is the sole reason she is not streaming

>> No.62215456

why are vshojokeks so proud on poaching talents instead of cultivating talents? guess it reflects their streamers who react to content and reap other people's efforts

>> No.62215461
Quoted by: >>62215566

I wish she cracked and broke into pieces just like Houseki no Kuni, that manga gave a weird fetish for it

>> No.62215467
Quoted by: >>62215607

It wasn’t chumbuds that banned her from doing non Copyright movie watchalongs

>> No.62215473

No need for you to butt in Mikoschizo, wait for your turn

>> No.62215483
Quoted by: >>62217989

Call me when they figure out how to translate the UI or make it available through browser

>> No.62215491

Watermelon starts stagnating hard once you plateau the score you can get. Happened to everyone else, it'll happen to her too.

>> No.62215501

Jerk off to mikolewds

>> No.62215511

If Enna is a numberfag she would
1. Spam her karaoke or at least make archived ones weekly and unarchived monthly
2. Play all the buff games instead of Requiem and Watchdogs
3. Ditch Kyo the leech
4. Leech on Luxiem
5. Leech on hololive

>> No.62215537

Enna is a donofag though, gotta get away from working retail at all costs kek

>> No.62215566
File: 2.29 MB, 850x1343, 1678346480757351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw some art of that around when she debuted and covered that OP

>> No.62215570
Quoted by: >>62215656

Towa is sexier than Miko

>> No.62215572
Quoted by: >>62215650

>but it would be better to have control over the content like Holoplus
Yes anon, "just build your own youtube".

Again, it is not Youtube cracking down on copyright infringement, they're just matching the copyright infringer with the copyright owner.
Cover wouldn't have any different choice with regards to "Holotube", they would continue needing permissions, would continue having to abide by copyright law

>> No.62215579
Quoted by: >>62215645

Enna is a numberfag because she is playing the watermelon game at a super inconvenient hour just to numberfag harder.
You know Pomu refused to even play that game

>> No.62215593

>4. Leech on Luxiem
>5. Leech on hololive
roru. rumao. You really think one can incline by doing that when both have diametrically opposed fanbases?

>> No.62215607

who said its the only reason.... but you cant deny that a lof of the hologirls would love the idea of just hanging out with chat watching their own stuff and dont have to worry about perms

Its a good plan B

>> No.62215637
File: 222 KB, 850x1269, 1683036916938907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62215642

alien isolation perms doko...

>> No.62215645
Quoted by: >>62215702

Dude Suika game is addictive. She is in Japan of course she's gonna play it. Everyone is addicted to Suika game, some even played it to the point that it ruined her career, and another person's career.

>> No.62215648

It worked for both Nina and Mika

>> No.62215650
Quoted by: >>62215911

anon, you have no imagination.... must be an engineer

>> No.62215656
Quoted by: >>62215707

Well Miko isn't "sexy" so that's not really a compliment to Towa there buddy

>> No.62215664

Can't they just do shit on that youtube syncing site whose name is filtered?
Didn't Ame do something like that with music?

>> No.62215680

She doesn't need to do both at the same time.

>> No.62215689

Yeah it’s called having a watchalong
Let’s be real, the thing Gura wanted to watch was probably hard as fuck to get perm of. And Cover don’t want to risk a video they watch randomly have the N-word in it

>> No.62215702
Quoted by: >>62215790

The convenient hour to stream for her right now is NA primetime. Also that is the morning for her in japan, which is when she's accustomed to streaming anyway.
But Enna decided to stream at her usual time, which is 12:00am for her right now, so she's forcing herself to stay up until 3am just to do this stream at her usual timeslot. because the asian timeslot is much stronger for enna. That is pure numberfaggotry.

>> No.62215707

I’m just stating fact

>> No.62215715
File: 231 KB, 966x1280, D6BF3158-B180-4F0F-8E0D-81895D0A7D82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62215769

>Monster Strike have Eren in it

>> No.62215723
Quoted by: >>62215791

Gura wanted to do tiktok react shit, she got excited when management brought up twitch cause she thought she wouldn’t need perms.

>> No.62215764

But Gura also stated that they wouldn’t let her use Non copyright stuff either. The old ass movies she played and wanted to play have no way to get you for anything, management still blocked it

>> No.62215769
Quoted by: >>62215829

Peko smells numbers

>> No.62215788
File: 444 KB, 2480x3508, 1687879994121418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62215790

How is streaming in that dead EU timeslot numberfaggotry? Even Kiara avoided that timeslot like a plague and started streaming after JP prime time most of the time.

>> No.62215791
Quoted by: >>62215983

Too bad for her even if she don’t need perm, management still can’t risk fucking GURA accidentally watching some offensive shit on Tik tok
You know how that app work, just swipe swipe swipe, easy to yab. So I might have to side with management on this one

>> No.62215804
File: 2.18 MB, 3500x3377, 20231107_061740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62215816

that is why I said, create your own platform and have all strict rules to not have any copyright infringement....
they clearly have money invested for AAA game, a platform like that will hugely reduce the talents stress

>> No.62215829

It is a limited collab unit tho. But I personally love when gacha collab with anime/manga since most of the time it is extremely OOC (aka funny)

>> No.62215848
File: 379 KB, 645x598, 1698627718197707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do brrats keep trying to leech IRyS

>> No.62215911
Quoted by: >>62216083

>anon, you have no imagination....
Life experience trumps imagination in this case and 30 years of the evolution of hosting sites shows it is not just "build your own youtube"

>> No.62215915
Quoted by: >>62215997

But it also mean isolating themselves from the greater YT ecosystem (probably the main reason why they are hesitant to do it)
Anon, what YT offer is not just a platform, but also viewers and exposure, on a level no new platform can catch up to

>> No.62215923
Quoted by: >>62216130

>get married
>cucks her with the clock
rat life isnt easy

>> No.62215945

>Euro hours

>> No.62215959
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Quoted by: >>62215988

Fellas is this GFE?

>> No.62215983
Quoted by: >>62216050

Why are you talking like she's some hero of children whose streams appear on TV

>> No.62215984
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>> No.62215988

everything is GFE

>> No.62215997

what? who says to leave YT, talents will stream on yt and they can just stream reacting to stuff posted on that platform if they want to

>> No.62216050

Well I am just saying from manager perspective, about why they would block her from doing it. It’s just perms, and Cover being paranoid

>> No.62216058

HoloEarth remians the biggest waste of time and money in vtubing, imagine what they could be investing in if all those resources weren't tied up in a shitty game no one cares about.

>> No.62216078
Quoted by: >>62216163

But if it’s fanwork then they can do that just fine on YT like Miko? No need for another platform for it

>> No.62216083
Quoted by: >>62216140

>so you are an engineer
see I was right, you only think like an engineer...
how do you think holoplus is working? Broaden your mind anon, not everything is programming

>> No.62216115

is not only a game retardgod

>> No.62216130

Says the Krocuck who cucks IRyS with Tempus boys. Atleast bae actually likes IRyS and supports her unlike whorenii

>> No.62216136

So, exactly like hololive-fc.com

>> No.62216140

nta, what do you have against engineers anon

>> No.62216163

they literally developed a platform for it....
only thing they need to do is figure out how can they leverage content from Holoplus for the talents to stream about

>> No.62216172

Go to global or something

>> No.62216177
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>> No.62216185
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Quoted by: >>62216361


>> No.62216186
Quoted by: >>62216229

>Enna whining that people keep bringing up all the awful shit she said in the past
>wants to pretend none of that ever happened and "move on"
>angry people keep bringing it up

it reminds me of a whore who complains that a man brings up her past

>> No.62216229

oh hey it's real

>> No.62216264

>Mori on indefinite hiatus
>Still active as always on twitter

>> No.62216268

nothing, but interacting with engineers as a management consultant I know they go deep into implementations rather than thinking out of the box

>> No.62216297

NTA but, Kronii is IRyS's best friend in Hololive and it's not even close nigger

>> No.62216308

anon all she said she's taking a break from is solo streams, that's not a haitus

>> No.62216316

>Mori on indefinite hiatus
She just said she wouldn't be solo streaming. She would still be doing collabs and stuff.

>> No.62216334


>> No.62216355

It's actually Flare

>> No.62216358
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>> No.62216361

This could have just been standalone virtual concert software, which would have been more useful than whatever that MMo thing is and probably done by now.

>> No.62216401
File: 123 KB, 848x1199, 1699467001082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a weird way to spell Flare

>> No.62216416

In HoloEN*

>> No.62216427

please tell me you haven't been lurking on the catalog so much you beleive she actually got suspended

>> No.62216430
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>> No.62216461

Who raided IRyS today again?
It was biboo right

>> No.62216480
Quoted by: >>62216552


>> No.62216506

christian scissor woman

>> No.62216507
File: 519 KB, 584x678, booba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't it tummy day
what is she doing

>> No.62216552

Isn't Shiori trying to getting a little to "close" to IRys??
I feel its creepy

>> No.62216584
File: 229 KB, 781x803, bingo!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got bingo you guys!
I got bingo!!!

>> No.62216625

I hope her next outfit is more revealing
It's a crime they're so hidden away

>> No.62216630
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>> No.62216685
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>> No.62216689

anon nobody cares that much about enna her, unless she says something that can be turned into a catalog thread nobody gives a shit

>> No.62216693
Quoted by: >>62216818

is the only one who can "handle" her somewhat sexual jokes

>> No.62216696

Tummy on the 7th, oppai on the 8th. November is full of different "good ___" days.

>> No.62216707

tell her to post tits

>> No.62216711

The mini-sentry is cancer.

>> No.62216756

Are you really that insecure of thinking a good Christian girl will steal your oshi?

>> No.62216818

forgot to add blunt

>> No.62216833
Quoted by: >>62217303

>Shiori generally raids the stream with the lowest ccv
>Sees irys at the bottom
>Raids her
>Doesn't even type in chat
This is creepy apparently

>> No.62216853
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>> No.62217066

Shitori should stay away from IRyS.

>> No.62217070
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>> No.62217138
Quoted by: >>62217348

i think the same but kys demi

>> No.62217188
Quoted by: >>62217348


>> No.62217303

>Shiori generally raids the stream with the lowest ccv
All those raids into fwmc superchat readings make a whole lot more sense now

>> No.62217318
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>> No.62217348 [DELETED] 
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Rent fucking free.

>> No.62217386
Quoted by: >>62217589

Besides 3D, did Salome outright never had any other stream that hit the tally?

>> No.62217444

why does /#/ have a namefag and why does everyone play along with him?

>> No.62217468
File: 46 KB, 1080x535, IMG-20231108-WA0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN is such a weird phenomenon

>> No.62217504

No way that line doesn't bingo every stream.

>> No.62217507

I suffered this, so you should too.

>> No.62217511
Quoted by: >>62217602

IRyS being a lone wolf is one of her biggest flaws despite her godtier chemistry with most girls.
Shiori is based for trying to get close to her.

>> No.62217532
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>> No.62217589

Her home3d reveal, collab with ange

>> No.62217602

Yeah. Shiori is the glue holding EN together at this point

>> No.62217739

/#/ needs to justify its existence when there's nothing to talk about by boosting shitposters.

>> No.62217771
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>> No.62217785

Kiara is losing to Kaela...

>> No.62217969

>Meme watch hour
>REACT content

>> No.62217977
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>> No.62217989
Quoted by: >>62218042


they will use ai to translate it. for browser later you can access it here https://hololiveproen.com/holoplus

>> No.62218042

Wait, they are actually making browser version?

>> No.62218086
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>> No.62218096

welcome to euro hours

>> No.62218141

tummy was a couple days ago.
11 = ii = good
8 = boobs

>> No.62218178
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>> No.62218209
Quoted by: >>62218926

good opinion, should live in Arizona moom.

>> No.62218321

>Even the normalfag no cam streamer i follow started playing Suika
Weird, usually the trends go the other way

>> No.62218394
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>> No.62218426
File: 791 KB, 640x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62219133

I just noticed something, at primetime when miko streaming, and now after tally, this thread is so slow, are anontachi avoiding 35p?

>> No.62218436

Bros... are these people, among us?

>> No.62218437
File: 104 KB, 1080x600, twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62219060

>> No.62218555

Pekomiko love

>> No.62218575

Yeah, I know it sucks but day of the rake has yet to come

>> No.62218585
Quoted by: >>62218948

>tier 2 for vesper
>OP is just a seething woman or a tranny
yes, there are a lot of those in /vt/

>> No.62218606
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>> No.62218836
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>> No.62218892
File: 37 KB, 345x356, 1662234834826765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sounds so butthurt about this


She wants everyone to "forget" everything now?
Pretend we don't know what kind of person she is?

>> No.62218926
Quoted by: >>62219105

What's the opinion of the majority of your fellow mutts? Do you guys want permanent DST or no DST at all?

>> No.62218948

>tier 2 for vesper
otherwise she wouldn't get access to his posts

>> No.62218985
Quoted by: >>62219114

Please remember to tailor your posts in the same way you would when talking to people that know nothing about her
Because that's the case

>> No.62219050
Quoted by: >>62219081

nobody fucking does, and the only reason it keeps happening is sheer inertia and congress can't pass a bill to pour water on them if they are on fire

>> No.62219053
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>> No.62219060

Elon, you fucking retard. NO

>> No.62219081
Quoted by: >>62219142

On positive side EU is getting rid of it in 2026-2027
Maybe it will help US with it?

>> No.62219105

There's actually a bill to make DST permanent. Us in leafland are just waiting for burgers to pass the bill so there's no more changing time.

>> No.62219114

She's the girl who did a bedroom offcollab while holding a male's hand and calling her fans cucks.
She's also responsible for kicking up a massive litany of drama to bring attention to herself, far too much to name here. The Secret GC stream was her doing though.
And she's known for being viciously mean to everyone. Her chat of course, but her friends and coworkers, and even her family. She layed insults on her stepmother while she was over in the next room, knowing that she didn't speak English so she couldn't understand.

>> No.62219133
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I hope next thread will be better

>> No.62219142

The empire always test policy change in its vassal states before themselves in acting it

>> No.62219144

Here I posted it on the catalog for you, now fuck off

>> No.62219234
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>> No.62219274
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>> No.62219345

I think they are changing the algo to recommend more older videos, I've been getting alot of 1-year plus clips and streams in my recs recently

>> No.62219374


>> No.62219408

Same here. I'm still getting 2 views tho

>> No.62219415

All to keep Loli Kami off the recommendation bar.

>> No.62219420
File: 1005 KB, 1180x664, 1679699812340176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man I'm so fucking glad they changed irys' goblin model

>> No.62219471
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>> No.62219514

they've changed the algo like a year or more ago. I've been getting old streams for a while now.

>> No.62219533

Is Final Fantasy really a bad game that Kiara loses to Wild Rift of all games?
