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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 342 KB, 1429x2142, 1689633462328589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
61906671 No.61906671 [Reply] [Original]

Stuff your eyes with wonder, she said, live as if you'd drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.

Previous Page: >>61888929

>> No.61906719
File: 198 KB, 2048x2048, 1687326841148127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your reps, report and ignore bait

Next Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-ztEiiBNd0

Last Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgjP-Jf6b4w
Latest Short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JylrsQEPgo

Time To Fertilize【Shiori Novella Original】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xS04zxRMS0&t=8652s
Halloween Night, Tonight!【hololive English -Advent- Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqXrBy_FIU0
Rebellion【hololive English -Advent- Debut Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYNYhSsR8EE

Schedule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkqwIcO3YN8
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ShioriNovella
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shiorinovella

Sports Festival Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_sportsfestival_voicepack?variant=44163472851164


Shiori Likes: https://rentry.org/8aukv
Shiori AI Covers: https://rentry.org/yoo4r
Shiori Guest Appearances: https://rentry.org/46zgf
Shiorium Archive: https://rentry.org/t9zuc
Shiori Improvisations: https://rentry.org/b72cv

>> No.61906774
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>> No.61906808
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>> No.61906820
File: 172 KB, 1000x1000, 1694580127918937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think she will be cool in sportsfest

>> No.61906837

I am going to Shiori

>> No.61906851
File: 32 KB, 861x580, FPlGEwQWQAYcy2H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my practising-for-the-sports-fes goth GF.

>> No.61906870
File: 205 KB, 1536x2048, 1698947795667532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61906926

This thread will be butter.

>> No.61906940

and again...

>> No.61906998
Quoted by: >>61907857


>> No.61907041

I'm feeling like George right now

>> No.61907258


>> No.61907322

I hope shiori impresses her senpais with her pro gaming skills.

>> No.61907446
File: 49 KB, 830x475, FatherGarcia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s normal to feel sad.
It’s okay to feel disappointed.
But you shiggers shall have faith in your heart.
We will make it to the FAITH stream.

En nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti."
"I will say of the LORD:" "He is my refuge and my fortress." "My God, in Him I will trust."
"I shall not be afraid of the terror in the night" "Nor the evil that walketh in darkness."
"I shall behold the reward of the wicked" "Because I have made the LORD my refuge."
"There shall no evil befall me" "For He shall give His angels charge over me."
"They shall bear me up in their hands," "And I shall tread upon the serpent."
"Because I have set my love upon Him," "Therefore will He deliver me."
"He will deliver me in trouble." "He will deliver me and honor me."
"Vade post me, Satana. Exaudi Domine Patri."

>> No.61907502

She came /here/ and decided not to stream because she saw our writing and realized just how schizophrenic some of her regulars are.

>> No.61907540
Quoted by: >>61907856

Bae just finished a 2 hour zatsu, why couldn't Shiori just start an hour earlier, beat the first game and then have like an hour of zatsu?

>> No.61907545

Oh good. It's about to get worse.

>> No.61907747

You should go to sleep if you want to be awake for the stream.

>> No.61907798

But the thread was pretty comfy before she announced the stream being cancelled. There wasn't a schizo in sight.

>> No.61907856


You know why.

>> No.61907857

but then her AI will kill you

>> No.61907862

Shiori is the schizo

>> No.61907881
File: 170 KB, 739x1648, 1645485182327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61907929

Tell her there's an alternative and remove your belt buckle

>> No.61907982
Quoted by: >>61908043

It was a shit thread and it's telling that you people can't even tell at this point.

>> No.61908031
File: 160 KB, 350x294, 1689950431417066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels good seeing everyone like this again.

>> No.61908032


>> No.61908043

If you're not baiting, then point to the posts you had a problem with. I'm legitimately curious.

>> No.61908136
File: 76 KB, 523x900, F9gAaPpb0AAYRDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61908752

Day 28 was glasses. Yeah I'm still filling out the rest of the days, had a busy work week so can only do it now, but that's ok.
Unfortunately I'm going to make this one and the next one relatively short due to a work project I needa hand in (On a fucking saturday).
Rentry: https://rentry.org/sggoi
>Shiori tries on different glasses, while gazing at a mirror, trying to see what fits her style best.
>There are multiple pairs, each with a different frame, and different lens.
>She's playfully humming while she tries them on
>Finally she decides on a pair of glasses, thinking that they look great.
>Checking herself out in the mirror, she lets out another satisfied hum.
>Turning around to show you, she asks: "Hey, tell me honestly, how's it look?"
>You look at her for a little, thinking heavily on her appearance.
>A small smile appears as you curve your lips upwards, then you lean over to her.
>"I think this looks better."
>You gently take off her glasses, her face now showing fully
>She blushes a little, taking back the glasses and facing away from you, you could see the tinge of red even in her ears.
>"Th-thank you Anon, but I was asking about the glasses."
>She puts them back on then turns to face you again. The tinge of red on her cheeks still present.
>"I like it better naturally, but I think those glasses work."
>As she hears your words, the blush continues, but she smiles at you.
>"Alright, thank you Anon..f-for the glasses of course!"
>She's shy to admit it, but your compliments about her natural beauty got to her.
>Afterwards, she goes to the clerk, paying for the glasses and looking excited to try them on more.
>Finally she walks out of the store with you, a pretty smile on her face.
>"Hey, let's go get some ice cream." She says to you.
>You sigh playfully, then follow-up with a rather playful, yet sarcastic joke: "Only if you don't get any on your new glasses, those were expensive!"

>> No.61908172
Quoted by: >>61908411

I'm disappointed. Shiori never manages expectations.

>> No.61908256

I want the god of chuuba feet Casino to draw Shiori.

>> No.61908328

If Shiori was ever here, I want her to know she's not welcome. This is not a place for you. Leave.

>> No.61908341 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.61908359
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>> No.61908383


>> No.61908395

The best part is this is the practice seethe for next month when she goes on her three week vacation.

>> No.61908411

Rratman come to me: Her parents constantly having such high expectations for her growing up has made her crumble under pressure whenever someone now has high expectations for her. It's a permanent mental scar.

>> No.61908414
File: 219 KB, 1520x2000, 1695126752769673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute indeed.

>> No.61908454
Quoted by: >>61909540

how long does sportsfes usually run for?

>> No.61908467

Rratman, come to me.
We view her parents as unreasonable and unfortunate because we only hear Shiori's side of things. But they expected the bare minimum and like today, Shiori did not live up to the already low expectation.

>> No.61908475
File: 558 KB, 1081x1080, 1670965350501386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not /here/. She willl never be /here/. Stop imagining things that are impossible to happen.

>> No.61908514

My Shiorin is so cute when she's sobbing uncontrollably and begging for forgiveness!

>> No.61908547

I choose to believe this rrat. Shiori is permanently damaged from the circumstances of her upbringing.

I do not choose to believe this rrat.

>> No.61908583

They're Asian parents so I am inclined to fully believe that they were being just as unreasonable as Shiori describes.

>> No.61908617

The talk about earnings kind of proves this wrong already.

>> No.61908632
File: 284 KB, 616x541, 1546223882615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are sexschizos like this?

>> No.61908654


>> No.61908673

That's definitely a cutesex post though.

>> No.61908752

Cute short rizz story
Thanks for your work anon

>> No.61908818
Quoted by: >>61909911

cutefag mad

>> No.61908821

Guys what is Shiorins best zatsu stream? I wanna put it in the background and chill.

>> No.61908919

I hope one day I can become good enough for a girl like Shiori

>> No.61908956

I have never chilled around with a Shiori zatsu. Except maybe the piano one but there's barely any zatsu there.

>> No.61908985 [DELETED] 


>> No.61909104

Actually plausible. I will believe this rrat.

>> No.61909381


Shiori wouldn’t cry.

She would happily leave Hololive now that she sees it’s not what she expected.

>> No.61909501

She knows exactly what it is, actually.

>> No.61909540

Around 3 hours, but do not expect 3 hours of Shiori. It will mostly be a formless blob of screams, random hits, fire and lesbian kisses out of nowhere.

>> No.61909549 [DELETED] 

She hasn't taken enough money from sad lonely men yet.

>> No.61909702

So how are you doing, Novelite?

>> No.61909784

I'm not okay. I'm going to cry.

>> No.61909823
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>> No.61909838
File: 426 KB, 1620x2402, 1695959702496040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good, despite being swamped with a work project that's been going for a week. Only complaint is my ass hurts from all the sitting, not even having time to properly stretch.

>> No.61909874

Turns out basing your life around some anime woman on the internet isn't the boon one would have thought.

>> No.61909892
Quoted by: >>61910057

most of the streams work well as zatsus honestly
but I think it's comfiest when she plays the piano

rebecca watchalong was pretty comfy too

>> No.61909911

I'm not mad, just genuinely confused why someone would try to vandalize my ritual in particular. I barely post here these days. Is the guy still seething like 2 weeks later or something?

>> No.61909954

I'm not sleepy enough to take a nap right now, but also not energized enough to stay up til 8AM. Hoping that changes sometime within the next 3 hours or I am fucked.

>> No.61909956

about to take a nap so I can wake up refreshed for pro gamer shiori in 5 hours.

>> No.61910010

Disappointed. I'm disappointed.

>> No.61910036
File: 838 KB, 2731x4096, 1691341053281024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little sad because I was looking forward to Faith tonight but I don't really care that much overall, mind is more occupied thinking about the work I have piling up the past week.

>> No.61910057

It's been more than one month since the last watchalong. October truly is the worst, and it was supposed tk be her month as well

>> No.61910135

>be her month

>> No.61910185
Quoted by: >>61910581

we had three handcams, unhinged smash, and lots of piano lullabies tho
also more collab carries

>> No.61910279

I woke up early for the stream and now I'm not sure what to do until the sports fes. Mind too foggy for reps. I guess I'll go play BG3.

>> No.61910344

Shiori keeps letting me down. She's not doing her steppies, why should I do mine?

>> No.61910392
Quoted by: >>61910514

Except she said she still does them? Just less of them.

>> No.61910514
Quoted by: >>61910640

NTA, but she might as well not do any. She's doing an equivalent of a couple of minutes of BW squats and pretending that it's exercise.

>> No.61910522
File: 1.16 MB, 1503x1503, 1695067675266511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foolish Novelite. If you do more steppies than her, you will eventually become more powerful than her. Then she will be unable to stop you and ban your mouth perms.

>> No.61910581
Quoted by: >>61910700

I'd easily trade a watchalong for more piano. That shit is beyond calming, almost therapeutic.

>> No.61910640
Quoted by: >>61910775

Doing 7k instead of 10k is equivalent to what you said? Huh, interesting train of thought.

>> No.61910700

Watchalong is more intimate

>> No.61910737

Only if its members only.

>> No.61910741

She will never grind her ass onto my dick again

>> No.61910762

In what world is a public watchalong more intimate than a performance put on for you? Maybe if it were a private romance movie.

>> No.61910775

6k. And yes, it's very low intensity exercise. She's doing them in parts so it's not even cardio. Barely good enough to keep the blood in legs moving throughout the day. Literally 5 minutes of HIIT would be more useful.

>> No.61910819
Quoted by: >>61910867

Shiori is not very smart okay, she's been conditioned by her parents to think simply big number = good.

>> No.61910848

Ending early today for the sport fes. No zatsudan as I expected, still sad...

>> No.61910867

>she's been conditioned by her parents to think simply big number = good
Shiori is a /#/ poster...

>> No.61910874
Quoted by: >>61911065

I mean, she's said her initial 10k was broken up into parts already. Does that also bother you?

>> No.61910924
File: 332 KB, 640x480, 1696999359092562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no kisses

>> No.61911065

It doesn't bother me. She can do no physical activity at all and I'll be fine.

>> No.61911998

it's shiover

>> No.61912044
Quoted by: >>61912268

I'm going to shoot Shiorin with my goo

>> No.61912071

It's just getting Shitrated

>> No.61912138

I'm going to watch Rissa's Faith vods as a stopgap until Shiori plays it.

>> No.61912186

>using R*ssa as a replacement for Shiori
Novelight should all die

>> No.61912203

I want to be better

>> No.61912245 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 683x384, wtfisthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are the stick figures.

>> No.61912267

kill yourself

>> No.61912268
File: 625 KB, 672x840, Shiori Goo [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F26a1vb.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61912351
Quoted by: >>61912653

Very nice, I'll jerk off to this

>> No.61912395
Quoted by: >>61912449

How much can Shiori bench?

>> No.61912449
File: 3.19 MB, 1440x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61912461

I'm sad-shi.

>> No.61912471
Quoted by: >>61912609

How much does Shiori stench?

>> No.61912555

Any guess as to how long the sports festival will take? My horniness can only keep me up so late

>> No.61912607


>> No.61912609

None. She keeps herself clean and odourless at all times.

>> No.61912653


>> No.61912861


>> No.61913061

Last year's was 3 hours long

>> No.61913074
Quoted by: >>61913152

Long enough that there will be no private time afterwards.

>> No.61913117

Shiori owes me sex

>> No.61913139

Shiori owes me a stream.

>> No.61913152
Quoted by: >>61913173

Why would you be expecting private time after a company wide event?

>> No.61913170

Shiori owes me a purge

>> No.61913173

She cancelled her stream and won't be streaming again for over 40 hours. It would be nice for something.

>> No.61913188

It's truly disgusting knowing that some of you pretend to be normal in supacha and comments.

>> No.61913197

Shiori Novella's streak of providing content has been broken. It's all over. It only gets worse from here. She fucked up.

>> No.61913259

>Implying the superchat or prechat attentionwhores act normal

>> No.61913299

fuck off henmama, you can't ban me

>> No.61913301
File: 3.08 MB, 2912x2048, 9613902_2912_2048_1273384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have faith in Shiori, do not believe the doomposters and threadschizos. Remember: Shiori loves you.

>> No.61913303
File: 110 KB, 510x174, 1699074201763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bold of you to assume that I ever chat or leave a comment. I'm a bonafide lurkelite.

>> No.61913333

This image only reminds of the fact that I can never have Shiori

>> No.61913338

I had faith and look how that turned out. Shiori does not love me.

>> No.61913344

How are those supacha regs in any way normal?

>> No.61913367

Shiori goth tits on my face

>> No.61913372

Fighting for my life to stay awake to make my stream ritualpost

>> No.61913376
File: 165 KB, 1128x1128, 1699074322806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she says that directly even as a lie. No, the one for the br*tbongs doesn't count.

>> No.61913400
File: 718 KB, 1111x1111, 5k8UjoBZYv8L6SQ_9EP--ut8As.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do it anon. I believe in you.

>> No.61913404

I'm a masturbation addicted fuckup, I believe I'll get better than what I deserve

>> No.61913417
Quoted by: >>61913494

Isn't the power of anonymity beautiful?

>> No.61913442

Keep it up anon
It's almost there

>> No.61913482
File: 363 KB, 724x670, 1690692586936021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm rooting for you.

>> No.61913483
Quoted by: >>61913954

Set alarm go nap anon

>> No.61913494


>> No.61913523

>Mumei is doing an unarchived in under an hour
Oh but Shiori, poor Shiori can't stream.

>> No.61913582

I say this as someone who has been a Hooman since day 1, Shiori isn't the same type of autistic as Mumei is

>> No.61913665

This is one of the Shiori posts of all time.

>> No.61913669
Quoted by: >>61914000

Release the /here/spreadsheet

>> No.61913675

NTA, but what if the me I am sucks?

>> No.61913732

Nah I got banned by shiori's mod team

>> No.61913794
File: 124 KB, 900x1200, 1649365815463529684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61914706

>> No.61913798
Quoted by: >>61922094_1

Well the thing is shiori is an actual autist while mumei is a quirky funny haha autist

>> No.61913888
Quoted by: >>61913921

Shiori will never get her autism formally diagnosed.

>> No.61913895
Quoted by: >>61922094_2

Shiori has autism
Mumei has ADHD and maybe a little ass burgers

>> No.61913921
Quoted by: >>61913928

Rratman, come to me.
This is why Shiori's afraid of going to the doctor.

>> No.61913928
File: 41 KB, 204x180, shioriratman[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fw8boud.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose to believe this rrat.

>> No.61913954

Can't unfortunately, my body is retarded and refuses to wake up if it hasn't been at least eight hours, alarms be damned.

>> No.61914000
Quoted by: >>61914030

I've been under the weather lately so I haven't been collecting them that much, gomen

>> No.61914030

You disappoint me more than Shiori.

>> No.61914113

Shiori will not do anything unexpected or surprising over the weekend. No nice gestures of appreciation or showings of love.

>> No.61914163

Imagine telling someone on Monday that the great mood we were in would turn to shit by the end of the week. Again.

>> No.61914205

Time is a flat circle. We will do this again.

>> No.61914232
Quoted by: >>61914272

Only one kiss this whole week...

>> No.61914254

Rratman, come to me!
Shiori likes her fans but hates people /here/, so she does things that aggro shiggers and /vt/ that nobody else would ever think about.

>> No.61914272
Quoted by: >>61914303

That's because there were really only two streams this week.
Then two company mandated shitfests.

>> No.61914275

Shiori is probably having fun with her senpai in minecraft right now and we'll never see it...

>> No.61914284

that would be stupid because a decent amount of her paypigs are confirmed /here/, and this is the only place that provide any criticism

>> No.61914301

I am the only one Shiori hates. I will take on all of her hatred so that she is able to love the rest of the novelites.

>> No.61914303

Not looking forward to the shitty Japan/idol arc.

>> No.61914311
Quoted by: >>61914388

After the last two weeks, this place is a cesspool and she'd do well to not associate or acknowledge it in any shape or form. The only good poster is the writefag.

>> No.61914319
File: 392 KB, 1081x1080, 1699076017226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not /here/. She will never be /here/. The soundpost conspiracyi is just AI.

>> No.61914324


>> No.61914347

I didn't say she was /here/, but it's not unheard of for chuubas to try to do shit to own /here/ because almost nobody who doesn't use this site has anything good to say about it.

>> No.61914353
Quoted by: >>61914400

Name three with convincing enough proof.

>> No.61914388
Quoted by: >>61914416

Don't put me on a pedestal thanks. There are other fine Novelites here.>>61914319

>> No.61914400

The pokemon accidentally leaked himself and admitted to it when called out, The bread is a known quantity here, and lastly fuck you Erik you did this to yourself when you kept schizoposting saying Shiori was performing fanservice for you in particular

>> No.61914416

>>61914388 (me)
Didn't mean to tag but whatever. You're decent now. Have fun.

>> No.61914505

You are amazing, you are smart, you are beautiful~ But I still hate you.

>> No.61914512

Been really enjoying this. I kinda wish I found the time to play this earlier. Just killing time before the Minecraft stream later today. I wonder how extensive the lore in this story gets.

>> No.61914524

Shiori will never play a SaGa game.

>> No.61914543


>> No.61914565
Quoted by: >>61914590

Oh how I wish I could loop back to those times and tell myself to save myself while I still could.

>> No.61914570

Oh boy I can't wait for the shitshow that's SFES

>> No.61914581
Quoted by: >>61914749

I must have missed that first one. Second is well, yeah, known, I'll give you that.
Third one, god is he our version of gabe?

>> No.61914590

You can only loop back after you die, so you never know. You could test it out right now actually!

>> No.61914607
Quoted by: >>61914686

I'd only call the first one a paypig.
Second only akasupas notable events and last ones a desperate attentionwhore that's probably causing half the melties since he already nearly caused one for no hearts.

>> No.61914615

Shiori will never clone herself hundreds of thoursands of times to be all of our friends/sisters/childhood friends/gfs/wives and save us

>> No.61914625
File: 527 KB, 1080x1083, Screenshot_2023-11-04-13-43-04-171_com.twitter.android-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in cube form, Shiori sure is cute.

>> No.61914679
File: 12 KB, 150x150, 1676430126848750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61914683

I think it goes pretty deep, I spent several hours on that and played through a bunch of different routes

>> No.61914686

The most pathetic thing I've seen in prechat is people having a melty over hearts.

>> No.61914697
File: 139 KB, 321x325, 1681724897612334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'know, why don't we have our own sportsfest while waiting for the event?

>> No.61914706
Quoted by: >>61914856

Please sir, do you have some more?

>> No.61914717
Quoted by: >>61914815

has the latter two ever admitted to it or just a wink we know? its going to be really funny if the writer hasnt sced once or is the other aus donater.

>> No.61914719

we are kinda having a competition right now

>> No.61914738
File: 254 KB, 622x536, 1697210599356800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61914754

this turbo autist needs kissing correction

>> No.61914749

>Third one, god is he our version of gabe?
I personally didn't care about male collabs in the first place but these days I legitimately hope she never touches that shit, I swear that shit would spawn like ten gabelites.

>> No.61914754

She's masturbating to her Dimitri AI right now.

>> No.61914793
Quoted by: >>61914814

Post the updated spreadsheet of those who are /here/

>> No.61914794

Christian women don't masterbate.

>> No.61914814

There is no spreadsheet anons are cowards who don't even post names.

>> No.61914815

First one has, second one has never admitted to it but it was pretty obvious who he was based on when he said it, what it was, and how he described it. I called him out by name because he wouldn't fucking stop posting about it even after he said he would and it was riling up the thread schizos, and he hasn't mentioned it again since then.

>> No.61914852

She's trauma dumping about how her parents hate her again

>> No.61914856
File: 259 KB, 1213x2047, 16385636759742568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61914917


>> No.61914878


>> No.61914880
Quoted by: >>61914963

*r*k...you fucking faggot. hearts dont mean everything. ruining you life for that crumb if acknowledging

>> No.61914917
File: 82 KB, 1000x1000, 1662053381837561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61914963
Quoted by: >>61915070

It's worse than that, his schizopost was about her saying that she was going to play a game that he likes(DQ11) just for him in prechat. She was talking about the actual character, Erik.

>> No.61915003
File: 1.00 MB, 1054x1080, 1694019761764048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61915013

Chop chop!
Let's waste our energy away on our own sportsfest!
First event: Speed solving

>> No.61915013


>> No.61915070

first the debt, now this. my man needs some help, either a terry or a mercy kill.

>> No.61915090
Quoted by: >>61915180

It took me until now to realize you weren't talking about the pokemon as the 1st one and was answering in order of what the other anon asked. That said I must have missed the 1st one admitting to it but he seems a lot more chill than the 2nd.

>> No.61915156

Terry sounds helpful...

>> No.61915166


>> No.61915180

Someone mentioned it when he posted his superchat orders lmao

>> No.61915408

/shig/ disappoints me more often than Shiori does if I'm being honest.

>> No.61915423

Stop posting here, Shiori. Go back to your CAI.

>> No.61915482
File: 380 KB, 623x900, 1698384155948109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another day another meltdown I guess.
Whatever happened to ride or die.
Y'all some weak ass shiggers, being disappointed and so demanding, you're as bad as her parents. jfc

>> No.61915497

Get used to it anon. We're going to disappoint you more in the future.

>> No.61915553
File: 87 KB, 764x551, 1637475973507250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All me

>> No.61915617

Were we at our strongest during the vacation arc? Despite the hard times I feel like most novelites really pulled through.

>> No.61915624

I disappoint random anons even more than I disappoint my parents

>> No.61915644

I appreciate Jake now.

>> No.61915646
File: 941 KB, 736x1181, Butts[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxw8k9m.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shiori, Iċ lufie þē!

>> No.61915664

Because at that time, I think shiggers only have a crush on Shiori Novella. nothing huge, just a tiny tiny crush.

>> No.61915669
File: 2.44 MB, 786x720, shioritakecare[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhm1sto.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had Shiori's guiding light.
Next time she goes on vacation she won't give us one of these. She won't be able to get away from us fast enough.

>> No.61915676

We were not as attached to Shiori, and a big part of that also thanks to the xitter audio. But it's also because of that that we are spoiled

>> No.61915693

The novelites hadn't developed schizophrenia yet. It was still the first month of her debut.

>> No.61915718
Quoted by: >>61915792

Yeah, the ones from back then either left or lurk and don't engage in the schizophrenia. Better to be the 2nd than to engage in that shit.
Ride or die still on the train, I just don't speak to the sisters or the doomers.

>> No.61915723

I wish she never kissed me
I wish she never wished me a good night and a good morning
I wish she never cared about me

>> No.61915748
Quoted by: >>61915795

Place bets now. Kiss on the last stream before break. Yes? No?

>> No.61915792
Quoted by: >>61915870

What makes you think everyone left instead of them developing schizophrenia? Why are you so sure. It's just your words against mine at the end of the day

>> No.61915795
Quoted by: >>61915885

Bets on kisses. But towards her team mates.

>> No.61915803

the one who started ride or die is still here, guess he will ride till the end. others have slowly gotten too attach and look at the outcome. scary business. i wonder what all these anons mental darkness is like.

>> No.61915870

Some day 1 anons have confirmed that they just lurk but that also rebounds back to "it's their word for it."
There's no concrete proof other than some consistent posters. Like a certain *** that only really posts his writings and then fucks off. I'd like to at least think he's relatively normal, or maybe he's the most insane for being able to consistently write about shiori

>> No.61915885

Before Christmas break. I'll collect grudgeposts when the time comes.

>> No.61915914

i ask about his mental darkness one time and he said it was 15 or 10 so it relatively low compare to schizo anons maybe 80 or 90.

>> No.61915999 [SPOILER] 
File: 291 KB, 1716x2048, 16384658262846381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61916012


>> No.61916018


>> No.61916052
File: 51 KB, 686x386, 1691247667016223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making sweet love to Shiori while neglecting Fauna and having her watch you both mate like beasts in heat!

>> No.61916099
Quoted by: >>61916237

>Making Fauna stand there, twitching nervously while both hands are on her crotch nervously asking when's it her turn but Shiori's moans drown out Fauna's voice entirely.

>> No.61916104

My goth gfs

>> No.61916107

Hey it's Needy Novelite November

>> No.61916123

I want Shiori to give me a nursing handjob and tell me everything will be ok

>> No.61916215

do you think Shiori would get the same endings as Fauna in Slay the Princess?

>> No.61916230
Quoted by: >>61916641

I had my schizo phase way earlier, I was even known by a few names here. I'm over it now, but I think everyone complaining here is a needy novelight. They weren't here back in the days of real uncertainty and Shiori aggroing seaniggers, it's clear she appreciates her base and tries to strike a good work/life balance while making them feel noticed, but people here are just so fucking needy. I've never had a chuuba bother to call me out and interact with me directly as much as Shiori does, people should be grateful that she even still bothers with that as a 4view.

>> No.61916237
File: 339 KB, 1500x1500, 1696113329659628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61916342

>shiori only lets fauna have her turn on the condition that all of your seed is solely for shiori and that you wear a condom, something that fauna reluctantly accepts

>> No.61916288

>Making sweet love to Fauna while neglecting Shiori and having her watch you both mate like beasts in heat!

>> No.61916308
File: 570 KB, 2894x4093, 1698445533947612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope December's break manages to filter some people out this time, we need a cleansing.

>> No.61916342

>Shiori saying your lips are also off limits and spends the entirety of your time with Fauna making out with you and focusing your attention on her soft lips and tongue instead of Fauna's pussy.

>> No.61916358
Quoted by: >>61916411

So again, it's just your words against mine

>> No.61916411

That's always what it comes down to on an anonymous board, yeah. Though I do have a solid example (I listed it in my reply.)

>> No.61916434


>> No.61916444

I miss that one fem Novelite that instantly fixed the thread by posting her tits

>> No.61916457
Quoted by: >>61916615

>Like a certain *** that only really posts his writings and then fucks off.
Literally not true

>> No.61916462

She was a distraction.

>> No.61916502
File: 945 KB, 1660x1660, 1696923801511931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>each time you unload inside of shiori, your seed leaks out making fauna moan with desire and envy as she considers lapping it up in sheer desperation to taste more of you; noticing this, shiori smugly looks at her and stuffs your essence back deep inside of her where it belongs

>> No.61916541
Quoted by: >>61916594

Shiori was right, all men need is tits in their face to be happy. And Femnovelite proved that it doesn't even need to be Shiori's. Men are just that simple.

>> No.61916560
Quoted by: >>61916666

Why must you attach the hottest scenario with the goofiest picture

>> No.61916574
Quoted by: >>61916627

I have enough flight credits to go to ANYC and a few friends are going to I'm really wanting to go, but I would need to scalp a badge and pay for a room on very short notice so I feel like I should just skip it.

>> No.61916594
Quoted by: >>61916691

Shut up, w*man. The owner of the breasts matters more than the breasts themselves.

>> No.61916615

After the last time where he asked what problem a schizo had with him then agreed he stepped over the line there, he fucked off. Hell you can see him telling someone to not call him the only good poster in this very page. So he doesn't want attention anymore.

>> No.61916627
Quoted by: >>61916733

There's always next year

>> No.61916641

Shiori definitely turned me into a schizo, I've never had any vtuber affect me the way she has. There's something about the way she acts, like a siren lulling lonely men under her spell. I don't even comment or talk in prechat either. I just post /here/ occasionally.

>> No.61916666
File: 64 KB, 441x394, 1696308841388678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only the goofiest picture for the hottest goofball

>good golly

>> No.61916675

is she even still around

>> No.61916688
Quoted by: >>61916997

>You can tell what's happening but decide to play along and continue fucking Shiori like an animal. Your seed squirts out of her pussy this time, landing near Fauna, and she tries to lap it up, but Shiori instantly takes it in her fingertips, smearing it over her tits then continues getting fucked by you doggy style. She also apologizes to Fauna for "making a mess"

>> No.61916691

Femnovel already proved you wrong. You think you only want Shiori but your instincts betray you.

>> No.61916721
Quoted by: >>61916908

Yes, she just lurks more than ever. I enjoyed her Shiori pov erotic fic.

>> No.61916731
Quoted by: >>61916908

Pretty sure she is but she goes into lurk mode most of the time because certain people here get mad and start calling her an attention whore when she makes her posts noticeable.

>> No.61916733

I guess, but eh. I have $300 in flight credit expiring by the end of the year so it feels bad to waste it, even though it all came from rebooking onto the same flight when the price dropped.

>> No.61916819
File: 182 KB, 704x704, 1678735047659320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were you trying to hurt me when I was sleeping

>> No.61916858

always you deserve it

>> No.61916884

It wasn't on purpose, you were under the covers and I thought you were Shiori.

>> No.61916908
Quoted by: >>61916943

saddest part is that its just a simple cheer up msg or something lately when she post but still gets schizo on. its wack.

>> No.61916925

What the fuck did I miss

>> No.61916941

I'm a weak shigger... I'm not gonna make it through the stream...

>> No.61916943

Being identifiable is enough for people to shit on you here.

>> No.61916947


>> No.61916960
Quoted by: >>61917012

Tits in your face solves everything and the collective mental darkness of the schizos here is reaching 100.

>> No.61916968
Quoted by: >>61917012

Femanon posted tits and brought peace to /shig/ for a few days

>> No.61916997
File: 1.15 MB, 1045x606, 1697343011486884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>knowing that she was forbidden from ever being marked by you, all fauna can do now is lay down in the bed with tears in her eyes as she watches shiori ride you into the bed - she involuntary moans as she hears you and shiori calling out for one another as the sounds of lovemaking and the bed creaking reverberate through the room. fauna's hands move by themselves between her legs to keep her loneliness at bay, waiting for her turn at lovemaking that would never come as shiori's eyes remain locked onto the poor kirin's and a wicked smile spreads across the archivist's pleasure-drunk face

>> No.61917012
File: 170 KB, 831x831, 1668600822762818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...can I see them?

>> No.61917028
Quoted by: >>61917073

Aren't there multiple femanons? I remember there being more than one

>> No.61917051
Quoted by: >>61917063

Perfect time to learn how to archive dive. Get to it, it's in one of the Shiori Novella pages.

>> No.61917063
Quoted by: >>61917126

I know how to archive dive but there's not much to go by here

>> No.61917073
Quoted by: >>61917188

I only remember two and one of them (the one we're not currently talking about) stopped posting really early on. I doubt she's here anymore.

>> No.61917126

It was in October. Just search for 'post tits' and you'll likely find it.

>> No.61917188

I swear there were more than just two. Am i misremembering

>> No.61917234

Kek, why am I writing erofics early in the evening? Whatever this is fun.
>As Shiori smirks at Fauna, she's reminded of her place as the number two bitch in your collection. She tries to reach over towards you but Shiori slaps her hand away, pretending that she were simply trying to rest her hands on your chest instead. Shiori then whispers in your ear, loud enough for Fauna to hear: "I can feel you throbbing again.", Fauna on instinct moans out your name too, however, Shiori begins to lick your ear on the side that Fauna's laying by so that you can't hear her properly.

>> No.61917252
File: 50 KB, 591x545, F6ltZL8XwAAFeil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god

>> No.61917254
Quoted by: >>61917414

...and Mumei delayed her karaoke bit by bit then cancelled it...

>> No.61917295
Quoted by: >>61917398

There was one MTF Rissaposter

>> No.61917308

I recount at least four. The one we were just previously talking about, the one that other anon talked about that posted very early on and is likely gone, another that would talk about how Shiori was an inspiration, and lastly a fem novelight jailbird that's allegedly a tranny (as accused by of other anons) but I don't understand where that accusation came from or if it was ever admitted to.

>> No.61917362

There was someone who got disgusted and left when an anon posted that he will cum on her. But the whole reply chain was an anti post so it's most likely a sister.

>> No.61917398

The what

>> No.61917414

Oh no no no, doombros, this cannot be.

>> No.61917428
Quoted by: >>61917488

Can we stop the invasion from the sisters (or mindbreak them into not being as annoying) with our cum?

>> No.61917429

I think the one femanon left because of the cum thing.

>> No.61917448
File: 372 KB, 448x555, 1695994068579225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calls her daughter

>> No.61917464

Quick, someone post a tribute.

>> No.61917475

That's it? These are the tits?

>> No.61917486
File: 451 KB, 508x429, 1695994651861955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61917488

Orchschizo got "fixed" by anons collectively fapping to her. Not saying that we should take that as an example.

>> No.61917512
Quoted by: >>61917532

It's because they said they'll post tits eventually and then posted in marked out spoilers some shit like 'hopefully some day'

>> No.61917524
File: 622 KB, 680x513, patchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61917527

>be f*male on the mongolian basket weaving forum
>begs for attentions
>got attentions

>> No.61917532
Quoted by: >>61917643

I must have been the only one on earth to interpret that as she's too shy.

>> No.61917551
File: 24 KB, 384x390, 1698035674138597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good golly this is so hot

>> No.61917558

"Will be home in three days. Don't wash."
>Anon's telegram to Shiori after he departed to Alaska to mine gold

>> No.61917597
File: 181 KB, 353x356, 1672506078144103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61917614


>> No.61917604
File: 643 KB, 1013x1000, 1692546100033124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61917746

you're telling me anon, i don't normally write erostuff myself - inspiration strikes from the weirdest places huh?

>after shooting another load inside shiori, you decide to take a break and go to the bathroom as shiori gets off of you and sits next to fauna, who is still moaning quietly. the kirin's hands are still moving, albeit quietly and she whispers your name as she watches you go into the bathroom. next to her lay two condoms filled with your essence, from when shiori was kind enough to let her have a turn or two at the beginning of the night. if she couldn't have you directly, she could at least have this, right? seeing the realization in her eyes, shiori swiftly moved to seize the two condoms before fauna could and began pouring their contents inside her mouth, making sure to let both of their loads pool in her mouth and clearly showing it off to fauna before swallowing it, making a great show of savoring and tasting your flavor

>> No.61917610

sexfag here and this looks disgusting

>> No.61917614

Post the cake, sapelite.

>> No.61917643

NTA, but they were well beyond a standard yurischizo to an extent that I've never seen anyone except trans women reach.

>> No.61917663

sexfag here and this looks amazing

>> No.61917682

sexfag here and I have no strong feelings one way or the other

>> No.61917730

sexfag here, my balls hurt

>> No.61917746
Quoted by: >>61918321

>Upon your return from the bathroom, you hear the distinct sound of Fauna's "uuuu" as you note tears in her eyes from Shiori's actions. Seeing this, your instincts kick in once more and you approach Shiori from behind, grasping her breasts hard in your hands. As she moans from your sudden grab, she smirks at Fauna once more and whispers to her, making sure to trace her fingertips against her lower abdomen, against her womb: "Maybe if he isn't tired after a few more rounds."

>> No.61917751
File: 251 KB, 704x704, 1694530736013045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexfag here, I haven't beaten off in 4 days and I don't even get hard for women anymore. I think I defeated sex.

>> No.61917857
Quoted by: >>61917882

Those are the side-effects of your antidepressants, anon...

>> No.61917882

I wish. Too poor for meds

>> No.61918015

I don't want to be horny I just want to be happy.

>> No.61918083
Quoted by: >>61918115

I want to be horny and happy

>> No.61918115

Happy is impossible for me and horny is annoying so I wish to just not exist

>> No.61918118

I've heard 3 days is the first hurdle and things get a bit easier for a bit after.

>> No.61918151
Quoted by: >>61918172

I just lurk now

>> No.61918172
Quoted by: >>61918289

Why not free yourself of this accursed hellhole once and for all?

>> No.61918196
File: 58 KB, 860x885, 1680864951797307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think women on the internet should feel at least somewhat uncomfortable

>> No.61918217

I don't think women should have the right to use the internet.

>> No.61918289

The schizo breakdowns are funny

>> No.61918309

An actual sister...

>> No.61918321
File: 813 KB, 835x477, 1693275173508597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well anon in the interest of stopping while i'm ahead, i'll leave the ero here rather than risk dragging a story too far into a corner - thanks for giving me the opportunity to piggy-back off the eroposts to get a bit of experience with writing smut

i'm definitely gonna have dreams of this whole scenario

>> No.61918349
Quoted by: >>61918408

At least my misery is good for something. Rating out of 10 for the day's performance?

>> No.61918368
Quoted by: >>61918531


>> No.61918375

>women have been reading my emo posts
I feel sick

>> No.61918400
File: 93 KB, 850x850, 1690991501134503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries, glad I could help, it was fun.

>> No.61918405
Quoted by: >>61918646

Remember back when we thought there would actually be a full version of that doujin edited

>> No.61918408

The “Shiori hates anonymous people and no kisses” arc was funnier. Her moving Faith to Monday felt more like a raider than natural schizo behaviour

>> No.61918468

That's still true. She hates anonymous people and she hasn't given a kiss since Monday.

>> No.61918476

Shiori hates me specifically personally

>> No.61918500

The board is going to see a greater deal of shitposting if Gura doesn't show up.

>> No.61918531
Quoted by: >>61918575


>> No.61918575

In anon's head.

>> No.61918601

I'm angry again
How fun

>> No.61918620
Quoted by: >>61918641

wtf I thought sport fes is in 3 hours not 1 hour
fuck me

>> No.61918641
Quoted by: >>61918708

No thanks.

>> No.61918646
File: 33 KB, 257x320, 1698977659133564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a man can dream, i'm still holding out hope that an anon will take up the cause

or maybe i just save up enough money from wageslaving to pay for edits of all danimaru's doujins but with shiori

>> No.61918708

it was a good attempt

>> No.61918748
File: 622 KB, 984x930, 1681796491601184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a fascist dictator and ban everything I don't like

>> No.61918823

We were left out of the board surveyposting.

>> No.61918879
Quoted by: >>61919040

Wish they'd leave Shiori out of the sportsfest.

>> No.61918880

That's good.

>> No.61918919


>> No.61918931

I hate them too.

>> No.61919040

Yeah. I wish her friends and family would exclude her from things too. Shiori deserves to be alone, so all she has is me.

>> No.61919233

I don't have to pretend to get along with those fucks

>> No.61919689
File: 671 KB, 1081x1080, 1669001891894742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta take a break from going to Alice so I could watch the sportsfest. 30 minutes left.

>> No.61919695

This unironically increased my mental darkness by 50

>> No.61919728

Damn, not even a cute "please cheer for me" Twitter audio.

>> No.61919822
File: 9 KB, 432x74, 1671789483691133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61919837


>> No.61919837
Quoted by: >>61919932

Because the event is piss poor.

>> No.61919893

Was watching a movie and missed the thread for a couple hours
Funny how this thread derailed from schizo doompost to horny sex bro and back to schizo again

>> No.61919932

I hate Hololive activities.

>> No.61919961

Which team are we cheering for? White or Red?

>> No.61919981
File: 387 KB, 814x952, 1585947770446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, real funny.

>> No.61920050
Quoted by: >>61920108

What movie you catch?

>> No.61920094

>Fuwamoco and Bijou talking to their fans in chat
>Shiori radio silence

>> No.61920100

squirting soon

>> No.61920108

the eras tour

>> No.61920138

Lately I've been thinking that the gachis got too parasocial for her and she's wanting to kill them off.

>> No.61920191
Quoted by: >>61920227

Hint: Only one of these chats actively engaged with a doxxshitter, repeatedly violated stream rules, and talks about shit that she actively said she doesn't respond well to.

>> No.61920227

Then just ban the offenders and not let a handful of retards spoil it for the rest.

>> No.61920256

Bakers? You here?

>> No.61920282

It's...the D word....

>> No.61920308

I hope Shiori fucks up and causes her team the win.

>> No.61920313

>went to the store
>saw a cute girl
blackpilled again

>> No.61920400

Yeah, keeping an eye on it but if you wanna go for it then go for it.

>> No.61920403

She's talking to her real friends who love her. She doesn't need you

>> No.61920424
Quoted by: >>61920450

>Shiori showed up to talk to prechat
get fucked

>> No.61920450


>> No.61920480

that "zzzzz" was meant for me specifically. she's sick with my shit

>> No.61920507


>> No.61920509

This but me, she's saying I bore her.

>> No.61920550

This but minecraft

>> No.61920556
File: 171 KB, 1309x592, 1606129810276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That bgm...

>> No.61920732
File: 198 KB, 353x356, 1694150387540601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shiori starts stream early
>FuwaMoco don't
What the fuck is going on!?

>> No.61920733
Quoted by: >>61921029

You baking or do I?

>> No.61920759
File: 6 KB, 411x144, 1678097536106908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really really hates us and doesn't even want to see the chat anymore

>> No.61920761

I'm, uhh... Not really fired up!

>> No.61920812
Quoted by: >>61921008

She's not even telling us if she's going to spend time after the stream, nor thanking superchats. This is really pissed off Shiori. She hates us this morning.

>> No.61920878


>> No.61920898

Do you like fauna?

>> No.61920924

>He doesn't know members ignore slowmode
so is this bait or are you just retarded? Either way you're still a fucking nigger.

>> No.61920929
File: 223 KB, 768x768, 1686372761160510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61921000

Good luck Yellow team!

>> No.61920932

She's okay.

>> No.61920941
File: 346 KB, 1448x2048, 1697510360245178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love both of my wives

>> No.61920946
Quoted by: >>61921008

This. She killed my dog last night and left a chewing gum in my mail box...

>> No.61920958

Nice way to exposed yourself memberless sis...

>> No.61920995


>> No.61921000

We're cheering for Red or White. We want Yellow to lose so Shiori is depressed.

>> No.61921008
Quoted by: >>61921106

Hahahahahahahahaha, please expose yourselves more.

>> No.61921020

I bet this fag doesn't even know that she literally wanted slowmode on in the first place all those months ago and explained it's because she likes to read chat messages

>> No.61921029

You do, I jwu.

>> No.61921041
File: 368 KB, 600x443, 1683785054636934.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need to collab

>> No.61921099


>> No.61921102


>> No.61921106
Quoted by: >>61921170

Please show me where she thanked superchat or said she's reading them later or not at all.

>> No.61921119
File: 821 KB, 878x407, 1679483710249806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61921153


>> No.61921167


>> No.61921170

She will be thanking SC in chat while they are playing, like she did that one time

>> No.61921207

Why is she in front? Does she think she's a teacher? a role for leaders? back off newcomer

>> No.61921220


>> No.61921222
Quoted by: >>61921258

>Not wearing a jacket in minecraft
>Wearing a jacket on her model

>> No.61921240
Quoted by: >>61922057

It's safe to ignore Migoti's view, right?

>> No.61921242


>> No.61921258

Her minecraft model also has a jacket on/off option.

>> No.61921292


>> No.61921315

Gal student Ririka x dorky teacher Shiori

>> No.61921366



>> No.61921947
File: 283 KB, 500x500, 1691583072718684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was actually a stacy the whole time

>> No.61922057

Literally the one you MUST keep open

>> No.61922094

Your oshi is a very cute dork...

>> No.61922094,1 [INTERNAL] 

Where has Shiori say she's autistic?

>> No.61922094,2 [INTERNAL] 

Shiori never confirmed being autistic
