▼Phase Connect LinksOfficial Website:https://phase-connect.com/Official Schedule:https://schedule.phase-connect.com/Official Twitter:https://twitter.com/PhaseConnectOfficial Character References:https://pastebin.com/RP5DxAmiUnofficial Phase Connect Archives:https://pastebin.com/qAsMRhBa––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––▼Lia 鈴香 アシェリア (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouasheliaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAsheliaTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/asheliarinkou▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)Twitter: https://twitter.com/UtataneNasaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/UtataneNasaTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/utatanenasa▼Hakushika Iori 白鹿 いおり (JP + EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/hakushikaioriYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HakushikaIoriTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iorihakushika▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉 ウルカ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/fujikuraurukaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FujikuraUrukaTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fujikurauruka▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠 みちる (JP)Twitter: https://twitter.com/shisuimichiruYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShisuiMichiruTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/michiru_shisui▼Tenma Maemi 天満 マエミ (JP + EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenmamaemiYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TenmaMaemiTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tenmaTwitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmSVAwFc5MJwQowsDvCTuw▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン ピッパ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/pipkinpippaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PipkinPippaTwitch: https://twitch.tv/pippa––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/kaneko_lumiYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KanekoLumiTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kanekolumiTwitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@lumikaneko▼Fuura Yuri ふうら百合 (EN) [Terminated]Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive/playlists▼Dizzy Dokuro 髑髏ディズィー (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/dizzydokuroYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@dizzydokuro/Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dizzydokuro▼Jelly Hoshiumi 星海ジェリー (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/jellyhoshiumiYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@jellyhoshiumi/Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jellyhoshiumi▼Ember Amane 天音エンバー (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/emberamaneYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EmberAmane/Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/emberamane––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––▼Remilia Nephys レミリア・ネフィス (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/Remilia_NephysYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RemiliaNephysTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/remilianephys▼Chisaka Airi 千坂 アイリ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChisakaAiriYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChisakaAiriTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chisakaairiTwitch Archive: https://youtube.com/channel/UCx7aPMHI_kK1CP6zSvilHSA▼Amanogawa Shiina 天ノ川 しいな (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmanogawaShiinaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AmanogawaShiinaTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amanogawashiinaTwitch Archive: https://youtube.com/channel/UCkDfBt3R64R2rRIrAQwldeQ▼Himemiya Rie 姫宮りえ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimemiyaRieYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HimemiyaRieTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/himemiyarieTwitch Archive: https://youtube.com/channel/UC3-Rfh_Ek-s6EUWS4fT5VPw▼Erina Makina エリナ・マキナ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/ErinaMakinaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ErinaMakinaTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/erinamakina▼Komachi Panko 小町ぱんこ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/komachipankoYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KomachiPankoTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/komachipankoTwitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa_EIfw5I5uDlwsK6sc-83Q ▼Phase FriendsPrism >>>/vt//ppg+/Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/Idol Corp >>>/vt/jidf/Other Small Corpos >>>/vt//corpo/Yubicraft >>>/vt//ybc/ Previous Thread >>61167967
Lumi is just the best
OK guys. I've been coming to the general every day for the past 26 weeks so that basically makes me an oldfag. I deserve a ritualpost but I don't know what to spam the thread with. Spoonfeed me ideas that would annoy you the most.
I hope Airi get's something good to eat today!
Pippa should marry me
The upcoming Pippa, Tenma and Henya collab is going to create some kind of gremlin energy singularity
Panko stanko
>>61178024I know and it will be incredible
I love this Panda
>>61178005*clip* *clip*
I miss Uruka, but i understand why she's gone so it's okay.
I miss my wife anons
Lumi's 3 top Nirvana songs are Nirvana, Nirvana and Nirvana, in that order. So punk.
>Lumi will never sing you to sleep
>>61178091I need camp counselor Uruka to serenade me again soon.
>>61178091GOD I want URUKA to SUCCEED in LIFE. SO BAD.
I love Panko.I will always love Panko.Not a day goes by where I don't think about how much I love Panko.
>>61178149>punkI thought Nirvana was grunge
>>61178091What happened?
>>61177959>>61177909I love Tenma.
Man, I wish I were half as cool as this rabbit.
>>61178214I think she died I don't really know either. Nobody wants to say anything so remaining subs continue and help pay for her grieving family.
>>61178242Wrong place to be rabbit
>>61178242Just put your glasses on.
>>61178004It's 26 weeks now? Did you meet Moot when he still walked the Earth?>>61178214The old man came back for those thighs
I love Shiina!
>>61178293Holy shit
HEY PIPPA YOU SUPER DORK!!! Looking forward to the colab today! Super proud you are getting things done! Dont get too stressed out, it will be great, of course Henya likes you! Youre voice is so cute and you are so kind! ITS TRUE DAYO! Pippa (Tenma, Henya) love! Henya is allowed to hug pipellow
>>61178134She'll be back soon!Or will she?
DAY 25 OF REMILIA NEPHYS'S VACATIONFlu watch begins. Mold wrangling 2023 continues.
How in the Sam Hell does Ember already have a Bass battle chip?
hey /pcg/, /vsj/ tourist here looking forward to the collab tonight! i love tenma and lumi but don't know much about the others, hope it's an enjoyable stream dayo
>>61178445oh shit she's playing rockman.exe i might watch
>>61178210https://youtu.be/rFO8VauwnPs?t=1657Don't tell anyone
I awake. Pippa love~!
>>61178493I'll kiss you on the mouth bitch mwah
>>61178445The new port gives you the option to download it when you start the game.
[Ember news] She's a mutant FREAK with an extra rib.
>>61178647Onahole my beloved
>>61178214She's giving me titjobs and thighjobs
Guys I got this intruder on stream! How do I get rid of it?
>>61178818how could she possible give you titjobs? she has no tits
>>61178493Howdy pardner
>>61178818>No penetrationStill a virgin
>>61178840report anomaly
>>61178493Howdy pardner.
>>61178900Well duh, that's for marriage only.
>>61178493My someday-will-be wife will not disappoint.
>>61178947Do you think she ever shoves Theo... you know...
>>61178493I really hope Mii-chan hits it off with Henya, they seem be friendly with each other
>>61179009White girls fuck dogs, asian girls fuck cats, sand niggers fuck goats and niggers fuck monkeys. What do latinas fuck?
>>61179123ever heard of a donkey show? popular in mexico
>>61179201kek I'm sorry how could I forget about you Columbus?
>>61179123Everything that moves or so I'm told.
>>61178855Pretty sure sex bear is confirmed boing boing bear during one of her handcam streams where she probably wasnt wearing a bra and tried to cover herself or something. Dont know which one but someone has the video
I'm going to get /fit/ for Lia, Lumi, Lisa and Pippa.
>>61179390I’m not a newfag pal, I was there for that stream. She’s not “boing boing” at all.
>>61179582Keep that thing away from Nasa.
Ember is hungry
>>61179390It was like a B cup
>>61179737>light mode
>>61179641Yeah and Sakana's a fish.
Honestly I miss Yuri's fat tits
>>61179667I thought she was more hanging Cs. Ill have to head to the booth for an official review
>>61179390She definitely has some perky nipples though.
>>61179390She had potruding nipples because she was horny from seeing me.
ey tony, i don't know if this raccoon broad is italian.
Honestly, Lumi.
>>61178493Hi, have some complimentary eggs gummies
>>61178024Hope so, better than the other options.
>>61180099You know she is Italian because she is proud of it but denies it when convenient.
[Ember news] She's gaining weight and her pants don't fit
>>OPI didn't know Uruka was hiding those bazonkas
>>61180099Me on the left
>>61178301nothing will be wrong
>>61180261She's a growing girl, you see.
>>61180314This is the second time I think to myself "It's fine I'll catch it when I get back" and then click onto her stream just to hear she's closing it. :(
>>61179009No, I never had such thoughts.
>>611802617 lbs feels good it's paying off.
>>61180314I want her to go longer/10
>>61180314Pako is cool but game was shit
>>61180261All according to keikaku
>>61180314>RATE THE PANDA10/10>RATE THE GAMEKusoge with no soul/10>RATE THE OBSERVATIONShe's legally blind/10>RATE THE STREAMAs always 10/10. Panko LOVE.
>>61178493hey bbygrl
>>61180261very sad news indeed. I will pray for her
Tell me more Ember
>>61180314cutest/10kusoge/10boring/10uuu i miss Panko/10
>>61179931Another thing in common. Wake up Uruka, marry me!
>>61180472Go back to sleep.
>>61180261Wouldn't it be funny if her pants rip while trying to fit her fatass into it?
>>61180261God I hope shes just playing into the joke
>>61179390>>61179908>>61179667After reviewing the footagedefinitely around a B
Women are terrifying desu
>>61180314>RATE THE PANDABlindingly cute/10>RATE THE GAME7/10 Slow enough she can talk to chat but not much to comment on>RATE THE OBSERVATIONI though raccoons had good vision/10>RATE THE STREAM10/10 Will break spaghetti again
>>61180261I will now watch your architect bait
>>61180261She's doing this on purpose right?
I am excited for friday
>>61180563I love one of them.
>>61180630Tell me 7 things about her
Where's that anon that keeps crying at people calling Ember fat? I want to bully him more.
Batten the hatches /PCG/ a storm is brewing.
>>61180550This is terrible news
>>61180589The weight gain? She's been busy with school work the last while so it's not surprising to hear if she's kept the same eating habits.
>>61180666thanks satan
Is it fast hours yet? I have a shitpost I wanna make.
>>61180563Just don't fall asleep around them or accept food/drinks from them and you'll be fine. Remember you are the bigger sex. You can always just pick them up and mating press them into submission.
>>61180730Not til the collab
>>61180730wait until the collab is 30 seconds late starting for maximum effect
>>61180730no one is even streaming right now, of course it's not fast hours
>>61180760But sleeping with someone is the ultimate form of intimacy...
>>61180563Women can only hurt you if you love them
>>61180550>>61180708big breasts fill a man's hand, but small breasts fill a man's heart
>>61180837Not even phase friend Hexa is awake.
>>61180837https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF3IK2N7spsfuck off you n'wah
I Love Shiina!Even if somebody had to pay 3 dollars to get us all the legendary NSFW video, now it's here and we can all rejoice!Shiina Leaked NSFWhttps://files.catbox.moe/ppod4x.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/i5tk8l.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/sz44e5.mp4Bonus Shiina BJ!https://files.catbox.moe/3cqr24.mp4
>>61180854Then sleep with one of them. I'll read your autopsy, and maybe that will change my mind.
>>61180314>swaps scenes 5 times per second>cant find anythingdum coon
>>61180837Kirsche is live though
>>61180916sorry I should have clarified, no one that matters is streaming right now
>>61180730I have some I'm saving for the opportune moment too
>>61180933Sleeping with her was the happiest my ex ever made me.
>>61180933I slept with a bitch once and she stole my virginity. Listen to Lumi DO NOT TRUST WOMEN
>>61180708>Terrible>He doesn't find the appeal of small perky titsMy condolencesAlso that stream was a feast for thigh/leg lovers. I'll never forgive myself for losing it.
>>61180662Why should I?She's1. Cute2. Funny3. A sweetheart, although she can be seen as "too angry" which is not true4. Kind, I know she donates to charity. But at the same time, me, with my ethics, wouldn't consider her kind because she donates to charity, but rather the exact opposite. Giving money to the poor only makes them suffer longer, and they won't be happy if they suddenly are not poor. Anyway, it's a hard topic for me to speak on because ESL, so I will just shut up now. 5. Impulsive but I think it's cute, although she doesn't seem to like itShe likes6. Games7. And mocha, if I remember this correctly. I personally only drink black coffee.
>>61181084What good are breasts if they do not fill my mouth. Is the stream lost to time?
Pippa should do gfe
>>61181229Dodges you and her friends for a random guy she met online She already does though?
>>61181229If a girl does something I like its GFE. Its really that simple.
>>61181298You need a better gf...
>>61181229Pippa can't offer what she knows nothing about.
I've never seen a post about GFE that wasn't bait
GFE is bad.
>>61179882Same desu
>>61181527such a pretty dress.
>>61181214They fill your mouth without overflowing. They made the vod private and cut out all the times she didn't put up her brb screen and got up and walked around and she kept leaning back showing her thighs
>>61181527Her legs were nice too. Shame this is the only torso shot we ever got. I fucking love shortstacks.
>>61181645>he doesn't know
Pippa, I know your here, fight the brainworms, do not flake on the collab, you'll never live it down if you do.
>>61180860How do i stop loving women?
>>61181699remember just because she likes tenma doesnt mean its her collab, henya spent all this time trying to meet YOU
>>61181645there is also the maid outfit...
>>61181748>>61181674Oh right, I even have it saved somewhere. I guess this one is easier to remember because my penis likes it a lot.
you'll do great tonight pippa, don't listen to the shitty bait, you're the best at collabs and there's a reason you're the mega idol
>>61181739Go on /b/ and start jerking it to femboys
>>61181809>you're the best at collabsAnon, I like Pippa too, but don't lie to her. I'll take Pippa being an awkward wallflower because Henya doesn't get her random references.
>>61181739By having one cheat then trying to blame you
>>61181614This is the worst news ive received in months. My jealously is incalculable. Inshallah the bear thighs shall find their way back to us
>>61181949We have a winner.
>>61181739By liking Lia
>>61181949This is why I watch vtubers now it's over for me.
>>61181739By sorting out your latent parental issues.Only Jews, poos, the French and Koreans "love" women the rest appreciate them but realize only male friends fill the void.
Fucking die Pipkun
>>61181915You'll get your wish when Henya and Tenma start speaking in squiggles. The yabbit will hurt itself in its confusion.
Tenma status?Super idol Pipkin Pippa status?(you) status?
I have no idea who henya is or why I should care about this collab
>>61181809it's 50/50, either it goes well or it doesn't
>>61182118That would be pretty neat actually but I can understand why Pippa wouldn’t like it
>>61182180>Tenma statusLoved by me. >Super idol Pipkin Pippa statusWho knows?>(you) statusLoving Tenma.
>>61182118>The yabbit will hurt itself in its confusion.God, yeah. If moonrune takes up more than 20% of the conversation I feel like Pippa is gonna end up in a pissy mood regardless.
>>61182094we don't even like them, we just find them cute and like what they make us feel, otherwise we don't lie to ourselves about how retarded most of them are
Pipppa is probably a nervous wreck right now and not being allowed to bear hug her is a crime.
>>61181739beat them up so they hate you
>>61182180>(you) status?Just finished downloading Skylines 2
I love my little sister very much !
>>61182180Trying not to drinkTossing and turning in her sleep(nightmares)Vibrating
>>61182118I remember the collab with Iori and another JP vtuber (maybe Aoi, it's been so long) and when they spoke mostly JP without Iori translating Pippa got frustrated and just started looking up Japanese swear words and shouting them at Iori, who was not pleased. It got really awkward really fast.
>>61182290Is there even any point to it over Skylines 1?
the collabs going to gofine
>She thought Crispin was "smooth"https://www.youtube.com/live/5fVLivZsSV0?si=u9QmdCaI6vQsThuh&t=1460Dizzy is easy to take advantage of.
>>61182290I want to play it right away but they're going to charge so fucking much for the content creator packs and expansions that I feel like pirating it is objectively the right thing to do.
Pippa will fuck this up, destroy phase's reputation for good.
>>6118225520% probably won't happen because Pippa and Tenma primarily speak English on stream. I don't know about Henya. From clips, I see it's 50/50. I suspect Pippa will be happy regardless because she is finally streaming with Henya.
>>61182506and blame everyone else but herself. The days of self aware Pippa are over.
>>61182506meh, they had a good run
be nice to pippa today no matter how the collab goes we don't want anymore eggcidents
>>61182506>Back to the good old daysbased
>>61182180>Tenma status?In the wagie cagie>Super idol Pipkin Pippa status?Sorry I can't make out what she says over the slurping.>(you) status?Making tacos thanks for checking bro
>>61178091>pushes back return date >cancels streams in her first week >goes on another break within three months Mark my words.
>>61182445Noticing some cool stuff so far like exporting and importing power like in simcity. But I didn't follow the development so I don't have a new shit bullet list.
>>61182498I have it in gamepass, so yeah, I plan on doing the same when it gets too bad.
>>61182642Well, at least this means they'll stop breaking mods for Skylines 1.R-right?
>>61182642Does the traffic work better on vanilla?
>>61182587That is just straight up not true. Pippa wouldnt do that, but if she did, it wasnt for you guys to masturbate to it!
>>61181949Already happened, twice>>61181826I'm not gay>>61182018Sorry but I'm already in love with Lumi
>>61182587This is my favorite rrat.>>61182705Shut up Pippa.
>>61182506Undoubtedly, Pippa will do something stupid. She can’t reel herself in and will push some edgelord joke too far.
A vision!A man will walk into a bar
>>61182512Henya's streams are mostly bilingual. She says something in English then repeats it in jap.
>>61182705I didn't. Its fine.
>>61182723I hope this happens
>>61182699Still low pop atm, will let you know if it goes to shit sooner or later than usual.
We need to be extra parasocial and horny to filter the vshojo tourists
guys you're embarrassing us in front of vsj.
>>61182732gdi she is gonna tell that retarded joke to Henya isn't she
>>61182856I can't get horny, I am too tired and it's the middle of the day.
Ember shook
>>61182856Completely forgot about them, should they get the stick or us? We have 2 girls from the company but they have the more well known one. Should we just make another thread for the sticky?
>>61182705Everything Pippa does turns me on. And ill beat off to whatever I want~!
>>61182891who cares
>>61182856any way to filter pipkun?
>>61182939>Should we just make another thread for the sticky?lollmao
>>61182939the only thing sticky is your hand
>/pcg/ is full of people talking about vshojo>vshojo thread doesn't care about us at all
>>61182931Did she run out of food?
>>61182982capipis are frothing at the mouth, dying for a drop of controversy and drama
phase friend kirsche almost had a heart attack on stream
>>61183032Schizos gonna schizo, no matter which girl they belong to
>>61183032Sounds like a regular Tuesday to me
>>61182895>RetardedHer delivery is top tier
>>61183061https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF3IK2N7spsNot much to talk about though
>>61182965There's a few ways to get rid of most of it but if I tell you he's going to find a way around my filters. You should be able to figure it out if you think about it.
>>61182895And it'll be great.
>>61183079Okay Pippa
>>61183032Or, you know, people capable of forward thinking realizes the effect this collab is gonna have on our community.
>>61182856Pippa doesn’t do anything for me anymore, only Tenma, so I’ll still do my part to gatekeep
>>61183079I like it because somehow she manages to make it less funny that anyone else could
>>61183158that's fucking hilarious
>>61183158>Fear mongering Bruh just let the anime women play the block game
>>61183079>>61183183At this point I've accepted it as an anti-joke. One of the ones that's so horrifically unfunny that it loops back around to being funny again.
>>61183158>not wanting the chaosDo you hate fun?
>>61183198are those supposed to be ghosts?
>>61183211capipis are unable to do that, THERE WILL BE DRAMA
>>61183032This. If the collab goes sideways it will be their fault for driving Pippa up a wall
Love is always right.
>>61183061 https://m.twitch.tv/kirsche
>>61182980You're so fucked up
>>61183236yeah cute hapa ghosts>>61183108lol
>>61183158This is what containment breaking does to a thread
>>61183259Karma for not apologizing to hexa publically
Power and water go through roads now in skylines 2, thats so fucking nice.
>>61183280Yeah, I love Tenma.
>>61183318Yeah, I've watched it slowly happen for 2 years now.
>>61183312do it yourself nigger, if schizos can go falseflag in other threads you can too
>>61183330Finally some good news in these trying times
I just wanted to say that all alegations that we hate vshojo fans are true, get the fuck out of our thread you pieces of shit
Huh never knew BN1 didn't grey out chips you couldn't put up
>>61183158Enlighten us schizo-kun
>>61182496It makes her cuter.
2 and a half hours to go. Its almost midnight. Already drank my 4th energy drink today, i think i should have used the "go to sleep early" techniqe instead of this im so eepy
>>61183370read the sarcasm
>>61183438Yeah, you tell ‘em anon
schizo here, this collab will be nothing at all but will let pibba sad anyway
my hot prediction: the collab will be "comfy" and boring, pippa will not add much, tenma and pikamee will just wacky cute minecraft things and it will be over. There won't be an influx of tourists, just the same schizos having fake meltys for (you)s doubly so since they will be bored by the collab. All in all it will be a very underwhelming day.
>>61183032I pointed this out a few threads ago. Capippis/harines care more about the drama than they care about Pippa.
>>61183330How long ago has it's been out? There's already a crack. [/spoiler] Sometimes I love living in Russia. [/spoiler]
>>61183417The tradeoff is that intake needs to be on a road now and roads feel like shit to line up properly.
Damn Kirsche has actually been hustling. Her average viewer count has been going up a lot when someone mentions her every once in a while and I check it out.
>>61183570>[/spoiler] [/spoiler]
>>61183570Today on gamepass, not sure if it was out elsewhere earlier.
>>61183570You fucked the spoiler orc. KGB is coming for you now
>>61183550I personally care about her not getting into drama, I love her, but sometimes holy shit you retard
>>61183491Be careful anon, people can die from drinking too many energy drinks.
I'll be honest I only watch phase and only a few of the girls. I'm not a big vtuber follower I only know vshojo as a coomer group. I see their viewers as users on a generic cam whore site. This collab has me worried I'll have coomers ruining the next week of streams. I hope I'm wrong and it's amazing even though I won't watch it.
>>61183550I just want Pippa to be happy
>>61183535So like every big collab
>>61183661henya's isn't like that her followers are seiso happy folks, pippa doesn't belong near her
>>61183661Geega is the only vsj member i watch. Mega smart zatsu stacy and not coomer at all
>>61183535collab will go well and nothing will change for anyone.
>>61183570How much does it actually cost to buy a russian woman that won't run away once she's in the country? I'll make her be a twitch titty streamer to pay off her debt.
>>61183572Can it go right on the end or does it need to snap to a side? >>61183570>it's been out>fucked up spoiler
>>61183550>>61183032Does this never get boring?
>>61183781>>61183773>>61183642>>61183630Fuck you all.
>>61183550Don't lump me in with dirty Harines. I love Pippa!
In other news, incest game is about to reach second place
>>61183654I used to drink like 5 energy drinks daily.Never felt bad about it, except that I was cold all the time. Although later in my life I stopped tolerating coffee. This happens with coffee but not energy drinks, or at least not to the same extent now since I think it did kinda fucked me up a bit since now it actually gives me the shits and nausea (again, mostly coffee and just recently to a lower extent energy drinks).
>>61183661tbf with the vshit fags, the 3 glorified twitch thots left the company, so there's a slim chance of redemption
>>61183773>>61183781>Pankophiles would rather mock anons than trigger bump limitIt continues to be over.
>>61183661coomers already exist in the phase base
>tfw it's 2pm but it's Tuesday so no Lumi
>>61183828You can't blame harines for everything man, Pippa's fanbase was still pretty bad before they showed up.
>>61183828Pippa fan=harine, sorry but they run your fanbase now
what do you think she was going to say?https://www.youtube.com/live/5fVLivZsSV0?si=eAF3lNFxrngKow-q&t=2892
>>61183896This. They were never that good considering where most of them came from.
>>61183781Seems like it just needs to be close, looks like pop is willing to walk a bit now, but the snapping feels like shit and I had to jank a road into place that looks awful to get it to work.
Ember cannot beat the rrats
>>61183853 Why are you posting my old pic? I'm only asking out of confusion =
>>61183907Something to the effect of 'all men want to fuck you so its easy to exploit them'
>>61183856Vei is actually pretty fucking cool, but sadly is a lewdtuber (but not outright pornographic like Melody). Froot is the main problem with Vshojo- She is a disgusting human being. The rest are fine and Henya is just the best of the best among them.
>>61183890The dirty raccoons don't know how to make their own bits, only steal them from others.
>>61183828Those so-called "harines" are the majority of your fanbase and from the back and forth I've seen /here/ you retards are quick to call anyone you disagree with a "harine". At this point what's the damn difference?
>>61183954because I have it saved
my slippas came in
>>61183806Idk, does spamming buzzwords get boring?>>61183853Irreparable damage will be done. And as much as people shit on it being a Pippa fanbase issue, its not like she is in a vacuum, fans spread.
>>61184006Do they fit?
>>61183991 okay :)
>>61183963yeah, but not exactly like that and "easier" instead of just easyalso, probably in not such a cynical and blunt manner lol
>>61183980WHAT DO YOU MEAN
>>61184006The one that guy hand made and put on the sex doll kind of looked better
>>61183888Nice trips, but yeah harines are whoever I don't like on any given day. >>61183989
>>61184006Let me borrow them for a second*cums on and inside both of them*
>>61183973>Frootfuck, completely forgot about that piece of shit>Melodyironically, the sweetest out of the original group
I wonder if Pippa ever anticipated harine being used as a universally derogative term when she added it as another fan name. I find it pretty funny it turned out that way.
>>61184119harine is a really shitty name, so i'm assuming she did
>>61184059If everybody in this thread never made a spelling mistake you would cease to exist. Your existence is fragile, pankophile. You'd be better served as slop for the young bugs.
>>61184119>I wonder if Pippa ever anticipatedno
>>61184095Yeah, how did Froot manage to outwhore the literal whore in spirit? Melody is actually kinda sweet and reminds me of early Hannah Hays.
>>61184119harine is a really shitty name, so I'm assuming she didn't
>>61184119where does the H even come from
>>61184080>Easy to derail conversations by accusing anyone of being her fanI’m gonna start doing this more desu
>>61184218Hare plus marine I think
Pippa should use her intro music more
>>61184119>>61184172>Pippa>thinking aheadlol
>>61184006How are they?
>>61183771It's free, just make sure you don't live in post-USSR countries and don't be poor. It's easier to marry than to buy one.
>>61184250Cant when she cold opens most of the time cause she woke up 10 mins before stream.
>>61183856Silvervale was good and has done nothing wrong.
Duck it, initiate 2 hour powernap goo
>>61184095oddly women in sex work are usually very nice people at least as long as they don't fall in with the exceptionally shitty people in that world
>>61184314yeah, she was ok too, but just like with Vei, it is about her being too lewd and coom oriented
>>61184231. . .
>>61184006They're too small for me to wear.
>>61184330>Duck itnini anon
>>61184231Will you build yourself a foundation in this reality or fade into nothingness? The choice is yours pankophile.
Pippa's gonna need to start doing a waiting screen again cause of how aggressive YT is with anti-adblock and putting ads on streams even tho the most l33t of us are still dodging the anti-adblock
>>61184402human folly is endlessshe will remain forever
>>61184272>>61184030compared to the Adidas slides i normally use, they're pretty comfy. I have smaller than average feet, so anybody with a shoe size larger than 8 is out of luck.
>>61184424The fleshtubers she watches don't use them so she won't either.
im back from vacation, anyone juicing?I can host a lobby here in like 20 min
>>61182214i'll pretend you're being serious. this is a "wow, i've really made it" milestone moment for both sides, something they've been dreaming of but also dreading for a long time. although in the meantime henya joined a corpo and is steadily repairing its reputation and pippa has become... pippa, so it's more like cleaning up a long-standing checklist item they could have done ages ago but were too shy to attempt.henya is a nice, cute, pleasant lady with a clean image, formerly something of a superhuman figure among indie vtubers and liked by all. she has a sweet and cute ESL voice kind of like panko (but japanese), but her lifestyle and career have a lot in common with pippa so there is a great deal of mutual respect. though at this point, henya is "a bright spot on a slightly questionable company," so this is probably scarier for her fans than it is for us.this is also a case of tenma getting what she wants and managing to rope pippa into it. henya likes tenma a lot and tenma is not afraid of collabs, so they masterminded a win-win-win for everybody. almost certainly, it will go well. we know pippa is not a crazy person who will yabai all over the place and tarnish henya's reputation, but it looks like a reasonable fear if you don't know her. both fanbases will probably have more respect for each other after this.
>>61184186How many times did you proofread this before clicking the submit button? Be honest. You fear the pankophiles.
>>61184543Jesus is that really why she does it? I always though it was for VODbros but now I don’t know what to believe anymore…
>watch ember>the hopelessness and malaise I try to push down returns to the forefront of my mindwhy does this always happen
>>61184616What purpose would getting rid of a waiting screen serve for people who can just click past it?
>>61184424I fucking hate how youtube has almost become boomer TV tier with its ads.
I miss Ember...
I just type however I want honestly. The Pankophiles can correct it, but I just don't care enough to fix it in the future.
>>61184579>both fanbases will probably have more respect for each other after this.nah , it will be a nothing burger that everyonje will forget
>>61184186The Pankophiles make their own mistakes often enough. They can self reproduce.
>henya I sleep>Lumi Real shit
>>61184579I was being serious, I didn't know who henya was so I didn't know why people cared. I don't care about all the implications I just wanted to know who she was, I figured that out now so I get why people care. also reddit spacing lol
https://youtu.be/as_hZByW_V0?si=gv3o3Wac5Iob864tHow well does Phase do cons? The con doesn't seem promising but it might be worth the drive if the Phase booth is cool.
>>61184597Once. I do not fear them. If a mistake was made and they corrected it my point would have still been proven. As they fulfill their duty they march towards their own annihilation. That is unless, they make a proper mark.
>>61182214he doesn't know harines are just awful and don't know any vtubers outside pippa
>>61184579>but it looks like a reasonable fear if you don't know her.What did anon mean by this? I don't think any of the people saying Pippa was gonna shit up the collab mean it was gonna be intentional, just a probable outcome of her being a retard.
>>61184574I'll join I guess
>>61184731If she doesn't carve a pumpkin tomorrow trust levels are going to drop.
>>61184753why is she presenting herself to me like that?
>>61184825She's desperate. Everyone uses her without even the slightest hint of sex.
I just did 90 reps with my 5kg dumbbells' while looking at a picture of Lia
>>61184955what exercise?
Is Pippa going to overcome her autism tonight, or will she fall apart life on stream? Tune in to find out.
>>61184955Nice cardio
>>61184988The one where you hold them above your shoulders then move them up and down
>>61184955This anon ^? He's gonna make it!
>>61185076triceps extention? nice, better have some thick arms by the end of the year liker
>>61184802steam server maintenence....Lobby will be up asap/pcg/pippassword
>>61185175Ye that one
>>61184804Why would she carve a pumpkin on workout Wednesday?
>>61184462based laconic Panko
>>61185251Because she keeps putting if off and promising to do it, but maybe you're right. She better at least have it ready.
Are you guys excited to watch Dizzy Dokuro tonight at 8PM EST?
I really want Hime to make me cum with her asshole.
>>61185242may your gains be plentiful brah
Do people actuallly like pippa or just what she stands for?
>>61185387>junkie who died from steroid use
>>61185412I like pippa, and not just what she stands for!
>>61185322I’m going to watch Mii-chan in her big collab with Henya and Pippa so I’m going to miss Dizzy tonight
>>61185412I love Pippa and I will marry her one day.
>>61185412I don't agree with her in a lot of things, but I am in love with her
>>61185322Maybe if Lia ends early
>>61185448>junkie who died from steroid use that believed in me
>>61185412I like Pippa, and don't care if her opinions align with my own on every little issue.
>>61185412Liking her became exhausting so I moved on. Wish her the best though.
>>61185485God I want to bury my face between those buns
>>61185485what do you even mean by that?
>>61185458Same. Not that I would watch anyone else anyway. Haхyй Dizzy, I love TENMAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
>>61185412i like pippa, couldnt care less about her takes and her rages dont get under my skin at all
>>61185412I like Pippa. I also hate Pippa because she stands for nothing except Pop-Tarts.
>>61185412>what she stands forI love stinky neet women that I can bully by showering them like in Shawshank Redemption.https://files.catbox.moe/39gwve.mp3
>>61185207Juice Lobby up!Be sure to update your mod and change the language in the launcher to "sad girl english" for custom text!I figured out how to change card text now, so there's gonna be more shitposting there ;3
Lia doko?
>>61185501And his short life has left a mark in many.Pippa would understand. She longs to be like that.Not me though. I want to be nobody and live forever, but I can still admire that.
Found on vtai
>>61185549Would you watch someone else if Tenma told you to?
>>61185412I really like her and see her as a little sister, her opinions don't really matter and being a retard is par for the course
>>61185575beware of changing card text, it could be legitimately confusing
>>61185485Pippa should do exercise streams.
>>61185412Both. They synergize with each other, but also have merit on their own. On a similar note, since when is Asmongoloid red-pilled on ESG and all that shit?
>>61185544 I don't like responding to positivity or complements because irt makes me uncomfortable, but I don't want to be rude so I post cute pictures for people to enjoy as a thank you
>>61185659don't worry, I'm only changing the quote at the end, actual card effects are going to remain unchanged unless its funny or to stay in character
>>61185198yeah yeah...
>>61185672>On a similar note, since when is Asmongoloid red-pilled on ESG and all that shit?He isn't. He thinks people are overreacting/retarded and that its about environmentalism.
>>61185687He just like me, fr fr.
>>61185412i hate what she stands for. you make a few anti semetic and racist remarks at the beginning of your career and you are doomed to be followed by ex-groyper politically addicted retards Average pippa fan does not watch any other v-tubers
>>61185762Really? But I remember he singled out some faggot in chat that explained it to him and he conceded and, so far, I have not seen him backtrack from that concession. Then again, I only watch him ocassionally.
People can see that there's no light in my eyes my thoughts are just a dull echoing thud
>>61185608Would you jump off a cliff if your friend told you to? I would jump off a cliff, but only if we're doing it together. I would watch them, but I wouldn't continue watching them if I didn't like them. If I like them, and she also watches them, then sure, I will continue watching them with her. If I don't like them, but she does and watches them, I can be patient and watch them together with her. Does this answer satisfy you?
>>61185872that's cause your oshi deaddead as hell
>>61185872it's like he's still here with us...
>>61185872At least you're not a nigger.
I want to groom Dizzy. I want to marry Dizzy. I want to give Dizzy a black eye.
>>61185412I genuinely care about her health and hope that she's happy. I could listen to her enthusiasticly talk about things she is genuinely obsessed with for hours and hours. When she is happy I am happy.
>>61185942It does.
>>61185872If you listen closely, you can still hear the ringing from the bullet Sakana put in there.
>>611780243 ESLs collabing in english lets gooooooo
>>61185966does it?
What is Lia's stance on the bite of 87?
>>61185207Juice 2/4 lookin to fill
>>61185942stop staring
>>61185207>>611855752/4. Maintenance seems to be over.
>>61186080. . .
>>61185412Both, unironically the closest thing to a white pill I've found in years
>>61185412What does Pippa stand for?
Born to drink UrupissForced to drink water
>>61185530wtf did I write this post then forget about it? are you me??
>>61186212Whatever is currently considered normal and acceptable in her social circles.
>>61186212Penis Is Puncturing Pippas Ass
>>61186212People Ironically Pooped Peed Aborted
>>61186212authenticity, creative freedom (not the vshojo kind), freedom of expression, doing things actually for the lulz, individualism and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
>>61186246 (me)Yes. It's probably a common sentiment among older fans
>part 1 of the flowchart
>>61183963and that is somehow worse than letting a dealer grope you for cocaine on the highway?
>>61185412idk why but after nearly 2 years by now of watching her im getting sick of her forced laughter. I used to like it.In general i miss her old self a lot, nowadays it feels like she forces herself to stream most days just to fill the quota and do whatever she needs to do to reach it https://www.youtube.com/live/Opc4ZzQVIws?si=OWbpJmKD1KdwQJxm&t=4934
>>61185412Of course I like her
>>61186289>flowchart((you) are here)
>>61186212Peepa Is Pretty Poggers An-non
>>61186305she needs to restnot being cynical or anything, I just think that a week or so of absolute rest (that includes from social media and useless internet junk) would bring back optimum pippers
WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!One and a half hours left until thread becomes unuseable.WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!
>>61185666With me
>>61186418quickly, join juice so you dont have to read it!
>>61186418Climb in, it's comfy.
>>61186397i don't know at this point, you cannot deny the fact her content has literally gone from bad to dogshit. Every time she goes up she gets knocked down again
>>61186418there's no way in hell I'm staying here during the stream. I want my experience to be unfiltered, whether I love it, or hate it, or love to hate it, it'll come from my own guts
>>61186305>In general i miss her old self a lot, nowadays it feels like she forces herself to stream most days just to fill the quota and do whatever she needs to do to reach itThats cause she does, sure, she might have an alright stream from time to time but more and more of them are feeling like she'd rather be anywhere else the ending of the Hexa collab solidified that to me, just the instant jump as if she got a message and said fuck it.
>>61186418Likers will stabilize the threads
>>61186302That tracks as a joke so its okay I guess.
I hope Airi found a boba place near her hotel
>>61179123>asian girls fuck catsIs this even doable?>sand niggers fuck goats that's the men
>>61186418I... I'll be... checking on other boards during the shitstorm
>>61186506The hexa plus Pippa ditching Lisas birthday for a 7 hour male collab made me really feel like she is really doing this on purpose
>>61186490She said it best herself during the cry of fear stream. She's comfortable where she is. No need to put in effort if you have no desire to improve or grow or possibly a desire to shrink.
>>61186515the alternative isn't even that edgy considering is Phase we're talking about. Not even controversial to say. Men being weak to flesh is something we all have to learn and deal with.
Well I'm going to GOOOOOOOON
>>61186640No need to announce that, ew.
>>61186418Maybe for the first half hour or so but it's just going to be 'cute girls doing cute things' collab so schizos and dramafags are going to get bored pretty fast.
>>61186640Thanks for the announcement, keep us posted.
Honestly each Phase girl should put on a little weight now that winter is basically here.
>>61186676I doubt it'll be that bad mostly because Tenma is there.
>>61186640Post your cave goon bro.
>>61186570Doing that will do nothing but decline you. Only a gosling would be stupid enough to keep enduring shitty streams
>>61186687They're not hibernating. Buy a jacket, or they can use mine.
>>61186676I looked at a thread in the catalog about it and they were acting like fans of the company and fags in this thread was seething about the collab happening. Utterly confused me.
>>61186418All I hear is that I'll be in a target rich environment
>>61186777Anon....he was talking about the schizo meltdown part...
>>611860563/4, just need one more guy to start
>>61186806No, he just really hates blockgame.
>>61186709>cave goon
>>61186745we're going to need all pankophiles on standby for this one
brap centipedd
>>61186823Yes as in "I will"
>>61186847Impossible...no one can hate blockgame...I refuse to believe it.
>>61186880I'm retarded
>>61186687Ember is way ahead of you
>>61186934Depends, I like playing blockgame when its modded to my taste, I like watching blockgame if its modded in a way the person playing it is interested, after years of AH, Yogscast, and HL, I can not for the life of me want to watch vanilla blockgame. I will for Pippa, but thats about it.
>>61186878Yo pipkun, could you draw Shiina sitting on a pot of greed with her feet out? I wanna use it for the OJ mod onegai
I love my stacey trad wife pretending to be a shut-in neet pretending to be a tomboy pretending to be extremely girly pretending to be well cultured pretending to be a gamer Lumi!
>>61187070>Shiina sitting on a pot of greedheh
>>61187070da fuc iz a pot of greed?
>jong down>no mooncakes when it comes back upwhat the fuck do I do now
>>61187230Pot of Greed let's me draw 2 additional cards from my deck!
new thread>>61187240>>61187240
>>61187230you could just draw an ugly bastard face, as long as its a pot I'm sure people will understand the draw 2 cards
>>61187250juice lobby
>>61187250>I also just checked JongAnon, are we, y'know...?
>>61187106Lumi is a really impressive guy playiing all of these silly characters
>>61187345Gonna have to watch streams? I'd rather die.
>>61187345autistic? probably
LIA handcam bug eating in 7 minuteshttps://youtu.be/IdVzi3jz2j4
if this is the last post im cooming in your oshi
>>61187580Not even close
today is only a glimpse
>>61186575Surprise, cockfag!
>>61184337Nothing odd about it. You don't do well in the business if you don't have a high degree of humility and service oriented mindset.