I love Ina!
hey man
Deadbeats are cool
Anya cute and fruity
>>60209144>The dogs will wear the Kimonos all of the time since they're such huge weebs
I love love love Roboco!!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h514IzBDefMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h514IzBDefM
Would debbies prefer if Mori streamed all her minecraft activity or did some stuff off stream?
There are so many holos streaming and it's another fucking Ina thread
I miss Ina
>>60209224Skill issue
I found this animation of Koyori coaxing the semen out of a gloryhole dick, it's pretty funny
Moom post
>>60209219I don't mind if she does some stuff off stream. Since I'm not a Teamate.
Not even the garlic bread is ready…
>>60209245share with the class anon
>>60209211What did A-chan mean by that?
>>60209207Towa and Mumei should also always only wear their kimonos all the time because theirs are the best outfits in the entire vtuber industry
I miss Ame...
>>60209245sounds like it
>>OPIs Ina streaming
I miss Bae...
>>60209261Do you make garlic butter or do you just rub a piece of garlic on hot toast?
>>60209292Missing her will not make her come back any sooner
>>60209258moom reply
Deadbeats won
>>60209305>he's not a t5 member
>>60209184hey girl
I'm ready and willing, so make me your villain!
>>60209118>Even if Saplings complain or not, the amount of hate Fauna gets here is crazy though. I get that most of it is because she's vegan, but still... she's one of the least offensive chuubas.The vegan hate is mostly shitposters doing their job. But Fauna gets hated mostly because of Saplings and their numberfagging. This thread hates # and by extension anything associated with it.
https://twitter.com/Yozora1902/status/1711313054816997378Are these people fucking retarded? Suisei literally asked not to put lewd shit in her offical art tag. Is it really so hard for people not to do that.
Mori seems like she really wants to events big collab things with the other girls in Minecraft...
moona noises
>>60209313Shiori x Me is the final ship
Honest opinions on Fauna?
>>60208801It's become accepted because Gura seethe/unicorns shit has gone on so long unchecked here so naturally the next outcome happens and it goes to Ame or Fauna for an even more petty or made up reason. /vt/'s got to learn this behavior doesn't go away even if the "offending idol" is gone.
>>60209276They're talking about streams where if you speak a word in a certain language it ends immediately.
>>60209258Moom reply
>>60209349best song on Shinigami Note
I can see Mumei's new song getting pretty popular.
I really liek that mori is playing MC again, and that she uses the default MC music
I knew the fucking watermelon face reminded me of something
>>60209319I could literally make some super sad video about Ame to make her come back, but I won't do it..cause I know all the comments will say I'm schizo
>>60209360That feels more cute to me.
>>60209313How are you?
>>60209219I wish she'd up her zatsu game for vidya that doesn't have a highly engaging plot on its own 100% of the time. The way it is now, I find myself caring less and less for stuff like suikage or FF sidequests where she hyperfocuses on the game for no good reason.
stop posting the sexy shiorin
>>60209409Now I kinda want to see it
>>60209313Go away, you smell bad.
>>60209375not now selenfag
If you didn't watch Mumei's karaoke, you should definitely check out her duets with FuwaMoco and Nerissa
>>60209258smug reply
Just heard Moom's new tune, was pretty nice and chill!Gave me porter robinson vibes
>>60209363Learn english
>>60209372Can anybody even COMPARE to Ceres Fauna? And I’m not talking about Golden Apple Fauna-
>>60209409Likely you are.
>>60209451one of these mooms smells a bit off...
>>60209409I give you a like and a comment anon
>>60209451Those mooms are gonna gangrape shion
>>60209459bro putting words in a blender
>>60209375Should stop taking showers and should stop shaving her pubes
>>60209459Wow you're right, what the fuck was that? I'm going the fuck to sleep.
>>60208684>>60209022stop clinging to the past, stop running away from reality. Grow up and embrace change even if it hurts you. You mustn't run away.
>>60209451I hate this. I'm over 30 btw.
>>60209375pretty cool kirin
Gurame doko?
ENTER RISSA'(in chat)
>>60209367I like witch hats. Especially big ones.
How do you fags even navigate 5ch, this whole site seems so goddamn unintuitive
>>60209375Her boobs should be bigger
>>60209528*releases more shitty cash grab EVA films*
>>60209375her vegan farts taste delicious
If Nerissa doesn't join VC I will SHIT
>>60209375Her boobs should be smaller
>>60209584Witches are great.
>>60209528The future scares me
>>60209440why are saplings like this?
>>60209608She probably on her phone in bed
All holos should have flat chests and big fat asses
>>60209608Good news!
>>60209608post it anon
Random surveyhttp://poal.me/d8ienm
ENTER NERISSA (for real this time)
>>60209375Should have graduated along with Sana
>>60209603except that 3.0+1.0 is the actual end of the series so not really
>>60209608 (me)constipation it is...
>>60209649t. Mori
Mori is being cute right now, should I member her and become a deadbeat?
>>60209608Oh thank goodness, we were spared.
>>60209583What do you want from these posts?Are you hoping /hlgg/ will devolve into a misery cesspool like the splits? Are you hoping some undercover Cover employee will give you an actual answer?
>Ame debuted 5 years ago>still ZERO ORIGINAL SONGSIf you ever call Gura lazy, just think about that.
>>60209378>It's become accepted because Gura seethe has gone on so long unchecked hereI unironically think that the neverending stream of Gura seethe has bled over to everyone else since people here condoned it and even contributed to it because "chumbuds deserve it" or whatever, so shitposters felt welcomed in the thread and began to branch out from that.
Oh no no no jailkeks who's this Shower?
Mori I’m sorry… I would watch but I’m watching manlybadasshero..
>>60209692You have my permission to wait until the next ASMR stream and decide then
Jailbirds?! Who's Shower?
Is that code for masturbating with her showerhead?
>>60209663where's the "Council" option?
>>60209375What this anon said >>60209590
>>60209589Get a better browser
Nerissa is the Kawaiiope poster...
Haven't really watched Mori in well over a year, but didn't she used to hate Minecraft? Does she like it now?
>>60209730What is that?
>>60209519>should stop shaving her pubesHonestly it's such a disaster that Fauna and Nerissa are going bald.
>>60209692only if you want to have your flesh rot and fall off
>>60209591I don't like imagining Mumei as Rin, all alone with dozens of wires jammed into her and floating through space, the very last human alive...
>>60209730what are you talking about
>Nerissa joins>Mori immediately ends streamwhat the fuck
>>60209699where does the time go......
>Mori's stream ends>Have to wait 10 minutes to see her againDeadbeats suffer the most
>>60209589you stupid zoomeryou IMBECILE zoomer
>>60209743This, but also Kiara and Reine
>>60209743go back
hearing the minecraft piano bgm really makes me want to start a new b1.7.3 world...
>>60209770Kaela happened
>>60209708This is why ironic shitposting is still shitposting. if you make retards feel welcome to shit on girls of course they'll start branching out
>no extended chat with RissaJailbeats, I don't feel so good
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>60209699Bait has really fallen off
I have a feeling that Nerissa will apologize to Mori in DMs and still feel bad for joining so late. Mori should use this chance to groom her.
imagine showing up to moris house and she says shes splurged a little bit on some fancy whiskey and you get there and you find out she bought a bottle of jonnie walker black label
>>60209743FUCK OFF! WE'RE UNITY HERE!!!!
>>60209787simply dont image that then...
>>60209873She clearly wants to a niji though?
>>60209730Eh? Is that what you want them to call gen4?
idk how much more i can take of thisim hoping that now some fanbases can understand my blight and realize how awful this is
>>60209873no we're not
>>60209375Boring entitled whore who never puts in an ounce of hardwork. Only became popular because she stole the time slot and streamed without overlap for months when everyone else wasn't streaming. Doesn't do her singing reps, jp reps, even her ASMR still sucks it's literally the same as debut. She learned nothing, improved nothing, does nothing interesting. Streams the same 2 fucking games, takes constant breaks, ghosts her fans, comes back and acts like everything is fine, then ghosts again. She also has awful taste in everything, cringe reddit humor, annoying vegan, pseud. All the worst qualities. I'm perplexed how she has any fans at all. How does no one see through her fake persona and personality? Name a single thing she's good at? Seriously tell me what she's good at? Not a single thing. Gaming kirin my ass, she sucks at games and plays the worst ones. Bitch just got lucky with her timeslot.
hope she comes up in the suika stream
Now going from Mori's melons crafting to Mori crafting melons
>>60209699???? Chiku Taku???What the fuck anon?
>>60209829Progressing nicely/10It was nice of Shiori and Nerissa to show up, even if they didn't have many in game interactions
>>60209907Not open VC and she just wanted to say hi
>>60209699Regret Regret Regret...
>>60209903not reading all thatcan you add subway surfers and family guy moments next to it?
>Chat is disabled for this live stream.SHE HATES US
>>60209947>【スイカゲーム】just a little more... (open vc)
How do I beat hard stages in HoloCure? Do I need to grind levels?
>>60209894You could simply move on, totallyachumbudandnotathreadshitter...
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/k1NjYoFOIuQhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/k1NjYoFOIuQhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/k1NjYoFOIuQCute rrat ahoy
>>60209925one ingredient
>>60209947【スイカゲーム】just a little more... (open vc)
>>60209796how should i know...
>>60209978mooner concentrate on your stream
Teamates, how does this picture make you feel?
>>60209982should teamates move on too?
>>60209663Wow there’s more advent fans here than I thought, at least proportionately. I didn’t think myth would be last.
>>60209894just give up on her and move on chumbie
>>60209978where can i get an adorable cat maid assassin like zeta
>>60209978grind coins, max out your statsthat's pretty much it
>>60209978Buy upgrades and use ezmode holos like Fauna
>>60209978Kay Yu already answered that you can beat it with the most minimum requirements, you just have skill issue if you lose. I've already seen proof enough for that in Hard Mode stage 3 >>60210004They chillin and being cute
>>60209894Brittany Venti won
>>60209978Maxing out a character's fandom level to gachikoi rank gives a big advantage with item RNG because all the skills are already leveled up at the start
So after watching the MV I want to buy Moom's Lantern.
>>60209986Fuck I love how much this expression suits Bae.
>>60209971>>60209996I am blind, sorry
>>60210062This but Mococo
>>60209903>Name a single thing she's good at? Seriously tell me what she's good at?Saplings?
>>60210034Go to Indonesia and look for white women
>>60209697I'm mostly just looking for joke replies desu
https://twitter.com/hakosbaelz/status/1711621556286411081https://twitter.com/hakosbaelz/status/1711621556286411081https://twitter.com/hakosbaelz/status/1711621556286411081CUTE RAT
>>60210022myth lost a lot of fans here when all the chumbuds left for the split
IRyS delivering hope tomorrow, I'm her new manager
>>60209986I wonder if her and Mori recorded all these dance shorts when they were together the other day? Maybe we'll get one with both of them.
>>60210004pretty good picture i guess
>>60210062stop posting thisthe very obvious eraser marks above her mouth are so fucking annoying
>>60210087i miss her...
Holos ranked by how much i masturbated to them in September1.) Mumei 18 times2.) Matsuri 10 times3.) Fubuki 4 times4.) Lamy 3 times5.) Mori 2 times6.) Coco, Chama, Choco, Moona, Mio, Botan, Pekora, Reine, Okayu, Bijou, Ririka, Oga, Chloe 1 times each
>>60209663I cant vote on poals for whatever reason. But someone vote Promise for me.
>>60209986Really loving these dancing shorts from Mori, Kiara and Bae. I wonder if they used the studio, mocopi or MMD for these
excuse me, why is mumei's original song in japanese? she doesn't even speak that language
Bae please show up, I want to her her cute voice...
>>60210108that's cute
>>60209978People actually struggle in holocure? It feels like a chore when you try to gachikoi characters cause the levels are so fucking easy you just start daydreaming until its over
>>60210062how did you glue your dusty screen onto the picture wtf
How far /hlgg/ has fallen...
>>60210154Don’t worry, they’re winning by a lot anyway.
>>60210004I don't feel anything anymore
Mori is live again (again) (again)
https://twitter.com/uepom_hiko/status/1711583645260304790Suika game is over....
Oh god I'm hearing it twice now...
>>60210115>IRyS delivering hope tomorrow, I'm her new managerHow is Airisu supposed to deliver hope if Project:Hope is kill?
>>60209986>>60210108Does her model have a sleeveless version? It's kinda hard to see her arms move.
Teamates are fine, look he is sleeping.Come on, wake up.
Mori just asking to be titfucked with this thumbnail
I like when Pochi-mama drops by to give her daughter some allowance
Sex with Bae must be so fun
>>60210152>spoilerKys fag
>>60210235is that a teamussy?...waitIRYSTOCRAT, NO
i havent seen my mother in days
>>60210230Anon, IRyS is still the embodiment of Hope
>>60210215>Two Towas creates a MikoI call MASSIVE bullshit on this.
Is the suika arc dying soon? I can't take much more
Alright Cover very funny now release Kronii's new song too.
>>60210179This is horrible
>>60210152How can anyone masturbate to Mumei, she is not sexually attractive at all
>>60210235'Crat, let's go over here now...Look see? Look at the cute ducks swimming...
>>60210248I've coomed at least twice to the ASMR edit someone posted here months ago
>>60210178It's weird to me that someone still makes global threads on /jp/ but what's even weirder is that they near exclusively use it as a place to dump images of JP members
>>60210240That guy's art is really cute.
Did anyone try checking Ame's Pokemon unite activity? Long shot but who knows
>>60210266is that a Promise?
>>60210152>Matsuriit better have had piss or you're super gay
>>60210235>alligator bussy
Watame doxx
>>60210056That’s why she’s the #1 shill in EN.
>>60210313chat is this real?
>Suika geimu with Mori on the right side of the screenThis feels wrong
>>60210327who is chat
I like how Mori uses home3D for these melon streams
>>60210327>chatstream your melon game, Mori
>>60210320It's the very definition of "And I took that personally."
>>60210353She should use Ope
>>60209894I have absolute unwavering faith in my sharkwife, go fuck yourself threadshitter or pathetic weakbud if you're being sincere. A mere couple of months absence means nothing. I know my sharkwife will return with kino content and things she's been working on. And when she comes back, her singular streams will be peak content and mog everyone purely because it's her.To be a true chumbud and a true believer is to to understand and appreciate that your own petty personal short-term happiness is irrelevant, we are an audience graced by Gura's magnamonius presence whenever she whimsically deigns to do so; to be a chumbud is to know that you are temporarily bearing witness to greatness and to be appreciative that you lived to see this whimsical cute shark girl at all, to act like you own her or are entitled to her is arrogance and pure delusion.Gura is like the sea itself, she comes and goes and if you can't accept this or grow impatient, you are no true chumbie. I wait for my sharkwife because I know she will return eventually.To be a true chumbud is to have a stronger exoskeleton than anyone, we are crustaceans afterall, we must wear our patience as armor and be rewarded.
>>60209699Pop on Rocks...
Holy FUCK she's on the right side of the screen this time!
>>60210289Okay, but why encode X filename in base 64?
>>60209903Is Fauna actually hated here? Or is it just a few schizos posting their drivel every day?
>>60210279It's simpleass + titties
>>60210385Why did you make me remember that...
>>60210384alright, I kneel
>>60209699Half a decade already... bros....
>>60210384Gura will return for the raptureOnly believers will be saved
>>60210279Are you sure?
>>60210384Your average chumtard, folks
>>60209903Keep seething sis
>>60210398It's like 1 retard regurgitating the same handful of talking points and another retard who keeps baiting people to debate him about veagnism
The fuck? Mori is playing properly right now. I wonder how long that will last.
>>60210398Of course it's schizos, who could hate a cute girl like Fauna?
>>60210384this is either based or a well-crafted shitpost, I kneel
>>60210448you were saying?
>>60210398There's like one guy who constantly hates on Fauna, Mori, and Kiara. Odds are it's probably the same one.
>>60209903they hated him because he spoke the truth
>>60209894>>60210384I've seen posts like this way too many times.
>>60210384very well crafted shitpost chumbie
>>60210497A-Chan just watching Irys molest Bae.
>>60210235Bros...it's not waking up.
>>60210455Whatever the case, the point of chumbuds embodying the crustacean is great
>>60210493o-gay (like you)
>>60210452that guy gave a pretty good bunch of reasons to not like her, and he didn't even mention her fake ass annoying voice and personality.
>>60210467She still isn't doing badly. For soem reason she doesn't go ALL the way to the edge when she tries to drop it against the wall.
>>60210455could be either reallythat's what's great about it
>>60210398Hate is a strong word. I just consider her an annoying pseud and a fake gamer
Are you dickhomes really gonna say “huh? council? who’s that hurt durr?”Every time I call them Council or CouncilRYS from now on?
most holos are better than me at this game
>>60210534>t. that guy
>>60210534>pretty good bunch of reasonslike what?
>>60210563>Council or CouncilRYS???
>>60210563They have a name anonchama
It's true though you eventually adjust to longer hiatuses, and things do get better in the end
>>60210479so... an Egg?
>>60210557Nobody cares if you think that. Why the fuck do you spam it everyday?
>>60210563I promise you that I will.
>>60210534I swear you can apply this to literally any girl you don't like, and I've seen this argument used for all the girls as well
Mori is already mindbroken...
>>60210398No, she isn't. Fauna is very likable.
>>60210563Remember when >we were all saying they're EN2, Gen 2, and >we would never use "council"?
Stop deadnaming Promise
>>60210479So the schizo finally dropped Bae and IRyS for his shitposting?
>>60210598They asked if people hate Fauna and I answered that I don't. Why are you mad?
>>OPSana may've left but she will never be forgottenSana love!Day 400
>>60210525Hey, he's fine, he's just.. tired..Hey buddy, let's go get some soda, okay?
>>60210630Because you start the pseud timeloop every day.
https://poal.me/p08y8uhttps://poal.me/p08y8uhttps://poal.me/p08y8uTime to stir some shit with poals
>>60210636>but she will never be forgotten>
>>60209258I want her to get pulverized to death, someone should attempt to give her a "hard reset"
>>60210622Having a word like that in your vocabulary is pretty crinch ngl
Mori sucks at this game
>>60210636she was already forgotten on Day 399
>>60210604does it really count as mindbroken when mori refuses to use her mind during this game in the first place
Mori is WAY too tilted for only having started
>>60210636Man I miss her
>>60210398doesn't really matter, should just ignore them either way - to write those posts requires an exceptional degree of mental illness
>>60210707probably the Mumeischizo mad that She didn't pick Nijisanji.
>>60210682Better than most of EN sadly.
>>60210663what's up with all the basic bitches?>m-muh physical health!pffff
>>60210636the only thing Sana was good for was licking Fauna's feet
>>60210663How is juice not an option wtf
>>60210525Wha? Oh..no...So, uh, you remember that movie The Lion King? With Mufasa, right? The gator went where he is. He's in a good place...
mococo powerful
Melons, no matter where I look!
>>60210741Sorry anon, I should've put cum as an option, just for you.
>>60210707Some schizo has been fantasizing about physically harming the girls today
>>60210732It has been two years already
>>60210654It's my first time mentioning it here but ogey
>>60210782and? Doesn't stop Eggs from shitting on Kiara.
Remember how one guy though that the special collab was going to be Sana's redebut? Instead they played a bunch of games on her floating corpse.
>>60210770damn alright chill
>>60210636I forgot, who is this? Does she stream?
>>60210794* [ ] *
>>60210769I see 5 melons!
what do you call this strategy
>>60210663Im living on energy drinks and cigarettes... When i was a kid i thought by now i would eat my beautiful wife's delicious home made food for breakfast, lunch and dinner...
why does this game turn holos into Christians
>>60210835You had a wife as a kid?
rat girl
>>60210779Tbf moom ryona is kinda hot
Five days and they still don't know how to use Cherry's properly.
>>60210835>me but diet sodas and cigars... and am not as old as you (bet i look better and more in shape than you also)
>>60210853Such a damn waste...
What are good back exercises? I think my neet lifestyle has caught up to me because I can't sit down for more than 4 hours anymore without needing to go lie down.
>>60210835Well if you want that to change you should probably start by living on actual food and beverage
>>60210398She's one of the least liked members at least. Mori and Kiara obviously are hated the most. Kronii also used to be, but most people don't care about her after her surgery. Shiori is also there but people are warming up to her.
>>60210636Who is this? She's not a member of Myth, Promise or Advent.
The amount of people defending Fauna and pretending she's not a shit hire is baffling. Sana in her 11 months as a Hololive than Fauna has done in 2 years. She's been coasting since debut playing the same 3 games following an e celeb instead of coming up with her own content choices and people are somehow ok with this. Utterly baffling behavior.
Reine says fuck doing your homework
>>60210835Im 20yo but same, i have gave up on delusions like being happy a long time ago
>play a game only JPs give a shit about>open VC in EN server>no one shows upWhat did Mori think would happen?
>>60210793Post your membership. If Mumei is there, then I'll know you're that same faggot.
@60210954How do I unsubscribe to this blog?
>>60210954>Sana in her 11 months as a Hololive than Fauna has done in 2 years.uh huh
Holy shit, Mori is doing kinda well?
HoloEN rated from sexiest to least sexy:MumeiFaunaIRySNerissaShioriBaeFuwawaMococoAmeMoriKiaraKroniiGuraBijouIna
>>60210975>constantly shit on other holos>wah wah why is Fauna hatedPathetic.
What could she have even done...
>>60211030She's the best!
>>60210954Yeah but she's the cutest so idc.
mori drops these fruit like she's playing on an arcade machine with a timer ticking down and if she spends more than 3 seconds thinking it's going to cost another 75 cents to keep playing
>>60211030Yeah, me too
>>60211020You forgot Towa
>>60211020move Gura, Bijou, Bae and Ina to the top and I agree
>>60211027Stop replying to yourself
>>60211073I'm not into men, sorry.
>>60211020bae is the sexiest holoen and its not even close
>>60211020Nerissa below Ina and Shiori below Ame but otherwise alright except Mumei isn't sexy and shouldn't be on the list.
>>60211070if she thinks too hard, nothing good will happen
>>60211070Because she watched Suisei play a lot. Suisei's brain works a lot faster for these types of games though because her tetris addiction
>>60211020Actual listHoloEN rated from sexiest to least sexy:FaunaIRySMoriFuwawaShioriBaeNerissaMococoAmeInaKiaraKroniiMumeiGuraBijou
>>60211020Why are all the sexiest ones at the bottom?
The amount of people defending Towa and pretending she's not a shit hire is baffling. Sana in her 11 months as a Hololive than Towa has done in 4 years. She's been coasting since debut playing the same 3 games following an e celeb instead of coming up with her own content choices and people are somehow ok with this. Utterly baffling behavior.
>>60211090They were rated on sexiness, not on how much they appeal to lolicons. Make your own rankings if that's what you want.
>>60211094it's a new IP retard
>>60211099Can't spell men without EN, therefore Towa is the sexiest EN
I wish Reine would join Mori in open vc but she's probably only sitting in the EN server
>>60210902Get a better chair. If you need to, do core exercises. Your obliques and lower back are what give you support so if you're lacking in those locations you'll have bad back pain with a bad chair.
>>60211092>>60211112Not sure if she should be at the top, but Mumei is literally an international sex symbol.
Meimei a cute!
>>60211143okayHoloEN that appeal to loliconsGuraBijouMococoBaeIna
>>60211137why are twappies like this??
>>60211171Godbeat will never allow deadbeaks to come to fruition
No Mori, there is no Hope.
>>60211187Cute and sexy.
>>60210853OH MY GODDDD
>>60211146Well that makes it worse because then it just means he’s a retard.
>>60211199It's true, they'd be too powerful.
>>60211182Anybody have the pic of that one guy with a Mumei daki in hooters?
>>60211209people drawing Mumei wearing G-strings or T-backs is funny, because Mumei seems like a Granny Panties kind of girl.
>>60210398If you think anyone has a strong haterbase these days and it's not just the work of a handful of schizos sitting in a dicksword server, you're delusional. Today's petty complaints are nothing compared to the /jp/ times where it was nigh impossible to be a fan of either Mori or Kiara on the board.
>>60211182Being sexy doesn't just mean the model. And anyone can make the sexiest art out of a model. Only Hoomans find Mumei sexy.
Ame booba
>>60211279That isn’t true, I’m a sapling and I want to fuck Moom’s brains out.
>>60211020HoloEN rated from sexiest to least sexy:A-chanMococoShioriReineNerissaShinri (female)MoriKiaraPolkaFuwawaIRySBaeTowaKroniiAmeFaunaInaBijouRyan GoslingMumeiSanaHaachamaGideon the All-CopingGuraAnya
>>60211279But the model can be a decisive factor. Like in the case of choosing between Fuwawa and Mococo.
First time I've seen a melon get launched into orbit kek
But what's the point of shitposting and seething all day everyday about women streaming behind an anime avatar? Why not just enjoy life, I don't get it. It's always the same phrases, the same replies to himself, the same routine every single day. I bet it's 3 or at most 4 people doing this shit and the saddest part is that outside of their own imaginary fanbase war, nobody gives a fuck
>>60211331Yeah and we all agree Fuwawa has the hotter model
>>60211225IT WILL RISE
>>60211312I'm sure you do. But majority of the time when we surveypost or do poals, Gura and Mumei come out as the least sexy ENs.
>>60211187and kawaii
Ghostcat might legit be mentally disabled bros...
>>60211301Ame follows skaarl and she posts this? Is she stupid?
>>60211410i don't
>>60211340Hate watching Kiara's streams is the only way I can enjoy them
>>60211301IS THAT
They really did give Mori the retarded cat...
>>60211437Good, glad we agree that Mococo's model is hotter.
There's was moment where a family member's little lap dog had it's still out the car window as it was closingI still remember those noises...
>>60211391Ok let’s put it to a vote thenhttp://poal.me/82i3sv
Sex Cat
>>60211474*had it's muzzle
>>60211484I mean not during dead hours
>flap falls shut on your hand>start making rabbit death rattle noises
What number last game is this for Reine?
rat tomorrow please...?
>>60211426huh wuh
how gay were holos today
>>60211484How the fuck are people voting shiori over ame
>>60211436Wow you sound pathetic.
>>60211426Wait she does?I forgot
Reine is casting spells again
>>60211545Mori seems a bit fruity today.
is it racist if I think Reine's voice is sex in English and Japanese but disgusting in Indonesian?
When I was a kid I had two rabbits, one day one of them got their claw stucked and starting screaming, I didn't even know bunnies could make sounds, it was the most terrifying noise I've ever heard
My Mori :)
>>60211558How do I have sex with this thing?
>>60211546Ame has a boring design
>>60211554That was her first English sentence in 10 minutes
>>60211585Oh it made a shtrik shtrik sound right?Yeah I've tortured bunnies before
>>60211502old and busted, rainforest is the new hotness
>>60211546Shiori is made for facefucking.
Mori is retarded.
>>60211621you mean Titty-tasering.
>>60211484Ok who is botting the dogs?
>>60211551At least I don't containment break so I'm not harming anyone with how I enjoy content
>>60211554But she lost her magic?
>>60211580Ah yeah it was a cutout not a daki, the face on that girl kek
>>60211619That’s not rainforest dude…
>Mori is the numbers queen nowWhat timeline is this?
>>60211546Goth corset and skirt>british clothing
>>60211546I love Ame, but she doesnt bring out my ancient "IM MUST RAPE THIS WOMAN AND MAKE HER PREGNANT" insticts you know?
>>60211484Sudden raid by dog fuckersPathetic
>>60211585A small village my family likes to vacation in has a small farm that also sell rabbits. They tell us that rabbits’ cries when slaughtered sound very similar to the cries of children and to not be alarmed.
>>60211619thats not rainforest and rainforest is stronger than wamei (and tealeaves) so you dont need to care about posts like that, gurame and takamori are the only mori/ame ships that can stand up to rainforest
>>60211637god, I'm gonna cry again
Why can't EN get in a gacha like this? Feels like mountains of money they're missing out on.
>>60211654>>60211580god I wish I had a rich family so I can fuck around doing whatever
>>60211637Moom is reading your comments, so better be nice
>>60211654>He leans over and whispers, "Mumei's cuter than you"
>>60211537Got a link? Google search gave me nothing
>>60211637daijobu *pat*pat*
>>60211654>the face on that girl kekshe's unironically probably doing it for the jokenot because she doesn't think it's gross, but because the standards for what they see every week are just way worse than some weeb
>>60211638Doesn’t make it any less pathetic when you can just not watch her at all instead of making yourself upset and cry itt everyday.
Reine read a comment about Valorant and has been full ID mode ever since
>>60211626>>60211657>>60211683>ame = あめ = 雨 = rain>fauna = nature = forestMori x Ame should be called deathclock because death (reaper) and clock (time traveler)
>>60211621>>60211590>>60211671Oh I was thinking personality when I voted because shiori is the opposite of sexy and a nerd for that. I'd agreed shiori is the more sex design too
>>60211677Pathetic is one salty faggot immediately having a dogdoxx at hand.
>>60211654What made him think this was a good idea? Her face should have showed him how cringe this is
>>60211669You spelled Mumei wrong
Reine SWORE that the previous game was the last game but she LIED.
What the fuck...
>>60211751I'm almost certain that was set up, anon
>>60211688Ask the devs
Mori... use your brain...
>>60211722Shitting on her keeps me engaged and releases dopamine otherwise her streams are just meh
>>60211688Counterside already did it and it was honestly pretty fleshed out for dialogues for each holomyth member.
>>60211772We don’t really support male x male ships here.
>>60211484>Fauna and Ame at bottom 4 and 5You guys have horrible taste
>>60211775it's fine
>>60211764>he trusted ReineYour mistake pal
>>60211772But Mori x Kronii ship name is called momento mori?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6Z8USLkv9c
>>60211791That sounds like a sorry existence. Yikes.
jgh from thanksgiving dinner.how was mumei?
>>60211688You may think there's a lot of Gachas (which there are) but ask yourself these two questions:>How many gachas are there who are open to collabs?>How many gachas have english translations WHO DO NOT CONSIDER CHINA TO BE A PRIMARY MARKET?Suddenly the list gets really small.
>>60211640the same doxfag
>>60211816Yeah wth is fauna that low especially? only above Mumei, Gura, and Bijou, how?
>>60211797But I support Towa x Ao
>>60209986Hakotan kawaii
Ina is masturbating
>>60211841Very cute
Why doesn't mori just make all the fruit touch and combine with each other?
Why is your Mori like this?
>>60211838middle column represents the whole spectrum of deadbeats
>>60211838>Hooman, Sapling, KFP>Kronie, Deadbeat, Tako>Brrat, Chumbie, Pebbles
>can't stop malding over a children's game
someone should make a Hollow Knight rip-off fangame based on the exact aesthetic and style of the Mumei MV, it would be perfect
I think her face is gonna be stuck like this forever.
>>60211885She's stoopid little shark
Was the exchange of Advent for Gura and Ame worth it?
>>60211868>he thought the fauna hate was manufactured
Mori should stop playing this game
It's kind of amusing how much Mori keeps cucking herself.
>>60211903This is accurate and I hate it
>>60211885That’s gay.
>>60211914*A kusoge
>>60211920I've been thinking about that for a while. Or an old-school Zelda-style game with a heavy emphasis on using her lantern to see.
>>60211903>SaplingI'm huge and cute
>>60211946I don't think she realized how close she was to clearing most the garbage that last game kek.
>>60211939You can hate somebody and still find them sexy.
>>60211793And they bungled it by making Myth skins for other characters.
>we have to get rid of that cherryplease be gentle mori
>>60211989You'd rather vote for someone else instead
>AmeGun (Pierce) attacks, high crit, fantastic damage as long as they're not null gun, gets a "slow" move that's kind of bad. Gets Matarukaja.>MoriStarts with gimmicky as fuck instant death mudo moves, but also gets lots of slash moves with solid STR to back it up. Gets power charge late game.>Kiaraso-so damage, gets a mix of slash and agi moves, however starts the game with Endure which makes her feel insane having that from the start, also gets marakukaja>Ina Healer which immediately makes her valuable, also gets a few curse skills, weakness to light makes her very scary to use sometimes though. piss-poor def but super high MAG so her healing and damage is high. Gets Dekunda>GuraStraightfoward but reliable. gets a mix of both pierce and slash attacks, and bufu skills. Most of her kit is single target, but gets mabufula. Still valuable because she gets masukukaja very early.>IRySAnother healer, doesn't heal as much as Ina but has no weakness. Slow. Gets a few curse/light instant death moves that you likely won't use. Gets Dekaja.>KroniiPrimary Zio user, high MAG damage dealer. Gets concentrate so may likely end up in endgame teams for extremely high damage output. Annoying low SP for being a caster. Gets Megido moves.>FaunaThe third healer. Only gets aoe heals which seems awesome but eats through her SP badly. Despite being a healer gets many passives to improve standard attacks (slaps) and decent STR. Only character to get Samarecarm>Mumei Main Garu user. Also gets a fair bit of slash attacks. Generally strong reliable damage and fast, but very low hp. Also gets Dekaja. Late game gets "Die for me!", for some weird reason>BaePure RNG gimmick character, entire kit is physical moves that are "high damage/crit, but low hit rate" Also gets revolution. Will likely be a character everyone ignores until late game where you can autistically give her crazy builds to negate her low crit rate to melt post game bosses>ShioriGets both holy/curse spells, but single target only. Also gets a few heals, but single-target only. Also gets all buffs, but single target only. Very reliable for boss fights. >NerissaStrange character who is "tank" who also gets all debuff moves. Highest HP and gets taunt early, which can is more useful than it sounds. low atk and high MAG for a tank, but she does get a few random curse moves. Gets debilitate late game.>BijouMain strike damage dealer, gets basically all strike moves. Strange stats, has high ATK and DEF, but low HP. Also gets a few assorted Holy moves. Gets swift strike early, making her a random battle machine>FuwaMocoStrange gimmick character who gets almost every move, but only the t1 version of each type (Bufu, dia, etc) but does everything twice. This makes her shockingly good early, but sort of falls off. Late game can be very strong if abusing items.
I enjoy Watermelon streams, but I will not watch Mori slowly dying inside as her dead VC only attracts pity convos.
>>60211828He's from the plumepal timeline, where Reine can be trusted
At the risk of sounding rude I think Mori is legit too dumb to score a 3k If her initial chain attempt gets fucked up she just starts dropping a bunch fruit randomly instead of trying to recover And she somehow always finds a way to piss away every favorable position she accidentally finds herself inIt's like her brain is prone to shutting off for a 30~ish seconds window whenever she plays this game
>>60211838I don't really understand how this alignment works.
Mental sex....
>>60212054Imagine fucking her as her brain shuts down after a 4 hours session of this game
>>60209286Mumei doesn't like it because she's a naturally plain sort of girl who prefers muted colors like sand or brown. (Like IRyS said on meeting her for the first time, 'She's seriously just Mumei') Kiara also mentioned having to do a scavenger hunt for her in JP when they went clothes shopping together to find her a skirt which was both a) brown and b) fit her spectacular ass.
>>60212064Nikke is "Ass fetish: the game" and hololive obviously cares about tits WAY more than ass. Only like 4 holomems even have noteworthy asses, and none of them are huge.Kiara had to kick and scream just to get a not-flat ass
>>60212089Just put Marine in there
>>60211973There's something about AI art that always IMMEDIATELY makes my brain know it's AI art, and I'm not talking about the fucked hands.Even in a thumbnail my brain can immediately go "yup, that's AI" and I can't really explain why, but it's not a good thing.
I miss her a lot
>>60212023>Strange gimmick character who gets almost every move, but only the t1 version of each type (Bufu, dia, etc) but does everything twice. This makes her shockingly good early, but sort of falls off. Late game can be very strong if abusing items.This whole post reads mostly like Persona, but in several SMT games this would be insanely broken in late game due to the spell scaling being [Base Spell Damage] + [Stat Scaling], meaning at a certain point the damage difference between a higher and lower tier spell is neglectable
>>60212064>>60212089Speaking of Nikke, is there like a website or something where someone had ripped and uploaded all the animations for that game?I'm just asking for research purposes
>>60212089>Nikke is "Ass fetish: the game"Bro there is tons of boos in the game too, reloads and the recoil from shots shows it well.
>>60212064But Nikke already has Mori
>>60211546>Jakartian prime time
>>60212054She always picks a point to just give up and that's when she just drops randomly. If she wouldn't give up she could of gotten 3k many times.
>>60212084Iirc Kiara wasn’t specifically trying to look for brown clothes. All her suggestions just naturally ended up being brown.
>>60212113>>Just put Marine in there>"Here's your Houshou Marine, bro"
mori should put down suika game and help her cats climb the AC unit
>>60211546How the fuck have people watched that one Kiara schizo post poals for the past TWO YEARS yet some people still SOMEHOW TAKE POAL RESULTS SERIOUSLY?
Is Mori ogey?
>>60211923>isrealkekand they still haven't fixed that hanging mouth corner...
Check out what i foundhttps://litter.catbox.moe/xe04vm.mp4
this is the most dangerous thing ever invented
>>60212207It's more fun to take them seriously even though you know it's not that serious which makes bot fags pathetic
https://litter.catbox.moe/glw0eu.mp4 https://litter.catbox.moe/glw0eu.mp4 https://litter.catbox.moe/glw0eu.mp4 deadhours
Mori needs to calm down
>>60212145Yes, they did more than thathttps://nikke-db.pages.dev/visualiser
calli . . .
I think fruitgame partially destroyed the area of Reine's brain that knows how to speak English.
>>60212198I miss quasarcake art... why he does only gachaslop art nowadays...
>>60212183>If she wouldn't give up she could of gotten 3k many times.It's so painful to watch, cause she's had SO many runs that have 3k potential that die literally because she decided to randomly gave up and killed them
whatever happened to that pasta describing in detail what sex with each and every one of the EN girls is like?
>>60212187Moom said in a separate stream she prefers brown and I think Wawa mentioned it too when she told the story but I might be misremembering.
>>60212259She might be able to finally have sex with Kiara now that she can't dork her way out of getting laid.
>>60212223After all the shit I've seen on the internet this does nothing to me but I do wonder what kind of fucked up person wastes their time doing that shit
>>60212280She seems to have a hard time noticing that her board is actually very good when it looks like a mess at first glance.
>>60212259the chat got more ID as it got later as well
>>60212248Based, thank you for this
>Her mopey face next to the happy pineapple roru
>>60212280I keep hoping that she doesn't get it because I want the stream to last longer since I doubt she'll touch the game again after reaching 3k lol
>>60212325nigga she streams enough. I want to go to bed lol.
>>60212248oh wow
>>60212223Why is this so hot
>>60212223The music ruins it
>>60212318I thought something else was going to happen.... too many gerbilling videos.
>>60212248>the very first thing on the list is 2b forma de bare asslul
>>60212223The gigachad music makes this hilarious somehow.
>>60212318T-thanks Ame.
>>60212360Personally I find the bug sex ruins it but maybe that's just me
>>60212116I'll be interested to see if you can differentiate between some of the pixel art stuff getting churned out by the new bing dall-e stuff
>>60212223Why are the models looks so fucking good compared to what Wataamage has?
>>60211732Shiori is sex, period.
>>60212116Its the way the images are colored or painted, its the exact same in every or most AI images and that's kind of unnatural.
>>60212223Which autist keeps making these?
>>60212386never seen someone shove a gerbil up their ass? Eminem even had a famous song about it.
>>60212417Johnbeat was better than Paulbeat
I think Mori and Shiori should kiss
>>60212435probably because those models are probably modified versions of the original, whereas Wataamage still uses Slopkatsu models made years ago.
>>60212435Edited official 3d model compared to wataamage's homemade koikatsu models
>>60212477Stop trying to make make it a threesome, Kiara
Who joined Mori for Minecraft?
>>60212511cute sheep
>>60212504Shiorin for a while and the Nerissa said hi right at the end
>>60212504Shiori in the middle and Nerissa at the end
>>60212504Shiorin, and just 2 minutes of Nerissa at the end.
The Anya
>>60210636Sana love!
>>60212593needs bigger boobs.
>>60212535>>60212540>>60212543No bib... Its bijouver..
>>60212622I still dont get what this emoji is suppoused to mean
Has any EN binged this shit as much as Mori? This is getting sad.
>>60212116Simple answer is that AI doesn't know WHY anything looks the way it does. It's just spitting back color-estimates based on a sampled math algorithm. Poses aren't set up to support weight because the AI doesn't know gravity exists. There's no reflected colors from one surface to another because the AI doesn't know how light works.Honestly, the term 'artificial intelligence' is a technical misnomer because intelligence implies abstract problem solving, which current programs absolutely do not have; they're basically a glorified light sensor wired to a dictionary.
>>60212639Not as much as Mori no
>>60212639To power ahead with sheer stupid brute force until she gets lucky is Mori's ninja way.
>>60212637*vine boom sound effect*
moom butthole
Mori pls
>>60212647kiss me smart poster
Is doomposting going to be a new mori-ism?
>>60212647it's more of an automatic image generator than an "AI", I'm not sure why it got called AI in the first place
>>60212116It's probably because all the popular styles(LORA) are oversaturated and the colors pop out. There's plenty of good styles where the pics don't scream AI.
Okay game, that was bulshit
>>60212796tech buzzword
>>60212187The important thing, of course, is that Mumei’s childbearing hips are too wide for Japanese clothing.
Calli with a tad bit of ADHD
>>60212769Calm down Shiorin
Why is this game so irreverent?
>>60212807Post a single one, I don't believe there's a single convincing AI generated image
>>60212861go to sleep Fauna
>>60212760cute and comfy
>>60212853I'm not Shiori, but I do make some fanfics inspired on this thread
>>60212883It doesn't work if you're expecting to see an AI image, you'd have to come across it in the wild
shiori should sit on my face
>>60212937post it
Mori is so NASTY
By the elder gods why is mori still playing this game
damn that was a good chain
>>60212883huh? I was just talking about how OP could easily see that it's AI from the thumbnail and how most of the AI art posted here looks similar. If you want convincing AI pics then there's a lot on pixiv and twitter, I don't have any though.
>>60212989>>60212978why the Mori looking like she yearns for death
>>60213022no more chicken butt for the night
>>60212937im very interested in this
>>60212994cute Fauna
>>60212958Is not finished, I got the idea after the image comicanon posted of the IRyStocrat having to share his car with a Hooman after the councilrys collab, it's hetero stuff, nothing gay.
Guys, I don't see anyone playing the watermelon game wtf
>>60213095It's finally over...
>>60213095It's Joewari Da, we're playing Broccolimancer now.
>>60213067>a fucking swampbeat
https://twitter.com/irys_en/status/1711646407139172837?t=0zoCzsG81KrqLuGfIjJkUg&s=19MomRyS cute
I can't believe Yagoo just slapped Moona in front of Yagoo
so 3/5th of Myth and 5/5 Promise is not streaming anytime soonthis lazy HOORS
the moomaries
>>60213050shut up gideon
>>60213147moomrys the promised ship...
>>60213163Is promise all on break?
>>60213162Thanks for the moomaries
Ame nipple: https://twitter.com/_Skaarl/status/1711625249081700521
Moona zoomin
>>60213072This is a year old. What's the state of the art in AI toddler drawings these days?
>>60213236why does this guy make so much kronii art
>Mori has a board this cleansurely even she can't fuck up 3k, right
I am sexually attracted to Mori
>>60212318very cool ame Now stream
Moona cannot be fired by Yagoo
>>60213254Well, you could use this on your hipster bandcamp album cover and I doubt people would scream AI
Melon game tally keeper, I humbly request you to post the list with Reine's updated score
>>60213260why does anyone do anything man
>>60213260Loves Kronii, simple as.
>>60213296me but with every Holo member
>>60213320That doesn't look like a toddler drew it at all.
>>60213320Nah, that wheel up top and the piece of mesh inside a whale on the left are definitely sus.
This music loop should make me go insane, but its so calming listening to Mori.
Mori is managing to stay calm
>>60213320It's an album cover, you can put anything on there, I doubt anyone would give a shit>naked babies>something that looked like it was made from a memegenerator site>cum
>>60213320This looks like shit and the only reason someone wouldn't realize it right away is that it's a bunch of busy garbage you wouldn't notice at a glance
>Go to youtube>See new hololive-EN promise Nanashi Mumei ch. original song>click on the song>japanese?!?!?
Mori is the most retardedAt least Fauna is purposefully doing bad as a bit
mumei cuuto
>Distracted by rain and immediately losesKobo you brat
>>60213429>At least Fauna is purposefully doing bad as a bitThat as bad of cope as "Ame let Mori win at arm wrestling"
>>60213403So has anyone made the cum album yet?
>>60213429>shitlings actually believe this
>open vc>literally no one wants to talk to Callilol
Mori this is just pathetic, we want more streams but not shit that makes us feel sorry for you like this stream (NO MORE SUIKA FFS)
>>60213479Your shitty bait not working in /#/ so you're here? Sad
This whole melon game looks super easy, i would prove it but i don't have a japanese nintendo account.
>>60213478>>60213450>>60213449She's doing it on purpose retardsIt's an NL bit
Mori does the same mistakes the dogs did all the time that ends with 1 large fruit surrounded by 3-4 slightly smaller ones.
>>60213429this is more cope than "Kronii let IRyS win tug-of-war"
Is Morp ogey?
>>60213512Why is the cum red
how long until this melon arc ends? I was waiting the entire year for halloween and we've barely got SHIT, I wanted spooky games not this garbage
Mori is becoming superstitious
She should learn to master the lesbian flow
>>60213545Mixed with cows blood
>>60213522ohhhhhh i get it! youre falseflagging!!! no way anyone is this retarded right
this model does an exceptional job making her seem miserable
>>60211301Is this sfw? I'll assume it is since it's still up.
this game SUCKS
>>60213522A Dutch bit?
>>60212850Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is this allowed?
>>60213545bladder infection
>>60213520emulate it pussy
>>60213584Yeah, it's just a really bad pimple.
https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1711651261634753017https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1711651261634753017https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1711651261634753017BASED WAWA
>>60209787Don't worry, I will digitize myself and keep her company.
>>60213594>>60213610wawa rabu
>>60210384this board is infested with true-cucks for crusty cunt having bimbos/toss-outsif only you knew what other boards were saying, there might be gifs laying around of every other topic fucking your bitch inwouldn't doubt it
Please check this outhttps://files.catbox.moe/4dd5ec.mp4
>>60211349???? mococ literally shows you her belly button and her bareneck. all fuwawa has is bouncing meat sack
>>60211814BRAVO NOLAN
>>60213522A day bit?
>>60213594>>60213610Mumei would never make a tweet like this about wawas songs, in fact no one in cuntcil would.
kiara is awake alarmingly early
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze1uQT-zs7shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze1uQT-zs7shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze1uQT-zs7s>collab on the main channel
>>60213744That's because there's supposed to be an announcement regarding ReGlOsS.
>>60213744truly a side branch
>>60213689I'm not clicking your bug porn link again
>>60213739I woke her up
>>60210874this guy totally gets it50's correction on these modern hoes
>>60213789smoovie you little shit
>>60213739It's 10AM in Austria
I'm going to type "Mori you tard" in chatWish me luck
>>60213689why would someone do this to kanata...
I'm confused. Is Council still a thing? The press release said that Project Hope had ended and that IRyS is just a member of Promise now, but it didn't say anything about Council. The official site has Project Hope, Council and Promise on the talents page now too.
>>60213805that's going to get auto-modded.
>>60213805Do it fegit
>>60213808Who's Council?
I'm near the of Lies of P and holy fuck this game tanks harder than Dark Souls 1 after entering Anal Rodeo. Very specifically, the level design goes from 10/10 to making Blighttown look appealing.I don't actually see anybody in Hololive finishing this.
https://twitter.com/irys_en/status/1711646407139172837https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1711651261634753017>tweeted at a close proximityyeah, they watched and talked about it together
>>60213712I tried to look for tweets to disprove this, but it's actually true, not even one of those bitches tweeted about her songs or album. I already disliked them before, but I guess I now understand why. They are narcissists.
>>60213808There’s still merch out under the Council name, there’s no reason to come up with a new name for a 4-person subgroup of the unit when they’ve already got one they’ve been using for over two years.
>>60213776they're disbanding the branch already? sad
Sana should've gotten a bartender costume and her establishment would be called Space Bar
>>60213843They were probably in a call to discuss their Chile trip next month
What the fuck Mori I looked away for less than a minute
https://twitter.com/irys_en/status/1711646407139172837moomRySbros are eating good today
I got shadowbanned from Mori's chat
*wooooshhh*you are now italian
>>60213808>Project Hope is terminated and IRyS is moved to a new group called Hololive Promise>Council is NOT terminated. All the girls are still in Council and can be referred to as such>Instead, Council is added to Hololive Promise as a UNIT, like UMISEAHololive Promise is both IRyS' new home and an idol unit with Council because Project Hope was shuttered. They didn't do this rebranding for Council at all (e.g. to remove Sana) but rebranded IRyS herself and the concept of "CouncilRyS" just because IRyS isn't going to get any genmates.
>>60213920stop spamming
>>60213689I wanna edge Kanata for hours until she's a broken mess
>>60213931b-back the fuck off?
>>60213920What did Shadow ever do to you, you monster
It's fitting that IRyS is the embodiment of hope, because she had to have a whole lot of it to endure all the shit Project Hope management put her through and come out the other side without graduating
>>60213931ma ma mia...
>>60213783Call Kanata a bug again and i will bop you in the nose
>>60213916yummy moomrys
expecting Kiara's JW* voice in Mori's stream momentarily
>>60213957Why is there so many Holos with yogurt all over their face? How hard is it to use a fucking spoon?
>>60213957what the beeb doin
>>60213916I bet IRyS is a bit jealous knowing that this will easily be more popular than anything she puts out
>>60214038so true sis
>>60214043who the fuck do you think you are, posting evidence and verifiable proof
What are some good story-focused streams within the last year?
Towa image
>>60213851Tried this angle with Kiara earlier instead of Mumei. Then Kiara tweets about Mumei song and has to switch targets.>>60170188
>>60214038Enna really needs to let it go...
>>60214063Who the does the schizo think he is, thinking people would fall for such easily disproven lies?
>>60214043>only mumei
>>60213712>>60213851I'm pretty sure Mumei said pineapple is her favorite Kiara song in the album
>>60214106He’s also ME ME ME posting in /who/.
Mori what the fuck was that?
>>60214017They're silly girls
>>60211192Bae’s tits are way too big for that
I think all holos should pander to oji-sans
My does my bread taste like jizz?
>>60214150>Kiara: Mumei's song is a bop>schizo: ME ME MEHow do we fix schizos?
>>60214215my wife
>>60212242Id take dem cards
mori's ngmi, hope you deadbeats are prepared for another watermelon stream soon!
>>60214232Meds, straitjacket, padded cell. Alternatively, with a bullet.
>>60214232Strap them on a table and let Towa do this to them>>60213689
why is mori's viewcount unusually high right now
>>60214211yeah me
The reason for the rebranding is because Council had a falling out with Sana since they wanted her to make an appearance and Sana was aggressively against it. This was their way of removing future mentions of her now that she's completely separated from everyone but Ina.
It hurts watching Mori play the melon game, she's so fucking dumb it's physically painful She has good set-ups going and then ruins them by just dropping fruit without thinking, then she yells about the game fucking over as if she literally not the reason she loses the majority timeThis shit isn't IWBTG the game doesn't have it out for the player it's fucking puyo-puyo with gravity physics lol
>>60214291>bald capfucking poser faggots
>>60214325feels like she just isn't paying attention
I wanna put my dick between Mori's melon tits, if you know what I mean
>>60213920maybe you'll touch more grass but you're a bitch and lack Willpower
>>60214285fuck off numbernog
-1 imageno contribution
>>60214410cute looner
https://poal.me/yhsgkhttps://poal.me/yhsgkhttps://poal.me/yhsgkContext: Its the first time in 3 years Ame disappears for several days like this without a notice or at least communicating during her break
>>60214285she's resorting to using view-bots but don't go around telling this cult board that or they'll deny it like the Clintons It's what all of them do to game the algorithm too
>>60214325Even score above 2400 by every single EN has been pure luck. They all play like Mori or worse. Mori just rages louder.
>>60214410At least it's not fucking YouDidIt.webm or nephilimflip.webm againI'll take it
>>60214342She just starts dropping fruit without any rhyme or reason, while completely ignoring potential chains that literally in her faceShe would've gotten 3k like 5 times now in this stream alone, if she'd just open her eyes and use her fucking brain
>>60214440nephilimflip is based fuck off
>>60214422I don't want to doompost but maybe its health related
REJOICEThe fucking HoloPro intern finally got Mumei's Twitter username correcthttps://twitter.com/hololive_En/status/1711652790429225410https://twitter.com/hololive_En/status/1711652790429225410https://twitter.com/hololive_En/status/1711652790429225410
>>60214474t. nephilimflip.webm poster
>>60214502hope he gets a promotion
Make a new thread already so somebody can post YouDidIt.webm and nephilimflip.webm
deadbeats your oshi is malding
>>60214043>>60213594Takananashibros? Are they?
>>60214574I watched FWMC losing their collective minds playing this game at 3AM.Thhis is fine. Mori's fine.
>>60214502who cares?
... She is actually stupid enough for me to unironically feel bad for her.
Anyone join Mori yet?
>>60214663Go the fuck to bed, no-fun-allowed ojisan
Teamates is Mori as infuriating as Ame ignoring chat who actually give the right answers.
>>60213548As someone who hates spooky games this is the best October ever
>>60214635Yeah, people acting like she is doing any worse than the rest fo EN is pretty funny. Mori is just louder when mad.
Mori's friend...
>>60214679You know the answer to that man don't need to point it out
>>60214714fuck YOU
>>60213712>>60213851There's a reason Kiara isn't too friendly with Promise and prefers Advent instead
Jwu. Qrd on the yab?
FINAL CALL for a huggable Time of Sky pillow. How many dakis do you need to buy to ensure a good run?
>>60214769shiori still hasn't sat on my face
>>60214769mori is ngmi
>>60214422How long is been?
>>60214106I'm that guy and the guy in this thread isn't even me. Although I concede Kiara does promote some girls but only in cliques she made like holotori