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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.59834264 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 259x242, 1640155278931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59834333
File: 1.54 MB, 1364x1080, 1690810243553969.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not reading

>> No.59834391

theres something strange
in /ggg/
who ya gonna call?

>> No.59834397
File: 587 KB, 1080x1080, 1695574328559821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59834831

>> No.59834409
File: 233 KB, 1500x1757, szuukies_20231004-100927_1709511039807885342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59834933

>> No.59834441


>> No.59834448
File: 237 KB, 1103x2048, AngelDu30583993_20231004-024233_1709398573203521949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59834635
Quoted by: >>59834792

she will stream before the month ends, probably parasocial or the watermelon kusoge

>> No.59834792
Quoted by: >>59835697

I don't think she will ever do parasocial because someone has stalked her or more likely she has hallucinated being stalked.

>> No.59834831


>> No.59834933
Quoted by: >>59838041

Where's her cunny?

>> No.59835307
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, 1687137708485633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59835389

I love my wife so much!!

>> No.59835389

Too bad she can't be bothered to show a smidge of love back

>> No.59835439
File: 133 KB, 1920x1080, 1692816493319335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59835607

at least she promised to stream next year

>> No.59835480
File: 1.19 MB, 1414x2000, 164376962346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59835607

>> No.59835607

She could stream once and still be technically correct
Womb massage

>> No.59835697

The story has almost nothing to do with what you think it does.
The ex-bf is pulling some dumbshit scheme to try to get his gf back and a bunch of people are in on it.

>> No.59835861 [DELETED] 

Can i get my 3rd year badge already?

>> No.59835894 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59836213


>> No.59836068


>> No.59836090

I'm aware of the story and who was behind it. That doesn't change the fact that people were entering the players apartment and stalking them regardless of their relationship.

>> No.59836213
File: 377 KB, 2048x1287, A776249C-A855-47F1-B131-9832BC54C34B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage here. What’s up

>> No.59836265
Quoted by: >>59836512

anyone got a gif of Gura playing the flute from the Kyoufuu All Back video? I'm too technically illiterate to rip it myself

>> No.59836275
File: 344 KB, 2556x1364, Fansa 3D Live[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcb570m.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife

>> No.59836512
File: 322 KB, 1920x922, 1694399699991610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59856836


>> No.59836760
File: 720 KB, 1381x2048, 1689757753125123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goob morning buds

>> No.59836953
File: 364 KB, 1367x1757, 169580502264926701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59837237

Last year was succubus asmr soul succy, this year is vampire asmr neck succy.

>> No.59837756

I would like to ruin this little vampire T o T

>> No.59837828
File: 2.08 MB, 2500x1589, eebee6182988516d39133776ca19792d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to chill on some Florida beaches all day and think about the shark

>> No.59837966
Quoted by: >>59838369


>> No.59838039
File: 618 KB, 2362x4096, Fe3lQPEagAAB0eT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute Gura cute!

>> No.59838041

About two thirds down the tail.

>> No.59838076

Gura and I are watching the Google showcase together right now.

>> No.59838155

Nice! Enjoy yourself

>> No.59838248
Quoted by: >>59838369

Why do you live in east coast cali?

>> No.59838303
Quoted by: >>59838375

This is going to be her month right, she's going to come back and all the projects she's been working on will come to fruition, right?

>> No.59838369
File: 1.43 MB, 1500x2587, 01463d5daa68999ca6edb5b37ac31979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My family has a beach house a little south of Tampa so I can just fly and chill here

>> No.59838375

You will get 5 horror game streams and a single lazy members stream and you will like it.

>> No.59838420

even this feels optimistic the way the August and September went

>> No.59838446

August wasn't bad at all
September though...

>> No.59838520
Quoted by: >>59842377

that'd literally be an over average month, second only to August

we all know what happened in August

>> No.59838571

That's actually a lot for Gura so I'll take it.

>> No.59838780
File: 49 KB, 365x383, 1693939212537878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad news: shark is dead

>> No.59839143

I can fix her...

>> No.59839244

Will she haunt us as a ghost?

>> No.59839859
File: 42 KB, 1221x175, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59839897
Quoted by: >>59844160


>> No.59840009
Quoted by: >>59844160

our shark wife is returning

>> No.59840130
Quoted by: >>59840229

Fuwamoco didn't include her in the frame, she's also not in Ina's thumbnail

>> No.59840229

>>59840130 (me)
also since when is Nerissa playing this? that's literally too many players for the game, Ina fucked up the description

>> No.59840262

Why would Ina do this?

>> No.59840304
Quoted by: >>59844160

Told you it didn't confirm anything tards.

>> No.59840357
Quoted by: >>59844160

Hey look my copium paid off. I'd grudge post the doubters if I wasn't lazy

>> No.59840408


>> No.59840423
Quoted by: >>59840985

Nerissa is in ina's thumbnail but not fwmc thumbnail

>> No.59840432

>10-11 players
>8 player limit
it's catalogshit, isn't it?

>> No.59840491

Why are you spamming buzzwords?

>> No.59840510

Mindbroken anti faggot

>> No.59840669

She'll return after this stream right?

>> No.59840700
Quoted by: >>59844160

100%, we're so back bro

>> No.59840701
File: 11 KB, 128x128, 1690508557050700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is a mistake and gura isnt actually there (she literally isnt in the thumbnail on anyones channel) im gonna hit a new rock bottom

>> No.59840734

Wait when did Kiara and Nerissa were part of this too? That must be a mistake or are they going to rotate players?

>> No.59840747

As if returning with a collab where she won't be even able to talk after 3 weeks was any better...

>> No.59840767


>> No.59840800

Gura is my ocean pogchamp

>> No.59840804

>Party Animals allows eight players to play together in one lobby.
Ina (or Fauna) can't count

>> No.59840805

at this point ill literally take confirmation she knows shes in hololive

>> No.59840868

>i-it doesn't count
antis in shambles

>> No.59840934
Quoted by: >>59841051

Maybe the ones not in thumbnail are only gonna drop in when people leave and not have a pov?

>> No.59840954
Quoted by: >>59841035

I'm not going to get my hopes up and going to wait to see if Gura puts a frame up or check one of the other povs if she's not streaming her own.

>> No.59840985
Quoted by: >>59841110

Kiara is in the description but not the thumbnail. This smells like a quick copy paste.

>> No.59840995

people who thought gura would be in the party animal Collab didn't realize that was the previous tier of gura ghosting where she's return for collabs

we are at the major events return tier

>> No.59841035

0% chance of her own pov if she's not in the thumbnails
5% chance she joins vc and plays if ina's description isn't a fuck up

>> No.59841051
File: 92 KB, 576x576, 1674145114054267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59841171

dont do this to yourself brother, dont give us hope

>> No.59841110

But then irys isn't there and we know she's sick as fuck so it isn't a complete EN copy paste... also why does she have Nerissa in the thumbnail but the dogs don't?

>> No.59841171
Quoted by: >>59844160

I'm gonna inhale the hopium because it's better than nothing

>> No.59841283

thats the strange bit. the description is easy to fuck up but the thumbnail has to be harder to get wrong because she either made it herself or someone gave it to her to use. one option is shes using an older version of it that was provided to her or maybe she had an older list of who was joining when she made it

>> No.59841303

Ame is also in the description but not the thumbnail. The baubaus got it right, it's Bijou, Shiori, Ina, Fauna, Mumei, and Mori.

>> No.59841363
Quoted by: >>59841424

heres my thoughts, trust the dogs lmao. theyre on top of things, ina would definitely make a mistake like this. i would strongly recommend we don't get our hopes up. but man, this is a cruel mistake

>> No.59841400
File: 317 KB, 2048x1706, 1690162568039670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the situation of the chumbuds is a macrocosm of what she was doing on her very last game stream (holocure)
when she had all the chumbies in the pen who were hungry and overworked, waiting her salvation
begging her, "Gura please, we're hungggryyyy"
and she just said "Well that's too damn bad!"
and then giggled to herself

>> No.59841412

I would add to this the doggos have Shiori who is supposed to be doing offline work today. Is EN this bad at coordinating stuff?

>> No.59841414

>BTFOs antis and rrats about boycotting Advent in one stream
Gura sweep

>> No.59841424


>> No.59841470
Quoted by: >>59844160


>> No.59841473

Ye, they are women

>> No.59841479
Quoted by: >>59841802

I trust the baubaus 110% and so should you

>> No.59841486

I don't know what to believe anymore

>> No.59841543

There was no rrats like that retard and she's already played with them in gmod

>> No.59841602
File: 3.99 MB, 2508x3541, 112267159_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura won't spit in the face of her fans and join some random collab
Believe in the shark

>> No.59841635

Hasn't this happened before with Ina?

>> No.59841647

So you'd rather have no shark? kys faggot anti, I can see right through you

>> No.59841684

Gura wouldn't come back in some random collab, she's preparing something special for us

>> No.59841685

Anon are you talking to yourself again

>> No.59841712
File: 246 KB, 490x490, 1687659422907794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see what their angle is this time, nice try though

>> No.59841718
File: 537 KB, 1140x1900, 1653833500069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59841732

stfu faggot

>> No.59841734
Quoted by: >>59841907

She spits in the face of her fans by not streaming at all.

>> No.59841748
File: 246 KB, 1536x2048, 1678078504604931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59841872

Buds, I have a confession. I have an abandonment fear when it comes to Gura. I want to watch her but I don't want to be left out here all alone for such a long time. Damn, part of me wishes I could spank her tush for leaving me like this.

>> No.59841750
File: 188 KB, 403x748, 1687316806656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather Gura save her strength to do a solo stream for us than join a big collab and say 5 words the whole stream.

>> No.59841789

kys anti

>> No.59841802

Out of all EN I do. The only thing that would make sense is that some will drop out and will be replaced. Like Nerissa has a stream later and maybe Gura will take her place.

>> No.59841826

Exactly, but I guess not reading her chat and interacting with it is good for her to warm up

>> No.59841833

because it's from the anni description and you're huffing copium like there's no tomorrow

>> No.59841852

Fuck whatever "special thing she's prepared". Just go back to streaming already.

>> No.59841857
File: 62 KB, 112x112, 1673483410988440.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that gura is fucking back chumbies, what do you think she's going to play next stream ?

>> No.59841872

I'm the opposite. I have an abandonment fetish T o T

>> No.59841907
Quoted by: >>59841965

I want to swallow her spit

>> No.59841923
File: 6 KB, 220x230, 1680367793126598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59841966

where are the real chumbies?

>> No.59841942

Who cares about streams. She still owes me 3 years worth of sex.

>> No.59841965

I want to swallow all of her fluids

>> No.59841966

My name is real chumbies

>> No.59841972
File: 335 KB, 600x600, 1668847369071640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is anni?

>> No.59842030

Can't believe Ina of all people is trolling us

>> No.59842058
File: 265 KB, 2048x2048, 1678302886139026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wouldn't, would she?

>> No.59842070
Quoted by: >>59842117

>trolling us
ina put that frame up in a dazed state and went right to sleep

>> No.59842117
Quoted by: >>59842315

I demand a naked dozega from Ina if Gura isn't there regardless

>> No.59842200

Then why would gura be at the end and not after ame? It's not in anni description order. It might be people who were a maybe for joining but didn't confirm yet and she didn't take out the ones that couldn't make it

>> No.59842225

she's so back bro, they can't handle it

>> No.59842315

It's already changed, ezclappa

>> No.59842351

copebuds... we lost again

>> No.59842352
File: 82 KB, 1080x146, Screenshot_2023-10-04-17-43-43-42_f9ee0578fe1cc94de7482bd41accb329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59842530

It is, this is from Ina's anni collab description

>> No.59842377

>we all know what happened in august

she went back to college? i know it was about the right time for it.

>> No.59842403

I told Ina to include Gura

>> No.59842431
File: 84 KB, 886x202, updated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59842658

oh nyo

>> No.59842452
File: 3.72 MB, 498x498, 1693015997390281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59842531

>> No.59842530
Quoted by: >>59842690

But gura is after fwmc in this description

>> No.59842531

hope ayame catches you in a dark alley

>> No.59842558
File: 591 KB, 1953x3175, F63KGTsXkAAjOy6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuwamocos list was correct yesterday
>guras manager seeing a bunch of angry comments in her video overnight
>tells gura she needs to stream
>gura panics and sees a collab to latch onto with minimal effort

>> No.59842575

Why are you retards shitting up the thread over Ina copying pasting an inital description?

>> No.59842611
Quoted by: >>59843929

Or, hear me out, Ina copy pasted and made a oopsie.

>> No.59842640
Quoted by: >>59842794

>Guras manager actually reading the comments
>Guras manager actually telling her to stream
That's how you know your rrat isn't believable

>> No.59842658
Quoted by: >>59842715

shiori confirmed, it's not looking good

>> No.59842690
Quoted by: >>59842803

Ina pasted the new members between Ame and Gura, notice there's no space between Ame and Fauna

>> No.59842715

i believe the dogs over a sleep deprived ina but i think that tweet is just them thanking her for watching the stream

>> No.59842794

Who did then? >>59833126

>> No.59842801

Holos are kinda retarded, ngl.

>> No.59842803
Quoted by: >>59845123

She pasted FWMC twice also

>> No.59842863
File: 1.12 MB, 896x1152, 1666892355924447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59843440

I only trust Gura, her fembuds, and allies of gura

>> No.59842947
Quoted by: >>59843154

>Her dopeness singlehandly baited countless chumbies

>> No.59843154
Quoted by: >>59843584

If you mean "baited" you mean retards decided to stalk her initial description and took it seriously.

>> No.59843440

I hate those things on her head

>> No.59843584

>reading a description is considered stalking now

>> No.59843597 [DELETED] 

honestly fuck ina, that uninspired cunt

>> No.59843625

wow wow, it's not her fault Gura is a lazy cunt

>> No.59843656

totally real chumbie

>> No.59843671

lmao very nice "chumbie"!

>> No.59843730
File: 281 KB, 1685x2048, E2VjK5wWYAMTdX6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59843792

>the entire board is on fire over one description

>> No.59843792
Quoted by: >>59843853

>entire board is on fire
>a single thread about it with like 20 replies

>> No.59843853

ggg, global, all other holo splits, basically the only threads that matter

>> No.59843874

Unless something changed in the past couple days, Nerissa has clearly mentioned that she's not going to be part of it.

>> No.59843929
File: 53 KB, 373x370, 1671573117765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean duh, but people are retarded so everything has to be a conspiracy

>> No.59843937
File: 3.36 MB, 1400x1400, 1666038439231519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out my cat

>> No.59843988
File: 21 KB, 300x300, FYWshoDXEAIDdT-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura removed

>> No.59843990
File: 354 KB, 1100x900, 1693186640114578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59843994
File: 295 KB, 595x842, 1694704422924297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59844061

I'm going to breed your cat T u T

>> No.59844014
Quoted by: >>59844145

i wonder if they'll address her absence now

>> No.59844020
File: 224 KB, 495x495, 1696393823014132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i knew it was this way deep down, but even i wanted to feel hope again

>> No.59844054


>> No.59844061


>> No.59844099
File: 62 KB, 286x329, 1684558932904049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59844128

Chumbies I gotta head out again. Take good care of my bean

>> No.59844101
Quoted by: >>59844293

lmao, of course Gura wouldn't be joining...
how are people so deluded and believed that for even a second is beyond me

>> No.59844128

im gonna flick it

>> No.59844145

They never address any of Gura's absences and just act like things are normal.

>> No.59844160 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 1662x1079, 1695893835679171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59844201

literally all you btw

>> No.59844234

literally all me btw

>> No.59844289
File: 67 KB, 898x223, updated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59844451

it's over

>> No.59844293
Quoted by: >>59844362

But she was a potential candidate in joining so we learned something!

>> No.59844297

it's fine guys,this just means gura can still do her own stream today

we haven't been abandoned by a mentally unwell woman too popular to be reigned in by her company to stream haha

>> No.59844347

Lol this is even more unbelievable

>> No.59844362
Quoted by: >>59845035

right! she is a hololive member so technically there is a chance she can join hololive collabs (in theory, if she was streaming)

>> No.59844395
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, 1661508690035888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never give up!

>> No.59844402 [DELETED] 
File: 596 KB, 2452x4080, F7TSoPyawAAKkeC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59844452

Get fucked
Get a new oshi

>> No.59844427
Quoted by: >>59844528

I mean it's happy news, it means she'll probably do a solo stream instead

>> No.59844452

Never watched Advent debuts, Never watched any Advent streams. Only watch Gura, stay mad.

>> No.59844451

For retards like you I guess.
>too popular to be reigned in by her company
Anon this company never reigns their talents when it comes to streaming or communication. The company in question having this retarded "do nothing" philosophy when it comes to this is part of the problem.

>> No.59844494
File: 202 KB, 632x802, 1660675662072483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of falseflagging if it's this obvious?

>> No.59844525

Are you ready for react streams now?

>> No.59844528

Holy cope...

>> No.59844588

You'd think they would change it up by pretending to be Nerissa or Shiori fans but nope, just more false flagging as ruffians and pebbles.

>> No.59844595

I was always fine with it and thought the arguments against react content was dumb. The only problem is that Civer doesn't allow it because they are also dumb.

>> No.59844695

Maybe its because Nerissa or Shiori fans are generally fine while ruffians and pebbles are the problem? But sure keep pushing this falseflag narrative.

>> No.59844734

So we're all in agreement that Gura has died and Cover doesn't want to tell the world their cash cow is gone, right?

>> No.59844760
File: 827 KB, 892x719, 1680886315715093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not even remotely clever

>> No.59844781
File: 26 KB, 480x473, 1696116583120335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59844869

all this ghosting is starting to reawaken my ntr fetish bros what do i do?

>> No.59844786 [DELETED] 

She's just a dope

>> No.59844808 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 925x925, 2031640753146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59844829

I came here to laugh at you. 2 more weeks till her next stream.

>> No.59844811
File: 634 KB, 340x465, 1689907286774167.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get my hopes up.

>> No.59844829

>2 more weeks
1 at most

>> No.59844869 [DELETED] 

This is not ntr though. It's neglection play

>> No.59844882
Quoted by: >>59844985

I just really don't want to believe that all ruffians and pebbles are like this and it's just a few schizos trying to stir shit anon.

>> No.59844885
Quoted by: >>59844938

Cover will never allow her to do reaction streams, even on Twitch. WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO RETARDED?

>> No.59844935 [DELETED] 

Lol at all the retards saying "she's back, btfo." HAHAHAHAHAA. GET FUCKED

>> No.59844938


>> No.59844956

but, that was you falseflagging for this very moment

>> No.59844966

That's not what she wanted to do, retard

>> No.59844978

None of the people who said that are real chumbuds.

>> No.59844985
Quoted by: >>59845138

Well a disproportionate amount of them are definitely like this.

>> No.59845000

Reacting to memes is not the same as reacting to random videos which is what Gura wants to do. HOW FUCKING RETARDED ARE YOU? ARE YOU NEW?

>> No.59845008 [DELETED] 

It was all falseflaggers

>> No.59845013
File: 149 KB, 384x384, 1661917384310789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute retard

>> No.59845025
File: 295 KB, 800x800, 1675076985639177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive always supported react content and still do, it would be fun to watch videos gura enjoys with gura.

>> No.59845035
Quoted by: >>59845098

Nah it didn't include irys, kronii etc so those never expressed interest it since they were dead so there's a timeline where gura did join

>> No.59845045 [DELETED] 

How does Ina even fuck up that badly? Dumb fucking whore.

>> No.59845074
Quoted by: >>59845113

Can't wait

>> No.59845098

Or she just copy and pasted a description.

>> No.59845113

I can't believe these twitch kiddies would think copyright infringement is something that should be done because their fleshtuber gets away with it

>> No.59845123

might be intentional because there's two of them

>> No.59845138

Thats why I force myself to watch shiori. Maybe it’ll pay off one day and I’ll understand her appeal

>> No.59845400

there's no reason to think gura would stream id she could do react shit considering she flaked on watch alongs

>> No.59845445

ruffian fanbase is quite big here and has lots of bad actors
pebbles have people shitposting using gura images almost every day in their thread so there is no surprise there

>> No.59845558
Quoted by: >>59845610

Wuffians are quite bad. Let's not kid ourselves

>> No.59845610

They really are not. They remind me of us from our early days

>> No.59845827
Quoted by: >>59846064

They have been shitting hard on other Holomems, not just Gura.

>> No.59845840

Hardly. They dont seem like they have many antis compared to how many gura had in her early days

>> No.59845876
Quoted by: >>59845942

I'm talking about the fanbase not their antis. Who gives a shit about antis?

>> No.59845942

Calm down bud. I wouldnt call falseflaggers “fans”

>> No.59845998


>> No.59846054

oh god.... she's already gone again... i just want this life to end already... how are we gonna cope chumbros.... //wrists....

>> No.59846058
Quoted by: >>59846140

>everyone annoying is a falseflagger
isn't this the exact tactic teamates use to get away with being annoying as fuck all the time?

>> No.59846064
Quoted by: >>59846110

What's wrong with that?

>> No.59846110
Quoted by: >>59846165

The shitting on holos part

>> No.59846140
Quoted by: >>59846502

Anyone that makes their oshi look bad cant be called a true fan

>> No.59846157

Slashing your wrists is faggy shit.

>> No.59846165

if you don't like people shitting on holos at all, might as well go to reddit. there's like 50 of them, nobody is going to like all of them

>> No.59846167


>> No.59846189

If she really doesn't care about us other than to shill merch then fuck her I'm cancelling my membership

>> No.59846200

Didn't know I was on LiveJournal

>> No.59846220
Quoted by: >>59846250


>> No.59846237

Yeah, I'm pausing mine unless things turn around before it renews next.

>> No.59846250


>> No.59846252

Fucking weakbud, it's only been 48 days since her last normal stream, you are just a little bitch

>> No.59846260
Quoted by: >>59846293

So long. 2 more will take your place as soon as you leave

>> No.59846270


>> No.59846293
Quoted by: >>59846336

lol, do you really believe ANYONE is membering to Gura right now?

>> No.59846323
File: 1.96 MB, 2894x4093, gura-cat-gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weakbuds get the noose, it hasn't even been a quarter of a year yet since the last non-mandatory/shill stream. maybe once we hit that kind of mark at 4 months there will be reason to cancel membership, but for now, you're just a weak poorfag bitch if you do it

>> No.59846325

When was her last members stream?

>> No.59846329
File: 73 KB, 661x665, STEP AWAY COLLECTIVIST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59846336

The biggest vtuber in the world? Yes i do think people are membering to her retardchama

>> No.59846406

She really isn't. She just has a bunch of deadsubs.

>> No.59846414

If there's anyone retarded enough to actually become a fresh membershrimp at this point in Gura's career they will definitely not be renewing it.

>> No.59846443

Damn, I wanted to come laugh at your disappointment but Gura not giving a shit finally got through to you so you didn't even get your hopes up
Pretty funny in it's own right

>> No.59846461

She didn't have antis within the fandom
falseflagging wasn't a thing before /vt/

>> No.59846471
File: 66 KB, 800x800, heh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14 hours ago
>i want to change membership name to Child support because now that's what it feels like now GuDuhGuDuh

>> No.59846496

There's literally zero reason to pay for Gura's membership other than not wanting to lose your progress
Stop posting your own comments, retard

>> No.59846502

The fandom being a horde of mongoloids doesn't mean their Oshi is bad, only retards think so.

>> No.59846550

There are many I don't like, but I don't make threads calling their names, insulting them, laughing at them or asking for their graduations.
Such behaviour is fucking disgusting.

>> No.59846564
Quoted by: >>59846632

I mean, anyone that thought she might be there after the dogs already showed the roster is delusional.

>> No.59846576
Quoted by: >>59846611

Why should anyone care about this "progress"? What does it mean when they get no content?

>> No.59846587

You see those 870 comments on her last membership post? All me.

>> No.59846600

i dont even have a counterargument, i just want her to stream

>> No.59846611
Quoted by: >>59846660

You get your cock sucked by prechat instead of having to do the sucking

>> No.59846632

I knew she wouldn't be there before the dogs showed the roster and don't know why anons here kept bringing this collab up to begin with.

>> No.59846636

I say we count the collab as a stream and reset the clock, it's the best for everybody

>> No.59846660
Quoted by: >>59846775

How can there be a prechat when there's no streams?

>> No.59846703

No, this collab never had anything to do with Gura.

>> No.59846728

the merch retweet should already count as a stream imo

>> No.59846775

There will always be streams, even if there are several months between them, in fact that only serves to boost the circlejerking elitist retards since they can claim they made it through Gura's breaks despite being day one fans to their easily impressionable beta orbiters.

>> No.59846791

>back with a group collab
nice, mans she is recovering

>> No.59846815

I've been having a hard time trying to goom to Gura's body but I can easily goom to her voice. I can still goom to 3DPD I don't know why this is

>> No.59846819

Scroll up, retard.

>> No.59846852
File: 3.96 MB, 3615x2933, 20231004_134149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you buds up to today?
I'm chilling in the ocean right now.
Thinking of the stinky shark

>> No.59846922 [DELETED] 

There's more to life than a lying cunt and this mental asylum, think about that.

>> No.59847000

Howwdy @Bjoarn

>> No.59847033

Working now, going to a concert later

>> No.59847051

>What you buds up to today?
I gotta go to work I slept through my alarm.

>> No.59847121

day off, chill day.
i found this weird as fucktext based lewd game shilled on /v/ and giving it a try.

>> No.59847145

Still playing Titanfall 2 and marinating some swordfish for later.

>> No.59847223

Playing Last Epoch.

>> No.59847281
File: 278 KB, 508x499, 1679534362288509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am nursing a migraine and laying around like a useless cunt

>> No.59847331
File: 492 KB, 1001x889, 1661928393449491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Listening" to my meeting while procrastinating, huhaha.

>> No.59848150

She's not in it, RETARD

>> No.59848289

Oh right the test thing was today

>> No.59848359
File: 374 KB, 558x798, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59848603

Caught one of you fags feisty in 4k
What a pathetic display of "were so back I love you forever" to "yeah that sucked"

>> No.59848399
File: 221 KB, 2160x1078, 1691774495246665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59848543

Beeeeeeep beeeeeeeeep

>> No.59848543

maybe it woke gura up

>> No.59848603

I just saw Avril give Mumei 50 bucks the other day what a whiner

>> No.59848686
File: 218 KB, 485x450, 1695694734506809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well well well, looks like I'm the last chumbud and get to marry Gura.

>> No.59848753


>> No.59848759
Quoted by: >>59848965

>Says nothing to Gura about what's been happening the past months
>Cries about it in their socials
Why are these Chumbuds like this?

>> No.59848782
File: 203 KB, 2048x2048, 32141823761894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, Shion!

>> No.59848965

>Gura we love your stream, they are so good ohmigosh
>This sucked, I lied to be cool

>> No.59848980

you okay chumbies?

>> No.59849024

Define okay

>> No.59849035
Quoted by: >>59849131

Not really

>> No.59849063
Quoted by: >>59849131

I'm hibernating until the shark streams.

>> No.59849064
File: 179 KB, 492x350, 1685578949461114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59849131

I'm chilling

>> No.59849131
Quoted by: >>59849325

Which one of these is lying?

>> No.59849157

I don't understand why she doesn't just play the illness card. Her schizo combination of hating communication+privacy is tanking her entire fanbase's mood
She could have the exact same amount of NO STREAMS with a lot less hassle if she bothered to justify them. Not even with good excuses

>> No.59849214

nyo, but watching the continual chumbie twitter stalking and screencapping lifted my mood a bit
very silly shitposting

>> No.59849246

It's probably just the principle of it

>> No.59849252

because she's autistic and anxious just like me

>> No.59849282
File: 197 KB, 800x920, 1682525483004031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In your dreams

>> No.59849325
File: 799 KB, 1448x2048, 53d788d7ba7ff7e160634c1839a2b0fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59849688

I'm playing monopoly at the beach with a girl

>> No.59849326
File: 89 KB, 1280x691, 1682564876781451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59850689


>> No.59849331

dont worry, she will come back soon and everyone will forget, dont be a drama queen

>> No.59849344


>> No.59849377

if there were noticeable consequences for her she might care.

>> No.59849409

>she will come back soon

>> No.59849415

Anon she hasn't really come back in a year.
Her trackrecord is so bad I can see it on some retarded "What Happened to Gawr Guraa" YT video years from now.
"things took a turn for the worse in 2022 culminating in a medical break during the winter. things would not fare better in 2023"-some wannabe documentary voice fag

Unless you're satisfied with these "comebacks"

>> No.59849430

Because then she would be lying to her manager
She wants to be able to show up for the concerts and other behind the scenes recording stuff but not stream

>> No.59849435
File: 1.63 MB, 1756x2295, 1693113413325041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59849563

i will never stop supporting my child

>> No.59849563
Quoted by: >>59849605

It's her child you're supporting kek

>> No.59849605

you will never be funny or compelling

>> No.59849620
Quoted by: >>59849669

>medical break
might be anything, tummy hurt, stress, depression or cancer. We don't know, she didn't want to talk about it

>> No.59849669
Quoted by: >>59849768

Uh..so? What does that have to do with the topic? Downright bot post here

>> No.59849688

go back

>> No.59849768

Im just pointing out that you're an exaggerating drama sister

>> No.59850485

Sex with a fembud.

>> No.59850689
Quoted by: >>59850791

Thinbud you should bulk up like fatfuck

>> No.59850770
Quoted by: >>59850814

Its never been more over...

>> No.59850791
File: 88 KB, 1280x691, 1682565089035371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks fine to me.

>> No.59850814

for now

>> No.59850974
File: 4 KB, 260x50, 1680009878661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey, it's been three years

>> No.59851020
File: 204 KB, 512x512, 1676832821069339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59851068

i can tell it's a fake screehnshot bc ur icon never changed

>> No.59851068

Show me your cunny badge, warrior

>> No.59851143

>"things took a turn for the worse in 2022 culminating in a medical break during the winter. things would not fare better in 2023"-some wannabe documentary voice fag
kek, this is way too accurate

>> No.59851256
File: 1.59 MB, 600x600, salman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59851277


>> No.59851985

just got my three year badge, so happy rn bros

>> No.59852006
File: 196 KB, 1024x1024, 1696317812518972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you see the newest episode of Gura's bizzare adventure?

>> No.59852041
Quoted by: >>59852454

thinking of kms

>> No.59852058


>> No.59852095
File: 1.23 MB, 1471x1778, 1677539471936072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59852189

Gura daijoubu?

>> No.59852189
File: 289 KB, 1137x446, 1679078575147151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59852225

I can't do it anymore. I tried to adopt the mindset of the Chumbuds that are somehow able to stay patient during these absences and still care about her as much as they always have but I can't when I know that things used to be better. I guess I'm too weak.

>> No.59852286

hard to care about her if she doesn't give a single fuck

>> No.59852319

Because I know that Gura will eventually be my wife even if it takes 15 years

>> No.59852454

>thinking of kissing my shark

>> No.59852511

stream gura stream

>> No.59852850
Quoted by: >>59853765

>and still care about her as much as they always have
Literally impossible, they are just coping by turning into casualfags

>> No.59853028

No matter how this ends, and no matter how my image of her may change, I will still always be so fucking grateful for the joy she gave me for the last couple years.
It's so incredibly sad seeing that this is the path she chose to go down and that things are so different now and probably won't go back to how they were, but I still appreciate that her streams were a cherry on top of a good day, or a relieving escape after a bad one.
Thank you for that, Gura.

>> No.59853065

Just distract yourself with enough shit to the point where you cant dwell on the past. Harder to do as a neet, I know.

>> No.59853466
File: 112 KB, 750x1004, FMOAL6XaIAIfgMf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59853854

yeah. it is what it is, rather cherish that love than dwell on what's happening now
we're heading towards some kind of closure at this pace anyway, I fear

>> No.59853615

I'm done after this month. Been a day 1 member but giving any money to someone that can't even be assed to spend a few minutes on Twitter each week doesn't sit right.

>> No.59853614

Same desu
I would have never gotten /fit/ without her. I don't think I'll ever go back to watching her regularly even if she returns because I think the Gura I used to love is long gone but I'll always cherish those first years.

>> No.59853765
File: 286 KB, 960x720, E5uPWfOXMAYqwOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59853858

Still have my daki
Still have my daily shark thoughts
Still have all my merch

>> No.59853786

no matter how much I try not to let the past be tainted by the present, it's hard
right when I needed her the most is when she started to leave and the trend only continued with her comings and goings, I think I'm cursed

>> No.59853854
Quoted by: >>59854572

That's why I hesitate to let go completely. I don't want to go through the process of grieving her right now if her graduation happens to be around the corner and I have to do it again...

>> No.59853858

But under all those layers of cope you just know it's not the same anymore.

>> No.59853938


>> No.59854081
File: 2.93 MB, 498x362, it's over.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, seems like it's ogre.

>> No.59854196
File: 451 KB, 900x1197, 1683461593047298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dammit we're talking about her like its over, that makes me the saddest of all. but i agree with what you said, and its why i truly cant move on. she did a lot for me and ill never forget that

>> No.59854206
Quoted by: >>59854454

Has Gura done any members-only ASMR vids since the one from 2021?

>> No.59854235

The best thing you can do, is end it all and leave forever.

>> No.59854261
File: 313 KB, 498x426, 1681092669773113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59854262

Some "chumbud" Fauna is, not including her in the collab

>> No.59854270

>dammit we're talking about her like its over
Everyone is, man. Everyone everywhere that cares about her and is invested in her has basically given up, the only people striding forward with no care are the casuals

>> No.59854305
Quoted by: >>59854354

Gura will stream when she feels ready to do so.

>> No.59854354

Apparently not, because she clearly wasn't ready for the last 3

>> No.59854360
File: 199 KB, 800x698, 1662499973061701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the new angle?

>> No.59854427
Quoted by: >>59854495

Weakbuds exist to make me feel stronger. Thank you chumbies.

>> No.59854446
Quoted by: >>59854538

if you mean the retard saying "she will stream when she feels ready to do so" no. if you mean the others above who are just fucking sad this is going on (me included) then im sorry but no, it just sucks

>> No.59854454
Quoted by: >>59855181

if you count things like candy eating, yes, otherwise no.

>> No.59854463

But those good times ARE over, anon. They've been over for a good while now. I know it feels utterly crushing to contemplate seriously letting her go completely, but there's nothing to gain from sitting here and desperately hoping that maybe, just maybe, those good times might come back.

>> No.59854478

dunno if you mean getting people to say they miss Gura, but I do and I will not shy away from posting such
I can do so at the end of this thread without biting other bait all day

>> No.59854495

whatever helps you cope :3

>> No.59854538

I meant calling everyone still waiting for her a casual. I miss her too, but I still love her. I wouldn't be here otherwise.

>> No.59854568

October 4th and she still hasn't said a word to us. I thought this was gonna be the month.

>> No.59854572

Just get it over with, and it'll be easier once things officially end.

>> No.59854575

I never called anyone still waiting for her a casual, I called everyone who isn't doomposting or feeling sad one, and I stand by it.

>> No.59854657

Is Gura a fembud?

>> No.59854664
File: 239 KB, 768x768, 1669170542892341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doomposting is gay. I undertand the other reason tho.

>> No.59854666
File: 212 KB, 1107x1674, 1684556677755621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59854812

i hear what you're saying, but its getting really hard to accept it might not ever be good again. hearing how she wanted to go back to 2021 and immediately reverting back to the same things, i really cant think of anything that can bring her back at this point

>> No.59854745
File: 329 KB, 1920x1080, New schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New schedule just dropped!

>> No.59854773


>> No.59854785

only casuals feel nothing from this

>> No.59854812
Quoted by: >>59854869

is that the word you meant to use?

>> No.59854831

Is fembudposting gay?

>> No.59854856

fuck you gura

>> No.59854869

yea, im not sure what you mean, i said "its getting really hard to accept" as in accept this is how things are

>> No.59854893

You lot take it way too seriously. Yes it kinda sucks she doesnt stream or communicate and that she just ditches for months at a time and only meets her paid obligations and interacts with us as little as possible

Wait what was I saying

>> No.59854921
Quoted by: >>59854943

>muh streams
Gura has provided way more than enough entertainment this year through The Great Feistybud Purge, whether you faggots choose to join the Patientbuds and enjoy the culling is up to you.

>> No.59854941

Gura is now a Vocaloid.

>> No.59854943
Quoted by: >>59855046

totally real chumbud btw

>> No.59854991
Quoted by: >>59855138

Sadly this would still be preferable to silence.

>> No.59855046


>> No.59855138

It would, yes
No one was FEISTY during the hiatus when they took her "i'll be away for some months, but i want to be back strong""

Nowadays she takes as much time off as then but breaks it off with like, 1-2 streams every 3 months

>> No.59855181

Nah, I don't count that candy vid since it wasn't binaural. Really wish she'd do another proper ASMR vid sometime.

>> No.59855286

Why do they want me to hate Gura?
I refuse

>> No.59855421


>> No.59855500
Quoted by: >>59855584

no one gives a fuck what you do, loser

>> No.59855564

Sorry but I still love Gura

>> No.59855584

I care what anon does, I want him to give me grandchildren but instead he wastes his time falling for avoidant internet anime girls

t. that anon's mom

>> No.59855757
Quoted by: >>59856235

Please call me Mas0n

>> No.59855792

By equating posts critical of Gura's behavior to something that would make you hate her you are indirectly admitting that you are simply choosing to stay delusional in order to not hate her.

>> No.59855860
File: 280 KB, 803x525, 1695050222693094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59855944

Why do they not want Gura to stream?
I refuse to watch their clones.

>> No.59855905
File: 237 KB, 1410x2048, 1696433639111267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is gura dead?

>> No.59855944

Why should I care about what chumbuds want?

>> No.59856227
Quoted by: >>59856462

Gura is definitely the kind of girl who would just vanish instead of making a big deal about her graduation, just saying.

>> No.59856235


>> No.59856292
File: 24 KB, 480x463, 20230826_213248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59856335

I was expecting HER to tweet today but I guess not

>> No.59856462

Been saying this since the first ghosting.
Gura will not graduate, just fade away until you don't notice she graduated

>> No.59856467
File: 1.32 MB, 3000x4000, 1693035261118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59856499

Man it was the perfect time for her to return, she genuinely sounded excited about the new girls and the shit they're getting up with the others (big collabs, open VC minecraft). She was downright nostalgic about it

>> No.59856568
Quoted by: >>59856705

Retards will still claim she was betraying them offstream instead of dealing with sudden health issues...

>> No.59856698

She was obviously lying

>> No.59856705

We don't know what she's "dealing with" because she refuses to say anything.

>> No.59856767
Quoted by: >>59856982

And that's how it will stay, she already said she isn't comfortable telling us what her health issues are.

>> No.59856814

What the fuck do you people even want her to say anyway. If her twitter is nothing but "sorry I'm too busy this week again" "sorry I'm traveling" "sorry tummy hort" you'd still insist she's lying and continue complaining about her lack of streams.

>> No.59856836

not what I was hoping for, but it's also useful, thank you

>> No.59856850

Come the fuck on

>> No.59856924

It looks like she wasn't joking when she said she'll see us next year

>> No.59856947

Literally anything is better than silence. Just announce the hiatus ffs, nobody is demanding a reason.

>> No.59856982
Quoted by: >>59857048

If Gura keeps refusing to explain what's going on then people will keep saying bad things about her.

>> No.59857048

>I'll never ever tell you about my health issues
>please don't speculate about what they might be
>I'm still gonna justify every unexplained break with those health issues though, remember not to speculate ;)

>> No.59857115
Quoted by: >>59857175

>I'm still gonna justify every unexplained break with those health issues though
But she isn't. And that's the problem. Not that any health issues could justify complete radio silence. Nor is there any health issues that magically goes away specifically on the days she is forced to do shit (BD, Anniversary)

>> No.59857148
Quoted by: >>59857175

>I'm still gonna justify every unexplained break with those health issues though
but she doesn't, other people use that as an excuse for her begavior.

>> No.59857167

Not explaining things is what leads to speculation. She's genuinely fucking retarded if she doesn't understand something so simple.

>> No.59857175

She never fails to mention how sick she was feeling on her return streams.

>> No.59857194

Gura is a pro at not giving a shit about her fans
