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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.39 MB, 1324x1986, 53665e0868932b0528d7f2fba20ced4db3e4e69428661b7b15b129b224a37fb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59232115 No.59232115 [Reply] [Original]

For the 116th time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

Upcoming appearance (Cooking collab on OniGiri's channel, Mon 09/25 9AM CST)
Last stream (members only watchalong of "Perfect Blue")
Previous appearance (BG3 collab, Kiara's channel)

Cover of Kalafina - Magia
Cover of PinoccioP - God-ish / 神っぽいな
Songs & Karaokes rentry
Cover playlist

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
Art Tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds : #depravencrafts on Twitter), RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch
Previous thread: >>59209730
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.

>> No.59232147
File: 1.14 MB, 4096x2663, 2023-09-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basic introduction to the new jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creation by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams (/!\ rough sketch after a month and temporary suggestions - might not reflect the reality in the future)
Informations regarding membership (/!\ list of member streams still barren)
Appearance on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template

>> No.59232197
File: 3.54 MB, 1999x3508, F2X7XfFXEAM9hFR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59232655

Rissa butt

>> No.59232655

Sex with butt.

>> No.59232686
Quoted by: >>59232738

male collaber

>> No.59232738
Quoted by: >>59232769

Onigiri is a tranny? Doesn't sound male...

>> No.59232765

Just tuned into the collab channel and OW FUCK MY EARS HER VOICE IS SO NASAL AND WHINY. She sounds like a hag and not in the good way.

>> No.59232769
File: 1.32 MB, 1192x1276, Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 15.18.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59232894

Sounds pretty male to me

>> No.59232848

She should move but after yesterday's stream I'm thinking she won't. She's not perfectionist when it comes to streaming so unless it becomes actually necessary she'll settle for the occasionally scuffed status quo.
Of the few things she didn't copy from Kiara the german work ethic just had to be among them.

>> No.59232894
Quoted by: >>59232910

That's her brother.

>> No.59232910
Quoted by: >>59233014


>> No.59232940

If the brother is on the stream, it counts as a male collab and I will Anti her.

>> No.59233014
Quoted by: >>59233102

I mean I don't know, just googling reveals this. https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/OniGiri
Unless her brother is another character like the Holo Ministry, I don't know I don't watch her. They've also done a bunch of IRL photos, and the body looks female enough.

>> No.59233018

you guys dont know but me and rissa collab everyday in bed

>> No.59233058

I cant wait to see Nerissa stroke cock live on twitch

>> No.59233084
Quoted by: >>59233194

She's apparently in the same talent agency as Connor so that's not great. Also I have her on in the background and she seems pretty crass and crude, but not in a good way like Rissa. She was talking about how it looked like she had shit in her pants. The voice is filtering me pretty hard. It does sound a bit like a tranny.

>> No.59233102
Quoted by: >>59233172

>Unless her brother is another character like the Holo Ministry
Her ahem brother is an actual male that moved to japan with her. I'll let you judge their relationship from that

>> No.59233130
File: 329 KB, 1414x940, Nerissa Plapencroft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nerissa Ravencroft having sex with me after eating a nice meal (thanks Giri)

>> No.59233172

I mean I only care about Nerissa, so if Onigiri's brother is actually her bf or whatever, that's actually safer technically speaking. Unless it's an open relationship or something.

>> No.59233194

>she seems pretty crass and crude, but not in a good way like Rissa
Welcome to twitch vtubers, remember to wear gloves.

>> No.59233238

Fuck me Rissa is so fucking hot. I hope she lets us watch when she fucks Kiara

>> No.59233277
File: 1014 KB, 1024x1024, 1694922458220236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently Onibro does all the camera work for every stream but does not talk except in chat. Also may or may not be Onigiri's bf/husband. Does this count as a male collab for Rissa?

>> No.59233319

Not for me. Will be the same as when the girls do 3D shit and there's some dude operating the camera

>> No.59233326
Quoted by: >>59233383

she already male collabed because her chat is full of males

>> No.59233355

Tranny or no? I think I can kind of see an Adam's apple.

>> No.59233383

It's just me and my smart fridges. Also I made this post.

>> No.59233402
File: 379 KB, 1593x2048, F62qZVSXIAAdDe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She male collabs with me every night

>> No.59233433

Holy shit I go to this place for Christmas

>> No.59233806 [DELETED] 

she's pretty cute, for a chink

>> No.59233859

>fort minor
come on

>> No.59234063


>> No.59234181

>Walmart Nerissa

>> No.59234201
Quoted by: >>59234737

explain the Walmart nerissa meme twitcher

>> No.59234346
Quoted by: >>59234396

she never mention the cooking school before...

>> No.59234396

slacking on your reps, anon

>> No.59234643


>> No.59234685
Quoted by: >>59234790

he's spoken on stream plenty of times

>> No.59234737


Giri watched the advent debuts and Chat called her walmart nerissa because they have a lot of similarities.

Giri's chat bullying her is a running gag on her channel.

>> No.59234786

>1min ad in the middle of the fucking stream
Fuck this dogshit purple shite and everyone that streams there

>> No.59234790

I dont fucking know I was just reading the link

>> No.59234886


>> No.59234954

this other girl sounds fat and annoying

>> No.59234977
Quoted by: >>59235003

She's skinny as fuck, do your reps

>> No.59234999

tell your mom to quiet down then and put on some headphones

>> No.59235003

yeah sure. still sounds fat though.

>> No.59235010


>> No.59235041

pick your options

>> No.59235048

Giri is cringe as af. I am sorry Nerissa I am never calling you cringe again.

>> No.59235067

Why is the riceball bringing up race
Could have just left it at smelling good
come on now

>> No.59235094

holy fuck this girl doesn't shut up.
Is it just me or is rissa sounding like she's already regretting this?

>> No.59235168

>Is it just me or is rissa sounding like she's already regretting this?
She's tried to get to the cooking like 4 times now. Hope she learns from this experience.

>> No.59235251

>set up collab with a twitch leech
>surprised that the leech is pumping her of all that she got
stupid bitch

>> No.59235261

woman please cook already

>> No.59235303

it begins

>> No.59235385

OK, I really don't like this girl. Besides being Chinese, her voice is annoying as fuck and she herself doesn't seem entertaining. I will give her credit for her stream presentation, the hands and live cooking is nice. But she herself annoys me.

>> No.59235393
Quoted by: >>59235484

Traveling ligger here
Last cooking collab it was like 3 hours long for a 30 min dish lol
good luck you fags

>> No.59235396


>> No.59235426

>fake recipe from mom
Based, only I will get to taste the authentic one during our wedding.

>> No.59235484

They could cook 20 year old balsamic vinegar for that matter, all it means is I get more Nerissa

>> No.59235524

Mamarissa wants to invite Biboo to their house

>> No.59235660

not shaking the stereotype of tech illiteracy

>> No.59235760
Quoted by: >>59235800

>also buys premix garlic

>> No.59235800

doing it wrong

>> No.59235809

I had a really good garlic press, got to use it about 3 weeks then my sister stole it and lost it.

>> No.59235873

Are there really fourteen thousand people watching? Does Onigiri usually get these numbers? Rissa certainly doesn't.

>> No.59235923

your sister need correction

>> No.59235958

She's on the front page of Twitch

>> No.59235978

/#/ likes to pretend Twitch doesn't exist, but it's there that actual viewers and money are
Reminder that Eve was also Adam's sister so literally everything since the dawn of mankind is the sisters' fault

>> No.59236045

That sounds fucking DISGUSTING

>> No.59236109

onigiri just dox nerissa

>> No.59236112

Do we know what she's making or is it a secret to the end?

>> No.59236137


>> No.59236196

man this general is slow even when nerissa is live

>> No.59236217

What the FUCK is wrong with flyover states, we should just fucking nuke them.

>> No.59236256

It's pretty great.

>> No.59236257

>thought Chickenfried Steak was chicken

>> No.59236270

first time here?

>> No.59236324

It looks like cream of mushroom soup.
Or maybe beef stroganoff.

>> No.59236352
Quoted by: >>59236605

Is Lemonade with Pickle Juice different from Cucumber Lemonade?

>> No.59236441

White families...

>> No.59236469

She gets good numbers on collabs.

>> No.59236503


>> No.59236504

>McChicken is spicy
what the fuck

>> No.59236532

Lmao Nerissa bully your bro some more for me too

>> No.59236538

I'm white as fuck and even I have better spice tolerance than her brother, WTF?

>> No.59236605


>> No.59236608

Weak to the black pepper, poor Whaite Boi
>flexes to beat the heat

>> No.59237077

>butchered her own rotisserie chicken

>> No.59237100

For anyone else seething about ads- watching from the twitch front page instead of giris channel seems to bypass the ads

>> No.59237104

$1 Costco Churros sustain me

>> No.59237173


>> No.59237211

All this means is that Nerissa doesn't go out of her way to eat Kiara's fans

>> No.59237249

>giri will pay after the stream for making this joke

>> No.59237330

Ok Rissa, I’ll go in dry

>> No.59237471

I will sail Rissa’s red sea

>> No.59237530

Where is she live rn?

>> No.59237574
Quoted by: >>59237646


>> No.59237585

Nvm, I ignored baker san

>> No.59237646


>> No.59237816

>Nerissa is an Architect

>> No.59237893

beef gook hehe

>> No.59237911

>beef gook

>> No.59238891
File: 402 KB, 165x165, 1695235210101666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59238936

I missed the first hour or so, anything interesting happen?

>> No.59238893

Wasn’t able to make it to the collab today, Jailbirds. How was it?

>> No.59238936

still going on

>> No.59238958

It's still going

>> No.59238995

Rissa won't drink with me...

>> No.59239070

this other chick is incredibly annoying.

>> No.59239101

I think shes cute, its funny their chemistry seems better than Advent group chemistry

>> No.59239229
Quoted by: >>59239239


>> No.59239239

Tater tot hotdish

>> No.59239278

she's cute and they have great chemistry better than advent collab outside of bijou

>> No.59239438

>12 slices of cheese

>> No.59239502

i want to try it, but i don't know how to cook

>> No.59239511

She's behaving herself appropriately in the collab but that is her holding herself back compared to how she usually is. Take that as you will.

>> No.59239555

it doesn't look that complicated, Nerissa did advertise it as a "garbage dish"

>> No.59239562
File: 412 KB, 542x544, 346232642789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59239745

It’s me, I was the fish

>> No.59239802

I will volunteer as that Monkey

>> No.59239813

>put corn, beef mince and cream of mushroom can in a saucepan
>cook it on medium for... 15 minutes?
>preheat oven to 180c/350f
>get oven dish
>put the beef mince monstrosity into the oven dish
>cover it with cheese slices
>cover that in hash browns/tater tots
>cook ... 25 minutes? to cook the potato
this shit is basically an Americanised (aka ruined) shepards pie

>> No.59239818

The monkey stealing Nerissa's panties? That's me.

>> No.59239916

It’s nerissover…

>> No.59239963
File: 1.72 MB, 220x220, 1677901552227517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59240034

So does Rissa go no pan in skirts and dresses

>> No.59239977

Now this is the twitch content I know

>> No.59239999
Quoted by: >>59242951

Actual nudist lmao

>> No.59240034
Quoted by: >>59240099

She wears underwear outside most of the time. Theres a keyword

>> No.59240097
File: 3.00 MB, 540x240, 1692845118431753.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"there she goes..."

she is /here/ isn't she

>> No.59240099

Fuck. Thats so sad

>> No.59240195


>> No.59240289

Can anyone post picos of the finished meal?

>> No.59240343
File: 295 KB, 517x339, 1684436703744150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59240407
Quoted by: >>59240748

it's in the oven

>> No.59240416
Quoted by: >>59240748

it's not done yet. it's still got 20 minutes in the oven

>> No.59240497

"of the finished meal" Man, you're the kinda person that buys a cakemix and eats the cardboard box

>> No.59240501

Caramelized onions is objectively the best pizza topping

>> No.59240512

>she likes pineapple on pizza
I will now watch your streamer

>> No.59240528
Quoted by: >>59240652

Kinda rude anon ngl this is the dish 90% of the way done and it's not going to be visible for a few minutes so it's the current progress

>> No.59240602
Quoted by: >>59240709

Closer to an unfrosted cake since everything is cooked it's just the topping that has to bake for a bit

>> No.59240652

Just because you were born with 102% chromosomes doesnt mean a meal is finished at 90%.

I guess you did try your very best

>> No.59240709
Quoted by: >>59240735

If I was asked for a picture of a pie, I wouldnt post mashed apples in a bowl while the pie bakes

>> No.59240735
File: 73 KB, 186x199, 1684865243912365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59240766

Tell me more

>> No.59240748

Thanks man, I appreciate it
I see saw peope saying she's gone and thought it was done

>> No.59240766

a greater or additional amount or degree of.
"she poured herself more coffee"

>> No.59240925

watch streams

>> No.59240955
Quoted by: >>59240995

Get a job

>> No.59240993
File: 2.00 MB, 1578x885, 1664367367567412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People aren't always able to watch a stream when it's live anon. Sometimes they have to live vicariously through a thread and catch the VOD later. So here's Giri and Nerissa chatting while chat begs them to open the oven because it's been more than 5 minutes

>> No.59240995

Boss gets a dollar I get a dime.
Thats why I watch streams on company time

>> No.59241032
File: 179 KB, 468x599, 1692159164942926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to tell Nerissa she is cute every stream

>> No.59241074
File: 2.03 MB, 1576x885, 1679166373558656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59241478

Finished dish. I assume there'll be a cross section soon.

>> No.59241216
File: 1.01 MB, 600x476, Gura sees your post.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wonder why the stream goes completely silent every now and then while I let it play in the background
>Check back on the stream tab to see what's up
>3 minute unskippable ad breaks on twitch

What the absolute fuck is this website!?
It doesn't even show an ad. It's just text saying "Commercial break in progress"

>> No.59241260
Quoted by: >>59241325

Yeah, twitch is turboaids without a working adblock or ongoing sub.
Even worse on vods

>> No.59241297

Rissa should tell people to suck her eggs

>> No.59241302

Your adblock works halfway. Skipping ads is one of the biggest incentives to subscribe to a channel

>> No.59241325

That's if your ISP doesn't decide to throttle it on top of all of that. I refuse to watch live yt-dlp only

>> No.59241365
Quoted by: >>59241517

Enjoying the stream? I am

>> No.59241368
Quoted by: >>59241487

Nerissa avoids spoilers on RE8, Giri casually spoils
Sasuga retard

>> No.59241413

I watch Twitch vtubers pretty often, this extension blocks the ads for me.

>> No.59241442

Can confirm stream cleaner works. I use Firefox but if I feel like checking out Twitch I legit open a Chrome window to watch it there because it blocks the ads and last I checked Stream Cleaner didn't have a Firefox addon.

>> No.59241466

Reviews make it seem sus

>> No.59241478

Throw back to her saying she gave up on culinary because she doesn't care about presentation

>> No.59241487

Giri says she only has 1 brain cell working when she streams
pls andastan

>> No.59241517 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59241643


[SPOILER] But I was already a giri fan [/SPOILER]

>> No.59241546

Based Nerizza

>> No.59241626
Quoted by: >>59241712

Yikes, I really thought all the shitposting about Nerissa was overblown/unfair but uhh... this isn't a great look, Opers.

>> No.59241643
Quoted by: >>59241686

Just press ctrl + s, dummy

>> No.59241686


thanks i'm a retard

>> No.59241712

What the fuck are you on about Schitzo

>> No.59241745
Quoted by: >>59241819

He's pretending to be surprised that rissa isn't seiso

>> No.59241747
Quoted by: >>59241790

Probably that Giri has a toggle to strip down to her underwear and Nerissa wants to see. It's pretty good ngl

>> No.59241786


>> No.59241790

Yeah saw Giris toggle on Mels stream once shits good. I just don't get what that has to do with Rissa

>> No.59241819

I mean it's one thing to not be seiso but like... have some standards.
This is M**n* level and we all saw how THAT turned out.

>> No.59241885

>Continue, but stop~

>> No.59241893

Stop Rissa, you’re making her wet

>> No.59242047


>> No.59242112

Im gonna fucking cum

>> No.59242139

My monitor just got painted bros

>> No.59242153

I don’t know what that means but it was pretty cute

>> No.59242156

I'm a baby back bitch

>> No.59242165

New member tier

>> No.59242198
File: 204 KB, 926x886, F64d3JUbYAAuZLF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59242225


>> No.59242239

Good stuff

>> No.59242242
File: 1.32 MB, 2597x3711, F64pj8ZaIAA-wa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59242305
File: 540 KB, 2000x2800, F63kU-UW8AACg8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59242369
File: 708 KB, 724x609, 1680090019739381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are they doing

>> No.59242381

What we all wish we could

>> No.59242388

hand holding

>> No.59242435

>bya dar-*raids*

>> No.59242671
File: 1018 KB, 3209x4094, 1695398138096484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not watching the collab because I hate Twitch as a platform how is it?

>> No.59242723
Quoted by: >>59243259

I loved it.

>> No.59242780
Quoted by: >>59243259

Pretty good once I got used to Giri.

>> No.59242806
Quoted by: >>59242843

giri will post it on her youtube too

>> No.59242843
Quoted by: >>59243259

Only edited summarized versions, not the full thing.

>> No.59242872
Quoted by: >>59243259

I believe it's her best one besides the vc on mumei's stream

>> No.59242951

And Germans have a really big nudist beach culture, another sign for her to fuck kiara

>> No.59243096
Quoted by: >>59243259

Pure Kino/10

>> No.59243146
Quoted by: >>59243259

It was great

>> No.59243259
File: 18 KB, 112x112, ArchitectOK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59243475

Thanks I'll probably watch the Giri video when it gets uploaded glad things went well

>> No.59243305

whatever happened to the chick who does the english dress up doll MC. is she still around. nerrissa should have sex with her.

>> No.59243405

I disliked it only insofar as I hate most non solo content.
Giri definitely leaves a twitch aftertaste in your mouth but I would classify her as only slightly worse than Ollie and nowhere near the apocalyptic nightmare that the catalog was promising.
If anyone actually preventively ended their memberships over something this mild they must be feeling fucking retarded by now.

>> No.59243475

You could also download the VOD, Collab starts at 1:58:45

>> No.59243523

Good morning I just missed it.

>> No.59243746

Did the m*le even say anything?

>> No.59243748

Well based on what I heard all over Giri was a lot more subdued this time around like Nyanners was during her Kiara collab so it's probably a lot more tame than what I usually see out of Twitch.

>> No.59243779

He just rates the food, they type it in chat

>> No.59243862

Nope >>59243748
Apparently it was like he wasn't even there so it was like a gun to his head situation to prevent him from saying retarded stuff while a HoloEN member was around.

>> No.59243882

I told you Giri was completely harmless
he's just a moderator on chat and judges the food

>> No.59244995

she was completely normal (aside from not swearing as much as usual) and giri's one of the more rowdy of all the larger twitch chuubas.

>> No.59245761
File: 71 KB, 720x720, 1695665155958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this feeling in my chest ?
I miss my wife so much, jailbros !

>> No.59245906
Quoted by: >>59246088

Nerissa will rape you in your sleep

>> No.59246088
File: 860 KB, 3840x2160, Love me, love me, love me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59246556

>deep depressed chirp
>i miss my wife novelites, i miss her alot
>im heading to culvers
>chocking pebble laughter

>> No.59246583
File: 26 KB, 486x486, 1695055628411517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had that feeling in my chest ever since her debut, it's like a need that will never be satisfied yet I enjoy it so much. I wonder why I'm like this.

>> No.59246944

When Does Giri get her harem membership buttplug

>> No.59247045

Which pre-shippuden naruto movie would be fun for a watchalong?

>> No.59247626
Quoted by: >>59247706

Hello jailbirds I just woke up, how was the collab? Is there a VOD up?

>> No.59247706
Quoted by: >>59247796

Vod is still up on Onigiri's channel.

>> No.59247796
Quoted by: >>59247931

Ty, how was it overall?

>> No.59247931

I only caught it halfway through, but it was pretty chill, lots of random tangents between both of them and a bit of Rissa helping by giving cooking advice. I definitely recommend listening to it while playing something/working.

>> No.59248521
Quoted by: >>59248585

>catalogniggers widely overreacting to a twitch chuuba they never watched and being ultimately wrong on every account
that's strange, this has never happened before

>> No.59248585

They've never managed to say a correct thing about Nerissa either

>> No.59248735

The hate cataloguereaders

>> No.59249207
File: 178 KB, 339x457, IMG_6227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59250545

Sorry for the (super) late reply. But, yeah, that entire album was recorded on their gaming headset lmao. So I think it was a stylistic choice.

>> No.59250889
File: 123 KB, 778x800, 1694105029822638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended my membership, like I said, it's not that this collab is specifically bad or unacceptable, it's a sign of her channel direction, only gonna get worse from here, while in other channels I think something like this would be the max disrespect, for Nerissa this is just the starting point.

>> No.59251139

>max disrespect
>a vtiuber cooking show
I can't even believe some faggots seriously take the time to write things like this out.

>> No.59251144
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>> No.59251193
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>> No.59251214
Quoted by: >>59251516

Lmao see you next month

>> No.59251248
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>> No.59251280
Quoted by: >>59251426

Literal retard Nerissa is literally following the Kiara route if you didn't see this a mile away than you never watched her in the first place

>> No.59251293
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>> No.59251338
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>> No.59251426
Quoted by: >>59251498

Yes and that's not a good route seeing the Kiara results, also she was blocked from twitchniggery by management, Nerissa wasn't as lucky.

>> No.59251498
Quoted by: >>59251584

Kiara collabed with both Nyanners and Ironmouse and was on Ironmouse's show you absolute threadshitter newfag.

>> No.59251516

Not impossible, as much as I dislike her actions, I like her membership streams, I may be fooled into membering again but there is no way she is gonna be my oshi like what I was planning.

>> No.59251537
Quoted by: >>59251563

Watching the collab and christ, the chat is beyond dogshit. Very unfortunate that I can't remove it from the screen.

>> No.59251563

Welcome to Twitch

>> No.59251584

not in her first year, newfag, we're talking about Nerissa's second month here, what will she be doing in a year if it keeps on naturally escalating like what happened with Kiara?

>> No.59251660

whos another twitchslut Rizza can add to her collection?

>> No.59251662

>If, when
Ah I see you your not fooling me go back.

>> No.59251680

No girl can resist her

>> No.59251731

you bet all of /lig/ is salivating for that hololive free collab

>> No.59252554

I’m like halfway through the collab and yeah, this is fine. Bordering mild, frankly. Just goes to show that cataloguefags should get the rope.

>> No.59252619

>Family can’t handle spice
They’re so white, it’s painful. At least Nerissa has done her spice endurance reps

>> No.59253150

I'm still conflicted. Today was nothing bad but the explicit promise of more twitch collabs from rissa is the exact opposite of what I'm looking for in an oshi. So far I've decided not to quit until she actually does something that warrants such a response.

>> No.59253222

What exactly are you worried about? The streamers? Twitch's rancid chat culture?

>> No.59253279
Quoted by: >>59253705

There is nothing to worry about, only rabid tribalism

>> No.59253330
Quoted by: >>59254476

That chick was less crass than Ollie, a Holo that has collabed with almost every EN. Not sure what twitch has to do with anything.

>> No.59253437

Kiara and Nerissa are planning on doing a cover together, any song you guys wish in particular?

>> No.59253563

Kiara just suggested maybe playing F-zero 99 with Nerissa, on Nerissa's channel. Wonder if she'll do it.

>> No.59253705

Damn and i dont even have spear or big leafy hat

>> No.59253821
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>> No.59253913
File: 322 KB, 1000x1500, 1693359136695949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this is what I've I talked about before with managing expectations. You're mad because...she's not the imaginary streamer you thought she was? Meds. Also if you haven't noticed most of the people here are current/former KFP, saplings, and then a mix of hoomans, chumbuds, etc. that just like Rissa maybe have her as a secondary next to their oshi. This isn't a crowd that makes/breaks based on some trivial non-hololive collabs. Many would be happy if she went the Fauna/Kiara route

>> No.59253996

Nerissa is my oshi

>> No.59254069

Nerissa is also my oshi

>> No.59254302
File: 102 KB, 800x1200, tatortotcasserole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you eat Rissa's homecooked Midwestern cuisine fresh from the oven?

>> No.59254330


>> No.59254446

Of course

>> No.59254476
Quoted by: >>59254982

You started watching as the collab began while I opened her stream 2 hours before to get a proper impression of the raw her. She is indeed Ollie's equal with all that this entails.

The streamers are no good They exemplify a disgusting ironic weeb culture (if even bothering with that) and by definition cannot be expected to be kept in line.

>> No.59254710


She hinted that this may be the next cover after the ones she is doing soon, because she said it was something that had choir accompaniment, but they could do a decent duet with it. Rissa's voice would definitely overpower Kiara's though, and I'm not even trying to downplay Kiara with it.

>> No.59254734

I would gorge and cherish every bite

>> No.59254808

Stereo Love by Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina

Jekyll & Hyde by エルP, FantasticPlanets
Doki Doki Yuri Gakuen by metalheartP
Himitsu ~Kuro no Chikai~ by HitoshizukuP
kissing fish by OSTER project
magney by minato
Piña Colada by Nejishiki, Armida
Immorality Stardust by ShijuukonP
Ren'ai Saiban by Hyurno
Gimme×Gimme by HachijouP, Giga

>> No.59254920
Quoted by: >>59255035

>magney by minato

>> No.59254982
Quoted by: >>59255037

As if ollie is good or something, that's exactly the frog in the boiling pot metaphor, LMAO
>Mori, don't worry mori is fine
>Ollie, well she already collabed with Mori that's almost as bad, it's fine
>Twitch whore, she already collabed with Ollie who is just as bad, shut up
You are here
>Twitch turbo whore

>> No.59255035
Quoted by: >>59255073

Kiara said she wanted to do magnet with Mori but it was a no-no

>> No.59255037

ops, I forgot to add the Niji leeches on the list too.

>> No.59255073
Quoted by: >>59255125

Rissa isn't Mori, in factm she's quite the opposite when it comes to this sort of thing

>> No.59255125

I mean, as in she wanted to do during the Takamori 1.0 era but management told her no

>> No.59255224

>that just like Rissa maybe have her as a secondary next to their oshi
then we are not talking about the same thing, I'm not blocking or unsubbing, I'm cancelling membership and moving her down from Oshi candidate, If she isn't even in the top for you, your opinion doesn't matter to me, I agree if she is a side watch, I don't care about most things she does and that's not a good thing.

>> No.59255575

>Also if you haven't noticed most of the people here are current/former KFP, saplings, and then a mix of hoomans, chumbuds, etc. that just like Rissa maybe have her as a secondary next to their oshi.
I could've sworn we had a pretty large contingent of people for whom Nerissa was their first and only. Are they gone now?

>> No.59255704

Open VC on Fauna's MC stream today. Maybe a Nerissa sighting there?

>> No.59255778

to be fair nerissa could show up without voice chat, she just needs to log in and say hi

>> No.59255808

why do you guys refer to Nerissa appearing in other people's chat/VC as if she was a cryptid?

>> No.59255928

No they're still here but that goes without saying for my critique. I don't think newbies care about any of this 'muh Japanese culture' collabing with non-existent males and non-hololive vtubers stuff. I could be wrong though? That's just my impression

>> No.59256668

Unholy with changed lyrics

>> No.59257438

Nerissa on Fauna's stream

>> No.59257876
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Finally a collab with Fauna

>> No.59257984
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Was finally watching the morning collab and now there's a Fauna collab. Damn, this week is really good.

>> No.59258231

I'm honestly not sure if Nerissa knows holding shift prevents you from falling off...

>> No.59258400

BK had GameCubes iirc, which were way better and much better food

>> No.59258685


>> No.59260403

So is there an archive of the giri collab? Had to miss it

>> No.59260661

On her twitch

>> No.59260787


>> No.59261101
Quoted by: >>59261370

>Mayo with Mustard
What is with the Midwestern people with their strange food combinations?

>> No.59261370
Quoted by: >>59261576

My grandpa always mixed mayo and ketchup, and my dad hated that. Both were born and raised in Michigan. I was raised in California and I only like ketchup. Both mayo and mustard are gross to me.

>> No.59261576
Quoted by: >>59266924

Mayo and Ketchup is fine if you mix it yourself otherwise it’s shit
I cannot comprehend Mayo and mustard though. Sounds revolting.

>> No.59261998
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Damn, I was hoping to catch up tonight on the Giri collab VOD but I'll take hearing more of Rissa's beautiful voice!

>> No.59263029
Quoted by: >>59264815

She's gone...

>> No.59263037
Quoted by: >>59264815

There she goes…

>> No.59263070
Quoted by: >>59264815


>> No.59263129
Quoted by: >>59263190


>> No.59263190

She should since that song in a karaoke

>> No.59263305


>> No.59263367

>>59263190 (me)
I don't know why I wrote since and not sing.

>> No.59264459

that's me

>> No.59264645
Quoted by: >>59265192

how come Nerissa can behave around Fauna but when it comes to Kiara she starts acting like a rapist?

>> No.59264815
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>> No.59265192
File: 2.42 MB, 570x830, Nerissa Act cool guys. Hi Kiara senpai.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkzhq6r.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows how to invoke her charm depending on who she's talking to.

>> No.59265303
File: 44 KB, 388x382, yep, she went.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they gone now?
no, i'm still here

>> No.59266924
Quoted by: >>59273070

>I cannot comprehend Mayo and mustard though. Sounds revolting.
Have you ever mixed hollandaise and dijon? Imagine that, execept less rich. And by less rich I mean it takes 5c of prepared ingredients and 10seconds labor instead of a dollars worth of eggs, yolk seperated and constantly whisked in a double boiler for 20 minutes.

>> No.59270871
File: 561 KB, 554x494, beef gook[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fy5e36d.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59271089

explain this shit

>> No.59271089

Bitches keep complaining about my wife's hot pots. What's there to explain?

>> No.59273070

Sounds just as gross :/

>> No.59274696
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Quoted by: >>59274825

I'm running low on Rissa energy...

>> No.59274747

>whos another twitchslut Rizza can add to her collection?

>> No.59274825
Quoted by: >>59275396

I miss her…

>> No.59275396
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Quoted by: >>59277261

Only 21 hours until the next stream...

>> No.59277174

what the Smiths songs are you guys hoping for? also, I wonder if she will do some of Morrissey's solo work

>> No.59277261
Quoted by: >>59277459

I need to join holo so I can have more access to Nerissa..

>> No.59277459
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Quoted by: >>59278907

I can't even entertain this thought, I'm a dude...

>> No.59278343
Quoted by: >>59278665

I love Rissa's model and rigging!
It's so detailed and full of life

>> No.59278665
Quoted by: >>59279426

I want her first 3d action to be twerking

>> No.59278907

Based anon
he could join tempiss and homobeg but refuses to persevere the girls dignity

>> No.59278985
Quoted by: >>59279027

I Hate Nerissa Ravenscroft!

>> No.59279027
Quoted by: >>59279550

meanwhile in bizarro /ope/

>> No.59279271

Nerissa owes me sex

>> No.59279426

She already confirmed it will be Naruto-running

>> No.59279550

Her covers just aren’t the same, aren’t they? Not sure what happened, maybe it’s all the karaoke she’s been doing but man, her voice sounds so strained.

>> No.59279740

I never really got into The Smiths, so basic things she's brought up already like How Soon is Now and There's a Light That Never Goes Out are what I'm waiting for.

>> No.59280262

please please please
handsome devil

>> No.59281258

She will NEVER sing Jack the Ripper

>> No.59281345
Quoted by: >>59281766

Baking new bread.

>> No.59281766

Fresh out of the oven.

>> No.59282522

Please, please, please...
I know it's over
Last night i dreamt that somebody loved me
Well i wonder
Heaven knows i'm miserable now
Girlfriend in a coma
The boy with the thorn in his side

and about Moz solo, it would be awesome if she could sing Dear God please help me
