Nijisanji EN Youtube channels: (alt) (alt)Obsydia: (Graduated) (Graduated) (Graduated)Iluna: (Graduated) schedule for Nijisanji EN: watch streams at the same time: devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.NijiEN song playlist: loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.Nijisanji chat log: archive: Zomboid server: Minecraft Server:ninisani.moeOur watchalong fangame VN: to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.Previous thread: >>58223371
gay op
>Luca is not streaming for another 6 hours>posting gay as fuck fanart Fuck off seriously you fucking piece of shit
>>OPtoo muscular
>>58231951you had almost 10 full minutes to make your own
I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!
>>58231994Baker quilldren died in the war
>>58231951>posting gay as fuck fanart what's gay about it?
>>58231994I'm too busy being active in Rosemi-sama's chat
>>58231951It's not gay because I'm a woman and whatever makes my pussy wet is a man, faggot
Our precious lovely Rosemi-sama~
>>58232107Fair enough, enjoy the wose
>>58232120Holy based
>>58232120Based, if I was a girl I'd find the pubic hair growining up there pretty hot!>>58232180Thank you, mwaaah!
Do you ever think that your oshi might be following their paypigs on an alt and having private conversations with them offstream?I worry sometimes.
>>58232325No, because then they would stop spending money on superchats for attention because they didn't need to anymore
yu yu
>>58232325no, my oshi is extremely mentally ill and spends her offstream hours stalking random underground idols and maid cafe employees.
>>58232325She isn't my damn girlfriend, I don't care what she does while she's not streaming
I think the branch would improve if all the girls got shut in a room and all the boys got shut in a different one and they all got drugged with aphrodisiacs and fucked out their mental issues.
>>58232404And 2 hours a day staring at Mt. Fuji
>hey rosemi can you spell i-c-u-p
>>58232325Some do, most don't.Sometimes I feel like mine does with a certain fan, but in the end she's probably too paranoid to actually do something like that
>>58232120Hotdamn no wonder why kindred are rosebuds apex predator
>>58232030no... one of the few anons i actually like..
>>OPBratty feesh SEX
I had a dream. Me and Enna were highschool friends. I could see the love in her eyes and her smile was so sweet. I was in love with her and I felt something from her too.
Sonny onii-chan Love!Vox Love!
Cute bud I miss you
>>58232325I hope so.When she graduates she's nicely set up for life.
>>58232468With Pinkerton?Why would you think that? Her interactions with him on stream seem normal enough.
>>58232596W-Which one?
>>58230782MY drock in your mouth, maybe
>>58232626I feel like the fact that you guessed the name is answer enough. The interactions on stream are normal but its also pretty clear that he's definitely her favorite fan.
>>58232325I know my Oshi already does because i've played Hogwarts Legacy with her lmao
>>58232631Vocaroo bud
I love this Rose with all of my heart!
Rosemi is gone... now what?
>>58232686Vocaroo bud is definitely a cutie! I hope he'll be better soon and you'll get to hang with him =w=
Goodby- See you soon rosemi sama...
>>58232725wait for rosemi to come backprepare food because we're getting 5 hours of baldurkino
>>58232725be back in an hour!
I miss Rosemi-sama already
>>58232819I hope it's on YT... Twitch integration is just dialogue choices and Rosemi-sama isn't always initiating conversations
>>58232325Rosemi seems to read more comments of certain buds desu
>>58232819why do you hate twitch
>>58232819she wasn't too convinced of using the twitch integration since it adds nothing of value, so maybe we won't get a twitch stream
>>58232325If there's any money sent privately, doesn't that violate their contracts?
>>58232928T o T
>>58232850you just gotta give her a comment that she thinks will be funny if she reads aloudI get lots of girls to read my comments that way even as a greyname
>>58232468Millie lacks the self-awareness to have good judgement. If she had an opportunity to groom a fan she definitely would. Flip brains lack the ability to assess long-term consequences. And considering she already had a drug problem in the past and is terrible with money I really worry she's one paypig twitlonger away from being terminated.
>>58232850>>58232950she just reads what aligns more with her sense of humor and is on-topic, she also wont read if it adds nothing of value or comes off as condescending
I wonder if Rosemi-sama saw Ui loli 3D.... She would probably pass out... I almost did..
>>58232850Rosemi seems the least likely to talk to fans offstream. She keeps a pretty strong distance from her fans and is very professional.
>>58232922There's so many ways to do it without getting noticed or caught in reality. Where I work, we're not allowed to take tips and people still hand me 5's, 10's, 20's and Benjamins from time to time
I can't find my nobodyisstreamingwtf.jpg but have a funny webm
>>58232686That's good taste, but I hope you can share him...
>>58233051shes never even in discord with her own branchmates, shes pretty antisocial except for certain collabs
If I were in NijiEN I'd be fired for having a drunk fan orgy within a month, maximum.
>>58233055The paypig would brag, and the liver would leak to somebody, the kind of people who violate contracts like that aren't intelligent.
>>58233139she's the kind of person that will not seek out to chitchat with you unless you're really close to her (nina for example)
>>58233068This collab was golden I should rewatch it. Also I miss Renren.
>>58233186Mmm, depends. You get some really dumb ones, but there are smarter ones who would know "Hey I have a good thing going, I can actually interact with my oshi, why the hell would I risk it?" I'd imagine.
>>58233139She isn't anti-social, some people just don't like using social media. She meets up with Nina multiple times a week and tends to go outside a lot. She's just an old tech hag that doesn't cling to her phone.Actual antisocial types are people like Mysta or Shu who decline offcollabs even when invited unless it's with someone they're sexually interested in. Or Selen who never leaves her cave, never chats in discord, and just seemingly lives in a bubble of her own making. She even has other people go to cons for her to buy all the Selen merch so she doesn't have to go outside. That girl has serious issues.
>>58233091He likes me I'm very confident
Ikey! <3>>58232030she's still here just not today since Ike's not streaming and she's busy
>>58233139I don't think she's anti-social, I think she likes having her time and space to herself, and spends her social time time with the people she's close with>>58233210I really am male Rosemi...
>>58233297>meets up with Nina multiple times a weekyou got a source to back that up?
>>58233297you forget that selen went to japan at the drop of a hat for pomu and hung out with her and rosemi the entire time
>>58233186>The paypig would bragNot publicly. No one who managed to worm their way into that position is that stupid
>>58233139the dead dead obsydia discord channel...
>>58233386She's called Nina her best friend and mentions meeting up with her randomly all the time. Given that she doesn't really bring it up as an event and just casually says "I was hanging with Ninaur yesterday and blahblah happened" suggests it happens all the time.
>>58233269interacting with a fan like that basically amounts to giving them a ton of blackmail on you desu
>>58233423>pomulenfag headcanon
>>58233443what the fuck are you talking about, she says she was messaging or talking to her on discord
I love my fellow Kindred! Let's stick it out until our husband returns to us!
>>58233338>quilldren cheat on /NijiEN/ to talk amongst themselves
>>58233423I think Selen only did that because it was with Pomu who she trusts. She didn't know Rosemi would even be there. And when she went to Japan for Nijifes she just stayed in her room the entire event and had her manager do everything for her. She's a genuine shut-in that needs a mommygf.
>>58233429>No one who managed to worm their way into that position is that stupidDoes someone have the pic of that lucub bragging about DMing Luca?
>>58233297but she is, she mentions going out to the movies alone or walks alone a lot just because she thinks its more comfy and doesnt want to talk to friends at all, i think streaming probably takes all her social battery since shes kind of introverted
>>58233443She talks to her online, not in person. Not as much as you implied at least
>>58233429If they were smart then they'd be grooming somebody that nobody's ever heard of instead of a big corpo vtuber
>>58233572And it prompted management to change how commissions are done which severely slowed down everyone's content output needing a middleman between them and the artist.Fucking Luca...
why does Wose want to romance the slutty vampire?
>>58233581god i hate faggots like you that think introverted = antisocialtumblr poisoned your brain
>>58233545What? The Quilldren baker has talked about her baking threads and being busy before, in the thread.
>>58232476Takaradachis have taken over that role, Kindreds have fallen flat and are no longer decent predators towards Rosebuds
>>58233647people really dont understand that introverts just get tired talking to people, not that they dont want to
>>58233624That wasn't Luca's fault. All he did was message the artist about a project or art or something and they were stupid enough to talk about it in public on Twitter. If anything, blame that artist. Who even knows if it was just that incident, or if there's others we haven't seen.
>>58233628What? She doesn't want to specially after he almost killed the red prince
>>58232850There is a kernel of truth here, only because Rosemi rewards loyalty and will read stuff from regulars more often
>>58233652N-no it's okay, you don't have to lie, my kokoro is in one piece of course, it's okay
>>58233628Nobody tell him about THE BOOK...
>>58233818is kokoro in your heart pomie
>>58233758yeah i despise that i have to describe myself as a "low energy extrovert" just because if i say introvert people think im borderline autisticI love interacting with people and socializing, i just need breaks inbetween...
>>58232596>>58232686Hey that's me!
>>58233545Yes, we are cheating on /NijiEN/ it's us in a discord cabal we discuss how to most effectively rape Ike and how to successfully avoid Pomudachis.
>>58233443>mentions meeting with her all the timeI mean, no? She literally never said that? They call all the time though
>>58233870You're the only one I can trust, my slutty myanon.......... you're in my kokoro forever as long as you keep posting her
>>58233453That's why it comes down to the wire. If you have an absolute loyalist who contributes something, the special treatment is better, they don't want to lose that too. It doesn't have to be monetary per say too. Like let's say they contribute art, video editing or audio balancing, programming, music, etc in exchange for "friendship" or at least private time to talk with them. The skilled person might be happy to do the exchange as a big fan, and the streamer is happy to give them that attention. You'd need to have a level of trust with that person. It's not going to happen with most people, and savvy people will pick and choose their favorites after scoping them out to know that they're either enraptured with the savvy person or absolutely loyal because the attention is an easy price to pay for the goods and services.
>>58233962IM NOT SLUTTY
>>58233750Takaradachis still exist...?
>>58232850I mean is that supposed to be surprising? The people who are there every stream for the entire time and put all their focus into are going to be significantly more aligned to say shit in chat that's going to be read.
>>58234012You clearly aren't around during the wee hours of the dark, they are night time predators that hunt down buds under the moonlight
>>58234012they were reborn
>>58233758>>58233885I'm that way too. I actually love talking to my close friends, or chatting online, and event like the smalltalk with clients... But my battery does get drained, and there's a point in the day, no matter the day that I just want to watch my streams, and or play my video games, read books, hit the gym, listen to audio books and or enjoy walks alone outside, without dealing with people in general.
>no nijien for this feeling
>>58233647>tumblr poisoned your brainBeing terminally online in general does. People spend all day on the computer and don't develop real life social skills. The line between socially awkward, anti social, and introverted has blurred considerably.
>>58234287Control yourself, Oliver.
>>58234065It's so crazy at night I have to use one of these
>>58234012There was a Takaradachi calling me cute and grooming me a bit besides the one grooming vocaroo bud... I found it very hazukashii And I can't say I didn't like it, they were really sweet and cute
Do we know who Pomu's favorite JAV actress is?
>>58234357I'm not going to lie I thought that was a vibrator at first
>>58234399no but mine is alice otsu
>>58234397>Albanians are stealing the buds from KindredI must protect my shota concubines
>Femanons are now admitting to be discord raiding /nijien/Grim.
>>58232850Rosemi only read’s comments from buds who are older than 4 months one of the downsides to her is that she isn’t new fags friendly
>>58233991you keep thinking of getting dicked down by elira's dragon cock, that's slutty!
>>58234656just sometimes ok
>>58234606Kono egao mamoritai
>>58234556You better become nocturnal because the cute vocaroo bud and any other buds are usually groomed around those times
>>58234769>You better become nocturnalbut we're not talking about grooming Selen...
>>58234609You now remember when the pomu discord got burned down or some shit and pomudachi shit up the thread for days gossiping about it
>>58234510She's pretty good
>>58234625>>58234750yoroshiku onigaisimasu
Petra's probably jerking off some old college professor before class and worsening her carpal tunnel right now...
>>58234881i like that she's a gyaru that actually does anal. gyarus and anal just go together perfectly.
>>58234864Don’t tell the pomudachi but they act pretty girly sometimes
>>58234949shes a cutie
which do you prefer 3 cheeseburgers or 1 big mac and 2 fries?
>>58234949Nijisanji engrish corrab when
>>582350133 cheeseburgers easily
>>582350131 mac 2 friesburger w/ fries > burger without fries
I LOVE being membered to someone who spams my notifications with member shit every 5 minutes...
>>582350133 cheeseburgers and I wish I could sub 2 of the burgers buns for 1 large fries and it would be perfect
>>58235013two double cheeseburgers and a chocolate sundae
Kotoka was really cute during the Subnautica stream I want to marry and impregnate her and repopulate Japan with stinky gyaru children
>>58235075kotoka is built for hot babymaking anal sex
>>58235100 (me)fuck now i want a burger with fries, and i already cooked dinner...
>>58235075why is kotoka so fuckin guglyshe either looks awful OR she looks like a fucking gopher.
>>58234982kinda gap moe
>>58235169>>58235170Woah double summon!
>>58234821Oh, I get it. Ok that's funny.
>>58235169>babymaking analkotoka is a male omega?
>>58235217I actually find it pretty cute, like they are very sensitive babies acting tough and manly
>>58235226kotocats... THIS is your oshi?!
>>58235191She's pure sex don't be retarded
>>58157459>I honestly don't know if we talk about here or in the other Nijithread, but does anyone have a copy of Mika's unarchived from earlier today? I missed it and wasn't able to archive it myself like normal. Any quality works, so long as the audio's good!(Copied verbatim from the last thread)It's in Mika's unofficial discord server.
>>58235331>>58235347Fuckin' lmao
do they have crackheads in japan?
I will lay down my life to protect Sophia Valentine's smile.
>>58235320ripe for grooming...
>>58235455literally too strict, you wont be able to get ANY drugs without any declaration all the drugged up olympians showed their true colors when they werent allowed their shit.
>>58235455Kotoka, precisely.
>>58235455My hafu Jap friend told me they have an underground rave in the countryside at an abandoned quarry, and there are people selling drugs there and the local Japanese farmers provide weed
I think Petra should get a sex gyaru outfit like her sister Rika
I didn't like the Live Action. I didn't hate it, it just didn't do anything better than either the anime or the manga and I don't really thinks the action scenes translate well.
>>58235571there are also a lot of workarounds. For instance, THC is illegal but not CBD. There are a lot of CBD-based establishments around japan.
>>58235561>>58235571i know there are drugs in japan despite their extremely punitive prohibition policies, but i specifically mean the kind of crack that produces crackhead engineering
>>58235013Hachiwashihachi has mastered the art of drawing subtly erotic open-mouthed Ikes
>>58235665no the CIA has no reason to release crack into japan
>>58235665are you on yourself? its OKAY to just be crazy. you dont need drugs to do that shit.
>>58235641i was pretty shocked to see so many of them, maybe i didn't pay attention the first time i went in 2018 but i don't remember there being any back then
>>58235516I think Koto is cute and makes cute and funny faces
>>58235665what kind of drugs do yakuza sell?
>>58235049Your best bet is with Maria since Sophia has mentioned wanting to collab with her
Mysta love forever
>>58235741Other than the voice Kotoka would've made a great loli, she was being so bratty last night
>>58235692fair enough, i guess the student movement/red army faction stuff did occur during the CIA's LSD phase anyway
>20 minutes till bg3 stream and no rosemi waiting roomi guess she's streaming on twitch after all...
The real reason Ike keeps taking extended breaks is to avoid hitting a million subscribers and having to do that kiss
>>58235641>>58235717I’ve converted away from nicotine to cbd hemp cigarettes and they’re a lot better. It just feels like pain relief and you don’t get stupid high. Tried a delta 8, still too much for me so I’m sticking to hemp cigs with no thc or delta until I can ween myself off smoking completely. I wonder if any sell delta 8 as a loophole because thc is delta 9, and usually what’s regulated against, same in the States>>58235665I wouldn’t know but I could imagine an the first man to make a functional and practical mecha is probably going to be a crackhead scientist
>>58234652This anon never watched a Rosemi stream
Bajp8d vacaroo only for vocaroo bud
>no Pomu POVshe hates usYes I know she's only doing her POV biweekly
>>58236066I didn’t bother saying anything. Rosemi got me in precisely because she read me so much as a new greyname that I got enraptured. She’s read me since regardless if I can afford to dono or not. She’s a wonderful oshi to have
>>58236052Yeah when i did weed back in college i always preferred strains that had more CBD and less THC, as the latter would just get me too high for comfort, whereas CBD would just relax me and make me feel eepy.
>>58236131Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Elira squeals are the best part of the day every day.
Hello potion seller, I'm going into battle and I need your strongest potions
>>58236192That's one of the big reasons I like her, she likes to make everyone feel included and have a fun time, most of the buds regulars or not are very well behaved too
>>58236357kek my fucking SIDES are in orbit
I miss my otouoniidanaa-sama
>>58236357Holy moply my plucking sides thank you anon
>>58236357holy fuck i choked on my tea
>>58236357I like that song
>>58236327It’s so fun to converse with her, it always leads to so many funny moments and conversations!
>>58236506it's a good depressing song brohas a good kavinsky vibe to it too
>>58236357HOLY KEK THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST VOCAROOS this thread has produced, THANK YOU
S-Sheesh finaurnaur...
God I'm lonely
Kyo is playing on the Vshojo Valheim server.
No suicide pact today thread, it's about to be baulders gate time
>>58236721>Bottom rightNINA?????????
>>58236755That's Zen
>>58236638I'll see you then! <3
we're doomed. containment breakers are everywhere.
>>58236611Grrr bratty erotic Feesh needs marriage correction!
Will Pomu be watching Fulgur or Doppio's POV chat?
>>58236796I know but it looks like Nina with the hair and face markings
>>58236812Posting your own YT comments should be bannable
>>58236357 you bro i needed that today
>>58236674Get a cute voice and vocaroo post dumby
If you like vocaroos so much why don't you make a vocaroo of yourself cumming
>>58236674Simply don't be
Be honest how many of you would fuck Chibimu?'re saved buds
>Showing a 2D dildo on stream is a BIG YAB!!!KEK. This will never not be funny to me, even the drama channels reported about it
>>58236883Wow thanks I'm cured
ah. sun is up I should probably sleep..
>>58235947I'd believe it. Every time it's brought it sounds like he dreads the very idea.
I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!
>>58236969I need a sexy Patanee gf in my life
>>58237019Kuzuha has officially consented to be sexually assaulted by Uki.
>>58237019Kuzuha is very happy to talk to someone of the LGBT Country
>>58237019jumpscared by gay
>>58237017why does this wose have a lisp?
>>58236674me too. want to be lonely together?
>>58237160>girl is wearing perfectly normal clothes>sexualize her anyways and saying "if you didnt wear that you wouldn't have been raped!"what the fuck is wrong with anons here
>>58237017this girl was kino, the current girl is trash
>>58237214no one said that
>>58236357im convinced this anon is the only funny nigga in this entire thread im also entirely convinced it's demo
>>58237019You already forgot the pride flag incident? He's still making amends
>>58232325I'd doubt about that, she's only doing for job as she told to do. I don't know if she even had the gut to do sort of thing that could possibly disrupt her career. She only talk in stream, and never outside of company's agreement.
>>58237214are you ok anon
scared and unwilling wilson
>>58237214anon lay off the crack
rosemi gay
>>58237017Why is she like to repeat her sentence like selen?
>>58237017I miss early ESLsemi sometimes
>>58237276>demolmao I was in demo's stream once, there was a clip of rosemi in his youtube recommends along with a bunch of holo, he didn't know who she was then someone in the chat said she's french, and demo said disgusting french vtuber and that was the end of that.
>>58237214femcel quild...
>>58237413rosemi is british
>>58237214Anon? I may still rape her but i wouldn't say that
>>58237415that sadly doesn't sound like the political lesbian quilldren at all... haven't seen her in a while
>>58237396That isn't Rosemi
>>58237388Doppio does it too, must be an ESL thing
>>58237493thank god
>>58237515It's really not, rosemi isn't even as entertaining as her.
Shitpost rotate o’clock, the hand now faces Rosemi
>>58237493that anon just comes here once every few months to shitpost i don't even think i've ever seen her talk about ike once i'm not sure why anons assumed she's a quild
Will feesh ever do more coom ASMR?
>>58237017Reminds me of my president God how has it been? Damn, I miss her seagull laugh
>>58236814You don't understand, Potion Seller, I'm going into battle and I want only your STRONGEST potions
>>58237515I know but early on Rosemi sounded more like her, and used more random japanese too.
>>58237658It sucks because she transformed her personality to fit that of the average cute monotonous personality when in fact her real self is way more charming.
>>58237726she's a fucking tomboy
Oh hey, they heard me >>58237788
>>58237160Imagine the paizuri.
>>58237834it's so nice to hear his voice again
With 1 gold you can buy a goat and they are just throwing it on the floor...
What a comedic genius before it even started....
Huh? 60 more minutes? Did they delay the stream? It's been 15 min... What if I reloa- Oh.
>>58236584i hear your plead and answer in earnest
>>58238037and i get to watch volcano princess live!
>>58238141thank you so much scatkyomie
>>58238158Good for you!
don't scare the bear we still gotta fuck it
haven't watched the bg3 collabs but doppio's thumbnail ....did he name the bear you can fuck after ver?
>Doppio kills rrats
>>58236584kek, this isn't even my request>>58238141BUT LOOKSEESHE LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING GOPHER WHEN SHE SMILES
Wife's back and already talking about fucking the bear, I missed his horny ass so much
>>58238141Kek, post it in her art tags she'll love it
>>58238368>did he name the bear you can fucktechnically the bear fucking is a person shapeshifting into a bearyoure not actually fucking a normal bear
>>58238084>What a come
>>58238368he also has a bear summon, maybe it's that one?
>>58238438Not with that attitude
>>58237631>that anon just comes
>>58238465She dropped her spahguetti on the floor
Yuyu Q. Wilson rabu rabu!it's been years but it's still kowai!!!!
>>58237702there's nothing stronger than this
they're taking sans undertale home
>>58238438oh. but you're still technically sticking your dick in some bear. >>58238478oh. that would make sense. i know they're a ship but i don't think doppio would usually imply he's fucking ver in the form of bear
I guess I'll be playing kingmaker while they suffer the same shit
they ate his boot...
>>58233891You're so cute
>>58238249his voice is kinda raspy and he sounds like he's in a good mood.... i missed him to Krisis
>Get greased, nerd~God I want Pomu to bully me...
I'm scared he went outside now
Wife comes back but my internet dies... not like this...
>>58238820The fuck is that thing? We already had a fully functioning wheel
>>58238820>spins wheelUki wants to fuck>spins wheelWilson in the ass.
>>58238928no, uki's he mine, take some other willing guy we have instead
>return his virginity to him>your holes have been blessed
>>58238706I'm glad you think so! <3
So what are the odds of them of triggering a sex scene on stream?
I have wilson in the tiniest screen right now, I will not look
gm my loves
>>58239177I will eat this cute anon
>>582390980 because they have censor ON
>>58239236Good morning!
why is kyo playing valheim with vshojo?
>>58238820has to remove mysta
I think that Pomu should date me
>>58237283He was right the flag IS ugly
>>58239388who cares we're watching baldurkino now
>>58239239oh my fucking god that was just the intro I drilled this game into my brain away holy cow
>>58239388I don’t know but I don’t care, livers should be free to collab with whoever, tribal wars is stupid, learn from /jp/ vtubers, Baldur’s gate is fun
I recently started dating my oshi and am in constant fear of people finding outHow do I deal with this pressure?
>>58239432can you take your wigger back? he's really annoying
bear bearbillion is pathetic ....
Kek she's dead naked on the floor
>>58239499your problem, we're watching baldurkino now
>>58239475Medication helps
>>58239388Kyo collabs with Vshojo fairly often, he frequently appeared on ironmouse's subathon as well.
Chat wants Wilson to wear a heart rate monitor.
fuuchan finally got some new sexy clothing. he's so gay for caring about it that much
>Literally NOTHING to watch
>>58239506Bel Belmirrion
>>58239499No, let them have their fun. Don’t watch if it bother you so much
They're having fun.
Rosemi sounded the fucking alarm...
>you didn't even wash them>that's part of the fun!EWW
I wished Pomu streamed her POV, I wanted to see her new expressions some more
Wilson swearing is so hot and rip my ears
Doppio is just keeping all the corpses
>>58239678Go outside then, whining here isn’t gonna make you happier
Pomu wants to show Rosemi the naked body
I return.
>>58239846I did. I just got back.
god I love WIlson's rigging. I love it when he plays horror oh my gosh
>>58239914>>58239924These pomies had sex and it didn't go very well, that's why they're in a bad mood
>>58239924Oh you were making a joke about no Pomu perspective! That’s fine then, watch through Rosemi!
Poor Minthara...
can slendie fuck off
>As for dating bans though...>I can't agree with a dating ban, I think it's kind of, you know ->The girls are dating regardless>You have to be kind of delusional to think that they're not actually dating someone>It's just how it is, y'know?Pomu…….
>sure we can keep him as our pet!>that's the living version of what i've been doingare we the bad guys
58240067Why are faggots trying to shit on Pomu with a two year old clip?
>>58238793I mean he finally had time to catch up on some offline things and is now back to streaming. Why wouldn't he be.
>>58240089They’ve been CN-CE from the start
>>58240089>westop posting here pomu
Their bard song always reminds me of Black Out
>>58240112Throwing whatever shitpost they can at the dart board and hoping it sticks, but this stream’s too funny
Pomu getting gangbanged by three guys!
>>58240112Its even weirder because she said something similar in her collab with Lia, like almost word for word.But for some reason the monkey is spamming that particular clip, it makes 0 sense.
>>58240256Yeah me
>Catalog thread about that pomu clip>It got spammed to death with Towa pics till a mod deleted itBased kenzokus, they are my allies.
>>58240350I always liked Tokyo Tower and her fans
Yu stop screaming like that please kek
Pomu where’s ar you said it was postponed…….why did you lie
>>58240459no please keep going, it turns me on
Enter Jeff da killer
>>58240112I personally find it funny how they're shitting on her using that while others of their kind are begging for her to go to Holo.That's assuming they're not the same people, of course, which I'm not sure would be funnier or sadder.
>>58232550maybe it was real in another life
I'm convinced that Petra's really close to graduating from vtubing because not even Nina or Mysta felt as burnt out as she has this year
Wilson tears pero pero
NijiEN for this feels.
wilson screaming in fear and cursing up a storm, i love this
>>58240641Shes just stressed, the insane nightmares shes having is proof of that.
>mmm wilson on the menu, yummy
>>58240740Sonny. Seems like it's something he'd do.
>>58240740doppio and bear bearbillion
Be Pomu >get shit on cause of pikamee>get shit on for trying to reach to people>get shit on for a comment you made 2 years ago>get shit on trying to keep morale up cause of a massive fuck up your company
Yu's chat can be funny sometimes heh
>>58240641>Living in a foreign land>Has to do college>Has to stream>Has many projects to deal with within NijisanjiYes, she's stressed. She should learn to say no to give herself a breather for a month or two.
>>58240112Why are you replying to baits lol
>>58240824>be pomufound your problem
>>58240824>>get shit on cause of pikameeKson was to blame for this, don't put this at her feet.
>>58236131>she's only doing her POV biweeklywtf that's stupid
wow this bg3 collab is not popular
>>58240641Who in NijiEN isn't burned out right now?
Obsydia 3D?????????????
>>58240824>get shit oni see no problem
>>58240870literally her fault for moving to japan
>>58240824The funny thing is that holofags pretend they didn't always hate her. Any day one fan remember that we had threads with a bunch of people wishing her death during her surgery.
I love you wilson
>>58233552you know considering how shes not one bit shy about contacting people for work or collabs, this probably means shes insecure of the way she looks in real life.>selen is not beating the fat girl allegations
ed is pretty cool
I'm convinced that Petra's really close to whoring herself out to ojisans because not even Nina or Mysta felt as whorish as she has this year
>>58241124she wants dat permanent residency in japong
The fact that you can't send wild shaped druids or familiars through that hole is so retarded
KEK they keep blowing themselves up
>>58240943To make you watch her kouhai.>>58240979Never.>>58241001I do.>>58240740Fulgur.
The party just now:
>going on a date with a lawyer tomorrow>asks her chat should she do it?>chat responds "absolutely no">says she will do it anywayShe was feigning reluctance, she had already agreed to doing it
>>58241170but can't you shapeshift into a cat as a moon druid to get into holes? or is that one specific hole weird
Nice, this is the grooming episode
>>58241239You can? I tried that with 2 different holes and couldn't
wilson is taunting them so much and im just waiting for it all to go wrong
wilson you brat kek
elira is freaking it
doppio made it by the skin of his teeth
Holy crap doppio that luck
>>58240943To be fair she's probably burned out from all the double streams last week and planning the 3.0
>>58241216>To make you watch her kouhaiI don't WANT to watch their POVs. I'll begrudgingly watch Rosemi's, but still.
>>58241326that early in the game that's one of the few options you have besides reducing as a smallfolk; since gaseous form is a 3rd level spell anyways
Wilson's big brother? Me.
>>58241019Holofags are masters at memoryholing.They act like Anycolor is Satan while simultaneously acting like Cover does no wrong as if Mel's manager didn't molest her, Aloe wasn't their fault, HoloCN didn't get purged, Coco wasn't put through hell, and Rushia had it coming.
>>58241403Maybe they fixed it? I swear i couldn't go through neither that hole nor the one in the fortress in the underdark
The Chaos Team strikes again. START A FIGHTTT
I love this DnD party, pure chaos
I love the SEGA Genesis but... Beyond Oasis is pretty average.
Goddamit doppio! He did it again!
doppio gets a lucky roll and they end up fighting her anyways
Ike in yuyu's chat
>>58233552>when she went to Japan for Nijifes she just stayed in her room the entire eventshe didn't though? she went to the big dinner with tazumi and everyone else and met with kanato and kanae and others, she went out shopping with I think petra, shu and elira, she met up with yugo and so on she did all sorts while she was there, did she talk about meeting with nagao aswell i cant remember
>I want to go back with the kid and that weird tall manwilson got stockholmed...
>>58241532Hey that's my childhood gameIt's basically zelda with avatar power, it's pretty cool
>>58241657the outside is scary...
Ike is in Wilson's chat and he's scared of being outside.
>>58241001Can you draw Henya shitting on Pomu?and/or face sitting on Pomu with her giving a thumbs up, with Henya making a face like she's shitting
>>58241743Then what has he been doing for the last month..
>Want to go to a dnd cafe in the city>They have a beginner campaign that lasts for 3 hours>ESL and stutters at times when talking to strangers and embarassed by my own accent>Don’t want to roleplayShould I go? Bg3 collabs is like dnd right?
>>58241672I honestly don't care much for Zelda as well.
>>58241712ike please where are you
I wonder who or what these chains are for?
Wilson is such a child!
>>58241769There's more than just acting. Thinking of clever solutions to problems is part of PnP games.
>>58241778Oh.. okay then...I just really like the shadow power...
>>58241769Yeah you should go.
>>58241827My child
>>58241769There's literally a character background for people like you to include it in their RP, give it a try can even say words from your mother tongue and then explain to the other characters what you meant and stuff, it's a funny quirk
I want a Pomu POV... I miss looking at her face
wilson learned to never go outside
I don't watch Doppio much but know he has tons of internet problems, what's the deal?
Wilson does not care about what just happened kek
>>58242015He lives in Brazil
>>58241445>all dramas over a year oldNijisanji has made drama EVERY DAY that's the difference. Also Cover has the balls to fire their top-earning girls but Nijisanji cares so much about profit they let the talents get away with murder if they earn money. Nijisanji sacrificed "reputation" for "profit" which long term doesn't pay.
>>58241769Go because it's one of the coolest experiences you can have. If you meet people you might eventually be able to set up a regular game. You can be a player that focuses on mechanics and doing stuff in combat/out of combat to help the party and that works out well. Just do some light roleplay to ease you in, the strong-silent type is played by some people too.
>>58241985oh no... anyway
>>58242053Niji massacres Cover in overall revenue my shitposting friend.
>>58242015Remember seeing someone asking the same exact thing. Are you that person?
>>58241985>>58242015the game crashedthe game crashedthe stream diedthe stream diedthe doppio experience
>>58241985this happens about every two weeks. why does his internet suck
>>58242046>this meme again
>>58240870>She should learn to say no to give herself a breather for a month or two.take a breather for a month and then what? come back to stream shovelware with cute animals for an hour?
>>58242126I don't think so
>>58242187why do you hate the fact pio is from Brazil dropkick?
>>58242239Because he's not in Brazil. also>dropkick
>>58242198Yes?You one of those retards that thinks they should stream constantly?
wilson having issue reading cursive TOT
>>58242053Holo Defense Force activated!
>>58242304>getting this mad at funposting
>>58242362DAMMIT ITS A BOT
>>58242304Why do you hate brazilians, including doppio?
>>58242113Nijisanji is a revenue maximixing operation that spams a million vtubers to squeeze blood from a stone, but doesn't give those vtubers support and says "sink or swim". Case in point HoloEN has 1 manager per talent, while NijiEN wants to maximize revenue and has 1 manager for every 10 talents. This creates a clear difference in quality of the streams.Also do I have to remind you? Nijisanji pays their talents much less of their earnings. These factors are probably why talents in NijiEN are not happy and that is creating lots of drama for the company all the time.
>>58242344>wilson having issue reading
>>58242053>Nijisanji has made drama EVERY DAY that's the no they haven't, there hasn't been any serious drama for ages now, what "drama" there is comes from people who hate nijisanji already taking shit that nobody who actually watches cares about and blowing it up and/or mentally ill people completely twisting the words of members and shoving it down the throats of those same people who will quite happily accept anything negative sounding about nijisanji without questioning it and repeat it, unlike how they would go out of their way to debunk such nonsense when it comes to something they care about
what is this elira stream>'FMAB'fuck my ass boys?
I love this loot goblin
>>58242466Full meal at birth
I remember skipping this puzzle on accident because i just fucking lockpicked the lever thinking it was a hidden trasure
>>58242416>"I was just funposting"spreading untrue or unverified garbage is not "funny".
>>58242522Every one is cringe in the eyes of the lord.
>>58242448>Nijisanji pays their talents much less of their earnings.Prove it.And its a BUSINESS, that's how it works. All livers are just expendable products, even the other company does the same.
>cramped>dark>slender manman all three bad things
>>58242556GTFO falseflagger
>>58242053Oh yeah, Magni and Vesper were cut off without much explanation just a couple weeks ago. You memoryholed that one so fast even I almost missed it. Good job.And while we're on the topic of Stars, there was that one pink-haired JP femboy who they also got rid of for seemingly no reason, letting Narukami go up and say it was because he was cheating on his wife with a Holo girl.
I think I'm masturbating too much
>>58240641She should graduate and focus on school
>>58242639I'm not masturbating enough.
Can we get these holostar shitters out of here, holy fuck
of course this group lockpicks to skip a puzzle
>>58242730sorry this is /NijiEN/ - Hololive General
>>58242053>>58242448What the fuck are you even doing here? You got two new waves of all female chuubas? Have you gotten that bored of them already? That you need us to entertain you?
>>58242572>Prove it.Zaion told us. And they don't even pay for your debut resulting in a least one member resorting to a puppetshow. >And its a BUSINESS, that's how it worksOne business treats their talents well and cares about their long term reputation. The other doesn't give a damn about their reputation and goes for short-term revenue maximizing. >All livers are just expendable productsThat is the Nijisanji attitude, but don't lump Hololive into that. A good example is how Njisanji treated the ID branch vs how Hololive treated the ID branch. Nijisanji: spams vtubers and gives them no support. They all get shit views, hate their managers, graduate after creating dramaHololive: invests tons of money in promoting the branch and as a result they become popular and bring in lots of money long term. That is the difference.
It’s always funny how easy it is to bait out the shitposters, they always defend Cover itt if you shit on their corpo kek
>>58242845are you retarded bro
rizz is such a stupid word I hate stupid slang that gets popular, you're not in highschool anymore shit up
How do I stop thinking about my oshi's antis and getting mad?
>>58242485fucking collab already
i'd rather talk about doppio being brazilian
>>58242855>Zaion told us.Everything after this is invalided.
fuck off cover shillspic unrelated
>>58242907You should be asking yourself that.
>>58242917tiktok brainrot, blame white people like elira
I like how Fuu-chan just wants to kill everyone that he doesn't like I think Legatus is in charge here...
>>58242855>A good example is how Njisanji treated the ID branch vs how Hololive treated the ID branch. Still better than Cover treated HoloCN.
>>58242876Too bad the mods of this board are malicious and won't do anything about them.
>>58242485I'm not streaming shit until they actually collab
>>58242946move on, your oshi is already dead
>>58242460It's so funny to see this cycle. "Massive drama at Nijisanji today so and so said X!" in the catalog. Meanwhile said persons fans don't care, this thread doesn't care and the only place it seems to be a problem is among a bunch of people that don't watch the company in the catalog saying how awful it is and maybe the numbers thread and more recently a bunch of holofags on twitter seem obsessed with blowing up anything Nijisanji does into a drama too.
>>58242966you're actually retarded, wow
>>58242964>That nameOh shit leaks were real
>>58242845He's probably paid per post to shit on Nijisanji. If not he leads a truly pathetic life
>>58243061Why am I the retarded one? You're here getting mad that somebody said to talk about Hololive somewhere else.
>Pomu: Is he going to undress me~?Cute horny fairy
>>58243059cry more
>>58242855>Zaion told usDo people UNIRONICALLY listen to a bitter employee who was fired?Like ACTUALLY?Do you "people" do this in real life too?
Yu kek
>>58242855>Zaion told usI swear it will never not be funny how all you catalogniggers and /#/trannies still just blindly believe everything she's said lmao
>>58242992or rob them. or both, kill then rob
Is it normal to want to fuck Pomu's lizard?
>>58242053>Nijisanji has made drama EVERY DAY that's the difference.Correction, you retards are the ones stirring shit all the time. Actual fans don't care about the shit you're sperging over.
delicious yu scream
>>58243136>no argumentI accept your concession
>you're retarded >nuh uh you areI just wanna talk about nijis why is there a daycare here
wow bg3 must suck if people would rather reply to shitposters
>>58243137das crazy
>>58243193>blindly believe everything she's said lmaofunnily enough, she didn't mention that in her document. She didn't talk about earnings once. That was just something they came out with because fageyedick said his "source" as an inside one
>>58243225You accept my confession? k-kya~...
>>58243137big if true
The same people who believe Zaion’s word as gospel are the same people that believe a 1 star review of a disgruntled employee on glassdoor for a company represents the work culture there kek
Rosemi is gonna get fucked by a vampire!
>>58243272>That was just something they came out with because fageyedick said his "source" as an inside oneRegardless of the beyond retarded tribalism, Mysta did actually confirm it on stream
>>58243324in her sleep!
>>58243324Yeah, me
It's Twilight but Edward and Jacob fuck each other instead of Bella...
>>58242947Ike would have to stream for that.
Rosemi is having some fruity vampire twink action tonight
>>5824331090% of the time it does though... Same with "family owned", stay away from family owned as much as possibly. Because family drama always is brought into work and is shit. I worked for a union family owned place once, and in my orientation you could hear the mother and son screaming at eachother through the walls about different bids
>>58243324Kazuha senpai?
>>58243272Why was she fired in the first place? There was zero reason for it other than some manager's ego being bruised.
>>58243376What the fuck you're a gay elf vampire!?
Doppio come back.... They can't progress..
>>58243455yeah, don't tell anyone though. its our little secret
man, slenderman is kinda a good game.
cute girl says something? I believe itsimple as'
>>58243445Too many minor infractions in a short period of time, and being unwilling to re-learn the rules so as to better understand so she wouldn't do it again. for this feel?/NijiEN/ for this feel?
This thread sucks desu
>>58243445everyone in the group, including zaion herself, said she decided to not comeback during her hiatus. if she agreed to change she would have been back but she didn't fit the company or maybe the doxxing really fucked with her. she herself even said she wanted to work with the company on a joint statement on her leaving but they didn't allow it
>>58243445When literally none of her coworkers had much nice to say about her in an environment where they're heavily encouraged to get along, she wasn't gonna last long in a corpo.
>>58243659Ninanone, because not a single anon is that ballsy in /here/
I will never get over the fact that Larian decided to use fucking Jergal for the hiring and resurrection NPC
zaion was fired 6 months agostop looping
>>58243427>90% of the time it does though... Same with "family owned",And no, hiding behind spoilers doesn't make it more true.
>>58243059It's always fun to remember that one time a guy joined a girl's stream impromptu and this thread didn't give a shit, but then 30 minutes later some catalogmacaco caught wind of it and posted it on /#/ and maybe some discord and the thread had an influx of "Nijigirl fans" "coming back" from "whatever they were doing" and complaining that there was "an unadvertised male" in this "stream of this girl that they totally were fans of."
>>58243841that's every timeonce it was 3 hours later because someone linked it there kek
Rosemi is going to get drained...
>>58243841kill yourself shu
>>58243841you have to admit it was kinda funny how obvious they were
>>58243659PomuThe average rosebud when they try to steal money from kindreds to buy merch
Rosemi is in love with the red prince
This thread needs some purging, I'm killing the dubs
>>58243825no, but having experience that it IS true is.That being said, your probably an HR rep who's mad that the people working under your boss aren't being flirted with and are treated like shit.In anycase fuck off you fucking company plant.
>>58243913oh shit we found one
Be real with me, does Rosemi actually want to have hate sex with The Red Prince?
>>58243445she was retarded and wouldn't listen to JP corpo rules
>>58244021this was her reference picture when making him, you tell me
>>58243768>>58243770Can you two have sex right now please?
>>58244021She wants to watch Astarion fuck him in the ass
>>58243841It's always a point that catalog fags will always ALWAYS be more mad at dumb shit than actual fans. I mean, look them trying to start something with MIka collabing with Hex.
>>58243841You guys always say this but if it's a girl people actually watch then people get mad pretty immediately. Whenever Shu joins a random Pomu stream it's obvious because actual Pomies start posting how much they hate Shu.
>>58244021She's an autistic girl, she's like a GENERALLY more well adjusted femanon here, complete with fantasies both yume and fujo, so the answer is yes
>they have nudity on and they didn't knowLMAOOO
They're stripping.
>>58244210based as fuck