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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 359 KB, 3508x2480, E4u8QxIUcAIfYqG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5675902 No.5675902 [Reply] [Original]

Back from vacation

Meme Review with Coco: https://youtu.be/r2oJYmXHYZs

Art by: https://twitter.com/kim0222dr5/status/1408426530477203456

Previous thread: >>5614496

>> No.5675995

Kiara Love!

>> No.5676008
Quoted by: >>5676255

Why is it always a new thread when things are about to happen?

>> No.5676012
Quoted by: >>5676092

Hope her neck gets sorted out

>> No.5676092

At least she's finally going to the doctor. It's a step.

>> No.5676255
Quoted by: >>5676438

I don't think much will happen.
Sounds like she is at the hospital and currently waiting for her appointment. She will get diagnosed, hopefully treated at least a bit and then go home.
It will probably be a few hours until she tweets about the results if at all.

Even though she is a social media addict I don't think she will go into detail about anything on twitter.
Whatever happens at the doctor's office will probably be saved for the tangents on Monday.
Or she might start tangenting about it during the Shitpost Review, that could be funny as well.

>> No.5676438
Quoted by: >>5676607

I really don't want a sedated chicken if they decide to give her pain killers. Hoping if she's actually med'ed up, she'll take a few days break to see how she deals with the medication and plan accordingly.

>> No.5676588

>breaking your neck on the day you're on meme review
Only chicken can pull off something like this.

>> No.5676607
Quoted by: >>5676694 >>5678026

She hates painkillers and they can't force her to take them. Even if they give her some she probably won't take them before the collab if at all.
Best case scenario they have someone there who can alleviate her current issues and manages to talk her into a longer treatment for her underlying pain later on.
Worst case scenario she hears things she doesn't want to hear, leaves and won't go see another doctor for 9+ months again.

>> No.5676646
File: 287 KB, 1080x1920, E4zKlTuVIAE1o0H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5676694
Quoted by: >>5676886 >>5677323

I enjoy her stubbornness and hardheadedness.

>> No.5676712
Quoted by: >>5677778 >>5677871

Back from yet another vacation huh?
Her and Mori are always taking breaks. Lazy.

>> No.5676764

I dunno bros that's some tasty bait

>> No.5676886

Admirable traits, but it's also important to know when to swallow your pride and drop the stubbornness

>> No.5676970
Quoted by: >>5677088 >>5677143

If for some reason she deems herself well enough to make it to the meme review, I hope she doesn't burst out laughing or anything because laughing/sneezing/coughing with neck injuries is the worse shit ever.

Would honestly not be surprised if Kiara can't make it to the thing after all.

>> No.5677088
Quoted by: >>5677201

Considering Coco also did a recording of herself on sleeping pills, I'd say it would be fitting if she went on stream slightly drugged. Also most likely she'll get something made from diclofenac for her muscle pain which is a regional painkiller, so no opiates and such.

>> No.5677143
Quoted by: >>5677336

Then it's a good thing she's on the Reddit Meme Review and therefore in no danger of laughing.

If it's truely just a pulled muscle she might be getting already. Her mood seems to be fairly good so maybe that's a good sign.

>> No.5677201
Quoted by: >>5677500

True, I can't see Kiara saying yes to opiates unless it's literally the only thing that works.

>> No.5677311
Quoted by: >>5677366 >>5677736

Did she get hurt or is it because of pain?

>> No.5677323

I too enjoy watching a fucking retard refuse to get a second monitor for literally no reason beyond "well everone including my genmates told me to get it so I'm gonna be edgy and not get one, haha take that!"

>> No.5677336
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1611936511694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5677428

>Then it's a good thing she's on the Reddit Meme Review and therefore in no danger of laughing.

>> No.5677366

That she went to the hospital

>> No.5677382

Unironically? I love it. Do your thing Kiara.

>> No.5677428

It's more that Coco might make her laugh than the memes.

>> No.5677472

why anons mking so many Kiara threads? You guys make more Kiar threads than any other vtuber yet her channel's still the most dead out of all the HoloEns

>> No.5677481

What shithole calls it a monitor?

>> No.5677500

Kiara is already unfiltered. Opiates would be crazy.

>> No.5677558

people actually post here so we hit bump limit quite fast for a split thread

>> No.5677564

It's funny. I enjoy it because I'm usually very easy-going so it's fun to talk to people who are so obstinate.

>> No.5677567

It's our way of coping

>> No.5677569
Quoted by: >>5677670

Are you retarded?

>> No.5677596

Chumbud, there are usually far more Gura threads and an equal amount of Mori threads to any Kiara thread, and half of Kiara threads are usually edgy Doxxfags. You already know this though.

>> No.5677670

Yeah, I'm retarded.

>> No.5677727
Quoted by: >>5677765

What do you call them? Shiney-winey-display-squares?

>> No.5677736


More pain than usual.

>> No.5677765

I assume he calls them "screens", but this is the first time I've seen anyone insist on the term.

>> No.5677778
Quoted by: >>5677895

>Not wanting to kill yourself over some loser sperg posting on 4chan.
Neck yourself.

>> No.5677871
Quoted by: >>5729944

At least they announce breaks and take actual vacations. Ame and Ina just do "guerilla weeks" and barely leave the house. Gura just drinks the pain away.

>> No.5677872

>literally no reason
Pretty sure her reason was "I will move across continents in a few months and I don't want to have even more baggage".
That and her poorfag mentality.

>> No.5677883


>> No.5677895
Quoted by: >>5678172

Anon, you probably already know that Kiara has the most streamed hours in EN, why did you bite on the bait anyway?

>> No.5677932

Well at least she's fine. Doesn't look like yoga's happening for a while though

>> No.5677959

>sprained my neck/spine and tore the muscles or so


Tenchou just can't catch a break. Praying for a speedy recovery.

>> No.5678026

>9 months

I see what you did there...

>> No.5678031


>> No.5678109 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>5678178

guess all that cock sucking has finally cought up to her huh. her knees will go next

>> No.5678121
Quoted by: >>5678358 >>5678717

Jesas, she just spontaneously sprained her spine? She must not be kidding about noodle arms / not being able to lift her own groceries. Better get those low intensity ringfit streams on the schedule...

>> No.5678124

Didn't Luna get a similar injury a few months back?

>> No.5678172

Unfunny irony posters deserve their (you)s and a reminder that no one will miss them when they an hero.

>> No.5678178
Quoted by: >>5678270

Anon, has anyone ever seen your cock? Apart from those teenagers you send pictures of it to on discord I mean.

>> No.5678193

the one where she fell from the chair with a VR headset on? might be similar.

>> No.5678205
Quoted by: >>5678280

I think that was for her hand and she needed to get an operation for it. This doesn't seem as serious but she really shouldn't do anything strenuous like neck cracking if she doesn't want to fuck it up more

>> No.5678211

Luna got an injury because she fell off a chair and landed on the back of hear head on stream. Twice.
Her injury was probably a bit worse.

>> No.5678229

>sprained my neck/spine and tore the muscles or so
>Dr was talking too fast
In her native language? most normal people would ask for clarification for any medical issue.
Sounds fake.

>> No.5678270
Quoted by: >>5678403

You mom is quite fond of it anon. Tell her I said "hello"

>> No.5678278

deadbeat here, holy shit please give your tenchou some tender love and care
t. chumbud

>> No.5678280

Nevermind I'm a fucking idiot that can't read. The second bit is still relevent

>> No.5678318
Quoted by: >>5678372

Not if you're embarrassed about looking or sounding like a retard.

>> No.5678358
Quoted by: >>5693342 >>5711146

You say that, but I'm honestly concerned she might develop MS. I have an uncle that was fine apart from some minor neck/back problems until he was 40, then started developing symptoms like this. Now he's permanently in a wheelchair.

>> No.5678372
Quoted by: >>5678485 >>5678581

ah yes I could have permeant damage to my spine, better not take it seriously and act meek and shy uwu

>> No.5678403
Quoted by: >>5678445

so hardcore and based, i bet you're in an incredibly fulfilling relationship

>> No.5678436

>most normal people

>> No.5678445 [DELETED] 

Yes, again, with your mother. Are you okay anon? She said you have some issues in school.

>> No.5678473
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, 1622236255204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5678510

Kiara got brapped? You're telling me Kiara got fucked? Strained her neck? You're telling me Kiara got fanfuckled in her spine? Kiara got absolutely and utterly destroyed because her neck got stretched? Is this what you are telling me?

>> No.5678485
Quoted by: >>5678590

ah yes I've just been told right now i've potentially taken serious damage to my spine, the world is spinning and I'm possibly on painkillers, I'm totally in the right state of mind to suddenly ask the doctor everything over and over again until I finally understand in a country where it's culturally normal to be curt and a little rude.

>> No.5678510

My rock hard cock rammed the back of her throat so hard I caused a fractured disc

>> No.5678581
Quoted by: >>5678640

The doctor probably said that it's nothing to worry about and she immediatly lost interest and thought about her cats.

>> No.5678590

yeah they also usually give you a print out with info, and a follow up appointment for this reason, guess what orange chicken doesn't have? (because she didn't go to the ER and is seeking attention again) just like me

>> No.5678640
Quoted by: >>5678773

I hate that you're likely 100% correct.

>> No.5678717

we won't find out until the next superchat reading, but I would wager falling or lifting something

>> No.5678773

Cat brain Kiara is best Kiara. Again, stop worrying about her physical issues because we legit can't do shit about them. She can however be cheered up my her chat/fans.

>> No.5678776
File: 760 KB, 930x509, 1624308456027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5678902 >>5679303

>Gets smashed by a truck
Just a scratch, im so fokin late and i have catos to cuddle and streams to do!

>> No.5678802
File: 187 KB, 401x400, stupid face[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fphsv88.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5679835

I love this stupid bird's face!

>> No.5678902

I want to abduct kiara and force her to live a healthy lifestyle
What a fucking bird brain

>> No.5678972

Her stupidity is endearing. Leave her be, you little faggot.

>> No.5679006

One apparent thing is, she loves her job.

>> No.5679016
Quoted by: >>5680316

Imagine being able to slap Kiara on the back of the head every time she does something retarded.
She would instantly get her shit together.

>> No.5679080
Quoted by: >>5679232 >>5679563

>didn't even bother listening to the doctor
I literally will never feel sympathy for this idiot

>> No.5679232
File: 186 KB, 493x506, 1624617467331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No time for that shit, today is meme review and usaken festival.

>> No.5679303


>> No.5679559

I love this menhera phoenix

>> No.5679563

I'm fully convinced Kiara's last words will be "danke schoen" because she'd still be reading superchats even when in the middle of dying.

>> No.5679627

>35 IPs already
>104 IPs in the previous thread
jesas, even the split is inclining
I hope her health inclines too

>> No.5679835
Quoted by: >>5680252

She's the best EN at controlling her model, I think she triggers it for comedic effect at this point. Fuck, she probably makes a weird "controlling my model" face now in real life based on how long she streams for.

>> No.5679855

kiara btfo

>> No.5680064
Quoted by: >>5680104

Spanish and samba Portuguese iirc

>> No.5680104
Quoted by: >>5680913

english too, muttchama

>> No.5680150

Would you still marry her if she became permanently disabled?

>> No.5680198
Quoted by: >>5680294 >>5680452

Taking care of quadruple amputee Kiara!

>> No.5680252

I was talking about that a few threads ago. Watching from debut to what she can do with it now is crazy. Also, there's no way she doesn't do that in the same easy Peko admitted to saying Peko irl or Luna with Nanora.

>> No.5680261
Quoted by: >>5680452

Yes. It's still her. She'd need support more than ever. I just want her to be happy.

>> No.5680268
Quoted by: >>5680452

She already is and I'm married to her

>> No.5680294
File: 593 KB, 603x842, armed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quadruple amputee
Then she still has several limbs left.

>> No.5680316

or sprain her neck again
Gentle caress only

>> No.5680452
Quoted by: >>5680679

You guys are aware that means no sex with that hot ass body of hers right? and no children either.

>> No.5680525
Quoted by: >>5681947

at accident hospitals (at least here in germany) the doctors are always stressed out and often don't take time to explain things in detail

>> No.5680679
Quoted by: >>5694101

>implying you can't fuck a quadruple amputee

>> No.5680809
File: 253 KB, 411x508, 1612850739440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked leddit to see what they came up with and... it's bad really bad.

>> No.5680913
Quoted by: >>5681589

Not that common tho

>> No.5680916

Meme review is such a step down from Asacoco, it's kind of sad that most newfags will only remember Coco for that instead of the original content she used to make.

>> No.5680929
File: 42 KB, 416x649, painkillers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Taking pills] I knew this was all my fault, but there is only one way I deal with guilt.

>> No.5680976
Quoted by: >>5681068

I just want Coco to talk about shaved pussies and butt plugs with Kiara.

>> No.5681010
Quoted by: >>5681092

They'll be able to salvage it. I believe in Orange Women.

>> No.5681052

It's their loss if they don't do their reps. They don't deserve to know about wobbly dragon if they are so lazy.

>> No.5681068
Quoted by: >>5681112

I want Kiara and Coco to pull up anti threads about them from /vt/ or /jp/ and btfo all the retards posting in the threads one by one.

>> No.5681070

I had to make one because I love Kiara too much

>> No.5681079
Quoted by: >>5681120 >>5681139

I like Meme Review, but I 100% agree. Still, that was a shitload of effort compared to Meme Review, for what, the same amount of views?

>> No.5681092

Do people really think the memes are supposed to be good? I assume the people who make them want them to be good, but Coco picks terrible shit consistently because of 'le irony'. Whether she can actually make it funny is up for debate and I think she can and she and Kiara are gonna knock it out of the park with ORANGU ENERGY

>> No.5681112
Quoted by: >>5681852

I get it, but I hope everyone in Hololive has more dignity than to seriously engage with the shit on this board other than making a throwaway 5% comment here and there.

>> No.5681120
Quoted by: >>5681148

>I like Meme Review
Back to plebbit with you

>> No.5681139

Views shouldn't be everything.
That's also why I wanted Kiara to continue the fairytales, but sadly it wasn't meant to be.

>> No.5681148

make me

>> No.5681175

Unfortunately, in Hololive - an mainstream vtubing in general, views might not be everything, but they count for more than effort.

>> No.5681226

>views shouldn't be everything
>no you can't stream that game, your numbers are too low

>> No.5681370
Quoted by: >>5681826

Most of the "memes" i saw was Chicken, takamori and months old reposti for free updoots. Is every meme review like that? Last time i watched was the one with Aki.

>> No.5681452

The subtitling was simply too annoying for her. I don't know if she would have continued the series even if the numbers would have been better.
It's hours of boring work that result in a video premiere.

I'd much rather have her spend this time on either a song as she enjoys singing or on HoloTalk prep as that results in a stream.

>> No.5681507

Will Takanashi Kiara be extra yabai this stream or no?

>> No.5681563

her roommate literally posted a picture at the beach, did she fucking drown or something? kek.

>> No.5681589
Quoted by: >>5681753

No, it is common, I already said I'm a retard and misread shit.

>> No.5681753

Well we're 2 retards then

>> No.5681826

Yeah, most of them are pretty bad especially since Coco started to announce them and everyone tries to make "topical" memes. Rushia's meme review was almost completely pettan jokes.
It's pretty obvious that most of reddit is clipwatchers who maybe watch some Gura or Ame streams.
There is a reason Coco called it "shitpost review". The quality of the memes was always bad and she knew it would get even worse as soon as she gave it attention.

>> No.5681852

Kiara reacted to a 4chan post when her channel got nuked. Reacting to this dumpster fire live would be a next day graduation.

>> No.5681947

great medical system.
but hey, at least it's free right kraut-chama?

>> No.5681999

I highly doubt that, big money good.

>> No.5682139

better start learning katakana

>> No.5682227

There's a big difference between a throwaway post on twitter or comment on a stream during a confusing time and actively going through rrats duirng a collab, anon.

>> No.5682232

So is the shitpost review still happening or not? I don't watch them, but I'm curious if it'll still happen after this.

>> No.5682255

the real and only question is: can we get Kiara to take her meds?

>> No.5682266

She retweeted Coco's announcement and reminder and her last tweet said that streams will happen as planned.

>> No.5682268

The video for her new song is great, I love the KFP employee dance about half way through

>> No.5682269

According to twitter, Kiara will make come hell or high water. Wouldn't necessarily bet on the other streams though.

>> No.5682301

Yes she's liking and retweeting at this very moment, she's gonna be fine

>> No.5682369

I really liked the guitar scene where it had the rest of EN. Very cute.

>> No.5682690

>/vt/ breaks when kiara breaks her neck
coincidence? I don't think so

>> No.5682848
Quoted by: >>5683315

>Kiara laughs
>Hurts her neck further
I'm not ready

>> No.5682905

Would Kiara enjoy Red Scare?

>> No.5682917

Bro she has 3 monitors now

>> No.5682953
File: 4 KB, 150x150, roadkill-chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn hit kiara with a truck

>> No.5683315
Quoted by: >>5694868

Ahhh so nervous for her.

Ahhh I can see it happening.

>> No.5683335

it was a cute touch.
Was kind of hoping hiroshimoot kept the site dead for two more hours

>> No.5683440

Kiara please don't neck yourself to escape Meme Review.
It'll only take an hour, think of it like church.

>> No.5683504

hlggiggers already leaked into the prechat when 4chan was dead so this is where I'm staying

>> No.5683547
Quoted by: >>5683694


>> No.5683694

my top three hololivers are kiara, coco, and nene. I don't even like the colour orange.

>> No.5683696

This is unironically better than UWAWAWAWAWA.

>> No.5683732


>> No.5683784
Quoted by: >>5683840 >>5683949

>Kiara neck dancing
Why is she like this

>> No.5683840
Quoted by: >>5683949

We don't know that. she could be moving the camera around her face to get motion.

>> No.5683949

Oh she could be better than you think, or high on painkillers.

>> No.5684015

opiate-chan, daisuki

>> No.5684061

I didn't know Kiara was a masochist.

>> No.5684310

They're not gonna give someone with chicken arms that much unless they're in Miami.

>> No.5684355

My boi, Yagoo looking clean on that box of chicken.

>> No.5684562

I doubt it's painkillers as she's previously stated on stream that she won't take them when chat suggested it for her back.

>> No.5684835

>That explains my daddy issues
kek I'm dying, this is great.

>> No.5684922

holy shit this one is actually good

>> No.5685308

They look good in each others clothes

>> No.5685394
File: 149 KB, 499x670, 258a0c48e8a2da45b40352a369b6446a9a2356ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5686171


>> No.5685560
Quoted by: >>5685756

>Kiara would totally fuck herself in the first date


>> No.5685642
Quoted by: >>5685820

>instead of saying goodbye, lets just fuse together

I'd love to see Kiara and Coco do the Fusion dance on stream.

>> No.5685756
Quoted by: >>5685902 >>5686272

That's just natural. Would you fuck yourself? I'd fuck myself.

>> No.5685785

Kiara being a fucking trooper. She's still putting on a good show even with a fucked up neck

>> No.5685820

If they were to fuse, would she become Takanashi Coco or Kiryu Kiara? Or Tanaryu Kioco? Or Kirynashi Cora?

>> No.5685827
Quoted by: >>5686324 >>5686445

No one will ever be able to talk with kiara in two languages at the same time again.

>> No.5685902
Quoted by: >>5686115

No, because I'm not gay.

>> No.5686115

I mean, of course. My other self would be genderswapped. Would be weird if I wanted to fuck regular me, haha...

>> No.5686171

It's especially hilarious since EnMa probably wouldn't have a job if not for Coco.

>> No.5686272

I'm already fucking myself enough with my life decisions

>> No.5686324

EN Gen 2 when? Or 1 on 1 Iofi collabs when?

>> No.5686334 [DELETED] 

This bitch is flat as fuck from what i saw on instagram. I'd still pound her into the matress though

>> No.5686357


>> No.5686445

I kind of want a second duolinguist for EN gen 2 to keep her company. I'm not going to say who I wish for.

>> No.5686694
Quoted by: >>5686964

The Crunchy One!

>> No.5686964
Quoted by: >>5697406

I like the mamaloni!

>> No.5687007

>cute and funny

>> No.5687046
File: 51 KB, 720x711, Pain peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost half of the meme review wasted on "guess the guest" memes
>another 10 wasted on a Coco/Kiara comparison

Going out with a whimper instead of a bang...

>> No.5687206
Quoted by: >>5687258

>They said this one might last longer than 1 hour

>> No.5687211
File: 517 KB, 2531x3300, E4QdGqxUcAYf9xY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5690240

I could imagine Kiara and Coco being slutty sisters in a doujin. I'd read that.

>> No.5687241
File: 37 KB, 783x773, 1619916390218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Maybe I'll end up like you"
>"End up like you"

>> No.5687258

I certainly hope so.

>> No.5687343

Yeah wtf, they skipped the monologue, only 1 celebrity guest, and no musical interlude?

>> No.5687781

>tfw you have to open the man page for youtube-dl again and the weird kiara horror music waiting for ina stream was only a month ago

>> No.5687953
Quoted by: >>5688253

Where's the global thread?

>> No.5688253


>> No.5689219
Quoted by: >>5697756 >>5698328

RIP Mamaloni

>> No.5689388
Quoted by: >>5689897

How do my balls taste in your mouth?

>> No.5689455
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this whole final clash of orange is basically pic related which is fitting since Like a Dragon is Kiara's first Yakuza while Cocc played them all.

>> No.5689897
File: 115 KB, 1496x1176, Watame smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I thought they were tictacs, judging from the size.

>> No.5690182

Kiara's tight ass...

>> No.5690196


>> No.5690199

Tight Kiara ass.....

>> No.5690212
Quoted by: >>5690267

i wanna see kiara's right ass

>> No.5690240

Slutty sisters slobbering on my dick while they insult my virgin ass.

>> No.5690267
Quoted by: >>5690352

and her left ass...

>> No.5690352

no, just the right

>> No.5690370
File: 646 KB, 1200x1144, 1621323033825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5690383

My Tenchou's ass...

>> No.5693342

I sorry for what happened to you uncle.
I got he gets well soon or at leats he can still be happy.

>> No.5693768

Last meme...

>> No.5693837

Meme Review ending soon in few minutes

>> No.5693921
Quoted by: >>5694187

Cover probably doesn’t want Gura to swear, so management didn't let Gura on Reddit Shitpost.

>> No.5694101

Wow anon chill out

>> No.5694187

Or Gura is just too nervous to approach Coco like she is with most JPs without a translator to help.

>> No.5694550
Quoted by: >>5695133

Why did Kiara force herself into the last landmark shit post meme review???

>> No.5694868
File: 148 KB, 1200x883, E2ybmpmUUAoQJ9v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5694920 >>5695363

Ahhh she did great!

>> No.5694920

she did :)

>> No.5695133
Quoted by: >>5699229

Because her power is so great she can intimidate Coco into letting her on from halfway across the globe.

Or maybe because Coco knew she was the best guest while Ina and Gura didn't even ask for a collab with her. But that couldn't be it.

>> No.5695145
File: 362 KB, 1619x1824, 1624760677742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's and Kiara's chemistry and energy this stream was off the charts. I love the orange women!

>> No.5695363

I love our Tenchou, she vibed so well with Coco

>> No.5695619

what's Kiara sensitive spot

>> No.5695728
Quoted by: >>5695867

Oh fuck, the stream was so good when it got rolling I didn't care about 4chan.

>> No.5695803

That amazing collab.
And its the only one we'll ever have with those 2.

>> No.5695823

proud of my chicken, she matched coco's personality so well

>> No.5695867
File: 63 KB, 389x389, 1607109816005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stream was so good that /hlgg/ is even defending Kiara against eggs.

>> No.5695982
File: 239 KB, 1806x1339, kcE42768wXEAM65pX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5695990

it's over guys, back to my "goodbye declaration" reps

>> No.5696441
Quoted by: >>5709451

So I clicked on some random vtuber video a week or so ago and YouTube buried me in recommendations. Not sure exactly how many days it has been but I couldn't stop clicking on EN videos and I'm not sure where I go from here. In like a three day period I found out Coco basically gave birth to the english speaker gen and that she was now leaving.

>> No.5696777
Quoted by: >>5697001

Stream pre-chat up

>> No.5697001

damn she'll be there during the opening. sleep well tenchou

>> No.5697406


>> No.5697756
Quoted by: >>5697843

I pray for that woman daily

>> No.5697843


>> No.5698035

I was surprised at how well Kiara was at taking jokes from Coco. Yeah not a fresh IP, but my overall thought are "better than expected".

>> No.5698060
File: 71 KB, 994x700, E43EAk9VoAMPOrw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5698186

>> No.5698186

>i'll end up like you
Kek this fucker want to get harrased by zhongs and graduate.

>> No.5698320

I don't give a shit about anyone else getting a 3D rig. I just want to see Nene introduce a surprise Hinotori when people stop caring about the flu.

>> No.5698328

I wonder if this is going to push her to make orange women art, I'm surprised she hasn't yet. Or is she still busy with her work on her second account?

>> No.5698703 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>5698966

she bashed her head into the headboard of her bed getting fucked doggystyle too roughly

>> No.5698966

yeah sorry about that guys, guess i was too rough

>> No.5699229

Nooooo, you can't insinuate that most of the EN group is wet noodles when it comes to collabing! You can't fucking say that!!!!!

>> No.5699886
File: 79 KB, 303x242, 1398908968845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5700586

I'm about 40 minutes into 【SM64】Here we GOOOOOO and I'm loving it. This penguin race is some of the funniest shit.

>> No.5700586

She really did seem like she had a lot of fun for the first couple episodes.

>> No.5704068
File: 188 KB, 1000x1050, E4lsn7KUcAI7uYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, bitches. Very good, that's a wrap on the bitches. Thank you very much, bitches.


>> No.5705609
File: 339 KB, 1973x1890, My Heart Will Go On[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fh5j3br.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5705851 >>5706134

Love me sum Ametori duets

>> No.5705851
Quoted by: >>5706134

Hope they collab soon. They're a pretty funny duo.

>> No.5705955
File: 656 KB, 3541x2508, E40FJuuUUAMMyqk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5706134

I'd love it if they continued Super Bunny Man, though that game probably works a lot better in an off collab. Cooperative platformers where you can screw each other over are great collab games.

>> No.5707625
Quoted by: >>5707757

I don't think Mori has ever been on the Jp server, so this will be a first for her unless I'm forgetting something.

>> No.5707676

me on the left

>> No.5707757

Yep. Gura and Ame had their tour with Moona, Ina was with Polka and Nene, and Kiara is Usaken.
Wonder how Mori will fare, but I'm just glad that HoloEN will be able to interact with the JP branch now.

>> No.5708177
Quoted by: >>5708391

Knowing her, that song was rotoscoped a month ago. I hope she gets 3D first of EN.

>> No.5708391
Quoted by: >>5708951

Yuna said she didn't purely rotoscope the dance as realistic proportions don't work for her style.
Instead she whipped up a 200 frame animation as a reference.
And your one month guess isn't far off, she said she worked for 28 days on the video.

>> No.5708808
File: 116 KB, 1200x1152, E43v8ZWUYAkh7rc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5708951

I'll take 1/2.

>> No.5709451
Quoted by: >>5709843

>I found out Coco basically gave birth to the english speaker gen
Is this a fucking bait? Coco didn't give birth to anything, except for Vshoujo-tier retarded jokes.

>> No.5709843

Asacoco used to be genuinely entertaining thanks to the presentation.

>> No.5710378

She's gonna get so few viewers for the Usaken...

>> No.5710411
Quoted by: >>5710992

She's so unpopular bros... why does nobody watch her? :(

>> No.5710481
File: 1.00 MB, 809x796, 1616966797515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5711119 >>5715516

Does this board finally kneel to kiara now

>> No.5710886
File: 2.40 MB, 610x646, shesback.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5710953
File: 143 KB, 316x174, 1624297770324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggos getting uppity you love to see it.

>> No.5710992
Quoted by: >>5711223

I always prefer smaller communities and so I would prefer it if she continued to be "unpopular". However, she is really concerned about numbers/popular opinion and so I am worried she'll start to get even more insecure about her abilities.

>> No.5711119

This has always been an orange board newfag. It got a little less while she was on vacation but don't worry, her giga stacey energy will turn this board orange in the next week for sure

>> No.5711146

Multiple Sclerosis usually starts with sight problems like blue lights and shit also weak bladder, I know because I get half an hour aura attacks on a pretty regular basis and was shit scared for quite a while.

>> No.5711223

I like how you can actually read chat in her streams. Others with bigger numbers just have emote spam, it's a mess.

>> No.5711724
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>> No.5712232
File: 696 KB, 2616x2983, IMG_20210627_082235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5712828
File: 9 KB, 227x222, 1613529370708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5713142 >>5713749

Will Goodbye declaration get 1 million in a week? I'm really surprised how fast it's going, it already has 800k.

>> No.5713142

Everything points to 5.x days until a million

>> No.5713680
File: 26 KB, 631x192, clip+(2021-06-27+at+01.57.04).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5715954


>> No.5713749
Quoted by: >>5713980

I swear to fucking god it was already 800k last night and then lost views when I woke up.

>> No.5713980

It could have gotten a bunch of views after the meme review and YT took them down to evaluate if that sudden increase was genuine.
Or Susan is too dumb to do math again.

>> No.5714321

>5k waiting drops to 1.9k viewers

>> No.5714457

>"muh tech difficulties" again
Ok seems like Kiara doesn't want any viewers again, I'm off to watch Ame's POV.

>> No.5714833
Quoted by: >>5715069

Kiara stop being so pathetic for ONE stream Jesus Christ

>> No.5714939

uhh bro you seem lost. /hlgg/ is 2 doors down

>> No.5715069

I literally can't feel pity for her
>Usaken AND tournament today
>hurr let me fuck everything up with this "totally unforseen" tech issue again
Every fucking time

>> No.5715215

is this how oldfag KFP felt back in 2020?

>> No.5715314

Holy shit this guys really trying kek

>> No.5715516
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, 1600988802706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5715693
Quoted by: >>5715807

Does Kiara hear herself during collabs and how high-pitched she is compared to everyone else? How does she hear that and think "this is fine"?

>> No.5715807

In the same anorexic people think they're too fat.

>> No.5715954
Quoted by: >>5716015

>Being this poor
Nigga, like set your VPN to Romania or something.

>> No.5716015
Quoted by: >>5716212 >>5716414

I dropped my membership out of protest though

>> No.5716212

and how's that going for you? The Coco holotalk more than made up for any losses

>> No.5716414
File: 196 KB, 1920x1080, 1602781483692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understandable. Chimken sometimes puts a test on my nerves, but I still love her nevertheless.

>> No.5716950

>Kiara numbers on par with Ame and Ina and higher than Mori's
My inner numberfag is calm.
Even if that changes later on I'm glad my chicken wife had this nice moment.

>> No.5717674

>Nenechi, my angel...

>> No.5717922

>Ame confirms Kiara was the Egg all along

>> No.5717994

This shit is really fun. Not letting ENs on the JP server was a huge mistake.

>> No.5720960
Quoted by: >>5723859

This is sensory overload jesas

>> No.5723859

Yeah, I like group collabs but it definitely reaches a point where there's just too much. I'm glad they at least split up into separate calls, if they had tried to all stay in the same channel my brain would've melted.

>> No.5724963
Quoted by: >>5725746 >>5727608

>ina is a real jew
Holy shit KFP why didn't you tell me your oshi is based?

>> No.5725746

My kneecaps broke after that.

>> No.5726939
Quoted by: >>5727066

Is USB charging going to be able to get her phone charged in time for the Shadowverse collab?

>> No.5727066

Hopefully. She should not need too much power since she only needs to be there for her own games.

>> No.5727608
Quoted by: >>5727970

holy shit please give me the timestamp

>> No.5727970

I've got the clip.

>> No.5728098
Quoted by: >>5728138

does anyone know when exactly the shadowverse stream is?

>> No.5728138
Quoted by: >>5728290


>> No.5728290

thank you anon, glad I have time for a nap

>> No.5728639

Holy shit 7 pain meds daily, she must be in lot of pain, KFP I wish your oshi a speedy recovery


>> No.5728681

Thanks chumbro

>> No.5728729

Damn... I went to /jp/ to see how they reacted and it's not pretty. Kiara might as well be /vt/'s favorite chuuba by comparison.
I sometimes forget how much people hate her outside of these threads. Is my taste in chuubas really this bad?

>> No.5728868

Mate don't let other people affect you, always support your oshi

>> No.5728914

/jp/ hates most of EN. Why do you think there was a split in the first place. just keep in mind that their chubas pale in comparison when it comes to growth and le numbers. Especially when it comes to money. They are self hating creatures who wish they were japanese.

>> No.5729030
Quoted by: >>5729707

bruh she has over 1m subs, soon 1.1m subs. She is super succesful and aside from 10 schizos here she is very popular. Why do you care so much that 0.001% of all hololive fans dislike her? lel

>> No.5729035

/jp/'s unironically a containment board for people with yellow fever, it's why Ina's the only EN they tolerate.

>> No.5729224
Quoted by: >>5729707

>Is my taste in chuubas really this bad?
Lmao why on earth would you think that? Kiara offers the best streams in EN and I literally struggle watching the others since her content is just so good. Hating on Kiara is just a meme forced by self-hating autists or shitposters. Don't let em get to you

>> No.5729411

Sorry to hear that.

>> No.5729684

I don't know much about meds but I have a family member that's still kicking even after having to take 11 pills a day at some point. I assume she's not gonna have to take those meds for a long time but I am worried about how badly she fucked up her body. She seemed perfectly fine during MC and meme review so that's good news but I hope that this is only temporary

>> No.5729707

Well you know how most KFP love the anti seethe? I hate it, it makes me think about how much more harmonious the threads would be if so many people didn't have a problem with Kiara. Imagine being part of the other 4 fanbases and constantly having your thread ruined by drama surrounding Kiara, whether it's by antis or otherwise. You'd start disliking her just for that, and I don't want that for her.

>> No.5729840

don't let people here dictate how you feel about anything. People will yell about anything here, regardless of whether they actually care or not.

Hopefully they didn't prescribe her opioids. Those fuckers can get addictive if you use them to deal with pain for large periods of time. Hopefully Austrian doctors aren't pill pushers like doctors in the states

>> No.5729850

Seems like they hate EN on their entirety desu, Kiara is not even talked that much there.

>> No.5729944

then you have ayame that just fucks off for months. I at least appreciate chicken and reaper's effort to put something out during the breaks.

>> No.5729965
Quoted by: >>5730313

I was like that in the beginning (maybe for 1 week at most) but then i really started to enjoy the egg seethe. I actually look forward to it everytime once the stream ends. It's like watching an episode of your favorite anime. It's just amazing how much they rage and how much bullshit they make up and no matter how hard they try they have zero effect outside of here. She grows and grows and that makes them seethe even harder.

Though I have no idea what you mean in the last part of your post. Why would anybody hate Kiara for that? Eggs are being ridiculed by ALL fanbases. Especially in hlgg. Unless I completely misunderstood your post.

>> No.5730066

I just poked my head into the Festival split and predictably its just a thinly veiled cry about "Kiara doing anything" thread. Really makes you feel like your running head first into a wall of bullshit. But shitposters gonna shitpost sadly.

>> No.5730177

I could see that, but her antis blow themselves out on the regular. It's comical, tranny posting a pic as prove really started a trend.

>> No.5730201

People complain about Ame and Mori timeloops all the time yet nobody actually hates them. These threads are full of retards that really represent a stupidly small fraction of the hololive fanbase. All of the Kiara hate is overblown to the point where if it's tossed at you almost constantly it can get you down. You should never care about the opinions of people in /vt/

>> No.5730223

A good portion of people on this website want someone to hate, and they would likely focus their hate on someone else if Kiara wasn't around. So, so many of the seethes are irrational. Almost every time they weep openly about Kiara "making things all about herself", she's just chiming in about something or making a little bit of content.
You can see individuals randomly seethe about various girls, like about Ame, Gura, Ollie etc. If it weren't for Kiara, imagine one of those girls's seethes being constantly spammed all over the board.

>> No.5730226

Nice bait, retard.

>> No.5730301

My 'biggest issue' with these threads isn't the anti-seeth/shitposting. You can see that from a mile away. The real issue is that because of how retardedly blind some of us can become over our love for her, there's some people who pick fights over the smallest criticism of something either she or another fan might do. Then on top of that, those who don't like whatever is being said reply with a 2-5 word canned response that amounts to 'I don't like that, go away' offering zero discussion.

>> No.5730313
Quoted by: >>5730464 >>5730575

>Why would anybody hate Kiara for that?
Because a lot are probably thinking "Ugh, if Kiara wasn't part of HoloEN we wouldn't have to deal with these haters shitting up the threads"

>> No.5730464

No normal person thinks like this. I don't even think I've seen a single post saying this

>> No.5730575

IF anything people would think "god I wish moderation was better and they would finally rangeban the samefags who are shitting up our threads".

>> No.5730661


Ina is a riajuu.

>> No.5730673

Does anyone have the deleted Fire Emblem stream? With me about half way through the series now, I'd love to see that piece of 'unarchived' chicken history. Also I need to refuel my saviorfagging juices.

>> No.5730883

I think this one is just member-only. So if you are a member you should be able to find it.
Afaik the only stream she had to outright take down was the Nier stream with technical difficulties because she played Minecraft in the later half and MC is not allowed to be behind a pay-wall.

>> No.5730967
Quoted by: >>5731078 >>5731317

That stream wasn't deleted, just privated to members.

>> No.5731078

QRD? Skipped the FE streams but they're on my backlog

>> No.5731317
Quoted by: >>5732180

Ah ok. I always read people talking about it as her taking it down. Good to know it's sitting in mem's only. I'll go watch it later today.

>> No.5732180
Quoted by: >>5732399 >>5732509

Chicken very rarely outright deletes streams. Even if its embarrassing or brings her bad memories she still keeps most of her videos up.

>> No.5732271
File: 735 KB, 600x778, Screenshot 2021-06-27 at 18.35.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that explains my daddy issues
yeah that's a 5 minute paus for me and skip 20 seconds forwards when I come back

>> No.5732399 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>5732472

The only one I can remember is the Nier fuck up, and she had to delete that because of management and her destressing in minecraft.

>> No.5732472

She deleted a Minecraft stream that lasted like 10 minutes because potato PC was being potato and not much happened in stream.

>> No.5732509
Quoted by: >>5732571 >>5732693

This is probably her worst yabe, the only time she forgot completely about her voice and spoke like her roommate, even cutting it didn't help it was already clipped, that and the namedrop in front of a lot of people in sims 4.

>> No.5732571

What was the sims 4 thing? I don't remember noticing anything live

>> No.5732617
Quoted by: >>5732673 >>5732716

Guys, she deleted the time Nene hijacked her channel, and I'm still a bit pissed.

>> No.5732638

It was screenshot pc user directory leak.

>> No.5732655
File: 1.20 MB, 2750x4029, 1614145246224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5732712

She took a screenshot and the in-game screenshot system showed where the shot was being saved. The folder name was roommate related, so she edited that out of the VOD.

>> No.5732673
Quoted by: >>5732726 >>5732821

pretty sure that was the thing that caused her shadowban

>> No.5732693
Quoted by: >>5734292

Not that bad of a yab because you can listen to her roommate's voice here anyways, just with echo added. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMjLcDKEROE

Her german fairytale videos are her roommate's voice when speaking german, if anyone's interested.

During the shadowban some guy made a video about Kiara and one of the clips used was this real voice reveal and she still linked that video and thanked them anyways. I think she has been losing interest in keeping her identity as much of as secret overtime, which is sad desu

She saved a video and it showed where on her PC that file was saved
Turns out her PC is named after her roommate, so she had to cut that off the video

>> No.5732712

Thank you, anon. I was wondering for months what her cutting in Sims 4 was about. Iirc she even did it twice, causing one of her hottest streams to be trapped in processing hell for ages.

>> No.5732716

I still can't believe that Nene titled "her" stream "MESS WITH THE BEST, DIE LIKE THE REST"

>> No.5732726

She recently confirmed that caused the shadowban.

>> No.5732821

Yeah, but it was still pretty funny to see in my notifications.

>> No.5734161
File: 189 KB, 789x1000, EurkJRDVIAETNKl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5734237 >>5734512

Speaking of Super Hacker Nene, did Kiara have any interaction with her during the summer festival? I only caught the end of the stream live and haven't had a chance to watch the VOD.

>> No.5734237
Quoted by: >>5734381

Yeah they went through a maze together and bumped into each other a few times.

>> No.5734292
Quoted by: >>5734479

In terms of the voice, great! I fuckin love her real voice and while the chicken squawks can be funny sometimes, I wanna rip my ears out occasionally.

>> No.5734381

Awesome, I'll look forward to it in the VOD!

>> No.5734418

Was nice to see Kiara doing quick fire translations and still enjoy herself. Really solid showing with everything going on on the server and her issues on top.

>> No.5734479
Quoted by: >>5735360

Anon, she doesn't want to be recognized in public, her country isn't small but the public centers are very tight together and she's one of the biggest channels, not many internet famous tubers there.

>> No.5734512
Quoted by: >>5734579 >>5735402

Kiara went on a solo tour for a while so Nene and Polka thought about calling her because they believed she was alone but Kiara was actually in Discord with Gura, Mori and Ame.

They ran into each other in the glass maze and found out together.

After going through the underground labyrinth Kiara went to Nene's and Polka's Discord channel and talked a bit with them. All three revealed their panty colors to each other.

At the arrow shooting range Kiara made a joke that she wants to be in a team with Botan and Nene punched her for it. After a bit of talking I think Kiara said she wanted to be in a team with Nene (all this was JP so I might be wrong).
In the end EN sans Gura became a team.

I think that was it unless I'm forgetting something.
It wasn't much but O'riends was cute once again.

>> No.5734579
Quoted by: >>5735402

Thanks for the detailed summary!

>> No.5734596

New thread in a few minutes.

>> No.5734802

New thread up:

>> No.5735360

This anon is really stupid.

>> No.5735402

Also, Kiara called Nene "my beautiful angel".
