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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56008595 No.56008595 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>56002385

>> No.56008619
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.56008645


>> No.56008647


>> No.56008654
File: 210 KB, 740x1200, moombed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56008744

ok i will moom post for abit

>> No.56008660
Quoted by: >>56008746

/#/ is declining

>> No.56008686
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>> No.56008715


>> No.56008718
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>> No.56008726

What just happened in the latter half of that thread? Sudden twitter follower shitposting into Fauna/Mumei seethe into Mumei discussion. Felt like a fever dream even by this thread's standards

>> No.56008727

You posted Moom to get the schizos right?

>> No.56008730
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>> No.56008736
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>> No.56008740
File: 1.23 MB, 800x1280, 00074-2101705408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/news/ anchor
Reply with a short description of the news and a link to the source!

News from today:
>Blue Journey tickets are on sale

Yesterday's news:

>> No.56008744

I wanna moom on moom's mooms

>> No.56008745
File: 219 KB, 1095x571, maribox number cull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56008746

Don't worry, I'll viewbot this thread.

>> No.56008758
File: 142 KB, 1080x1920, E1600405-A215-4C91-8E9B-58E030D33FA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56008874

Coom in the Moom Thread?

>> No.56008762

Did someone watch the Biboo collab. Was it good?

>> No.56008774

It was cringe kino

>> No.56008782
File: 227 KB, 1500x951, F3PY8spbsAAJt3O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a free pass if I like a Milord fanart?

>> No.56008788
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I love her

>> No.56008791
File: 846 KB, 2237x3203, 9321931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56008794

all holo numbers should be x3 from now on

>> No.56008797
File: 548 KB, 1535x2048, F3ZPwT2acAASDlY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56008806
File: 221 KB, 1330x1804, moom butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owl butt

>> No.56008820

if kronii actually kept her word and kept homo collabs off her channel would you have minded that?
i wouldn't but i wanna know what would be an "acceptable" outcome
no, you cannot say
"just don't collab with the boys"
it's a hypothetical where that option doesn't exist

>> No.56008822
Quoted by: >>56009027

Yea Marine talk about it before. That's why she cannot do lewd stuff anymore on her ch.

>> No.56008854
File: 1.81 MB, 3000x1944, 32108321432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56008860

Thats what usually happens when a schizo tries to shit on one of SNO

>> No.56008865
File: 195 KB, 666x666, 1689509344882070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koshien got 70k less than last year. But even more significant is the watchalong streams.

Last year the watchalong streams were like: 40k, 30k, 30k, 15k, 10k
so the total number of people watching Koshien was 450k

This year the watchalong streams were like:
6k, 6k
So the total number of people watching koshien was like 266k

It is bizarre and suspicious to see the difference in viewership especially for the EN watchalong which got 1/5 what it did last year.

>> No.56008864
File: 102 KB, 900x506, BF902710-64E1-4B0F-94D0-908C2A71C9AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignore Bae
>shoot my load to Mooms

>> No.56008874
File: 1.63 MB, 1240x1754, 1689797707578523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56008879

/#/ - Moombers

>> No.56008881
File: 698 KB, 1000x1407, F2al5w0bkAAEV-D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56009155

>> No.56008883

>Hololive will lose 2 months straight

>> No.56008888

What turns a woman from a wholesome 2view interacting with her vtuber peers on twitter into a holier than thou non responsive bitch? Just the holo contract?

>> No.56008915
File: 19 KB, 257x382, moomthigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her thighs are amazing

>> No.56008918

>bizarre and suspicious
lmao you fucking schizo. they've reclined, simple as

>> No.56008926

Same chan Kawaii~

>> No.56008935
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>> No.56008938

The JPY is down -8% from last year so the Nipponese are waging instead of watching

>> No.56008946

Lose what?

>> No.56008944

nijinogs love to target fauna and mooms because of the discord leak thing.

>> No.56008949
File: 121 KB, 1877x550, kroniiexplain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally every fucking Kronie was okay with that. That's what the whole unarchived member stream was. Her going back on her word was the killer. Kronies are fucking cucks anyways so they would have accepted that and just not watched the collabs.

>> No.56008986
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>> No.56009002
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>> No.56009009

>dude tries to start a shitpost on a new girl
>that shitposting goes on for about five minutes but starts to die down when people realize it's not a big deal
>regular schizo hijacks it to shit on their personal targets
>people get confused and think they're trying to defend everyone until they tip the hand and make it clear they're saying "no, this is bad, but you should hate them for doing it, too"
>everyone realizes what's going on and starts dogpiling the retard

>> No.56009013

really no reason to not watch it really
it's sunday + in the middle of an almost week long national holiday

>> No.56009018

koshien is over sis. you're out of ammo.

>> No.56009027
Quoted by: >>56012762

nigger is this your first day on the internet? go look around what type of MVs are out there
fuck even today Nui was flailing her half naked tits to 200K viewers
stop with this absolutely ridiculous damage control that marine is too lewd for youtube, faggot.

>> No.56009033
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So good news for thread quality or maybe bad news, HoloEN is having a special day today where most of the streams are before NA primetime. Streams soon

>> No.56009036
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>> No.56009041 [SPOILER] 
File: 200 KB, 750x750, 1684042973282840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hookeks will defend this

>> No.56009045

Biboo beat Genocide Sans on her first attempt (legit) but she modded it so that she was killing Mori instead while Mori watched

>> No.56009055
File: 37 KB, 463x453, 78E36BB1-819F-4520-8333-414C45B0293C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll take my borrowed viewers back

>> No.56009074

Does niji have anything left in the tank now that gayseball is over? Holo's still ahead by almost 100 gold.

>> No.56009076

>x-sama wearing platform shoes

>> No.56009131
File: 141 KB, 1080x1920, B84C2141-E0D0-49DE-99DE-B2FC7157784D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna impregnate the Mooms

>> No.56009134

Did HoloEN actually change their payment structure to be more like NijiEN? That's what sisters are saying in the thread.

>> No.56009142

Don't cry yet, wait untill 2024 #s

>> No.56009152
File: 304 KB, 1575x2048, 1682748251128102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56009195

>Niji has been losing for 3 years straight

>> No.56009155
File: 1.90 MB, 4624x2600, PXL_20230813_183724310~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56009174
Quoted by: >>56009235

>Fauna mobile ad shitpost game - 10k
>1/3 of nijiEN doing a watchalong collab for the biggest nijisanji event of the year - 6.5k

>> No.56009185
File: 361 KB, 421x766, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she's going to be the runt of this gen right?

>> No.56009195

Fauna's green really stands out in a sea of Mumei's. Very distinct and cute

>> No.56009204
Quoted by: >>56009487

>Yen going down
>"let's work more then"
bro the Yen going down just means that Honda and the like are gonna fucking cum over how many EVs they're gonna be able to ship to America as exports on the cheap
They're gonna get that big dick USD influx of cash as that really starts to take off (ESPECIALLY if a universal charge port gets worked out), the exporter's economy loves shitty currencies

>> No.56009222
File: 82 KB, 430x462, 166783345377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56009229

She flipped flopped twice from The start. Idk why people keep ignoring that when Kanatan collabing with males had less of an impact.

>> No.56009230

taking time of during debut month when everyone's sub growth is the fastest? yeah

>> No.56009235

>1/3 of nijiEN
I don't think that many of them cared about it

>> No.56009255

Yeah, they get paid in yagoobux now, only usable in the hololive's official store.

>> No.56009282

they care about leeching so yes

>> No.56009286
File: 843 KB, 1000x1086, 1691920392323494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If we decide to do another watchalong of koshien I'm absolutely gonna join in on that, because that would be very very exciting

>> No.56009290

Interesting test on Page Visibility API, if you add another listener using addEventListener('visibilitychange') made tab-out still count as CCV. Since the API can't remove listener without knowing the function, adding another one actually replacing the listener youtube had to check for tab visibility. Idk how you can exploit this tho without using userscript, since using iframe with youtube original link lock you out because of same-origin.

>> No.56009298

Went to sleep, how hard did koshien flop?

>> No.56009306
File: 1.40 MB, 909x1700, 1691069043429718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute baby biboo will never pander to disgusting lolicons like how gura purposefully and playfully open her legs to ojisans.

>> No.56009333

As long as she keeps the SCs rolling she will be fine. I’m more worried for Nerissa because putting out songs will be more expensive if that’s her “thing”.

>> No.56009332 [SPOILER] 
File: 99 KB, 788x1200, 1667876137800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coom deep in the moom woom

>> No.56009340

Does Mumei get sick because she walks around like this?

>> No.56009349
File: 190 KB, 800x800, 687867354876.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funni rrat

>> No.56009355
File: 411 KB, 391x715, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you ready to see the graph on this fucking overlap

>> No.56009364

That's the projection. Novelites need to accept this fact as soon as possible.

>> No.56009372
Quoted by: >>56016814

Honestly though Kronies should've seen this shit coming a mile away but they were actually too mentally ill too. Kronii was always a flake, always talked out both sides of her mouth. Always pretended she understood her fanbase but never actually did. She should've already known there was something severely wrong with them when they kept stalking her Minecraft account and that being a flip flopper wasn't a good idea. I had a friend who was a Kronie, who was on the "sheet", and he bailed on her before she even collabed with the homos because of her constant breaks, shit 3 stream weeks and all that other garbage. He's now watching Nerissa but he's also sworn off SC'ing.

>> No.56009382

250k peak, about 70k lower than last year.
The bigger story in my opinion is the watchalong streams. If you add together the watchalongs with the main stream last year, there was 450k people watching Koshien. But this year the watchalongs only got like 6k viewers, so the peak viewership of Koshien was only like 260k.

>> No.56009392

It surpassed expectations and managed to mogg Coco’s graduation

>> No.56009403
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Quoted by: >>56010707


>> No.56009404

Cringe. She's the only one using pre-chat with the disgusting ERP roleplayers gay homie ass sniffing gay farts

>> No.56009433

Should we count this Mori collab towards the EN tally? It's going to be mainly in Japanese and the main draw will be a JP guest.

>> No.56009467

it's in her channel, stop pre-coping

>> No.56009484
File: 228 KB, 542x474, F19C251B-DA66-4775-8096-D25D6F4B94B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at Bae’s graphs
I don’t like to look at gore anon……..

>> No.56009487

it doesn't really work like that for an island that has to import almost all of its inputs.

>> No.56009489

If it's on an EN channel it counts
When FWMC do their "Japanese Talking Stream" next week it'll also count

>> No.56009492

if its on her channel it counts to the cripple tally

>> No.56009500

Jogo no belo...

>> No.56009505

I want to sniff Shiorin's farts.

>> No.56009508

They're being retarded. The girls are getting a lesser cut of the cheap shit (acrylic stands, key chains, etc), but Cover is going to be putting up way more for sale than they have in the past.

>> No.56009523

Global numbers

>> No.56009559

Literally less Japanese every year, Niji dying, and no one else cares about that event. It’s so fucken over

>> No.56009591

Where are you getting this 450k number from? Wasn't it just Elira and Belmont doing the watchalong? I don't think they added 130k viewers together.

>> No.56009593
Quoted by: >>56011012

Mumei is going to cause Bae to haemorrhage viewers and its not going to be pretty. Bae already bleeds easily to other Council, and EN, but Mumei might be the worst overlap for her

>> No.56009607

>"Do you miss us too?" Yeah you know, actually, I kind of miss...um, streaming. It's just that, like, so BUSY. And like, h-how do I say this...usually the right- not right- but the usual time that I stream would be around like, y'know the evening, right? Like here it has to be like, maybe like, maybe... 12-ish, 1-ish...11-ish? What-not. And like, I keep missing it. So it's like "aaah everyone is probably asleep at around this time so I probably can't stream..." and then I come back for the nighttime and it's like 10 or 11 and it's like "Ugh, it's too late I'm gonna pass out". I am a night creature, yeah that's kind of ironic though, isn't it? I think I'm getting used to the jetlag.

>> No.56009617

What's next for niji now that Koshien has peaked and the new JP debuts aren't even hitting 20k CCVs?

>> No.56009622

In this vtuber industry, every day counts. One year is one year too long.

>> No.56009625

I'm sure they'll find some fucking retarded but somehow correct way to make it work again.
You know the famous adage:
>There are four types of countries. Developed countries, Undeveloped countries, Argentina and Japan

>> No.56009629

Holokeks lying again nothing new

>> No.56009659
File: 4 KB, 209x241, 1626542395886666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daily Dairy - Bloom - hololive Idol project

>> No.56009678

I mean in 2022 last year there were like 6 watchalong streams getting like 20k-30k viewers each, and it added up to 450k total viewers.
But this year there were just 2 watchalong streams and they only got 6k each

>> No.56009694

koshien flopped, there's a truth

>> No.56009718

I wish Hololive would do some more of that Minecraft Soccer. That was really fun to watch, and the ratings were high.

>> No.56009722
Quoted by: >>56009984

EN Managements were such a fucking faggot to stun EN's growth like that, all the while setting it up as tempiss' guard rails. I hope Yagoo is done with Omegay and his nepohires.

>> No.56009730
File: 354 KB, 1920x1080, 162361837381737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear it....Shiori~n!..

>> No.56009751

How do they plan to churn out new organs now that VTA is fucked anyway. Have they said what their plan for new debuts is?

>> No.56009755
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, 1667919207175822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56010064

I love them so much bros

>> No.56009801
File: 704 KB, 3859x616, 1685149857866057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56009939

<30k actually

>> No.56009825

I don't know if this is strictly /#/ related, but assuming the holocure achievements turn into steam achievements what do you think the global achievement stats are going to be like for gachikois?

>> No.56009827
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>> No.56009837

Why cant Nerrisa behave like Suisei.

>> No.56009867

too gay

>> No.56009872
File: 164 KB, 850x1511, 1660698588300194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So been traveling for a week so only been able to keep up a bit, anything interesting outside IRyS 3D and Koshien happen?

>> No.56009881

Kotoka is hosting nijinoon? Could be an easy global gold for her. Time for niji to teach holoEN a lesson.

>> No.56009887

>Myth has been in Hololive longer than Rushia

>> No.56009912
File: 233 KB, 1053x715, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56010052

??? There was just Elira and Belmont

>> No.56009913
Quoted by: >>56009996

>irys 3d
Wont even podium.

>> No.56009917

Suisei will behave like Nerrisa too if she has her tits and ass. Sadly she only has her voice.

>> No.56009923

*Cums all over you*

>> No.56009929

For the part about them being made steam achievements, I'm pretty sure Kay yu confirmed that, but he was limited to the amount he could make until he had a certain number of players due to the way Steam works.

>> No.56009939
File: 912 KB, 1251x706, sub-20k debut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56010036

>basing it on the highest number
come on, now.

>> No.56009943

I j*u and saw the numbers. a 70k recline? Jesus, I thought they'd at least limp over 300k. Gundou died for this massive recline.

>> No.56009958
File: 384 KB, 640x605, 1690867022779418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimmie a kiss

>> No.56009963

HoloID tournament went well, Pessi was canonized along with Di Marin

>> No.56009970
File: 384 KB, 1080x870, koshien2022watchalong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were only two Nijikoshien watchalongs that I can find last year.

>> No.56009973

>What's a Funnel
>What's a raid

>> No.56009984

The excuse they gave us is they thought the market was saturated. I’m sure to some extent it was true, but (and I have no idea if they realized this next part or not) they’re one of the only people who can grow the market.
Yeah, you’re going to get diminishing returns for new gens after opening a successful new branch, that sort of happens when something like Myth occurs. They should (hopefully now they do) think of it like maintenance in the future. You can’t grow shit when shit’s falling apart.

>> No.56009983


>> No.56009991

The Nyakuza shit is so out of the left field for what her entire character theme is. And why is she referring to her real family as nyakuza? Baffling

>> No.56009996
File: 442 KB, 693x725, 1691369357116368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your completely useless input.

>> No.56010004

We're gonna see 0.X% of players having hit it for all of them, I'm sure.

>> No.56010009

why are you still awake SEAster?

>> No.56010023

I will never forgive Omega and his Homos. The damage they have wrought cannot properly be conceived.

>> No.56010036

as much as I love to shit on nijishits
if we want to be fair, it should be the average

>> No.56010052
Quoted by: >>56010095

Holokek and lying, name a better dou lmao

>> No.56010053

Looks like niji will get at least 2 cripple golds in a row starting from today. NijiNoon and Rosemi's outfit are guaranteed. Mysta will probably get the majority of cripple golds until the end of the month after that.

>> No.56010064

if only Mumei's mic wasn't shit...

>> No.56010069

Stop coping ichimitranny.

>> No.56010075
File: 122 KB, 663x395, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last bastion of iluna falls before might of the doggos

>> No.56010095

The massive recline ain't a lie though

>> No.56010104
File: 531 KB, 618x689, 1677787639759152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56010118

I've been in and out of this place 3 times since suisei parent video, I'm lucky enough to bail out of vtuber around april 2022 that I didn't have to endure nijichinks and comeback around jan 2023 when tempoop debut. That shit made my blood boils so much knowing there's no EN3 when its already overdue too many days. Seeing the lackluster that EN around march made me bailout for the third time, good lord advent tug me in once more because of the trailer from twitter.

>> No.56010122
File: 141 KB, 800x800, 99CBA1EC-1BF4-4975-AE32-B684C431C5F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56016388

Finally all the mumei Lewds are done

>> No.56010123
Quoted by: >>56010172

I'll give you NijiNoon and MAYBE Rosemi's outfit, but Mysta hasn't (iirc) pulled a Gold despite having been in graduation mode for a month straight.
I'm POSITIVE he'll get one for the actual graduation, but the others? I dunno.

>> No.56010129 [SPOILER] 
File: 176 KB, 960x717, 20220701_171311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't beat the record holder. Couldn't even top previous year's numbers.

>> No.56010136


>> No.56010139

No, they didn't. It's a combination of Cover releasing more merch and the talents streaming less while also having their events delayed, which pushes payouts further downwards.

>> No.56010172
Quoted by: >>56010192

Mysta still hasn't gotten a cripple medal this month.

>> No.56010179
Quoted by: >>56010264

That never stopped Japan for its entire postwar history. They get all their raw materials from countries with even shittier currencies than them (why do you think Japan and SEA are so close?). The main economic effect for normal people is imported consumer products which they don’t need being more expensive. Which is already true…that’s kind of why they have a reputation for shit being expensive.

>> No.56010184
File: 509 KB, 638x874, 2022 vs 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok no you're right. I got confused because I am EOP and I didn't realize the other streams weren't watchalongs.
But here is what it looks like

>> No.56010192

But surely he has some points on the board, right?

>> No.56010194

Wow that just sounds sad. I usually make fun of kronies for being cucks but I kinda feel bad for some of them. Maybe having an oshi like Kronii is just not worth it. After all she chose reddit and twitter roasties over her fans

>> No.56010208
Quoted by: >>56010465

NijiEN also grew the market with Luxiem but fucked everything up. While I also believe they were wrong keeping Advent until now, I can see them trying with Tempus to make more market, but they fumble it hard and now may be over like StarsJP.
I still think VSPO could bring more people with the right talents but that's like having another Gura in the world.

>> No.56010209


>> No.56010227

Wonder if Vspo know the state of the holo subreddit as their trying to use/take over their own


>> No.56010251

Nah Rosemi outfit would peak 12K since Luca peaked at 24K

>> No.56010262

>If you add together the watchalongs with the main stream last year, there was 450k people watching Koshien.
you must be really proud of this joke because you repeat it every thread

>> No.56010264

Can't believe they managed to actually snag the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere by just not being faggots and conquering with military force, and instead just using normal business contracts

>> No.56010283
Quoted by: >>56010491

Probably just the chinese audience leaving that explains this. Belmond is 100% japanese audience and he is staying consistent.

>> No.56010288
Quoted by: >>56010361

Always gets me when they answered investors' questions about the possibility of debuting new gens with slimy answers such as "We are trying to maximize the potential of the girls and blah blah blah", not knowing that audience retention is important to the box when your girls fucked off most of the time to do their idol reps or being sick.

>> No.56010306

Since Niji finally won a month and has a chance to win another, let's see how they're doing after Koshien compared to last year.
>Last year
>>/vt/thread/30987110#p30987498 (for some reason tally anon wasn't posting the medal count for a few days)

Hololive 139, Niji 77.

>This year
>>55995216 (+1 for Niji to include today)

Hololive 153, Niji 56. Grim.

>> No.56010351

You should rather ask if they know state of Niji subreddit which is basically dead

>> No.56010361

>slimy answers
But that's legit.
It's way better to cultivate your existing talent and fine-tune for new debuts, over throwing new gens out willy-nilly.

>> No.56010385
File: 96 KB, 642x581, shio-rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the runt

>> No.56010405
File: 514 KB, 2000x2743, 16265423958868505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56010455

>Muh 500k Koshien
>Muh Luka watch along
>And other retarded niji delusions
Embarrassing. Go back to your general retard.

>> No.56010425

well at least belmond inclined 300 viewers
the mcdonald buff is real

>> No.56010428

There's nothing wrong with being lower on the number pole compared with her genmates, as long as she's still pulling, anon

>> No.56010441
Quoted by: >>56010534

What about the rest?

>> No.56010455
Quoted by: >>56011273

Coco doesn’t want anything to do with you retards anymore lmao

>> No.56010462

I know about her current performance. What I'm pointing out is that she's taking a break like Sanner did which may fuck up her growth

>> No.56010465

It's good if they can ride the hype of Advent, but now that Advent is there, and HoloEN streams at their all-time high, it's gonna be quite a challenge.

>> No.56010474

>SC Cope
Where were you faggots for Sana?

>> No.56010483

From 5 digits to 4 digits to 3 digits. Grim.

>> No.56010491
Quoted by: >>56011120

chinese never watched them
it's japanese fans that got tired of the black company and how they treat their talents
a lot of the graduations, 2%, gundou fiasco and many many more soured the experience

>> No.56010508
File: 182 KB, 264x246, 1633664315622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which fast food chain should partner with Hololive?
Personally, I think they'd do best with Burger King.

>> No.56010533
File: 56 KB, 933x598, Sana was actually OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56010621

Has anyone got a better viewer to sub ratio than Sana?

>> No.56010534

Why do I want to fuck that owl?

>> No.56010549

Shiori will be the runt based on subs count but she will be 2nd or maybe 1st in terms of SCs. Biboo or maybe Nerissa will be SC runt.
The real battle is on merch sales but it's still too early to check those numbers.

>> No.56010550

Holy shit. That EN recline. You can tell most of ENs viewers didn't care about the event. They were only there because of Luxiem.

>> No.56010580

Oh so you're telling me it never had any chance of beating Coco's record?
That's wonderful sweetheart, now please go home.

>> No.56010581
Quoted by: >>56010800

No Salome this year though. Understandable.

>> No.56010585
Quoted by: >>56016702

Doggos will dominate merch

>> No.56010593
File: 382 KB, 1192x382, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will the numbers be on this one?

>> No.56010597
Quoted by: >>56010713

holy these dogs will get 500k before friday

>> No.56010606


>> No.56010608
Quoted by: >>56010676

twitter numbers
the faces are kinda ugly

>> No.56010621
Quoted by: >>56010682

You could also interpret it as each subscriber only viewed her content 38 times, thereby being the worst ratio.

>> No.56010671


>> No.56010676
Quoted by: >>56010861

>top-tier animation
>"unique" style that kind of looks off for the faces
At least Ina seems to look better than Gura's face

>> No.56010682

Ah, so you mean they were less likely to actually continue to watch her videos after subbing. Yeah I didn't think about that.

>> No.56010707

take care of yourself, she's got no time for you.

>> No.56010713
File: 117 KB, 700x605, 1691462979474366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before friday
Friday literally already happened, dumbass, that was two days ago

>> No.56010745
Quoted by: >>56011099

VSPO gold today with Hinano's first ever 3D live

>> No.56010761
File: 43 KB, 319x158, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56011959

they saw the youtube cull live

>> No.56010764
File: 136 KB, 537x585, muh koshien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56010770

>NijiEN female
>getting gold on an outfit reveal
roru. rumao even.

Which was exactly what they did with Tempiss and Tempoop.

>> No.56010782
Quoted by: >>56010849

nta, that would just mean the next friday dumbass

>> No.56010783
Quoted by: >>56010849

anon... every week has a friday

>> No.56010788
File: 278 KB, 615x489, 1691550948941161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56011830


>> No.56010800

She is still part of the company?

>> No.56010849

What the fuck are you talking about
Friday JUST HAPPENED, and now you retards are going on like "Oh, b-but we meant the NEXT TIME there's a friday"
Okay, come on, you misread the calendar you don't have to cope about it

>> No.56010861

It kinda gives me "Tumblr, but 3D" vibes. Then again, Gura's supposed to look like a deformed monster, and Ina kinda looks like Violet Parr.

>> No.56010876

McDonalds with worldwide reach so I can have a Happy Meal Sora toy

>> No.56010900
Quoted by: >>56011102

sorry you're a retard

>> No.56010959
Quoted by: >>56011102

He doubled down

>> No.56010966

>fine-tune for new debuts
They didn't spend their time "fine-tuning for new debuts", they spent their time debuting homos. They tried this two times with Tempiss and Tempoop, July-August when the anticipation of a new gen is ramping up, and they also knew that December-January was time for idol reps and the busiest month for the girls, and anticipated that most of the girls would be either in Japan or on vacation. That's why they debuted Tempoop to try to fill that void, taking advantage of the circumstances, but it backfired really hard.

>> No.56010982

They already have an in with Taco Bell.

>> No.56010984
File: 4 KB, 399x85, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56011102


>> No.56011004

Wendy's or nothing. Give me my Gawr spicy nugs.

>> No.56011012

Mumei being the company’s top Holocure player doesn’t help either.

>> No.56011018

Man, Risotto really fell off. I have literally never heard of anything from this guy outside that one time he decided to tweet to everyone in hololive.

>> No.56011046
File: 188 KB, 1200x804, 20230813_143757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vtuber shelf life
Kizuna AI losing relevancy quickly and softly graduating in shame of her inability to adept to the current trends. Most of the old guard being shitters and bargain bin level. NijiCN not even lasting a year before cratering into the dumpsters of obscurity and irrelevancy. Vshojo being stagnant ants as usual.

>> No.56011048

Holokeks should worry about Pekora rather than koshien. The recline can be explainable by King not participating and a boring and predictable final match. Pekora's unexplainable recline is more concerning.

>> No.56011051

Marriage with mumei. Life with mumei. Autistic, ngmi children with mumei.

>> No.56011068

Where the fuck is Vesper, I just want to see the ending of this arc already

>> No.56011079
Quoted by: >>56011166

Who's the 2view on the left

>> No.56011099

>between 30k-40k

>> No.56011102

>y-you're the retard I t-totally didn't fuck up my calendar reps
If you meant "NEXT Friday," you'd have said "NEXT FRIDAY"
You said "FRIDAY," but we ALREADY HAD Friday this week, and there won't be a Friday until next week, so you clearly meant "THIS Friday" because you didn't say "NEXT Friday."
It's embarrassing to be coping like this, come on

>> No.56011104


>> No.56011120
Quoted by: >>56012137

Really? Nipjifags usually don't care about their side branches though.

>> No.56011141
Quoted by: >>56011202

Where are the tallies?

>> No.56011154


>> No.56011159


>> No.56011166

Some Niji whore

>> No.56011165

why is he barking.... is he looking for his gift card?

>> No.56011171

The homos will probably get their final gen this fiscal year but I can see them wanting to debut EN at the start of the next fiscal year.

>> No.56011193

Nijikeks should learn english

>> No.56011198
Quoted by: >>56011244

Why do the twins keep trying EU primetime? They were only able to reach 12k after trying it twice already.

>> No.56011202

last thread

>> No.56011225
Quoted by: >>56011290

If you think that’s bad, try and remember Sonny Brisko. You just can’t. He’s the most invisible member to ever grace NijiEN

>> No.56011233

Kys hoomans

>> No.56011242

Gura/Kiara is going to overlap Nerissa btw

>> No.56011244

Because eventually they'll need to spread the fuck out. They can't do this overlap shit forever, debut buff numbers won't protect them infinitely

>> No.56011255

Gura streaming today, horror collab with Kiara

>> No.56011273

don't worry, it's mutual

>> No.56011285
Quoted by: >>56011364

Surprise surpise it's already Monday in EU and JP faggot
Maybe you do your timezone reps?

>> No.56011290

Well he's really good at disappearing so that's not really surprising.

>> No.56011293
Quoted by: >>56011645

[Extremely alarming news] Doxxsite sisters got wind of the "viewfarm using incognito" discussion here a couple of threads ago and is planning something retarded.

>> No.56011296
Quoted by: >>56016282

He's still a super random leech. Last time I saw him he showed up in Niu's (random jap from Neoporte) birthday stream and sang her a birthday song then they tried to talk to each other for a minute or so but couldn't because he doesn't speak Japanese and she doesn't speak English and then he dipped. I was confused as to why he showed up there so I tried to ask around to see if they had some sort of relationship that would explain him calling into her birthday stream but apparently nope, it was just him doing his usual rawdog leeching attempts but this girl was small enough to actually accept.

>> No.56011299
File: 462 KB, 2893x4092, 20230812_010341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ame

>> No.56011304

McDonald's for Hololive as a whole, Taco Bell for Gura.

>> No.56011309
Quoted by: >>56014664

But Japan is very important for the twins. Even Marine said she wants to watch Fuwamoco play Sakura Wars; however, since it’s at EU primetime, which is at 5am Japan time, she won’t be able to see it.

Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs6C5i79s5M

>> No.56011325

Even if I take your calendar seriously, it shows that Sunday is the first day of the week. The Friday that you are referring to is from last week. The Friday five days from now is not "NEXT Friday" but "THIS Friday".

>> No.56011333
File: 78 KB, 580x379, 282635473754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56011733

It was 370k-380k not 450k

>> No.56011341

>Gura horror

>> No.56011345

... you're a retard

>> No.56011356


>> No.56011363

Gura and Kiara? As weird as it can get.
I guess the ID fes helped the chicken to get the collab.

>> No.56011364

>it's already Monday in EU
No it isn't you retarded nigger

>> No.56011369

Hungry Jacks

>> No.56011373

>/#/ can't even read a calendar
Are you guys doing okay

>> No.56011379

Another Sub10k stream for Nerissa today.

>> No.56011380
Quoted by: >>56011652

ESLnig, Suisei designed herself

>> No.56011400

It's Monday in Australia

>> No.56011415
Quoted by: >>56011546

>protect them
from what?

>> No.56011430
File: 243 KB, 810x767, 1680681598974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't say no to Gura
Puppetmaster Shark...

>> No.56011436

Fine, JP

>> No.56011451

What recline? Pekora is stronger than ever.

>> No.56011478

All knees bend to the shark in time.

>> No.56011483
Quoted by: >>56012123

Hololive is still really strong despite that. They will fall soon enough. I wonder who will replace them in the west.

>> No.56011492
File: 213 KB, 639x456, January 14th 2021, Hololive Global General Thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another Sametori collab
Anyone remember this one?

>> No.56011498

why the heroes theme? to mog nijisanji's debut numbers?

>> No.56011503
Quoted by: >>56018128

I am confident that a yearly holo kickball tournament ala the 4chinz cup could beat koshien. Why won't they do it.

>> No.56011508
File: 715 KB, 1252x1186, 1678174346463198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is just sad to look at.

>> No.56011519

I doubt Kobo can attract that many tourists nowadays. I hope I am wrong though since I like Kobo.

>> No.56011523
Quoted by: >>56011570

They've always been H3roes as a gen

>> No.56011528
Quoted by: >>56011570

Anon... that's the gen name, holoh3roes

>> No.56011546

True, since the others in advent would need it more

>> No.56011555

Why, he's doing numbers for his company average

>> No.56011560

is he at least getting good supers?

>> No.56011567

*nuts in your oshi*

>> No.56011570

for real? didnt know that

>> No.56011598

I'm actually quite interested to see what his final superchat total will be. If it's anywhere decent, it's going to start a trend within the branch.

>> No.56011599


>> No.56011617
File: 49 KB, 1019x480, 1624470274603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56011670

>overlaps Nerissa again
>forces Kiara to overlap her too

>> No.56011626
Quoted by: >>56011660

are we ready for a Kobo lewds day?

>> No.56011638

>Gura hates Nerissa so much she pulls Kiara onto a collab just to get her to overlap her oshi

>> No.56011645

Screens please?

>> No.56011650
File: 84 KB, 523x223, 1681663687098390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56011725

Add 650k from the first 12 hours for his total.

>> No.56011652
Quoted by: >>56011851

Stop pretending that Suisei is sexy nigger. I am just saying Nerrisa got the best curves in as a Holo vsinger.

>> No.56011660

I've fucking BEEN ready

>> No.56011670
Quoted by: >>56011847

maybe try not to stream at gura o'clock?

>> No.56011689

Twins will play holocure ? Are they going to fight over a controller ?

>> No.56011693
File: 34 KB, 536x283, enhorrorcollab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura Power harassment. Do as the shork says chicken.

>> No.56011719

That only works if you had talents that...you know... actually streamed. HoloEN had the exact opposite problem of NijiEN where there were periods of time where they didn't have enough members streaming to hold down the fort while the heavy hitters were sick, on hiatus, or doing idol/project reps. There were days when it was literally just 1 or 2 talents streaming during the EN dry spell which is absolutely Grim beyond belief.

>> No.56011723

One round each.

>> No.56011725


>> No.56011733
Quoted by: >>56011825

Yeah, now the recline doesn't seem so severe. I guess 2023 isn't that much of a downgrade over 2022.

>> No.56011741

Fuwawa will verbally accost Mococo while secretly sexually assaulting her

>> No.56011761

Predictions for the FWMC stream?

>> No.56011783

>becomes most watched female streamer in the world
>sudden muh recline spam
Is this some sort of ironic meme you noutards are trying to push?

>> No.56011787
Quoted by: >>56012504


>> No.56011791

Gura further ruining Kiara's sleep schedule kek
>I can't say no to gura

>> No.56011798

>wont stream my pov
>cant say no to Gura
based Gura asserting dominance

>> No.56011805
Quoted by: >>56012504

10k at most
the eventual part 2 will be grim

>> No.56011808
File: 102 KB, 450x167, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56011920

idk i have extreme numberrot.

>> No.56011810
Quoted by: >>56012504

Last two in EU primetime were 12k each, I believe. So maybe 10k? Japan is asleep.

>> No.56011813
Quoted by: >>56012504

Fuwawa will be horny on main while Mococo struggles to not cum as Fuwawa continues sexually assaulting her to get noises out of her

>> No.56011825
Quoted by: >>56011914

>a 100k loss in total viewership isn't severe

>> No.56011830

Wait I'm starting to think these girls actually like each other

>> No.56011832

Easy 14k

>> No.56011837

10k - 13k tops.

>> No.56011840
Quoted by: >>56012278

Was gura talking about a horror game on stream recently?

>> No.56011847

is jork
actually this may give Kiara a chance to call in the Nerissa Terraria stream, and maybe even get roped into the game
would be a great outcome for everyone involved

>> No.56011851

You can't even fucking spell her name correctly you stupid fucking ESL, get out of here

>> No.56011864
Quoted by: >>56012504

more than Mysta graduation buff streams

>> No.56011872
Quoted by: >>56012504

Kotoka has a guaranteed EN gold today. Who cares? Advent is irrelevant.

>> No.56011884

Nerissa does open voice chat gura set up a massive horror collab with multiple members to overlap her and make sure no one attends. I

>> No.56011886
Quoted by: >>56013117

>forcing kiara to stream at non-retarded hours

>> No.56011892
Quoted by: >>56012050

Kinda sounds like it's a bigger group than just SameTori. Wonder if it's for Phasmo.

>> No.56011893

Gura mandated.

>> No.56011897
Quoted by: >>56011979


>> No.56011898
File: 275 KB, 1024x768, 17283782765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More reasons to accelerate an EN4 and EN5. With EN box currently healing, and the competition losing grip on the market and losing their audience. Accelerating an EN4 would be like delivering the finishing blow. The final nail in the coffin. The final todome.

>> No.56011899

So which Holo is going to play 2hu 19 on stream first?

>> No.56011902
Quoted by: >>56012504

13k max. The second stream will be the first 4 digits stream of them.

>> No.56011914
Quoted by: >>56012105

How isn't it? People weren't as baseball crazy as they were last year. 2024 will probably be in the 245~ range again.

>> No.56011920
Quoted by: >>56011989

is he getting money to graduate and leave?

>> No.56011918
Quoted by: >>56011977

>Easy 14k
But there last two streams at this time were 12k

>> No.56011922

Wendy's. Wendy's I think has more worldwide spread than Taco Bell which they did already and Fubuki already has a viral clip and meme relating to Wendy's.

>> No.56011933

Someone save Luna from her obsession with Fallout 4's shitty settlement system

>> No.56011936


>> No.56011958

How did it work out for NijiEN sis?

>> No.56011959
Quoted by: >>56017629


>> No.56011960
Quoted by: >>56012504

If they get to 10K today in that slot with that game… maybe 9K

>> No.56011964
Quoted by: >>56012095

>save Luna from (the best part of Fallout 4)

>> No.56011967
Quoted by: >>56016724

Kiara has had a huge soft spot for Gura for a year or so.

>> No.56011975

EN gamers to kill VSPO EN hype and its done

>> No.56011977

I have already foreseen it.

>> No.56011979
Quoted by: >>56012119

Why are you madrys at Kiararys?

>> No.56011988
Quoted by: >>56012209

Advent unity is even stronger than 2020-21 Myth unity
the new brand of trinityniggers that have attached themselves to the dog will look like even bigger clowns than the originals

>> No.56011989

He's funding a music cover. yeah.....a cover

>> No.56011987

she'd just find another shitty building game to play. just let the princess do her thing.

>> No.56012006
File: 70 KB, 1080x578, 987776t65456644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over...

>> No.56012018

>Us hours
>Nanora only at 7.5k
What he fuck are Americans doing

>> No.56012050

I was thinking the same. Perhaps a 4 person stream would be fun. I doubt advent members will be in it cause Gura was talking about not being able to @ people in discord. Maybe she dragged Kiara along to do the @ for her.

>> No.56012061

oh nyo

>> No.56012068

Nerissa going full fucking Mori and has no one who could join her VC lol

>> No.56012074
Quoted by: >>56012402

>yeah man just accelerate that worked out so good for everyone else
It didn't even work out for fucking StarsEN and those fags actually had Cover resources

>> No.56012079

there is no way they could surpass Koshien watchalong right? is the biggest event for Nijisanji, there is no way!!!

>> No.56012095

Calm down Todd

>> No.56012101
Quoted by: >>56012141

This is her RUST replacement for now.

>> No.56012105

It doesn't matter what reason you come up with, it is still a severe drop in viewership

>> No.56012109
File: 261 KB, 750x422, 7C0AC67B-05A4-42C5-B053-296962B72953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart chicken, she knows what happens if she doesn’t listen

>> No.56012118

I will join.

>> No.56012119

Whose not mad at her? The chumbuds probably arent here yet. But prepare for the eventual shitshow.

>> No.56012123
File: 521 KB, 720x954, 1677323724534125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56012177

Nijivermin will never learn from those who came before them. KeK LoL

>> No.56012137

it's not a side branch thing

>> No.56012141

How about a Fallout 76 arc?

>> No.56012142

>no one who could join her VC
Biboo will be on there as soon as the karaoke is done and you know it
Not to mention Fuwamoco are NOT streaming for four hours

>> No.56012151
Quoted by: >>56012278

Just out of curiosity, has Kaela played a multiplayer horror game recently?

>> No.56012156
Quoted by: >>56012196

Does Luna know about No Man's Sky settlement system?

>> No.56012177

>nothing stays popular forever
This faggot didn't even know about Wheels

>> No.56012181
Quoted by: >>56012219

Only if Phil and Todd pays the promotion.

>> No.56012196
Quoted by: >>56012563

can you have fights on NMS?

>> No.56012198
Quoted by: >>56012224

Starfield is coming

>> No.56012209

I'm kind of curious who exactly you're referring to. Even the cgdct posters agree it's 5/5* for EN3 so far. Bringing up trintiyfags from 3 years ago is bizarre

>> No.56012219
Quoted by: >>56012476

Have you seen Phil recently
The man will throw billions at anything to make people want to play Xbox games
he already threw money at Hololive before, he can do it again

>> No.56012225
Quoted by: >>56012286

So true Nijisister! #cut4hex

>> No.56012224


>> No.56012244

>Bae and Fauna will have most likely wrapped up
>Kiara when she finishes the horror game
>Biboo when she finishes karaoke
yeah don't hold your breath for it

>> No.56012250

Fallout 4 has some of the grimest settlement system that some random modder in ws could literally do better than them with half the time and effort.

>> No.56012258

The terminal shitposters that have always wanted to bring trinityposting back, I'm sure

>> No.56012272

Probably them being "forced" to be together helped.
Plus the recruitment team also probably tried to look for those who are not pricks.

>> No.56012278
Quoted by: >>56012380

Nah only games Gura talked about playing multiplayer is, devour, dark and darker, pay day and amogus. It’s probably devour

>> No.56012286

So true #coom4moom

>> No.56012317

the ones who were camping /baubau/ last night
it's just shitposters, but their style is the exact same as trinityniggers back then

>> No.56012318


>> No.56012321

It's up

>> No.56012327
Quoted by: >>56012520


>> No.56012336

>The Usada Galactic Federation vs The Hololive Resistance
I need a space war arc between holos so bad

>> No.56012354

Kiara can’t say no to her boss mr jap

>> No.56012355


>> No.56012358
File: 131 KB, 1071x734, Shiorischizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware of being baited

>> No.56012369
File: 736 KB, 3042x4096, 1659292810878220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's too embarrassing for Mumei

>> No.56012380

I think she also talked about for the king but that's not horror so yea.

>> No.56012391

yeah, Rissa is doomed in this timeslot. Gurame stream later

>> No.56012394

Jesus, I can't remember the last time I've seen this grouping.

>> No.56012401

won't beat kotoka

>> No.56012402
File: 282 KB, 627x680, 1687549885616380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual nijivermin Retard.
>Comparing stars shitter tempiss homos to Hololive
Holy retard.

>> No.56012410

Advent-Shiori will be there for sure

>> No.56012426

>amesametori horror
holy buff

>> No.56012446
Quoted by: >>56012532

>reddit lover wants acceleration
that tracks

>> No.56012447

Is it time? Has Watson finally stopped debuffing herself?

>> No.56012461
Quoted by: >>56012543

HoloEN should hop off my dick with this buff content, Jesus, it's like 10 fucking hours every single night of karaokes, horror games, holocure, collabs, my god, how am I supposed to do anything with my life other than watch Hololive

>> No.56012476

That's why I say it. I want Phil to pay Hololive to play 76 and revive the god damn game.

>> No.56012490

Oh is shirori gone already? Lets fucking go, pnly good advent for whatever time shes gone

>> No.56012504
File: 21 KB, 501x454, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56012520

Why would you crosspost something numbers watched live and know didn't happen? Are you retarded or something?

>> No.56012522


>> No.56012521
Quoted by: >>56012672

What did Nerissa do to gura she didn't go this hard against sana.

>> No.56012525

idk if you're new, but it was one of the classic Nijicopes, straight off the list, that they had a higher "combined ccv" or bigger nijibox
> #21 Just combine the peak CCV of all our streams and we win (>>13902618 <span class="deadlink">>>28700309 >>28701249)</span>
And it was true to an extent. NijiEN's daily viewership and new debuts were still inclining until they accelerated too hard with Iluna and then yabbed themselves into the ground.
It's all about finding a sweetspot. Niji went way too fast and Holo went way too slow. EN5 shouldn't even be a thought yet, but I do think EN could stand to up the tempo just a little but for EN4 and get them out faster than the time between Myth -> Council.

>> No.56012532

>t. A seething nijivermin crying that their dying branch is irrelevant and bargain bin

>> No.56012534
Quoted by: >>56012641

The fact that you're getting (You)s still means that either the tourists are still here or anons are just that bored.

>> No.56012536
Quoted by: >>56012584

I miss Vesper...

>> No.56012539
Quoted by: >>56013141


>> No.56012543

I love HoloEN

>> No.56012549

Calling others retarded while stuffing your ass with anal beads as you go off your wild tangents about the UFO landing in your oshi's crack isnt what i call very marketable material. Have you tried calling for help?

>> No.56012562
File: 147 KB, 1234x280, 1677884504266177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your 24 hour begathon losing to your Wavemate sleeping on stream
How does one cope with this /#/?

>> No.56012563

Both space battle and ground battles even

>> No.56012584

dont worry termination announcement is coming soon

>> No.56012585

why collab with turborunts

>> No.56012607
Quoted by: >>56012898

Strange it's only 3. Seems like a few girls would gladly jump into the 4th spot.

>> No.56012619
Quoted by: >>56012766

Holy shit, that's a rare group

>> No.56012621

9 months would probably be good for EN4. It'd give the branch a hype injection shortly before the next batch of anniversaries and it'll give JP and ID space to do new debuts too.

>> No.56012627
Quoted by: >>56013027

This is probably the sister shitpost that backfires the worst.

>> No.56012641

No streams except Luna autism, anon
Besides, everyone likes to play with a retard for a little

>> No.56012649

>Gura started the collab
Get cgdct get saved

>> No.56012653

Can we relegate NijiEN to the small corpo tally already?

>> No.56012672

She said she chose this specific timeslot so she has time to watch Kiara before streaming.

>> No.56012681
Quoted by: >>56012820

>Just want to watch Gura
>Cunt of a former oshi is there half that time anymore

>> No.56012686

And believe me. If the ENbox looks grim to investors and mangement. Stop thinking about EN4 anytime soon buddy.

>> No.56012718
File: 368 KB, 1181x676, Screenshot 2023-08-13 124404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time, ichimin?

>> No.56012740

Kotoka will probably get 40k today, going by the previous nijinoon numbers. Sharkie can't beat that even with karaoke.

>> No.56012762

Too angry anon? Touch your tits. You will feel better.

>> No.56012766
Quoted by: >>56012846

Council is busy

>> No.56012787

What is a nijinoon?

>> No.56012791

is koshien still going?

>> No.56012797
File: 353 KB, 391x413, 1629912073333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara + Ame + Gura
Has this format ever existed before now?
And adding onto that, do we have like, a spreadsheet for all the streams ever done where you can do a quick lookup and see if a particular combo has ever happened?

>> No.56012800

will do

>> No.56012821

Have to wait for another couple of waves and a lil bit more graduation for them to fall that low but they'll get there soon.

>> No.56012820
Quoted by: >>56013057

kill yourself retard

>> No.56012827
Quoted by: >>56012940

Where the fuck are the numbers

>> No.56012832


>> No.56012846
Quoted by: >>56012984

doing what? fucking mumei and bae are playing holocure

>> No.56012863 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56012910

>Nijiniggers in charge of predicting numbers

>> No.56012869

they're busy winning raspberry tally already

>> No.56012877


>> No.56012883

Dance class collab

>> No.56012893

She won't get this number even if it's a graduation stream

>> No.56012898
Quoted by: >>56013225

Nerissa is pinging Gura right now to be the 4th

>> No.56012910

Why are you so obsessed with us?

>> No.56012917

all below 10k

>> No.56012940

12345 here you faggot

>> No.56012965

No need to flood that fast. An EN4 debuting on the first quarter of the next fiscal year is already quick enough and gives a decent time for Advent to find their footing.

>> No.56012977
File: 565 KB, 367x265, 1638359695775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind if I do

>> No.56012981

Niji focused too much on one season to the point of removing one liver, costing them their overall performance
It's like winning the battle, but losing the war

>> No.56012984

Let me ask them

>> No.56013003

10k, take it or leave it

>> No.56013004

I have seen people posting all the HoloEN collabs but I didn't save it and I'm too lazy to look for it

>> No.56013006

GRIMMMMM tell me why HoloEN even deserves to exist. They only need Gura as the mascot.

>> No.56013009

>only 400 waiting for the shark
it's over

>> No.56013013
Quoted by: >>56013109

It's fucking over

>> No.56013027
File: 479 KB, 429x601, 1679579862211700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i just wanted to coom4moom so posted it for fun. I don't think even a sister would be tone deaf enough to post this and think it's an own. Hoomans take pride in having the sexiest imouto wife.

>> No.56013032

Hey, at least Ver the Beggar got some sweet SCs. Hex's dildo cannot outdo Ver's shamelessness.

>> No.56013046
File: 779 KB, 1280x720, build.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 Luna's build

>> No.56013057

Seethe teacuck

>> No.56013076


>> No.56013106

Gura has been talking about them recently but I don't remember the 3 ever doing a collab with just them.

>> No.56013109
Quoted by: >>56013446


>> No.56013112
File: 237 KB, 1381x470, FD58ACA1-928B-460B-BC7B-8C961AB3AFC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56014066

Yeah her ccv is dead once she comes back

>> No.56013117
Quoted by: >>56013315

But what about the poor defenseless Europeans?

>> No.56013126
File: 17 KB, 811x132, 1687934137345917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56013520


>> No.56013129

Were you the original coom4moon poster? I assumed a sister came up with it a few days ago.

>> No.56013133

EN4 should be out Q1 2024 but I think they also need to release another Vsinger in the meanwhile so can Project Hope doesn't stand as a one woman show.

>> No.56013134


>> No.56013136

DC wasteland needs her expertise

>> No.56013141

>Amesame buff
>Kiara debuff

>> No.56013152
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, 1682748251128142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dumb anon has to resort to feigning stupidity to make a very deluded point
RoRumao kekmao Kusa Kusa Rumao Rumao. I laughed.

>> No.56013176

Project Purity who?

>> No.56013195 [DELETED] 

Why do you sound brown?

>> No.56013202

? wdym? You mean earning a fuckload of caps via purified water?

>> No.56013213

No new ENs will happen until JP7. I guarantee it

>> No.56013225

There's a company policy that no one after council is allowed to interact with Gura unless Gura initiates contact.

>> No.56013235

Insane twitter fujos don't understand male psychology, it's why they drive their own oshis insane and out of the industry and don't even realize why

>> No.56013242

so what can niji do to compete in the tally now?

>> No.56013247
File: 1.70 MB, 1268x705, 1677801874860654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56013275
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, tigu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went digging for the Chigusa VTL thing and found a minor nijiyab that didn't make its way /here/.
> Nijifes 2022
> Chigusa commentating some event "Backyard" or something.
> "I thought I heard a bunch of panting noises but it turned out to be just Salome-san talking."
> Throwaway line, no one really cared much.
> Gwelu tweeted out this line as the "highlight of Nijifes", thanking Chigusa for the comedy.
> Chigusa replied to him, chastising him for bringing it up, and then "clarified" that when she was in the toilet she heard something like an "aaaAAAaa" but apparently it was just the last part of "desuwa~".
> Gwelu then said that he implied it in a roundabout way (so as to just be funny and not offensive), so why was she being so direct about it?
> The 2nd and 3rds tweets were then deleted after a while. Gwelu's original tweet is still there.
> A while back Chigusa had told her audience not to make dirty jokes and sekuhara type jokes about her.
> Comment on Chigusa's stream brought up that statement "After saying that about yourself why are you making such dirty jokes about a kouhai you've barely interacted with when she's not even there? Isn't it just catty gossip and hypocrisy on your part?"
> Starts explaining about how it was not a big deal but starts crying in between (https://youtu.be/pAZVN5d0AbQ?t=373).).
> She apologized to Salome privately.
> Some of them then proceeded to spam Salome to make a follow-up statement but Salome never bothered and it died off.
Being in Nijisanji seems stressful a f when you can't even make small jokes about each other without getting flamed.

>> No.56013284


>> No.56013301

Graduation relay

>> No.56013313
File: 497 KB, 1280x529, 1691423212376949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56013465

>> No.56013315

>Kiara primetime est
Let's goooooooooooooo. Now americans can watch her too. 15k+ every stream

>> No.56013323

>nijinoon today
>rosemi outfit tomorrow
>last leg of mysta's graduation buff, so his numbers will skyrocket from now on
looks like a pretty easy month for nijiEN, all things considered.

>> No.56013324

Why couldn't they just do this in Fallout 3?

>> No.56013327
File: 501 KB, 1351x638, 1678625769321265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek a ledge. No one likes your kind in these threads.

>> No.56013345

>make a game where the entire conflict is driven by needing a god-tier terraforming device to allow people to purify water
>next game you make
>they're literally purifing water with shitboxes you whip up from scrap everywhere
Bethesda really showing us all how Bostonians are inherently superior

>> No.56013359

Meh, this is just japanese autism

>> No.56013367

Didn't Ibrahim make similar comments about having to walk on eggshells when making jokes about other livers? Wtf is going on over there?

>> No.56013375


>> No.56013379

the fuck is nijinoon?

>> No.56013380

It can't be that bad if she's still there. She could just graduate if the company and livers are mistreating her.

>> No.56013399

Salami 3D soon. Guaranteed 300k CCV just divide and allocate that number up for the rest of the days.

>> No.56013425

My dogs are online

>> No.56013433

Man, FWMC intro and Luna's BGM mesh really well

>> No.56013439
Quoted by: >>56013573

Isn’t that the fuwa thing?

>> No.56013444

The first dance class

>> No.56013446

That's exactly how I play it.

>> No.56013449
Quoted by: >>56016642

what's nijinoon

>> No.56013454

why do you even keep coming here?

>> No.56013465


>> No.56013466

>nerissa follows ironlung
Bros she was meant to be one of the good ones what happened?

>> No.56013468

That was the case for long time. There's no unity among nijijp fanbase

>> No.56013474

Time for all of Advent to become 4view shitters.

>> No.56013480
File: 392 KB, 566x612, 1690860275303176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56013872

>release another Vsinger
>When Nerissa exists
kys retard

>> No.56013490

>>last leg of mysta's graduation buff, so his numbers will skyrocket from now on

>> No.56013491

>more amesame collabs in a month than there've been in a year

>> No.56013497


>> No.56013512

Yeah, debuting another person to duo with IRyS could be a good idea but only after they clean P:H from any and all influences from Omega. It's obvious that Cover doesn't want to include her in Council and there's no EN Gen 0 (unless you want to count Haachama) for her to go if P:H is completely scrapped like how it happened with AZKi and INNK.

>> No.56013520

She just realized, she doesn't have her save file.

>> No.56013527

So Salome and Chigusa at the very least are being sexually exploited by management, good to know

>> No.56013529
Quoted by: >>56013559

I dunno, it was ENshit so I didn't even bother reading through any of it.

>> No.56013537
Quoted by: >>56013644

Gura is Jap you cannot deny it anymore holobronies

>> No.56013541
File: 98 KB, 1053x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56013559

selamat pagi!

>> No.56013560
Quoted by: >>56013664

>>rosemi outfit tomorrow
thsi is gonna be grim again isnt it?

>> No.56013569

Neh HoloEN right now is in the perfect spot. NA hours are well covered and you even have some choice regarding what to watch. Tons of events and interesting collabs to watch while also having a lot of first time Advent buffs to make use of.
This is all EN needed to keep a consistent viewership.

>> No.56013572

I don't even know who you're talking about. Is he from the same gen as Yu Q Bandagebringer?

>> No.56013573
Quoted by: >>56013614

dunno, you tell me

>> No.56013604

No more vsingers, Cover doesn't know how to handle them. And before someone gets started about AZKi's incline, that happened after she left INNK and was grandfathered into Hololive properly.

>> No.56013614
Quoted by: >>56014106

So you don't know?

>> No.56013615

the first under 10k fuwamoco....it hurts

>> No.56013620

Advent really fell off.

>> No.56013624

>Vshojo being stagnant ants as usual.
Anon, Vshojo lost three members. Recruited two JP, but their numbers are much smaller.
Their top dog can't even reach 8k without leeching others

>> No.56013637


>> No.56013644

>kills the new gen's numbers with vigorous overlap
I don't think that's a good business decision in the long term. She singlehandedly turned what could have been EN's golden gen into Council 2.

>> No.56013657
File: 38 KB, 1000x1000, FuwamocoLove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bau Bau time bros

>> No.56013660

Koshien finals is over though, and Nijisanji is nowhere near 15

>> No.56013664


>> No.56013706 [DELETED] 

If you are so offended. Stay off the internet retard. Fucking sapcuck janny. Your green whore probably sucking the best dick of her life rn. Have fun paying her condom money.

>> No.56013729
File: 37 KB, 630x207, no.......jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56013730

>sub-5k baubau
it's over

>> No.56013731

Nerissa’s already following in kiara’s footsteps by following nijisanji and vshojo memebers on twitter…
She’s going to become another unity shitter isn’t she

>> No.56013732


>> No.56013754
File: 79 KB, 580x432, 1673588193943464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56015182

This kind of shit is so common I stopped following it tbdesu. It's a lot less common that it used to be back in 2019-2021ish to be fair though. Newfags have never heard about how HSKW unironically had to take a self-imposed break in back in 2020 order to allow for the flaming to die down after she joked about faking stamps on boba tea loyalty cards.

>> No.56013758

>sub 5k

>> No.56013757

> Sakura wars
> EU time
These dogs sure know how to hide debuffs.
Even then, they still have 5k, damn.

>> No.56013770
Quoted by: >>56013840

no JP buff, too early

>> No.56013781

Solome handled it the right way. Ignore it until it goes away. Same thing Gura does. If you don't feed their drama addiction, they fuck off to someone who will.

>> No.56013795
Quoted by: >>56015279

Chigusa messed up. But this is ridiculously minor. Also, her joke is a different kind of dirty joke.

>> No.56013816

They will never hit 6k, it's bauver

>> No.56013820

>Sakura Wars
>New York

>> No.56013840
Quoted by: >>56013909

not even jp like sakura wars
only oldand single obachans rember the series.

>> No.56013872

but she's mid

>> No.56013909

at least JP recognize it more than EOP

>> No.56013923

fwmc no... why did no one tell them nobody cares about sakura wars anymore...

>> No.56013932
File: 392 KB, 814x454, 1682585897753544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6K wr
>20k in 10m

>> No.56013935
File: 501 KB, 1100x1100, 1691539650987277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game has a black lawyer as a love interest and has a scene of her and her pals eating fried chicken together.

>> No.56013942

Chinman said the same shit recently.
NijiJP is getting an increase in teenage fans and because unity doesn’t really exist there these days, the fans get pissed if a perceived jab is done.

>> No.56013948

what are you niggas talking about? it's sunday afternoon in the land of the free

>> No.56013956
File: 892 KB, 1276x643, 1677662384451827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56014072

Well this is something.

>> No.56013977
Quoted by: >>56014157

Absolutely fucking losing it. KEK.

>> No.56013985

Kroniies would still get called cucks by other fanbases and shitposters while Kronii herself would gain absolutely nothing from this just like any other homo-collaber in history but sure it would be better than the shitshow we've seen. Actually it might've been much better for the homos or tempiss at least because involving redditors and twitter trash into all of it made them look extremely uncool slowly killing the whole brotuber cope.
I actually still wonder if she asked management for this message or were they just trying to defend themselves when people started blaming management for pushing this whole mixed-gender shit sincve that announcement made it clear that it's talent's choice who they collab with, Kronii also complained that her friends get blamed for encouraging her to male-collab etc.

>> No.56013986

After the second game they go out of japan.

>> No.56013996

Do you know anything about the series? 3 is set in Paris. New York isn't weird.

>> No.56014007

And one schizo dare to boast here when mouse did whole ass month of shubaton ? Thank god for their tiny ass numbers, cant imagine the horror if they reach 20-30k daily

>> No.56014011

A VN with nip audio is gonna turn off a lot of EOPs.

>> No.56014013
Quoted by: >>56014195

This Sunday, or next Sunday, though?

>> No.56014020

Outside of well known group like Sanbaka, Chronoir or ROFMAO over in NijiJP it's every fanbase for themselves. The 'dramas' happening there usually sprouted from the clash between those fanbase.

>> No.56014034
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56014105

Holy fuck it's blurry

>> No.56014037
Quoted by: >>56014319

They will never reach 7k again will them?

>> No.56014044

She was forging them in fire and folding them 100000 times. They'll be stronger for it. The current girls are weak because they share a small portion of the Gura audience instead of building their own.

>> No.56014042

fuck you setting up rosemi for grudgeposts

>> No.56014065
File: 552 KB, 1901x581, 2E0202CD-B6BA-4E66-932E-50C9369CD128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She seems to be doing pretty good by herself anon.
Henya’s also gained 2x the audience she would of had as yellow kettle

>> No.56014066
File: 135 KB, 676x535, 1691935573477476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56014072

Is this the game Patra played recently?

>> No.56014082
Quoted by: >>56014256

They need to get a better upscaler and capture card.

>> No.56014088
File: 715 KB, 900x706, FuwaMoco peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56014105


>> No.56014106

that's why I'm asking in the first place

>> No.56014112

>Imperial Japan

>> No.56014111
Quoted by: >>56014189

This will be the first one really tanking, but it's expected cause it's a VN and not many people want VN streams

>> No.56014157 [DELETED] 

You wanna abuse powers. Let's play fuckface, unlike you fags. I play long-term.

>> No.56014179
File: 42 KB, 1000x192, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56014365

Moom is pulling a Goob?

>> No.56014180

I got bored the second the talking part in the game started

>> No.56014181

Holy shit what a debuff they managed to find themself.

>> No.56014189
Quoted by: >>56014254

I want a Kamidori stream

>> No.56014195

they didn't say THIS sunday, so it must be next sunday

>> No.56014208


>> No.56014209 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56014241

Ahahahaha seething

>> No.56014217

I mean, official presence is how you grow the subreddit.
It won't happen in a day or two though, they'll need to keep at it until and beyond the actual debuts in order to keep up interest and ramp up the numbers.
Maybe post some VSPO clips or some official content on the subreddit to plug the gap.

>> No.56014227
File: 267 KB, 805x843, 1687306691998539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tennou heika banzai

>> No.56014232

>business class plane tickets
>accommodation covered for a month
Let me know

>> No.56014233
Quoted by: >>56014425

Reminder that Marine got the Sakura Wars (and Gunbuster/G Gundam) composer for Marine Shukkou.

>> No.56014241 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56014274

Get gibbed on a stick nigger.

>> No.56014254

I want Kamidori on Steam

>> No.56014256
Quoted by: >>56014312


>> No.56014269
Quoted by: >>56014461

It's a fucking Mongolian basket weaving forum, don't have an aneurysm over it anon.

>> No.56014274


>> No.56014287
Quoted by: >>56014317

>Imperial Japan
>Pacifying the masses with idols
>Conquering other nations
What did FWMC mean by this

>> No.56014312

It's the only way to make PS2 look better than dogshit if you're capturing it. Korone uses one. Are you going to complain about that?

>> No.56014316

Okay I'm a VN watcher and I'm already filtered by the incredibly shitty resolution
What fucking screen size was this scaled for?

>> No.56014317

They are Ken-sama incarnate

>> No.56014319

>Next game is holocure
they totally will, sakura wars is just a huge debuff

>> No.56014346

The JSDF should make a cute all-girl Type 10 tank crew and then also have them be vtubers. That would be the modern-day equivalent to what's going down in Sakura Wars.
It's a genius idea, think of how much support the military would get. People would enlist to try to get close to their oshi.

>> No.56014353 [DELETED] 
File: 3.01 MB, 400x400, fauna-giggles[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5iv49j.ogg] (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy seethe

>> No.56014365

She'd have to post that on HER account for it to be a Goob.

>> No.56014367


>> No.56014375
File: 504 KB, 1080x1080, 169089261974813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56014380

It's a PS2 game from 2005 anon

>> No.56014416

You're still at it? Jesus Christ my dude you were at this when I went to bed. Quit self-deleting and take your meds.

>> No.56014425

I hate Sega for using Marine's love for Sakura Taisen to promote the shitty mobage and even promise her a role in the game that they never did.
But then again, Baba fucks everything that he touches.

>> No.56014427
Quoted by: >>56014664

Sub 7k in a time slot all to yourselves
Holy grim

>> No.56014431
Quoted by: >>56014503

>Just a kid
These hags...

>> No.56014435

fujishima draws weird ears.

>> No.56014461 [DELETED] 

You clearly saw Saplings started it first.

>> No.56014464

Games Cover should ban for HoloEN:

>> No.56014484
File: 2.66 MB, 600x338, ShioriGoslingsoundhttps3A2F2Ffiles.catbox.moe2F9xo1w8.mp3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56014491
Quoted by: >>56014873

anything above 7k there is with raids. and henydoesnt make upfor 3 members lost.

>> No.56014493

why are you like this nijikeks?

>> No.56014503

they're not wrong

>> No.56014504
File: 569 KB, 2048x2048, F2HkZVQbEAApoVG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56014742

You guys think this is a debuff?
You're not gonna be able to fucking BREATHE in three months, I've foreseen the future and I know their first long-term playthrough:
Tokimeki Memorial: We won't stop until we confess to Shiori-n!

>> No.56014505
Quoted by: >>56014748

Minecraft is an FPS

>> No.56014516

I'm glad they're playing this game but this might make them 4view at last

>> No.56014519

I'm sorry girls but the JP voices filtered me instantly

>> No.56014523

Who cares you are the one throwing a fit like a 5 year old.

>> No.56014540
File: 39 KB, 557x413, Luna Pathetic Nora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56014551
Quoted by: >>56014653

>All FPS
fuck you.
i want them to play TF2
not Titanfall 2
Team Fortress 2

>> No.56014559

7k doryaaa....

>> No.56014564

Japanese voices are always superior.

>> No.56014568

>schizo cowgirl
>black lawyer
>mexican loli
Which one, /#/?

>> No.56014582

7k doyaaaa

>> No.56014594

did they shit on your cereal anon-kun?

>> No.56014599
File: 595 KB, 500x500, 1688253631633603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56014674

They should play a real VN

>> No.56014600
Quoted by: >>56014686

HoloEN is winning too hard in the west. Who will challenge them again? vshojo lost 4 of their top 4 and NijiEN is a burning tire fire.

>> No.56014609
File: 382 KB, 1280x720, 1660970875260103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's where this screenshot came from

>> No.56014610

subs > dubs mongrel

>> No.56014615
Quoted by: >>56014719

I want a Key VN lets play. Preferably Rewrite.

>> No.56014626

>things are so big... even the people

>> No.56014625

>old as fuck vn from a series that never caught on outside Japan
>JP voiceovers, still only voiced half the time
>Subs are blurry white text, so only visible half the time
Holy shit, truly stacking the debuffs
If they hit 10k with this I'll kneel

>> No.56014627
Quoted by: >>56014716

Is it true that the Japanese are awed by the immense, sweaty majesty of the average American specimen?

>> No.56014634

if they 10k with this somehow, i'll be amazed

>> No.56014646

>Get told that they are going to New York
>Nationalistic music starts playing
>FWMC get ultra excited

>> No.56014653

man those days are dead, they're never coming back

>> No.56014656
Quoted by: >>56014839

>anon just now finding out that media used to run on 4:3 480p
Grim. It's over for /#/

>> No.56014659

Mexican loli.

>> No.56014664

EU primetime has always been bad for the twins, since their audience is JP and US. There highest at this time is 12k.They will probably drop this time.

Marine wanted to see the twins play it, but she also has an issue with the time: >>56011309

>> No.56014671

This is racist

>> No.56014674

FFA mode only with the mod

>> No.56014678

Saplings baiting retards like you into throwing a tantrum will never not be funny

>> No.56014686

Being the king of a hill means nothing when you can't come close to the mountain kings even at peak form.

>> No.56014695

FWMC is being racist on stream

>> No.56014700

Gemini is best girl. She has some nice interactions with Sanger from SRW in Project X Zone.

>> No.56014713
Quoted by: >>56014853

>short-term numberfaggong
Pitful sight /#/. It's a free niche for them to grab in EN.

>> No.56014716

fungus has a chance

>> No.56014719

>Tencent bought Visual Arts/Key
Not any time soon, anon.

>> No.56014724

Why did fwmc have to shoot themselves in the foot like this
EN shouldn't be allowed to play jrpgs

>> No.56014740

>Waves a sword around
>they just stood there
>Passes out
is that how american swords work?

>> No.56014742
Quoted by: >>56014844

That game does not have a offical english translation.

>> No.56014748

are you retarded?

>> No.56014751
File: 21 KB, 841x120, fluffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56014872


>> No.56014757
File: 112 KB, 1148x811, 1690344694054227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I want to get into Sakura Wars, what should I play to start with

>> No.56014779

Ah yes, the proud American masked cowboy superheroes
A well known American phenomena

>> No.56014788
Quoted by: >>56015253

This is barely a JRPG. There are like 10 fights in the entire game. It's a 20~ hour VN.

>> No.56014792

That's like 3
Barely 10 or 12 by then
rest of the month will be hologold as usual

>> No.56014798
Quoted by: >>56014929

it's sunday afternoon here you fucking retard

>> No.56014824

Should've played Rance

>> No.56014839

I am pretty sure a Gameboy or even Nintendo Ds had'nt 480p

>> No.56014840
File: 117 KB, 220x250, 171473483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. I forgot.

>> No.56014842
File: 226 KB, 614x332, 1664906383335620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's already starting to stall 20 minutes in
VNs are a fucking mistake, holy shit.

>> No.56014844

Oh, I know, anon. I know.
But there are two of them. And they can speak Japanese, to an extent.
They're fucking crazy enough to try the "One girl reads the dialogue while the other one plays the game" shit.

>> No.56014849

Sisters really need to understand that their astroturfed drama is absolutely fucking worthless and shit only works if there is genuine outrage. The best example is the Fauna friend shit. That crap got spammed on cooldown in the catalog with countless 200 posts thread and it did absolutely jackshit. Fauna never aknowledged it and her numbers stayed the exact same.

>> No.56014854

The original has a fanTL, do that one or Shin Sakura wars.

>> No.56014853
Quoted by: >>56015081

There are niches with an audience, and there are niches with little to no audience. Maybeeeee on the JP side this could work, but the EN demand for this content is nonexistant

>> No.56014859

First one, but only the fifth game and the reboot have official English releases. First one has a fanpatch, but only for the original Saturn version instead of the remake.

>> No.56014871
Quoted by: >>56015007

>New York
>everyone speaks Japanese

>> No.56014872

It's the time zone. JP bros were excited but it's fucking 5AM on a Monday.

>> No.56014873
Quoted by: >>56015225

>raids are bad now
Lol okay
She kind of does make up for those three shitters leaving. Better reputation for her and the company, got 3d and a concert for the rest of the company, better numbers then whovale

>> No.56014900
Quoted by: >>56015476

>streaming a game only japs care about at 5am, monday japan time
Why did they do it?

>> No.56014906
Quoted by: >>56015019

can you guys stop sperging out for ONE second

>> No.56014923

anon they're desperate, have you seen Niji lately?

>> No.56014924
Quoted by: >>56015098

So nobody in america is watching them now. At 4pm. What are you all doing?

>> No.56014926

>subtitles: Think nothing of it

>> No.56014929

>it's sunday afternoon here you fucking retard
Incorrect. In Japan (the twins big support), it is Monday at 5am. EU primetime makes no sense for them.

>> No.56014936

>Fauna never aknowledged it
She kinda did in the comment of that same stream, which was more than enough really

>> No.56014945

Tencent has been pretty chill about perms for the most part, Riot has sponsored multiple holo streams/events.

>> No.56014949
Quoted by: >>56015073

Why is no one in HoloEN playing Marine's new game?
That kind of VN would bring actual good EOP views.

>> No.56014952

another day, another holoEN relay

>> No.56014954
File: 63 KB, 766x591, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56014956

it's only natural they would follow up their most buffed day yet with a debuff
can't go 100 all the time, they need some cooldown too

>> No.56014957

OG Sakura wars, there's an English patch for the Saturn game. Is pretty good, gives you 90's anime vibes.

>> No.56014970
Quoted by: >>56015053

the EN takeover of hololive

>> No.56014990

There's a reason the original "nijinigger" label originated.
They fight among themselves quite a bit.
Too many livers for "unity" culture to permeate.
Fans LITERALLY can't care about like 100 people as if they're individuals.
Hence, my oshi > other nijis > the rest.
And if your oshi is getting "insulted" by someone who they haven't even interacted with, then it's perceived as starting a fight.

>> No.56014996


>> No.56014999

And US afternoon is useless?

>> No.56015007


>> No.56015011

Is Kayama voiced by Koyasu?

>> No.56015019

At least this time it's freaking out over the new star talents playing a debuff game in a debuff timeslot. I'd rather we freak out over actual number related things over the usual timelooops

>> No.56015028

>Ratchet Altair

did they just look at popular western games and copy the names from there?

>> No.56015042

I'm watching them both.

>> No.56015053

Now put them against one of the big JPs.
Not even Gura can come close to post-recline Pekora.

>> No.56015065

>FWMC giga debuff content on par with JP Giga-buff content
Nani ka

>> No.56015073

watch Flygon be the first one to play it kek

>> No.56015078
Quoted by: >>56015253

It would be better if it actually was jrpg...

>> No.56015081

Foolish... I've heard the same about Subaru's western RPG obsession

>> No.56015088
File: 1.45 MB, 1585x826, 1664025209355754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56015098
Quoted by: >>56015196

I’m explaining how it’s not a time people look to watch. Obviously Japan is a no go right now, and as for the US, I believe it’s never been good based on past data. If people want to make the argument for why EU primetime is good, then go ahead.

>> No.56015101

Honestly it's a bad decision to stream this game at this time, it would have been ideal to postpone it to 21:00 ET. The majority that expected this game were JP and NA viewers, it makes no sense to stream it for EU zones

>> No.56015100
File: 336 KB, 511x600, 1672982309565136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sisters are retarded
What's new? just like how brownvtms raid and shit up the catalog to astroturf their phase whores and yet they're doing worse than fucking JP homos or even the jews.
just like all the gura antis who spam thread and bot /ggg/
lol they'll never learn

>> No.56015108

DS had like 200p res

>> No.56015116
Quoted by: >>56015219

>In Japan (the twins big support)
lmao, even

>> No.56015122

yes americans are in bars today to watch football and baseball

>> No.56015130

Settle in, lads. Just 2 hours to go until the first fight.

>> No.56015137

No shit, they're handhelds. Are you stupid?

>> No.56015141

thank God next schedule doesn't have this game

>> No.56015148
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, 1691777815939752.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this game is gonna do fucking numbers in the clipfag world specifically.
Maybe that's just because VNs are kind of prime for clipfagging?

>> No.56015152
Quoted by: >>56015203

maybe they go to church at night every sunday.
you don't know

>> No.56015165

this game has fights?

>> No.56015172
Quoted by: >>56015548

It's gonna be their first sub 10k stream, isn't it?

>> No.56015174
File: 395 KB, 463x453, 1665791370357937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna need a drink

>> No.56015181

If the twins can hit 10k on this VN I'll consider it, but so far this stream isn't providing the best evidence for this untapped audience

>> No.56015182

> joked about faking stamps on boba tea loyalty cards.
How the the fanbase even get to that point?
2018-19 Niji was all about breaking boundaries and not giving a shit about anything, making a joke about literally everything under the sun. That was their entire brand.
Hell, the whole "korean nigga" 5ch word that got nippleman in trouble for was actually used regularly by Mito during 2018-19 streams - which are still public.

I have a feeling it's probably because of bringing random people that don't know how niji culture works, and them taking every single online comment seriously, blowing small shit beyond proportion. And lack of training I suppose.

>> No.56015196

You are right. We need kiara in est primetime and she'd hit 10k+ everytime

>> No.56015199

Salome 3d debut vs irys 3d showcase
A botted queen vs a washed up vsinger

Its gonna be great seeing irys get btfo

>> No.56015203

They're Ken-sama incarnate, anon, they probably have a makeshift Shinto shrine

>> No.56015208
Quoted by: >>56015777

>the majority that expected this game were JP and NA viewers
it's sunday here in NA you retard

>> No.56015217

>2 hours
So they will end stream before first fight starts?

>> No.56015219
Quoted by: >>56015260

>Japan watches the twins?

>> No.56015221

Why is japan like this

>> No.56015225

So, are vshojofags the nijifags of twitch with their corpo bootlicking?

>> No.56015227

>his eyes look very funny

>> No.56015231
File: 314 KB, 676x312, 1691744107057157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which way white man?

>> No.56015237

Anon the gameboy was 160 x 144...

>> No.56015238

Different timeslot at least? I wanna watch both

>> No.56015240

75% of the way there within the first 20 minutes ain't too bad, though

>> No.56015241

Salome has a 100k floor for this and IRyS has a 40k ceiling. It's not even a fight.

>> No.56015251
Quoted by: >>56015337

>Subaru's western RPG obsession

>> No.56015253

Oh God well this should be banned too

>> No.56015256

Seems pretty impressive. This level of number would up her solidly in the top half of HoloEN

>> No.56015260

NA is still by far their primary market

>> No.56015268

the asian one

>> No.56015279

makes sense, but for her apparently it was serious enough that she cried on stream sooo

>> No.56015306
Quoted by: >>56017446

>Japanese woman playing stereotypical American game in post-apocalyptic American New England city
>Two North American women playing stereotypical Japanese game in retro-steampunk American New England city

>> No.56015305
Quoted by: >>56015360

Isn't it pre season bugerball for them on Sundays?

>> No.56015313

>Fauna never aknowledged it and her numbers stayed the exact same.
Sounds tragic that her number didn't improve at all, maybe it did affect her after all.

>> No.56015316

I follow ougaman....

>> No.56015321

when is Enna's 3D showcase by the way?

>> No.56015330

Bijou Karaoke predictions?

>> No.56015337

You know, like Persona and Dragon Quest

>> No.56015343
File: 194 KB, 448x448, 1655789956810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Salome has a 100k floor

>> No.56015349

I said Japan shows “big support” for them, which is correct.

>> No.56015360

you think there is a large overlap between baseball fans and vtuber fans?

>> No.56015361

>koshit down 100k total

>> No.56015374


>> No.56015387

Do Phase Connect do those still? Or is she with Idol?

>> No.56015395
File: 638 KB, 1356x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56015491

>the cutscene-to-menu transition fucking kills their elgato until they get to the menu
The fuck

>> No.56015398
Quoted by: >>56015541

The twins should have started with a visual novel that popular in the US such as tsukihime or utawarerumono.

>> No.56015405

Im black

>> No.56015419

>fast-paced decision making
is this how they make sure the player isn't asleep at the wheel mindlessly pressing buttons?
pretty smart but i'd be annoyed

>> No.56015432


>> No.56015438

You now have to xeet at them and say they are retards and they need to focus on 8pm pst

>> No.56015439

Does showing only her 3D hands count?

>> No.56015445

By birth or by choice?

>> No.56015455

both are washed up desu
But this will be Salome's first 3D meanwhile Iris had 3D for 5 months.
We will never get actual EN 3D numbers unless Advent gets the JP branch reveal timeline treatment.

>> No.56015458

Imagine Salome but on a corpo that cares. Not Holo since I think she was an unknown before.

>> No.56015476

If you get up after 6am you're lazy.
JOPs can watch this stream will getting ready to leave their house to do a brisk hike up and down Fuji-san before going into their office for a 12 hour shift.

>> No.56015487
File: 1.92 MB, 2000x4010, 0C6B2D60-B30D-4A3D-B40A-D15B5C971DAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I make here in time to #coom4moom?

>> No.56015491

They mentioned it happened whenever the PS2 disc spun to load data, it's wild.

>> No.56015493
Quoted by: >>56015679

in this context it sounded like you were saying Japan is their main audience, especially since you were correcting a statement about America
compared to America, FWMC's japanese fanbase is not so big

>> No.56015499

>Salome has a 100k floor
Did you timetravel from 2022 or some shit?

>> No.56015500
File: 1.38 MB, 1360x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56015511

This is why saplings logic is skewed. You assumed your oshi is saying things and meaning it in a different way. Yet till now none of you has confronted her about it. So it stays rent-free inside your mind.

>> No.56015523


>> No.56015528
File: 300 KB, 1017x579, 9a7507fcb250d2683ee3ff5ea58d7b5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which way black man

>> No.56015527


>> No.56015541
Quoted by: >>56015621

Do you think mangamer would give Sengoku Rance perms?

>> No.56015548
Quoted by: >>56015632

Most likely.
They're down to only getting 100 CCV increase per 10 minutes, and it's only getting slower.
Maybe if Fauna's not starting in 1.5 hours they'd be able to get it, but at current rate, best peak they're getting is 9k, and that's a big maybe.

>> No.56015551

too late sis #coom4moom

>> No.56015565


>> No.56015572
File: 56 KB, 397x144, 1691221901150600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl bumps into you
>you drop a paper containing all of your contact information and ask her to give it back to you
Kind of godly rizz, isn't it?

>> No.56015589
Quoted by: >>56015705

> 10k
> EU time
no fucking way
hitting 5k in this timezone is already an achievement, that's usually bigger than most Kiara streams.

>> No.56015621
Quoted by: >>56015740

Garbage content, Youtube would never let it happen
They should play something that's hip and modern like Evenicle, it even has mostly consensual sex

>> No.56015632

Ina is gonna overlap them in 30 minutes, so I don't see it happening.

>> No.56015635

>Which way black man
Surely not the dono begging stream for stereotype reasons

>> No.56015634

ez hex

>> No.56015637

God I love her so much

>> No.56015642

I know many of you scoff at it but to get almost 8k at these hours for such an old VN as an EN channel, that's actually impressive

>> No.56015643

Told ya the dogs would have debuff taste in games. If they start spamming more VNs and crashing their numbers it's over.

>> No.56015648
File: 590 KB, 720x720, 1648901962011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

demiurge@home is a shitstirrer, kek

>> No.56015659

...she looks like the girl that was riding the horse

>> No.56015674

>girl screams "DORYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" at a boy she just met
Oh okay she's /#/ material

>> No.56015679

Not my intention. I didn’t mean biggest of all, just that it is big. That’s been my impression anyway. Making this time rather dumb for them.

>> No.56015692

meds now

>> No.56015697
File: 678 KB, 3271x1869, C1BB12DB-39DA-4E87-B687-0E1DFF231F07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogs both enna and shitrys~
>better music
>better singing ability
>been on stage more than both combined

>> No.56015706

stfu schizo

>> No.56015705
Quoted by: >>56016145

Kiara managed to get 8k consistently last year with gta.

>> No.56015708

>gemini sunrise

wtf, did they hire niji namers?

>> No.56015714

He’s always been a shitstirrer.

>> No.56015718
Quoted by: >>56015793

Daily reminder

>> No.56015735

I hope so. I hope it filters all the shitposters away from them, so tired of how much shit they get

>> No.56015740

There's a streamer patch for Sengoku Rance, I've seen people stream it

>> No.56015748
Quoted by: >>56015791

I genuinely think Salome was just being clueless, that girl seem retarded

>> No.56015764
File: 127 KB, 710x806, ohnyos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey mousefag, haven't seen you in a while
this you?

>> No.56015769

Meds, anon. You're paranoid.

>> No.56015777
Quoted by: >>56015939

Yes, however 21:00 ET is still a better timeslot, plus most of their Japanese audience is dead by this time.

>> No.56015778


>> No.56015779

Sakura Wars is just a galge?

>> No.56015791
Quoted by: >>56016128

She really is perfect Holo material

>> No.56015793 [DELETED] 

>you will never wake up to this

why live

>> No.56015832

Who's that red haired whore?

>> No.56015839


>> No.56015841

they are pros. this is just some weird homage. signaling they are JP

>> No.56015848

Yes, literally yes.

>> No.56015856

>only claim to fame in terms of singing is being an "opera singer"
>can't sing Magic Flute properly

>> No.56015869

a texan named sunrise

>> No.56015887

Nijisanji's whole thing was being shitstirrers.
But then they recruited a bunch of livers with glass statue mental.
And never trained them to understand which social media posts to take seriously and which to ignore.
Chigusa repeatedly said she's dogshit at using social media. So she probably thought those shitting on her for the comment were actual fans and not just shitstirrers.
I'd say majority of nijiyabs could be avoided by giving proper social media training to their livers.

>> No.56015912
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56015914

That's my wife Gemini Sunrise you FUCK. Now, in the traditional American manner, I challenge you to a revolver katana duel at dawn

>> No.56015916
Quoted by: >>56016078

So since this game is older does it also have a stereotypical depiction of black people from a japanese perspective?

>> No.56015928

Salami's 3D should've happened last year. Sisters keep saying that can't happen because other organs in the waitlist would riot but I just recently found out VTA debutes got fast tracked 3D models. Anykara is so stupid.

>> No.56015939
Quoted by: >>56016159

aren't they streaming at both slots? Why are you complaining, if you're suggestion means we get less streams?

>> No.56015962
File: 722 KB, 1054x829, tokinosora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56016189


>> No.56015996

>actually, i like the other girl
that's way too based of you to say to their face.

>> No.56016015

ennaschizo pls

>> No.56016037

Look cute sheep

>> No.56016038

I see them getting 5k for this long term. Their getting the first time buff now. They need to build an audience that like these type of games to get more.

>> No.56016043
File: 62 KB, 232x234, 4view.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dogs had fallen into the 4view hell.

>> No.56016044
Quoted by: >>56016104

this stream is unironically kino

>> No.56016053

she was just trying out the redpill tactics Fuwawa taught her

>> No.56016078
File: 233 KB, 448x678, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all, anon, does this look stereotypical to you

>> No.56016104

Clips of them sexually harassing girls should do good. Doubt it's gonna be great ccv moving forward though.

>> No.56016116

I picked that choice too. Sometimes you just can't resist picking the best choice instead of the right choice.

>> No.56016128
File: 452 KB, 1242x850, 4E51B3CC-C589-4723-98A9-C5F379E4F807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well she is very special that’s for sure, this is just how she normally type

>> No.56016129


>> No.56016135


>> No.56016140

>4view hell
We gotta shake the post-debut number rot by October, but it's understandable to have it right now

>> No.56016144

She looks mexican and not black

>> No.56016145

> comparing GTA to fucking debuff JPRGs

>> No.56016148

>After 5 million years on my calculator app
Fauna average ccv to now: 8447
Fauna average ccv 2 months back: 8887

>> No.56016159

I'm talking about Sakura Wars specifically anon, I'm just saying that the ideal thing was not to stream this game at this timeslot.

>> No.56016185
Quoted by: >>56016242

Why she is apologizing?
She did nothing wrong.

>> No.56016189

Sorry anon but she predates sora by a whole month

>> No.56016190
File: 418 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56016209


>> No.56016220
Quoted by: >>56016305

Source your shit nigga

>> No.56016232
Quoted by: >>56016360

Fauna average is still ahead of 8k? That’s remarkable as fuck, given that her natural range is on the 7.5k or around

>> No.56016236

Yes, but no 9k

>> No.56016242

She's not cute. She's a busted hag without a career. Suisei, now that's a cute girl with a real career.

>> No.56016259
File: 1.27 MB, 1354x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an hour of reading
>LITERALLY two seconds of 3D gameplay
>INSTANTLY thrown back into another reading segment
Galge.... home...

>> No.56016267

they can do themselves perfectly fine as you can see

>> No.56016271
Quoted by: >>56016547

>I'm just saying that the ideal thing was not to stream this game at this timeslot.
Even closer to a stronger debut buff, the twins could only pull 12k tops at this time. EU primetime is mostly dead. It’s not just the game,

>> No.56016282
Quoted by: >>56016429

that's what happens when you reply
https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Aniu_yozuna to%3Arenzott0&src=typed_query

>> No.56016284

I hope she draw them this time
Watch her draw Shiori because she's on break

>> No.56016285
Quoted by: >>56016382

Marine would get 40k with this

>> No.56016287

nah already peaked, only recline from now on
and I'm going to sleep

>> No.56016299

I love the implication that this is only the second time Inner has ever done a drawing stream

>> No.56016305

Bruh these exist for a reason.

>> No.56016331

You guys are literally making a deal out of a vn from the ps2 era. Holy fucking christ. Get a life

Gura was streaming rdr2 and metroid to 10-11k people 2 months after she was getting 40-60k ccv

>> No.56016360
Quoted by: >>56016867

>natural range is on the 7.5k
What in the flying fuck is this newly invented bullshit.

>> No.56016365

worked on mori, so for them, its tried and true

>> No.56016366

Sir, please calm down, this is /#/

>> No.56016373
File: 29 KB, 438x156, 1688074307263617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's Hehe |w ' ) part 2

>> No.56016379


>> No.56016382

>Marine would get 40k with this
She’s sleeping right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs6C5i79s5M

>> No.56016384
File: 1.33 MB, 1357x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese Game
>write about America
>make your characters all weeaboos
They cannot help themselves

>> No.56016388
File: 1.96 MB, 3376x2300, 1676818378031176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And let this become your schizo lewdless Mumei playground? Not a chance.

>> No.56016399
Quoted by: >>56016484

The advent recline is REAL
5/5 are under 10k now

>> No.56016424
Quoted by: >>56016501

A lot of shit should have happened last year.
>Obsydia should've gotten their 3d's last year
>Hana's 3d
>Luxiem should have unironically gotten a pass and had their 3D fast tracked to take advantage of the fujo's
Shit reminds me of Myth and how Cover wasted their 3d debuts and Council having to wait until fucking HoloFes to get theirs. I hope that Advent doesn't get done dirty too. The only difference is that you could maaybe excuse Cover's retardation due to Covid and probably Omega being a jackass. Niji has absolutely no excuse since "covid" was over and done with last year and the management was practically sucking luxiem's dick all the gotdamn time last year so favoritism AGAINST them shouldn't have been an issue.

>> No.56016427
Quoted by: >>56016497

>2 months after
See that's the fucking thing, retard. She didn't do it on her DEBUT MONTH.

>> No.56016429

Nice broken link you mongoloid faggot

>> No.56016452
File: 102 KB, 1426x288, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already peaked

>> No.56016461


>> No.56016472
Quoted by: >>56016516

I believe in JOPs waking up and 9.5k

>> No.56016475
File: 245 KB, 805x807, 1691730808943841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56016484

EN debuff
FWMC would have gotten 10k if they were in JP

>> No.56016489
Quoted by: >>56016561

I get it
>the ideal thing
would be to not stream at all
we have this game now and I prefer them to stream debuff games in EU prime, when they can't loose that many viewer against US prime, when the big chunk is sitting there and won't watch the stream because it's a debuff.
tldr: Better to loose the small EU viewer than the big chunk of US viewer

>> No.56016497
Quoted by: >>56016589

Cool anon. Except Fuwamoco stream 2 times a day, with a literal 3 streams in 1 day for their upcoming week. Stop complaining about one single stream faggo

>> No.56016501
Quoted by: >>56016828

Shouldn’t be much of an issue for Advent since the backlog is clearing up by they’re 100% getting Holofes 3D debut

>> No.56016508
File: 3.23 MB, 640x480, 1673923516017202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a continuation of wahtever she was doing on the first one

>> No.56016516
Quoted by: >>56016606

>I believe in JOPs waking up
Hopefully they don’t, so EU primetime can be dropped

>> No.56016536
Quoted by: >>56016834

>they will never reach 8k ever again

>> No.56016537

Advent didn't do as good as they expected.

>> No.56016547

Kiara in est prime easy 20k+ everytime she streams. This anon is thirsty for her

>> No.56016561

Yeah they stream in primetime then they get sharked. Honestly best to just avoid 8 at this point

>> No.56016562
File: 34 KB, 679x370, ina strangled for puns [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fa701ts.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56016628


>> No.56016589

>no you can't talk about numbers in /#/ thread!
Fucking tourist.

>> No.56016597
File: 1.27 MB, 1354x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're looking at the girl INTENTLY
Okay this is gonna be a big clipfag goldmine

>> No.56016606


>> No.56016612


>> No.56016616

It's time to harass the red haired whore

>> No.56016617
Quoted by: >>56016662

8k doryaaaa

>> No.56016619

thank you for your sacrifice

>> No.56016628
Quoted by: >>56016797

>nobody has made a carlos ina edit

>> No.56016639


>> No.56016642
File: 116 KB, 1200x675, noon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if it will even win a day

copy paste is hard i see

>> No.56016660

Faggots like you ruined this thread because you think spewing unmitigated retardation is fine as long as you attach a number to your post

>> No.56016662
Quoted by: >>56016846

anything lower than 10k is a failure

>> No.56016669


>> No.56016671
Quoted by: >>56016913

>they will never reach 9k ever again

>> No.56016673
File: 1.22 MB, 1356x765, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is real in-game dialog
What the fuck

>> No.56016694

when you look at a girl's chest, that just ain't bushido bro

>> No.56016702

They are two so you have to divide by 4

>> No.56016708
Quoted by: >>56016863

this is kinda fun

>> No.56016717

Newfags, man. They never try to adapt before posting their hot takes.

>> No.56016718
Quoted by: >>56016788

moco looks so smug here

>> No.56016724

I am starting to think that Gura is actually an INTP instead of whatever she got from that test shed did way back when.

>> No.56016732

fuck you it's bushido

>> No.56016743
Quoted by: >>56016790

Wonder if it's from the >translators or if was also a nip thing.

>> No.56016761
File: 206 KB, 253x508, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo gets uncomfortable if you look RIGHT HERE INTENTLY

>> No.56016788

actually looks like an edit kek

>> No.56016790

Are you retarded?

>> No.56016793
Quoted by: >>56016875

8.1k for the baubaus so far
will they reach 10k?

>> No.56016797

Newfag please...that shit was made a day after her debut

>> No.56016798
Quoted by: >>56016977

Calm down now sister, I know voxxy isn't doing too hot nowadays but you don't gotta try and lower others down too

>> No.56016814

Kronii had problems since debut month low motivation, inconsistency, no knowledge about hololive, indie habits. Seems like she enhanced her menhera side for the audience with all this muh depression shit while enjoying a fairly normie lifestyle with friends... of all 42 genders in other words she wasn't pumping out hololive content due to crippling brain hort, she didn't stay in bed whole day long battling dark thoughts no she was busy going out to restaurants with friends and touching grass because she could get away with it for the longest time just by staying off the drama radar and homos changed that

>> No.56016817

What are the chances dogs stabilize at 4views by the time debut buff wears off

>> No.56016824

do you have sex with her

>> No.56016828

No, what I'm saying is that they should get a proper 3d debut. None of this 3D showcase BS that EN management is doing. Give Advent 3d's by Jan or Feb. That's roughly around the same time that HoloX got theirs. Plus, HoloFes should also be happening soon by that point so they can get everything done in 1 trip. The only thing that we'll miss out on would be HoloFes Kouhai watchalongs but we should have ID4 and JP7 to do those by then.

>> No.56016834
Quoted by: >>56016913


>> No.56016846
File: 602 KB, 1648x1536, IMG_5173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56016975

>anything lower than 10k is a failure
During this dead zone time, this is the current result.

>> No.56016860

they're going to struggle to hit 2k a month from now

>> No.56016863

They're turning a debuff into a possible stable foundation
And outside of number terms, they're actually really into it, which fucking AMPS the fun of a stream more than a lot of people who will just passively interact with a VN

>> No.56016864

Way down there might be bushy, though.

>> No.56016867
File: 242 KB, 929x873, Kir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think it is then?

>> No.56016875

No because Ina is gonna bleed them.

>> No.56016906

Even the Advent strongest fall into the sub 10k shitter category. HoloEN in shambles.

>> No.56016913

see >>56016671

>> No.56016924
File: 575 KB, 2345x920, 1691486502589237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overlapping is how you strengthen and build hololive's audience
Hololive grows stronger

>> No.56016934
Quoted by: >>56017029

I'm sure spamming it on cooldown will make it true sis. KEK.

>> No.56016956
Quoted by: >>56017029

stop rotating your ip fag

>> No.56016963
File: 578 KB, 576x497, 1613091408818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56017143

>sekuhara a girl in a galge on stream
>numbers go up
They're learning from the master nye

>> No.56016973

The twins will be 3views in a month.

>> No.56016975

anything under 20k is actual failuire

>> No.56016977
File: 717 KB, 1035x808, dd532ecba63c46f13fb42d84167e7b9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56016978
Quoted by: >>56017029

>it's ok when holoX does it

>> No.56016986

If they're always in EU primetime like right now then yes. Otherwise they'll stabilize at Fauna numbers.

>> No.56017009

>Marine starts a highschool band with sankisei
>Marine starts ANOTHER band with umisea
Is this mid life crisis?

>> No.56017017
Quoted by: >>56017063

If the dogs don't date the black character, they're racist.

>> No.56017021

Is Luna okay?

>> No.56017024
Quoted by: >>56017087

Within limits.
TOO much overlap and you get NijiEN's situation
But Hololive EN is literally incapable of generating that much chaff in the viewer's eyes at the moment so it should be okay

>> No.56017029

Why cry and seethe and deflect anons?

>> No.56017031
File: 423 KB, 1714x835, octopus woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you look at a girl's chest, that just ain't bushido bro
TRUE! True bushido involves in looking at an octopus molesting some maiden

>> No.56017042

Yuropoors, are you guys really going to give the dogs their first 4view stream?

>> No.56017052

who's this kaiba looking bitch

>> No.56017064
Quoted by: >>56017344

Fuwawa dresses like a harlot, I prefer Mococo

>> No.56017063

she's not black though

>> No.56017071
Quoted by: >>56017999

>Gura forcing Kiara to collab with her
>Not someone from SNOT nor Mori but Kiara of all people
>A horror collab
>With Ame there as well
>Overlapping with Nerissa's Terrarria...with open VC
>Gura overlapping with Advent again
She truly feels insecure towards Advent rumao
Probably malding about no one from Advent choose her as an oshi compared to Council

>> No.56017077

We've only had Kiara before this, please be patient with us.

>> No.56017078
File: 1.20 MB, 1360x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56017087
Quoted by: >>56017139

>TOO much overlap and you get NijiEN's situation
How? Wasn't NijiEN concerned so heavily with guarding certain timeslots such that they never overlapped?

>> No.56017136

a fucking tranny

>> No.56017139
Quoted by: >>56017405

Some people were in that vein, but then you'd also get shit like
>8-person collab streams where every single POV had a stream
which would just sap everyone over time

>> No.56017143

I remember Axel looking under girls' skirts in 3 houses, why you don't watch him too?

>> No.56017154

Why would Nerissa lag in SC? She doesn't seem against GFE or even coomers.

>> No.56017153
Quoted by: >>56017240

More like this time slot is a fucking mistake.

>> No.56017158

Debut buff doko…

>> No.56017168
Quoted by: >>56018396

Reminder that they are getting 4k. Dog number should be divided by two. Grim.

>> No.56017175

Fuwamoco would get 20k easy in JP time.

>> No.56017185
File: 110 KB, 977x221, 1678952575490754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raspberry contenders

>> No.56017195

Do you think Three Houses a fucking galge, you retard

>> No.56017216
Quoted by: >>56017387


>> No.56017217
File: 54 KB, 768x577, 0813 HoloEN box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56017538

last night was mighty impressive too, considering none other than advent was streaming

>> No.56017226

The value fucking fluctuates. That looks natural ???

>> No.56017240

If you stream at EN prime time you get Sharked, so when else are they supposed to stake out

>> No.56017275

Too high

>> No.56017284

I am speaking for all americans: I want kiara in est primetime. Let's show those EU faggots she can get 15k+ every stream

>> No.56017308
Quoted by: >>56017425

Stacked EN tally again today.
Mori might win with her off Collab with Marine since it is JP time but Gura with Ame/Kiara might get good numbers also Bijou first Karaoke might be the waiting room for it.

>> No.56017320

Does holoEN have anything that can compete with Kotoka or Rosemi today?

>> No.56017326
File: 395 KB, 1380x376, 1671639526796322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56017433

Is your oshi as based as my oshi

>> No.56017344

>underboob in intro
>100% tummy exposure
>boob envy so will overcompensate
Mococo is the true semen demon.

>> No.56017356

FWMC morning is at an alright time for NA
until we get analytics, SC currency is our best metric and USD is by far their primary currency

>> No.56017362

Rosemi won't get higher than 12k

>> No.56017368

sure JST primetime, when miko, marine, pekora and koyori are streaming. They get 20k ez

>> No.56017372
File: 299 KB, 481x708, bv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way they can compete with this lineup

>> No.56017387
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56017405

>8-person collab streams where every single POV had a stream
HoloEN doesn't have this because they don't spam new waves every couple months to even have a fuckton of members like that, so there's no need to worry about this.
The overlapping being done is actually helping to carve out multiple audiences so they aren't reliant on just one audience. Overlapping will only become more frequent as they grow. I'm certain the overlap is part of the strategy

>> No.56017406
File: 404 KB, 486x507, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think is going on in their heads

>> No.56017425

Had to google Kotoka, apparently she's that JP who joined NijiEN to skip VTA?

>> No.56017429
File: 32 KB, 861x580, 1691119351902944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56017550

Who would be a good temporary watch in Advent since my girlfriend is gone..

>> No.56017433

yab niji mention

>> No.56017434

Fuwawa only thinks of rape
Mococo doesn't think

>> No.56017436

she only got a 32k anniversary stream meanwhile VOLTACTION got their 3D debuts only after 10 months with Watarai Hibari reaching 110k views.
Hibari takes part in a lot of streams on the Nijisanji channel and is paired up a lot with Fuwa Minato the golden boy for Niji behind Kuzuha.
He made a lot of appereances on other streams and got to be a captain for this years Koshien.
Also on top of being the frontman of his VOLTACTION group they just announced a new band with Minato and Ibrahim for this years Nijifes.

In conclusion: Salome got shafted big time meanwhile Niji is pushing Hibari so hard to become one of their new faces.

>> No.56017446

new york isn't new england

>> No.56017456

>un un un un un un un un un un un un un un

>> No.56017471
File: 1.21 MB, 1359x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56017484
File: 1.52 MB, 4096x2060, 1691421484176428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fastest decline of a gen in Hololive history.

>> No.56017482

> First 4view stream for the dogs
I won't forgive the euroFags for this...

>> No.56017490

>how long do we have to keep this Teletubbies bullshit going?

>> No.56017512


>> No.56017514
File: 607 KB, 1020x994, 1691025480454148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm really happy to be playing one of my favorite series with my sister in Hololive!

>> No.56017518

Who is the 4th biggest Niji male after King, Toya and Fuwa? Lauren?

>> No.56017524

Uhhh Queens of EN doko?????

>> No.56017538
Quoted by: >>56017806

I think many people forgot how bad the EN box was pre-advent. We have a year and a halfs worth of evidence that showed that councilbox, when 4-5 streams were active, were getting max 25k. HoloEN couldn’t even CROSS 30k unless Gura was streaming. And at HoloEN’s peak for the past year, 45-50k was the best they could do, that was a one time thing that wouldn’t occur until months later.

Granted we’re still in an era where Advent is new and fresh, but they have their own fans who contribute to the box now and 30k+ has become a norm at this point. That was what everyone wanted to start with; The building of the box and streams to tune into to keep fans active and happy

>> No.56017549
Quoted by: >>56017602

Council did worse than FWMC.

>> No.56017548
File: 456 KB, 535x520, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo just said she hates New Yorkers

>> No.56017550
Quoted by: >>56017956

Watch Moom

>> No.56017557

Let's abandon this timeslot and bring Kiara home. KINO for US

>> No.56017578
Quoted by: >>56017706

All this proves is that EU hours are a deadzone and that for as much as Eurofags complain about never having anyone to watch, they are a minority and should be ignored. Eurofags shouldn't even be thrown a bone

>> No.56017581

EUbros... FWMC are going to abandon us at this rate...

>> No.56017592

>HoloEN thriving
>Sisters seething

>> No.56017599

Memoryholing Sana huh?

>> No.56017600

Oh, FWMC use top chat for the chat on screen
The live chat was full of simple "Yes" messages

>> No.56017601

Every time I see Asters frames it makes me cringe

>> No.56017602
File: 72 KB, 1024x768, d9f4dlx-0c98200f-01c7-4e5a-b2c0-2c346ae78e79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56017603
File: 231 KB, 758x1200, IMG_5129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you think is going on in their heads
Probably twincest

>> No.56017618

>mori adjacent
>gimmick pandering to japan and failing

>> No.56017619
File: 1.01 MB, 1282x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56017630

What are they doing? I keep seeing that some NijiEN is totally going to put up a fight that day, like some supposedly buff Mysta stream or whatever, and they always end up as shitters.

>> No.56017629
Quoted by: >>56018951

they were trying to bug youtube live stream by getting a million views but got fucked

>> No.56017668

Anon please do tell me more of Mococo's based quotes/takes

>> No.56017686
Quoted by: >>56017865

>Flayggot with an 80 hour long VN
>Aia throwing random desperate buff bait at the wall
>Vantacrow Bringer (???? who???????? wtf??????) FFXIV
>Aster (forma de given up on streaming)
This looks like one for the ages

>> No.56017687


>> No.56017704
File: 22 KB, 544x348, 1661780727311459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euros, explain this

>> No.56017706

Yes, we wanna watch Kiara live. Without EUfags we can get that

>> No.56017726

Cover should just shitcan EN at this point.

>> No.56017743
File: 1.40 MB, 1354x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're transmitting American Propaganda

>> No.56017771
Quoted by: >>56017842

>11pm on a sunday
The fuck did you expect?

>> No.56017796
File: 10 KB, 209x241, 78766765654543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres a reason they call us europoor

>> No.56017797

>calling americans fat
lmao based

>> No.56017806

Myth and Council were (and some still are to a degree) extremely autistic about overlap
it made sense when they were only 5, it made less sense when they were 11
nowadays with even more members it's become impossible not to overlap, so the box strategy is the only viable way

>> No.56017808
File: 980 KB, 1356x495, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They think the "ABCs of America" are:
>A: America
>B: Burgers
>C: Curly Fries

>> No.56017819

>cover should just make less money

>> No.56017824
Quoted by: >>56017887

On point. Who needs EN, when we can easily conquer the chinese market

>> No.56017832

>America Burgers and Curly fries
Are you going to stand for than insult American bros?

>> No.56017842
Quoted by: >>56017886

It's fucking August

>> No.56017862

It's a compliment if anything, but you could change C from "Curly Fries" to either "Constitution" or "Cheeseburger" depending on what you were going for

>> No.56017865

Flayon will be out of competition.
There's big chance he will be raided by Bettel

>> No.56017871

If you aren't rich in America, you just didn't try hard enough. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

>> No.56017886

Yuros aren't allowed to stay up past 9pm. The EU won't let them.

>> No.56017887

>chinese market
That ship sailed forever with Coco

>> No.56017903

>spend 3 years actively avoiding any sort of EU audience
>try streaming random debuff content at EU hours every once in a while
>Woooooow wtf a million European viewers didn't suddenly materialize out of thin air to throw money at a random visual novel stream after 3 years of every EN event being held at 4 AM CET
Am*ricans really have too much nigger blood to think huh

>> No.56017923

The only holoEN we've been able to watch live without being NEET is Kiara. You nigs would be judging us if we gave as much as the US based on that being our only option.

>> No.56017929

kek LUXIEM only had 11k birthdays this year.
you think flopsolei will get anywhere near that?

>> No.56017934

>thinking Americans give a shit what anyone else thinks about them

>> No.56017942

>be burger

>> No.56017947
File: 1.19 MB, 1353x760, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're just fucking DRINKING in America

>> No.56017946

Which fanbase is proud about SC again, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Who do we know, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.56017956

I dont want to watch Council or Myth anymore.

>> No.56017960
Quoted by: >>56018020

>>spend 3 years actively avoiding any sort of EU audience
Not even Gura managed to made this timeslot work

>> No.56017966

Nonsense anon, you've had Kiara to watch this whole time!

>> No.56017969

t. moorish rape-baby ancestor

>> No.56017989
Quoted by: >>56018172

Not that EU can buy the merch lol

>> No.56017990

Are you ready for a 5 minute fight followed by an hour of VN stuffs?

>> No.56017999

How long are you people going to keep spamming this "Gura is overlapping Advent" shit? Its done, she's streaming, and her slot happens to be the one Advent (except Shiori) have chosen to fight and lose for.

>> No.56018007
File: 1.24 MB, 1357x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be American
>go to the theater
>watch a great performance
>stand up and clap at the end
>alarm goes off right away
>Government mandated warning to hide from the mass shooters
Kind of based desu

>> No.56018012

>love america
>love burgers
>love curly fries
Where is the insult exactly?

>> No.56018020

She never tried

>> No.56018039

>don't watch streams
>don't SC even during streams that are only good for you

>> No.56018050

Why would she

>> No.56018054

Did Ina bleed the dogs?

>> No.56018074

Just don't forget to tip as you run out of the theater

>> No.56018082
Quoted by: >>56018132

ANONS, the call is clear: AMERICANS WANT KIARA FOR THEM. The reason cover shall abandon EU primetime. THEY WANT A KIARA.

>> No.56018092
Quoted by: >>56018298

I hate newfags so much

>> No.56018093

>spend 3 years actively avoiding any sort of NA audience (2017-2020)
>try streaming random debuff content in NA hours every once in a while
>Woooooow wtf a million NA viewers didn't suddenly materialize out of thin ai-
>oh wait they did

>> No.56018097

Barely, 300ccv or so

>> No.56018103

just face it bros, europeans are not sufficiently weeb enough to properly support vtubers

>> No.56018121
Quoted by: >>56018298


>> No.56018128

No perm
And once again not enough people to make a real team sport tournament out of

>> No.56018132

They can have her. I don't watch her anyway.

>> No.56018140

>The excuse they gave us is they thought the market was saturated.

Wait who said that other than some homobegging redditors? Management never explained their reasoning to the public as far as I know, even talents themselves are not informed about everything it seems - part of the reason why tempus introduction felt so damn shady.

>> No.56018146

Isn't Salami a dedicated sponsor shillbot now? Guess they're still raking in money so they don't care about fostering her. Gotta shill those males.

>> No.56018156

>never do any buff content
>never do any touristy streams
>never do any big events
>stream the most debuff shit imaginable once in a blue moon
>wtf why is there no audience???

>> No.56018158
Quoted by: >>56018194

not modern enough
the colored people would take advantage of the mass shooting to start looting stuff in the area

>> No.56018172

I have no problems. What did you smoke?
Okay, which fanbase are you from, hmmmmmmmmm

>> No.56018178

>They use different save slots
They real ones

>> No.56018194

yeah because riots never fucking happened until modern times, the fuck are you talking about

>> No.56018213

Europeans are too obsessed with football and night clubbing to fuck sluts, there's just no market for vtubers

>> No.56018220
Quoted by: >>56018271

>Top 2 average this month so far only 200 behind Miko who stream less and have a bigger event stream

>> No.56018228
Quoted by: >>56018289

wait gura played sakura wars? when?

>> No.56018231
Quoted by: >>56018303

>Mr. Sunnyside
Like the egg? What a goober name.

>> No.56018232
File: 66 KB, 736x546, overlap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very slightly, lost about 300 viewers

>> No.56018271
Quoted by: >>56018377

Peko will never recline.

>> No.56018285

It looks more like dogs murdered Ina's numbers

>> No.56018288

Yes, we need Kiara to come home. We will make her incline to 20k+ average.

>> No.56018289
Quoted by: >>56018357

where did that post say anything about sakura wars anon

>> No.56018298
Quoted by: >>56018425

Feel free to show me where Gura streamed buff content consistently at 10 pm CET

>> No.56018303

no dumbass like the morning side and the night side.

>> No.56018319

>what is Asacoco
>what is the whole reddit arc
also the EU audience used to be larger than the NA one before Myth

>> No.56018321
Quoted by: >>56018420

I'm a watamate

>> No.56018326


>> No.56018347
Quoted by: >>56018574


>> No.56018357
Quoted by: >>56018484

>random debuff content
When did she play it?

>> No.56018358
Quoted by: >>56018574


>> No.56018364
File: 428 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_5161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56018561

They have two other streams at this time, Tuesday and Sunday, then hopefully no more after that.

>> No.56018366

How’s that NTR podcast coming along? This thread spend weeks hyping it up like it’s gonna affect anything, it didn’t

>> No.56018377
Quoted by: >>56018434

Even pekora will fall one day, nothing is forever.

>> No.56018379

>Just use a forwarding service bro, there's totally no problem there

>> No.56018390
File: 1.42 MB, 1349x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56018468


>> No.56018396

still beating the entire nijibox rumao

>> No.56018397
File: 485 KB, 2048x2048, 1691622479020176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56018574


>> No.56018420
Quoted by: >>56018498

I am sure you are

>> No.56018423

The blue homo somehow took a year to release a perfectly normal group zatsudan featuring 4 boring 3view homos

>> No.56018425

Why would she need to stream at the time consistently when she can glean from the couple of times of streaming at that time that there will be no consistent payoff since EU viewers don't show out?

>> No.56018434
Quoted by: >>56018530

The same can be say in reverse, no one fall forever in Hololive, they will always find a way to climb back up

>> No.56018468

Why are they like this bros?...

>> No.56018484
Quoted by: >>56018651

>random debuff content = sakura wars
"random debuff content" can mean just about anything

>> No.56018496
Quoted by: >>56018615

>no investment
>no payoff
>ameriggers are surprised

>> No.56018498
File: 70 KB, 888x236, 1690929333386204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56018573


>> No.56018503
File: 436 KB, 957x276, NTR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56018510

so no proof

>> No.56018513

It's hard to make a "haha we're stealing your bitches" joke when your entire branch has been shoved into a broom closet and forgotten

>> No.56018518
Quoted by: >>56018618

[DOG NEWS] The dogs want to fuck a cripple.

>> No.56018530
File: 1.40 MB, 1360x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How topical!

>> No.56018561

Holocure early access should be buffed content. If they still get bad numbers, yuros won't even have more excuses left

>> No.56018573
Quoted by: >>56018634

So why are you so obsessed with SC again?

>> No.56018574

>no arguement
like clockwork

>> No.56018596

>the only remaining 4view homo dipped on them immediately

>> No.56018601
Quoted by: >>56018708

Mococo is the brain.
Mococo is the muscle.

Why do you insist on dividing them by 2 and not 99/1?

>> No.56018615
Quoted by: >>56018726

>you have to invest in us, just accept that we'll be a sunk cost until you get us off the ground, got it?

>> No.56018618
Quoted by: >>56018694

They should play Katawa Shoujo

>> No.56018633
File: 209 KB, 1313x846, 1660526953012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely any bleed
can Fauna kill the dogs?

>> No.56018634

But I'm not? I'm just showing how euros don't show up to watch streams and almost get beaten by fucking brazil while they have holos streaming in their timeslot

>> No.56018653

At least SEA watches streams enough and engages with general Hololive activities enough to get their own branch

>> No.56018651

When did she play random debuff content and what did gura get in est primetime? It is pretty easy to answer that because gura gets shit on alot /here/

>> No.56018694

can they even get perms for it?

>> No.56018708

Fuwawa is the tits, that's at least 40% of the appeal of a chuuba

>> No.56018710

so did China

>> No.56018724

This is just a zatsudan collab

>> No.56018725

I like how people start attacking EU hours when euros are all asleep

>> No.56018726

based underage god

>> No.56018730

Why would it look grim now? If EN3 can keep it up going forward with enthusiasm we might not absolutely need EN4 just to keep the box alive but then you can choose people that will not stream on a very regular basis and have some unique talents nonetheless.

>> No.56018732
Quoted by: >>56018949

shouldn't SEA hours be over? or is this truly SEA board?

>> No.56018739
Quoted by: >>56018943

so you are obsessed with EU?

>> No.56018753
Quoted by: >>56018908

It's actually over if Fagni and Vesper are gone. Beetlejuice is just one man and isn't enough to keep these faggots relevant.

>> No.56018774

And they got a branch too, before they tried to pull a mutiny

>> No.56018787

>also the EU audience used to be larger than the NA one before Myth
That's not even bait anymore

>> No.56018796

they're so dead

>> No.56018817

really bad argument

>> No.56018830
File: 1.25 MB, 1360x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56018879

[Bad News]
The twins are bragging about meeting a cute cripple gf in front of their schizophrenic other girl

>> No.56018841

Dead men streaming.

>> No.56018845

Huh, is anyone else looking at Ina's poll numbers? Shit's jittering like they're fixed interval sawteeth.

>> No.56018846

Its only 7k anon not much to kill

>> No.56018864
Quoted by: >>56018933

Don't even bother, his sad yurotard brain actually thinks the EU market was bigger than the NA market at any point.

>> No.56018874

I bet China gave more money to hololive during the year they were in there than Europe in 4 years

>> No.56018877
Quoted by: >>56019077

Do western men have the temperament to be irrelevant lackeys living forever in the shadow of a bunch of women? JP men can do it, but Americans and Aussies?

>> No.56018878

>yes we are dating

dogs making fun of miload...

>> No.56018879
File: 1.26 MB, 1357x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuwawa: Oh, no, I think Gemini is mad
>Mococo: Oh no! I don't care. (laughs)

>> No.56018894

LuxSEAm is the actual SEA branch desu

>> No.56018908

Anon Vesper was a 1-2k shitter who was only "relevant" as a drama magnet. The branch is better off without him. Fagni gave up long ago and barely gave a fuck lately.

>> No.56018907
Quoted by: >>56019046

>almost get beaten by fucking brazil
????? They're like 3 times higher than Brazil you illiterate nigger

>> No.56018926

This is their core audience, anon. Bleed only happens when there's a significant number of tourists.

>> No.56018933
Quoted by: >>56019080

oh, don't cry

>> No.56018943
Quoted by: >>56018981

No, I want the dogs to leave this shitty timeslot

>> No.56018949
Quoted by: >>56018975

no, but this is definitely the SEA thread

>> No.56018951

440K views on the VOD isn't bad for the CCV though.

>> No.56018964
Quoted by: >>56019093

only 7k, proven again and again, EU market is worthless

>> No.56018975
Quoted by: >>56019067

That's the catalog, anon, we can do math here

>> No.56018978
Quoted by: >>56019091

>Anon Vesper was a 1-2k shitter
For Stars a 1-2k shitter is basically the equivalent of Pekora.

>> No.56018981

It’s either this or 8pm overlap hell

>> No.56018987
Quoted by: >>56019091

>1-2k shitter
That's a titan by homo standards.

>> No.56019011

it was released under creative commons, so maybe just disable monetization

>> No.56019016

>The branch is better off without him.
Sister even as a 1-2k shitter he was still getting twice as much as the other homos. Your failed branch is completely dead in the water if he and the other faggot are gone.

>> No.56019035

Not like the devs are dead. They won't though. Ignoring the 4chan association, the game's title might start issues with jap antis.

>> No.56019046

/#/ and maths, doesn't work together

>> No.56019060

>da EU market
why the fuck is 23:00/00:00 indicative of the EU market. this is just Ina's timeslot

EU primetime would be about 4 hours ago. We are well past average person bedtime.

>> No.56019067

>implying implications

>> No.56019077

At least the JP Stars get to hang out with Yagoo every couple of weeks and go out drinking with the boss.

>> No.56019080
File: 33 KB, 173x197, 1697345300756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least I have money to wipe my tears with yuropoor

>> No.56019091

Maybe but the drama was not fucking worth it. Muh unity was one of the few things the fags had going before Vesper completely fucked it up. Even now they had to skip the anniversary because of him and Fagni.

>> No.56019093

>NA Sunday afternoon
