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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55398788 No.55398788 [Reply] [Original]

>Main links

Surprise Shedule Edition

>Previous Stream:
Amnesia: The Bunker (off collab with fauna): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUTS7lHUhzk
Summer swimsuit Karaoke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-bsg-7qA-A

>Next Streams (JST):
08/08: Morning chat with Bikini Bae 08:00 JST/ 23:00 GMT/ 16:00 PDT
09/08: Connect the world watchalong 22:00 JST/ 06:00 GMT/ 13:00 PDT
11/08: Yakiniku Simulator 10:00 JST/ 01:00 GMT/ 18:00 PDT
12/08: Fireworks Mania 23:00 JST/ 07:00 GMT/ 14:00 PDT
13/08: Holo ID cup

>Free chat/current schedule:

>Stream doof doofs

>Pandæmonium EP: https://cover.lnk.to/HakosBaelzEP
>PLAY DICE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na6bysYNuS0
>Covers: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcPAszg2ItaGAkxKIUiTTtgekfmgMmmEQ

>Merch (Limited):
PC Case: https://hyte.com/store/hakos-baelz-y60-case-deskpad-bundle/
Official: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q= "Talent_ハコス・ベールズ"
Geek Jack: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/hakos-baelz
CouncilRys swag: https://www.omocat-shop.com/collections/omocat-x-hololive-en

>Bae's Twitter:

>Where can I find arts?
Danbooru: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=hakos_baelz
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/ハコス・ベールズ/artworks
Azure-gallery: https://azure-gallery.net/illusts?query=vtuber%3Aハコス・ベールズ

>Getting Started
Bae Guide: https://rentry.org/s9fnh
Streams Guide: https://rentry.org/pfzyc
Twitter Spaces: https://rentry.org/hs7p4
Season Box Arts: https://files.catbox.moe/lsrvff.png

Previous thread(s):>>55245527

>> No.55399097

Thanks for the bread

Wild schedule this week

>> No.55399215
File: 103 KB, 367x237, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for za bread

THE FUCK is this

>> No.55399528
Quoted by: >>55399704

It's literally just you flipping yakiniku
Ina and kaela have played it before
Should be an alright zatsu game
it's slower than powerwash simulator though

>> No.55399704

so its the equivalent of putting a subway surfers gameplay to retain people to watch the zatsu?

>> No.55400034
File: 859 KB, 2480x3508, F210xMZa8AARSZV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bae in charge of correct gmt times on schedules.

She already played that for her JP week.

>> No.55400400
Quoted by: >>55400545

Are you saying the times are incorrect?

>> No.55400545

For the evening streams they are.

>> No.55400969
Quoted by: >>55401006

what's the actual GMT times so we can fix it on the next bread

>> No.55401006
Quoted by: >>55401655

Turn clock back 9 hours.

>> No.55401655

She's mixed up PDT with GMT

>> No.55403573

Cute little mempost went up

>> No.55404096
File: 2.96 MB, 2356x3333, F2gqCmQbcAAWYAl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55404534


What did she mean by this?
Imagine the fetish art

>> No.55406677
File: 3.37 MB, 2486x4282, 110192042_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55406850

Thanks for za bread!
Yeah I saw, darn gudetama

>> No.55407587
File: 126 KB, 300x300, 1662932492954525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55407971

I was really sad that I had to go to bed not long after Bae showed up to the moom stream and there wasn't a /rrat/ in the morning for me to read to catch up on what I missed...

>> No.55407971

You missed nothing because there was nothing to be missed bratling. If she doesn't appear on another stream, release another short, send out another tweet, do another twitterspace, release another brewin' and groovin' with Bae podcast episode, or do another official channel prerecorded appearance, then you have no news to FOMO about. Just watch Moom's entire birthday stream because Bae stays the entire time.

>> No.55408796
File: 1.84 MB, 1918x1080, 1691353314327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen anything else, just got this from global. Anyone else knows what games will Bae play?

>> No.55409024
Quoted by: >>55409571

>Bae and kobo
unexpected but interesting combo

>> No.55409571

Fun fact, Kobo is a centimeter taller than Bae

>> No.55410882

You can go check their stream for the rest.

>> No.55412807

Bae's gonna get pounded by Towa again...

>> No.55413748
Quoted by: >>55415740

Kinda glad Bae isn't streaming today. Can't really focus when I'm shitting myself in the middle of a thunderstorm crackling down meters from my home.

>> No.55415740
File: 819 KB, 1525x1446, 1691359077482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be strong, brrat. Things will get better.

>> No.55417826
Quoted by: >>55418246

>24 hours until the next stream
I don't think the bread is gonna make it...

>> No.55418246
File: 2.39 MB, 2894x4093, 1691361734104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55418372

Not with that attitude

>> No.55418372

shirt too loose! i require rat boobas

>> No.55418698
File: 1004 KB, 2900x4096, 1691362201454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just boobas
>not tummy and tights too
Not the best taste, but not the worst either
Is this good enough?

>> No.55419968
File: 1.03 MB, 1820x2956, 1648019352355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is able to fill that requirement.

>> No.55420233

Thanks for the bread! And schedules my beloved

>> No.55421519

I’m really excited for the connect the world watchalong since we have the fixed angles!
That’s going to be WAY better

>> No.55423448

cute tama

>> No.55424676

Also, looks like collab ban ends really soon for Advent, hopes for Bae’s collars with them?

>> No.55424773

(me) collabs* lmfao

>> No.55424839

Sadly Shiowi Novellery is taking a week break or so so we probably won't see them collab until much later

>> No.55425076

Bread? today? Isn't the stream tomorrow? Also, thank fucking god for schedules.

>> No.55425163
Quoted by: >>55425940

Any Tekken brats here, Azucena literally looks like a character designed to be played by Bae
>Peruvian girl who loves dancing and shilling coffee

>> No.55425199
File: 373 KB, 338x564, 1684287894616229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These earlier streams are gonna be a disaster for me if she continues doing them, shame they ended up taking over the second poll so decisively

>> No.55425940
Quoted by: >>55426037

Holy fucking evasive properties
Probably has a dedicated dodge button like Steve, otherwise yeah I agree with what you've said

>> No.55426037
Quoted by: >>55432711

Might be a stance with an auto-dodge

>> No.55428702
Quoted by: >>55446156

Too early for you? Do they happen around the time you're working?

>> No.55432711

Stance with auto dodge sounds broken since you what seems like a guaranteed punish. Maybe it's a small parry-like window within the stances

>> No.55432895
Quoted by: >>55433474

Hard to say though if this is long-term since Bae mentioned she was trying to get in streams wherever she can while Friendtaro is over

>> No.55433474
Quoted by: >>55433642

Ah shit I forgot that friendtaro is just arriving. I thought it was last week since she has no streams then.

>> No.55433642

Yeah I think most people assumed that, there was a lot of suffering last thread when she revealed Friendtaro hadn't arrived yet

>> No.55434562

>Bibou- S tier
her energy is similar and they can be dumb together
They can sperg at stuff together,fangirl about hololive and that's cute. However shiorin is a bit weird even by holo standards
>Nerissa- S
Idol otakus, kinda fruity, singing. That's a winner
>Fuwamoco- B-
Imma be honest with you chiefs. im not seeing this one. FWMC go hard on kayfabe and dont seem to be on touch with current trends. They can bond over music and idol stuff, but i dont see the three of them hitting it off. Maybe one of the sisters, but not both

>> No.55435121

I honestly think Bae has the potential to work with Shiori, Bae is not scared of responding to banter and it would make for a pretty funny back-and-forth

>> No.55437777
Quoted by: >>55438536

Agree that Bae and Shiori might just work, Shiori has that same weird rambling story telling style Bae has sometimes
With Fuwamoco, who knows at this point, I feel like their taste is a little too old for her? But might be pleasantly surprised

>> No.55438396
Quoted by: >>55439744

been watching Nerissa, apparently Bae was one of the first ones to reach out to her and she feels like they're close.
This rrat likes birds

>> No.55438536
Quoted by: >>55439309

Oh god. We are getting a shoujo manga review are we?

>> No.55438849
Quoted by: >>55439772

Hope they can turn this grade around when it eventually happens

>> No.55439309

If we're lucky, I'm listening to Shiori right now and she's on some wild shit

>> No.55439744
Quoted by: >>55443014

I hope Bae will still call her Nessie when the collab happens

>> No.55439772

I like the dogs and think they're wholesome and very JP like, I think they just need to get settled into EN more and loosen up a little bit on the kayfabe. It's a bit harder for the other members to connect with them on stream because of how little they give them to work with at times. I thought their Donkey Kong stream was funny because they actually roasted and bantered with each other, they need to do more of that

>> No.55443014

i want bae to give cutesy nicknames to all of them

>> No.55443538
File: 133 KB, 1130x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, we got confirmation on the time /councilRyS/ is gonna be playing August 10th at 2pm ET. After this we have friendlies where we will be playing against /mogu/ and /hirys/ a week after on the 17th, I'll let you guys know, but you can always check the wiki.
Hope I see you guys there!

>> No.55443815
File: 214 KB, 1500x1500, 1673451665760743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55443917

forgot to say, the times shown there are UTC

>> No.55443899

sex with the rat's feet

>> No.55443917
Quoted by: >>55444876

Nice work anon.
Also checking the wiki is weird to see Miowi, our top scorer, get absorbed into a hivemind

>> No.55444876 [SPOILER] 
File: 621 KB, 884x651, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't know what she's doing there either

>> No.55446156

I usually get off work and then do my gym reps and go home to wash up / make dinner just in time for her stream to start at the usual timeslot so I don't know how I'm gonna fit it in if she commits to an earlier one...

>> No.55446198

Is the link to the stream in the wiki, I always forget to bookmark it

>> No.55446427
Quoted by: >>55448270

Can't you just listen to the stream while washing up/making dinner? Doubt it takes you two hours to do so, of course, but it's still better than not being able to check the stream at all

>> No.55448270

More than anything I hope her doing earlier streams means she's actually getting sleep in

>> No.55449775
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1080, Kakkoi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55450037

>> No.55450037

I could barely even tell Bae did the superhero landing in the original cut, looks great here

>> No.55452383
File: 575 KB, 1417x1240, 1691382444982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't die

>> No.55453753
Quoted by: >>55453895

When's Bae's anniversary?

>> No.55453895

August 23rd

>> No.55455073

The watchalong is an offcollab. That's pretty cool.

>> No.55455135

Which watchalong and when?

>> No.55455148

what watchalong? im watching SF6 finals so i cant check

>> No.55455173

The concert watchalong will be at Mori's place.

>> No.55455186
Quoted by: >>55455241

The HoloEN concert

>> No.55455241
File: 159 KB, 1080x835, godpress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fellas, im dumb and hype rn

>> No.55455357

Will IRyS be there or is it just Bae and Mori?

>> No.55456248

No idea. She'll probably tell us tomorrow.

>> No.55457789
Quoted by: >>55458887

Apparently it's ORK at Mori's place according to global

>> No.55458887
Quoted by: >>55458963

Did they clarify if it as the updated version for the watchalong?

>> No.55458963

Wouldnt make sense not to, besides both versions are in spwn

>> No.55459296

[Bae mention] Mumei said Bae set herself a limit to not use Discord past 11 PM, but Mumei constantly catches Bae on it.

>> No.55459392

add it to the naked dogeza pile

>> No.55460169

she keeps teasinng bae about it lol.

>> No.55461911


>> No.55462154
Quoted by: >>55463155


>> No.55462401
Quoted by: >>55462675

[Bae mention] Mumei said hi to Bae (presumably on Discord) but Bae didn't say hi back. Mumei also refused to tell Bae chat said hi, saying that right was hers alone.

>> No.55462675
Quoted by: >>55463055

[Update] Bae said hi back.

>> No.55463055
Quoted by: >>55463100

what? Is Mumei still streaming?

>> No.55463100

Yeah she's still chatting

>> No.55463155

Is 15000 steps a lot?

>> No.55463232
Quoted by: >>55463305

Average day is supposed to be about 6k steps, which is about right for me

>> No.55463305
Quoted by: >>55465176

15000 and it's only 2pm. My precious rat is gonna be so exhausted.

>> No.55463335
Quoted by: >>55465176

Equivalent to walking a little over 10km in a day

>> No.55465157

So Bae messed up the schedule, but did she say which times were the wrong ones?

>> No.55465176

That's pretty normal if your being a tourist
My biggest day was 26k around prague and I averaged 20k while in Venice

>> No.55465192
Quoted by: >>55465709

also, bae is in another cafe collab in Taipei

>> No.55465709
Quoted by: >>55465901

>Mubae and 3 odd pairings
Was this deliberate or did they accidently choose the best ship

>> No.55465901
Quoted by: >>55466521

>Was this deliberate or did they accidently choose the best ship
I mean, everyone knows MuBae is the greatest ship (marketers get paid to know this) and I think thosew two are generally considered more popular in asian regions than half the HoloENs. Not including Advent since this was probably in the works for awhile.

>> No.55466521

mubae bros have been feasting since the first Japan trip, it's just non-stop

>> No.55466728

for once i just wish we krobae bro's could have some crumbs

>> No.55467053
Quoted by: >>55467315

>for once i just wish we krobae bro's could have some crumbs
Bruh, Kronii wasn't at the off-collab the other day to help facilitate this, just a quick phone conversation. I don't think she was even under any obligaiton to be there and has her own schedule to deal with in Nippon, but it isn't that Bae is avoiding her or anything.

>> No.55467315

Chill dude i'm just talking about in general
we haven't seen a krobae collab in like 6 months I just wanna see a one on one again i'm not pissed about it or anything

>> No.55467515
Quoted by: >>55467652

Shill sisters...
I enjoyed their Portal 2 collab but it's been so long since we've had a proper collab from them

>> No.55467652
Quoted by: >>55468006

Last one we got was the sandwich review in december

>> No.55468006

I completely memory-holed that, it was a good stream
right in the middle of kronii's weird blended subway phase

>> No.55468831
Quoted by: >>55469517

On a similar note, I wonder when the next Chadcast is? I know all three are super busy/EN is busy in general right now…

>> No.55469517

Might be sometime this month if they can get together, who knows. They tried to make it happen last month but it fell through

>> No.55469645
Quoted by: >>55469708

Frame up

>> No.55469708

Didn't think it'd be that much earlier, guess I didn't pay enough attention to the poll

>> No.55469910
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>> No.55469974
Quoted by: >>55470028

This is probably about >>55459296 lmao

>> No.55470006
File: 47 KB, 598x292, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>55469910 (me)

>> No.55470028

Cute, do you think she was watching/watched the vod?

>> No.55470157
File: 10 KB, 168x300, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I may be a rat, but I ain't no snitch.

>> No.55470177

Most likely, she wouldn't know otherwise

>> No.55470274
File: 108 KB, 598x587, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[MuBae Twitter News]
They're getting chuuni again

>> No.55470405

They should play AA together

>> No.55470449
Quoted by: >>55470494

Has hololive ever done a debate stream
I know they have had trials but what about debating about something like why crunchy peanut butter is better than smooth

>> No.55470494
Quoted by: >>55470942

Wasn't the takenoko vs kinoko stream similar?

>> No.55470777

I need a podcast of just these two.

>> No.55470817
Quoted by: >>55470906

Bae brought strong arguments but alas, lovely refute by Mooms

>> No.55470906
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>> No.55470942

Sort of but im talking more like a battle where two teams not only argue why they think it's the best but also why the others are wrong so they would have to change the argument throughout the stream
I know it requires them to brush the cobwebs off their brains but I just think they could have some serious fun with that

>> No.55472197


>> No.55473184
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>> No.55473742
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Quoted by: >>55473865

>> No.55473865
File: 1.31 MB, 451x607, keelyou[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkp56p1.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55480317


>> No.55474930

>Just finished moom's vod
>She was shit talking cars
Bae needs to have a word to her

>> No.55475820
File: 1.53 MB, 1100x1834, Fo6L0qWXwAIHbKq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55476649

>Almost a 6 hour long SC reading
Man, that's some dedication there. Or maybe munei just told her.

>> No.55477727
Quoted by: >>55477979

What if Mane-chan told her after reading the thread

>> No.55477979
Quoted by: >>55490066

Twitards told her when she tweeted about how many steps she had done

>> No.55480317


>> No.55481854
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>> No.55483246
File: 600 KB, 1960x1400, F277WdhbsAA_xOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55483340
File: 602 KB, 1960x1400, F277WdkaQAA96jJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55483799


>> No.55483799

Fong you can draw them as girls you know... with breasts and hips and bagingys and buttholes thighs and...

>> No.55483997

she does that but also adds dicks sometimes
and this one is ok because its a reference

>> No.55484997

Ngl I like that he draws them this way, it's really distinct.

>> No.55486087

wait, fongban is female?

>> No.55486689
Quoted by: >>55487240

>gives women dicks
>draws women as men
>makes them do /y/
Should be obvious

>> No.55487240

wow, talkin about horny femhoomans

>> No.55487314

>she does that but also adds dicks sometimes
care to provide a source?

>> No.55488396
File: 678 KB, 1202x939, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55489187

council in general has a lot of girl artists, bested only by takamori artists
she likes to imply bae and Kronii dick the rest of the council, but those two couldnt dom an unsalted cracker

>> No.55488873

I leaked this one in /who/, thers more in fongban's patreon but the dick is implied.

>> No.55489187

>council in general has a lot of girl artists, bested only by takamori artists
I also noticed there's a lot of girls that like mubae, artist of just viewers.
>but those two couldnt dom an unsalted cracker
tbf in the only kromei lewd she did, kronii is clearly a botton and shes not a futa.
Also fongban said that bae is not a "TOP" and mumei is the one that teases her.

>> No.55489913
File: 225 KB, 500x500, 1684013911487910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bae vacantation getting close
>atleast i can watch my korean girlfriend in the meantime
>she will take a absolute zero work vacantation in the same period
Double fuck

>> No.55490066

I didn't think she ever even read twitter replies from non-holomems honestly

>> No.55490250
Quoted by: >>55490395

It's time to snap back to reality

>> No.55490395
File: 212 KB, 343x399, POL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are gonna fuck and you will sit there doing nothing!
Welp, there goes gravity

>> No.55491637
File: 62 KB, 112x112, 1681704102657762.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you, polposter

>> No.55492494
Quoted by: >>55493392

>Mio take days off at same time of Bae
What a timing

>> No.55493392
File: 2.07 MB, 498x280, 1691431852600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55493517

Ope, there goes Fennec, she choked, she's so mad
It really is quite the coincidence, innit

>> No.55493517

iirc it is actually a coincedence and mio is planning her stuff with other people, who are making her do the entire planning because she is most trustable in management in that group btw

>> No.55495772
File: 2.49 MB, 1476x2087, 109599740_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55497365
File: 3.90 MB, 3094x2396, 1691436212907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55498354
Quoted by: >>55499036

>Stream at 7 est
...She's not going to sleep is she?

>> No.55499036

Let's believe in Moom

>> No.55501552
File: 3.45 MB, 2658x4000, 109660038_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55509590


>> No.55503148
File: 970 KB, 2405x3485, 67687876005465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55503177

>> No.55503177
File: 951 KB, 2405x3485, 0168687866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55505001


>> No.55506178
Quoted by: >>55506338

No waiting room?

>> No.55506338
Quoted by: >>55508623


>> No.55508623

17 minutes

>> No.55509590

Is that..? No, it couldn't be...

>> No.55509867

How long will she oversleep?

>> No.55509961
File: 233 KB, 1181x1181, F2nRU0VbcAETg_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55510040


>> No.55510064


>> No.55510193
Quoted by: >>55510284

bae should one day just turn on her loading screen then go and pass out

>> No.55510284
Quoted by: >>55510353

Don't give her ideas.

>> No.55510353

mane chan already wrote that down its too late

>> No.55510517

Not the SC debt... I just want da Japan stories...

>> No.55510546
File: 3 KB, 125x125, Chloe despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55510553
File: 702 KB, 741x725, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55510790

baerys bros??
our response??

>> No.55510639

a french restaurant

>> No.55510696
Quoted by: >>55510750

They went to a French restaurant last month and never talked about it, IRyS wore a beret like a dork and was asked to take it off lmao

>> No.55510750
Quoted by: >>55511736

IRyS would bring a sombrero to a Mexican restaurant.

>> No.55510790

It's dead
It flew out the window and an Owl flew in
Mio shipping is next to get crushed in the owl's powerful talons

>> No.55510885

Knew it, she’s streaming at weird times because of friendtaro

>> No.55510916


>> No.55510948

Ye creature o comfort

>> No.55510955


>> No.55510993

So 8AM is a no-go for gaming streams because her brain is not working

>> No.55511130

For that anon who was worried about earlier Bae, looks like it won’t happen lmao

>> No.55511140
Quoted by: >>55511243

Good. I really like watching Ina/Fauna/Bijou before work, driving to work while listening to them, getting started on work and then switching over to Bae once she starts.
Today I have to listen to Bae while going to work and it's a zatsu so it works out but it would be a pain if it was a game stream.

>> No.55511187

i oshi'd bae cause she was my perfect bed time streamer

>> No.55511198

I like the 10AM slot too but is it really good for her numbers? you have to consider that 3 advents stream around that time along with many other girls

>> No.55511216
File: 32 KB, 750x1000, est.1682726400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55511243

yeah biboo into bae is a great combo, it would be a shame if they both started overlapping

>> No.55511383

Yes because you have to consider that the rat is cuter and less grouchy at 10am

>> No.55511407

Once you start caring more about numbers than what works for you and your fans then you're a lost cause.
If she wants numbers then she should turn into a kids channel and then record Minecraft playthroughs.

>> No.55511618
Quoted by: >>55511767

Half of those "fans" won't tune into her stream in favor of other streamers on at the time, let's not be delusional here

>> No.55511725
Quoted by: >>55512064

I hope Bae has been having fun though, this is friendtaro's first time in Japan right?

>> No.55511736

And the Mexicans would be okay with it (unless they were born in USA)

>> No.55511767
Quoted by: >>55512261

If you care about numbers so much then might I suggest screeching about Pekora in /#/ instead.

>> No.55511787

Bae’s aiming for the 7 days next week
And she’s going to play a n64 game for retro it seems

>> No.55511794

>17th to 23rd for the 7 days

>> No.55511972

bae learning nintendo are jewish

>> No.55512064

IIRC yeah, it's her very first time. Hope Bae is still having a blast despite having to be a TL and maybe being to places she's already been.

>> No.55512111

Here is to 20 more clips!

>> No.55512160

>what's snes
Cue in like ten 30 seconds clips

>> No.55512261
Quoted by: >>55512334

Calm the fuck down, I just want better growth for Bae for the effort she puts in and a less overlapped timeslot will help her more in that regard. At the end of the day it's her decision what she wants to do and it doesn't matter what I say

>> No.55512334

Honestly I don't think it's worth rocking the boat and potentially fucking over the core fans who are already used to this timeslot to try and pull in more at a less crowded timeslot, I'm glad she decided against the change in the end

>> No.55512370

Bae and IRyS went to france! (French restaurant)

>> No.55512376

the french english accent is fucking hideous

>> No.55512388
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>> No.55512471

God I hate Switch's online...
Not like paying extra for older games helps, you still get really bad lag and it never improves. And you can bet the Switch's successor will have the same greedy online practices
Iwata's death really changed things there.

>> No.55512524

Bae is too bogan to go to a french restaurant

>> No.55512750
File: 991 KB, 1000x1105, Shinomiya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave Bae to me

>> No.55512801
File: 177 KB, 400x359, Live Mio Reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55512965

Do not put the thoughts of a Bae Kasumi cosplay into my head, I cannot control these worldly desires

>> No.55512992
Quoted by: >>55513034

The MorBae brratbeat must be over the moon

>> No.55513029

Ok but a bae cocomelon stream would be kino

>> No.55513034
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>> No.55513118
File: 82 KB, 526x526, 2xucuw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>off collab with Calli

>> No.55513127

>potentially MORE members
Holy kino stream incoming

>> No.55513213

I hope Bae plays Lylat Wars for her retro game

>> No.55513397

>MC ID Cup practice on the 11th after yakiniku

>> No.55513452
Quoted by: >>55513535

Y'know, she says she's gonna die, but I bet Feaerary was prolly taxing
I baelieve in Bae's body

>> No.55513535

Febaerary * was more taxing
I'm retarded

>> No.55513637
File: 39 KB, 720x810, MIOSHAaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55513822
File: 399 KB, 496x465, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't want to make schedules because it was too much effort
>realized that schedules actually reduced her workload
this rat...

>> No.55513902

Moom is getting better
Let's gooooooo

>> No.55513921

The Bae experience lmfao

>> No.55514034

lazy rrat

>> No.55514270
Quoted by: >>55514854

Apparently being with Moom is making her experience onset dementia

>> No.55514831
Quoted by: >>55515087

>sees mumei
>now has shorter nails

>> No.55514854

Mumei’s moomtism is contagious

>> No.55514859
Quoted by: >>55515087

>friendtaro week
>shorter nails

>> No.55514930
Quoted by: >>55515087

>Meets Calli and Irys
>shorter nails

>> No.55514950

the necklace is like 150ish bucks

>> No.55515039

>meets me
>shorter nails

>> No.55515087

Which one is it
Or is it all of the above

>> No.55515111

hey fauna

>> No.55515114
Quoted by: >>55515171

>nails me
>shorter meats

>> No.55515171
Quoted by: >>55515201


>> No.55515201

Judas Baelz...

>> No.55515205
Quoted by: >>55515407

>Egypt is a bit warmer
>Shorter Nile

>> No.55515214

>meets nails
>shorter girl

>> No.55515407

best one

>> No.55515458


>> No.55515487


>> No.55515515

>didn't fit her
Poor chonky friendtaro...

>> No.55515526

This friendtaro is… odd

>> No.55515568

Friendtaro probably has a chubby tummy

>> No.55515668

Extra cute Bae laughs today

>> No.55515699

Friendtaro is more of a zoomer than Bae

>> No.55515810
File: 277 KB, 452x391, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55515860


>> No.55515860


>> No.55515905

Fucking dork lmao
Get Friendtaro in Gen 4

>> No.55515958

Get her in gen 4 as EN's subaru

>> No.55516083
File: 198 KB, 394x362, 1675049452578571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55516136

Good, seamless transition into Fuwamoco's stream

>> No.55516432

>she doesn't like trying new things
>i don't like trying new things
We are

>> No.55516571

What is up with this woman lmao

>> No.55516584

Bae literally groomed her best friend

>> No.55516869

My brother is literally like friendtaro in this regard, with these types of people, it takes a million years to get them to try something but goddamn are they into it when they do

>> No.55517058
Quoted by: >>55517303

who r these fags who keep talking about the weather
it was fucking over 40c outside today, air con exists unless youre european

>> No.55517303
Quoted by: >>55517502

They obsessively monitor the weather in Japan so they can use it as a talking point with bae

>> No.55517502
File: 536 KB, 1080x1080, MW-npc-Caius_Cosades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55517593


>> No.55517511

It doesn't surprise me that she'd be more into buying jp clothing, it must be much easier to find stuff literally made for her body type

>> No.55517593 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 640x640, whoolay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55517704

dunno about the rain, but the forest fire they had last time does raise some concerns.
all of that smoke cant be good for you

>> No.55517632

Uwah biker shorts bae...

>> No.55517704

Of course

>> No.55517934
Quoted by: >>55518252

>management finally doing shit
Hopefully that means everything is improving for everyone

>> No.55518049

Pot stirrer moment

>> No.55518121

that guy has to be a catalognigger

>> No.55518252

That's usually how it goes when you hire someone competent
Still not going to praise them till i see consistency

>> No.55518340
Quoted by: >>55518424

Wonder how surprising it was to see actual twins. I want them to meet in japan.

>> No.55518424

Are they actual genuine twins streaming in the same room?

>> No.55518470
Quoted by: >>55518568


>> No.55518480
Quoted by: >>55518568

they sleep in a bunk bed

>> No.55518568

holy cute, I had no idea how deep the gimmick went. I just assumed they were really good friends but lived apart or something

>> No.55518584

Cute sneezes

>> No.55518769
Quoted by: >>55518914

nerissa is now a boruto character

>> No.55518914

a fate worse than death

>> No.55518923

It sounds so fucking weird to say naruto/boruto "dinosaur arc"

>> No.55519105

>Great 4th war
>The battle with Kaguya was great
I don't think I can fix her...

>> No.55519228

She's too far gone

>> No.55519251
Quoted by: >>55519383

Pretty sure she just thought the Reverse Harem Jutsu was hilarious and just labels the fight as "great"

>> No.55519296
File: 192 KB, 963x507, nuclear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55519433


>> No.55519383

I'll admit, shocking her because of how retarded it was? That was funny, like early Naruto kind of funny

>> No.55519393

>Made in Abyss mentioned
It's happening bros

>> No.55519414

>Oshi no Ko watchalong
actual fucking cancer. Please Bae lets just watch Zombieland Saga, we dont need that garbage on your channel

>> No.55519433 [SPOILER] 
File: 198 KB, 696x840, 90d174906bac40ec872763fe9b1b6565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spiritual connections [/spoilers]

>> No.55519445

it prolly wont happen

>> No.55519462

>Blue Lock SOON
>FMA karaoke SOON
hell yeah

>> No.55519515
File: 138 KB, 551x720, The pride of Saga PD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55519741

>ZLS chad shitting on oshi no ko
damn i think i was the only one. Keep up the good work

>> No.55519692

Mah nigga

>> No.55519706
Quoted by: >>55520315

What's Oshi No Ko?
My knowledge of it is limited to a meme video of Goku teleporting in front of a chick before she gets shot and calling the gunman "The scum of the universe"

>> No.55519732

desu, I think the first febaerary was better than the second one.

>> No.55519741

He's not the only one, I want SAGA, not Aka's brand of drama. That said, Instant Bullet remake wheb

>> No.55520174
Quoted by: >>55520559

>Bae's jewels came off

>> No.55520315

one of those "entertainment industry is actually fucked guise :c" with a murder mistery/paranormal setup attached to it

Normies are all over it because its a fairly novel concept for them, but also has been done in a far more entertaining and funnier way in Zombieland Saga, like the other anon pointed out.
Its well done, since its by aka, but i personally dont think it would have gone viral without Aka's name and Yoasobi

>> No.55520491
Quoted by: >>55520815

i legit dont even like that yoasobi song, i think it's one of her shittiest songs

>> No.55520559
Quoted by: >>55520786

It really does sound like jaw
If she had a board accent that wouldn't be a problem
which is actually funny because the broad accent is usually harder to understand

>> No.55520786

I thought she said George

>> No.55520815

i like it because its catchy, but then again my favorite is the blessing and some people really despise that one

>> No.55520852
Quoted by: >>55521264

>wouldn't have
Wouldn't it? They shilled it above and beyond. Maybe without Aka it wouldn't have been as successful? because he's still a more than decent author, but still, it was promoted everywhere

>> No.55521085

Now I want a children theme songs karaoke

>> No.55521264

what i mean is that, without aka's brand, the manga wouldnt be allowed to have that 20 chapter prologue that massively turns off some people, neither would it have been shilled into infinity.
Personally, i think aka does amazing comedy and the rest is lackluster. His new series is pretty dogshit, Kaguya pretty much limped to a finish line and Oshi no ko seems to be well liked

>> No.55521431

Someone go back and analyze the Fauna collab to see how often she was looking away from the screen after this revelation

>> No.55521440
Quoted by: >>55522245

>Zombieland Saga
Just rewatched S2, I wish holos would do a cover of the OP

>> No.55521648
File: 44 KB, 551x578, Mio Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the Zatsu (The return of Bae part 2)

>> No.55521673
File: 361 KB, 540x578, 1676770898794284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55521775

>2 hour long zatsu
>Bae read like 8 of my comments
I am recharged

>> No.55521775
File: 362 KB, 960x1040, 1688150850580054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a good amount of reads too brother, we're so back

>> No.55521781

Bae cute/10
I've missed these zatsus

>> No.55521789
File: 217 KB, 944x932, 1682383743891511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fuck friendtaro/10
joking aside, great zatsu, a return to form albeit a bit clumsy, but clumsy is also cute

>> No.55521831
Quoted by: >>55521991

I am healed/10
I NEED Bae and Friendtaro to sit on my face/10
Schedules are back, we're sticking to 10AM JST, Bae is having fun and has lots of things cooking.

>> No.55521991

Bae's deviant phase being over and committing back to her usual timeslot and schedules has unironically made my day, so happy to see it

>> No.55522139
Quoted by: >>55522178

So next stream is Wednesday morning for burgerclaps?

>> No.55522147

Just hearing her laugh is making me alive

>> No.55522178

I dont usually get filtered but when the random ass naruto discussion comes out i just got nothing to contribute
yeah its in like 36 hours

>> No.55522217

God I missed Bae/10
Friendtaro weird/10
That was what I needed, lots of cute stories

>> No.55522220

I feel in cloud nine
I really missed these kind of streams where she just tells us stuff, it's always so good. She's very good at captivating me with her easygoing storytelling.

>> No.55522245
File: 100 KB, 222x260, onion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55522512

>Saga jihen, my favorite fucking song behind gekkou survive gets a suisei cover
>its scuffed and has some weird metalic filter that ruins Marine's vocals
Also Gekkou survive/ Windy days cover WHEN

>> No.55522456

I'm gonna hold it in and not miss bae for a bit now. I can do this

>> No.55522512
File: 3.08 MB, 1310x1860, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55524366

>Gekkou survive

Please watch ZLS you faggots and help me convince bae, she's gonna love it

>> No.55522510
Quoted by: >>55522553

Bae will not be on the telly for 36 hours

>> No.55522553
File: 40 KB, 300x300, I MISS MY RAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55522659


>> No.55522659
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>> No.55523025
Quoted by: >>55525975

btw very quickly before the thread dies, if the anon that did the baeyonetta and jokerbae models is here, we need the textures if you have them pls send

>> No.55523071
File: 325 KB, 793x969, FY7wEkKX0AAKc0I.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Newly friend game that's been in the works for about 2-3 months
I'm gonna cope and assume that it's Okayu or Korone and no one can stop me

>> No.55523582

Okayu was the last one she mentioned being interested in doing a few months ago so I'd believe it

>> No.55524323

I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say it's Aqua.

>> No.55524366

I liked S1 but S2 sucked

>> No.55525708
File: 15 KB, 346x339, 1672633165073013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cya dudes

>> No.55525975

Here, they're in the textures.zip file. That should be everything.
