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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.55300399

One company cares about their English viewers
The other does not

>> No.55300492

Simple as.

>> No.55300505

Hololive Unites States & Canada
Nijisanji China & South East Asia

>> No.55300569

those are branches not companies, idiot

>> No.55300820
Quoted by: >>55301089

Because cover releases gens every 2(?) Years instead of every 9 months

>> No.55300912

One has western viewers,the other doesn't

>> No.55301031


>> No.55301087

Because no one knows what the en vtuber market is supposed to be; jp vtubing has distinctly evolved in a perverted direction from 'i want to have legally-distinct-from-hatsunemiku talk to me' to findom gfe where you throw money at a girl handcamming with latex gloves. But then you look at the western market. Is en vtubing supposed to work backwards from paying money to turn on a vibrator and directly cause a girl to orgasm on chaturbate, to that halfhearted shit? Or are we just supposed to pretend that entubers are whores while ignoring the pot boiling under us for the past 6 years?

>> No.55301089
Quoted by: >>55304514

>9 months
lol, in the period between luxiem and xsolul we had one debut every 4 months

>> No.55301241


>> No.55301249

Go pandering full on to woke, go broke.

>> No.55301403

>become NijiCN the instant Vox debuts
>endless drama since
A mystery how this happened, truly.

>> No.55301417
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People want kayfabe, not chuubas feeling self-important and got too big in the head and started to spoil the mood by "keeping it real" or "just wanting to have fun."

>> No.55301462

nijisanji = bad whores
hololive = good whores

>> No.55301474
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>> No.55301482

westerners were already widely aware of Hololive before Myth even debuted, Hololive was more clippable and iconic and there were a lot less people to keep track of during the important COVID era (imagine trying to get into Nijisanji even then with talent waves sometimes debuting within two weeks of each other)
Anycolor has never even pretended to care about their western audience outside a few token posts on their subreddit and a halfassed attempt at relabeling their Indian branch, and they seem to care even less now that Luxiem is sunk. They just threw up their hands and gave up.
I don't even think it was a quality issue until Noctyx. Management just doesn't care and will never care and won't rein in or supervise the talents so they don't make disastrous fuckups

>> No.55301522
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Hololive has a stronger brand in the West and they have got more impressive talents. They also support them way more.

>> No.55301537

oh but they'll certainly punish their talents when they fuck up because they aren't managing them right

>> No.55301602

Leave it to western grifters / whores to completely ignore the point of vtubing and just treat it as streaming with an avatar not a face cam.

Now we have retards on vt running around who actually don't like kayfabe

>> No.55301607

Constantly churning out new gens feels counterproductive. I liked most of Lazulight despite mostly only watching Holo content, and by extension I stuck with them. I didn't need 300 new generations in the span of two years because I was happy with what I had. The audience will eventually hit a soft cap, you can't get new demographics forever, so you just end up spreading your audience very thin between the big talents, and the ones who don't get a viral moment or two early languish forever. Maybe the iluna and lolisex people are cool, I just don't have any compulsion to watch them because I get what I want from vtubers already.

>> No.55301706
Quoted by: >>55317274

The Niji management clearly doesn't do jackshit to handle their talents and then overreacts when things go badly. And yet most of the yabs (outside of Zaion) aren't really significant.

>> No.55301753
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Quoted by: >>55304753

See shit like this is an example of both whoever's in charge not caring about talents firing off their fucking mouths AND making them miserable
You already see a good 80% of the branch depressed and angry about shit going on behind the scenes, imagine what's actually been happening this whole time. There are a lot of dumbass repeat offenders in NijiEN but I find it hard to fault any of them (except uki fuck that fag) when someone should actually be managing them

>> No.55301842
Quoted by: >>55302079

>you can't get new demographics
Technically you probably can get new demos, it's just harder when it comes to the EN audience. They should have tried NijiES already.

>> No.55301919

Everything after their 2nd gen is underage SEA and chinese appeal dogshit mixed with underage kpopfags whove already moved on

>> No.55301934

Exhibit A

>> No.55302053

>Female fan VS Male fan
Female fan are fucking toxic subhuman, HoloEN realize this and try to cull Tempus down

>> No.55302079
Quoted by: >>55302256

the current demographic actively turns new viewers away with their reputation
example: for all the shit in /hlgg/ it's not nearly as bad as current /nijien/ which is full of people *literally* roleplaying sucking each other's cocks while there are active streams

Also the reputation of the company being dumb shit for teenage girls definitely does not help any of the female members hoping to take off

>> No.55302179
Quoted by: >>55315988

Squirrel disagrees with you.

>> No.55302180

If you want a real answer, more people prefer vtubing as cozy entertainment after a tiring day at work/school. More people prefer a little bit more "kayfabe". If I wanted no kayfabe, I could just watch other thousands of vtubers or streamers out there likevshojo, Nijisanji , indies, small corpos or literally fleshstreamers. They are literally all the same.

Critics always bash Hololive as being fake, but in the end, vtubing is an entertainment. If I wanted realism, I'd go outside make friends or watch flesh streamers instead.

>> No.55302256
Quoted by: >>55302651

NijiJP has several female chuubas with good numbers. I assume they have wider reach over there.

>> No.55302488

>They are literally all the same
They are not the same you are just into something specific.

>> No.55302651

you forgot about the dozens who struggle to get 4views

>> No.55302654

Simply not true, they both have bad quality. The average corpo boost follows the rough calculation (logo(dorito(60k) or gayvomit(10k) * (n X chromosomes) + previousviwership/2 + qualityfactor * previousviewership * 10)=debut viewers. Successive viewership including the debut collab and excluding special events follows an exponential decay function.

The question is why the logo boost is so high and that's because there is a difference in marketing, training, existing brand fans, and quality of assets and models. Qualityfactor of the chuuba themselves will range between 0 and 1. There are only very small deviations from this formula. That means you can take a niji and put them in holo with all the training to not talk about their butthole toys on stream, and they will do just as well as most holos. It also means that auditioning for Nijisanji is a dead end unless you're amazeballs and can save the company and change the world. It's very unlikely anyone is amazeballs.

>> No.55302909

If people only wanted cozy they would watch indies almost exclusively. Not all are good at acting but you can find some. I don't know what it is but I suspect that the management of corpos harasses and brainwashes their talents into acting neurotic and forcing fake bonding like "fuck me up in fanart/fanfics."

>> No.55303148
Quoted by: >>55303314

There it is.

>> No.55303314

There what is? You posted indies.
>there it is, somebody replied to what I posted, gotcha
Okay dude.

>> No.55303405

>vescaliius bandage

>> No.55303458
Quoted by: >>55303579

People want "cozy" like "moe SOL" not "cozy" like real estate agents label a 200sq ft studio

>> No.55303499
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>> No.55303579

You honestly get all sorts but you will find a lot less screaming bitches trying to get you to buy merch. But if you tried you could probably find that too if that's what you really think of as cozy.

>> No.55303637

>I care about my fans! But I'm not gonna stream for them! I just won't!

>> No.55303661

Yeah hololive is not actually that different to anything else out there. But they have 3D concerts I guess and dance at real life pools?

>> No.55303737

People want kayfabe, but they aldo want a real person too, not a robot. But I agree viewers don't wanna see self important ego dumbasses.

>> No.55303797
Quoted by: >>55304021

As a former nijifan, the roster just grew too quickly. I don't dislike any of the later gens per se, but Lazydia was extremely comfy and felt like a close-knit group of friends which was the appeal. As the branch grew in size, the chuubas stopped feeling like friends, and more like coworkers, which ruined it for me.

>> No.55303849



>> No.55303868


>> No.55303881
Quoted by: >>55307126

When Steve Jobs held up the iPhone he was not holding up a revolutionary piece of technology or something nobody else had seen or could replicate. He was holding up a story that enticed loyal fans that wanted to be the crazy ones, the innovators, and the creatives of the future. And after that it was just to fit in.

The story that HoloEN and NijiEN are selling is different. It's a different story about their talents and a different story about their fans. People buy HoloEN because they want to be associated with that story and in part currently just to fit in.

>> No.55303937
File: 773 KB, 578x760, 1663482921363549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Japan anime is a lot more normalized. Even normies watch anime, and so normie vtubers make a lot more sense and people aren't necessarily that into anime/manga/visual novels/idols (anything associated to Akihabara-type subculture).

In the west, anime is a lot more niche and is generally not palatable to normies except very surface level Netflix-tier anime and shounen series. Once you get to anime like Oreimo or PreCure is where normies draw the line, and Hololive is past that line that normies don't cross. So most Hololive fans in the west are already deep into enjoying shit like Oreimo, Umineko, Vocaloid, etc.

NijiJP makes sense. Hololive and HoloEN makes sense. But NijiEN is a strange existence. Because it is like a middle ground between the Oreimo/idol audience and the normies. This is typically a transitory state someone goes through, which can be observed through its viewership numbers.

>> No.55303941
Quoted by: >>55303989

Is Mori's kayfabe really just that she's a drunken edgelord that is mid at rapping?

>> No.55303989
Quoted by: >>55304070

Idk, I don't watch her lol

>> No.55303990

Put simply, they want confident and competent kayfabe.

>> No.55304018

I only really care about Pekora because she's actually funny.

>> No.55304021

>and more like coworkers
More like harem members lol
And not even (you)r harem lmao

>> No.55304030


>> No.55304038

this, and the fact that for some reason westerners like the us vs them mentality

>> No.55304070

Sorry I was just asking because I barely know her either lol

>> No.55304111

Do manhera really

>> No.55304123

It's not even offensive, it's just funny how obsessed he is.

>> No.55304196
File: 103 KB, 320x293, 1638589326816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I suddenly don't feel sorry for nijiEN's collapse

>> No.55304247

Kayfabe has been gone for almost the entire life of this board - even setting aside the 'kayfabe is dead' kayfabes like where 1% of the stream is idol parody and 99% is 'mask off zatsu', and saying that the 'mask off' zatsu is still its own kayfabe - the most popular vtubers by far are the ones where no one ever thought for a second they were anything other than histronic needy parasocial menharas. Everyone knows exactly what it will look like when a vtuber finally gets more superchats than rushia.

>> No.55304309

Rent free in his mind, kekw

>> No.55304330

Live by the faggot, die by his GRIDS. They are too far in to get out of the muck unscathed, but that’s what they chose.

>> No.55304423

I don't really watch much of either but why is this a thing? America has an illness. Why can't they just hire Euros or even Africans? I guarantee this would not be a thing.

>> No.55304456
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holoen got there first, and haven't done anything to squander that early lead, that's p much it.
also their shtick of being unicorn-friendly appeals to the average weeb more than niji's brand of putting entertainment over parasocialism.

the talents are pretty much equal in quality, in fact i'd argue that niji has more quality talents, but they also have way more garbage talents that drag the company down whenever they show up to a collab. pomu is infinitely more entertaining than anyone hololive has, even in the JP side, but her insistence on collabing with shitters like kyo and luca makes a lot of her streams unwatchable. do this long enough and a lot of your regular viewers will start to drift away from lack of worthwhile content.

in terms of management holo management definitely supports them more. it's pretty rare for holos to have projects rejected or canceled, and management will work with them to get whatever they want done. it really helps to boost hololive's brand that they always have cool stuff cooking behind the scenes even when half their branch are lazy and don't stream. their management clearly cares a lot about them.

meanwhile niji management has made pomu cry on like 5 separate occasions for entirely different reasons because they're just that garbage. it's like they go out of their way to punish anyone who shows an ounce of creativity or ambition because that means more work for them. fucking assholes, she deserves so much better.

>> No.55304477

Nobody watch woke rainbow pacman.

>> No.55304478
File: 261 KB, 700x394, 1691109581513862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55304504

next thread please

>> No.55304486
Quoted by: >>55305009

>holoen got there first, and haven't done anything to squander that early lead, that's p much it.
that doesn't hold water when NijiEN exploded in 2022 only to tunnel right bacn into the ground after a year. The first mover advantage isn't that big

>> No.55304504


>> No.55304514

Remember, the mixed gen are ready according to the leaker.

>> No.55304521
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Quoted by: >>55304621

>holoen got there first

>> No.55304553
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Quoted by: >>55305009

>niji has more quality talents

>> No.55304602
Quoted by: >>55309932

Even calling it kayfabe undermines what it was. It's just like wrestlers putting on half-assed semi-real phony acts, really? EN fanbase was a mistake and has no good concept of character types.

>> No.55304621

What a misfire. How did they even conclude there was an audience in India? Nobody has ever mentioned India in their google analytics.

>> No.55304689
File: 442 KB, 686x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55304865

>niji's brand of putting entertainment over parasocialism
Niji's audience is probably getting eaten by Twitch indies. Indies don't have to deal with stupid corporate restrictions, and viewers know they're not donating to a black company when they give indies money.

>> No.55304697

I guess they just looked at India's population and thought hey this could work, and they didn't take into account that Indians shit on the streets and probably majority doesn't even have electricity.

>> No.55304725

Hololive: for people who love vtubers
Nijisanji and Holostars: for people who love trends

>> No.55304729

Sound like a disease

>> No.55304753
Quoted by: >>55304782

weird part is that she isn't even from nijiEN.

>> No.55304756


>> No.55304769

NijiEN is a clusterfuck of shitty streamers and dramas
I wonder why ppl dont like watching that

>> No.55304778

My take is that Holo understands Vtubing better than Nijisanji, Holo have restrictions that have caused dissatisfaction amongst their talents, but upholding their image of seiso'ness and focus on singing makes the marketable audience vastly larger. Globally all ages can enjoy Hololive, with Nijisanji it would be culture clash for the majority of SEA/ Europe. Interesting, but you sacrifice audience numbers for keeping their kind of material around.

>> No.55304782

Hada is honorary EN and her voice is sex.

>> No.55304800
Quoted by: >>55305009

Talent doesn't really matter. Some niji gave up better careers in fleshtubing. It shows that when you disrupt the link between identities enough it's not the individual, but circumstances that build up a channel. HoloEN could pick up a rando off the street and put them through their training process and give them all the support they do, and they would be successful, way more successful than NijiEN chuubas. This has more implications for the stagnation of the vtuber scene than anything else.

>> No.55304861

Bonbon was cringing and dying from all that racist talk.

>> No.55304865
Quoted by: >>55307544

Donating to an indie means donating to a black boyfriend.

>> No.55304924

Destroy NijiCN pretending to be "EN"

>> No.55305009

NijiEN hardly exploded. They had a sizable fanbase entirely of female viewers directed towards their male talents, but those viewers treated NijiEN's girls the way Hololive fans treat Holostars, and it did more harm than good in the end by causing the community to implode.

>Pre-Kyo Enna
>Pre-Luxiem Millie
>Pre-Graduation Nina

It's pretty obvious that NijiEN had the superior talents before Advent showed up. Hell, even if you were a unicorn that was true because half of HoloEN collab with males and treat their fans like garbage. Now with a bunch of Nijis killing their fanbase and Hololive getting new blood it's probably more in Hololive's favor, but even in advent there's shitters like Shiori and Nerissa who might as well be Phase Connect rejects. At least the latter is a step up from Kronii though.

True, talent is (mostly) irrelevant unless you give two chuubas the same platform, then the more talented one will outshine the other. See: FuwaMoco vs the rest of Advent. Hololive's platform is so much larger than Nijisanji's that some Nijis have actually lost viewers from going to Nijisanji compared to their pl activities. Meanwhile Hololive can hire random 2views with no remarkable traits like Shiori and they'll still do fine.

>> No.55305118
Quoted by: >>55305257

>the talents are pretty much equal in quality
Imagine thinking niji have the same quality as holo that delusional, niji quality are in line with small corpo and twitch chubba. There a reason why collab with holo doesn't generate new viewers to them, mixing apple and orange never work. Niji might aswell collab with vshojo to have any benefit.

>> No.55305220
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>> No.55305257

Why are niji schizos always fucking ESL Indonesians?

It's odd to me that there's an entire army of Indonesians who hate Nijisanji when Nijisanji invested in Indonesia first and made an actual effort to appeal to the culture. They even got local Indonesian artists to design the models for their ID branch to promote a homegrown Indonesian vtuber scene. Yet every one of you on this board hates their guts. Why? Genuinely asking.

>> No.55305318

>NijiEN hardly exploded. They had a sizable fanbase entirely of female viewers directed towards their male talents, but those viewers treated NijiEN's girls the way Hololive fans treat Holostars, and it did more harm than good in the end by causing the community to implode.
Pretty much this, the moment they went full unicorn genocide was the moment the brand depended entirely on fujos, yumes and ironic weebs/normalfags, ironic weebs/normalfags always go away eventually and somehow vox ended up killing part of the other 2, I don't see how they can recover from this.

>> No.55305365

>insert walls of liver failure seethe here
A two-thousand page blogpost about why you think Enna isn’t the worst hire anyone could ever make changes very little about reality.

>> No.55305366

Talent isn't irrelevant but it doesn't matter when it comes to broad strokes popularity. Even inter-gen differences are due in large part to things like which one people vibe more with than sheer talent. Arguably Nerissa mogs everyone in the gen in talent. But talent is important when you produce something of quality. That's why Nerissa's debut song is over 1 million views despite being a translation, and Fuwamoco's is at 900k and Bijou's at 400k. Popularity will make you endorse but it won't make you want to sit through a product that relies on quality such as a song more than a few times, that requires talent.

Hololive could take a granny off the street and turn her into a popular idol vtuber but whether she releases popular songs or other media is due to her own talent amplified by the brand popularity. But talent at streaming and content creation itself is a farce.

>> No.55305367
Quoted by: >>55305410

Is this the guy who believe that Pomu makes more money than Holo talents?

>> No.55305410

Likely also the same one that says ALL OUT WAR had no effect on NijiEN’s fate.

>> No.55305423
Quoted by: >>55305725

Niji does the same thing as most indies and other small corpos and encourages male collabs. Hololive is the only corpo that explicitly goes against that trend.
Think about it this way: If you're a CGDCTfag, your ONLY option is Hololive. And lonely male nerds, by far the biggest target demographic for vtubers, are more likely to be CGDCTfags than not.

>> No.55305431

Indonesians want to be anywhere other than Indonesia. Australia has literal prison islands for them.

>> No.55305461
Quoted by: >>55305615

Generally true, however I'd argue Mori's entire career was built off of Hololive's branding. She has zero musical talent whatsoever. It's kind of incredible how bad her music is.

>> No.55305522

global vs sea fujotrash viewers

>> No.55305549

Well, obviously there will be a lot more viewership in Nijisanji because they have many more streamers.

>> No.55305570
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Quoted by: >>55305592

>the quality talent

>> No.55305592

The best part is, he genuinely believes it.

>> No.55305600
Quoted by: >>55305882

Yeah, success at streaming is largely dependent on luck as opposed to skill.

>> No.55305615

That's most pop stars and I'd argue Mori is like 90th percentile in terms of talent compared to shit like AKB48 or K-pop idols.

>> No.55305625
File: 124 KB, 500x500, goo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homospam killed NijiEN. Collabs are easy enough to ignore if you're not a diehard unicorn, but not when homos barge into every fucking stream. You don't need to be a unicorn to get sick of that shit real quick. And unlike HL, there's nowhere to run.
Of course, all of this is management's fault.

>> No.55305676

Holo jp is more popular than niji jp overseas. There period.

>> No.55305681
File: 1.89 MB, 1240x1754, 1654069266775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting entertainment over parasocialism
LOL, is that why Vox was so popular?
>her insistence on collabing with shitters like kyo and luca
You know who doesn't encourage male collabs?

>> No.55305725
Quoted by: >>55305998

>And lonely male nerds, by far the biggest target demographic for vtubers, are more likely to be CGDCTfags than not.
Based on? Both CGDCT and CBDCT seem like a niche within a niche, hardly the biggest demographic. Maybe most vocal but if someone can weather the storm they can survive in a post CGDCT-yab world. Rushia failed because she was an idiot and breached her contract exactly to try and prove to the CGDCT fans that it was not true. Her new persona isn't doing as hot, seems the CGDCT fans didn't come through. If she stayed put and shut up until it blew over she would still be immensely popular.

>> No.55305775
Quoted by: >>55305895

The idea is to have third-worlders entertain first-worlders. It's sorta why ID works, the talent have very low cost of living and even a single donation is enough to last them through the week. Actual western chuubas need way more money to keep themselves afloat since they don't live in a hole in the ground.

>> No.55305882

I wouldn't even say luck. It's difficult for humans to understand something as the result of successive historic circumstances. Not just luck but successive circumstances that let them benefit from that luck. Look at any of the big male streamers, they're all pretty much idiots, their main skill is talking, and they're not good at that, some even slur their worlds and barely utter anything intelligible which pisses off their viewers. The fact is that even a socially awkward person can become as competent in talking or reacting, given successive historical circumstances that benefit them.

>> No.55305895
Quoted by: >>55306096

Yeah but that typically only works if your 3rd worlders come from an interesting culture like Brazil or Russia or something. IN and ID were dead in the water because no one cares about them. ID was only salvaged by HoloEN's success. Before Myth debuted they were 3views only slightly ahead of Holostars.

>> No.55305924

What do you mean we should do market research before committing to a project? we just shit a ton of livers and see if they stick or not

>> No.55305998

I mean, the results speak for themselves. But speaking from personal experience, that's why I've never been interested in tuning into a Niji stream.
>seems the CGDCT fans didn't come through
I think you're mistaking us for unicorns. Hardcore unicorns are a pretty small niche, though they do pay more than your average normal fan. Most of Hololive audience are just men who want to watch cute girls, full stop.

>> No.55306042
Quoted by: >>55306421


>> No.55306096

Yeah, I agree with that. But that was probably the idea behind it.
Personally, I think it's pretty obvious that cultural differences will always mean that "local" (i.e. western) talent will always be preferred in the target market. Third-world talents probably pay for themselves, but they don't generate massive growth like with Myth.

>> No.55306135

Niji has plenty of CGDCT content though. If you're totally unwilling to give them a chance because they have males in the company that's not CGDCT, that's being a unicorn.
For example like 90% of Rosemi's streams are just solo streams that might as well be Hololive because she is the ultimate CGDCT chuuba. I just skip her m*le collabs.

>> No.55306137
Quoted by: >>55306718

If I'm really really really old, could I get into either of them if I made an effort and could play a role well? Don't just say your least favorite one because yeah I get it but seriously.

>> No.55306187
Quoted by: >>55306314

CGDCT unicorns, because CGDCT is not idol culture.

>> No.55306215

>entertainment over parasocialism
>when Luxiem we're the biggest whores in vtubing

>> No.55306247
File: 431 KB, 619x632, 1671784434933348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the talents are pretty much equal in quality, in fact i'd argue that niji has more quality talents

>> No.55306248

>It's odd to me that there's an entire army of Indonesians who hate Nijisanji
Imagine killing it branches for quick bucjs and then crying "why do they hate us". Niji deserved all that hate desu.

>> No.55306271


1. Cover doesn't really miss on talent.
2. Myth blew up and most of their fans only watch Hololive because they're turbo casuals.
3. AnyColor doesn't support their talents nearly as much as Cover does.

All other answers are wrong.

>> No.55306314
Quoted by: >>55306616

>CGDCT is not idol culture.
Yes it is, retardchama.

>> No.55306340
Quoted by: >>55310244

There was an Irysfag pajeet anon in /#/ a while back who said anime and vtubing was becoming popular among the youth (think college/university), and Hololive was obviously one of the more popular ones among his peers. NijiIN was completely unknown to them however because of the lack of marketing.

>> No.55306358

This, firing the competent nijiID management probably niji worst mistake. They have no reason for loyalty anymore. I even saw exnjiID tweet nijisanji burning and they got away with it.

>> No.55306360
File: 56 KB, 300x300, 1684280713036404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55306669

See? Perfect example of Quality vs Quantity.
2 paragraphs to say jackshit over 5 words of concise wording.

>> No.55306381

>average akb48 or kpop idol has ANY musical talent at all

Bro... you know they're just taught a dance and sing lyrics written by someone else right? Mori at least writes her own lyrics which can't be said of most pop stars.

>> No.55306383

>the talents are pretty much equal in quality, in fact i'd argue that niji has more quality talents

Typical nijinigger delusion in action.

>> No.55306398
Quoted by: >>55310305

But Nijisanji killed their ID branch -because- Indonesians hated them. Indos shat on NijiID constantly. At no point in their existence did Indonesians ever rally behind NijiID. Even when they were given large opportunities with a big audience like performing in the NijiMelody relay or getting their own unique merch Indonesians treated them like shit.

>> No.55306421
Quoted by: >>55306838

>>55306042 This was for you >>55306381

>> No.55306486

Niji had already lost even before each EN brand debut. HoloJP made "Hololive" a brand with those meme moments while all of NijiJP was playing apex all day.
And HoloEN hit the jackpot with Gura and it was over. Many of Holofans are a fan of Hololive and Nijifans are a vtuber fan if it makes sense. They don't bother watching outside of Holo so it doesn't matter how well Niji is doing or not.
And even HoloEN hit the jackpot with Gura and it was over.

>> No.55306554
Quoted by: >>55306952

You can call us whatever you want. I'm simply not going to bother with vtubers who collab with males, and there are a lot of people like me.
For the record, unicorns are more interested in whether the talent has a RL boyfriend, and potentially whether the talent is a virgin. I don't care about those things at all. I simply don't want it brought up on-stream.
Perhaps this explains it? Niji management had the same thought-process as you and couldn't understand the mindset of the average Holofan. It makes sense.
>90% of Rosemi's streams are just solo streams
And I'm sure she's cute, but I'm not going to bother investing my time since she's in Niji. In Hololive, I can watch one girl, see her collab with another girl, get interested in that other girl and enjoy myself the whole way. In Niji, I have to be very selective and mind who and what I watch. Niji has cultivated a culture of mixed collabs and it's unfortunate for Rosemi that she's caught in the crossfire. I might have watched her if she was in a different company.
Of course, there are people who collab with dudes in Hololive too, but the important part is how pervasive it is within the company. (Hence the rather strong pushback mixed collabs have suffered in HoloEN.)

>> No.55306564

>Hololive auditions
>streaming experience is a bonus
>focus on talents besides streaming
>good English for EN, Japanese is a strong bonus, other languages are a bonus
>aims at creating a global culture enjoyed by all regardless of nationality or age

>Nijisanji auditions
>streaming is a must
>only streaming and influencer focused
>only wants English speakers
>focused on language-based regions

>> No.55306578

I'm an old fan, or was anyway. My original oshi graduated, so I picked another. That one also graduated. And then it happened again and I gave up on niji.

>> No.55306589

Why are fujos like this. They're that thirsty that they need their oshi to describe in detail how he would have sex with them. Even men aren't like this and don't demand this sort of content from their oshis.

>> No.55306616

No it isn't. Idols are on screen with men all the time. CGDCT is an anime niche not idol culture. This is literally the truth.

>> No.55306669

But you favored the post with the worst quality technically, didn't you? You're confused.

>> No.55306718

Audition for Hololive because Nijisanji cares more about superficial things and real life.

>> No.55306761

This is true, it has actually made me stop watching NijiEN pretty much entirely.
I used to check out Pomu, Rosemi, Selen and Maria every now and then but now it feels like you have to tread a minefield to get a good stream.
I'm not a unicorn but I don't like male vtubers (or streamers in general). If you do a clearly marked collab with them every now and then I'll just skip it, as long as you're not a GFE going full NTR like Milfy.
But with Niji every other stream is a male collab, and those that aren't will have a dude join in anyway and even if that doesn't happen, the girl will just start talking about men.

>> No.55306830

The biggest difference is NijiEN cannot help but open their mouths. The Holotalents largely just collect their money. You've got a few talents that here and there will make a "vtuber-political" post (topics like male collabs, etc) but they're generally small in scope and very low in frequency. Not full on multi-paragraph rants with a thousand qualifiers and whatnot. Niji talents don't know when to shut up, and they keep talking more even though you can't really talk your way out of holes when you're in the public eye like this. Also the homo collab spam. If I'm watching cute anime girls, I'm watching cute anime girls. I don't mind them talking to men every once in awhile. But the appeal is waifu streamer, or husbando streamer for women. Give them that at least 85% of the time.

>> No.55306838
Quoted by: >>55306964

Yeah, and Mori’s not a fat sack of shit who can’t dance, is a mid singer at best, and has a middle schooler’s talent for writing incredibly literal and jilted song lyrics. Get real deadbeat, she’s a streamer.

>> No.55306952

>unicorns are more interested in whether the talent has a RL boyfriend, and potentially whether the talent is a virgin
I used to care but Fauna and Mumei healed that from me, in my case it seems that it doesn't matter what the PL has done before as long as their current character is clean.

>> No.55306964
File: 88 KB, 608x360, 1679375441513687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moving goalposts

Once again...
>average akb48 or kpop idol has ANY musical talent at all

I'm not comparing her to Taylor Swift or Lana Del Rey.

>> No.55307030

Yeah this is more accurate. Unicorns don't WANT to know if the talent has a RL boyfriend, etc, etc. So long as that info is hard to find and not too controversial, they'll survive even if a few are culled. But the moment it starts leaking into their current identity, it's a problem. That's why the smallest of slips are so bad.

>> No.55307073
Quoted by: >>55307159

AKB48 train intensely in dancing and singing. They constantly rehearse so they can coordinate performances with a large group while Mori is streaming and being lazy and goofing off.

>> No.55307102 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 850x1202, IMG_9761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55307162

I accept your concession

>> No.55307116

Yes, I agree with this.
I don't particularly care about PL as long as it isn't too hard to ignore.
I want the character to be pure, the real person can have her life if she keeps it firmly separated.

>> No.55307126
Quoted by: >>55307358

What the fuck are you talking about, there was nothing like the iphone back then.
Shitty palms and black berries had shit for an OS and ecosystem and weren't good at all the things iphones could do, had shit screens or needed a retarded stylus to use.
the iphone hit the sweetspot between mp3, web browser, camera, and general purpose tech device with potentialf or ever more apps to come out

>> No.55307141

So which one of you fags are the ones that screech when they collab with men just like idols go on gameshows with men without fans screeching?

>> No.55307159

Kek, ok let me know when an AKB48 idol does anything that involves so-called "musical talent" then, I'll let Taylor Swift know why she doesn't have any because songwriting is apparently not "musical talent"

>> No.55307162


>> No.55307191
Quoted by: >>55307224

Taylor’s dad bought the label that released her first album?

>> No.55307203
Quoted by: >>55307296

So your point is more about taste and personal opinion than about the skill and effort they put in? Or you think that for all their intense training and rehearsal they're no better than a lazy streamer that sometimes decides to sing on her gamer chair?

>> No.55307210

Actual scumbag.

>> No.55307224

Yes and AKB48 idols have sex with producers, your point?

>> No.55307285
Quoted by: >>55307754

just to clarify, this guy is white, right?

>> No.55307287
Quoted by: >>55307452

I said I don't care what yhe PL has done before as long as the current character is clean, I didn't say I don't care about male collabs, that's still an insta drop.

>> No.55307296

I'm saying their job does not involve musical talent because they are not involved in songwriter or music production. I'm saying Mori automatically gets a pass because she does songwriting. If the AKB48 idols do have more talent in songwriter they aren't utilizing it and may as well be non-existent.

>> No.55307327

Holy bait.

>> No.55307333
Quoted by: >>55307452

Depends on the person, the collab, the collab partner, and the frequency.

>> No.55307358
Quoted by: >>55307753

I lived during that time my guy.

>> No.55307408

>. it's pretty rare for holos to have projects rejected or canceled
this happens all the time, you just don't hear about it.
>and management will work with them to get whatever they want done.
myth's first year they had three support staff. and ame. They paid for a lot of things on their own back then too. They have come a long way since then, though.

>> No.55307409
File: 170 KB, 585x564, 1690947828179581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah at that point i was like why even bother, might as well open twitch watch my usual flesh streamer
holoEN with omega tempiss almost threw away their identity, the niche that made people stay, thank god they wake the fuck up recently with huge management changes or its all over for EN chuuba industry

>> No.55307451
Quoted by: >>55307639

Guess I better tell the corpse of Horowitz he didn't have any musical talent because he didn't write songs.

>> No.55307452

Yeah but what are you called? If you're not idolfags, not CGDCTfags, and not unicornfags. What are you?

>> No.55307453

One is like the iPhone, the other is like the shitdroid

>> No.55307512
Quoted by: >>55307687

Funny that he'd be so disturbed and annoyed and pissed someone said hi to him on a street and acknowledged him as an individual instead of coldly and blindly ignoring him.
He must prefer people to just see each other as part of a collective, probably prefers massive crowds crowds of people walking around without interacting with each other kind of like bugs just focused on their own tasks.
I wonder what race he is.

>> No.55307544

Naturally, they break up with their black bf when they join a corpo.

>> No.55307547
Quoted by: >>55307639

So you only care about song writing? We're comparing talent of chuubas that mostly do covers, no?

>> No.55307591

>pomu is infinitely more entertaining than anyone hololive has, even in the JP side
Miko saying N word made more peole laugh than your oshi did in her entire career

>> No.55307639
File: 75 KB, 203x203, 1662367491591723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything to not admit Mori has more musical talent than most AKB48 idols eh? Because that's all I'm arguing. I'm not saying *insert famous musician* doesn't have musical talent. I'm comparing two similarly poor singers (AKB48 idols and Mori), except one CAN songwrite (Mori).

Well, obviously songwriting+singing is a much higher bar to pass than simply singing, no?

>> No.55307645
Quoted by: >>55307779

Hmmm Idk what's the exact definition of those terms (and there is a chance they can't be defined as they could have different meaning to different people) and without knowing the exact definition I can't locate myself in that spectrum

>> No.55307687
Quoted by: >>55307834

I get it. Some people stare or are nosy or have wild ideas. I had an old white lady come up to me once and ask me if I was homeless because I was sitting for 2 minutes outside the grocery store with a bag of groceries waiting for my ride. Maybe she really was a racist piece of white trash. She was white, I am white. The fuck does delusion make people think sometimes, old people are just like that.

>> No.55307719
Quoted by: >>55307770

I don’t think you honestly believe what you’re pushing right now, you fucking troll.

>> No.55307725
Quoted by: >>55307770

You know you could just start out by indicating your values before starting the discussion, then people would understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.55307732

CGDCTfags with a unicorn leaning

>> No.55307753
Quoted by: >>55307831

Are you sure? Because the bullshit you just said sounds like something a zoomer youtuber would say on a video essay trying to sound way too smart and deep over analyzing shit.
Saying its about the story sounds cute but the truth is that people just found that shit useful and cool, it did a lot of things very well and that functionality caught on and became the new norm.
People who buy shitty cheap android iphone ripoffs don't give a fuck about that dream either they just want the functions which the iphone established.
Separate the retarded apple fanboys and the normal people who just saw a useful device and said "wow this looks useful".

>> No.55307754

gay asian twink

>> No.55307770

If I was trolling I'd be saying Mori is better than Lana Del Rey.

Bro, my argument hasn't change since:
I haven't moved my argument an inch.

>> No.55307779
Quoted by: >>55307966

Now you're navel gazing and getting into the metaphysics of semantics / word definitions. Good talk.

>> No.55307831

Not only did I live during the time but I had to work with previews Apple sent out to select companies.

>> No.55307834
Quoted by: >>55307911

Maybe you should try shaving and wearing decent cloth and taking showers so you don't stink and look like a homeless person.

>> No.55307845

>and haven't done anything to squander that early lead,
Well, Mori tried.

>> No.55307911

Yeah about that. Definitely didn't play a factor.

>> No.55307921

Right place, right time, right people. Hololive was getting a ton of exposure in the west during lockdown with clips of Coco and Pekora. Then an all English branch arrives, first of it's kind, with one of the talents a massively popular egirl that was hiding her talents.
It's a lightning in a bottle that attracted a fuckton of views and clips and it's all snowballed from there.

At this point many people have dug hard in being loyal to Cover despite most corpo girls all being similar in terms of quality.

>> No.55307966
Quoted by: >>55308042

Do you want me to talk shit without knowing what I'm really talking about? Well, I guess you have no trouble defining those terms right?

>> No.55308042
Quoted by: >>55308656

Just say you don't know or say >>55307732 or something instead of um ah oh ah um words mean different things to different people nonsense.

>> No.55308093

The difference is about to get even bigger.

>> No.55308104

I would start watching NijiEN if they actually released a lolisex wave made up of mesugaki

>> No.55308208

There were nijisanji clippers too, people had the same opportunity to watch Nijisanji.
If they had become more popular more people would clip them.
Nijisanji just doesn't have the integrated community of different vtubers and different gens Hololive has, it doesnt have the fun talents it has, it doesnt have the same level of talent consistency and the same sort of fun mood Hololive has.
There was competition for people's interest and Hololive won.

>> No.55308272


>> No.55308282
Quoted by: >>55308381

one sells a better lie

>> No.55308376

I only really thought Pekora was funny. VTubers as streamers was cringe and a mistake. It has done irreparable harm to the scene and caused stagnation with the best regular streams at a few thousand obligatory viewers. Another pandemic won't happen again.

>> No.55308381
Quoted by: >>55308459

is it really a lie if everybody is on it?

>> No.55308459
Quoted by: >>55308521

NTA but if you're in on it and react like some people while outside of the fanbase thread then that is really cringe.

>> No.55308521


>> No.55308585
Quoted by: >>55311309

I didn't even know nijisanji existed until several months after holoEN. I think you're massively overestimating the average person's knowledge about the vtuber scene. Holo EN was the surge that got a ton of people interested in it so of course they would stay.

>> No.55308608
File: 188 KB, 428x391, 1602859718020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitters like Shiori and Nerissa who might as well be Phase Connect rejects

>> No.55308630
Quoted by: >>55308719

Indies aren't 'cozy' because there's no safety net. That's what a lot of indies don't seem to grasp. At any time a small indie could up and vanish - get married, get a better job, just give up - and there'll be no legacy, no sign they were ever there, just a blip in the whole vtuber scene. Just that hypothetical but all too likely fear of the future, amplified by the anonymous properties of vtubing, makes them retroactively seem evanescent and not worth wasting time on.

You see all those people pulling up Sana, Aloe, etc even though they're long gone and they don't affect a single thing on current streams? That's what they're subconsciously drawn to, the idea that all their time spent watching streams wasn't 'wasted' - they're still watching the same thing, just a different person.

>> No.55308656

>Just say you don't know
And what did just do? I told you I don't know, why? Because I don't the exact definitions od those terms.

>or say >>55307732 # or something instead of um ah oh ah um words mean different things to different people nonsense
Oh, you want me to make shit up, fine, I'm a only girls allowed no male collabs cgdct half unicorn idol leaning asmr enjoyer GFE advocate ntr oppositor lesbophile cunnyseur hag appreciator, the terror of the yume/fujo/ironic weeb menance

>> No.55308661

>Simply not true, they both have bad quality.
There is no fucking comparison at all.
The absolute least talented girl from Holo would still probably be top in niji

>> No.55308696
File: 732 KB, 2682x4096, 1691154710862467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute anon

>> No.55308700

I love how Bonbon and Elira(two not white people) are genuinely taken aback by his "fuck white people"" shit

>> No.55308719
Quoted by: >>55309039

that's such a pathetic perspective anon. all your time watching streams is a complete waste. no amount of stalking your oshi's reincarnation is going to make it worth it. just enjoy the moment and stop caring about a "legacy", because 10 years down the line it won't matter to you anyway what became of your oshi.

>> No.55308732

Like screeching about which one of the new advent are better or what their personality is really like. If they're in on it then they should cut it out in other more general threads. Obviously Shiori isn't trying to be their girlfriend and obviously FuwaMoco are degens that are coomerbaiting. But they'll defend the make believe even outside of their own generals and that's cringe. Unless they actually do believe it unlike what you posted, then that's honestly delusional.

>> No.55308814
Quoted by: >>55308899

Christ, you're a mess. Have you considered auditioning for Holo EN 4?

>> No.55308845

>There were nijisanji clippers too
And they drove them off, the few that were clipping Hoshikawa, Lulu and Otogibara got fucking cease&desist'd by riku, they gifted all that free publicity to hololive in a silver plate

>> No.55308875

People often shit on Kyo (rightfully so), but it's that Uki faggot who ruined Niji EN for me.

>> No.55308899
Quoted by: >>55309120

If that means I can sekuhara in the girls dms, yeah

>> No.55308929
Quoted by: >>55309033

Google "kayfabe"

>> No.55308988

Is he that obsessed Filipino cartoonist?

>> No.55309033
Quoted by: >>55309196

Wrestling is shit dude, the western fanbase was a mistake. Still has nothing to do with it, the girls are playing the role, you're not supposed to annoy people with playing the role of a retard outside of their community or thread. That's just annoying.

>> No.55309039

It's not even about any reincarnation, just to know that they don't vanish abruptly. Almost the entire point of watching a streamer is to follow them for an extended period, whether its just a variety fleshtuber chewing their way through new releases or someone on their ""idol journey"". The anonymity of the vtuber avatar just puts the cherry on the top of the whole sundae of insecurity.
No one is watching a streamer, any streamer, just for 'enjoying the moment', it's for the overall experience with the in-jokes, the community, the history, whatever. If you have zero attachment to any of these, then playing the game yourself is infinitely better.

>> No.55309120

You say that like you're not going to get sekuharad and an STD by them.

>> No.55309196
Quoted by: >>55309456

i think you are lost
what are you doing here and who are you?
maybe let people enjoy things?
if you think it's cringe why are you here?
if i think something is cringe i dont engage in it
so what are you doing here?

>> No.55309456
Quoted by: >>55309540

Holy shit projecting much? Nobody said you can't have fun in your own threads. Fucking tourists.

>> No.55309540
Quoted by: >>55310091

nta but if you don't even know what he meant by kayfabe I have to ask the same question what the fuck are you doing here on this board

>> No.55309932
Quoted by: >>55310289

now that i think about it, calling it kayfabe is a really apt way to represent the differences between EN and JP vtubing. ever since 1989, when vince mcmahon admitted that wrestling was scripted for a tax cut, pro wrestling in the west has merely maintained a tongue-in-cheek veneer of kayfabe. but across the sea in japan, kayfabe is alive and kicking. it's to the point where members of rival factions in NJPW are forbidden from even travelling or commuting together.

in a way, kayfabe is a weird allegory for the differences in how vtubing is viewed between EN and JP

>> No.55310091
Quoted by: >>55310133

NTA but if you don't even know they know what it is and called it shit then you're ESL.

>> No.55310133

then again what are you doing here?

>> No.55310244

the lack of marketing is a big factor, but the bigger one is that they tried to appeal to all of india, which is abit like having "all of asia" as your target demographic. If they had named it NijiMumbai instead they probably would've faired better

>> No.55310267 [DELETED] 

>Everyone I don't like is indonesian
do nijiniggers really?

>> No.55310277
File: 370 KB, 2143x1704, 1691140503011143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember what Nijisanji fans did to Mano Aloe

>> No.55310289

Cool but why do Westoids apply it to VTubing which is not remotely the same thing as wrestling? It has more to do with anime voice acting, vocaloids, role-playing, and mascots. The west ruins everything.

>> No.55310305
Quoted by: >>55310440

that never happened, if anything what happened to NijiId was even worse, indifference, because for whatever reason they just didn't resonate with indonesians

>> No.55310423

Back then when I was starting to get to know Hololive, there was a Kanae clip in my recommendation.
Watched for a bit and couldn't be bothered because I am not into male.

>> No.55310440
File: 112 KB, 1280x579, 1617245325101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55310481

>only indonesians are offended by that

>> No.55310532

If I had to choose between girls that focus on themselves and girls that have plenty of male interactions, I would choose the former even if they have similar qualities.

>> No.55310575

But is she wrong? Barring maybe a few exceptions, is she wrong?

>> No.55310629

>That means you can take a niji and put them in holo with all the training to not talk about their butthole toys on stream, and they will do just as well as most holos.

Congratulations! You just described why Hololive is unique and successful to every vtuber corporations out there. If I wanted to watch them talk about sex toys, piss, cum, edgy humor, political takes. I would watch the other thousands of vtubers out there which are all the same shit. Might as well watch fleshstreamers at that point.

>> No.55310656

you say that like Nijisanji didn't get shilled by pewdiepie all the way back in 2019. They had the exact same opportunities as cover, they just choose to squander all of it

>> No.55310716

> why do Westoids apply it to VTubing which is not remotely the same thing as wrestling?
hmmmm if i had to take a guess, it's because in wrestling there's this unspoken unwritten agreement between the audience that the results of what's happening in the ring has been pre-determined. the magic of pro wrestling happens when wrestlers are able to maintain this illusion and make the audience forget that it's just a performance.

on another level there's the fact that the character's of each wrestler are made by the wrestlers themselves. they come in with their costume, character design and fully fleshed out lore in mind. however when you're playing a character non-stop in front of thousands for a long time, eventually your real personality starts peeking through. and as the wrestler performs for years, the line between who they are at home and who they are inside the ring begin to influence each other and blur.

so i can see the connection.

>> No.55310723

"your asshole stinks" isn't wrong either

>> No.55310818
File: 90 KB, 900x900, profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That kind of mentality is why she and the rest of those 2view will never made it.

>> No.55310877
Quoted by: >>55311208

learn the difference between make and made

>> No.55310921

> unspoken unwritten agreement between the audience that the results of what's happening in the ring has been pre-determined
sorry i forgot to clarify that the agreement is that even though everyone understands that what they are watching isn't a real competition (and the Undertaker isn't a real undead wizard) everyone agrees to buy into the facade provided the wrestlers don't do anything to break the illusion themselves

>> No.55310948

Yes she is wrong. "E-girls" has a negative connotation. Or is she implying ALL female streamers are "E-girls"

>> No.55311010

Nijisanji talents and their fans should kill themselves for what the fans did to Mano Aloe. I don't give a fuck if the Nijisanji is a newbie or not, he or she is guilty of a crime by association. Only by killing themselves will Nijisanji be free of their curse.

>> No.55311159

Female streamers who aren't "e-girls" called troons.

>> No.55311208
Quoted by: >>55311500

brush up on your english before correcting others anon

>> No.55311214
Quoted by: >>55311273

I'm sure next time she will find higher roof.

>> No.55311273
Quoted by: >>55311371

Kill yourself Nijisanji fan.

>> No.55311309

Before there was HoloEN there were Hololive clips, and there were also Nijisanji clips.
The Hololive clips got more and more popular to the point that a lot of people began translating in chat live for many Hololive members, and people even made extensions that would catch those translations.
This led to a legit community of fans of Hololive way before HoloEN existed.
When HoloEN finally debuted it wasn't out of nowhere, it had been demanded by fans for a year at least.
They debuted with massive hype and inflated numbers the likes EN has never been able to match.
If you caught on to HoloEN even later than that you are just some sort of casual that happened to fit into whoever was at the lead of the industry.
But HoloEN was the result of Hololive's popularity in the west.
You are downplaying that existing grassroots popularity that led HoloEN debut's to be so massive just because you are part of the later group that found the branch afterwards.
NijiEN didn't debut too far behind HoloEN. HoloEN had the first mover's advantage absolutely but NijiEN was not late to the game either. Now a funny reversal happened with NijiEN. When they debuted they had to constantly remind the audience that Nijisanji existed, many had no idea what it even was. That's the result of their lack of popularity in the west which is a consequence of their utter defeat in the early game when there were only clips.
Nijisanji had the same opportunity as Hololive back then, the playing field was equal.
And Nijisanji lost.
Just like it's losing to this day. It had a massive gap between Council and Advent to make its moves and take over the market and it didn't accomplish shit, its numbers are stagnant.

>> No.55311370

>FuwaMoco are degens that are coomerbaiting
They are wholesome and cute.

>> No.55311371

Nah, i'll leave it to her.

>> No.55311425

Ah yes, the good old Nijifans did this to Aloe cope. Please do some reps before posting.

>> No.55311487

A company for the viewers and the talents (Hololove) vs a company to earn money for their CEO (Nijisanji)
I'm not going to post the quality over quantity shit, there are some decent girls on EN, but god I'll never support a company that treat my oshi like they do for example with the poor Pomu.

>> No.55311500

NTA but lmao

>> No.55311537 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>55311702

Nijiniggers attempting to rewrite history again, how droll

>> No.55311564
Quoted by: >>55311748

I don't like wrestling or wrestling fans in the west. I don't want it trying to infect my anime and vtubing hobbies. Like people should go watch pro wrestling if they love it so much.

>> No.55311568

Nijisanji offers nothing meaningfully different from generic left-wing woke Twitch e-thots who hate their audiences. Hololive enforces culture, even on the girls who are privately similar.

>> No.55311567

Hololive is popular because it sells the true idol story of seeing a random girl "make it big". And it works for Hololive because they have the goodwill of the fans because they have
>resources to support the talents in their goals
>the social circle of other talents coming together to help each other
>protectionism from negative outside influences
The last point is incredibly important because no one boards a ship they perceive as sinking. No one wants to play an MMO that is in maintenance. No one wants to be emotionally invested in a vtuber and their circle if their company can just axe them whenever.
Meanwhile Cover and Hololive are perceived by everyone to be still in growth and that they would not leave any of their talents behind.

>> No.55311622
Quoted by: >>55311830

You're simping for both aren't you? The other option is that you genuinely just like their content but lets not kid around here, we all know what's up.

>> No.55311702
File: 191 KB, 1300x1200, 1689619492374810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are abusing the rule that we cannot discuss what actually happened here to spread misinformation. Good job!

>> No.55311748
Quoted by: >>55311940

honestly? yeah that's fair. i just accepted it as like an allegorical connection than anything. i don't see the harm in borrowing the word if it makes it easier to discuss otherwise very abstract concepts

>> No.55311767
File: 145 KB, 1250x866, 1689696535185813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot bury your sins that easily nijinig

>> No.55311830
Quoted by: >>55312560

"E-girls" are thots. Not ALL female streamers are thots. You simp in both, but that doesnt mean they're the same. One is a thot and one is not. Get it now?

>> No.55311832

Do you really believe what you're typing?

>> No.55311847
Quoted by: >>55314318

AnyColor black company don't care about their livers and their livers are no difference than any fleshtuber, why you surprise people like Holo more?

>> No.55311880
Quoted by: >>55311905

I think this Japanese guy is trying to warn you about her. What is the point of posting this?

>> No.55311905


>> No.55311937
File: 60 KB, 506x591, 1690726939379729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People in this thread are joking right? They're not this delusional about the quality of NijiEN right?

>> No.55311940

Because it comes with underlying assumptions and projecting it onto vtubers. No wonder they all break so-called "kayfabe" in EN because they don't see it as similar to any of the other stuff like voice acting or role-playing.

>> No.55311949 [DELETED] 

>nijinigger trying to rewrite history

>> No.55312013 [DELETED] 

nah but japanese nijiniggers are the ones that are mean pieces of shit, the ones that we have here are just exholofans that jumped ship and now they are to pridefull to go back even when their ship is burning

>> No.55312048

en nijiniggers ended up acting exactly the same as JP nijiniggers so the distinction is academic

>> No.55312127

It's the Livers themselves ITT defending their abusive spouse

>> No.55312198
Quoted by: >>55312715

NijiEN visit here confirmed by their secret chat stream that got them stealth suspended.

>> No.55312560

>Not ALL female streamers are thots
Okay but all except fuwamoco.

>> No.55312715

>hello 4channers
>she’s /here/
From that moment on, they never looked the same.

>> No.55313443

NijiEN members should kill themselves for being associated with those who harassed Mano Aloe

>> No.55313534

Nijisanji fans, whether japanese or not, are guilty by association. They should kill themselves so that Nijisanji's curse will go away. I already managed to bully one nijisanji fan into suicide.

>> No.55313744
File: 1.12 MB, 4096x2458, a2f8fd84a2b14ae227f66bdc5848c1fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I took your posts seriously. Now that you pretty much proved you are trolling, please proceed to parody Holodrones. Just try to make it less obvious again next time, okay?

>> No.55313880
Quoted by: >>55314322

Kill yourself Nijisanji fan aka Aloe harasser. May your oshi graduate next

>> No.55314002
Quoted by: >>55314322

only two of those still appear in the hololive roster, so please remove the 2 bitches that dont.

>> No.55314318

Hololive fans should bully, rape, and kill Nijisanji fans. It's the only way for Nijisanji's curse to be lifted.

>> No.55314322
File: 750 KB, 2400x1600, b4290e7da6fe46faa6f8440d66d9309f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job, keep it up.
Wait, are you harassing Aloe?

>> No.55314357

Kill yourself Aloe Harasser

>> No.55314419
Quoted by: >>55314866

I agree, people shouldnt start harassing and spreading rumors about random vtubers from rival companies. Dont they know what is said about an eye for an eye?

>> No.55314775

If I got 1 dollar everytime Nijinigger try to rewrite history, I would be as rich as Riku.

>> No.55314866

An eye for an eye is the reason why Hololive fans should harass Nijisanji vtubers into graduation as revenge for Aloe.

>> No.55314999
File: 413 KB, 1860x1857, 1628603164812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55315121

another day another beggar thread

>> No.55315121
File: 289 KB, 969x2048, F1Jr5QNWAAQeDtR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55317888

Kill yourself Aloe harasser. This is how you look like you fucking lowlife.

>> No.55315243

nijiEN is just nijiCN Second Edition

>> No.55315579
File: 127 KB, 496x1048, F1JQHLzXoAAEcYI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55317888

This is why Nijisanji fans should be bullied, tortured, raped, and murdered.

>> No.55315988

The squirrel is retarded and not in a cute way

>> No.55316285


>> No.55316669

Will rosemi ever recover and do creative streams again? What about tekken radio? What a waste, I wanted her to be that one special vtuber that was more than another fake voice acting making up stories vtuber #7738378161 out of a sea of monotony.
I'm glad King is dead and doesn't have to witness what a lazy boring vapid bitch rosemi has become, the worse part is rosebuds of today don't even reciprocate and pay back, all of rosemis true fans have left long ago, why even try anymore, maybe it's time to hop again.
Maybe it would have been better to not quit that job, you would think having more time for vtubing would result into higher quality content but no, all you get is more collabs to get out of my "shy" phase, what a fucking joke.
Please put rosemi out of her misery and kill the branch already so she can move on, seeing her coast like a nobody makes me so angry and sad.

>> No.55316878
Quoted by: >>55317674

Send her a hate superchat using Vietnamese currency and using the name Kris The Holoprosimp

>> No.55316999

Because Nijisanji has about 300 livers of dubious quality
and Hololive have about 100 talents of average to excellent quality.

>> No.55317274
Quoted by: >>55318422

not even Zaion's yabs were that signifigant, she was a sacrifice for management to scare their livers into line. because 99% of her violations aren't even suspension worthy much less termination worthy.

>> No.55317377
File: 21 KB, 582x587, 1683732623053221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55318023

Hololive's CEO uses company profits to invest in Infrastructure for the talents and grow the business.
Nijisanji's CEO uses company profits to invest in yachts for himself and grow his waistline.

>> No.55317399

One is a very obvious money laundering scheme the other is an actual entertainment corpo.

>> No.55317660

Nijisanji talents and their fans should kill themselves for what the fans did to Mano Aloe. I don't give a fuck if the Nijisanji fan is a newbie or not, he or she is guilty of a crime by association. Only by killing themselves will Nijisanji be free of their curse.

>> No.55317674

nah I'm done wasting money on that bitch, i was a day 1 member, I was on one of the pig cutout she made. 9 months later I realized I made a bad choice after how much money I spent supporting her just so she turned into a lazy nobody. Fuck rosemi.

>> No.55317888
File: 404 KB, 774x768, 1684627634849137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55318382

You are not being very nice.

>> No.55318023
Quoted by: >>55318148

is the whole yacht thing legit
i know there were reports featuring him being a super rich young ceo

>> No.55318148
Quoted by: >>55318203

He doesn't actually own a yacht. It's a joke dating back to like 2018.

>> No.55318179
Quoted by: >>55318316

nijisanji and anykara is a blight on vtubing
boring and soulless streamers with a machiavellian management
i wish they fucked off finally

>> No.55318203

Although I feel I should point out that more people unironically believe the yacht thing than remember the meme.

>> No.55318316
Quoted by: >>55318559

Their fanbase harassed aloe too

>> No.55318382
Quoted by: >>55319078

At least Hololive fans don't attack other vtubers.

>> No.55318422

>not even Zaion's yabs were that signifigant
Wrong. She questioned management and therefore by the laws of Japanese autism was already on her way out.

>> No.55318559
Quoted by: >>55318884

oh yeah and a terrible "fanbase" i forgot about that, thank you.

>> No.55318568

Rosemi did several creative streams this year including something special on her anniversary, but you really shouldn't watch her again. You don't deserve her.

>> No.55318884
Quoted by: >>55319259

It's the duty of every Hololive fan to bully, torture, rape, and murder Nijisanji fans for what they did to Aloe.

>> No.55318952
File: 434 KB, 969x2048, F1IpMkuX0AExvgF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself Aloe harasser

>> No.55319078
File: 566 KB, 1000x1000, 1689966492710306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this your first day?

>> No.55319259
Quoted by: >>55319467

i wouldnt go that far but they definitely need to get canceled

>> No.55319362


>> No.55319467

getting them cancelled is not enough

>> No.55319511

>Cool but why do Westoids apply it to VTubing which is not remotely the same thing as wrestling?
I have the answer, but I think you will hate it anon ...
Gigguk, and I really mean it

>> No.55320011

you got that backwards. Indonesian niji fans used to shit on HoloID all the time.
then the tide turned and now you're left with bitter ex-ID niji fans-turned-antis.

>> No.55320396

Males and mixed gender collabs
