Hopeful EditionWhat is /asp/?/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.>Is there an audience for X?Would you watch someone do X?Is someone already doing X?>What video editor should I use for editing clips?DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money, otherwise use Adobe Premiere Pro.Open company auditions:https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/enUseful links:General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGKOp-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbcWhat to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdtStay grounded, stay hopeful.Previous thread: >>54199676
It is Wednesday my dudes/aspies/ streaming today:Olga is streaming Martyr at 2 PM EST: https://twitch.tv/olgaokamiCats is streaming Minecraft at 5 PM EST: https://twitch.tv/catsreturnKuromaru is collabing with Fuza playing Halo at 8 PM EST: https://twitch.tv/kuromaruoniisan https://twitch.tv/fuzakerunahDante is streaming Minecraft at 8 PM EST: https://twitch.tv/dantedaedaluschKankuro is streaming Minecraft then SF6 at 9 PM EST: https://twitch.tv/kankurokingchGClef is streaming karaoke then Outer Wilds at 10 PM EST: https://twitch.tv/gclefcannonBusy busy! If you're also streaming please reply
Should we add our dedicated clipper channel to the thread as well or nah?
>>54284537In the OP? Could do in future
Stayin' afloat!
Does anyone have any recommendations for a good drawing tablet with a screen? Been on an art kick lately
>>54286812Anything Huion. I'd personally steer clear from XP-Pen, but YMMV. I personally use a Huion Kamvas 20" ($600), but you could easily get a smaller-scale one for cheaper.
Its always on the yuro watch stg
>>54284537We have a clipper?
>>54289117Some guy saying he wanted to try starting a clipping channel anyway
>>54286812Get an iPad, alternatively a Wacom if you have money burning a hole in your pocket.
>>54289594the wacom can also be used as a second monitor
>>54283627Killer_Tofu_ is streaming at 1pm EST, playing a Kaizo Mario hack
>>54289594>>54290218Wacom is grossly overpriced for Cintiqs. Genuinely worth seeking another brand. iPads are fine, but you run into a ton of limitations that it varies from person to person based on your needs.
My xp-pen is serviceable but I dont think I'd have paid full price for it were it not on deep sale. Could be a skill issue though.
>>54289594I have an iPad for drawing, Procreate has layer limitations though which is a problem if you want to do any art for Live2D
So..... uhhh... when should I apply for EN4
...Anonymous07/25/23(Tue)12:50:05 No.54215233Is there anything more pathetic than a male vtuber? Who do you appeal to? You're not cute, you're not entertaining, no one wants to hang out with you. Girls are cute, girls are entertaining, we want to hang out with girls. If you're a male reading this I suggest you kys.
>>54283627Always so many streams on Wednesdays
>>54296295At least put some effort into this. It's the only (You) you're getting from me
>Make a real big stink about splitting the thread for no good fucking reason because I made the other one>Said thread dies overnightGood job asp, really showed me who's the boss of this gym!
>>54295602Now, and every 3 months afterward. Make sure that your content is improving during the 3 month cooldown period on sending applications.
I’ve been seeing stuff about a new asp gen? Do we have a list of chuubas that are actually in it or are we just saying that?
>>54299252Out of the lot there's only been like 2 that have streamed even once.It's a nothingburger so far.
>>54299252Gen implies a cohesive group separated from a previous group. In this case it means nothing.
Will see whether I win this battle against the scuff today or not... My money is on me losing once again... BUT AT LEAST IT'S ENDEARING RIGHT????
>>54299805Talk to someone who knows computers about what’s causing it. I had the same issues until I cleaned my pc fans and cleared up space on the hard drive.
>>54299805Sit down and make a ist of everything you expect could go wrong. Set up solutions to each of those issues. "Scuff" is usually from going in too hasty or just not thinking out ahead of time how to resolve problems before going live.
>>54286812ipad if you're smart, Kamvas if you're autistic
>>54293408use a different program? Don't they have clip studio paint on ipad?
is there any brown loli chuubas i can draw?
>>54301587No /asp/ie that i am presently aware of is based enough to have such a model. Take a look around /choc/, they'll have something suitable for you.
I love you friends! I hope you're doing great today!
>>54300787You're gonna make it bro!
>someone came into my stream and followed me>excited at my first follow>they say they are a GFX designer and tries to sell a banner emotes and a model>say I'm not interested>unfollowed and they leaveit shouldn't have stung as much as it did
Coco... sexo...
>>54301420sorry kamvas isn't portable like an ipad, plus a lot of actually famous artist just use their ipad doodles for work so its clearly able to do professional quality. Cheaper too, but you have to deal with apple. Professionally though, it really is a no brainer, are you an autistic neet who never leave there room, or do you want to draw on your tablet at the museum?
>>54297641you are extremely unfunny and your art is shit zoomieThats why
I saw this agency opening auditions for the 1st gen today. I wanted to give it a shot but looks kinda sus, what do you think?
Alto it would be retarded to actually delete your Twitter. Don't use it if it's bothering you but there's no reason to delete it
>>54303667Stop making dumbass comments on this if you're not an artist. There are literally things that each cannot do, but you're genuinely impaired if you think PC-attached display tablets aren't literally industry grade. Your Japanese artist oshi isn't using an iPad.
>>54304368>pre-made models>assets, games>brand new tiny org so "promotion" amounts to nothingit's literally nothing
>>54304368Always good to be suspicious of small corpos materializing like this, but this particular one might turn out alright for a bit. They seem pretty forthright when questioned, you might be able to get some questions answered if you send a DM or email.I fucking miss my boy Mystery, he used to look into shit like this
>>54301587>>54301731theres yui whos /asp/ adjacent (interacts with 2 or 3 aspies i think? or they interact with her & have mutual connections). shes posted here but didnt start here. maybe shes more wvt but you cant be picky about brownl olis imo https://twitter.com/YuiiDere . im gonna draw her soon too>>54297641stop being a schizo retard omg its so fucking tiresome>>54303667>>54304472this, ppl dont understand that a shitton of actual professionals use relatively cheap non-display pen tablets
>>54304368the only reason to join a small corpo is that you either have complete faith in them (which is foolish considering the sheer number of black companies that have imploded over the last year or two) or as a stepping stone for a larger corpo (which is even more foolish since they probably don't want someone they know will ditch them in a heartbeat for competition like that.)
>>54304937>they probably don't want someone they know will ditch them in a heartbeat for competition like thatthis is incorrect & why contracts exist, they want someone with a good audition + application. the professional production value that even a small corpo provides makes ur audition look better. if they like u its on them to show what they can offer u. dont have a beggars mindset in this stuff, make urself valuable and appealing and then advocate for urself
>>54304472Kamvas is literally chinese slop, its an entry level tablet. Where did I say that Compiter mounted tablets aren't professional? I said that for THE AUTHOR it would be a smart move to use a dumb ipad and not drop 600-2000 dollars for a nonmobile tablet and realize they suck dick and hate art. Clearly if they are ASKING for opinions they are a new artist looking to make a profession, not an actual professional. Faggot
>>54304884kill yourself thanks
>>54305238no thanks kek i have no reason to
>>54304368I might give it a shot. If I think it’s garbage, I’ll jump ship. Not the first time I’ve had to do so.
>>54304858They might be a black company or just a low tier corpo like AkioAir or Amber Glow. Honestly I wouldn't apply to any of those knowing that I would have such a little follower count despite their benefits or to avoid a Wactor like situation
>>54304937It doesn't worth using such a small and brand new corpo with practically zero history as a stepping stone honestly. IdolEN, phase connect or maybe PixelLink are probably better options, though they might have higher standards for their auditions
This is the ULTIMATE BOTTOM.His model, his voice, his energy, everything about him is designed for the sole purpose of pleasuring men.He'd probably suck off every male /asp/ie and /wvt/ie in a row, and not even for networking purposes, just for pleasure.He's the biggest slut. He likes to tease, and he knows what he is doing. His eyes are just begging for cock.He is the type of fag everyone would go gay for, even the most straight man ever, just for one night.Imagine him moaning your name with his femenine, yet vaguely european accent. Your dick becomes hard like diamonds.
>>54305853as long as u don't sign any contract it's fine, I guess I'll do the same
>>54306394Couldn't you make this shorter if you were going to try to force a ritual?
I feel disgusted when I recall last year's events, how do sleep at night after what you've done?
>>54306414Yeah, I may sign an NDA because I’m very curious about their inner processes but I’m not gonna sign an actual talent contract until I’m 1000% positive.
Now that's what I call schizophrenia
>>54306573I might try melatonin, I tried meeting other girls and it only gave me additional traumas
Realizing that this sleepy little general is going to struggle to stay alive in the wake of Holo EN3
Its sleepy because the eurochuubas don't post.
I want the thread to die
How do people feel about vroid now that live2d is so accessible nowadays?
>>54300433Yeah so far it was fortunately only audio-wise and I will most likely just do audio tests mid-stream to make sure everything is going smoothly. That and hope my internet doesn't die lmao.
>>OPDaily reminder to /asp/ that everyone in this thread is NGMI
>>54302466Give me a handle, I'll try to catch one of your streams
Something about vtubing really brings out the menhera in people
>>54309001True, only schizos and male vtubers stay in the threadCats, I know why you're still here and what you've done
>>54309346Its either it makes you money, get jealous of others success and showboating, or trying to make it so that others will fall and schedenfraude is had. People will do whatever it takes to make the successful fail and fall from grace and those that are failures stay failures.I blame the overall community itself for fostering a menhera/womenhera attitudes towards one another. Oh and virtue signaling/profit boasting/showboating/drama stirring faggots ruin the entire experince of being into Vtubing.
>>54309515We could have had people playing cool characters like from anime and manga if vtubing took off at the right timeInstead because of Hololive there's now this weird culture of idolfagging even in the EN sphere where it doesn't make any sense
>>54309592Due to Japan Copyright laws (and US obeying their said laws), You cannot Vtube as Manga/Anime characters unless they are 1: Distributed by the Developers/Producers of Models 2: Have explicit license and permission to use/modify them for profit by Developers/Producers 3: Explicit permission from the Mangaka/Publishers themselves to promote said streams with copyrighted characters on basis to promote their manga/shows/anime/games.
>>54309515the "vtuber community" is principally made up of two groups:1) women2) men submissively trying to obtain the favor of womenit isn't surprising that vtubing has a feminine, deceitful, drama-laden, psychotic aura about it. the masculine influences that counterbalance such things in general society are totally absent in vtubing. there are no male authority figures to provide stability to everything. instead, women are the authoritative force here. the lunatics are running the asylum.
>>54309935you also cannot stream videogames due to the same copyright lawsin reality no one cares
>>54309956and guess who give the women that power to go ahead?The Simps/perverts/coomers. Cut the source of their profits and Vtubing should be gone back to normal.
Glance at this thread and notice how many idiots (not even going to call them schizos because that implies they don't know what they're doing, get off on false rumors, vague trash talk and overall pointless negativity. Teehee I reposted the anti-male copypasta that's sure to rule some jimmies teehee" or just chanting "ngmi" outside of some obvious braincases I doubt there's a lotbof genuine menhera in a sea of "ironic" negativity.
>>54309592I've always had a character I wanted to play out and vtubing gives the chance to do so. I'm not really into idol culture I just like doing cool videogame adjacent things like develop the story for the character. It is easier than making a game for it (which i've tried for many years) or writing the story (i can't write anything i can't even read). Now I can use it as supplement for the character without having it have to hold up to other media.
>>54310015i wouldn't count on that happening any time soonthe pandemic ending was just a "return to the norm", it's not the death of vtubingthere's still an ever-growing slice of the male population that will never touch a titty in their lives, and they're gonna oil for vtubers till they drop
>>54310081Fucking cucks should learn that no amount of $ is going to get their pussy on from the Vtuber they watch.
>>54309956I'm here as a male to try to submissively obtain the favor of more masculine males.
>>54310015>>54310163The last guy I heard giving that type of speech ended up fucking a menhera bitch, they're living together right now and her viewers are clueless
All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.All comments are considered libel and false unless proven by staff members.
>>54310163Adrian pulled it off
>>54310163worked for me, it's not that hard. didn't even donate to their stream i just became friends
>>54309045even if I'm male?
>>54311092If you're asking this unironically then no. Stop being ashamed of your sex you giant babies
>>54311732Quit saying sorry you piece of shit.
I promise this is thread on topic tangentially, what is /asp/'s favorite castle configuration? Tower? Motte and Bailey?
Yo /asp/, you ARE making sure to stay hydrated, yeah? Wouldn't do to lose any of you to some shit related to high temperatures.
>>54312125https://youtu.be/9KX2uHHy9_cToo late. You lost me already.
Vtubing was better pre-2020.The entire existence of the EN vtubing community was a mistake.
>>54312538So true sis
>>54311883So original
Daily reminder if you don’t have a live2d model you are literally less than dirt. Pngtubers are a meme and nobody takes you seriously. You’re like that fat men of the vtubing world, if you don’t care enough about your appearance to work out/get a live2d model then why should anyone else care about you?
>>54313282Ogey Laine, I'm not paying you $1k for a live2d
something I learned about making jokes is that the type of humor you have attracts different genres of people. if you're edgy, you attract unironic racists and transphobes. if you're too clean, you attract people that can't comprehend shitposting or can't banter. the sweetspot is somewhere in the middle (and a lot of banning)
Mute Vtubers are the best. Those that cannot Talk cannot Yab. Those that don't have Twitter are awesome because they don't socialize. They don't interact with other streamers. They focus on their own craft be it Gaming or other.Who cares about interaction when Vtubers offer nothing but Sex jokes and coomer bait viewing? All in all I feel that whatever the Vtuber is doing as in playing a game or something else is alot more better than listening to whatever rhetoric diarrhea shit spouts from their virtual mouths that is made for sucking dicks and being a literal Ethot whore.
>>54311883>debut>still not on any tierlistsI can't believe I made no impact whatsoever...
>>54313694I feel especially bad for chuubas that inadvertently end up attracting literal children to their chats. It's even worse when their chats are already sparsely populated.
>>54313896Skill/money issue.
>>54313896that image is from like a month ago at least senpai
>>54313896Anon that template is at least a month old.
>>54312125No matter how much I drink I can't fill the hole in my heart
>>54313900well, even among children there are different types you have to watch out for. there are children that are very innocent and usually behave (but they can be sensitive). there are also the annoying kind, the ones that spam redeems and think yelling NIGGER in chat is funny. i would never want to know the age of someone in chat but its usually obvious whenever they come in. im fine with the first but the second gets instantly banned the moment they come in. even with the 18+ filter you cant really stop children from coming into your stream
>>54313694>if you're edgy, you attract unironic racists and transphobes.Heaven
>>54314003>>54314011someone should really make a new tierlist then. AND PUT ME IN S WHILE YOU ARE AT IT!please?
>>54313900>>54314236I've ended up attracting what I thought were children but it turns out they're just 20+ autists that want to tell me about their Pokemon cards and day to day life. It makes me a little uncomfortable but they keep coming back.
>>54314416S should only be for our groomable /asp/ies
>>54314236every streamer (not just chuuba) should have a blanket "nobody under 18 allowed" rule. I mean, I'm sure all of us were dipshit kids once. Maybe in our days we browsed forums or IRC chats instead of twitch streams, but learning to keep some things to yourself and to not act like a stupid kid are things that need to be learned.
>>54314480Why did you choose to become a streamer? What did you think it was going to be?
>>54314416does your name start with an s
>>54314611not every streamer is an 18+ only streamer. i know plenty of streamers that actively discourage swearing and any sort of adult only topic or game. just be strict about moderating your own channel the way you want it to be.
>>54314639I didn't think I was going to attract actual autistic people I guess. I've never really had any experience with autistic people before. It's just a little unsettling talking with them. I think it's the over sharing and perceived closeness.
>>54314865you probably realized this already but normal people typically do not become regular chatters for strangers
>>54314806you can have a "no children" rule without swearing or playing borderline porn games, you know
>>54314935I have some regulars that seem very normal, well adjusted and nice who I like a lot and wouldn't mind regular chats from. Just dudes who are actually interested in the kind of stuff I stream and my personality. Maybe there's more under the surface but I don't purposefully make my content to attract coomers so I'm hopeful they're normal.
>>54315057i dont think you understand what i just said. there are streamers that actively pander to children or dont mind having them. family friendly streamers exist and they typically play games like Minecraft or Animal Crossing. you can legally browse twitch as long as you're 13 and above.
are these a good alternative to a streamdeck?anyone have any experience.
>>54315981I just use touchportal on my phone. If you happen to have an old smartphone lying around, you can just turn it into a streamdeck instead.
>>54284537Limelight here, I'd appreciate it. I'm only one guy that clips in my off hours, so I can't always catch the aspies live
>>54313896Momo you're guaranteed gen 5 you'll be better off when they make a gen 5 tier list
>>54316760He'll have a rep as a scared whiny annoying guy scared about his rep lol
>>54316760>guaranteed gen 5 What does that even mean
>>54308954From a chatter's perspective, I think it's lower value and a bit harder to make look good if we're talking specifically Vroid without much or any modification. Since 2D is standard as well, it sticks out, but not necessarily in a good way.As a streamer though, it's still infinitely easier to start up with: no cutting, no rigging, it can handle most peoples' wants for a design relatively well, and it's completely free. It's the easiest option to just go live with, I'd even say it's easier than PNG if you're a non-artist.Personally, I still use a modified Vroid, but that's because I like it. It tickles my inner goofball by looking like a high effort shitpost
>>54316889He's too late to be core gen 4. They're all well established and cohesive
>>54308954vroid has its uses and its still more accessible than l2d, even moreso if you don't have any artistic skills. good to get those streaming reps in.
>>54314352the problem is most of them are also fucking dumb and not enjoyable to talk to, just like everyone else
>>54318416much higher chances of a person having interesting thoughts if they don't unflinchingly adhere to the dominant ideology
>>54317322Gibberish corpolarp
>>54318532Then he's not gen 4 either
>every single "model artist" has no work e-mail and instead demands to conduct business through twitter, so they can check how much clout you havejust kill artists
>>54318578t. unaffiliated anonymous poster
>>54318799t. menhera german
>>54318483They might just be schizophrenic. Not every racist is some high brow intellectual that doesn’t accept the general racial narrative, some are just literal schizoids slinging nigger like candy and low-IQ mongrels
>>54320317>some are just literal schizoids slinging nigger like candy and low-IQ mongrels
>>54318791Go through Art Station. Thats how I got Art Gun to do mine before she went onto Twitter.
>>54320483You mean before Art Gun went insane
>>54320483>go on artstation and click the first result>pic relkek
>>54320654Yeah but this is like pre-2021. Now its all Twitter Based. But my option still stands. Use Art Station instead of X/Twitter. You will find artists to commission. Either that or Skeb.Never/EVER commission from Twitter. You are most likely going to get scammed.
>>54320544I think its the company of people who influence her. Influx of money + High Profile Clientele can do that to people.
Where should I be shilling?
>>54321250my dms
>7 hundred billion manhours>Only just barely manage to unfuck the fucked up hands on the PNG I'm drawingA-At least I'm having fun with this haha
pupet playing TF2 because bandai killed his big robot overwatch clone and this is all he has left https://www.twitch.tv/savvyavenue
https://www.twitch.tv/dantedaedaluschDante is engineering the mines, and things that aren't mines. And also things that don't explode when you step on them.
>>54321250presumably not here
>>54321250my bedroom if possible
Kankuro here!We're going to be relaxing on this fine Wednesday by getting our teeth kicked in Streeto Fighta!Dhalsim Only, No Chance of Advancing, Final Destination.https://www.twitch.tv/kankurokingch
>set everything up to stream>chat showing onscreen is the one thing that refuses to workI'm so annoyed I just want to start streaming already
>>OPGuys I'm streaming drunk to one viewer is it over
>>54326979Start masturbating live and see if he'll notice
>>54327107You first
Networking advice?
>>54327749get a router with MAC address spoofing so you can evade IP bans without proxies
>>54314650I am changing my name to Smomomo as we speak
>>54327799No, not that kind of networking. The one that involves talking to people (something I'm really bad at).
I don't wanna post it on my twitter.No, I won't take commission, I just wanna doodle.
>>54329296just in case
>>54329296Who what and why does that bellybutton look like a vagina
family guy funny clips and tipsy art study streamhttps://www.twitch.tv/7nanahyaku7?sr=a
https://www.twitch.tv/gclefcannonkaraoke, no instruments mode (this is way harder than playing my own backing for some reason???)
why y'all obsessed with making and being on tierlists anywayAlso I have a cover coming out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azwV_5eeB4o
>>54306394bland boring and worst of all: not even a shota
I'm so shit at computers. I don't get how to even set up a stream much less the vtuber aspects.i wish I was smart enough to be a streamer
>more people in a "collab" than viewers >it's just a bunch of the streamer's discord friends, not even other small vtubersI don't think I've seen anyone form here do this but please never do, it's beyond pathetic and a huge turnoff
is there a reason to commit to one platform and not just stream on twitch/youtube/kick all at once at the same time ?how am i supposed to know what has a better chance of me being given attention
>>54332100twitch TOS technically says you're not allowed to stream to other platforms simultaneouslybut you can always just tell support "sorry someoine else is restreaming me to youtube/kick, i cant stop them"
>>54332100If you are an 1 view literal who nobody will know
Do I give myself the family friendly tag if I don't curse or talk about sex and politics but still might play mature games or allude to other unrelated adult topics
>>54332100Audience exclusion could be a problem. If you don't have all 3 chats onscreen at once, anyone in the chats might be lost on what you're talking about if you talk about a topic started on one of the others. Or they might simply think you're just talking to your friends, which also doesn't seem very audience friendly if they seem like an afterthought..
>play modern zoomed games i hate but people actually watch >vs. Play retro games i like or am mildly curious about that nobody will watch The after school show special answer is to do what I want but then I end up a 40 hour 0 view guy.
>>54331895Ask your bf to take care of the technical stuff, that's what I did, he even modded my model
Would you watch a boring older than 30 years old man who has no career with no hobbies interests or life stories who is washed up at the games he use to be average at?I've been isolated and lonely for slightly over a decade now. Most people would probably devote that time to a hobby or skill but I've just been depressed in bed doing nothing. I want to pick up streaming as some kind of outlet and to make friends.
>>54334796Just make shit up. Not like anybody knows who the fuck you really are.
>>54333640>bfim a femcel with scoliosis and genitals freak me out
>>54334969ask your brother then, stop making excuses and find a way to stream
>>54334969hello baby. i'll help you set up the stream in exchange for the slightest whiff of female pussy vagina.
>>54333256I've played and finished an indie game nobody knows and quite frankly? I'm glad I did. Game was a blast and the people watching me had a blast watching as well. So yeah, imo if you enjoy your streams, your viewers will too. Besides, why would I watch a noname when popular streamer 1-4 also play the same game?
>>54332941So long as it's not extremely gory? I'd say yes
is it awkward to make and/or post fanart of /asp/ies that have only shown some WIPs of their model here in the past
>>54334969Now you got me aroused. Also the scoliosis can be improved and the sooner you get started the better. Find a physical therapist who's qualified to treat scoliosis and have him prescribe a routine of exercises that you can follow to improve the curvature.
>>54337169Can be if they never follow through and actually stream. If it encourages them to actually follow through though then I guess that's ok.
>>54311092Just gimme a name already. If you're female I'm assuming you're a lewdtuber and at that point I may as well just watch porn
>>54337169it's awkward if you make it awkward
>>54302466kek, im laughing at you
>>54337169kinda? i'd assume you're some sort of groomer but would be happy to get fanart regardless
>>54333256streaming for yourself and streaming for the entertainment of others are entirely different things
>>54338458why do you call everyone who makes fan art a groomer?
>>54304884Yui please get better at shilling yourself in a less obvious way I think the new design is cute but this is sending your reputation down the gutter
Yui is like Necrodeer, someone you should steer clear off if you want to be a respectable vtuber and not a joke
Apparently /asp/ is entering the vtweeter arc where we just start skinwalking and trash talking chuubas who have selfposted once but haven't even streamed yet. Christ you guys are pathetic.
Alto, transfer normal data from a sphere for the head
>>54337433I'm a very awkward person
>>54341286I meant making it awkward by adding weird fetishes or making it lewdalso that looks very cute
>>54340787You mean for my own model, right? I didn't do an unlit texture for my 2nd attempt and to my understanding normals don't affect models that only show albedo as long as they all face outside. I'll do it for my 3rd attempt, 2nd attempt was a bit of a shitshow and I left a lot of stuff out to just get it done>>54304376It's draining to check and I get no pull from it
>>54340630i never believed for a second anyone here is real nothing that was ever said here was true
How many chuuba friends have you lost along the way?
>have an autistic, silibant 's', along with a deep voice, but not deep enough to be appealing it's so over
>>54342048They all dropped off the face of the earth or got too big and drifted away :(
>>54341674I meant the chibi practice, the shadows around the mouth are horrifying Normals affect shadows, and if you tweak them you can have shadows that don't follow the shape of the face (desirable in anime/cartoon style)
>>54342048all of them, but there's always a chance to make new friends
>>54338687take your meds, this is literally the first time in months ive been in this thread. might also be a sign you're spending too much time here
>>54343092NTA but I see fanartists for smaller chuubas get called groomers all the time
>>54342416not him but do custom normals work with vrm exports?
>>54342048You can't lose friends if you don't make them in the first place
>>54342416Ah, that one did have an unlit texture and yeah, I forgot to tweak the normals to make it work properly. I'm not fixing the practice chibi, but I'll definitely tweak the normals on my next practice project and my 3rd attempt (My 2nd one has no shadows, anything that looks like one is just painted on)
For my next trick I'm going to pee in a jar and drink it.
>>54344898If you're a girl, post it on /ringo/, they'd love that
>>54344898Boo, already done. Need something more extreme!
why are there no hyper, loud, autistic maletubersare they too annoying for streaming
>>54345648All the loud mades already made it as a tradcam or nocam (e.g. Joel and Anomaly)
>>54344898The girls at /idol/ already beat you to it but you can still try.
>>54345648That's me. And yes, but I don't care.
SEA dropping the ball
>>54348390which SEA /asp/ies do we have that stream regularly in english?
>>54348528SEA dropping the ball
It's Thursday, my dudes.
>>54322786HARD PASS on this cancel culture creep
>>54348390>>54349059have mercy it's lunch break here, we'll bump in 5 hours or so
>>54341286you're fine hanabi, everyone appreciates you, don't worry about it. dont blame you btw her design is really cute
Once I get the confidence to play something other than my obscure comfort game I'll start selfposting
>>54344898no no no you're supposed to SELL that
how inflated is the puzzle game vtuber niche? i've only seen two or three channels that end up doing that kind of thing and any others are all let's players.
>>54351958Most puzzle games are not visually attractive or fun to watch, also viewers tend to back seat and spoonfeed you the answers.On that topic if you want a visually interesting, mostly logic based, puzzle box games, then The Room series are quite good with the first game being short at less than 3 hours unless you are a retard, Highly recommend the first and not so much the sequels https://store.steampowered.com/app/288160/The_Room/
>>54352400i've already played through at least 1-3 but remember basically none of it. i was thinking more in line with patrick's parabox/baba is you/railbound-esque games (these games seem to have all done well with general streamers, i remember vinesauce's baba is you stream doing well and atrioc's railbound stream became a channel meme before he nuked his career jej)i'll put this on a list to play through on stream though
>>54352505ah that type of logic puzzles, never played too many of them but if you want a game that is not completely a puzzle game then you can try https://store.steampowered.com/app/558990/Opus_Magnum/the puzzle is in trying to be as efficient as possible, you can also pirate it as getting an GOG copy is easy as searching for it
>>54349120I'm rooting for you buddy
>>54352798thank you for the other game! i need to go through zachtronics games but i think i will save those for streamingyeah i am a big fan of logic puzzles and i love watching people solve the really big outlandish ones, it's kind of like watching that lockpicking guy on youtube fuck up a complicated lock. i am also a crippling portal speedrunning autist
>>54349120it certainly is, furfriendgodspeed
>>54352853>>54353255Thanks, prob stream more GBVS beta when it goes back up live
>>54334969>scoliosisyou actually think a slightly twisted spine is going to deter anyone?men are so desperate nowadays that they would even fuck a manatee, it ain't even funny
>>54351958I don't think it's that inflated, I like puzzles, just don't let people backseat because it'll spoil your fun
I don’t know what I’m doing anymore
>remember to clip/highlightI don't even know where to start on editing an application from my empire of 2view VODs
>>54356090Watch through your VODs. Any bits that made you laugh or that you thought were cool? They'll probably make good clips. Trust in your own sense of humour. If you're not sure then ask someone else "Is this funny/cool?". You should make a habit of doing this
>>54304368I saw pippa reply under their tweet, so I assume they'll be getting a decent amount of auditions
>>54302466That sucks. Some of my first chatters were viewer bot spammers, but they at least made it clear from the first message
Hope Sun streams again soon
>>54359093Nice rabi vro
>>54283627ChaosFoundry is streaming Persona 5 at 10pm CST https://www.twitch.tv/ChaosFoundry?sr=a
>>54313282You're talking a lot, but since you're Live2D all I see is an expensive piece of paper speaking. > 3D Vtubers are superior
>>54342048 Lost, or who suddenly got so successful they forgot I exist? Because the answer to both is a lot. I feel like the fat kid getting lapped by the kid in a literal wheelchair. I need to improve.
>>54342048who needs "friends" anyway?
>>54342048The viewers that stopped coming felt worse
I prefer the look of PNGs
>>54339725qrd ?
>>54364111Best I can tell they're a 1.5k sub YouTube chuuba who streams to the void on twitch occasionally.
Chuuba sex
What niche do you think is open for vtubing that you don't think you could fill yourself?
>>54364111Anon is just mad about girls being Phase adjacent.
>>54367230Teaching streams, cooking/food streamsWith technology being better now, 3D dancing streams could become more of a thing
>>54368553>Teaching streamsI've had the idea to do Kanji reps streams but I have no clue if there's a market for that coming from a male
>>54370958>coming from a maleIf you don't stop taking like this I WILL kill you
>>54370958Lots of VTuber fans want to learn Japanese, so this could be good, but you'd be learning along with people who are at different levels. No harm in trying it I guess
>>54370958>I have no clue if there's a market for that coming from a male
>>54371356If I had a tenth of the charisma Namasensei had I wouldn't be doubting myself, but that's a good point. You just need a good angle
>>54363371I much prefer a nice png than those generic or ugly models l2d/3d models. Jesus, some of them are fugly.
>>54342048I stopped talking to a lot of femchuubas once they start dming me shit about their “secret” boyfriends and shit talked about other femchuubas in the most low brow manner ever. I don’t understand why they would confide to me about that sort of thing when I am their viewer too.
Croc Remnant collab with AcoVT https://www.twitch.tv/albertmornvt
>>54371967Most of the pngs people use here are as ugly as it gets. Too many people with zero artistic sensibilities insisting on pngtubing with their donuts because they thinks it’s their true reflection of their inner selves or some retarded bullshit. Put it this way, how often have you visited someone’s house and thought holy shit these guys have a really nice looking house, the decorations and everything looks absolutely perfect. Probably zero, because most people just throw whatever furniture they want wherever it’s convenient instead of hiring an experienced interior decorator. That’s what pngtubers basically are, people who are inadequately skilled to design a character telling professional artists who make a living designing characters exactly how they want their characters to be designed.
>>54373686I only associate with the good femchuubas apparently. They act just like the bros
>>54367230Probably lifting streams. Theoretically it would be possible pretty easily with motion tracking, but the harder part would be actually capturing the equipment or weights.
what's a good voice changer program? I don't want anything drastic just a slightttt pitch change
Every time I see this thread I just think of people with assburgers
>>54374113Just adjust your EQ
>>54373859It's mostly about not looking generic. The free/cheap models are extremely boring, but some of them are even ugly.You can make an ugly png interesting, but it's harder if you have a boring *and* generic model.Bottom of the bottom would be boring and generic pngSo the rankings are good model > good png > ugly model > ugly png > generic and/or ugly model > ugly and generic png
>>54374640it legitimately took me a solid year+ to stop associating this thread with the board that got renamed to /pw/ around the same time this place rebranded from /auds/
>>54374820>good model > good png > ugly model > ugly png > generic model > generic pngOh, wait, this makes more sense
>can choose to be anything as a vtuber>decide to be a regular no kemoshit human
>>54367230I’ve said it before mostly in jest, but putting on a play. Just find a Shakespearean play that can be performed without the need for that many actors. They don’t even need to be good actors, just the novelty of vtubers recreating a play would be a novel enough idea to attract viewers.
>>54374977Rebel coded post
>>54374962Catgirls and bunny boys are just the next step in the human evolution, so it makes sense that people are attracted to this sort of design. People just know best
>>54367230Streaming porn game playthroughs on pornhub.
>>54374849We do that too. And win straps
>>54374820>It's mostly about not looking generic.This is the exact line of thinking that creates over-designed monstrosities. Simple designs can be great. Makoto Shinkai for example tends to keep his character designs very simple and has found immeasurable success doing so. When every vtuber wants to be a demon/nekomimi/monster girl/special snowflake, sometimes just being a normal girl with a basic design is what stands out the most.
>>54374640Not wrong desu
Seriously though, it's Gen 5 time. Most Gen 4 wouldn't be caught dead selfposting here if they even read the thread.
>>54375740vtubing is a weird medium in that the more sparkledog your design is the more generic it can feel. when everyone's special, nobody is and all that.but still, I think when people say something is "generic" the first thing that comes to their mind is a normal cutesy anime girl with [insert animal here] ears, maybe a tail, and one sock longer than the other for the sake of asymmetry. it's an infinitely more tired cliche than even the dreaded vroid hoodie in my opinion, and I say this as someone that watches multiple chuubas that fit that description to a T.
>>54375849Desperate groomer post
>>54375898You missed your window now you're Gen 5.
>>54375849>Is DigbyHi!
>>54375988We don't let groomers like you decide that here
>>54375740I think you haven't seen the actual generic stuff I'm talking about. There are a few chuubas I watch who have basically the same model but with a different color pallette. It got me confused at first and kind of ruined the image I had of them since its been months and they still have the same models.You can have your "normal anime girl" as long as it looks visually distinct from other "normal anime girls"
What's the motivation for you guys to want to become a vtuber? I've been wondering about this ever since I heard my oshi say that she just wants to be a cute anime girl on the internet.
People who look at characters and say "just a regular human" are low IQ
>>54375740Speaking of rasslin, this reminds me of lower tier indie wrestling. Not like the Adam Cole ROH/PWG type of guys, but really low tier local level guys. There was a poster for a local show and every other wrestler has a gothic-ish/supernatural type gimmick, pretty much ripping off the Undertaker. It’s funny how everyone’s idea of standing out is ripping off the one guy in the WWE that arguably stands out the most, and in effect over half the people on that show had the same retarded gimmick. It was pretty hilarious how all the guys had the exact same idea.
>>54376406I've been trying to get an announcement poster made but now is as any to mention. I followed through on my threat to make an /asp/ themed Holofightz-style fed. Maiden stream is scheduled (tentatively) for August 12. The current roster is about 20 talents deep but I'm happy to add any /asp/ie interested in joining. I'll do a proper announcement once I've got the card organized.
>>54376217The models on nizima that aren’t restricted to only one purchaser? Generic wouldn’t be right term to describe those, mass produced is more accurate.
>>54376406Are they really trying to stand out or do they just want to larp as their favorite wrestler?
why do you guys try to imitate hololive in absolutely everything at all times. it's so cringy. you even use "gen names" like them. and they're boring sequential numbers. you coulda got creative and done stuff like calling corpse's gen "the silent generation"/asp/ will never ever make it, you do hololive's schtick with 1/1000th the resources, there's no spirit of insurgent creativity
>>54376968Cool post >no new ip
>>54334969hello hahah yes whats your @?
>>54376703>current roster is about 20 talents deepList?
>>54376832Every wrestler’s favorite wrestler was Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels, or at least it was for the previous generation of wrestlers since you have young guys now who grew up on Rock and Austin. But yeah, getting yourself a spooky gimmick like the Undertaker is a lot easier than suddenly becoming a talented wrestler like Bret or Shawn.
>>54374962Is bigfoot a kemonomimi?
>>54376786Well, mass-produced is a step away from generic