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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.53972583

Marines womb...

>> No.53972641


>> No.53972668

How many times are we going to have this same thread?

>> No.53972676
Quoted by: >>54056271

>whore, japan

>> No.53972726


>> No.53972729

Marine is so over the top she actually becomes not lewd.

>> No.53972951
Quoted by: >>54022951

Yes. Deal with it.

>> No.53973222
File: 52 KB, 473x646, E9RiGsmVEAY2QZp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's not ok in my opinion and decreases the likelihood of me watching her streams. I'll explain my opinion on Vtubers doing lewd/fanservice content in levels:

Level 0 (Pure): A girl who never does anything lewd, she apparently doesn't know about sex, never swears, has a modestly dressed model.

Level 1 (Normal): A girl who talks about boobs and other light fanservice topics when it comes up. She might have an outfit that has some fanservice elements (big boobs, short skirt, etc,), but this is not the main focus.

Level 2 (Fanservice): A girl who is openly sexy and does fanservice content. The main point of focus of her model is sex appeal. She talks about her boobs/thighs/butt every stream, and comments on/likes lewd fanart. Marine is here.

Level 3 (Whore): Will talk about extreme fetishes, bodily functions that are normally not talked about among well mannered people, will talk about her real sex life and will post her physical body in various states of undress on Twitter under her Vtuber persona to gain more fans.

Most girls in Hololive are in Level 1, a few in Level 0 and a few in Level 2. None in Level 3. I think what people mean by saying that JP is different to Western indies, is that Western indies do often cross over into Level 3.
I personally like Level 0 and Level 1 and can tolerate Level 2 if necessary.

>> No.53973250

No one cares about your western bitches. Go watch more veibae streams where she unironically insults you for your worthlessness.

>> No.53973297

>he's mad that Japanese girls are superior to westoid she-beasts

>> No.53973391

senchou please marry me and carry my children

>> No.53973511
Quoted by: >>53973807

Will you be able to provide for her and your children?

>> No.53973560

>literally her act the ENTIRE time
>not some numberfagging bait bullshit
Yes. Unironically yes, it's okay with Marine does it, but not others. Now fuck off.

>> No.53973565
File: 694 KB, 830x946, 1689553307776802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53975203

>your children

>> No.53973807
Quoted by: >>53973851

yes, absolutely

>> No.53973851

Then you have my permission to marry her.

>> No.53974177
Quoted by: >>54072418


It's not okay because she's JP, it's okay because she's Marine.

She has carved out a unique space for herself in the culture. It's half-kayfabe, she's playing a cartoonishly horny character, not just purely being horny on main. It's not entirely lying either but she generally knows how far she can/should push it and when to pepper in winks to remind us it's mostly fake.

>> No.53975025
Quoted by: >>54070398

I'm sorry, but posting sense and reasoning in a bait thread doesn't get noticed.

>> No.53975073

yeah, it's ok when holojp does it. cope.

>> No.53975203
Quoted by: >>54012111

she wants to be the one getting cucked.

>> No.53975229
File: 100 KB, 1080x1246, 1671993850169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53975615
Quoted by: >>54070398

this, it's so fucking tiring seeing people equate fanservice to talking about literal-actual whore behavior IRL.

it's like going "this guy who likes FPS games is just as bad as this other guy who confessed to murdering someone IRL wooooow what hypocrisy." lol no it isn't the same.

>> No.53976039
Quoted by: >>53976222

Rules for thee but not for me

>> No.53976181
File: 80 KB, 476x664, 1596544274945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't retards understand this?
Some men just hate western vtubers, that's simple.

>> No.53976222

Yes, and?

>> No.53976248

Am I underestimating how many people, especially new people, post on this board or do you guys seriously not get tired of having the exact same threads and discussions since the board's very creation?

>> No.53976269
Quoted by: >>53976383

I'm here to enjoy my anger.

>> No.53976342
File: 2.00 MB, 1440x810, 1674527143189015.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its ok when JP does it

>> No.53976383
Quoted by: >>53976412

Why are you angry?

>> No.53976412
Quoted by: >>53976472

For fun. Why else?

>> No.53976472

I see.

>> No.53976638
Quoted by: >>53976813

Always said that JP is more whorish than EN in general, muh seiso idol shit is pure cope from Ken-sama.

>> No.53976727

Unironically yes.

>> No.53976765

Holy sex…

>> No.53976813
Quoted by: >>53976873

>Always said that JP is more whorish than EN in general
Why do you like being wrong?

>> No.53976873

I don't hence why i'm always right
JP = whores
EN = actual idols

>> No.53976938
Quoted by: >>54070398

Based and /threadpilled

>> No.53976948

i don't mind EN doing it either, i just find them boring and not worth my time

>> No.53977110

>Christian faggot bothered by a vtuber showing their tongue
Why theres so many gays and trannies in this fucking board

>> No.53977127


>> No.53977245

Yes, that's right.

>> No.53977268

God Aki is so fucking hot

>> No.53977308
File: 877 KB, 540x720, its okay when jp does it [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fungnpg.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53977750
File: 157 KB, 1297x1438, real [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpy9mm1.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53978626

it's ok when the chuubas I like do it

>> No.53977818
Quoted by: >>54070398

put it in to words perfectly, thank you basedchama

>> No.53977869
Quoted by: >>53978421

Yes, different values

>> No.53978421

Japs are expected to be cucked by their spouses, your wife is going to fuck the neighbor and the deliveryman, the husband is expected to pay a high schooler for prime teenager pussy.
You are expected to be cucked by your oshi, different values really.

>> No.53978470
File: 2.20 MB, 942x498, 1689450327441520.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53978619

The Japanese-to-English/Indonesian language barrier the sole reason why this board tolerates the JP holomems

>> No.53978626


>> No.53978642

anon, what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.53978663

the only threads i'm really burned out on right now are gura.

>> No.53978806

I'm explaining the difference of value between the West and the Japanese.
West condemns adultery and cheating, Japan considers it a normal fact of life that you are going to be cucked. Meiji tried really hard to civilize those beasts but he was just a single man.

>> No.53978849
Quoted by: >>53981060

He's saying all japanese people are unfaithful sluts which is true.

>> No.53978850

>None in Level 3

>> No.53978941

>Western thots can’t even outwhore Hololive
Welp what do the western whores have than the Japs can’t easily surpass?

>> No.53980546

Chocosen ..

>> No.53981060

Neither of these men have ever been to Japan.

>> No.53981791
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x1080, 1664332012749751.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ok when hags do it

>> No.53981845

Holy sex…

>> No.53982222

Me in the background fishing

>> No.53982263

mating press!
mating press!!!

>> No.53982423

Talk to me when she fucks a shota on stream.

>> No.53982469

>flirts with their audience, never too explicit
>occasionally mention what fetishes/tropes they like in media
>once in a while apologizes that they aren't feeling well, implies it's because of her period
>never talks about their own sexual encounters if they've had them

>flirts with males in front of their audience, literally gets motorboated on stream by male vtubers
>talk about what fetishes they partake in IRL
>"diarrhea, period discharge, and chunky vaginal membrane casserole" https://files.catbox.moe/6lbq01.mp4
>constantly talks about all the sex they have or have had with multiple partners

How do you not understand this by now? Is it on purpose?

>> No.53982522

unironically yes you should know this by now. it's only ok when the JPs do it and it's Hololive anyone else is a filthy whore that isn't worth your seed and that's how all of /vt/ sees it because they don't know Japanese

>> No.53982795
File: 555 KB, 1157x870, vts-2023-06-18_22h10_45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54023825


>> No.53982891
Quoted by: >>53984503

Marine and Botan had a stream recently where they talked about their fetishes. Marine likes NTR btw.

>> No.53983016

Yes, it actually is.
Why do we have this thread so many times? It's not that hard to understand...

>> No.53983116

Marine said she would cuck her fans with chad.

>> No.53984237

Their panty censorship is so fucking bad.

>> No.53984467


>> No.53984503
File: 613 KB, 2752x1554, 1689428448204479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>occasionally mention what fetishes/tropes they like in media
>in media
Yes, EOP. I watched the entire stream.
Botan likes young moms, roles reversal/switch, womb tattoos, and dilikes characters that don't talk a lot.
Marine likes fat mommy milkers, NTR, verbal abuse, and hates ahegao.
Even if you don't know ANY Japanese, you should have been able to pick up that they were discussing porn manga. Marine has said multiple times that she thinks that IRL cheaters are irredeemable filth.

>> No.53984735

You've got to sift through a bunch of garbage to find the few threads that are entertaining.

>> No.53984768

i need to breed marine

>> No.53984787

yes, retard.

>> No.53984994
Quoted by: >>53988374

They never said "in media".

>> No.53985101

post timestamp of her saying those words

>> No.53985547
File: 229 KB, 850x1204, 1690066061239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54002811

That's part of the reason why people tell you to stick to generals. There's literally not a reason to use the catalog. It's just the same shitty rage bait over and over again with occasional numberfags to break it up.
The board is heavily dominated by SEA and since Indonesia itself is #1 in mental illnesses, it's not really surprising that things are like that.
Jannies are also SEA, which is why there's a probable chance this post will be deleted and I'll be banned for 3 days for complaining about moderation. But at least I'll have a horny pirate wife to accompany me

>> No.53986058

he's basically saying his mind is broken from hentai

>> No.53986636
File: 3.17 MB, 1396x1208, Marine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53986739

>none of the vshojo qualify for whoredom (except maybe Froot who I don't care about)
let's fucking go

>> No.53988374
File: 1.04 MB, 3067x3213, 1689897510046965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't even watch clips

Kill yourself

>> No.53988423


>> No.53988916

yes because they know how to be "lewd" without being nasty; not my fault that en whores don't know how to flirt or be sexy. they should all learn from marine on how to do this right.

>> No.53990681


>> No.53992486

Anon, kson !00% qualifies

>> No.53992619 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 1500x1500, 1659061281787559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53997009

>> No.53992646
Quoted by: >>54070398


>> No.53992832
Quoted by: >>54070398

she never talks about anything sexual other than saying she likes kiryu and big boobs. almost everyone in hololive is more explicit than she is.

>> No.53993190
File: 742 KB, 3386x2536, 1689637663064691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't refute this.

>> No.53995264
Quoted by: >>54070398

Beyond Based

>> No.53995859 [DELETED] 

You dishonest piece of shit, you'll never fucking get it because you're a giant fucking retard but I'll explain it anyway. See, the reason why people dislike western vtubers acting like whores, those cases from Vshojo in particular, is because they were talking about how whorish they acted in real life. Like how many times they had sex during a trip to Canada, you retard. A girl making silly lewd faces with her vtuber model instead is basically an angel compared to that garbage. Anyone who gets upset at that is a normalfag who shouldn't be in this Japanese-inspired hobby at all.
But then again you're a fucking idiot and you're going to make this same thread yet afuckingain tomorrow because you're addited to attention, aren't you.
Here's a few extra (You)s just so you feel better.

>> No.53995923 [DELETED] 

On second thought, you don't even deserve to see that post for longer than a minute so fuck you.

>> No.53997009


>> No.53998763
File: 76 KB, 132x215, 1662034301693238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ENwhore could never be 0.5% of what marine is.

>> No.54000128
Quoted by: >>54011279

That's a cute animation. EN doesn't have that do they? Of course not. en doesn't do anything fun.

>> No.54002234

>being this autistic about the behavior of women

>> No.54002811

Frankly, I'm getting tired of SEA blame.

>> No.54003135

This is her damage controlling after she was called out idiot

>> No.54004689
Quoted by: >>54070398

Marine is 2.5
She had an entire stream with botan about her love for cheating

>> No.54005569


>> No.54006030

Post an example of a vshojo girl saying that.

>> No.54006061

none of the current vshojos are like this in any way btw

>> No.54006567

like most ppl here said. it's her key-fabe. it's her identity. she is been like that kind of eroi character from that anime who always doing shimoneta catchphrases. her target audience is teenagers. atleast she knows her boundaries unlike certain group

>> No.54007023

oh really.

>> No.54008979

this was partially due to the novelty. I doubt she'll do it much in the future.

>> No.54009090
Quoted by: >>54054365

this doesn't answer the question.

>> No.54009252
Quoted by: >>54011006

>calls people EOPs.
>uses EOP translations.

>> No.54010589
File: 15 KB, 531x578, ascendedGigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP Supremacy

>> No.54011006

Here, retard. I'll write them out for you and explain why you're a fucking idiot.

リバ (riba) - literally short for "reverse". It means role reversal and/or "switch" characters in yuri/homo relationships
声出しNG (koedashiNG) - literally, it means "letting out voice Not Good". In other words, no talking during sex. However this is the one she said she didn't like.
友達のお母さん (tomodachinookaasan) - literally, "friend's mother". However, in tags and hentai, this is used as a catch-all term for milfs or young, hot moms.
淫紋タトウー (inmontattoo) - literally, lewd pattern. It strictly refers to a womb tattoo, despite the ambiguous literal translation.

NTR - doesn't need explaining.
母乳 (bonyuu) - it means "mother's milk". Hence why I said fat mommy milkers. She's interested in drinking milk from mom tits.
アヘ顔 (ahegao) - again, this shouldn't need explaining. This is the one marine said she didn't like.
言葉責め (kotobazeme) - literally it means "verbal abuse". As in verbally abusing your partner.

Now shut the fuck up, EOP scum.

>> No.54011279

It's 3.0 some holos already use it since last year but I don't know if they wilm give it to ENs

>> No.54011622

are you gonna suck her tongue or not?

>> No.54012013
File: 308 KB, 1515x1437, 96966jhf744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54012076

>> No.54012041

The problem is that HoloEN doesn't do it.

>> No.54012076
File: 321 KB, 1471x1433, 96607074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54012111

I will gladly fuck Koyori in front of her.

>> No.54012297
Quoted by: >>54017690

you could've just said "milk" or "lactation" instead of that cringe phrase.

>> No.54012330
Quoted by: >>54033843

nuance is damage control

>> No.54013502

EN would try and justify it LOL

>> No.54014953


>> No.54015049

my fucking dick aki holy shit

>> No.54015160
Quoted by: >>54070398

first time seeing someone reasonable's thoughts on a schizo board kek

>> No.54016684


>> No.54016824
File: 63 KB, 220x291, 1659842948374594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ok when HoloJP does it

>> No.54016890

Unironically, yes.

>> No.54017248

based as fuck. We need to execute retards who can't separate fiction from reality.

>> No.54017304
Quoted by: >>54070398

marine and aki are like 2.5. they talk about extreme fetish stuff A LOT.

>> No.54017690

You're still an obnoxious EOP. But I suppose you simply had to have the last word.

>> No.54019561

most definitely

>> No.54022951

How, though?

>> No.54023825


>> No.54025111

>being able to differentiate between reality and fiction is damage control
Please go back and be upset about drawings on twitter.

>> No.54026219
Quoted by: >>54070398

>complain when JP does something
>complain when he gets shown that JP did not do that thing
If you are not autistic about the behavior of moving png's through TCP/IP, then you don't even belong here.

>> No.54027717
File: 2.89 MB, 960x540, robutt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54032107 [DELETED] 


>> No.54033671

She's a whore vtuber for holojp anon

>> No.54033843
Quoted by: >>54034718

alright, now explain why Marine likes NTR, but Botan doesn't.

>> No.54034526
Quoted by: >>54070398


>> No.54034718

Because Marine likes NTR in media but not in real life, and Botan doesn't like either, this isn't complicated.

>> No.54035416

plap plap etc

>> No.54035590

>marine never does subathon
>vwhores does

>> No.54037085
Quoted by: >>54070398

>my whore is actually wholesomerino
She's not going to fuck you.

>> No.54037534
File: 1.40 MB, 1536x864, 1645959260383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54070398

>Level 0 (Pure)
>Level 1 (Normal)
>Level 2 (Fanservice)
>Level 3 (Whore)
That's how vtubing works.

>> No.54037974


>> No.54040752

Kson, Mel, Hime

>> No.54042551
Quoted by: >>54070398

>Mel, Hime
don't qualify because of the last part (posting irl body on twitter)

>> No.54044342
File: 1.29 MB, 850x1511, 744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thicc Marine.

>> No.54044378

Yeah unironically

What is so hard to understand about that?

>> No.54044446
File: 747 KB, 1163x1000, 1661149513719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54070398

Not reading all of that but you're a faggot kys

>> No.54045798
File: 2.65 MB, 1200x1080, 1668747370895987.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you OP

>> No.54048419
File: 204 KB, 356x501, Shylily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW she's a whore

>> No.54048812
Quoted by: >>54048879

My waifu

>> No.54048879
File: 208 KB, 500x363, your waifu is a slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54053951
Quoted by: >>54068863

>slut company
>a glorified virtual cabaret

>> No.54054365
Quoted by: >>54070050

>is spoonfed
>still doesn't get it
anon does your handler know you're on the internet unsupervised?

>> No.54055723
Quoted by: >>54056098

3DPD could never compete

>> No.54056098
Quoted by: >>54056656

Sex is pretty cool anon, you should really try it.

>> No.54056271


>> No.54056656
File: 145 KB, 1024x906, no whores only waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, enough so that I can say confidently state >3DPD AIN'T SHIT.
My heart, soul and body belongs to my waifu.

>> No.54057212

It's okay when the girl is actually sexy

>> No.54057719

Sleep with better girls.

>> No.54057921
Quoted by: >>54059193

Holy fucking shit. Maybe I need to reinstall VRChat...

>> No.54058202
Quoted by: >>54058794

picrel is not my waifu. Just the meme.

>> No.54058794
File: 1.74 MB, 1126x1599, Trad wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my waifu (one of them)

>> No.54059141
Quoted by: >>54059274

Back to /shon/ with you

>> No.54059193
File: 1.55 MB, 3200x2560, marinevrc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54059227
File: 115 KB, 997x997, ラブカ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My idealized romantic fantasies can never come into contact with the cruel reality of the advanced Kali Yuga, or else they would wither away like roses in the coming winter.
My choice is to keep my dreams alive, so I can only love fictional women, because I'm a man above time.

>> No.54059274

>Implying I wife chuubas
They're too close to 3dpd

>> No.54059454
Quoted by: >>54059750

I like your filenames, lol. What happened to you that made you give up on real women, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.54059750
File: 3.72 MB, 472x200, I hate women.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54060323

Like I said. I knew real women.

>> No.54060323
Quoted by: >>54060989

Oh, I see. Yeah I look like the second panel of the meme you posted, lol. I've been trying to get into shape to meet women and eventually get married and have kids. My experiences with women so far have been really bad, desu. But logically, all my oshis are women and I love them, and even though I'll never meet any of them irl, it just proves that there are good women out there, they're just rare. That's what keeps me going.

>> No.54060989

You don't really know them anon. And they wouldn't get with (You). Keep that in mind.

>> No.54061816
File: 187 KB, 988x988, 1689609336132992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah pretty much, I don't understand why women don't have a better understanding of the power process if they have such a good understanding of it in the first place to get butthurt by not winning at it? Do women not understand that defeated men are pointless and there is absolutely not an infinite amount of men? Things can only get so bad for men before social dynamics change their behavioral regime to correct their situation, and that's what's seen here, genuine but undefinable dislike of not women's liberation but their own actual devaluation. This pattern will survive any accusation of bigotry because that's genuinely not the problem.

>> No.54063936

you can almost feel the cope. It's palpable and sharp. westoids on suicide watch

>> No.54064410
Quoted by: >>54067025

Everytime I see stuff like this I get conflicted about enjoying vtubers, has it always just been japanese e-thots with corpo backing?

>> No.54064985


>> No.54065354
Quoted by: >>54068730

marine also has a fatass and likes to be slapped in the butt while getting fucked doggy style
how do you say that in jap?

>> No.54066263

Why is it based when you guys wanna have sex but cringe when women wanna have sex

>> No.54067025

no, in the JP process they scout them, they have to be coached to behave this way which is exactly why it's so awkward looking. the way pekora's stiffness oozes JP conservativism when they make her dance is particularly hot.

>> No.54067185
File: 408 KB, 828x979, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...really? shit man this one's in the bible

>> No.54067459
Quoted by: >>54086435

Idk sounds like cope

>> No.54067737

Actually this image would probably be more believable the other way around. The right for both is probably most accurate.

>> No.54067929
Quoted by: >>54070398

Can I get a holo tier list based on this ranking

>> No.54067934
Quoted by: >>54070398

I feel like there's a pretty big jump between categories, like 1 to 2, but otherwise I agree

>> No.54067996

>what no-pussy does to a nigga

>> No.54068003

>West condemns adultery and cheating

>> No.54068030

Yes. It's also okay when Nintendo does it.

>> No.54068103

Correct, it's ok when they're pedophiles who talk about wanting to rape shotas but wanting to have sex with adult men is NG

>> No.54068238

I dunno man, I've seen plenty of dudes take uggo women home for a night just because free pussy is free pussy. You'd almost never see that the other way around.

>> No.54068248
Quoted by: >>54068454


>> No.54068454

Bruh even.

>> No.54068467
Quoted by: >>54068595

It's not okay, but everyone here is a braindead retard who's too cucked to see otherwise.

>> No.54068595

Marine is celibate. Like im a non-active Chad.

>> No.54068730 [DELETED] 

that's not the main factor here.

>> No.54068863 [DELETED] 

"it's not real life" is not an answer to "why do you like it?".

>> No.54069084

Me when I have literally never watched VShojo and just make shit up based on things I read on /vt/

>> No.54069890

at least women do post on the site? that's also my counterargument, I think males below rank 4 don't exist for you basically, I don't think the behavior is under their conscious control, it really is more like selective blindness.

>> No.54069953

that's not the main factor here.

>> No.54070050
Quoted by: >>54072449

"it's not real life" is not an answer to "why do you like it?".

>> No.54070169
File: 3.82 MB, 338x338, meru_slaps_you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54072115

OP finally gets it.

>> No.54070398

Where does the particular white-short haired K-Cup knight goes?

>> No.54070604

In my masturbation folders along with her RTX enabled ASMR sessions

>> No.54071286

In English this time?

>> No.54072115
Quoted by: >>54072568


>> No.54072137

It is.
Glad we had this talk.

>> No.54072418

I wouldn't call it fake so much as she just has actual self control.
The problem with a lot of sluts is that they're sluts because they have zero self control, so their horniness just comes across as basal and animalistic, which is a huge turn off for some people (and a huge turn on for some others).
Marine is the flip side of this; You can tell her horniness is very clearly real, but is under her complete control and she can start and stop it on a whim, and measure it exactly as far as it needs to go for its intended effect, while still never coming across as dishonest or disingenuous. Which to some (me) is a much bigger turn on than "ooga booga cock yummy yummy I have zero future plans or prospects"

tl;dr Marine is not a slut, she's a queenslut and we should all be thankful that at least one of her exists.

>> No.54072449
Quoted by: >>54075079

Why don't you answer it? It's because she's a whore, isn't it?

>> No.54072568
File: 232 KB, 1638x1633, meru_sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54072658

>Mel will never slap you and then suffocate you in her big tits
life is meaningless and disappointing

>> No.54072658
Quoted by: >>54072729

You forgot bite you.

>> No.54072729

I'm modest.

>> No.54074090
Quoted by: >>54076690

Marine is a slut. Look up her PL and roommate infos.

>> No.54075079
Quoted by: >>54077038

go back to your containment thread, schizo.

>> No.54076378

Okay but what about actual beloved and categorical prostitute Melody?

>> No.54076690
Quoted by: >>54078237

mikarin was the same as marine. she never talked about her own sex life, eop nigger cretin

>> No.54077038

Why does she like NTR? Why can't you tell everyone?

>> No.54077588

She's on an entirely different tier rating. It's separated by price tags.

>> No.54078237
Quoted by: >>54079451

she didn't need to talk when everyone else did

>> No.54078419
Quoted by: >>54079386

why can't you?

>> No.54079386
Quoted by: >>54080494

She only likes it in fiction.

>> No.54079451

huh? did you nigger already forget you said she irl is a slut. the fact however is that mikarin wasnt any different from marine. she never talked about her sexual orientations with a male or sex things. whats more is she didnt even have any rrat other than hibimegane who mightve been her ex boyfriend and even it didnt have any sexual rrat.

>> No.54080494
Quoted by: >>54081446

why does she like it in fiction?

>> No.54081095

how much do you watch her? for one, she has issues with self-control in general. this is the same woman who got inflamed ear canals because she cleaned her ears too much (because "it felt good"). you can tell some of the horniness is out of control, there have even been a few times where she went "that was excessive" or "I shouldn't have acted that horny".
so, no, she can *mostly* keep it under control.

>> No.54081292

I hope she sexs Shion for real.

>> No.54081446

Because she just does. Why do you like the things you do?

>> No.54081597

So you're saying she is an unfaithful slut.

>> No.54083156

Actual sluts are incapable of even coming to those conclusions. I should have added "has self control for a woman"

>> No.54083631

literal queen.

>> No.54086244

She likes ntr because she is evil.
She's an evil person.

>> No.54086435

facts are facts anon

>> No.54086658

This woman really should get dicked down and not just touch(sexually harras) her female friends and potentially other women

>> No.54087732


>> No.54089925

It's not okay
