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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 993 KB, 1162x889, __tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_dongchuan__d84b08655187555899ef0eaae34a8c8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53889937 No.53889937 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction, eh?

previous thread:>>53828188

>> No.53889948
File: 1.31 MB, 2807x3607, __tsunomaki_watame_and_tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_isakoro_hx9cj__572682b55f15c80df05508a5dd6db70c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story anchor.
Post 'em if you got 'em

>> No.53890030 [DELETED] 
File: 695 KB, 850x1200, 1677183742191735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fox.

>> No.53890101
File: 1.59 MB, 1000x865, bounty board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.53890135
File: 1.52 MB, 3855x4096, __tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_eat_some_cookie__9e6fc69abde589c8afb14a91a1358436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story recap! There... was one story posted in the last thread.

Watame short fic: tags: Watame, short fic:>>53861407

>> No.53890180
File: 852 KB, 840x1342, __tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_fuumi_radial_engine__202fdfade751b1f2d2d2de1ca523bec4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53890432

Prompt recap! Last thread had a lot of new prompts. Here they are in case you missed them:

Delinquent Korone reverse corruption:>>53832778

fallenshadow, the deranged loli vtuber has decided it's high time to find a stable side-hustle. Whether it's to have a backup or just because she wants to mix up her daily routine, no one knows.:>>53833113

After smoking a bowl with Kronii, the two of you have sex.: >>53851434

Miko arrives to what she thinks is the EN quarters, ready to use her english skills.: >>53869362

>> No.53890432

That's a pretty tall Watame. Not that I mind

>> No.53891189
File: 396 KB, 1447x2039, hanabi lite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53892317

Any ideas you guys have that would make a good addition to the prompt archive? It might be getting some more traffic soon after all.

>> No.53891421

Before the contest starts, should we throw in a rule that any stories that already exist in the main archive can't be submitted to the contest? That'll both force new fics to be created for the contest and prevent Anons from submitting works that took them months to write.

>> No.53891669

I thought that was already a rule

>> No.53892317

I’ve got some spirited away kinda shit that I’ll throw in. I don’t think I could use it for a story but someone else might like it. I might even go back through the previous threads and find some interesting looking prompts to submit.

>> No.53893118
File: 517 KB, 1500x1724, Mio(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53893129

After double checking I'm kind of surprised that wasn't in the original rules. I'm pretty sure most of were going to make new fics for this but it wouldn't hurt to have it be an actual rule.

>> No.53893142

What a waste of a post.

>> No.53894049

Miosha...if her expression was sadder this would be a worthy companion of the image with Lui looking at babies.

>> No.53894608
File: 1.92 MB, 850x1202, polsad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think of anything to write for the contest... all of my WIPs are for series...

>> No.53895112

Write >>53893118 but replace Mio with Polka and that she's severely depressed that no matter how many times (You) fuck her, she just can't get pregnant.

>> No.53895142
File: 352 KB, 463x453, enlightened.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the writing contest as an opportunity to start a new wip for a new series and gauge interest for it.

>> No.53896479 [DELETED] 


>> No.53896490
File: 971 KB, 1050x1400, 20230710_103324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53896959
File: 7 KB, 388x119, 2023-07-21 18_28_23-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the loving fuck is the autocorrect trying to tell me here?

>> No.53896996

That you're a freak

>> No.53897078

I mean it's pretty self explanatory. Autocorrect is just guiding you to a better fic.

>> No.53897830
File: 437 KB, 680x680, 1678406665434833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53898416

If nothing comes to me by the time it starts, I'll continue working on my own series and dedicating my time to giving thoughtful and hopefully helpful reviews to the entrants.

>> No.53898416

That is one well moisturized sheep.

>> No.53899071
File: 1.44 MB, 1414x2000, Polpainting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infertility fic when?
Tragedy where you finally get her pregnant only for her to have a miscarriage fic when?

>> No.53899326
Quoted by: >>53906438

That sounds like a tragedy caused by you finding her pregnant body so sexy you cause a miscarriage due to fucking her so hard while she's late into pregnancy.

>> No.53899452

You could write a self-contained one shot that is set in one of your series' universes.

>> No.53899533


>> No.53899552

HMMMMMMM. Now there's an interesting idea. I'm thinking a smut fic with the kind of desperate and horny something's-very-wrong-here sex that occurs in remembering how to love you, an elated scene with a positive pregnancy test, maybe a baby shower scene, then the miscarriage and finally a suicide ending.

>> No.53899781
File: 592 KB, 540x540, 1665088496187230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, that might be a good idea. How self-contained are we talking? I have a prologue chapter of sorts for when the Lamy arc is about to begin in my series that goes through the phases of her childhood, and sets the stage for how things currently are in the present, but I kinda wanna save that for when I'm ready to dive into that arc. I got a Kiara/Reine thing planned later too, but it might be too soon to start thinking about that as well. I'd have to really think what kind of one shot I could set within the HJ world.

>> No.53899939
File: 274 KB, 557x485, Iroha (forma de summer).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53900604

This might be the perfect excuse I've been looking for to write some gozaru. Summer festival gozaru...

>> No.53900084

I think given that you're writing this for the competition you'd have to make it something that can mostly stand on its own.given that you don't want something that gives the impression someone needs to read your series before reading this?

>> No.53900131

Would submitting something that's part of a series work for this contest? I feel as though that would just confuse most of the voters. It even feels a bit like cheating, since you would be using characters and a world that you've spent the time building up. This is just my opinion, but I think the entries for the contest should be focused around new content.

>> No.53900604
Quoted by: >>53900993

A Matsuri x Iroha fic?

>> No.53900654
File: 599 KB, 900x900, 1667919429170286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53901595

The idea for me personally would be to use characters I haven't yet established or introduced, but knowing me, it would likely be supplemental info I'd end up using later anyway. If it's too confusing or prone to bending the rules a little too much, I'll stick to reading and reviewing for the contest.

>> No.53900993
File: 470 KB, 1000x1399, Iroha can't miss this chance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Er no. I meant a literal summer festival.

>> No.53901000
Quoted by: >>53901595

>It even feels a bit like cheating, since you would be using characters and a world that you've spent the time building up.
How is this cheating anyway? This was never a "you have to make everything from scratch" contest... Which thinking about it would be pretty hard to make a solid calling on given that this is a fanfic contest.

>> No.53901329

>It even feels a bit like cheating, since you would be using characters and a world that you've spent the time building up.
It's definitely not giving you an advantage, because most people won't have read the series.

>> No.53901595
Quoted by: >>53905510

I think you should use this as a chance and write a fresh one shot for a change - new setting, new characters. With your writing speed you could get one done in no time, and it would be a good introduction to your style of prose for those who don't want to pick up HJ. Aren't there any ideas you want to write but can't fit into your main series?
I dunno, maybe it's not. I'm just looking at things from a newcomer's perspective. If I (as someone new) were to see chapter 524 of Holojourneys submitted to the contest for example, I would obviously not vote for it since to me it would be a portion of a story with no context. I wouldn't know any of the characters, and I obviously shouldn't be expected to read the whole thing in one month.
I think >>53900084 had the right of it. A one shot that's still related to a story but completely able to stand on its own as a fic without context sounds fine, for both newcomers and veterans.

>> No.53903046
File: 1.90 MB, 874x1240, wordcountcheck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its that time again show off your word count and maybe show a bit off text behind it to be a tease.

>> No.53903538
File: 101 KB, 1454x1440, 1614461559055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53903589

I may write that at some point.

I'm running into a problem where I have a lot of potential fics I want to write but I don't want to burn myself out having to many irons in the fire.

>> No.53903977

Which chuubas are into cute shotas?
Besides Fubuki, of course. I want to write something about going over to your friends house and getting molested by his mom/older sister.
Noel's an easy pick too.

>> No.53904342


>> No.53904409
Quoted by: >>53905923

I mean if you're going to Fubuki's house why not get molested by Fubuki's mom?

>> No.53904432
Quoted by: >>53904550

Botan likes the friends mom trope specifically, but the jury is still out on shota I think

>> No.53904483
Quoted by: >>53904928

>mom/older sister
Why not both?

>> No.53904550

Saying your favorite tag is friends mom is just saying you like shota in more words.

>> No.53904605

Marine would be a fun pick

>> No.53904928
File: 358 KB, 1447x2070, Suiboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So going to a young Suisei's house only to be molested by Anemachi and Mother Comet.

>> No.53905029
File: 22 KB, 240x584, 1661523890659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53907270

I'm going quite slow compared to the writing gods here. But I'm glad that I'm continuing to have new ideas from time to time - I'll get to something I'm happy with in the end.

>> No.53905510
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, 1651352298494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose that's a good point. An idea I had in my head I'd want to write at some point is a summer teenage romance with Mio. Beach days, surfing, longboard, pizza, the works.

>> No.53905667
File: 149 KB, 1078x745, lam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53907270

I haven't made much progress since last time, forgive me...

>> No.53905686
File: 114 KB, 639x346, chap17 prev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sitting at 1405 words right now. That post is what actually made me start it.

>> No.53905786

>find mercy in Sana's gentle mercy

jesus christ I'm gonna do a quick edit of everything, that's embarrassing

>> No.53905809
File: 36 KB, 636x289, [insert home depot theme here].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress is being made.

>> No.53905820
File: 59 KB, 696x662, HJ35NowWithAbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53907270

Progress has been a little slow due to RL stuff, but when I manage to get an hour or even a half-hour to just write, it's moving along.

>> No.53905923

How about one where you're not a shota and get molested by pekomama at pekora's? I may or may not be halfway done with such a thing

>> No.53906044
Quoted by: >>53907221

What if you were Miko?

>> No.53906057
File: 95 KB, 864x594, 1689951875882304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53907221

You have my attention.

>> No.53906230
Quoted by: >>53907221


>> No.53906398

I wouldn't believe it without a wordcount.

>> No.53906438

I wanted to write a pregnancy side chapter for "my girlfriend polka" but it would have a happy ending so you'd probably hate it

>> No.53906530
File: 361 KB, 1540x2200, 1650180273859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53931724

But I wouldn't. I love that fic.

>> No.53906653
Quoted by: >>53906757

>but it would have a happy ending
Why? What makes it not happy? Does polka eat the baby?

>> No.53906757
Quoted by: >>53907133

The not happy would be the infertily and suicide the other anons suggested.
I would like to write about preggo sex though, but i don't have a ton of experience with it

>> No.53907133

Women get impossibly horny when prego. And you've got to be very gentle.

>> No.53907221
Quoted by: >>53926554

Miko can tape the whole thing but it would be shakycam galore as she' shlicking furiously with her other hand.
I hope it will be to (You)r liking
I'm away from my writing computer, sorry. Last i checked it was close to 1k? I'm trying something different and it's not being as wordy as usual but i still want it to pack a punch. Most of the setup is done, and i have an outline of the rest in my head but now i need to write the smut proper

>> No.53907270

Cutting of the lines like that is mean. What's this?
Ramy lape? Or abduction, rather. And even if you didn't make much progress you have so much already so don't worry!
How foolish of them and execute Watame when she can respawn in 8 seconds. And why are Sana's faithful so evil?
Is this the talent security thing? I'm really looking forward to it.
Old fit lioness sex for the summer! Hurray!

>> No.53907336
Quoted by: >>53931724

>but it would have a happy ending so you'd probably hate it
I never said I was going to hate it, anon. Polka deserves happiness and actually going for >>53893118 but throwing in Polka would just make you a complete sadist.

>> No.53907496

>How foolish of them and execute Watame when she can respawn in 8 seconds.

I hate that I didn't think of that before. That should've been her gift, shit.

>> No.53908235
File: 333 KB, 1037x1450, 1680436313091131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53908397

>Old fit lioness sex for the summer! Hurray!
I sure as hell hope I can get to that part before the summer's over. I'll do my best, but I only got like a month and a half of summer left.

>> No.53908397

Hey, take your time. We can count the Indian summer if necessary!

>> No.53909095
File: 275 KB, 1600x2000, 1689955056264481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53909295

>Is this the talent security thing?
That's the one. There's a bit of expository bullshit involved to set the stage, but I'm workshopping it to (hopefully) be bearable to read.

>> No.53909295

>There's a bit of expository bullshit involved to set the stage
Same here with my sci-fi fic tbdesu, which is something my friend who I sent a screenshot of my work pointed out.

>> No.53909423

I like what prose I do see. It's easy on the eyes

>> No.53909627
File: 107 KB, 905x656, [Insert Honkai Star Rail BGM here].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow but steady.

>> No.53910774
File: 39 KB, 446x425, Yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you, anon, say something you disliked about a fic you love.

>> No.53911189
File: 2.58 MB, 1400x2047, FubukiAss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox Family Christmas is great, don't care for anal much at all.

>> No.53911203

I wanted the nursing handjob scenes in pd/pt to be longer

>> No.53911621
Quoted by: >>53912794

I don't want to dedicate critical thought to finding something like this. It'd spoil my enjoyment of the narratives going forward

>> No.53911706

Menhera Wrangler didn't end on a happy end.

>> No.53911858

I wanted the LamyxRoboco sex from Building Block Doll to keep going

>> No.53912479
File: 486 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230721_104403_Docs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on my contest entry occasionally while I'm at work. Progress isn't bad so far

>> No.53912794

A masterpiece stands tall despite its flaws, anon. Nothing wrong with being critical of something you enjoy.

>> No.53912949

Girl of Emptiness shouldn't have been deleted

>> No.53913961

There's also the chance the author sees it and uses it as feedback to help refine their works.

>> No.53914923

I like the lore bits in partners in crime, but how it was being presented in the start gave me a little whiplash. I almost couldn't keep track of how mythical things were supposed to be or implied to be.

>> No.53915943

I'm not talking about the perspective of the author's improvement, I'm talking about my own as a consumer. For stories I really really enjoy, I tend to memoryhole or turn a slightly blind eye to the imperfect parts, because I'm emotional/invested enough to want to naively believe they're perfect. Notice how nearly every other reply to that post is vapid or subjective. Now, if it were a story I merely "liked" instead of "loved" I might be more inclined to provide feedback in hopes of getting the author up to a skill level where they can produce something that induces the feelings I described above in me.

>> No.53915969

Also this.

>> No.53916048

I see...
What stories fall under this category for you then?

>> No.53916221

I think I do something similar when I read through stories that get posted here. I tend to a enjoy a lot of what gets posted here, so if I see something that was initially sub-par I'll likely disregard it since I enjoyed the overall package. If it's something along the lines of formatting, structure, or overall delivery, even if I enjoyed the content I can seem to muster up some hopefully helpful feedback in those areas.

>> No.53917939

I always felt like Kintsugi loses steam and tapers out toward the end of it. I'm a fan of open endings but its ending left me a bit unsatisfied.

>> No.53919623
File: 28 KB, 609x230, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2789 words....why did i had to pursue a higher education...

>> No.53920823

Extrapedestrial focused on how sexy Iofi is too much to cut off right before the joint shower.

>> No.53921219

Auntie's Little Secret got fucking dropped

>> No.53922978
Quoted by: >>53924360

Moricest is still not out

>> No.53923406
Quoted by: >>53926447

He used the word 'slit' about 600 times

>> No.53924360

What fic is this one?

>> No.53925261

I just checked and i'm a little over 2500 words with a ways to go still

>> No.53926193

>Cutting of the lines like that is mean. What's this?
The next part of Hedonist's Reckoning, I figured just that part of the text was a better tease since it didn't include Ayame's name.

>> No.53926447
Quoted by: >>53932538

you don't want to see your oshi's slit? Cum in her slit? Touch her slit? Feel her slit? What about taste her slit? There's so much you can do with her slit anon

>> No.53926553
Quoted by: >>53928211

The clubroom gets the "nasty" appeal of femenine smell and stuff but drops the ball in the alluring appeal of a sweaty/stinky girl
Also it has next to no build up from act to act, but i still like it a lot

>> No.53926554
Quoted by: >>53928294

>Miko can tape the whole thing but it would be shakycam galore as she' shlicking furiously with her other hand.
It'd be funny if Miko had installed cameras at Pekora's to hopefully see her naked or even masturbating, but Miko ends up seeing you fucking Pekomama and is initially disappointed before she gets into it and masturbates anyway.

>> No.53928211

Ah, I remember that fic. It had some really good stinky girl content but man was that lack of buildup even more evident in its original ending. I genuinely wonder what that author was originally thinking letting the unnamed school president win in a chuuba fanfic. Like in theory the 'break out of mind control' ending could have been pretty good but something like that kind of needed way more buildup in order to feel 'earned'.

>> No.53928294
File: 38 KB, 500x400, FVc61izVIAAiMzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53928724

>Peko is conflicted because while you saved Pekomama from dying of loneliness, you still banged her mom, like fiercely.
>She isn't sure how to look at you after that
>Especially doesn't appreciate the jokes about her calling you dad

>> No.53928724
Quoted by: >>53930422

>Mama gets real lonely peko, I wish she could find herself a
>Grab Pekomama by the waist, bring her to the bedroom
>Force Pekora to listen to the sounds of sweet lovemaking as her friend revitalizes her mother's insides for two hours

>> No.53929760
Quoted by: >>53931724

No, I’d love it. Happy Polka is great too.

>> No.53930422
File: 38 KB, 500x400, FVc61s_UEAAGNrR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon comes out of the bedroom half naked and with a towel around his neck
>Ahhhh another successful hag breeding. Pekora, could you be a dear and get your mom a pitcher of water? I've heard the phrase "fucks like a rabbit" but I never knew it could be like THAT. Woman rides like a champ and could use a quick hydration. I need to find myself something to eat, yesterday. It took everything I had just to keep up! I'll be back in a bit after I've refueled. Later champ.

>> No.53931724
Quoted by: >>53931920

I'm glad you all feel the same way about this as i do

>> No.53931920
File: 197 KB, 848x1200, 1683083285616103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53936958

This fennec deserves nothing but the best, and dammit we're gonna write her getting the best.

>> No.53932239

That prompt where Kuro goes overboard on (You) with sex and nearly killing you but instead of nearly dying of wounds, she instead nearly kills you because she's drained all the cum out of your balls and she's close to sapping all the lifeforce out of you.

I want it because she made me really horny earlier and I just cummed the first time in a couple of months at fanart of her. Ergo we need a (You) with a sore penis all the time due to intense fucking by Kuro.

>> No.53932538
File: 91 KB, 640x360, 1687872160477137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53933817

I want to do all of those things, but I'd much prefer to be tasting her honeypot, swirling my tongue around her folds and fingering her snatch, know what I'm sayin'?

>> No.53933817
Quoted by: >>53933865

I want to have sex with Fubuki if you know what I mean.

>> No.53933865 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 850x1202, 1666725314108327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53936780

Yeah, I know what you mean. I know what you mean, and I feel that, too. On a spiritual level.

>> No.53936780


>> No.53936958

in my humble, non-biased opinion, her getting the best would be her getting my cock in a copulation tie so she could safely flood her ovaries with my seed and have my children

>> No.53938724
File: 1.85 MB, 4096x2896, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Kiara sex

>> No.53939753
Quoted by: >>53941906

Damn, wasn't expecting another chapter until at least a few more threads.
I liked the intro scene of the chapter, both for the slight comedic relief it provides and the much needed breathing room it gives the plot.
Speaking of the plot, it has a lot of moving parts. Like a lot. I imagine you have an outline of what's to come so it's not a bad thing, but something to be cautious of as there are some seemingly major plot points that are effectively untouched (namely suisei's involvement in this).
Character-character relationships are nice too, but you tend to add more of them rather than refine what's already there. Last chapter ended with Botan exchanging some less-than-friendly words with Lui, but this chapter's only acknowledgement of that was Botan getting wasted and calling Lui a cunt. Once. Koyori called her a cunt five times. It then switched gears to focus on Anon and Lui's interactions instead. That's not a bad thing, but if I read these chapters back-to-back, I imagine it'd be a tad jarring. Koyori seems more mad at Lui than Botan, even though they were arguing literally last chapter.
I'm being nit-picky here, because regardless I enjoyed it. It's just some thoughts that came to mind.

>> No.53940962
File: 584 KB, 2000x2340, 101648534_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53941906

>I'm being a tad nit picky here

No that was a genuinely good critique. That helped me a lot. I never really thought about it being jarring in the fact that Botan isn't really mad after the spat with Lui.

I do have a lot of moving parts and I'm going to try to tie them together nicely, but it'll definitely take some effort. The whole Blackbough plot is going to come back around in future chapters, though in retrospect I definitely should've elaborated certain things. Someone else said as well that it's a bit to busy so I'm going to start tying some of the threads.

Thank you for that critique. That was very helpful. Glad you enjoyed it as well.

>> No.53943265
File: 1.02 MB, 850x1412, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In one of those quiet nights where you sell drugs to suckers, a blonde girl confronts you in the alley and asks you to give up your life of crime
This is the start of your new routine, where this weirdo will constantly show up to try and get you to clean up your act, to stop betting and to get a job

>> No.53944971
File: 323 KB, 322x416, iroha_abayo[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fwsip7b.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iroha, what did you do to my stash!?

>> No.53944980
Quoted by: >>53945551

So rapeman if rapeman is a cute blonde samurai?

>> No.53945551
Quoted by: >>53946071

meh i was thinking more of a comedy with Degozaru running around and triying to get you to stop being a scumbag
or a story about iroha losing to the cock and turning into your personal hitmanWith a scene of her doing naked dogeza and cock worship

>> No.53946071
File: 659 KB, 574x574, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corrupting a good girl like Iroha
yes please

>> No.53947247
File: 133 KB, 850x1328, IrohaKneeling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53948898

>Violent unstoppable killer
>Will still kneel and beg to suck your cock

>> No.53947417

welp, time to rub one out to that image set again

>> No.53948891
File: 716 KB, 796x1656, BotanPopsicle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53948898


>> No.53950485
File: 630 KB, 1113x676, 1689681792060340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53950738

>> No.53950738
File: 198 KB, 1195x2048, mel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53951391

Wtf bros I thought hags were supposed to be wise

>> No.53951391

Mel is a dummy. A cute dummy.

>> No.53952198

A femdom fic about losing to and getting raped by chuubas in a fantasy setting.

>> No.53952629
File: 1.16 MB, 1448x2048, __shishiro_botan_and_shishiro_botan_hololive_drawn_by_yuya_yuya_illust__fc66ecfff6e362a32c948008e988be95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you doing any interesting research for your current WIP? I've been binge-watching PrepMedic videos to learn more about emergency wound care.

>> No.53952689

That's not interesting research.

>> No.53952737
Quoted by: >>53953154

That's very interesting research. What videos were the most neat?

>> No.53953154
File: 213 KB, 953x1577, __takanashi_kiara_kfp_employee_and_jacket_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_lw_goombang__5d8d93d5f4b62dca09796f30b7e233a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53953198

So far the most interesting one (and also the most relevant to what I have planned) is the one on what to do in the event of heavy arterial bleeding. How to properly apply a tourniquet, how to "pack" a wound, what should and shouldn't be used if you don't have any gauze on-hand, etc.

>> No.53953198
File: 460 KB, 698x1200, 1687823116199214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53953267

Link? I used to watch surgery videos with my friends in med school back in the day, this is weirdly nostalgic. The neuro-surgery ones are fascinating.

>> No.53953267
Quoted by: >>53955057


>> No.53954069 [DELETED] 

live, damn you

>> No.53954537
File: 958 KB, 849x1200, addiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53955057

>trainer demo
Kidding, though I did expect live demonstration kek. Nice video, guy goes into a lot of detail. I'll keep the channel in mind next time I write a scene where this is relevant.

>> No.53955188

So what fics have you been reading lately anon?

>> No.53955232

Do you really care, or are you just trying to prevent this thread from dying naturally because >>53954537 and >>53954069

Maybe it’s time to let go.

>> No.53955281

Nothing because I'm really busy with IRL, but I've added the Balsa thing to my list.

>> No.53955290
Quoted by: >>53958161

He doesn't care, he's just trying to bump the thread with a question that's been asked ten thousand times already.

>> No.53955306
Quoted by: >>53955461

Is there a particular reason why people are so schizophrenic about not letting the thread die? As far as I can remember we can always make a new one, did something change recently?

>> No.53955341

Honestly I do like seeing what other anons think of the fics here, and while I do see that this could be seen as basically another bump I don't see what's wrong with trying to keep the thread alive either.
Like seriously, why get pissed about keeping the general alive?

>> No.53955394
Quoted by: >>53958161

I've noticed this guy sperging out about bumping a couple times. It's a pretty standard thing to do on 4chan, especially on faster boards, nothing wrong with it.

>> No.53955461
Quoted by: >>53958161

The word schizo loses all meaning when retards like you preemptively throw it out to describe normal fucking 4chan culture. Do you go to the slower generals on this board and shit on them for bumping? Because as far as I can tell you fuckers only do your thread anti shit here.

>> No.53955465

My favourite parts of HoloFantasy, Brat's Punishment, Hedonist's Reckoning, and the Google translation of the Korean translation of the racism Flare fic because it's funny.

The whole bumping debate is fabricated by a guy, pay it no mind.

>> No.53956863 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>53958161


>> No.53957708
Quoted by: >>53958018

Reading a fic in its original form and then Google Translating the Korean translation is certainly an experience.

>> No.53958018
Quoted by: >>53959115

Man I remember doing that. I do wonder how much is distorted by the two layers of translation. Since as far as I could tell the Korean guy is MTLing + editing then Google translate machine translates it back. Mostly because I want to know if the conversion from second person to first person is done by him or by the translation.

>> No.53958161
File: 2.25 MB, 498x498, 1677212297737000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this is what we've been reduced to.

>> No.53958252

Shut up Sasuke.

>> No.53958285

When it's not people rushing out to insist the thread isn't dead, we get one post every half hour.

>> No.53958394

I still want to know what so important in keeping the thread alive. We get a new one in like a minute or two after the old one gets bumped off so it’s not like a huge setback.

>> No.53958776

This doesn't make any sense. Why would the former bother you but the latter not? That's an order of magnitude more pathetic and inconvenient to AA or backup OPs

>> No.53958868

I'd rather get mileage out of the thread we already have than keep migrating to new ones

>> No.53958894

Never said it bother me. If you read the two post I made, I just want to know the reason for it.

>> No.53958926

It pretty clearly bothers you.

>> No.53958935

I recently did research on how insurance claims in regards to vehicle write-offs work and the chance of deformities in children between cousins. Not the most interesting, but google thinks I have a thing for my cousin now.

>> No.53958958

The reason is that the latter is worse than the former, which should be pretty self-evident. I'm not really sure what's confusing you here

>> No.53958980

I was going to ask why you were replying to an obvious threadshitter, but I realized you're actually subtly getting free bumps out of the topic. Keep up the good fight, soldier.

>> No.53959014
Quoted by: >>53959043

As we've seen countless times before, it's one guy sperging out about it. Whenever someone complains about the thread being bumped just assume they're a newfag and move on.

>> No.53959039

By your logic we should just let the thread die everytime discussion slows down and disjoint any discussion and ideas that come out while the thread's slow. Do you shit up the drawthread too or are you just an anti for the writing thread? Because letting the thread die because creates the impression that we are actually dead, and lets retards like you move to actually claiming that /wg/ is dead and we shouldn't bother keeping the general intact anymore since it keeps dying so much.

>> No.53959043
Quoted by: >>53959325

It's always "just one guy" with every chronic issue here, isn't it?

>> No.53959115
Quoted by: >>53961510

Maybe Koreanbro will talk more with us sometime. If he's reading this, I want to thank him for bringing my story to so many readers and making this beautiful cultural crossover happen.

>> No.53959273

I'm thinking of starting Holoslavia. Is it any good? Looks like there's a lot planned for it so I don't want to get left behind.

>> No.53959325
Quoted by: >>53959944

In fairness this thread kind of has a track record of its shitposting because caused by literally one guy, i.e pekofag, the 2view era earlyfag, the noelschizo LARPer.

>> No.53959508
Quoted by: >>53970838

I think it's amazing. But to be fair, I'm biased because I like European cold war history and was enamored by the work in progress and related posts by the author.

>> No.53959594

Glad to hear that. As the writer of Balsa I appreciate it!

>> No.53959643

It's one chapter currently but the author seems to have the good kind of autism needed for this and they've released some pretty cool side material for it.
Give it a shot unless you find funny names a complete turn off for reading something semi serious.

>> No.53959841
Quoted by: >>53961591

>the author seems to have the good kind of autism needed for this and they've released some pretty cool side material for it.
That's a very good way to put it. Only HJchad seems more dedicated to his hagtastic craft.

>> No.53959944
Quoted by: >>53960529

dont forget the goblin guy utterly seething for an entire day because someone pointed out that his oshi's model was rigged weird

>> No.53960529

That will never not be funny. I hope he comes back so we can keep giving him more shit.

>> No.53960646 [DELETED] 

I just came so hard to Fubuki being raped by monkeys...


>> No.53961510
Quoted by: >>53961877

I think he only comes by rarely since I'm reasonably sure they don't actually speak english and can only understand english via machine translation.

>> No.53961552
Quoted by: >>53961820

I remember that we had a fic like that, it caused quite the controversy.

>> No.53961566
Quoted by: >>53961820

I'm not sure we needed that information anon

>> No.53961591
File: 955 KB, 1600x900, 1687672527172760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could make cool side material like slaviabro does. I need to at least make a functional map at some point. I'd like to do that, if only for myself and keep a concrete visual representation of the world as it expands.

>> No.53961820
Quoted by: >>53969224

Wait, there's something else like this? Don't say the flyfic.

I experienced a really strong orgasm and naturally wanted to share the source of it with everyone. No need to thank me!

>> No.53961877
Quoted by: >>53962397

Kinda makes me wonder how he managed to find this place to begin with.

>> No.53962159
Quoted by: >>53962712

Maybe you could also post some related music, if you have any.

>> No.53962397

Going by their history of translations they originally started translating greentext from /vt/ and found this place and the archive around the time subjectionanon posted their Shion greentext outline.

>> No.53962712
File: 1.77 MB, 1872x1075, 1682214429859744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53962918

Most of the stuff I use while I write is lyrical. I haven't gotten into a real groove of using instrumentals in my head for certain scenes yet. It's a good suggestion though, it would be nice to have some sort of short scale for what Watame's magic sounds like in action.

>> No.53962918
Quoted by: >>53963004

NTA, but I've had a lot of fun working music into my stories. Would recommend.

>> No.53963004
File: 500 KB, 850x1093, 1687094394240936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do feel that. I have several songs that help me play out action scenes in my head, as well as work as OP/EDs for the arc and such. It's a blast to do, I just haven't breached that wall yet that let's me seamlessly get ambiance music in there for the reader. How do you do it?

>> No.53963296

Will you share the OPs and EDs with us?

>> No.53963338
Quoted by: >>53968113

Giving anons your writing OPs and EDs is like giving a succubus your semen.

>> No.53963613
File: 344 KB, 2616x1455, 1690033533423782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53964093

I think it's just a matter of paying attention to the 'tone' of a scene. If you're going for something heartwarming, you slot in some music that you find heartwarming. The right BGM can help enhance the atmosphere, so long as it's not so intrusive that it distracts the reader.
I also try to keep the length of the track in mind. If it's too long, it might keep playing even after the scene has transitioned to something else. I usually have the track playing on repeat while I'm writing the scene, and then play it back again while I read through it. The sweet spot is if the track ends at the same time as the scene. It's not perfect, since people have different reading speeds. But it makes for a decent enough baseline.

>> No.53964093

I see I see. I've actually done this with a scene I have in recent memory. At the end of the Pomu arc, where she and Anon are sitting from her top floor windowsill and talking about what's happened and what's next, I had this on the half hour long extended version as i wrote it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_PYJzBrtR0

I can hear the tone and such of the scene if that makes sense, I more so don't know how I would present it for the reader to listen to as they read if that makes sense. I also think about stuff like "will they need to replay the track in the middle of reading?" I think about user experience stuff like that a lot due to my profession being in software.
I can if you really want it. I'm giving your fair warning, some of it might be cringe as fuck. Like I'm talking english covers of JP anime OPs and EDs, and there's some pure JP stuff mixed in there from bands I've really liked. I also have stuff picked out that stuck out to me as songs that personify Anon's relationship to some of the girls. Ironically I haven't found a good song that depicts his and Flare's bond yet, I've found one for their sex scene though, so that's pretty great and I'm gonna get extra mileage out of that when the time comes.

>> No.53964343

I've been researching on how long it would take for someone to become a paralegal, how long does law school take, what are the requirements to become a justice of the peace

>> No.53964520
Quoted by: >>53965253

>I'm giving your fair warning, some of it might be cringe as fuck. Like I'm talking english covers of JP anime OPs and EDs, and there's some pure JP stuff mixed in there from bands I've really liked.
I think listening to that kind of music is pretty low on the cringeometer compared to writing vtuber fanfiction, for what it's worth. We're here to be companions in our shared valley of cringe, right?

>> No.53964558
Quoted by: >>53965253

For presentation, my go-to method is to embed a hyperlink at the point where I think it'd be appropriate for the music to start playing. Usually in a shorter sentence, but that isn't always feasible. The link itself is normally to a preexisting upload of the music, or my own catbox.moe upload if there isn't one. I try to avoid youtube both for better audio quality, and no risk of autoplay-related shenanigans.
It might help to read a visual novel or two. They tend to be pretty good at using music, and the OST might end up having some tunes in it that you might like enough to use for your own stories.

>> No.53964977

Ayame never really had a boyfriend but she likes telling men she does because she discovered it's an easy way to get really good dick on the regular.

>> No.53965147
File: 2.53 MB, 1712x1780, TorreRead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53966045

>Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
This was just a bunch of cheese puns that barely connect to make a story.
>Noel's the strongest
An interesting greentext that has (You) being the one that gets choked out. Still, it's just a greentext. Though I would love to see more fics on the fetish.
>Lion Taming! A Tsundevil's Mind
Huh I remember reading this. Too bad it's unifinished the first person stream of consciousness here is actually pretty good at making it erotic. Kind want to more even if going by the style a sex scene in this would literally just be hentai dialogue converted to monologue and female gaze.

>> No.53965253
File: 1.38 MB, 2960x4640, 1686925039253414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53965531

Very good point. I did want to make a historical playlist of sorts at some point. Since whenever I hear some of these songs, I'm instantly taken back to that part of the journey. What would be the best way to format it? I could update the series landing page with a section on it, since I wouldn't want to just dump a big ass youtube link post in here. There's also the issue of explicitly writing the song's association with a certain scene that might be a spoiler.
That seems pretty reasonable to try and implement. I'll make a point to try it out once or twice in this arc. I've never used catbox as a personal upload tool before, so that might be worth looking into.
I honestly would, but stuff like that makes it hard to keep my power level hidden from my wife. There's a lot she knows, but I'm hesitant to get into things like that. I just don't need the questions that could lead to further questions. That doesn't mean I can't cruise through music places and looking for VN OSTs to listen through.

>> No.53965531

>I just don't need the questions that could lead to further questions.
Fair enough. If you want some recommendations for stuff to listen to, Key games tend to have some great music (Clannad, Little Busters, Rewrite, Summer Pockets), as well as the Kara no Shoujo trilogy and Muv-Luv Alternative.

>> No.53965987
File: 218 KB, 404x479, 1683031315814124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53966049

I'll jot those down, thanks bro. I also know there was a decent site linked here a while back when we had this topic before on a more general sense, but I don't think I actually bookmarked it. I know it had a lot of video game OSTs, and I actually have a few tracks in mind that I'd like to use in a few upcoming battles. Man, I love when a morning starts out with a little progress in writing and some pointers to up my presentation game.
>mfw this arc is almost twice the chapter length of the previous one
>my arcs have been steadily inclining in chapter count and girth
Is this what natural progression looks like? It's kinda rad.

>> No.53966045

I planned to write a sequel to Lion Taming, but I got turned off from it by how deservedly mixed the feedback was. It was basically an experiment because I really liked reading stream of consciousness novels back when we studied those in school, so I wrote it for myself. But writing more only made sense to me if I'd somehow hit the spot on something novel and others liked it.
So I'm really glad you liked it, at least! Maybe I will get to the actual lion and devil sexing someday, with a shift in perspective or without.

>> No.53966049
Quoted by: >>53966446

>I also know there was a decent site linked here a while back
Yeah that was me. It's downloads.khinsider.com

>> No.53966446
File: 1.42 MB, 1075x1006, 1650186436062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53966588

Yup, that was it! Thanks man, I bookmarked it this time. Remembered some good pirate tunes that'll come in handy.

>> No.53966588
File: 297 KB, 480x480, 1690038064976257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53968113

No prob.
We're all gonna make it, brah.

>> No.53966606
Quoted by: >>53974338

Honestly not sure how a perspective switch would really work with how tightly woven the narration style is to the story as a whole but I would gladly read more of this if you write more.

>> No.53967022
File: 289 KB, 2048x682, holox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently working on the Holox hypnosis prompt that was mentioned a while back, but I've hit a wall in the planning stage. I have ideas for what four out of five of the girls will want you to do for them when they're alone, but I'm struggling to think of what Chloe would want. What would Chloe get someone to do for her if she hypnotised them? She mentioned once that when she's too lazy to take a bath she wants someone to wash her hair, but I'm drawing a blank besides that. Maybe just clean her room and act as a general caretaker like Lui usually does?

>> No.53967073
Quoted by: >>53968906

Hey to the anon that took that Mecha/sci fi Laplus idea. Any updates? Im itching to compare some notes even if its waaaay down my list to do

>> No.53967088
Quoted by: >>53967964

That could work. She likes to be spoiled after all, but maybe wants someone to put her in her place.
In my headcannon, she suggested the whole hypno thing so the girls would get distracted and she would take over HoloX for herself
Godspeed, you magnificent bastard.

>> No.53967141

Where did rrat!Ayame come from? I need to get the gist of it for using an evil slut.

>> No.53967177

She doesn't stream because she's too busy having sex.
That's it.

>> No.53967353
Quoted by: >>53967964

Okay it's been a while but I'm pretty sure even back then the thread didn't actually come up with a concept for what Chloe would do with a hypnotized Anon.
In fact I'm pretty sure I half jokingly suggested back then that Chloe due to not really using the hypnotized guy much is the one holoX uses as a fall girl for all of their crimes as after the rest of then fall in love with you. She'd be the one that gets ratted out to the cops as the 'real' mastermind behind holoX and gets sent to super-prison while the rest of them get off with slaps to the wrist.
Though if you don't want her to take the fall I think something like (You) acting as her butler serving her every whim might be fun. Maybe with a bit of a stinky orca girl play as you cater to her 'every' whim.

>> No.53967722

Works for me.

>> No.53967964
File: 2.59 MB, 1414x2000, Gen 6 summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is an SSS tier suggestion. I could definitely make that work in the story, and even make it a major plot point. Thank you Anon, I'll use this.
That sounds like fun, but I wouldn't want to miss out on any Chloe time. I plan to give all the members of Holox moments with (You).
>Maybe with a bit of a stinky orca girl play as you cater to her 'every' whim.
I considered Chloe sex, but Lui is already requesting that you give her children (hypnosis may not be required for this) so I decided to branch out.

>> No.53968034
Quoted by: >>53968119

What >>53967141 said, and from there a truckload of rrats spawned to create the identity of rrat!Ayame.

>> No.53968113
File: 985 KB, 3840x2160, 1668208908066303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right.
Also here ya go. Just a small taste of the music that helps fuel my words.

ED for chapter 1, and kinda a credits scene that will set the tone for the adventure to come: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bok-QIHzNv0
That one was on repeat while I was writing out that final scene, and it makes me incredibly nostalgic and proud that I made that first step, even if it was super rocky at first, and I wasn't sure how things were going to be received at the time. This artist in particular has a lot of english covers that sound pretty good, a small chunk of them are part of this OP/ED list I'd have, but this is one of the most impactful for me.

OP for the rolling plains to the forest of Pomu arc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5rYP8UQP-g
This one fits in a lot of ways for how Anon is at the time. On the back of recovering from a torturing and trying to find his own inner strength and expand his magic, it just works. Sonic fans do some crazy work making up pure originals inspired by the series, and there's a ton of uplifting, intense, and overall passionate original tracks out there.

OP (one of them) for the current arc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkbnbUQuwo0
This track and band just fucking rocks out of the gate, and this song specifically captures a lot of vibes I have in this current arc. Anon's initial internal struggles and eventually the passion to blaze past them, despite whoever stands in his way. I also get so many good scenes in my head for the whole party cleaning house in a flashy way.

Hope that gives you your fix for this. It was kinda fun to work out what a few of these meant to me and just get it out since I never vocalized it before. There's a lot more than this, but these were just easy to pick out and give a meaningful blurb on.

>> No.53968119

Whoops, meant to tag >>53967177

>> No.53968188

I can second Key game's soundtrack. I typically don't pay much mind to a soundtrack, but Kanon's music had me busting out my guitar to solo over in slow auto mode

>> No.53968691

Be her "man of the house".
After the ghost incident, she kinda wants someone to rely on, to sleep with her and take her on dates
Also orca stink erotic

>> No.53968771

In addition to what has been said she also hates Koreans.
And you can write her evil for sure but with Our Cures and Hedonist Reckoning there's also a more sympathetic version of her here in /wg/.

>> No.53968898
Quoted by: >>53969755

Where exactly did the "hates Koreans" thing come from? Was it just her not twitter-liking Ina's drawing of her?

>> No.53968906
File: 284 KB, 1920x1080, Lapcity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53970079

Oh, I'm gonna be honest that wip is also low on my wip priority but basically my idea/outline was
>You are a deep cover agent sent by (Rival Space Government ) to infiltrate the Federation's New Mecha program
>Lui is a veteran mech pilot you befriend while building your cover that joined the program to train the new pilots. She quit after seeing the abuses the experimental pilots were going through.
>Laplus, Iroha, and Chloe are all test tube babies created to pilot the next generation of high spec experimental mecha. Koyori is the scientist that made them
>They pilot the mech Unit LAPLACE, DANUKI and ORCA.
>Iroha's mech has space manipulation powers ala Vergil, Chloe's mech has space devouring powers, and Laplus' has super prediction powers.
>Anyway the plot is started by you hijacking Laplus' mech with her in it because you recognize that Unit Laplace with an FTL drive and Laplus as a pilot would turn her into a super weapon that could take over the galaxy due to its advanced prediction engine.
>You hijack it while false flagging that you're sending it to your government. In reality you have another destination in mind.
>The Federation send Iroha and Chloe to try and stop you. *Insert fight scene where you burn out your piloting ability using LAPLACE's prediction engine to keep up here.*
>You manage to engage the FTL jump after narrowly defeating both of them. You string together a series of jumps that'll leave everyone confused via the last of your connection to the prediction engine. In reality your target was backwater planet where an old friend retired to.
After that you crash land onto Lui's farm and actually start the fluffy shenanigans about raising Laplus and trying to give her an ordinary life while a galactic manhunt goes after all of you.

>> No.53968989

I meant evil in the sense of getting in a petty fight with her "friend" and fucking their childhood crush as a revenge.

>> No.53969224
Quoted by: >>53970083

Isn't it called "That's the way Fubuki crumbles?"

>> No.53969356
Quoted by: >>53969577

>Lion Taming

That title already has me erect. I'm going to give it a read.

>> No.53969577

Be forewarned, I've only been writing about it in the background so far.

>> No.53969755

That spawned the fake tweets of Ayame responding to Ina with racism, yeah.
I hope the rrat will never cause a misunderstanding with our Koreans, they seem to like Ayame in that forum.

>> No.53970079

Very interesting. The one im going with is
>Lui and You mert in a lab,once the war inbetween federals and planetarians breaks out, both of you get assigned together and love blooms over genetic research
>By the second year of the war, Lui wants out. She cant stand for the bloodshed the weapons at the lab are being used for, specially once they start developing drugs with her theories
>A fight breaks between the two of you, You are convinced you can save people with your tissue regenerariont theories. Lui leaves the lab and retires to the outer rim.
>Years go by. The war still rages on, even if both sides are ragged. Lui now has a pet clinic in a bumfuck nowhere planet.
>Crash land in Lap's mech with Lap. You are hurt.
And as the plot progresses, the three of you bond together and learn the truth about the genetic sequence you created, the implications of Lui's theories and finally the breakout of the kids that were part of Lap's lab (holox).
I kinda dont wanna give away some of the twists lmao, but i really like your idea

>> No.53970083
Quoted by: >>53970617

Oh right, I forgot about that fic - too long since I last read it. Fair play! Guess I'll stop by that one next time I need to touch myself. Which is whenever I think about you, by the by.

>> No.53970617 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>53971258

Just be aware that there's a nigger in that story, anon. Its why I mentioned it when you (assuming it was you) said Fubuki gets raped by a bunch of monkies.

>> No.53970750

Basically it spawned from rrats when Ayame hadn't streamed for a long time. Though the interesting part came from here where the rrat depiction of her being a turbo slut combined with her normal characterization to create a strangely compelling character. If you want more fics that explore the concept when it was less refined look at Cold Air, Hot Blood and Shadowlive.

>> No.53970838
File: 133 KB, 1865x694, Oy Aqua, Aqua! Mother of the onions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just seen this. Thank you for the support, anons. Currently, the fic is finished, but there's a lot of work to be done with editing the first draft. I'm shoveling through that, though, so that's something. I hope the final output meets your expectations.
>side material
I would say it depends on the kind of story you're making. For maps, I used a world map editor (https://www.mapchart.net/)), as well as this website to make that one newscast (https://toolkit.epentibi.com/).). Recently I discovered some other cool stuff that I'm trying to replicate, though editing the fic comes first. Generally, I just make side stuff whenever something comes to me. So, if you happen to have an idea and it's not too complicated to make, just go for it.

>> No.53971258

Pfft. I get it now. Doesn't bother me unless it's deliberate interracial, which I just find odd.

>> No.53971373
Quoted by: >>53971662

Nah, the deliberately interracial one would be "Dusk That Follows An Autumn Day". That's the one that goes full on for that.

>> No.53971509
Quoted by: >>53972130

It’s finished? I thought it was going to be a really long series.

>> No.53971662
File: 3.86 MB, 2000x1414, fubucovers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53984828

I've never read that one. Weirdanonv2, if I recall correctly. I'm going to read it tomorrow morning, because I'm really curious.

I'm falling asleep, so I'm heading back to bed. G'night!

>> No.53972130

Yes, it is. At 65k words, divided into six chapters. The wordcount may go higher or lower depending on how the edit goes. This is just for "Operation Nimrod."
I already have an outline for the next installments. At first, I figured that I would make it a really big series, but I decided to just tackle it in chunks that I can deliver within a reasonable amount of time.
These are the planned installments for a "Holoslavia Series" so far:
Holoslavia I - Operation Nimrod (Editing)
Holoslavia II - Pequod (Outlined)
Holoslavia III - Can't spoil
Holoslavia IV - ditto
Holoslavia V - this too
and maybe Holoslavia VI.

But yeah, I just want to tackle these things one at a time. I'm already surprised that I managed to finish Holoslavia I, so I'm taking baby steps. There's also that Ame fic that I'm going to take another stab at and see if I could still salvage the Oppenheimer movie really got me inspired, so yeah

>> No.53972383

That was awesome. Just wrote ten pages in a single sitting. Going to continue the next half in a bit

>> No.53972399
Quoted by: >>53980577

What's deliberate interracial? Like having a race play kink?

>> No.53973763
Quoted by: >>53974313

>At 65k words
Damn, that's a lot.

>> No.53974313

Yup, and I gotta comb through all of it, write new scenes, delete others. But that just comes with the territory, so I can't really complain. At least it's done somewhat. Just gotta get the kinks out

>> No.53974338

I'm not sure how it'd work either, it's just a possibility if the sex scene doesn't work at all like this. But given that I have little idea what works in general it'd probably be cowardly to just switch to something easier.

>> No.53974653
File: 68 KB, 820x866, Screenshot 2023-07-22 141400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like drama. And sex. And hags.

>> No.53975301
File: 579 KB, 881x720, 1664587722407746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53977595

Marine invites you to masturbate along side her while she watcher her favorite porn all the while she goes on in detail about what she enjoys during specific sex scenes.

>> No.53975367
File: 896 KB, 1843x3339, 1689583929384583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll check out those links for maps, thanks dude! A friend also showed me inkarnate a while back, but I haven't really gotten into yet since like you said, the fic comes first. I will want to make a point to create a map when this arc ends though, so I never lose my barrings on where things are and where the group is going. Let's just say the world is gonna really open up because of what they get at the end of it.

>> No.53977593
File: 164 KB, 1139x1700, Botan4162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53977595

>Neither of you can cum because you are nervous

>> No.53977631
File: 327 KB, 467x374, 1664465771186230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry Marine, looks like your video ended, now it's my turn to show you one of my favorites
What do you show her to get you both super randy?

>> No.53977692


>> No.53977860

Me having sex with Ayame

>> No.53978026

There's something so hot about that for some reason. Though personally I like a nervous person who can't get an erection/cum with an experienced older woman who takes what she wants

>> No.53978093
File: 819 KB, 1124x632, 1679481083239484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iroha's face when she had just finished leaving a scathing review on an AV actress she follows video "amateur oni gets horns pulled and blasted doggy style" and then ayame pipes up and asks why the hell she thought her performance sucked
>dont meet your heroes kids

>> No.53978703
File: 149 KB, 850x1134, IrohaNinja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You had such a dumb look on your face during the climax, it completely took me out of it and you ruined the whole thing!"
>"I was actually cumming my brains out! What do you want from me!?"

>> No.53978911

The idea of Iroha, the sweet country bumpkin goof puttin on glasses and writing lengthy reviews on pornos makes me laugh beyond reason. It's like seeing someone giving detailed feedback on smut here.

>> No.53979024

>It's like seeing someone giving detailed feedback on smut here.
It's not really like that, because it's not surprising that the degenerates hanging out in this thread would do it.

>> No.53979183
File: 247 KB, 1492x2060, SoraNew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sora recommended the JAV to her

>> No.53979459
File: 229 KB, 850x1391, __kazama_iroha_and_kazama_iroha_hololive_drawn_by_long_haruki_7__sample-4090f2e95f49cc19c7d07dd8d8e145cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iroha finally snaps back after her orgasm
>floor is a mess, legs still shaking, she also got some on the monitor
>she can feel a cramp coming, out of the sheer force of her orgasm
>shakily adjusts her glasses
>"I quite liked this piece. While the title can be quite clickbaity, that oni does get her rear blasted. Its refreshing to have creators that respect our time in this platform
>"The lighting was adequate, and while i usuall y roll my eyes at the scenarios, the setup was quite convincing. The delivery of "Pizza with sausage AND COCK" was surprisingly effective"
>"The selection of poses was, while cliche, well executed and avoided the usual trap of anal into vaginal,which has ruined better videos like Hag milf gets all of her eggs revitalized"
>"however, i must insist that the main actress did not live up to the standards of the piece. She lacked effort in her hips, her delivery was messy (Pleashe pump me like a pishton? really?) and it showed, because despite the hot situation, the actor only produced three ropes of semen, instead of the outstanding five he usually puts out"
>"Im quite a fan of his work, specially in the Nut Eternal where he's a parademon with two scenes"
>"Overall, i think the piece is an adequate 3 out of 5 stars, not terrible by any means, but you can do better"

>> No.53979649
File: 579 KB, 1350x1073, 1667048287561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the hilarious Discord chats of holos reacting to sex in Definitive Proof Of Sakura Miko's Heterosexuality, holos commenting on porn sites definitely has comedic potential.

>> No.53979956
File: 279 KB, 362x421, 1682512428670199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even consider the angle of reviewing the male actor as well. That whole thing is fucking gold.
>Iroha regularly gets into flame wars with another regular reviewer, who is all too easy to please and just thinks anything shoving a D in a V is more than serviceable.
>HoloXXXR&D about to leave another positive 5 star review on Choco Sensei's latest upload: "Landlord catches school nurse moonlighting as an adult voice actress."

>> No.53980140

Sorry, I'll try to make her cum less hard the next time.

>> No.53980179

To be fair, I don't think we've had a lengthy smut review on the almost comedic level we are thinking in a while.

>> No.53980465

Sorting comments of "Hot flattie banged in a karaoke"
>xXxHoshoMariiixXX :"CUM"
>Makura_Siko: "Who is she??? name??? link???"
>Real_Kazama_Iroha: "superb performance as always miss Suisexxx. Admirable lighting and really hot poses. HotNegro69-san is also to be commended for his first non amateur video"
>Kirito_Aqua: "lov penis in vagana"
>ShiroGa: "Mid bitch, SexWithShuba clears"
>TsunoWaki: "D-Dad?"

>> No.53980509

You've gifted me a mighty laugh. Thanks anon.

>> No.53980577

Yeah. I dunno... constantly making note of racial differences, emphasis on the exaggeration or belittlement of genital size in comparison to other races, ending with the heroine swearing off sex with all other races?
Something like that. Doesn't interest me, primarily because of how divisive it is. Not kink-shaming anyone else for enjoying that, though.

>> No.53980656
Quoted by: >>53980669

Which chuuba would be the third worlder asking the actor/actress if she wants a round with her?

>> No.53980669
Quoted by: >>53980849


>> No.53980755

Wow there, I'm an upstanding, tax paying member of society. Just because I get off to young boys getting molested by more experienced older women doesn't mean I'm not human.

>> No.53980849

>Comments on "Restaurant manager takes advantage of underperforming employee"
>Kiwawa1fan: Mmm I'd love to eat your ass talk to me
>4 more comments begging Kiara for sex

>> No.53982329

This was funny.

>> No.53984041
File: 200 KB, 433x460, ReineSleazySmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally get the 'Kiwawa fucks lucky female fan!" video
>It's awful and Kiara is clearly phoning it in while Reine cums in under a minute

>> No.53984181
Quoted by: >>53984470

Considering that she's into NTR, she would likely enjoy a video of you fucking another woman.

>> No.53984468

Reine never getting laid will never not be funny to me.

>> No.53984470

That was the idea, two people having sex that she'd want to fuck herself.

>> No.53984828
File: 810 KB, 2608x4014, 103016583_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53987360

Dusk that follows an autumn day has been deleted from the archive and isn't on the author's AO3. Fortunately, we have the mega hard archive.

Like most of weirdanonv2's works, the sensitive fetish portrayed here is handled so clumsily that I can't help but feel it's intentional for comedic effect, so that's how I'm going to perceive it. I mean, she gets a tattoo that makes her a cock magnet for black guys and starts fucking everyone that makes a move on her? And of course she suggests playing basketball, too. Almost surprised this story didn't end up in a cotton field or banana plantation at some point.
Anyway, whilst the dialogue is extremely blunt and stilted, the smut is actually well-written with erotic intent in mind rather than simply describing what's happening; I imagine if you're into raceplay NTR you could rub a fair few loads out to this story.
I'm not into either of those things, though, so it didn't especially do much for me, but kudos otherwise. Honestly, it was more of a comedy than anything - I wanted to keep reading just to find out how ridiculous things were going to get. It had an air of self-awareness about it that made it delicious, written seriously enough to be inflammatory but simultaneously aware of how silly it is.
I enjoyed reading it. The fetishes in the smut side were a total mismatch for me, though, so I probably won't be reading it as wank fodder anytime soon.

>> No.53985567
File: 373 KB, 1728x1346, 1676647732106924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like a gag someone would make up for her if she was in a comedy but made funnier because it's real.

>> No.53986138
File: 550 KB, 1728x1346, reinescored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine WILL get laid in my fanfiction series

>> No.53986632
Quoted by: >>53989193

I'm not sure what kind of story you could really make out of an alternate universe where all chuubas are porn enthusiasts but these were funny to imagine.

>> No.53987360
Quoted by: >>53988719

The tattoo she gets is the Ace of Spades which has turned into a symbol for girls who like black guys. It's an easy way for her to get blacked which was the point of that story. Thanks for the review.

>> No.53988719
Quoted by: >>53989288

Sorry if it was more critical than you would've liked, haha. I did enjoy it and I don't regret spending my time reading it.

>> No.53989193

Something like Undeniable proof of Sakura Miko's heterosexuality, but instead its a critical approach. Different chuubas have different reactions, sort of like a stream segment where they comment on their coworkers sex life and sex tapes openly and give a detailed critique about it. Could make for a good smut-comedy.

>> No.53989277
Quoted by: >>53989970

I like the new trend of authors just straight up releasing entire novels all at once. Can't wait to read this anon, autism projects like these are the best.

>> No.53989288

It really wasn't all that critical. When it was originally posted someone mentioned that Matsuri being involved ruined the whole NTR aspect of it.

>> No.53989623
Quoted by: >>53995241

Honestly she felt like more of a weird afterthought, like it was really going to be something like a wifeswapping fic where you proceed to relieve yourself using Matsuri's body whilst Fubuki watches with mounting unease and regret, but due to time constraints or a lack of interest, the story ended just shy of it.
Maybe for NTR afficionados it's a red card but at that point I was invested enough that I was a little disappointed to see that it was ending right as another metaphorical plot bomb was detonated to turn the established relationship dynamic on its head.

>> No.53989970
Quoted by: >>53990246

NTA, but I've been working on my on stuff trying to get a clear ending to it. Feels great, lads.

What about you anons? What's cooking? Is there a scene that you really didn't want to scrap and finally have a reason to use it?

>> No.53990246
File: 3.28 MB, 2279x3308, 1689020925976512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53991570

Way back I scrapped a scene where you make out with Flare in a closet. I brought that back, but in a different closet. Feels good, and things are still cooking fine. I'm actually in the middle of a scene now with some crude campfire cooking. The rate this piece is coming together is slow. Due to privacy reasons to concealing my power level, I haven't been able to type on my desktop for the past 2 weeks, so it's all been phone writing. It's still coming along though, I'm hoping I'll have this part done in the next few days.

>> No.53991570
Quoted by: >>53991858

>Writing on company time.

>> No.53991858
File: 26 KB, 390x352, 1683494498869662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did in fact do that a ton, and plan to continue to do so, but the privacy part is actually on the home side of things.
>mfw writing sheep smut during the workday
working from home is incredibly convenient.

>> No.53993823
Quoted by: >>53995241

Okay I only half remember my original thoughts about this fic, but I think that was because you didn't commit to making it go full NTR, and it didn't go for the full cuck ending rather.

>> No.53995241

Yes, I wanted to make it so both parties were 'equal' which ended up devaluing it as a work of NTR.

>> No.53996823
Quoted by: >>53998281

I suppose that's why it was divisive even among the few people that like NTR here since outside of the netorase guy a lot of the appeal in (normal) NTR works is the descent towards the ending of losing her.

>> No.53998281

Turns out I am not a cuckhold.

>> No.54000726
Quoted by: >>54001159

Submissions aren't open yet, but I'll throw up the contest anchor next thread in case it survives until the 25th, and so we can link the rentry to potnetial writers who are interested.

>> No.54001159
Quoted by: >>54001195

Should we just have an announcement post with the rentry link instead of the anchor for now? It might be confusing for some if the anchor is already there but the contest hasn't started yet.

>> No.54001195

Yeah, that might be better. I'll do that.

>> No.54002730
Quoted by: >>54004837

It'd be funnier if she doesn't even masturbate, she just watches the whole AV with completely serious intent while jotting down notes
>I see... the moans aren't too bad for an amateur actress
>Too much hair on the actor's crotch though...

>> No.54004198

>>TsunoWaki: "D-Dad?"
I felt so bad for laughing at this

>> No.54004837

So Iroha would be a /wg/ writer giving feedback to a smut fic they don't really find that hot?

>> No.54004958
Quoted by: >>54005405

All i can add to this is the top notch comedic timing of this conversation happening because of Marine
but not including Marine
she truly never scores

>> No.54005002
Quoted by: >>54010108

Check your email

>> No.54005405
File: 143 KB, 850x1200, Marine (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a long series I have workshopping in my head where Marine is one of the characters you meet on your adventures, and the two of you agree to fuck. However one of the running gags is that every single time things start getting steamy between the two of you something comes up (emergency mission from the guild, enemy attack, jaw dislocation) and Marine loses her chance to get laid. It gets to the point where the moment the two of you are done with a quest you both sprint for the nearest public toilet while ripping your clothes off, but even then something comes up before Marine can get some action.

>> No.54006308

I feel like that gag can only work twice or thrice, with the next bouts of cockblocking coming from entirely different and cooky reasons
something like...
>finish the quest to defeat an undiying lich
>finally get his weakness, put him down
>but right before he's about to bite the bullet, he channels a spell and fires it at marine
>you jump in the way, taking it like a champ
>weird...you are unharmed
>oh no
>as the lich cackles and starts turning to dust, he just yells
>as he crumbles, he gives you the middle finger
either that or
>"Phew, that was one good quest"
>Shion nods
>"yeah, a shame i couldnt cast Testicular Torsion"
>the wand fires itself
>two hours of pain leave you with no spirit to fuck

>> No.54006856

Man this Marine never scores thing this just reminded me how Marine literally only got the canonical sex scene because she got very fucking lucky with her rolls.
>Anon properly vocalizes his feelings. (Rolled 1D20, seeking 15 or higher: 16)
>Marine moves to kiss Anon...CRITICAL!! 20!
>Anon is charmed and can't reject Marine!
>Anon just lost his first kiss!
>Marine begins to fall into genuine love with Anon... (Rolled 1d10, seeking 8 or higher: Rolled 9.)
>Marine attempts to become one with Anon...CRITICAL!! Anon is charmed and can't reject Marine!!
>Anon just lost his virginity!
>Anon learned what sex is! God help us all.

>> No.54007006

>Anon is very lucky with his rolls
>Marine is very lucky with her rolls
They were meant to be together.

>> No.54007194
File: 3.64 MB, 270x190, CocoAngry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54007442

Can't believe all that happened before Coco even got to kiss him on the mouth. Fucking cuckquean supreme over there

>> No.54007250

This is amazing.

>> No.54007442

To think all it took to make her a cuckquean was a bunch of bad rolls and a story that made her out to be a bigger cuck than Towa.

>> No.54007551

I'm not gonna be surprised if Towa canonically hits before Coco either. Though it would be fucking godlike and an all-time thread moment if Kanata somehow does before either

>> No.54008246
File: 40 KB, 182x182, KiaCry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad AA is dead...

>> No.54008328
File: 578 KB, 848x848, 1633073508182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54008829

Damn, I was excited for Holofantasy pure black...

>> No.54008382

He'll be back.

>> No.54008442

Kanata managing to get Anon in the bedroom might just cause Coco to develop teleportation

>> No.54008499

Dont worry anon

>> No.54008793

massive irony

>> No.54008829

Is this dude based on a shinsengumi?

>> No.54008868


>> No.54008930

He's based on my fucking cock, even if he doesn't want to be.

>> No.54009004

No, but he's often called "Shogun" because of this outfit.

>> No.54009238

New thread

>> No.54009784
File: 933 KB, 1200x849, Iroha sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54010108
Quoted by: >>54011061

Now it's your turn to do it.

>> No.54010906

I'm not dead just getting fucked by the US medical system

>> No.54011061

There ya go.
