Nijisanji EN Youtube channels: (alt) (alt)Obsydia: (Graduated)Iluna: (Graduated) schedule for Nijisanji EN: watch streams at the same time: devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.NijiEN song playlist: loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.Nijisanji chat log: archive: Minecraft Server:ninisani.moeOur watchalong fangame VN: to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.Previous thread: >>52121780
>>52130119they replaced his voice from the OG and y7?i didn't think there was a problem about his lines in Y7
sonny LOVE
Ike love!
I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!
Enna is the most successful Ethyria member and this makes certain people VERY angry but here's the catch bros, she makes a lot of money and management loves her despite all the depression and graduation baiting content and if this upsets you then I can guarantee that you're jobless or miserable or both!
aight back to shitting on Reimu
enna and maririn rabu
ewiwa cute
Mysta love
>5k maxits genuinely over
Sonny onii-chan Love!Vox Love!
I feel like the watchalong would have a made a more appropriate OP image wouldn't you say so my friends?
wuca wuca! get him mimi!
i didn't get any of the references
>A lot of you were like "Shu has a competitor now, Sonny has a competitor"Sus
vanta used sonny (and shu) as inspiration... cute... and puppet pals? what is that
aspie wife love!GO MIMI GO
Aw Vanta was inspired by Shu’s and Sonny’s videos
I love Vanta, AKA american Bobon
>>52130514Anon doesn't know Harry Potter Puppet Pals... owari...
>>52130513It's the kindred, she posts on cbt
>>52130514old harry potter channelmr pottaahhh TICK TICK TICK TOCKNeil Cicierega
>>52130511Oh goddamn it way to out yourself as the one who leaked shit here dumbassLiterally nobody said that outside of here
A lot of Briskadets in Vanta's chat.Sonny....
>>52130466Deadsanji is REAL!!!!
Are black people naturally charismatic
>>52130434That's all I hear in my head when I read his name
>>52130511I’m sure he meant on twitter or whatever
this movie is INTENSE jesas
>is it cheating if he bites another girls necklol nina
>>52130322>noooo the biggest supporters of everyone are supporting the new boysCope more
>>52130567retardchama... it was all over twitter
Please luxnoc sisters, let us have him, you can have the french ones
Kurococco LOVE
Reminder enna and kyo are not collabing anymore
Sonny LOVE
mods you're getting super lazy
>>52130304what is the difference?
>>52130585Like 70% of meme content is black people saying funny shit or making funny faces. Kinda yeah
Don't care about 2.0, just play some games already
Astronomically Sexy Heroes
>>52130606>>noooo the biggest antis of everyone are anti the new boysFixed that for you
ASH - astronomically sexy heroesaccurate except for wilson who is built for molestation
>>52130629Oh yeah, why is that? I rrally liked them together I love their banter
>>52130658Fuck off to twitch fleshtubers then
>>52130514>>52130526>no pomusus
I miss rosemi sama...Nina is so funny in this watchalong
vanta sounds the whitest in the branch kek
>>52130585You'll see in a couple of months when every single female coworker in NijiEN is gagging on his Vantawood, this is a new era and he's here to conquer and dominate.
>>52130609No, pretty sure the only people talking about him were for the "appropriation" shit or some horny women attracted to him
Wilson is such a normal name compared to everyone else in this branch it's making me laugh
>>52130435Millie makes more in donations than her
What did he mean by that?
gm! I dreamed of sonny streaming something special I can't recall what it is but if was enough to make me jump out of my bed and gey strange stares from my roomates
>>52130700That’s Ren
>>52130319There's nothing wrong with asking if it's happening this month or not>>52130266They've had this complaint for MONTHS. Either learn to accept it, try to change it by sending him actual feedback, or leave him. It's that easy.
>>52130692meant for>>52130497
>>52130700considering his music taste, his voice and his timezone, he's probably a california asian
>>52130700Finally, a good fucking English
Bandage-kyun in chat
Aia has lost it
aia please mute
aia is losing it, cute
time to get blacked
Ikey! <3
>>52130651a Vox soulsfag is a lorefag that does the same build again and again because it works and is a big enjoyer of "fashionsouls"a true soulsfag runs with retarded builds and a guy with a giant pizza cutter because it's fun, he played the game 20 times and it's just clowning for him. Also who gives a shit about fashionsouls.
>>52130702Petra unironically finds blacks disgusting tho.
sorry brotuber beggars but he's already giving fanservice and there's nothing you can do about it
>>52130739>Replies to Reimu with a gif of mexican food>Calls Vanta darkB-based?
>why did you come
>>52130703Me too bud, and agreed!
>>52130695Kill yourself. They're the gamers wave, I want at least one guy playing some random games for 7+ hours everyday.
>Forgot to print more than one sniperVanta...
>>52130677But enough about your projection
So is Krisis niji gamers? I’ve been touching grass for weeks
>>52130686Either something bad happened between them or they are officially a couple and it would be obvious if they are on a 1 on 1 collab
>>52124036Petra isnt even close to be one of the shitest
>>52130727It's him
>>52130700he just sounds really american to me
>gm! I dreamed of sonny streaming something special I can't recall what it is but if was enough to make me jump out of my bed and gey strange stares from my roomates
Oh Vanta drew all of the extras in his lore video, that's cook
fuck off uki. leave vanta alone
Uki is so thirsty for dick I kind of respect his hustle
>>52130781Reimu is cute everyday babygirl
>>52130815Sisters are already trying to cancel Bandage on twitter
>>52130796Proof or I'm deleting this comment from my memory in 5 minutes
>>52130740good morning!
>>52130817No, just normal hires
I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
>>52130727>VANTACROW>VEZALIUS BANDAGE>and wilson
I quite like Vanta's personality and humor. He also the first real brotuber in vtubing industry. But I am afraid about rumors that he is into that final fantasy mmo, because this game is fucking garbage.
what if vanta is just white boy larping as black dude.....
I would love for Vanta to do some drawing streams
>>52130870That was a starbeggar, not even joking either.
>>52130882I hate that fag so much
Kyo will always be short
>>52130880cute shu and mystake!
We? Who is this we he's talking about? Does he have a gf? That fucking whore
>>52130837me behind
I think NijiEN should all be shirtless
FUCK OFF UKI AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >>52130921would be funny
>>52130813Lol lmao, you should encourage him then, by donating and becoming his paypig, go do it gamer
based pomu
>>52130798BASED BASED BASEDLet brotuberfags have NOTHING. They would never financially support a male vtuber.
i'd apply and join nijien just so i can masturbate to sonny and vanta's voices on discord
>>52130939He also hinted at the hand in the video not being hisHmm
>>52130894To be honest his first name is Yu Q.
>>52130868Bro are you serious? Do you not know Petra origins?
Guys I think vanta does sound black
I love my dragon wife Elira!
>>52130913>first brotuber
>>52130882Damn Uki we get it you want that BBC
>>52130926Sonny and Vanta look like alts of each other
>>52130813>I want at least one guy playing some random games for 7+ hours everyday.So like I said, fuck off to twitch fleshtubers. You have plenty of those who pander to you there
>>52130926Yu doesn't look like 171cm. He looks more like 150cm.
>He reveals he has a GF>We get the brotuber by defaultPlease be true.
>I can't imagine debuting with another group>Half of them are missingOh no no no
>>52130882Why is Uki allowed to sexually harass the male members again?
>>52130913Final Fantasy 14 is good and WoWfags have had nearly a decade to get over it.
NijiKrisis seems close, obviously they'll never speak about it on stream but I wonder how tough it was behind the scenes with all of the leak bullshit
>>52130913wait, if vanta is who i think it is, his entire content was that final fantasy mmo.
>>52130700he's got that black guy on the news channel voice
If I make it into EN I will play doggone hungry in my first week
>>52131031i love yu but i hate him for making himself so tall
jacob stop it buddy, you have no chance
>>52131031same with Alban but here we arewe will never get a truly short boy
>>52130984>Menhera>Furry>Laughing_track.mp3>Fake Apex pro>Princess carried to predator>"Please don't bully her too much">Hated by her own branchNah
>>52131040Cause he's more attractive than all of them
>>52130882Fuck off Uki.
>>52130949lmao he won't. Donating to men is "gay".
>>52130913>the first real brotuber in vtubing industry.vox, sonny, fulgur and doppio exist
>>52130958A man giving another man money is unforgivable faggotry
>>52130880hello cute feesh
>>52130984emotionally unstable women can't be brotubers
Why do people say he's black? I know about code switching but he doesn't seem black at all. Is it because his model is brown?
>>52130435Stop being narcissistic here enna kys
>>52131040double standards
>>52131048>I wonder how tough it was behind the scenesprobably threw a party, since it's the reason some of them were hired in the first place
>Vanta couldn't get the 100k armed combatants to show upSyamu moment
>>52131034he will reveal that he has a bf
>he has to find love, he has to>ah uh yupnina doesnt know elira...
>>52130817they dropped the gamer branding/premise but yeah
>>52130984That's not rpr, that's the annoying woman that causes him mental breakdowns
>>52131035to be fair he was the replacement
>>52131028This response has literally never made sense.
i love the middle ground between taking lore seriously and being sarcastic about kayfabe kek
>>52130984>first brotuber
>>52130984I meant males>>52131056Yes, those are the rumors (most likely true). But he barely mentioned ff on debut stream and there is none in his schedule, so I really hope that he won't spam this game.
This guy is such a natural entertainer
>>52131106>VoxGFE ASMR>SonnyNot a bro, just creepy>FulgurFundashi bisexual>DoppioGFE ASMR
>>52130870Anon you can't keep blaming these imaginary sisters on things you're doing yourself. No one's falling for that.
>>52131132Actually fine too, I'll just avoid watching the baiting stuff and watch his gaming stuff
>>52131048how did they find out how leaked the designs? the anon said three of them got fired (including aruvn) for leaking shit to their indie friends
>>52131106all fags and vox
>>52130882>uki : uh oh can I suck your dick>also uki : wtf sis don't call them my harem please respect them
>>52131122Black people nowadays are programed to speak like ghetto subhumans, so he is definitely not black.
>>52130939Millie don't look.
>>52131048bro 2 of them are replacements
>>52131189Doppi my woman...
>>52131193It is women criticising him though.
>>52131122People who know his PL say he is
i love when vtubers appreciate artists because it means more artists to draw SEXO fanart of them
>just shaved my sideburns Fuuuuuck
>>52131122he sounds black to me
>>52131040Because it's hot and he's based
>crazy dayo
>>52131275yesterdays stream was so funny
This reminds me that some Nijimems don't even have clip hashtagsIt's like free publicity so I don't get why
>>52131156thank fucking god that Aruvan faggot went menhera
>>52131150>That's not rpr, that's the annoying woman that causes him mental breakdownsrpr isn't a brotuber either. In fact, he is closer to being an annoying woman than being the brotuber.
>>52131096What does it mean that he's not adding Ike to his harem
>>52131330maybe they just don't think people will use it
>>52131048Holy shit did the gen really get cut in half pre-debut?
>clipbringerThat is one letter away from.....
I heard that as "clitbringer" so that should be his NSFW tag
>>52131358Ike is a girl Literally the only boys he doesn’t flirt with are too young or girly
that was a fun watchalong
>so jacob wont come back rightI WISH i dont want to be traumatized
>>52131358Ike is too Seiso and he probably told him not to flirt with him in private at some point
yaaay, movie end
>>52131345seriously Im so glad that flipfaggot was menheraVanta being excited over names right now is really fun
>>52131028>people should only pander to ME and no one elseGo back to holo then, nijisanji's main selling point is that they have a fuckton of members and there is basically something for everyone.
i wonder if he chose his name? that'd make him doppio levels chuuni
He has a really nice voice
They are doing the last two movies back to back?
>>52131358uki only flirts with the more....masculine-coded men
Vantasy is good
Deep Dark Vantussy
What would be an canceled RTA for a nijiEN debut?>First twitt being "I'm heterosexual">Second twitt being "I'm normal">Retwitt AI art>Don't give credit to any prop or art>Tell that you have a partner in your debut>Pretend to not know the name of NijiEN vtubers>Call them with wrong names
>>52131368from what is knows from the leak>4 guys>1 bails or gets booted>2 others also leave and are replaced by backups>only 1 original hire remainsThe rrat that is unconfirmed>originally there were 6 of them
>>52131352>listens to random hiphop on stream>plays fps and other fotm games>has the charisma of a pencil>doesn't simp, calls women out on their bullshithe is a bro
I feel like the same rigger rigged this guy’s and Zaion’s and Ren’s
>If you have an accentHe is trying to get Bandage-kun to say obscenities
>>52130913>barely two streams in>"he's also the first real brotuber"Yessss yess good build up your faith in him so you can be even more heartbroken later on. It'll be so delicious to watch you melt.
Nina is too old to be nostalgic for HSM.
Alright he just made me genuinely smile with how retarded he soundedIt's over for me. I thought it'd be zali but it's vanta. Now he's making fun of the french...
HSM is more lighthearted than this, so im glad wiwa is making a watchalong of these movies
>>52131436No it's not stop pushing this retarded narrative and kys. Nobody wants your retarded brotubers in vtubing. It's for fleshtubers only.
Ventastroke sounds...
>>52131497>rigger rigged
>>52131412NTA but then how the fuck he lets vox flirt with him
>>52131561Pomy is only into dragoncock
isn't "vanta" from the ultra matte color vantablack
>>52131561yeah yours
Let's go with Vantasy, Vanta...
>>52131358he know that ike and vox are dating
>Inclusiveoh no now /nijien/ hates him
>>52131048the two frenchies are replacements
God i fucking need doppio and vanta to collab holy shit
aia has never seen promare and she loves BL? shes missing out
He's so excited about the nsfw name he's so cute I love him
wiwa loves promare, why
>>52131602I mean men won't be the main people masturbating to that
my fucking sides vanta
Elira owns 3 different versions of Promare.
He just sounded so black
>>52131495Your brotuber characteristics are simply awful
There's some Vietnamese shit in the Vantai tag
>>52131232What Is She Cooking?
>>52131396>>52131462The true male (female) livers we have would be the ones uki doesn't flirt with, I see. Who's that? Ike, Mysta, Aster, Ver, Doppio, Kyo?
shu mentioning The Scene, my sistuber knows
>>52131649She also went to see it like 9 times in the cinema.
>>52131532his sisterification is underway and going smoothly i can't wait for the maleanons's sweet sweet tears
People sure seem to be mad at Niji today.False must be paying double.
Vanservice is also good
>>52131480tweet a slur pretend it was a typo so you don't get terminated. no one on twitter will believe you though so you get cancelled
He sounds like kenji
>>52131625based and same
>>52131664IM A FUJO that movie its just meh
Elira baiting Aia to watch Promare.>It has yaoi.Wiwa...
Oh Vanta is so cute, I love himPlease don't become a gacha addict
>>52131308two koreans on his dick.....what a lucky guy
>>52131675Doesn’t he flirt with Doppio?
son of a king? he has unique phrases LMAO
promare is ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
looking forward to breaking dawn!!now I gotta catch the vods because the watchalong overlapped the debut 2.0 :c
>>52131480>first twitt is something racist to asian like "I don't like yellow"
>>52131189>here's some brotubers>uhh no they're not brotubers because [retarded picky reason]This is why you deserve no one
>>52131705Not wigger enough
>>521316902 dollars can get you a lot in sea
>>52131675add albert remove doppio, he's flirted with doppio before, they have a ship
>>52131690damn that's 3 times the Niji Defender interns here get paid
>>52131532Well, I really liked Doppios shenanigans two streams since debut and he is still the same. There are all chances Vanta will keep his.
>>52131740idk actually I've never seen it if he did
>>52131751i will end our friendship right now
>>52131480just make fun of the other company and bronies will cancel you
>>52130958But I'm male and membered to Sonny....
i don't really like overly muscly guys like this because it could borderline on bara but it makes the gap moe cute...
>>52131845You are excused
>>52131795>calls out paid shills>immediately outs himself out like thisKEK you fucking retardgo eat your pagpag
>>52131185Oh yeah, then he's not really a brotuber in my opinion. His fanbase was largely female, but it's not like he did any specific pandering. He's a cool guy all around.
Holy shit I've never seen someone this excited picking out a NSFW tag before. Vanta is hilarious.
>>52131480"Taiwan is a legitimate state"
Brotuber beggars will be purged from these threads and Nijisanji just like unicorns.
He should do a poll, he's doing that Finana thing where he spends a million years deciding his tags
>>52131790They have a child together...
>>52131887yugo had a lot of fun with his
>>52131845broskadet... its okay...
>>52131675uki flirts with doppio quite a bit, he doesn't flirt with vox that much actually if ever, alban is also on the not flirting list and i don't know about hex
There are too many van companies in this world...
Van companies hate
>>52131823dont do it.............
Why is Sonny always away when a new wave debuts It would be funny if he was trying to test and filter his audience down to the most dedicated fans (Nah he’s just busy)
>>52131751I wish that one dude was a fucking girl
>Vantasy was taken by a Van companyL M A O
>>52131751marry kill fuck
>>52131880Nta but anon learn how to take the joke posts...
Vanta pick out some safe choices and do a poll on Twitter later
Reimu's gone... :(
>>52131955how could you, i spent a year of my life on that movie.. i watched it 14 times
>>52131930vox and alban are both bottoms so uki is not interested in them
My oshi is in danger please don't have the same streaming schedule as Vanta pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls
He's spending so much time trying to find an NSFW tag lmao
>4 and 5 togethergod damn
hes so invested in these movies just like me.. twilight is so crazy, love it
>>52131436>>people should only pander to ME and no one elseIf you had even a molecule of self-awareness while typing this...
>>52131973Shit taste and I like tomboys
Vanta getting excited makes him sound black now
>>52131974>VANtasydo i look like a joke to you
>>52131961he's just like me. i can't explain it but he's just like me
>all tags taken by van companieskek
Fun watchalong! nina watching it for the first time and acting like teenager was really cute
>>52132000stfu briskadet
why the fuck would a van company choose onlyvans as their tag kek
goodbye boss, I've found a new oshi
Vantasm sounds like the name of a 90s FMV horror game.
>>52131995i watched it few times too and like lio.....
>>52131625it's good and gay
>>52130880really cute shu! he’s trying his best to do the recap
Oh.... Vantacrock.....
>>52132061Lucub, no... Stick by your oshi in his time of need...
Niji shit naming sense coming around to bite him in the ass.
This is the funniest nsfw tag deciding I've watched. It's just him being mind broken by Van companies.
>>52132035i was thinking the same kek
>>52132100What happened to luca?
Thirstbringer is pretty good
Best wave since fucking Luxiem so far.
>spending majority of the time talking about his NSFW tag and not his BRO likes and BRO tastes in BRO gamesBased, we got another one ladies
>>52132070and you said it was meh... i agree, i just like the visuals and music but the movie bores me once its 3/4ths done. youre forgiven
elira likes her men a little toxic, i'm in boys
>>52131675add shu, vox and alban
>>52132061You can have more oshis.
Vanta guerilla later, he loves us sisters
He doesn't hate Uki okay
How do I make this pain in my heart go away, I feel like I'm about to break down from not being able to be right by Ike's side in reality, wanting to ruffle his hair and make food for him and scold him about his food intake god how the fuck do I remove this attachment to him fuck this yearning hurts so bad
>>52132035he sounds like the weeb black guys with the ugly hairline and wire rim glasses you see at smash tourneys
>>52132102How much of a white guy do you have to be to consider Reimu Sassy and Spicy?That's some nordic whiteness
>>52132135they could do a much better job with the story but triggers animation is good!!!
>>52132155he really needs to stream late night pst timeslot... he's the only pst liver in krisis...
>>52131822they have a child
>My favourite characters are usually red>Jackob is red skinnedWhat did Elira mean by that?
>>52132127Best wave since fucking LazuLight*
doesnt elira have another stream soon?
>>52132181Kill yourself and haunt him as a spirit
has zali done a 2.0 yet? did I miss it
>Hates fruit pieWTF I hate Vanta now
Unbased fruit take...
Okay thank you for the clarification, I'm fine with people who don't like fruit pancakes/waffles>I don't like apple piePicRel
Elira is talking about how everyone was laughing so much at Vanta's lore video in VC
im gonna be collecting vanta fanart later...
why they only doing hour long 2.0
>>52132035I told you he sounds black
>>52132202No stream because of another meeting.
holy autism
Vanta's enthusiasm is very cute
>>52132184Well their identities have already leaked a while ago and while he's black he certainly doesn't look nerdy, he kinda reminds me of Dreamybull lmao
>>52132190yeah, the story falls through after a certain point but its okay.
>>52132196maybe? I wouldn't know I only watch the Boys, sorry.
>>52132208Don’t say that, she’ll actually do it
Vanta's autism about fruits is quite specific
All these anons saying he's sounding more black when he's excited confuses me... I hate this! Why are black people so hard to understand!
koshien rets go
>>52132210yea he did!!!
He's based because I also hate fruit pies
>>52132241eh apple pie is kinda mid. apple cobbler with ice cream on top though
>>52132210who the fuck is zali>>52132250they made it a relay, which is pretty smart
>>52132210yes and this is a 2.0 relay
>>52132267ew, don't be a doxxfag now
>>52132300baby kadet....
>>52132300we hide in the darkness
bye wiwa! we are getting a koshien watchalong, as expected :D
bye bye ewiwa, thank you for hosting and everyone who joined!
Koshien watchalong confirmed. I hope the new members can join.
>>52132181kys and hope to reborn as a sassy and spicy latina, like Reimu
Elira confirming the Koshien watchalong. She's hyped for draft.
>>52132144uki fucked shu though
fucking BASED fuck crepes i will now fuck vanta's kpopfag cock
vanta is gonna steal all of sonny's briskadets... I can feel itGet ready for Sonny to pump out content
>>52132271visuals are pretty though especially the pastel colours and thats why lio is CUTE
>>52132214anon I don't know how to tell you this but liking fruit pies is an extremely white thing
Elira confirmed that there will be koshien watchalong
was it the koshien watchalong where shu was loudly munching on popcorn.
>vantai and vanSFW are both takenare truck companies all run by weebs
>>52132030>dense fucking newfaggo back already, holy shit
>only recentlyis it already over?
>>52132300im black but my voice doesnt sound the stereotypical way anons think, youre fine baby kadet
>only recently got into kpop Pickme
>>52132382Well what food do blacks like
>>52132320 i mean xsoleil did a relay too and they streamed longer than 2 hours
lol this guy
>elira raidit's over
>>52132196Best wave since fucking Obsydia*
>>52131990good riddance
>>52130882I need to preface this with THIS IS NOT BAIT HOLY SHIT PLEASE I AM JUST ASKING A QUESTIONAnyway would it be possible for a new male liver pre debut to approach Uki and just say "hey I'm glad to be your new kouhai but I don't swing that way and I'd prefer it if you just leave me out of your shenanigans"?
>>52131675Uki is only scared of Kyo when it come to gay baiting.
>>52132196They feel like the Lazulight of the boys for some reason, and I can't describe why. It feels like week 1 Lazulight but gender flipped.
>>52132389yes but it wasn't popcorn, it was my cock
>elira senpai hi!>oh OH its a raid!He's so cute. Now he's stuttering. Cute
>>52132382No, it's not. You would be crucified if you didn't like any kind of fruit pie in my family.
vanta and sonny have opposite personalities, i enjoy vanta, but there is still no one similar to sonny in nijiEN.
vanta doxx (real)
>>52132320french dude said that's his nickname didn't he? having two guys with names that start with V in the same wave is so dumb it's confusing.. staff who did it, why...>>52132310aw man.. I'm too lazy to vod watch for him I guess I'll just try to catch his next one
>>52132389Yes munch munch
>>52132410>called out for having a lack of self-awareness so just starts projectinglike clockwork
>>52132377LIO IS CUTE, we can stay friends
>>52132473that was kind of cute
>>52132488I can't believe Vanta's a ryuguard.
I can see why Mystakes like this guy, he has a similar energy to Mysta
>>52132462there are people he doesn't do this with. they presumably did that behind the scenes
>>52132470it's the underdog energy
>>52132352I'm extra excited for Koshien this year simply because of how hyped Doppio and now Vanta are gonna be
>>52132322Yeah if it's any old apple pie sure, I can see that. There's nothing like one made from in season fresh apples though, right after resting after coming out of the oven. Adding icecream to a slice of that is as good as a great apple cobbler which is usually always superior. Also many fruit pies are good. Had some good coconut pies before when I was studying in SEA
>>52132479he's the complete opposite, some similarities but nothing outside of that i really don't know why sonny gets brought up...
>>52132490lazybutt!!!!! it was pretty okay i watched it here and there during the twilighf
can any famelira share ewiwa's ending song? its so good
>>52132488Do you think he will stream with Donald while playing MC?
>>52132488The drone man himself wtf
>>52132362uki adore as a child
Famelira here, Vanta seems like he has great taste in games
Shiishii STILL going? Imagine hot, sweaty endurance sex with her.
>>52132505nigger, you are either retarded, new or you can't read. i'm assuming it's all 3.
>>52132490why did he listed so many animes jfc his taste is so zoomer
bit fucked up that elira raided vanta, no?
his music taste is way too similar to me FUCK
>>52132416I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to offend uee... It's just my researching and movies all seem to use this AAVE thing so it's confusing when a black person doesn't use it.
>Male BelieberHuh
>kim petrasout of all the gay people music you could like kim petras is the worst
>>52132549sto p i'm gonna poom
>likes kpop>I love boybands in generalAIIIIEEE BROTUBER BROS WE'RE LOSING HIM
i opened vanta's stream and the first thing he said was that he loves jb
>>52132479Yeah, Sonny comparisons (or really comparisons in general) are always retarded because of this I think I like him too but the only things they have in common so far are having nice voices and liking video games kek, not even their personalities or other interests are alike
>>52132590he's going to groom (yu)
>>52132354Ike's not close to Reimu like that. He's closer to Selen if anything
he loves boy bands? has to be a fag straight men don't listen to boy bands
>>52132521i don't really see it, but i do like himkyo is more similar to mysta imo
I only know Justin Bieber from his list of music
Does Nijisanji terminate their livers if their ccv/earnings are too low?
>yet ANOTHER """soulsfag""" that never played DemonsI swear every single fucking time
>I love boy bands
>dragon's dogmabased
>>52132521His voice is pretty pleasant to listen to. He has the same kind of ADHD jumping topics that Mysta does too
>>52132619One day you're going to poom and make a cream pie, hehe
>>52132595you're fine, id rather have you say this here and learn then anywhere else. you can always look up how to get away with murdrer or dear white people as shows to watch to expand your research.
>>52132572I would lose and she'd spend the next 9 hours draining me
>>52132554HEY NOW! I'm also still on mobile data I gotta save up for Ike so.. I won't miss his karaoke at least
His taste in everything is really surface level...
>>52132655b-but i love jap boyband..... I'm not gay....
>>52132590same. its kind of scary>wants to play ffxviYESSSSS
>>52132671another vox situation
>>52132531Maybe those just aren’t his taste I’d like to think he asks though but I wouldn’t be too hopeful
>>52132654Has selen meet Ike IRL? NoHas Reimu meet with Ike IRL? yesHas Reimu meet with only Ike and no one else IRL? Yes
>>52131583Better dynamic of pathetically in love man X kuudere that keeps rejecting his advances but doesn't completely turn him away
berseria meh
>Likes BieberJust like Ewiwa.
Oh god Vanta says Eks Eye Vee just like Finana
>>52132586yeah, how dare she raid the new guy and only one streamingwhat a cunt
>>52132667Bruh, there are members that haven't streamed in over a year with no repercussions.
>>52132671blame fucking fromsoft for making it console exclusive, i'm not gonna buy a ps3-4-5 just for one game
>>52132667No? They even kept the ID livers that get sub 100 viewers despite closing their branch down.
>>52132552Le Sonny killer bait will be spammed every time a new wave debuts until the English branch is dissolved
>>52132710i got news for you
>>52132744get ready for his lvl 1 adventures in ARR!
>>52132671Demon's souls is not even hard.
>>52132667No they just get abandoned and get little to no resources
>>52132646>>52132711like half of the music artist list is in my main spotify playlist, especially woodz, dpr ian, slchld, dean, and twice.
Sorry mysta but you've been making me uncomfortable lately and I think I've found a new oshi.
>>52132575>doubling down after reading the post wrongkek this is just hilariously embarrassing. Keep going monkey, I'm enjoying this.
>boy bands
>>52132521I like both of them but Mysta will always be my no. 1.>>52132659You're gonna trigger ESL Mystake by saying that.
>black eagles fanI HATE this nigga now
>>52132671When I get in I'll be the ONLY Soulsfag that started with Demon's and played at least AC2 onwards... I literally bought my PS3 for Demon's because of a Japanese streamer clip saw from
>>52132816edelgard did nothing wrong
>>52132741just emulate it???
chrom is his favorite in smash. he probably got chromed in his first awakening playthrough or downloaded the gay mod
I think the schizo got banned, lots of his posts got deleted all at once.
I think Vanta and Finana should play FFXIV
the apex tournament host was crushing so hard on selen
>>52132667Yes, that's why Zaion was terminated
His favourite is AC Origins.... I loved Bayek and I enjoyed Origins a lot but I think it was a bad decision to take AC in that direction. Also, fuck Vanta, I hate Edelgard.
>Ignores the genshin part of the questionGood.
>>52132724Last thing never happenReimu only went to meet Vox alone
I dont know what vanta is saying but it sounds like anal guard and its confusing me
>Not a Valo, League or Genshin fanI've been spared
Ok, I've rewatched mom's last stream and I don't think she's graduating (she basically said she can't get a boyfriend due to her work which wouldn't make sense if she wants to quit), but something definetely is going on behind the scenes. She got some news on stream and her reaction to it was really weird. She was really happy, but said there's some kind of drama and that something unfair happened. None of this involves her or EN I think, and she explained her reaction as "stressful excitment". What she said at the end of the stream might be related to that, but I really can't tell. Either way, knowing her, she wouldn't be so happy if she planned graduation.
Vanta no. Don't train for Valo. Don't get bullied into it by Shu of all people.
>Do you like genshin or valo?>no valo is just hard to play, i need to train myself for it
>>52132819>vanta just said sheeshits real... it all comes full circle
Vantar is truly male Elira
>>52132819I expect vanta, yu, and zali twitlongers in three months
>vanta 6.8k>zali 4.3kholy this gap between two members
>>52132864>>52132847he has HSR on his schedule
>>52132816i'm a black eagles fan toothen i go silver snow route
>grandmaster in support at overwatchwhat
>>52132793nigga you gay
>started with FE Awakening>likes Three Houses the most>likes Edelgard the mostok he's a fe newfag but i'll overlook it
>>52132836No I'm still here :)
>GM in supportSelen... it's OVERRRRRRR
nobody will ever put whoo in their favourite music........
>>52132667anon there is a liver that havent streamed in 2 years and still gets promo art/merch
>>52132724why hetshipper always so delusional?
>>52132792not like EN livers get any resources anyway KEK
dont whisper like that aaaa
>>52132893It'll be a one-off... Let me dream...
>>52132830stop being reasonable
>>52132697Thank you, those were actually on my list! I've stopped talking about this in real because I accidentally said wigger and offended someone...
>>52132671I'm kinda sad Ike's planning to start with Dark Souls and not Demon Souls I thought he mentioned wanting to go through Soulsborne games by release order? unless that didn't actually happen and my memory is playing tricks on me again......
>>52132908why are there two pomu streams?
>>52132887Kill yourself.
>>52132891Twilight ended, there were like over 2k people watching
>>52132667Only NijiIndia members were graduated due to low numbers, and even then all of them were rehired as staff memebers afterwards.
>>52132891well zali streamed at a shit time. happened with doppio too. plus vanta got a raid from elira
>Likes romance animeHuh he really is similar to Mysta, it'd be nice if they could become friends
Holy shit his anime taste is the worst I've ever seen.
>>52132803oh i forgot that she hates him for some reasonit's ok she's not here rn!
>>52132864I hope he would not get forced into it by the nijiaddicts.
Vanta likes high class ass
rezero... i dropped that at like episode 5 >>52132931it made me feel things, why'd he do that
>Shitting on Mirai NikkiKek I used to like it too but he's right
GOD HIS TASTES ARE SO SURFACE LEVELIt's like his trying to get into everything without actually getting into it more
Vanta supports THIS?
>>52132954kadet.... keep it in the thread for now..
>>52132865I thought she was joking about there being drama like there was just some stupid argument in the discord or something but the more she talked about it the more serious it sounded
pomu saving us from deadhours pog
I'm not sure if vanta is too young or if I'm the one who's too old
vanta is cool but don't say he's similar to sonny when he hasn't given us twitter edging video, american psycho monologue, shitting on chillas art and genshin, constantly switching around sexy and baby mode and raging while doing a drawing stream yet.
>>52132891Elira raided Vanta. Bandage got screwed by overlap.
>>52133025It's like he wrote a list of who he wants to be rather than what he is
>>52133025stop calling me-I mean him out like that
>krisis is male lazulight>the next wave is male obsydiaand you guys said this wave is bad
>>52133027/alter/fags, your response?
>>52132793same and based, i like melting from twice the most
It's cute how he says "heck" and "gosh"
>>52133013he knows hes hot
>>52133065>>the next wave is male obsydiaPeter, Selen has a cock and Rosemi is a boy.Obsydia is already male.
>>52133074yeah shu is cute like that
>>52133074They did keep saying how wholesome these boys seemed
>>52132939just watch yu if you don't like gacha
>This is Vanta's ideal typeWell sisters, can you measure up?
>>52132908Pomu and male Pomu
Vanta please do a Jojo part 3 watchalong
>>52133065now I'm wondering what would happen if these guys had debuted in Luxiem
>>52133025He's just like me
>>52133088from what i see black people like naruto and the goku anime
>>52133088Well he's lightskin, which kinda makes sense cause no DBZ
>never played undertalebasado
>>52132893HSR is good
Guerilla soon onegai, I like you a lot Vanta
>Never played undertaleVanta? Why do I feel like he's lying, with those tastes
>maybe I'll be able to surprise you guysthe vocaroo was real
oh i love you too vanta kyaa
>>52133162Just because you coom to silver wolf doesn't mean HSR is good.
One Two Three TOUCHDOWN sis.... not like this
>>52132908He's not a pomudachi confirmed.A pomudachi would delay his stream to watch pomu.
>get into Niji>debut>do a subathon immediately>enable TTS>quit after it's doneRate my plan.
Vanta said he loves me, later losers
its wilson time
Vanta please play Tales of Berseria on stream.
>Still no black nijien that calls me bruv
>>52133184i don't coom to silver wolf but hsr is good
>>52133128I'd like him to start from the first two, and go into 3. Season 2 and 4 are my favorites.
bros, we still haven't lost him yet to the stinky femles. do not lose hope.
>>52132667In the past, maybe only nijiIN situation, Now?If you manage to get into Niji then you will stay there as much as you want, just don't be a retard and break the NDA
>>52132974>>52133053vanta only get 800 people from elira
at least Vanta is gonna be pretty successful
Time for Male Pomu
My longest ohayu ever
I can think of a good argument for any of the other Souls games to be top but Demon's Souls is kinda just the rough draft. Boss fights in that game fucking suck compared to what From was doing a few years later and the level design is so linear
>>52132181There there Quilldren. I miss Ike too and Milord.
>>52133210you'll get attached to the niji discord and won't quit
I have to wait an ENTIRE day for the next Vanta stream what the FUCK
>>52133208is so over
>>52133068twicetagram is still my favorite album from twice... its SO FUCKING GOOD AAAAAAAA but from more recent memory, up no more is my favorite song. woodz is still my absolute artist in general. i'm so happy i found him.
Best Hex stream incomming, he'll peak here
>>52133065>and the next next wave is male ethyriaholy fuck
>>52133299He kept saying he might guerilla so hold out hope
yucky willy on the telly
>dbz referenceCome on, he has to be black
Reimu in Vanta's lmao
Time for Pomu's new bf
Ok i guess this guy has the same comfy vibe as Ren
I'll wait all of Vanta's non-for-the-ladies stuff, the ladies can have their fun times with him. Simple as
Wilson will be the En Axia except he doesn’t hate his fans
Wilson is so....molestable
he sounds like ver when he laughs...
>>52133207you fool, this is all part of the larger scheme. this is just to establish an alibi that "haha see i'm not a pomudachi! I stream over senpai all the time"
>>52133320>female luxiem and noctyxSEX
>>52133210Far too much effort for too little reward.
>>52133336Pomu hates Pomudachis tho
>>52133102>>52133109who give a fuck about shu and mysta?
Pomu, Wilson, breeding.
>>52132267Why are men such doxxfags?
>>52133096>fem"boy" wave after KrisisI'm not complaining
his accent is so cute
>>52133065>Pomu - Yu>Elira - VantaSo Finana is Bandage?
>>52133349bruv and bruh are completely different things
>>52133032The weird thing is that she was really happy about it. Like she basically said "It's drama, but a good one". I don't even know what to think about it, so here're some rrats:1) The shitty manager got fired2) Some of the livers' got a huge deal/AR/etc. but Nina wasn't invited, thus the "unfair" commentEXTREME RRAT EN branch is getting absorbed into JP, thus the weird "I love you guys" and "huge drama" comments
im interested in yu q the most of them all will solve the universe and shit
>>52133304YEAHHH TWICETAGRAM IS SO GOOD there are no bad song in the album, turtle is so good TT
>>52133390this, only reason I respect pomu is cuz I know she hates us all equally. I could never love a woman who wants me
Pomu live!
i didn't see this one's debut. is he really french? he sounds as american/canadian as vanta
>>52133463french canadian
>>52133431>Merge all branches>Call it Nijisanji World
NGL male Ethyria sounds kino. Abusive Latino husband, another schizo flipman, burntout ojisan that drinks beer during the day, and guy that swears like a sailor but has the voice of a god.
>>52133377Wrong, a pomudachi would delay his stream to watch pomu at all time.
>>52133431being absorbed would not be "good" drama
>>52132741What the other anon said. It's pretty easy to emulate now, and it has an active online community so all the world tendency features still function.
pomu is live, all is right with the world
>>52133027I'm still mad I missed this
>>52133030I wasn't using it to refer to them! I was just explaining my research and talking about people like Kyo and said wigger out loud and they got really angry...
yu has an unnatural pause between every word. i can't tell if he's nervous or just talks like that.
>>52133299Guerilla onegai
>>52133529He's ESL and nervous
>>52133431Number 2 is the dumbest rrat I've ever read.
>>52133532It should've said (Yu)
>>52133506Live at the same time as Yu cause they were hanging out in VC all day and as soon as he leaves she finds time to stream, it's over for Pomudachis
>>52133495absolutely wrong, you think I wouldn't stream over pomu every chance I got if it increased my chances of getting actual pomu pussy in the long run?
>>52133223I don't think he's gonna replay it since it's a long game but I wish he does to
>>52133486>guy that swears like a sailor but has the voice of a basically a Kyo that can singin the same timeline there will be an ILUNA girl with brain damage that everyone thinks is blackier than Elira but ends up being just a basic white bitch
I can't even tell Wilson is ESL now, maybe the accent comes out when he's nervous
>>52133581You're not even a pomudachi, briskadet.
>>52133431If 2 were to happen, everyone would be having various mixed reactions, some will be happy others would be having menhera breakdowns, nobody would be casually streaming today
>>52133515kek it's okay, no one uses wigger anymore honestly so just dont use it
>female pomu overlapping male pomu 2.0 debutbased?
>>52133529i remember someone saying he talks like xc, i can't unhear it now kek
>>52133335Reimu already trying to suck the new male's dick
>>52133618>Pomu is streaming>Yu is streamingTHEY ARE
This little nigga is nervous
>>52133487>>52133431>>52133561Someone's getting married, she thinks it's unfair because she's single.You clearly don't know women...
>>52133614I full skull fuck you to death if you compare me to those little weird squid fuckers again.
>>52132462If I were a female vtuber I'd do this but if anyone found out that I don't like it my male fans would probably be so angry and start anti-ing me for it
Mysta mention
aw he asked mysta for the poster, cute
>>52133335>>52133653Reimu please filter the sisters from his fanbase so we can have our brotuber. Please ship bait with him
>>52133431This is why I hate it when members drop hints like this it just leads to retarded speculation about stuff and shitposting trying to link everything to it.
I want a fit and tall girl who towers over most of the boys in NijiEN
pomu can't count
bros my pomu isn't eating anymore what do I do...
>>52133558do you think it'll go away though after he gets more comfortable?
>>52133435he's very chill but this stream screen thing is burning my retinas why is it so bright
>>52133709That’s just nina
>>52133669its so obvious and cute. vanta sounded more natural towards the end so it'll probably be the same for this guy
>>52133486>Abusive Latino husbandRiiKami...>schizo flipmanKamiyaJuu...>burntout ojisan that drinks beer during the dayrpr...>guy that swears like a sailor but has the voice of a godShoto...
>>52133723give her jelly
>>52133690>checks filename in the archive Yea, you're a fake.
>>52133723you need emergency konjac from japan stat
>>52133383>sexy femdom british girl>hyper extrovert girl>autistic nerd japanese girl>dead dying swedish girl>menhera girl>creepy aussie girl>milf>brat loli>gaySEX
Hearing Wilson talk about how hard they worked and how he's happy people liked their debuts and got support...the inner saviorfag in me is awakening. I want these boys to be successful man.
It's over, Pomu has dementia like Rosemi...
He is too nervous...
>I wasn't suppose to be here, I was caught up Is this a sneaky reference to him being a replacement of the previous guy who got fired?
The leaker seemed to be under the impression these guys would just be another batch of BFE streamers so I'm glad they're just being their natural selves
>>52133756everything is so BRIGHT his model too..
Mysta, Reimu and Pomu?
>>52133725The ESL won't go away but hopefully he gets more comfortable with it
I'm glad Aruvn and whoever else they hired burnt all their bridges for future corpos so we could get these three cuties
Yu is a FAT FUCK
>>52133653big black cock >>>>>>> small white cock
>>52133790Gimme the brit girl and the japanese girl
fuck off kyo
>>52133884its enna not reimu
>>52132908Why does pomu feel so intimidated by bigger events?
yeah this guy was made for cock correction
>>52133831he should have had another sun oshi mark it would've been so fitting
I'm getting menhera vibes from this guy, anyone else?
>>52133561hows that the dumbest? We know damn well management would give privilege to some people others don't haveLuxiem favoritism wasn't a meme, just businessSo something that Nina would call unfair but be happy about would be an newer wave getting something before others
>>52133796me too... though i don't really feel that way for vanta, i just wanna watch him normally. its too early to tell how good they'll be but he seems fun
Rate the new livers from best to worseVanta > Yu Q > Zali
>>52133180I've never played or fully watched a playthrough of Undertale. I know the flower is evil, that's about it.
Is Kyo going to be Vanta's best friend in NijiEN since he grew up around black people?
>>52133790>sexy>britishlmao>hyper extrovert girlother company tried it, doesn't work>menhera girlthat's all girls
>>52133964Its because he's nervous but he definitely seems like an alban
Pomu HATES the hearts
>>52134008Vanta's skin is black but he is culturally white, Kyo is the opposite
More lore woo
>>52133718Nina is fit and taller than alot of the boys anon...
>>52133942>mysta is not flat>ivy is bigger than voxxanewtf
Pomu stole my heart
>>52133149Normie-tier black weebs like Naruto and DBZ as their favoriteHardcore weebs like Bleach as their favoritet. hardcore black weeb who really loves Bleach
>>52133964I think he's a chill guy trying his best to be genki
>>52133616>Vox had menhera breakdown recently
Wilson is so fucking nervousI cant blame him
pomu absolutely HATES the live react bottom
he sounds so unsure of doing kayfabe for his lore KEK its killing me
>>52134008He'll be the only one he hates
>>52133964It's because of the way he talks.
>>52134089I'll bleach you in a second babygurl
vanta sounds like a fag, but he's my nigga frfr
>>52133966>would be an newer wave getting something before othersthey'll have 3D before obsydia since they're part of the japanese hero wave.
>>52134143Aren't you a fag too...?
>>52134008they will have off-collab sex
>>52134052the whitest black guy and the blackest white guy... Kino
Wilson has that early post debut sonny nervous so molestable....
This guy is pretty charming
>>52134144imagine the outrage LOL
I don't know why you guys said he's male pomu. he's seem more like alban 2.0
oh shit is he talking to a containment breaker
Literally made for grooming
Women want brotubers now the numbers don't lie. ESL fags stop applying too.
>>52134111How would you even capture or kill an angelWouldn't just looking at it make you go insane
Wilson needs to chill the fuck out if he fucks up it's just gonna get some more exposure anyway
>>52134116i love it... it's so funny when people can't do kayfabe and embarrassed themselves
>>52134222both fake bitches
How did she get rid of that stupid heart thing in chat?
>>52133619Oh, that's good to know! Thank you, I won't use it again
zali hasn't had his 2.0 has he?
he seems like sonny but better
>>52134089Ayyy girl lemme holla at you
>i was gonna say black on white but that’s not it What
>5%? what are you talking about?the way he said that.. yu stop I got intimidated ;-;
Heeyyyaaaa anonnnn!!! Just wannta sseeyy I LOOOOOVVVEEEE (You)!!!!!!!!! :D
>>52134008I think doppio or fulgur will become vanta's bestfriend
>>52134244Vanta is my boyfriend though
>>52134222Not really. He lacks the genki personality.
>>52134143>vanta streams>scat kyomie stops posting>vanta finishes stream>scat kyomie starts postingsus
yippie kay yae time to steal another memberhsip
>>52134283He was the first one
>>52134280don't say anything that resembles the dreaded n word. i said chigga once and had a long lecture from my twitter incarnate friend
If we get female luxiem and noctyx can we call their fans luxnoct whores too? No gender separation just use the exact same word
>>52134283he did... I missed it too..
>>52134116He is like just a normal guy who go caught up in the hero thing
Fairy piss is back on the menu, boys
>>52134271cute Maririn!!!
>>52134372shut up nigga
>>52132741>fromsoft for making it console exclusivenot their choice, Sony has the rights which is why the remake was not made by fromsoft
Okay I was tagging on the sonnyban fags for saying Wilson is like their lovechild but I can kind of see it
Getting really tired of this nhan person
>>52133431>>52133561>>52133966 What if Luxiem is getting 3D before Obsydia and Ethyria? It actually would explain her reaction perfectly.
>>52134280good luck on your learning
Yu know this reminds me...why is Rosemi's birthday on Mexican Independence day?
>Pomu: Yes, I am traveling musician, looking to form my own band, P-ON... wait.......Pomu did it to herself again
>>52134357>>52134379i missed it too... vod it is. hope he was good
>>52134222He is not genki annoying as Alban. He seems laid back.
>>52134222It's just briskadets shitposting
>>52134274it's an option they have.
>>52134469You mean Pomu?
>>52134412Pretty sure he's an ace combat autist that found out about vtubers via Pomu.
>>52134416That's not what's happening at all, Reimu was happy that someone in the nijisanji discord had just received some great news today, and she was also really grateful for all the things she's gotten in nijisanji.She made it sound like it's a life achievement rather than a career one.
horrible schedule though
kek self admitted fake frog....
>>52133486>burntout ojisan that drinks beer during the dayThis is just Vox
>>52134409i don't even ship sonnyban but i see it too... the way he talks is like alban somehow, sonny just the nerves and visuals, obviously
Pomu reaction to the new wave>the blonde guy is kind of like me!Elira reaction>welcome to nijiEN guys!Rosemi reaction>I love new membersEnna reaction>I WANT YOUR DICK INSIDE OF MEMillie reaction>I AM GOING TO SUCK YOUR DICK FUCK ME NOWReimu reaction>FUCK ME WITH YOUR COCK DADDY What the hell is wrong with them? Besides the fact that I'm pretty sure Vanta isn't going for BFE appeal they immediately sexualize him. What are they doing??
>>52134271tits too big
he's so awkward.
>>52134562it's the best schedule in his wave
>>52134337I like Scat Kyomie, I like Vanta already… Hoply moly!
>>52134222He shares Pomu's favorite games and likes but not personality. He is eveb further away from Alban's genki personality.
>>52134562no kusoge atleast
>>52134593idk man they're weird
>>52134575>ealy 2X years old>zoomer redditorunironically kys
>>52134514I knew ace combat was a mistake
>not a dog personOH NO NO SELEN DON'T LOOK
wilson sounds like he still lives with his parents
>>52134558What does Reimu have to do with anything they mentioned
>>52134562Better than the other boys
>>52133486>burntout ojisan that drinks beer during the dayr■■do come home....
>>52134558>She made it sound like it's a life achievement rather than a career one.I hope it was Pomu.She was really sad about missing out on something awhile ago
there are no cat breeds, only colors
>>52134628my chuuni husbands
>>52134666>What does Reimu have to do with anything they mentionedAre you not paying attention
>>52134613zomboid is on there
He's a catfag...
>>52134442She is my hermana
i cahnge my mind he isn't a sonnyban lovechild this guy is basically alban and ver combined
>>52134681there are
>>52134589His taste is a mix too
>>52134593Ethyria is the cocksleeve waveEnna - kyo's cocksleeveMillie - fulgur's cocksleeveReimu - vox's cocksleeve
Pomu reaction to the new wave>the blonde guy is kind of like me!Elira reaction>welcome to nijiEN guys!Rosemi reaction>I love new membersVer reaction>I WANT YOUR DICK INSIDE OF MEUki reaction>I AM GOING TO SUCK YOUR DICK FUCK ME NOWVox reaction>FUCK ME WITH YOUR COCK DADDYWhat the hell is wrong with them?Besides the fact that I'm pretty sure Vanta isn't going for BFE appeal they immediately sexualize him. What are they doing??
I wish I could've heard Pomu scream
Yu has hot deep voice wtf
>>52133426no this is the improved LazulightPomu, Rosemi and Selen
Oh BTTF is a classic
>>52134573zali is the only one true frog... please be friends with Ike
>>52134681>there are no cat breeds, only colorsTortoiseshellCalicoSphinxThe fucking PERSIAN BengalScottish earfold
>>52134141Please no I love my skin color>>52134291N-no...
>>52134706at least he's not a scatfag>>52134776some have flat face, some are hairless!! they are different
His fav movie is Back to the Future why is that so cute....
>>52134717>zali is ver 2.0>yu is alban and ver combinedwtf ver is whore
>>52134713Why do briskadets like Rosemi too...
Wilson is smug
>>52134815That's not what they meant kindred...they want to sex you
This guy is feisty
>Likes cats, MGS, fuji, Minecraft>Gets the same team for his stuff as Pomu.Pomudachi made it to NijiEN.
>>52134681I refuse to believe my sister’s British blue Persian mix and my friend’s Main Coon are just different colors
>>52134605>>52134337calm down how could i be a liver did you like the stream?
pomu likes messy post-sex hair
>>52134815do you talk like vanta or kyo?
He's into movies, that's cool.
>>52134717i can see the sonny similarity he's already being rude to his chat kek
>>52134843Ver is for everyone
>>52134843ver's many children with many men...
Back to the future is his fave movie then bladerunner 2049 then whiplash
>>52134678Funny enough, people were concernfagging about Nina but it could be something good happened to her.
>>52134813You forgot orange cats, literally the stupidest fucking cats on the planet.
>>52134558So Nina wasn't the only one who got this reaction... Honestly, it actually made me feel easier. Her speech at the end of the stream made me nervous, but it might have been her just expressing how happy she is over the news. I don't know what it is, but if both Reimu and Nina were happy about it, it can't be bad.
>>52134846Because she’s cute and funny
>>52134846rosemi is female sonny
>>52134667so an average pomie
aw he's a filmfag, he should be friends with vox
>>52134727>>52134813That's racist
wilson just admitted that he's in america
>>52134815Your skin will remain black.Our children's skin color though...
>>52134846it's the endearing autism i love wose too...
>>52134558elira had a weird happy vague tweet the other day
He likes curry too… Please collab with Sonny
I need more feesh sex ASMR
>bladerunner wtf yu is a gosling poster....
>>52134872what about my grey car.....
>>52134979>Pomu is in America>Yu is in AmericaTHEY ARE
You think Kyo will get jealous of the new guys and throw shade at them like he does with Luxiem?
>>52134846Sonny is just male Rosemi
>>52134846i don't get to watch her a lot but cute autist
>>52134979no, he said "I don't know if you have it or not if you're american"
>>52134927>So Nina wasn't the only one who got this reaction... Honestly, it actually made me feel easier. Her speech at the end of the stream made me nervous, but it might have been her just expressing how happy she is over the news. I don't know what it is, but if both Reimu and Nina were happy about it, it can't be bad.Her IRL problems are completely separate from the stuff going on in the nijisanji discord iirc.She had something come up that only she could take care of, I'm assuming family related.
I share a lot of tastes with Wilson, once he chills out I'll probably end up tuning inti him a good bit
>>52134813you mean...>Tortoiseshellorange black cat>Calicotri color cat>Sphinxbald colorless cat>The fucking PERSIANfuzzy (insert color here) cat>Bengaltiger colored cat>Scottish earfoldgrey cat
>>52135037your cat is old and dying...
bell peppers are SO BITTER
so how many anons here will be at AX?
>>52134846She's funny especially her unintended comedic timing, good at vidya usually, and just overall sweet.
>>52135038kyo will blame everything to luxiem instead
Cute hiccup kek
>>52135083shes one year OLD
>>52135059yeah he's really nervous right now, i think the pausing is just how he speaks though
>>52135002>>52134558Elira is pregante? Didn't Kyo abd someone else also congratulated her.
Why do so many vtubers have chronic hiccupsI know with Mysta and Am*lia it's actually burps but what about this guy
>>52135057Are you talking about Reimu or Nina? If Nina, than no, it wasn't that. Nina specifically said that it was some news from Niji Discord server, not IRL related stuff
>>52135148cute greyish car
>>52135148cute hag car
>>52135148holy fuck they can have orange eyes?
>>52135148holy chonker
Summer is the best season these guys suck
>>52135170vanta, so both black guys
>>52135176>Are you talking about Reimu or Nina? If Nina, than no, it wasn't that. Nina specifically said that it was some news from Niji Discord server, not IRL related stuffI'm basing it on her last MGS3 stream, and she did say something came up that only she could take care of, and that's why she wouldn't be streaming thursday and friday IIRC. Besides dropping in for the collab.
>>52135148cute vintage car
Yu loves venta
>shitting on vanta’s music taste Uh based
>>52135216shut the fuck up ren
The real question is, is he asian or white?
Get a Korean sunscreen you loser.
>>52134749So what you saying I still have time to join and wear Nina on my cock?
I like the smell of sunscreen
this guy needs to get good sunscreencaptcha: kmsgm
>>52135148please give her all the love for me
Would Pomu win a wet t-shirt contest?
Male Pomu is boring
>>52135216Ew, no. Autumn is best, then spring, winter, summer.
>>52135148Myanon car is so adorable
>>52135330She would be on fire! Because it's wet from gasoline
>>52135229It's unrealated at all. She explained why she skipped streams the other day, basically she didn't sleep properly and she didn't want to play it while mentally exhausted she implied it's because she had to do a lot of offline work again
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wilson your soft supple shota skin will be ruined by the sun...
Yu is pretty chillI thought I would only like Vanta but he's alright
>>52134754Pomu was literally hyperventilating in voice chat with everyone else when Yu appeared what are you talking about??
>>52135365Is it Australia or New Zealand that has a hole in the ozone layer so even cloudy days are dangerous
>>52135203shes not that chonky.... british folds just get like that
>>52135435No, because Metal Gear appeared
>clear cola
>>52135408But brown shotas are HOT
>>52135413did zalius not leave a good impression?
>Dude gives nearly $2000>Still isn't in the top 10 for Pomu's all time streamlabsActual question how much has the minimum given?If I wanna get on this list how much do I need?
all these cars and mine is at the end of her life... life sucks
>>52135476I didn't wake up in time to watch it live...
>>52135148this one is like 2000 calories
>>52135460Lol no it happened as soon as he started the stream
>>52135148I wanna pet and hug
Root beer SUCKS
this guy is the fat soda bud
>>52135525>>52135538ROOT BEER IS DELICIOUS
God, this guy is cute Please post lewds of him sisters
>>52135435That was because he was into Metal Gear or something. She wasn't literally begging for his cock like Reimu/Enna/Millie were doing with Vanta.Seriously imagine Rosemi debuted in modern Nijisanji and Vox was posting pictures of her boobs and her legs and sending her sexual voicetweets. Meanwhile Rosemi isn't even trying to be sexual in the first place.Their behavior is beyond disgusting. How is Nijisanji supposed to have friendship when you have a clique of girls that's trying to get the guy's dicks all the time?
>>52135590woah am pomu
So yu loves rengoku? Based
yu should join nijicancelled
>>52135516shes a good catte!!!!!
>>52135508No eat car!
Should I watch Vinland Saga?
>>52135414i love you
>>52135590Pomu in her natural state
>>52135637I hate nijicanceled collabs
>>52135584I think you should touch grass or kill yourself whichever option works best I don't care about your paragraphs explaining your weird parasocial purity shit
Wanpiss sucks don't get corrupted
>>52135656anime of the year
>>52135515Nope, read the discord messages. It was 100% about Metal Gear
>One piece sucksBased yu
>>52135538>>52135525ROOTBEER IS GOOD FUCK YOU
>congratulations on your graduation
>>52135148Cute cars, have some baby ones I've been taking care off.
>>52135656the anime didn't seem too bad from the two episodes i've saw, the manga is a excellent read.
yu is just like me... now i wanna watch that 6 hour one piece video
>>52135515Because his lore video had a MGS reference, retard
>>52135722cute cars
>>52135722cute kittens...
>>52135656I only read the manga and it was awesome
>>52135645give her a good rub for me
>one piece sucks and lawfags have shit tastebased yu
>>52135722together they're both 1500 calories
>>52135705I’ll have root beers with you, no worries
kek that french accent
No yu don't watch oshi no ko
>>52135515And guess what was at the beginning of the stream? A Metal Gear reference.Kill yourself, retard.
>>52135688Reimu/Millie/Enna were posting dick emojis at Vanta and begging for his cock. And that's supposed to be the start of a friendship? The other girls weren't doing that because they're mature human beings.
>>52135775Wrong she wants his cock and kept fangirling over him all day
>>52135477Annie has donated more to Pomu than this dude kek
Pomu is literally schlicking to Ogura Yui on stream right now
I think Pomu wants to fuck Ogura Yui.
>>52135810Thank you for having my back bud
>>52134754The guys forgot sexual harassment doesn't sell anymore
>>52135846ver is a straight male who want to fuck another man
holy shit i think
>>52135791stop counting their calories... kowai
What kind of myanimelist fag friends does he have
Why are fmafags like this
Hmm Wilson isn't interesting me that muchMaybe he'll be better when he plays vidya, I will give him another chance
>>52135909all femdomfags are homos in denial
i almost felt bad about vezalius' accent getting made fun of but imagining him being really sad and telling them to stop in a french accent is killing me. sorry zali...
based manga reader
>no uki on yu's chatyumudachi sisters we save....
>>52135909that's just helping a homie out
given sucks why do these bl fans always recommend it very shallow taste
The original FMA is better than BrotherhoodI will always stand by this
>>52135892I don’t have soda all too often but I like rootbeer and Dr. Pepper. Ginger ale too
>>52135704Not really, he just said that it's too long to read/watch for him Can't blame him. I wouldn't get into One Piece either if I didn't followed it for a decade
>>52135991he only showed up for vanta right? not for zali either
>>52135982holy shit he should've played Passpartout on his first week
>>52136029It’s one of the only decent animated adaptions of a BL've never heard this voice come out of Shu before
>>52136065Same here. I prefer water, but root beer is my soda of choice
>>52135936酷い...>we will never have this again
>>52135978Yeah he's not keeping me interested but his schedule is the best out of the three so I will be checking him out more for this week
>>52135977female femdomfags too?
>>52136072He was there for both
Yu loves leorio and kurapika BASED
>>52136072>you're beautiful and amazing as you are he said something like this
I zoned out for a second but i think gon and killua should have shota sex
>>52136064Yeah, I was talking to my co-workers about anime and we got to long shounens and the girl liked One Piece but both of us told to tell the two married guys that we recommend it but not if they don’t have the time to catch up
>>52136052I agree actually. I like the darker tone. I know Brotherhood is closer to the manga but I found it more boring after awhile. Too much comedy and I felt like the story was being dragged out. They both have story problems though.
Sonny is also blonde and likes MGS…
>>52136093Water, coffee and tea for me generally and same, hehe
>>52136092he's spamming this hapi hapi in ninitendo sport collab
Somebody in chat just said he sounds like Shoto, Guildies are such cancer
>>52136267Sonny was the master yu was talking about...
>>52136267>we have two male pomus now
>>52136327he does sound like shoto
>>52136324Mysta's been saying it a lot lately too, cute brothers
ever think about how the blonde dudes are all pomudachis?
>>52136198this but gon x hisoka and killua x alluka
The fact that the only games chat seems to be familiar with are Omori and Genshin makes me feel embarrassed to be a woman
>>52135966>>52136052Never understood why brotherhoodfags are so uppity. The directing isn't as good as 2003 and the sctipt, while more faithful to the manga than 2003, is still full of filler and chapter skips. Unironically, it's just better to read the manga if you care about the original story so much
Ok, I like this guy
>>52136198ok elira
>he doesn't like gachaBASED BASED BASED
>gacha haterHOLY BASED
you will once you get sponsored sadly
holy based
>no gachawilson is the brotuber
>he doesnt play gacha gamesLETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO>>52136376thats my rrat until proven otherwise
>yu hates gacha gamesBASED BASED BASED
>I do not play gacha gamesBASED BASED BASED
He likes Zelda and he doesn't like gacha. Ttgl is his favorite anime. He's Sonny 2.0
>>52136260Far from it. Pomudachis were just able to guess B Gata H Kei from Pomu's description of "that one anime where the girl got funky with guys". Yu could never do that.
>Yu hates gacha
that's what they all say at first...
>>52136344only zali sounds like shoto
pomu questioning why non-anime watching normies watch vtubers
>>52136198Go to your meeting Elira...
>>52136472I just want them to collab
>Doesn't like gacha>Likes MGS3 and SOTN>FilmfagIf I chose an oshi based on interests and not personality, man...
your friends are right, dont finish it with that shit ending
>if you don't like anime, why do you watch vtubers?POMU, NO!
His friends are retarded, he should form his own opinion on the ending
Time for some gacha indoctrination
>>52136548He sounds like he has retarded reddit or discord friends
Imagine gon, killua and alluka threesome sex
>>52136533i like the ending but then again im not an invested fan so maybe thats why>zomboidalban finally has a friend
>>52136198Go to sleep ewiwa
>>52136107>>52136308>>52136421 I unironically can't watch last year's koshien because of Yugo. His speech at the end make me want to cry
>>52136504i also wonder this
>>52136571Yu is literally me and I do not like gacha so he will not fall for the fish's wiles
>>52136260Pomudachis play gacha games, so no.
>>52136582Alluka is for headpats only
>>52136599its a bad ending if youre an invested fan, its also a shitpost ending
Why does he say Alban like that
Why does he say Albæn like that kek
no please play with alban, he needs friends
Shotas collab might be real
There's no way Wilsoneers wins
>>52136478That's how collective knowledge works, even if only 2% of people know something you can get an answer from a crowd.
>>52136052>>52136241Early chapters that are in the manga are better but the story goes all sorts of crappy writing especially the filler stuff. Dark tone is better. Tucker arc was handled so much better. The real world stuff was interesting at the end though with the movie too. FMAB fights are more kino, sins are better represented, and Greedling is sick, Lan Fan is waifu, and I like the Northern Brigade. Also King Bradley’s frontal assault of HQ was a badass moment “Why wouldn’t a King enter his castle through the front gate.”
>the fan name will be yuguysYou can't do that...
yu lost so many viewers over the last hour. why do people dislike him.
Pomudachi are shitting on Luca again..
>>52136617i dont remember the speech and thats probably for the best of my own being
Please don’t make it yucuties holy shit
The word cuties is permanently ruined
anons answer wilsoneers
Pomu has way too much fun with the voice changer
>>52136726He's nervous and has just been talking about otaku stuff for the last hour but in a pretty surface level way that isn't very engaging.I'm sure he'll find his groove.
>>52136267>>52136329 SONNY IS MASTER MILLER
i didnt vote for that...
>>52136755then find a new word
the mob has spoken
>>52136803Not my job
This guy is for you Mystakes and Kadets.
Hahaha cuties, take my vote
at this point yudachis would be better. yutomos. wilsontomos
>>52136740Chovek is gay, he's saying he watches Luca because he's hot
>>52136519you can have 2 oshi
Yucuties rhymes with cooties
HOLY SHIT TASTEI voted YuQTies to sabotage him
>Vantacrew instead of VantardsHis only fumble so far
>>52136862Wilsons and Wildaughters
>>52136841literally how nigger
YuQties is original
I think I’m actually liking Yu a lot so far but I’m getting the feeling that he’ll be the first one to say something that gets him canceled
YUmedanshi and YUmejoshi
This is Zaimons all over again
Alright Yu-kyun is wrapping up, time to do a guerilla Vanta
Imagine alban, sonny and yu collab
>>52136889Those are both stupid. I know he got stuck with a terrible name but he should have thought of something before debuting.
>>52136960he'll call vanta a nigga in french
>>52136951Feels weird too pronounce and too many syllables
YuQties....not like this..
I can already tell Yu is gonna be the top SC getter in his wave which makes me think he knows what he's doing with having two audience participation games on his first week
>>52136960he gives off menhera vibes
why are all the 2.0 just an hour long
Yu is gonna smash the YuQties tomorrow
>>52136985Luca, Doppio, Rai doko?
>>52136997>I know he got stuck with a terrible namethey choose their own names...
>>52136879I know but in the end it's personality that engages me, not just tastes.
they really should have planned to have longer 2.0s. they all needed another 30/45 minutes to keep rambling
>They've used NijiKrisis hashtag because twiterfags use Krisis hashtag for emergenciesMy sides
I'll only call yu yutards
>>52136960he'll call uki a faggot in a non malicious way then laugh about it
>>52136997They all choose their own names bro.
i hope he never changes his ending screen
Why is yu so nervous kek
>>52136975Was it Yaminions who raided into Kotoka and turned the vote to Kotocats?
>>52137023He doesn’t really give off menhera vibes to me but more like he’s really smug and might get a little cocky and say something inflammatory without thinking
>>52136980Vanta please guerilla. 1 hour is not enough.
>>52137020really? i feel like vanta will attract the hex crowd with his model and voice
Is Bandage going to pull away all the disillusioned yamonions and give them a new oshi?
time to catch up with the rest of the 2.0 i guess
don't drink the waterpark water...
Honestly, Yu gives me Alban vibes, but he feels less genki and more EN orientated than him
>>52137119Wilsons and Wildottirs
>wilson not raiding pomuhe ain't no pomudachi
fun 2.0! now waiting once again for my husband to stream...
>>52137170im gonna watch zali's. i hope he's cute
>>52137219Meant for>>52137001
Random thought but would anons want a male Kotoka?
New wave is pretty nice. But where is Gamer Wave?
>>52137023He will be fine. Sonny insults his briskadets too and they love it.
>>52137242just started his vod! from the previous posts he seems to be quite cute
>>52137077they really should have chosen a different wave name then
>>52137281scrapped because league player and Aruvan couldn't shut up
i like vanta the most so far
>>52137280i don't really like when livers scream so no
>>52137236If he's a Pomudachi he already knows Pomudachi don't want him raiding Pomu. Use your brain.
>>52137281escorted at the back of the shed and put down by firing squad.
>>52137236I don't think he's allowed to raid from 2.0. The management wants them to grow their own audience first, so raiding will just kill the momentum
Bandage > QuildrenVanta > KindredYu > Lucubs and Shuminions
>>52137236He read all the comments here calling him out about being one so now he's trying to convince people he's not one since he knows Pomu will never date him if she knows he is.
>>52137281got dumped and burned to ashes, thankfully
>>52136889>no yumudachis or yumeneerswrf yu
Pomu and Nina have such a nice dynamic these days
>>52137281>One guy used to be an e-sport player>Other guy plays smash>The third guy is blackHere are your gamers
>>52136376Obviously because they are all Pomus just in the early stages. Pomufication is reaching to place you never thought it would.
bandage's accent is growing on me, thought it's really hard to understand kek
>>52137280What is a male gyaru
>>52137280I want a male Scarle
>>52137326me too! i think it's gonna stay that way but zali is being pretty cute too. his accent doesn't filter me, its actually charming in a way that makes him seem like a retarded puppy you want to care for
>>52137470Mysta Rias
>>52136889he can put something stupid like yunions or yunitys and will better than this
>>52132559(me)someone please...
>>52137422nina and pomu interactions feel like watching a bud spencer & terrence hill movie.
>ctrl f sonny>over 39 results and it's mostly just posts comparing him to new toyswhy are you so obsessed
>>52137280I want Male Pomu
holy fuck i forgot how strong his french accent is
>>52137280I want a male Elira on jst night timezone.
>>52137522Yeah actually "Yunity" works. Like a collective thing.
>>52137164Hex isn't just about the voice. He goes hard with fanservice more than anyone elseVanta doesn't really seem very BFE oriented so while he might be most popular, he won't have too many crazy paypigs
>>52137553I just miss Sonny and I think he’d enjoy talking with Yu
>>52137020it's zali
>>52137496the other boys are cute but they dont peak my interest yet with their games. ill still give them a month since everyone changes after a month!
>>52137326Same. Vanta is quite a dork as compared to his model that it's cute. I'm warming up to Zali too.
If Mysta has more than one Honkai stream on his schedule this week I'm dropping him (I'm lying) (Please just no more gacha)
>>52137679gap moe vanta...
>>52137601yunity could work for his membership, like "welcome to the yunity!" and stuff
who is the BFE of niiikrisis?
Aster hours soon...
>>52137742>thinking of doing asmr in the future bandage
>>52137743I want him
guess I'll watch zali's vod too.. I'm feeling fomo
>>52137610it just depends if he manage to get lucky.the dude from the blue dorito company barely does half the amount of fanservice hex does and gets crazy supacha too
>>52137400>The thread decides he's a Pomudachi based on his debut>Pomu watched his debut>Pomu reads the threadThis guy never had a chanceHe knows Pomudachis are bisexual and is going to steal Pomu's audience
>>52137280I want male nina
i see some briskadets watching the debut 2.0 owari da.. it's joeover sonny will be forgotten and he will cling to me because i am the only one by his side heheheheh
zali's japanese is so fucking cute
Will the next wave be 3 or 4 girls to keep things even-ish?
Page 10 confession: I have been watching Kyo more often and enjoying him which makes me feel ashamed for some reason
>>52137858The leaker said the next wave is a mixed wave.
>>52137819That dude is basically a vtuber equelevent to tumblr sexyman. He carries solely by his goofy model and quirky personality
>>52137398add mystakes in vanta
>>52137882why ashamed?
>>52137882He's not a bad streamer, anons just generally dislike him due to various controversies he's had
>>52137858six girls
>>52137837It's not just his debut.There was some PL stuff that points to him being one tooI think it's good for him that people know.I watch Sonny and Doppio because they're Pomudachi.You just need to not be a creep and Pomudachi will watch you if they know you're one too.
>>52137837That's just that one faggot pomudachi that likes to larp in here for briskadette attention. Normal pomudachi do not like males at all.
zali is so fucking cute referring to the frogs in chat as "my people" he sounds so happy...
>>52137882He's annoying sometimes but he's a good entertainer, he's popular (outside of /here/ at least) for a reason
How are the new guys' names written in kana? Are the retarded names a result of trying to romanize nonsensical Japanese, or did they really choose to call themselves vagasil bandage and vantacrow bringer intentionally.
>>52137882its okay fall into it
I can't wait for sonny to come back and make fun of the french again
Please Riku just give me a lack designed EN girl next wave, preferably a red head cause we don't have those anyway
kind of want to hear bandage drunk, wonder if i would still understand him
did u guys know that sonny also doesn't like gacha games!
>zali's chat spamming HELP because of his card and zali playing along that's cute
>>52138046i can barely understand him as is
>>52137952Are there any proof of Sonny and Doppio being a pomudachis besides them being nice to Pomu? As far as I know, both are just /JP/fags that like Niji.
>>52137882his voice is like nails on a chalkboard
>>52137952You can be a creep, you just have to be less creepy than Pomu
>>52137858another 3 boys
do we seriously have someone vod posting the new wave already
>>52137804Zali is really cute. Hope you have fun watching the vod.
>>52137977He's just really cute in general
his japanese is cute as hell too ueee>>52138090maybe the fact im also an ESL helps, who knows
>>52138046French are really racist when drunk.
Erm Vanta? Your guerilla?
Vanta please don't overlap Ren I don't want to miss your guerrila...
>>52138142its on topic still, whats the problem
>>52138122How does Luca manage to fail that? Pomu is a massive creep
do we seriously have someone policing vod posting the new wave already
>>52138166im also esl... and his japanese is cute! he sounds good at it too
>>52138142vod posting?
>>52137882He's ok I guess. I just don't like his zoomer lingo, that's all
>>52138166you bring shame to all briskadets
I'm jacking off to (You) right now
>>52138168so based?
>>52138180>actually watching the overhyped retard that wasted a model to be mediocre and stream less than Shu and Petra and thus cost xsoleil and Krisis any kind of anticipation from fans
>>52138198because he nuked the minecraft server
>>52135105why is pomu so modest
Oh wow
>>52138180>>52138171i don't think he was talking about doing a gorilla stream he also talked about doing some other stream and said he'll do it "later"
>>52138299>not jacking off to (Yu) instead
Vanta please guerilla right now.
i think Wilson is the perfect amount of sass with the perfect amount of cuteness. hopefully he doesn't go to the gay route..
I don't trust anyone who said they're pomudachis except elira, selen, nina and shu
>>52138330neko arc?
>>52138330god damn it
>>52138330>know the answer without looking it upWhy have I been cursed with this knowledge?
>>52138330I did not possess the knowledge
>>52138423wtf is this real?
NOOOO don't worry about your accent its cute...>uki in chatFUCK OFFFFFFFFFFFFF
(Yu) is a good divegrass name
>>52137882welcome. i love him a lot and i hope you enjoy him as much as i do… he gets cute during mc hrs
>>52138317I think his songs and music are cool, he's also really funny in collabs
i can see why some anons were calling him BFE, kind of reminds of ver
>>52138477it's nice of uki to make them feel welcome SHUSH
I've cracked the code why sonny is busy. He's busy attending omiais organized by his family
>>52138477Was literally just there to support him. Don't worry Zali is still for the girls, I prommy
I need porn of (yu)
Pomu is getting into Spider-man.DC bros it's over...
>>52138562Okay Uki
>>52138347It's over...
>>52138597I've posted this
>>52138317>he said this while ren has streaming time this week more than vox and sonny combined
>>52138562>>52138531its alright i like uki its just funny to me to seethe about him. stay away from vanta though
>>52138391Enna... Millie...
>>52138044Paizuri Champion
>>52138632how come they were thirsting about Vanta's cock during the debut streams? That was fucking weird, and far from being "cute"
zali speaking french sounds goofy but I like it
>>52138697Who cares. Reimu was also thirsting over his cock
Why does uki hate shotas so much? He didn't show up to yu's stream
>>52138736how does a french man sound goofy speaking french..
>>52138780Dick too small
>>52138805because it's a goofy language
>>52138736cant understand the baguette language but i think i get what you mean
>>52138736>goofy>it's his native language????
>>52138732>ike 6 hours>vox 6 hours>sonny 5.5 hourswtf???
>>52138683>enna claimed to be a pomudachithat was a lie anon, remember when she didn't tweet Pomu's 3D live? How she basically ignored Pomu for a year? How Pomu used an Enna emote, and then Enna didn't return the favor despite a huge buzz being made about it?
>>52138805>>52138851Like how Ike sounds when he speaks his meme language
>>52138805the language sounds funny
>>52138801moving, she's be back this week
>>52138391ike is pomudachi
>>52138736Why would you insult ze french like zis
>>52138773yeah i was Enna, Reimu, Millie, and Kotoka who were doing it. Kotoka probably just for attention. But those 3 were acting like complete fucking whores. They were literally sending slutty voice tweets and dick emojis and shit.
>>52138805saying his french sound goofy isn't right, you should say his french sounds dingo
>Pomu sperging about MGS again
>>52138833>>52138901i thought french is the sexy language every westeners love
>>52138953yeah i was really happy when i saw her on mado
>he cooksnow What does he cook is the question
enna schizo is giving me a different perspective, he's complaining about the girls the same way maleanons complain about the males. what is his real goal
>>52138993french sounds good but its hilarious when they speak english
>>52138330GET NEKO-ED
>>52138993I'm now realizing we might have been indoctrinated to believe that since france is supposedly the country of love or whatever. but french sounds kinda goofy
>>52138736He is trying is best...
Yu raping ver's ass with his big shota dick
>>52139047>what is his real goalto annoy us?
>>52139047Schizos don't have goals beyond convincing people to think like themselves
>>52138993I think french people trying to speak English sounds cute but the language is meh to me
>>52139001aruvn, after he released his first cover
Imagine yu's big french dick fucking sonny's small japanese ass
>>52139047his masterplan is to be a waste of air
>>52138692>go fishing for Patanee art>get horny love us
>>52139047Justify the salary the fishman pays him
>>52139171oliver got you horny
>>52139213you know that foreign accents activate your threat-response, right? That's why they're so unpleasent to listen to.
I wonder if people will finally not call shu is french with zali around
>i forgot to removed it>god daymn>i guess i have some clumnsy side in meh-he's so fucking cute...
>>52138993That's what they say.
imagine walking onto a new job and your female coworker is posting your dick image on twitter. That would make anyone feel uncomfortable. What the fuck?Imagine if this was a guy posting his female coworker's crotch and posting boob-emojis at her. That is the equivalent of this.
>I think I'm kinda hard to understandoh no he's cute
>>52138912Everything it's goofy for you then when you see men speaking their own native language lol
>>52139213I was going to sleep... Zali...
>>52139283Who cares? It's just an avatar.
>>52139283*cums down your throat*Sorry I couldn't hear what you said over the glopping noises
imagine walking onto a new job and your female coworker is posting her dick image on twitter
your name is lame
>>52139358it wasn't just his avatar they were cooming over it was his voice
>>52139213Bandage love! Now Vanta where is your guerilla?
>>52139365 moly
i hope he stops trying to be oooooo sussy ooo sexual on stream, you're cute and charming and bfe on your own zali you don't need to resort to this...
>>52139239No it was Patanee I swear!
>>52139355Oh wait lmao 10 hours not 10 minutesGood night
>>52139415>Women are cooming over a male vtuber's voice!!!How fucking new are you?
>>52139388god i wish
>>52139354I think european languages just sound goofy since they're not very popular in media nowadays, it sounds so foreign. I'm more used to hearing asian languages
Maririn, watch out! There's a pervert out there looking for you!
>>52139504Vezakits, thank you very muhcSweet dreams
>>52139499Racist anon....
>>52139493lmao anon they were posting him dick emojis and saying they wanted to fuck him and stuff. This is their male coworker who they're gonna be collabing with and maybe offcollabing with, and this is how they introduce themselves? "I want to fuck your dick" lmao what the fuck? It's beyond socially retarded, it's like whores in a nightclub
>wave 9 leaks>new 3 girls with villainess theme>counter heroes wave>british demon queen>latino dark elf>aussie lizard girl
>>52139535yeah me
i need zali to do a watch along so i can hear his cute esl goofy accent reactions
>>52139567Bruh, I think they might do another 3man wave with the hero theme since japan also had 2 of them
>>52139567same leaker who leaked krisis said next wave is mixed
>>52139213>10 hours from nowCome on boys surely one of you can stream now
his anime taste is so bad and quite basic but he gets a pass because hes cute
>>52139546I'M NOT IT'S TRUE THO. kdramas are so popular in the last few years, I had my genshin phase too and heard a lot more of cn, we don't even need to mention japanese. european languages are not as accessible
>>52139563You know Enna is /here/ and does that shit specifically to troll you, right? Nobody gives a shit about it except you.
This thread is stinky I want a fresh one
>>52139577This post was written by me, Pomu
>>52139663its like he just copy pasted multiple top 10 anime listshe's fumbling over his english now... cute
>>52137882Kyo makes me want to punt him into the ground a lot of times but he also makes me laugh in collabs (sometimes) so he has that going for him It’s not so bad when you acknowledge he’s not even of legal drinking and
Vantacrow is negibanana's child
>>52139702Stinky is good
>>52139702i'm sorry i didn't mean to fart....
>>52139499This is why girls easy to get fooled
>>52139686Enna is a twitter faggot. But even if that was the case, I am still calling out their shit. This is completely unacceptable and blaming me for calling it out is missing the point entirely.
Bandage managed to catch up from being culled. Good for him.
>>52139701Reimu loves sucking Vox's dick
>>52139732but shu and sonny are not black
Rika has 10% of her views are female but they are buying stuff like crazy like this. No wonder this company is pandering to the female fanbase hard
>>52139634why would the leaker be privy to the details of a wave from a different audition pool?
>>52139744how would kotoka react if i sniff her boobs?
>>52139793then why did sonny say the n word on stream
>>52139777SOONNN, pretty excited about it but uni is starting soon...
>>52139815Rika is so fucking sexy
>>52139732But shu and sonny is Japanese
>>52139777Prayging for oyo team