Nijisanji EN Youtube channels: (alt) (alt)Obsydia: (Graduated)Iluna: (Graduated) schedule for Nijisanji EN: watch streams at the same time: devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.NijiEN song playlist: loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.Nijisanji chat log: archive: Minecraft Server:ninisani.moeOur watchalong fangame VN: to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.Previous thread:>>51826597
Enna and kyo havent been collabing since last year, they used to batsu every week. I wonder what happened? They dont even talk in twitter that much anymore. Are they really official now or did they fight? Please i want my savage kyoulette back.
Super Mysta Jump King time! This should be fun!He's still sick...
shu... fox detective is playing Jump King. He'll hop into vc at some point too
>just needs to live to survive>jumps into the waterShu...
I'm predicting a lot of shitposting later.
auban live and playing a cute horror game !
>>51834853*needs to live to winholy shit the jp is frying my brain
>>51834860That's like predicting if the sun will rise in the east.
there might actually be no direct watchalong today since it's at the same time as...
Luca love!
Mysta wants a gauge in the game to tell him how hard he'a jumping. Reminds me of old flash games.
cocksleeve material
Mysta is actually progressing pretty fast for a total noob.
>>51834899Yea but gundou's graduation is in an hour and the catalog is already a landfill of endless bait threads.So yea, i can get far worse.
Did enna delete her racist apology vod or something? I cant find it
>>51834901I don't think Pomu cares enough about Gundou
Ikey! <3Mysta's doing pretty well~
>>51834901Oh yeah Enna is coming back
>>51834930I'm gonna eat him
Mysta was doing so well and now it's like he's immediately forgotten everything kek
>>51834901oh yeah it's fuuchan zatsudan
>Shu laughing at Furen being dead>pushed off and diesinstant karma
>>51834960why would she need to apologize anyway? she's not white so she can be as racist as she wants.
>>51834901Bunch of JPs are overlapping to. Nobody cares.
>>51834901nobody in EN gives a shit about Gundou. Hell nobody in JP gives a shit about Gundou since there are streams over her "graduation" as well. Livers are probably celebrating this absolute retard "bad bitch" being gone from the company.
Mysta had a meeting that went from 2am-4am his time wtf
Mysta had a 2 hour meeting starting at 2 am last night... It was him and Rosemi
>>51835062Enabling enna racism?
>>51835082damn what a power move to show you are hated based JPs as always
Apparently Mysta and Rosemi were the only ones in the meeting and extremely sleep deprived. He said it's the first time he ever heard her say "slay" and it made him laugh his ass off.
>>51835112 (me)Apparently she also said "slay" and it made him laugh
>>51835112*him and Rosemi pleasing the top paypigs
>>51835140stupid i just told its not racism because she's not white. only white ppl can be racist. that goes for everyone not just enna. fucking esl
Mysta has canceled pride month...
>>51835106that's normal. Office works on JP time.
>>51835158Rosemi has good comedic timing
>>51835112it's 9 pm for rosemi and 10 pm for staff san
>>51835175Racist is still a racist regardless of race. Stop justifying ennas filthy mouth
>>51835162*rosemi munching on the mystakes and mysta pegging the rosebuds
Mysta is sure a cat anti for a guy that owned two of them
>>51835234just know that youre the only one ITT caring about this, everyone /here/ already approves of Enna saying racist things. You're on your own schizo.
Which NijiEN will address that submarine that went to Titanic and got everyone inside of it killed.
I missed watching Mysta..
>>51835158finally the first official unit
Clearly Mysta hasn't heard of shitbulls.
>>51835015please don't eat him
>>51835289Pomu will, pretty sure she said she dabbled in robotics or something nerdy like that back in the day.
>>51835269>speaking for everyoneAight justification common sense of an aloupeep
>Mysta fell for the "there are no bad dogs just bad owners" meme
git gud mysta
>>51835347If bad dogs don't exists why we need a shotgun to put them down then :)))))
>>51835347Shitbulls must have some really bad owners then.
>>51835347he said it's about the cat's personality as if that's not the case for dogs too...
>>51835395He's so mean to cats. I suspect he's just tsundere though, I remember how sweet he was to them during that Twitter space.
god I wish that were me
Mysta doing well.
seraph dazzlegarden has the strongest butt of voltaction
>>51835311Someone made a poorly designed submarine and somehow convinced 5 people to get on it, and go to the titanic wreck, contact was lost on them on sunday, the sub has no way of tracking installed either.Their oxygen runs out tomorrow, assuming the sub didn't already collapse under the pressure down there.
Kisses him
>>51835444poor cats.. they're just autistic and misunderstood. dogs are too lucky to be generalized as all good when most shih tzus are actual pieces of shit
kanato crawled on all four legs...
That scream of anguish followed by silence...
>>51835545New or old news??
watch meroco she's poggers
>>51835545they heard sounds nearby read the latest update
>>51835545>poorly designedafter reading up on who and how it was designed, that poor sub never stood a chance.
I love Seffyna she is my beautiful seiso K-Fairy gf三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
>>51835573Why is the orc wearing a towel
Furen saw Petra fall into the water
>Mysta hates trampolines because he'd always get electrocuted while using them?
>No man... has ever stood on MarsVery educational Mysta
Petra acting cocky
>>51835703that cocky? me.
>>51835600Biggest news of the week. Also admission into the submarine is like 250k USD.
what a fun off collabgn anons
Mysta would probably have an easier time with this game if he turned off his brain and just treated this like a zatsu, I've noticed that as a pattern with this game
guess its only 1 time he mald on splatoon...or he just don't wanna look bad infront of jp senpais
I want to stuff my penis in Meloco's mouth to stop her from talking
what? penguin mutilation?
>>51835782he still is p bad tho
>missing plane>missing submarineWhats next??
>>51835828missing ennaschizo :(
>>51835828Missing vtubers
>>51835828missing you bbgirl
>>51835846He's in the catalog right now dw
>>51835722Who is on the submarine?Name and details?
>>51835828missing ike
>>51835828Honestly it would be a fun emotional rollercoaster if my oshi goes missing for an extended period of time.
>>51835321Okay, what about just drinking his milk then?Btw I loooove taking a delayed train only to arrive to find out the grocery store is closed!
>Why are you so small? Why?Getting a lot of great voice samples from this stream
>>51835828there's a plane missing??
enner and maririn rabu
furen is sure having a lot of fun
>>51835905Yeah imagine your oshi going missing for a long period then getting greeted with a graduation notice haha...
>>51833396pathetic liar retard
>>51835992please anon..the wounds are still fresh
>>51835616>The people aren't dead but instead fused into one creature
Mysta you were doing better when you turned your brain off
>>51835992No, missing in the sense that Nijisanji puts out a statement that they have lost contact with them and have no clue where they are now.
>>51835992This but with termination or death notice.
>>51835570and you're unlikely to encounter someone's misbehaving cat because they're mostly kept indoors. someone's misbehaving dog you can run into regularly on the street or at the dog park, and if a big dog attacked you, it could kill you. the dangers of a bad dog are much greater than those of a bad cat.
>>51835782I never comment about his skills though?
>>51836052Has there been any precedent for that? Did they do that for the Virtual Real liver that died?
mystakes please @ me when he opens vc I gotta save up on my mobile data for now
>open dynmap to look at new builds>see this
>>51836096(me)meant for>>51835813whatever
>When he bends his legs it looks like there's two yellow Amoguses
>>51836114that's old news
>>51836137That reminds me, happy birthday to feesh
>>51836121Quildren, he just joined and dipped out.Mysta gor jumpscared
>>51835914that's acceptable, as long as you pay him a fair price for it! he's gotta pad out that college fund for the kid he'll never have because his womb is barren
>>51836147no I see it in every frame
A cheese and bacon toastie, yummy
Hoshikawa was doing a shill stream with pink Selen and literally me on the left
>>51836166Define old.
>>51836171I have a feeling you're lying to me
>You big nosed cloak wearing motherfuckerMysta you can't say that
>>51836252Check the timestamp once the stream ends.
do you think you can skill transfer apex to splatoon? both look like you need mobility to get good for these games
>>51836251>March 8, 20149 years, 3 months and 11 days ago
Mysta thinks the best part of a pizza is the sauce. Based?
sonny LOVE
I will destroy you.
>>51836305Ask Selen, her entire personality is apex
Mysta really sings a lot huh
Sonny seems to be only one in en who's busy with work rn.. why
>>51836368You only watch Sonny? Mysta's also been swamped with work.
They died so fast...
>>51836349selen is one of the best splatoon player in niji
Vox in chat
enner enner enner enner enner enner enner enner enner enner enner enner enner enner enner enner enner enner enner enner enner soon
>>51836137kek, I was just getting wood but someone made it better
>>51836426>ren forgotten
>>51836426Then there you go, it's transferable.>best in nijidebatable but lets not do this today.
>>51836177I'll pay him with love! ;w; I wish i was mysta
Where's pomu waiting room for the nintendo direct stream?
>>51836459>inb4 she delays for G*ndou
Mysta is still raging less than when he played HelltakerI think that game triggered him because he felt like it made him look stupid
Toko's ehe after her pronounciation was praised was cute
>>51836002>crossthreading something an hour agoyou're just as pathetic
Silksong doko she know?
>Furen and Toko having way less their usual viewers Do JPs hate Shu?
>>51836627Lazy fairy, elira managed to wake up in time
Shut up Mysta don't associate me with zoomers...
Mysta you're also a zoomer
They're joking that their unit name is yoruhagumi(?)
Ewiwa Nintendo Direct watchalong in less than 10 minutes!
>>51836683unlike ike and sonny, shu is one of the most hated member in en
>>51836689Good, there's no need for more than one Direct stream
The Halo theme used to scare Mysta as a kid
>>51836780yoru hug me?
>>51836813He was the most loved for a while then his ranking plummeted after months of no streams and valorant
Mysta nostalgiafagging over Xbox
Oh Elira changed her start time.
>>51836873The straw that broke the camel's back was when he was caught playing with Shoto off-stream and spammed collabs with Petra.
Elira moved up 5 min so she doesn't start at exact same time as direct
>yoruhagu = midnight embracePetora...
i dont think i can be excited about anything nintendo switch related
>>51836867Wow Shu was #1 for like half a year
>>51836867>Kyo, millie and aia that low
>>51836922I know this because of yoasobi
>>51835289Only Gabe can save then
>>51836931I don't really expect much desu.
Mysta can't believe how much time he used to dedicate to playing vidya. Says he can't imagine doing the same nowadays.
>>51836957Kyo due to the Enna shit, Millie due to the secret GC stream, and Aia due to being kind of annoying
>>51836368He’s also busy with personal stuff as well so
Furen is an ame onna like Shu
>>51836931But if Dota was on switch you would cum in your panties
Mysta used to be a Pokemon autist and once he got to the Elite 4 with only an Azumarill.
Elira said Pomu is joining her.
maybe I'll sleep after an hour...
watching both the splatoon collab and the valorant hopcon on finana channel is an experience...
>>51836683EN just isn’t as popular anymore
>>51837032its already on steam deck..
Moshi Monsters... Now that takes me back
>>51837075sleep is for the weak
What exactly am I looking at in Alban's game right now?
>>51836957They actually like Aia now She had the biggest redemption arc I’ve ever seen on that site
>>51837075Zatsus are pretty easy to catch up through VODs anyways.
>>51837100I wake up at like 6 in the morning
>>51836867You know this site is wrong when shu has 10 times more likes than elira's likes.
Furen tskr'd Petra swearing
>>51837075The vod will still be there to watch later don't force yourself.'s watchalong is starting! Pomu's joining too!
>>51836995Same. I wish I could go back to just playing vidya for 12hrs straight, but it hasn’t happened in a long time…
>>51837090I'll show you a steamy upper decker
Oh god Mysta talking about antis again. Also why does he cough so easily lately?
Elira sex voice
They did it. They ended on a win. Didn't win an extra wave though
>>51837232He's sick anon
>>51837183It's right because Nari is the #1 vtuber
>>51836974With what, the Steam deck?
so talking about sukikira is ok but doxsite is a no go? fucking hypocrites
I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some comments were pissed of mysta's bad thumbnail kek
Elira is too sex.
Oh Mysta made progress, yay
>>51837196Please join and make things funny, Selen
There. I have filtered plap.It's insane how braindead this board is. You see something new posted and suddenly everyone is regurgitating it in every fucking thread.I wish it was just one or two people, but I know in my heart that humanity is doomed.
Mysta's joining the vc now
Furen and Toko freaking out when Petra was saying goodbyes. They're so cute
>>51836867>pomu 13th>rosemi 16th>vox 17th>maria 20th>ren 21th>mysta 22th>kotoka 25th>reimu 29th>nina 31thwtf??????
>>51837232but it's funny, someone complain about his MLP thumbnail lmao
Mysta is joining VC now
>>51837322this but gundou
holy fk my ears
>>51837310>Selen>On Elira's streamLOLLMAO
My wife wants to chat with us today!
Elira and Pomu love
>>51836813but this thread told me the Japanese were Shu's main audience and why he has such loyal fans despite being lazy
>>51837322This is the easiest board to force a meme in, I know because I've forced 2 myself
>>51837377>Kyo got back yesterday>Enna is back todayWe eating good faam
I wish every sukikira frequenters a very die of diabetes
Mysta taking off the hat and glasses, it's serious mode time
kek Gundou called her stream gungun direct
Elira and Pomu are so cute together.
Furfag Mysta strikes again
>>51837338only maria rosemi and pomu seem wildly inaccurate for methe girls get way less interaction in general though so any hate campaign or yab sticks with them longer
>>51837400Japanese hate him after that incident
>>51837322Reddit board, Reddit tendencies.
>>51837439dont give a shit
>>51837493Which one? Acting like he was the most affected mentally after the AR live cancellation?
>>51836867Did they really have to diss on my girl's privacy like that?
This is Elipomu date stream now. Sorry Selen.
>>51837431it's just 1 anon but yeah it's so sad he has to go for the same tactic everyday of samefagging
Enna what happened to that racist apology video?
Yep, cock
ennerrrrrrr she's doing the bit on twitter kek
Enna the yeorobun meme will never catch on.
I hope that Pokemon DLC limits what pokemon you can take, if you can use your campaign team then its not going to be very challenging.
>>51837534>>51837493>>51837400>>51836813>>51836683hey got a room for another person? don't wanna be lonely with your sockpuppeting
ah I'm getting sleepy.. ike...
여러분 너무 보고 싶었어요
>all of luxiem is streaming today except lucarrat?
>>51837603I think this yaminion got mindbroken
Oh Mysta's talking about The Fine Bros, that takes me back
jancuk jing
>>51836995This is what happens when you finall have a girlfriend
my brain is criscrossing
even in her graduation stream, she mentions pussysasuga
>nintendo watchalong>sorry it's early for me>elira's stream>YABBA DABBA DOO
I love Atlus milking Persona with mid games!
I missed Elipomu, this watchalong is fun
>>518376562 (You)s! Nice!
So this is what a graduation is like. Never experienced it with en
>>51837628Ike set an alarm last time Mysta was supposed to stream jump king. if he's taking this long to join vc, he's probably out/unavailable rn and will be late.. man I hate being vod gang ;;
Mysta is an e-girl now
>>51837729Hope uki vox or shu joins soon pretty lame to have two girls collabing
>>51837210>>51837271Yeah.He will control the submarine with dteam deck.
>>51835545ehh it was a billionaire in there so I don't feel any remorse
This is at least the third time Mysta has brought up e-couples flirting in Valorant
did she just say
>I wanna play the M*ntWe know, Pomu.
>>51836867You know that japs have incredibly shitty taste when Enna is higher than Rosemi and Pomu. Also, why is Fulgur so high? Never saw japs watching him at all
>>51837729I hope Shu doesn't join.
>>51837714Based, she's just like me
>Pomu: "Mint">Pomu: "I want to play Mint"IS THAT A...!!!
Enter Milord
Vox in VC!
Choco minto????
>>51837729Hope luca doppio or kyo joins soon pretty lame to have two girls collabing
>>51837808Pomu is /OUT/
>>51837809Enna is the most popular NijiEN female everywhere so that's to be expected
>>51837656wow he can't resist responding to a yaminion...
foxakuma love!
>>51836974Was Gabe IRL Cave Johnson all along?
I love my wives Elira and Enna!
>"Why does Ludicolo sound so cute?"Because Honma voices it!
>>51836867thanks for deleting this at least @ janny
Mysta and Milord talking about AI Spongebob
briskadets sonny on mysta's stream
>>51837867Its actually pomu, ask anyone who they think is from niji. Dont get too bigheaded peeps.
They made the music worse
>>51836931Don't worry, most of the third party games will get porte on other platforms as usual
I'm also deadge and needge somedge sleepdge
why the jp 4chan link was deleted?
give me condom money
>>51837983>pomudelusion pomudachi
>sees super mario RPG>Elira: OMG IT'S SO OLD
Where the fuck are Elira and Pomu watching this they're so far ahead of me
>>51838044Delusional aloupig
>>51838013Then slepge, 4headpge. You will get wrinkledge pog
>>51838033Yugamin graduating to marry Ooi
Vox's most twerkable song is Scatman...
>>51838013You don't need sleep
>>51838060Just on Youtube, 2x speed to catch up
Is Before The Night the edgiest horror game?
>>518380602X speed
>>518380602x speed
Elira's 'What?!' is really something.
This reminds me of when Mysta joined Vox's Jump King too. He was also sick at that time...
Define Brothers
>>51838063>>51838098fuckdge youdge I'lldge sleepdge laterdge pog
>>5183791550 kg runpappa..>>51837761same.. but atleast im thankful i can watch these streams at EU time
luca mention
The Fine Bros videos are ruined when you know they're all scripted
>>51838161That's not very pogchamp of you like frfr
>Arkham trilogy on the switchOk now I'll play it
>>51838161Lowkey just go and bedge already pooog.
Mysta and Vox talking about Smosh's revival
gm ojisans
her 2nd outfit seems like a hard thing to cosplay
Rip gundou... I will remember her genshin streams where she go nuts because of her bl ships that I like
Nice frame drops
Lunchtime with Smosh was so fucking comfy. Seeing somebody mention that yesterday unlocked a core memory for me.
fuuchan ate breaky, my anachan wife is getting better
>>51838247POMIE! Good morning its been a while!
>Vox joins the stream>Conversation turns to Donkey Kong
which NijiEN will play the new SMRPG??
Another Wose game...
>>51838240sleep wape
Vox talking about this like Mysta plays actual vidya and gives a shit about Donkey Kong lol
>new Just DanceRosemi stream coming soon
All that milk mmmmhm
>They're so small
>>51838323dont wape.. im not sleeping its 4pm......
fuuchan showing us his milk collection!
Vox really dominates the conversation when he joins VC huh...
I think sleeping should be fine... hopefully I get to wake up for the cross collab valo later
>>51838121>>51838109>>51838137Even on 2x speed they're way ahead
The number of times Enna has "forgotten" to mute has exponentially increased recently but I'm not complaining.
Vox is literally just live reacting to Nintendo Direct on Mysta's stream
Now it's a Millie game
>passing out in an uberBitch you gonna get raped
Vox Harvest Moon literally did that shit before Stardew Valley
>worrying about what will happen to SKB-bu
>>51838240nvm that's a lie I just remembered I gotta get some work done. I can wait for Ike at least!
skb group....
if vox love nintendo so much. he should join pomulira's watchalong
Mysta gives so little shits about video games compared to Vox that it's hilarious, Vox talks about Stardew Valley and Mysta is like "uhhh I played Farmville once" kek
>>51838247good day pomie
>>51838517did what??I am watching someone else.
The Pokemon killer is here
>>51838562Had romance options
>>51838551He really should. I hate that no guy has joined yet
Wife's new room is so big with so many details
This is just Pokemon with a DQ know what? It might be even better than the last Pokemon at least
Nice, Mysta making good progress
>>51838630DQ monsters predates pokemon you zoomer.
>>51838247Good morning, Ojisan!
>>51838630more like Monster Rancher with a DQ skin and Im all for it
>ice wall o' camelotyes you do
>>51838588lol.he really need to play or branch out to other game.
>>51838630The DS games mogged pokémon so hard it wasn't even funny, now that pokemon isn't even trying anymore DQ Monsters is a no brainer
>Vox making rice washing jokes
Vox is just a nonstop fountain of pop culture references Pikmin just PG overlord with bad graphics?
Vox I swear to god why are you talking like Mysta has watched a Tarantino movie in his life
>>51838740Overlord came out after Pikmin, so it's the other way around
fuuchan is naked from the waist down when he streams
No pants, perfect
Mysta used to get sick when he saw MK fatalities...
pomu... brainrot
>>51838798And yet somehow it looked better back then than their newest entry
>Pomu's involuntary scream when MGS shows up
>>51837338kek japanese really hate ethyriawonder why reimu is still so desperate to pander to them
>>51838498yeah, she raped me
This is why ike is the perfect soulmate for vox (not counting fulgur since they’re brothers anyway)
Mysta's autistic hateboner for the Switch strikes again
Pomu is gonna play fucking Snake's Revenge
public toilet are disgusting
Nintendo is so fucking good at archiving old games
More MGS stream for you guys
Wow even Snake's Revenge.
Vox is literally just ranting about media that Mysta has never played or seen and Mysta is just like "a-huh" and "oh yeah?"
>>51838874Pretty pathetic to get raped by a tiny anorexic Chinese woman desu.
>>51838938I look like this
>>51838678I gotta graduate more than I need rest! Ike joining later will give me enough motivation to push through it'll be fine!
Elira run! Mgs is coming for you.
>>51838875they should have threesome sex
Vox got so into his autism that he forgot about his own stream
4? I can see another game for nijiuk collab
>>51838934i was asleep
>>51838934someone post that gif/webm
>>51838934>to get raped by a tiny anorexic Chinese woman desu.
>>51838971A good brother supports his brother’s sex life in however he can anyway ;)
why do our hands shake when hungry? I have to train myself more not to bow down to my body reactions to hunger
I love necksnap
>every time there's a bump, it stimulated enna's need to pee
I'm watching the Japanese direct, which is showing different stuff, and it just showed Vampire Survivors with multiplayer.
>you lost bedroom rights for nowi'm surprised we even have them
Is mysta our egirl??? ;_;
>the next wave is next weekElira?
All this piss talk reminds me of how there used to be quite a bit of posting about drinking Enna's herbal tea piss last year.
So the emoji leak was mario kart characters
>>51839086No, he's MY e-girl.
>>51839055incest is good
Elira thought it was xenoblade.
>>51839072Literally did that on the EN direct too
Apparently Enna was so weak that she struggled to run against some headwind.
Vox is just like the nerds I hung out with in high school I can't find him sexy at all
>Star OceanI just watched the anime few weeks ago.
the only game worth playing in the series
>>51839095man I need a nijisanji jav
Hey, SO 2 remake looks actually pretty good desu.
>Milord would rather have sex on stream with Mysta than stream to his audienceWell, at least I can watch
Every morning I always hold my pee because I'm too lazy to get out of bed.
mysta and vox nostalgiafagging over their old shitty laptops
>>51839189He's been a stupid guy since his debut who just likes runescape and fnaf
>>51839151Bets on ike watching LAMbros fucking in one of their threesome session?
I'm tired of Vox's autism how long is the direct going to be
>>51839200There actually is, i remember Hoshikawa, Lize and Salome off the top of my mind
happy pride month ya'll
>>51839189Just how I love this funny monke man
>Amiibos leaked forever agoWhere's the season pass you fuckers
>>51839222>Postponed till after the directLol he could just watch it live with his chat like with another stream.
>>51839222I don't want to be cuck/ntr enthusiast
>>51839292but no bully panda....
Daisy my beloved
>>51839200lain sex is floating around somewhere
Obviously wife immediately looking up new amiibos
>>51839273absolutely. it's the closest he'll come to letting vox have sex with him... angsty proxy sex...
>>51839404He hates us.....
Vox is kind of driving me crazy with his vidya autism right now
As the only nintendo fan who doesn't care about mario this was a solid 5/10
>brain is focused on food she didn't pay attention when people are talking to herFAT FUCK
absolute snoozefest
There will never be another Tomodachi Life game because Nintendo is too scared to piss off faggots and troons by not adding them to the game, but also too scared to add them
>>51839412Hi ESL Mystake I was just making a little joke because Milord won't start his stream on time. I'm just a little frustrated. I know he likes Mysta but I just hope he starts soon
>>51839537kotocock reveal...
>>51839537another clickbait stream
>>51839537chinko reveal
writer's block sucks, i do hope we get more legatus 505 soon
>>51839537 odor reveal
>>51839537She's going to show her balls
I love salads with just rocket/arugula, I could eat a lot of that by itself.
Remember, Nintendo Direct stream is just another date for Pomu and Elira.
Elipomu love, they're so cute together, I love their friendship
Meh, kind of boring direct desu. Hope the Metal Gear collection will come out on PC too. Bye guys!
Vox, your stream?
>>51839626kys honeyshart
Ike in VC, great now Vox is never gonna leave
>>51839537my rrat is that she will be able to take her hand off her headphones
Toasted pine nuts in salads actually taste really nice.
please don't use your ganon amiibo for nefarious purposes fuuchan
>ikerip vox's stream
man I just love listening to Enna's stories
>>51839674Eat your words!!!
>>51839626>Hope the Metal Gear collection will come out on PC too.Bro that was announced like a month ago. The fuck?
>>51839718he’ll shove it up his ass like a bad dragon buttplug
I reopened the stream just in time!
>>51839761I have been spared
>>51839537Hand surgery
I set my air-conditioning to 26 degrees because I sometimes can get sick if it's too cold.
>>51839564Hi i'm not esl mystake "^" but yeah I get it hopefully vox will stream soon . I glad they are really good friends...
fuuchan will be at feesh's birthday tonight
>>51839717Just close the tab then
@me when my son join this stream
Elira baiting Pomu with the Metal Gear again kek
I really like Elira and Pomu
kek wife panicking that his rape fetish would get clipped out of context
Here's the timestamp where they showed the Uma Musume game
Apparently Mysta used to pray to be good at vidya as a kid because he was too lazy to practice kek
>>51839806Vox just started his stream so it's just Ike and Mysta now
Idk I like hearing people be passionate about stuff so when I watch vod later I will be happy to hear vox talk about games
Mysta LOVES his chat
>>51839887That's sweet of you Cali Mystake, I agree.
>>51839771that would be an awkward trip to the hospital
>>51839906he detests his audience
>elipom atm>feesh laterfeels good being a lazuchad
>>51839626'll come out on all platforms, let's goooo
Oh I'd love for Mysta to do a Crash Bandicoot stream
>>51839886Oh no I was wishing this for kindred I'm probably just gonna watch mysta later because of work...
what is elira's yakisoba pan's lore?
Pomu is gone... I miss Pomu........
I just noticed Elira moved the Weewa from where it would normally sit because Pomu is thereIt's the little things sometimes
>>5183999813 Sentinels
Tom Kenny voices Spyro??
spicy latina's internet shitty again
Reimu's internet...
>Milord played WOW for 6 hours and didn't stream itHe really does hate us. Milord I wanna see you be cute and nerdy on WoW
>>51839974>Metal Gear Soliddoes it include the Metal Gear?
>>51839983Mysta to play more mascot games how nice...
>>51839998I don't trust much in this post-war world... But if there's one exception, it's my yakisoba pan.
>do not come
>>51840098yes mommy
i was afraid of a ps1 startup sound when i was a kid
>>51840098I'll come for you babygirl
Sheep boy wife...
sheep boy fuuchan for 4th outfit PLEASE. please be a shota too
>>51840059The last time he played it back in January something bad happened...
>>51835158I hope Rosemi and Mysta have another collab one day. Also the Millie collab that never happened......
Demon's back on meds, please stay on them this time... >>51840059Please you're at your peak when you're just playing games and being yourself idk if you can't come up with anything funny to say, I'm always having fun just watching you enjoy yourself
Maybe there's still hope, reimu isn't giving up. god I love her so much, she could easily call it a day and move back the stream but she really doesn't want to let phantomos down.We love you Reimu!
Baby Enna... uoh ToT
>>51840059>wowremember that incident.....
fuuchan theorizing that the quill is stabbed into quilldren by the pen nib.......
>>51840065Title Lineup >Metal Gear >Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake >Metal Gear Solid (Including VR Missions/Special Missions) >Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (HD Collection version) >Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (HD Collection version) >Metal Gear (NES/FC version) >Snake's Revenge
>>51840168Yeah the chat was pretty bad but things have changed now!!!! Sorta!! He was still cute and I enjoyed watching it still...
>>51840171rosemi and mysta collab was epic because mystake want them to collab and mysta catched their desire...
Mysta is trying to pull his own teeth...
>>51840171Whenever these two interact I just call them rosefox because funny dynamic together.
>Ike actually trying to pull out his tooth on stream, and asking Mysta to do it toowhat is wrong with my oshi, man
I miss zaion...
>>51840278>>51840267the gamer wave was in it
Nijibros.... I'm tired....
Ike is explaining The Babadook's emergence as a gay icon to Mysta kek
please don’t tell me the leak is real
>>51840267>>51840270>>51840317Ace combat themed livers?
>>51840324I'm pretty damn sure it is anon, sorry.
>>51840324Hopefully not, those were some ugly fucking models
Damn, way too fucking early.They needed to wait for July 2nd.
>>51840267>>51840270HORY SHITTO
>>51840353I liked the ojisan looking one, the others were bad. Maybe mummy was ok I guess.
>>51840324Yes. Vox and Ike are married. I'm so sorry.
>>51840278are they dead?
>>51840335Launch Pad taking off. 3, 2, 1
>>5184041990% sure they are
>gamers theme : solar system>9 members + 1 secret membergood?
>>51840380It's now or never
Ike can only eat one form of potato and it's bacon-flavored chips. but french fries are so good...
please let there be an ojisan
>Prepare for landing>Guy has wings>two guys have flying things>the other guy is going to land on my cock
Mysta complaining that the UK removing artificial preservatives in food made it taste like shit kek
>>51840324please no, they were ugly as sin
Chimon, come home
I really need some good NA friendly female chuubas please don't be the lame ass gamer wave make it mixed i don't care just give us some girls that don't stream at 5 fucking AM
>>51840492oh god
>>51840492why does the last guy have used condom balloons on his waist?
>landingThis can’t be the “leaked” wave because they were heroes, sounds like these are space military or some shit
>>51840353So did Noctyx and lolisex but people eat it up anyway
>>51840482never allowed, they need to be able to sing and dance
>>51840527he's the uki nepo hire
I told you guys you dismissed those leaks too damn soon
>>51840464chimon, harin, lukya, issei, lune, moe, kooji, varion and aruvn finally come home.....
>>51840228That's Volume 1! People are going to be livid if 4 isn't in Vol 2 considering how much shit they are cramming.
>>51840529anon don't you know Heros have the "heroes landing"
>>51840527Keeping a record of all the cocks he's landed on
So, when will they get announced?>Feesh's birthday>Big Minecraft collabI doubt the management will overlap 2 big events with an announcement, so they'll either get announced after the collab or tommorow
>>51840548You have zero taste or design sense
Didn't the "leak" say the debuts would be around the 25th?
>>51840492starwars themed… no, not like this…
>>51840589You have too much trust in the management.
>iluna : moon>xsoliel : sunHOLY FUCK IT'S ROCKET WAVE
>>51840267>>51840270Oh shit. Actually happening!
>>51840492God these designs suck
>>51840326They already said its all boys retard
>>51840589it'll be in the middle of the minecraft stream so they can shill it
>>51840270>>51840267LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i saw the tweet and instinctively came here lmao
am i the only one annoyed by all the friend a bc d e f x y z bullshit? so retarded.
>luna>soleil>landingIt's joever
>>51840579That’s marvelshit
>>51840593Hey let's be real, you like the livers for their personality rather than their generic ass model
goodnight wiwa...
>>51838648Now now, red and blue were out before dragonwarrior monsters 1, but yes >>51838687Dragon quest monsters is fucking fantastic
Ike and Mysta are Pepsi Max shills
>>51840492LMAO not even watching debuts. All males turned out to be garbage.
>>51840492I like the blonde guy and hate everyone else
>>51840603Vox would love it then.
>landing on anon's cock
>>51840492these are so ugly how do i imagine them fucking me
honest question how many french people we will get this wave?
>"landing">moon landing was faked>leak was faked>we're getting monster girl wave
we're coming into fuuchan
>>51840618we're just getting Ultra Iluna and Ultra XSoleil
They should give us at least a girl with big tits and with super hero fucking tight suit
>>51840650season 2 SUCKS we need to skip to the next season already!
>>51840695Not wrong thats why I hope that they continue to invade all girls collabs tho
Enna you fucking secondary just watch the movie
I'm gonna report the leak to ANYCOLOR so the wave gets canceled
>>51840710Sucks that we'll never get red Hoshi
>>51840721Ultrabased if they give us an all-female wave
>>51840680If you are actually comparing Noctyx and especially Xsoleil to these then you don’t know anything about quality
Box Tenshi mention!!!! My love....
New Metal Gear collection is going to include Snake's Revenge, now Pomu doesn't have any excuses, let's goooo
>>51840717too many
>bunch of worthless males that will average 500 ccv in a month>instead of making VSPO like gamer girl wave
holy crumbs
>>51840732Yeah, by Raita
Ike burped on stream, Quilldren defend this
>>51840598It's going to be the 24th in the evening NA, there's a large gap in the schedules on Saturday evening.
>>51840733This is season 3 already This is going to bring a whole era of shit
Oh hey shut up and tell me when they usually reveal this after tweeted
lmao you niggers that called it AI shit got BTFOoh man that means that flip singer really did leave and hates nijien because of Zion and the 2% cut
so who was the initial speculation? Did that issei kai guy ever come back anywhere?
>>51840680>men>liking vtubers for their personalityrorurumao
>>51840710the girl with the fox muffler is so cute
>>51840773>muh mental illness competitionFull male wave means a full female wave after that anyway, just wait a little more
Ike carry
>>51839063The trick is, when you're hungry eat a small snack, repeat until its time for bed but go to sleep hungry then too. Eating a full ass meal when your hungry to the point that you feel full is what makes us too heavy. Been doing this for years and i am modestly a normal weight because of it
Enna visiting Ewiwa in the open vc just to say she loves her.
>>51840809Assuming the announcement is in 12 hours, that's two days between announcement and debut. Truly ACCELERATE
>>51840850yeah nah, Im not gonna watch ver * 4
>>51840492>>50134290>june 25thHoly shit israel. Someone is snitching
>>51840727Sounds like a cool theme for their outfits actually
I want to bait Mysta iykwim
>>51840812it was funni
>>51840827it's been shorter and shorter each time, likely within 12 hours of now
Please Petra's uncle just give us EN Idios
>>51840850No it doesn't.
>>51840721>monster girl waveFinally, we're getting a cute lamia gf
>>51840270>>51840267So Mysta and Rosemi are hosting their debut show and that's why they had the meeting together right?
>>51840773Are there even good non-jp gamer girls who'd want to become a vtuber
>>51840829There's no proof the leak was actually from him, it's just a name someone attached to the leak
>>51840633Calm down why so hostile? You still have the other company and JP for a bunch of girls.
>>51840809millie usually likes to raid into big streams, yeah?
>>51840936>western gamer girls>goodselen is purely carried support
Enna gets so many raids it's actually retarded
Can anyone remind me what was that website that you can use to check the comments a vtuber has made in someone's chat?
>>51840924Most likely
Reimumu playing Amnesia
>>51840571Vol. 2 will most likely be>MGS 4>Peace Walker>Portable Ops>MGS 5>MGR>MGA 1>MGA 2
>>51840958millie also likes to set up drama/anti-fuel streams right after them
Mysta is threatening Kotoka because she's laughing at him in chat...
My hot spicy latina ghost girlfriend fixed the internet
>>51840974 or use holodex or hololyzer
>I am getting it down but at what co->*falls*Mysta~...
>>51840994Ghost Babel...
>>51840721They should be monster boys we have none>but Vox and RenNo. Actual monster boy features with effort put in
>>51835289I swear someone in the thread said Aia talked about it but no one replied to them
I don't need new boys, I only need Mysta to be happy.
>>51841010>yellow hair mummy and biker ojiso the shota got axed?
I haven't been here in months... I've missed you anons, give me a kiss
More important, who's going to host the debut program?I'm betting on Kotoka and Hex
>>51840492PSO1 Fomar looking mofo on the fourth spot.
fuuchan stuffing his chest with sheep is real
>>51840924Odd pairing if it's for the all boys gamer wave.
>>51840948>HostileI just called you a retard because you're spamming about something everyone has known for almost a year now, retard
>>51841041Thank you, I was looking for one I could use for all corpos so the latter is what I was looking for.
>>51841084Dragoon? Welcome, but we'll be visited by numberfriends soon.
>Name one good food in Sweden right now>You got me...Kek
>>51840492Guessing the arab dude flies on a carpet or some shit
can't wait to dig up all the PL information for the new wave
>>51841111>male from popular wave>god gamer femaleIt fits
Pomu status? That will determine if the wave really is all boys.
All these people calling the leaked designs shitty reminds me of when Lazulight's designs were being slammed for looking like gacha filler.Not that I disagree, but still.
>>51841081No, the oji is the one that got axed, which is the one that supposedly was Aruvn
Please just be a wave of 4. Waves of 5+ are too much for people to digest all at once
>>51841117Someone sure is salty they're not getting girls. Chill out brother you still have plenty of other girls here in the branch you don't need more.
Enna naizuri
>>51841161he didn't even try...
>>51841167inb4 another kyo situation happens
>>51840924>>51841010 oh wow this is the most leaked wave in existence
>>51841176had a date with elira and will not show up until minecraft. 0 threat, they must be losers
>>51841010>names are Bandage, Vantacrow, and Yu QJust stupid enough to be believabletheyre gonna be making fun of bandage for weeks
>>51841190The leaked designs could he true but this Aruvn rrat is retarded especially because he's not even a gamer.
>>51841192Only three this time
>>51841176Non-menhera, it's all guys.
>new wave debut >sonny force everyone to call him onichan>shu force everyone to play valorant>pomu force everyone to play minecraft and mgs>selen force everyone to play apex>nina, enna and uki rape big bara dude>ike rape shota>petra and reimu yuribait with new girls>evryone need to call ver a senpaibros.....
Reimu showing early symptoms of being pregnant (by me btw)
Well considering the leaks are apparently real I just want to say that I'm glad that League fag got fired because apparently he had a shady past
>>51841176It's probably the gamer boys. Hence why Pomu was talking with Aster, of all people, about games to play: because it wasn't just Aster there, but the gamer boys too.
>>51841167I hope it's actually difficult this time and they're literally who's. We don't need shitposting and doomposting over their roommates.
>>51840492sisters were vehemently denying that these were realso fucking funny
>I thought Midsommar was just a movieMysta...
>>51841010>we could have had 6 boys but 3 of them were faggots that couldn’t keep their mouths shutMan...
Reminder that Enna only has 1 PAYCHECK right now. Her May paycheck. All throughout May she was complaining about being poor because of her 6 week break, and said she couldn't afford basic things.So on 1 PAYCHECK she is able to fly somewhere and have a vacation.
>>51841162he's planning to say "Squadalah, we're off" at the end of his debut stream
If those leaks are correct then this wave has way too much drama behind it already with all the leaks and supposed firing(s). Actually fucking hurts to see.
>>51841190biker was the only good one...
>>51841255>Selen and Pomu interacting with new debuts>new girlslol
>>51840884>>50134664According to the leaker, they know who's in the next wave too. Nice opsec, lmao
>>51841255Don't forget>Enna will force them to do an awkward 1v1 talk collab
Mysta and Rosemi hosting the debuts will be super fun at least, I love their dynamic
>>51840492Which one snitched?
>>51841264NijiEN staff doing their reps on someone before hiring them? Are they learning?
>>51841324elira's clique
>>51841324the old guy
>>51841264Yeah good thing no other guys in Niji EN have shady pasts.
>>51841271good call, maybe the femboy can groom himself a friend
Are you guys seriously going to believe an AI generated number leak?
>>51841258Ghosts can't get pregante Vox
Oh, so that's why Milord streamed so much back then. I loved the streams but he didn't need to stress himself out about them.
>>51840773>VSPO like gamer girl waveHere you go bro
Mysta is taking guitar lessons starting in two weeks! I'm proud of him
>>51841264>>51841297>all this fucking drama>the wave didn't even come out yetamazing looks like we are going to get more terminations in the future
>>51841324probably zaion
>>51841344>firedthey already hired them man, so no
>Enna has seen Millie naked
>>51841353That's part of my point... We don't need any more controversy in that sense.
>>51841319Wouldn't it be Xlol?
>>51841090God please no those are the worst possible choices
>>51841315Lucky bastard probably have the cosplay photos fuckkkkk
Snow leopard kemonomimi for the next wave! (please...)
>>51841384terminations are always good contentI have a lot of fun in the threads when they happen
Mysta wants to be "physically corrected"... Uoh
>>51841401welp leaks confirmed
>>51841375ngl i intensely dislike her bikini model but her offkai stories were cute when she kept looking for Zaion merch
>>51841010>Half of the wave got terminated even before they've debutedHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP
>>51841090It's Mysta and Rosemi dude, their meeting last night confirms it
>>51841454Speak for yourself faggot, any drama ends up with people shitting on the branch as a whole and my oshis get flak even though they never ever get involved with drama. If it just resulted in the dramashitters getting attacked, I couldn't care less, but it affects everyone.
>>51840492 Prepare your rope if none of these is real tonight.
>>51841401Oh yeah it's the gamer wave
>>51841192I wanted 6
The leaker is probably the guys who got fired/ their friends right?
>>51841497okay i don't really care lolthey're just entertainers
>>51841258Focus on your strream Vox
you gotta wonder what kind of sick, desperate motherfucker is staying in a wave that apparently had half of its people leave before even debuting
>new wave>only guyslife is unfair
Hopefully half of their fucking wave getting fired inspires the remaining members to take their job seriously.
>>51841454If the jeans are true the terminations happened before they even debuted
>>51841528most likely
>some of the gayskek
Elira shoveling her own audience at Enna, someone who gets so many fucking raids it's ridiculous.
>>51841490Not sure, Rosemi mentioned having a lot of meetings since last week so probably some anniversary shit and sponsors. Hosters are most likely someone in Xsoleil.
>>51841315Maybe they'll debut like last JP wave within a few weeks, Utano Pandora announced a semi-hiatus whatever that means and she's a Nijisanji fan
>>51841454>>51841497I hope all of ethyria graduates and makes room for people who actually love their audience
>>51841564look at it this way, we're getting the "all male gamer wave" that has been hanging above us for half a year out of the way and we can get goblin cunny or lamia women afterwards
Mysta is a basic bitch so he'd probably like The Boys
>>51841599enna can stay
>>51841584>>51840963he's mad lol
>>51841571I hope so, they had their chance to fuck off before starting so I hope no one pull a zaion
>>51840633that's even if this is the gamer wave.they had new auditions in january and this could be them if they did cancel the gamers
>>51841588Yeah but a meeting with ONLY her and Mysta? That's random and suspect.
>>51841563Why would they care about that?
>>51841324It was Aruvn, we know this
ccv predictions after month 1?im thinking sub 1k for all of them
I'm so sad the ossan design went to waste dude he looks so fucking sexy
>>51841401>wave 6 : moon>wave 7 : sun>wave 8 : marswe have 6 more waves....
>>51841584Are you the same raid schizo from some time ago?
>>51841584i mean theyre besties bro what do you expect? like you should low key try having friends, friends do other friends favors
>>51841584She deserves raids from the boys too
amazing it looks like management learned nothing from Zaion and hired more grifters
>>51841564This just means the next wave will be all female and it'll match the number of this wave, assuming they want to try to keep the gender ratio equal
Ike is doing a great job motivating Mysta right now.
It's so comfy how Ike is coaching Mysta. I love these two so much
>>51841584I just think Enna should raid her back from time to time.
>>51841674What's stopping them from using it? If they never debutted the design they can just hire someone else
>>51841689Zaion lives on in spirit.
>>51841689Well luckily this time they fired them before getting some more damage
>>51841563How is that a negative for anyone who stayed?>Less competition for attention>Less chance for drama since the timebombs went off before they could do too much damage
>>51841677Elira dumping her own audience on someone more popular than her. But anyway I think you are unaware of how many raids Enna actually gets. It's literally like 1 or 2 per stream
>>51841451Well there is a snow tiger vtuber out there and he does BFE. Close enough for now but not Niji so IDK if that matters.
I've had this guy on my friends list for years in FGO and his message is just "hewwo." Which it has also been for a really long time.I just realized it's Aster.
>>51841587Nah, she became the Opera GX Vtuber.
>>51841587would be nice, but she's a web browser now
>Half of the gamer wave being unprofessional snitches>Zaion's existenceManagement really needs to vet their hires more because this is fucking dire
>>51841720Ikesta love!
>>51841689No, they've actually learned. This is why half of them got terminated pre-debut.
>>51841744>I think you are unaware of how many raids Enna actually getsenna is liked by everyone? why is that a problem now?
>>51841731I hope that actually happens but I dunno man
Someone in chat is telling Enna she has schizophrenia lmao.
>>51841689zaion was a great hire
>>51841010So Aruvn, that league streamer and one of the other fuckers kek
>>51841764They shouldn't have hired them in the first place and wasted money on designs that will never get used
>>51841754So he's always talked like that...
>>51841764so what they did?
>>51841689zaion is more popular than pomu, selen, enna and luxiem nowadays
Enna's voice is all static
Both Vox and Ike brought up Smosh coming back, everyone's really excited about it huh
>>51841584Reimu deserves the raid more than Enna. She needs the numbers because she's so unpopular
>>51841760What do you think would have even tipped them off that Zaion isn't fit for a corpo? She's great on paper
so did enna do it?
>>51841744enna is a clever, evil, calculating bitch, who has pinpointed the ideal time to stream to capture the most audience funnel into cracked the code anon
>>51841809Apparently they just leaked a bunch of shit to their friends which is how it got leaked here
>>51841563>Wanna be in Niji>Bunch of retards fuck up and get canned>You're still chillingSeems alright
>>51841811Good bait >>51822072
>>51841167We know them all already>>51841344No they only fired him because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. Aruvn quit and wasn't fired, and I dunno who the other one who got fired/quit is
AvoidingThePuddle, come home
>>51841811zaion got <600ccv on a non-superchat-reading stream yesterday
Remember, Enna only has 1 PAYCHECK right now. And she's able to, on a whim, just go out for a week-long junket somewhere. She can afford a plane ticket, afford a hotel room, afford her rent, on 1 MONTH paycheck. So she clearly makes, in excess, at least several thousand dollars a month.
>>51841855you are fat
>>51841804I'm pretty sure they can still use it as long as the design hasn't debuted yet
>>51841824I find it cute when her voice fails her mid-stream lol.
>>51841811>retard falseflagging as a delusional Zaimon so the sisters ITT can shit on Zaion herselfI see you
Smosh inspired Mysta to become a YouTuber... That makes me happy
>>51841833nah it's fine phantomos aren't numberfags anywayand if you ask me, this is for the better chat is mad comfy rn and i know almost everyone in chat.
>>51841856oh, so there's a chance that they changed the liver's design, right...? right...?
>just let me throw things into a wokfuuchan hates baking. still surprises me that he can cook
wtf is wrong with him
>>51841778There will be 10 people streaming, and everyone dumps their raids on Enna. It's ridiculous. The amount of raids she gets is actually insane.
>>51841874You're contradicting your fellow Holofag narrative that Nijis are all poor and exploited.
so there's a face scar and yellow haired design. The bandage one hasn't been leaked yet I guess?
>>51841866Zaion is still more popular than Reimu >>51841833
Ok, so the terminated guys were the ones leaking info to dramatubers, right? It wasn't even Zaion.
If I get a cat I will name him Samurai Pizza so if people ask me what pet I have and their name I can say "Samurai Pizza Cat"
>>51841903They seemed pretty finalized man
>>51841874you care about other people's money too much
>>51841861why did aruvn quit
>>51841887girl needs some cough syrup or something lmao
>>51841911he's talking to aladdin gamer he's a gay dream genie
>>51841928Actually, that makes the most sense. Everything's beginning to add up now. It was probably Aruvn who was bitching about Nijisanji trying to "screw him over".
>>51841923No I'm contradicting Enna herself who constantly povertybaiting donations and claims she's super poor and struggling and needs donations. The most dishonest thing she could say.
>>51841875i was mocking the guy you dumb esl
>>51841564I'm happy about it
I really really like Mysta and his streams make me happy :)
>>51841896>phantomos aren't numberfagsAnd other lies you tell yourself
>>51841564noctyx 2.0 aka 3 view city
is sonny okay... also he's back to rting gn FAs!
>>51841972youre both fat
>>51841947Nobody knows, probably the merch cut rate. He's apparently a piece of shit menhera and has been a long time member of the doxx site
>>51841928Most likely, zaion is dumb but she never went full scorched earth, even if her retarded audience kept asking for it
>>51841584>>51841624All of ethryia get raided. They can't get an audience on their own and the rest of the branch feels sorry for them so they get raided the most.
>>51841911I hope he rapes and/or kills me in said dreams
Numbers are here.
>>51841866It seems like a mistake for her to split her streams between platformsShe fares better on Twitch and is already thinking about joining Kick for shits and giggles but most people are incredibly lazy and won't check every streaming website to see if she's on
>>51841905>wokmy chinese housewife
>>51841989but they're not? why would phantomos be numberfags when reimu gets low CCV? its like dunking on yourself. i hope you realize anyone pretending to be a phantomo is usually just a falseflagger. I'm probably one of the few real phantomos ITT most of the time.
>>51841833On which website do you see this?
>>51842012ewwwwwwdisgusting creep
If the leak models are real... how did we go from iluna and xsoleil to those?
>>51841925Bandage one has been leaked, its that purple one. Ossan was supposed to be Aruvn and he quit
>>51842016you're obese
>gamers wave leaksdebbyalex parkathonmizuchiyuna
>>51842020the dramafags probably left when she said she thought the millie GC stream was funny and still talks about basically everyone favorably
>>51841833>mika more popular than reimuReimu should never have been hired. She's not entertaining enough to be a streamer
How old was the imgur post? It was originally posted in march? This wave is cursed JFC
>>51842068>Ossan>Shota>Delicious brownI like them, I don't even care man
>>51841930That's pretty clever
>>51842051he's ready for his chinese husband in the gamers wave!
>>51842075oh he's wearing a face mask bandage thing
>I'm a gamer>OH GAMING IS NOT MY FORTEEEEEMysta 2koma loss moment
they should take 8 applicants from the auditions, abort 6 of them, and pit the last 2 against each other as rivals
>>51841689>hired more grifters3 more Hexs....
Nice, about time
>>51842076Yea obese cock in your mother
>>51842056>no real scotsman would be a numberfag for reimu!!!
Are you fucks gonna argue for 12 hours until they reveal? Do something else better with your day then
>>51841911Who the fuck is this
Mysta is my cute gamer wife
>>51842123The Super Liver Method...
>>51842123finally... EN chronoir
>>51842017>He's apparently a piece of shit menhera and has been a long time member of the doxx siteNever even heard of the dude until sisters started posting about him, so maybe
>>51842093It was posted on March 20th or something, around the time Aruvn started shitposting on Twitter
>>51842080i want to kiss debby i love her so muchhhh
>>51842038they're being so sweet and comfy!
>>51842123les livers terrible
>>51842080Lucubs are gonna freak
>>51841689Zaion looks like a saint compared to these retards that were causing issues even before debuting, leaked designs, doxxed people and talked to dramatubers.
>>51842134I wonder what will come first afterwards. The dumb Kyo orisong or wish of the songbird coming to streaming platforms lmao.
Sounds like Mysta actually plans on completing this game... Won't be today with that collab of his though.
>>51842123the hidden 3rd liver is riku tazumi
>>51842012>retweeting gn fanart Is he gonna go on a break
>>51842147like what
>>51842176she's so pretty and rich
>>51842091>she said she thought the millie GC stream was funnyShe touched on that? I need to see it
>>51842144weak argumentthat applies to literally every vtuber. what else you got?
>>51842017huh, i wonder if he's the 'friend' that introduced enna and others to /here/ or that place
>>51842226and she is funny, dream wife
>>51842080where tf is chimon, moe, issei, harin, lukya, hana flores, kooji, varion and etc
Here's some insider info to tease you guys a bit, one of the new livers is a male but has a female VA, I'll let you try to guess which one that is.
>>51842017that seems late to know the merch cut rate. i'm sure they sign contracts before seeing the models and everything to leak them
>I will beat off a guy>I'm in need of a guyMysta and Ike are homos
is it too much to ask for a shota for the new wave
just tell me this /nijien/what is the likelyhood we will be getting more twitch facetubers normies in our new wave? will we ever go back to hiring actual trad vtuber personalities like pomu and elira?
>>51842229It was the YT stream before this one, she was talking about edgy comedy for a while and how some people don't get it and used the GC stream as an exampleIf there are timestampers you can probably hear it
>>51842273If this actually happened again I give up on this branch
>>51842017He also visit /here/ frequently. Seems like anycolor dodged another bullet
>>51842234Because it's possible for every vtuber to have bad fansI've seen plenty of numberfag phantomos
>>51842214He better fucking not, not right after getting a new outfit
>>51842273shit another mentally ill hire
>>51842273Finaly, Yuroku
>>51842273I hope it's the blonde, I can just pretend he's a tomboy or cuntboy
>>51842287Is that supposed to be news?
>>51842273Oh great guess we are never getting a female only collab ever again
Fulgur last night during his zatsu at the end of the stream dropped hints that it's another mixed wave
>>51842299According to rrats there are no facetubers this time
Mysta really thought America IRL was lije Friends...
>>51842325and theyre phantomos because they post with a reimu image right?
What is gamers wave theme?
>>51841911Confirmed, the new boys are BFE so Sonny feels intimidated and is stepping up the BFE himself
>>51842273that actually sounds like the perfect brotuber. it's not gay when they kiss their audience and you wanna fuck them
>>51842299the twitch normies are all there is left. the good ones are either already successful as an indie or poached by small corpos
>Mysta sings>Ike tiny clapsthey are so unbearably cute
Ok another insider info, one of them is actually a kid that has won Fortnite tournaments and Anycolor warned him not to disclose this, guess which one is that
Please don't be shitty designs and give us good femboy
>>51842369The league streamer WAS a facetuber but he got fired
>>51842299the confirmed people based on the leak are 2 BFE chuubas, a league player with dead subs and aruvnaruvn was the snitch
>>51842364Timestamp? It would make sense that they would throw some girls in after firing half the fucking wave.
>>51842364If it isn't gamers then they have been canned for good
>>51842379Living in denial isn't healthy
>>51842396>>51842369ok now fight for my amusement.
>>51842380gamersall of them have blackface toggles
Ahhhh dammit Milord I really like that I love being called a good girl I need it more
>>51842273If it’s the shota I don’t care
>>51842273no please... the twittersisters would like that
>Mysta shitting on TBBTBased
>>518424133 people were fired. Aruvn, league streamer and somebody else. Aruvn was the snitch but the league streamer got caught tellin their friends and shit
>>51842299when all of lolisex were vtubers besides maybe kotoka.
>>51842196>doxxed peoplewhat
>>51842487yeah they doxxed me.
>gamer song leaked >produced : ike eveland>mix : ike eveland>lyrics : ike eveland>instruments : ike eveland>illustations : shu yamino and ike eveland>mv : petra gurin>translation : shu yamino>vocal : luxiem
>>51842383I don’t think Sonny would act that obvious
Here's even more insider info: Chimon is home
>>51842492Holy moly them thighs
>>51842509>illustations : shu yamino and ike evelandkino
>>51842521now that's cap fr fr
>>51842518Anon your sarcasm reps...
>>51842521chimon is dead
>>51842147That's usually how it goes yea
Insider here we have british girl, aussie girl, korean girl, chinese boy and french boy in gamers
>>51842466which nijien is this?
>>51842509>illustration: ike eveland
>>51842509>illustations : shu yamino and ike evelandThe genius artiste Ike Gogh and his backdrop Shuvador Dali
Got some insider info for you guys: The leaked models were AI generated and Aruvn quit because he hates hamburgers
>>51842595>aussie girlfinally, female friend for maria
>>51841838I assume that's sarcastic. Zaion was a walking red flag.
>>51842214I will personally cook his balls if he will
>>51842621burger hat not like this…
There's no way their debut song will be worse than hold it down, right?
>>51842273Yes please. I want /cbdct/ to have another thread wide breakdown
>>51842509lyrics: melocoinstruments: pomuillustrations: ikemv: shutranslation: kyo
I trust the former leaks but the ones in this thread are just muddying the waters now that we know >ISRAEL
>>51842644Oh you know it will
>>51842273Is his liver name Yucome Bak?
>>51842647kek, did they not accept yugo in their thread?
So... do we have any idea for the new members? Any notable graduation in the past 6 months?
>>51842651>mv: shuKINO
>>51842462shut up ugly
>>51842636>>51842327>new wavefrom my analysis i conclude that he's going on break
>>51842678yeah one of them is demolition_d+
>>51842644I haven't listened to Hold It Down in full... why was it made like that
how would you guys feel if ike produce a song for the next wave?
Insider leak. The next wave will have an animal.
>>51842644this time it will be even more ESL
>>51842676That thread wasn’t even alive when Noctyx debuted so anon is bullshiting
Milord is talking about music! He's talking about Klayton/ Celldweller, he has good taste. Ahhh Milord is a music nerd just like me I love him lots
enna's mom was tinier than her
>>51842644insider leaks: they brought back mafumafu for the new debut song
>>51842697keep it away from the animal fuckers in the branch
Insider leaks: I'm in the new wave
>>51841911So this is why he's being extra affectionate the past few streams
I guess that means Enna possibly gained a bit of weight.
>>51842722was? rest in peace meemaw
>>51842628No, lolShe's overqualifiedShe just didn't know shit about JP corpo culture
insider leak: i got to go take a leak
Enna said she has a nice juicy ass
outsider info here: the new wave will play chilla arts
Insider leak i am inside you
tell me who is aruvn.i heard that name long time ago but I forgot about it.
>>51842676Anon is making shit up, that never happened.
>>51842678The leaker said these were the members but keep in mind half of them got fired:>If people are leaking aruvn from the gamer wave. Let me leak the other 3. Issei Kai, Kooji and Anklespankin. Out of the 4, only ankle is a gamer but only for league, the others are like shoto lite. It will be heroes themed with medic, expert and tyrant as the other three that goes along with legend. Say thanks to the gamer wave for not keeping their mouth shut and telling people. Debut will be around June 25th.
>>51842690Fuck he just like pomu
>>51842691If he makes Rosemi cry i will kill any new lizard he owns
>>51842695I love ike but his music is just not for everyone
>>51842644i mean probably hold it down is the best debut song in the branch besides lets get it started. now being worse than black out, god sees all, or hope in the dark would be hard
>>51842690he won't go on break he can't afford that when there's a new wave coming out he'd be so retarded not to ride the wav--- he's retarded but he won't go on break he's just busy and will stream zelda tomorrow
Don't fabric tend to shrink as you wash them over the years? That's probably the reason she can't fit into them.
>>51842746If it is I don’t know how to feel, I don’t want him to act fake, I hope it wasn’t fake… I’m just gonna keep thinking it was because he’s been in an extra good mood
Mysta was scared by talking cat videos as a kid...
>>51842784he's known for hating the french so you do what you have to do rosefat.
Insider leaks : mixer in the next wave
insider leaks: they will play minecraft
>>51842747Good, judging by her handcams she's way too fucking thin
>>51842773>the others are like shoto liteholy fuck, abort them already
Insider leek
Another leak: Two of the three boys will be BFEbait. The other one fujobaits like crazy. Sorry brotuberfags.
I don't think I'll even watch the debuts this time. After lazulight and obsydia I've watched 5 waves debut and never watched a single one of them solo after their debut.
you ever see art of two livers in their tag and its not tagged as ship art but you can just tell
Insider leak. The next wave will have your mom
debut Pomu references are back
>>51840492People keep saying shota this shota that. I don't see any shota here.
>>51842828dumb ESL
Let's just fans of Jeremy nine hundred eighty-five might want to tune into the new wave ;)
I like Issei Kai, he's cute and he can play guitar with Mysta.
>>51842839The last debut I watched was my kami oshi's debut
>>51842773How many fucking people did they leak toThere has to be some discord server
>>51842364God please no I hope it's not.
>>51842851blonde guy is the closest thing EN can have for a shota
>>51842852Anon, it's called a pun...
>>51842773please tell me all of them were fired
>>51842798Some fabric actually stretches, some doesn't get affected at all and if it shrinks you are probably doing it wrong
>>51842844yes, they're really annoying and i block them right away
I love how Mysta always says "chat", it's cute
>>51842773Oh thank fuck you found that original post. Yeah, this is all rightAnkle and Aruvn are gone, I assume Lux was hired to replace one of them, and I dunno whether Issei or Kooji is the other one who got fired
>>51842798yeah, fabric tends to shrink as well as enna's mom being underweight probably doesn't help
>>51842844Tell me about it
>>51842691I'll miss the drunk streams where he says the N word
>>51842839I always skip debuts and just watch 2.0s instead
>>51842688Uh oh you're being a bad boy!
It's not REAL YOU FUCKERSDid you really think EN management is retarded??????
>>51842913he's been slowly turning into a normie lately, he should have stayed fat.
I'm going to oshi whoever don't go bankrupt on their lore video, I miss SOUL
Why the fuck is Ike scared to mention graduated livers’ names
>>51842844I know it all too well
>>51842273MOCCA....COME HOME!
>>51842866He would be ignored by this thread like Ver but more for me, he's cute.t. used to member him for a bit
>>51842943No and that's why they fired some of them. They are stupid for not vetting though
Apparently Gibara is one of the people who introduced Mysta to Nijisanji. Her Cat Mario streams specifically. He mentioned her by name without prompt. That surprises me honestly.
>>51842798Only if it's hot water which you really shouldn't be using anyway unless the clothes say so
>>51840492these are fake as shit, they look too ugly and looks like AI generated concept art. if its real then owari da
>>51842943>Did you really think EN management is retarded??????I mean...
>>51842945Nah he's just trying to not have another heart attack, he's still a fat autistic sperg on the inside
>>51842943I mean they fired zaion so yes they are retarded.
One of Mysta's first introductions to Niji was Gibara
>>51842943We'll find out in less than 12 hours, chill
>>51842943someone from noctyx leaked what they were going to be before they debuted
>>51842943>Hired Zaion>Hired Hexyeah
ITS OVERBut we're also backUntil its over again.
>>51842958Severe, debilitating autism
>gamers wave leaksojisan who only play old gamesannoying underage roblox playeraverage apex addictVRwhorea guy who use valorant for e-date
>>51843008Jesus Christ that's just shoto
>>51842943Retards are cute tho
>>51842958Oh but naming Kaguya Luna is fair game fucking bias swede.
>>51842676Nope. They don't even accept Aster and call him a tranny too>>51842712>>51842771Their whole thread was celebrating the abscence of Yu5 during Noctyx's outfits relay. There were even tourists itt who were shitting on Yugo while defending Uki. There's literally a single thread who would defend Uki while shitting on Yugo since the only difference between them is that one has a dick and the other don't
>>51842773>the others are like shoto liteSo they'll play horror games and do variety content? Sounds good to me
>>51842968Please no, as someone who actually follows him i know it would be the worst decision ever, he would not only not commit to his job but also would lose perms for talking shit about games as if he knew anything about game development
>>51843036>no chainsmoking salaryman defeated by lifedead on arrival
>new wave next week, will be hosted by mysta and rosemi. It will be 3 members and they will be the gamer wave but none of them are really gamers and are variety streamers. Originally there was supposed to be a league streamer but he and two other people got fired and that was why the wave got delayed. The designs are guy with bandages, guy with yellow hair and guy with face scars. They will be the hero counter wave to Japan's heroes wave. It's too bad that they recruited new members that end up leaking stuff more than any other wave.One of them voiced on uki's new outfit video
>>51843008Vox/Hex, your fickle sisters are ready to jump ship
>>51842968mocca is a girl, all the models are male
>>51843025what a faggot
>>51842804I remember him being clingy when iluna and xsoleil debut. If you watch him enough you will realize he will do some extra fanservice
Mysta and Ike nostalgiafagging about let's plays... That takes me back
>>51842958Ike is scared of namedropping in general, even niji livers, you have to get names out of him with pliers when he tells stories
>>51843076and their only personality would be being a "bottom"
>>51842844 mei wasnt talking about sonny specifically but thanks briskadets kek
>>51843076isn't that just hex
>>51843036>VRwhoreAster..... Luca......
Enna sounding like a social justice warrior with her beauty standards rant
>>51843084So it's another hanamori nepotism hire
>>51843008Reminder that Doppio did lewd VA in his PL but is mostly like an innocent kid in his solo streams and collabs.
>>51843063He never named her, people deduced her because everyone begged for hints
>>51843104In a way that could be cute I guess… Maybe he enjoys being clingy
>gamers leaksstinky pomudachiSEA briskadetmenhera mystakerapist rosebudkyomie
its fucking over reimu is going to graduate.
These leaks are kinda confusing to be honest.It sounds like half of them were fired because of shitty behavior and leaking shit/doxxing, but also they have a completely different theme from astronauts (hero theme). So is the gamer wave just not a thing now?
>new livers arriving>Sonny will up his fanservice im ready for his YANDERE ASMR IT'S COMING BITCHES
>>51843084fuck another boring nepohire, they also sound like SHIT
>>51842852Based retard
>>51842968She won't get in as long as Elira, Enna and Millie are in the company
>>51843104My beloved mario 64...
>>51843104i don't know if its just me but it peaked with iluna, maybe ren scared him KEK
>>51843084>face scarsAnd that one is also black, so that's prob Lux and he really was hired to replace one of the guys who got fired kek
I miss YouTube annotations too...
>>51842880I hate this so much. We could've gotten a good shota with Kyo's model but they decided to give it to someone who talks like that.
>>51843084they'll be the western counterpart for dytica-oriens hero wave? wtf
>>51843192Maybe the whole leak thing is still fake and it’s just a coincidence I seriously don’t know how space correlates to a heroes theme
Everyone sending supportive comments and enna singles out on the one calling it cope, I really wish she learned to not be so laser focused on the antis
>>51843228I can't believe we're finally getting a real nigga in NijiEN
>>51843159kururin comehome.....
>>51842900>>51842908>>51842962>>51843044>>51843132Why are Briskadets so schizo? It's just art it's not a big deal
>>51843192Because the "leaks" are mostly catalog hearsay alongside ai generated images.
>>51843104I can't wait for him to rape us no wonder he's been playing into his creepy stalker role these days this fucker knows
>>51841911All the Briskadets clowning on him in the replies gives me life
>>51843197>YANDERE ASMRcan we make it brother boyfriend stalker yandere asmr
>>51843192the "leaks" are a jumbled ball of schizophrenic sea rumors telephone gamed through eachother a dozen times.
Why is everyone taking the leak as fact again when we barely know shit
>>51843255i was talking about hetship art i saw
>Leaked wave is realI'm actually embarrassed
>>51843286It's time to stop coping dude
>>51843255Because he always does that when he goes/comes back from a break
>>51843197Cooking handcam, TF2 with mouse handcam let's go.
>>51843289Way too much circumstantial evidence is piling up
I'm just gonna keep loving this feesh
are we really not gonna have a girl in the new wave? come on.... we have enough boys already
>>51843084Thqf description doesn't match what's being teased at all.
>>51843300there's probably some truth in there but good luck sorting it out
>leaked wave is reallmao when does the main Twitter drop the designs?
>>51843255not a kadet, i'm just autistic about tagging. you're right, it's not a big deal, which is why i block and move on
you guys will remember a hanamori girl that we used think she's a kotoka....
>>518430843 members would be a god send we would be at a +1 instead of a +4
>>51843321are you excited for her birthday?
insider leak: chimon won't be part of the new wave
>>51843255i will draw art of your mother getting her holes filled by a bunch of black men
>>51843289Rosemi's reply basically confirmed it
>>51843319What evidence?