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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 27 KB, 1320x785, 20230518_124526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49896536 No.49896536 [Reply] [Original]

Patty Vault edition.


Kawaii Idol Project Original Song:

All song covers:


>Gen 1
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Gen 2
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

▼Kawaii ""Friends""
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
AkioAIR and Not-Not-CyberLive >>>/vt//aa/
V&U >>>/vt/vnug/
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Nene's pet crustacean Kani - https://twitter.com/Kanikanizawa
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Mogu Muge - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKj-DqyMpHgYNB3-9lZq8-w
CherryPie - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
and (You), the viewer!

Previous thread: >>49834689

>> No.49896562


>> No.49896961

Nami's sweaty smelly armpits.

>> No.49897203

nami please visit my favela

>> No.49897247

Nami fat lol

>> No.49897360

oh no...

>> No.49897449
File: 173 KB, 240x138, why.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't be...

>> No.49897827

>Nami is CodeVISHNU

>> No.49897881
File: 73 KB, 211x255, 1274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my tenshi wife

>> No.49898372

Luke the Cuck heh

>> No.49898371
Quoted by: >>49898434

Thats Luke not Code. How dare you mix up Birbling dieties?

>> No.49898394

I want to send her nasty messages through streamlabs (samefagging)

>> No.49898434
Quoted by: >>49898755

it's CodeGOD who larps as luke the cuck /here/
we have been over this

>> No.49898755
Quoted by: >>49899109

so that was nami at ny? my god

>> No.49898841

menhera tenshi wife with thin skin

>> No.49899109

>Code is fat and was at ny
>Nami is fat and was at ny
it's starting to make sense

>> No.49899611

I need a big hat witch in Kawaii, why do they always graduate...

>> No.49899819
Quoted by: >>49900127

I'm mad we had 2 girls in gen 3 with visible feet and they were both given to flaky whores.

>> No.49900127

Big hat witch with exposed feet? I can get behind that

>> No.49900296
Quoted by: >>49900533

>Koume accepted my CharCole Skeb request
An unexpected turn of events. This will be interesting.

>> No.49900447 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 244x207, image_2023-05-21_205351094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wilbell from Atelier Ayesha as a chuuba would be pretty nice

>> No.49900517
File: 667 KB, 850x1251, image_2023-05-21_205524526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49902590

Wilbell from Atelier Ayesha as a chuuba would be pretty nice

>> No.49900533

Charcole was astroturfed by Kaolin

>> No.49901145

Can the regular thread bakers consider adding a reminder in the OPs about ignoring and reporting blatant anti behaviour? Seeing what happened, and the quality of more than few of the past threads, I think it is a needed addition from now on. Almost every regular general in the catalog has one of these reminders, from Hololive, to Niji and large indies. And Production Kawaii has gotten big enough to bring many fans, and with these many antis and schizos in proportion. I know that would be a bit too much to ask, but maybe I'm not the only who as the feeling that the Kawaii general as been pretty low quality lately.

No matter what, I think as a cloudtomo I've seen enough shitposting already, especially from deranged schizos and antis. Instead of reporting, I just ignored it thinking that would be enough to make them go away. But from now on I will try to report antis, even if it helps just a little.

>> No.49901315
Quoted by: >>49911375

just read the announcement by blair
real sad

>> No.49901484

I fave up. I report a blatant anti post trying to start shit and it stays, but when I comment on something comparing it to my IRL situation or whatever, it gets seleted and sometimes I fet banned or warned for off topic...even if its in the context of what we talked about.

>> No.49901501

Are you fucking retarded, nobody even reads the OP, would change literally nothing, if you're really bothered, report them.

>> No.49901643

pink rei

>> No.49902246
Quoted by: >>49904937

Charzu basically confirmed that Kaolin had shipping brainrot in her management review stream so....

>> No.49902269

I cannot tell a lie.
I want to cum in between Nene big honkin' tits.
I want to do this in a loving way, in a totally non derogatory or disgusting way.
But in the way of a man with a woman when they in the pursuit of their mutual satisfaction in each-others love agree to let the man cum in between the woman's big honkin tits.

>> No.49902364

Nami's silent stream if anyone wants it lol

>> No.49902590
File: 957 KB, 1092x815, Witches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please koshita give us a witch theme vtuber for gen 4. Flat witch, big titty witch, loli witch, mommy witch, elf witch. I don't care, give us a witch, preferably with a hueg hat.
I'll add wilbell to the collage. I realy like her witch design too

>> No.49902667

Which witch is the rich bitch?

>> No.49903070
File: 577 KB, 944x570, 16761553926863849807089609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nami boobs

>> No.49903175

I need more Isla mama

>> No.49903336

That mole is reaching cancer status......

>> No.49903518
File: 156 KB, 779x721, boobly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49903560
File: 692 KB, 858x1200, 194711025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about how Nami's design is basically a JRPG healer (dragon Quest's priest mostly) combined with the modern day equivalent of a fetishy anime nurse outfit.
You could work backwards with this idea to come up with the rest of Nami's party members from the game she is from.
For example her rival could be a black mage inspired by classic big hat wearing witches combined with a modern day magician/ magician's assistant outfit so her hat would a witch hat + a top hat, plus you'd would make her a flat chested tsundere with short red hair to contrast Nami even more.
If I had any art skills I'd draw it my self but I don't.

>> No.49904592
File: 441 KB, 825x476, 1673849137353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss her

>> No.49904670

I listened to nene's asmr all night last night, and while going in and out of sleep, she awoke something in me. I love Nene so much, she's all I want to listen to now. I need her on a constant basis. I'm fairly certain I was still thinking of her when I fell asleep,, so all I could see or hear for 12 hours was her. Other asmr doesn't even hit the same either now. I want to be able to tell her I love her, I want to make her happy, nobody else is even half as interesting as they were 24 hours ago to me

>> No.49904937
Quoted by: >>49905120

If this is true, why did that one fanart shout out featuring Charcole art get pulled? Surely it would only help to show the ship to more people.
Your theory stands on shaky ground.

>> No.49905120
Quoted by: >>49905218

Are you talking about the sexy one where they're in bed kissing or the inspiring one where they are surviving the horrors 20th century Asian south-pacific armed conflict?

>> No.49905218

I don't remember one featuring the in bed kissing art. I was referring to the Vietnam war one.

>> No.49905302

That's why I was asking because I only remember the same thing you remember.
Because we are, I am, your Tyker Durden.

>> No.49905627

Well..... if Isla is Vietnamese living in vietnam. I can see why they would delete the vietnam war one

>> No.49906530
File: 305 KB, 583x605, 203231744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone confused. This is what people are talking about. The fanart showcase featured vietnam war inspired Charcole art but was later deleted . It was a bitch to find in the archive because that was the same week Oceane was. terminated.
On a side note to this I think Charlotte has blocked that guy on twitter for commissioning nsfw artwork of her and Isla.

>> No.49906751

I can still see her account and tweets, so I think that means I'm just muted, not blocked.

>> No.49906975

tenshi time

>> No.49907446

Lol I can see why it is deleted
The Kawaii nip management probably didn't recognize the art being a specific reference to Vietnam War and just thought it was a generic war scene. They probably deleted it after someone inform them what it was.

>> No.49909274
Quoted by: >>49909979

What types of streamers would you like to see in gen 4? Everyone pretty much streams the same FOTM shit with some exceptions like Charzu that doesn't wanna force something that everyone is already spamming.
I would really love to see a proper retro gamer but not retro like "morrowind", but more like late 80's and up to mid 90's games.


>> No.49909661

What is it with the nazi party always showing up for asmr?

>> No.49909979
Quoted by: >>49910764

I still want a good music/singer in Kawaii since Oceane and Miryu are gone. It would be nice if they have some interesting taste in music because despite of being good singer Miruu/Oceane set lists are kinda boring for me. I still like Lisa's music content the most even when I'm not a /mu/ autists who keep up with as much music as she does.
Retro gaming is a niche I guess, but I don't really have that much nostalgia over old games that much. I think any girls having a solid ability to jump in a variety of game with some competency and make any gaming stream entertaining is fine.

>> No.49910764
Quoted by: >>49910891

We already have better singers than them. You should have listened to Nami singing in the off collab, and then we have Nene and Isla who are fantastic

>> No.49910891
Quoted by: >>49911155

Nami is decent, and good for a niche. Reina is decent as well nowaday and has a unique niche as well. Nene is still SOVL but that's okay.
Isla is better on a technical level but a bit nerfed with ESL. It would be nice to have another good technical singer though.

>> No.49911155

Isla chama is one of my favorite vsingers. I love the power of her voice.

>> No.49911375

Now that Blair is kill I the only big hat witch vtubers I know are Nui and Millie (lol) from Niji

>> No.49911567

Cherry is a witch (she doesn't use her giant hat much though, just like most other witch vtuber). Her design is more mahou shoujo rather than witch-like though

>> No.49911649

>slept for 12 hours
I hope you either get the chance to maintain a regular sleep schedule or get your depression under control anon.

>> No.49912480

That hovering between sleep and wake with her ASMR is the absolute greatest thing.
To the naysayers, let's just leave it at "if you know, you know."

>> No.49913497
Quoted by: >>49913650

>Blair is kill
FUCK. I guess Next Stage is going to die soon.

>> No.49913650

> their debut was only 2 months ago

>> No.49913723

Relax tomo or you'll end up like the retard who sent her hate donos. You need too be a little more controlled, Tenshi doesn't want needy fags

>> No.49913806
Quoted by: >>49916089

A couple of months is the lifecycle of most indie vtubers and new small corpos.
Idol, and especially EIEN, were outliers.

>> No.49913818

kawaii-onlyCHADs thriving

>> No.49913876
File: 27 KB, 652x301, nexstage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these dates.

>> No.49913959

NextStage lost 2 talents like a day after debuting, without Blair they have only 2 left I think.
Life support.

>> No.49913975
File: 150 KB, 947x2048, FwtTEBHaEAARbnS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49914044


>> No.49914044
File: 372 KB, 837x1206, thingken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shee cute

>> No.49914055

Have you been watching any of the other kawaii chuubas, or were you watching some other corpo or indies before you found Nene?

>> No.49914194
Quoted by: >>49914386

holy kek

>> No.49914386
Quoted by: >>49914571

The upcoming small corpo scene is a shitshow, I remember people talking about a small corpo debuting from their bathroom on shitty laptops.

It's like Melty Blood poverty FGC but with vtubers.

>> No.49914549
File: 475 KB, 1120x1680, VeryEroticImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49914571


>> No.49914844

Is that the one where the dudes produced a concert from the bathroom? And like someone said, WHY would they even take and POST that fucking picture???!!!

On an unrelated note, I'm watching Iku's date stream and she mentioned this. Nami, make this. I CHALLENGE YOU! I will try to make it myself.

>> No.49914916
File: 123 KB, 608x1080, 1683003813491094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49914926
Quoted by: >>49915035

>Is that the one where the dudes produced a concert from the bathroom? And like someone said, WHY would they even take and POST that fucking picture???!!!
Can I get some qrd?
I literally only follow kawaii

>> No.49914963
File: 22 KB, 696x115, 1683004153668617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49915035
Quoted by: >>49915117

>wanted to do "something that was never done before" debuting with a 3d concert
>forced them to act as vtweeters for an entire year to build up a audience
>release one of the WORST debut "concerts" in vtubing history, that they've done in a fucking bathroom
>2 members quit within 3 days

>> No.49915117

I mean that was certainly something that has never been done before

>> No.49915171

>why would you post it
Because it's fucking SOVL.
You niggas will never understand the existential beauty of poverty [anything]

>> No.49915354
Quoted by: >>49915472

I think something that we take for granted is kawaii's consistently great model quality.
If you are an agency starting out that is the #1 thing you should focus on. Nexstage has Ayla with a model 10 times better than anyone else in the company. Another example is realcorp which has both inconsistent model quality/artstyle and
two hilariously bad debut teaser trailers.

>> No.49915381

if it's an astroturf by kaolin she ought to pay me for being the first mention of charcole on /vt/ even if someone else would come up with it anyway

i want the audio on this one.

>> No.49915440

That's some sovlful shit right there

>> No.49915462

I'm surprised the VOD for this is still up, did Nami forget to delete it or something?

>> No.49915472
Quoted by: >>49916659

Kawaii has a subtle theme for their gen too
Gen 1 are casual outfits
Gen 2 are slightly more fantasy
Gen 3 are nature theme (RIP)
It makes the debut very consistent in quality and memorizable

>> No.49915494
Quoted by: >>49915561

there's NO way this shit is real lmao
small corpos really did peak with kawaii

>> No.49915561

>small corpos really did peak with kawaii
>japanese management completely unfamiliar with western culture
>broken English
>only just recently started putting out ads
>50% graduation rate
Low peak

>> No.49915628

Idol and Phase are the only other notable small corps who aren't shitting themselves right now
Management isn't perfect but they're more competent than whatever went down at Tsunderia

>> No.49915766

no one went hard on digital advertisement in the small corpo scene before Idol.
50% graduation in 2 years is not even bad. Most small corpos die in less than a year.

>> No.49915839
Quoted by: >>49915879

I think a few small corpos did try ads before but idol was the first time where it really succeeded

>> No.49915879

unironically the Jews, so

>> No.49915970
Quoted by: >>49916067

I was listening to Urukas campfire zatsu recently and she said that the beginning was rough for phase. They werent sure if they're gonna pop off at all. No one had a clue what to do or how to do it. They learned everything on the fly. Sakana himself was making some shit for the girls just so they save money and dont have to comission shit.

>> No.49916067

1:47:27 if timestamp fails

>> No.49916089
Quoted by: >>49916172

EIEN is just a shitshow.

>> No.49916130
Quoted by: >>49916159

Idol corp is also deep pocket compared to other corpo. You can't just throw money in like them if you aren't as deep pocket because you just burn harder and fall deeper in the red from a slight set back. I wouldn't be surprised if the financial backer behind is richer than even hololive or nijisanji

>> No.49916159

I mean I wouldn't be surprised if the financial backer of Idolcorp is richer than hololive or nijisanji

>> No.49916172

>Literal who vtuber builds a consistent 3view small corpo from nothing
After green woman got fired everything went downhill, but they were a massive success for 2months.

>> No.49916269

I'm sure someone is backing EIEN financially as well and Eri is just a figure head. You don't just throw in money for 4 high quality custom models plus other start up fee as an average middle class person to start a corpo

>> No.49916304

that shit was tanking before that because of discord drama

>> No.49916365
Quoted by: >>49916460

Green woman could have stayed and it wouldn't have stopped pink woman from being utterly horrendous.

>> No.49916460


>> No.49916470
Quoted by: >>49916527

How's Prism shitting itself?

>> No.49916527
Quoted by: >>49916655

Rita was a prostitute

>> No.49916655
Quoted by: >>49916957

When and how was this discovered?

>> No.49916659
Quoted by: >>49917237

Gen 1 was fantasy girl in the modern day.
Gen 2 was leaning more into "costume" outfits (Maid, kimono, lolita)
Gne 3 went full fantasy.

>> No.49916957
Quoted by: >>49917060

It is a joke. Rita grew up as an orphan or something so the joke is that she became a whore to provide food for the other orphans. i'll give them credit the idea of a tragic selfless whore rrat but much more narratively interesting compared to most other rrats.

>> No.49917015

lua old btw

>> No.49917060
Quoted by: >>49917283

There's also the fact she's the nicest and genuinely seiso in the vtuber sphere that for some people it's hard to think that someone like that could exist in modern times. Having a rrat that she's traumatized sexually is like their explanation for it.

>> No.49917237

> gen 1 is /fa/
> gen 2 is /cgl/
> gen 3 is /tg/ + /an/
When will we have /sp/, /fit/, /out/, /x/, /lit/, /sci/, /mu/, /m/ theme gen?
Now that I think about, a sport theme group is something that I haven't seen being done before.

>> No.49917283
Quoted by: >>49917508

I thought it was because she did offcollabs with male vtubers.

>> No.49917374
Quoted by: >>49917465

>a sport theme group
Gymnastic gen when? I wanna watch the girls perform in 3D and do the splits on the camera (my dick)

>> No.49917378

I will never understand this kind of 4chan autism. What's with the need to categorizes everything off different boards where the boards themselves are already "pointing" to that topic.
You literally just added another layer of indirection.
I could see some merit in this if the boards actual unique culture, that lies outside of the usual topic/interest sphere, but you are just taking those topics and calling them the name of the boards instead.
Absolutely moronic.

>> No.49917463
Quoted by: >>49919054

I think a sport theme carries too much expectations to know about the sport which is too much ask for when it comes to women. It would probably work better for a male vtuber group. Most of the big sports anime are filled with fujoshi anyway.

>> No.49917465
Quoted by: >>49917681


>> No.49917508
Quoted by: >>49918100

You're thinking of someone else. Rita doesn't have any off collab streams and she's only hung out with other girls from her company.

>> No.49917681
Quoted by: >>49919266

Nice try Nami. No fucking shot you can do a split. I don't believe you for a fucking second fat bitch. Post proof right now.

>> No.49918100

Tourists mixed up Yura and Rita. Happened with a lot of other chuubas as well. I understand not knowing all vtubers ever, but being a drama shitter while not even being a thread reader is hilarious.
>Yeahhhhhh, that orange shark girl from project nijisanji, apparently hooked up with sodapoppin...
It's almost like that sometimes honestly.

>> No.49919054

I mean I guess you expect autists to ask specifically about the sport. I just want girls in sexy sport outfit....

>> No.49919266

I know fat fucks who can do splits and are generally very flexible. It's all genetics and conditioning

>> No.49920003
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, 2323456554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schedule fat lol

>> No.49920297
Quoted by: >>49920614

>3 days off
She has to sleep off the itis from her trips to Golden Corral, Pizza Hut and Fuddruckers respectively.

>> No.49920415

look at those fat tits god damn

>> No.49920614

break time = sex with her boyfriend (not you)

>> No.49920663

Look Nami, just because you placed your 7 Double Downs in the shape of a smiley face doesn't mean it's your boyfriend.

>> No.49920700
Quoted by: >>49936480

>Leaking the entire outfit
But why?

>> No.49920797

I want her to smother me to death with those fat tits. I refuse to die in any other way.

>> No.49920828

Looking at the other 3d debuts. Lua has a vr chat stream to start 30 minutes before Charzu's 3d debut. What a bitch.

>> No.49921017

I think we should normalize sex with boyfriend for all vtubers
>Not streaming? Sex with boyfriend
>Streaming? Sex with boyfriend during breaks
>Tweeting from bed? Sex with boyfriend
>Going out with friends? Sex with boyfriend
>Staying home all day? Sex with boyfriend
>Work stuff? Sex with boyfriend
>Time with family? Sex with boyfriend

>> No.49921134
Quoted by: >>49921217

That's basically what /vt/ has been doing for like more than a year by now. You are late bro.

>> No.49921217
Quoted by: >>49921339

what about
>sex with boyfriend?
does it mean the chumba is actually a femcel?

>> No.49921339
Quoted by: >>49921384

> sex with boyfriend
Actually means she's cheating on her boyfriend with another guy.

>> No.49921384
Quoted by: >>49921972

boyfriendbros.... we are getting cucked too...

>> No.49921972
Quoted by: >>49922135

Then chucked boyfriend ends up watching vtubers because they don't want to commit to a real relationship. The cycle continues

>> No.49922135

it's over for malecels... I think I should troon out

>> No.49923143
File: 193 KB, 1194x1698, 543678776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexo con la Reina

>> No.49923275

Reina's fat latina demon dumpy...

>> No.49924157
Quoted by: >>49925522

Lua Gaming Female Experience in 30ish minutes

>> No.49924369

Don't forget
>slept for an inuman period of time? Sex with boyfriend
can't believe the number of people who still buy the "oh wow I can't believe I just slept for 37 hours straight" story

>> No.49924562

I will rape this ass

>> No.49925522

Lua is the best GFE (gaming female experience) in Kawaii

>> No.49926058
File: 170 KB, 378x381, Charzu_Sneeze_4[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftg8p89.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more Charzu germs.

>> No.49926795

I'm leaking inside Lua heh

>> No.49926956

the hag is energetic today

>> No.49927022

I fertilized her last egg

>> No.49927787

good morning Nami

>> No.49928285

I'm Lua last egg and was not fertilzed

>> No.49928338

This is where the Gaming Female Experience truly begins

>> No.49928387

>puzzle platforming
it's over

>> No.49928578

Despite being a female, Lua's handling this hook puzzle smarter than some male streamers I've seen.

>> No.49928633

the fat bitch is backseating

>> No.49928751
Quoted by: >>49928783

CodeVISHNU is being extremely large today in chat heh

>> No.49928783


>> No.49928917
File: 427 KB, 1920x1080, Boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49929001

I want Charzu to step on me.

>> No.49929001
Quoted by: >>49929221

I want to lick her boots

>> No.49929221

I want her to sneeze in my open mouth.

>> No.49929267
Quoted by: >>49929417

CodeFREESIA mogging shitlings yet again.

>> No.49929417


>> No.49930227

thanks Lua every time I hear someone say water flowers I think of you

>> No.49930323
File: 387 KB, 646x535, 1653515143347046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49931554

Code is very active, you can see Rei getting desperate heh

>> No.49931571

I would never know.

>> No.49931968

stop shitposting and stream earlier nami

>> No.49932126
Quoted by: >>49932182


>> No.49932182

Bbrown briks

>> No.49932449
File: 1.42 MB, 2894x4093, 45343453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drunk stream tomorrow heh

>> No.49932487

Lua's speaking voice is one of the most pleasant sounds ever. And her excited/surprised gaming noises are beyond adorable.

>> No.49932531
Quoted by: >>49932674

fuck you Nami

>> No.49932674

>fuck you CodeFREESIA

>> No.49932889
File: 125 KB, 1280x914, 1452644558430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Lua's favorite flower. What type of advanced sorcery is this?
"Hydrangeas are wonderful performers in the garden. Even better, they are the mood ring of plants, apt to change color depending upon soil conditions"

>> No.49933015

I remember this flower from Sankarea

>> No.49933026
Quoted by: >>49933789

My childhood home was completely surrounded in hydrangeas. It's destiny that Lua and I should be married.

>> No.49933281

Lua sensei taught me this today. Later virgins.
Honestly never knew about this. Her coleague apparently told her that.



>> No.49933404
Quoted by: >>49934343

>traitorous poop man will be there

>> No.49933673
File: 854 KB, 3068x4096, 45353434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the beginning of the Lua (dirty) feet arc?

>> No.49933675

oh cool, they have anthocyanins in them, so they change color according to soil pH

purple cabbage has them too, you can extract them by boiling the cabbage in water

>> No.49933740


>> No.49933789

No that just means you're gay.

>> No.49933996

nami fat btw

>> No.49934174
File: 138 KB, 630x723, 7675656800909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nami fat lol

>> No.49934252
Quoted by: >>49934757

Nameaty Flabisia

>> No.49934309
File: 76 KB, 870x722, 1681308788631837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat mammary glands

>> No.49934343

he an other treasonkeks only show up drinking streams to gather info for the betrayers

>> No.49934481
File: 558 KB, 1079x1001, australian_boobly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49934757


>> No.49934544
File: 244 KB, 820x331, bloodbuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49934630

All these prompts to Nene for chatGPT. Cloudtomos sure are a bunch of cucks.

>> No.49934746
File: 169 KB, 804x1023, 324242534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at the latest /vnug/ "male yab", while admiring the gook's effort to be as transparent as possible, I really hope Nene doesn't go that way for her vsinger and voice acting careers.

>> No.49934757

samefag retard spammer

>> No.49934824

kill yourself Nami

>> No.49934855

stop eating fatass

>> No.49934870
File: 7 KB, 391x118, a5s4a5a555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49934887
File: 7 KB, 391x147, image_2023-05-22_122734722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose some weight Coden- I mean, Nami

>> No.49934995


>> No.49935014
File: 7 KB, 342x150, 1658260073578357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49935273

Yo wtf

>> No.49935087

>light mode

>> No.49935273
File: 6 KB, 608x147, 656879898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow niggermode bro

>> No.49935904
File: 336 KB, 436x513, 76565675656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49935917

Nami fat stream soon

>> No.49935917
Quoted by: >>49936005

>the peony heart in the background
it still hurts

>> No.49935996
File: 72 KB, 680x387, FtwBt4AXwAAXrS-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry I raped Ebi so hard yesterday. No stream today.

>> No.49936005

you are gonna carry that weight, balloon doggo

>> No.49936272

the queen of south america has started

>> No.49936480

we already know what it looks like

>> No.49936833

ebi.... I already lost Kani please don't leave me too...

>> No.49937102
File: 59 KB, 680x599, ftw049304943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49938045

what happened to Kani?

>> No.49938059
File: 23 KB, 640x360, 1662330260061964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49938105

Nami laughing so happily, my heat feels.. warmer.

>> No.49938105

dumb latino gosling

>> No.49938344
Quoted by: >>49938524

Nami doing the british accent enrages me for some reason. I can't listen to her voice acting because of this.

>> No.49938524

based eternal anglo hater

>> No.49939050

>english voice acting
my ears

>> No.49940462
File: 403 KB, 498x498, 1a34283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49942148

>nene shill thread
dumb clouthomos

>> No.49940856

nene just give us the fags name so he stops making pretend shill anti threads

>> No.49940988
Quoted by: >>49941042

Reina Starcraft in 20 minutes or so

>> No.49941042
File: 3.23 MB, 1276x2048, 5656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexo con la reina

>> No.49941980
Quoted by: >>49942064

Reina having sex with me would make her incline heavily. I have no proof for this but I am a firm believer. Sometimes you just gotta trust.

>> No.49942064

Reina having my babies will make her Pekora-tier, but the world is not yet ready for a queen that strong

>> No.49942148

nobody cares about your thread, fuck off

>> No.49942267
Quoted by: >>49942321

molesting lua on the train

>> No.49942321

I'm the train

>> No.49943532

Nene's stream this morning was very comfy. Sad I slept in and missed it live.

>> No.49944223
File: 273 KB, 583x439, CuteMaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shee stream

>> No.49944345
Quoted by: >>49944380

Shee tasting my pickle tonight

>> No.49944370
Quoted by: >>49944608

For someone who hates brapfags and doesn't want to be "the eating girl", Shee sure does a lot of feeder content.

>> No.49944380

yeah my pickle

>> No.49944608

>2 eating streams
>"holy shit look at all this feeder content"
only faggots with actual brainworms immediately associate eating food with brap content
take your abhorrent fetish to another corpo

>> No.49944672


>> No.49945981

Sell me on Lua
I was listening to another vtuber's ASMR and got hers playing in my ear when I woke up and it sounded nice

>> No.49946000

chinese hag

>> No.49946053

chinese hag

>> No.49946145
File: 2.89 MB, 1244x2048, 887676767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

large chinese bird (hag)

>> No.49946171

chinese hag

>> No.49946269

She won't do anything explicit but like to tease and customize the script on the fly to fit her taste
Overall, she's an OL chinese hag living in jp. She has that laid back vibe and can talk about anything. She has "woman taste and take" on things of course, which is endearing imo.

>> No.49946291
File: 539 KB, 1283x722, GFE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a good GFE streamer (gaming female experience)

>> No.49946319

chinese hag

>> No.49946351
File: 438 KB, 1200x827, 1666579816206147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She won't do anything explicit
She will but only if you're a shota

>> No.49946429

Sweet voice, streams for fun, prepare everything ahead of time and has everything scheduled for months, very chatty, always has something to talk about, always likes your comments and tweets, makes your dick hard and more.

>> No.49946492

chinese hag

>> No.49946877
Quoted by: >>49947010

alcoholic smoker chinese hag does roleplaygfe not real gfe sings is bad at videogames and loves seaCHADS

>> No.49947010

One of these things is a lie

>> No.49947060

she only gets explicit for CodeNAMI

>> No.49947220
Quoted by: >>49947460

Masterful seductress, knows exactly where the line is and will toe it expertly.

>> No.49947460

she toes my private parts expertly lamo

>> No.49947605
File: 331 KB, 724x407, image_2023-05-22_164003493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49947830

Stinky hag feet because she wears boots with socks and tights at the same time

>> No.49947773

>No chest, no chest
>things people can't say when looking at kawaii talents
Nami knows that kawaii is the oppai company

>> No.49947830
Quoted by: >>49948053

lua fat lol

>> No.49948053
File: 830 KB, 660x829, luatits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat booba

>> No.49948541
File: 430 KB, 740x984, big eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weina starcraft has gone pretty well considering what usually happens when chubbas play it

>> No.49948603

RTS autists kneel to Latinas

>> No.49948639

im a reina anti now because she never gave us feet pics

>> No.49948653
File: 821 KB, 980x1200, 1683119225205267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with the queen

>> No.49948725

Things didn't go a planned, we'll have another chance in july

>> No.49948977
Quoted by: >>49949537

Nami didn't wanna show her fat foot compared to Reina's and Shee's dainty ones

>> No.49949124
Quoted by: >>49949190

Is Nami missing something or do battles really take 15 minutes in this game?

>> No.49949190
Quoted by: >>49949441

She isn't using buffs/debuffs

>> No.49949441

don't think that's the problem, she isn't using the max stack attacks, tressa is great for that with the donate BP skill.

>> No.49949524

Is it dangerous to be in love with Nene to where I get home and literally listen to her for hours on end
I've known Nene and her content for ages but I finally felt so lonely that I just sorta slipped up a few days ago and now she's all I want

>> No.49949537

namis lovely cankles

>> No.49949608

you are on your way to become a neneschizo

>> No.49949659

happens to the best of us
either you'll get over it or become another deranged anti

>> No.49949716
File: 376 KB, 512x512, 1650381067689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

certified baby girl...

>> No.49949732

Nami speedran the redirect to get her kawaiipoints.

>> No.49949760


>> No.49949889

If a day comes where I anti Nene I need someone to euthanise me
I hope I don't get over her either. It sounds lonelier to not be thinking of her

>> No.49949916

there is multiple threads up about vtubers cucking the fans right now it is always a bad idea

>> No.49949998

>Reina raids Kawaii friend Tenma
based, this is a phase owned thread

>> No.49950008

disgusting fat fuck

>> No.49950041
Quoted by: >>49950314

Yes, but who wants to live a boring life that's safe?

>> No.49950045

Reina raided Kawaii Friend
Tenma Ch. マエミ 天満 【Phase Connect】(First Phase)!

>> No.49950267
Quoted by: >>49951319

closer to her potential second outfit at least, right

>> No.49950314

People who don't want to get burned, usually

>> No.49951319

I wonder how close everyone is.

>> No.49951517
Quoted by: >>49951768

Lua said she is close, Charzu said she will probably get 2 outfits next year.

>> No.49951593
Quoted by: >>49951666

In terms of subs, Reina is closest at 46k. That subathon didn't seem to do her many favors...
Isla is at 41k so she could be getting her outfit in a couple of months. Everyone else, though...

>> No.49951666

I am talking about the internal kawaiipoints reward system.

>> No.49951768
Quoted by: >>49951869

Charzu randoseru outfit when?

>> No.49951869
File: 838 KB, 871x2010, Charlotte Suzu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49952084


>> No.49952035

This guy is literally setting up to be another falseflagger faggot to distract from the already busted falseflagger streamlabs faggot.
In a few days or weeks, this guy will be "YET ANOTHER GUY" that went schizo over Nene.
All this just so they can build their NENE BAD! narrative.
Cringe. Be less obvious faggot.

>> No.49952058
Quoted by: >>49952337


>> No.49952084
File: 13 KB, 261x179, 1675067554139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49952104



>> No.49952319
Quoted by: >>49953367

This is how you become a schizo. Take a break.

>> No.49952337
Quoted by: >>49952380


>> No.49952380
Quoted by: >>49952533

All cloudtomos need meds, even the not deranged ones.
Just to be sure.

>> No.49952487

How does one get so emotionally invested to the point of not missing a single stream? Like I love Lua a lot but some weeks I see her schedule and go meh I'll just watch something else. I'm not a fan of a lot of FOTM games that our girls play.

>> No.49952533

I'm not even a cloudtomo. I oshi Isla but it annoys me that some girls get attacked for no reason.

>> No.49952699
File: 444 KB, 624x1088, 1684370857920507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's still pretty easy to catch all streams for the part time girls.
If you are 100% gosling the real horror is the full time ones, you are bound to miss some streams and FOMO the fuck out.

>> No.49952707
Quoted by: >>49953937

Weak as fuck, Never missed a Lua stream from the first day I watched her.

>> No.49952912

that is why you will never be invite to the secret circle

>> No.49953367

What the fuck are you talking about, are you okay anon
Would watching others be healthier to ease off my Nene obsession? I might be a lonely moron but I'm not so retarded to go anti

>> No.49953773
Quoted by: >>49954196

Being self aware is good enough.
Watching at least one other is healthier so your world doesn't completely end one day she don't reply to you or heart your comment.

>> No.49953937
File: 583 KB, 498x498, 24561234566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to grind ranked. Please understand.
>What the fuck are you talking about, are you okay anon
Absolutely not! I think I'm having a seizure.


>> No.49954025
Quoted by: >>49954196

It doesn't necessarily need to be watching another chuuba, but having something else in your life so you aren't empty without her.
I have been having very similar feelings to what you're talking about. You need to have a mix of being able to be okay on your own and stable support

>> No.49954175

kill yourself Andrew

>> No.49954196

I don't outright expect my comments to get noticed so thats fine. I love when she does though
I see. Yeah I'm fucked then.

>> No.49954377

i started getting with girls irl again to get my mind off my oshi i still love her but not obsesesd anymore

>> No.49954455

>girls irl
How about no

>> No.49954603

As said previously, Nene love is addictive. She makes me feel better than anything but I also need her just to not feel bad.
It's not good to be dependent on any one person or thing like that, especially not someone who you can't have an open conversation with or reach out to when you need something.
I am never going to anti and I will never stop loving her.

>> No.49954748
Quoted by: >>49954835

I don't know if you deleted your post from the vod, but whatever it is that was making you feel so bad earlier, if you could use some help with it you should definitely reach out. Don't try to do everything on your own

>> No.49954835

no, he should kill himself

>> No.49954881
Quoted by: >>49955608

You aren't fucked. You can take things at your own pace. What were some things you liked before falling in love with Nene? Is there anywhere you can go to meet people with similar interests like museums or gaming stores?

>> No.49955093
Quoted by: >>49955608

I mean if you don't have anything you'd rather do than watch/talk with chuubas then I would say yes watching another kawaii girl would be good for you. They are all good girls

>> No.49955598

Why are tomos so god damn insufferable seeking attention all the time?

>> No.49955608

Nah i dont have any hobbies that relate to meeting/talking to others. I have other things I can do, but Nene now fills in the missing pieces for me
I know lua is really good. A hag that does lots of hag talk
Thanks guys. I'll try not to go full schizo

>> No.49955624

>I see. Yeah I'm fucked then.
Count your blessings. I was homebound for 6 years because of my anxiety and agoraphobia. If you can get out of the house, you are not fucked.

>> No.49955689

I just wanted to talk about Nene ok I'm sorry

>> No.49955829

Nene canceled her Bloodborne stream on Saturday so she can watch some band.
The real problem is her ASMR stream will be starting at the same time as Shee's 3d debut.

>> No.49955947
File: 176 KB, 850x1250, 1659006011803653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49956273

>> No.49955950
Quoted by: >>49956336

>she wanted to avoid overlapping Nami
>ends up overlapping shee
not like this... cuckcuckccinos...

>> No.49956001
File: 102 KB, 848x1199, 1676931310074045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49956273

>> No.49956061
File: 180 KB, 850x1410, 1658867797304596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49956273

>> No.49956107

>trying to find an irl girlfriend
what a fucking loser lmao

>> No.49956160
File: 104 KB, 850x850, 1670267471185094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49956273

>> No.49956215
File: 112 KB, 850x1202, 1664028773176596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49956273

>> No.49956273
Quoted by: >>49956468


>> No.49956306

Fuck off into some other general if you don't want to talk about a Kawaii girl.

>> No.49956336

She was always going to overlap with Shee. I doubt Nene even knows because Shee is always late with her schedule. One of them needs to move their stream to the day before.

>> No.49956391
Quoted by: >>49956740

can't she just do the ASMR another day? why overlap a companymate's debut at all?

>> No.49956464

>intentionally overlapping with best girl's 3D debut
nene hate

>> No.49956468

Nene has big boobs so I will allow it.
Better than fucking cloudtomos having a meltdown.

>> No.49956619
Quoted by: >>49958143

someone said last thread lua is overlaping to who cares

>> No.49956699
Quoted by: >>49958143

Lua is also has a stream 30 minutes before Charzu's 3D debut at a time she never usually streams at. I don't know just bitch behavior.

>> No.49956740

usually does them on Sundays too. But I guess management wants her 3D debut to be on Sunday

>> No.49957863
File: 87 KB, 378x446, 98787809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isla(mama) sex btw

>> No.49957934

missed the Isla mama stream how was it?

>> No.49957970


>> No.49957993

MILF/10 I was about to oshihen

>> No.49958143
Quoted by: >>49958378

Pretty sure there's 0 overlap between Lua's Fanbox and the doxpires

>> No.49958334

Islamama literally RP as a milf who will give the coleknights some quality good time as long as they give her a nice beach date with steak dinner.

>> No.49958378
Quoted by: >>49958932

The amount of fan overlap isn't the point it is just the wrong thing to do.

>> No.49958429

Islamama is single and ready to mingle

>> No.49958434
File: 99 KB, 760x580, 2020_belgian-style-waffles_16700_760x580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

belgian waffles

>> No.49958932
Quoted by: >>49959008

It's probably because everyone's busy with Wonderverse, concert prep, etc so some streams are getting moved to abnormal hours. It's got nothing to do with whether it's right or wrong.

>> No.49959008
Quoted by: >>49959154

Don't care about your cope. Lua is a bitch.

>> No.49959154

but she's so nice when she's teaching me how to make white pee
