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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.24 MB, 2272x1280, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49791762 No.49791762 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>49787154

>> No.49791784
File: 1.52 MB, 2272x1280, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.49791796
File: 80 KB, 587x879, marceau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49791831
File: 297 KB, 1280x720, SAPKING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49791832
File: 13 KB, 312x178, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over AKI BROS

>> No.49791835
File: 163 KB, 2023x718, 1684548891287267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49791911

Botted stocks.

>> No.49791840


>> No.49791844
File: 406 KB, 1119x636, d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49791848
File: 530 KB, 785x981, numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HomoRust numbers

>> No.49791888

She better announce the end of the war instead of yet another military package.

>> No.49791889

She might have Alzheimer's or something similar

>> No.49791897
Quoted by: >>49791951

>Temma win
Now that is surprising, does he have history with the game?

>> No.49791902
File: 625 KB, 682x772, gigadwarf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49791905
File: 118 KB, 286x277, 355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49791910 [DELETED] 
File: 923 KB, 1116x632, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So announcement is 3D Live as expected.
And also Aki can move her hands.

>> No.49791911

nip numbers can't be trusted, they're just another breed of chink

>> No.49791921
File: 2.80 MB, 498x498, AkiHologra reversed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sub 5k on any of her streams
>Decides to bait EOPiss and dramatards with a black thumbnail
>Easy 13k stream for her 3D live announcement
Based mugyu mugyu wife!

>> No.49791927

Aki 3Dlive on 5/27

>> No.49791932
Quoted by: >>49791981

>Peko porn archived
Well, do as you will with this knowledge, shitposters.

>> No.49791938
File: 1.70 MB, 1254x1771, 1655004981224328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki has the best lives and musicals in terms of quality. They are always so fucking good, shame more people don't appreciate it.

>> No.49791947

Where are the retarded hoshiyomis who think she'll get gold lmao

>> No.49791952
File: 293 KB, 413x388, 1670428479276613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49791951
Quoted by: >>49794137

He's the one organizing and is probably talking about the rules of the server.

>> No.49791956
File: 2.81 MB, 640x604, Mugyu Mugyu wife getting harrassed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49791958


>> No.49791964

I will watch the live but I won't watch streams until at least 6 months no male collab

>> No.49791980

>TENMA at the top

>> No.49791981
Quoted by: >>49792130

It will be deleted from the archive.

>> No.49791987

Took them long enough to stay on their lane???

>> No.49791989
File: 322 KB, 1023x259, populardemand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the power of homorust...

>> No.49791998
File: 595 KB, 1064x609, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I hearing this right?
2 weeks of events?

>> No.49792000

Based Mumeiforgiver

>> No.49792007


>> No.49792017

Will any of these get gold?

>> No.49792016

[Aki News] It's confirmed now, our marriage was consummated last night

>> No.49792019

They're collectively beating the shit out of a Kiara JRPG stream.

>> No.49792027

I will marry her

>> No.49792036

Should let them join holoRust to improve their numbers. Yagoo please do it!!

>> No.49792038

Oh, I think plenty of people did, but Aki has consistency issues. I'm not gonna speculate or guess what distracts her (and potentially eat a ban) but regardless, it results in her with periods where she starts to potentially incline, but then plummet and reset it all by going on break.

>> No.49792045
File: 272 KB, 546x552, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time was Alice, this time it'll be something like "Dorothy"? Wizard of Oz?

>> No.49792050
File: 177 KB, 325x325, 1681367089129812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49792066

>no gamma or robert
are they not playing it?

>> No.49792078

She reached 9 years old last night?

>> No.49792085
File: 332 KB, 531x542, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49792122

Consider the following

>> No.49792104
File: 22 KB, 646x118, better than homojp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if the homoen bloikes will get grudgeposted fo ryears to come (like their female counterpart)

>> No.49792115
File: 41 KB, 607x505, 309383772991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We hate elves here

>> No.49792120

looks like it, fist thing that came to mind when i saw "Dorothy"

>> No.49792122

>Mukicock is this long

>> No.49792130
Quoted by: >>49792213

>He thinks there are active jannies right now
Nah, as I said, there's a lapse in their coverage, it's why I asked someone to post something to check. Usually that sort of thing gets swept up within 5 min..

>> No.49792131
File: 1.29 MB, 1120x636, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There we go

>> No.49792146

you need a confirmation for your own consummation?

>> No.49792151
File: 343 KB, 2048x1302, 1671740072883711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/news/ anchor
Reply with a short description of the news and a link to the source!

News from the last thread:
>Aki delayed birthday live's new date confirmed, May 27th, JST
>HoloEN X OMOCAT Connect the World merch photos released, preorders open on 21st, PDT

>Old news
>Cover corp FY2023 results presentation slides
JP: https://contents.xj-storage.jp/xcontents/AS05169/cae05c8f/a7d0/4f34/9d3b/b96d7faf56ef/140120230512570029.pdf
EN: https://contents.xj-storage.jp/xcontents/AS05169/62eb9a65/9e54/4a54/a729/213069140703/20230512160417786s.pdf
>Toshaka Yura will graduate from MateReal (Palette Project/Brave Group) on June 11th
>Ayamo Nono will graduate from Re:Act on June 4th, for "personal reasons".
>Asahina Akane graduation. Will also retire from Nornis, with the group continuing activity.
>Business Insider JP interview with YAGOO
pt 1: https://www.businessinsider.jp/post-270004
pt2: https://www.businessinsider.jp/post-270005
>Miko interview

>> No.49792157
Quoted by: >>49792424

Stop. I don't want to laugh

>> No.49792163

[Sad news] Manlet Dwarves lost today

>> No.49792165
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, aki korone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49792278

If you hate elves so much, why are you loving Aki right now?

>> No.49792166

Holoen really are struggling to get 8k now huh

>> No.49792168
File: 562 KB, 912x538, 1684584508165359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49792169
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49792350

Kino incoming...

>> No.49792175

I don't know about Gamma, but apparently both Roberu and Astel are too busy to play this time.

>> No.49792177
Quoted by: >>49792200

rumao she messed up the date, it's in May not June

>> No.49792185
Quoted by: >>49792530

Who will be Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion and Tin Man?

>> No.49792191
Quoted by: >>49792251

>Scarecrow, tinman, lion
Yep, wizard of oz this year. Can't wait.

>> No.49792200

numbers are hard

>> No.49792213
Quoted by: >>49792307

Nah it depends on the jannies too. I've seen NSFW post tally images stayed up for hours and some other times it can't even stay up for a minute. Just now was probably a sapkek janny because it just remove posts (that were not shitpost but targeted at saplings) without even blocking.

>> No.49792218

yeah the theme for this live is Wizard of Oz

>> No.49792222

Her anniversary is the week after so makes sense

>> No.49792224

But her stream says 5/27 right now

>> No.49792227
File: 409 KB, 1116x634, d2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dwarf needs correction

>> No.49792247

Why couldn't she do it a day later, I'm at work that day...

>> No.49792248
File: 10 KB, 215x195, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49792251

Botan perhaps?

>> No.49792254
Quoted by: >>49792296

>the ones that would get the most numbers arent playing it

>> No.49792268
File: 37 KB, 701x158, shitters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funniest part of this is that this is the "last samurai" schizo, it is easy to identify because of the overuse of "shit" in his posts

>> No.49792278
Quoted by: >>49792469

They should let aki be involved with the choreography for big performances

>> No.49792296

They are coincidentally the ones staying out of the homobox when possible

>> No.49792306

> Not the new studio
makes sense, this was a postponed live

>> No.49792307

The fastest way to see if they're active is to post Mumei porn, I've never seen someone get banned faster than when that Mumei daki got posted

>> No.49792332

>Roberu and Astel are too busy to play this time.
>collabing with Holostars? ARE YOU CRAZY!
>can't you see what they do to my numbers?

>> No.49792339
Quoted by: >>49792389

>fo ryears
The answer is no because nobody cares enough to be asspained for nearly 3 years on HomoJPs behalf like that one fag who still seethes about the black ships.

>> No.49792350
Quoted by: >>49792407

That's a woman(man(woman))

>> No.49792351
File: 279 KB, 600x754, 1684584304266307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49792437


>> No.49792352
File: 19 KB, 242x206, Chibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testing with this innocuous picture of a shota.

>> No.49792389
File: 279 KB, 540x675, prince astel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would think so but...

>> No.49792407
Quoted by: >>49792463

Who cares? I love bill too btw.

>> No.49792424
File: 30 KB, 192x115, grimdemand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49792435

I wonder if someone has the graph right now but hololive has 100k people watching while stars probably has less than 8k for a 10 man collab right now

>> No.49792437
File: 59 KB, 549x495, FTt_2x3WYCMpNTG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49792648

EN3 are a bunch of Smol Sexy Mukimuki Bearded Dwarfs

This Faggot Elf Lovers will surely switch side when they debut

>> No.49792463

That's just a man

>> No.49792469

Anon, the most important thing for Holo choreography is that the girls must be able to do it first. There's no point to cool choreography if it's too complicated for the girls or they ran out of stamina mid-performance

>> No.49792475

I miss masturbate to Towa

>> No.49792482
File: 59 KB, 700x813, shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Graduation is imminent

>> No.49792524


>> No.49792528

> Linus got offered 100mil$ to buy him out
> just 15M subs
How much do you guys think Cover and Anycolor are worth?

>> No.49792530

Botan, Okayu, or Fubuki
Mel, ayame, or nene
Shion, la+, or mio

Based it on lore or consistency with their wishes. Courage, a heart, and brains

>> No.49792534


>> No.49792538
File: 668 KB, 2000x2000, 1655728045978.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49792542
Quoted by: >>49792637

What's an EN collab that would actually do numbers
Something that could realistically be done within the rules/permissions they have

>> No.49792572

You kneeling yet unikeks?

>> No.49792577
File: 1.33 MB, 2920x1074, 1683046438038850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora mentioned faunaaaaaaaaa

>> No.49792607
Quoted by: >>49792668

Who can keep up with Aki's hip?

>> No.49792614

5/27 and 6/1

>> No.49792616
File: 584 KB, 700x1000, 473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faunaschizo status?

>> No.49792617
Quoted by: >>49792784

just because of the shitty unfinished tree

>> No.49792623

>anniversary live

>> No.49792626
File: 476 KB, 1181x1224, rust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49792627


>> No.49792630

Hey it's the tree, the tree that make Pekora ask "What the fuck is that" when she saw it for the first time

>> No.49792637

Ame + Gura offcollab karaoke announced in advance and not 20 mins before

>> No.49792639
Quoted by: >>49792731

It’s 2023 you’re underestimating them. Mio thinks she could pull off a sololive and luna no longer needs a chair for her performances. I can’t think of any member who can’t pull off a slightly complicated performance still.

>> No.49792646
Quoted by: >>49792824

She was laughing at the garbage tree, cuckling.

>> No.49792648
Quoted by: >>49792709

This. En3 should be all cunny dwarves

>> No.49792651
Quoted by: >>49793164

Those retards who offered that low balled their channel so harde

>> No.49792653
Quoted by: >>49792695

You guys should specify whether its UNIcorn or UNIty faction
>Its fucking confusing!!

>> No.49792659
File: 279 KB, 1080x1307, IMG_20230520_202920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49792704

Gura on popular meme channel

>> No.49792669
Quoted by: >>49792707

To be fair it's hard to collab with Roberu period. Even Tamaki and Mea only got one oollab this month. He also barely stream lately

>> No.49792668

>Who can keep up with Aki's hip?
my dick can

>> No.49792691
Quoted by: >>49792718

Pekora actually recognizing EN's build

>> No.49792695
File: 108 KB, 235x235, 1683750915416216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought he was hating on uni students like Mumei

>> No.49792704
Quoted by: >>49792862


>> No.49792707

Doing reps for a live maybe?

>> No.49792709

>JP7 gets a dwarf girl
>They're still taller than Luna

>> No.49792718
Quoted by: >>49792934

Why are you lying, ENshart?

>> No.49792724
File: 90 KB, 593x537, 1684223617710436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slitting his wrist vertically!

>> No.49792728

double aki sex

>> No.49792731
Quoted by: >>49793216

There's a bunch actually

>> No.49792744
Quoted by: >>49792828

So Kanauru fag is involved in akis live?
That's why I never give attention to anyone that isn't a holomem

>> No.49792747

I mean, look at their financials and ask 'how long would it take to turn a profit if I bought them out at x'.
Then realize that you wouldn't be able to anyways unless you wanted to go for a hostile takeover situation since Yagoo already said he only went public because the initial series A investors wanted to cash out.
Basically you wouldn't be able to afford it, as there are blocs that definitely wouldn't sell once they realized you were going for a hostile takeover anyways

>> No.49792751
Quoted by: >>49792798

Why is she always rent free in people here and the talents' heads? She's mentioned everywhere without her even trying. It's like she's a irl succubus who's charmed everyone she meets/hears her

>> No.49792768

Based Urist McChad.

>> No.49792772

hope rosetai's saved money lol, both lives are going to have a bunch of merch

>> No.49792784

Well, ongoing projects get mentions, simple as.

>> No.49792789

She shat on her tree.
I noticed Pekora has become quite schizo for Fauna after her 'not friends' yab.

>> No.49792798

>Quickly forgotten 5 seconds later
That's not the win you think it is, cuckling.

>> No.49792801


>> No.49792805
File: 263 KB, 539x541, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49792850

There's so much stuff!

>> No.49792819
Quoted by: >>49792903

Anon, please seek meds, your SEA is showing.

>> No.49792824
Quoted by: >>49792910

Okay, now tell me what she said exactly. Are you capable of that? or is it too difficult?

>> No.49792828
Quoted by: >>49792928

Kanauru is the official 3D outsource studio
IIRC he already had a meeting with cover higher ups last holosuperfest

>> No.49792829

I remember earlier in the year about Aki, Nene, and Matsuri practicing dance routines in their tweets. I guess those 2 are shoe-ins for 2 of the 3 (lion, scarecrow, and tinman, with Aki as the protag of course).

>> No.49792837

fucking hell, was stars even worth it??They shouldnt have delayed jp7 and en 3 for this long for them. this is retarded

>> No.49792850

>most guests ever
so they are really using the new studio now

>> No.49792851
File: 188 KB, 597x924, Vamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still denying
Vampchad disagrees with you.

>> No.49792862
Quoted by: >>49792888

Go back phasecuck

>> No.49792866

Their market cap is public information. Entertainment companies generally trade at 26 times yearly earnings.

>> No.49792888

go back phasecuck

>> No.49792891

Aki purposefully delayed her shit so she could use it, I suspect.

>> No.49792893
File: 306 KB, 724x711, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49792925

mindshare to the moon!

>> No.49792903
Quoted by: >>49793112

Sapling please...

>> No.49792910

>Implying he was actually watching the stream
That guy is just camping the thread seething at every mention of the green woman. Literally mindbroken

>> No.49792916
File: 316 KB, 618x552, 1681008653172998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell kino brewing

>> No.49792923

Just curious, which has been Pekora's least succesful stream?

>> No.49792925

Weak engagement. Non aesthetic account would have done a much better job at this.

>> No.49792928

Yeah that's why I don't give those people attention, its not my fault at all

>> No.49792931

Actual worth or what they would be offered?
If you ignore their ipo, income, and actual stock Cover has the same worth as top streamers like Mr. Beast and worth more than almost every streamer organization. Anycolor is more or less the same and YouTube would offer a couple million at most for them. They aren’t American and have no proof longevity as they’ve only been good a little over 2 years.

>> No.49792934

You should arrange your talking points. Is she talking about it? Yes or No? Because she was shitting at the tree too. So what is it? Anon are stupid?

>> No.49792939
File: 533 KB, 939x698, abyss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some grim numbers

>> No.49792949

She said it's because the 3d staff were busy migrating to the new studio. She would've had to outsource staff like Okayu did if she didn't wait for the staff to be available again.

>> No.49792962

Shinchan record is still unparalleled if you exclude her debut streams

>> No.49792970

3D or not? Phoenix wright but it was during CCVID, and her 3D debut for the 3d lives. She used to be low 4 views back in 2019 though.

>> No.49792989

At least they just want to have fun amirite sisterbros

>> No.49792999
Quoted by: >>49793014

Fate series watch along

>> No.49793000
File: 15 KB, 306x262, Aki studio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49793029

Looks like she's not using it

>> No.49793008
File: 481 KB, 1188x862, 1654791363641274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

birds of a feather 3view together

>> No.49793014

Anon it's literally the 2nd biggest watchalong series only after Subaru by a few thousands

>> No.49793025

>More than 100
not that grim

>> No.49793029
Quoted by: >>49793118

I think that was for the first one

>> No.49793035

Who teh fuck is called "shit-ora", sounds like the insults the schizo in this thread would throw on Pekora's direction

>> No.49793073

Is that whole town Doboro Company's?

>> No.49793077

I think there never was an EN fanbase. They only ever tuned in so they could catch up with what their friends were talking about.

>> No.49793080

Let Suisei's plummeting numbers be a solemn reminder that you should never allow fame to get to your head and look down on gachikois

>> No.49793081

Tell her to show her cunny and spread it
>It will go 30K ccv

>> No.49793086
Quoted by: >>49793116

subhuman behavior

>> No.49793112
Quoted by: >>49793187

Bitch please, I'm not a sapling, but you're clearly off your rocker and need a double fistful of meds.

>> No.49793116


>> No.49793118
File: 19 KB, 311x300, aki studio 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49793294

Nah, she won't be doing either at the new studio. This was the timestamp and message for the first one

>> No.49793126
Quoted by: >>49793154

This kind of self-congratulatory behavior is literally plebbit tier.

>> No.49793147

Is sapling leeching from Pekora?

>> No.49793151
Quoted by: >>49793186


>> No.49793152


>> No.49793154

And your kind of seethe is nijisanji tier

>> No.49793162


>> No.49793160
Quoted by: >>49793204

More like Pego leeching Fauna

>> No.49793164

Not really a lowball youtube channels have such a large range of income. A 270k channel can outperform a multimillion sub channel while a 1 million subscriber group of 5 or even just 1 can outperform most creators including markiplier. They are lowballing his business skills because that determines what you can do with your subs

>> No.49793179
File: 378 KB, 649x542, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49793186


>> No.49793187
Quoted by: >>49793226

Now say this without tears freefalling down your cheecks

>> No.49793199

popular demand

>> No.49793201
Quoted by: >>49793364

ugh what is this homobeggar behaviour

>> No.49793204
Quoted by: >>49793299

Your bot is bloken, cuckling.

>> No.49793216

Name them

>> No.49793219
File: 351 KB, 671x508, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49793269


>> No.49793220
File: 219 KB, 864x2048, FuPC6q_aMAAGYTN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49793226
Quoted by: >>49793280

Where are you perceiving emotion in his post? Internally?

>> No.49793243

Was pekora at the tree or is fauna at a building by pekora?

>> No.49793252
File: 42 KB, 1114x639, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49793255
File: 842 KB, 1217x676, 312454646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone: I don't need money give me women.

>> No.49793269

bro were watching pegora

>> No.49793280
Quoted by: >>49793305

>he has received such a heavy blow to his ego that he resorted to falseflagging now just to cope with reality

>> No.49793286

If Kanauru doesn't move his hips like Aki i'll be angry

>> No.49793294

If yagoo wasn’t such a faggot she wouldn’t have to downplay it like that

>> No.49793299

Can you even type? Are sister so bad?

>> No.49793298
File: 633 KB, 1128x695, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49793350


>> No.49793305

Are you ogey?

>> No.49793333

>I don't need money
Oh no no no 1%sanji, don't fucking look!

>> No.49793350
Quoted by: >>49793377

Kanauru 3D for Aki

>> No.49793351
File: 249 KB, 471x427, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Eveyone getting grim numbers playing Tears of the Kingdom
> Meanwhile Korone:

>> No.49793364

I used to think it was to get people to hate fauna but they actually act like this all the time. Even in their own general

>> No.49793377
Quoted by: >>49793418

What about the dancing? I hate the fake dancing, it makes it pointless

>> No.49793389
File: 120 KB, 335x506, lavos kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49793390

>Miko: I only need guns money and women
>Pekora: Can i buy these girls?
why are they lusting?

>> No.49793394

Love that game

>> No.49793408
Quoted by: >>49793457

Tears of kingdomkeks?
Our response?

>> No.49793410
File: 255 KB, 1279x1340, 1679891158193911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I miss fauna too sis

>> No.49793418
Quoted by: >>49793594

Ofcourse it will be aki dancing
She can just record it and send it to kanauru just like how kiara did to her personal 3D concert

>> No.49793419
Quoted by: >>49793734

2 digit baited me to click the video of homos for firs time.
And I hear the gayest english male roleplay voices in my recent memory. I was like WTF. So this is HomoEN? How the hell do female fans fall for them?
Jesus fuck where did EN management find these people

>> No.49793457

people want to play totk not watch it

>> No.49793478
File: 260 KB, 1258x1009, schizophrenia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49793520

They are fucking mental and think they own veetee.

>> No.49793485
File: 353 KB, 1920x1080, shigure watame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49793573

Is Shigure just Watame on an alt account? Fuck, their voices are just the same.

>> No.49793495
File: 582 KB, 785x1082, numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HomoRust numbers after >30 minutes
Blue homo 1k

>> No.49793497


>> No.49793520
Quoted by: >>49793690

Attention whores

>> No.49793527

When people prefer to watch a 30 year old game instead you know the new one is shit

>> No.49793531
File: 163 KB, 1242x1159, pekopog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is a race we can shit on

>> No.49793558


>> No.49793560 [DELETED] 
File: 559 KB, 3276x4096, 1684587265658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49793600

>> No.49793573

been a while i hear that joke

>> No.49793581
Quoted by: >>49793636

so is this ollies normal now?
I rarely see any talk about her

>> No.49793582

OG vtuber plays OG game

>> No.49793591

Aruran needs more collab with Matsuri and Fubuki.

>> No.49793594

ruins it

>> No.49793600


>> No.49793605
Quoted by: >>49793712

Nice meltdown underage phasecuck

>> No.49793612
File: 232 KB, 607x615, pekoha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek! Good one anon!

>> No.49793616

Every new one from Chloe onwards will use it. This isn’t new though so it won’t use it. That said don’t expect anything really noticeable till Hololive summer at the earliest. New Staff has to get used to what they can do now

>> No.49793633

>NSFW posting
Someone admitted defeat and is calling the jannies to clean up the posts that hurt his feelings.

>> No.49793636

seriously Ollie has reclined to shit?

>> No.49793651
Quoted by: >>49794198

damn pekora is getting owned by okayu

>> No.49793653

That means I won. Based.

>> No.49793690
File: 1.31 MB, 1659x981, Rape doll viewers reflect streamer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fans reflect the streamer after all.

>> No.49793706

these tempus designs look like shit

>> No.49793711
Quoted by: >>49793801

Everyone plays the newest version. Krorone let me whip out that 1986 game.

>> No.49793712
Quoted by: >>49793812

What did Phase do now?

>> No.49793727

Cuckling did the exact same thing last thread.

>> No.49793734

They don’t do you see their numbers

>> No.49793754
Quoted by: >>49793875

While you were pretending to be nousagi

>> No.49793769

Yeah their fee-fees are hurt.

>> No.49793778

>pizza leech got more ccv than any other starsEN bar blue faggot
What even is the point of tempus anymore

>> No.49793801

He’s the hero of time they’re technically all new and at the same time

>> No.49793812

They have been morally defeated.

>> No.49793835

I only pointed out that there appeared to be a lack of moderation, don't mind me...

>> No.49793843

Ready for the kiara gold?

>> No.49793853

Korone is making a lot of cute noises and screams while playing Zelda

>Now Imagine Kiara does the same with Kiara's voice

>> No.49793869
File: 121 KB, 1424x1500, 1682520789343185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regular fauna schizo
Fauna made it ! she's now one of the popular girls ! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.49793873
File: 841 KB, 3840x1080, 1666495725849421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confirm that this is true

>> No.49793875 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 354x347, PekoLepsy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretending? Heh.

>> No.49793878

management is probably going to use her as the poster child of what not to do

>> No.49793924

im not complaining, they should post more

>> No.49793930
Quoted by: >>49794008

Lol management is gonna double down
We are talking about management after all

>> No.49793970

holomem will join this server to save the boiz

>> No.49794000

The same management that is about to debut holostars ID? Yeah no

>> No.49794008
Quoted by: >>49794059

EN management, you mean. For elevens, it's a side branch, and ID strikes me as "will help but also let you hang yourself".

>> No.49794016

>Thinking management wouldn't encourage more homoshills
Yea nah, you clearly haven't gotten the right read on management.

>> No.49794059

Jp is just as shit anon

>> No.49794137

I kneel to Lord Temma

>> No.49794171

That would require them to have brains
So no chance at all

>> No.49794181

Uh oh, bad omen incoming

>> No.49794188
File: 769 KB, 1423x900, 【Minecraft】久しぶりのホロ鯖に遊びにいく!!!!!!!!!!!!ぺこ!【ホロライブ-兎田ぺこら】-YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> chilling watching Holo Queen
> eating pizza
> shitting on homos & shitposting on /vt/
life's good nigga

>> No.49794198

that's like most of the time

>> No.49794202

Should i play darkshit 2 ? or go straight to 3?

>> No.49794207
File: 17 KB, 600x342, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49794228


>> No.49794249
Quoted by: >>49794861

about the same, just need some weed to top it off before i snooze

>> No.49794258

Mythic confirmed!

>> No.49794286

2D Zelda is an easier watch than 3D Zelda. Always wondered why none of the HoloEN girls (as far as I know) haven't played Zelda1, LttP or ALBW. They seem like they'd be slight buffs for them.

>> No.49794294
Quoted by: >>49794346

Dark Souls 3 if you like straight swords.
Dark Souls 2 if you like originality.

>> No.49794334
Quoted by: >>49794861

Same but eating Fajitas that I prepared yesterday.

>> No.49794337

she was never inclined in the first place
lmao, you're fucking delusional. open your eyes, it's the otherway around. she was invited by holoen to do a watchalong during tempus 1 debut. if anything she's management most favorite members, more than gura

>> No.49794346

im very interested in the lore is 2 worth it?

>> No.49794359

>vtubers were really popular before Towa debuted
Is this true?

>> No.49794388
Quoted by: >>49794518

Dark souls 2 was the only souls game I couldn't finish due to boredom. You could give it a try I guess

>> No.49794399
Quoted by: >>49794557

Kek Towa shitting on Niji's 3D

>> No.49794446

>Suisei can't even get 25k with her buff game
What went wrong?

>> No.49794449

most holos play newer games, also most audience prefer newer games I guess

>> No.49794483

have an (you)

>> No.49794486

????? Dude, kizuna ai and the four kings

>> No.49794518

i guess ill try it half way and probably move to 3 if it's that bad

>> No.49794541

is kuzuha going to at least contest the nijicope gold today?

>> No.49794547

I know their overlap but is Kiara really going to lose to homos even with jp buff.This looks to be the weakest holotalk so far.

>> No.49794553
Quoted by: >>49794742

It's the most disconnected from the "main story"

>> No.49794557

so true sister she really said this.
also kiara said they are canceling a secret project she was working on.

>> No.49794565

Homo collab is finally affecting her
And retards still say male debuff isn't real

>> No.49794572

Stop watching what you are watching right now, it's time to listen to treerrat

>> No.49794584
Quoted by: >>49794733

>only 7k
I thought towa was supposedly a buff

>> No.49794589

No one asked but I started listening to Falling in Reverse recently, I used to listen to Escape the Fate and when Ronnie was jailed I moved to other genres

>> No.49794594
Quoted by: >>49794742

2 is a new universe built atop the ashes of the old one (Age of Dark ending canon)

3 clings to the remains of the old flame but is on the verge of getting snuffed out again (Link the Fire ending canon)

>> No.49794609

>she was never inclined in the first place
never paid close attention to ollie but I've seen she get good views in the past I don't remember the details. Ollie was pretty glorious back then, she can't be 3 views. Did I remember things wrong

>> No.49794624
Quoted by: >>49794678


>> No.49794642
Quoted by: >>49794867

Dark Souls1>Dark Souls 2>Sekiro>Demon souls > Dark Souls 3>Black Souls1>Black Souls 2 >Bloodborne.

>> No.49794659
Quoted by: >>49794693

Isnt falling in reverse that band that made the "my life is like a videogame" song?

>> No.49794664

Pekora caught vandalize, graduation soon.

>> No.49794677

she's a diva not a variety streamer like pekora or miko
karaoke is her buff stream

>> No.49794678


>> No.49794688

>least watched holotalk of all time
karma for towa

>> No.49794690

no she was hot stuff for sure but couldn't keep it up especially after id3 debuted

>> No.49794693
Quoted by: >>49794786

I dunno, you'd have to link it. Fauna sings their songs sometimes

>> No.49794698
Quoted by: >>49794794

Didn't she have quite an explosive start that then just as quickly went out as soon as she started to orbit every e-celeb that gave her the time of day?

>> No.49794706

>suisei is talking about her 5th year in hololive and how shes very grateful and made lots of friends with the other members
>cant wait for hololive and all the members to grow together with her even more
suischizo status?

>> No.49794708

Check the graph, She got 26K

>> No.49794733

There's an about 100k overlap going on right now.

>> No.49794734

You fags still doomposting holoen

>> No.49794742


>> No.49794755 [DELETED] 
File: 1.20 MB, 4961x7016, 1684588761762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fwiw I just saw someone mention lack of jannies and was curious
I don't have a dog in whatever you're talking about

>> No.49794760

The orange dog is too busy grooming female chuubas in the indie JP server, the gay alchemist too busy shilling his RM, while the doomer grampire won't join a three-digit collab unless it's The Squad HAHAHAHA nice unity

>> No.49794763

She will be the gold standard her and bae

>> No.49794765

Talk is cheap. Rushia said she loved Hololive.

>> No.49794786

It's a really reddit song so beware

>> No.49794794

It’s her retarded apex addiction combined with ID3 debuting which made her irrelevant. She’s fucking dogshit at apex, worse than Choco.

>> No.49794805

She did, she just blew herself up by running over landmines.

>> No.49794812
File: 188 KB, 834x186, 1660717629059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49794824

Never trust women's words

>> No.49794835

dumb rabbit stuck, just mine out the wall and get out.

>> No.49794846

technically correct

>> No.49794850

>he trusts

>> No.49794856
File: 1.18 MB, 1899x922, 1662824483264690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this yab in the catalog
chuuba browsing /vt/ during the stream is a first right? not just seeing /vt/ in the tabs or bookmarks but actually scrolling through a thread and going to the next one

>> No.49794857

Because most of them are fake gamers especially in en. They’re all new to this

>> No.49794861
File: 597 KB, 732x767, nice korone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49794866
Quoted by: >>49794974

wrong board /v/tard.

>> No.49794867


>> No.49794882

he's busy shitting up the other pekomiko thread

>> No.49794885 [DELETED] 

>t.school dropout

>> No.49794890

Anycolor is worth $1.31B
Cover is worth $0.93B

>> No.49794891

FiR is great
Ronnie streams, too
You should look up clips of him shitting on his old music, it's fucking hilarious

>> No.49794893


>> No.49794908
Quoted by: >>49794974

I thought I was back in /v/

>> No.49794947

Yes i belive that's a first, she's from kawaii right?

>> No.49794948

Kriskek can't even shilling da bois.

>> No.49794952


>> No.49794974

Mad because I'm right

>> No.49794979

Textbook PR statement

>> No.49794997

She is and 90% of discussion about her is centered around her fat tits.

>> No.49795008

It's not called 'Soulsborne'.

>> No.49795013

Yes, anon, chuubas and staff all come /here/. Your shitposts matter to them more than their hugboxes.

>> No.49795014

>t. retard

>> No.49795018

believe women

>> No.49795022
Quoted by: >>49795129

Why the fuck are newfags swarming this thread, don't you faggots have catalog threads to shitpost in?

>> No.49795031

>missed the obvious joke

>> No.49795046


>> No.49795059

yes Namiji Freesia. don't know much about her just that the yab is very funny because most of the time it's something accidental and they just close it so all we get is some shitty screenshot like the one with Reimu before but this one is funny as fuck we got video evidence and shit

>> No.49795099

Most soulful(and therefore best) fromsoft game among the 10 listed, but soulless because it doesn't have soul in the name...

>> No.49795114

she loved mfmf more

>> No.49795121

>no souls in the name = souless
i mean...when you put it like that its hard to argue

>> No.49795129
Quoted by: >>49795262

It’s the homos and saplings.

>> No.49795141

Good numbers for the girls today

>> No.49795159
File: 568 KB, 1193x1001, 1660962903973696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the demand

>> No.49795194
Quoted by: >>49795337

Hey I mean 800 is like 8 times the number of poster itt

>> No.49795200

Why in the fuck

>> No.49795236
Quoted by: >>49795426

she is a half step 1st army but dosent wish to reach that level based doggo

>> No.49795254

Lol what a fuckup
She's cute though

>> No.49795262
Quoted by: >>49796793

Okay, newfag

>> No.49795267

20k fatto catto. still overlapped with peko, suisei and korone

>> No.49795284

>scims posts
>admires the opening pics
She's just like me fr...

>> No.49795305

It's up

>> No.49795334

>power of Homorust
and people here ask why some of the homos are preferring to latch on a clique with the girls than be a homo-only collaber. There's a reason why Vesper and Magni are the top homos

>> No.49795337

800 fuckers just watch while 100 of us do all the hard work (typing)

>> No.49795369

Is below the clown now

>> No.49795372

Kiara gold today

>> No.49795377
Quoted by: >>49795512

what stream are you talking about?

>> No.49795380
Quoted by: >>49795475

Cover really wasted their resource unnecessarily

>> No.49795391

Lmao, their numbers are about the same as their normal stream, where's beggar crusaders at? why don't you watch the boys??

>> No.49795396

Havent kept up with any Ina news. Is it gonna be 3D?

>> No.49795426

Doggo doesn't care for our number, she does what she wants. Not like it matters when major game developers and publishers are offering her their yubi.

>> No.49795430
File: 38 KB, 515x217, 1676766094551675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49795508

What now anon

>> No.49795433

>There's a reason why Vesper and Magni are the top homos
Can't beat them
leech them

>> No.49795464

3D live is a few weeks after

>> No.49795475

for a year
what a fucking waste of time

>> No.49795477

6K Holy debuff

>> No.49795478
Quoted by: >>49797006

no idea, I don't know why Myth except Mori are so autistic about 3D streams, they should advertise it if it's indeed a 3D

>> No.49795489

Mel's prison....

>> No.49795503

lmao if he gets a daugher in vshojo

>> No.49795505

Holostars Rust is a debuff

>> No.49795506

Gamma will join tomorrow, he's probably too tired from doing 1000 situps earlier.

>> No.49795508
Quoted by: >>49795727

25k with buff game isn't even impressive

>> No.49795512

Aki has a 3D live on the 27th

>> No.49795517
File: 842 KB, 1021x899, 2133211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even 5k

>> No.49795519
File: 892 KB, 827x1170, 89688726_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49795552

Please stop.
Every time we joke about Suisei graduating, Niji kills another music group she likes.

>> No.49795552

>rain drops
Suischizo please stop

>> No.49795573

what do we think about the towatalk numbers?

>> No.49795597

what Pekora just did is in Art or War right IF I didn't misremembering the it.

>> No.49795600

how much?

>> No.49795601
File: 117 KB, 336x369, #Queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49795672

>So nousagi, about the “5 gold per month average

>> No.49795606
Quoted by: >>49795851

He hasn't doing hot lately, outside SQUAD collabs his numbers dip down to 3views lately, i guess shilling RM and whining, bitching hurt your numbers.

>> No.49795613

Decent considering the overlap but doing it on weekend is a mistake

>> No.49795672
File: 221 KB, 853x1000, 1683492711944755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49795674
Quoted by: >>49797060

Moving it to this timeslot was a massive mistake (for numbers), but after the sleepy-sui incident, Kiara felt compelled to move it to 10pm JST.

>> No.49795688


>> No.49795727

>d-doesn't count
every time

>> No.49795758

That's the bare minimum for a First Army retard

>> No.49795774
Quoted by: >>49795887

>overlap hell
>still not 2-view
Holostars inclining! now it's time to release HolostarsID!!

>> No.49795796

>chat reflects the streamer

>> No.49795830
Quoted by: >>49795883

There's at least three chuubas that have done it before her.

>> No.49795840
Quoted by: >>49795883

>chuuba browsing /vt/ during the stream is a first right?
do newfags really?

>> No.49795843
Quoted by: >>49795891

Thanks Peko, I'll go watch a male now

>> No.49795844

I love fauna

>> No.49795851
Quoted by: >>49795933

If Magni passes star audition without nepo, it means he's one of the best male star applicants. Man really no talented male wants to join Star huh

>> No.49795866

me too bro, I wonder if she tanned

>> No.49795880
Quoted by: >>49795981

Bros Pekora opened part C with Slay the Spire

>> No.49795883

unintentionally? this doesn't seem to be on purpose and she's not a /trash/wvt/ whore

>> No.49795889
File: 557 KB, 1300x1012, Nose Zs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49795939

Nose's learning... something.

>> No.49795887

Ollie would kill herself if starsID become a thing .

>> No.49795891
File: 233 KB, 1080x1177, Homobeggar Nousagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you?

>> No.49795897
Quoted by: >>49796109

>manually updating
what the shit

>> No.49795900
Quoted by: >>49796236

>playing God Field
It's all about RNG, isn't it?

>> No.49795901

and she got it.

>> No.49795911
File: 21 KB, 529x580, 8658990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49795933

On paper, he was a pretty good pick. Problem is he couldn’t adapt to being a streamer and it feels like he had unrealistic expectations of being accepted by the other girls.

>> No.49795939

Look at Towa's graph when Nose and Hinano starting

>> No.49795981


>> No.49795991
File: 29 KB, 500x499, pee 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to piss on them like in the gutter

>> No.49796000
Quoted by: >>49796081

Okay, Suisei with one of her signature games reaching 25k is impressive. She defended the honor of the first army status with glory. I say we should kneel: kneel anon kneel

>> No.49796023
File: 332 KB, 749x1323, Sea Dots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe you actually do, SEA bro.

>> No.49796027
Quoted by: >>49797108

20k medium/average last time i checked 25k is more then 20k
and she is the biggest music chubba that alone makes her a top tier first army just below peko

>> No.49796058

it actually baffles me that 340 people said to themselves "of all the homos i'd rather watch the flaygon"
who are these people?

>> No.49796073

she had the highest number among ID, till she went full retard

>> No.49796081
Quoted by: >>49796228

nobody said anything about impressive but you retard, your original goal was "she can't even get 25k" and you got btfo so now you're moving the goalpost. swallow a bullet.

>> No.49796094
Quoted by: >>49797441

That is funny. Are you even enjoying the stream or are you just scanning the chats for potential deflection posts?

>> No.49796095

i saw this bait in the catalog nigger

>> No.49796102


>> No.49796106

I only watch gold winners

>> No.49796109

Fucking newfag scum

>> No.49796116

shit busted again

>> No.49796120
File: 141 KB, 1018x231, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can she do it?

>> No.49796129

It could be a eurocuck, anon. We know she has some euroshitters.

>> No.49796135

Unironically, trans people.
His fans were the ones affecting Bettel’s fans over the cook book thing.

>> No.49796160
File: 2.21 MB, 2232x3968, 1683448466822215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least use the new one anon

>> No.49796178
Quoted by: >>49796341

If some more people wrap up, easily, she'll just swallow some funnels..

>> No.49796190
File: 169 KB, 463x453, 191045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lui, Shion, Choco, Mio low

>> No.49796213

weren't people complaining that this was from day 1?

>> No.49796228

And I say it is impressive, now kneel. Which first army can reach 25k with such a game placing blocks in a row? See, impressive

>> No.49796236

some mathematics/statistics if you are serious, all card game has them. Will die swiftly if you're bad luck. Also has insta kill/win effect which most card games don't have it.
At casual level it's all about luck.

>> No.49796239
Quoted by: >>49797033

no this one is day 2 just look at suisei

>> No.49796244
File: 158 KB, 295x321, 1653287374568105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49796262

wholesome JP ojisans somehow watch Hololive in large numbers.
I have to think this market is still untapped in America as well, there's plenty of stories about fun grandpas after all.
But since the most attention is given to the more crusty ojisans who would look down upon this stuff as the spawn of the devil, the market penetration might be a bit difficult.

>> No.49796271

Its unofficial survey, some people thinks its legit and OP have to explain it.

>> No.49796289

Ame, Mori and kronii are bad picks

>> No.49796290

>grey lamy > pink > green > blue

>> No.49796299
Quoted by: >>49796488

why are SEA racists? go watch flare

>> No.49796304


>> No.49796306

Cute couple tee hee~

>> No.49796308
Quoted by: >>49796385

This is a SEA con? why tf there's no dots on IDs then??? monkeys really do hate female monkeys

>> No.49796314

>almost an hour in
>not even 10kyet

>> No.49796318

Doesn't prove anything, they're both male collabs.

>> No.49796341

kiara doesnt get funnels

>> No.49796344

He's in trannies grooming list.

>> No.49796355

2016-17 : Kizuna Ai era
2017-18 : 4kings era
2019 : Wild west era, niji, holo, .Live, 4kings, Ai etc. fighting for supremacy. .Live leading first half and Niji catching up by the end of the year.
early 2020 : Nijisanji era
mid 2020+ : Hololive era

>> No.49796376
File: 40 KB, 360x360, teamate [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjsdic0.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49796383

what's the difference between pink and light blue?

>> No.49796385

anon, that's old ass Taiwanese survey... you got baited.

>> No.49796397


>> No.49796421

That thread is from January, why did it become a yab now of all times?

>> No.49796475

Fauna gets as many red dots as Sana

>> No.49796488

nah we just hate elf

>> No.49796502

Men and women would be my guess

>> No.49796503

>Ame's forma de sex esclavo

>> No.49796508

En really is sub 8k without collabs now huh
They really did recline hard

>> No.49796513
Quoted by: >>49796647

with ID gen3. Probably just months old, plus cons are not that frequent in SEA

>> No.49796544

EN cull

>> No.49796572

it is Taiwanese, but its not that old, i remember this being first posted a little more than a month ago

>> No.49796581

One has pink debuff, another has orange debuff.

>> No.49796596
Quoted by: >>49796706

Mixed collab is the future of HoloEN.

>> No.49796599
File: 246 KB, 720x720, 1683919573514294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49796760

>Fauna fans are mostly white people

>> No.49796634

first 3 gens fought in the infinite wasteland through hell and heaven to establish a foundation on which coco was able to thrive on which resulted in her outfit reveal being the 1st 100k streme of holo and there were 4 heavenly kings and nijisanji on full throttle so yes vtubers were relatively popular before towa

>> No.49796637

It's not long after ID3 debut I think, just reposted many times for bait

>> No.49796647
File: 123 KB, 282x643, 1231212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49796669
Quoted by: >>49796823

Is 3-4 months old survey, i seen on archives.

>> No.49796694


>> No.49796706
Quoted by: >>49796741

>Mixed collab is the future of HoloEN.
homorust doesn't work, time for more mixed collab - EN management

>> No.49796741

>homorust doesn't work
literally 2 weeks ago this thread was saying how the homos were inclining thanks to rust

>> No.49796760
Quoted by: >>49797039

>white people
what country

>> No.49796783

she's still the top SC'd channel, of course she loved Holololive. That has nothing to do with her termination

>> No.49796793

Just exposed yourself as a homobeggar

>> No.49796794
File: 153 KB, 1031x871, IMG_20230521_000345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can they beat the first en vtuber though?

>> No.49796809

more like thanks to eceleb

>> No.49796819
Quoted by: >>49796982

Yeah because of mixed collabs with HoloJP

>> No.49796823

no it's 10 months ago

>> No.49796833

Work for homoJP because their stronger box networking, Tempussy are literally who?

>> No.49796845
Quoted by: >>49796900

light pink panties towa drawings now are canon

>> No.49796849
Quoted by: >>49797007

>were inclining thanks to rust
But they are 3views now, what were they before incline?

>> No.49796900


>> No.49796933
File: 15 KB, 363x130, chrome_z9zirfz1UY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49796977

The Squad bros run! Where's the other half of our audience btw? KEK, imagine pandering to the homos kpop audience HAHAHA

>> No.49796967

when are you going let your voice be heard instead of timelooping it every thread

>> No.49796973

pekora got a virus from an ero site...

>> No.49796977

it's over...

>> No.49796982
Quoted by: >>49797101

it's only laplus, the rest was irrelevant

>> No.49797007
Quoted by: >>49797052

Beside Gamma, Roberu and Astel are own league the rest homoJP still in 3view hell, even some participated in vsaikyou or VCR rust, doesn't get the same treatments, they didn't get their spotlights and timing yet.
I don't care about Tempus faggots, they can recline until they quit.

>> No.49797006

I was going to shit on cuckbeats but newfags are worst. The only 3D stream that’s been a secret was Gura’s birthday because she was unsure it would make it in time. None of them have been secret besides that

>> No.49797033
Quoted by: >>49797236

yes, it was right next to the Suisei booth

>> No.49797039
File: 4 KB, 623x43, 1212az.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me? Guess.

>> No.49797052


>> No.49797060

Coping already

>> No.49797073
Quoted by: >>49797107

Damn, Risu didn't break 5k on her unarchived karaoke.

>> No.49797077

relax phasecuck im watching the dog

>> No.49797085

Voice fetish...

>> No.49797101

This, if it wasn't La+ request Gamma for yuri art, he wouldn't get those high numbers, La+ unironically saviorfagging the whole server from being borefest for awhile.
Meanwhile Axel flopped hard in vsaikyou and being ignored by JP celebs beside rpr gangs.

>> No.49797107
Quoted by: >>49797204

Ollie: Cmon that was awesome

>> No.49797108

No it doesn’t. Retards believing youtube views matter for music

>> No.49797152
File: 108 KB, 428x668, 12312122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49797171

>finally given the chance to enter the JP FPS scene
>fumble it hard

>> No.49797173
Quoted by: >>49797282


>> No.49797200
Quoted by: >>49797439

>Axel flopped hard in vsaikyou and being ignored by JP celebs
How did celebs ignore him? Treat him like invisible air?

>> No.49797204

it was

>> No.49797206
Quoted by: >>49797411

So.... moving the timeslot is not a mistake for numbers.

>> No.49797223

The one that’s obviously fake right

>> No.49797236
File: 228 KB, 404x533, 123112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look bottom right 7 may is day 2

>> No.49797258
File: 89 KB, 400x156, 1679148721899076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49797285


>> No.49797268


>> No.49797282

Nah but lets just say instead of white im more of a pale blue and if I was to give you advice on how to fuck a sheep, I would tell you that if you take it to an edge at the top of a mountain it will push back better

>> No.49797285

eigo jouzu

>> No.49797361

Fellow /vt/ posters, Pekora is mentioning Jill

>> No.49797411
Quoted by: >>49797482

Despite what you think the world doesn’t fall asleep at the same time. Every mildly popular member can get around the same numbers no matter the time

>> No.49797439

Ignore or barely talk to him, they went to rpr instead, dingo at least got flirted by Kagura Nana (but she's also whoring out to other guys...)

>> No.49797441


>> No.49797469

Her Gil-sama not her pet

>> No.49797482
Quoted by: >>49797783

That's fucking bullshit and you know it. You can get SOME numbers no matter the timeslot, but to say "you can get around the same numbers no matter the timeslot" is complete horseshit garbage and you know it.

>> No.49797486


>> No.49797563
File: 885 KB, 1256x696, 1676289892132090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did she fuck up?

>> No.49797612

what fuck up? she simply doesn't care

>> No.49797614
Quoted by: >>49797793

> HoloXfags are making titty threads
I approve where's the Gotalu thread?

>> No.49797626
Quoted by: >>49797689

I'm sniffing my ballsack smell

>> No.49797673

she joining for lesbian sex friend not the /#/

>> No.49797689

Cool seabro, I sometimes sniff my toes and imagine what the girls feet smell like after and endurance stream

>> No.49797718
File: 2.14 MB, 1826x990, Twitch 20 may.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ine had a 15k average.
Look at what the Zelda game does to numbers.

>> No.49797744

>reine fucked up
what was reine's previous numbers

>> No.49797783

If you think any holo with a 15k median would drop below 10k or the ones with 3-5k medians would fall to 3 view because of time you’re crazy. 80% of en is just shitty and 95% of id is shitty has nothing to do with timeslots. You think robo

>> No.49797793
File: 123 KB, 850x790, 5879352167913250697832490867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are welcome to either make one or post in the existing ones

>> No.49797800
Quoted by: >>49797889

>Rich as fuck, doesn't care, only spam debuff VN(s)
>Most realistic goal: to build a harem full of girls.
Reine got to fuck Marine with her massive peacock.

>> No.49797857
File: 299 KB, 1920x1080, 1684592627046325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the new studio was already vandalized

>> No.49797889
Quoted by: >>49797937

>Marine confirmend, they never took the bath together
Reine will never score

>> No.49797897

If she could just go to japan on a weekend just to have an offcollab with marine and be back by monday, i doubt she care about number.

>> No.49797930

He joining pop san soon

>> No.49797937

this is why i hate kiara

>> No.49797974

Did she butcher the translation, or is it that difficult to translate things that carry connotations?

>> No.49797977
File: 842 KB, 3000x4093, d30f5e970c7d40a634a5c661138ed81d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49797981


>> No.49797993

Lo peko’s post stream talk has more viewers than the entire homorust...

>> No.49798003
File: 825 KB, 1248x588, 123121232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget pic

>> No.49798017

Actually separately from this, Reine said that she'll bathe with her if Marine spoke English the entire time. Which Marine immediately said was impossible, so that is the real reason.

>> No.49798047

Do you need more time to overthink your argument? Your last sentence does not even make sense. I have time.

>> No.49798054

Fucker, again, you're arguing the difference between someone's floor and "Timezones don't matter", which are two very different fucking points. Attempting to count them as one is a retarded cope to try and pretend that people don't develop an audience with different viewing habits and patterns, which is to say you're trying to say humans aren't human, which is absolutely fucking retarded and you need to go rope yourself.

>> No.49798069
File: 962 KB, 1117x1182, 1678761623293183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone is adorable and I can cope through a stream without worrying about my lack of JP skill lowering my experience

>> No.49798091

Neil isn't letting treerat reach 5k
She even sang Torn.

>> No.49798116

She the most boring ID girls at least anya is cute retarded boring

>> No.49798163
File: 2.95 MB, 1728x1346, 1681838551836163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soundproof rooms
>romantic beach holiday
>Still didnt score
Thanks for proving that Reine is a lost cause.

>> No.49798190
File: 55 KB, 1017x129, risu 5k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, 5k on M2M

>> No.49798205
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>> No.49798212

thanks neal

>> No.49798235

Towa talking about male collabs on HoloTalk.

>> No.49798240
File: 45 KB, 512x512, treerrat12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man risu got talent, even JP bros are tuning in to her karaoke

>> No.49798261

she is collabing with herself? Towa needs meds

>> No.49798264

Oh boy. Expect a massive unicorn vs homobeggar warfare in the clips from this holotalk

>> No.49798306
Quoted by: >>49798461

Bring it on homoshitty!

>> No.49798313

>this was all Kiara's plan

>> No.49798336

what did Towa even say about homo collabs??

>> No.49798354


>> No.49798394

>I collab with holostars because I am a holostar myself

>> No.49798409
Quoted by: >>49798447

The question is about the struggles in Hololive, right? I did not listen properly so I did not catch it.

>> No.49798447

yeah, about the yab

>> No.49798461

Even yagoo bastardly tried to hide the mention of homo on cover latest earning report lol

>> No.49798469


>> No.49798489
Quoted by: >>49798550

She basically said that she was planning to interact with guys from the beginning because she wanted to do tournaments, but when she realized Hololive was leaning more into the idol stuff she was afraid she'd be attacked for it. She also said management supported her decisions about it.

>> No.49798507

Pippa "unicorns" lost their minds lmao >>49798038

>> No.49798535

The question was the generic, Did you have any struggles you faced and overcame in hololive and her answer was that in her auditions she said she wanted to be the FPS vtuber of hololive and did not know Hololive had a 'idol culture' and there were not many other holos that played FPS so she had to reach out to "male FPS players" and she had many backlash because of it.

>> No.49798550

>She also said management supported her decisions about it.
Well of course

>> No.49798601

[chair clattering]

>> No.49798619

Astel is legit busy, his birthday is on June 6. Roberu meanwhile is always "busy"

>> No.49798625
Quoted by: >>49798943

If an EN said what Towa just did this thread would be seething.

>> No.49798636
File: 318 KB, 1389x1141, KanaNEGAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh boy. Expect a massive unicorn vs homobeggar warfare in the clips from this holotalk
which side are you on?

>> No.49798651

>numbers thread
>posts about irrelevant shitters

>> No.49798669

Unicorns in shambles! Diverse and inclusive chads are thriving!

>> No.49798675

kek only in Japanese culture would FPS dating be such an issue that it would seem against idol culture.
Just call eachother niggers you stupid nips

>> No.49798729

I don't know much about EN chuubas outside Holos, qrd?

>> No.49798753

The 4 homos who have said they wouldn't be joining rust are Roberu, Astel, Bettel and Vesper, i.e. the top 4 homos by numbers. What did they mean by this sisters?

>> No.49798774
Quoted by: >>49798865

>she had many backlash because of it.
i dont recall any but im not japanese so i wouldn't know

>> No.49798780

Pippa and maybe other phase girls cucked fans and then BVTM and phasecucks started shitting up the board

>> No.49798783

Short: Male on stream
Long: Unironic creep is trying to get in Pippa's pants

>> No.49798865

Wasn't the backlash from a male voice yab?

>> No.49798927

exactly, that's the only thing I remember and it was early post-debut.

>> No.49798943

But then anons have to admit they were wrong, ha dinosaurs coming back is more likely

>> No.49798956
Quoted by: >>49799115

She lied about it being a staff person she was playing with and then she got suspended for lying.

>> No.49798957
File: 141 KB, 804x217, catdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49798960

Which one? A male voice being heard during her stream or people bullying her because she sounded like a Chainsmoker male?

>> No.49798974

AZKi is seiso kawaii

>> No.49799018
File: 94 KB, 903x131, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Towa's Holotalk was today
> Zero talk about it
makes sense

>> No.49799042

makes sense

>> No.49799044

>Zero talk about i
based retard

>> No.49799054

>Long: Unironic creep is trying to get in Pippa's pants
who is he? what's he's background? is he fat?

>> No.49799072

There's apparently some drama about her leaving out of a planned holoro collab without telling Anya and Ollie.

>> No.49799082


>> No.49799091

Towa is a stinky LIAR!
Her biggest YAB is a Sora Mountain anyway!

>> No.49799096
Quoted by: >>49799413

Hes a pippafag so theres a 90% he's fat.

>> No.49799099

>An actual retard has appeared

>> No.49799100

>mori winning two cripple golds in a row

>> No.49799115
Quoted by: >>49799131

The bitch deserved it then

>> No.49799131

relax faggot it was years ago

>> No.49799164

there money there studio nobody can do anything about it

>> No.49799178

>Kiara slipped two easy golds two days in a row
KFP bros...

>> No.49799198

She has recently been talking a lot about her husbando, Colress from Pokemon White/Black 2. This week she decided to play YIIK, because the main character has the same actor. At he wasn't time the voice actor acknowledged her and showed up in her chat. A few days later she schedules an interview with him, but before shows up on VC on one of his streams. After the interview she did a Pokemon W/B2 and he jumped on VC to voice some Colress lines

>> No.49799214
File: 98 KB, 1070x490, pippa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa deserves everything that's coming to her

>> No.49799233

>tempus gold
what the fuck kiara

>> No.49799255

KFP is like 3.5k people at best, not enough tourists showed up.

>> No.49799257
Quoted by: >>49799317

Takamori status?

>> No.49799262

That was just a singular incident, Towa was talking more about the general sentiment and discourse around the holo fanbase about what she wanted her content to be and it simply was pretty hostile and unsupported.

>> No.49799288

Froggiara loves slipping

>> No.49799291
File: 104 KB, 1050x660, 15490393452810061004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karma really is a bitch huh. Get wrecked ya grifting vermin.

>> No.49799307

What a fucking weirdo

>> No.49799317
File: 239 KB, 1017x461, takamori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49799331

Voice actor. Pippa was lusting after some pokemon character and then his VA appeared. He also voiced mc from yikk

>> No.49799355

oh I see now, That explains why I had to block her over that pokemon dude being spammed in my timeline

>> No.49799365
File: 59 KB, 1080x720, bbigloukd11b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49799413
Quoted by: >>49799493

is he a creep for real?

>> No.49799416

does Koro plan on completing every single zelda game in release order before playing TOTK?

>> No.49799432
Quoted by: >>49799500

>Falls for a literal who voice actor
That's pretty funny

>> No.49799479
Quoted by: >>49799518

TOTK is retro?if not then she won't touch it

>> No.49799482

god I hope so

>> No.49799487
Quoted by: >>49799809

No, she has a tendecy to be a contrarian, so many are playing the new game, she will play the old and retro ones

>> No.49799493


>> No.49799499
File: 154 KB, 689x446, 1679471728961155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CGDCT bros... We're reclining and we were too cocky. How will we recover from this embarrassing defeat?

>> No.49799500


>> No.49799504
File: 54 KB, 453x640, 23_00_34_j1Bu5Vyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiwan vtuber lost her court battle against her company.

>> No.49799518

if she waits long enough, it will be at some point

>> No.49799532

can't read shit

>> No.49799564

I thought she would say something about her suspension for a moment... Anyway interesting that there was no "kaiganiki saved you" angle even implied, only thing Towa had to say about them was how she hates TMT spam kek

>> No.49799563

Kek, get fucked piptrannies

>> No.49799570
File: 709 KB, 1120x636, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> When you enter Hololive you are asked "what will you do for Hololive that it does not currently have?"
> My thought was that I liked FPSes, and there weren't that many girls playing FPSs competitively and entering hyper competitive tournaments in Hololive at the time
> So I basically wanted to become an FPS-oriented VTuber who would participate in competitive tournaments, and they acknowledged that
> When Towa auditioned no one talked about "idols", but somehow it came up once she started
> Yagoo says "talents" instead of "idols" nowadays
> There was a strong rule that "idols" should not interact with males
> My aim of "getting into tournaments" was not a simple thing to accomplish due to that
> It was quite scary to announce tournament entries and the fact that I would interact with males, that was hard.
Lotta fuel for homobeggars indeed.

>> No.49799574

Translate this shit if you're gonna post it. No one here speaks bing chilling.

>> No.49799580

ching chong to you to my friend

>> No.49799634

>walk to cover studio
>walk past a screen with sora on it.
>"ohayou staff-san"
>o-ohayou Sora-Chan
>everyone looks at you weird
>it was a recorded greeting

>> No.49799637

/pcg/ is actually melting down

>> No.49799638

jesas, that game keeps giving so many laughs even now

>> No.49799647
File: 339 KB, 1304x2000, 16832452794061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How will we recover
Mommy comeback Minecraft stream will be enough. Believe in mommy.

>> No.49799649
Quoted by: >>49799692

>male fps
This is her real backlash

>> No.49799669

All that struggling for Korone to beat Manhandla and then she just one shots it.

>> No.49799682
File: 95 KB, 598x495, zohh8f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like that time Carson was trying to get Gura's attention in her chat but Pippa is actually engaging him

>> No.49799685

Why now?

>> No.49799692
Quoted by: >>49800348

why bring up literal ancient shit everyone has moved past

>> No.49799696
File: 66 KB, 650x500, egg day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49799726

They deserve it for shitting up this board.

>> No.49799730
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, Marine Talks About Some Really Sensitive Topics Without Hesitation....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49800051

Everybody at the time knew this.
But yeah, the Drama channels are gonna pick it up and run with it.

>> No.49799778
Quoted by: >>49800028

Isn't Irys a chadcast member?

>> No.49799809

Seeing her get good numbers with that old game while the new one gets shit numbers for everyone else makes me think most of Hololive's audience really is ojis, especially JPs.

>> No.49799812

Is that really the timing of the idol focus? It's funny that it's when Coco shows up.

>> No.49799875
File: 180 KB, 1024x768, 14851279233_21f6e9fa71_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks like a projared aids cousin

>> No.49799903

It went to overdrive when fantasy became the heavy hitters of hololive

>> No.49799916
Quoted by: >>49799994

/hlgg/ is melting down

>> No.49799918

>don't greet Sora (recording version)
>get sent to the re-education gulags

>> No.49799920
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 1626542395886628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49799956
File: 302 KB, 1235x2048, FeFRvTKWQAA8bZZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49800288

phasecucks had a meltdown in this thread over this

>> No.49799967 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>49800288

>that nose
I feel like I should look up his "Early Life" section on Wikipedia

>> No.49799981
Quoted by: >>49800141

> My aim of "getting into tournaments" was not a simple thing to accomplish due to that
wasn't this her meh skill issue?

>> No.49799988
File: 164 KB, 325x266, 1609217792760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anti-posting here grinds to a halt as damage control posts at /pcg/ ramps up. What a strange coincidence.

>> No.49799994
Quoted by: >>49800396


>> No.49799999
File: 5 KB, 259x194, Download333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49800288

what the fuck, is that yanderedev's cousin?

>> No.49800002
File: 991 KB, 250x250, c5f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek her leeching to counter squad backfiring her so bad

>> No.49800016
Quoted by: >>49800089

That is unironically what is going to be pushed

>> No.49800028
Quoted by: >>49800167


>> No.49800045

why tf would you try to get into the pants of someone who's admitted to basically having rotting teeth? Even smellfags has have a limit to the amount of rancid they can take right?

>> No.49800047

>Not konsome

>> No.49800051
Quoted by: >>49800439

her rhetoric about it is interesting though, because she makes it sound like the whole "entertainment company" spiel from Yagoo as well as the pivot towards "talents" and the "forced homo collabs" and the "holopro" stuff were all steps aimed at shaking off the "idol" audience.

>> No.49800058
Quoted by: >>49800109

Except she don't have any fan outside of FPS

>> No.49800068

Poor Tower. She just wanted to play FPS, and now the homobeggars are going to use her.

>> No.49800075

Isn't this basically a more gently-worded "unfortunately, idol culture is a thing" statement?

>> No.49800076

>rebroadcasting unarchived karaoke
But why

>> No.49800089

That is already been pushed by like 2 years already. And they have guns in their head so they're afraid to interact with the boys

>> No.49800109
Quoted by: >>49800232

3D lives or 3D collabs with the girls are great.

>> No.49800141

There's a ton of vtuber/eceleb tournaments full of bad players. Vsaikyo basically forces teams to include bad players for example, same for Apex Matsuri for example where Towa is in group E.

>> No.49800154

Pretty much

>> No.49800164

>continues to do idol stuff in hololive
yeah definitely scary

>> No.49800167
Quoted by: >>49800320


>> No.49800176

she likes idol culture though

>> No.49800178

Schizo-sama, pcg was melting down for 10 hours straight

>> No.49800213
Quoted by: >>49800242

Nah it's sankisei with Pekora and Rushia.

>> No.49800225

laughs because its good or laughs because its bad?

>> No.49800232
Quoted by: >>49800293

anon,you know those are live and collab right?You think they stay for the after party or her next solo stream?

>> No.49800242

Yeah I wasn't thinking of the time between audition and debut

>> No.49800254

yeah, this is basically the JP version of it, suitably subtle

>> No.49800288
File: 336 KB, 1280x960, jeez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49800363

lmaoo he looks like 90% of black women could beat him up, like k.o him & 40 % of white women could do the same. Also the onions face is real

>> No.49800293 [DELETED] 
File: 394 KB, 1000x1311, 1684266183546981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about? I just said they were fun.
She's not my favourite but I love Towa.

>> No.49800291

Hololive getting into the EN market was the best thing that ever happened to it, imagine if they were stuck with just the crazy JP fans who stop the girls from collabing with the boys. EN fans showing their support for mixed gender collabs means holoJP can also be freed from unicorn expectations, there's no longer any need to pander to the Japanese when the EN market is just as lucrative if not more.

>> No.49800320

And what????? What's your conclusion?

>> No.49800334

why are the phasefags seething here instead of their general?

>> No.49800348
Quoted by: >>49800438

It was one of the biggest yabs in hololive history not counting yabs that actually ended up with graduation/termination, no EN fucked up on this level so far even fresh from debut.

>> No.49800363

Well I don't know about women beating him up but he's ugly for sure, some beak

>> No.49800367

Many anons here should really try out for being a writer.

>> No.49800368

>Korone 21,5k and still rising
Too powerful and based for this world

>> No.49800395
Quoted by: >>49800506

I miss hololive pre-EN...

>> No.49800396
Quoted by: >>49800461


>> No.49800438

Yes but she was also forgiven

>> No.49800439

I mean... they clearly were.
We said that back in 2021 when he called it, in english, an Entertainment company.

>> No.49800444

Tempus was a bad idea

>> No.49800447

I know this is a shitpost, but the EN fanbase honestly seems to get more pissed at male collabs nowadays than the JP fanbase. Note that Towa doesn't suffer at all for male collabs while this thread can't stop talking about the decline of people like Kronii. JP fans are whipped.

>> No.49800459

>dwindling clock merch revenue

>> No.49800461

Why are they so homophobic?

>> No.49800477
Quoted by: >>49800547

And she did pretty fucking bad at the apex tourney lol

>> No.49800494

trips of truth as they say

>> No.49800506
File: 188 KB, 2048x2047, 154903934528100613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49800551

When Coco was still around??? You miss le Reddit meme spamming in chats and obnoxious Yagoo's dream jokes??? Me too, anon. Me too

>> No.49800515
File: 16 KB, 337x188, 3123214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49800654

Numberunis going up.
BTFOin modern Zelda.

>> No.49800525

The homolovers in JP are a minority, and so is the homos as well, in EN it's almost half for both homos and talents

>> No.49800529
Quoted by: >>49800670

4ch isn't the fanbase though

>> No.49800530
Quoted by: >>49800607

kys redditor Hololive is not a company

>> No.49800547

but let's blame it to le unicorns

>> No.49800550

I will still shit on ENsharts. HoloEN, NijiCN, small corpos are all the same to me.

>> No.49800551
Quoted by: >>49800635

Yes, le reddit meme is still better than the current state.

>> No.49800574

Maybe because Towa isn't a spiteful bitch like kronii, mori or ame, but if you want to be proven wrong just look at matsuri

>> No.49800573
Quoted by: >>49800681

It was clearly a fine idea, but 1/2 the execution was dreadful.
Many people here didn't even care that much till the "Improve yourself" "don't you have friends" stuff was said, and especially, when we got Tempus2 instead of EN3.
Many were very much against males on the other hand because of Luxiem, but it wasn't nearly as bad as things turned out.

>> No.49800578

Pretty obvious stuff that happened a long time ago but faggots will pretend is relevant now in order to push agendas and shitpost

>> No.49800583

>Rust stream
>Cod stream
Instead of complaining, they just avoid it

>> No.49800589

If the taiwan yab happened after the homobeggars showed up, they would probably have sided with the zhangs

>> No.49800599
Quoted by: >>49800655

question is, did it work in Japan?

>> No.49800607

anon... he said Cover Corporation.

>> No.49800627

because EN viewers are getting forced fed it and they get bombarded with it even when they try to avoid it

>> No.49800635
File: 82 KB, 933x631, 154903934528100631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon has nostalgia for leddit titlists and paniku memes

>> No.49800645

>Hololive's audience really is ojis
right here baby

>> No.49800655
Quoted by: >>49800692

why do you think he said it in English?

>> No.49800654

I want to see one of the CGDCT EN girls play Link to the Past.

>> No.49800667

Towa was abandoned by any JP unicorns a long time ago, her income is entirely dependent on her being part of the FPS box like VSPO and a bunch of nijis.

>> No.49800670

/vt/ is the biggest place to discuss Vtubers on the internet as a whole

>> No.49800681

It was only a fine idea up until tempus 2 when they also didnt debut EN 3 for nearly two years. What a waste of time

>> No.49800692

it obviously didn't work in EN, which is why I wondered

>> No.49800699

Is this just like that lia girl that cuck her viewer for 30min for a low tier male VA that she meet on convention?

>> No.49800709

>most of Hololive's audience really is ojis, especially JPs
Only ojisans watch streams, Ritalin addicted zoomers only watch clips.
