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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49699705 No.49699705 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>49703535

Previous: >>49689405

>> No.49699754
File: 267 KB, 1536x2048, FjcOChSUUAETpw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.49699776

>Enna's POV almost head to head with Luca's
...the end of Luxiem?

>> No.49699808
Quoted by: >>49701491

Deadbeats our cope?

>> No.49699866

t-minus 1 hour until meltdown

>> No.49699875
File: 363 KB, 1448x2048, FwZ-s9YaYAAVKOf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49699973


>94,193: Chloe (Hololive)
>42,236: Luna (Hololive)
>33,066: Noah (VSPO)
>27,837: Towa (Hololive)
>25,018: Marine (Hololive)
>22,577: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>20,281: Chiroru (Indie)
>19,022: Shigure Ui (Indie)
>17,729: Watame (Hololive)
>17,513: Okayu (Hololive)
>17,140: Korone (Hololive)
>13,293: Mito (Nijisanji)
>12,190: Koyori (Hololive)
>12,068: Calliope (Hololive)
>10,812: Met (VSPO)
>10,759: Yashiro (Nijisanji)
>10,700: Haneru (774 inc)
>10,454: HAL (Neo-Porte)
>10,272: Shu (Nijisanji)
>10,095: Fubuki (Hololive)
>10,047: Ibrahim (Nijisanji)

>> No.49699883

Do Magni and Vesper actually not feel any shame at the fact that they have more Kronii / Mori collabs than they do their own Tempus kouhai?

>> No.49699909

Over what? Expecting an announcement?

>> No.49699921
Quoted by: >>49700171

Nijidrones find this shit funny? the most boring dialogue, everyone interrupting each other, especially that flipfaggot and meanwhile nothing but chat spamming LMAOOOOOOO like a bunch of spastics the entire time.
these are the fucks that will continue shitting on holo, cuckxiem truly was a mistake

>> No.49699927

>Fauna released an ironic vtuber cD short
Jesus Christ she is actually a lost cause. She can't help but shit on her fans.

>> No.49699928
File: 1.10 MB, 1301x754, 1655948129596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori, 2.2k streamer
>Kronii, 5k streamer
>Vesper, 1.5k streamer
>Magni, 1k streamer
If you add them up this stream should only get 9.7k people right?

>> No.49699950

Magni has collabed tons with Tempus2 anon.

>> No.49699952

Isn't Kiara's recent numbers similar to Sana's back then?

>> No.49699973
File: 1.20 MB, 2618x4000, FwYUBwmaIAY3oGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Miko (Hololive) - 58,764 - Clubhouse 51 w/ Nene
2) Miko (Hololive) - 117,536 - Collab w/ Suisei, Aqua, Towa, Subaru, Botan
3) Pekora (Hololive) - 82,868 - Reverse Totsumachi Endurance (w/ Marine)
4) Koyori (Hololive) - 63,666 - 24 Hour Stream
5) Marine (Hololive) - 80,623 - Fashion Showdown (w/ Aqua, Okayu, Mio, Lamy)
6) Pekora (Hololive) - 110,996 - Mario Maker Tournament
7) Marine (Hololive) - 51,152 - Super Mario Maker 2
8) Marine (Hololive) - 53,933 - Idol Showdown
9) Miko (Hololive) - 41,419 - Idol Showdown
10) Miko (Hololive) - 56,389 - Getting Over It (w/ Kanata and Polka)
11) Miko (Hololive) - 36,617 - TTS Story Time
12) Hibari (Nijisanji) - 111,013 - 3D Debut
13) Mel (Hololive) - 58,589 - 5th Anniversary 3D Live
14) Pekora (Hololive) - 42,892 - Minecraft 1.20
15) Subaru (Hololive) - 52,757 - Marshmallow Reading + Announcement
16) Pekora (Hololive) - 49,970 - Chat GPT
17) Subaru (Hololive) - 81,111 - Sausage Legend Competition
18) Chloe (Hololive) - 94,193 - Birthday 3D Live

17x: Hololive
1x: Nijisanji

5x: Miko
4x: Pekora
3x: Marine
2x: Subaru
1x: Chloe, Hibari, Koyori, Mel

>2023 GOLDS
106x: Hololive
23x: Nijisanji
4x: Indie, Neo Porte
1x: VSPO

39x: Pekora
13x: Marine, Miko
6x: Subaru, Toya
4x: Hal
3x: Hololive, Kuzuha, Mio, Okayu, Suisei, Koyori
2x: Chiroru, Iroha, Lamy, Nerumero, Nijisanji, Salome, Towa
1x: Aqua, Ayame, Chloe, Choco, Fuwa, Gaku, Gura, Hibari, Himawari, Hinano, Ina, Kanata, Kiara, Korone, Mel, Mito, Mori, Nozomi, Polka, Ponto, Roco, Ryushen, Shion, Watame, Yashiro

>> No.49699994


>> No.49700013
File: 145 KB, 555x170, ccc_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Luxiem keeps collapsing she is unironically going to be the #1 in the branch.

>> No.49700014
File: 276 KB, 436x383, FjJyA3GXkAUQxX8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entertainers are not allowed to feel sad in public. Your role is to entertain so keep that smile up when people are look at you, the show never stops until the cameras are turned off.

>> No.49700026

>Do Magni and Vesper actually not feel any shame

>> No.49700077

Apparently some fag janny appeared in and is fucking with /hag/

>> No.49700083
File: 199 KB, 900x1200, FwancGKagAU-BU_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49700202


12,008: Mori (Hololive)
10,272: Shu (Nijisanji)
7,656: Bettel (Holostars)
6,821: Ina (Hololive)
5,803: Bettel (Holostars)
5,779: Mumei (Hololive)

1) IRyS (Hololive) - 9,139 - Super Mario Maker
2) Fauna (Hololive) - 13,573 - ASMR Offcollab (w/ Kronii)
3) Luca (Nijisanji) - 9,264 - NijiEN Dating Show (w/ Uki, Alban, Vox, Ren, Kyo)
4) IRyS (Hololive) - 7,445 - Super Smash Bros.
5) Gura (Hololive) - 13,811 - Bramble The Mountain King
6) Mumei (Hololive) - 17,981 - Council Uno Collab
7) Amelia (Hololive) - 8,418 - Unarchived Karaoke
8) Fauna (Hololive) - 7,622 - Super Mario Maker 2
9) Fauna (Hololive) - 10,140 - Minecraft
10) IRyS (Hololive) - 10,985 - Karaoke
11) Mori (Hololive) - 10,635 - Idol Showdown (w/ Ina)
12) IRyS (Hololive) - 8,656 - Super Smash Bros. (w/ Kronii)
13) Vox (Nijisanji) - 8,884 - Unarchived Karaoke
14) Kiara (Hololive) - 9,114 - Pikuniku (w/ Gura)
15) IRyS (Hololive) - 7,493 - CHADcast
16) Finana (Nijisanji) - 6,991 - Unarchived Karaoke (w/ Pomu & Elira)
17) Mumei (Hololive) - 8,197 - Valkyrie Connect (w/ Kronii)
18) Mori (Hololive) - 12,008 - Drinking Offcollab (w/ Subaru & Botan)

15x: Hololive
3x: Nijisanji

5x: IRyS
3x: Fauna
2x: Mumei, Mori
1x: Luca, Gura, Amelia, Vox, Kiara, Finana

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
34p: IRyS
21p: Fauna
20p: Mumei
18p: Mori
13p: Ina
7p: Shu
6p: Amelia, Kiara
5p: Luca, Gura, Baelz, Vox, Finana
3p: Elira
2p: Bettel
1p: Ike, Pomu

>> No.49700100


>> No.49700134
Quoted by: >>49700225

>does a wannabeOTV and a low view numberfag really doesn't care about leeching off more successful women?
I wonder, anon, I wonder...

>> No.49700148

>Anon making shit up
>Other anons chimp in
Fucking Stack Overflow syndrome I tell you

>> No.49700161

If you feel shame over this kind of things you're not fit to be a streamer

>> No.49700163

Leeches are invertebrates and are not capable of feeling emotions, so no.

>> No.49700171

None of the EN chuuba is funny.

>> No.49700202
File: 3.50 MB, 2480x3508, FwGUBmKaUAAJV4i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2023 EN GOLDS
99x: Hololive
37x: Nijisanji
2x: Holostars

14x: IRyS, Mori
12x: Fauna
10x: Gura, Mumei
9x: Baelz
8x: Ina, Amelia, Vox
7x: Kronii
6x: Kiara
5x: Mysta
4x: Selen
3x: Pomu, Shu
2x: Luca, Finana
1x: Ike, Flayon, Alban, Elira, Luxiem, Millie, Regis, Enna, Rosemi, Hololive English, Ren, Sonny, Fulgur

>2023 POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
133p: Fauna
111p: IRyS
101p: Mori
98p: Mumei
96p: Ina
84p: Baelz
69p: Vox
61p: Amelia
54p: Kiara
53p: Mysta
50p: Gura
47p: Kronii
43p: Luca
31p: Selen
25p: Shu
17p: Pomu
13p: Finana
11p: Uki, Axel, Sonny, Ike
10p: Elira
9p: Millie, Enna, Fulgur
7p: Regis
6p: Rosemi, Ren
5p: Flayon, Alban, Luxiem, Hololive English
4p: Vesper
3p: Hakka, Magni, Kotoka, Bettel
1p: Meloco, Shinri, Maria, Pippa, Nina

>> No.49700225
Quoted by: >>49700654

>low view numberfag
If he's a numberfag he's very bad at it

>> No.49700299

Nah they're gonna get some tourists for sure. Probably 15K or smth.

>> No.49700337
Quoted by: >>49700743

Ironic you say that while posting Polka of all fucking people

>> No.49700357

It is the same janny/mod that randomly bans people for racism, off topic stuff. They even ban >**** (literally 4 censored words) so I suspect it is the same one, and he is a sapling.

>> No.49700396

The bait catalog can't even get 100 reply under 1 hour.

>> No.49700437
File: 188 KB, 1278x715, 167989115819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that she misses us

>> No.49700439
Quoted by: >>49700640

Whos ready for the threadshitting?

>> No.49700451

/vt/ is dead

>> No.49700587

how often do I have to tell you, they are getting fucking botted as usual

>> No.49700609

* FINAL VOD TALLY FOR 05/17/2023 *
(Values are measured 24 hours after stream end)
>445,855 Kurumi Noah (Brave Group)
>365,573 Oozora Subaru (COVER)
>201,633 La+ Darknesss (COVER)
>191,001 Usada Pekora (COVER)
>175,062 Hoshimachi Suisei (COVER)
>156,153 Sakamata Chloe (COVER)
>150,739 Tsunomaki Watame (COVER)

>> No.49700629
Quoted by: >>49700802

Kronii is a 10k streamer.

>> No.49700640
Quoted by: >>49700740

on global?

>> No.49700654

that's the funny part

>> No.49700656

Just 3 more days. This has been a terrible week. Numbers and content wise

>> No.49700669
File: 326 KB, 662x594, 1684462161590870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek he's so mad

>> No.49700716

sisters think that if it gets decent ccv it will matter, when they don't realise that good streams create tons of clips art and references.

>> No.49700734
Quoted by: >>49700804

>happened after the speech
She is just scared.

>> No.49700737

never get in the way of a mans' yuri

>> No.49700740

This is the first thread that gets raided anon and you know it

>> No.49700743

But seeing a sad clown is funny.

>> No.49700783

/NijiEN/ was having a meltdown over a sc like that yeah, even they can't stand him kek

>> No.49700794
File: 371 KB, 1080x767, shittuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youtube paid this faggot millions to stream exclusively on their platform

>> No.49700802

Yeah right maybe if she's doing Minecraft. Outside of buff content like that she hasn't been a 10K streamer in a while.

>> No.49700804

Why would that be bad? That means she cares

>> No.49700805
Quoted by: >>49702118

>Entertainers are not allowed to feel sad in public
This. But depends on scenario.
If an entertainer abruptly finds out her family member passed away during her show, I can totally accept her to show emotions. However most cases are twitter thots being me me me and complaining about the dumbest things with dumbest takes.

The main problem is too many vtubers are clout chasers but not performers/entertainers. True entertainers like to perform and will actually sit down and contemplate after every performances. They are "showman". (while providing GFE of course)

>> No.49700807

classic manchild behavior

>> No.49700846
File: 199 KB, 1842x855, JS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, reminds me of this

>> No.49700864
File: 13 KB, 234x139, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49700876
Quoted by: >>49700928

>even Ludwig reclined

>> No.49700875

I don't get it, was the fangirl shitting on luca or the chat?

>> No.49700893
Quoted by: >>49701151

None of what you listed was the reason why it blew up. It blew up because the short choreography in between the song was perfect for Tik tok trend and accidentally become a trendy thing
People often forgot before Treasure Box Marine have Marine Set Sail too but welp, you forgot

>> No.49700905

Does baby need hes blinky?

>> No.49700917

she's probably underage and thinks he "owned the haters"

>> No.49700920

Weird-look vtuber you got there

>> No.49700928

markiplier still gets easy 80k

>> No.49700929

That's Selen.

>> No.49700945

Nice. Reincarnating is the right choice.

>> No.49700974


>> No.49700989

Someone sent a superchat complaining about him being a bad cameraman and ruining the stream
then Luca started shaking the camera as a response

>> No.49701002

Her last few streams before leaving weren't particularly amazing number-wise either...

>> No.49701016

rarity buff

>> No.49701056

is luca a seanog

>> No.49701092
File: 324 KB, 457x683, 1683829681789385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such thing as a male vtuber, this is just an ugly woman.

>> No.49701095
File: 272 KB, 669x641, 1684462309631112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49701248


>> No.49701101

Remember when that garbage anituber podcast called him Youtube's top streamer? kek

>> No.49701151

Anon the song had over 10M views before the tiktok trend became popular. It was well on its way to 22M before that.

>> No.49701233
Quoted by: >>49701444

Man that's deadly low even by Ludwig standards, which is funny because TotK edited VoDs are doing great numbers right now. I guess it's just that shit as a stream game?

>> No.49701248

This is the same audience that watches stars btw

>> No.49701287

Ok but why IS he interrupting them? Isn't it about a girls date? Isn't he just a 3rd party cameraman?

>> No.49701322

In his defense, TOTK(despite /v/ dicksucking) have garbage viewership metrics. Almost all top streamers either dropped it or suffered the shit numbers.
I won't be surprised if that's the reason why Pekora didn't play it.

>> No.49701348
Quoted by: >>49701465

he literally can't keep his mouth shut. They even forced him to leave because he couldn't stop interjecting

>> No.49701350

They sound and act like a typical twitchfag. Disgusting.

>> No.49701389

>mori's waiting room is almost as big as her stream
who are those people

>> No.49701426

you think a faggot like this isn't a narcisstic ego? all the nijiwhores and sisters enable him

>> No.49701440

This is on par with "1v1 me IRL" ...

>> No.49701444

>I guess it's just that shit as a stream game?
Isn't that every JRPG? They have great, memorable moments but with a lot of void in between.

>> No.49701457

why the numbers today look so grim

>> No.49701465

Enna literally told him that he is the one interrupting the show.

>> No.49701473

People who don't care about mori.

>> No.49701491

Oh no, not the Raid stream, I thought it was guaranteed global gold!

>> No.49701518

Pekora's first-person pronoun is Pekora instead of I/me, Does any HoloEN use their name as first-person pronoun?

>> No.49701520

viewer retention of cgdct faction has been good in faunas absence even if the numbers aren't big dick

>> No.49701526
Quoted by: >>49702347

Male Vtubers are the most disgusting and punchable humans on this planet and I refuse to believe any straight male watches these cucks.

>> No.49701544
Quoted by: >>49701948

VG. Don't lump /mansclassic/ with this teenager behavior

>> No.49701546
File: 420 KB, 1080x1593, niji bait n switch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have people forgotten about this one?

>> No.49701550

IRyS and Kiara do when they speak japanese

>> No.49701549

As we all know the best measure of a streamer is a sponsored stream.

>> No.49701579
File: 20 KB, 421x148, mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Already 2k waiting
This is 20k material

>> No.49701585
Quoted by: >>49701733

Smart streamers speedrunned that shit, finishing it in 20-25hours at most.
Anyone else still playing it are those who are know for playing nintendo games so their viewship usually are pretty stable

>> No.49701592

Not sure, but it's happened enough times that there's clearly a sizeable "SquadBox" of some sort that gives no fucks about any of the individuals and only shows up for the collabs.

>> No.49701601

Peak tier performer

>> No.49701612

No because that is cringe (in their minds).

>> No.49701638

It's cringe in English

>> No.49701646


>> No.49701655

No, it's because it's not proper English you nimrod

>> No.49701674

It's beyond cringe in english, yes.

>> No.49701678
Quoted by: >>49701811

All 3 CHAD members are streaming and I expect their fanbase to have decent amount of overlaps. Waiting room wasn't affected by tab cull but actual streams are, so some of them probably just went to Bae or IRyS's streams

>> No.49701679

my best friend who used to wander around 2k has finally grow to join the big leagues...

>> No.49701684
Quoted by: >>49701809

Who do the same thing when they collab with girls. Remember: all male vtubers want to be the center of attention, always. The girls should be expected to fall on their dick, that’s what these clout-chasers want.

>> No.49701688

I legit used the word "recline" to describe declining numbers at work today. Fucking kill me.

>> No.49701695
Quoted by: >>49701949

>/v/ being wrong
A tale as old as time

>> No.49701728

I will never understand a content creator trying to own that "one guy" by actively fucking with their own content and making it unwatchable. I remember a streamer and their friend playing through the campaign of Halo 3 ODST and chat was complaining about them having night vision visor on way too much to which they than did the thing of not listening and actively went against chat out of spite and had the visor on for 90% of the campaign which straight up made the footage unwatchable because everything was too goddamn bright and hurt people's eyes.

>> No.49701733

Funny enough some streamers got better numbers playing Darkest Dungeon 2 than fucking Zelda lmao.

>> No.49701738
Quoted by: >>49703984

name a male vtuber who isn't a psychotic creep
with hair-trigger rage

>> No.49701753

Anything Pekora does should be emulated ENkeks maybe you can hope for more than cripple gold

>> No.49701763

It's also cringe in Japanese. Nobody fucking does that outside of kindergarteners but somehow it became acceptable for vtubers to do it.

>> No.49701809

Yeah instead of Mea going after Robert's dick, what about Rob going after Mea's ass? Could be nice change of pace

>> No.49701811

>>49701678 (Me)
Nvm, you were talking about Mori's TTRPG stream's waiting room vs her RAID shill stream's CCV. Thought you were talking about RAID stream only.

>> No.49701843

Main categories of western male Vtubers:
Turbofaggots who were born to play a sexualized anime twink, they have zero shame or decency and lucky for them there is no shortage of overweight femcels and fags willing to pay good money for this. They are by far the most popular ones.
Examples: Vox, Shoto.
Social rejects and failed normies who found a community full of autistic socially awkward women guillable enough to fall for their mastered Discord Sex skills and almost average status. They are the most prone to yabs and will end up with a sexual assault allegation sooner or later.
Examples: Axel, Vesper, Luca.
>Clout Chasers
Twitch rejects starved for fame and money. They lack any sort of moral compass and will fuck anyone over, even their fucking grandmas, if it means getting a 10% CCV boost.
Examples: Magni, literally every single dramatuber like Nux
They don't exist.
Examples: none

>> No.49701874

It's not the same thing anon, in Japanese it's still something that happens, childish or not. In English it's simply not a thing at all.

>> No.49701905
Quoted by: >>49702324

isn't rpr kinda brotuber?

>> No.49701928
Quoted by: >>49702303

It is cringe in any language. I remember there was a girl in my highschool that used her name as first person pronoun. It was fucking cringe but it worked because she was gorgeous.

Only women with enough confident will use their name as first person pronoun and it will only not be cringe if they are well liked.

>> No.49701948
File: 64 KB, 1189x394, 1658771273643875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49701996

If you had some kind of civil war that was so small no one even noticed, you lost it sister

>> No.49701949

Never forget the Elden Ring meltdown. Hilarious days

>> No.49701967
Quoted by: >>49702183


>> No.49701968

It’s a common thing JP do, not just Pekora. Marine also goes by Marine/Senchou when she talking
Although it does sound pretty cringe in English

>> No.49701996

Reminds me of the vesper split

>> No.49701997

In Japanese kids do it, in English schizophrenic hobos do it.

>> No.49702001
File: 1.19 MB, 245x184, vcrmpkjirol71.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, 3 days makes it seem soon so that's nice
I'll be a happy wee boy.

>> No.49702005

But Pekora just mustered through BOTW a week ago. She is definitely playing TOTK, next year.

>> No.49702007
Quoted by: >>49702257

So tell me, what kind of people and in what context do they refer to themselves in the third person aside from little kids?

>> No.49702024
Quoted by: >>49702168

Yea everyone should emulate 8 hours of Zelda streams, that will surely help.

>> No.49702052

One thing I just noticed is you can easily annoy him by making fun of his skill or ability as streamer. This is not the first time.
>You suck being cameraman
>your commentary is bland
>unprofessional behaviour
>your voice sounds like toodler
This is the easiest way to annoy him, while if you told him about interrupting the girls stream it actually make him proud and stroke his ego, like "hehe I'm having fun with girls dud, suck it".

>> No.49702070
Quoted by: >>49702185

She was smart and speedrunned that so the results were good. As expected of her.

>> No.49702078

gura is a gura shark but she goes by shark or same pronoun

>> No.49702093
Quoted by: >>49702203

No, I will NOT fucking watch DQ no matter how much Peko suck its dick

>> No.49702118

I think a better way of putting is that you're allowed to be sad, but you're not allowed to be depressing. Showing real emotion is okay, and can be relatable, but if your viewers come away from the stream feeling uncomfortable instead of inspired to move past their own issues, you've failed.

>> No.49702126


>> No.49702153

Vtubers only do when they stream to remind themselves that they are supposed to be in character now. I think I remember one of the girls saying that.

>> No.49702168
Quoted by: >>49702518

Yeah instead of uhhh, what episode is Ina’s Zelda at now?

>> No.49702170
Quoted by: >>49702425

>In English it's simply not a thing at all.
Culture difference. I guess we will get more homocollabs then

>> No.49702180

She'll save it for the next golden week, and speedrun it when there's good guides for it lmao.

>> No.49702183
File: 155 KB, 1200x870, Fv0DeK6aAAA-n3Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49702185

>She was smart and speedrunned
Anon, my dead turtle under our house can run that shit faster than her

>> No.49702199

Hank Hill is a brotuber

>> No.49702203

shit taste

>> No.49702230
Quoted by: >>49702342

It's pretty normal in JP to use your own name as a pronoun, I learned while watching Matsuri and went check on /jp/
To us it sounds like they are talking in third person but to them it's not much different than saying watashi or similar words

>> No.49702231
Quoted by: >>49702566

Once Matsuri forgot she is not Matsuri anymore but still said her own name. Oh ya you made me remember that Kiara did that too while eating cake.

>> No.49702257
Quoted by: >>49702342

Dumb anime characters I guess. You're missing the point I think, In Japanese it can be part of the language, even if it is kids, in English it isn't a thing unless you're a schizo.

>> No.49702262
Quoted by: >>49702353

>200/100 people downloaded RAID
Actually GRIM

>> No.49702303
Quoted by: >>49702395

It's pretty normal to refer to yourself in third person pronouns when talking to family members or significant others in some languages.

>> No.49702324

He kisses his chat when someone subscribes or superchats, but overall he's really the closest thing to the definition of a brotuber that we have

>> No.49702339

You forgot the "I can't believe he isn't a cute girl" male vtuber. Ex. Rio, Ryushen

>> No.49702340
Quoted by: >>49702686

Can someone sort Tempus 1~2 into these categories

>> No.49702342
Quoted by: >>49702490

>It's pretty normal in JP to use your own name as a pronoun
Again, no it's fucking not. No adult would be caught fucking dead doing it in any normal setting.

Yes but only if you're a kid. If you do it as an adult in any social context you've basically commit character suicide.

>> No.49702347

I enjoy watching Astel dunk on people in Apex

>> No.49702353

Poor souls

>> No.49702395

No she used it to anyone that talked to her.

>> No.49702415

You guys want EN to learn the dumbest thing from JP, ever

>> No.49702425

get the cock out of your mind

>> No.49702461

Literally who here is advocating that they speak in the third person? Fucking nobody.

>> No.49702490
Quoted by: >>49702625

Anonymous user thinks you're a fag

>> No.49702500
Quoted by: >>49702632

Because they can't even learn the smartest thing from JP: stream regularly.

>> No.49702501

wow wednesday says hi

>> No.49702518

You think Ina doing it as a 8 hour stream would have done better? It's meh in any case.

>> No.49702561
Quoted by: >>49702646

That sounds fun though. It's like the Rock monologue.

>> No.49702566
File: 58 KB, 690x238, Screenshot 2023-05-18 at 23-38-34 Fool Pathway_Advancement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every chuuba should read Lord of the Mysteries before debut, the Fool Pathway is essentially the perfect philosophy for an actor. At the very least they should learn the Faceless acting method.

>> No.49702594


>> No.49702607

The retarded JPtard a few posts above did.

>> No.49702622

PekoMari collab must be fun to listen to since both of them refer to themselves in 3rd person

>> No.49702625

>Selen: I don't think you really know me

>> No.49702632

Close. It's stream things people want to watch regularly, or you end up with Kiara and Bae spamming JRPG stream #27 to 2k people. You can stream some stuff you want to stream and ignore the numbers, but you do have to give your audience something in return or you'll end up like Festival during any of her Apex arcs.

>> No.49702646
File: 237 KB, 1000x1361, 1616599640185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would involve EN sharts do the bare minimum in character acting and Kronii said thats cringe

>> No.49702686

Regis, red homo, that one fag from two everyone forgets
Axel, Vesper
>Clout chaser
Magni, other purple homo, the OTHER purple homo

>> No.49702688
File: 62 KB, 690x288, Screenshot 2023-05-18 at 23-41-47 Fool Pathway_Advancement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49702749

The magician's is also useful

>> No.49702745

Who has the best kayfabe in EN anyway? Unironically Mori?

>> No.49702748

>You guys want EN to learn the dumbest thing from JP, ever
Please yes. Learn most things from JP please.
I would mortgage my basement to bet EN will be far more successful.

>> No.49702749
Quoted by: >>49702909

>Lord of the Mysteries
Any of these ask you to be real to your audiences?

>> No.49702859

I think Magni kinda does it though. We need more ENs who has a flair for ridiculous speech.

>> No.49702869


>> No.49702884

Irys sub 6k
I thought en was healing?

>> No.49702893


>> No.49702909
Quoted by: >>49702993

The Fool Pathway is all about acting.
Description: The Fool Pathway seems to be about fooling perceptions and reality. It specializes in illusions, changing appearances, controlling other people as marionettes, divination, and strong muscle and facial expression control.
Fortunately that's the protagonist's pathway so it's a really good read for a vtuber

>> No.49702926

It's kinda funny that straight homo fujobait the hardest instead of the fag ones (Magni, Vesper, the orange guy)

>> No.49702930

>3.7k waiting 15 minutes out
Another easy cripple gold for Mori

>> No.49702932
Quoted by: >>49703105

Not Mori fans.
Not Tempiss fans.
They're unironically botted streams at this point.

>> No.49702969

We don't (from streams) really know any real shit about Gura and Mumei.

>> No.49702987


>> No.49702993

That is not being real.

>> No.49703012

Just google 一人称が自分の名前 and see how the general consensus is that it's for kids or at most, teenage girls. If you do it as an adult it's fucking cringe.

>> No.49703014
Quoted by: >>49703348

>Every chuuba should read Lord of the Mysteries before debut
The thing is...
Chuuba who isn't passionate in roleplay will Not read this, like forever. On the other hand the passionate ones Don't need it. As futile as Cover's statement.

>> No.49703078

I think blending acting and being real is the sign of a good streamer. Gura does this. Same with the JPs.

>> No.49703076

When will The Rapture Queen join the 41% this is getting old already

>> No.49703103
Quoted by: >>49703205

Fauna: oh you want me to be real now?

>> No.49703105
Quoted by: >>49704725

>They’re BOTTED because I don’t like them

>> No.49703159


>> No.49703181

kek now the problem with EN is that they don't roleplay
JPonlytards are some of the most retarded people itt
what's next, Omega's lore shit was actually good and they should stick to it 24/7?

>> No.49703180
File: 73 KB, 690x194, Screenshot 2023-05-18 at 23-48-48 Fool Pathway_Advancement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna needs to start low, learning how to be a clown

>> No.49703200

well lil pichu barely 1K

>> No.49703205
Quoted by: >>49703253

Unmasking at the most retarded moment and hide behind management later, truly the master in acting.

>> No.49703224

Now that it's proven Homocollabs are what the fans want, when can we expect management to mandate Gura to collab with the boys? She can't keep ignoring them

>> No.49703253
Quoted by: >>49703320

>hide behind management

>> No.49703266

>that one fag from two everyone forgets
That doesn't narrow it down lol

>> No.49703269

You just don't get it, Pekora bringing up her monkey on stream is an intricate part of her character lore and roleplay.

>> No.49703270

Ko'one is a fictional character. They get a pass too.

>> No.49703292
Quoted by: >>49703457

Pekora roleplay but she genuinely likes her audiences. From what I see most of the ENs loathe their audiences. Only Kiara visibly likes her audiences.

>> No.49703306
Quoted by: >>49703379

still shocking to me that a by all means well-done sequel to the most popular switch game for a beloved franchise is actually just total number poison

at least it's a really fun ameway game so the debuff streams are entertaining

>> No.49703320

Don't reply to him, he's a retard that thinks the cover statement was made because of Fauna when not a single EN has acknowledged it

>> No.49703319
Quoted by: >>49703441

You guys overcomplicate the problem and the solution, at the end of the day content rules the numbers. NO CONTENT NO NUMBERS.

>> No.49703322
Quoted by: >>49703364

it's what fans want when there is popular clips of the stream, everyone is talking about events that happened and memes are created.
CCV is for our horse races.

>> No.49703337

What potential chemistry that could they make? Every single one of them is pretty bland, including Vesper

>> No.49703348
Quoted by: >>49706810

I was talking about it because it make to me the thought of "do they have training before debut?"

>> No.49703352

>35M subs
>barely streams
>gimmick stream
only 80K...
gura's dead subs is nothing compared to this

>> No.49703364
Quoted by: >>49703402

But the other Squad streams have a fuckton of clips. This group just works

>> No.49703379
Quoted by: >>49703522

Because people want to play it themselves, not watch someone else play it

>> No.49703402

popular clips

>> No.49703407

They are streamers. They just need to be entertaining. One way is to do that is acting reps.

>> No.49703410
File: 1.33 MB, 592x532, 1672772850807373.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49703539

Do you want THIS THING to not act childish? I would immediately cancel my membership

>> No.49703441
Quoted by: >>49703897

ENs are fucking boring. I don't need to remind you on how fucking boring was their first ever offcollab in Japan. Fuuuucckk just be good entertainer it is not that hard.

>> No.49703457

So ENs really should have kept roleplaying with that Omega lore stuff?

>> No.49703463

this is gonna podium

>> No.49703480

They need to equate it by selling merch specifically for Ze Squad to have any indication of it popularity.

>> No.49703503

No. That shit was garbage.

>> No.49703512

>when can we expect management to mandate Gura
Hell would freeze before management can tell Gura to do anything
Reminder that chumbud this week has to follow FUCKING KIARA in order to watch Gura lol

>> No.49703522
Quoted by: >>49704357

This happened in elden ring too but that game still had more viewers in the long run.

>> No.49703535

Another day, another HoloGold
Feels good to be a HoloChad

>> No.49703539
Quoted by: >>49705663

what's with the "85" anyway? Is that an important cove number?

>> No.49703588
Quoted by: >>49703698

What's lore got to do with it? You roleplay as something cute and funny, is that simple. Luna speaks like a baby, she isn't talking about her candy kingdom and the duties of it.

>> No.49703603

We need less lore and more simple stuff like Pekora being cartoonish evil.

>> No.49703632
Quoted by: >>49703872

Nobody liked Omega's chunni shit. Comedian / entertainer acting.

>> No.49703643
Quoted by: >>49703701

At this point would you prefer your oshi to go indie and not be restricted by management?

>> No.49703645
File: 3.97 MB, 313x350, 1671963341204603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, my favorite "lore" in hololive is Marine.
She isn't a pirate despite her looks, but a cosplayer. That's so funny since she comes out like a crazy woman role-playing as a pirate and her audience has to "go along" with her fantasies which makes for a really funny gimmick, much better than being an actual pirate.
Meanwhile EN are mythical creatures and god-like entities, like... ok?

>> No.49703689
Quoted by: >>49704023

Do you seriously think Pekora being a "war criminal" is the official lore? They need their own role and embrace it. Most JP embrace the lore that the viewers gave them. The ones that don't ended up like the nigger elf, low numbers.

Kronii for example was given an extremely good lore by the kronies but she refused every single bit of it. Unironically Mori should also just embrace the horse lore by the way. She would have more sheriff fanarts and people would be more receptive to her roleplaying as a sheriff.

>> No.49703701

On one hand those faggots didn't approve 2 of the 7 total shorts she put in. On the other she seems happy regardless so overall no.

>> No.49703698

Gotcha Omega, you were right all along. It's a shame you were fired before you could save EN with your intricate lore and roleplay chuuni shit.

>> No.49703709

>muh roleplay JPs are better because they are acting like anime characters on purpose
retarded take and the Flygon faggot is the perfect example of why that shit is cringe. Natural charisma is what matters the most and some professionalism. Of course they play it up but it's retarded to think that JP chuubas are actinge like anime chara on purpose when we have multiple accounts of some of them being the same irl.

>> No.49703743
Quoted by: >>49703784

What's lore got to do with it? You roleplay as something cute and funny, is that simple. Luna speaks like a baby, she isn't talking about her candy kingdom and the duties of it.
Read it again retard

>> No.49703784
Quoted by: >>49703925

Kill yourself omega, your roleplay shit was garbage.

>> No.49703803

>Natural charisma
Other than Gura no one has it in EN. Which is why they are shit.
EN has no charisma and boring to watch, which is why their numbers are low. Saying anything other than this is cope.

>> No.49703854

>the problem with EN is roleplay
holy kek you guys can't be real
of all the problem in EN that's the thing? lmao

>> No.49703872

Moom and Fauna use it perfectly to an acceptable level of larp, anything else is over the top, anything less shows you can't stay in character

>> No.49703897
File: 391 KB, 1846x1698, 1672246494623963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49703932

The lake was kinda funny, come on

>> No.49703908

God I hate ENsharts. Hope you enjoy getting mogged by the Squad because your dumb whores cant follow the basic principles of Hololive

>> No.49703925
Quoted by: >>49704049

What's lore got to do with it? You roleplay as something cute and funny, is that simple. Luna speaks like a baby, she isn't talking about her candy kingdom and the duties of it.

>> No.49703932

No. And it has a lot of dead air.

>> No.49703936
Quoted by: >>49704176

It's starting!~

>> No.49703946
Quoted by: >>49704182

Anon, just look at how Lamy went from soft spoken mom chara to troublesome women GFE. You need to know how to blend what works and remove what doesn't.

>> No.49703953

I'm near sure it's arcschizo pushing more retardation and someone else jumping in

>> No.49703984
File: 126 KB, 258x328, 1654987373984705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're probably just talking about EN but most JP guys are pretty fucking normal. I don't know what causes such a jarring disparity.

>> No.49703988

Fuck off homobegging nijinigger

>> No.49704023

Well, originally she was some sort of dangerous beastkin who escaped from cage or a slave, right? It has been a while I saw the original character design..

>> No.49704028

No. EN has no charisma and they are boring to watch. I said this since the beginning of Myth but people would just like to cope with other things.

>> No.49704037

no, but backstory/lore is important if Cover wants to expand their business, granted, they can write simple lore, like gamer gen lore.
But chuuni lore is not bad if one day they want to make anime/manga/game based on their avatar, imo their talent shouldnt be forced to follow their character lore, just let them stream as usual

>> No.49704043

What basic prinicples, if the company doesn't care and is happy for them to do it?

>> No.49704049
Quoted by: >>49704434

Are you roleplaying as a bot anon? You should join holostars with that skill, you'll do great.

>> No.49704121

>"Super cool confident hyper chad" is actually a fragile insecure guy who puts up a front to keep up the act
>Gets hyper defensive if you do anything to challenge his glass image
Very common

>> No.49704127
Quoted by: >>49704217

it does sound like arcschizo now that you mention it lmao

>> No.49704136
Quoted by: >>49704362

No she is a princess from Pekoland.

>> No.49704153

take it away and what makes Hololive more special than any other vTubing agency? its always been the special sauce whether it be /u/ bait or GFE

>> No.49704175


>> No.49704176

>6k already

>> No.49704182
Quoted by: >>49704266

And Okayu went from cool big sis who play games with you to sexy onee-san who will jerk you off whenever she feels like it

>> No.49704217

You make it sound like only 1 person wants to see good stories from the streams.

>> No.49704255

way to out yourself

>> No.49704264

>it's better for than to act like normal streamers instead of stand out among the crowd
wasn't you supposed to be in the nijisanji thread?

>> No.49704266

I want Okayu to jerk me off whenever she feels like it...

>> No.49704284

Omega did nothing wrong, he tried to save EN and teach the girls to roleplay, but they rejected him. Fuck you ungrateful ENwhores.

>> No.49704302

>male/female collab beats all-female talk show with Gura
holy shit lol

>> No.49704357

Because people want to see the streamer suffer

>> No.49704362
Quoted by: >>49704551

I thought she was an alien with a carrot spaceship that crashed in a medieval planet. That's why she can use modern weapons in that era.

>> No.49704365
File: 1.51 MB, 1200x675, 1668540569834546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49704373

My friend I got a library in novelupdates for you

>> No.49704379

Hololive gacha collab

>> No.49704382

Got him.

>> No.49704434
Quoted by: >>49704676

It will be reiterated so it's clear to everyone that you can't understand simple sentences

>> No.49704445

tf is a tower of sky

>> No.49704457
Quoted by: >>49704484

I'm melting down

>> No.49704474
Quoted by: >>49704736

I'm not a gachafag, is this notable or a literal who game?

>> No.49704487

So what is the role that audiences gave ENs?
Gura - cute shark - she fully embraced it
Mori - ???
Kiara - ???
Ame - ???
Ina - ???
Kronii - ???
Fauna - ???
Mumei - unhinged murderer of humanity ?
Bae - ???
Sana - ???

I know there were some roles that viewers like them to play but they refused so eventually they disappeared.

>> No.49704484
File: 187 KB, 1015x407, 1661945437758605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49704517
File: 52 KB, 231x217, 1684228180942851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we having fun yet?

>> No.49704532
File: 2.09 MB, 1920x1080, 1655473277478765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49705743


>> No.49704547
File: 195 KB, 720x720, 1684465712253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another cripple gold for Mori
Queen of HoloEN

>> No.49704548


>> No.49704551

No no I'm pretty sure her original design had a broken shackle around her neck instead of that creature

>> No.49704556
File: 229 KB, 1501x347, 1684314701707283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's retarded to think that JP chuubas are actinge like anime chara on purpose
Not everyone does, of course. But even veteran chuubas like HSKW have commented on how some HoloJPs aren't 'normal'.

>> No.49704557
Quoted by: >>49704659

Fauna: Mommy

>> No.49704563

Frogmu was smooth and Enna was based, so yeah.

>> No.49704580
Quoted by: >>49704782

It feels like it's just going to beat Girlstalk but barely. Not sure if tomorrow's session will even hit 10k

>> No.49704591

Wait until it gets more than the Gura collab

>> No.49704600

never heard of this game before

>> No.49704610

Mori - bumbling sitcom father figure

>> No.49704617


>> No.49704648
Quoted by: >>49704767

Bae - zoomer who pretends she doesn't know what anything is

>> No.49704650

Oh he stopped spamming mumei images now and move to other?

>> No.49704654
Quoted by: >>49704958

The whole reason Hololive got popular in the west was a cute dog went Eekum Bokum constantly. Niggers here would call this 'cringe'.

>> No.49704659

Yeah that, and Fauna never really reciprocate that.

>> No.49704666

Well at least the SQUAD collab numbers are finally going down. Looking like 11k at most.

>> No.49704676
Quoted by: >>49704808

Reiterate it all you want but roleplay will not "save" EN in any way and if you think it would you're a mouth breathing retard that should be put out of his misery.

>> No.49704677

I'm always on nhentai and never saw a single work from this Tower of Sky, literal WHO game.

>> No.49704681
File: 165 KB, 512x512, 1645174500687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49704801

Why do we have deadbeats on /#/

>> No.49704688

mori - cringe shinigami
kiara - chicken
ame - iq10000 detective
ina - she can draw you know
kronii - clock
fauna - mommy
bae - zoomer rrat
sana - bogan space dork

>> No.49704723

IRyS - &

>> No.49704725

They're botted because the "viewers" aren't fans of any involved party while appearing and disappearing into the ether without trace specifically and only for these exact streams.

>> No.49704736

literal who tier

>> No.49704748


>> No.49704767

Yeah Mori embraced her "dad" role pretty well. Deadbeats are probably having it good but I am not one of them so I don't actually know.

She IS a zoomer. That is not a role.

>> No.49704766

Sorry, this is /theater/ now. Come back later

>> No.49704778

Don't forget Irys in your lists /#/ anons

>> No.49704782
Quoted by: >>49705233

Kiara channel and timeslot debuff. Girlstalk easily wins on Gura or Mumei’s channel.

>> No.49704801

They are on standby to reply to any Mori bashing

>> No.49704805
Quoted by: >>49705052

Gap moe reaper/Dad
Crazy Fast food owner
Multidimensional time travel(Most popular)
Comfty art streamer with eldritch beast attach to her(See Myth Bad End)
Zoomer that makes you feel old
> Sana
ojou sama /yabaiyrs

>> No.49704808

You talk out your ass, if they weren't roleplaying they would tell you their relationship status for a start.

>> No.49704814


>> No.49704828

We lost to the Squad. Not much else to say

>> No.49704830
Quoted by: >>49704918

Ehy cant they collab with anything other than gachas and restaurants?

>> No.49704835

Global tourists don't understand that /#/ is /SNORyS/ at this hour

>> No.49704850
Quoted by: >>49704935

The longer this goes on, the more I think you don't actually know what roleplaying means.

>> No.49704901
File: 31 KB, 678x217, & Irys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49704903
File: 78 KB, 853x506, RACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RACE ongoing

>> No.49704913
Quoted by: >>49705002

>/#/ Roleplaying General

>> No.49704918

They collabed with a city and a festival

>> No.49704935

You clearly don't talking about lore and omega and retarded shit, watch streams

>> No.49704955
File: 335 KB, 664x829, 1667180343382231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49705040

ah this is published by the same company that owns monster strike. Only released in February too.

>> No.49704957
Quoted by: >>49706839

Pekora and Miko act like unironic cartoon characters sometimes for laughs, they have the voices for it.

It makes Miko's attempts at GFE feel so silly.

>> No.49704958

newfags here dont even know what you're talking about they all started watching with Tempus debut

>> No.49704975
Quoted by: >>49705070

You're not even making sense anymore anon, what the fuck. Separating your holo character from your real persona is not roleplaying.

>> No.49704976

I miss the vrabi graph posting hoomans

>> No.49704988
File: 284 KB, 466x1663, 40B1C572-E3CB-4BDA-B552-D1E99BEF003B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49705082

Why is the vesperonii collab doing so mediocre? Is it because it’s primary audience (Saplings) are out of the box with Fauna on break?

>> No.49704990

didnt shoe stream got 10k? was it a Z?

>> No.49705002

Thread theme is TTRPG

>> No.49705010

Fubuki nendo is getting rereleased

>> No.49705023
Quoted by: >>49705136

That doesn't look good
I thought it would get 10k in 10 minutes

>> No.49705040

I recognize that name. Hopefully it's not shit and is published by not Crunchyroll in the west

>> No.49705052

>what they decided to be
Someone that owns the haters constantly
Unity worker
GF that stopped trying after a year
Just some artist (lost her feelers recently)
Zoomer that screams
> Sana

>> No.49705070

yes it is and stop samefagging

>> No.49705082

BaeRys overlap

>> No.49705132

People tend to forget there are critical differences between actor and vtuber.
Actor acts in an environment that is shielded from the audience and can have countless NGs. A realife scumbag actor can act like a perfect saint in movies. But it's very hard for him to act like a saint over 10 hours of gameplays, in unscripted interactions in collabs. And NGs aren’t allowed. Actor acts ACCORDING to script, while vtuber has to REACT without script.
If you’re against something, It’s very hard to pretend you agree with it for 5~6 hours everyday and on twitter too. A twitch whore can act like a holo in 2 hour movies, but never in her streams and social media in the long run.

>> No.49705136
Quoted by: >>49705204

Its a ttrpg nobody gives a shit, not even tourist, it will beat the girls talk collab tough.
So get ready for the even worse threadshitting.

>> No.49705155
Quoted by: >>49705265

So you admit that all EN members actually do roleplay.

>> No.49705175
File: 428 KB, 631x786, Moon_LDL-1622019448725962753-img3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like those tempiss collabs were benefiting from UNO buff more than anything else.

>> No.49705202
Quoted by: >>49705273

Kek what an absolute retard you are, you don't even understand what roleplaying means.
Cope and seethe moron.

>> No.49705204
Quoted by: >>49705317

Meh, even last bait thread doesn't do good.

>> No.49705233

>Girlstalk easily wins on Gura or Mumei’s channel.
Too bad Kiara is the one that cares enough to organize them.

>> No.49705235

Which is why they really need to choose the right girls that fit into hololive culture for EN3 instead of selecting whores like Council.

>> No.49705239
Quoted by: >>49705347

that's not part of not-roleplaying, retard. Also you better off yourself if you're looking for virgin trad western vtuber since you wont find it

>> No.49705253

sorry, bot prices skyrocketed due to popular demand

>> No.49705265
Quoted by: >>49705386

I have made two statements and I will repeat the first
What's lore got to do with it? You roleplay as something cute and funny, is that simple. Luna speaks like a baby, she isn't talking about her candy kingdom and the duties of it.

>> No.49705273

I am not watching it, but I am guessing that they have to mellow out instead of being "unhinged".

>> No.49705295

Novelty buff more than anything. Tourists were just starved for new interactions and now they fucked off. EN3 would've achieved the same or even more without pissing off the gachis.

>> No.49705302

Its not like Mori is that much above MeMe

>> No.49705306

>just because it is on Kiara's channel even though my oshi appears on it I would never watch it
Are people this retarded?

>> No.49705317
Quoted by: >>49705595

The baits dogshit but with enough spamming and samefagging they might get an autist here to bite.

>> No.49705322
File: 446 KB, 841x480, skwad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to doubt they'll get 10k

>> No.49705347
Quoted by: >>49706033

go back to your homobeggar discord, or is the stream that shit you're bored even there?

>> No.49705367

>wanting EN3
>not just watching english speaking vtubers outside of holoEN to get your fix for content

>> No.49705384

it's just the character creation stream. Does anyone have a CCV comparison of Mythbreaker's session 1 and character creation stream?

>> No.49705386
Quoted by: >>49705445

You can spam that sentence as much as you want arcschizo, but it still doesn't change that you don't know what roleplaying is. And btw, if you're using Luna as your example, then JP doesn't like it either.

>> No.49705387

Wait, THE SQUAD collab will lose to fucking Kiara??

>> No.49705390


>> No.49705395

I'm saying that if they want it to appear on their oshi's channel, then they should hope that they care enough to organize them like Kiara does.

>> No.49705398
File: 2.67 MB, 1920x1080, 1669193154556303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49705404

You new? Chumbuds are known to only watch Gura(solo). Kiara talked about that

>> No.49705413

No blue dorito, no watch

>> No.49705418

what an actual non-botted skwad graph looks like

>> No.49705445
Quoted by: >>49705517

>talking about arcs now
What's lore got to do with it? You roleplay as something cute and funny, is that simple. Luna speaks like a baby, she isn't talking about her candy kingdom and the duties of it.

>> No.49705455

10k bots missing

>> No.49705467

>suddenly shoots up 300 viewers out of nowhere after stagnating

>> No.49705466
Quoted by: >>49705552

>watching english speaking vtubers
Why should I? They are of lower quality and it is a waste of time.

>> No.49705471
File: 208 KB, 912x886, 1669289565430583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49707905

Nah it'll get there eventually, looks like the illusion of all powerful tempiss and EN collabs has been broken though. If you're struggling to beat a Kiara channel collab you've fucked up

>> No.49705479 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>49705587

Oh hey, Cover's stock finally passed 2.000 yen today (before the lunch break) and its market cap also increased from 117B to 124B.

Yagoo will also be going on another business trip today, and there will be some changes to their previous announcement

>> No.49705490
Quoted by: >>49705730

Give me your recommended vtubers then

>> No.49705489

Pretty good bet so far anon lol
Just barely scrapping making it

>> No.49705494

compare this one to the other homo collab graphs and tell me they weren't botted

>> No.49705507

It will hit it. YouTube is rounding up to 9.8k

>> No.49705513

It’s literally gonna hit 10k in the next few minutes.

>> No.49705517

>Ignoring the meat of the statement

>> No.49705520
File: 761 KB, 1040x586, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49705702

huh, they're a smidge behind where girl's talk was 20 minutes in

>> No.49705529

Well you see, Hololive is based because its a walled garden and no males an- ACK

>> No.49705531
Quoted by: >>49705630

Viewers are leaving IRyS...

>> No.49705538
Quoted by: >>49707955

>A twitch whore can act like a holo in 2 hour movies, but never in her streams and social media in the long run.

Won't be a problem if you only stream thrice per month

>> No.49705539

What's lore got to do with it? You roleplay as something cute and funny, is that simple. Luna speaks like a baby, she isn't talking about her candy kingdom and the duties of it.

>> No.49705547

already tried i dont like drama nigs like pippa and the new corpos end up being whores or Lgbt supporters

>> No.49705550

wtf how is this losing to kiara, did they run out money for bots?

>> No.49705552

Dunno, I like some twitch whores.

>> No.49705561

chumbuds are retarded, yes

>> No.49705563


>> No.49705587

TSE is generally in a bull mood right now, with the index passing 30k yen yesterday. You can compare Anycolor with Cover side by side. Literally the same pattern of incline, almost like they are botted.

>> No.49705595

Told you.

>> No.49705607
File: 584 KB, 1280x720, sdf01362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CGDCTchads how are we feeling?

>> No.49705624
File: 416 KB, 750x607, 26950A9C-1EB6-479A-8C7C-AE73C229EAC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49705673


>> No.49705629
Quoted by: >>49705673


>> No.49705630

Fuck those fair-weather viewers

>> No.49705636


>> No.49705651
Quoted by: >>49705683

Are viewers jumping back and forth from IRyS? Wtf

>> No.49705655 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1080x686, adhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumei menhera meltdown on Twitter

>> No.49705663

ya go

>> No.49705673


>> No.49705674

Anon ascended to bothood. No more arguing or even reading, just botlike replies.

>> No.49705682

the thing is, holoJP are streamers who have anime avatars
this whole oh they pretend to be anime characters is a massive cope to hide the fact that they are simply that charismatic and creative
i see holoJP as a fusion of let's players and cute anime. but there is nothing fake about it

>> No.49705683

It's a Z

>> No.49705702
Quoted by: >>49705731

>20 minute delay

>> No.49705718

In Japanese refering to yourself with your name is something kids do so it works out for someone trying to put on a childish character or act cute
In English the only people who refer to themselves in third person are self important fuck wits and royalty so it doesn't fly

>> No.49705730
Quoted by: >>49705964

go windowbrowsing in lig see whos streaming, give some a shot explore a bit. New things are scary but approach things with more an open mind theres something out there for everyone.

>> No.49705731

Yeah, and Mori raided herself. So what

>> No.49705743

Why do these companies spend money on holos when the game dies anyways? I mean Suisei and Miko don't come cheap. Miko

>> No.49705749


>> No.49705750

Anons are actually excited about the fact that the girls are beating a butch of homo plus mori/kronii. It's like bragging you beat a kid in a race as an adult.

>> No.49705763

the only good male vtuber

>> No.49705793

>more people would rather listen to boring shit that means nothing to them because penises are present, over CGDCT with EN's Ace
yeah im thinkin its over

>> No.49705817

I love squad hours.

>> No.49705831

i dont want en3
i just want my oshi to be happy

>> No.49705837

Was the Girlstalk episode good? I really don’t want to give Kiara a view unless it’s really worth it.

>> No.49705838

Seems like Idol Showdown didn't really have any staying powers.

>> No.49705865

I am moderation my friends 3view stream.

>> No.49705868

Kiara is a good girl who dindu nuffin.

>> No.49705887
File: 21 KB, 400x400, When sex drops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49705897

>People would watch streams that's convenience in their time than stream that's not
Yeah, truly a mystery anon ...

>> No.49705904

it has kiara in it so it was shit

>> No.49705908

Answer the question.

>> No.49705915 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>49705954

Mumei going menhera of her ADHD because she saw (you) bullied her in catalog with her Zelda puzzle

>> No.49705935

just like all the other fighting games

>> No.49705942
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, 1684448815555256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49706009


>> No.49705945
File: 53 KB, 755x463, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly irys and enna bleeding into squad

>> No.49705947

She held back my oshi big time. When she left Japan all was good.

>> No.49705954

ADHD is not real.

>> No.49705964

Give me names please

>> No.49705970
Quoted by: >>49706290

>don’t want to give Kiara a view
just turn your ad block on

>> No.49705981

Intergender collab beats Girls Talk
Can't make this shit up!

>> No.49705984

Fighting game fans are like the squad fans.

>> No.49705999


>> No.49706005
File: 93 KB, 273x308, imagen_2023-05-18_222947479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile Choco

>> No.49706009

You know if you stick that in your butt you're ending up in the hospital right?

>> No.49706014

No, but they certain doesn't sub to kiara to know she there.

>> No.49706029

Best Hololive stream this year.

>> No.49706033
Quoted by: >>49706341

what does that have to do with the homos, delusional retard?. Do you really think western female chuuba who still virgin and never touch boy/man before really exists? hate it to break it to you, they dont.
The only virgin female chuuba is the one with face so ugly only her mother can love it

>> No.49706032

poor OL

>> No.49706040
File: 208 KB, 1074x1524, FwZ-N8MaIAkSUQ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49706072

thousand scientific papers say otherwise

>> No.49706074
Quoted by: >>49706236

I hope this doesn't trigger a spam arc for her

>> No.49706085
File: 67 KB, 1080x1225, Oi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49706096
File: 154 KB, 689x446, 1663776393291291 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im glad they exist

>> No.49706170

hey salte de mi hilo, negro

>> No.49706192
File: 382 KB, 1988x2048, 32532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49706238

>Kneecaps the Homo collab
Why is she getting in the way of unity?

>> No.49706201


>> No.49706207

>bae going strong
>irys keeps bleeding viewers
I thought bae is the homo friendly one?

>> No.49706210

Explain me then

>> No.49706236
Quoted by: >>49706520

nah, dbd lobby still shit
unless she can get 5 other girls to join in on a dbd spam arc, it's not happening

>> No.49706239

now remove kiara and shitrys

>> No.49706238
File: 56 KB, 321x229, 1658018583104820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49706242

God I fucking wish that was true

>> No.49706270

If you are watching part 15 of an RPG, you are not leaving until it's done

>> No.49706276


>> No.49706283
File: 172 KB, 768x768, 1678422328508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49706602

>tfw blessed to have an oshi that makes both unichuds and homobeggars seethe

>> No.49706288

Bae must be at her floor with actual Brratkeks

>> No.49706290
Quoted by: >>49706346

You know that only works for ccv right?

>> No.49706291
File: 114 KB, 1169x1169, Moomingstops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49706294

Bae ending or IRyS going into SC reading will push them to gold

>> No.49706297
Quoted by: >>49706353

Whats the thread ppm? Global was at 40 ppm for the girls talk collab

>> No.49706326

>I thought bae is the homo friendly one?
Bae is playing part 200 of Person 5. The only people watching that shit are hardcore Bae fans.

>> No.49706331

it's more like personafags don't want to miss a stream. just like those 3k jrpg fags won't skip a kiara jrpg stream ever.

>> No.49706341

What the fuck are you talking about?
My oshi is Pekora. I don't know her real name. I can only guess her age. I don't know what she looks like and the only thing that backs up her story about herself is her own words; there is no reality we can track to keep an eye on whether her stories about her past, her daily life, her experiences are actually true.
It's literally roleplay. I'm also playing a role. When I imply to Mio I want to fuck her, there is so many reasons not worth pointing out that it's not a legit attempt at seduction.

>> No.49706346
Quoted by: >>49706381

>no proof

>> No.49706347

Anything that isn't at 1 million in 3 days is embarrassing. Even holos with no musical backbone can get that, like Miko.

>> No.49706353

Who cares?

>> No.49706372
File: 87 KB, 714x173, FwUm-f6agAMMfe93434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sacred battle....

>> No.49706373

Vuélvase a BaI, señor anon.

>> No.49706381


>> No.49706422

A people said ze squash gonna get 20k.

>> No.49706442
File: 40 KB, 128x128, 1683638396266469.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49706500

Homobeggars have lost. If you're struggling against a Kiara stream and have lost 8-10k between collabs, it's over for them

>> No.49706449

Twitch rivals rust > streamer server rust

>> No.49706459

someone post the image where selenfag gets banned for falseflagging in 40 posts

>> No.49706478

Mori will win, that Girls talk done at 1-4 pm US times. I dont trust EU fags to win anything during their time

>> No.49706479

Holoyoi already beat it anyway

>> No.49706497

About 5 minutes until girlstalk gets passed. Unicucksisters, our response?

>> No.49706500
Quoted by: >>49706551

>shitrys is losing to them and will also lose to bae soon

>> No.49706507

what role did Amelia/IRyS/Bae play?

>> No.49706512

>from 20k to 10k
damn, the squad is reclining harder than luxiem

>> No.49706520
File: 2.49 MB, 2336x2572, 1683023961569365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would be correct if it wasn't Choco we are talking about.

>> No.49706551

Irys will never lise to bae

>> No.49706554

Homochad domination, that's it

>> No.49706585
File: 121 KB, 595x540, 1677269345002634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49706662

>barely getting 11k on the first part
Yep, it's fucking over. Hope no one asks Kris what the fuck happened.

>> No.49706587

Guess the novelty started to wear out.

>> No.49706589

>Go to calog
>Saw Luca angry thread
>bunch of catalog fags doesn't even know Luca
Are you fucking serious? This is the kind of poster roaming on catalog

>> No.49706600

Still betting on the homo collab to take it in the end.

>> No.49706601

We lost

>> No.49706602

How does IRyS make Unicorns seeth? She is literally THE most unicorn bandwagoned EN sans maybe Gura.

>> No.49706618
File: 155 KB, 739x412, 1658871568545038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49706627

Girls X boys collab > girls collab
Simple as

>> No.49706631


>> No.49706654
File: 154 KB, 354x347, 1684467605305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove them all from my sight. Western bitches can only DREAM of being real CGDCT

>> No.49706660

omegagod status?

>> No.49706663
Quoted by: >>49706738

What's the combined average of the squad?

>> No.49706662

Kek does anyone have him fighting with that numberfag on twitter and him using the uno collab as cope and proof that Tempiss was popular and a success

>> No.49706664

>She is literally THE most unicorn bandwagoned EN sans maybe Gura.
That's Mumei

>> No.49706699
File: 121 KB, 463x453, 1658298929424670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49706707

>SQUAD Uno beat Council Uno
>Boys Night will beat Girl’s Talk

Squad collabs might be reclining but so are CGDCT collabs.

>> No.49706711

Mori should start making good covers, like this one.

>> No.49706738

Below this. Kronii alone can get over this solo

>> No.49706744

Irys literaly talks about boys on stream and once was sad that some sound guys didn't notice her nails

>> No.49706780

The latest girls talk beat the previous girls talk numbers anon

>> No.49706797

Sisters keep hoping that if collabs get big numbers it justifies the existence of male collabs, when it's every other content created from the collab being loved by majority that actually justifies

>> No.49706810

>"do they have training before debut?

There's no training it's just good ole Cover guidelines

>> No.49706829

Because it had Gura.

>> No.49706839
Quoted by: >>49706952

This thread forgot how hard Pekora was going for the Pekoland princess roleplaying on her debut. She toned it down eventually but it is still the general direction of her character (Princess 3D outfit)

>> No.49706869

You see characters in anime do it. It would be cringe if you did it in Japanese in real life, but good thing these people are larping as anime characters, huh?

>> No.49706908

I'm sure barely beating girlstalk in EU time on Kiara's channel will mean your homos will incline to the moon after this.

>> No.49706920
Quoted by: >>49707335

>a massive overwhelming 10.8k
We had a good run, CGDCT-brothers. But it's over.
I've been forced by this result to now become a Vesperonii shipper.

>> No.49706952

Half this thread is newfags larping as /hlg/ oldfags.

>> No.49706964

EN is reclining
Hololive is reclining
YouTube is reclining
The Internet is reclining
(You) are reclining.

>> No.49706969
Quoted by: >>49707022

>fauna already using her ddos tactic for the squad stream

>> No.49706971

>Already coping

>> No.49707003

Mumei literally collabed with males though.

>> No.49707011
File: 724 KB, 1033x591, 1661147059721129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49707022
Quoted by: >>49707120


>> No.49707026

>Who has the best kayfabe in EN anyway?
A meaningful question would be
Who has the Second best kayfabe in EN and why?

>> No.49707065


>> No.49707067

i think it passed it.....

>> No.49707070
File: 24 KB, 576x126, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49707105

>> No.49707076


>> No.49707078

CGDCTfags have been getting purged for the past 10 months, so yeah. What do you expect?

>> No.49707081

Yeah because Gura while still being lower than Gura doing a normal ass stream.

>> No.49707091

YT buffering for GUN stream
seems to be regional

>> No.49707098

Also I can't wait to see how this does tomorrow. This has first stream + character creation buffs, how badly will it be when it doesn't?

>> No.49707105


>> No.49707116

Ahh that hit like crack

>> No.49707120

It’s basically a meme about how streams suddenly start lagging when they are about to pass another stream in numbers (which just so happen to be fauna streams)

>> No.49707124
File: 74 KB, 480x480, 1668307554636415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49707176

Redemption and conversion stories are the best. We love our autistic CGDCT Mooming daughter here

>> No.49707126

Owarida ...

>> No.49707131

>No sticky in the subreddit for the Gun TTRPG

>> No.49707133
Quoted by: >>49707327

Well unicucks, what's your next move?

>> No.49707146

Its fucking OVER.....

>> No.49707150

>"hehe I'm having fun with girls dud, suck it"
Jesus fucking Christ. I don’t hate males, but this is the mentality that too many of these fucks have. It’s not *about* you having fun. It’s about the viewers having fun. Unless you’re in the blackest of black companies, you don’t have to be miserable and only do shit you hate, but you’re not supposed to make the stream shittier just so you can “have fun”.
The proper response is, “Oops, my bad.” That’s it. Not that hard. It’s automatic for most people.

>> No.49707153
Quoted by: >>49707448

Someone save my oshi ludwig.

>> No.49707160
Quoted by: >>49707282

She also follows Astel in her youtube subs and typed in his chat during karaoke before

>> No.49707170

>A lagging stream beating the ultimate cgdct stream

>> No.49707173

It's over...

>> No.49707176
Quoted by: >>49707309

opinion on Kronii?

>> No.49707174
File: 398 KB, 1191x439, 55B293B4-63B4-4933-B114-19C324C78337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t beat the cock

>> No.49707190

Will Kaela streaming MC in 15 mins steal some of Mori's viewers? We know that the male collab lovers are mainly indos

>> No.49707201


>> No.49707205


>> No.49707215


>> No.49707216
File: 39 KB, 128x128, 1684133347660430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49707225

It has TTRPG debuff

>> No.49707227

It's over...

>> No.49707236
Quoted by: >>49707283

>Holo vs Holo

>> No.49707243

Nah, Kaela has a different audience.

>> No.49707242
Quoted by: >>49707323


>> No.49707251
Quoted by: >>49707310

There wasn’t even a pin for the girlstalk stream retard

>> No.49707261
File: 515 KB, 1881x2660, 20230519_095905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to abandon HoloEN and take the Henya pill.
>Streams everyday
>Stream from 8am to 5pm
>Always reply to chat
>8k - 9k ccv
>No males.

>> No.49707270


>> No.49707282
Quoted by: >>49707360

I mean, Astel is by far the most talented Stars member. Have you seen that dude dance and sing? He's a bonafide idol.

>> No.49707283

Get the rope

>> No.49707289

can a Council TTRPG beat homo stream?

>> No.49707295

feels good seeing unicorn tears

>> No.49707300

>Twitch vtubers
The only notable thing they do is stream a lot, half of it is one-note react garbage and the other half is mostly the same games Hololive plays (with exception to chink gachashit) with less interesting commentary and personalities. The entire scene also revolves around collabing with Mythic (read: OTK) and Vshojo so it's poison to the core.
>Small Corpos
There are only a couple of notable small EN corpos anymore and those are (in order): Phase Connect and Idol. That's it. Every other EN small corpo is basically irrelevant.
>Phase Connect
I actually used to watch Pippa for her first year but her reliance on the Kiwi Farms crowd and her connections with IBS retards made me like her increasingly less. Her recent pivot into react shit on trending topics like Andrew Tate and Mr. Beast pretty much killed all my interest in her. If you're wondering why I'm not mentioning anyone else, we all know why: it's her fucking company at this point. Pippa is their kingmaker and everyone else in the company is a Hololite orbiter whose audience is her sloppy seconds. Even Tenma, their second-in-command has a large portion of her audience as a result of her close association with Pippa. You either like Pippa, or you're basically second-class, and I'm the latter and stopped caring about them.
Different cause but very similar circumstances as Phase Connect. However, instead of one person being their kingmaker, now it's two: Yuko and Rin. Yuko is a second-rate Gura clone and Rin is a zoomer tranny who both inclined off shorts with trendy meta topics. Yuko is just a worse Gura and Rin is insufferable to watch if you're above the age of 18.

ENvtubing is a wasteland right now and in the unlikely case that they're actually looking for and will release EN3 in a timely manner, they should be looking for people who aren't vtubers at this point.

>> No.49707303

>We know that the male collab lovers are mainly indos
They are?

>> No.49707306
File: 192 KB, 443x349, 1684468156366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49707309
File: 158 KB, 2008x2008, 1669592831400907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49707357

She's fit to stand alongside Judas, Brutus and Cassius in the lowest circle of hell

>> No.49707310

>Episode # whatever of a normal zatsu series
>vs a special one-off HoloProEN unity blockbuster collab

>> No.49707311
Quoted by: >>49707400

So does this mean


>> No.49707315


>> No.49707323


>> No.49707327
Quoted by: >>49707479

I don't think you know what that means, dear sister

>> No.49707331

Feels so good shitting on unicucks

>> No.49707335
File: 1.33 MB, 1600x1200, B2898FDE-084A-4AAD-89E8-A1AB6C553B3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not becoming a Vesperonii shipper simply because it makes Kronies seeth

>> No.49707352

Im waiting until Gunrun stops boosting her. He needs a success after all his new hires have flopped for them.

>> No.49707357

Fauna loves Kronii you know?

>> No.49707360

sure i enjoy his stuff too but i'm just saying it breaks unicorn larper delusions with owl

>> No.49707369


>> No.49707373

>Homo can only win when leech the girls

>> No.49707377

men are truly better than women at everything...

>> No.49707381
Quoted by: >>49707502

Owari da.
Well, it terribly underperformed anyways, so I don't really know what to make of it.

>> No.49707383


>> No.49707389

Well, at least we know who's shitposting.

>> No.49707400
Quoted by: >>49707714

kiara is a mistake

>> No.49707405
Quoted by: >>49707442

Gura's presence should have brought GT to 15k

>> No.49707408

A winning day for Cuckbeats and Krocucks

>> No.49707414

nice headcanon

>> No.49707413

I'm late, people really hate ttrpg don't they...I bet on 17k

>> No.49707418
Quoted by: >>49707863

>B-but muh kiara channel!
Let's be honest, mori's channel isn't a buff either

>> No.49707417
File: 96 KB, 628x625, unichuds lost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no unichuds what's this?

>> No.49707419
Quoted by: >>49707576

So a homo collab beat a Gura collab?
That's good to know
That's very good to know

>> No.49707440
Quoted by: >>49707937

CGDGTbros we need to administer heavy doses of copium in 3.....2......1....

>> No.49707442

chumtourists refuse or don't know how to click on channels that aren't gura

>> No.49707445

Irys you’ve tried your best to hold the viewers but the battle is lost

>> No.49707448

What’s happening to my boy luddy?

>> No.49707470

hahaha, nijicuck

>> No.49707479

unicorns + cuck is not rocket science

>> No.49707487
File: 378 KB, 451x436, 1660881689186437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters will shitpost like hell whenever their irrelevant homocucks get any sort of achievement (once per month) and then cry "rent free" when pointing out homos are absolute utter failures.
Don't worry sis, this will make shitting on their solo numbers even more fun.

>> No.49707489

>Beats April fools collab
>Beats Easter collab
>Beats Council Uno
>Beats girlstalk
So I guess more people actually prefer mix gender collabs now?

>> No.49707494
File: 447 KB, 611x604, 1670748902853739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ loved Judas too

>> No.49707498
File: 89 KB, 1160x1012, 1668827924342647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49707558

Kill Mori. Behead Kronii

>> No.49707499
Quoted by: >>49707614

>leechers leeching
What did you expect?

>> No.49707501

He's reclining >>49700794

>> No.49707502
Quoted by: >>49707648

>terribly underperformed
What do you expect? Why do you think it should be higher?

>> No.49707529

Myth ttrpg says EN audience has a limited audience

>> No.49707527

Unironically gura and mumeis fault for not offering to host girls talk on their channel:

>> No.49707541

Unicorn bros... I's over... the CGDCT era is coming to an end. The fans are now all about demanding unity collabs. Yagoo's gonna start pushing more homocollabs from now on....

>> No.49707543

>homo gold today
>probably homo gold tomorrow
Fucking GRIM.

>> No.49707546

Dipshit, there’s supposed to be lore, but it’s supposed to be barebones as possible while still having something to work off of. That way the vtuber can flesh it out with their audience and expand on it based on how their audience and streaming style works out.
Good vtuber lore should be created during an office brainstorming session and written on a whiteboard. Not written by some chuuni creating his own fan fiction. The entire problem is that most of their lore was written by Omega, not made up on the fly by the vtuber off a basic, flexible premise.

>> No.49707558


>> No.49707573
Quoted by: >>49707633

Stupid enough to actually play TOTK on stream. Should've done what xqc did and just pretended that his "capture card broke". Penguinz0 is also shitting his numbers thanks to Totk.

>> No.49707576

Gura lost the goodwill of her audience. She isn't as strong as she was.

>> No.49707606

>Bettel amazing birthday performance, SC monster
>Squad collabs higher than Holos

>> No.49707608

it's not their fault it's MEMEMEME's fault

>> No.49707613
File: 51 KB, 200x196, flaugh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6vwrjh.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49707706

It's not even JP hours yet faggot, it'll be another Pekora Gold

>> No.49707614
Quoted by: >>49707708

She's following them, chuddy boy.

>> No.49707617
File: 463 KB, 700x993, 1648606447287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the exact same thing that happened with pic rel so it's not exactly new

>> No.49707633

do you think he cares he has lower ccv? a lot of his twitch fanbase didn't carry over he'll sleep happy on susan's bags of cash and gives all his donations to his mods/team

>> No.49707648

It terribly underperformed both compared to previous Squad collabs and Mythbreakers character creation.

>> No.49707651

Implying Kiara would let that happen

>> No.49707652

Guys how do i stop my oshi from playing the elf game?

>> No.49707665

Lets be honest. If girls talk where on literally any of the other 9 ENs channels it would have blown the Homo collab out of the water. You beggars got spared complete and utter humilation because Kiara has an unrelenting need to put every collab on her own channel.

>> No.49707677

I wish they did so people can shit on them for bias.

>> No.49707689

>Tempus dominating in all fronts
As one of the original magbros you don't know how happy I am right now bros

>> No.49707693

>Mori 11,130
Unicorns status?

>> No.49707694

I'm guessing people just like this group's chemistry? Despite the fact that the homos themselves get shit viewers, the group together has gotten more viewers than 90% of the all girls collabs that have happened in the past few months.

>> No.49707697

why those 4 specifically i wonder

>> No.49707704


>> No.49707705
Quoted by: >>49708295

that's it, release tempus 3 NOW

>> No.49707706

JP's would watch Pekora huffing paint thinner, they literally have no standards.

>> No.49707708

did I stutter? typo tho

>> No.49707709

girls talk on Kronii channel?

>> No.49707714

Orange woman bad, but EN in general is so bad right now .It's just doesn't feel right to call Kiara bad. Idk No one could have expected this during orange woman era back then.

>> No.49707716
File: 568 KB, 1920x1080, 20230519_115526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49707730

Look at this amount of copium, beautiful

>> No.49707757


>> No.49707759

girls getting magged!

>> No.49707779


>> No.49707805

I would say people don't like these participants more than ttrpg itself.

>> No.49707810

Streaming on a 2 mil channel isn't enough?

>> No.49707816

>kiara channel cope again
If this squad collab is on kronii's channel it could easily get over 20k

>> No.49707831
File: 11 KB, 310x287, 1657017411036962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unikeks? Your response?

>> No.49707843

Man, I am on your side and even I find this cope sad....

>> No.49707846

>EN reclined because of Tempiss
>Tempiss themselves are 3view failures
>EN is now in the shitter and Mori needs to whore herself out with fucking RAID sponsorships
>surprised that this shit collab beats the post Tempiss reclined HoloEN

>> No.49707857 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>49707938

It’s Mori gold

>> No.49707863

Mori have higher sub retard.

>> No.49707865

don't shitpost with gura's wife.

>> No.49707869

anon, let sisters have their moment

>> No.49707880

unicel cope

>> No.49707888

>A twitch whore can act like a holo in 2 hour movies
Just stream for 2 hours like Salami. Easy

>> No.49707889

Blame yourself for not supporting kiara's channel then

>> No.49707892
Quoted by: >>49707929

>Your response
Never watch Mori or Kronii so I don’t have to cope with anything

>> No.49707896

Taking Henya pill now. We are eating lunch while watch Super Mario theme park video.

>> No.49707899

See >>49707489
Nothing would've changed, this group has always mogged the all girl collabs.

>> No.49707901

This stream proved that homos > gura.

>> No.49707905
Quoted by: >>49708375

I’m a tourist who sometimes watches squad collabs. I do it when I’m bored and can’t find anything else good to watch. They’re pretty fun and everyone has chemistry. But no, I don’t look forward to them or plan my evening around them.
In a universe where HoloEN actually had more decent stuff going on, like tonight, those collabs would do respectably, but never as well as they actually do to the point where homobeggars can delude themselves.
The normalfag stance on males in HoloPro has always been the same. They’re tolerated but not liked.

>> No.49707908

Luddy is coping when he said CCV doesn't matter but many streamers still see CCV and watchtime as a form of soft power especially during events and drama.
It's the same reason why Amouranth immediately got attacked on all sides of the camwhore community the moment she lost the top female streamer title.

>> No.49707911
Quoted by: >>49708181

Dont try to be rational right now anon, it's threadshitting hours.

>> No.49707917


>> No.49707924
File: 177 KB, 672x777, 1680190837470588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49708549

oh nyo

>> No.49707928

well that was a weak shitposting streak.

>> No.49707929
Quoted by: >>49708125

You’re coping right now

>> No.49707935

>Unity cuck
Yeah we know.

>> No.49707937

Why do you even have copium in the first place? hmm

>> No.49707938

you faggots still counts cripple gold?

>> No.49707950
Quoted by: >>49707963

So we don't even talk about news anymore huh

>> No.49707953

>ultrabuff squad trpg
>barely beats girls talk on debuff chicken channel during debuff eurohours
>barely beats 2 years late debuff mythbreakers during debuff eurohours
yeah i think it's over

>> No.49707955


>> No.49707963

This was posted like four fucking times already

>> No.49707977


>> No.49707982

i think it would be foolish if he didnt expect his ccv to dip once he moved to youtube, maybe once his contract is over he can jump back

>> No.49707984

I'm so mindbroken by this. I'm mentally changed forever. My metaphysical bussy has been split open by Mori's thick unity cock and now I'll have mental incontinence for the rest of my life and have to wear cope diapers.

>> No.49707985

Ludwig is a more of a numberfag than any of us could ever hope to be. He isn’t touch Zelda ever again after this debacle.

>> No.49707987

And this is the real reason why Kiara should graduate.

>> No.49707990 [DELETED] 
File: 344 KB, 750x730, 1659727099269933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been waiting many moons for Hololive English to die and I finally got my wish. You laughed at me and mocked my bro for months and months but now whos fucking laughing you Hololive faggots??? Me because your age is at an end, fuck off every insulting Tempus ever again.
Your Oshi will collab with my bros next

>> No.49707995
Quoted by: >>49708249

>Amouranth immediately got attacked on all sides of the camwhore community the moment she lost the top female streamer title.
literally never happened.

>> No.49708001
Quoted by: >>49708317

How do you combine both opposite things into one, sister

>> No.49708013
File: 218 KB, 401x383, 1658345308595672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God imagine how many views a Gura homo collab stream would get. We need to see that.

>> No.49708020

*Sniff sniff*
Is that a huge chunk of copium you sniffing?

>> No.49708024
Quoted by: >>49708160

>Can't beat mythbreaker
Oh no no no, why you can't bring something of equal as ttrpg than a girl talk.

>> No.49708026
Quoted by: >>49708189

Shitposting aside. It looks like there's been a collapse in support for these collabs, or the previous collabs are artificially buffed which appears to be the case.
GRIM news for future collabs

>> No.49708027
File: 36 KB, 551x551, 1675990210968576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49708030

IRyS will never collab with males

>> No.49708046


>> No.49708050

EN3 will be a mixed gen

>> No.49708061


>> No.49708065

i think anons should graduate from life.

>> No.49708071
Quoted by: >>49708144

They should include holoEN here.

>> No.49708082


>> No.49708099

and that's a good thing

>> No.49708118
Quoted by: >>49708517

>be JPchad
>watch EOP tourists from late 2020 get filtered more and more every day
>their cries of "last samurai" and "it's OK when JP does it" start becoming more and more feint as the JP golds keep coming
>watch them throw a temper tantrum over a message of common courtesy
>tonight may have been their final straw once and for all
The fanbase is healing. I can feel it.

>> No.49708125

Anon please think about how funny it is for me to read this as someone who never care about Mori and Kronii

>> No.49708128
Quoted by: >>49708245

when would they put holos to games that people actually play?

>> No.49708135

*owns the incels*

>> No.49708138
Quoted by: >>49708165

Tempiss status?

>> No.49708144


>> No.49708145

Pure undiluted cope

>> No.49708160
Quoted by: >>49708208

I forgot about mythbreakers, but this collab is also beating that, not sure what your point was.

>> No.49708165
Quoted by: >>49708409


>> No.49708181

Mori and Kiara are equal level shitters solo. You lost fair and square.

>> No.49708183

>no towa
intentional pun?

>> No.49708185

>kiara said her audiance are mostly sea, does a stream at 4am in the morning sea.

>> No.49708189

Mori must be desperate to bring her numbers up if she's starting to do SQUAD™ collabs too frequently and have them lose their novelty buff.

>> No.49708204
Quoted by: >>49708382

Where are the usual niji deflections? I don't see them.

>> No.49708208

not really sure why you're comparing finale stream to character creation stream?

>> No.49708209

>You laughed at me and mocked my bro for months and months
And many more months to come!

>> No.49708210

The funny thing is that IRyS and BAE is currently keeping 6k people hostage, so theoretically if Mori had this slot all to her self it would have reached the expected 17k
People might say cope but CHaDCast is heavy overlapped when it comes to their audience

>> No.49708217

So wich discord is it now? Or maybe it's just /mans/ themselves?

>> No.49708218
File: 1.35 MB, 600x664, 1682965900534923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49708242

Well guess what Unifags? This collab would have EVEN more viewers if it was on Kronii's channel, she gets better numbers than Mori anyway. You're lucky that you lost only by an inch because we'd have fucking buried your piece of shit branch if it was on Kronii's channel

>> No.49708221
File: 86 KB, 345x180, deadcorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49708242

What do you get out of falseflagging

>> No.49708245

If you mean gacha then Chinese dominated that category so Hololive can’t squeeze in. The few Japanese gacha who can compete with them in popularity (GBF, Uma Musume, FGO) have no need for Holo

>> No.49708249

I'm referring to the Adrianna Chechik drama anon. It's still a trashy nothingburger lsf drama, but it's no coincidence that the camwhores started talking shit to her the moment her top streamer title was gone.(her viewership roof and follower count tick also went to shit).

>> No.49708252
File: 232 KB, 600x476, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on here? this same thread was already talking about how this was going to be an easy win because of tourist power, what changed to make this a culture changer collab?

>> No.49708270

I hate Kiara

>> No.49708271


>> No.49708283
Quoted by: >>49708387

It's just the usual homobeggars, nijiniggers, phasekeks.

>> No.49708295


>> No.49708296

>watch males
>watch Mori
>watch Kronii

>> No.49708297

wich is not a word in the dictionary, SEAbro

>> No.49708299


>> No.49708301
Quoted by: >>49708616

So you're sad that the SQUAD™ didn't get their usual free timeslot?

>> No.49708304

And it would still be more entertaining than whatever ‘The SQUAD’ and the NijiEN fags do.

>> No.49708317

>purityfags can't be cucked
your coping is pathetic

>> No.49708322

Why does Bae hate Tempus so much?

>> No.49708333
Quoted by: >>49708387

Today has been an especially terrible day for shitposters going rampant over literally nothing. I don't get it.

Is this just summer kicking into gear at the worst time?

>> No.49708352

It's just baitposters looking for any angle to use.

>> No.49708375

>The normalfag stance on males in HoloPro has always been the same. They’re tolerated but not liked.
It's like the the once-in-a-week MC Donald deal to them: Nice change of pace, but not something worth pursuit
Which will make tomorrow stream interesting

>> No.49708376

Everything we thought wouldn’t happened to EN happened. Now what bros?

>> No.49708381
File: 87 KB, 254x219, 1677813400651224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hag/tards are weak if one rogue janny is enough to get you to report the generals status to us.

>> No.49708382

I'll do it.
>holo vs holo

>> No.49708387
File: 987 KB, 4096x3947, 1670865300922954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49708409
Quoted by: >>49708446

Nice to know mori accessory have it usefulness than being a 3views.

>> No.49708414
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, 20230519_120637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe Kiara lost to the 4 jobbers on Hololive English. What's the point of working hard?

>> No.49708422

You'll own nothing and have a centipede colony in your ass. /chloe-voice

>> No.49708427

Total unicorn domination

>> No.49708430
File: 183 KB, 325x321, 1648702087475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mousey can and has literally beaten this shit in her sleep.
You Starfags seen real desperate for any kind of recognition I'll give you that, but you'll always play second fiddle to Hololive and they'll always play second fiddle to us

>> No.49708435

/jp/ said EN was a bad idea but we didn't listen

>> No.49708439
Quoted by: >>49708626

I don’t care about changing any culture, I don’t even care about homo collabs, I’m just here to laugh at unicucks.

>> No.49708446

bro, your english reps...

>> No.49708449

Mori getting over 10k twice in 1 day really annoyed people huh

>> No.49708451

Bettel won't watch barbie despite her requests

>> No.49708464

Mori has more interesting guests

>> No.49708480

If this is an angle people want to choose, man this place is dumber than I thought.

>> No.49708506

>not roberu
she is a JP fujo

>> No.49708507

So redditors and twitter/youtube comment tourist finally found the numbers thread after having to endure people asking for EN3 and calling tempus failures, well played sisters well played you win this day

>> No.49708508

Mousey is leeching from literally the entire western Twitch scene with meme awards and everything and she's still a shitter who will never beat peak funny shork.

>> No.49708516

Man that sound pathetic, i didn't know our shitpost could do so much mental damage to you sister. If i know it working i would do it more frequently.

>> No.49708517

Post this in /jp/ anon
You might get more (You)s that wa- Oh wait

>> No.49708528

Everything bad in EN was pioneered by mori

>> No.49708530

>point of working hard?
what, you learned that now? Not by just looking at gura?

>> No.49708531

I'm just really glad I can finally see the day when my favorite boys will incline. I think this is going to be really positive for them and a turning point for their fortunes in HoloLiveProEN.
Bros, we finally made it. Bros, we did it.

>> No.49708546

I mean, if you take off your unicorn glasses this is much better than the girls talk.

>> No.49708549

Funny, I got into vtubers as a replacement for when Rich and Jack stopped their biweekly twitch streams. I actually went back recently to rewatch their streams. There just aren’t that many older 40+ streamers that mostly talk about movies and shit.

>> No.49708551
Quoted by: >>49708578

>working hard

>> No.49708554

not with her recent numbers lmao

>> No.49708555

That is actually interesting tho. I would watch it because of how absurd it is

>> No.49708557

I don't really enjoy any one member of this group in their solo streams, and yet this group together is genuinely really entertaining to me. Kronii's always had that going for her for me in terms of her collabs leaping past her solo streams, at least.

>> No.49708564


>> No.49708578

harder than Kronii

>> No.49708585
File: 127 KB, 286x287, 1684296034243385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg you fags please stop copy pasting # post to global, just keep it here.
the amount of seethe is off the chart

>> No.49708596
File: 482 KB, 729x729, 1653288834961665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious cope from the homofag! You'll always be dirt

>> No.49708603

so what is guras number secret? is it just the lolicon pandering? is it playing minecraft and farming the children who think shes a cartoon?

>> No.49708610
Quoted by: >>49708670


>> No.49708616
Quoted by: >>49708759

How much you want to bet that homobeggars who praise the squad streams’ numbers shit on Fauna for getting her numbers only because no one’s streaming or people are using her as a waiting room?

>> No.49708620
Quoted by: >>49709597

should have bullied deadbeats out early on
warned (you) fags about them ever since that tt interview

>> No.49708624

infighting is the nijisanji special

>> No.49708626
Quoted by: >>49708724

It's just usual sister slayyy crowd, just like this fag >>49708439

>> No.49708632

I thought EN wouldn't have unicorn chimp yet here we are
most of them are from SEA probably where they never see male/female streamers together

>> No.49708636
Quoted by: >>49708701

I think we're probably going to see their 3Ds fast-tracked off the back of this extremely positive and promising result. And I also bet it'll be featured heavily in the next investor's report.

>> No.49708643

How can you get numbers when you don't stream

>> No.49708670
Quoted by: >>49708740

I guess people are copy and pasting posts from here in global, which also seems to be pretty shit right now.

>> No.49708683

Memes, EN vtubing boom coupled with the covid buff.

>> No.49708696

where are these people coming from lol

>> No.49708701

>Tempus 3D will be earlier than ID3 3D
Will there be any seething?

>> No.49708709
Quoted by: >>49709118

>these kill the unichud

>> No.49708724
Quoted by: >>49708979

Not a sister, just tired of unicucks shitting on holos. Literally the biggest antis on this board.

>> No.49708727

This stream is fucking boring.

>> No.49708733

Indogs love Tempus so probably not

>> No.49708740

Good, fuck global. They're part of the problem too.

>> No.49708748

Sadly the dumb EN management will repeat the mistake of Disney and listen to loud minority. I really want to see what Mr Jap can bring to the table.

>> No.49708753

Nah the lines are totally independent plus Holostars probably has their own 3D resources completely separate from Hololive because we know they're revenue positive.

>> No.49708759

Even then, at least Fauna has the handicap of not streaming in an optimal time slot.

>> No.49708766
Quoted by: >>49708827

It's a character creation stream?

Christ who even are you people

>> No.49708782

Cmon guys they are working really hard to find something for bait! At least answer it...

>> No.49708801
File: 530 KB, 1164x1085, C49CF03A-CDCC-4E2B-8FB0-6C340996514B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chat statistics from Mori’s RE2 stream

>> No.49708807

What do you expect, they gather some poor ass talents together for a collab.

>> No.49708819
Quoted by: >>49708874

Just tell them to report it, jannie usual camp there.

>> No.49708827

>It's a character creation stream?
Aren't those usually the 1st/2nd best streams?

>> No.49708837
File: 299 KB, 892x841, 1669727027444789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49708905

>follow Vei and Nyanners
>not following Silver and Nazuna

>> No.49708874

Usually *

>> No.49708881

>Myth TTRPG end for this
Leave a bad taste in my mouth

>> No.49708886

Honestly, i can't wait for the dead subs culling from Youtube. We'll see the REAL amount of subs Gura currently has

>> No.49708905
Quoted by: >>49709481

She's gone, right? Mike is having a merch run in the summer so it isn't like she's leaving the scene for good.

>> No.49708911

Myth doesn't want to continue no?

>> No.49708914

i hate holokeks with a passion.

>> No.49708953

you think she'll get over 100k cull? you're retarded

>> No.49708956
Quoted by: >>49709060

Myth ended because it was dead for two years...

>> No.49708979

Homobeggars is the biggest antis

>> No.49708989

Anon they don’t exactly cull deadsub, they cull inactive accounts
Gura sub won’t be culled as long as those sub still watching literally anything even if it’s not Gura’s

>> No.49709016

Homobeggars aren’t the only shitposters clogging up the thread. I don’t even watch Myth anymore and even I know it ended because the other girls stopped giving a shit.

>> No.49709021
File: 162 KB, 297x398, 1644249091215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead company.

>> No.49709024
Quoted by: >>49709103

Besides the hell I imagine getting perms for this.
Do you think this could be a unity song among the three big EN corpos?

>> No.49709031

Does it taste like Tempus cum?

>> No.49709035

the Mori/Fauna overlap might be the most surprising part

>> No.49709038
File: 50 KB, 600x600, 8F996E4D-11AC-448E-9E2D-9254A0FF9065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what’s the deal? Are saplings just super chatty in streams or is there actually a ton of weird crossover between Deadbeats and Saplings?

>> No.49709041
Quoted by: >>49709157

irystocrats are some of the worst homobeggars. they're just like aloucucks
look at the bleedout to squad from her stream >>49705945

>> No.49709047

It was done and a certain member didn't even wanna play past session 2. Mori was gonna do the finale on her own to begin with plus she's not great with gura

>> No.49709060

Right but literally the only reason why they decided to end it ASAP is to begin this

>> No.49709062

I don't even think they have to use Youtube, they just have to log into Google

>> No.49709064
Quoted by: >>49709198

Hello tourist

>> No.49709088
File: 110 KB, 1153x426, Screenshot 2023-05-18 211828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49709187

Which EN, anon?

>> No.49709092

> dead subs culling from Youtube
Does it purge only dead subs?

>> No.49709102

A lot of her subs are fueled by chumcord circa 2020. A lot of her subs will be purged since there was a concerted effort with many people making alt accounts to push Gura even higher in 2020.

>> No.49709104

>she's still a shitter who will never beat peak funny shork.
Don't need to beat her when she already did that herself

>> No.49709103
Quoted by: >>49709331

I would love to see Hololive and Jim Henson Crossover. Who would be the bests holos for this collab?

>> No.49709117

The exact same stream but on Mumeis channel would have hit 13 - 14k. Guras channel would be 16k minimum. Kiara is such a retard it's unreal.

>> No.49709118

Is there even such a thing as a mouse unicorn?

>> No.49709139

Only you would know, sis.

>> No.49709152

You're in a thread with two of them atm

>> No.49709157
Quoted by: >>49709300

not IRyStocrats. those faggots are actually kronies waatching IRyS because their whore is so fucking boring. they raid /HiRyS/ a lot

>> No.49709155

It ended because it was at the end.

>> No.49709161
Quoted by: >>49709288

I think that anon is implying the sub is from alt/bot accounts....

>> No.49709171
Quoted by: >>49709255

>A lot of her sub [headcanon]

>> No.49709174
Quoted by: >>49709564

Who gives a fuck myth doesn't really care about ttrpg anyway.

>> No.49709185
File: 25 KB, 567x554, 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dip out for an hour

>> No.49709187

HoloStars EN or a new banc. I just want to see the new girls try to pass themselves off as pure blooded holos once they realize unity doesn't pay the bills.

>> No.49709195

Ok, and…? An arc that went untouched for two years gets some closure. Yes, homocollabs were the motivating factor, but at least the Myth TTRPG story is finished, right? What exactly is your point, that Mori wants to do a collab with the males? We already knew that.

>> No.49709198

Trying too hard anon

>> No.49709197

>Is there even such a thing as a mouse unicorn?
Well technically she probably cannot have sex anymore.

>> No.49709239

It's actually the best weapon to attack Holos.

Antis: Oh you always mention familiy friends but never boyfriends and spouse?
Antis: Now please collab with homos for unity's sake.

>> No.49709250
Quoted by: >>49709411

Isn't the collab organized by Kiara? I believe collab is always streamed in organizer's channel

>> No.49709255
Quoted by: >>49709465

Don't even pretend like it didn't happen.

>> No.49709258

Sis sound like vox cocksleeve, very unhinged and chaotic kek.

>> No.49709283

Thank you Fauna

>> No.49709288

>no proof

>> No.49709300

i dunno, i remember seeing many members commenting on irys' nohomo stance

>> No.49709331
Quoted by: >>49709438

I would think even a Sesame Street-like segment would need perms, right?

>> No.49709338

>Kronii is literally Kris

>> No.49709372

Bros, what is a good hangover cure?

>> No.49709376

It's kinda werid, EN hours (specially early) tend to be civilized and you can actually have a conversation about numbers.
Meanwhile JPhours is just full of doxxposting, homobegging, raids, etc.

>> No.49709396

It's why I treat homobeggars the same as sisters and other antis.

>> No.49709404


>> No.49709411 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>49709459

Nobody gives a shit about what the chicken tranny thinks, all that is known is that "girlstalk" would absolutely blow the fuck out of this collab if it was on any other channel.

>> No.49709422

Why the fuck would Kiara care about that? She’d rather get 10k views on her channel than 14k views on someone else’s channel. She’s the one who organized it, so she wants the revenue from the collab, like anyone would.
Do you really think Kiara cares about some tally on a Kyrgyz goat herding board over her own income?

>> No.49709438
Quoted by: >>49709879

That's why a collab would be interesting, imagine a Jim henson version design of holos. basically puppet holos singing stuff.

>> No.49709459

>chicken tranny
oh, it's a sister

>> No.49709463

More SEA wake up as EN hours go on.

>> No.49709465
Quoted by: >>49709498

So what's the number we are looking at?

>> No.49709481

Mike is crazy and dumb but fundamentally she's a very nice girl, so if it's true that she's avoiding the other VSJ girls, she's probably right to do it.
Most likely she's just nervous to meet not-Pikamee, and she'll be kinda stupid about it.

>> No.49709484


>> No.49709490
Quoted by: >>49710083

They always the antis, kanata clip just unmasked them all.

>> No.49709498

At least 100k.

>> No.49709506
File: 1.27 MB, 1762x4568, 1678996560566453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really are

>> No.49709508

It's fucking beautiful. Remember your place, unicucks.

>> No.49709538
File: 52 KB, 892x915, NiSEAsanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49709564

>Who gives a fuck myth doesn't really care about ttrpg anyway.
Myth doesn't really care about Myth anyway.

Ask yourself this question. If management never force Myth to do collabs, how frequent will they do collabs?

>> No.49709567
Quoted by: >>49709704

Let's be real she literally only did the final episode for Myth because she wanted to play with homos without people going ''this fucking bitch she literally dropped the girls forever for these guys'', I'm sure she ego searched roommate things related to her TTRPG and didn't wanted to see it happening again

>> No.49709579
File: 48 KB, 256x256, 1684469938802675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I noticed about global is they are full of KFP
Somehow they can ignore shitpost about #, then suddenly when you bring up about Kiara they will bite it immediately.
>Vesper is Kiara of holoEN
>Vesper and Kiara will have great chemistry
>Kiara hardwork beaten by Squad
It's unreal

>> No.49709588

What is worse? Somebody who doesn’t give a single fuck about numbers and purposely debuffs themselves like Ame or somebody who DOES care about numbers but still sucks at getting them like Kiara?

>> No.49709592

Does unibros watch their girls stream or just seethe to homos

>> No.49709597

Can't bully me, my bones are too strong.

>> No.49709600

JP hours are also ID hours.

>> No.49709626

I mean, that's still counted as "Force the talent to do shit" and will be treated as such
The issue is remove their thinly-veiled excuse and expose their intention (Which this board can't do to save their life without sounding like shizos)

>> No.49709661

Unibeggars don't watch streams

>> No.49709675

Do homolovers watch their streams or just collabs?

>> No.49709681
Quoted by: >>49709726

Noone watches stream here

>> No.49709704

Look, I loathe Mori too, but this would basically be an instance of her getting shat on for something that’s not really her fault. The other girls didn’t give a shit about it anymore, so Mori ended it quickly so she wouldn’t get blamed for everyone else’s disinterest. That’s not one of her autistic cringe moments, that’s actually a fairly rational decision.

>> No.49709723
File: 1.75 MB, 640x360, Festival laugh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fm894sa.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49709726

fucking this
fuckers don't even watch chart

>> No.49709728

What are you even talking about

>> No.49709755

no need to seethe, tomorrow they are back to 3view

>> No.49709762

Yeah, i dunno if some anons saved the survey, but basically KFP and the teamates are the majority of the general thread.

>> No.49709790

>hardcore fan defending their oshi
I mean did you forgot those kfp going to 4th fes with their headband and full gear with a cheering squad

>> No.49709810

The thread speeded up and slowed down so fast, Raids really are a fun phenomenon

>> No.49709817
Quoted by: >>49710274

They don't even watch homo-only collabs. Motherfuckers can't muster a fuck to give if their "oshis" aren't collabing with (reading leeching from) the girls.

>> No.49709818

I watched the Girlstalk and not the mixed collab, but I am still laughing at the unicucks.

>> No.49709824
Quoted by: >>49709891

I'm more curious on how this will affect pewdiepie, he definitely has a lot of throwaway subs after the whole T-series deal

>> No.49709835

Yeah but EN hours is also full of homo discussions

>> No.49709845
File: 1.18 MB, 1449x1415, 1679335139405069 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I don't let the shitposts get to me, I know at the end of the day cgdctbros are winning the long game

>> No.49709873

>Force the talent to do shit
gun to the talents head yea, sister
Talents never knew what Hololive is, they were kidnapped and forced to sign a contract or their families will be executed by Yagoo

>> No.49709879

Pretty much just a Henson version of holos would be a lot, if they were also allowed to sing with them it would be big.

>> No.49709891
Quoted by: >>49709991

I wonder if they'll actually purge sub count. Feels like it would make youtube look bad especially for their giant channels.

>> No.49709908

I think it's time to accept that a good chunk of these viewers aren't even necessarily homolovers as this thread would define them, but viewers who honestly just enjoy this particular group's dynamic

>> No.49709915

I'll respect the HoloStars when all their averages combined can beat Pekora.

>> No.49709919

Shitting on tempiss and discussing Fauna is what you meant

>> No.49709924

why ppl so obsessed with lowering Gura's sub count?

>> No.49709934

Yeah no shit this is the unicorn general afterall, but at least they talk about homo numbers.

>> No.49709943

Shut up Kson

>> No.49709968

you mean SEA hours

>> No.49709978

Still mindbroken by 1M

>> No.49709979

Gura doesn't have any good metrics to her besides sub count.

>> No.49709991

You say that as if we haven’t watched them cull hundreds of thousands

>> No.49709999
File: 80 KB, 440x360, Screenshot_2023-05-19-12-31-30-627-edit_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bait thread represent the number of ze squad. Grim

>> No.49710023

doesn't she have the most vod views over 1M?

>> No.49710027

Her fans bullied alot of us and could get away with it because she streamed back then, I need her to fail

>> No.49710032

why is mythic talent mogs holoen so much

>> No.49710049
Quoted by: >>49710411

I have occasionally been able to make the point outside this board without sounding crazy. It’s mostly because I’m not a unicorn and I don’t hate the males. I do it because I genuinely believe a large portion of homobeggars are selfish assholes who care about inflating their own ego by proving a point about their own influence and don’t actually give a shit about gender equality or whatever the fuck it is that’s their excuse.
>Dudes can easily find success as fleshtubers, so a higher proportion of male EN vtubers tend to be leeches. Sometimes male collabs can be good, but often they aren’t. The people best equipped to make that judgment are usually the girls themselves.
As far as I can tell, the above is a perfectly reasonable point. Anyone who thinks that’s a unicorn falseflagging either doesn’t watch vtubers or is twittard brained.

>> No.49710057
Quoted by: >>49710383

A good chunk are complete tourists who don't watch Hololive/the homos at all.

>> No.49710073

Just post a comparison between this collabs numbers and the previous collabs numbers and go oh no no no no, homobros what happened to our 20k collabs

>> No.49710079

Oh so that's where they went?

>> No.49710083

>kanata clip
Which one

>> No.49710096

There's another collab tmr anon

>> No.49710117

she's just a little girl.

>> No.49710118

Good for the Stars. I think Mori has found a great niche to build upon. She loves TTRPGs and many men do too.

But I do want to point out if were employed, would know that the GirlsTalk was streamed at a horrible timeslot. Most were at work or driving home from. 16k+ ccv if it was during prime hours. Compare the total number of views tomorrow.

>> No.49710140
Quoted by: >>49710561

2k comments one

>> No.49710152

Several of those comments were from /jp/fags

>> No.49710156
Quoted by: >>49710257


>> No.49710212
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x720, rainforest bowling[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhc63dh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realistically speaking, could rainforest save EN vtubing?

>> No.49710227


>> No.49710257

Another one was posted so I'm assuming management decided to get off their asses and look through and approve them

>> No.49710274

When I went through a brief homolover phase, I actually wanted to see more boys-only collabs and got annoyed at the collabs with girls (because I don’t like any of the homocollabers except Bae for non-Tempus reasons).
It’s weird how you actually do the expected things if you’re doing it because you actually wanted to, and this strange tourist-y behavior only occurs when you seemingly don’t give a single shit at all about the actual streamers, huh?

>> No.49710285

She has double Moris subs and loses to her in monthly vid views

>> No.49710293

I havent gona to /jp/ in a while, whats their status on male collabs and unicorns?

>> No.49710305
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x800, 1682908773631667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sides

>> No.49710326

The last thing chumbud have to defend her

>> No.49710332

Sadly, Kiara will never stream in US prime time since she doesn't want to stay up late.

>> No.49710348

It never would have existed in prime hours because Kiara wouldn’t be awake to organise it and the only other person who does is Mori.

>> No.49710362

god i hate homobeggers so much
actually considering dropping EN just to get away from them

>> No.49710372

Her biggest mistake with Mythbreakes was not doing one shots to introduce the girls who aren't players to the medium. The worst thing you can do with newcomers is instantly throw them into a long form campaign when you don't even know if they'll still be invested in it by the second session, not to mention the whole timezone fuckery. She had all of JP as an example of it, but I guess she would have to watch Hololive to understand this. I hope she tries again with a Holo-only group in the future, but I think it's more likely that an EN3 will have their own DM than Mori ever trying it again with the girls.

>> No.49710383

This. Just like a bunch of western twitterfags who never watch anime and they visit a loli forum. They are extremely triggered and try everything in their power to destroy evil "child porn"

>> No.49710396
Quoted by: >>49710449

Because she needs to feel how hard life is at the bottom. She doesn't deserve her current position when she hasn't put in or even has any plan to put in the work. The way she treats her fans is someone who is entitled. It's her job to communicate and stream yet she can't even do the minimum.

>> No.49710411
Quoted by: >>49710681

>Sometimes male collabs can be good, but often they aren’t.
Idk, maybe if you watched too much NijiEN, but so far, all the Hololive collab with males have been drama-free (Seething /here/ need not apply). The only with with maaaaybe issue is the one where the males collab with Twitch streamers, but that's their problem.

MAYBE because Hololive environment allows the girls to have more power, so when they do it, it's because they want to, and not because of numbers

>> No.49710412

They're unicorns but they also want all of the JPs to collab with males so they can quit Hololive in vain.

>> No.49710421

will a Squad off collab happen?

>> No.49710433

kys redditard

>> No.49710437

/#/- grumpy old man thread.

>> No.49710443

>Sad that she ended up repeating her past mistake again

>> No.49710449

>Because she needs to feel how hard life is at the bottom.
Her subs getting culled won't stop the 8k+ members suddenly unmember

>> No.49710466

the rare amelia actual laugh

>> No.49710470

Nah If the other homos join Mori's dick sucking group for other types of combinations I'm sure it will get some nice numbers, even if I hate the homos I gotta admit that they have some good tourist power to send a ''message'' about mixed collab acceptance I just don't know how long it will last

>> No.49710493

of course

>> No.49710496
Quoted by: >>49710625

It would have to be the final stream from Mori or Kronii ever because all their fans would kill themselves

>> No.49710498


>> No.49710508

>highest solo vtuber stream ever
>fastest song to 1m
>most 1m+ view stream VODs
>highest non-convert vtuber subs

This is cope and makes it more impressive that none of these things have been surpassed since she set them.

>> No.49710531

Even the tourist on twitter admit they will never watch the homo or girls but will make schedule to watch ze squad.

>> No.49710561

Can't find the 2k ones, I only found this one

>> No.49710571

>they have some good tourist power to send a ''message'' about mixed collab acceptance
The problem is they don't have any power on their own 2 legs without any special mega event happening.
Flayon is literally scraping by and they don't fucking care then, they only care about pushing Hololive to be more like everything else.

>> No.49710575
Quoted by: >>49710772

>She had all of JP as an example of it
Outside of Fubuki, who else has ever hosted a TTRPG campaign?

>> No.49710587

They antis anon.

>> No.49710608

Is funny that even if it does happen it won't remove her from the top because even the people that have a chance to steal her throne will also lose some subs

>> No.49710620

That one has 2k comments blindchama

>> No.49710621

You sound like a retard, anon.

>> No.49710625
Quoted by: >>49710729

Mori has literally off collabbed with males multiple times before. Nobody cares

>> No.49710630

That has 2090 comments anon, thats the one I meant lol

>> No.49710641

Yep that one

>> No.49710681

Yeah, in that green text, I was referring to male collabs in general. My point being that the girls being the ones deciding if they want to collab with males is one of the reasons they’re not so bad. The whole “open discord vc” and “mixed gen without even a soft barrier” bullshit in NijiEN is why I hate homobeggars and will even tolerate unicorns over them. A unicorn can at least be tardwrangled with enough tact from their oshi. Homobeggars do not care about anyone but themselves.

>> No.49710689
File: 309 KB, 1080x906, Screenshot_2023-05-19-12-43-09-722-edit_com.twitter.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49710752

Ok can someone translate what she said cuz that a lot of word for nothing.

>> No.49710715

Isnt spic man the new runt?

>> No.49710729
Quoted by: >>49711017

Sometimes even offstream

>> No.49710752
Quoted by: >>49710970

She says she'll be working hard on stuff that'll be released in the future

>> No.49710768
Quoted by: >>49711100

Nah. Just looks like he is in a worse position because he gets raided less.

>> No.49710772

I would be really surprised if Magni and Vesper watched a single Stars stream before sending their auditions last year. It feels like they only did their homework after being accepted to not look like they only cared about Hololive, tho that's pretty much in the past and they barely give a fuck anymore.

Fubuki was the only DM but quite a few of JPs played on one shots with other rpg vtubers/youtubers. But even then one-shots are pretty much the norm with JP rpgs streams, but I guess Mori really wanted to have her own Critical Role.

>> No.49710784

>they only care about pushing Hololive to be more like everything else.
I mean
>People see something different
>Force it to become like everything else

>> No.49710865

>good tourist power
I don't know how a 10k collab is good tourist power. It only looks decent in the current shit state of EN but when considering the larger picture and the fact that this is all they had left the whole thing becomes absolutely laughable.

>> No.49710875
Quoted by: >>49711126

Easy to do when you never stream and have fallen out of the algo

>> No.49710897
Quoted by: >>49711065

Based. They have good chemistry.

>> No.49710899
Quoted by: >>49711019

I forgot about about him actually. Hakki? Or something like that? Didn't faggots claim that the spic would be a fucking monster and blow every other Star out of the water?

>> No.49710914
Quoted by: >>49711006

Retarded and wrong on basically every point, incredible.
Stop Shitposting and just go read cuck porn fag

>> No.49710930
Quoted by: >>49711304

JP hours are SEA hours
EN hours are also SEA hours
You can't escape

>> No.49710958

The internet is a scary place. All those numbers coming from people who just want to hurt Holofans.

>> No.49710970

Why is Marine's streaming frequency so low? Is it still throat issues?

>> No.49711006

>Retarded and wrong on basically every point, incredible.
Nice argument.

>> No.49711017
Quoted by: >>49711099

Holy shit bros Gura did an offstream offcollab with her dad IT’S OVER

>> No.49711019
Quoted by: >>49711060

Honestly, that was me i was just shitting around

>> No.49711047
Quoted by: >>49711263

Does Mori have any good metric besides subcount?

>> No.49711060

Well, you jinxed him and its hilarious

>> No.49711065
Quoted by: >>49711347

The squad’s numbers should be BTFOing both unicorns and homobeggars.
>You can get good numbers with occasional male collabs where everyone has good chemistry. Occasional collabs with males don’t kill a streamer’s career, but they suck and do terribly except in edge cases like this.
But since when has this medium attracted sane, rational people?

>> No.49711094

>Magni will have his 1.5
And fuckers told me back in last December that he will quit

>> No.49711099

mahram is ok

>> No.49711100

Didnt raids kill your channel faster?

>> No.49711126
Quoted by: >>49711330

Even if Gura returned to 2021 streaming hours, I'm not sure she'd win over Mori's monthly views
The vast majority of Mori's views come from her huge library of music

>> No.49711162

If you can't retain them yea

>> No.49711189

Can't have any of da boyz quite that early, tho IRyS had to wait a whole year to get her redesign.

>> No.49711233

They don't care that much. Plus that was an opportunity to bully the resident annoying heimin kek.

>> No.49711239

Kek, Bae in the cripple tally

>> No.49711254

>watches this particular collab group and nothing else.
idk seems a little weird.

>> No.49711263

Views, Spotify listeners, SCs

>> No.49711304

Vt is never about escaping. It's about co-existing, ignoring, venting, timelooping, fagging, being red pilled, being dream pilled and get some recent news
The red cross at upper right is the only escape.

>> No.49711309
Quoted by: >>49711607

It free money, people who said they quitting are delusional.

>> No.49711330

But imagine that Gura was also consistently putting out songs. Not Mori-tier volume, of course, but she wouldn't ever need it to be.

>> No.49711348

1.5 is nothing compared to the amount of VTubers that graduated days-weeks after getting a new outfit

>> No.49711347
Quoted by: >>49711453

I don't think there's any unicorns left for Mori or Kronii, while the beggars wants this to forcibly happen with all every single Holomem.

>> No.49711361
File: 647 KB, 1123x637, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49711397
Quoted by: >>49711550

Did they actually raid her, LMAO.

>> No.49711415

>raided Bae just to shit on IRyS because she knows it will make the unicorns made

>> No.49711438
Quoted by: >>49711620

If people raid you and leave, yes. If retention is okay then no they're not a problem.

>> No.49711453
File: 891 KB, 1080x3835, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-puHQdTTRtgCaD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you not wrong.

>> No.49711475
Quoted by: >>49711595

I can also imagine Mori had Pekora tier CCV but that would be fucking retarded.

>> No.49711476
Quoted by: >>49711658

JP side is also getting worse
Fortunately, they're still drowned out by holo JP being more than an order of magnitude larger than stars JP (as opposed to non-Gura holo EN which is maybe 5x stars EN)

>> No.49711509

Trying too hard, ESL sister.

>> No.49711514
Quoted by: >>49711657

There's no evidence to support that, it's just an assumption people made videos and livestreams working the same way

>> No.49711550

I think bae has record for most raids received in EN

>> No.49711555
Quoted by: >>49711595

Yeah and imagine if like Bae could shit out Marine-tier CCV chatting streams and orisongs. Like woah that'd be something wouldn't it?

>> No.49711562
Quoted by: >>49711655

They are already going after HoloJP since HoloEN has pretty much fallen already.

>> No.49711595

The point being that literally all Gura had to do was maintain momentum, and she didn't.

>> No.49711597


>> No.49711607

They're just jealous they didn't pass the auditions and don't get paid to play video games

>> No.49711620

why does it hurt your channel if the guest audience leaves quickly? They are extra anyway

>> No.49711655

I don’t think it’ll end well for them, but fuck it, I guess they’re free to try and see how that works out for them.

>> No.49711658

It feels like the only StarsJP who consistently collabs with Hololive is Aruran but he can only get collabs with the low tier ones. The rest either doesn't give a fuck about the Holos and would rather collab with outside people (Roberu, Astel, Gamma) or is too autistic to even start collabs with any non-Stars member, so JP beggars don't have a lot of ammo to use.

>> No.49711657

Viewer retention is well documented as the be all and end all of the youtube meta across all content dude.

>> No.49711666

Even at Gura’s highest point of productivity she still got less views than Mori and had 1 orisong on her channel and one solo cover.
It’s a retarded hypothetical like saying if Vesper got the same CCV as King he’d be doing better.

>> No.49711679

For Youtube, at least for videos, retention is king.

>> No.49711715

Her vod views took a sharp decline after the ghosting arcs and the live/video separation. Used to get 1m or close on vods easy but now like like 200-300k

>> No.49711719


>> No.49711741

>considering dropping EN
You can come back during EN3

>> No.49711752
Quoted by: >>49711999

Retain momentum by... completely changing her work ethic, content output and streaming habits? Sounds like you're just wanting Gura to be something she never was and might as well just sit back and daydream a world where Iofi has a 50k average.

>> No.49711757
Quoted by: >>49711881

See you next year

>> No.49711768

>Hostile management
>Half the girls fall to the homoside
>Half an anxiety attack while trying to record a song and swear off it like an autist
>Mold hort

Gura certainly could have tried harder, but she is also a weak little womanlet sperg

>> No.49711773

Oga only collabs with Fubuki, talking about those who collab with other Hololive members.

>> No.49711811
Quoted by: >>49711908

Keep in mind we have no idea if the rules for livestreams work the same as the rules for regular videos on YT. One YT channel did a good showcase on how bad viewer retention can absolutely tank your video's growth, and if that algorithmic logic works the same for livestreams then raids with bad retention can be detrimental to a VOD, and thereby the channel

>> No.49711831
Quoted by: >>49711913

I mean, she just needs a hit stream, but that's hard to get when not streaming at all.

>> No.49711852

Like the other anon said, if Youtube functions on the idea that all the people that left did so because they didn't like the content and will avoid recommending it to them in the future. It's why stuff like retards raiding an ASMR stream with a Minecraft one are basically pulling some sabotage.

>> No.49711881

You're a chad determined enough to walk away. Respect.

>> No.49711908
Quoted by: >>49711974

Couldn't somebody go and perform a very basic analysis of VOD views over time for failed raided streams vs. non-raided ones for a direct comparison?

This is the numbers thread and yet I have never seen anybody do anything with numbers other than count CCV and VOD views.

>> No.49711913
Quoted by: >>49711979

The thing is that even her average streams used to hit 700-800k no matter what they were. Back when she streamed semi consistently

>> No.49711914
File: 875 KB, 1366x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see nothing wrong with that

>> No.49711924

Astel did collab with Roboco and Choco before. Considering how awful their numbers were for it I wouldn't see it happening again.

>> No.49711964

A lot of fans will probably return for EN3, which is why Cover is delaying it as much as possible in the hopes of destroying HoloEN permanently.

>> No.49711974

Most fags are here are lazy and would rather timeloop about homos for the 50th time than actually do numbers autism. I wish there was a place like that where I could autism about numbers and not be surrounded by drama whores

>> No.49711979

You're just pulling numbers out of your ass now.

>> No.49711999

