▼Phase Connect LinksOfficial Website:https://phase-connect.com/Official Schedule:https://schedule.phase-connect.com/Official Twitter:https://twitter.com/PhaseConnectOfficial Character References:https://pastebin.com/RP5DxAmiUnofficial Phase Connect Archives:https://pastebin.com/qAsMRhBa -----------------------------------------------------▼Lia 鈴香 アシェリア (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouasheliaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAsheliaTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/asheliarinkou▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)Twitter: https://twitter.com/UtataneNasaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/UtataneNasaTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/utatanenasa▼Hakushika Iori 白鹿 いおり (JP + EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/hakushikaioriYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HakushikaIoriTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iorihakushika▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉 ウルカ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/fujikuraurukaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FujikuraUrukaTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fujikurauruka▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠 みちる (JP)Twitter: https://twitter.com/shisuimichiruYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShisuiMichiruTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/michiru_shisui▼Tenma Maemi 天満 マエミ (JP + EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenmamaemiYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TenmaMaemiTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tenmaTwitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmSVAwFc5MJwQowsDvCTuw▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン ピッパ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/pipkinpippaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PipkinPippaTwitch: https://twitch.tv/pipkinpippa-----------------------------------------------------▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/lumikanekoYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KanekoLumiTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kanekolumiTwitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@lumikaneko▼Fuura Yuri ふうら百合 (EN) [Terminated]Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive/playlists-----------------------------------------------------▼Remilia Nephys レミリア・ネフィス (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/Remilia_NephysYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RemiliaNephysTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/remilianephys▼ Airi Chisaka 千坂 アイリ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChisakaAiriYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChisakaAiriTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chisakaairiTwitch Archive: https://youtube.com/channel/UCx7aPMHI_kK1CP6zSvilHSA▼Shiina Amanogawa 天ノ川 しいな (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmanogawaShiinaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AmanogawaShiinaTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amanogawashiinaTwitch Archive: https://youtube.com/channel/UCkDfBt3R64R2rRIrAQwldeQ▼ Rie Himemiya 姫宮りえ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimemiyaRieYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HimemiyaRieTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/himemiyarieTwitch Archive: https://youtube.com/channel/UC3-Rfh_Ek-s6EUWS4fT5VPw▼Erina Makina エリナ・マキナ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/ErinaMakinaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ErinaMakinaTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/erinamakina▼Panko Komachi 小町ぱんこ (EN)Twitter: https://twitter.com/komachipankoYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KomachiPankoTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/komachipankoTwitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa_EIfw5I5uDlwsK6sc-83Q▼Phase FriendsAkioAIR >>>/vt//aa/Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/Idol Corp >>>/vt/jidf/Yubicraft >>>/vt//ybc/Aoi Moi - https://twitter.com/Amoi_moi_moiMaple Alcesia - https://twitter.com/MapleAlcesiaHaruna Swift - https://twitter.com/HarunaSwiftKKCyber - https://twitter.com/kkcyberaiPrevious thread >>49229184
I like Lia! only Lia! always Lia!!
Pippa LOVE
[anon news] I LOVE Pippa!
cat sex
>>OPHonestly Panko should satisfy my cock with her childish cunny.
Lia will enter the wolfs den and emerge the leader of the pack, it is foretold
[Lumi update] She broke
>she loves baneposting>I love baneposting
Pippa love~!Reminder that Pippa has a collab this Friday at 7pm est with Pam. I will probably not remember to remind you tomorrow.
I would let George Washington molest me if it meant I could tongue kissing Lia for 5 minutes.
I built my own Sad Girl harem, bitches!
Skinny!Neurotic!Tomboyish!Racist!Geeky!Obsessive!Illiterate!Sleep deprived!Never parties!Self loathing!No appeal!https://files.catbox.moe/w82q7e.mp4
shes so retarded its amazing
Lumi's a big star
>>49235235you just know
>>OPMichiru, what are you planning?
>>49235259Could you survive?
VOD from last night is back its set to unlisted now.
Lia's white box!
>>49235259>getting molested by an older manThat's not anything you haven't done before Liker.
>>OPHUGE michi milkers
>”Pippa and Lisa HATE each other”>”They are not friends anymore”>”They will never collab again”>”Pippa is a terrible person who treats her friends like shit”I genuinely want you fuckers to bleed and die. But considering that it’s females that are saying all this, you already do one of the 2 monthly.
i like when lia sings to herself
lia being "one of the smartest girls in phase co" is actually the funniest thing i've seen since the bridge crew titty clip. that was fucking gold.
i like when lia confirms she is lia
>>49235453I'll say them all again too
>>49235453>women die every monthFemale anatomy is fucking weird bro.
I love Shiina!
[Lia News] Phase Connect player Lia is scared of women
>>49235534I love when Shiina gets bullied and has an existential crisis.
>>49235302Is the constant women tears worth it?
I've watched so many chubas but how the fuck does this star whore make me so parasocial.
>>49235489Anon you act as if Phase Connect is full of Rhodes Scholars.
i want to knead uruka's tummy
Alright who is the actual smartest phase girl then?
>>49235453Pippa Lisa collabs are nourishment for the soul. I feel healed every time they say anything to each other. I'm so glad they're back together again.
having her old model talk shit to her is genius desu
Why do some many people seem to hate Shiina? Is it just because of wontons?
I'm probably just reading too hard into things, but Airi's stream today feels like a cry for help.
>>49235585You have toxoplasmosis gondii, a brain parasite, leading you directly to the psychopath who will eat you alive
>>49235641Yuri because she left.
I want to eat supper off Airi's tummy.
>>49235673She tries very hard to be seiso and perfect so that triggers femcels
[Lumi News] She'll just give up if you home invade her
my boyfriend kisses me all the time, fuck you Lia
>>49235704>got fired>SHE SMORT. HERE IS WHY.
>>OPThis picture is so unbelievable fucking hot...
>>49235767She lives in California, right? Legally she has to.
>>49235673It's just funny watching her get bullied.
>Lia berates youtell me a better feeling
>>49235767everyone has been telling her to get a gun for ageseven her dadnever listens
the thought of lia making love to a granny is kinda hot.
>>49235673Its because my dick isn't slapping her flat tits right now
>>49235833I though CA still had castle doctrine? or did they get rid of the last based thing they had
>>49235652Gonna make some hot chocolate and get real comfy for this one
>>49235673she's too risk averse and it sterilizes her content, so it makes her seem constantly avoidant of eggshells. her chat mods are also hyper-active so even her chat feels neutered. i'd say the most common complaint in pcg would be she "feels inorganic" (which isn't to be taken as "fake")
>>49235673A mix of femcels who genuinely hate the seiso act and people who get off to the thought of women getting bullied.
>>49235833>She lives in California, right?
>>49235833guess I'm going to jail if someone breaks in then
in another timeline, Lia is a horror movie scream queen.
>>49235870you can shoot someone if they attack you in your homeif they start running away, you can't shoot them in the backI think most states are actually like this
>>49235870Holy shit, you're right. I just assumed given how assblasted they usually are. I bet they'd still prosecute you though.
>>49235673I despise supercilious voices with all my heart and soul
>>49235673Most of the genuine hate is 1-2 obsessive schizos
lets go get pozzed chat
[Lia News] she doesn't like Puerto Rico anymore
>>49235963Depends on where you live. If you live anywhere in the valley or the more rural parts of norcal, you can get out of an awful lot. A friend of mine runs a liquor store and has killed 5 people.
>>49235991sometimes it's hard to tell when she is and isn't pretending to be retarded
This is the happiest I've seen Lumi in months.
>>49235673Fake. I mean, they are all actresses to a degree, but in her case it irks me. This is probably very personal, because I can see people hating on Lia instead and finding her annoying, while to me she's the perfect embodiment of all that is female and cute and hot.
>>49235990>criticism of my oshi is two people who are very invested in spending lots of energy on an anonymous image board saying mean thingsoccam's razor isn't with you on this one my guy
>>49235893>femcels who genuinely hate the seiso actWhy would that upset them?
[Lia News] - She hears women moaning in her head
>>49236052she got lots of dick over break
>>49236031noooooooo not the heckin' niggerinos!
>>49235833Can't tell if this is a joke since Lumi hates it or newfag since a lot of phase is in cali. But no, she isn't in cali. She was northeast before the move and her parents are probably still in the northeast.
>>49235833>She lives in California, right?No.
>>49236084yeah mine
>>49236081>Lia keeps hearing moaning>can't find the source>it's Rinmama with her rubber duckies in the bath
>>49236006>didn't read the /k/ pastaCOWARD
>>49236084I was giving her plenty before. Maybe I'm getting better.
>>49235991I don't drink....how many drinks does it take to get pozzed chat?
>>49236006>she actually used the old introkino
>>49236135>>49236124I don't recall writing this.
>>49236137Think the /k/ deer copy pasta is a bit too long to do in a 1 minute window.
>>49236145a liker will help you with that
>>49236134It’s me. Rinmama calls be rubber duckies.
why does Lia hate Leon? dont most girls simp for him?
>>49236173ANON WHY
>>49236067You say that like Henri doesn't exist and isn't easy to pick out. Some people type in very distinct ways. There's also a difference between criticism and obsessive hatred.
>>49236207too young. Lia is only into old men and femboys
>>49236031absolutely based
>>49236173delete this
>>49236207he had the audacity to refuse easy young pussy. same as guys who hate girls that don't put out, but female version.
>>49236215that annoying thing got on my nerves, whatever it is
>>49236173looks like meat's back on the menu boys
>>49236006two shorts, two pippa classic BGMs as promisedwhich one should I do next bros
>Michi is still streamingrad
>>OP▼ PLEASE SUPPORT PHASE FRIENDS ▼Kirsche - https://twitter.com/KirscheVerstahlNyaru - https://twitter.com/nyaruchuuuSleepy - https://twitter.com/Sleepy_ProjectMiia - https://twitter.com/matoimiiaRurumi - https://twitter.com/RurumiYumemiMieko - https://twitter.com/mino_miekoWhiskey - https://twitter.com/GrenadesWShondo - https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YTMari Mari Underscore E N - https://twitter.com/MARIMARI_ENLisa - https://twitter.com/chikafujilisaPurin - https://twitter.com/inukaipurinChinchilla - https://twitter.com/natumi_hanaSawa - https://twitter.com/SourGrapeVA(and You)▼ PHASE FRIENDS NEWS▼ New Phase Invaders later this month, whether or not they are any of the above is anyone's guess - https://twitter.com/PhaseConnect/status/1656398771826171905 (Phase Friend https://www.twitch.tv/nyaruchuuu is streamingAlso Phase Friend https://www.twitch.tv/batatvideogames
>>49236031Does he feel bad about it? I know people who have killed people (and found innocent of any wrongdoing) and they don't, but I wonder how big of a spectrum there is.One of them gave me the magazine of the gun they used as a gift and I still have it.
>>49236173HOLY SHIT
>>49235767women intentionally neglecting self defense, getting raped and then realizing it isn't at all like their fantasies is consistently funny because of how easily avoidable it is
>>49236116No, I'm just an idiot and can't read properly. I read "Lia".
>>49236173He just needs some ibuprofen
>>49235767She needs a man to protect her (me).
>>49236321but it makes her more desirable to men that hear it, which is the main reason she has this (and most of her) stance(s)
>HUGE Lia laughI love it
>>49236173Why would Lumi do this?
can someone please make a sound post of Lia saying what a little gay boy
Pippa stop putting LIVE in your thumbnails
[Lumi news] She hates alcohol & drugs.
>>49236313Don't think so. Haven't really asked. Also, they were all attempted robberies. He did get out of the liquor business though.
>he's not gay; he's just europeanjesus lia
Phase Friend Nyaru agrees with Lia, that it is EXIT ONLY! NO ENTRY ALLOWED!
>>49236432do it yourself you lazy faggot
>>49235321For you
>he's not gay; he's just european
>>49236466>>49236289Pippa picks the greentexts, I'm just the retarded editor who's asking for classic BGM recsI mean, I could recommend the sisterfucker greentext but she'll probably say no lmao
[Lia News] After 20+ years, the mystery has been solved: Lia let the dogs out.
>>49236392>Lumi is a pandering griftervery true
>>49236647So true sister.
>>49236632How can one man be so based?
>>49236617What's the point of greentext if they're safe and just redditard tourists?
>>49236666you said it, not me sister
[Lumi news] She enjoys the freedom, humor and interactivity of Deus Ex.
>>49236631https://youtu.be/nhhyvNNKTCIshocked lia even knows the song
>>49236727Old culture doesn't just disappear. Millenials make content for zoomers all the time. Tiktok is a major tool for that.
>>49236563They just need to be forced to try it.
>>49236297It's around 9:30am for her time now. She must be autistic shut in neet like pippa
>>49236727[Duet Cover Idea] Lumi and Lia sing Who Let The Dogs Out
>>OPIs there a VOD for Pippa's Kirsche collab?
why do females always get lost in mazes?
>>49236405What kind of Heresy is this?
Imagine if Lisa burped and farted loudly during the collab tonight.
>>49236647sister, if you realllllly want a bf then just post your discord. You don't have to make posts like these.
>>49236887women never mentally progress past 13
>>49236887Lack of 3D awareness.
>>49236854But anon. Lumi lets the dogs in.
Lia HATES Ashley so much bros
>>49236887mazes? try having one drive,she'll get lost in her own neighborhood
female spacial reasoning
Gee gumis, how come your oshi lets you have TWO Lumis?
>>49236918Opposites attract.
>>49236887They get lost in parking lots. To be fair spacial intelligence isn't their strong suit.
>>49236442>>49236617Expected but still makes me cry a little.
>>49236928and you'll never get pussy being a simp for a fake internet whore, but i do support your hustle.
>>49236928enjoy your paid content genshin streams bozo
>>49237017Her being a cuck-queen isn't just a joke.
>Ashley: I'm gonna die! They're everywhere!SHUT UP BITCH! omg this woman>Leon: Here, hold this down.YESSIR <starry eyes>
>>49236887Women struggle with any game that doesn't imitate picking berries or caring for a baby.
Lia would 100% tongue kiss Ashley.
i miss her the mostest...
>>49237017It's not for us she's just narcissistic.
>>49237139So fucking hot.
Should I go for a walk before Peepa starts?
i dont think lia has ever gone fishing
I want to hug the Pippa.
da michi is still streaming?
>>49237296go for a run
>>49237296You could get stabbed and miss the stream
>>49236692Anon... all the greentext videos are reddit tier. I don't know what did you expect.
[Lia News] Lia has had it with the Likers being gay
>>49237300That doesn't seem like something she would be interested in
>>49237300Colonel Anon... we should fix that.
really, Likers?
>>49237350>Be me >Watch funni pink rabbit video>Turns out it's actually a really unfunny safe shit for views>Close tab>Get angry at anon for posting it>Realise I never took my meds>Be me
>>49237369I genuinely think Lia gets pissed off that her fans would rather fuck each other than horny post about her. her fault for turning us gay
>>49237383oh my god an o'neill reference? in my anime talking head general? is it more likely than i thought? pcg i forgive you for rieposting for the next few days, i'm too happy to be mad at you
>>49237369>I hate gay likers>Lia hates gay likersLia really is /here/ isn't she?
Does Lumi even know theres another Diablo 4 beta starting tommorrow?
>>49235385All because someone complained in the waiting room, harines really do get it done.
Holy shit Lia/Lumi have perfect voices to multiview with both audio enabled.
>>49237418[Liker News] He said yes.
>>49237211Well I hope she keeps being this way I miss old Lumi
>>49237441What should I superchat her to prove that I'm not a faggot?
I consentI consent>I DON'T
Likers liking each other instead of Lia is a sin.
>>49237527>>49237418Lia said to STOP
>>49237418>>49237527cute and wholesomechuubas just mad they will never experience this pure love
>>49237527Jesus Horatio Christ
>>49237552Lia is the divine, she cannot be my wife also
>>49237540Ask Lia to marry you.
>>49237418>>49237527you shitposting faggots are too much ayy lmaoidk how people hate the lia likers
Imagine if Pippa started force feeding Lisa live on stream during a collab.
>>49237628panda piss....
>Be me, liker>My friend is making fun of me for being gay.>Push him down.>Suck his dick>He cums in my mouth>"Haha, you came in another man's mouth, faggot.">He stops mocking me for being gay
>Ashley says more random "woman in distress" things.Lia: I'm gonna shove you in a locker and make you eat your own fecal matter.
>>49237621nobody really hates likers, it's just fun to bully them and they enjoy it. it's bitos that get the genuine disgust from pcg.
>>49237552She may have nice boobs, but she's too bratty. Kind of ruins the sexual appeal.
[Lia News] Lia does not support the gay marriage of her chatters and says they will burn in the fiery lakes for eternity
>>49237617That's nowhere near good enough, I need an eleborate display of affection, something that will truely dazzle her.
>>49237710and even that is hard to like since she remodeled them to be smaller (willingly) because liking them when lia is ashamed of them is folly. she doesn't really have any redeeming qualities anymore. maybe the collar, in a vacuum.
>>49237735get a tattoo of her on your dick
>>49235673I don't like how when she joined she was all "I'm a sad girl too! I can yab just like everyone else I swear guys!" and now she actively sanitizes her chat. Then there's also the fact that she's in like her 30s or close too it but sounds like she has the emotional maturity of like someone as old as Yuri.
>>49237784What do you mean she doesn't have any redeeming qualities? :(
>>49236632Remember how mean /pcg/ was to Unlucky Cat
[Lia News] she won the gacha lottery in this game and got a legendary cute bear
>>49235963You can defend yourself in your home, its just more difficult than normal to get a decent gun. Orange is Castle doctrine, blue is stand your ground, brown is duty to retreat.
>>49237735Take zinc, then fire off a tribute.
Lia found a new gacha
>>49237922>cali not the most cucked for oncemaybe my state isn't as bad as it could be
>>49237710If you don't get the crazy sexual appeal of a loud, autistic, bratty girl like Lia, I'm sorry for you. You might be into men or grannies or something.
I never realized after watching Lia's stream that women hate Ashley because she's not enough of a self insert so that they can pretend they're with Leon.
>>49238080Lia doesnt like Leon tho
>>49238049or want the bare minimum of intellect from the thing you are fucking. people want to be sexually gratified, not feel like they're babysitting an invalid. you can deflect with a gay accusation or accept people don't see the appeal of the mentally ill like you do.
>>49237801No way in hell>>49237927It can't be anything sexual because I don't need to creep her out
>panko can show this on youtube>i have to catbox it to post it on 4channelhttps://files.catbox.moe/5his3n.png
>>49235674Why the fuck must she have her school shooter meltdown right when Pippa is streaming?
>>49237710>too brattywhy are you so gay
>>49238118i agree with this. mentally ill + intelligent is hot though
>>49238118Again, she's one of the smartest girls in Phase and one of the most well-rounded, at least when she's on the right meds for her condition.
>>49237922This is not up to date because my state has had a firm stand your ground law for many years and is not marked as such. Based on what I know from friends in other states, I think this one is more current.
>>49238049You haven't dealt with women like that irl enough
[Lumi News] She's jealous Pippa's fanbase is more openly affectionate than hers is
>>49238255anon no you can't just post the giant balls...
>>49236289Smelly femcel stories
>Lia just smashing antiquesCOME HERE LIA. I WANNA SHAKE YER HAND
>>49238282i cooka da pizza and posta da ballz
>>49238128Try sending her a lovey-dovey maro with your the name you use in chat then.
{Lumi News]She is not looking to get pozzed.
>>49238255>>49238129a lot of white liquid comes out. can you imagine if you pop them? it's gonna be like a river.
>>49235182That makes her autistic.
>>49238049If like women like Airi makes me gay or into grannies than so be it.
gentlemen yellow lumi has caught my eye and I want to start watching her, is there anything I should know before I embark on this endeavor?
Lumi is extra ADHD today.
>>49238462Yes. You can trust her.
>>49238462never trust
>>49238371Can I attach a photo in maro?
>>49236692It's a good format, there're plenty of examples, and the short bullet points are zoomer friendly.Greentexts are a great idea for shorts IMO, but if Pippa gets too spicy with them then they'll likely get buried in the shorts algo>>49237065For all I know, she could be planning to do some shorts with edgier materialJust ain't my call to make
>>49238215Your pic is also a bit misleading. Several of the "castle doctrine" states in yours don't actually have it formalized in the law but rather its sort of an "implied castle doctrine" through legal rulings.
Lia is spunky >>49238462totally not an anti bait post btw
Does Lia swallow?
>>49238462Bully her in chat and call her a retard, don't be afraid to use slurs. The ruder you are to her the more she'll love you.
>pipnigs show up>thread quality declines
>>49238462She enjoys being demeaned, say rude things to her and she'll love you.
>>49238462She is responsible for 99% of all drama in the industry.
>>49238415Holy shit I didn't think anyone read this, thank you for the reply! :)
total trama dumper death
>>49238500Unironically take your meds.
Lia's inventory is in shambles.
>>49238462yeah, the based bimbo plays games experience
>>49238462>She snared another one.Get out while you can man. Next thing you know you'll start trusting her. You might even start UUUUUUUUUing.
>>49238525>>49238538very disappointing she looked like an arrogant whore and I was hoping she would demean the chat instead
>>49235991>>49236032>>49236145https://clips.twitch.tv/BlitheBraveSageGOWSkull-TkVdeCLD3ERq2BwESHE DID IT
>>49238633She does. It goes both ways.
>>49238584If I’ll give them any credit, at least they had the courtesy to do it before the stream. Hopefully Pippa ignores it and just saves it for the rubber duckie stream.
PIPPA AND LISA LIVE IN 5 MINUTESTHE SHEEP IS BACK TONIGHThttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gahB4SOD4Ehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gahB4SOD4Ehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gahB4SOD4E
>>49238584fucking FAG KYS
>>49238493I've never used maro.
>>49238667Great, thanks for confirming.Also my posts were genuine, I'm from /lig/
>>49238692Very based and redpilled
Cipher isn’t /here/, is he?
>>49238685qrd on sheep?
>>49238692>>49238584>cutesy collabs about to happen>trauma dump to ruin the moodWhat a fucking faggot
>>49238699Same here. I've tried, but it's just too clunky.
>>49237735rape threats in her maro
>>49238753Cipher is our resident Uncle tom. Every post claiming to hate niggers is him.
still waiting for a Liker to get the tattoo of Lia. She would never forget it for as long as she lives.
Next time there's a con with Phase girls attending I'm going to find an anon and stab him to death in a side alley
>>49238501It may well be, but I know that my state has it explicitly stated in the law and is not marked as such. It's far more common than it was ~10 years ago.
Preemptive "SHE HATES US" post.
>>49238799Kill yourself
>>49238462Don't be uwu nice to her. She likes banter. Do not trust anything she says about phase connect. Genshin is sponsored zatsu, weekend is rts games. In between is other games. Youtube is once a week comfy games and stream. And lastly, DO NOT TRUST.
>>49238794Keep trying anon. You must display dedication for your oshi.
>>49238779pippa is pcg's little sister, lisa is tsunx's little sister
>>49238715>Also my posts were genuineWe have a few schizos constantly on the lookout for things to get offended about, don't worry about it too much.
>>49238584I hate traumaniggers so much bros
>>49238836Lia womb tattoo (on a guy of course)
>>49238779That person that you wander how the hell she became friends with someone like pippa.
>>49238836I don't think we are the kind of people who get tattoo...
>>49238836Yeah, she wouldn't forget because she would be traumatized.
>>49238891he paid money so now they are forced to read it :)
>>49238922sure would be a shame if some janny deleted it
>>49238215the fuck's the difference between stand your ground law and in practice?and what's the point of duty to retreat when if one party is taken out, it's just testimonials saying what happened, which can totally nullify the point?genuine inquiry.
>>49238852women love rape
Is Lia on her period?
>>49238462>is there anything I should know before I embark on this endeavor?Assuming this is a real post!-She'll probably read (you) so you better be funny or helpful or interesting or cringe in a way she can do something with!-She'll ALWAYS be late!-She won't play HoI!-She really enjoys live action netseries!-She hates alcohol, drugs, meds and carbs!-She prefers manga over anime 99.999% of the time!-Have a 5 point explanation for why she should play something that includes attitude, genre, mechanics and premise if you want to suggest something!-Bland compliments are the fastest way to land on her shitlist -- Treat her as you would a sibling!All the best! She's pretty fun!
>Trauma dumper for $5My dad is currently beating my mom. I can hear the screams but don't have anywhere to go. Also it's my birthday.
>>49238954Finally some sign of human decency from you golems.
>>49238959No, they love the concept of rape, and only by a man they are attracted to.
>>49238959only if it's done by a gigachad, they're disgusted by everything else.
>>49239002Yeah and I'm drinking it
>>49239025>-She hates alcohol, drugs, meds and carbs!>-She prefers manga over anime 99.999% of the time!Sounds based, thank you for the rundown.
Jesus for a second I thought I opened up 20 Pippa tabs
>>49239002phase calendar bro take notice for Lia she might be cycling
Sheep is dying bros!
Anyone think Lisa will need to tell the rabid capipis that she is NOT in Phase Invaders?
>>49238955prolly spelled out in statute law vs part of the jurisprudence in state courts on how to interpret vaguer law
>>49239026based dad teaching his son how to treat women as a birthday present
[Sad News] Lia killed Phase Friend Ashley
Pippa and Lisa are together again.
>>49239025>-She hates alcohol, drugs, meds and carbs!Pankobros...
d'aww pippa cares about lisa
Bros they are so cute together
Pon Wolf startinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxrZLdhQbSY
Voice cracking Lisa hits different.
I've missed these two together so much bros....
>>49238584Not as good as "MY HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS ALL GOT MURDERED YESTERDAY LETS FUCKING GOOOOO">>49238955As I understand it, it's a difference between something explicitly written into state law vs. a legal decision in that jurisdiction that sets a precedent for future cases.>what's the point of duty to retreat when if one party is taken out, it's just testimonials saying what happenedThere's some merit in making sure you are the only one giving statements when it comes to that
>>49239101I will poachpost, and you cant do anything about it
>>OPMichi streamed for 10 hours? Oh fuck, it's the ark arc all over again, we're so back
>>49238906This is very true kek
>>49239235Did Michi end?
yeah Lia is def on her period
They are so cute.
>>49235453They are just going to try again next week.
[Cute Girl News] She doesn’t know what’s in cough drops, aside from the tasty stuff.
Why the fuck would Airi play this kind of game?
>>49239300And she's letting me drink it
>>49239329>cough drops>tastyThat's a sign of a depraved mind.
Pippa is going to make her move this stream.
>>49239329Cough drops are disgusting and should only be used to blast your sinuses with as much menthol as humanly possible.
Are there any Phase girls that don't gaslight themselves regularly?
leesa Love
>>49238955De jure (in law) means that it’s legal, but not usually upheld or ignored by courts. In practice (de facto) means you can get away with it even if it’s illegal.
>>49239358Ludens are great
>>49239334Airi is a lonely OL working unappreciated for a black company IRL, I'm sure this game is cathartic
This is fantastic
I bet Pippa has only had honey "syrup". Which is just bottled HFCS and not real honey at all. Fuck the FDA.
Does this mean she had 11 subscribers from her inner circle before announcing it?
>>49239415Gaslighting yourself is a survival mechanism.
>>49239435those are just fucking candy bro they don't do anything.
>>49239444I'm having a great time already
Good ol' mic peaking Lisa.
is lisa /here/?
Lisa thinks Pippa is DUMB!
Finally, some good content. I am healed.
i like when Lia calls me daddy
>>49238955"Stand your ground" is the Chad version of Castle Doctrine. Basically what you can do in self defense under Castle Doctrine varies from state to state based on the wording and how they interpret "reasonable force". Stand your ground basically is the most extreme version of it saying that you have a right to use any amount of force you feel is required to remove the threat. Duty to flee in theory means you need to attempt run away first and not escalate, only defending yourself if you become trapped with no other options (like that nyc store owner who two people trapped behind the counter last year). But in practice its enforced as basically you aren't allowed to defend yourself at all and can be prosecuted for assault or murder if you do (NYC attempted to prosecute that store owner anyways until massive public backlash made them drop the case).
Pippa... don't mention fucking cancer
>>49239517Hopefully. Please turn your gain down for gods sake.
Lia constantly bitching about Ashley is hot
>>49239517>is lisa /here/?She literally sang a cover in response to the thread suggesting it.
there's no way you find this entertaining if you are older than 10
>>49239433You didn't even answer his question retardchama
All my rage, washed away. I didnt realize just how much i missed these.
I want Lia and Ashley to tongue kiss.
>>49239626so true sister!
>>49239519She's not wrong
>>49239626This is peak entertainment.
>>49239626There's four ongoing streams. You gotta aim your anti-ing.
>going up and pretending to know sign languageThat sounds like the funniest shit ever. I might try it.
Lia very cranky than usual
>>49239626the sound of their voices alone is already entertaining.
day WAS bad
Chai has the thousand yard stare
>>49239626You don’t have to be lonely, Femanon. I’ll make love to you. Sweet tender love. I’ll change your anti ways.
>>49239684Theres a deaf guy at my work and I make up my own signs to talk to him. He seems to understand.
how long will this take lia?
Girls are cute sometimes bros...
lisa news she knows sign language
>>49239435Those are marketed as "throat drops"
>>49239626Debut when?
I wish i could give Ashley my cancer
>>49239184tell your pon dog to stream when Pippa and Lia aren't live if you want me to watch
>>49238685>>49238779Lisa is extremely sweet, and you wonder how she became friends with the crazy stinky rabbit.Lisa is an excellent singer; she has released several covers, and also writes and composes music. She joined Tsunderia in 2021, about the same time Pippa debuted with Phase Connect. When Tsunderia went out of business in 2023, Lisa kept her model and is now fully independent; a ton of capipis want her to join Phase as an Invader, sometimes they are autistic about it. Pippa has had pretty good collabs with Lisa because Pippa tends to bully the sheep, often introducing her to strange topics, gaslighting her constantly.
I sold my soul and joined shillscord. Please reply to this post with all the Phase clippers you know.I already have 2views and Sad Girls, Rinkult Priest, Pebbel, Low Effort Clips, Meemaw's Moments and Azehara. Gonna try and put interesting (not necessarily 'yab' but still interesting) things into the Phase Weekly tab.
I cant tell if this is the actual Korean language or just gibberish
Lia seems like the kind fo white girl that would punch a guy in a bar and expect not to get hit back.
My hate for Rie is unbridled! She is single handedly holding Phase Connect back from greatness! She's literally the crab in the crab bucket dragging everyone else down. She is the cancer that needs to be cut out in order for the host to survive! I don't know how else to put it but... Rie hate, Rie graduate!
>>49239844its the same wdym
>>49239821NotTheo is an obvious one you missed
Lia is a necrophiliac
I wish Lia would tea bag me irl
>>49239872If a girl punches you in the face you should grab her head and kiss her directly on the lips.
>>49239872no no. She's the sort to enjoy getting hit back.
>>49239771Yeah, but when your kids complain about having a sore throat and that the cough drops taste bad, they will take that and the pectin keeps their throats from getting dry and even more irritated. It tricks them into thinking they feel better as they heal.
What slur was Lia gonna say?
>>49239821me :)
>>49239930Yeah but they aren't cough drops they are throat drops.
>>49239875that's real super duper
>>49239955prob faggot. lia likes that one
>>49239965also damn the capcha was>2SADG
>>49239740I mean, ASL does that IRL a lot.People who aren't interpreters don't memorize an entire dictionary of signs (especially because you can't 'read' ASL, you need to see it used).People will make up signs among themselves to describe things that need to be described in the moment. This is also how non-deaf people get "names" in ASL, they get fed up with spelling your name so often and decide to pick something to refer to you.That said, someone faking sign language whole cloth probably isn't thinking of the language like a "language" and using any kind of consistency.
Why is /pcg/ so low in the catalog? I literally had to scroll to page 10.FIX THIS RIGHT NOW AN-NON!
This collab is so good.
>Pippa doesn’t answer Lisa’s messagesThey HATE each other!
>Pippa Lisa Gremlins watchalong
Lia’s inventory game is WEEK
>>49240065I missed the looms so much
>>49240099>weekGOOD EVENING SIRS
Do office cubicles actually get that crammed in real life?
>>49240065zesty bitchPippa bullying is always goodI left when genshin startedglad I don't have to UUUUUUUU post anymorecould've been worse/10
I love this sheepPippa needs to respond to her DMs more
>>49240065Energy/10missed/10hacker man/10welcome back/10UUUUUUUUU/10
>>49240065I missed the boob window <3
>late to the stream>go back 20 minutes to the start>don't have to interact with chatshit I should do this more often.
>auto sort ruined Lia's inventory and her daylove it here
>>49240065Zesty/10Seems really happy to be back/10Fine/10I'm optimistic she is going to be able to go full power as a streamer now/10I missed this whore so fucking much/10
fuck sakes Lia
i want to eat lisa while pippa watches
Lisa and Pippa is good for the soul.
>>49240215i want pippa to eat out lisa while i watch
Lisa will always be an S Tier Pippa collab partner and Kirsche will always be a B Tier Pippa collab partner
My IQ is 293.15, can't beat me
>>49240065Real Loom/LoomMissed this bitch/10Smelf/10She's even more retarded/10Was great/10
baka imagine not knowing about countable vs uncountable infinities
>>49240215Lisa should eat Pippa, she needs the calories
>>49239569Damn this is too cute
>>49239821Raildex enthusiast.
As much as I missed the Lisa collabs, it's also nice to just have a stream without 3000 donation interruptions
>>49239821I really need to get back to making 2views and Sad Girls stuff but I need to get a new editing program and also by the time I remember to make the clip someone else has either done it or I forget. The last clip I did was https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqvAQSFxtrk which ended up being done better by Low Effort Clips. Plus none of my stuff ends up on Phase Weekly. If anyone has any good Lia stuff this week maybe I might crank something out tomorrow but I can't guarantee it.Fun fact: It was never intended to just be a Lia channel, it was meant to be other phase girls and indies. It just ended up that way because I don't really have the time to be clipping so much shit these days.
>>49238779I don't watch her streams because she has huge gachikoi energy, I WILL fall hopelessly in love with this girl if I watch her too much
There's a fair bit of moth vtubers nowadays huhFun desu. Very nice looking animal.
>>49240317i like your Lia clips anon
>>49240172Welcome to the vod life. Kind of ruined when I started using here as another chat.>>49240284I missed the first part of stream so I was in the vod. I was just at that part of the TTS.
>>49240310if she takes any criticism to heart of her content this quarter, i hope to god it's this.
>set the audio space of the stream to behind me>put on 10 hour driving in the rain video
>>49240065It was a long 2 week break I tried out some 2 views but this stream reminded me why shes one of the very best at what she does. I hope to see some creatividad streams for sure.
Lia HATES this game now
>>49240065The stream was greatGlad she is back/10
When Pippa dies, researchers should preserve her brain to understand what went so wrong (right)
Lisa is so patient and kind, god bless that woman. There aren't many like her left in this world.
>called Lisa a chuuniI will now anti Pippa
Kisses don't tire out Airi! Also love those Lisa mic peaks holy shit
>Lia has to control Ashelyit's overalso: Lia wants to eat Ashley's dumpy.
>>49240365How does one do this? I need the arguing daughters experience.
Jesus Christ, why did Lisa take that one so personally?
kek that Lisa scream
>>49240400The secret sauce is mommy issues + rural raising + internet connection. A lot of really legendary vtubers have that combo.
Lisa is the Sasuke to Pippas Naruto
lisa is the only person pippa can bully
>>49240440Lia and Ashley should have violent domestic abuse lesbian sex
Based Lisa. El. Psy. Kongroooooo
>>49240065It's good to have you back Lumi/10
Lia is such a bitch i love her
>>49240474And even then she accidently bullies herself.
>>49240473Actually the reverse of this. Pippa is the Sasuke to Lisas Naruto
I love these girls
>>49240365>>49240453Yeah I gotta know too
I’m going to gosling for Lisa. Not because I want to date her, but because I want to be the one to tease and bully her. I know I’d be to impure to date her, and that’s fine.
>>49239821I generally avoid shilling myself these days, but if you're askingmy youtube url is /@sozased
>>49240557I love Shiina
Lia is def claustrophobic irl
>>49240363I've made it through every filter arc so far but this is approaching critical mass for me. I miss the slow chat where it's easy to get read, but a fast chat doesn't hurt watching in general. When the stream is CONSTANTLY interrupted for donation readings to the point where at least a third of it is reading $2 chats, it's hard to watch. I'm glad she's found success but I really hope she can figure out how to handle this better than she does now.It's a rare Lisa collab now though so I don't want to doompost.
>>49240453>>49240559requires more than 2 speakers (generally 5 or 7)
Why is Lia like this?
>a merchantPippa you can't call them that
how long does this game force you to play as Ashley?
>When you find out like half the things you thought of as vegetables are technically a type of berry.Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers...
>>49239746thank you for this
>>49240053Sort by last reply retard.
>>49240676Pippa hasn't been the same since the Raimi collab...
>look for one (1) tomatolisa is too cute
But fruit and vegetables are in the same section
>eats a tomato like an appleactually what the fuck?
>the vegetable aisle>the fruit aisleThe fuck? It's just a produce section with all fruits and vegetables mixed togetherI don't think Pippa is qualified to talk about this, knowing her eating habits
>>49240774I do that...
I only eat meat and candy so this conversation doesn't apply to me
>>49240725I understand tomatoes and peppers, but cucumbers not so much...
>>49240703Like 15 minutes max
>>49240774needs a little salt but it's not that weird.
>>49240774Bae does it so it's fine.
>>49240774I do that and put salt or italian seasoning on it in between bites
>>49240798Cumcumber are for cumming, duh
>>49240774Lil' bit of salt and pepper and you got a snack!>>49239066You're welcome!!
>>49240805but anon Lia has been playing as ashley for 30 minutes
>>49240065her forgetting the word "acronym" was hilarious & slightly hot/10
Lia is such a nerd and cute
>>49240777Yeah, she goes straight to the soda isle in the gas station
I'm a Caesar man, myself.
>>49240815>Salt on tomatoesIncoming raging italians in 3...
>>49240831Oh I remember doing that with avocados from my grandma's tree.But a tomato seems too watery to do that with.
>>49240725>uhm actually that fish that clearly is a fish is not a fish, but a mammal It's time to accept that Biology isn't real and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Goddammit Pippa try eating something other than fast food.
I've seen lisa collabs before but I didn't realize she was so cute until now.
>>49240840Lia is a retard
Pippa's palate is so unbelievably fucked upHow can someone even have such terrible tasteCheese and strawberry is a classicNext she's going to freak out over cheddar and apples...
>>49240902I mean if the fish had hair and shit.
>>49240902This nigga eatin' beavers for lent.
>>49240830That's cherry tomatoes though, that's normal.
>Hi mr gold armorLia now says hello to inanimate objects
>>49240889I'm half Italian and I literally don't care. In fact, it sounds really good.
I unironically eat tomatoes with cheese because of that Jojo chapter
RIP Lisa
>>49240952isn't it the best?
>Lisa turned into a png
>>49240889Its good. Ive tried the salt on watermelon thing that you see the Japanese do and its not that good though.
>>49240373Her and Tenma. The only two actual professional streamers at PC. But for very different reasons
Guys, I don't think Pippa has ever had a proper salad
>>49240955Fruit and cheese does not sound very good to me.
>>49240310>>49240363>>49240620Pippa needs to make a hard rule for her chat. Chats above $20 are read immediately. Chats below that are added to the list to be read at the end of stream or a dedicated stream. Chats below $5 may be completely ignored, and not read, if there are too many chats.
>>49241005she's back
Lias screams are better than ashleys. anon is right, in another world Lia is a hollywood scream queen
>only thing I typed this stream is "bad dragon">timed outIs this automatic or some faggy mod?
>>49241044>visit a comfy family restaurant>order one of those fancy "sal-ads" Lumi talks about>must be arabic or something>dad says I should order something real to eat>Dad you don't get it. I am a LADY. I have to take care of myself!>tells me to not complain if I don't like it>yeah right>10 minutes later>get a bowl with a bunch of green stuff and tomatoes>uhh that's it?>maybe it tastes better than it looks?>it's fucking cold>IT'S FUCKING RAW>everyone else is enjoying their steaks with mashed potatoes, peas and gravy>FUCK>nibble on my "sal-ad" while fuming>the 70 year old waiter asks how the food was>i-i-i-it was f-f-f-fuckign dogshit>Now now, you shouldn't talk like that little missy!>everyone laughs>worst July 4th ever>visit a comfy family restaurant>order one of those fancy "sal-ads" Lumi talks about>must be arabic or something>dad says I should order something real to eat>Dad you don't get it. I am a LADY. I have to take care of myself!>tells me to not complain if I don't like it>yeah right>10 minutes later>get a bowl with a bunch of green stuff and tomatoes>uhh that's it?>maybe it tastes better than it looks?>it's fucking cold>IT'S FUCKING RAW>everyone else is enjoying their steaks with mashed potatoes, peas and gravy>FUCK>nibble on my "sal-ad" while fuming>the 70 year old waiter asks how the food was>i-i-i-it was f-f-f-fuckign dogshit>Now now, you shouldn't talk like that little missy!>everyone laughs>worst July 4th ever>visit a comfy family restaurant>order one of those fancy "sal-ads" Lumi talks about>must be arabic or something>dad says I should order something real to eat>Dad you don't get it. I am a LADY. I have to take care of myself!>tells me to not complain if I don't like it>yeah right>10 minutes later>get a bowl with a bunch of green stuff and tomatoes>uhh that's it?>maybe it tastes better than it looks?>it's fucking cold>IT'S FUCKING RAW>everyone else is enjoying their steaks with mashed potatoes, peas and gravy>FUCK>nibble on my "sal-ad" while fuming>the 70 year old waiter asks how the food was>i-i-i-it was f-f-f-fuckign dogshit>Now now, you shouldn't talk like that little missy!>everyone laughs>worst July 4th ever
>>49241084whatever it is, it's doing a good job
Lia how are you lost?
>>49241002If you tried it because of that chapter and liked it then good on you, that's a +1 to your palette.
Pippa voice hurts my ears
>>49239821can talents themself also be considert clippers if they have clips on their channels?
>>49241126woman moment
>>49240620Collabs are good because she doesn't read the superchats. Downside is that she doesn't pay as much attention to regular chat either. I hope she gets the issue sorted as well, because it REALLY is downgrading her content.
>>49241084>Lisa's got a bad dragon inside her confirmed
>>49240958>totally cool btw
>>49241121Haha you fucked up your copy paste
>>49241084Based janny.
>>49240798To be a fruit they have to both grow from a flower and contain seeds. To be a berry they need to grow from flowers containing a single ovary. Cucumber meets both requirements, as do eggplants. Strawberries aren't technically berries due to this.
>>49241126woman piloted by a woman, it was over before it even began
>>49241046agreed, sounds like terrible amerimutt slop.t. american
>>49240774How else do you eat one? You bite, then suck out the innards in that section like a vampire.
>>49241084so is Lia's chat the only good chat left?
>>49241225no its horrible stay away
>>49241188Fruit and cheese is eaten everywhere lactose tolerant people and fruit exist.
>>49241219in diced chunks in salads, and in various sauces? like a sane person? the fuck?
i fucking hate ashley so much it hurts
>>49241225It's cancer due to being full of likers
>>49241225Lias chat is so bad, you don't even want to try going there
>>49241137ew, a woman, go away pls
>>49240310I think she just needs to devote the end of her stream to super berry reading like Jim, that way it doesn't constantly derail whatever she's doing.
>>49241225Michi has a fun chat if you realize she won't read more than 6 words of english at a time.
>>49240945That's why people like these collabs. Crazy Pippa vs. super cute Lisa. It's an interesting contrast to other collabs (Tenma, Lumi, Kirsche).
>>49241113>>49241124>>49241155>>49241180>>49241225Don't worry. The timeout is over. Most likely a mistake.
[Lia News] she has yellow fever
>>49241084>pavlovian response in your brain compels you to clap your hands like a seal and type "bad dragon" in response to lisa being in your line of sight because you saw a funny clip about it.>get timed outgood.
>>49241137I guess >>49240317Focus on what you love bro>>49240302Thanks.>>49239909>>49241370Thanks>>49239902Right mb.OK this should cover a bit now. Not much for gentoo but enough.
>>49241367Type it again for science
>Lisa is a woman who eats happy meals and plays with the toysShe’s perfect… absolutely perfect…
the thought of Lia eating another girls bhole makes me DIAMONDS
>>49241295you don't like sun dried tomatoes?
This Lisa girl is really cute
>>49241084>regurgitates year old clipnigger meme>gets timed outI'm supposed to feel sorry why
Pippa x Lisa collabs are truly peak CGDCT material, I love it so much bros...
Holy shit, that guy is a fucking chad. Showing up to a job interview covered in grease, in pajamas, and crocs.
Pippa bullying Lisa is fantastic content
>>49241367a damn shame
Lisa has nice screams.
Alright, Lisa is a lot better than Kirsche. You guys were right. I apologize.
>>49241084this guy and new capips are the type of people that type watame in chat when a sheep pops up
Lisa wearing only an oversized shirt...
god I missed Pippa Lisa collabs, I can't stop smiling
>>49241084Bag-dragon-posters are annoying.
can she just let Ashley die?
Why does lisa keep shouting and blowing out her mic.
new thread>>49241543>>49241543
if Lisa wasn't screaming HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP for 2 hours yesterday, her voice would be a little better I think.
>>49241434are you eating them by themselves???sun dried tomatoes are used as an ingredient if you wanna make pizza flavored cheese dip or something, what other scenarios other than as an INGREDIENT would you eat them?
>>49241059>>49241146I think a combo of these would be ideal. Read the ~$20+ ones right away, read smaller ones at the end, either ignore or just say "thank you <username>" to the pennies ones. Hope she and her mods can figure it out.
god I love Lisa so fucking muchshe's peak girlfriend material
>>49241528They're vtuber odd couple. Total opposites which is why its fun to watch them interact.
>>49241225Liker country is full, we don't want refugees.
>>49241582what's in ingredient?
>so many overlapping talents at one timeI am in love with whenever Airi confirms something she just said by making 1-1 "mmm" sounds. Its hot
>>49241566That's part of the charm. She goes from sweet to LOUD quick.
>kettles are dumbholy fucking shit Pippa
Holy shit I hate Americans
>>49241916I genuinely hopes Pippa gets like breast cancer from microwave tea
Why is the thread so slow? Is Phase dying bros...?
>>49240065I missed this dumb whore/10