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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.47886500

because it somehow manages to be the worst dark souls

and Luna still found the stomach to play it

>> No.47886938
Quoted by: >>48003946

too kino, maybe Tempus might try it

>> No.47887627

Ds2 is a better souls game than 3 but the reddit hivemind has already infiltrated the chuubasphere

>> No.47887725
Quoted by: >>47893498

Nyanners played it.

>> No.47887805

it's not the first one so it doesn't have that appeal
it's not the latest one so it doesn't have that appeal either
it's also bad to play and watch. The sound design is terrible, the visuals are a mess, and the animations are jank.

>> No.47887825

It's ugly and the controls don't feel good

>> No.47887903
File: 258 KB, 1162x1038, 1681511043818368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is one of the more poorly thought out souls games. Every complaint about Elden Ring that everyone from your average normie to an actual soulsplayer had is present in this game. It is just the worst in the series. There is no kino. The game isn't good. The base game is shit and of the 3 dlc's the game had were all unremarkable.
No matter how many 2 view video essays that cry " i-it isn't t-that bad actually....except for..." you post, it still is a shit game. That's fine. I like playing shit games. Pretending that the entire world is wrong, when for once it clearly isn't, is retarded. Your oshi won't play the game b/c it is bad and everyone who has actually played it tells them not to.
Tldr: Game is shit. Contrarianism is retarded when it isn't justified.

>> No.47887973
Quoted by: >>47900948

It's the "oldest" one. Dark Souls 1 had a remaster, dark souls 3 is new-ish. elden rangz is fresh. This was last seen in 2015

>> No.47888023
Quoted by: >>48002034


Come home, white man.

>> No.47888247

Because it's shit.

>> No.47888298
Quoted by: >>47888368

The hell it is

>> No.47888368

>Hallway Souls good
This fucking board i swear

>> No.47888550
File: 61 KB, 180x194, 2382374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's actually hard for them, also
>all those DS3 fags ITT

>> No.47888554

Ohayama didn't. And Kanata said she'll play it after DS3.

>> No.47888631
File: 18 KB, 326x206, AA0AFFD1-9457-401E-9030-3AF9332F5DB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had more fun with ds2 than I did with elden ring

>> No.47888654

Still goat tutorial boss

>> No.47888840

Yeah, horrible gameplay, forgettable bosses, world design made with the dick is the best dark souls. The game is meh, maybe a good one if you're really autist and retarded, but for a souls and without any DLC is a 3/10 and I'm being fair with it

>> No.47888981

cause it sucks

>> No.47889295
File: 64 KB, 505x511, 1656233227570410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People hate DS2
>Love Elden Ring despite it being basically DS2 2

>> No.47889334
Quoted by: >>47889524

>linearity inherently bad >:(
yet somehow I've replayed 3 more times than I've replayed 2.... how mysterious

>> No.47889441
Quoted by: >>47922961

I don't recall waddling around in ER like I just shat myself. DS2 fans tend to be either hipsters or contrarians that just latch on to something people don't generally like. It's a fine game, some cool bosses like Fume Knight.

>> No.47889524
Quoted by: >>47889864

I played more DS2 than DS3 because there's more stuff to actually do there. DS3 is REALLY bad when it comes to optionla playstyles outside the most cookie cutter stuff.

>> No.47889550
File: 92 KB, 596x768, 1562358461124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47895236


>> No.47889603

I don't necessarily think DS3 is a better game, but it's going to be a better streaming experience

>> No.47889607

>I like thing therefore thing is good
>I disklike thing therefore thing is bad

>> No.47889669

DS2 is Elden Ring but better and DS3 is the worst souls game by far, it's basically just fanservice

>> No.47889864

Yeah, DS2 had some really interesting ideas, although that did include some bad ones. I never thought DS3 was bad, but there sure was no reason to keep going on one character once you finished. I will say that probably makes it less appealing as a streaming game though, since no vtuber is going to care about most of the things that makes the game better.

>> No.47889921

>"Just level ADP!"
I'm sick of you DSII fuckers

>> No.47890035
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, what.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leh phantom hitbox

>> No.47890059

its bad

>> No.47890071

That's not how Phantom hits work anon.

>> No.47890085
File: 92 KB, 364x299, 1677857698299656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the fags fighting in DS2 threads are from here
I love you retards

>> No.47890167
File: 717 KB, 294x233, hitboxes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47890178
Quoted by: >>47891023


>> No.47890242

Skill issue

>> No.47890292


>> No.47890293
Quoted by: >>47890395

Also, you got clipped after the roll ended, and anyone rubbing 2 brain cells togheter is capable of seeing it

>> No.47890303
Quoted by: >>47890395

I like this one

>> No.47890395
Quoted by: >>47892682

care to explain this then?>>47890303

>> No.47890440

>noooo why don’t I get free i-frames and a handjob every time I press the dodge button you’re supposed to just let me win

>> No.47890491
Quoted by: >>47890971


>> No.47890546

OG DeS>Bloodborne>DarkShits 1/2/3

>> No.47890621

Bloodborne > DS1 > DeS > DS3 >DS2
DeS has too many meme bosses

>> No.47890681
File: 27 KB, 601x338, FqPhozEWIAEqpBd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elden Ring was even Co-Directed by the same guy who Co-Directed DS2 (who also Directed the DLC + the Game's SOTFS Edition)
That's how you know it was DS2 the entire time...

>> No.47890696

Bloodborne and ds3 are literally the same game except the shitty visceral mechanic

>> No.47890760

Anon, just walk to right of his attack...

>> No.47890783

Bloodborne won solely for the aesthetics
Also, I like BB dodge more

>> No.47890816

Nah, Bloodborne is a masterpiece. The BB dodge is great and rewarding agressiveness with healing makes the game more rewarding.

>> No.47890896

the only good thing from DSII is dragon bone fists

>> No.47890971
Quoted by: >>47891023

that’s just a compilation of idiots who treat dark souls like a rhythm game then get salty when their poor tactics and positioning aren’t automatically forgiven just because they paid $40 for the game

>> No.47891023

>getting hit from miles away is a poor tactics
sneed >>47890178

>> No.47891173

>He didn't even roll through the 2nd attack
Kek. Skill Issue.

>> No.47891236

Yeah, in DS2 the attacks seem to lock-on you and immune frames are a stat that needs to be built up.

>> No.47891319

actually true

>> No.47891335

you know damn well that DSII is a fucking joke of a game
even I can understand that Nioh dodge jankiness is because of the 2 type of dodge

>> No.47891339

>bro wtf I keep standing next to the boss at all times and never dodge out of the the weapon’s reach and I still get hit this game sucks
this is your brain on bloodborne

>> No.47891396
Quoted by: >>47930886

Vox punched that early-game ogre to death

>> No.47891398

I played ds2 before hearing anything negative about it and it still is the only souls game I couldn't finish, because It got too boring

>> No.47891492
Quoted by: >>47932249

>almost a decade later, they are still seething about Chad Souls 2

>> No.47891535

I have no idea why people keep saying this. I played 2 and 3 back to back. So no hivemind, nostalgia or bias. And 3 was way better.

>> No.47891557

To this day is the most disappointing game I've ever played. Hours and hours of gameplay adding up, the slow sense of dread that the game simply isn't good... still don't know how I managed to finish it. Majula's theme bangs tho.

>> No.47892280

Simply too kino. The part where you need to use a torch to proceed filters them, among other things.

>> No.47892365

When THE FUCK will Dark Souls 2 niggers understand

>> No.47892397

I thought they had removed all of that from the game

>> No.47892682

Skill issue

>> No.47892883
Quoted by: >>47892955

>not wanting to fight mytha in her swamp
Weakness disgust me

>> No.47892926
Quoted by: >>47893198

Because chat tell them to. Only the most worthy and based Vtuber will finally play DS2

>> No.47892955

>implying they can get to her to begin with

>> No.47892958

You're describing literally every souls. Fuck that clumsy jank that's supposedly intentional. It's just devs that can't program a game and a fanbase that forced itself to think you need to put up with it's shitty-ness.

>> No.47893006
Quoted by: >>47893183

Too hard for their pea brains. It's kino and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.47893183

This is what too much dessert sorceress grab does to a mf

>> No.47893198
Quoted by: >>47898499

Noel's chat is full of simps that never disagree with her so she's playing it next, doesn't men she's based.

>> No.47893282

Bearer of the Curse

>> No.47893290

It's shit. It was my 1st dark souls game too. I thought I would hate the series but then ds3 came out and that motivated me to play all the other games. It was a shitty door opener for me but it was worth it in the end.

>> No.47893385
File: 158 KB, 666x666, 1645337678799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's shit. It abandoned the better aspects of DS1 in favor of questionable design choices.
>The hitboxes
There's nothing I can say about them that hasn't been said already. ADP was a mistake, and the fact that so many faggots still go "No no no you don't get it, the hitboxes work, it's just that the game won't show you getting hit until your roll ends skill issue bro" just drives the coping home.
In DS1 you could level up and smith anywhere, which meant you would be always be moving foward, sometimes you'd find your way back to firelink shrine and feel that soothing base theme wash over you. Majula in comparison is a fucking pit stop, you always have to halt your adventure just to go over the same "BEARER, SEEK, SEEK, LEST." every fucking time and it really fucks with the immersion. I hate the fact that the "Uguu undead san, you're finally back!" mechanic wasn't dropped for 3 either.
>World design
The world of DS2 is a fucking travesty outside of the DLC. I beat a dead horse by mentioning the harvest valley-Iron keep transition, but I think the greater offender is the empty rooms after bosses like lost sinner or the royal hall in the castle.
DS2 has a boss every 15 minutes, and despite being the souls game with the most bosses, it only has like 2 or 3 good ones in the base game, while 99% of the fights are the same shit, worst final bosses too.
>You have to use summons to complete character quests
nuff said

Literally the only good thing about this game is the DLC.

>> No.47893391

Controls are clunky, map design is terrible, and lifegems trivialise the whole game.

>> No.47893477

>reddit hates it
>that means i must like it
Form your own thoughts and opinions mouthbreather.

>> No.47893498

Which is the clearest reason not to play it.

>> No.47893823
File: 107 KB, 202x274, aethel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47919839

That's unironically this guy favorite DS.

>> No.47894049
Quoted by: >>47895236

Don't let the contrarian faggots that sprouted out of a Facebook shitpost group convince you DS2 was good. I played 100+ hrs of DS2 and it was steaming hot dog shit. Stupid contrarian faggots always have to come out of the woodwork when something is universally agreed upon to be bad, look at the Star Wars prequels, which are now "good because memes xPPP"

>> No.47894219

The only good thing to come out of this game was DSP sperging about them nerfing lightning bolts

>> No.47895236

>t. >>47889550

>> No.47895512

Skye from EIEN has been playing through this game since she debutted. Plus she has a pretty fitting model for it. If you like that game maybe check her out.

>> No.47895991
Quoted by: >>47896177

people don't like playing terrible games, hope this helps

>> No.47896177

>vtuber industry full of Apex, Valorant and Minecraft

>> No.47896264
File: 3.30 MB, 400x400, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftr3fz5.mp4].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47910246

DS2 > DeS > DS = BB> DS3 > Everything else
For me, souls is about exploration, atmosphere, adventure, secrets and attrition. Bosses have always just been minor obstacles before save points. I'll also say that I quite dislike the new engine since BB. It has this strange plastic look to it that I think might be the lighting engine. Movement is also a little too fast and the stamina is too plentiful.People complain about ganks and broken hit boxes but I honestly think the rest of the series has just about the same as each other in these departments so I dont really buy it.

>> No.47896367

correct. normalfags will tell them to skip it and they will.
not that it's great, but if they're skipping the shitty games, at least they should also spare us from watching ds3 and elden ring

>> No.47896557

Cause everyone does, unfotunately

>> No.47898499
Quoted by: >>47900549

Why are you lying? Her chat just recently fought with her.

>> No.47898529

Popularity and it would filter most chuubas. Doesn’t help when most folks were filtered by it as well. Ppl say it’s the jank which is partially true but they just don’t want to admit also it was the hardest with actual interesting ideas to make it challenging.

>> No.47898593
Quoted by: >>47898627

I think it's way better than both DS3 and Elden Ring, but the only reason it's not the easiest is because Demon's Souls exists, you're insane.

>> No.47898627

Sekiro exist**

>> No.47899274

DS2 bad

>> No.47900050
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, 1494266919317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47900238

Not canon.

>> No.47900238

>Hidetaka Miyazaki said its canon
>he even added DS2 characters, armor and weapons from DS2 to DS3

>> No.47900328

Because it's shit. And I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.47900516

After playing and finishing remastered on the switch Im never touching another souls game. They're really fucking lame, and they aren't as hard as folks say. Monster Hunter, dmc and dragons dogma are superior.

>> No.47900549

Like when? Whenever she talks about what she wants to do chat just goes "it's fine", didn't even tell her she couldn't do a Endgame watchalong until she had the frame up even though other Holos had talked about it.

>> No.47900948

but it was remastered in that dark souls collection

>> No.47901706
File: 81 KB, 967x1024, 1650894081555m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>main character gets manipulate by a woman
what does the game mean by this?

>> No.47901906

DLCs double down on this, too. ALL WOMEN

>> No.47901979

holy based

>> No.47902073

>Crying over one game not being played
You Soulsmonkeys are too spoiled

>> No.47902106

Its the hardest game in the souls series

>> No.47902159

I really hate to agree with someone who posts on 4chan about Reddit all the time, but I agree. I liked 2 a lot more than 3 and was pretty surprised that it had the reputation that it did. I also missed power stancing in 3 and don't really know why they removed it.
It's a much uglier game than 3, but I honestly found it more fun.

>> No.47902220

>Crying over one game not being the same as the others
You DS3monkeys are too spoiled

>> No.47902224

Me too. I still haven't bothered to finish Elden Ring. I got bored at the Altus Plateau. u_u

>> No.47902277
Quoted by: >>47904036

you're not wrong. which is why I never really bring it up to the chuubas themselves. at least they don't skip DS1 to only play 3, that would be a true calamity.

>> No.47903300

Excluse you, I've onky lever played King's Field and Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II is utter dogshit.

>> No.47903792


>> No.47904036

>at least they don't skip DS1 to only play 3, that would be a true calamity.
Absolutely this. So much of DS3 is built on top of stuff DS1 did that you're missing up on some very unique interactions, like what the Abyss Watchers are, or what happened to Gwyndolyn, or the return to Anor Londo.
REally looking up to how Kanata is gonna say when she gets to Soul of Cinder phase 2

>> No.47904172

ds2 fucking sucks and youre an actual glue eater if you think for a second its better than any other game miyazaki's directed

>> No.47904390
Quoted by: >>47904403

>saying this when both Sekiro and Demon’s Souls exist
>DS3, too

>> No.47904403

certified retard moment

>> No.47904503

Dark Souls II is definitely better than Armored Core 4, Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring. All of his other games are better than Dark Souls II, however.

>> No.47904574

Unfathomably based. Haven't been watching her playthrough because I'm still not done with the Sekiro VODs, but her DS1 was legendary.

>> No.47905678

"Dark Souls 2 bad, Elden Ring good" is in the npc script. Corpo vtubing is exclusively viewer numbers based.

>> No.47906809

I felt this way about all the DS games. I think the franchise was one of those "had to be there" things. Liked BB and ER though because they felt less janky and more polished.

>> No.47907738
File: 166 KB, 2000x1000, our fate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no path, beyond the scope of Light, beyond the reach of Dark...what could possibly await us? and yet, we seek it, insatiably...Such is our fate.

>> No.47908428

Absolute gigakino

>> No.47908591
Quoted by: >>47926667

>patched in ending

>> No.47908610

DS2 is the worst of the recent FromSoft games (still good though), and every time someone plays it on stream the chat is filled with people shitting on it or sucking it off. So it makes for a pretty poor streaming experience.
It's similar to if you've ever seen streams of Skyward Sword or Super Paper Mario.

>> No.47908660

because fans are fucking cancer and keep telling everyone it's the worst game ever made

>> No.47908931

This isn't a /vt/ thread, this is a /v/ thread with a fucking excuse OP. Fuck off, off-topic niggers. Gamers ruined chuubas.

>> No.47910246
File: 376 KB, 2048x1152, Fqx07wYaEAAr3ou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the first real Souls fan ITT

>> No.47910613

Only problem is that Gwyndolin is likely to be skipped in a playthrough in favor of focusing on OnS. It’s cool when a chuuba pays enough attention to the details, though.

>> No.47910760
Quoted by: >>47913414

Not even trying to be a contrarian, but DS2 was my favorite and I never got all the hate for it. Sure there was jank, but the sheer amounts of assblasted seethe that /v/ had over it was way out of proportion to those flaws.

>> No.47912794
File: 414 KB, 875x911, 1660937141855777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bloodborne >>>> dark souls 2 > dark souls 1 >>> demon's souls with glitches >>> dark souls 3 >> elden ring >>> demon's souls glitchless > actual garbage > sekiro

>> No.47913250
Quoted by: >>47913489

Literally the hardest game for a souls noob

>> No.47913400

Based list, but I would switch EE and DS3 positions

>> No.47913414
Quoted by: >>47971064

you're not a contrarian you just have shit taste, it's not a crime to be a retard though so you're fine
after dark souls 1, 2 was such a massive disappointment that it to this very day causes anger and upsets people
>umm ackshually torches and power stancing!
at this point there have been so many posts and videos on youtube explaining why the game sucks that it's genuinely baffling why people still try to defend it

>> No.47913436

ds2 sucks ass and you liking it doesn't make you a special snowflake

>> No.47913489
Quoted by: >>47918694

I remember my friend complaining that the health penalty made it way too hard. I guess this alone is a major filter for chuubas, since they’ll probably just chain-die.

>> No.47918189

You know why

>> No.47918593

I hate that there's some strange anti hype about it, it's a good game but people already have a negative image of it before even playing it so they either skip it or play it with negative thoughts in mind.

>> No.47918662

The basic version without the ganks is a fine game but bad souls game,especially with shitty implemented inv frames and hitboxes, remastered version is pure garbage that added a shit ton of enemies that serve no purpose, and don't get me started on those petrified statues placed for no reason at all,fucking bullshit

>> No.47918694
Quoted by: >>47919140

Demon souls has that too and it doesnt seem to be a issue

>> No.47919101
Quoted by: >>47920677

Sekiro isn't that bad come on... but do I agree that lacks build variety

>> No.47919140
Quoted by: >>47935517

demon souls isnt hard and you have infinite restoration items you can farm as much as you want

>> No.47919240

Because r*dditors will make the chuuba to skip it because it's "leh bad".
That's why it was refreshing when i saw Skye playing it.
DS3 fags are literal children.

>> No.47919297
Quoted by: >>47926505

Mfs will say sekiro is bad because build variety and then play ds3

>> No.47919359
File: 2.07 MB, 5464x3132, DS2 Making.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47964651

I hope it gets a cool remaster / remake in the future by making the boss more difficult and fixing some hit boxes, I love DS2

>> No.47919361

yeah, I'm not a big fan of DS2 but 3 is genuinely awful

>> No.47919393
Quoted by: >>47919584

I know a vtuber who thinks DS2 is the best souls game: GrapeChann

>> No.47919584


>> No.47919662

>reminder that DS3 is easy mode with the instant-chug
>PvP is full of faggots chugging because of how fast it is while on DS2 you can punish them

>> No.47919770
Quoted by: >>47922753

I'll give you two options to watch.
The first a male: Kagami Hayato
The second a very cute girl: Hayama Marin

>> No.47919839

Based. I always liked this guy. Too bad about his gf.

>> No.47919856

>this brown shitter being this obsessed with shilling a second rate sequel to an above average action game

>> No.47919937
Quoted by: >>47920158

>second rate sequel
>meanwhile DS1 became shit after Anor Londor

>> No.47920158
Quoted by: >>47920273

As opposed to DS2, which maintains the same level of relative mediocrity throughout

>> No.47920273

>got filtered because he cant spam Estus and poise while killing a group of enemies
>now you need to actually think before going forward

>> No.47920374

But both games were trash. Hell FromSoft's last good game ChromeHounds and that's been aggressively been suppressed by everyone.
After all the ZOOM ZOOM retards of Armored Core 4 killed that franchise and Dark Souls killed the company.
Maybe AC6 will be good but I expect a return to ZOOM ZOOM retardation of AC4 which bafflingly has a fanbase.

>> No.47920542
Quoted by: >>47920668

Yeah instead you can just use lifegems, are you really this retarded?

>> No.47920668
File: 50 KB, 207x244, Faith Gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47921062

No you faggots, you use Miracles instead

>> No.47920677

Looking for build variety out of Sekiro is completely missing the point of that game and why it's as good as it is.

>> No.47920979

DS2 fags are delusional. It's a good game by itself, but it's a shit fucking souls game in retrospect.

>> No.47920985
File: 2.86 MB, 415x498, muramasa-vanillaware.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not watching Soulshit.

>> No.47921062


>> No.47921952

Thank god my oshi never streams souls games.

>> No.47922753
File: 1002 KB, 404x347, 1630291434166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47927567

>click the cute girl VOD
>1 year

>> No.47922961

I'll still never forgive DS2 for making me deal with the shitshow that was the AGL stat on this fight. Having to hit 105 to even begin to play the game feels horrid.

>> No.47923151


>> No.47926125

luna didnt play dark souls 2

>> No.47926181

what the fuck is wrong with japanese people

>> No.47926368

>Literally the only good thing about this game is the DLC.
And then you get to Iron ASSage and Icantseeshitland and the DLC is bad again.
I actually liked the game more than I expected when I first played it, it's just that there are a few issues that just annoy me.

>> No.47926505

no fucking joke.

>> No.47926589
Quoted by: >>47935444

dark souls 2 isn't even a miyazaki game, anon.

>> No.47926623
File: 479 KB, 741x561, woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like you got filtered by kino:

>Non-linear 1st half of the game allows you to go straight to the areas that contain the items for your build
>Drinking Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to drink while someone is sticking close to you will result in death
>Stamina regen is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving a reason to make a low burden character
>Poise is relevant and armor provides notable but not OP damage reduction, giving a reason to make a high burden character
>Phantoms and Dark Spirits can't drink estus, spirits can only heal via spell usage. This makes fighting outnumbered without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks
>Can continue your playthrough after beating the last boss and can choose when to start NG+
>NG+ has new enemies/items/events and some remixed bosses
>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill
>Power stance allows for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocks an alternative moveset
>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in DS3
>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun
>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses and or gain items from NG+ without going through the game again
>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward
>Best build variety, effectively pull off any build you want
>Best online and covenants, best QoL in the series
>Most diverse environments, replayability, customization, weapons, armors, magic/miracles/hexes/pyros

>> No.47926660

Sekiro is still far and away the best Souls game imo.

>> No.47926667

That ending doesn't make sens without all DLCs

>> No.47927292

Why do people hate ER?

>> No.47927463

I can't speak for everyone but I've always disliked open world games for a myriad of reasons but I thought maybe Fromsoft could finally be the people to do it right. They did not, it still has all the exact same problems every other game in the genre has. A giant open world is meaningless to me when all it's filled with are hundreds of copypasted three room dungeons, one shot push over bosses and weapons that are all worse than the one I started with.

>> No.47927567

That's not her channel anonchama.

>> No.47927799

I don't hate it, but I didn't like it as much as Sekiro, Bloodborne or Dark Souls. My opinion probably doesn't count since I've played every Souls game except Demon's Souls, though.

>> No.47927898
Quoted by: >>47935736

when a daily ds2 threat on /v/ wasn't enough...

>> No.47927936

I liked the map designs of DS1 and BB more than the spread out maps of DS2/3 and ER. Most people are just being either loud haters, or contrarians though; ER is generally very well liked.

>> No.47928237

It a good game but boring to watch
Overdone to all hell and some people stretch it to 30 fucking streams

>> No.47928885

i like elbest ding

>> No.47929658

It oozes SOVL from everywhere


>> No.47930196
Quoted by: >>47930820

I finished DeSr recently and that leaves me with DS2 being the only soulsbornekiroring game I haven't played. I think I'm going to keep it that way.

>> No.47930820

>having your opinions decided for you

>> No.47930864

it's dark souls 2:2 and as such is the second worst in the franchise

>> No.47930886

That was fun, back before chinese woman corrupted him and he was just an autistic british man sperging out about video games.

The DLC is really fucking overrated for this game. It's fucking worse than the main game. It has literal artificial difficulty hallways that encourage you to run past shit and hope to get lucky or sit there and kill all the enemies 12 times to despawn them forever. That's the one mechanic I hate the most in this game that completely fucks over anything especially when the game punishes you for dying and reduces your maximum health. The game can soft lock your progress because you're trying to farm human effigies to regain full health but the enemies fucking despawn forever and the only way to fix it is to stack on another layer of artificial difficulty and either new game plus the area or join the damage sponge covenant. This game's design is baffling. Lot's of horrendous level designs and a fucking unused torch system left in the game.

It has some good shit like powerstancing but it has way more shit holding it down. I'd rather play Bloodsouls 3. At least it's almost a decent game because it's literally just a reskinned bloodborne. Multiplayer in souls games is fucking ass as well. Invaders are fine but fuck off with the co op shit.

>> No.47931167

anon.... maybe its because they dont have bad taste? Of all the souls games, elden( freaking game of the year), bloodborne, sekiro, dark souls 3...lower in the ranks you, dark souls remaster, demon souls remaster, then eventually dark souls 2ther. There is really low incentive to go for trash tier choices like dark souls 2. If the v tuber you watch has already gone for demon souls, dark souls remaster...etc, they will prob pick 2, but if they had any brains... they choose the best ones first.

>> No.47931609

Fuck off. Soul Memory and Agility stat exist in that game and the dlc are mediocre

>> No.47931622
Quoted by: >>47931712


>> No.47931712
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Quoted by: >>47932020

Nigger I finished the whole game+DLC with power stancing two logs, and I spent the majority of the game invading and pvp

>> No.47932020

I can respect that, DS2 PvP is the best one of the 3.
Best fucking game for magic / faith / pyro / hex users.

>> No.47932074
File: 770 KB, 1256x1256, 1664820375017644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DS2 is a very good game in its own regard. It just happen to be the least good of the Soulsborne games.
Most chuubas probably ignore it because fans figure the chuuba won't get to play all of them regardless, so they straight up tell them to skip it to secure the chance of them playing 'the good ones' at least.

>> No.47932129

>Soul Memory and Agility stat
One is inconsequentual for solo play and other takes 5 minutes to be set exactly like it was in DS1

>> No.47932169

Because if you aren't gonna make fightclubs on the lava bridge there is not point in playing this game

>> No.47932189

Souls formula is overplayed by now and artificial difficulty is at its absolute worst there with all the imput reading

>> No.47932249

More like DS2fags are still seething about DS3 and Elden Ring

>> No.47932939

Here, 8 hours long explanation

>> No.47933113
File: 739 KB, 1074x586, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ds2 chads we can't stop winning

>> No.47933149


>> No.47933382

I kneel, Kanata...

>> No.47934551

Based tenshi

>> No.47934869

easiest question around: because that game sucks compared to the other ones from the same company

>> No.47934898

>If I don't like it, its reddit

>> No.47935349
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>> No.47935416

Because dark souls 2 is a genuinely bad game

>> No.47935444

I think that's precisely his point, that it's worse than any Miyazaki game. But anyone treating Miyazaki's direction as this perfect thing beyond anything From can achieve otherwise clearly didn't play Armored Core Last Raven and Armored Core 4. It was pretty good, don't get me wrong, some interesting changes to movement and everything, but still a downgrade. From can make great games without his direction just fine.

>> No.47935517
Quoted by: >>47987371

like lifegems?

>> No.47935567

Videogames are designed to be won you le le.le le nu/v/nigger

>> No.47935736


>> No.47937538

Its not good

>> No.47938231

>world design
it's really the world design for me. So bland and forgettable.
I haven't played DS1, DS3 and Bloodborne in years. But I can still make a mental map and imagine myself going through them. Heck in college I used the DS1 maps as memory palaces for exams and stuff. Can't say the same for DS2.

>> No.47938380

It's known for being an unpolished and rushed game, so people don't expect to have a good time with it. There are some neat things that came out of it though.

>> No.47938668
Quoted by: >>47945103

Real talk DS2 is the easiest game in the series. Every boss, and I mean every boss except one can beaten by just strafing right around the boss continuously. And the one that doesn't work on you just by going left instead. Seriously try it out and see how well it works.

>> No.47939123

Kanataso I kneel

>> No.47939452
Quoted by: >>47939671

All fromsoftware games have a femme fatale boss anon. Even Armored Core,

>> No.47939671


>> No.47945036


>> No.47945103

Thats DS1 anaon...

>> No.47946282

As streaming content? Because its open world nature and gallery of terrible bosses for padding. The linearity of other souls let me know when something fun is going to happen

>> No.47948310

Pink’s Cat bf played it

>> No.47950397
Quoted by: >>47954377

>anyone treating Miyazaki's direction as this perfect thing beyond anything From can achieve otherwise clearly didn't play Armored Core Last Raven and Armored Core 4
Anon, I...

>> No.47950729
File: 42 KB, 972x381, hyayama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47956483

Japanese fans basically treat it the same way Western fans do but I'm not sure anyone would really badmouth a chuuba playing it. I liked how Kanata explained it, she heard different opinions on it and in her research she found out that DS3 is more of a direct sequel to DS1 while DS2 is more of a spin-off, so that was her official reasoning. Though I suspect popularity had something to do with that as well.

People like to shit on it but then you watch someone like Hayama play it and it's just a regular video game just like any other. Then again Hayama has the capacity to enjoy literally any vidya.

Didn't they lose permissions? Both Kanata and Luna cancelled DS3 streams this week.

>> No.47950922


>> No.47953551


>> No.47953839

I like DS2 more than the other games because magic is really fun in it compared to the other games

>> No.47954295

>Ds2 is a better souls game than 3
correct, doesn't mean it's good though

>> No.47954377
Quoted by: >>47956724


>> No.47956133
Quoted by: >>47958376

Based, it has the best magic on the trilogy.
It also made a entire new separate magic branch for Black Magic, Hexes.

>> No.47956483

Kanata is streaming another game because she just got permissions to do it, so she delayed ds3 streams. Maybe something has changed idk

>> No.47956724
Quoted by: >>47958429

AC4 was directed by Miyazaki, and was also one of the main designers on Last Raven, likely with lots of influence since they decided to give him the direction of the next game.

>> No.47958376
Quoted by: >>47963638

hexes were dumb as fuck

>> No.47958429

Obviously AC4 was directed by Miyazaki, it would make no sense to bring it up otherwise. Read my post again. Him becoming director was a downgrade for the series, even if his games aren't bad, especially For Answer which is actually pretty good.
Whenever a new Souls game is announced, everyone goes around asking "is Miyazaki directing?", because this is very much a thing only for people who never played their other games. You don't see Armored Core fans worried because Yamamura is directing 6 instead of Miyazaki.

>> No.47959960

Kanata, I was wrong....I kneel

>> No.47961963
Quoted by: >>47964273

Nah, you're right. She asked for Shadow of the Colossus permissions a long time ago and I think they might even be time limited so she wants to get it done asap.

>> No.47962456

Souls games are a backseating nightmare. The fans of these games are too autistic to help themselves in that regard.

>> No.47962538
Quoted by: >>47969668

>Blooms (for some reason)

>> No.47962814

Just ignore them 4Head

>> No.47962894
File: 2.95 MB, 960x540, Velstadt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47963224


>> No.47963224
Quoted by: >>47964651

I wish the boss was more difficult.
This game really need a remaster / remake.

>> No.47963638

Na, they were cool and an exclusive Covenant too.
I eish DS3 copied the magic branch instead of adding some spells on the other 3 magic branches...

>> No.47964273
Quoted by: >>47966297

what is the purpose of making perms time limit, from the publisher's side? is it to push chuubas to finish their games so that nobody thinks they dropped them for being boring?

>> No.47964651
File: 57 KB, 720x772, FUWGZmgWUAALBQk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frfr on god

>> No.47964744

Based, best Miracles.
Dark Souls 3 miracles are laughable.

>> No.47966282

I... I kneel...

>> No.47966297

Maybe Cover pays for a license, and some devs try to squeeze out extra money by making Cover renew the license after a certain point?

>> No.47966541
Quoted by: >>47969053

What about Luna's DS3, just postponed because of her getting sick?

>> No.47966653 [DELETED] 

>actual interesting ideas
Describe them.

>> No.47969053

Pretty much. That night her throat was fucked up and the next day she was diagnosed with bronchitis. She probably won't schedule it until her throat's better.

>> No.47969668
Quoted by: >>47970694

Why the monkey tower defense game has a lot of backseat?.

>> No.47970694
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Quoted by: >>48008209

I don't know... Pomu played the leh funny monkey game and got more backseating than fucking MGR
The people who play that game are mega autistic

>> No.47971064

>why people still try to defend it
Because the game is actually fucking good and the only reason you hate it is because it wasn't Dark Souls 1.

Twinking and backstab fishing was fucking cancer in 1 pvp. 2 addressed these. 3 is a downgrade in every conceivable way as it just removed all the cool shit from 2 and was just a bland reskin of 1.

>> No.47971112

Groupthink perpetuates the narrative that it's bad

>> No.47971398

I'm sure you preferred DS1 where thumping attacks had reduced damage at an obscene invisible radius going outwards and couldn't be worked around without flow-breaking hit-and-run strats in some cases
Shit aesthetic, shit narrative, ADP, Effigy/Health mechanic, some bad hitboxes. The complaints are valid, they just don't even come close to matching the dropoff in challenge design the other games have relative to it

>> No.47971541
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>> No.47971786


>> No.47971959

Truer words have never been spoken.

>> No.47975904

>Oh but powerstancing and blah blah
I won't deny it did some things right, but what was the tradeoff?
We will never see DS1 fully realized.

>> No.47976509

>a couple of bad hitboxes that barely matter
>the entire game being bad hitboxes 1/2 of which 1 shot kill you

>> No.47976667


>> No.47976840


>> No.47977015
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>> No.47977166

Reminder that "Prepare to die!!!" faggots shilled for everything that made the games shitty, until they just became shit.

>> No.47978411


>> No.47980224

BB, DS2, and the first 2/3 of Elden Ring before the ice area are the best Fromsoft games
Sekiro and DS3 are the worst

>> No.47981893

Bloodborne > Dark Souls > Elden Ring > Demon's Souls

I am never playing Dark Souls II

>> No.47987371

The drops for lifegems are way, WAY worse than herbs. Also enemies will stop spawning if you kill them enough times in DS2 forcing you to burn a bonfire accentic or whatever it was and there is a high chance you will fuck yourself over by doing that

>> No.47987443

drops, sure, but you can just buy them with the excess souls you have from leveling up and you will literally never not have a shitload of them. they straight up make estus unnecessary.
so much so that they had to introduce the carry limit with Bloodborne.

>> No.47987540
Quoted by: >>47988536

This thread is literally just /v/, no wonder this board is crap

>> No.47988536

And yet still better than 90% of shitty bait threads and the numbers one

>> No.47994684

because it sucks

>> No.47996408

Dark souls 2 sotfs is my first dark souls, dark souls 3 felt so easy after that. What I like about Ds2 is that every level has this little detail or secret about them, you can get lost and explore, there's some funky shit in that place, or this place. It had more SOUL, ivory king dlc was kino. You get access to the boss room immediately but can you beat it? You can rescue 3 knights that can aid you. You fucking land into literal hell to fight him. Base game has a disappointing final boss sure, but the others make up for it. There's also a bigger range of equipment you can put together, the jankiness makes you pay attention more to what the hell you're doing, it's much more punishing but it's so good. Meanwhile in ds3 I just get the twin blades and slash away with just the fallen knight set. I beat gael on the 3rd try ffs.

>> No.47997709
File: 148 KB, 1080x1080, 1652785628654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the other games adapted a Company of Champions system. Sekiro is the only one that adapted it but you need to wade through mid game to have access.

>> No.48000861

they read the reviews

>> No.48002034

man I love skye

>> No.48003946


>> No.48006176

here you go

>> No.48007650

Based, it was hard mode implemented on the game.

>> No.48007717

Dark Souls fans have ruined the reputation of DS2 and people assume its a shit game and avoid it.

>> No.48008209

Moneky games are not monkey business

>> No.48008250

At least he punched Moto-Moto to death

>> No.48010128

1) You can infinite gems in Majula
2) CoC nullifies the spawn thing if you're not a pussy / hypercasual, and if you are, you probably appreciate that mechanic anyway

>> No.48011256


>> No.48011768

He's literally the embodiment of a modern fromfag
>DS3 as a favorite game in the series
>severe "souls veteran" syndrome
>stonewalled by DS2 right from the start

>> No.48014495

Because their CHAT says not to play

>> No.48014523

Middle child syndrome

>> No.48016699

How is this still alive

>> No.48016988
Quoted by: >>48022166

DS2 had way too many interactive ideas than DS1 and DS3, and it is also the foundation to Elden Ring in specific mechanics and interactions
>inb4 it's Sekiro
>inb4 it's Bloodborne
>inb4 it's its own game
you would believe this fact if you have played the game at least twice
>OP's question
contracts with companies. A majority of the fans hate DS2 and it is less entertaining than its successors. Those who've never played a Soulslike game will think this genre sucks if their oshi played it (cause she will suck at it)

>> No.48019230
Quoted by: >>48019675

Sekiro > Elden Ring > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 2
Not rating any of the snoy exclusives.

>> No.48019460

Why do vtubers who have a PS3 still play PS5's Demon's Souls demake instead? Do they have different permissions for the original or something?

>> No.48019675

>Not rating any of the snoy exclusives.
based pcchad, however:

Sekiro >>> DS2 >> DS3 >= Elden Ring > DS1

>> No.48021873

ER is good is why

>> No.48022166

can confirm hating ds2

>> No.48022261

If you're talking about corporate vtubers, yes, definitely. They're different games and require different permissions.

>> No.48022302

Wouldn't surprise me if Sony explicitly asks them to play the remake.

>> No.48022380

I don't think that was his point at all considering the way he phrased it. He said "any other Miyazaki game" which implies he thought Miyazaki worked on Dark Souls 2.

>> No.48022415

Charmless is even better, I actually like it more than NG+ phantoms. First time since DS2 From decided to do something interesting with difficulties and further playthroughs.

>> No.48022568
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>> No.48022669
Quoted by: >>48022950

This thread is making me want to replay DS2...

>> No.48022950
Quoted by: >>48022991

don't play scholar

>> No.48022991

I actually might take this advice since I've only played Scholar.

>> No.48023260
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>> No.48023282
Quoted by: >>48023575

Emulate the 1.0 version

>> No.48023575

What, like in RPCS3 or something? That sounds like a pain. Surely I could just pirate the original PC release or something?

>> No.48024046

pirating the PC original is more than enough, the other anon is retarded

>> No.48024410
Quoted by: >>48025350

If you have a PS3 that version of scholar is more or less OG DS2 (well after the first few patches, so certain miracles got nerfed I think) with the DLC. But you can just pirate the original on PC

>> No.48025350

yeah, the miracle nerfs are really unfortunate. wish From didn't consistently shit on the PVE fun for PVP. give the arenas different balancing or whatever

>> No.48025390
Quoted by: >>48025773

everything you said is countered by ADP and Curse/Death shrinking HP
took me 157hours to beat everything except the double cats in the blizzard, worst idea in the story of gaming 3~5minutes in a storm everytime you die, gave up on it and moved on to DS3

>> No.48025657

everything you said is countered by ADP and Curse/Death shrinking HP existing and of course the blizzard storm on the DLC. the only souls game I didn't kill 100% of the bosses and is because of the trip to the boss instead of the boss itself
Fuck the director.

>> No.48025742

faggot that complain about variety in builds
are the same faggot that think changing from a Great Sword to a Great Hammer is "variety"

>> No.48025773

Dying makes you lose HP in DS3 and Demon's as well, it's used more often than not as a mechanic in the series. Curse shrinks HP in Dark Souls 1 as well.

>> No.48025901

>grab typical bait thread from /v/
>lazily slap the word "vtuber" to make it relevant to board
>get 300+ replies

>> No.48026064
File: 339 KB, 750x758, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48026244

The Dark Souls trilogy, Demons Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring are all good games. Some are better than others. I like some more than others, whether or not they are better. In an industry of uninspired garbage, "cinematic" experiences, AC clones, COD clones, and other trash, even the "worst" of the recent FromSoft titles are still very much worth playing. If you really think any of these games are "shit" then you're living in a curated bubble of exceptionally good games and have lost perspective on what "bad" games actually are, like a spoiled child so used to eating candy that you now find fruit to not be sweet.

>> No.48026244

go back
