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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 288 KB, 2560x1440, LNPV99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47591505 No.47591505 [Reply] [Original]

Late Night Princess Veiya Part 99

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo, and any Vtubers frequently associated with them.

The special 100th edition will be when she returns. So in about 4-5 months.

Bait bad, Bussy good.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Nyan - https://www.twitch.tv/nyanners
Silver - https://www.twitch.tv/silvervale
Her Royal Highness, Princess Veiya - https://www.twitch.tv/vei
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya

VShojoJP is:

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/るみな/ for dedicated Nazuna discussion
>>>/vt//lig/ for more focused + and ++ discussion

Previous Thread: >>47576185

>> No.47591545

whore edition

>> No.47591557

pink cat cute
>The special 100th edition will be when she returns
bro we're not gonna see you for like a year now...

>> No.47591596
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>> No.47591613
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Quoted by: >>47591645

me rn

>> No.47591628
File: 398 KB, 512x428, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47599325

>> No.47591633
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Quoted by: >>47591661

Pink cat good!

>> No.47591638
File: 1.06 MB, 654x1440, 1677942232719483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47591685

Here's my manifesto:
1. I love my wolf wife
2. I hope she will get through her current issues
3. See point 1

>> No.47591645

gunrun pls get new members

>> No.47591661

fat bitch
you think she already gave up the gym again?

>> No.47591685

I want to lift Silver's titty mounds and sniff the fermented sweat underneath

>> No.47591704

Aethel likes them plump
As you get more ripped you start liking fatter girls

>> No.47591719

loutlot pls get new members

>> No.47591746
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>> No.47591757

>Ate 7 protein pancakes at once
They weren't making protein pancakes for no reason my dude
Swole cat is imminent

>> No.47591782
File: 1.42 MB, 1600x900, 1670705736211049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slut Cat Good

>> No.47591797 [SPOILER] 
File: 263 KB, 1200x800, 0031461480_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pardon the autistic Mel outfit theorizing below
As it stands there isn't much variation in the styles Mel has had thus far: EDC ravergirl. I think the problem that I'm noticing with the designs is just bad concepts, there are a lot of different aspects you can draw from that are "on brand" for Mel.
For instance you could pull from the tech aspect: 40-50s switchboard operator, frazzled repair tech or something "geek squad"esque.
Porn tropes: DLC(Pizza) delivery girl, as an example. Then you're just going into pornojob territory. Though you could play off the history of sexwork as a theme without getting too culturally appropriational about it.
Past that you're just doing variations on a theme and theme is horny. And at that point, you might as well rip off the more absurd AVN red carpet looks.

>> No.47591805

>As you get more ripped you start liking fatter girls
chubby chaser fags from /fit/ leaking

>> No.47591820
File: 437 KB, 1374x1374, Ft3ZneXacAALwUd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is she going?

>> No.47591852

on her way to fuck my sister

>> No.47591876

just chibison fleeing from me before I use her like an onahole

>> No.47591880
Quoted by: >>47592148

>Lived in Japan, famously thin country
>Dating one of the leanest chuubas on the platform
Somehow I doubt he's into thick bitches anon

>> No.47591978

chibison doesn't have honkadonkabadonkas like that

>> No.47592006
File: 677 KB, 254x205, Squidgy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47592776


>> No.47592066
File: 301 KB, 2156x2160, Ft8n_OyWAAAtBBz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47592148

>Lived in Japan, famously thin country
nta but that sounds pretty far fetched, you actually think their average thinness was a determining factor when he decided to live there?
the other one is a fair point

>> No.47592150
File: 553 KB, 2312x2312, Ft9FcVcWwAMHdRp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vei love

>> No.47592158
Quoted by: >>47592330

>start finding pink cat sexy
>remember she has a boyfriend
>boner murdered

>> No.47592191

ironmouse you SLAG

>> No.47592198

>start finding aethel sexy
>remember he has a girlfriend
>boner murdered

>> No.47592246

Connor you have a girlfriend

>> No.47592330
Quoted by: >>47592467

NTR them both

>> No.47592331
Quoted by: >>47592398

Shadowmere hooves typed this post.

>> No.47592398
File: 178 KB, 1129x1129, Ft8h8BTaUAE8Ua6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nyan's turn with shadowmere tonight

>> No.47592406

Shit OP

>> No.47592437

Parasocial morons

>> No.47592467
File: 3.02 MB, 484x445, 1675971177656826.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47592551

I want to be the meat in their sex sandwich personally.

>> No.47592491

Good OP

>> No.47592521


>> No.47592551

meds and therapy

>> No.47592776
File: 99 KB, 1000x722, would2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47592908

How did pink cat get goslings
She has 0 sexappeal

>> No.47592929

Gayest post in the entire thread

>> No.47592933

Mousefag hands typed this post

>> No.47592936
File: 498 KB, 1440x600, 1641435373803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't get it.

>> No.47592951

is it always the same anon asking this question?

>> No.47592988
Quoted by: >>47594023

It's mostly boomers in their mid 30s that been on this site for years.
She's mid compared to vei.

>> No.47593058
File: 980 KB, 1445x2027, 1681555789323781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47598376

I hope she's cowgirling up her boy's cum. Middle of the night thirst flash sprung. Scoring a home run.

>> No.47593279

Froot live

>> No.47593405
Quoted by: >>47593427

it's apex isn't it?

>> No.47593427

Tournament practice

>> No.47593469
Quoted by: >>47593529

She was right, if she was to just disappear altogether one day no one would ever notice nor would anyone feel anything of value was lost

>> No.47593504
Quoted by: >>47594089

God damn I've got that oshi no ko opening stuck in my head I hope one of the girls do a cover, imagine a duet with nyan and mouse that would be amazing.

>> No.47593529
Quoted by: >>47593549

what about all those guys that love to anti her?

>> No.47593536

Apex shit and it's EU hours
Easy skip

>> No.47593549
Quoted by: >>47593576

I'll just anti Silver if Froot disappeared

>> No.47593576
Quoted by: >>47593642


>> No.47593642

this only applies to the less than 100 niggas keeping this meme alive in this thread

>> No.47594023

Meds retard

>> No.47594089

Is the anime Worth watching? Or should I wait for more episodes? I don't plan on reading the manga

>> No.47594296
Quoted by: >>47594314

>someone goes live
>some fag immediately baits
Find another hobby, please.

>> No.47594314

It's the veifags

>> No.47594320
Quoted by: >>47594417

I loved it, its an hour and a half movie covering the entire 1st arc/prologue of the story, it's written by the same mangaka as "Kaguya-sama: Love is War" but it's pretty drastically different, go in completely blind, the only thing ok to know going in is that it covers the dark side of idol culture and the overall flaws of the Japanese entertainment industry.
(A lot of VTubers, especially corpo's are loving it, and it's sending unicorns into full meltdown mode too which is always hilarious)

>> No.47594394

Prologue, which is the first episode, is very solid.

I only read up to chapter 19 in the manga and fell off. For me, it was kind of hard to see where they were going with it.
I went and asked /a/ if it was worth coming back to and got mixed responses.

>> No.47594417

> its an hour and a half movie
Oh, I thought I read somewhere that it was the first episode of a 11 episode Series and the next episode is airing tomorrow

>> No.47594455

First episode is a 90-minute special so they could do the entire prologue at once

>> No.47594466

It is coming out weekly, the first episode is just an hour and a half.

>> No.47594517

If you're a binge type you'll get a 90 minute first episode which will more or less set your mind on whether you want to watch the rest. Just be warned, it gets fucking weird. I was swerved twice on where I thought the direction of the show was going and by the end of it wasn't sure if I liked where it was going.

>> No.47594947
Quoted by: >>47595034

>be me
>like yuzu
>takes random hiatuses
>like layna
>got back from one a week or two ago
>like moose
>only now starting back streaming
>like hime after honey slash

>> No.47595034
Quoted by: >>47595066

Please don't watch any of the other girls, things are bad enough already

>> No.47595066
Quoted by: >>47595089

But pink cat's Oblivion streams are cozy...

>> No.47595089
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>> No.47595302

how behind is nyan's vod channel? I wanna watch the oblivion streams but twitch's vods suck ass

>> No.47595350

It's very far behind, you'd be better off searching for the archive an anon here made

>> No.47595364

Many months behind

>> No.47595566

Silver is the only one that regularly updates her vod Channel on youtube
I love her btw

>> No.47595668

>5 am
>just finished gaming with the boys
Damn this play test is worth for me than the last

>> No.47595700
File: 82 KB, 307x300, spill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me I meant worse. I need to sleep. Night /vsj/

>> No.47595732
Quoted by: >>47605866

And Mouse

>> No.47595772
File: 11 KB, 474x369, 1674527789803702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47598628

unofficial archive is like two weeks behind

>> No.47595840

Don't worry. Nexon will win soon.

>> No.47596028 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 550x234, anonlearnsaboutthe1percent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47596129

The Twitter lesbian anthem

>> No.47596132
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>> No.47596269

Yurifags were so fucking annoying
Im glad they got btfo

>> No.47596507
File: 348 KB, 1200x1600, 1658293172347898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47596539

Do you think they watched Nyan's stream today

>> No.47596542

Nice common core public education life Nyan.
Very Tavistock Institute.

>> No.47596573

Lesbians are gay

>> No.47596617

Yes and it's the only thing the fucking government is even good at

>> No.47596743

That is correct

>> No.47596801

Gayer than even the most homosexual of men

>> No.47596812
Quoted by: >>47596940

The concept of lesbians are straight, the reality is gay

>> No.47596940

>the concept of gay women is straight

>> No.47597263

which vshojo has the hardest, throbbing pussy?

>> No.47597291


>> No.47597355
Quoted by: >>47597387


>> No.47597387
Quoted by: >>47597801

Zen has a soft throbbing pussy that grips you

>> No.47597598
Quoted by: >>47597623

It has never occurred to me that Vei had elf ears

>> No.47597623
Quoted by: >>47597666

Succubus ears retard

>> No.47597666

Succ my balls

>> No.47597779


>> No.47597801

No, I'm pretty sure Zen is really hard

>> No.47597921
Quoted by: >>47598010

They're just like me fr fr

>> No.47597990

Zen's muscles are hard

>> No.47597998
File: 1.11 MB, 1922x1114, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what should we name our divegrass stadium?

>> No.47598007
Quoted by: >>47598041

probably, pedo honeypots would be high on their priority list

>> No.47598008

Zen's hard abs...

>> No.47598010
File: 1.18 MB, 750x1200, 1680912029699930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47598045

Pink cat is my actual unironic female best friend who I only love in a strictly platonic manner

>> No.47598041

Based, glad they're looking into Hololive

>> No.47598045

I want to sniff her panties

>> No.47598079
File: 3.02 MB, 446x360, 1680816596748015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47598109
Quoted by: >>47598224

*correction, I want to sniff her soiled panties after I subject her into a deeply distressing situation

>> No.47598222

Discuss Froot stream.

>> No.47598224
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>> No.47598250

i love metro

>> No.47598259


>> No.47598376
Quoted by: >>47598746

This isn't true, right? This anon's just schizo right? Fucking human pheromones?

>> No.47598423

I peeped her preview for 30 seconds while listening to Espinas' battle theme then clicked off
I am not watching Apex.

>> No.47598538

She shot a gun and it went pew pew

>> No.47598613
Quoted by: >>47598753

Monke live with mouse and crabs.

>> No.47598618
Quoted by: >>47598753


>> No.47598628
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x1073, 1642617294504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea (litterally) me
Yea the reason for that is that my microsoft one drive account is full now at 6TB of vods starting after her vtuber debut and i dont really have the money to waste right now to pay for another ms one drive family account as im keeping my money together to move which im working on.

It might only cost about 50-100$ per year for 6TB of cloud drive (for ms onedrive family), but i have to pay for twitch turbo as well since november 2022 just to record ad free (about 13$ a month iirc) so the stuff adds up, hardrives also cost me about 90-110$ per 6TB though they last a year or so. I live off off about 1017 euro disability pension (or whatever the proper english term is) a month as i cant work due to health issues and have to keep 4 cats fed which i can do so comfortably, but i have be carefull about budgeting my money. So for now im just uploading vods if they get muted or the missing music affects them. I do however still archive and keep every main/alt channel vods. I could try to get the oblivion vods to my (unmonetized, i dont make money with my archive related work) youtube channel and keep them unlisted and post a link here if that helps or get them to gofile.io though they only stay up there about 10 days after they get no activity. YouTube has possible copyright issues with vods as youtube blocks vods worldwide even if it only has 10 seconds of copyrighted audio.

>> No.47598746
File: 486 KB, 480x900, 1677138843391355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47599121




>> No.47598753

It's 7:27 AM for her, the fuck is she doing?

>> No.47598757

Whenever I see Crab game here I briefly imagine it’s the fun massive collab party game before realizing it’s actually the incredibly boring risk of rain 2 ripoff.

>> No.47598760
Quoted by: >>47599034

snuffy has a fat pussy

>> No.47598824


>> No.47598882

We like to get up early over here

>> No.47598883
Quoted by: >>47598940

covid related viewer inflation was the worst thing that has ever happened to twitch. you can spot the normies so easily every time and its so tiring when theyre acting like retards in chats

>> No.47598940
Quoted by: >>47599215

Your platform isn't special. Twitch is owned and advertised by one of the largest corporations on the planet.

>> No.47599034

fat pussies are unironically so fucking hot

>> No.47599121
File: 67 KB, 600x600, ah the silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47599187

cst baby

>> No.47599215
Quoted by: >>47599251

im not saying it is or ever was special, im just of firm belief it changed for the worse when it became more popular, which is a pretty common occurrence

>> No.47599251

If it never got big we wouldn't have VShojo though

>> No.47599298
Quoted by: >>47599313


>> No.47599303
Quoted by: >>47599313

Maybe it was a mistake

>> No.47599313
Quoted by: >>47599395

Get the fuck out of this thread then

>> No.47599325
File: 2.02 MB, 941x634, 1675677105872559.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47599517


>> No.47599395
Quoted by: >>47599406

I was joking
Anything that upsets Holofags deserves to exist

>> No.47599406


>> No.47599515

im not saying there arent any good things that came out of it, im sure it was life changing for a lot of streamers and vtubers, just that as an old time viewer you can feel the drop in quality in almost every community that was big before

>> No.47599517
Quoted by: >>47599622


>> No.47599545 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.92 MB, 854x480, 1665507524073165.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47599645

>> No.47599622

Yes, it's cringe being Veifag.

>> No.47599645

Cumming inside of Zen's taco (she wants to be bred) (she's holding me in a leglock) (she's hugging me so hard I can't breathe) (I'm going to die)

>> No.47599771
File: 1.66 MB, 242x294, 1678471286843802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47600225

mouse backseating connor for 15 hours playing re4 sometime this week, holy kino

>> No.47599781
File: 1.19 MB, 720x1000, Zen207.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow

>> No.47599858

Ok but when the fuck is the next deep rock galactic collab?

>> No.47599960

>no model on stream
What the fuck is this bullshit?

>> No.47599994

she forgor

>> No.47600048

Personally I’d only really need them on youtube, not sure how it works but the moonmoon vod archive on youtube doesn’t have issues with copyright stuff being taken down

>> No.47600069

Mouse works to be apolitical for brand reasons despite clearly being a left leaning centrist.

Zoomed mouse adamantly denying global warming.

>> No.47600117

For some reason my software cant get Connors vod playlist is anyone else that downloads streams able to get the playlist or is it just me? I can download the live though.

>> No.47600211


>> No.47600219
File: 3.34 MB, 1280x720, 1672919577900803.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47600693

archive bro, do you have a crypto wallet or any other way to receive money? I want to pay for the drive expenses.

>> No.47600225
Quoted by: >>47600270

I really hope it's in the evening EST so I can watch most of it

>> No.47600226

>terminally online latina woman who has to constantly interact with the us healthcare system is left leaning
and water is wet. Also streamers who go to such a length to hide their political opinions to appeal to viewers are cringe

>> No.47600270

most likely, doubt he'll stream through the night

>> No.47600320
Quoted by: >>47600693

If you're ever in a financial rut then maybe you could set up something to help give you some money or something?
I can't give much but I'm also doing decently for myself so I wouldn't mind giving a little if it helps you out

>> No.47600374

im sorry guys but according to that one anon a few threads back if shes not using her model on connors stream the collab is sadly off topic. or does that rule only apply to vei and soda?

>> No.47600425
Quoted by: >>47600565

That's bullshit for both collabs

>> No.47600507

>Streams all day long org

>> No.47600548
Quoted by: >>47600598

Model is now on screen fucker

>> No.47600563
Quoted by: >>47600598

get fucked

>> No.47600565
Quoted by: >>47600598

yeah I know I just like making fun of retards here. also mouse is using her gremlin model now

>> No.47600572
File: 779 KB, 1073x670, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47600598

you guys really are that stupid huh
>>47600565 (me)

>> No.47600605

>Puerto Rican on top of that (probably even Nuyrorican too)
>Terminally online streamer
>Deals with the worst dregs of the U.S Healthcare system on a daily basis
>Weeb (This either makes you a left winger or a right winger)
>Probably despises anti-vaxxers with a passion after catching covid
Yeah no shit she's left leaning lol

>> No.47600693
File: 1.92 MB, 1439x1079, Pink Cat Archive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47600862

Eh id normally say no to taking money but if its just to keep the archive up/make another account to keep the online thing up to date i suppose its fine. I can pay my bills just fine, i just cant throw out money without any worries. I dont want to enrich myself with this archive/off of other peoples work, its purely meant to help people out with muted vods/ Preverve nyans Vods.

I might not watch her streams anymore as my attention span has gone to complete shit due to depression but i still like nyan nontheless. Either way ill keep this pastebin alive for 15 mins before ill kill it, so people cant randomly send stuff, The only thing i ever accepted before was a hardrive someone from the IRC wanted to donate last year and he didnt stop until i accepted it: https://pastebin.com/egGMJAMU

Also have my copypasta while im at it if anyone needs the links.
>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) Vod Archive (Starting on 2020-07-17 running until 2023-xx-xx): https://pastebin.com/Eg1Yy3TZ

- Complete Hime Hajime Vod Archive (Starting on 2021-01-31 running until 2023-xx-xx): https://pastebin.com/28iC7P72

- Ironmouse Vod spreadsheet/Bubivt Vod "Archive" and some other Vods/Vod Spreadsheets: https://pastebin.com/STax22rK
>Some other stuff that might be of use:

- Vod Archiving guide for Twitch/Youtube Live streams that covers the basics: https://pastebin.com/1i8hF902

- Links for the 4chan (#/vt/ and #recanon) IRC channels, Koikatsu Party Character cards from /Vsj+/ and /lig/, the website to make wordclouds and some fitness guides an anon posted in /vsj+/: https://pastebin.com/FiAsYK7e

>> No.47600707

Obviously. The joke was that despite that she’s denying global warning.

>> No.47600718
Quoted by: >>47600972

you know a lot of Latinos are actually pretty socially conservative especially the ones that immigrated legally

>> No.47600731
File: 89 KB, 625x415, people-are-actually-destroying-their-nikes-after--2-18043-1536030072-44_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47601005

Hyper online schizos [picrel] are why they have to mask their politics to some degree, they already have to deal with /here/ schizos for not being pure maiden idols

>> No.47600853

mouse's big chest...

>> No.47600862
File: 1.41 MB, 431x251, DecimalMenacingAssassinbug-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47601085

Your doing the lord's work Nyarchivist anon, archival work is unironically so important with the fleeting nature of digital goods and media.
Your pal, Fightcade anon

>> No.47600972
Quoted by: >>47601099

Yeah that's true but that's obviously not the case with Mouse given all the other factors. Especially if they're like New York Puerto Ricans (no idea if they are from New York, Nuyroricans are just a big thing so thats the first example I thought of)

>> No.47600996

She wont fuck you bro

>> No.47601005

Yeah, I remember seeing people get mad at Mel for having a political rant during a stream that was 3 days after Roe v Wade got overturned

>> No.47601031
File: 121 KB, 1142x1088, 1652145438385785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47601131


>> No.47601047
File: 298 KB, 1496x816, Screen Shot 04-18-23 at 02.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright ill start to get them to a playlist there, will post a link in the currently active /vsj+/ thread once its up.

As for how the copyright system works, see picrel. Those 1min 50 sec in that vod blocked that aethel vod in russia, similarily it blocks stuff worldwide. Its not that nyan/vshojo has ever taken any of my vods down (i know for a fact nyan is fine with how i do this, dont ask me why) so its more of a youtube issue rather then nyan doing anything. I already mentioned if she wants me to take stuff down i will do so asap as its her content were talking about after all, which is why i dont share pre vtuber content, unless she gave explicit permission to do so or wanted them herself.

>> No.47601085

Common fightcade bro W

>> No.47601099
Quoted by: >>47601260

her and her family were originally from Puerto Rico and they moved to the mainland think around when Mouse was six because Puerto Rico didn't have the medical facilities and specialists to deal with Mouse's condition

>> No.47601101
File: 71 KB, 459x279, 1654863880832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47601231

>i know for a fact nyan is fine with how i do this, dont ask me why
It's because you are Nyan isn't it...

>> No.47601131
Quoted by: >>47601292

I know "forbidden knowledge" and all but in the context of the median age of voters mouse would still be considered a relatively younger voter I think lol

>> No.47601165

Some of you need to kill yourselves. I won't say who. You already know deep down.

>> No.47601186

Share your secret info anons
I need it

>> No.47601207

I fap to Nazutan futa.

>> No.47601215
File: 227 KB, 463x453, 1650244859323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47601231

>i know for a fact nyan is fine with how i do this, dont ask me why

>> No.47601231

Nope if you have to know, i talked to her mods about it months ago due to something else that came up. if you ever saw my posts in her discord server when i was still active you will know who i am on there. My posting style is easily recognizable.
yeah me, im joking, i actually havent been suicidal for the past 6 weeks weeks which has the longest its been since late 2021.

>> No.47601255

I thought it was a good idea to play with a combat knife 2 weeks before my 18th birthday nearly cutting off my left index finger

>> No.47601260

I see, interesting to know
Stop talking about yourself like that anon, you have so much to live for

>> No.47601268
File: 450 KB, 444x484, 1234567898765686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud of you fella, keep it going

>> No.47601292

how cares about mouse politcal leaning? You guys really need a hobby.

>> No.47601341
File: 1.26 MB, 1143x736, 1650714659381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i actually havent been suicidal for the past 6 weeks which has the longest its been since late 2021.
Let's fucking go! Glad things have been better for you lately.

>> No.47601385

I don't really care that much but someone else brought it up and I was just discussing it with them.

>> No.47601433
File: 167 KB, 1000x598, 1663523782580298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>connor unmodded rain
It's over. The latina won.

>> No.47601435
File: 247 KB, 643x727, 1677193362648510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite latina princess

>> No.47601469
File: 1.63 MB, 1356x1076, 1677632393900587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even VIP either, the war is over

>> No.47601471

my hobby is gossiping about people who don’t even know I exist with other female-brained people on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.47601488

>He unmodded Rain so that Mouse doesn't get suspicious
It's only just begun anon

>> No.47601580
File: 19 KB, 847x303, Screen Shot 04-18-23 at 02.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47601613

>>47601047 (me)
Alright pink cat oblivion vods are uploading to this playlist now: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHVAyW4Atbv-ezPrPS7yfFMowdV3b9LWE they should appear once the upload finished. if i forget to add new vods just ask in any /vsj+/ thread, i still read every /vsj+/ thread as painfull as it is lately (you know why).

>> No.47601613
File: 290 KB, 1238x1904, 1680578079454409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon
>i still read every /vsj+/ thread as painfull as it is lately (you know why).
I don't blame you for thinking that

>> No.47601625
File: 56 KB, 1847x256, Political Violence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Left and right" you get from Napoleon and the French Revolution. A great game of divide and conquer. Center left would mean natural female.
Schizo means bookman zero-Federal Reserve Bank humanist female.

>> No.47601845

Ok now i agree with the anon who said that the HUH emote was a mistake
And yes

>> No.47601959
Quoted by: >>47602072

>Last Month
frog come back

>> No.47601964
File: 467 KB, 2048x1536, FcMQBTLaAAUowZb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47602010

She's just like me frfr

>> No.47602065

this poor man has to deal with mouse's constant moaning whenever he plays games with her

>> No.47602072
File: 534 KB, 641x900, 1680400644200264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like SarWHO?
I miss her too

>> No.47602080


>> No.47602099
File: 1.37 MB, 640x311, 1673487729104692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47602116

Someone post the "connor with mouse streams vs connor on solo streams/anyone else" copypasta

>> No.47602182

I miss the gachi days.

>> No.47602255

>mouse breathes
You'd think they'd be used to it by now but I guess not

>> No.47602281
File: 773 KB, 2490x1460, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah...Oh well makes reading archives more fun of past threads.

Also some trivia about how i work on this archive youtube channel, i have comments in all vods blocked (we all know doxxing in comments is a thing so to prevent that i turn them off on every single upload) and keep these vod unlisted you can only acess them over my spreadsheet that is linked in the nyanners archive pastebin usually thats how i do it with aethel nyan collabs to save money for one on uploading all vods ands to reduce the workload, keeping track of every channel nyan might appear on was exhausting when i archived everything as stressed me the hell out which is why im only saving main/alt channel vods 100% and some aethel collabs. Also incase i ever want to watch them myself, i like aethel hes a chill guy so i dont mind watching their collabs with nyan. Again im never was a nyan gosling. I love nyan but im not IN LOVE with her. I love her in a platonic way as finding her indirectly helped me improve my life and nyan is cute and i like cute things. Also im not a shipper but aethel and nyan are cute together.

Speaking of the spreadsheet if anyone ever needs a vod or something while im not around check the first page on my spreadsheet and scroll down, i have a contact email on there for that purpose, same goes for if anyone needs help with archive related things.

>> No.47602302

anon, we cannot even imagine what he got from her off stream.

>> No.47602421
Quoted by: >>47602519

I was catching up

The list…

>> No.47602519

>"first of all young lady, don't raise your voice at me"
>instantly stunlocked

>> No.47602581
Quoted by: >>47602877

veisoda kitchen looks insane wtf

>> No.47602595

the RP is real.

>> No.47602601
Quoted by: >>47602682

This clip is from the current stream like an hour ago? Clippers really just go this fast?

>> No.47602614
Quoted by: >>47603048

>Also im not a shipper but aethel and nyan are cute together.
That's how it starts. You're not a shipper but you think they're cute. But then you can't say they're cute because that's "parasocial" so you start calling them best friends - but that backfires. By then you start schizoposting and "ironically" talking about how they're gonna get married or how they hate each other now. You're getting so abstract that now you're talking about assassinating Connor or Aethel for not spending their every waking moment with their girls.

>> No.47602632

she probably found that hot

>> No.47602647
Quoted by: >>47603009

well I don't blame her

>> No.47602682

Rexx is usually fast
He’s a bit of a shipsister, but it’s probably one of the safest one. He actually got noticed one from Mouse for the “head butting” clip

>> No.47602781
File: 154 KB, 1000x1150, 1681789369859365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the info and I agree pink cat is cute

>> No.47602877

I like their teapot

>> No.47602893
File: 79 KB, 960x616, 1675534875430632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god bless this crab game. Now mom and dad are together again.

>> No.47602895

mousefags pls...

>> No.47602913

She's literally mind controlled by Connor

>> No.47603009

I’m uncertain if Connor knows but goddamn if he’s not making it any easy for Mouse kek

>> No.47603019
File: 40 KB, 320x320, 1676346971935832.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is not wrong, you know...

>> No.47603048

>But then you can't say they're cute because that's "parasocial"
I really dont mind that stuff, If people want to call me parasocial i dont mind if people call me that. Being Parasocial doesnt have to be inherently bad, i mean even watching a stream or caring about the streamer to an extend is alreay parasocial, just gotta keep some limits to it. It once got pretty with me with nyan when i started watching her but i stopped myself when i noticed it became bad, that was back in october 2021 and ive been able to keep it to a healthy level since then.

I will never go that far that i will talk about how nyan and aethel are gonna get married or anything like that. Thats their private life and none of my buisness,so besides of what they are ready to show on stream in wont care or even speculate on that stuff. I will say i used to be bad about the parasocial thing about another streamer/youtube (cryaotic) and that ended up badly, just use google i wont bring that trash up here, but i used to watch him for 7-8 years.
Unrelated but if any connor/mouse collabs ever get muted again let me know, i have his channel on my recording list since the last time a vod had issues.It litterally takes a few secs to nuke vods i dont need so i dont mind recording his channel as well if it possibly helps people out.

>> No.47603100
File: 71 KB, 1102x547, 1680106981837380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47603563

I found it hot and the fact she didn't respond and just laughed afterwards speaks volumes..

>> No.47603126
File: 1.16 MB, 293x415, 1681064205540253.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47603197


>> No.47603197
Quoted by: >>47603623

Yeah i know im weird about the way i talk. Blame most of it on my social anxiety/possibly autism (need to get tested) and bad social skills.

>> No.47603201

You were saying?

>> No.47603242

Why is Mouse so much in love with Connor? He's never going to reciprocate.

>> No.47603292

Are you saying I'm wrong

>> No.47603377

Yeah, this thread has always had the idea that most shippers or even the people that just think a couple/ship are cute a deranged schizos. And while it can be discussed around the shippers, if you think they are cute, it’s nothing kek
It’s more worrying when you live vicariously through them, I for example, gotta say that there’s aspects of a viewer that I didn’t liked over their relationship, nothing to get one guy’d over and it can be called parasocial, but even still I see it as the viewer experience imo and not that I hate them being a couple

>> No.47603413
Quoted by: >>47603451

hmmmm anon, the man bought her a 3k neon sign, i don't know man.

>> No.47603447
Quoted by: >>47603692

as a sodafan I would gladly take him being in vshonen with aethel and bubi over this shitty otk dramafest.
gunrun please make it happen im beggin

>> No.47603451

on top of huge boxes of cinnamorolls that make her parents suspicious

>> No.47603460

i love mouse and connor together because they are good content, specially when they act like a old couple BUT i will not go around stalk them in discord or steam to see if they are playing something together or if they are awake.

>> No.47603511
Quoted by: >>47603828

Oh I was just shitposting lol
Nothing wrong with thinking they're cute imo

>> No.47603510

>deep voice and behavior makes him a “daddy” (rp)
>something something person who saw it for who she is, didn’t judge her and acted like she was normal
>something something charities
Complete mystery

>> No.47603563

>I found it hot
This somehow makes it even worse

>> No.47603616
Quoted by: >>47603711

lol it's so creepy how veisodafags stalk their discord, steam, and spotify.

>> No.47603623
Quoted by: >>47603828

It's ok, most of this thread are probably lacking in social skills too kek

>> No.47603634
File: 251 KB, 472x414, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47603659

you should be arrested for showing us this

>> No.47603666

dont forget
>something something constantly boosts her self confidence something something
truly perplexing mystery

>> No.47603670


>> No.47603679

I fucking hate clippers

>> No.47603686
File: 16 KB, 112x112, 1672640026741816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, some clippers just need to fuck off.

>> No.47603692
Quoted by: >>47603911

I don't watch him much but I was surprised when he decided to join OTK. I always thought Soda was more of a solo act.

>> No.47603700

That fucking wheelchair lmao

>> No.47603711

this is unironically because of gta rp lol. the biggest og veisoda stalker who normalized this shit was a member of pentas community and those people are used to treating relationships as a fucking spectacle for their amusement

>> No.47603720
File: 1.19 MB, 2304x4096, FtJYiViacAEknv8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something something makes him her vtuber bf something something

>> No.47603754
File: 121 KB, 828x1169, 1660710995874128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vei sex

>> No.47603828

I see this in a similar way, i feel like most people calling all shippers are schizos are just shitposting though and yeah i fully agree with stalking people in discord and stuff goes to far. Let me say i never stalked nyan to see which channel she appears on /vsj+/ anons posting about it has been my source for that.
Yeah im aware, i just felt the need to clarify
Im aware, ive been isolated most of my life so that probably fucked with my head. I mean i come to 4chan as its easier for me to talk due to the anonymity (i do plan to get therapy/meds once im able to for my depression and social anxiety), my nyan archive is the reason i use 4chan at all. I came for vods and stayed because i liked people here, and yea some people are shit here but thats everywhere.

>> No.47603851

The only crazy ones are Veisodafags and clippers

>> No.47603886
File: 323 KB, 573x460, 1650598921608825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47603911

most of his og community was, i think it happened because hes too nice/naive/retarded for his own good and he was talked into it by his friend circle
might be completely wrong, this is only my retarded parasocial opinion

>> No.47603927

Penta is one of the few gta rp streamers I still sort of like (I don't watch gta rp anymore though) but man I feel so sorry for the guy having to deal with the utter degeneracy known as rp fags.
But also it's not like this thing is unique to rp fags. Some schizos here were doing shit like stalking whatever Nyan was doing online before Aethel and her came out happened. Literally the same thing with stalking her spotify too. Funniest thing was when one day she decided to fuck with those schizos by playing certain songs that would get their attention and fuck with them kek

>> No.47603928
Quoted by: >>47604150

the nopixel crowd of course... I remember having a hard time trying to understand what was going on because these faggots swear to god that vigors and soda were a couple and then he started to date vei. KEK

>> No.47603988

Why did noone here tell me that they unmuted the DaD stream tonight? And collabed w/ Lacari

>> No.47604013
Quoted by: >>47604101

oh yeah that wasnt meant to be a jab at penta, him and kyle are great, just the rp viewers in general. most of them belong in an institution

>> No.47604030

Last time i watched RP was back in 2021. I used to love watch penta and chief doing retard things together but nopixel is pure trash now.

>> No.47604091
Quoted by: >>47604271

Maybe he just wanted to hitch onto something stable after streaming for so long.
>Funniest thing was when one day she decided to fuck with those schizos by playing certain songs that would get their attention and fuck with them kek
I'm pretty sure that was at the height of anyone speculating about her and Aethel if I'm not wrong. I think she straight up kept playing a bunch of cheesy love songs to fuck with people here lol

>> No.47604098
Quoted by: >>47604271

It's free money why wouldn't he?

>> No.47604101

the best thing is that they get really angry when you call them stalkers. For them it's very normal to monitor everything someone do online.

>> No.47604150
Quoted by: >>47604406

>because these faggots swear to god that vigors and soda were a couple
kek I thought that was just a dumb joke soda's community made

>> No.47604164
Quoted by: >>47604265

I still think what would have happen if Mouse joined NoPixel, sadly she was too late for it and it was right after X and Sykkuno quit

>> No.47604252
Quoted by: >>47605500

Because it was preceded by 1,5 hours of muted shit

>> No.47604265

i can only imagine mouse and penta interaction.

>> No.47604271

yeah maybe he just wanted to take a step back and chill out
streaming is already free money for him and you always get into drama with orgs. its not only otk - otv, otk, vshojo, basically every esport team - its usually only a matter of time before one of the associated acts gets outed as some sort of weirdo

>> No.47604272

>Unrelated but if any connor/mouse collabs ever get muted again let me know, i have his channel on my recording list since the last time a vod had issues.It litterally takes a few secs to nuke vods i dont need so i dont mind recording his channel as well if it possibly helps people out.
Speaking of which since people brought up skippy streams it reminded me ive been meaning to ask, is anyone recording them or should i throw them to my recording script? As with mouse/connor collabs this isnt any extra work and i like helping people out if im able to, so if theres not archiver for them give the direct channel name and ill add it. Since Vei is part of it it should be on topic if i post them when they happen (not that id mind recording off topic streams if people asked me to).

>> No.47604283

I remember Mouse was once considering joing NoPixel like last year because she had some friends who streamed on there. This thread immediately started dooming hard lmao

>> No.47604320

is connor autistic

>> No.47604334

Highly functional.

>> No.47604380

It's terminal I'm afraid

>> No.47604406

hes been streaming so long that waves after waves of newfrogs start believing old inside jokes. some people think his house burned down, some people believe hes actually gay, the vigors shit etc
tho tbf vei said that she believed vigors and soda were a thing where she first started watching him lol

>> No.47604442
Quoted by: >>47607038

there used to be twitch archive for the channel, but it was removed
theres still people who upload entire vods on youtube though

>> No.47604501
Quoted by: >>47604658

Mouse is dying
He hasn’t tested yet…. But yeah

>> No.47604520

I only start recording Skippy streams locally when I notice he is playing music, since he refuses to set up split audio for it

Also there is this guy https://www.youtube.com/@sodapoppinarchives

>> No.47604639
Quoted by: >>47607038

and this one https://www.youtube.com/@ashdemai/videos

>> No.47604658
File: 137 KB, 500x400, 102446461_p8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47604717

yes anon, we know... She doing it everyday.

>> No.47604695
File: 722 KB, 1920x1080, me writing my posts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mouse wasn't actually puking she just went to jerk off after connor told her off like that

>> No.47604717
Quoted by: >>47604885

But she sounded fatal after puking, she’s now chilling, zooted but chilling

>> No.47604734

a cute moment for you
I think vei was a bit drunk

>> No.47604751
Quoted by: >>47605022

Anons like >>47604695 need to be brainwashed by pussy

>> No.47604793

judging by the moaning earlier, I don't think she waited

>> No.47604823
Quoted by: >>47605022

Why are mousefags like this?

>> No.47604885

She is probably in some really strong antibiotics. This shit always makes me puke.

>> No.47605022
File: 586 KB, 911x585, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47605077


>> No.47605077
Quoted by: >>47605157

You're only allowed to speculate about the pure, monogamous relationship of Vei and Soda, who are soon to be married.

>> No.47605080
Quoted by: >>47605202

I wish I never came here
I care so much for her now and I can't even do shit about it.

>> No.47605134

Every time I see a Vei and Soda shipfag post I cringe

>> No.47605157

I'd rather kill myself

>> No.47605164

Is it even a ship anymore?

>> No.47605185
Quoted by: >>47605235

how do mouse connor shipfag posts make you feel?

>> No.47605192

How can Vei generate such consistent seethe simply by existing?

>> No.47605202

For whom?

>> No.47605235


>> No.47605250
Quoted by: >>47605298

Think about it, Froot, Vei and Connor are hated in this board, why is it?

>> No.47605276
File: 373 KB, 409x468, bubipog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47605298
Quoted by: >>47605349

>in this board
Let's just keep it to this thread otherwise everyone is hated

>> No.47605349
Quoted by: >>47605391

Still applies

>> No.47605391

Connor isn't

>> No.47605397
Quoted by: >>47605544

>implying anyone itt hates Connor or Froot

>> No.47605467
Quoted by: >>47605624

>Mouse is zooted and she was feeling sick before
>Connor turns into a good teammate

>> No.47605501

i don't think they are a ship anymore my dude
speaking of that, there wasn't even time to ship them, because one day they met, and the next day they were already dating

>> No.47605500

1,5 h of gameplay kino, you mean EU bro

>> No.47605526

As a shipsister, I no longer feel the need to follow Vei and Soda's moments at every stream because I already feel accomplished knowing they're finally living together and all their interactions will definitely be cute.

I am now moving on to newer and fresher prey Anny and her turtle husband

>> No.47605544
Quoted by: >>47605661

I do hate Froot

>> No.47605580
Quoted by: >>47606110

wait wtf how did I miss that shit thats so heartwarming. I really hope this shit works out for them cause they both seem happy

>> No.47605598
File: 134 KB, 540x540, 1677422573653242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47605624
Quoted by: >>47605734

>giving her his perks
>apologizing for dying
>letting her get the crystal money


>> No.47605659

Don't act like you're so surprised it's happening in each of their streams as of late

>> No.47605661

Ok, transphobe.

>> No.47605682
File: 97 KB, 112x112, annytfleave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47605729
File: 318 KB, 736x842, 20230418_104242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, buddy. You're in for a shock.

>> No.47605734
Quoted by: >>47605804

>compliment her
Ok I’m starting to believe the sick girl fetish

>> No.47605745

Mel's yt vod archive is up to date, except for the stream yesterday

>> No.47605804

I don't think being nice to someone who's not feeling great is a fetish

>> No.47605813
File: 669 KB, 431x337, 2 INT girl loves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47605847

>he doesn't know about allie

>> No.47605866

Mouse’s one has a lot of vods but there’s a fair number missing
And fuck if I hate the way Mudan makes the titles and thumbnails for it

>> No.47605906

NTA but I think you're in for a disappointment

>> No.47605942

I hate them and I hope their apartment building collapses

>> No.47606007
Quoted by: >>47606189

Saviorfag complex?

>> No.47606048
Quoted by: >>47606193

Shipsisters are on the prowl...

>> No.47606104
File: 26 KB, 525x415, 20230411_190644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so fucking over

>> No.47606111
File: 780 KB, 2978x4096, 1666654722644752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47606172

These two should have sex

>> No.47606110

Shut up lacari, this cheesy shit isn't gonna make me watch you

>> No.47606172

With me

>> No.47606189

it's have being 3 years (?) no saviorfag last this long. They are "good" friends now.

>> No.47606193

Personally I think the next ship that should sail is Snuffy x Me

>> No.47606194
File: 483 KB, 1080x1575, 1681803665013297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post with full context for impact

>> No.47606253


>> No.47606257
Quoted by: >>47606280

Sugar Mommy Mouse…

>> No.47606280

I wish she would spoil me...

>> No.47606296
File: 862 KB, 1436x2667, Screenshot_20230418_105500_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post with even fuller context.

>> No.47606311
File: 36 KB, 113x171, sisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47606341
Quoted by: >>47606376

>I will send the feet pics later

feet is code for dick

>> No.47606354
Quoted by: >>47606381

God I hate shipfags
It's always worse whenever mouse or connor is live too

>> No.47606376
Quoted by: >>47606416

No, it's just feet.

>> No.47606381
Quoted by: >>47606458

pmg is the other way

>> No.47606387
Quoted by: >>47606439

pink rat dumb

>> No.47606398

common mouse throw

>> No.47606416
Quoted by: >>47606479

Foot fetish is not real

>> No.47606438
Quoted by: >>47606474

OMG sisters
A vtuber retweeted fanart

>> No.47606439
Quoted by: >>47606479

connor died too btw

>> No.47606458

what does pmg have to do with not liking brain-dead shippers?

>> No.47606463

she threw so that connor has to play again

>> No.47606474
Quoted by: >>47606686

And replied, and liked.

>> No.47606479

Says you
Yeah but it’s funnier to mock the rat

>> No.47606484
Quoted by: >>47606569

TIL Veifags hate it when you talk about good people being happy

>> No.47606540

is it weird if this crab game reminds me of nanosaur 2

>> No.47606569

That's nice sweetie

>> No.47606572

Surely Zen will stream at 11 CST today

>> No.47606574
Quoted by: >>47606627

It means you're not welcome here, go to whatever thread you belong to.

>> No.47606627
Quoted by: >>47606672

>you're not welcome here

>> No.47606639 [DELETED] 

this must be what mouse is talking about with clickbait, gross

>> No.47606646
Quoted by: >>47607032

Cuckposters are also SEA numberfags

>> No.47606672

>goo goo gaa gaa i hate shipfags
Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

>> No.47606686
File: 20 KB, 112x112, silderp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty normal bro, I mean have you seen Silver's twitter feed? That's every post.

>> No.47606689

>Connor is a gambling addict
Sad to see, he probably should have got the kick contract

>> No.47606692

this must be what mouse is talking about with clickbait, gross

>> No.47606728
Quoted by: >>47606829

Speaking of Zen has anyone in chat told him about Zen latest challenge lol

>> No.47606829

I doubt she gets it
At best it would be cool a lobby between them for Mario Party, with Mouse and maybe Haruka or GEEGA, so Zen doesn’t go crazy taking all the Siri jokes

>> No.47606893
Quoted by: >>47606974

If mouse and connor don't beat flawless today he's gonna stream it again. Mouse please throw on purpose

>> No.47606894

wait what if soda always wearing a ring is the biggest opsec of their relationship so nobody will ever know when they get engaged

>> No.47606955

As a Veisodafag, I wouldn't even care if they get engaged in secret because I doubt it would be anything different to how they treat each other now, but it sure would be nice to know that in the future.

>> No.47606974

Fuck u, I believed
I need my points

>> No.47607032

Explains the Veifaggotry

>> No.47607036

what would you do if vei went missing for a week or two and the ring comes off?

>> No.47607038
File: 65 KB, 1770x357, Screenshot from 2023-04-18 17-07-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47607436

Alright then, cant hurt to have more archives though i assume and i remember people asked for archives several times before and im pretty much here daily and read every thread, so I throw his channel onto my script. Picrel are all the channels im currently recording 24/7 if anyone wants someone else added feel free to mention them and i record them as well. Only mouse and nyan had problems with muted parts to my knowledge.

>> No.47607142

Slap you awake from your dream, Veisperg

>> No.47607152
Quoted by: >>47607244

Seriously though? Is it SEA?

>> No.47607214

geega got proposed to
it's over

>> No.47607244
Quoted by: >>47607297

SEA loves Vei

>> No.47607258

Wearing rings all the time is the easiest way for a steamer to hide that shit
Why do you think Nyan and Aethel wear like 20 rings? Because they think it looks cool as hell? Lol They do look cool but still

>> No.47607286

Yeah, by me

>> No.47607297
Quoted by: >>47607345


>> No.47607313

>actually and forgive me for saying this cuz I v no ide and they are real people whomi I respect but probability them both being actually bi is high
why are mouse chatters like this

>> No.47607314

Yeah by me

>> No.47607345
Quoted by: >>47607391


>> No.47607346
File: 35 KB, 514x514, 1671674362783570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that it? That the biggest ring you could afford? Huh, huh?

>> No.47607359

Mouse chatters are the lowest form of intelligent life.

>> No.47607391

SEA are anti-male collab schizos with an incel view of 'western whores'

>> No.47607392
File: 328 KB, 1920x1080, jover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47607413

>not doing it on stream so it's for content and a tax write off
Hope she turned it down.

>> No.47607417
Quoted by: >>47607511

That chatter is obviously just correctly predicting the vein gang foursome in mouse's new house

>> No.47607436
Quoted by: >>47607495

id probably be sad for a bit because I enjoy their content and they seem happy. I dont gain anything from other people being miserable and just generally wish people the best.
I feel like I dont belong here>>47607038

>> No.47607451

Sounds like Veifags to me

>> No.47607462

You could just say holofans.

>> No.47607495

>>47607436 (me)
that tag was by mistake btw

>> No.47607511

>Connor and Aethel double team Nyan while Mouse watches from behind the plexiglass

>> No.47607548
File: 220 KB, 1519x1412, FnkKe5lXkAEbh1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a Veifag and yes I hate every single one of you especially those Mouseniggers who live like parasites

>> No.47607554

Some of you anons need Jesus I swear

>> No.47607566

please don't post ever again

>> No.47607568

You overestimate chat’s intelligence or knowledge. We had the people on Soda confusing Nyan voice, and before this one I saw a collab beggar for fucking Nux kek

>> No.47607596

I will post multiple times today, and again tomorrow.

>> No.47607603

please keep posting

>> No.47607621
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>> No.47607625

New bread:

>> No.47607630


>> No.47607661

>Mouse silently crying as Connor goes feral because pink cat's pussy keeps injecting him with female mind control pheromones

>> No.47607669


>> No.47607695
Quoted by: >>47607725

There have been way worse things posted here. Be grateful he isn't talking about the iPad this time at least.

>> No.47607725
File: 1.44 MB, 220x180, ftyf56.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47607831


>> No.47607782
Quoted by: >>47607803

Why are Mousefags like this...

>> No.47607803

Fun :)

>> No.47607819


>> No.47607831

Ok you got me there, that was worse than the iPad posting kek

>> No.47608304 [DELETED] 

What if Mouse went live now, had Connor raid her, and then resumed crab game when he's done with his meeting
