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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47065028 No.47065028 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious about the long forgotten Holo Nijimales collabs. Are there any clips left of Cover and Anykara ninjas erased every trace of them?

>> No.47065455


>> No.47065657

Why not just watch streams?

>> No.47065702
Quoted by: >>47090145

There are still Subaru/Maimoto collab vods in both of their channels. They're not trying to hide them, they just don't do it anymore.

>> No.47066607


>> No.47066732
Quoted by: >>47067412

Pssst, hear that bros?
Listen closely
It's the sound of a bottom of a barrel being thoroughly scraped by nijishitters

>> No.47067142

You mean the copypasta that conviently makes no mention of collabs? She still abides by that.

>> No.47067366

>Korone with Debi
Are you idiot?

>> No.47067412
Quoted by: >>47088138

Nah this dude has been doing this Subaru/Maimoto thing for like 2 years now. I think he's absolutely triggered by the fact she doesn't do anything with him anymore.

>> No.47067432

Maimoto saved Shubas career. Show some respect.

>> No.47067444

They're only deleted on the holo side, nijis keep them proudly

>> No.47067560
Quoted by: >>47068922

>Shitting on Maimoto
I wish the fires of the Duck finds your house

>> No.47067615
File: 191 KB, 1217x720, FcPiBc-XgAARwIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47076205


>> No.47067792
File: 253 KB, 1269x720, 1662899755571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a clip of Ayame playing Apex with two male vtubers, but I can't find it.

>> No.47067967


>> No.47068089

If we're talking about the same clip, then she was playing with only one guy. The other "guy" was 96neko.

>> No.47068170
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Not this one but still relevant

>> No.47068228

>It's okay when the jp do it

>> No.47068283

yes. JP is always professional.

>> No.47068294

nah, it's just the classic case of "holobronies weren't even there when such things happened and act like they never did".

>> No.47068361
File: 2 KB, 319x352, 1654467791670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UI mama too
Why? She's not even Hololive

>> No.47068375


>> No.47068386
Quoted by: >>47068487

Ayame again (and Mio)

>> No.47068487

holobros... our pure idols... they don't collab with men... not like those western whores...

>> No.47068537
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>> No.47068629 [SPOILER] 

Whoa, it's almost like at the beginning they treated collabs with males like..... literal irl idol entertainment if you actually knew anything about idols...... and then being inherently different than irl with different audience dynamics they decided to adjust how they handle them going forward

Crazy stuff.......

>> No.47068630
File: 45 KB, 623x592, top female streamers in the world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The paradox of Nijibeggars dredging up years old content of Subaru and Miko to claim connections to them while always failing to realize that if they hadn't dropped males like soaplands ojisan Maimoto they wouldn't have inclined to the moon. You never would have been able to share in their success in the first place, Niji male collabs were a burden holding them back.

>> No.47068787

whatever helps you sleep at night man

>> No.47068887
Quoted by: >>47070210

now say that again without crying

>> No.47068922

The fake fire? The ignis fatuus?

>> No.47069353

Luna collabed with Nijimales a bunch of times, but I'm not posting any clips.

>> No.47070142
Quoted by: >>47070500

Miko's incline was thanks to the nigga clip. She had stopped collabing with males long before that, but that had barely any effect on her popularity. Subaru cut contacts with Maimoto after she started inclining like crazy because of the duck memes.
The actual reason why they stopped collabing with males (and other outsiders for that matter) was because they had more popular vtubers to leech from, like Pekora, Marine, Coco, Korone, etc.

>> No.47070210
Quoted by: >>47070916

I know you are but who I am

>> No.47070308

It's ok they were young impressionable women, they have discovered JESUS since then and their hymen has regenerated.

>> No.47070500

Do you genuinely believe Miko and Subaru would be in the top 5 female vtubers if they did everything they have to incline but still collabed with males? Even though none of the other holos in that same range collab with males either?

>> No.47070916

the best english speaker I've ever seen

>> No.47071769

Look at VSPO or Nijisanji. They have girls collabing with males beating Matsuri or Fubuki in every number. Some of them 10k+. People forget that Subaru is one of the most consistent and hardworking vtuber while Matsuri or Towa go on their moodswings and often ignore their community for weeks which is a bigger turn off than collabing with males.

>> No.47072116

I don't care about your deflection to mid and low tier holos, I'm talking about Miko and Subaru being at in the top and how like the other top holos, they don't do male collabs. I don't see VSPO or Niji women of any kind in the top female streamer lists, so I don't see how they are a comparison worth anything either.

>> No.47072468
Quoted by: >>47072794

Yes I would. Everyone who's in the same range have had memes/viral moments that significantly boosted their popularity. With maybe Suisei being the only exception.
Moreover, if you're attributing Miko and Subaru's success to not collabing with males, then why aren't most of post-Gen1 Holos in the same boat? Why aren't all of them as popular as Pekora and Marine?

>> No.47072794

Suisei is not on the top of female streamer lists though, try and stay on topic with actual first army holos. I am not saying no male collabs equal becoming a top holo, I'm saying you cannot become a top holo if you collab with males. The reason is obvious, the net you cast for an audience is bigger. I don't care about your deflection to non-top holos that don't collab with males, that's irrelevant.

>> No.47074389

Subaru family.
She used to colab with Ui mama and that Niji dude before she made friends with her fellow holomems.

>> No.47075718

I mean Miko herself claims that GTA is what helped her popularity

>> No.47075820

that's how Calli got 2 million, right? with no male collabs?

>> No.47075868

This was an interesting time

>> No.47076004

Who were the first Holos that went with a hard "no males ever" stance? Did anyone do it before Gen 3? Aqua maybe?

>> No.47076102
Quoted by: >>47076213

There was also a stream with Ayame and I think Roboco with another male vtuber, and then after the stream ended, the male vtuber complained because Ayame and Roboco kept ignoring him and chatted about their cats and stuff instead of focusing on the game.

>> No.47076205

ah yes, back before she pretended to be an autistic social retard

>> No.47076213

What a faggot

>> No.47076265

she collabs with males all the time

>> No.47076281

Aqua played smash vs. kanae and kuzuha

>> No.47076348

I miss when the western fanbase was smaller and shitposting between companies was friendly instead of an autistic war. 2019 was the golden era and I barely was around for it

>> No.47076457
Quoted by: >>47076881

I wouldn’t call esl monkeys “western” fanbase

>> No.47076614
Quoted by: >>47078210

How is Suisei not a top Holo?

>> No.47076809
Quoted by: >>47076881

I wouldn't call pag pag muncher and Nafri
mind like Indon as "EOP"

>> No.47076881

If it's in english, it's the western fandom, now chill with the racism

>> No.47078210

that anon only looks at the top streamer list. Suisei is a diva and barley streams. Pekora would top her even if she would suck dick on air just by the hours she streams.

>> No.47080548

They realized their mistakes and stopped doing so. It's the same how idols could have BF as long as they stopped all contacts (in public at least) after they become popular

>> No.47080851
Quoted by: >>47082774

>They have girls collabing with males beating Matsuri or Fubuki in every number
Firstly, why are you comparing those girls with two male collabers? Matsuri and FBK have never shied away from collabing with males whenever they wanted.
Secondly, I will give you Matsuri, but there were only 4 (four) Niji girls (who collabed with males) and 0 VSPO girl who beat FBK. Given that there are hundreds other Niji girls who couldn't, I'm not sure if it'd have been a convincing argument even if FBK was an unicorn-friendly Holo (which, again, she isn't)

>> No.47082774
Quoted by: >>47083775

Inui who hardly does any collabs and is one of the most seiso collabs with males. Nose and Met both can get 10k viewers just by a zatsudan in a good timeslot. Sure it won't beat Fubukis pokemon stream numbers but overall the numbers are in favor of vspo.

>> No.47083053

the akua rrat....

>> No.47083319
Quoted by: >>47083938

Time to watch IRyS JPbros. She has never collabed with males

>> No.47083515
File: 13 KB, 853x183, niji people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47084038


>> No.47083775

NTA, but Met is the only VSPO member with higher median than FBK over the last 2 months. Nose is still quite below FBK even without special streams like Pokemon arc (other than Met, Ema is the one closest to reaching FBK recently)

>> No.47083938

Well, bar Gura, she is the one with most JP fans so it kinda check out (capable of talking in JP helped too)
But why would I watch her when I can watch Pekora, Lamy, or Miko? Even Marine doesn't collab with homos on stream

>> No.47084038
Quoted by: >>47084443

this is the tamest post i have ever seen brought up; three years old too kek

>> No.47084119

This thread would work on /hlg/ where they already hate any Holo that isn't Fauna. People aren't going to drop Subaru over a collab done 3 years ago here.

>> No.47084443
File: 10 KB, 533x161, nijifags be like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47084885

check threads back then
pure shitshow

>> No.47084885
Quoted by: >>47085188

>obsess over ancient threads, seething about them for years
nah, i don't think i will

>> No.47085188
Quoted by: >>47086223

things weren't good but looking back is fun
all the nijisisters seething all the time over people enjoying things is quite interesting

>> No.47086223
Quoted by: >>47097169

behave like a tourist in /jp/ and get treated like one, simple as. Why were holotards so obsessed with getting the OP pic to the virtual youtuber thread?

>> No.47088138
Quoted by: >>47089747

Why not collab begging in the streams then?

>> No.47089747

she gets Maimoto questions all the time and did mention it recently. Something about learning Mahjong and talking with him about an newbie tournament and ofc Maimoto was never mentioned again.

>> No.47090076

You newfags deserve to be turned into kids and left to be raped by a pack of trannies

>> No.47090145

Are we changing history now? Subaru literally DELETED all her archives just to pretended Maisuba never happened. Since they used to collab on Subaru's channel half of the time, the Subaru's half of the archives are gone forever.

>> No.47090641

as expected of a lying whore.
>"s-she was just playing a character"
most liars are too

>> No.47090748

Ok the amount of deflention itt it's too big, what happened in NijiEN? Who made the yab? Why are like the 2 NijiEN discords here deflecting at full speed?

>> No.47093278


>> No.47093427

Thing is simple.
Anycolor stop any interaction after that coco's yab.

>> No.47093488
File: 847 KB, 1554x874, xywt3i4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47095282


>> No.47093637

>Chinks own nijisanji
That's not news anon.

>> No.47094100
Quoted by: >>47095354

>Let's pretend that the Holocaust that was triggered by Nijiniggers never happened and associate the deletion of old VODs to hiding male collabs.
Also, >>47093278 kills the Nijiliars.

>> No.47094714


>> No.47095282
Quoted by: >>47096537

Ririmu is pure sex holyshit

>> No.47095354
Quoted by: >>47099757

That's not Maisuba you fucking retards. There's a huge difference between one on one and group collab.

>> No.47096537

Lack can do no wrong.

>> No.47096679

Flare begs to differ.

>> No.47097092

I lost all respect of Lack when patanee said she isn't connected to kuzuha but wouldn't mind to do a cover together and lack wrote in chat "let's get close to him thru ririmu" That's something you sent in a DM and not in a public chat.

>> No.47097169

>Holobronies made up of tourists from Kikebook, Plebbit and Twitroon
who would have thought? They never brought up times when some seanigs from kikebook spammed Rushia virus meme on /vyt/ in 2020

>> No.47097337
Quoted by: >>47097415

Holy shit EN is unironically the most pure Hololive branch, what the fuck?

>> No.47097415

isnt this thread proving JP is on the same level as mori and kronii

>> No.47099757

Who cares?
