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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.53 MB, 1360x1920, 1663501195210397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46080771 No.46080771 [Reply] [Original]

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Hololive English -Myth- Gawr Gura 1/7 Complete Figure(Pre-order)

hololive English -Myth- 3D Debut Celebration (Gura shoulder bag)

Previous Thread: >>46065211

>> No.46080791

Sex with a fembud.

>> No.46080799
File: 1014 KB, 1168x2048, 1678851172452720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pet shart

>> No.46080807
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, 1662500285160330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife so much!!

>> No.46080816
Quoted by: >>46080852

uhhhhh sir, is that a child??

>> No.46080819
File: 35 KB, 860x801, UOH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46080821
File: 144 KB, 1659x1659, Bustin [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqwchb8.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46080830 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 259x242, 1640155278931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46080844
Quoted by: >>46080994

post the prechat

>> No.46080852

Yes T o T

>> No.46080851
File: 1.67 MB, 2497x1594, 1669413431934053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46080854
Quoted by: >>46080896

based OP choice but this thread will be deleted shortly

>> No.46080863
File: 599 KB, 1300x1733, E-UfbHfUcAUxnx-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute Gura cute!

>> No.46080893

Busting makes Gura feel for good. She was shopping for games. Like dead by daylight survivors and rabid robots and a big scary man chasing you. She was thinking of wind up instead of crank as the word she used.

>> No.46080896
Quoted by: >>46080971

maybe theyll just delete the image

>> No.46080936
File: 497 KB, 1500x1500, 1678158429539962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

futa gura busting a nut all over my face

>> No.46080941

>gura uses crest kids

>> No.46080948

gura and i are going to hell together

>> No.46080953
File: 157 KB, 384x361, 1655104193905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reassure that she's wanted and loved right now

>> No.46080956

>shark juice is slimy

>> No.46080968

Gura... you're not supposed to EAT it

>> No.46080970

Shark juice is slimey what does she mean by this.

>> No.46080971

Or they could just be based and leave it.

>> No.46080985
File: 711 KB, 1920x1080, 1657668458892114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's smelly breath...

>> No.46080994
File: 182 KB, 1062x854, 1679960078795622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46080997
File: 1.30 MB, 1021x820, 1652130647295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46081031

>Barely slept
>Played Minecraft all day
>Didn't take a nap
>oh nyoo I'm tired

>> No.46081002

fugg I overslept and just woke up

>> No.46081012
File: 2.06 MB, 2468x1757, 1671048429151952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shark Juice is her cunny juice

>> No.46081017

thanks for posting these so i dont have to watch minecraft
keep it up king

>> No.46081031
File: 29 KB, 967x627, 1656612922741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46081095


>> No.46081038


>> No.46081040


>> No.46081042

Water came from her shark soul. Also looks like Aquafresh toothpaste. Loooking for Aquafresh the other day, She just had it in her mouth and it made her nauseous. She sneezed!

>> No.46081047

its vaginal fluid confirmed!

>> No.46081057


>> No.46081066

i LIKE the comfy minecrap streams

>> No.46081072
Quoted by: >>46081110

>you should be tested

>> No.46081087

>drinks fucktons of pepsi
>hates toothpaste
I suddenly get the impression those gnarly jagged shark teeth aren't an embellishment.

>> No.46081089


>> No.46081095

she even ate the frozen pizza

>> No.46081110
Quoted by: >>46081224

- Gura to me after we have sex

>> No.46081121 [DELETED] 

Lol she shopping for games to play with Barb instead of streaming. Chumkeks kekd again

>> No.46081139

bacon flavored toothpaste? Loves washing her mouth with cow cheese? What Gura? Your brain....

>> No.46081141
File: 155 KB, 512x512, 1673307961100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cow cheese

>> No.46081150

This is even more comfy than the last stream. I love her.

>> No.46081151


>> No.46081153


>> No.46081197


>> No.46081205


>> No.46081206

for the love of fuck not more survival crafting bullshit

>> No.46081207

Gura urgently needs correction

>> No.46081212

No, Gura, I want to fuck a spidergirl.

>> No.46081215

Sometimes I wish I kept up with games and movies more so I could talk about them with Gura

>> No.46081219

Fuck I'm rock hard

>> No.46081224

I don't know why this made me laugh hard

>> No.46081228

Talking about Grounded. She hasn't watched Honey I Shrunk the kids? Gura making fun of people scared for spiders the size of thumbnails. Gura had the design and has lost it.

>> No.46081234
File: 2 KB, 124x46, 1665732558205121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a blessed sight.

>> No.46081249

same desu
i don't know about any of these horror games that always get brought up

>> No.46081252
Quoted by: >>46081289

>Oh no you guys can hear me pick my nose
What did she mean by this?

>> No.46081266
Quoted by: >>46081373

Literally just open Steam and read the front page and bam you're on the same level as her.

>> No.46081267
Quoted by: >>46081325

is she actually building atlantis?

>> No.46081286
File: 47 KB, 1435x1569, twig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when Gura is relaxed like this. She sounds so sexy T u T

>> No.46081289

she's projecting

>> No.46081297


>> No.46081301


>> No.46081305


>> No.46081308

Gura going streaking...

>> No.46081315

This brat...

>> No.46081325

big fork

>> No.46081327
Quoted by: >>46081416

Resident Evil 8 Village mention. Asking if there is a phobia for giant fetus. apologized for being insentive. Gura is surly. Mel left game. Gura can strip through the server naked and sitting on all their furniture and nobody would notice. Gura, the stream evidence.

>> No.46081363
Quoted by: >>46081429

what is she even rambling on about? where is the background music? what's with the lazy title? man, does she need another rest?

>> No.46081373

I do, I even look through games all the time but nothing even interests me enough to look at them closer

>> No.46081380

I love Gura!

>> No.46081392
Quoted by: >>46081431

>Gura will never rest her cunny on your furniture

>> No.46081416
Quoted by: >>46081573

your post is lazy lmao

>> No.46081417

What's with the obsession with phallic constructions

>> No.46081429

She's on low sleep mode

>> No.46081431
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1654729684698787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura will never rub against the corner of your table

>> No.46081438
File: 141 KB, 394x397, 1678681931146874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura please calm down!

>> No.46081452

Gura thinking about giving a gift of salmon to Okayu? Gura's brain stopped 8,000 years ago. How did she last that long?

>> No.46081463

Pekora's eggs...

>> No.46081467

Oh sure now she understands bottlenecking

>> No.46081479

She's almost horny enough for mesugaki roleplay ASMR

>> No.46081487

peko started it

>> No.46081497
Quoted by: >>46081542

Bending Gura like a toothpick!

>> No.46081540

She's unhinged tonight.

>> No.46081542
File: 1.11 MB, 2000x1872, 1660877145322855.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46084182

Yeah, over my knee so I can spank her!

>> No.46081543

>sleeping stream

>> No.46081548

shit, there's one dream officially destroyed even if it was obviously never happening

>> No.46081566

>laughs in her sleep

>> No.46081570

>ywn hear gura's sleeping laughs

>> No.46081572

>I'm sleeeepy
She should have streamed 2 hours earlier when she was playing

>> No.46081573

meant for below

>> No.46081585
Quoted by: >>46082104

Gura will not do a sleeping stream. She's not one of those people. She walks in her sleep but doesn't talk in her sleep?

>> No.46081597
Quoted by: >>46081644

gura probably farts in her sleep

>> No.46081627

But Gura, we want 8 hours of sweet loli breathing.

>> No.46081629


>> No.46081637
Quoted by: >>46081720

Gura is autistic and does not want to stream outside her timeslot

>> No.46081644

kek, called it

>> No.46081649

Gura's bodily functions...

>> No.46081653

Cloning Gura from her random grunts!

>> No.46081659

Gura's pizza braps...

>> No.46081661
Quoted by: >>46081717

ah, gura also is in fear of the government tracking her via her smart phone
she is just like me frfr

>> No.46081672

Gura hasn't recorded her sleeping. Afraid the app could be used to clone her. And the bodily functions. Someone will blackmail Gura's sleep recordings?

>> No.46081685
Quoted by: >>46081732

Nigger i put time aside at this time because this is when she streams. We’re not all NEETS

>> No.46081700

I cant watch gura rn but it seems she is very bratty today TuT

>> No.46081704

>Gura dropping her "salmon" in Okayu's chest

>> No.46081717


>> No.46081719
Quoted by: >>46081819

I like how you cant really tell what gura is going to say, that's what makes her interesting to watch, you know what I mean?

>> No.46081720
Quoted by: >>46081825

If she streamed at 6 faggots would have bitched they missed the first hour or 2 and she doesn't want to hear the bitching

>> No.46081732

Anon means that Gura should've taken a nap instead of playing MC since 2PM eastern.

>> No.46081797
File: 199 KB, 2048x1667, 1678409665734254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she's just stressing out about mostly common problems and is venting to us?
My daughterwife...

>> No.46081803

Gura's PC is so loud

>> No.46081812

>I need to make a box
What's in the box shork?

>> No.46081819
Quoted by: >>46082046

She is very unhinged and chaotic

>> No.46081825
File: 386 KB, 1448x2048, 1674788149441084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, I would've missed two hours

>> No.46081833

Gura getting chased by a bunch of monsters. Gonna make a box. Fought a zombie with reflect damage.

>> No.46081859


>> No.46081861


>> No.46081866
File: 827 KB, 892x719, 1664800200394269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46081873


>> No.46081877

Blue bag

>> No.46081887

okayu a cyre

>> No.46081914

>already been an hour

>> No.46081921

Gura sad the bag word. Gura calling Okayu cute with a sign. changed it. mogu mogu yummy, get down!

>> No.46081919


>> No.46081942

Threads pretty slow

>> No.46081957
File: 1.96 MB, 1920x1080, gura-oversize-load.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so glad to have this rambling fart shark back bros

>> No.46081978


>> No.46081982

/ggg/ is finally healing...

>> No.46082046
Quoted by: >>46082193

So are Mumei and Bae though.

>> No.46082073

Gura doing Japanse of syake vs sake. Put it in front of her. She'll eat the fish. She don't care. Never played 4 before.

>> No.46082074
Quoted by: >>46082168

No SC reading later, makes sense since she's so tired but damn.

>> No.46082085
File: 152 KB, 1200x1200, 1656748251596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess they didn't notice she's streamin'

>> No.46082092


>> No.46082104

she said she laughs in her sleep

>> No.46082103

>alright guys...

>> No.46082127

I'm playing minecraft while listening to her

>> No.46082152

Gotta listen closely for sexy mouth noises, sorry.

>> No.46082168

why is she tired? just the jetlag?

>> No.46082171
File: 324 KB, 600x927, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems pretty normal

>> No.46082181

it's nice

>> No.46082189

Hey she have jp translator again, bless you orange shrimp jpnikki

>> No.46082193

Gura is quirky-autism. Bae is sheltered-autism. Mumei is psycho-autism. Different things.

>> No.46082223

really wish she would just do a zatusdan if shes chatty cause its like half interesting stuff and then the other half is minecraft shit i have zero interest in zzz

>> No.46082237

Thank god no RE4

>> No.46082249

rip re4

>> No.46082253

capcom HATE

>> No.46082255

No RE4 remake streams...

>> No.46082256


>> No.46082257


>> No.46082262

Water is suppose to be abstract. boobie dome gone? Gura one guy's to do a flip. The dome idea was an hour ago? Dont' expect Resident Evil 4 stream but it might happen.

>> No.46082288

Jesus those restrictions absolutely murdered the enthusiasm she had for the game.

>> No.46082290

>no re4

>> No.46082296

>doesn't want to

>> No.46082313

she doesn't want to remember all the stream rules

>> No.46082322
Quoted by: >>46082396

Jeremy Starlight said to do a flip. He was grey in prechat but now he's hairpin member??

>> No.46082324 [DELETED] 

She's jealous the homos got sponsored because they actually stream

>> No.46082329
Quoted by: >>46082380

the restrictions

>> No.46082337
Quoted by: >>46082419

I don't like Gura reading live superchats. It's okay for minecraft but I want her to focus on the game not le funny wings tranny joke 50 times

>> No.46082346

She doesn't want to deal with perms bullshit

>> No.46082350
Quoted by: >>46082551

>can't show puzzle
>you can only play JP version
>can't show ending
Yeah, no wonder she doesn't want to play it

>> No.46082348

The perm restrictions are super retarded for this one

>> No.46082349

She already thought the rules were retarded with previous capcom games and it got even worse

>> No.46082352

Gura frozen. Japan has wacky woohoo pizzas, She had white pizza, with spicy fish eggs and scallap, friend octo and potatos. Japan has no bad pizzas. Japan wins again.

>> No.46082354

theres some stupid restrictions they have to follow

>> No.46082357
File: 78 KB, 1080x1213, 1643518335479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza talk.

>> No.46082363

>no offense Capcom
The restrictions pissed her off

>> No.46082371
File: 1 KB, 111x125, 1645406676655s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got done with my gym reps, about to watch daughterwife. what did I miss?

>> No.46082374
File: 879 KB, 1100x1600, 1675918732987468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want pizza

>> No.46082381


>> No.46082380
Quoted by: >>46082423

what restrictions besides playing with JP voices?

>> No.46082396

maybe he forgot to renew

>> No.46082398
Quoted by: >>46082551

The DLC restrictions were already retarded enough and now they added even more restrictions. What the fuck is Crapcom doing,

>> No.46082419

She prefers it this way because she wants to read them while whatever they're saying is still relevant and not a topic from 2 hours ago

>> No.46082423

Right off the bat no EN voices, no subtitles, can't show puzzles, can't show end, maybe more.

>> No.46082440

I was watching Mori for a little bit and she had to enlarge her live2d just to hide even a really simple puzzle.
Went and found the timestamp as I typed that, but even if she didn't NEED to hide this, that she even thought she might have to speaks volumes. It would drive Gura absolutely nuts.

>> No.46082470

Gura likes ham. Yes, the thumbnail is cute Gura.

>> No.46082517
File: 240 KB, 490x490, 1665398087826929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she should get heart eyes

>> No.46082525
File: 67 KB, 548x567, 1669325716357505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody correct this brat.

>> No.46082531

She does need to, you're not allowed to show puzzles. It's fucking retarded.

>> No.46082533
Quoted by: >>46082667

JP voices AND no subtitles?? that's actually retarded

>> No.46082548
Quoted by: >>46082874

I heard they can’t show the stream on your homepage or sub box too? Also they need to age restrict the stream.

>> No.46082551

retarded restrictions coming from 13 years old remake, holy shit

>> No.46082559
Quoted by: >>46082629

Legally there is no such thing as perms. Playing games falls under fair use.

>> No.46082560
File: 181 KB, 445x415, 1669915156298466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I volunteer

>> No.46082572

No, bratty Gura is best Gura

>> No.46082575

Gura did not buy the ranch flavored ice cream.

>> No.46082586

>ranch flavored icecream
what the fug

>> No.46082591

Gura blushed being called cute. Gura still going with the spiral water idea. Gura saw the cursed ranch flavored ice cream. Wanted to buy it but didn't.

>> No.46082604

>rust: baby rules
>no play
>re4: baby rules
>no play
thing she hates in common

>> No.46082628
Quoted by: >>46082652

it wasn't bad

>> No.46082629
Quoted by: >>46082752

That's very debatable in the US, and not a thing at all in japan, which are the laws cover has to follow

>> No.46082631
File: 3 KB, 383x350, 1677702824655066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This brat is being a bit passive tonight...

>> No.46082652


>> No.46082667

EN voice and subs is OK, but you need to play on censored JP version 'Biohazard'

>> No.46082688

>i was pooping

>> No.46082692
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, Preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46082693

It's going to be sad when she has to go back to Japan

>> No.46082706
Quoted by: >>46082762

>I was pooping on members

>> No.46082727

somebody clip that "I was pooping"
I'm not scatbud, I just think it's funny

>> No.46082740

Gura bashing the people who thought up ranch flavored ice cream. She still wants to buy it. She was making fun of cheese eaters in pre-chat. It's like eating boogers. Called out for being a vegan cheese eater. She was eating the vegan cheese for SCIENCE.

>> No.46082752

It's not debatable at all in the US. The law is very clear. The only issue is youtube bowing to corpos instead of following fair use laws.

>> No.46082762


>> No.46082795


>> No.46082832
File: 198 KB, 1000x1500, MV5BMjNhYjk5MTEtZTM0OC00NTMyLWEwM2QtNDI1NWYxYmYyOTIzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA1NTQ5Nzcz._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah this exists

>> No.46082866
Quoted by: >>46082911

All I can think of is the kiara shitpost

>> No.46082872

Gura’s been keeping up with kids shows T u T

>> No.46082874

nah, if you personally age restrict your stream it also mean it won't show up on homepage.

Basically deliberately killed it from Youtube algo

>> No.46082889

Gura wants to watch Back at the Barnyard. Why is everyone obsessed of Bluey? Austrailian childrens show? Gear towards kids but adults watching them. Gura wasn't going to say Bluey is like MLP, honest.

>> No.46082892
Quoted by: >>46083005

"your rules are so fucking retarded that our biggest streamer refused to stream it" may actually help in future negotiation

>> No.46082911

post Kiara culo

>> No.46082922


>> No.46082963

hololive is my little pony

>> No.46082968
File: 73 KB, 1069x505, gura-point-trident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course gura would be fine with hololive being the next MLP

>> No.46082994
Quoted by: >>46083096

Gura thinks Bluey is cute and will watch the next few episodes. Gura... She's high up there. It would be a shame if she fell now.

>> No.46083005
Quoted by: >>46083692

*our biggest streamer that otherwise loves your games and would promote the fuck out of it

>> No.46083026

Everyone should have come to terms with this long ago.

>> No.46083030
Quoted by: >>46083505

I hate this song, it has some weird demonic sounding voices in it

>> No.46083045
File: 318 KB, 628x625, 1677472410949746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really does just want to slow down and chat with us.

>> No.46083079

most of the board shitters got banned for openly raiding the jew thread and spamming blacked posts

>> No.46083096

You are paid to be a narrator
don't add you own comments

>> No.46083099
File: 4 KB, 251x62, image_2023-03-28_092241099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46083209

is it only me that the emote got bug

>> No.46083103

toilet snake...

>> No.46083148
Quoted by: >>46083224

Culture war gets in every fucking crack of this website. But I can't talk shit because I engage in it too.

>> No.46083194

gura talking about her pubes again

>> No.46083209

me too

>> No.46083220

Toothpaste clogs my drain more than hair desu

>> No.46083224

I would say that I miss pre-culture war 4chan, but honestly, I think I just miss pre-culture war everything.

>> No.46083254
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x720, bald [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjvl72t.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46083258

>bald is great

>> No.46083262

Someone called it a toilet snake and now she can't unsee it. One guy'd again. Looks like a drain snake. putting the laterns around. Bald is plappy?

>> No.46083270

Why did Gura move out? She should let her mother take care of her

>> No.46083273
Quoted by: >>46083319

I think I might be the king of making her ignore superchats live despite just reading them before

>> No.46083295

The very founding of this website was a culture war for cunny.

>> No.46083316


>> No.46083319

You're the onahole of making her ignore superchats live despite just reading them before.

>> No.46083328

>300 posts
>184 deleted
>Still claim it's not a raid
Even fucking cripple schizo showed up and was posting about the transatlantic cock
At least it made ggg more comfy
God I fucking love Gura, she's been so amazing and cute the last few stream

>> No.46083337

I miss pre-2011 4chan

>> No.46083339


>> No.46083348

Japanese bud gets the ohayo. Tuesday? Nope it's Chewsday. Thinks Chloe's things is a amongus character?

>> No.46083397

I don't know why it took me so long to realize she never knows what day it is because she's always operating off of JP time due to management and meetings

>> No.46083419

good superchat

>> No.46083436

Was that Alexa in the background?

>> No.46083445


>> No.46083457

i want to plap her

>> No.46083460

Gura's lore is that she stabs pink poopoo in hologra. It's canon bois. smacking the top of water is plappy now?

>> No.46083464
Quoted by: >>46083525

It's the sound of a milk soaked plushie getting thrown at the wall

>> No.46083490

Can your oshi go a single stream without talking about pee pee poo poo?

>> No.46083505
File: 65 KB, 832x1000, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46083512

absolutely plappin

>> No.46083517

Sadly it's just something we can't run from by nature of our position in culture. Bless Gura for having a world-class drama sense that keeps her from even touching 99% of that shit.

>> No.46083525

i hate that i understood this reference

>> No.46083531
File: 243 KB, 1800x1500, 16361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skipped again..

>> No.46083539
Quoted by: >>46083617

Is gura back in the state?

>> No.46083546


>> No.46083548

what part of "fart shark" did you not understand?

>> No.46083596
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, fart shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46083598

It was chat that literally brought it up.

>> No.46083603


>> No.46083606
File: 102 KB, 322x244, 1676683816043776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unchi www

>> No.46083617


>> No.46083629
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, fart_time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46083663

Literally impossible

>> No.46083664

Gura looking at us! She saved herself from falling to death.Trident done?

>> No.46083676

skill issue

>> No.46083692

after posting that i remembered that there is literally one license negotiation guy and he is probably twice as retarded as capcom, anyway

>> No.46083709
File: 52 KB, 651x681, 1650834278673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She talks to us like this because she loves us.

>> No.46083765

Trident kinda cool. She doesn't hat it like the boobie dome. Maybe replace with moat filled with water? Sneaky stairs for her storage room.

>> No.46083802
Quoted by: >>46083922

Send more, piggy

>> No.46083867

Trap door that Moona built for her storage room that you need a key for. Maybe put conduit there? She'll probably add more color to the trident off-stream.

>> No.46083922

I WILL *buhi*

>> No.46083986

Trident will survive off-stream. That dome is going. Chat. blue light hurts her eyes. Chat try to convince Gura to add mood lighting.

>> No.46084002

Blue light romance with Gura...
But she keeps whining the whole time because it hurts her eyes

>> No.46084011

>blue lights on while lovemaking with Gura
>can you change it? it hurts my eyes, ouchies
muh dick

>> No.46084014
File: 3.00 MB, 1600x1600, gosling ultimo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally describing how she would act in a romantic situation

>> No.46084056

/vtmlp/ when

>> No.46084069

dome... gone...

>> No.46084091

No need to poll. Dome is died. RIP Dome 2023~2023. Bread bowl with mac and cheese inside does sound yummy. If you see her off-stream. She is prototyping.

>> No.46084108

Gura ran out of money so she needs to hit up the paypigs

>> No.46084151
File: 3.03 MB, 498x381, 1675656396339879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura prototyping

>> No.46084164

All me

>> No.46084169
Quoted by: >>46084235

indonesians can superchat now?

>> No.46084171

Cover needs more money for their new studio

>> No.46084182

is it fucked up that i would really want gura to see this

>> No.46084208

>Gura ran out of money
Yeah right nerd. She's more frugal than a fuckin' elderly woman.

>> No.46084235
Quoted by: >>46084400

Yeah, they've been able to for a few months.

>> No.46084238

She hasn't streamed in a long time
I don't figure she spends money responsibility so she probably could use some more

>> No.46084262

Superchats literally don't matter

>> No.46084307

I bet cover is numberfagging her to improve

>> No.46084328

RIP to dome-san. Poor one out for him.

>> No.46084400

I see. I hardly see them donate.

>> No.46084401

>Gura was in Japan with a shit set up
>is now home with her set up she likes
>durrrrrr why is she streaming??!

>> No.46084432

>meets Pekora irl
>becomes numberfag
I'm scared, numberfag Gura would be way too powerful

>> No.46084440

she had to pull herself out of an alcoholic coma. that's why she needs rest, it's the only way to overcome a hangover.

>> No.46084442

chill gura is sexy

>> No.46084507

Gura is currently ebbing

>> No.46084513

why does she keep leaning away when reading

>> No.46084514

Holy fucking ESL

>> No.46084516
Quoted by: >>46084734

that what thread and spamming who posts?? and is that actually why things seem nicer today cause that's crazy

>> No.46084531


>> No.46084532

Tried to have water ring around the edges. Water didn't fall right as she intended. Reminds me of something way back in minecraft. Saved her fall again. superchatter rude to dome calling him uggo.

>> No.46084549

Use your head, dingus

>> No.46084579


>> No.46084580

Gura is fucking ebi (me)

>> No.46084600

enter autism

>> No.46084606

Oh no, Kaeal's online. What did Gura mean by this? Kaela said Hello69.

>> No.46084617

She turning off her Alexa when it activates.

>> No.46084619

Gura 69ing Kaela...

>> No.46084622


>> No.46084641

That was a pretty loud back crack

>> No.46084652

Kaela 69ing Gura...

>> No.46084653

That back crack sounded like a fucking twig snapping Jesus H Christ

>> No.46084655

Is it kayla or kai-ella?

>> No.46084668

that crack was loud wtf

>> No.46084677


>> No.46084707

>high pitched bone crack
she's so smol! ToT

>> No.46084715
File: 74 KB, 432x640, 1665449186427151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the tip

>> No.46084734
Quoted by: >>46085234

Was raided for like 2days non stop before jannies actually stepped in
Mostly confirmed Teamates and Kiwiniggers btw

And yes it's why the thread has been decent

>> No.46084739

glowing tips to the trident. That might look nice.

>> No.46084764

pretty sure it's ky-la

>> No.46084794 [DELETED] 


>> No.46084805


>> No.46084839

It's Ka-ela in Nipponese, so I go with that

>> No.46084852


>> No.46084859

kaylo ren

>> No.46084871

dumb goob...

>> No.46084874
File: 58 KB, 169x160, 1678934169084013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had her headphones on backwards

>> No.46084886

Do newfags even know KING these days?

>> No.46084905

i love this absolute retard

>> No.46084907

Gura attacked as she had her headphones backwards. She wants to finish this project so no glass over wool. Gonna have water with it.

>> No.46084969

only because i listen to the robbie rotten version every day

>> No.46084980
File: 222 KB, 1280x1340, KingOPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46086714

yea he's like the best character in OPM

>> No.46084996

Recently told a saying about camels and their humps. Don't change stuff too much too quickly. It might be about camels. Not sure about that. Their lovely lady....

>> No.46085030
Quoted by: >>46085120

what the fuck is she talking about

>> No.46085029


>> No.46085036
Quoted by: >>46085120

what does this even mean

>> No.46085051

what the fuck is this a reference to?

>> No.46085088

gura you don't have to talk all the time

>> No.46085120

I have no idea what it is a reference to, but Gura is a faggot perfectionist who has to tweek shit over and over and I am pretty sure she ends up regretting the changes she does and goes back on them because retarded perfectionist

>> No.46085141

Pink roses, yellow cosmos, white cosmos strict animal crossing Gura preference. Gura gonna steal every blue flower in the land? Gura is genetically modified to have white hair?

>> No.46085150

>pink yellow white
she really is a cute little butter kitty kat.

>> No.46085160

is it "the straw that broke the camel's back?"

>> No.46085172

Gura should dye her hair

>> No.46085232
File: 87 KB, 436x456, 1627318553078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46085302

“The camel's hump is an ugly lump, Which well you may see at the Zoo; But uglier yet is the hump we get From having too little to do.”

>> No.46085234

I shouldn't even bite, but you are in every single thread trying to force the teamate thing, everywhere I look. I'm not sure if you think you're fooling anyone by trying to start fanbase wars or if you also actually think that one of the shitposters in global is a real sapling just because he says he misses mommy and posts Fauna images.

>> No.46085262
Quoted by: >>46085310

i feel like she's thinking of "the straw that broke the camel's back", which doesn't actually mean the thing she's trying to convey but she doesn't know that.

>> No.46085302

Huh. I wonder where she heard this.

>> No.46085310
File: 568 KB, 797x642, 1661012249499994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be patient with her

>> No.46085363

storage room is top secret. It looks like a mess. It will blow up if you go in there. Might have a conduit built in the basement, not submerged. Kaela back.

>> No.46085400

im shadowbanned from chat :(

>> No.46085455

Next time don't act like a faggit in the shak's chat.

>> No.46085471

time for a new account

>> No.46085504

It's a sketch. It's not suppose to be centered. Everything is a prototype to Gura. Counting hurts Gura brain.

>> No.46085522

for what :^)

>> No.46085568

Sorry. Pardon the child.

>> No.46085686

She's a little girl anon.

>> No.46085729

i miss interesting and unique gura. she became a bit too cookie cutter the past year

>> No.46085740

Yep. She's putting the pillars int he back further to the sides.

>> No.46085816

In minecraft, Gura does have a chest. Anywhere else..... Gura excited to buy a flower for her room tomorrow because spring has come.

>> No.46085818

She almost forgot to say blue

>> No.46085822
Quoted by: >>46085909

That's actually really cute. Is she a girl or something?

>> No.46085852

uh, yeah, those bees? all me.

>> No.46085882
Quoted by: >>46085974

Flowers make bees cum.

>> No.46085890


>> No.46085909
File: 172 KB, 1567x2048, wife82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, a cute smelling cute dressing cute girl

>> No.46085974

Those bees? Me.

>> No.46086000

Gura im busy tomorrow if you need to take the day off...

>> No.46086004

The bees are welcome in Gura's room. Almost got hit by that arrow. I guess a lot of people have work tomorrow.

>> No.46086019

>watching stream?
no stream tomorrow

>> No.46086058

So what are (You) doing tomorrow?

>> No.46086089

bweaking bad

>> No.46086098

Gura really hates taxes. Gura on Season 4 on Breaking Bad. She wants to strangle Walter for being so stupid. Walterbros... She's enjoying her time with it.

>> No.46086104

I will watch my wife if she streams

>> No.46086134

Watching streams, Gura or not. Playing monhun when I'm not.

>> No.46086187

>clicks bed
>glitches through the floor
>cute small giggle
Second time already. So cute

>> No.46086203
Quoted by: >>46086325

Gura actually wants to be strangled by Walter....

>> No.46086216
Quoted by: >>46086291

Alright Gura, wrap it up

>> No.46086224

No bad seasons of Breaking Bad for Gura so far. Looks like Breaking Bad bros are still winning.

>> No.46086249
Quoted by: >>46086649

What was the name of that addon/script to increase youtube's audio volume?
I'm going deaf from the low frequency passive noise of my headphones because I have to keep them at 400% to hear her voice.

>> No.46086291

wrap your neck up

>> No.46086308

Gura taking a break. Visiting Kaela maybe or going on an adventure? Gotta finish the pillars in the back first before we go.

>> No.46086309
File: 701 KB, 702x702, gura-wisteria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>today was first day in a week without lifting weights or training grappling
>going right back to the grind tomorrow, and going to an art class
I live my life in perpetual muscle soreness

>> No.46086318
Quoted by: >>46086389

She is 100% gonna break this all down offstream.

>> No.46086325

she said she wants to strangle him deafbud..

>> No.46086327
File: 325 KB, 250x250, 1606442344293.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute!
Gura cute!

>> No.46086389

Nah this is looking pretty good

>> No.46086408
File: 170 KB, 1182x666, trident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46086477

>> No.46086428
Quoted by: >>46086645

She liked the further pillars out idea. Good, because I suggested that with a few others. She killed that spider when it didn't even attack her.

>> No.46086450
File: 41 KB, 416x659, 1664933881928753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leg day at the gym and getting more of this one task done at work

>> No.46086477
Quoted by: >>46086645

>She killed that spider when it didn't even attack her.
Sasuga, Apex Predator.

>> No.46086554 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 187x29, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did I laugh at this

>> No.46086568

Gura going to the fish farm.

>> No.46086574
Quoted by: >>46090943

Interesting. 2:16:30

>> No.46086589
Quoted by: >>46086691

Has Gura talked about her feelings/reactions from the concert? Some of the other girls had their own dedicated streams for it.

>> No.46086630
Quoted by: >>46086689

I love how she uses names no one else uses

>> No.46086645

meant for >>46086428

>> No.46086649
Quoted by: >>46087108

the one I use is called Sound Adjustment. I'm on firefox but I think it's there for chrome too.

>> No.46086673

Gura is funny fish host heading to funny fish farm. She made it there easily this time around.

>> No.46086689
Quoted by: >>46086769

she says Amelia instead of Ame because she doesnt feel close to her and only sees her as a co-worker

>> No.46086691

yea in member stream

>> No.46086709

oh lawd they plappin

>> No.46086714
File: 28 KB, 200x365, Shin_%28manga%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fool there is only one KING.

>> No.46086719
File: 451 KB, 1750x1225, 1644904028815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ever go to her vod page and look at all the streams you watched and you can't even remember watching more than half of them but apparently you did
maybe im just becoming retarded as I get older idk

>> No.46086732

That big load for Gura? Yeah, mine

>> No.46086769

Nice try. literally every other hololive uses ame, there's a 0% chance every jp sees her as a close friend

>> No.46086790

She really loves the fish farm doesn't she

>> No.46086828

I didn't know this but the member videos now show up on the video channel now? I don't remember that happening before.

>> No.46086868

>god, they're so loud
Stop fapping, chumbies.

>> No.46086920

oh no

>> No.46086928

Why? I need her to know I'm fapping

>> No.46086955
Quoted by: >>46087012

I want to eat Gura out alive

>> No.46086968


>> No.46087012

as opposed to eating her out dead?

>> No.46087079

that's super new. they should show up in your sub feed too.
Hopefully they roll that out to android TV too. Right now the only way to get them is with chromecast or fishing it out of your watch history.

>> No.46087101

We're chumbies, not zomrades

>> No.46087108

Amplifying works well. Thanks.

>> No.46087137

Different fetish.

>> No.46087144
File: 143 KB, 353x357, 1637266651806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buds, I love Gura so much.
She's actually fine right?

>> No.46087164
Quoted by: >>46087203

Gura's gonna chain me up in her basement

>> No.46087195

I've seen member posts and videos on my recommended now which is pretty nice. Still don't see them in the live part of thr channels though

>> No.46087203

Yes me

>> No.46087248

Its actually crazy. Susan steps down and all the changes that everyone was screaming for happen in under a month.

>> No.46087380

Kaela tweeted that her minecraft is lagging real bad. Not sure if she'll play

>> No.46087388
File: 238 KB, 2048x1392, 1664327390301178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do any of you guys write on your mousepad or is that just a her thing

>> No.46087426

My autism is no where as strong as hers. I liked when she adamantly refused to use paper.

>> No.46087445

Good thing I already goomed before she noticed

>> No.46087451
Quoted by: >>46087479

I don't think there are many people with white mousepads

>> No.46087474

Is anyone archiving this, just in case she gets DMCA'd for singing that?

>> No.46087479

>He's not using the white gura mousepad

>> No.46087485
Quoted by: >>46087703

Gura just read my typo comment and is actually doing it!

>> No.46087489

Where can I find a cute funny gf like Gura?

>> No.46087490

my large desk pad was like 50 dollars, so no

>> No.46087491
Quoted by: >>46087659

Back from work, how's it been?

>> No.46087523

Her using her mousepad to write stuff is genuinely retarded but she's cute so its fine

>> No.46087529

local elementary school

>> No.46087558

they replaced her...

>> No.46087578
File: 2.49 MB, 500x324, 1652309486942092.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder the same thing everyday

>> No.46087610

you can't...

>> No.46087647

>multple superchats today and during the last stream and all of them missed
Im getting hit hard with the superchat gacha buds, I'm not used to this feeling

>> No.46087659

we're back/10

>> No.46087661

Musedash Discord

>> No.46087665

I don’t want someone like gura though. I want gura

>> No.46087694

at wallmart struggling to get things that are in the top shelves

>> No.46087701

Its not worth trying to fish interaction from big streamer. I may love Gura the most but sometimes I like other streamer's streams more because of how much easier it is to interact in 1-2k view streams

>> No.46087703

Meanwhile this greyname's suggestion is being used

>> No.46087717

Does someone has a map with references of HoloEN server landmarks?

>> No.46087732
File: 548 KB, 1152x2048, 1671598383534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46088022

buy this

>> No.46087808
File: 874 KB, 988x1200, 1672779945486042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont need to find a gf like gura because gura is my gf.

>> No.46087849
Quoted by: >>46088955

Membership is $5.

>> No.46087866
File: 1.37 MB, 320x180, e23280e7026e4aed6d70a20de1f8ef530a14c315_00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going full boomer in this one.

>> No.46087874

my autistic wife...

>> No.46087926

I've never played club penguin...

>> No.46087927

Webkins killer? Haven't heard of that before.

>> No.46087942
Quoted by: >>46088029

Why doesn't Gura stream in 60 FPS anymore?

>> No.46087946
Quoted by: >>46088023

Damn i remember that shit, im i getting old?

>> No.46087971
File: 1.09 MB, 1429x1080, 1670838575015211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is making me nostalgia hard. Where did the time go, chumbuds?

>> No.46087978

I had a pair of heelies in elementary school. They were cool for a few days

>> No.46087983

Is this what heaven is like

>> No.46087996


>> No.46088017

[Cover Notice] Hololive English VTuber Gawr Gura will be taking a break from streaming activities due to a Heelys-related accident.

>> No.46088015

I can't relate to this, I only played Ragnarok Online and Runescape

>> No.46088022
File: 173 KB, 451x395, 1648638406001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46088143


>> No.46088023

You're still young anon...

>> No.46088024

She's so goddamn cute

>> No.46088029

Her eyes only work at 30fps now

>> No.46088045

Are we back?

>> No.46088078
File: 347 KB, 1001x1055, 1673986011428743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gura is having autistic nostalgia filled rants
Bros... we're home.

>> No.46088088

Webkinz and silly bandz... I wish she would be my wife so bad

>> No.46088094
File: 4 KB, 252x200, gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get a chance to impress gura with your sick heely skills

>> No.46088106

Neopets stupid wishing tree. She's getting heelys and she'll crash and understand why she should've gotten heelys. Helmet mention. Paying Gura to talk to their friend not paying attention. Gura wants them to kiss.

>> No.46088122

No matter how many stories she tells, we will NEVER be able to see the absolute SHEER level of autism that she flaunted as a kid. Sitting in her room 12hrs straight playing club penguin kung fu

>> No.46088130
File: 378 KB, 2548x2324, 1659139250276604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just venting to us. She's so pent up.

>> No.46088143
File: 263 KB, 1280x852, 1672329888071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have Botan too

>> No.46088155
File: 86 KB, 970x744, 1619486409554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know she's not doing it on purpose because i've still had chat messages read but holy shit is it hard not to feel a bit like she's ignoring me when I keep getting none of my superchats read.

>> No.46088177

fuck off jason

>> No.46088181

Gura wanted to show us her fluffy bloomers

>> No.46088187

Gura wanted cute panties

>> No.46088191


>> No.46088194
File: 56 KB, 152x268, 1679971551231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46088199

not too bad all things considered

>> No.46088209


>> No.46088213
Quoted by: >>46088806

But I like spats...

>> No.46088222

Gura suggests you groom girls on discord

>> No.46088231
Quoted by: >>46088536

It got us this train of thought and you're complaining?

>> No.46088236

Diego had a better song than Dora. Dora sisters.... Gura is calling us out. Gura calling out Jasondreams to share why they like spats. Gura was angry at spats at first. Wanted something cute. "People have seen my spats so often". Maybe ask them to change the color. mandatory for stage performances. Wish they were more cuter.

>> No.46088248
Quoted by: >>46088331

i dunno why gura just doesn't become a watchalong and react streamer
pretty obvious its what she wants to do

>> No.46088266


>> No.46088275
Quoted by: >>46088336

I want a Gura GF...

>> No.46088282

99% of these costumes are male, but at least 3 of the legs here look female

>> No.46088284

my fucking sides

>> No.46088299
File: 136 KB, 1244x688, E2C89C4F-0769-4C18-87F4-8AFAD3AF8E19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46088432

>> No.46088314

Gura saw an old lady with long spats in nude color and thought she was going wild but it was just spats. I guess Kaeal is bugging out in minecraft?

>> No.46088331
Quoted by: >>46088521

Stop getting bites in global?

>> No.46088336
File: 484 KB, 1080x607, 1672541989896543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a gura gf.

>> No.46088364


>> No.46088400

what kind of insult is that gura

>> No.46088420

Gura wanted to be wanted Barbie in the barbie horse adventure game. Pretty obvious even if she didn't mention it. Call out guy for calling her out. "You wanted to be a tractor, or hotwheels"

>> No.46088432

that little peek of her bra...

>> No.46088491
Quoted by: >>46088561

I am responsible for what happened to Robot Jones

>> No.46088521

no, i'm serious. dunno cause it doesn't feel like she enjoys playing games half the time and does what she wants to do off stream

>> No.46088522
File: 7 KB, 305x32, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kaela was so offended by Gura's opinion on spats
Gura can be so brutal sometimes

>> No.46088536
Quoted by: >>46088624

yeah, i don't want coomers sexualizing her ON STREAM, keep that shit here

>> No.46088544
Quoted by: >>46088585

If anyone knew, we would all be married to one.

>> No.46088551
File: 205 KB, 1056x1450, 1625484782104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to rape this creature is that too much to ask?

>> No.46088552
File: 25 KB, 260x375, 1675817797071751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46089118

I feel something..but
>the're all men, right?

>> No.46088561
Quoted by: >>46088623

W...what did you do anon?

>> No.46088563

dang i'm actually genuinely happy for that dude my mood is just so good right now

>> No.46088569
Quoted by: >>46088625

gura scratched something. what was it?

>> No.46088585

nah I blew my 2 chances

>> No.46088601

Bionicle commercial burned in her brain. Old lady story again. superchatter missed fes to get a tumor removed.

>> No.46088603

Quick someone send her a superchat that says "In related news, some a-hole doctor put a tumor in me and now I have cancer."

>> No.46088623

Don't worry about it, anon

>> No.46088624


>> No.46088625

her nose

>> No.46088636

Can't stand streams where 70% or more of attention goes to what chat says instead of the game she's supposed to play

>> No.46088659

Gura is being bratty again.

>> No.46088661

boomer boom arm

>> No.46088670 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>46088827

Didnt this guy jump ship to that 3 view who wishes she was gura?

>> No.46088672
Quoted by: >>46088956


>> No.46088673

Fuck you >>46088624

>> No.46088683

You WOULD let gura extract your wax, right?

>> No.46088689

I knew she was one of those

>> No.46088716

Gura gets called boomer. Calls guy out for not hearing boom stick and in turn calling them a boomer. Gura will be professional wax extractor. That's her hobby?

>> No.46088723

I love ear wax removal videos so much. One guy had a living cricket in his ear.

>> No.46088727
Quoted by: >>46088875

bro it's fucking minecraft

>> No.46088732

I love my autistic sharkwife

>> No.46088739

She's okay?

>> No.46088740
File: 201 KB, 304x277, xfJSDdD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stream is so comfy and she is acting so cute bros how is this girl real

>> No.46088751

we're so fucking back

>> No.46088763
File: 444 KB, 3159x2761, 1659676037108089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minecraft isn't the most exciting game to watch (or play), anon. Let's be real.

>> No.46088767

I didn't mean to say fuck you to you sorry.

>> No.46088784

mario movie watchalong!

>> No.46088785

>Mario movie watchalong

>> No.46088794

It's Minecraft.

>> No.46088805

just 2 more weeks

>> No.46088806
Quoted by: >>46089408

Same, anon...

>> No.46088817

>the zatsu game

>> No.46088820

>Mario movie watchalong
Literally a child.

>> No.46088819

Gura will do a mario watchalong for the movie coming out soon. She's saying definitely watching mario movie.

>> No.46088822

I'm going to the movies with my wife.

>> No.46088826

The duality of the chumbud

>> No.46088827 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>46088964

The one that got blacked?

>> No.46088859
File: 2.17 MB, 923x1025, 1675357570139374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46088935

kino on the menu

>> No.46088873

shit opinion
hearing her say whatever comes to mind is kino

>> No.46088875

That's still a game
I'm more autistic than game itself, I know. But I'm dying of boredom

>> No.46088905

because its literally the videogame movie

>> No.46088917

virus shark not forgotten

>> No.46088927


>> No.46088935

He's literally me

>> No.46088954

all these ideas that will probably never come to fruition

>> No.46088955 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 942x661, 3254364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46089046

>Membership is $5.
5 dollars per month!

>> No.46088956
Quoted by: >>46089090

This is getting recorded, anon.

>> No.46088964
Quoted by: >>46089059

Kiwinigger or Teamate?
Take your guesses

>> No.46088970

Virus shark mention. and also Back to the Future. Tremors 2 mention. Waterfall looks like poop to Gura.

>> No.46088974

Don't remind me..

>> No.46088991

>Tremors 2

>> No.46088998

>tremors 2
I was definitely not expecting her to bring that up.

>> No.46089000

Crisp Rat memes

>> No.46089036
File: 173 KB, 1000x670, 13449-1313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46089046

I'm convinced that was a Britney Venti tier like shock grift or something to go viral

>> No.46089059

He was just called out by name in another thread for blacked posting so he moved here

>> No.46089076
File: 933 KB, 1196x674, goob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46089177

I wanna get dinner but Gura is being too cute.

>> No.46089090
Quoted by: >>46089133


>> No.46089099

how many times has she said shes gonna to a bttf watchalong but has yet to actually do it

>> No.46089118
File: 2.00 MB, 2252x4000, 1639809092833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46089508

Make a holofan(male) your gf

>> No.46089121
Quoted by: >>46089170

Sometimes I wish Gura would play One Way Heroics.

>> No.46089133

Just concuss yourself until your forget it's not live

>> No.46089150
Quoted by: >>46089220

next gura song release will be a minecraft parody for sure

>> No.46089166

Well she's been gone for basically half a year so maybe that's why it feels so long.

>> No.46089170
Quoted by: >>46089569

That's a game I haven't heard mentioned in ages, it was pretty fun.

>> No.46089177
File: 131 KB, 805x561, 1661297125921531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna go to bed but Gura is being too cute

>> No.46089194

She's doing the watchalong in the future for lore reasons

>> No.46089217
File: 113 KB, 1074x1048, 1657441047937067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 hours

>> No.46089220

Eye of the spider cover check these dubs

>> No.46089221

Gura happy with the color of the distortion? Might continue the water spiral down. Gura can't make a gura hold the trident. She only knows straight lines.

>> No.46089381

Thought she was having backup. It was just a zombie. Gura crying for Kaela's help.

>> No.46089391

Ehhh, the trident looked better touching the ground

>> No.46089408

Gura was worried if i'd like this sort of content or not. But I love this so much, I love her.

>> No.46089452

>chew the light bulb

>> No.46089483

Gura's chewing the light bulb.

>> No.46089508
File: 101 KB, 463x453, Ogey71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make a holofan(male)
I can't do that, I'm sorry

>> No.46089561
Quoted by: >>46089797

Sneak peak into Gura storage room. Not stream ready. Needs help. Wants to add water around it?

>> No.46089569

I kind of expected her of all people to maybe play it since she randomly played that one Japanese indie game near her debut.

>> No.46089624

Time for her to hate messing with water again

>> No.46089633

Gura making an aquaduct?

>> No.46089675
File: 262 KB, 675x900, 1649145016351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you rike?

>> No.46089747

guras tired noodle

>> No.46089797

>she walks by the door she forgot to close
>gold statue of a Reichsadler Eagle
>swastikas on the walls and floor
Calling it now.

>> No.46089837

I miss that bitch...

>> No.46089861

Gura took a while to understand what below meant. Shark brain light up.

>> No.46089887

Chumbuds, my body is giving out. I don't want to fall asleep!!

>> No.46089893

She's talking to us so much

>> No.46089926

Gura thanking chumbies brains working a million miles an hour for this idea.

>> No.46089935

>finally building atlantis
>it is on dry land

>> No.46089942

I love when she gets excited about ideas like this

>> No.46089960
File: 300 KB, 2025x1639, 1679539902038600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a friendly reminder that Cover is just another soulless shareholder-driven corpo that will throw your oshi under the bus over nothing.

>> No.46089980

She will bring the water to it

>> No.46089989
Quoted by: >>46090333

watch stream

>> No.46090025

storage room is gonna have one of each. Fauna mention. Tree farm banned because of management.

>> No.46090050

Atlantis 'was' above ground until the civilization collapsed.
So, once she gets it finished, Mumei will be returning to fulfill her ancient vow of revenge on shork.

>> No.46090080

sweaty goob...

>> No.46090088
Quoted by: >>46090212

>tree farm perms denied
Holo EN Management is literally Satan, what the fuck

>> No.46090110

Japanbud speaking english. Gura sounding tired. Gura asking what's up with kaela. I guess it's connection issues. We could've gotten some kino minecraft it was working right.

>> No.46090157
Quoted by: >>46090201

They're not allowed to build above the roof of the nether?? wtf?
Is Cover worried that Mojang will rescind permissions if they use exploits..?

>> No.46090191

She won't be doing work off-stream. It'll be preparitions instead. Dome-chan resting in peace on her floor. It was a she.

>> No.46090201

Cover is retarded
what else is new?
also the real reason is because farms up there tend to generate MASSIVE amounts of lag when loaded

>> No.46090202
File: 3 KB, 190x32, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listener san...

>> No.46090212

tnt duping not allowed even though mojang has said they're keeping it in until they can add a more official version of doing what tnt duping accomplishes

>> No.46090243

I wanna choke on guras spit

>> No.46090253

Gura choked on her spits. waterfall looking good here.

>> No.46090264
File: 905 KB, 240x312, coco pls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46090503

>I miss that bitch...
Me too man...

>> No.46090314

I love her...

>> No.46090333
Quoted by: >>46090365

what is this them, just another storage shed she will abandon like the hat house?

>> No.46090351

go back vhojocuck.

>> No.46090365

probably lol

>> No.46090378

That's why they call us mmmm passion crafting. Sharkitect should also work. This is looking really good so far.

>> No.46090423
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>> No.46090452


>> No.46090455


>> No.46090466
File: 167 KB, 1222x1342, 72921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading tabletop rulebooks while listening to the stream.

>> No.46090483

gura sleeby... nyo....

>> No.46090494

Looks like a archaeological site. by Dino Gura? Gura ending stream.. kinda sleepy. No very sleepy. Wish we could've gotten some collabs but Kaela internet no help.

>> No.46090497
Quoted by: >>46090701

My heartrate always increases when she starts ending stream because I'm waiting to hear whether there'll be a stream tomorrow or not

>> No.46090503

The date with the senpai was with Coco, literally the only reasonable alternative anyone gave me so far was that it could have been pickamee
1. is someone she would call a senpai
2. lives in japan
3. speaks english
4. would be someone who wouldn't brag about it overtly and would be a reason why she wouldn't mention it, where as any JP or Moona would be bragging about going on a date with Gura

>> No.46090540


>> No.46090578


>> No.46090579
File: 23 KB, 600x545, 76215476876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's like a archeelogyicialuh-
>it's like a archeolodino-
>it's like a dinoarcho dino build-
>it's like a archi dig-
>it's like a arceho-
>it's like ark

>> No.46090607

oops. Gura ruined the waterfall. Okay, she fixed it from flowing into the cavernous region. Same thing on the other side this time.

>> No.46090640

>no stream tomorrow
Im busy too, thanks for looking out for me Goob

>> No.46090648

No stream tomorrow

>> No.46090650


>> No.46090652

Can someone make a voice clip of gura saying "white cement" but without the t at the end?

>> No.46090653
File: 151 KB, 1500x1780, 1673957941636446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill me

>> No.46090663

no tues
wed thur fri maybe
members stream cookin

>> No.46090676

>Not stream tomorrow

>> No.46090679

She is so drunk rn.

>> No.46090684

>actually telling us what to expect
holy mother of thank fucking god

>> No.46090683
File: 195 KB, 209x363, noooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46090694

No stream tomorrow. Busy with stuff to do. Wednesday. If not, definitely Thursday. Cooking up a member stream. Stream ending. Continue in the next episode of passion crafting. Hopes Kaela gets her game fixed.

>> No.46090698


>> No.46090701
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>> No.46090720
Quoted by: >>46090763

Gura's chat keeps telling her they're ojisans and she keeps saying "enjoy school!"

>> No.46090719


>> No.46090721
File: 42 KB, 715x594, 1650345746449417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46090736

this will sustain me for a month at least

>> No.46090750
File: 129 KB, 1500x1500, 1677999320835057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura on Thursday at the latest
I can work with this

>> No.46090763
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>> No.46090788

Her pubic hair

>> No.46090792

For a storage room, it's looking pretty creative.

>> No.46090796
File: 413 KB, 750x375, 1671296905229307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly cooking up a kissing lovey dovey rubby asmr cybersex members stream.

>> No.46090813

I miss her

>> No.46090820
File: 134 KB, 500x500, tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46090897

I'm tired too Gura, tired of Minecrap.

>> No.46090825

Gura sadi PASSION.

>> No.46090834

This is how it should be. Letting us know when she can or can't stream. Actually streaming. Everything comes naturally after that, just flow with chat.

>> No.46090836



>> No.46090840
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>> No.46090878
File: 77 KB, 846x920, 1675798287573237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to always support her

>> No.46090897
Quoted by: >>46091043

the good news is that next stream isn't minecraft
reason to celebrate, anon.

>> No.46090912
Quoted by: >>46090970

I don't understand why this is so hard sometimes for her

>> No.46090913
File: 96 KB, 1280x1280, 7568946565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always had, always will

>> No.46090924

Took her long enough

>> No.46090943

What was this about? I'm not hearing much beyond the robo vocals.

>> No.46090954
File: 419 KB, 905x1280, 1649179218079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46090970

She’s autistic, but she’s cute and she’s trying

>> No.46090976

Gura is now playing with her magic wand and then she will go to bed

>> No.46090977
File: 1.56 MB, 958x1027, 1666281755728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Till the day I die. And then after that I will love and support her from the beyond

>> No.46090990
File: 480 KB, 1000x1000, 1655530403003265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46091058

>Keep missing Gooba in post stream chat
What should I do to redeem myself?

>> No.46091005
File: 164 KB, 1315x721, ytcFilter-14pt35XLqzs (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full chat from today

>> No.46091013

>She needed 2 years to learn how to balance this out
I'm usually not fast to pick up on things, but holy shit she's significantly more terrible

>> No.46091030

goodnight chumbabbies

>> No.46091043

You don't actually know that anon....but I'll take any Gura stream no matter the game

>> No.46091058

Nothing chumbie you don't have to redeem shit. Just enjoy stream and love goob.
